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VOE. x x n r . N«u-i4. ESTABLISHED MAY, l a o s

we are wsHBtantly reoBiving inquiries concerning the new dog law. The full text of the law is to be found in the acta of the

pages 622-2S>24, and it would be impracticable to give the full text in the News columns. We Win state, however, that all dogs are mpposed to be now listed for the ^ k> be levied thereon, although the tax ^oes not b«»-come ptLjaMe untit after the first of February next, the dogs in this State paying tor 1918,


Hard to Separate Parts Now Ef • fective fmn: n o s e Not so

tmpr f'emruarjr ^^ ttHS;




Released Under Bond of $1,000 to Await Actios of Grand

- — J u r y of Fairfax Coiuit^.


the duty Wwdex

To ht Dedicated on tbe Anniveraary of its Ccateamat

Editor Manassas Journal, — Manassas^ Va.

- .. ^ - , , The restoration of d d Sudtey ihe same taxJiith«l»4evJedr-Ar w i l fae-rrawtter of unusual in-

read the law, however, 4 t - »

friend icad foeman mingled in peace, this second temple b«eam«

of the County

Ift^^Uir^rs of their counties on on the fint^day Of July of «aeh year or "a* sotm t h e r e « f t » ^ practicaUe, a list of aQUgifs on

tcrcst to the public. Built"near

whi<A the ^icenwhaii. not l j<p torn aavstant, WOIianr Wat-paid, *nd~to warrant for tho

' — ^ — i ^ — • • " ' - • " •

TtiM pftri i3i the law doe« not becxHUe flRBetive, as we under­stand it, QQtil during the year 19l9^ but we see no ra«f<ui to

provisions of the 'kw^ are iu>t effective now and have not b e ^ effective since June 22, 1918.

of th6 law oMkioefl it'unl»wful f w tmy-peraon to pennit Mirtfeg t6 run Ttt terge during 4 ^ nij^t

r;:-:-tiffle aiii«ic h6 be ntuz^fd or in

the center of the original county of Prince Wiliiwn^ which includ ed Faijrfaxl and Loudoun, m i. territory over which Bishop As-bui7 rede.his white horse and to which h^ sent his first Americaa-

for children and childr«n'« ohit-dren« as Bishop Hendrix an^ President Goucher spoke v ( « ^

I of uiiiun and haniiony, Augusf 8,1916v

Twenty-five years after the first battle of B»i|l Run, unioA

expect that comrades of the Civil War and their friends will

S i r « ? . ! . ^ ^ S ^ i " H ^ ^ ^ «»»- their appreci.. tion of Sudley Charch and its

ters; whose altarg-were so often ctpwdea with conamunicants and penitents; dating back 99 y e u i for its first buikUng-; opening \jip i ts sheit»feg anas alike to Bhijs

id Gray in the trouUpus times

veterans from Massachusettit^ sent a _ donation to Sudley as 4 testimonial of-the bumime a^ic viets of Amos fi^ison and )u» wife and it waa ussd to timo^ the debt on the cKurefa which^ was incurred in iti^ rdbuiMliig^ Now that-A Btrol

members for acts pfirformed over half a century ago.

Our people are now united in a world wide conte*t for Democ­racy and Righteousness, and I would be glad to correspond with any vetergn8_ or. their sons or daughters who will join me In come contribstiori that will ne

W. B. Doak, the official dog loUer, for-ten years the arch­enemy of-Fairfax county'dogs' is in trouble. He is under bond of $1,OOQ to await the action of *^5JP^*5^ J"Jfy on A charge of poisoning a doy ofwned by CSas: E. Kendrick, of 3500 M street, Georgetown.

More t t o 200 persons gatfi-ered Tue«(6ay at a magistrate's court at Clifton Nation for the preliminary hearing. —Doakf a<MArHing to evidenco offered at the hearing, was driv­ing a flock of sheep by Ken-drick's country home, on July 10, last, when two of ifanHin^^'n

I^mmittees Report in R*g.r,| Work Done and EnroUnem

of Pour New Members

A regular meeting of the Ma^ nassas Red Cross Chapter was held at the Town Hall Monday evening, the vice-cliaimian, R ^ ^

mWu;fefcuflmmt same^m^tmi that > ttei tempte on where tile bK>od ^ f > werted I hapf mi ^MdPl^massas, Ta .

Stet the Sudley people, in a sub­stantial way, to comidete and dedicate :<;tibe beautiful building How vmmmd for the service e f

W . G T . U

» i ^Mtiem C^lege


inaro la nothiag i^ t^vr that t&a come flffctetive after ttflT stituticmal paiuir^^sfA^^ISir aB

Bi-Comi^y Geav^tioa toJw>Hdaf Mr> XSkriyle Ti Hifi* Wfitfg Iftt


Motlier'Soiie Eqmiefitfcs,


_ 1 » i ^ jOB fnunrsday i, August Z9tu*

^ « Amezicah Ebqped^iopary Foiees, datied : ^ y gS, reI|U»B ^zne little of-his e:^erieaces

acts ezefltt . «»««^b 'v ^ » ^ ^ J - ^ . . / l?e«| iot^(M^ ' ^ ^ a S ^ t L J r - ' - ^ - ^ W f i T < ! i R f f f w i H h e g i n V 1 0 sonio jiya woBta otoee 1 have

1 ^ - t e cqatianed ia'the after- " •• -nofm. Mts^-Eiafiy C tile presideat of the

elective: and we have e jery reascm to. believe tint it i» aot bang ofaMinreaL ' m i e u r i ^ sec-timi of tiiaact pioyidea tjyrt it

^ ^ special «r exnc^cio, -<«• tJ>« l*<*fti|e^of any" person who may findjarkapr of aay dp? ^ MBuag ift l a i # iinimu^ed in % nigSr t f i l M ^ ^ tfane of *^ y e y (yithoQt a l e e n s e tag MJWJvided) U> notify the ow'a^ «ad proceed, e t c . etc. It <yould

• rrfrom ,yr;' jSadbrfe Di gnckt-€wi^ah^^:j|^^:g^jIitfM.,

<log8 began barking at them The tenant in charge of the

irouBB-Tras asked if he did not want the dogs killed. He re­plied emphatically "No," and told how much Kendrick thought of them.

Soma time later, according to the wife of the tenant. Doajt again passe# the heuqH^ aiad, go. ing u p i ^ the lav^, gave tiie fo^ tenier-that was- rUnnix^ ioos^ and the bulldog that ana tied to

j w p a g ^ j g m e g ^ g t i i ^ j l ^

H. Q. Burr, presiding. The min ut6s of the previous meeting were r » d by the secretary and approved, after which the fol­lowing committee reports were heard:

TllB-Executive Committee an-nounced the granting of certifi­cates of organization to Joplin and Aden Branchea. and St^ Edith Academy Auxjliary,

Bills amounting to $333.49, for wool, gauze, cotton and other suppUes, were presented by BIr. Albert ^ i d e n , chaiman of the Finance' Committee, approved and ordered paid. . '

Mrs. R, S. Hynson, Supervisor of Woman's W5rk, aanouneed thg shipment of 32 pajamas 11 bedahirte, 3T pinafor^, & bei-aocks, 26 comfort ipts, etc.^ a a d e by tbe ^Red OeoBs workera throui^out the county, and

^ t h r e e emergency cOt equipmenta T T « army hospitals from ^a«~

Catharpin, iBetiiel aiid BeUe-'pnuud t o b e t o e a d .

Tl»« fox terrier ^ t sidi and -^-^ -. — - ^^ died. The bulldog got aick, bat ^"San Branches, r«iq)ectiveiy. waa saved by i e i i^r t rea ted^th " " — -- - .

xBBrtmesAtfjiB»^T MOk Prices Piaeaaaed—State

A d t y S p e d ^ s t Here and

ning to be just a about me, so will take a few spare momaitis to drop y ^ ju$t

_ ".-.-T-.—r-r^ -ueetiag # a g h^jftiMJueaaas Satufdiny Itet . P*aaid€Hit iJ. J. 'Conner opened tiif^ meeting by a h r i ^ ^Saeos> siq» im winto- prices for mitk.

accordkig to the testimony, paid

cne wife not_:to tmtm & ease^ She^Kf lUNBd ^ thaTa fpw <fiLy«T&« ^ » Ptwk'fl

itr. j(i.- J. IfcMiehael was 'asked Kttte uneasy p ^ * S e ^Hiat he tiic(i^ahould

A few ** aMBHaam prfce&

i i a t a ^ ^ . p e i d a viBit'to tlM fcoine «id'said tYut her pareata wduld ®^a«n$,._tbe a l l i e d wit-aesa to the affajr witl^ a fiae p|g u ane yould faO to Jfeow un S

A' wekoate on bdudf of the toara will.be givea by Mayor W. C. Wagraier and liB-beliaffW

^ — .-..^ ..^..t^^.,^,;^ ^|l |^e_a)i^tyj)y Mia. C. I» Hodge, tite niglir ttim^ ^ tfane of ^ ic«VMsae wiUlie oooKte byl&B.

Cfaaa. R McDonald. Mra; Bfwktf„j)f WiifgeHloo,

and Mrs. Wiilii^ of Bemingtoa. Mra. l4uaon, of Manaasaa. aad otiier repre8eBtative8_jc^Iocd unioiaa are ezpectied t» Qwak.

Tlw oflSorav qi the various unions will make their annual

^nce. laatyou ^eard f nan nae hai;e had some great experiancea l^nA aatnit fhaf T hn^ ni V^r tO gO tlnfough a«aiB» Our

reports and papers wQl be s n ^ nutted la the varknu d(3>art-raeata «f work. The aaaaal ^eetioib jet oAcera wiD take

y * * ^ appear that the law ia ^fiS*^*** Mabigoady drawn ia "•• respect,' since the gaioe

lens cannot be called apcm t»iweeed until after the time to Wy the Hcense andjtag the dog, t « t ia Fednu»y 1, next, ami yet the Preceding aection pro^ 'j'fce that doga ahaH not.rttn at.large at s ight, launuxaied, **»ether Hc^na^ taggadxor not, wo * i a aeetioQ as ab«re atatad,

^^ewa to be in effect tew, aa * • • the other provisions aa to 2«kill ia« ot Mhttep, fowls, etc,-™ ***• aeventh section of tke

^*Wllto nmiit i ln iWs* . _ „ -" •'»«»»iue» xjun any peiauu

**« «haa fail to pay hia lieanae • j * or otherwiae violate ans of ^ IM-oviaiooa of the aet ahall 5 « ^ H y of a miadenwaanr. ^ aot leas than five aor more

**• *»»?*»<» * * M ' * r axrenae. begiB to eaforee it, under the

^'e coBfeaa to our readers that fourth seetioa untfl after that .*^aianner in which, the atatue time, l a spite of the fact'that

tifln and to allow their ^:preda-tg)n f w our good work tba French have glvenns the F u s i e - 1 ^ , „ . _ v , ^_, '^ lior» ftieord wewi-around the l g ^ ""P'l^m "Pnry-and

He said, considertag the high price and acarei^jrf Irix^ m d high^jK^a ci feedr that tiie daii^ 'should' have, fori7- coita per g a l W After aome diacus«<« it waa

take tiiat the associatiea

this matter up with ihe iaaaem^aome pHity &«ly4«: . * * * tias matter up witii tiie ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ *!«• S aad to a h o w S S d ^ tood a d a » u s S a t c r - l i ^ ^ajt^fc^^endrick said:

me&SL Aaked by The Times ^a^hat

vahw he placed «n.the loat 6a^ M c Koidrick said^ ^

Miss M. E. Rixey,-i&iittt(ig Supervisor; reported a'viirit froa^ a Red Cron member in FairfaXi Couni?^ who-suggestad^^altraa-tiona in the size of the sweatera , made'for men in tbe at^nk

8. A. H. Barren; SapCTvisor"

the completion of 4.<M of thi. Igr 24 ahsorb^t pads for f^ arin^ in Italy^ whidi anf to be shipped next week. • _ ' - •

Mr W. 0. Wa genKT, Chairman

I .thought 80 mudi of thai dog that I couldn't even put a price t)n him that would IM;>-pear reasonable." """ :'' " _

When asked the braed of the

SeliiEf, gave a samnuury of the: *rork af the committee and Ml*. C. J. M e tze outlined ^ u » f or J^^J^Sy aPdconferenci^ tnday?

' ]&i i . 'T .C Bainee made a r ^ p w l i « r the^mmit t e^ Ml' Qie" melting pot i ad coatributed

shottldo' and oar ^ a g ia to be decorated hf a eroas mr soqie-tliing. .We are tiie oaly regi-mentin tfartf. S. Army ^ a t tiiia lumor haa been coaferred upicm. Am afoud to say more aa may not paaa the ctsaax latA yoa have heard t^ this time ci the good w<Hic the Americaas did in

I the reeeait fti^ting. Kiougfa t a place. . Sp«ialcongratul«t30Mwiahe'3^ j . ^ g tiuaugh wiUiout a

Waahiagtoa autjhoritiea \Hntb • "^ ° * ' *** * • * 'J»«* « A>g, tha rWti^ frn. fnrlj twits aai la; *>"t aa far aa H a r o h«yn ahto tn

fe)d out he paniF aMgirbMBi: a iaprapertioB » & f - • • . . . . • .

After s(»aeotii£r buaaesa lEr. Ruffiier, state dairy qpecSaliat from Blacksburg, made a very valuaMe addreai an the af^^t>evdo|imr u d WmSbagJil a Dairy Hefd.^

Inritr Rev. Mri Biaf mode a' report

<rf his ^ ^ ^ J < q ^ ' t o g e t W wi t i r j l ra .XM. BelVMra. A. E .

ia Mder OB aeeonnt of the sue-ceaa that baa beoi aiade in aa-tional ciHi8tituti<nal prohilMtion by aieans ol^ameadment to the U. S. Coaaatatkia amce the l iaf ~ annual meeting. -Mr. Geozse C Kouad %ffl be expected ^n^wak

CoDege and tiw poblic la'iaTited.

scratch except a c o n ^ of littie Ulatws fran gaa^ and feiiit * ooapie of good fneoda.


:5». ^ ^ ^, ^ - , -^, I At the republieaa couaty Biaaa to ti»e W-cooaty mwm oaJto_ ,n , , y , j -^ , r t i i ch«aahaklJn t<qjic '

Theaieetiag ia in the Eaatera


Wil |>e H d i Near B ^ Baa j X Sataiday, Aagaat iA._


aaaaaa iaat Monday, tka f<dk>W' deatad to the

congreeauMuu district eonven^ =^5=

the aaialiag, aheep-killing, aad f o ^ destroying ivovisiiHia of Xba fif^-third seetioa ofthe con-stitation of. Virginiaa to have

* » * a » pooliikg, it being ^ MCCcagate those por-of i t whieh are now effec-

' f i ^ thoMf parta which will '**«>me effective until F.eb- been effective ever smce ninety

r ^ • ^^^9- Under the stat- j days from the kdjoun^ment of ^ *W iJcensefc T^l from the aasonWy on March 22 last. ^ary 1, to the thiJ^-Ar«t of! If any prosecution were insti-

fort '^"^ January. There- tuted. we imagine the lawyers " ^ j ^ ^ s e will be granted iaftd the coorta would have to

i f c^ "»* act n-rri; P>bruar\- T thresh the thing out [*en, and

A fanners' Institute and basi ket p t e ^ wffi be hekl at Schatf-far's grove, near Bufi.Rua P. O., on the Warrcnton |Hke, Satur­day, Aagttst 24th. ludcr tiie

moaity Leagw^ b«»inniiig at 10 e'eleek, a. ai. • '-

The fofiowiag spafiattsts turn he hay ^ AtiTandrir Iha^C^-a

next JloadaE._tiie 26th. S. W. Bardge, R. C Haaimill,

Davia, W.' E. Varner, Geo. A,. : _pr . C.fe Leigfaty, on "Whesrt Wood. Joa. E. Wood, W. L. Heu-ser, W. E. Trualer, A. J. Me-Miehael. J. J. itewe, C JL Key-


J. G. Stewart, X H.' Dodge, C. S. Smith, R. E. Wine, Winter Owens, C. F. Bailey, Ed. Ham-mill and J. H. Fox.

It is rumored that no republi­can candidate will be aominated,

between heaving the J ^ I ^ _ Hon no Game Wardena will 1 them.—Northern Neck News. IC. C. Carfia

culture are expected to be . cat and^apeak on tiM foUowiag

Cultivation"; Dr. C. C. Fletcher, « i "rMtiBzers"; Dr. H. S. Hum-phrey, oa "TreaUug Wheat for

. fox tenier thin •nythliii ''hit' —rWaahiagton' l imes . • ., '

I t t i ^ ESTATB^SAtES"^

Meetze k Co. h w e huutaaleaaf local

promiaehee dnriag the paaC w e ^ Anmig them «re the T. R. JSaUeher fana at Hickory Grove, dontaiaiag 1 ^ acrea, to Ifr. J. S. Hair, for 19,500. i t r . Huff was at moe time aianager of the Portaer estate and alao owned a farm aear Briatow, bat for the past five years haa beea liviag at Gordouvflk.- The coBvaay haa alao aoM a dweiliBg on F'airView aVanae. the prop-

Manassas, to ]fr. Hi, u. W ^ >

J^_org«ruzaticm o r the JVijflfa Red Cross Branch.

T l » secretary aanoubced tha wirotoent of Journew manbet t , . during the meetiag^and tile rfen ceipt of the following ccmtiribu tiona: B. Y. P. U., proceeds e f lawn feativab, II2L94, and Miaa IGrima BUrr, th>m the sale of her Red Onm chiekm, 70 cenjtf^

Mr. C^.-Meetxe^trarplaced in <^«ge of tii« maUag of b o x * for the ahijaneat of surgical dresainga, huabo- fw-'whidi haa been porchaaed.by Mr. H. W. Sandera, who. made one of the boxea b e f ^ hia departure thia wadt for military SMtice at Camp TaylM-, Kaitucky.

^•m? aear WelKggton, coataiaiag 208

S1200L T »

Sanit and Othw Diaeaaes." Mr. H. B. Derr, county agSit4^>Egan,

win ^ v e a demonstrati<m in testing soils for acidity.

Miss Edith Thompeon, county home demonstrator, will give.a

food conservation.

-Mr. qarence W. Wagen«, of thia paper.


Mayor W. C. Waataer rwcriv-ad a telsgrani yaaterday evoung from Waahiagton stating that an aen^aae wood ^ from.that point to wherelhe'^edCross M holding ite drive oa Eaatem OA-fonaerly editor

but now aaaotant advertisiag,lege giaaaSa, about 6:30 o'ctock Bnanager of the Allen Motor Co. " — — Of t H U o ^ an instructive arti-| Befor^ the landiag, it is ru-cle on "ShaD we Have a House} mored, tiie machine will perform

_in a magaxuie entitled,;numeroM stunts for the edifica. Advertiaing aad Selling," pub-Ition of the large crowd of spec-

hshed m New York. Clarence ^tators expected, has made good in his rievThome' .M«. uMwuc Kuuu ill ni8 new nome - . and we wish him every nmtm '-JOtit regular m6ntM\ He IS a son of Mayor and Mrs. j ing of the Town CouTicil -W. C. Wagener of our town. 'held on Monday evenm^- ..


Childriw -fi»twen the Xgm 6f

meanor jand shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twMity'dot-lara for each oflfeiiM." Sach shall be collected a« other fines imp»«ftH in thft naine of the Com-


Eijiht and Twelve Required - 4 » Attend SchooL.

In Ifss than ^-month now the public schools will reopen after the annual aununer Vacation. For the benefit of parents or guardians who may be dilatory in sending their children to school TheToURffil ipublishesThe law on the subject^ Khich was i«)-proved by the state legislature March 27, 1918, and which is as t'ollows:

1. Be it enacted by the Gener­al Assembly of Virginia, That every parent^ guardian or other ixjrson -having charge or control of any child between the ages of eight and-twelve years, shall be required to send such child to a public school of this Commnn-wealth for at least sixteen weeks in each school year, which at­tendance shall commence at the beginning of the school term, un­less otherwise ordered by -the district school board, and _ah&U. be as nearly contiiluous and con­secutive as conditions will per­mit, provided, however^ that^this act shall not apply in the case of any child weak in body or mmd, able to read and write or attend­ing a private school, or living more thatrtwo mDetf^The usu­ally traveled route from the nearest public A±ool, or morej than one mile from the Uneoifai established public free wagmi route, or excused for cause' by the district school trustees.

.2 . EacE_di^iict ficftooi board in the state shali^ wJHtua-^fteen days after the schools open in the fall, ascertain the condition of all pViilHrpi hptwcon t.liP agpa. of eight and twelve who are not in attendance upon any public school, and shall repoit tions of. this act to the",division ^ npprintpTirlPTi<r,' y h o l^ft1^" a t once prosecute each and every

offense. ' '' ~~~" ^• 3r. In all cases of non-cjuroll-

twelve yj -he usual place o^ itendeakise of such parent, guardian, or other person havmg control of inKStl hild which notice 8fa«ll require

•he attendance bf such child at *he 'chool therein named» within-~ \en days from the date of « lM

, :eP

;~ftire i*eii

monwealth of Virginia are col-lected,

6, The clerk of thl^district school board in each district shall report to the division superiDtendent every offense against the provisions of this act when a member of the district school board, or any citizen of the ^s£ri«rili which" the offend­ing party resides files with him an affidavit setting ferUi the facts constituting the offense and if he neglect to do so within fifteen days after such affidavit is filed, he shall be liable to a fine of not less than five nor more

A sixte^i year old boy, with both feet shot off, was "wheelea"" on to hear Dr. Fosdick the- ofher night, and with shining eyes lis­tened, 88 I never saw any body listen, and when Dr. Fosdick had finished his "Challenge of the Present Crisis" (only a very dif-^ r e n t one froBi t h e one TTO read^ in his book!), the boy looked down at his stump, and then at Dr. fosdick, aild burst out: "Gee! I'm glad it was that part' of nie, and not the top that got busted up!" and Dr. Fosdick looked dovni at the pal« face

than ten dollars for eacl^ case of such neglect, to be collected iff the name of the Commonwealth before any court of competent jurisdiction by any person feel­ing aggrieved thereby.

7. Two weeks' ottcndaaee at h&li. time or night school shaU be considered within the meaning fff this act equivalent to_Mi_at-tendance of one week at a day school.

8. The school board of any city shalMiave the right, in its discretion, to appoint a truant or attendance officer to perform in said city the duties required of the clerk of the district iChool board and division superintm-dent in the counties, which offi' c«* Ao appointed shall in faiiPCity, have all of Ui<! rights and^per-foria .ffl o f the BuB«i preralib for the clerk of the rdistrict school board and diTidiOn super int^ndent in counties, as i^of&-' saidj. and in ease no trttant fa at^ndanee ofiBeer is appduited in any city, as aforesaid^ the jdghia-and duties prescribec^ for

thei.out8ide has come in to take us^outsideof our Conapound wall. Tbe CountMi's Gobtet P'Aveilla :of--B^gium:(who by t h e way is going to America in the Fall)

the clerk of the district School board ^ d division superinten-

"TBt" counties shall tn ' such MUe^ d e T ^ ^ upon ind -be per-

providingrTwnalties tot f6ilui%^ w d iTnamier of

ment and non-attcaubu^ce 're , ported to him, the divisicm super­intendent shali 'midtd-s-cariefid investigatiOTi of- i^~iaelB'in^te case, and where ho ^tid^jaeasiin

or non-enrolment and non-at- ©iS** *Dd*w;elve'years upon the tendance is fminri, h«» i^yH giv«t iaiblif. w-hools of Vindnia and. written notice_to^ tlve parent; goaardian, oi- otK€a'~p^«m' hiv­ing control of the child,: and in the event of the absence of the parent, or guardian,^«r'^flttr person having control of the child from his or her osual:place of residence, the divisibn supi^-mtendent shall leave a copy of t he n<>tice with aome peiaon uvei


collecting such penalties, ap­proved Ifarch fourteenth, nine-tecn hundred and eight, be and tiie sune is'hereby repealed!


Bld« win Tie ttcea^ej initil ixnm Monday, Sept. 2, for fimialunc wood ftaf tht foltowiaff tBhooIa in the Ulff

W«odlxrldge, t m ijooms, for a«T«n Bwaittac:, PewKwaB,. Awoig«na.'~ for •ereB BMBtlw; BeUtd, ioor xoeqib ^ c i ^ BKmtbB; Bacon Baea, eii^x«am, for Mven laoatlM. Wood for.the two •ad foor-rooBi aeheola most be Mtwed m Hjttitlw • uai~iy«e TO inehea loi^r? for. Bacon Race, Mt v*9f 18 faidMa lo i^ AQ weuJ araat be a e o ^ Mid flme-ftiartha o«)c.'oii»4Mrth.dr7 {dne, 4o be iplit te aaltaUe lisM to oidwr •tow doors.. Abo saHabte kjadting most be famished for saai^

n * boud nas thf rigfiT to i jeet amr or aU bids. Addtaaa aU bids io W. A XnmZLL, C^rk. Oeeoqaaa Diatgiet School Boayd. Hoadky, Va.

EYerytfaing Good - to Enk]

1. If within seven days fropi > date of the servicenof- the •icr as aforesaid,-the'n»r«it, ar lian, or person having am-

i f such child' does not coih-vith the proviaioiBi of tins

- then the divisJon juperin-: lent shall make complaint in ' name of t^e Commonwealth

: Virginia before-a justiee of > peace or a pc^ice jostke of : t he district or city in wtikh

h parent, guardian, or other r>on having control of rochjIMy l ine e m b n c e e S t i f l e !i resides, or compbittt may "* """' '^ '"'

• made in the eorpormSon OoOlt -rcuit court of the city or nty in which SBch Child f«-

>5. which officers and courts -' hereby dothed with juria-

-on over aH oiTenses and the r feedings ando* this act withl .11 power to hear-aad-^bfy~ dlf mplaints, impoM ftnet, pend-

ie« and fully MEMtttc the provi-ma of this act. 5. Any- parent, guardian, or

ther person who fails to com-iily with Htf Igrwa^flfi Of ^ ft

and Fancy Grocmet T^PBcnaware, Tin ipw




Pictuiea of 4he Activities in a-Hut" Up Near the

Front in France.

with the big eyes anJ said, "you bet, for the man is all there)"

These nurses have been put­ting on dressings for boys with' legs and arms gone, and with gas bums which threaten the eye-sight, with just that kind of. — spirit for weeks, and only those who live with those girls can know the strain on heart and body! ^

Since the last drive the Nurses Club of Base 15 has had no dances, parties or "aictivitiea^' of any importance!' Th^ Hut has just been a place of refuge and a home for 130 hatd worked and strainied nurses, when they had. a few minutes off daty!

Occasionally a big spirit from

had tea with us, and tautea::t5' ; " the Club about her experience in' Brussds under the' German X)c(Supation. Bishop Brent, ;riif|g»> liivana', "hlfiim WTwiiTfri

Holt,-^JIarry E. Fosdick—each cms giving more than he will ever knmv. Dr.- F^iidE -came at t t e climax of a very serhnis unit

formed by ifte cierK ot the city school boird ihd"c&viBi6ffwipeifi|eiub such an'.injection in thelf tetendeht.

Be~if further enacted by tKie lUtfiai oacjLKiouei - • i^umv \o^- xropn l^ood carried t,h< trm^hlfi -ABsy-

Gowriid Assemt^ of Virginia, That an act entitled an act to

the eonapulsoiy attendance oftfoirBfltfy <th»dri«yi between ftg TBges^tyf «.<.:i>igM. whan I. liavt* fai Ml ^>fe

T E e hut is being used con' stantly—bei^nning as «ariy as

cOr Sunday morning 1^!

various couples a mo^eriy^gOod-night]

During the last month.a new una 01 '4ornorae8 frbm^flSialeir.t phia aririve^-^ot haying seen tSdr. baggage in, six weeks, and Tuy prospwtB of doing au! Hut kitchen was in a constant state of overflow, while girls pre»ed thdr one uniform 1 The nttchine whirr^' fFem-.in(»ning. till B ( ^ t Aft one girl replacsd an­other to inakg eollars .aiid cuffa ior I tot <M|» uniform 1 kettle boiied from 3:15 tiH & P. 1fc,-a> ene-aft^ anotiier [ftote tta "just a minute away" from tjbe wards! the quiet-rocnt^has b e ^ an Muds, tad oar few pre-«ftn« Kpolr« W«v<. iifimt ^www

stick! And on July Second, the

Koosevettjinit won tnew Sethis' stripe, and are now tmsy-filan-ning aJdnd-oLanniversary tka.tr will stunolate iqiixH for the endiwile! Romaaee and Exeite-ment have be^mie diUly roatiBe for them, and thia ^econd year of the war will be a test year in­deed! Said us o w ^ e SpuH-^ Stkkatedness we must hay^l

Yoora, 'feding her way m vrtiat ia the euieat and the very hardM work, ever tried. ~ WiLUE B. TDDNS

(Miia X o o a c ^ ctudeni M a « -tary of the T. W. C. A. of Rich-moad, tailed hi Mardi-io-charge of a T . W. C. A. "hot* f<^ nurses, near Base Hospital 15 . Her leftief gives a good idea of some of the activities of Y. W. V** A . J H J 6 B " V T C 1 ^ X aiCPc>7

« oooooo6oooooooooovoodooooo Tkt Jo<iniaI-41—and worth it The Jeomal—SI—aad worth U Ike Jomal—fl—and worth K

Maoassag Transfer Co., S. ATHXr,

B«cfaffa, Faraltara aad all

Packers' Costs and Profits .

How much do you think it costs—.

1. To dress beef, cure hides, and


chancery null of J. E. DayloirA Co. et al vs. T. R. Galleher et al,

- therein pendingy the onder&igned


To cool the meat for two or tiiree days before shipment f

3. Td tieiglH h to all parts of-the countl7 in special re£rige« ratmrcars, lead daily?

4, To carry it in hundreds of with its


-Under and by virtuabf a de-creeof the circuit court of Prince William county, entered on the 15th day of June, 1918, in the

commissioners of sale named in said decree will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, in accordance wit^ said decree, on . ' SATURpAY. SEPT. 7, 191g at twelve o'clock m., in front of the Peoples .National Bank, in the town of Manassas,. Prince William county, Virginia, the fol­lowing real estate, situate at and near Hickwy Grove, in Gaines­ville district, aforesaid county and 3tate.° - FIRST.—A tract of land at Hickory Grove, adjoining Carolina Road, J. E. Downs others, and knovra as the "Tay-lor Place," containing about


the Carolina road, Logmill roltd, and known as the "Hickory Grove Farm," containinfTi more

refrigerating plant?

Aikj to deliver it to the retailer —sweet and fresh—in less than t«vo weeks after dressing?

Swift & Company did aH this fbr you la 19il7 at ian expense of less tliao aVit cents per pomid of beef BOld including s^ averagei

iprofit < % d'a cent A pound.

or less, 118 i ACUPS . „

THIRD TRACT.—The undi­vided interest of T. R. Galleher in the Geo: G. Galleher land which was devised him by said Geo. jUr. liaHeher n his'MoIl, and _ which land is near Hitkory, Grove, andjoinin,^ , the county road, Bailey Tyler, S. W. Hunt, jr., Polen and others, containing.

' more or less, • 385^4 ACRES,,._

TERMS:—One - third cash,,— <Hie-third in-one year and ^ ^ — third in two years, the purchaser executing bonds, with interest

-Figure fi>r yourself hdw^ K t ^ effect thia cost and profit had on priceajQl^jjaid'for^ b^

SwifI & Cpmpaiiy, U;S:Ar

from day of sale; for the deferr-ed paym«its', with leave to an-

i- ticipate aatdrpayments^ aa^^tj*^ ' 'to be retained until l^epurchase...

'" in full^ ^ - ^ ^ -E. E;GAI^ETT. RUJBT. A - H U T C H l i J O H r ^ C. A. SlNCLAffl^ THOS. Bx LION H ; THORNTON PAVIES^

Commissioners. I , Geo. G. Tyler, clerk of the

William county, do certify that bond haa been executed as rj^oired Iqr the i*ove decree." " —-f- ——

GEO. G. TYLER, Clerk.

f i ^ A t the Farm of Melvin C Haz«ti

<^01MM£NCING AT 10 O^LDCK A^ M. — I

'AfTkcNl If the fntsamai Ulan •vcr orim hm \afl^ tfe ^ WrWi^^Bt fmwm IKUOI, 01 Be WWc « i ^ «[nill^


-alia^ 50 cMkMiivliiie^ i<dws» MA, elt, ad I uplcr if tlkr tlHn

Oi aecMit tf ai tfentod af karsa Iniialer lar saleie

•wer 3-jaar-aH iancti xaRl-ywr-tM toiess cilL Oi accMrt aT •mta^ Dr L E wi Ml: 4 d M i c e ^ ^

ECBaxn^il^ivatpnTatesale: Dafai Wi cahes-fav-aaitb-MMir}»; tMMiHiUMIat $80; tnHear^klat $120.

Al w r $10 Me awA* tiBK. Al laiei ~ itTkBa^afMasfl^^



a»«»»8«a8eaoooooov>oc)uuuuBe t e e x i e e e e e x >>>»<><»»#»» S

-Tbe-Manassas Journal

He JUussu iawnl PiUi>Ui| C|„ iic

Satered at the Poet 09ice at Manassas, Virginia, as Second Clima Mail Mitffjir

tim A Yt

Friday, Anztat 23, 1918 v

suit' is eertaiiir victory iB_ j * -sured.

Foch and the American sol­diers have m&de hope a fact and established beyond powibility ol ^Mbt the final dcmiaBni^ of


Sighteousness and Democracy, n Times


THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Th«-ten commandments of the

allied armiea are being l^med by heart and obeyed to the let­ter.

Thex &w the rules that Foch haia laid-dowB- f< He believes and hfs meij believe that obedience to them pieans victory. Here they ar?:

Offidat Account of German Tn-trigocB Daring the Period

of Our Neutrality:

That the German government spent between 115,000,000 and $20,000,000 on plots and in­trigues in this country in the years 1915 wid 1916 through a single channel, the office of Doc-lor Heinrich F. Alhprt, thp rrym-

Igressman Frank Buchanan, who I was active in the movement for : strikes and t"he munitions em­bargo ; Lamar,'the "Wolf of Wall •Strrnt") Di WIlHam Bayard

mercial attache of the German embassy, is revealed for the first time in i:he latest publication of the Committee on Public' Infor­mation, released today.

Hale, to whom Count Bemstorff ; Tetsrred as one "who could "giv6

information" concerning the em-"""•B" Hioveineni, max ureituny of Chicago and Albert Kolt-schmidt of Dettcit, who were connected with attempts to pro­mote explosionsj the , notorious Jeremiah O'Leary, Irish agita­tor, and editor of a seditious pub­lication called "BuU"; George Sylvester Viereck, whose paper the "Fatherland", wag financed by the Gerlnin Embassy, aHTa host of jothers.

Ofjae bomb industry, with its ^ e » ^ 4 0 0 bombs iitauufactiired.

Keep your eyes and ears ready and yow mouth iajthe safety, -jjotch^ for i t ^ your soldierly duty to siee and hear clearly, but aB> rule yotH should be hoard

The title of the pamphlet is 'German_ElotsjauL Intrigues in

the United States During the Period of Our NeutraUty." Its authors are Professw B; E.

Ttjf^e tJnlVefsity of Syr-acuse, and Professor Willis M West of the University of Minr nesota. The sources from which their information is drawn are the official files of the Depart-mfiiit-Qf„Justice, and the* records of-the triais conducted~1By the Department agents, particular

American toofe-tociade gJE-Cofi-fB A S^l^8« N ^Wt^vW^E PAGE THREE


1. Four-year eok^ge, cooihe, lead­ing -to A. B. degrae which admit* to profeaionai schooln at .inh^T P"rltin« Ul^VwaitX without ejuunination. --£,-FaH> year- Academy "or' High School couTM, whieh>dipk>raa admrtu to beat collageaatkd aniyewitiee -wittei

3. New couraea in Domestic Sci­ence, Home Nursing,,.Dietotica a«d Conservation Problems.

4. Svp«rU>r advantages in Music (Piano, Voice, Orjiaju.Violin)^ China Painting and General Art, Exprea-pies and-Buainesa TiasuDg,

6. Military Training under Govern­ment Direction. •

A faculty of college and university graduates—trained to teach. New fawildinga and -complete equipment. Fall t«nn will np^n Septwab«F ^ftthr Inquire of HERVIN U. HOOP, Ph. D., •£L. D., President. 9-to

and fires in 33 ships sailing from New York, we get this glimpse in the testimony of a witness in the case against Captain von ^e is t , in the New York courts; "We sat down and we spoke for •about three hours. • * * I asked him the different things that he did, and Bald if he want-ed_M inteftdew w3EE Kr^ von

Tgel, my boss, he would have to tell everything/ So he told me von Pap^ gave JJr^Scheele, the partner of von Kleist in this fac­tory,, a check for $10,000 to ?tart the bomb' factory. * • • He told me that he, Mr, voh Kleist, and Dr."Scheele. and a man by the name of Beck* on

During the late summer, Dr. E. S. WiHard will give a public lecture in Manassas on "Osteop­athy as a Profession." The time and placewU be announced laf-

FAMED Wanted.—Cedar, red or white.

Write far sizes and prices.—R; C. Smootz, Fisher's Hitt, Va.


7 Hare yoa eirer had oor prieea 911 JOB WORK ? In these day* it is weO to know ia advance both the 4iaality mi iiut^taaL Jkak TBE JOUHNAL ' ~



the Friedrich. der urosse, were making the -bombs, trad thai

ly in New Yorlt, Chicago, De-troit, and San Francisco^ •'TKeWoiy toMby^ffies^bfficiaT^^ records, as they are palnstak^ d Captain ~5E6inberg ioa^ explained^nd interpreted

er. Dr. WiUard-was a professor for ten years in one of the lead­ing osteopathic colleges, and he ia helping in the general move­ment to fill the student rmka de»-pleted by the waifr ABo lie Is a lieoised osteopath in Virginia «nd while in Manassaa ifdll c(m-duct sveral public clinics. Will all those interested in osteopa-

of "file thy address him, care mnassas Journal 8-6t


- July 25th is the day to sow them. Our stock of FRUIT JARS IS COMPLETE—TIN CANS, JAR

^rOPg. RUBBER and JELLy GLASSES. We want Eggs, Butter, Chick­ens—anything you have to sefl. Come to see us and buy War Savings Stamps. J. H. BURKB » COMPANY


• •«««»«M»««««NBKI4N»«««««9««««^#

mairdy in the sentry^ challenges I -T -^r the charging eheerv

Obey orders first, and if atHt alive, kick afterward If you have been wropgedr- m IB iffi amazing one. It dots the

cKarge had

O^ pul:flhg fheap hnmha

ep your arms and equip­ment cleati and in good Oliver; trieat your, aniniab Idndly and fairly and your motor or other inadifae ' » tlbooi^ it bdonse^ t9 yoxi mti/mtiaihe oodyHMui in the wdrid. Do not waste your smmnnitton» your .gas, youi

•^! i susd crosses the "f s" to rill 'miK, conceptions of official G ^

on the ships: they put these

fooc Foor tiaWi-nor yoiar' ctppM--vtumty. '

Never ixy lo. fixs:^an^eifffltf gun nor-fatM^im <nipty trrittdr, i»Ht when yon^root. kui, ana xorget not that at c ^ e

— <IiiarterB i|[ bpytmet h^tsj t bu^ let- ' / , ; -••. -:'' ;••/'•::•-• '"-•'

Tell ttgjfamth aquarely, faceL the music, and t^ae ishment WSB a Hum:, for a foo^ soldier wo&*t lis, he i )esn*t sulk aa4i8 ne squealoil ^ ^ 7

Be mereiftd to the wdpen o7 your foe and shame them not, for you are A man; jjii^ wad "hidd the cUildnui hi yuur BHIF taxtd tamtwry, for once a helpless diiM^

mas unscrupulousness, effron-twy, «id lying. Jt deals with labmr leaders corirutttdd,- and strikes caused " i n mtmitionar Idnts Jb)y Germafi Jnflnmi'jB; #ith the Grerman financing ofh ttte mgyement for an einbargD

chant vesseto by~6omBs planted iiV their- cargoes by German agents,.xb^'Ameinean harbcOTi; wlthr plots folr the promotion of

Ihe 4;nited States

bwabs in <;ase8 and Mied thwn as m^hanidise on these steam-eil , and they would s^ away on liie trip and thebomlMi would go off after titie ship was out four or^five dajTBy causing a ^ and causing the cimro to ay1ui> in ijameJB. > '*i * He also told me that thev have made guifa.

on muhiti rtHTshipmGiitB; withfnntnhfT nf these hrmrtwy that the defftiruetion cd! innocent nier> thirty. of tfatt wiere ipyen-tfr^

puty by the name < O'Leary,

and in Canf^ including the Uowing up (^ tiie Welland Canal aad tiie Canadian Pacific Rail­way j w i t t the" cdrrUptibn of

-flpipion agymry of German iMud profes-'8<Hrs, newsp^ters, and lecturers; witit the forging of passtwrts to. send German reservists alxoad; wife the supi^ from Ameiicaa

and^thiathe took them down ~te New Orleans 4(rhere he had cEarge^of putting them on shipa d o ^ there,this fellow Q^Leaty.

OF equal if not -greater inter est is ihe fdtowing intercepted r«diogram salt from Berlin in Jimuary, l&16r to'.Ambaasacfor

wludi iiayB itelosBSS prteqifly ami aiMa yoii ni y o v feet again. That's the oahr it«iMi ^t

yotf f


Wt TxaAi that the Miemy M your enemy and the enotny of humanity until he is kilted or c^tured; then he is your dead IrethM' or your fellow scddder Wten or ashamed, whom you shouM ao fartliT htimiliatf

_!!JML 26. For MififaHT»-tache. - Y«u can .obtain particu­lars as to persons suitirf le for carrying on sabotage in the Ul!uBted" tat and Canada tivm

porta cf Gsrmsn raidaraafc SM4* the.:&DcBiripg. pcaesoBSi' (!) Jo-with Geraum' plots brganizedls^ . HcGarrity, Philadelphia, here in order to caiise iievott mfPenn. (2) Jolm P. Keating. Tn.nii u,nii~r„ T i>Ui»1. nrirti tHnjMinMrTnTi Av»inii».^iiraip|rn YIM [

j roeui tiiiA of i>eriury and thej-Jeremiah OliWuy, llf Parii: Row,

Po Wur hart: to ka4ip your »«d dear and cobl, your body

* « aad oomfortable^ imd your


son, group of perai«»«, "^^ty j c

•wtsge; sHrt Mither_BM±JMr

feameless lying of. the Cierman government; Perhaps history contains. BOjnstance of effron­tery greater than the issuance to^ Amwican pisiss', in Deeem-ber, 191{>, of tiw foDowing offi­cial Ker "

THe German govommeirt; has

organizati<m wwiking to ptvmote , r . — t ^ cause of Germany in this

« « u» good condition, for you United States by iUegal acts, by «wk with your h«wl, figJrt with fwr body, and naidi with your feet

New' York. One and two are. absolutely reliabte and discreet No. S is reliaUe, but not always decreet These petsms^Wefe indicated by S|r -Roger Case­ment ia the United States sabotage can Jie carried out on e v ^ kitad of factory for sup-plying mnnitimis nf war, Bails.

~Bn<I bridgcr: must not be touched. Embawy

counsd of violence, hy contra­vention of law, or bf any means whatew that could offand the American p e ( ^ m the pride ef thdrinrttaathority.'

*e«r the comrade at yow aide JBth-»

^^'•^ defeat, but notiroands: • «lWwa<*, bat noT death,

^ «e tame, and whatever the

• proves the falsity of this oOdaT be ebtataied free by writing to 111* rfcwiiwiiHiM ^ rnMir Tnfflp matlBtt, 8 Jackaop Ptaea. Wad tagtfm, D. C.

•••Uvlsion, "It Shtf S^Done.-

American spirit guided by _^oae ten niies^ a certain to wtn. f? geiToan force, not even pick-^ fTTissians, can stand against ^or rightly directed.

German stataawt. ~ " ^ X D O V the e « m m s actively eotuMctad witii plots and fai-triyues in this nrmtTT ^*^*

must in. mr drcumstances he compromised, isumlar precaO' %da mast ^ taken in regard to~ biah i»o-G«inan inv iagandi

(Signed) "Rcpteaentattve ci'Gtaiml

Ocpieaof this pamphlet i ^

joying its hospitidity-wav^ABP bassadors Bemstorff and Dum-baiattiches Fapen. Boy-Bdland Albert; Franr Bon;>, Gjonnan Omsnl at San Sraadsco, an^ Kurt von Reiswitz, Consul at Chicago, Dr: Baens-and Paul Koenig of the Hamburg-Ameri­can steamship line; and such minor conspirators as Rintelen,

fetfL*" "^y *«t a long t lme.my, Gorst, Scheele, Kleist and nergeant. X aitEBEDITH, f the finish ia in sight, the re-;a dosen others. The numerous Health Ofiicer.[|

This k to notify all parties in the town «f VaiuQwas who have not already had their Bnaaertg: eCnuMCted witii the town sewv to do so at once or provide saiu-

spedficatkMW-ef tiie Health De-parteeat Said spaciflcstionaji can be obtained from the town

- g « ^ * A ^ * » a j i l i^ O^.y^.'AWt

BRfiSF LOCAL NfitfS —The tax on wbiflkej in the

new tax bill will be %8 per STttUon. A good time to "swear off."

-^Word haa. been jeceived by his~¥rotheiMB-laWj Mt. Rowziej, that BIr. D. N. Re«dcr hiw ar­rived ufe ly acTOM the oceaa. -

—^The regular meeting of the board of AaiS6fVlM>t* Wffl be held

—The ISaid aoBiiat «£ a e f ABOBT FBOPtB WE KN<W Ketoctin AwociatMni of! ^Rdmi-

Mr. and Mrs. G. T. May and tive Baptists was h^ifi wi£&' Frcvit Royal Churc&i oa iLJH{UKt| children spentJfonday Jiere. 16-18. The viaitioc uamattTA were Elders Gilb«3±;. cd. Ken.-tuckjr^- fiassel, of HFortfc Cawv-lina; Funk, of gmnajiirania;, Daily, of Indiana ; SincKi;. EOK- more, waa in Manaasaa on Mon e n and Miller, e f f e c t . VkgMiw; <iay-also ten Virginia tuniatos;

at the courthouse on next Tuesr day.

—AH-membeiW"ief 4 h e h&y«i Temperance Unpim who have not paid^their due»*re asked to pay them to JCrs. A. H. Harrell before tht 29tti of August.

—A message announcing the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. B. c:flnway Tayior, of Chartotte.T^. <:., on Augist 17, has Been re-ceived by Mrs, T. O. Taylor.

—Mr. C. A: Montgomery, our county agent, left on Wednes-day for Camp Zachary Taylor, Field Artillen^ Ck)ntrol, OflRcers' TrainingnScRoonTiOulaville, Ky.

Mr; 1t.~G.'lC&ihef, of Staun-ton, Augusta _county^ who suc-ceeds Mr, <S. A. Montgomery county agent for Prince William; has arrived in Manassas and as­sumed the duties of his oflice.

—Wm. H. Newman, f pryears one of the biggest railroad men in the country, at one time pres-

—-:-Pruf. T. W. Ufendrkks;: Jltii-sion «i4>erintendent. oL achnorn for Culpeper coBitty,. and Ptof. jXi X\* XvlUcru. IHrni Ml were visitors in' Manawsaa cm Wednesday, t t e 21«t. Tirof. Talbert will be director of agri­culture and manual training in the Culpeper Higb Sehool this coming session aai he tAtOR to see what aquipnaent and shops are provided for the work here at ManajBsas.

—A receipt for $6.00, contrib­uted by the Union Meeting in thei Baptist Church on the night

j -navM

Mrs. May Galbiier. of Hickory-Grove, is visitioff in Manassaa.

Mr B M M«r>.h«nf, nf Ralt.i-

Dr. "Franlr ^nmhnlf«»rr of coquaiU-saft.ik town on ThurBi-day.


CAKP LEX Op-js«» your o w . buya far

Elndoraed b;- the Cotmittee on PnbHe InfomatiopL SPECIAL.

Mr. Jno. I^elson, of Washioc-was"g "Mannwafl Ttsttor i g

Monday^ '

Mrs. W. T. Athey, of Alexjui-dria, is Tinting the parents of her husbapd.

Mrs. JBO. A . Nicol, of Wash­ington, was a Manassas visitor on Wec^esday.

Mr. T. H. Athey and wife at­tended the Association: ait Front Royal last week.

Mr. T. W. Lynn «gad son, of Kopp, piud The Jouomal a pleas­ant caU on, Tue«i|ff

of July 7th, has been received, through Bev. Alf<»d Kelley, who *&nt the money, ^fe©«-th©An3«r-

committee for AjmenianJ—Mr*. S.-C.^B«efc went io Front Mi4 Syrian Relief—The- com-JRoyal on Wednesday -to attend

the remittanfce, as it inll help in the great work of earing for the oppi-essed and starving Chris-^ans amcHvg the Armenian^ and Syrians.

^The Jocal registration board is-

)t" Prince Williani county, Va.

—Mr. Roy A. Muddiman, sou o£ Mr- and Mrs. David Muddi-man, and Miss Minnie Martha

ried at thejatteridace Oh Satur­day, the Rev. H. Q. Burr officiat­ing.

„^ ' . . .V 1 ^ aad^ p: M, to be regiatei^d.' —The explosicm of amoil stov* - ' .

dent of the New York G e ^ ^^ p ^ ^ ^ j j j j ^ ^^^^y ^ who died a few days ago at his , , „ ^ ^ ^ foUnwing import home in New York, was a n^xVe i^tice: "To all men who have

become—-1 since Jqne j5,1918, fori. Aupiflt 24. 1918: JYJau sxA required by proclamation of the PfPJtidftwt of-the United $t^te8,

rfuneral of a relative. —

Mrs. Lillian Duffy and daugh­ter, of Washington, wiere guests of Mr". Hahy CbmweU on Sun­day;

Mr. and Mrs. Olin Homig, of Washington, s^t i t the ^eek-eud at the hom? of l l r . Harry Com-WeK ' :;':::-_: . :. • —

" ^



. . t n . . "MRS. SLACKEir

AJao a Pathe News. THUKSDAY A Paramount

MAB^UERFIE CLAitK . . i n . .

'THE S E V E j r S W l N S "


MARY PICKFOKD . . i n . .



. . h i . .


Matinee Satnrday 3:15

Mr. E. H. Hibbs and wife, Mrs. J. Jenkyn Davies and Mrs. Mil­dred Davies havB returned after a plea^^t visit to- Oce«n-Git3^ iarge and Round HiIi;"

Mr, Harry Flaherty « id wife, now located irtr-itoanokc. io vin-iting his f a t j ^ find Mother, Mr. and . Mrs. Levi Flahorty, on North, Main street. .

Mrs. T. C. Anderson, of Bris-t w , is on a visit to her relativeis at New Market, Va., after an ^jsraicer-of- thirty years.- She drove over in a tuggy.

Mrs. Jno. T. Dewey,.of Agnew-years-6ld| Mr. and-Mia,. Q,„ D- Waters]ville.._,4«d-8lst6f, Mr». ^ . W.

Leith, attended tha " Kpt-oftln and family "returiiia froto thejr visit to ^assastay^W. Va-ron Tue8day^; .t

to call at the clerk's office,, Ma-J nassas, Va., va Saturday, Aug

Private Jolm L. Hyusun,' of

2 4 > ^ ^ y g ^ - ^ ^ ^ f f l ^ » ^ ^ fiiifn«^

Camp -Lee was the guest of his parent


on Tuesday morning at the hom^ of Mi^. R. C.7 BnclTOT'lSuaiey road caused the fire deputmeht to promptly rf«p"'"< Th<»ri«m. age, however, was small apd we understand, fa%^^coyeg!ed/py

auranre. * i ' -m-

that Mr. Edward Alcott, the owner of'the block, faetdCy In Manassas, had died in New'York on August 19. Bevond the men-

Graee M. E. Church wifl hold the S^tember meeting at Mrs.

are the guests Oi Mr. and Mrs. b . D Waters. '

at 8 p. m. -'After tBe business meetfog'there wiH be«i)fitapram and Tefresbments. At «., pre

-News received here t h e l ^ ' ^ y ^ ^ g ^ . ^ ^ ^ . ^ ' f ^ g »^riu pnrt nf th^~wiS5r^3n^ agPMd thst wt Wim mf^tiBff thfty

would pay one doUar earned by~

tion of his deceasle i)o other iMtiE-ticulara havaJtoaa-pbtaiand

-Richard F.Cle¥etand^B.Ql^^5^_€iu<i|^ M a j o r i ^ ^ i ^ W t former President Grover Cleve­land, has comiiteted preHirrniaiy training at Boston and left the Boston navy ytad-Maait^-^ior Quantice,.Va., to efiler Lhe-oflS^

cers mjo^ on Tuesday, August

training school cowiectedrstaffnrd «^ii.tv.. which y^vfe with the mannc eorpa>

—Mr. Clark Jfthnann, sutn nf Mr. and Mrs. C. R. C. Johnson, who has been.ass^aat-iWrBiaa-ter at the DuPont Construction A\ rks, at Pennimaiy near Wit

his {Htacipal o i^nent , was ae-iudentaUyj omitted. The officiid vote in Stafford county was: Carlin. 344:Tyfaitev 81; Hanes

—The picnic of rfan Sunday achool ana congre-K^tion will take plaoo m. Friday, August 3Qth, at the Ct>mpte> :^:-ni. by the kind mvitatifw tH Mr A. L. Ehnmons. Convey-a: OS will be at the churth at

.0 for all friends of the church who can attend.

—The sale of peraonaljprop-^rry at the farm at Mr. B. Lysa Pu>bertso& oa Tuesday last imm-

\a.rze crowd of parduMoa and specutors and articlM generaly brouglit good yrieea. We ttn-

ked in this way to be given to church fund. All members are uTj!^ ta -ke^.. thia. jneetiog Ttfrf niind and atten<L Sec*y.

dal CooBt,.

In the official ptftt«nent of the v u ^ east hr'^e democratic


Kepresentauve; <J. IJv CarQJQ a miLfni-itv ryf ^HtfTw r Fr P WhJtir a m e oq Sui|daa:.jOBJliB.gayJ

imsburg, Va., has retumed|0- FoUowing is the total *ffi-h r:.e. the company, taiviar g»- |rj^ 7 " ^ nif_thfl diB^rfctl_j:^^. r. ved it-s hea(fi]uartalB to Ta»-

r;e.= 3ee. lin, 6,9«B; White, 4.506; Hanes. 206. Mr. CarliB'jjiioTality wvT, tlw>roTAfY, 9,A9R , . -.

Hgii ie i fai Case, Wwr a War N«

SlM fM«d about after the

deT<;tand the-propetiy known as "Duahy ftuk ftuiu" w s iwi .> old.

—There will be a box social and play party held at R a y f i ^ .sohod hoaae Thursday, Aug. 89. Ic€ cream and other good -tUags unll be on sale. TIM ladiei afe a.<;ked to brtng^b&res,-cakes, pies or 6ua4y-.—Evori'bady—im eoy-iDinford now

her awwtl>s>rr» bad pat to death and dadared

ahe would show the world that tf in a firy» he»rt Hhere was-a

Un. Asa Qtff agnd Mr: Arth'"' IjangmSi^ <rf Oiiasaway, W V*.v

Md.; tot a stay of two weeks..

tILrd:" Joseph Boorraan,' of Waahington. P.' G.. ftintfaiv jof |prM«nt, feh«t thity Htii<Hi pienic

MvMiaa§»^ P^ Sunday.- MifiE|Mapj»88a8, anjjovaaces the enjj'af iPf^pf^ JBy iiiatft and Fauquier

fittle dau^ters 1^ will retbm to "Waslungton, where be vnH be oa

BxlSfl MATfl HfCy jtBTtf^iif • • Ot •*" **^"tyi/T "'' " ' " " ^ , «l"< ^ **"»" " ^ ^ Th«-^l**a ivf ttlTft i p a i « n y

Wflk^bop). ftu. aister ;of W. T. Atheyeis visitin|r fattCT'shcwne- •—

a t * ^ '

tlapt: P P V ^ V tiJ^n/rrf Camp P o ^ OhiOr has been visr itiBg~ins: pai-ents, ;Mr.. aiid'MiSrr William Haydon.

Mig._ JUcfaanl Meridmut-and children, of Wilson, ,N. C , axe vwHng~B«r p a r ^ ^ 'Mr. anA: Mnsu Gea E. Maddpx. __ .

Mr. George Adams, of Wash-ington, is enjoying his vacatii^ at the horiie. of his bgothefrin-

^ W1 W r K T*rkiii. '

Mr. John. J, "eowhig, of Wash-IdJtHbh, 'illl PIWd OVtef li>i' a bi'iei

fran Fauqoiar county.

Miss Mildred Belt, of \BaIG-more, a teacher last year in" the

11 Matwuwaa High School, has been : vmiting Mrs. J. L. Harrdl.

Mr. L HHPt>te; of Lynch Sta-tKm, va., was « guest of U s brother-iii'^law. Mi. Albert LfcW-

_ rence. near town.""" Srffin^.-

ingtfm, was the guest of ^cr 1Mrents,'-lfr. t^6 Mrs. W. K. MwhMit, ttM> first <ft the wedL

Mrs. Harry Clark and chil­dren have, returned to Washinc-t s irs f t» f vUft & Mn. GladTs

Henlah Binfocd idayed the role of "the girl in tiie case' the most soisationsl murder in which Heniy Ony Beatti«r, jr., <tf Bkhmend, Va., was tried f w ^ _ ^ w ^ »* - T • »«^ and convicted of the murtier <rfj^^5^M»^. •nd Mrs^J^^yi n ^ Us witt on the Mkfluthian tum- Ivsais^

Mrs. A. L. Nalla, of A l e p T dria, waa ttie guept of her pKt-

chant, for a day w. tw» i O i week.

99 09 iMIM^e^ I t v , IPOOS there was no power that could keep Eer from being just that.

BenUA-Btnford w S " B TJew York this wdek on her way to Prance as a Red Cross nnrse. .

No one knows her as Beulah She is using'an

dially invited to come, and don't i assumed name. She is gwig to forget youmocket bonb. and Ivite a good umeT^'

Royal. Mrs. "Athey is Tisitiijjr Comftj France-and help the wnHnded[her fathwy Mr. Thomae Hea^K

soldieEstif ~

S « ^ C. Shirley who IS stationed at tiie~Wash-'

.This father and lekttiF day last

Mr. W. S. Athey, wife and Ut-tle Lacy and. Paul ^ t h e y . at-tended the AsguclaMoil at Front

ton at ^Mrryvflle.

FiiiiDutive''^apQar^As9&as^^nat FrMitBoy^HiQ'Saturday.

CQI.^. U. Patterson, who h^s Recently returned from FV^ce.-^ i t e d his mother, Mrs. I^siter-IKHti aaA-jtuat, Mrs. H<i>daB, at

Mr. C. W. Poton, formerly of Manassas, but now of Clarks-bursf, W. Va., who represents a

of New York, IS iiere visftitiig'IriB parents, Mr. wid Mrs. W, H^^Poien, a t C»t-harpin.

Miss Pearle V. Speaks , of Manassas, left Monday morn­ing for Alexandria, 'n^i^e she will visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Th^masson. Miss Speak'W will also visit her su-^


Mr. E. B. GiddingB and fam-iiyjeft^n Sunday, August 18th^ for a two weeks' visit to Le«s-fanrg and Maryland.' Mrs. AT-thur W. Sinclair accompanied

|foini '-4d - aee hia

expects to return to France.

Williamson, of Edinbuis^, Seot-

haaf been set for Septeinber 11

Little .Miiat-Ethel . Breedwt" daughter 6i Mr. and Mrsr J. l2 Braeden, is spending ~a few-weeks with her aunt and unclc^ "^."siidMrs. G. T.^May, of AdeiCT"

ME; Thomaa Hblden, wife and chiJd, dt Wirt, Oklahoma; are on" a visit to iri? mother, Mrs. B j JL golden, in Fairfax county. Mr. HoMeh is engaged in the oil bu».« ineaa in the state of Oklah^ntbr-


Four Sunday schools joined in a y i o n i e ^ Catlett last Friday,, the 20th, these being Brents-ville, BealetoD, Greenwich and Jciesh Ctiapeo, ^he last name<^ under Rev. &Ir. Cratitree's genl^ JBimagement, being: the host.

The perfect day of weathar was most pleasantly spent m games, music, meeting old and near friends, these being prefac­ed by prayer by Rer. Alfdrd Kelley, of Manassas, and an ad­dress on the value of Sundi^ Schools by Hon. C, J. Meetoe.

Many of our readers are fa­miliar withjthe reform .work car­ried on by Mr. Crabtree, and in-speeHion at-close hand increased

t and aympftthy of all _ present on this occasion: Joash Chapel is attractively situated in a beautiful grove, the build­ing being divided by a hallway, the chapd occupying one side and living rooms the : others

ter, MrejQ!. HvEY|oa,-Ol-Wii^ iery_plain_but neat-funHsJungs—^ are u^ed, many 'of them being the work of Mr. Crabtree^ hands. ' . ; •.. ~ Mentioff-^ the- lM>untifi ^ ner and its attendant social f ea-tures must not be omitted, eadr-

.*!. ^ 4. T u J -11 Sunday Schno] havingjseemed to

from there to Braddoek Hwghtii,' ^ •^ Blzu 'and contents of the bausket brought. - .' •

It is hoped by many, who were

gaaement of her dan^^tw^^^eftryftai^fA^yiffMi wui h» M> Mwiintf — Lydiac; t d ^ . Erskine DHng1w||iptiu(i>i<tt Jehoaah Chapd, as it

is so eentrBny4oeated, in addi-tion t9 biaing nri tdwJ'piiiuio groimgr



C. O. a HORSE FEED P A I f - ^ f e g HORSE fVED

' . •OATS . . • i-i.i— 'mmaa«^j-MBM *^^^^^lE^g^^





TheFlower of FtOURS Iry it--7c^wiP want more 'T-Z_ j

JFurm AMuQei]^^QUj^ Attncftb^^ SBPARATOiS I. H. C ENGINES




M a s s a s fed, Soppiy and Implemeiit Cor '• EVERYTHING„FOR T H E FARM —

FKiuAi, Aiuut tx J:3. ly i s THE MANASSAS 30imiAL.MmAa»A&JWtGmiA

iffirtt SEE «%Hffl«^«s WAKES fpypi A \ [ ATION Tfj

fXNERAL PUBU ^Sy. Frank Lee.)

(We remember at th« WiMevneas, _--j^ttknt younjr Miaaissipptan had ;flUen, mnd at night Juat before bory-ing him, there came a letter from

"few he loved best. One x)f the'group -hia body •a-iiriingter, whosr:—

silent tearfulness wHh whieh he rsftw the dead letter; he took it upon -thaJveaat of him whoM heroic.haul, waa still: "Bury it with him. He will see it whan he .wakes." It .waa the

.aublimest sentence of bit funeral ser­vice.)

Ovenerewdcd CtnidiUon of Trains Due to Haodluig the Large 7 Number of Troe^^^**."

Amid the clouds of battle smoke, .The sun bad died away. And where tKe storm of battle- broke A thousand warriors lay,, A band "of friends upon the field Stood round a youthful form, Who» when the war-cloud's thunder

peal'd, Had perished in .the storm— Upon his forehead on his hair, The coming moonlight breaks,

•And each dear brother staading there A tender farewell takes.

J3ut ere they laid him in his home There came a comrade near, * And gave a token that had come From her the dead held dear,-A w»f>piar»t.'i( doubt.Jipon..thani-i>CMaad> Then one the letter takes .^d laya Jt low upon Us breaat^ "Hell, see it when he wakes."

ht-thoiFw^o dual Ita sorrow :waiti WfaoAe heart with anguiah breaks, Thoofb thy. desur •meHftge came too

late, — "Hell see It wh«ii'he wakes!"

• • •

Ne'er moi% amid the fiery stomi Sfa»ll his strong arm be seen;

"NeTfeore his Ijrbuhg an^^manly form* Tread Mistiasippi's green. And e'en thy tender wqnls of love—

• Complaints have reached me from time to time of overcrowd­ed tralOT ana unsatisfactory conditions prevailing in some section* of the country in pas­senger train service. I fed cer­tain that there are grounds for fome.of these complaints, but I 4m sure the public will be inter­ested to kqpw that Uie reasons are twofold:

First, the great number of troo^ now being handled over the various railroads between the homes and the cantonments, between the different canton­ments and then to the seaboard, is mking ^extraordinary de­mand upon the passenger car and sleeping: car, equipment of the countiy. This has caused a


'The PubUc Be Damned" PoHcy Characterized as ladefraai-

Wft—CMrte^ the SOfe


scarcity of day coaches and •sleeping cars which it is impos­sible to remedy immediately

Stfcondlyt—the inueaswl

• The worda affection ip€»lg=~ Ca me all too latej but oh! thy ^ove " W iU-8W taCBl TrttMi he ^pOwit? . No jar; disturb his gmtla nf^.^ -No noise hia ilumber breaka^ But thy words aleep.apon hia br«as^n-

3eir seir Oenir'wiien Ke ~«rakMt'*~T

mands upon track and terminal facilities for the transportation of the "tremendous amoraita ef coal, food supplies, ra*r mate­rials, and other things required for military and naval opera-tiona^^TTOtt a» of the civjj population of the coimtry, force the largBut p^aai.

Complaints have reached me from time to time that employ­ees are not treating the public with as much, consideration and courtesy under government con­trol of the railroads as under private contror~r db~not laiDW hiow much courtesy was accord­ed tile public under private con­trol, undl have no basis, there­fore, for accurate comparison. I hop«, however, that the reports of discourtesy under govern­ment administration of the rail­roads «u-e incorrect, or that they are at least confined to a rela­tively few eases. Whatever may be the merits of these com­plaints, they draw attention to a qyestjon which i s of thejitmost importonoe in the mftnogomont

d Stove Without a Wick

of tlie railroads. For many years it was popu

larly believed that "the public*e

ble '(iiirtailment of passeiiger train oci'vipc.—Hie-morenrcirts of troopfl and war materials are,

the railroads under private con trol. Such a policy is indefensi ble either under private control or government control It w«ild be particularly indefensible un­der public control when railiroad

ants of the public. "The public be damned" policy will in no ck-cumstances be tolerateoon the

of cuurA, of paninOun); impgrt-anc^ and. must be given at all stones the right of way. ^~

railroads iindei^govemmept con­trol. Every employefi of the raib-<jad ahourd^TaKe pride In serving the public courtetotisly ; -^d--«afejentiy7'?-<idiurt^y .costs nothing and when it is dispens-ed» it makes friends of the pub­lic ailA add . to the self-respect of theemplbyefc

What's the ose of being all tucked oaf with the hcftt of the kitchen when

^ ; ^ h « l o s e 8 tte ««»klng terim^^^^^ famoits gtove^ Thoosandft

- I f f SSSt^t f egg^JL^'" ^igMJ>telth-> see the JDETROTT VAPOR OIL, SWVE—fbt^Bnest product of manafaeturers who* hare devoted y « M to the farm stove prohhjii, Erlcrf> $2Q.M and im. '^^_

The above w u Mat to The Ga­zette office by Mrs. Kenneth Ba^gsett, who states that jt- was takra ^jo^' her gnuidipother'a aCTap book, which she^nalinil^ pnsci Iilg£i&. 'OC. X.

It was hoped that the increase rUrpaaiKsag&r tat^s recently madie wpqld have the wltolesome effect i)fj?edueing npneyeaaary pOflscn

"in-taadtr pnsea hlghhi:, «X. X. ^ , +-.«s>riv^Z~3~IIjl_!ri_Z

that uagr^eeisK fnSBTiPl.^ , . •ed in tUii Iwaatitel poem « | mtsmtm j«f««MP»» and r^ Cteiefta r«>rin|LJ|j*^^toi»-


•Htoaaip TQWN.'y

Have you ever heatnl of GMaip Town, On t ^ shni

the ameuulof tract and-t mi mtAmJ^Jnmlititm th»t will be jCittd

b « S9wn, ^ l ^ u a g Oie fi«aloBg d ^ }

It isa^ far. to Q^sHp ttn^ \ • Fw people w)te.want toi«»

_^BJdlanMftJa»iB In just air h«ttr at ao.

tg The aniall^ t3t<g oinrib T r _, who tmvel, tl» greiiter tbe-^nnmber of Jocomo-tiyciB andi-.care and ttw hgger

for ^lentjal troop and war iii»v ,1__1 , **' —l lnginerti, :i»*t»iit?ir sntr UI4iCi BiQllCCX - UMX/T-*' er|s will also be reletaed for ser­vice (^ troop -tod nedesawy J *aight tnuni$. ;

Among the many patriotic du

M^ attention haa-idBe---beqt cigled tOTttarftict taiat (gftploypeg hAVe aometimes offered as an ex cuse for thdr owh shortcpraingB, ^ •I" fl jijittfifatirni for ddayi ^«a8 - or otbar-«fatfa.mpnf fhnf *'\^W^\ff

npM ifASSAs; Ylrai nA

Koed i> a pep htr TIM "Riongfatten f^ »•-

' ronpBf ^ : - And moat folkf. stturt that wljr,

I^Boi'^'s ati^^dtmV ||T»A; iC jroa dont watATKrti-•'•

vaull land m FitJadMod Yen ylide tlifMig;l<

Afid into tte ItamMd ol Hat^

walk JMght intin tW City GaU.

- S a y ; _ And "Fve Heard" la the pobUe -ii^, i^ba breezes tiwt Mow from False­

hood Bay *!Doii\-.SWi-j»B.''

«the mHat wTOe towb nT^ell-tale

this tiaw £» the-duty to refrain from traveling unnecessmily.. Every man, woman and-diild. who can avoid- using pas^ger trainsjA this tupaeshould do so.; i eMfB€«ti h c ^ that they yfli

Not 6nly ipriU thqr TiBor ate easential tranqportatkK^ f»^ eiliticB w" '

running the '"These are

riffl«nidfi notf"/«r;

etc Nothing" ceuM be. 'more reprehens^>le than statements of .this diaracter, tod^ ifsthing'^ could bge more hui^ul to Uie suc-cess of the RaJtelSad Admimstra-

ties o£-the,Amlrican. public t tion or t^lhe welfare of railroad

mm Cows.—,-A few good springers

IITC Ciate a LiM .f|l«a...GaKtfi.


en^oyees Jnhansejves. No doab£ those who have made them faarve done so ^oughtlessly in^a(>st instances, but the harm is just as great if a thing of this sort is... done thoughtlessly as jif i t doMe-ddfiHgrmtriy. •

Wanted-'- .OOO wUle oak CTOro ties. Saft pa AiiH g ^ ^yi^a^

WL,. Lynch^tGft.^ -- ~T 2S-tf

who .«- . « - « v « » « « f 1 - 7 ^ * « « • « »o*ny people -•hich aie uetessaiy for, '"^ Pwriisan or aelftsh piirpoHPH

•wAr purposes, but they will savei ' **^ government operation of inoney which they a i invest j^Jthe raflroads to be a faffure. Liber^ Bends and thereby ho^'^1^7 emplffl^ ^ ? ^ > *acoi|r-titemsdves as wfell astii^couii-i^*^"* ^ fee yuMic or makes ex^ try; and the fewer" who travel. I «»aes o r statements'the kind thfrmore ample the passenger : *»* e described, is helping these train service will be. ^ - j y ^ * ^ or selfish interests to

: i may a ^ thut c o n s f e t e ^ j * ^ ^ Koveimmsul«euulruLt»f with the iiarimrHint demfads-of ""^ox"-

K(R Rent^—7-room hoose f^-u* juslaBiTtf-anfttmlAed, m ManM-"^ l « i ; afl conv^eiiees f 'n'iiiMiuUlt!


Row, ^ * w « ttw that Goia N( '"TW hy <fc> *art from iaalmny's

the paik ia StaaMtar^

hthe • e a a ^

«ft envy aAd strife aad WM

Ala(i Farm for sale «r «entr one mule for sale; ,• J. B. T. T, J>avies. * g-tt

iko right party; poasessian Sept. 30. Box iai , Manassas \2A±

.WaBtcd.-^>alp wood eattns^

ti«r:y>od hausso 1for evttcra to stay in dose by the tiaiber.^...F. R. Sawders, Meat-Market, Bfa-

^ •• _,....:.. M

*Mt ^H^cjuye in Septendber^nd terms, or would iwit, l October; also a few good fresh ^«nn; sJl in^rpv«iiaits; cows, t iesecows areaUyou^g ««My E. Dickens. Bristow, Va.^ and ri8*t.^ Tire iafiia ttnd; go to^ " ^ * ^ worlt_5i1»en 7ou stwt to feed them. At priTOfa ^\6, fOi^xj Monday, Calvin Applettm & Son, Nokesville. 12-3t

" NOnCE.—Having b o o ^ the Foote Wan Paper stprft, wbijch I expect td sell-oat at low prices, I will kee ) stoffe open (»uSator> •ds3W--.^ther daye^ iewrer-iwrfd at HaQ's tttiHre- and I will bring saaiirie books to your home. Geo.

.lATseii. I2.tf

For Sale.—<aieap. on easy

Wjmted.—Fiwd Roadster, fee fJiHh; must be good condition. E.D. Wisster, 13-tf

Lost.—On Tuc»day,^a ai^i of-autonKdrile tools,- between the veddeoee of Mrs. W.LN. Lips­comb and the town. Mrs. W. N. Xiipsoomb. - - 13-1

the war^ e v w y pnttaiHo jiffart ia Recently •tiig'wages of rtulroad _ emi^yees were largely incrt^^ hAitig mkifa hy jjie R lr^aH AW iemptoyees were largely increas-

nunistratiento jupply the |a,y.Topr&volvi»y »P ftdaiPOP to «mk .^ «.^{u^ ....^^i^^ ^« ...^r^, road operating expenses of more est lassible amJoont. of cmnfoe t«Me and prompt nasscngM- train servicer — = = ^

W. G. M'ADOO, Directs Goieral of BailRMuis.

road operating expenses than |J75;000,000. per annum,


* aenuw

Ihiring the w«(^ ended Aug. ^6^383 aidR aad wonnded' sol-T^^^wW'tlis Anwricnn expe-

•r^'**^ fotiBs w«f» Uumglt ^^% the War DepaitnMnt an ^ f i « l y . t « d a r They w « e p « » ^ * ** ^^^ the various army hospi

-^«4t *r^«tarty5® i«6«aqptioa ^ ^ e Journal before the price


Sy. lafiuUCCAaKKIBCiMtlXD'OI arrocx.

print-tat order S T •M^tha


bi order to meet tiiis inovase, fee public hAB_bttn_caUed upon..? to pay largdy iiKreased passen-g g and freigjit raty?- TUl PW-|fe have accepted thla new bur dot cheerfully and patriotieaDy. Th« IWBt that even emiik)>ee every can do in return ia.lo~«erve the jHihlic roiiitfioailyi—faithfuSy

•nd and effleisntfy.

A grsi^ nspenaibiiity duty rest apon fee ra&vnd ployese of tlw United States.

and patriotisni ds^endi in largf part America's soocess and the overthrow of fee Kaiser and aU that hs PsprsasHto. Tift nw m>t-fail tor mensure^up to our doty,

,and to the jnst demand of the osr^worfc and get om ^notations public that railroad service shall

" cards. Tetter heals, stole- j not only be dBelent. but that it men ts, envefepes, sale bOb, pro-; shaD always be courteously ad~

grade printing in one or two e ^ ors. Satiafaction goaranteed

W. G. M'ADOO, Director Generat of Railroad.s.

Firf» Insorane*—4f you are afridrisr Motsir AloeififientBT try our ^d line companies: If you don't, like the increastngjdd line rates^ try our Mutual Take yourchoic*. We.reja-esent bofe kinds.. Aagfei G<Hi)oratlaiir~

AND MRTHANICAL COtUGR Bheksbtirg, Virginfai


FiftaMi iftgrsa aaarsijp tg Bgrtwfli^y,"tiu|piiw ^ j appBed^sciesce; two y<»r^^iiitae in agiieidtare, fanMca' wiato- eooiaa, traW-aig course for -teachers of agriculture •'wl »nifrtrvil eaar,* tmr ttiirhfirs erf trades reserved officers traiaiiig corps.

Apply to Registrar tat catalogue. 1. D. EGGLESTON, President

vmGlNIA, TATEmil

tlBBlOID-WKK BCTa 7-12, Ifllg

?5f Stfe.-T-||yhpine mCfcajA ave.; 9 rixoas^ bath; stable, hen house. T . ^ . Ashford, 13-2

For Sale.—^Good driving h«8e. •

F s a i e none of at^bdanrf«r a sanitarium for~Kervous and

-a. Salary, : 2A fl a monfewife board and laundry. Address, 3 . I^rd,_EtBsfoQEU


Wanted.—10,600 cords of pulp wood Highest e»A price paid <m delivery ;_measorements takan

E> Sk fqrejraasea. Coonsr. SI

FOT- Rpnt-^Jan, 1st, 1319, on shares, 2S0 acre fann, consistii^ of good, strong land. This farm can bie janted for a term of years, but only to a party i^lejto furnish horses, kalwr and mi^ chinerr. Bfirtw m—t be wffl

. .ing t»-tokf Ml artivp, wofknig _ part iB the contract, and have two o r a o n sens, old enooghsBd experieaeed enoogh, to wortc »a neces8tu7~fann taboos If rmtb-

tha fill. Rfifigmffa m \a sMk ity and int ^res Lock


l ^ a d / READY,


•**^*^ pcMwy, sis, __ . „ ,


Box 115L care Joamalj MMas$as> Vs.


Ad-The 14^

SCHOOL BliARD MEETING There will be a meetiitg of the

Dumfries District School Board at Dumfries, August 28, at 2 p. m., for the pnrpose of appoint­ing four more teachers in our "distitet. Aterts receive wood bids. Patrons invited. P C.

JGine, CTerk, Ehimfrie.', \ «

M. r&urui hD^.a.

Germany and England she mlJiUMtid m u l t iuuaum-to^S^A^^F VIRGINIAr-^—r STATB OF V I B G I N | A - — — ^ ^ | | ^ | ^ j - ^ S A L E !

Uxermany, demanding assurance j by mid-night that "the demand

e4RiAde apon Belgium wili not be (By Walter S. Smooth) I persisted with and that her neu-

[trality will be respected by Ger-In *U tha-plaasjjf thg G^nriSh many. . A t . midnight, England

militarists for their dash toward declared war on Germany, the worhr power in 19JnSe~inter- Germam CImnceUor asking fran-vehtion of England lyas rfbt coh-' tically if Great Britain -was g o = t ^ s HprPri a poa^ihility. First of, Jng to declare war "just for a^ all, it was believed that she was,, scrap of paper, like France, torn with factional [ Germany's cynical disregard strife. The great Budget strug-1 of aU moral obligations, which gle of 1909-11, culminating in' struck^t the very foundation of the repeal of the veto power q|f the House of Lords in 1911, had been a bitterly contested strug­gle whose effects, it was confi­dently expected, would not dis­appear for years. Moreover, there were the militant suffra

human" society, had brought down upon her a power whose men and treasure were to prove the mainstay of the allies block­ing her dash for the conquest «f the world. Great Britain's war aims, as declared by Prime Min-

gettes, whose violent agitation j iater Asquith on November 9, had thrown the whole nation[1914, were: /'We shaU never into a turmoil. Then there was the Irish situation which had be­come critical since the final pas­sage of the Home Act on l/iay 25, 1914. This h^d resulted m the threat of a serious; rebellion in the^ northern counties <S "Ul­ster and Orange, whose organi­zation of armed forces under Sir T ' ward f ^rsnn hrniiffht Graat Britain to the brink of civil war. Then there was a great deal of restlessness ragainst British rule in India, and wide-spread labor troubles, especially among the railway workers. Lastly, the British army, being composed of volunteers instead of bfeinjr bas^ ed on- compulsory milijtafy ser­vice, was inadequate for use abroad aiid was da Kaiser's phrase, "^hat contemp-tible.Jittle army.'" . '

For fViggp r«»ft n« dM tbe-G«p' man jnilitariat8> beJieve th^t thejL

pour bourg. This act, as sdinitted by the. Gennan Chaacdlor. was a flagrant violati<^ ioflnterDatioB-al law and a bt^eadi of German's own__Biightod wordt By, jhft

sheathe the sword we have not lightly drawn until Belgium re­covers in full measure all and more than-all that she has sacri­ficed, until Ffance is adequately secured against _th'e menace of aggressioHTuntn the riiS"<5t"1he smaller nationalities of Europe shall be unhindered, and until the military domination of PniOr sia shall be finally and once-for all ends." >


Save the bt^ies! The school is equi|;^d to car­

ry on this this work and^wifl be-glad to serve ybu any afternoon

Dean Emina Lee Williams was on^ of the principal Speakers at the Wayland Blue Ridge associa-

In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Prince William County, this i9th day of Au­gust, 1918. .

International Harvester Com­pany of America, a QorporH-tloB, " _^ \ YB. ' - .-^ —;^^-l.„_„.

Geoji B. Farquhar, et als-


The general object of the fore­going suit and- an attachment sued out therein is to attach the estate of said Geo. B. Farquhar m Prinee WiUiam^ Couxity, being an undivided one-sixth interest (subject to the dower of Mary Anne Farquhar) in and to a cer­tain tract of land about one-half mile south of Buckhall, in Ma­nassas District, Prinee William rCounty, Virginia, adjoining the lands of Bennett, Robinson and others, containing 241 acies, one rood and 33 poles, more or less, and known as the Chas. Farqu­har property, and to have parti­tion or sale of said entire tract as may appear proper to court, and subject the said interest of the said Geo. B. Farquhar there­in to the payment of he claim

1130, ^ t h intel^St from May 20, 1914, until paid, subject to a credit of $15.77 as of April 27, 1915. and a reasonable attorney's fee for collection; and it ap­pearing that the attachment has been duly returned executed, but a copy thereof not to said Geo. B. Farquhar, and i t further appe^ing from affida­vit duly filed in this cause that the said Geo. B. Farquhar is not a resident of the State of Vir-

In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Prince William County, this 19th day of Au­gust, 1918.

Elizabeth Farquhar vs.

Geo. B. F»?quhar, et tAsr


The general object of tV gomg suit and an a t w h m e n t sued out therein is to auiach the estate of said Geo. B. Farquhar in Prince William County, being an undivided one-sixth interest I public auction, on

VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a cer­

tain deed of trust bearing date on the 25th day of February, 1914, of record in the clerk's Of­fice of Prince William County, ^^ifginia, in dood book 64, psijseA 481-2, and executed by William Riley, and at the request ot the b«a«ficiajry therein,-!^ reason «^

fore-1 default having been made in the payment of the note secured ^n-der said trust, the undersigned trustee therein named will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at

tliat the-^i_d G^. B. Farquhar appear within .fifteen dayp after

tion which xnet Wednesday, 'Thurajay ami P>iilay of lagt 3a=ac.MiiitiiBnri JouniaJ,aj^wa

m week at Mt. C^vacy-xhurch in O w i s e County, Virginia. Among. ifmiff oth&r lielpfal m i g s that^Dead WilUAUU said.

do what is n e c e s s a r y ^ protect his interests.

And it is further ordered that a copy Jiereof be published once a wedc for four successive weeits

might safely consider E a g ^ d incapable of engaging in a gea^ eral European wnr--.

On the mofning of Aogust 2 ,

(subject to the dower of Mary Anne Farquhar) in and to a cer­tain tract of land about o n e - h ^ mile south of Buckhall, in Ma­nassas District, Prince William County, Virginia, adjoining the lands of Bennett, Robinson and others, containing 241 acres, one rood and 23 poles, more or less, and known as the Chas. Farqu­har property, and to have parti­tion or sale of said entire tract as may appear proper to court, and subject the said interest of the said Geo. B. Farquhar there­in to the payment of the claim of the plaintiff .against him for |115, with Interest trom~N^a?^14," 1914, until p ^ ; and it ap­pearing that the attachment has bteen duly returned executed, but that a copy thereof has not l)een delivered to saixJ G^. B. F^quhar in person,' and it fur­ther- appearing from affidavit

in this suit that the said

SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, 1918, ' at twelve o'clock m., in front bf the Peoples National Bank, in the town of Manassas, aforesaid couiity, all that certain lot or parcel ctf land, lying and being situate near Thoroughfare, in Gainesville district, foresa id county,, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Marsteller, and known as the Smallwood place, containing _ ONE ACRE

This is the property now own­ed by said William Riley, but the graveyard is reserved.


B. Farquhar is not a resi­dent of the State of Virginia, it is therefore ordered that the said GreOf B. Farquhar. ^ > e a r within fifteen days after due

ginift, i t is^ t]}££efore jsjcdsfsM^^blicatio^^iKC^^s order lud do what Is necessary to protect his interests.

And itifl-ftirthgrxtB

paper prii^ted and published in tjieliforesaid county, and that a cops^ hereof be posted at the front doocjof the courthouae at tius county 6n or before the

a o ^ y hereof be published once a weelcfor four successive weeltp in the M&n^B^ Journal, a news-paper^ printed- and publiahed in the aforesaid county; and thst~it OQBy! hereof be posted' at^-a»

they make the e d n e a i ^ of their duldnn^Aeir very first conaid-

Treaty of -London, (1839) Bel­gium "became aa ind^eadent

—and petpetuaily -a—tral—8tat» * * * bound to (Aserve such neu­trality toward otlLer atatea." By this treaty, firu9sia„ France, Grpftt Rritnin, Austria, and Bus' sia became) the guarantxHrs nf Belgian neutrality. The Ger^ man Empire, by a treaty sijimed in 1870, became tte-BuceeaaMF-^ Prussia in this gtiaranty. But on August 2, 1914, Germany de­manded pennission to {Mass through Belgium,: aaying that.if it was gT«nf^, rt^ratinn wrwld be made at the a id of thg war. otherwise Bdgium woold be treated " v flff fin^miY" y"* ™ obligation would be ondertakcai toward her. The w l y juatififai-tion given was.that France was planning to march into Belgium, a statem'ent that was ^ilpaUy false, since on August" 1, in.re-.sDonae-to a ouerv froao^RngUnd^ France had assured hoih lE^-land and Belgium that~ahg resolved to res] ity of Belgium,

On emment refused Germany tlM permission she asked^for_othar-wise it "would sacrifiee the hon­or of the nation and betray.its duty towaztk Ekuvpe. On the morning ^ August 4, German armed foreee entered Belgium King Albert forthwith appeded to King George a s mler of one of the powers gnaranteeinc Bd^aa B«utrality to &nce in rtpdhnff Hat Germany had aeaawhila tried

the TnfMBWaJlUHMtr tUf 29, which in effect bound Great Britttn to a poliar of Beatrattty whOe France was being beaten, so k>ng as Germany did not take French territory as distinct from lier cdcnies: "The iiwopoaal was of cwu'se emphatirally rejected ¥y Great Brttain. On the mom-JOK of August 4th, in f uhUhneat «f 3>g s d M m i i w t y

erattop. wut mwt urgant. Miss Ruth C. Madden of Cul:

peper. ^ur a e w ^ d d agent, l i gave an mteresting taUc at^thiis' assddation lULSome of the-prtdi;-

uliar to her line <^ wprk and how e is' solying them Miss Madden has.been with us only a short white but slie has tfhnam na f>» » oho ian't jjifri^d

^Bs order-is eulerwF GEO. G. TYLER, aerk.

A True Cop»-^Teste

H. Thdastes-SaMeB. Ik. <r.

front door of the courthouse o f this county 'on or.before the next, succeeding rule, day after this order is ftitCTed.'^

GEO. Q. T Y L ^ , CTerK. A True Copy—Toatov—-- - — wnflPfflS ASP PSMTOKP

WSS^ii. TYLER, Clerk. H. Thomtra Davles, p. q. 14-4

GEO, q . TYLER, Cligkr Tfca-f<wmMil f1 aBi w w U u t t

L. B. PATTIE, Auc'r. Trustee.



Having determined to devote our whole time to the Real Estate and Insurance business, we here­by solicit aU. ptoperty:Jlorjala. _ and request those having prop­erty to list Ihe same wiui us promptly. , '

W« premiM to deal fairly whit all uid Tin gije tiw bsBinoM oar best

C. J. MEETZE & CO. Opp. Ry. SUtioa Muaasaa. Vs.

«4BDISBL. iu.t.niaio*


tftqngp ayATrti,

o,&.B<K)rrKX. * u.t'.utujom. O. B. WaRFIKI.B, j.r.Hva..

• _ ' ooKULAys S t u m . *^

to work. Her desire to' jdease and the wtmderful ppirit in wfaidk she goes al^tj^her wo^k cM^vjaceua ibat Miss Madden is deejdy in earnest. - Manassas wishes l e r God speed

i^a^ig the sdH^'s recent vi»-itors irare Mr. Conner ol.Maniw-saa and Mr. R. G._kbiner,.who ^ m succeed Mr. C. A. Montr goniei? as county fami demon-sbration agent. Both Mr. C<m-nermiVr. Koiner were pleased with the way. our 'farm is lopfc--ing and Mr. CottiM^made a rtry-hdpf ttl suggestion about the use of lyle "stubWns."

Princ4>^^i>ed D. Morton, who is attending the S. A. T. C , How- _ iyrO umvenUiy, WashlinUm, B:f C ^ s p e n t Sunday hots at the achpoL WftJwetiajJl siaa io aeei: Principal Morten loekuM? ae weB.

tudspts gave him a vexf. wehioming.


iUdfCcMtay - WKt :



M«n«MM PrMbytarlsn Cifttreh, S«v. AUflvd Kfliiey, paator.

Sunday—SuntS^' School at 8:4£ a, m. Subject, "Speakingr for Christ."

Preaching at 8 p. m. Subject "Great Troubles Minimize Saafl-Carea." '_ "

cnrtititn Itedgtviw »%^ 7-M iir n. Siibjact, "Sowat «t tha C>aaa an tiie Frontier."

Waanesday—i^ayeir mMfIng at 8 p. m. Subjaet, *S6ure« of a Chriatian's Streoffth."

Bev Clifton Presbyterian; Church, Alford Kell^, paattMV r

Sunday School at 10 ». m. Sul>Jact u sMtad'abova^ . '.' T~ '"

Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject as atated above. „

Christian Endeavor at 7T80 p. m. Subject aa stated above.

The Clifton PVesbytetian Aid So­ciety Rieeta tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. R. R. Buckley. '

LUTHERAN Bethel Lotbaran Church, B«T^. Ed­

gar Z. Panca, pastor. Sunday—Sunday School at 10

o'clcck. ' _ . Preaching at 8 o'clock p. m. Preaching at the Nokesvill* Tinth

eran Church Sunday at 11 a. nr. EPISCOPAL

Trinity Episcopal Church, Rev. A. Stuart Gibson, Rector.

Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m Service first, second and fourth

Sundays at 11 a. 8 P I Bli :

m.; third SoBklay at

St. Ann's Memorial Chapel, Nokes-ville. Service firat Sunday at 8 p.ni.; third Sunday at 11 a. m.

BAPTIST Manasaaa Baptist; Church, Bar. T.

D. D. Clark, paator. Sunday—Stmday School, 9.46 a. m.;

mominjg swvice, 11 o'clock; ^ Y . Pt U.,^;4S; crtning aarvfaia at TSS.

Wednesday—Prayw nMatiiig~~it •7:80 p. m.

Bar. Barkatt Grimalay'a Appjbtoaaifa BaHriMiTau, fuith Snaai^, ll'a..m.

dsya, &pvBir flstehar MenUnfai, steood Sunday

II a; m. and 7:40 p. ta.

fOiff^lffjl^ iiMl <»»st aanday, 7J80 y. AuMn^int taidty, 11 a .m

RtolUw 9AP1XBX-

/ CATHOLIC ' AU Salnta' GatEi^ Canuab. ICai -

Mamn:rmtbtf WilUsm UiD,'>uinr • t 8 4viB> flnt sad tiiM 8ia-

days. Saeojid a d fmoih %m^wn st iBM al u., eribwad by tiaiisrttilliMi of t)ia1B1aaaadnw.iaiuauL -

Of 6 f ALL Aim Wnnm SEASONS AT-mcIDED SAVINGS FIKW ^aicEs ^ayf W4LL f ^wAu>- iATlat iw THI YKAM.

^•^-ffiietiton pointa to next <«0 and winter M i « the gceateat i fer f n s of BD himia—EaaUM Isadtiu p n e U n t h e n wfl b* i and liiATidMity In foes thaa a«y athcr tar»a «C Mt«r tummiL. TtM

ktMls i t sd hi Wr • • • w n ^jspliy whfafc h < |»

^Tm irfl «raiit f n s for thrtr

yea wO. i i • • pufcaJUHy, a n to ha had at aB. LET US SEND YOU ODE—


nj a feartt af t>e MJS irka tmi WreiMwn WhaiHahafaThefaw l i » l t U .

MRB(H)I8T ^=-^— Gvaea Method^ iptoeopal Ghaneh.

Seutb, Ifanassdi.Jtff H. Q. mat.

BnsimT School at 9:45 £ ak Preaching avwy Soadsy at 11 a. m.

and 8 pJ» m, Epforth Laagm at 7:Mi p , ^

' BncMiall, a^gy gwadaj a* trim. . Bnijlay, tnt Sanday ait p. m-

K. MOlifeaa'a appoiataMata

Sadley—Hrat, aaqpod «ad fimrth atodaya, 1I»- "»-__j ^ ^ — "I^SE^wr-rSaeoiid sad iomVk ftm-daya, Si>.'Bt.

Gainaaville—Firat &inday. 8 p- «.: tUrd «iid-iaft»iBJ»y, i | .a, Bi.

Soaday^ 8 p. a O M n » BBBTKBSN.

mm I M l t . Street, Corner T^th,

WaaUaftML D. C

] If you really want the NEWS of the county The Journal wffi give It to yoff Bvwy^ wrtrfBT-*" year for one dollar, in advaaee.




?mmml s • r» T



As-the^st step in the^hm to mobilize the colleges of the coun­try in the ranks of national de­fense, a Students' ArrayTCnaih-in? Corpff will be estfthtished at

I thfr Vii^nift Polytechnic Insti­tute this session. This is for iii£4iucpoafi-Q£-eaiiatiiig.atud«nt»

•adkneeatMrioudlMMW. Kaep^oor tmt lAnn and prwiitm HB^ '

i reso Dip No. 1 A M% dUaUMi at Kiwo IH» No. 1

kim VlralMit Hoc Coolant TInu la ST« mlnatM br oontaoW

EOIUDY (fOod for all Uve SHocIt W« will Mnd TOO tn» • booklet on

tba tnatmen t ot aunc*. ec>«m« 0 r Bitch ta»aM*< ttrthtltiM, ton moutlk, etc.

We will Mnd Toa fret > booklet 0 |^ how to baild a hog wallow, which wUT kMT hocf OlMUl Mid hwlth]F.

W« will Mod Ton tree a booklet on how to keep rour hoes tree from in-•eet p»rulte3 and d^aac.

Writetor tbe«—thUT a n Inc.

Kreto Dip No, 1 Uetty to UM. —RtlUbto tod gcoaomical.

Far Sail la (M(lMi-r«ekMn by


WiO Be Opened for New Stu­dents at Virginia Tech

September 3, 1918.


State Fairs WiU be Given Chance to See How Uncle Sam


in- thfi United Statea army juid ba made 4hi« jsmmner at the

Prince WilUaiii Pfiannacy.

Electrical Needs liMfim JM miri • Ac w«r<rf

U k wf™^ UlllBS. Ov wnt aii iutalitiM tf ix tam t» 4Pnn'br the Bwri af OiienRicn. JUlwiM'thm tew tJMi pdtMir Mii LetnihejFM-u^diM .


giving them-a suitable status. All students,over eighteen years old will be enlisted in the army and thipse under eighteemsull be enlisted, if they so desire.

The Wv Department does not desire to withdraw students from the colleges but, on the contrary, wishes to keep them in school, as long as possible. This students' army training corps is instituted for the purpose of re­moving the prevailing spirit of unroat in the colleges and tu iii-sure the status of the students. It is not intended through this to engage the students in the war-but to keep them at their

To more thorougljly acguaint people of the country with the part"theXnS. NavyTtTlaking i thrpresent way aft"6laborate:ex hibit with equipment and ac-coutremont of.the service is to

larger fairs throughout the na­tion. The display will be made in connection with that of the Joint Committee on Government Exhibits which includes - the

1 various departments-twd-aetivi-

H«re^i» »n old riddle that, will, in all probtibility, ba n«w to ywK God made Adam oat of dust. So 1 waa made before the man, Make me first he thought he m^st. To acswelr God's moat holy plan. n/t\T Krij^Tr ^j> AiA » M > ^ I J - ~ 1 '

But without arms or legs or feet; Mf^mtesw "Bad- vXb:mf=4ig:iswsaitp Ann 1 n / « * jXkMk^A wTifrUAe.* m. —.^.-11

And Adam gave to me my name; Then from his presence I withdrew

<iAn ever knew! I did my Maker's Laws obey; ^ousands, of miles I run in fear, But seldom on the earth appear;

Studies, as the neecl'for educatcid men. is continually becoming more acute. -^ .." ;j

gtatug of fltudanta will bp more

.STATE IflffiMAL aCI|OaL— 4«cDmF

Profeasioital training • for teachers. : Prppairatinn for honne lifft;

eoorses. m Special indurtrial eoorses lead to. Vizxinia certificates. Post gndnaim cwirie< laading to do gree' of Bachelor of .Science in E^oea^

Expenses actual cost. . Best • loeatitm. Modyn; Bnildinga

BMTlMMilth eoaSSimi. .. _ For free taitioQ,.cstalogae and gen-enl infenqatioa, write St"- H. &US-SeUL. Preaident. . 9-71

Rector & Co. HAYHHARKET, \« t :

DKBBnAKERS P ttnpt ami wtkfactogLiflb

-HwtfM fiirui»li«l fw wy reaaonabte «K«hincg.

Wisij of Yirpia 9»ftwt twMfc geUet OjalM ,rf


rim irnilBini Im

iiriuly fixed tfiian at any time since the beginhinjer of the war.

.. Witr-DgpHftmBul !•«»«• ves the right to. call enlisted stu­dents to the colore at any time

that it is not its policy to do so until they

'"twenty-one ~yeMr§~olgr

ties of federal work'. Rve cir­cuits are to be covered.

The navy exhibit will com­prehensively represent each de­partment of the service. There will be* display of captured guns while the Ordnance Department will _8h5S? .Hie types j i t depth charges and other, explo­sives but used against the €«&-my. The Bureau of Construo-t ion and Repajr will ho roprtf.

seilted by valuable and unusually interesting modds of types of

" Irtpi tirthe ^ - S . Navy. These models have been taken from the Jialls of the Navy Depart­ment in Washington and it will be the" first time that they have ever been'shown gejierally throughout the country. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery win show'accessories of its work

But God in me dkl something And put a living sod! in me! A soul of me my God did claim. And tnnif frnm tti ^hstf soiil ag^jp. And when from me that soul was fled, I was the same as wlien first made.' And without hands or feet or soul, I travel from pola ^ pnU! _ T'labor hard both day and nifht. To fallen man I give great light TlKMisand, of people both young and

old. Do through my death great light be­

hold. No fear of death e'er troubles me. For happiness I cannot seet To heaven above I ne'er shall gOi

Home Dressed and WesteE^ Meats -

;; [| Beef, Lainb; Veal and Pork f


tn the grave nor hell betow. — The Scriptures I eanncrt believe-

Although therein my name is found, They are to me an einpty sound. Now children, when Uiese lines


Cash Paid for^ Country/ Produce m = c and Live StocK £

The movement is part of the natimial mobilization and will be carried on in the spirit of the Provost General's annomcement o f V<a1t («• fight."

Parents l eesd have no fear that their' sons are becoming en-tanji ed in the active army by-enrolling in thig_cpiita^.js thkiwhile thee-d^wrtmentof «up-

plies and-accounts will put for-.ward the 'specimens of heavy clothiflg^jgrgvided for the pro-LwtioH wC American saHurs Jur-ingf Ttheir vigilance at patrol work, against submarines in thfe Nortih Sea on the Atlan-

nOT • after their •-.twenty-first birthday <mtit they p?aduataf4ft

tie Ocean. Fpr thfi„Bureau IRayigatioiI -w^eh


yuu read.

Go search the Scrputures with all speed, : "

And if njy name you dont find there, 111 think it straage, I do declare. Any one who can, please send Bwer.*


AH Dunage'tarPremiMS OT Coil' - teats Covered. ^

Every effbrt ia inade by the eompany to a|i|nrdiaiid and am-vict the thie£. No fbm of in--anrance gtves for ahioant of praninm' paid. Note also our UFS!, I lR^ AC-€»)BNt AI43> HEALTH POL-

ViCTROLAS The name means ALL. It ia made by the Victor Talking Bfachine Co. Don't be deceived by some ether—not all Cabi­net Machines are Victrola?. Let me show you. Give me your order for Records. I have seme in stodc all the time A little advance in price. TxIVE ME A CAIJL

^Watdi Gbisses


tJttWB T here tlje work of Un; slu-ibatt is of saeh nature and-qtud-ity as to indicate that he is use-ful, and preparing hiinseif f< onnmission. - -"• ] ~'

*rhe R. 0 T:*G.7the Ehginefera ButhttMl.IUwervB Corps, and tha Qd^rtermasters' Beserve Corps wifl not be ^terfered with by fehw wtahlinhnwnt of the Stu-

ito^nrted these aartistic^i^ peals fbr the various campaigns.

"Jvi recruiting the navy up to its a^repfth of imwe than a million

-aaats -Army. Trainmy COIT» and will be retained at the Virginia Polytechnic^Jnstituter Hie ool-

has~enli£ e<f in spirit in the anny since war was decluicrand it now becomes physically en­listed. .The ne«d for teehnical-ly trained-Ba«i cannol _be too eamertly inu)ressgd on pur citj-ggf ia jtnH .fctiM n o

' idiy increase during-the war, and duriw the rec(»istructi«i period to follow. Yomv men oiterjng this timinipg corps and thdr par^ts can b$- confident that t h ^ are bong tntuied and «BUM)«>d for highT~and mnpe tu«f ol .aervke "*^'H»** their so-perinr Imowmga gained will

handles' thg PersonnsUrf the Niiyy the work of the,5Recruitlng Division will l5e iownlJ3rB.di8playxtf ] Thesef are the wwiik fqmoms of American artiatswho

men-. Elach exUlMt will be dur-roun$^ by a 'booth deragned anrt paiptoH hy igcn.lrp<wyn nfJ

ti£^ 7&I interesting aaa com- Ofwum prehensive exh^it by the Ma-rinds, the: soldiers of th« s«a, will also be made with this display. These exhibit booths have been arrangea ima con­structed by the U. S. Navy Re­c i t ing ' Bttrea , New York aty,

artjgtic "gx^Benee e^bit embodies the high stan^ luMy iiei^aary to i4ant f owS

UnlTMsity, T*.

WoocTs msoN CLOVER



(iFOflB F o o d Hay Crap.

ef fsrtlflMre far

an the HiMmpTCT. kK and omaaoN

>« jm^ueeUoMbly one of

JJ**;!" »ot»d«rf»l Jr** •* Oorn, Ootton


In tlw and etl»«p

MIL " .IT t"*^*^ •"* WOODt - ^ - , giTM fur "J«hm iftout OHHWON CLOV.

^ WKH) & SONS,

rnder then unKS 'kas- sabject iji nwwlHwt wilmi they joiB the

of the navy^ This corea will be opened forlrniitity •ffai»a

new 'students at Virginia Tech Septonber 3, and for such old stadents^n-wre eaStod to mstrw*' -tter~a gDvemnwnt enterprise. -thesL The regaiar cdlege year begins October t* Both parents and students have evarjQliiing to gain aad nothing to ioa^ botiiUf the Marine Corpau-.On one

~ — ^ - , 4'fcB8, the

ily int(t thia>4nuning at V. P. L and eaneat wwk wfll b».~<l»> mMDdei'Som both iMoO^-at Btudeata.

The commaiMJaiit of cadets «h


locations for taaii>mg eampa re-ceived Ai^iist*9 or later, wffl bis suspended, pending a aettlenient Qf the iiniit~regulati<m8. Ap-

P. DAT!?

Heniy K. Keld & C^

X Blind* aiid Kiiildmg Mat3^iaL--i-I2

TBe wliy to Bu^e two Uades al^-ffnaa grow where one doei now; Buy, the celebrated-lfag

from Leesboig Lime Co., the Ihne that has,!: BoTd ui Loudonh and Fairfiuc the past twoi^-five yeanpi pat produced jthem all, and rCT8<m for it is because it tains Magnesium and uxide Iron, ia^right proporticm-to dum Carbonate, and the United States AgrieultonQ Department •in Year Book 1901, ^ a g e l

jthis^tatiei that Magnesium is abso-

;or-^u. Kiwps. Union Street.

I l l N. Lee Stmet. AteXANDRlAy

dard demand for the navy by Admiral Palmer, C%ief of Navi-gi ioai. Mr..X%artes A. Valen-tm^lhe wdl known New Yc k architect and ^e' designar' «f the city's best sky-scrapers, pa-triotkally vdunteered to Lieu-

tenanl CwBgBuHiei' Uiwpet the Navy Becriiiting Bureau, to design the general architecture

ezhibii at ^^^ V«Utifin«.'»

design the general architeeture givea^the pn^er setting b^t-

Two large maral panels, flank the entrance and .reaweeent variooa idiases of navy life and

the valw of the Suiting Ifariac^ ea the other side Uetttenant Iteulo^iihrhaa painted «tifTOg

ef the navy at ivar. Hie exhflnt wiD be shown in

tion: 'Erie, Pa., Augmt 19 to 24;

N. Y.. September 2 to 7; Syra­cuse, N. Y., September 9 to 14;

pQcatiMis win be recefved, how- frenton, N. J., September 80 to ever, upon

as heretofore, and" acted as-fl ^B- as possible.

The essence of emptinen is a Ger­man effleial's declaratio* of wiMt 8*1-prinm HH fce pewiiitted to do after Oie war.

Oct<4>er 4; RietenoBd^ Va^ Oete-f _ her 7 to 12j Petersborg. Va., Qe-

tober 15 to 19

' Th«- Awieweaiia Japan desorye an wooden box.

nron croaa and a

and nothing dse wiS take place. Send orders to Onrnwdl Supply Co., Manassas, Va.r A. Boboixm, Weili&gfeM, Ya.; ; Hoittia; Srlitoir.'^k:, or dtmtit ns and ssEQie ndghave pnoopt i tentkxi - - ""^


City People Want T o w Efga aad Buttor

suffer Pm^fmt m i

85 cent* op Send for catal( rue and partie-olart. .Metal Carriers will last fef yoaie no bfoakage> wrapping or labelling necessary

ItDDUNiMARTWa. andiailBC a.,


a Ptilyaaao fior: -tttOK^BAROADf TAffiXS COME QUICK AlfD GET YOU9S.

S4«e WB Cbae at 7 P. M. Aftar MiU lat



Mr. Warner Davis, of Cali­fornia, and h u . mother. Mrs. Delaware Davis, of Baltimore, are at their old home. "Woo^-

both knitted things, as well as b o ^ t a l garments cut and made by September Ist.

We are enjoying the cool weather, af t ^ the extreme beat. ' Bay Alford Kallay will presf

in the Presbyterian Church Sundt^, August 25r^o i ' t^&Bt

awn," for a week's stay. Mrs. S(^>U^iyiitte ftn4 chfldrap.

of Tarbora, N. C, are occupying a cottage on "EveuEKfiH" farm, whecB they will spend the rMtjtima since W left for his-vacar of the summer.

Mrs. A. E. Hardsy, of Black-stone, Va., accompanied by her dauijiter^ Virginia, JB. viaJting her father, Mr. Andrew I^QW.

Miss Grace McDonough, of Washington, is visiting her sis-

Mr. William'Parsons, of Wash ington, « the guest of his aunt, Mrs. C. A. Heineken.

Bfr. Alex. Hagerdon, of New York; was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Franz Peters for the week­end. - * _^_

Miss Catherine Critcher, of AJexandria, is at "Kinsleyi" near Buckland, for a stay of sev-eral weela. . .

Mr. and I&fi.'Bemuu).Heine-ken have sold their home near Haymarket, and will leave next week for their new home on the Eastern Shore, Maryland.

Mrs. Charles D. S. Clarkson and_iluurhter have gone to Louisville, Ky., to be near Capt. Clarkson, who is at Caxap Tay­lor. . :' -

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hoyie motored from Wasfaingtoir on Saturday aod are the guests this week of"M?. and Mrs. 0. C. Hutchison. Miss Lucile Hutchi-


The workers are busy in the Red Cross getting" an order of ^ ^ j f c

cepted a pesition-at the U. S. M.

tion July 15th. Rev. H. J . Beagen and family

are here for their vacation Mr. Beagen preached in the Episcopal Church Sunday at 11 a. m. ~ -


son came up Sunday.

Mis* MabeT with them aniE '

' T h e Sunday "School picnic, which was held at Catlett the 16th,' was Well attended and every one reported- a good time.

Miss Bessie Cook is visiting relatives near Warrenton.

Mr. Ernest Reid, who has been home on .a furlough, will leave again for Camp Lee the Slat.

The Civic Improve

Mrs. Geo. Atchison and cbfl-dren, of Washington, are visit­ing at the home, of Mr, B. S. AM^9i Oak 6U1.

Mr. Utiacm Abel visited Mr. WiU-Lpyd-Sunday.

Rev. C. L. Beard will hold ser­vice* atJorest afil M. E. Churci Sunday, Aug. 25, at 3 o'clock.


Miss Mary Walter, of Wash ington, 8pe»t-ther:^ve^<«nd-«t

League wii hold its regalBr~meet-ing the ftrst Friday in Septem­ber. An excellent program has been arranged.^

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IMckett and family, of Landover, Md., and Mrs .Clarence Money, ~of Quantico, spent the-^week-end with Mrs. E. A. Taylor.

A b e t t e r has been~ received from Private Milton Nails in France. He is wefr satisfied and says the country is beauti-ful. _ \ ^

Mtor^hOEnirKidwdi add HTss Fannie Nalb spoit Tuesday night .ef th i r i i ««k wiili Miss Violet Boss. ; rr-Misg Alma-

the h o m e o f ^ S T S ^ ^ U S r O M ' S * * ^ ^ " ^ vMiting .Miss Lucy Mayhugfa.

Every one is urged to attend Rector.

Rev. Ridge,

Edwin S Hinkii, of Elk Md.,

fripntis here. Paul's ing at

who is . vidting will preach at St.

aday mem-the~xEB«al -hear. ThereJ

will be a celebrafaoiTbf the Holy

market Branch-


Mrs. Mostya has been in Washington fert^the w > t wedL

Mrs. CfisK ihofprnm has bur sister visiting be»4rom Oraag^ N.J . .

Mrs. Quimn and chfldresare days. She wUl-qpeB l » f HkBhr er's (Mrs. Bemabeyg) hoose and clean ailiif air OgSTwet

Br^cfety^ Hlgf

the ' S ^ Cross sewing 'society e v y y Wmdf^r, Wg«fa»«H>y «^^ Fnday eveniaag «t " n t e "Lawn to help d» snrgicaUfwte-

Qn (tecount of bod woathorr *fi€HBe^=Btett^MEhw>SQf->a» Communion.-

Haymarirat Brandy American Red Cross, has been requested to collect as many books as pps-sihlp fnr thp lanMipra ii&Ki«»l| wit^ be sent to Newport NewsT^VS:;; and from there to the trans­ports. Magazines are not w a k ­ed. Any one who is interested and haa a book or books to givgk « ,« c T»__JI V ,. L wilf please s ^ d f e ^ i ^ l f a T a L j ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M. Clarkson, Uhcariaa^er-Hay-

unalide to hokt s^^viees i t Qftk Dale4ast ^kuiday. ' '^ 7^^_

Urn. Fjaak Nails tod son, Rosser, of Washgagtan, a|>ent fast Mopday^tj^frJiMae of B7B. NafflT

heen spendingr soBM time m Id-rttandria- and Londoon county.

is made from besl materials, baked in an up-to-date oven, handled by neat, clean, care^, ful workmen. Ask for it— accept no other. We also have a nice QUICK LUNCH COUNTER where you opm satisfy your appetite. Full line of confectionery.



Brfttsh Aviation Chl^ Says It May CooM This FalL

The bombarding of -'Berlin from the « r w not far from i eaT ^aiiaiZ^'IIZ' z:" 7 7ZZZ , - I ~

American airplanes and Amer­ican aviators will take part in the greatest air raid of the war when it takes place.

It is possible the Allies may drop bombs on Berlin this fall, and almost certain that the

The Jotunal—11—and worth it

Kaiser will be routed out of bed in Potsdam Palace by an air bomb next spring at the latest.

This is the belief of Gat. W. S. Brancker, controller-general of equipment of the British Air Ministry, who has been in this cpuntry for several weeks in con-' sultstion- with Government ( ^

"It is within the realm of cer­tainty," says General B r a n d t ,

we spring, if not this fall, as have repeatedly bombed Cologne and other cities on the Rhine.

"We have not sufficient planes for a reaUy big etletlfllve. In my imderafcap^pg of the Jerm. We have plenty of airplanes and can build irfenty more but we laek engines, and we have about reached capacity in engine pro­duction

"We need America's help, her great resources and her men; To

"that we can send a fleet of air- these motors, and so I fear our j^anoB to bombard-BerUn m-thejairplanes will Jbe wastedjmd the-

real oTehsive from the'iur~j iTv:^ ously delayed. Your air forces, ought to be organized on a tre­mendous scale, and that is what we look tu America to du."T

get the best results it is advis*' ble to create a secretary of air forces, or the equivalent, under whom air fighting, aiiplane pro­duction, equipment and person­nel will be a separiate branch of combat, just as the iarmy or the navy.

"We have built up a big air-

^ecuTan'ofganlzation, airdnmies and repair plqj^ts in Newfound­land and the Azores.

cials in charge of aviation. -plan*-^vgram to take j;he Lib­erty motor and bomb Germany, but America cannot noWBpare

- I n General Brancker^ opinion,, if it is piossible to l!y to Berlinri and back, which i s more thwt i 800 miles, the* flight acrowthe 1 Atlantic from Newfoundland to the Azorea (the longest ii^) of the journey) which is 1,200' miles, can be madei This will 1


The Joomal—$1—and Worth it "me Joaniiil—$1—and wortii it The Joamal—II—and w o r ^ it




has returned home. Mias Sallie Cooper, of Wasb-

iagiatC visited her parents here On Smoday last.' *

Mr. Eecmit Judd,-«|f Washiiw-toh, S ^ t his yraimtitm »i»li hi« parents,.Mrr and Mrs. L-Boe Jndd • :•• '• " .'"

Mrs. Alice Gj^droae, <rf Phila-ddphia. Pa., visited her comriBy ^frs. Paul Ckj^Mej^Hter^re^-

Mr. H & i ^ i ^ ^ of WashiBStoa

OYESt OtjMm^'SBOBS $4.98. • ^

= ^ '"^i.-t. r J f c ^ = f c ^ r ^ t , - > * ' -

ready for occupancy, when they will take possessioB. Theitoase has been vacant for scycral years. ' ~ '

Mr. and ^*i Hiai ^'^ » V have sold their fltfm, wffl move to the viBagi^ Elmer Ayres' '.

spait the wedc-eiMl at hk hiinne hen.-

Mrs. Efaner Landes and httte daoi^ter^ tft Waushrngton, rfr-tumed b<Hne Tnesday, after via^ itfay her aothsr^ Mrs. B . - H :

Boektey Mrs. Wilton misfortune to cently.

Mr. and BErs. Clyde and Master Waedrow are visiting Mrs. Hather«> par-

Miss Gladys snd bry Mathers ar» viiitiaff lives in jjitnias^^

'*"• Py>*«"»till eritkally iD in a Washiactea bcwpMal with small chance of recovery, '

Mr. D. HSU,

of schools lui -fgutux, mm Ig town Saturday. j

have beee at Mrs.HaB's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JoeeiA Beasi«y, for a few d*y«- ^ « y accom­panied HrrVrDTBall h<»ae Sat-, urday. •

Hr. Wm. Kemper, of Florida, has been a recent visitor to his f s ^ a r m d hrwther hgcfc,:

Keys. TK. C^rde Wotf, of .Jiid|aii

Head, Md., is spending "a few days witn his family nere.

Ifeii K M ffrsdihsw siwl win. Murray, .ffended t i n 'Pptoma« Baptise AsaodatioB in drift iMt week.

ISfli^^MJiLjyhs'lst that can he hMwht today aril jioid for ksa -Otam 9^JS9,«S«t Miabca ia say

lot, b«l aU 1 ^ Iioi^ 4 to



la iDATSr


ooooo90fe^ooj>g>jy^6oo^ooj>ooye OQOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



White, B I M ^ T ia *%^^ ^ «

the bcst-prodaetiaB fai l!(«blta

SHMCS OB the aiiiritet. Wksa yoo

buy "S^itr yoo know ysti tow

Jtv .* .

Mrs. J. E. Tap«»tt ratemed to her bone, after a viaft with ter taour, Mr. Soma. —

MfHaL:81v^ Karajad. WikJ .V 1UA SifltM, «C gosBiioo, passed

Mr. Emory Abd and Miss Gertie Tapsoott were in Quaa-tlco Suadi^ evenittt sad attend­ed servina Amgr tent

birt j H t the ikOMi ateefc. W M a t h e y hBrf^^44J8.

BRMlilS€«ffON This C^upgr, with ISjW wor

Cssh Tickets for Week of AH sales a^j^as^ 2jG and Tto CeuUiff<3artt,

r ^ * s t « H t | w ^ ^ yen Bh>e^E|MBnei, l O - ^ Preserving KotUe, with aatOaA Mfaig, hke cut

white "Good

S9e NECK P E S advertised hs t waskT T K i ^ dM; y o w a y hava boca asMHw tKTIbt.

tor week of July Ist (mly; this *f Timr rhtnrr; rnn mlltfwt it liii

f a t t h ^ i h e B B S t . W« sdl b ^ .

i * - i i

i AUK iroic

We toe New vBigatoas, hi tMrm

ais^ripea. — —

« t tht YtoJ —^

T«i they tal m th^ an tet

Tlbe Q o ^ i ^ Shop Manaaa^ Virgnua