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A project report on

A Study on “Industrial Safety Measures” With

Reference to Viraj Forging Ltd.

A project report for partial fulfillment of bachelor of

management studies (BMS)

Year 2008-09

Submitted by submitted to

Rajendra M. Iyer University of Mumbai

Under guidance of

Mrs. Gauri Datir

(BMS coordinator)

P.L. Shroff College of arts & commerce,



Knowledge attains maturity & perfection through it is application. In partial field

any professional study is incomplete without practical knowledge. No doubt

theory provides the foundation store for the guidance of practice as practice

examine elements of truth lying in theory.

Achieve these purpose BMS participate required to do research based studies.

These reports has been prepared in order to guide those working on shop floor, to

do away with short cuts & unsafe working action; & to adopt safe way of

working, so that no cause is given for an accident to occur. For these purpose

STEEL INDUSTRIES has made no compromise on personal protective

equipments. Being given to the employee. Even contractor are insisted upon to

use PPE & adhere to safe working way.

It would be impossible to establish safety rule to entire work situation,

which we face in viraj forging ltd. The purpose of these safety manual reports to

create an awareness to think in term of safety, rather then teaching safety rules:

& to appeal to all employees to avoid shortcuts & adopt safe method of working:

& thus demonstrate their involvement & responsibility for sound health & safety

performance. This procedure may be periodically reviewed & if necessary,

revised to cover new equipments or operation to improve safety awareness.



I am extremely pleased to present the report on my project which is “safety

measures” taken in viraj forging ltd.

I taken these opportunities to express my deepest sense of gratitude

towards my guide Mrs. Gauri Datir coordinator of BMS, P.L. Shroff College of

Arts & Commerce, chinchani for her constant encouragement, intellectual & my

thanks to Mrs. Chitra & Mrs. Vidya Dahisarkar whose guidance & support made

this project possible. My special thanks to Dr. Pramila Raut our principal for her

generous help.

I thanks Mr. V.K. sharma (HR manager) of viraj forging ltd. Who gave

wonderful opportunities to work with their organization.

I thanks to Mrs. Vinita Shrma due to her recommendation I able to visit &

collect information from viraj forging ltd.

Rajendra M.Iyer(Bachelor of Management Studies)


Executive Summary:

The safety, health policy convention & recommendation & this study is often

perceived as a technique of reducing hazardous condition & improve the working

condition but where accentually palmed in safety department but it is actually part

of policies standard & recommendation & convention which is provide guideline to

the safety department & committees.

According to my project the climate process plant & organizational of VIRAJ

FORGEING LTD. I have design study on safety, health & environment of safety


I have attached the format along with my project.

The student who look the study with the objective of the functional area in


Of the company. The student has found out that assets should be used for more

effectively i.e. they should increase there efficiency.


PrefaceAcknowledgementExecutive Summary:


Sr. No. Chapters Pages1. Overview 62. Reason for these project 93. About Steel Industries 114. Scope of Study 145. Project Profile 156. Title of Study 287. Objective of the Study 288. Limitation of Study 289. Provision For Safety As Per

Factory’s Act 1948.29

10. The Maharashtra Safety Officers (Duties, Qualification & Condition Of Services) Rules, 1982.


11. General Safety Rules: 5112. About Viraj Forging Ltd. Company 5913. Facts And Findings 8914. Suggestion & Recommendation 9415. Research & Methodology 9616. SWOT Analysis 9717. Conclusion 99





The personnel to be recommended for selection of the safety functions should be as

for any other job and must qualify for a number of minimum requirements if they are

expected to do this work successfully. This work is not easy. The safety man has to

inspect, teach, propose changes and guide investigations. In short he has to do a lot

of things which by their very nature are apt to provoke resentment in others as he is

poking his nose into their business. And this is valid for the whole range of safety

personnel from Department Head to Junior Safety Supervisor.

We can thus conclude that the man must have personality which combines

perseverance with the gift to compromise when this is not to the detriment of safety.

He must have ideas, enthusiasm and an ability to sell? safety, but, also, he must be

responsible and ready to give advice so that he will avoid being considered The

Secret Police.?

With regard to his education and background, it is generally appreciated that he

should have a technical upbringing and experience in factories. Better and faster

results are expected by giving specialized safety training to an experienced man of

the right personality out of the same company than trying to add experience to a total

outsider who has not lived with the company.

The safety man of the future should at least be an engineering graduate with sufficient

knowledge, both spoken and written, of the local language. He must be able to

preside over meetings or act as secretary to meetings. Besides that, knowledge of

English would be very welcome. Finally do not choose a man who has no ability to

write a comprehensive report or keep records.


The special training that should be given to the candidate for safety work comprises,

in the first instance, of the basic techniques to promote safety and prevent accidents.

There are

several books and courses available by now to achieve this, some treating general

aspects, others going into great detail of specialized applications.

Equally important, with the training, with the training techniques, however, is the use

of visual aids and how to prepare them, the use of statistics and the factories Act as

well as various Safety Codes.

Duties of Safety personnel:

The foregoing discussion of the safety program brings us, in logical sequence, to the

duties of the safety personnel.

Theirs is a staff responsibility. They advice and assist the entire operations, but do not

operate themselves. A survey done in America indicated that in some 300 industrial

enterprises, the Safety Supervisor functions in an advisory capacity in 90% of the

cases. There is however, a recent trend in large enterprises of an intricate structure

whereby safety becomes both a staff and a line function; a person co-ordinates the

program enterprise-wise (a Safety Director? or Safety Manager?) with specialists

(Safety Supervisors, Safety Engineers) allocated to the actual operating force.

Very much in line with what we have seen as typical safety functions for the works

supervisor, we can define the duties of the Safety Personnel as:

1. Set up, develop and administer the Safety Program.

2. Establish safe practices.

3. Study accident causes.

4. Investigate accidents.


5. Train supervisors.

6. Initiate corrective action.

7. Inspect.

8. Develop safety rules.

9. Study accidents trends and keep accident records.

10. Initiate safety meetings.

11. Arrange safety meetings.

As already indicated before, many of these duties require the assistance or even

guidance from experts whose combined experiences and knowledge cannot possibly

be expected to be found in any one Safety officer.

The study of accident causes and the investigation will, in particular cases, ask for

much specialized knowledge. Likewise, the development of safety rules and the

establishment of safe practices require intimate contact with people who are fully

conversant with every angle of the operation under consideration.

The training of Supervisors is high on the list of duties of Safety personnel and it is

through the Supervisors that safety has to be spread.


Reason for This Project

Year 2008 is Declared as the Year of Industrial Safety and Health

  We welcome the decision taken by the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt of

India to declare the year 2008 as “the Year of Industrial Safety and Health”. This was

announced by the Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Labour and

Employment Shri Oscar Fernandes in the “National Seminar on Industrial Safety and

Health – Vision 2020 : Challenges and Strategies” held in the Scope Complex, New

Delhi on 28th April 08. It also coincides with the completion of 60 years of the

Factories Act, 1948.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that April 28th also being the International

Safety Day, the day of inauguration of celebration for observing the Year – 2008 as

the Year of Industrial Safety and Health is a new beginning and a measure of

commitment to ensure safety and health to all the industrial workers.  

As an apex institution at the national level, set up by the Ministry of Labour &

Employment on 4th March 1966 for strengthening the voluntary movement on Safety

and Health, NSC is happy to be an important part of this Year-round campaign and

undertake wide range of innovative activities relevant to current Safety & Health


We appeal to all our Members, Chapters and Action Centers to actively contribute to

the campaign at their levels. They should fully co-operate with and involve other

stakeholders at the State and local levels, take initiatives to organize and participate

in functions/events to promote Safety and Health at the workplace. They should

particularly join the State Government and local authorities in their initiatives.

 An official logo has been designed by the Ministry to celebrate the Campaign, which

is given below.



The logo may be extensively used on various correspondences during the year 29

April 08 – 28 April 09.

 From time to time, we will be coming out with special events/activities and interacting

with you.

  K C Gupta

Director General

National Safety Council


About India Steel Industries

The India steel industry is one of the major industries in India and the Indian

government plays a very important role in the development of the steel industry

in India.

The India steel industry is experiencing a slow but steady growth. The steel

industry in India has huge scopes in the future with massive scale of

infrastructural development happening all across the country. The India steel

industry caters to many other industrial sectors such as construction industry,

mining industry, transportation industry, automobile industry, engineering

industry, chemical industry, etc.

The India steel industry has further plans of development. Plans are being

chalked out for setting up of 3 pig iron manufacturing units of a combined

capacity of 6 lakh tons per year and a steel manufacturing unit of the capacity of

producing 1 million tons yearly in West Bengal, with the technical and financial

support of China. With all these developments, India steel industry is all set to

become one of the most reputed industries not only in India but also in the

international market. ]

The different steel manufacturing plants under the India steel industry:

Integrated steel plants

Durgapur steel plant (DSP) in West Bengal

Bhilai steel plant (BSP) in Chhattisgarh

Bokaro steel plant (BSL) in Jharkhand

Rourkela steel plant (RSP) in Orissa

Special steel plants Alloy steels plants (ASP) in West Bengal

Visvesvaraya iron and steel plant (VISL) in Karnataka

Salem steel plant (SSP) in Tamil Nadu



Indian iron and steel company (IISCO) in West Bengal

Bhilai oxygen limited (BOL) in New Delhi

Maharashtra Elektrosmelt limited (MEL) in Maharashtra

Others major steel producers

Tata iron and steel corporation ltd (TISCO)

Essar steel

Jindal Vijaynagar steels ltd

Ispat industries ltd

Jindal strips ltd

Mahindra Ugine steel company ltd


Lloyds steel industries ltd

Electro steel castings ltd

Saw Pipes

Viraj firging ltd

Uttam steels ltd

Mukand ltd

Tata SSL ltd

Usha Ispat ltd

Kalyani steel ltd

Sesa Goa ltd


Industry Performance


This section gives a detailed analysis of steel industry in India. This section looks into

the factors that have influenced the industry over a period of time, like steel

production and raw materials, steel consumption, and export-import of steel products

etc. The section also puts forth a comprehensive analysis on the fluctuating

performance of the Indian steel industry.

Key Players Analyzed

In this section, business overview and financial facts of key players including, Steel

Authority of India, Tata Iron & Steel Company Limited, Ispat Industries Limited, and

Essar Steel Limited, are provided for better understanding of the competitive

environment in the industry.

Key Issues and Facts Analyzed

- What will be the future demand and production capacity for steel industry?

- What are the growth opportunities for the steel manufacturers?

- What are the major driving factors for the steel industry?

- What will be the major constraints for future growth of steel industry?

- Who are the key competitors in the Indian steel industry?

Key Findings

- Indian steel industry is closely linked with domestic economic growth.

- India housing and construction industry is likely to grow in India, which is one of the major steel consuming industries.

- Growing Indian automobile industry, which depends on steel industry for parts manufacturing, will lead to a strong steel demand in future.

- The high cost of electricity in India may hamper the steel industry's production level.

- Recent increase in production capacity and foreign investment in India is pushing the Indian steel production.

- Demand is expected to rise in future with economic and industrial growth.



Every industry has given prime importance to safety & health in the company.

Safety has now become a habit & way of life. We have taken great strides in

enhancing our safety performance & there has been a significant improvement

in our safety record.

However we have to continue to adopt a strong mindset, & focus on good

housekeeping & improved safety; so that we can achieve & sustain our goal of

“zero accident”. There are no short cuts in safety. So while in the plant, each &

every employee should not only work safety; but also dedicate oneself & put in

all efforts to eliminate, minimize or control adverse occupational health &


Shortcut way of accident prevention.

Objective of “ZERO ACCIDENT” is achieved.

Now safety has become habit of life.

Improvements in the safety records of the industries.

In the each & every employee should not only work safely but

also dedicate oneself & minimize the occupational health & safety






Safety Management System:

Responsibility of all employees for maintaining safe working condition

To follow safe working methods, to avoid unsafe shortcuts

To use necessary personal protective equipments.

To co-operate in maintaining safe working condition.

To care for the safety of other employee, juniors & subordinates.

Responsibility of supervisory staff

To supervise that subordinates are working with safe practice & not doing any

unsafe act.

To report about unsafe working condition.

To maintain housekeeping & safe working condition.

To ensure that necessary safety equipments are used by subordinates.

Responsibility of section in charge

To maintain safe working condition in the section

To initiate action for improving working condition for safety & obtaining

necessary safety equipments.

To put proposal to improve safety in the section.

To motivate subordinates to follow safe practices & improve safety awareness.

Responsibility Of head departments

To monitor safe measures & implementation of safety policy.

To organize meeting of safety committee of the departments ones in the


Arrange to provide necessary PPE in the department


Responsibility Of factory managers

To implement the safety measures in the factory premise.

To hold regular meeting plant, safety committee & ensure implementation of


Responsibility Of safety officer

To advice the concern departments in planning & organizing measures

necessary of the effective control of the personal injuries

To advice on safety accept of all jobs studies & to carry out detailed job safety

study of selected job.

To check & evaluate the effectiveness of action taken to prevent personal


To advice the purchasing & store department in ensuring better quality &

availability of PPE

To advice on matter related to carrying out plant safety inspection

To carry out plant safety inspection order to observe the physical to carry out

plant safety inspection in order to observe the physical condition of work &

work practices & producers followed by workers & render advice on measure to

be adopted for removing the unsafe physical condition & preventing unsafe

action by workmen.

To render advice on matter related to reporting & investigation of accidents.

To investigate the danger occurrences reportable under Rule 115 of

Maharashtra factories Rule 1963.

To investigate selected accidents.

To advice on the maintenance of such records as are necessary relating to


To promote setting up of safety committee & act as advisor to such committee.

To organize in association with the concerned department campaigns,

competition, contest & other activity which will develop & maintain interest of

worker in establishing maintaining safe condition of work & procedure

To design & conduct either independently or in collaboration with the training


department, suitable training & education programmes for the prevention of

personal injury

Responsibility Of medical officer

To examine workmen working in hazardous process periodically & maintain up

to date health record in health register.

To carry out inspection of work room where dangerous operation are carried

out & to advice the management measures to be adopted.

There will be different safety committee as follows

Central safety committee.

Plant safety committee.

Departmental safety committee in each department

All the service departments to provide necessary assistance to the line management

for implementation of safety measures.

2) Responsibility Of contractors, sub-contractors, transporters & agencies

To follow relevant statutory provision

To provide supervision on their workmen

To train their workmen.

To obtain clearances from concern head of department before commencing the


To ensure safety precaution by means of supervision.

3) While making purchase of plant, machinery, equipments material, safety & health.

Shall be considered.


Education & Training:

The organization has set a target of 5 training man days per employee/per year.

This target is achieved through planning & preparation of yearly training calendar

by training cell. Out of 5 man days one man day per employee / year has been

allotted for safety , health & environment training programmes.

The training is imparted by external & internal faculties. The topic covered under

safety , health & environment are ;

A) General safety awareness b) accident prevention c) material handling d) 5S

house keeping e) on-site emergency plan & mock drill f) fire prevention g) first-

aid h) health i) industrial hygiene j) civil defense k) environment management


Employee Participation:

Safety, health & work environment is given prime importance & forms of integral

part in all activity at viraj forging ltd.

Apart from central safety & plant safety committees, departmental safety

committee is form to encourage employees to participate & improve the safety

standard in individual departments.

All the above three committees’ forms a three tire system of working to monitor

activity related to safety, health& work environment

A quality circle known as: suraksha jyoti” works on accident prevention by

making use of modern technique such as cause & effect analysis, brainstorming,

PDCA cycle. Each plant has identified some employees for keeping vigil on

unsafe practices by the employee & the contractors. They are name as “safety

commandos” & available in all three shifts.

Safety training is imparted to safety committee members & in turn they involve

themselves to impart training to contract workmen.


Motivational and Promotional Measures for Organizational Safety:

“ZERO ACIDENT” is the ultimate aim of the company keeping these in view the

organization has floated different motivational & promotional measures of OS as


Continues accident free days scheme. Under these scheme all employees of

each plant is awarded with gifts according to the points accumulated in a year.

Enter plant safety & housekeeping competition. Winning plant & department is

awarded with individual gifts & rolling trophy to department.

Safety slogans & poster competition.

Easy & elocution competition.

Safeties quiz competition.

Safety day/ week/ month celebration with different safety promotional activities

to motivate & create awareness among employees

Accident Reporting, Analysis, Investigation & Implementation

Of Recommendations:

Accident reporting is dine by means of a form called form -24

The forms are filled by the concern department & send to HR/ IR department

for entry into accident register & forwarding to the safety manager. The form

consists of two parts 1) detail of accident for information to factory inspector

office 2) investigation form for internal purpose.

Accident analysis is carried out by safety manager & also by the existing

quality circle worker member. The analysis consist of number of accident, body

part effected, shift wise & department wise figures. Such analysis are

highlighted in safety meetings & displayed on notice boards these helps in

talking corrective measures.


Investigation of accidents is carried out by the individual departments & an

independent investigation & recommendation report is made by the safety

manager. Some times a group of experts are involved in these purposes. For

investigation generally 4 ‘M’ methods of men, machine, material & method

system are used.

all recommendation is again discussed in the plant level meeting for feasibility

& implementation.

As a protective safety measures an incident registered is kept in all

departments. The concern manager has to register any un towards incidents

of near miss accidents, on that report after discussion in the daily meetings.

Risk Assessments Including Hazard Identification:

Hazard identification;

Tools use to assist in the identification of hazards include

- detailed study of plant process & equipments

- Consultation with the process owner.

- Inspection, injury records.

- Information collection, specialist’s advice.

- Hazards & safety audit.

Risk assessment & control

- Vital installation in the plant such as LPG storage yard, fuel oil

complexes are identified as major accident hazardous areas. Risk

assessments in this area had been carried out.

- Safety measures are being in corporate at LPG yard & fuel oil

complexes based on the recommendations of the hazard

identification survey.

- Risk level based on maximum credible loss scenario is calculated &

emergency plan is designed.

- Company is covered under public liability insurance.

Risk level = exposure x probability


Safety Inspections:

Two- way safety inspection system exists in the company.

First one is yearly by the government agencies & as & when they desire.

Second is by the safety department these include:

Plant safety inspection round by safety in charge.

Plant safety round with plant chief.

Plant safety round by core group member.

Plant safety round along with the safety committee worker members.

The unsafe condition & unsafe practices noticed in the rounds are taken

up for rectification by the concerned department.

Safety Improvements Plan / Targets:

The company has set a goal of achieving “ZERO ACCIDENT” by reducing 50% of

accidents every year. To achieve theses various measures is being initiated.

1. Reduction in accident rate is one of the aims of all officers.

2. Yearly action plan is being prepaid for continuous improvement on safety


3. Accident free days scheme is floated to create employee awareness &

competitiveness among each plant.

First Aid Facilities – Occupational Health Center:

Individual plant has its own first aid center. The first aid center is equipped with

necessary medical accessories & medicines. Round the clock service of well

trend compounded with a visiting qualified doctor available.

First – aid boxes at different department.


Personal Protective Equipments:

Personal protective equipments place an important role in accident prevention

wearing of helmets & safety to shows is compulsory while at work. Strict

monitory on the issue is being done by the safety department as well as safety

commandoes. Who’s who found violating these are being issued with a yellow

as warning.

Others pipes such as ear plug, dust / fume mask, hand gloves are issued as

per the work environment.

Good Housekeeping:

Training is imparted to employees on good housekeeping practices.

More emphasis given on 5’S’ housekeeping concept.

inter plant safety & house keeping competition is held every year & the winning

team is awarded with gifts.

Individual department has form 5’S’ teams for taking care of housekeeping


Walk way & access are marked with yellow paints for identification.

Medicine & General Area Guarding:

The most common causes of accidents the unguarded moving / rotating

equipments. It is ensue that all such equipments are provided with proper

guard. Even the hazardous work area is provided with barricading guard.

Material handling equipments:

Material handling plays an important role in day to day activity of the plant

operation. Company employees as well as contractors are engage in these

activity causing concern about the likelihood of accidents

Various material handling equipments with safety features are available in the

company are as below:

- over head crane: regular inspection, preventive maintenance, safety


- Rope limit switch on conveyors.

- Trolleys for gas cylinder shifting.

- Forklift for gas cylinder shifting.

a. Electrical & Personal Safeguarding :

- All electrical installation are in accordance with the legal


- Qualified & authorized person are eligible to work on such


- Spark proof electrical fitting are install in applicable areas.

- Personal safeguard is ensure through training & provided with

shock proof electrical safety shoes, hand gloves, insulted

screwdrivers & pliers.

- Tag system is followed for maintenance work.

b. Ventilation Illumination & Noise :

the above three factors are the major contributor for the better working


In view of the above, surveys are being conducted by external

agencies to know & understand the actual condition of the plant.

This helps us in improving the air changes requirement inside the

plant, improve the illumination or reduce unnecessary lighting & to

control exposure to noise levels.

c. Work Environment Monitoring System :

Regular environment monitoring system is carried out. These include

airflow, noise level, stack emission etc.

This help in controlling & improving work environment.

The above monitoring procedure carried out as per the guidelines of

EMS 14000


d. Prevention Of Occupational Diseases Including Periodic Medical


- Prevention of occupational diseases is important part of safety &

health improvement activities.

- Training program on industrial hygiene & health is include in the

company annual training calendar.

- Imparting of such training program create work awareness.

- Sufficient engineering control has been incorporate in such

hazardous work area.

- Periodic medical check-up of workers working in hazardous area is

carried out ones in sixth months.

- Annual health check- up of all employees is done with audiometer &

lung function test.

e. Safe Operating Procedures ;

Safe operating procedures are the key for accident prevention. It gives

direction & systematic approach for process work & maintenance work.

- Appropriate SOPs are made & displayed at various places to

enable employees to work systematically.

- The SOPs are in guidelines with ISO 9000 & EMS 14000 & in line

with safe working & health hazard aspects.

f. Work Permit System:

Work permit system is one of the powerful tools used to prevent accidents.

The following work permit system exists in our company.

- working at height

- Working at inflammable area.

- Cable lying.

A common form has been design to make these system user friendly. The job

initiator, contract supervisor & the actual worker have to sign on these & a copy


is to be submit to the safety department. The concern department heads

signature is obtained to make him aware that the job is carried out in his area.

- line clear permit for electrical work along with tag system

- Hot work system for working at flammable area.

g. Fire Prevention, Protecting & Fighting Systems:

The possibility of fire in a manufacturing company cannot be ignored as it

may implacable heavy damage / loss to the plant, machineries & may

cause serious injuries to the employees.

The company has incorporated various fire protection systems as mention


- fire extinguisher installed at identified places.

- Fire hydrant lines lay in the plant with hose connecting points at

different location.

- Spare hose reels & connectors with nozzles.

- Early gas leak system for LPG storage area.

- Fire calls points at different locations.

Apart from above regular fire prevention & fire extinguisher training is imparted

to workers & contract labors.

Plant safety round also highlight the possible fire risk area for immediate

corrective action.

h. Emergency Preparedness Plans (On Site / Off Site):

The company has well documented on site emergency plan for all its


The emergency plan is prepaid after carrying out hazard

identification survey & calculating maximum credible loss scenario.

Training is imparted to all employees on the nature of hazard , its

implication & the roll of team members & the others employees.

Emergency center has been set up with different control panels &

communication system to combat emergency.


Regular mock drill & tabletop exercise are carried out to fresh the

concerned team members & to keep emergency equipments healthy


i. Process / Plant Modification Procedures:

Due consideration for safety & health aspects is given whenever modification

of plant of process is being taken up.

j. Transportation Of Hazardous Substances:

Although company does not fall under this category, strict checking of the

incoming LPG & HCL tankers is carried out. Safety instruction is prepaid &

given to security department for ensuring safety of tanker & our installations.

Hazardous waste treatment & disposal:

Hazardous waste is at our effluent treatments plants. It is ensured that the out

going treated water is as per the slandered laid out by pollution control board.

Solid wastes are segregated & disposed through well-know external agency

called Mumbai waste management services.

1. safety in storage & warehousing:

Proper stacking of materials such as coils, billets, gas cylinders &

oil drums is ensured through safe height, layer wise stacking &

vertical stacking of gas cylinders.

Sufficient space & ventilation at warehouse & storage yards. is


Appropriate fire extinguishers are placed in such areas.

2. contractor safety systems:

Contractors working in any industry are the most exposed to

hazardous working conditions. Because of these work nature the

risk of accidents are more.

Title of the Study:


In the industry visit project given to me include management system of steel industries

so, the title of my project is a study of safety measures conducted on viraj forging ltd.

Objective of the Study:

To find out basic cause of accidents

To provide safety, harmless working condition for the purpose of the hygiene

condition & provide safety to the people.

To eliminate the serious injuries in the organization.

To educate the train the employees about safety laws & standard like OSHA, ILO,

and ISO etc.

To find out the hygienic condition & provide the “ZERO ACCIDENT” result to the


Limitation of Study:

Lack in the knowledge of the employee about safety policy of the company.

Highly unsafe condition in processing of the plant.

Accruing of obstacles at the time of collecting material.

Availability of limited time period.

Fully relied on information provide by the company.




1. Fencing of Machinery -

(1) In every factory the following, namely:-

(ii) Every moving part of a prime mover and every flywheel connected to a

prime mover, whether the prime mover or flywheel is in the engine house or


(iii) The headrace and tailrace of every water-wheel and water turbine;

(iv) Any part of a stock-bar which projects beyond the head stock of a lathe;


(v) Unless they are in such position or of such construction as to be safe to

every person employed in the factory as they would be if they were securely

fenced, the following, namely,-

(a) Every part of an electric generator, a motor or rotary converter;    

(b) Every part of transmission machinery; and

(c) Every dangerous part of any other machinery;  

Shall be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial construction which 1[shall be

constantly maintained and kept in position] while the parts of machinery they are

fencing are in motion or in use:  

2[Provided that for the purpose of determining whether any part of machinery is in

such position or is of such construction as to be safe as aforesaid, account shall not

be taken of any occasion when-

It is necessary to make an examination of any part of the machinery aforesaid while it

is in motion or, as a result of such examination, to carry out lubrication or other

adjusting operation

(i) while the machinery is in motion, being an examination or operation

which it is necessary to be carried out while that part of the machinery is in motion, or


(ii) In the case of any part of a transmission machinery used in such process as may

be prescribed (being a process of a continuous nature the carrying on of which shall

be, or is likely to be, substantially interfered with by the stoppage of that part of the

machinery), it is necessary to make an examination of such part of tile machinery'

while it is in motion or, as a result of such examination, to carry out any mounting or

shipping of belts or lubrication or other adjusting operation while the machinery is in


And such examination or operation is made or carried out in accordance with the

provisions of sub-section (1) of section 22.]

(2) The State Government may by rules prescribe such further precautions, as it may

consider necessary in respect of any particular machinery or part thereof, or exempt,

subject to such condition as may be prescribed, for securing the safety of the workers,

any particular machinery or part thereof from the provisions of this section.

2. Work On or Near Machinery in Motion -

(1) 1[Where in any factory it becomes necessary to examine any part of machinery

referred to in section 21, while the machinery is in motion, or, as a result of such

examination, to carry out-

  (a) In case referred to in clause (i) of the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 21

lubrication or other adjusting operation; or  

(b) In a case referred to in clause (ii) of the proviso aforesaid, any mounting or

shipping of belts or lubrication or other adjusting operation,

While the machinery is in motion, such examination or operation shall be made or

carried out only by a specially trained adult male worker wearing tight fitting clothing

(which shall be supplied by the occupier) whose name has been recorded in the

register prescribed in this behalf and who has been furnished with a certificate of this

appointment, and while he is so engaged,-  (a) Such worker shall not handle a belt at

a moving pulley unless-    


(i)The belt is not more than fifteen centimeter in width.  

(ii)The pulley is normally for the purpose of drive and not merely a fly-wheel or

balance wheel (in which case a belt is not permissible);  

(iii) The belt joint is either laced or flush with the belt  

(iv) The belt, including the joint and the pulley rim, are in good repair;

(v) There is reasonable clearance between the pulley and any fixed plant or structure;

(vi) Secure foothold and, where necessary, secure handhold, are provided for the

operator; & 

(vii) Any ladder in use for carrying out any examination or operation aforesaid is

securely fixed or lashed or is firmly held by a second person. 

(b) Without prejudice to any other provision of this Act relating to the fencing of

machinery, every set screw, bolt and key on any revolving shaft, spindle, wheel or

pinion, and all spur, worm and other toothed or friction gearing in motion with which

such worker would otherwise be liable to come into contact, shall be securely fenced

to prevent such contact.

1[(2) No woman or young person shall be allowed to clean, lubricate or adjust any

part of a prime mover or of any transmission machinery while the prime mover or of

any transmission machinery is in motion, or to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of

any machine if the cleaning, lubrication or adjustment thereof would expose the

woman or young person to risk of injury from any moving part either of that machine

or of any adjacent machinery.]

(3) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, prohibit in any

specified factory or class or description of factories, the cleaning, lubricating or

adjusting by any person of

3. Employment of Young Persons on Dangerous Machines -


specified parts of machinery when those parts are in motion (1)No young person

2[shall be required or allowed to work] at any machine to which this section applies,

unless he has been fully instructed as to the dangers arising in connection with the

machine and the precautions to be observed and

(a) Has received sufficient training in work at the machine, or

(b) Is under adequate supervision by a person who has a thorough knowledge and

experience of the machine.

(2) Sub-section (1) shall apply to such machines as may be prescribed by the State

Government being machines which in its opinion are of such a dangerous character

that young persons ought no to work at them unless the foregoing requirements are

complied with.

4. Striking Gear and Devices for Cutting off Power -

(1)In every factory-  

(a) Suitable striking gear or other efficient mechanical appliance shall be provided and

maintained and used to move driving belts to and from fast and loose pulleys which

from part of the transmission machinery and such gear or appliances shall be so

constructed, placed and maintained as to prevent the belt from creeping back on the

fast pulley;  

(b) Driving belts when not in use shall not be allowed to rest or ride upon shafting in


(2) In every factory suitable devices for cutting off power in emergencies from running

machinery shall be provided and maintained in every workroom:

Provided that in respect of factories in operation before the commencement of this

Act, the provisions of this sub-section shall apply only to workrooms in which

electricity is used as power

1[(3) When a device, which can inadvertently shift from "off' to "on" position, is

provided in a factory to cut off power, arrangements shall be provided for locking the


device in safe position to prevent accidental starting of the transmission machinery or

other machines to which the device is fitted].

5. Self-Acting Machines -

No traversing part of a self-acting machine in any factory and no material carried

thereon shall, if the space over which it runs is a space over which any person is

liable to pass,

whether in the course of his employment or otherwise, be allowed to run on its

outward or inward traverse

within a distance of 2[forty-five centimeters] from any fixed structure which is not part

of the machine: Provided that the Chief Inspector may permit the continued use of a

machine installed before the commencement of this Act which does not comply with

the requirements of this section on such conditions for ensuring safety as he may

think fit to impose.

6. Casing Of New Machinery –

(1)In all machinery driven by power and installed in any factory after the

commencement of this Act,-

(a) Every set screw Bolt or key on any revolving shaft, spindle, wheel or pinion shall

be so sunk encased or otherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger:

(b) All spur, worm and other toothed or friction gearing which does not require

frequent adjustment while in motion shall be completely encased, unless it is so

situated as to be as safe as it would be if it were completely encased

(2) Whoever sells or lets on hire or, as agent of a seller or hirer, causes or procures to

be sold or let on hire, for use in a factory any machinery driven by power which does

not comply with the provisions of 3[sub-section (I) or any rules mc1de under sub-

section (3)], shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to

three months or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both.

4[(3) The State Government may make rules specifying further safeguards to be

provided in respect of any other dangerous part of any particular machine or class or

description of machines.]


7. Prohibition Of Employment Of Women And Children Near Cotton- Openers -

No women or child shall be employed in any part of a factory for pressing cotton in

which a cotton opener is at work:

Provided that if the feed-end of a cotton-opener is in a room separated from the

delivery end by a partition extending to the roof or to such height as the Inspector may

in any particular case specify in writing, women and children may be employed on the

side of the partition where the feed-end is situated.

8. Hoists and Lifts -

(1)In every factory-

(a)Every hoist and lift shall be-  

(i) Of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength;  

(ii) Properly maintained, and shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person at

least once in every period of six months, and a register shall be kept containing the

prescribed particulars of every such examination

(b)Every hoist way and lift way shall be sufficiently protected by an enclosure fitted

with gates, and the hoist or lift and every such enclosure shall be so constructed as to

prevent any person or thing from being trapped between any part of tile hoist or lift

and any fixed structure or moving part;  

(c) The maximum safe working load shall be plainly marked on every hoist of lift, and

no load greater than such load shall be carried thereon.  

(d) The cage of every hoist or lift used for carrying persons shall be fitted with a gate

on each side from which access is afforded to a landing;  

(e) Every gate referred to in clause (b) or clause (d) shall be fitted with inter- locking or

other efficient device to secure that the gate cannot be opened except when the cage

is at the landing and that the cage cannot be moved unless the gate is closed.


(2) The following additional requirements shall apply to hoists and lifts used for

carrying persons and installed or reconstructed in a factory after the commencement

of this Act, namely:-

(a) Where the cage is supported by rope or chain, there shall be at least two ropes of

chains separately connected with the cage and balance weight, and each rope or

chain with its attachments shall be capable of carrying the whole weight of the cage

together with its maximum load:  

(b) Efficient devices shall be provided and maintained capable of supporting the cage

together with its maximum load in the event of breakage of the ropes, chains or


(c) An efficient automatic device shall be provided and maintained to prevent the cage

from over-running.

(3) The Chief Inspector may permit tile continued, use of a hoist of lift installed in a

factory before the commencement of this Act which does not fully comply with the

provisions of sub-section (1) upon such conditions for ensuring safety as he may think

fit to impose

(4) The State Government may, if in respect of any class or description of hoist or lift,

it is of opinion that it would be unreasonable to enforce any requirement of sub-

sections (1) and (2), by order direct that such requirement shall not apply to such

class or description of hoist or lift.

1[Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, no lifting machine or appliance shall

be deemed to be a hoist or lift unless it has a platform or cage, the direction or

movement of which is restricted by a guide or guides.]

9. Lifting Machines, Chains, Ropes and Lifting Tackle -


(1)In any factory the following provisions shall be complied with in respect of every

lifting machine (other than a hoist and lift) and every chain, rope and lifting tackle for

the purpose of raising or lowering persons, goods or materials

(a)All parts, including the working gear, whether fixed or movable, of every lifting

machine and every chain, rope or lifting tackle shall be-  

(i) Of good construction, sound material and adequate strength and free from defects;

(ii) Properly maintained; and    

(iii) Thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every period of

twelve months, or at such intervals as the Chief Inspector may specify in writing; and

a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particulars of every such


(b) No lifting machine and no chain, rope or lifting tackle shall, except for the purpose

of test be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon

together with

an identification mark and duly entered in tile prescribed register; and where this is not

practicable, a table showing tile safe working loads of every kind and size of lifting

machine or chain, rope or lifting tackle in use shall be displayed in prominent positions

on the premises;  

(c) While any person is employed or working on or near the wheel track of a traveling

crane in any place where he would be liable to be struck by the crane effective

measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within 3[six

metres] of that place.

(2) The State Government may make rules in respect of any lifting machine or any

chain, rope or lifting tackle used in factories-

(a) Prescribing further requirements to be complied with in addition to those set out in

this section;


(b) Providing for exemption from compliance with all or any of the requirements of this

section, where in its opinion, such compliance is unnecessary or impracticable.

(3) For the purposes of this section a lifting machine or a chain, rope or lifting tackle

shall be deemed to have been thoroughly examined if a visual examination

supplemented, if necessary by other means and by the dismantling of parts of the

gear, has been carried out as carefully as the conditions permit in order to arrive at a

reliable conclusion as to the safety of tile parts examined.

(a) "Lifting machine" means a crane, crab, winch, teagle, pulley block, gin wheel,

transporter or runway:  

1[(b) "Lifting tackle" means any chain sling, rope sling, hook, shackle, swivel,

coupling, socket, clamp, tray or similar appliance, whether fixed or movable, used in

connection with the raising or lowering of persons, or loads by use or lifting


10. Revolving Machinery –

(1) 2[In every factory] in which the process of grinding is carried on there shall be

permanently affixed to or placed near each machine in use a notice indicating the

maximum safe working peripheral speed of every grindstone or abrasive wheel, the

speed of the shaft or spindle upon which the wheel is mounted, and the diameter of

the pulley upon such shaft or spindle necessary to secure such safe working

peripheral speed.

(2) The speeds indicated in notices under sub-section (1) shall not be exceeded.

(3) Effective measures shall be taken in every factory to ensure that the safe working

peripheral speed of every revolving vessel, cage, basket, fly-wheel, pulley, disc or

similar appliance driven by power is not exceeded.


11. Pressure Plant -

3[(1) If in any factory, any plant or machinery or any part thereof is operated at a

pressure above atmospheric pressure, effective measures shall be taken to ensure

that the safe working pressure of such plant or machinery or part is not exceeded.]

(2) The State Government may make rules providing for the examination and testing

of any plant or machinery such as is referred to in sub-section (I) and prescribing such

other safety measures in relation thereto as may in its opinion be necessary in any

factory or class or description of factories.

4[(3) The State Government may, by rules, exempt, subject to such conditions as may

be specified therein, any part of any plant or machinery referred to in sub-section (I)

from the provisions of this section.]

12. Floors, Stairs and Means of Access -

  In every factory-  

(a) All floors, steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound construction

and properly maintained  5 [and shall be kept free from obstructions and substances

likely to cause persons to slip], and where it is necessary to ensure safety, steps,

stairs, passages and gangways shall be provided with substantial handrails;  

(b) There shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be provided and maintained safe

means of access to every place at which any person is at any time required to work.  

6[(C) When any person has to work at a height from where he is likely to fall, provision

shall be made, so far as is reasonably practicable, by fencing or otherwise, to ensure

the safety of the person so working.]

13. Pits, Sumps Openings in Floors, Etc-

(1)In every factory every fixed vessel, sump, tank, pit or opening in the ground or in a

floor which, by reason of its depth, situation, construction or contents, is or may be a

source of danger, shall be either securely covered or securely fenced.


(2) The State Government may, by order in writing, exempt, Subject to such

conditions as may be prescribed, any factory or class or description of factories in

respect of any vessel, sump, tank, pit or opening from compliance with the provisions

of this section.

14. Excessive Weights -

(1)No person shall be employed in any factory to lift, carry or move any load so heavy

as to be likely to cause him injury.

(2) The State Government may make rules prescribing the maximum weights which

may be lifted, carried or moved by adult men, adult women, adolescents and children

employed in factories or in any class or description of factories or in carrying or any

specified process.

15. Protection of Eyes -

In respect of any such manufacturing process carried on in any factory as may be

prescribed, being a process which involves-

(a) Risk of injury to the eyes from particles or fragments thrown off in the course of the

process, or

(b) Risk to the eyes by reason of exposure to excessive light,

The State Government may by rules require that effective screens or suitable goggles

shall be provided for the protection of persons employed on, or in the immediately

vicinity of the process

16. Precautions against Dangerous Fumes, Gases, Etc -

(1) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe,

flue or other confined space in any factory in which any gas, fume vapour or dust is

likely to be present to such an extent as to involve risk to persons being over-come

thereby, unless it is provided with a manhole of adequate size or other effective

means of egress.


(2) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any confined space as is referred

to in sub-section (1), until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any

gas, fume, vapour or dust, which may be present so as to bring its level within the

permissible limits and to prevent any ingress of such gas, fume, vapour or dust and


  (a) A certificate in writing has been given by a competent person, based on a test

carried out by himself that the space is reasonably free from dangerous gas, fume,

vapour or dust; or

(b)Such person is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached

to a rope the free end of which is held by a person outside the confined space.]

16. Precautions Regarding The Use Of Portable Electric Light-

In any factory—

  (a) No portable electric light or any other electric appliance of voltage exceeding

twenty-four volts shall be permitted for use inside any chamber, talk, vat, pit, pipe, flue

or other confined space 2[unless adequate safety devices are provided]; and  

(b) If any inflammable gas, fume or dust is likely to be present in such chamber, tank,

vat, pit, pipe, flue or other confined space, no lamp or light other than that flame-proof

construction shall be permitted to be used therein.]

17. Explosive or Inflammable Dust, Gas, Etc -

(1) Where in any factory any manufacturing process produces dust, gas, fume or

vapors of such character and to such extent as to be likely to explode on ignition, all

practicable measure shall be taken to prevent any such explosion by-  

(a) Effective enclosure of the plant or machinery used in the process;  

(b) Removal or prevention of the accumulation of such dust, gas, fume or vapour;  

(c) Exclusion or effective enclosure of all possible sources of ignition


(2) Where in any factory the plant or machinery used in a process such as is referred

to in sub-section (1) is not so constructed as to withstand the probable pressure which

such an explosion as aforesaid would produce, all practicable measures shall be

taken to restrict the spread and effects of the explosion by the provision in the plant or

machinery of chokes, baffles. vents or other effective appliances.

(3) Where any part of the plant or machinery in a factory contains any explosive or

inflammable gas or vapour under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, that

part shall not be opened except in accordance with the following provisions. Namely: -

(a) Before the fastening of any joint of any pipe connected with the part or the

fastening of the cover of any opening into the part is loosened any flow of the gas or

vapour into the part of any such pipe shall be effectively stopped by a stop-valve or

other means;  

(b) Before any such fastening as aforesaid is removed, all practicable measures shall

be taken to reduce the pressure of the gas or vapour in the part or pipe to

atmospheric pressure;  

(c) Where any such fastening as aforesaid has been loosened or removed effective

measures shall be taken or prevent any explosive or inflammable gas or vapour from

entering the part or pipe until the fastening has been secured or the case may be,

securely replaced:  

Provided that the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply in the case of plant or

machinery installed in the open air.

(4) No plant tank or vessel which contains or has contained any explosive or

inflammable substance shall be subjected in any factory to any welding, brazing,

soldering or cutting operation which involves the application of heat unless adequate

measures have first been taken to remove such substance and any fumes arising

there from or to render such substance and fumes non-explosive or non-inflammable,

and no such substance shall be allowed to enter such plant, tank or vessel after any

such operation until the metal has cooled sufficiently to prevent any risk of igniting the



(5) The State Government may by rules exempt, subject to such conditions as may be

prescribed, any factory or class or description of factories from compliance with all or

any of the provisions of this section

18. Precautions In Case Of Fire -

(1)In every factory, all practicable measures shall be taken to prevent outbreak of fire

and its spread, both internally and externally, and to provide and maintain.

(a) Safe means of escape for all persons in the event of a fire, and -

(b) The necessary equipment and facilities for extinguishing fire.

(2) Effective measures shall be taken to ensure that in every factory all the workers

are familiar with the means of escape in case of fire and have been adequately

trained in the routine to be followed in such cases.

(3) The State Government may make rules in respect of any factory or class or

description of factories, requiring the measures to be adopted to give effect to the

provisions of sub-section (1) and (2).

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (a) of sub-section (I) or sub- section

(2), if the Chief Inspector, having regard to the nature of the work carried on in any

factory, the construction of such factory, special risk to life or safety, or any other

circumstances, is of the opinion that the measures provided in the factory, whether as

prescribed or not, for the purposes of clause (a) of sub-section (1) or sub- section (2)

are inadequate, he may, by order in writing, require that such additional measures as

he may consider reasonable and necessary, be provided in the factory before such

date as is specified in the order.]

19. Power to Require Specifications of Defective Parts Or Tests Of Stability -

If it appears to the Inspector that any building or part of a building or any part of the

ways machinery or plant in a factory is in such a condition that it may be dangerous to


human life or safety, he may serve on 1[the occupier or manger or both] of the factory

an order in writing requiring him before a specified date-

(a) To furnish such drawings, specifications and other particulars as may be

necessary to determine whether such building, ways, machinery or plant can be used

with safety, or

b) To carry out such tests in such manner as may be specified in the order, and to

inform the Inspector of the results thereof.

20. Safety of Buildings And Machinery –

(1)If it appears to the Inspector that any building or part of a building or any part of the

ways machinery or plant in a factory is in such a condition that it is dangerous to

human life or safety, he may serve on 1[the occupier or manager or both] of the

factory an order in writing specifying the measures which in his opinion should be

adopted, and requiring them to be carried out before a specified date

(2) If it appears to the Inspector that the use of any building or part of a building or

any part of the ways, machinery or plant in a factory involves imminent danger to

human life or safety, he may serve on1 [the occupier or manager or both] of the

factory an order in writing prohibiting its use until it has been properly repaired or


20A. Maintenance Of Buildings -

lf it appears to the Inspector that any building or part of a building in a factory is in

such a state of disrepair as is likely to lead to conditions detrimental to the health and

welfare of the workers, he may serve on the occupier or manager or both of the

factory an order in writing specifying the measures which in his opinion should be

taken and requiring the same to be carried out before such date as is specified in the



40b. Safety Officers -

(1)In every factory,-

(i) Wherein one thousand or more workers are ordinarily employed, or

(ii) Wherein, in the opinion of the State Government, any manufacturing process or

operation is carried on, which process or operation involves any risk of bodily injury,

poisoning or disease, or any other hazard to health, to the persons employed in the


The occupier shall if so required by the State Government by notification in the Official

Gazette employ such number of Safety Officers as may be specified in that


(2) The duties qualifications and conditions of service of Safety Officer shall be such

as may be prescribed by the State Government.]

41. Power To Make Rules In Supplement This Chapter –

The State Government may make rules requiring the provision in any factory or in any

class or description of factories of such further 3[devices and measures] for securing

the safety of persons employed therein as it may deem necessary.


The Maharashtra Safety Officers (Duties, Qualification &

Condition Of Services) Rules, 1982


1. Short title & extent – 1) those rules may be called the Maharashtra safety officers (duties, qualification & condition of services) rules, 1982.

2) they extend to the whole of the state of Maharashtra.

2. Definitions – in these rules unless the context requires otherwise-

1. “appointed day” means the date of coming into force of these rules;

2. “degree” means the degree of a statutory university;

3. “diploma” means a diploma awarded by a recognized institution;

4. “form” means a form appended to these rules;

5. “government” or “state government” means the government of maharashtra;

6. “recognized institution” means a institute recognized by government;

7. “safety officer” means a safety officer & include an additional safety officer, appointed in accordance with the provision of these rules.

3. Qualifications & disqualifications for being appointed as safety officer –

1) a person shall not be eligible for appointed as safety officer unless he-

a) possesses a degree in any branch of engineering or technology & practical

experience of working in any factory in a supervisory capacity for a period of

not less than two years, or experience of not less than five years in training

education, consultancy or research in accident prevention in any industry; or

b) Possesses –


1) a degree in physics or chemist or diploma in any branch of engineering or technology; &

2) Practical experience of working in any factory in a supervisory capacity for a

period of not less than five years; &

c) Possesses adequate knowledge of Marathi language.

2) No person shall be continue as a safety officer unless ha possess any of the

requisite qualification prescribed in sub- rule 1) & a diploma in industrial safety, or

obtain such qualification or a diploma within the period of not more than three years

from the appointed day or within such period thereafter as the state government may

by notification in the official gazette fix from time to time;

Provided that the State Government may, subject to such conditions as it may

specify, relax all or any of the requisite qualifications mentioned in Sub-rules (1) and

(2) in favour of any person who has been working as a Safety Officer in any factory for

a period of not less than five years on the appointed day and who, in the opinion of

the State Government, possess such practical experience as may be sufficient for his

serving as Safety Officer.

a. No person who is directly or indirectly interested in any factory or in any patent,

or machinery connected with it, shall be appointed as a Safety Officer or shall be

allowed to hold such office after he becomes so interested.

Explanation: For the purpose of this sub-rule, any person holding less than two

percent of the shares of a company owning the factory shall not be deemed to be

directly or indirectly so interested.

4. Appointment of Safety Officer: Every occupier, when required by the State

Government by notification in the Official Gazette issued under Sub-Section (1) of

Section 40B of the Factories Act, 1948, shall, within a period of six months from the

date of publication of that notification appoint the requisite number of Safety Officers

as specified in that notification:


Provided that the Chief Inspector of Factories may, on an application in writing

made by an occupier, extend the period by not more that six months for making such


5. Requirement of a Safety Officer: (1) The post of Safety Officer to be filled in

any factory shall be advertised in at least two newspaper circulating in the region in

which the factory is situated, out of which one newspaper shall be in English


(2) The selection shall be made from amongst the candidates applying for the post, by

a committee of person appointed by the occupier by the factory.

(3) The appointment made shall be notified by the occupier to the Chief Inspector of

Factories or such other officer as he may specify for the purpose, giving full details of

the qualification of the person appointed and the condition of the services applicable

to him.

6. Filling of Vacancy: Every vacancy in the post of Safety Officer caused by death,

dismissal or discharged of the person holding such post or by any other cause, shall

be forth with notified by the occupier to the Chief Inspector of Factories or such other

officer as he may specify for the purpose, and shall be filled within three months of the

occurrence of the vacancy.

Provided that the Chief Inspector of Factories may, on an application in writing

made by the occupier, extend the period by not more than three month for filling up

such vacancy.

7. Conditions of Service; (1) Where the number of Safety Officers to be appointed

in a factory as required by the notification under Sub-section (1) of Section 40-B of the

Factories Act, 1948, published in the Official Gazette, exceeds one, the senior most


amongst them shall be designated as Safety Officer, and for administrative purpose,

the remaining others shall be called as Additional Safety Officer who shall work under

the control of the Safety Officer, and all of them together shall be in overall control of

safety functions specified in rule 8 .

(2) The Safety Officer shall be given the status of the head of department and he shall

work directly under the control of the Chief Executive of the Factory and the Additional

Safety Officer shall be equated with the given appropriate status to enable them to

discharge their functions effectively.

(3) The scale of pay and the allowances to be granted to the Safety Officer including

the Additional Safety Officers, and other condition of their service shall be the same

as those of the other officers of corresponding status in the factory.

(4) The Safety Officer shall be provided with the adequate technical and secretarial

staff equipment, to enable him to function efficiently.

(5) Whenever any occupier intends to dismiss or terminate the services of any Safety

Officers, he shall communicate in advance his intention to do so and the reasons for

such dismissal or termination of services to the Chief Inspector of the Factories. The

occupier shall not take any action for such dismissal or termination of service before

the expiry of 30 days from the date of receipt of the communication by the Chief

Inspector of Factories and without taking in to consideration any advice rendered by

him within the said period.

(8) Duties of Safety Officers;-1 The duties of a safety officer Shall be to advise

and assist the factory management in the fulfillment of its obligations, statutory

or otherwise, concerning prevention of personal injuries and maintaining a safe

working environment. These duties shall include the following namely;-


(i) to advise the concerned departments in planning and organizing measures

necessary of the effective control of personal injuries;

(ii) to advise on safety aspects in all job studies & to carry out detailed job safety

study of selected jobs;

(iii) to check & evaluate the effectiveness of action taken or proposed to be taken to prevent personal injuries;

(iv) to advice the purchasing & stores department in ensuring high quality &

availability of personal protective equipments;

(v) to advice on matter related to carry out plant safety inspections;

(vi)to carry out plant safety inspection in order to observe the physical condition of

work & the work practice & procedure followed by workers & to render advice on

measures to be adopted for removing the unsafe physical condition & prevention the

unsafe action by the workers;

(vii) to render advice on matter related to reporting & investigating of industrial

accident & diseases;

(viii) to investigate the selected accidents;

(ix)to investigate the dangerous occurrence reportable under rule 115 of the maharashtra factories rules, 1963 & the case of industrial diseases contracted by any of the workers employed in the factory reportable under rule 116 of the (said rule) ;

(x)to advice on the maintenance of such records as are necessary relating to

accidents, dangerous occurrence & industrial diseases;

(xi)to promote setting up of safety committee & act as adviser to such committees;

(xii)to organize in association with the concerned departments, campaigns,

competitions, contest & other activities, which will develop & maintain the interest of

the workers in establishing & maintaining safe condition of works & procedures; &


(xiii)to design & conduct either independently or in collaboration with the training department, suitable training & educational programmes for the prevention of personal injuries;

2) No safety officer shall be required or permitted to do any work which is inconsistent with or detrimental to the performance of the duties mention in sub-rule (1).

General Safety Rules:

1.          These safety Rules have been promulgated for the guidance of the

Contractors. These rules in no way relieve a contractor from his obligation

under various statutory rules and regulations.

2.          The Contractor before starting any work in the CSL premises will be issued

with these rules and he is expected to give a declaration that he receives one

copy of the CSL Safety Rules for Contractors and will comply with the rules laid


3.          CSL reserves its right to suspend work in the event of the contractor not

complying with the rules of instructions with regarding to Safety practices for

which no claim of any kind will be entertained.

4.          To ensure the safe conduct of safety operation a representative of he

contractor should maintain appropriate contract with the Officer-in-charge of

the work as may be necessary to acquaint himself with any changed conditions

of other matters relating to the safety performance.

5.          All regulations codes and ordinance of the Government of India, Government

of Kerala, and local Municipal, Corporation regarding safety will be applicable

to the contractors.

6.          The principal contractor is responsible for observance of these rules by his

sub-contractors. Only employees acceptable to CSL should be employed for

the operation of any type of equipments. Contractor's employees should not


enter the areas where the nature of contracted work does not require their


7.          All accidents occurring to contractor's personal must be reported promptly

and immediately by the contractor or his agent to the Chief Safety Officer (Indl.

Relations) in addition to the Officer-in-charge of the work and this should be

Followed by an accident report in the form prescribed by the company. In the

case of electrical accidents, report should be made in accordance with Rule 44

Annexure of Indian Electricity Rules 1956 and the form shall be in accordance

with Annexure XIII to the

Indian Electricity Rules 1956. The report should be furnished to the Senior

Manager, Electrical, within 8 hours of occurrence of electrical

accidents immediately on occurrence of electrical accident, the operator in the

Main Receiving Station should be in formed on the phone and necessary

instructions taken from him.

8.           (a)        The Contractor s hould ensure that they are complying with all the

regulations under the Indian Electricity Act and relevant rules when they

consume electricity.

(b)        All power cables used shall be armored cables.

(c)        HRC fuses should be used in all fuse/switch fuse units

(d)        Double earthing shall be provided for all equipments, switch boards, etc.

(e)        Overhead power lines are to be restricted to the minimum possible and

should be attached to a GI. Guy wire by means real insulations.

(f)         No wire carrying electrical current is to be laid on working floors areas.


(g)        Surplus wire kept bundled at the end of supply line shall be neatly done

and secured properly.

(h)        Earthing points should not be extended by looping.

(i)         Electrical insulations, wiring etc. are to be got done only through a

licensed electrical contractor holding valid license issued by the

electrical inspector of Kerala.

9.         Electric switches or circuits, unless wholly owned solely used by the contractor

should not be opened or closed unless authorized by the Officer-in-charge of


10.       The storage, handling and use of hazardous materials must be approved by

the Safety Officer.

11.       The Contractor should be responsible for the cleanliness of the job site.

12.       The Contractors should take precautions to prevent tripping hazards caused by hoses

and welding lines etc.

13.       The contractor should ensure that adequate fire extinguishing arrangements

are provided for their equipments.

14.       Contractor's workmen should obey all signs and special rules regarding

smoking and fire prevention.

15.       In the event of fire the contactors should notify to the Inspector, CISF, and

Safety Officer, at once giving the exact location and nature of fire. At the same

time he should start operations to extinguish or control the fire until assistance


16.       Where property is exposed to the hazards of fire, open fires will not be



17.       Gas or oil fired heaters must not be placed close to an inflammable material.

Their burners must be adjusted and maintained so that there is no risk of

accidental fire nor of the omission or smoke or fumes.

18.     Inflammable liquids must be handled in safe cans or containers approved y

CSL and shall be stored, in the locations acceptable to CSL. All such

containers must be clearly labeled.

19.        Tarpaulin used should be of flame proof type.

20.       The area beneath over head work should be "roped off and signs" Danger-

Man working above should be placed to warn the men moving below.

21.     Excavation should be protected by adequate covering and visible warning

lights should be placed both during day and night to warn approaching traffic.

Precautions should be taken to prevent "cave-ins": of the excavations.

22.       Proper and adequate timber shoring and bracing should be provided to

prevent sliding or slipping of loose or unstable soil, rock or other materials.

23.        Under cuttings of trenches and other excavations should be avoided.

24.       Excavated materials should be put away from the edges of the excavated

trench to avoid slipping of the excavated materials into the trench.

25.       The contractors working in man holes or pits below the ground level must

acquaint himself and advise his employees of the hazards of gas or liquid level

and take proper precautions

26.        Open manholes must be protected by adequate barricade, Man hole covers

should be replaced promptly when work is suspended.

27.        Only qualified employees under the supervision of a qualified supervisor

should be allowed to use oxy-acetylene equipment.


28.        Cylinders should be secured in upright position.

29.        Electric welding should be done only by qualified welders under the

supervision of qualified supervisor.

30.        Welder should use adequate personal protective equipments while working.

31.         Arc welding should be done only after shielding the location.

32.        Arc welding equipments should be properly earthed. While welding it should

be ensured that no equipment forms part of the ground return.

33.     Contractors should ensure that First Aid boxes are provided at work spot and

should ensure proper medical care of injured persons.

34.        Contractors should ensure that all the employees are equipped with proper

protective equipments for the work they are entrusted with.

35.        All the employees of the contractors should wear approved safety helmets

depending on the work they are engaged in.

36.        When the contractor’s employees are exposed to the movement of cranes,

the Contractor’s supervisor should consult with the Officer-in-charge before

sending his men on the job.

37.        When the contractor’s employees are exposed to the movement of crane he

should provide a watchman for the protection o his employees.

38.        Only qualified and authorized employees should be allowed to operate the

mobile cranes and other hoisting equipments.

39.       Only qualified and authorized persons should be allowed to drive the vehicle in

the yard.


40.        All traffic rules, signs and speed limits must be observed by all the employees

of the contractor.

41.        Contractors should not park their vehicle in such a way be a hindrance to the

smooth flow of traffic in the yard.

42.        While working at heights adequate scaffolding or staging should be used.

43.        While working at heights the workman should wear safety belts with adequate

life lines.

44.        Scaffoldings should be of a sound material securely fastened and should be

capable of supporting 4 times the combines’ weight of men and material who

may be working on them.

45.        Wooden planks used in scaffoldings should not be less than 10" wide; 2" thick

should not extend beyond the outer supports by more than 12" nor less than


46.        Guarding and the boards should be installed in all scaffolding which are 10" or

more in height.

47.       Workmen in charge of working squad be responsible for the safe loading and

use of ropes, chains, cables slings, jacks, skids and other hosting and lifting

apparatus. In no case such equipments should be used unless and until the

man in charge is satisfied that it is fee from defects and are safe for use.

48.        Before operating cranes, derrick or hoi stick or hoisting equipment, the

operator should sound a warning and he should accept signals only from one

person for starting the work of rising. Lowering and swinging loads.

49.        The Operator should stop immediately all operation on receiving signals from

any one.


50.        No workman should move near the cable under tension and within the angle

formed by the ropes or cables.

51.        When anyone is found in the danger zone the Hoist operator should never

place tension on rope or cable.

52.        Care must be taken to see that cable chains and other hoisting equipments

are not unduly stressed by improper use.

53.         All ropes, cables, chains, slings, etc. should be discarded when they were

worm out or deteriorated to the point where their safe use may be doubtful.

54.        Chains and wire ropes should not be spliced or joined.

55.        New links should be inserted by competent persons.

56.        Wire ropes or cables should not be allowed to kink.

57.        When applying U. Bolts and clips to cables, adequate number should be


58.        Hooks, rings and other fittings used on chains or cables should be of the

carrying capacity higher than that of the chain or cable.

59.        Natural and synthetic fiber ropes should be properly cared and the following

precautions should be taken

(a)      Rope should not pass over sharp edges, pads should be used to protect

the fibers

(b)       Rope should not be dragged on the ground unnecessarily using to small sheaves, should be avoided.

(c)       Rope should not be permitted to slip on which drum or moving drums.

(d)        Kinked ropes should not be used.


(e)        Do not tie knots where splices should be used.

(f) Ropes should not be allowed to soak in oil and exposed to acid or other

Corrosive substances, they should wash and dried.

(g)         Rope should not be allowed to expose to weather unnecessarily.

(h)         When drying excessive hear should not be used.

60. Adequate precautions should be taken during welding or gas cutting against

hazards such as electric shocks, burns, fumes fires, explosion and arc eyes.

61. Gauntlet gloves should be worn while or gas cutting.

62. Outer cloth worn should be free from oil or grease.

63. Goggles or welder's helmets should be worn during welding.

64. Barriers should be erected to protect other persons in the vicinity

from rays or electric arcs or welding flames.

65. Goggles should be worn while chipping the welding slag.

66. Adequate ventilation should be provided while welding or cutting in confined


67. When welding or gas cutting in elevated positions, precautions should be taken

to prevent sparks of hot metal slag falling out to the people or to the flammable

material below

68.       Before welding or cutting a pipe, tank or container, which carried flammable

material, it should be thoroughly cleaned and gas freed and if necessary, 'Hot

Work Certificate' from the Controller of Explosive should be obtained.

69.      Loitering around operating units is prohibited at all times.


70.      Bringing intoxicants into the yard is strictly forbidden. Likewise entering the

yard under the influence of intoxicants is a offence.

71.      Jumping on off trucks, automobiles or other moving vehicle is prohibited. Men

should wait until the vehicle stops before attempting to enter or leave.

72.      In confined spaces workers shall be protected with air line respirators with tight

fitting rubber, mask (especially for painting etc.)

73.      It shall be considered hazardous to carry out gas cutting or welding work within

15-20 feet from the place where paint is being applied.




Company Profile

VIRAJ GROUP we believe our endevour to produce high quality steel of all types of grades in Austentic , Ferritic and Martensitics rests on the four pilliars state-of-the-art facilities continous developement and improve of relation ship between management and labour.

"VIRAJ aims to deliver high quality products and the best services to its customers to their entire satisfaction by using modern technology with a motivated work force developed through training and team work".

Spearheading the developement of new technology and high value added products and improving management and improving managenent and product quality.Our company is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and is staffed by a team of outstanding metallurgists including technical personnel.

Our company could not have been built without the support and encouragement of our customers,for which we are deeply thankful and the hard work and dedication of our employees,management,staff and executives.


We hereby renew our pledge to make VIRAJ GROUP a positive force for improving the environment and promoting the welfare of the community.We solicit your continous support and encourgement to help us attain our goals.


Wire & Wire Rods : Viraj produces a full range of wire products, including

redraw wire; cold heading wire; free cutting wire; electro

polishing wire; roping wire; spring wire; welding wire; TIG,

MIG and electrode core wire; tie wire; nail and staple wire;

and weaving, braiding and knitting wire. It has a separate

section for fine wire drawing, down to0.09mm. Wire capacity

is around 1,800 tpm, with fine wire capacity around 200 tpm.

A milestone investment of the company marking its entry into the wire rod market is

the 3 step USD 200 million investment wire rod mill. With a capacity to produce rods

with diameters of 5.5 to 34mm the melting capacity of the company is expected to

expand to 2,50,000 tonnes. The investment was a right step in the company’s plan to

Be the number one plyer in the global market for long products.

Bright Bars: Bright bar capacity at Viraj today is around 3,000 tpm, with forged bar capacity around 1,500 tpm. In a major project currently underway, a new facility is being set up for

diameters below 100mm, with investment in equipment including new Schumags and new grinding machines, as well as new storage and packing areas. When these new

facilities are completed, scheduled to be within the next six to nine months, production of bright bar alone (including angles, bars, flats, beams and channels) at Viraj will

increase to around 4,000 tpm. In addition, plans are already in place to put in new peeling facilities due for start-up near the end of next year, adding another 1,000 tpm to

bar capacity. As a result, ultimately, by the end of 2008, Viraj will have in place a total capacity for bar, in the size range 3mm to 300mm, of around 7,000 tpm.

Profiles:Viraj produces stainless steel profiles of various sizes and shapes to suit a

wide range of applications. The various types of profiles produced are

equal & unequal angles, taper & non-taper channel, cold drawn, hot rolled

flats, polished, hairline angles & flats and s-beam & tee-bar.

Flanges and Fittings:


Viraj Forgings is one of the largest manufacturers of stainless steel flanges in the world, with a capacity of around 1,000 tpm. The Forgings division supplies material for a wide range of end uses, including petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, shipbuilding and is, in fact, one of the largest suppliers of flanges for marine applications. The forging division witnessed major strides over the past two or three years. Quality system certification and approvals include, among many others, ISO

9001-2000, AD 2000 Merkblatt, PED 97/23/EC, PDO

Shell, Lloyds Register, Det Norske Veritas, Bureau

Veritas, Saudi Aramco, Sabic, Enagas, Canadian

Registration for Flanges & Fittings, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai

(class NK), American Bureau of Shipping, Korean Register of Shipping, Germanischer


Fasteners:  Viraj Fastener is specialized in the manufacturing of austenitic stainless steel fastener products. Stainless

steel is durable, eco-friendly with low maintenance. It is corrosion resistant and has a much longer life span

than most other materials. The austenitic stainless steels are non magnetic and cannot be hardened by heat

treatment. The most advanced sophisticated state-of-the-art machines employed for production and

stringent quality controls ensures flawless quality and meets customer requirements. SPC analysis is used

as a tool to supervise the ongoing process. Precise inspection and sorting machines ensure zero-defect

products to customers. Viraj is committed to quality, which is achieved through skilled workforce. Viraj

continuously provides training and technological improvement to its workforce, thereby ensuring quality

standards through the products delivered.

Seamless Tubes:

With the acquisition of

Tubinox Romania, Viraj has started producing

seamless tubes. These tubes have a wide

application ranging from boiler tubes & pipes, heat

exchangers & condenser application, hollow bars,

instrumentation & speciality tubings,

mechanical tubing & pipings, process pipes to

fluid conveyance pipes.

High standards of quality is maintained and stringent systems based on quality

control is exercised at every stage of process and production of the seamless

tubes.The service standards focus on customer's requirement and aims for

high satisfaction. Full metallurgical analysis - physical properties, chemical

analysis, corrosion testing, and microstructure analysis are carried out on the

tubes and pipes through sophisticated testing system.



A Viraj forging is committed to provide safe & healthy working condition with proper

environment to their employees. The above shall be achieved by adopting the

following measures:

Enhancing employees for involvement in area of safety & social responsibility

Providing personal protective equipments & ensure its application.

Providing need based training to all employees to avoid accident.

Strict adherence to all safe practices.

Compliance with applicable rules & regulations.

NIRAJ RAJA KOCHHAR (Chairman & Managing Director)

Viraj organization



A Viraj forging is committed to

deliver good quality to its

customers and enrich their

satisfaction through continual

improvement strategies and

enhancing product range.



(Chairman & Managing Director)

The Preparation of Safety


Requirement for the Preparation Of Safety Report

An occupier carrying on industrial activity as defined under MSIHC rules,1989 will be

required to prepared a safety report, when the activity involves a hazardous chemical

listed in column 2 of schedule 3 of MSIHC rules 1989 & whose quantity is equal to or

more than the quantity specified in column 4of schedule 3 or an isolated storage

containing a chemical listed in column 2of schedule 2 of MSIHC rules & whose

quantity is equal to or more than that in column 4 of schedule 2.


To present the entire safety system to the appropriate authorities.

Authorities will get an opportunity

- To check extent of adherence of safety standers;

- To carry out specific inspection;


- To establish contingency plan; &

- To take proper sitting decisions


To identify the nature & scale of the use of hazardous substances in the installation or

the isolated storage;

To give an account of the arrangement of control for safe operation;

To give an account of arrangement for control of serious deviations that

could lead to a major accident;

To give an account of the arrangements for emergency procedure at the


To identify the type, relative likelihood & consequences of major

accident; &

To demonstrate that all major hazard potentials have been identified &

appropriate control measures have been provided.

Content ( in conformity with the requirement of schedule 8 of MSIHS rules,1989)

1. The name & address of the person furnishing the information.

2. Description of the industrial activity, which includes,

3. site plans;

4. construction design;

5. protection zones, explosion protection, separation distances;

6. accessibility of plant;


7. maximum number of person working on the site & particularly of those

persons expose to hazard

3. Description of the process, namely-

technical purpose of the industrial activity;

basic principal of the technological process;

process & safety –related data for the individual process stages;

process description ;

operational storage

safety –related types of utilities.

4. Description of the hazardous chemicals, namely –

Chemical ( quantities, substance data , safety related data,

toxicological data & threshold values);

The forming which the chemical may occur or on into which they

may be transformed in the event of abnormal conditions;

The degree of purity of the hazardous chemical.

6. Information on the preliminary hazard analysis, namely –

Types of accidents;

System elements or events that can lead to a major accident ;


Safety relevant components

6. Description of safety - relevant units, among others –

Special design criteria;


Control & alarms;

Special relief systems;

Quick – acting valves;

Collecting tanks / dump tanks;

Sprinkler systems;

Fire fighting ; etc

7. Information of the hazard assessment, namely –

Identification of hazards;

The causes of major accidents;

Assessment of hazards according to their occurrences frequency;

Assessment of accident consequences;

Safety systems;

Known accident history.

8. Description of the information on organizational systems used to carry on

the industrial activity safely, namely –

Maintenance & inspection schedules;

Guidelines for the training of personnel;

Allocation & delegation of responsibility for p[ant safety;

Implementation of safety procedures.

9. Information on assessment of the consequences of major accident, namely –

Assessment of the possible release of hazardous chemicals or



Possible dispersion of released chemical;

Assessment of the effects of the release ( size of affected area, health, property damage )

10. Information on the mitigation of major accidents, namely –

fire brigade;

alarm systems

emergency plans containing system of organization used to fight the

emergency, the alarm & the communication routes, guidelines for

fighting the emergency, information about hazardous chemicals,

examples of possible accident sequences;

co-ordination with the district emergency authority & its off-site

emergency plan;

notification of the nature & scope of the hazard in the event of an


antidotes in the event of a release of hazardous chemical.

Updating of safety reports

1. The safety report may need to be updated, when,

There are major changes in the plant or process;

New information about the hazardous chemical come to light;


2. In general the report the repot should be updated regularly three to five years.


Accident : an unplanned & unexpected event which result

In personal injury or property damage or

probability of any loss.

Acute : prominent / health effects within short time after

the exposure.

Barrier Guard : limited access.

Bonding : elimination of difference in potential between


Breach of warranty : failure of a product to perform as represented by

the manufacturer constitution.

Built-in-hazard : danger that is par5t of the job.

Built-on-hazard : danger created by people.

Canister respirator : a respirator having a filter in the form of a

canister which provides protection against


limited concentration of certain gases & vapours

with or without particular matter for a limited time.

Carboy : irregular container for liquids.

Cartridge : a filter kept in a container which removes or

renders innocuous limited concentration of

certain gases or vapours.

Chemical cartridge : a respirators having a filter in the form of a

respirators replaceable cartridge, which provide protection

against very low concentration of specific toxic

gases & vapours for a limited time.

Claustrophobia : fear of enclose of space.

Combustible : a material that can be burn.

Competent person : a person or an institution recognized by chief

inspector for the purpose of carrying out tests,

examination & inspection required to be done in

a factory under the factories act.

Confined space : it is where every probability of oxygen deficiency


Contingency plan : it describe the action to be taken, resources to

be used & procedures to be followed before

during & after an unlikely event / emergency.

Contributory factor : indirect cause.

Dangerous : an incident involving properly damage or may or

occurrence may not involve personal injury or disablement.


Examples bursting of vessel, collapse of crane,

explosion, collapse of any floor / roof / chimney /

bridge tunnel etc.

Dead man trigger : shuts of tool when presser drops.

Dosimeter : an electronic instrument for measuring personal

exposure level of a particular physical hazard

over a period of shift ( generally 08 hours )

Emergency : a situation created by an accidental release or

spill of hazardous chemicals which poses a

threat to the safety of workers, residents, the

environment or property.

Enclosure guard : no access.

Explosive : a chemical which may explode under the effect

of flame, heat or photo chemical condition or

which is more sensitive to shock or friction, than

dinitro benzene.

Fire check : it is a device which cuts off the flow of

combustible mixture when flash back occurs in

the pipeline.

Fire point : it is the lowest temperature of a flammable liquid

at which it gives off sufficient vapour to continue

to burn when once ignited. It is slightly higher

flash point.

Fire triangle : it comprises of fuel, high temperature & oxygen.

First aid : an incident which result in a very minor injury &


the injured report for duty immediately after

getting first aid treatment.

Flame arrestor : it is a device to stop propagation of flame in a

flammable mixture.

Flammability range : it is the difference between the minimum &

maximum percentage by volume of the gas in

mixture with air that forms a flammable mixture

at atmospheric pressure & ambient temperature.

Flammable gas : chemicals which in the gaseous state at normal

pressure & mixed with air become flammable &

the boiling point of which at normal pressure is

20`c or below.

Flammable liquids : chemical which have a flash point lower than

65`c & which remain liquids undue pressure.

Flash point : it is the temperature of a flammable liquid whose

concentration of vapour in air ( equal to lower

explosive limit ) gives a momentary flash when


Frequency rate : total number of reportable accidents per million

man hours worked.

Grounding : it eliminates a difference in potential between an

object & ground.

Harness : a device for carrying & holding the apparatus on

wearer’s body.

Hazard : any situation that has the potential for doing


damage to life, property & / or the environment.

Hazardous area : an area where there is presence of explosive

mixture of air & gas or flammable liquid or


Hazardous substance : reasons of its chemical or physicochemical

properties or handling is liable to cause harm to

human being, other living creature, plants micro

–organism, property or the environment.

Health : it is a state of complete physical, mental &

social well being & not merely an absence of

disease or infirmity.

Heat strain : it is the physiological / pathological change

resulting from heat stress.

Heat stress : it is any factor that leads heat gain to the body.

Highly flammable : chemicals which have a flash point lower than

23`C liquids & the boiling point of which at

normal pressure is above 20`c.

high noise level : it means any noise level measures on the A-

weighted scale is 90 decibel or above.

Incidence rate : it is the ratio of number of injuries per 1000

workers employed during the period under


Infrared radiation : rays that make thing warmer.


Ingestion : swallowing.

Inhalation : breathing in.

Impact tool : operators by series of hammer blows

Intrinsically safe : cannot cause fire.

Lifting appliance : any stationary or mobile appliance used for

raising or lowering persons or loads.

Lifting gear : any gear or tackle by means of which a load can

be attached to a lifting appliance but which does

not form an integral part of the appliance or


Locking out : locking a control in “OFF “position.

Lost time : when due to injuries sustained by a person

arising out of an accident, he is unfit for work for

48 hours or more.

Lower explosive : it is that minimum level of concentration of

Limit(LEL) flammable gas in air (mixture) below which, it

Shall not burn.

Major accident : it means an occurrence involving one or more

hazardous chemicals & resulting from

uncontrolled developments in the course of an

industrial activity or owing to natural events,

leading to a serious danger to persons, with

immediate or delayed, inside or out

side the installation or damage to property or

adverse effects on the environment.

Man hours : the total number of employees hours worked by


all employees in the industrial premises.

Manual dexterity : skill in using hands.

Minor accident : when a person is unfit for tow days & up to 20

days due to injury sustain.

Motivation : personal reasons for doing a job well or


Noise : any unwanted sound.

Non-lost time : an accident which result in minor injury & victim

accident report for duty within 48 hours of the


Non sparking tools : tools that do not produce any spark when used.

Occupier : a person who has ultimate control over the

affairs of the factory.

Oxygen deficiency : where oxygen content is 16%.

Physical fitness : it is a measure of maximum oxygen uptake

capacity of an individual.

Pinch point : where you can get caught.

Point of operation : place in machine where work is done.

Product liability : it means a legal responsibility of a manufacturer

or seller of a product to compensate a consumer

who has been harmed by the product.


Proximate factor : direct or immediate factor.

Radiation : dangerous invisible rays.

Reciprocating : back & forth.

Risk : the probability the damage to life, property &/or

the environment will occur if a hazard manifests


Safety : it is freedom from accidents.

Safety audit : it subject each area of a companies activities to

a systematic, critical examination with the object

of minimizing losses.

Safety factor : it is a number ensuring complete safety of the

Material/equipments in its operation.

Safety motivation : it is the drive that impels the individuals to work


Safety policy : it is the written document on safety highlighting

managements intent to wards safety, the scope

of safety activities, responsibilities,

accountability, etc. in a bid to enforce safe

practices & conditions.

Safety survey : it is a detailed examination of a narrower field of

activity i.e., individual plants, key areas related

by the safety audit.

Safe voltage : less than 24 volts.

Safe working load : it is the load that a lifting device can safely


handle in normal work to avoid any accident.

Schedule charges : charges in days of earning capacity lost due to

permanent disability or death.

Serious accident : when a person is unfit for 21 days & more due to

injuries sustained.

Severity rate : total number of man days lost due to accident

per million man hours worked.

Solvent : a flammable liquid (pentane, heptane,etc.)

Sorbent : a material which removes toxic gases & vapours

from air inhaled through a canister or cartridge

by chemical or physical process.

Spark arrester : a device which when fitted to the exhaust of a

vehicle does not allow any spark to come out as

an ignition to the outside hazardous atmosphere.

Spontaneous : it is a type of ignition where no spark or flame is

Ignition near the exposed material

TLV-C(ceiling) : it is the maximum concentration to which worker

can be exposed for a period of 15 minutes

continuously without suffering any serious

adverse effect

total loss control : it is a concept to control to man, material,

machines & work place caused by accident,

through identifying potential loss situations,

setting & adopting safety standards etc.

Toxic chemical : chemical having acute toxicity due to their


physical & chemical properties are capable of

producing major accident hazards.

Toxicity : it is the relative capacity to cause harm by

means of adverse biological effects.

Term card (transport : a document containing detail about the nature of

the emergency card) chemical, hazard &

action to be taken in case of any emergency.

Unsafe act : an act of omission & commission on the part of

an individual to follow laid down safety producer

this might result into an accident.

Unsafe condition : it is the mechanical or physical condition existing

in a work place which may cause an accident.

Upper explosive : it is that maximum level of concentration of

limit (UEL) flammable gas in air(mixture) beyond which it

Shall not burn.

Volatile : evaporates easily.

Zero energy state : unable to cause injury.


Section 1 : material identification & use ____________________________________________________________________________

Material Name / Identifier____________________________________________________________________________

Manufacture’s Name Supplier’s Name____________________________________________________________________________


Street Address Street Address____________________________________________________________________________

City State City State____________________________________________________________________________

Postal code Emergency Postal code Emergency Telephone no Telephone no

Chemical Chemical Identity Name

Trade Name and Synonyms Product use


Hazardous Approximate C. A.S or L. D. 50 L. C. 50 Ingredients Concentration UN Number (Specify (Specify

% Species and species Route) and route)____________________________________________________________________________


Physical Sate Odour and Odour SpecificGas-Liquid-Solid Appearance Threshold Gravity

Vapors Vapors Evaporation Boiling FreezingPressure [mm] density Rate Point Point [0C] [0C]

Solubility in PH Density Co-efficient ofWater (g/ml) Water/Oil


(020C) Distribution


Flammability- -Yes-No. If yes, under what conditions

Means of Extinction

Special Procedures

Flash point [0c] Upper Explosive Lower Explosiveand Method Limit [% by Volume] Limit [% by Volume]

Auto-ignition TDG Flammability Hazardous Combustion Temperature [0c] Products

Explosion Data-Sensitivity to Chemical Sensitivity to Static Impact Discharge


Chemical Stability-Yes-No. If no, under what conditions

Incompatibility with other substances-Yes-No. If yes, which ones

Reactivity and under what conditions


Hazardous Decomposition Products



Route of Entry

-Skin Contact -Skin Absorption -Eye contact--Inhalation Acute -Inhalation Chronic -Ingestion

Effects of Acute Exposure to Material

Effect of Chronic Exposure to Material ____________________________________

Exposure Irritancy of Limit[s] Material

Sensitization to Material Carcinogenicity, Reproductive Effects Teratogenicity, Mutagenicity

Synergistic Material____________________________________________________________________________

SECTION VII PRENTIVE MEASURES____________________________________________________________________________

PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT____________________________________________________________________________


Gloves [Specify] Respiratory [Specify] Eyes [Specify]____________________________________________________________________________

Footwear [Specify] Clothing [Specify] Other [Specify]____________________________________________________________________________

Engineering Controls [e.g. Ventilation, enclosed Process, etc] please specify.____________________________________________________________________________

Leak and Spill Procedures____________________________________________________________________________

Waste Disposal____________________________________________________________________________

Handing Producer and Equipment____________________________________________________________________________

Storage Requirements____________________________________________________________________________

Special Shipping Information____________________________________________________________________________

SECTION VII; FIRST AID MEASURES ____________________________________________________________________________

First Aid Measures____________________________________________________________________________

Sources used____________________________________________________________________________

Additional Information____________________________________________________________________________

SECTION IX: DATE OF PREPARATION OF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET____________________________________________________________________________

Prepared by (Group Department, etc) Phone No. Date



Ear Plugs

Chest guard






Safety shoes

Safety uniform

Elbow guard



Employees with all safety equipments


1. know safety – no pain No safety – know pain

2. Ignorance is enemy of safety

3. Cultivate safety sense


4. Hazard knowledge of job is must

5. Safety is not automatic – think about it

6. Never compromise on safety

7. Ensure proper safety precautions.

8. Cultivate safety sense.

9. Over confidence is dangerous.

10. Adopt the safety ways – bad days.

11. Believe in safety, not in stars.

12. Safe practice always pays.

13. Make safety your sixth sense.

14. The chance taker is accident maker.

15. Never be too sure of your safety.

16. Nothing succeeds like safety.

17. Awareness & alertness can avoid all accidents.

Special Achievements:

Viraj participates in more than 12 Exhibitions this year (2008 - 2009):

Exhibition Name Venue Dates Organisation



Fastener Expo 2008Chennai, India 19th - 21st Dec 2008 Unitech Exhibitions

National Industrial

Fast Show/WestLas Vegas, USA 2nd - 4th Nov 2008 NA

Fastener Fair Stuttgart Germany 7th - 8th Oct 2009 Fastener Fair

Wire China Shanghai, China 23rd - 26th Sep 2008 Messe Duesseldorf

Wire Russia Moscow, Russia 12th - 15th May 2009 Messe Duesseldorf

Welding Essen Essen, Germany 14th - 19th Sept 2009 Essen Trade Shows

Adipec Exhibition Abu Dhabi UAE 3rd - 6th Nov 2008 DMG World media

Made In Steel fair Italy NA NA

Tubinox starts production of seamless stubs in Romania :After spending the first year

in rekindling the business cycle, Tubinox has now started production in Romania for

seamless pipes and tubes. It has been a difficult but a rewarding period, where two

cultures and a non conducive business environment slowed down the pace of work.

Backed by process engineering and a determined management, the company has

now started producing pipes in a variet of size.


Corporate Office Address10, Imperial Chambers 1st Floor, Wilson Road Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 038. INDIA.Tel. : +91 (22) 22613056, 22614284. Fax : +91 (22) 22612980, 22659713


E-mail : viraj@viraj.com

Bright Bar DivisionFactory : G-33, MIDC Tarapur Industrial Area, (Engineering Zone), Dist. Thane - 401 506. INDIA.Tel. : +91 (2525) 261923, 261514-18. Fax : +91 (2525) 270431, 271726, 272448E-mail : viel@viraj.com

Forging & Flanges DivisionFactory : G-34, MIDC Tarapur Industrial Area, (Engineering Zone), Dist. Thane - 401 506. INDIA.Tel. : +91 (2525) 279020-24, 270143. Fax : +91 (2525) 260479, 275587E-mail : vfl@viraj.com

Angle & Flat Bars DivisionFactory : G-76, MIDC Tarapur Industrial Area, (Engineering Zone), Dist. Thane - 401 506. INDIA.Tel. : +91 (22) 22613056, 22614284. Fax : +91 (22) 22612980, 22659713E-mail : vpl@viraj.com

Stainless Steel Making DivisionFactory : G-34, MIDC Tarapur Industrial Area, (Engineering Zone), Dist. Thane - 401506. INDIA.Tel. : +91 (22) 22613056, 22614284. Fax : +91 (22) 22612980, 22659713E-mail : viel@viraj.com

Wire & Wire Rods DivisionFactory : G-33, MIDC Tarapur Industrial Area, (Engineering Zone), Dist. Thane - 401 506. INDIA.Tel. : +91 (2525) 279702-03, 261495-96, 260656-54, 320468-72. Fax : +91 (2525) 279701, 260651, 276300-01E-mail : vsl@viraj.com, wrm@viraj.com

Fasteners DivisionFactory : G-1/3, MIDC Tarapur Industrial Area, Boisar, Dist. Thane, Maharashtra - 401 506, INDIA.Tel.: +91 (2525) 279702-03, 261495-96, 260656-54. Fax: +91 (2525) 260651E-mail : fastner@viraj.com





Analysis of Total Data:

Department Organization

Environment policy Good

Human rights Good

Labour standard Fair

Rural development to protect

society in nature


NGO to implement appropriate

community programmes


Employee involvement

programmes for community



Solid wastes of process leather

there recycling hazard wastes


Safety training Fair

Safety standard Poor

Environment programmes Good


Department Organization

House keeping They have poor house keeping, lacking of proper


Shower & eyes


There is not having proper maintenance in fountain of


On the shop floor Not proper restriction regarding uses of personal

protective equipments(PPE)

Electrical department Lack of proper supervision, irregular inspection

modification of electrical equipment

Packing department There are temporary connection for pedestal fan near

packing department which may cause spark & fall of

person due to electrical wire on ground

Crane operation There are improper display board not operating switch

which may cause disoperation of crane & cause of



After collecting the feedback form from the employees in the organization me able

to present their view with the help pie chart, in that I mentioned their view into

threee categories i.e. good, fair & poor.

The response is very different then what I actually realized during the visit period.

Why I don’t know, but too many people are in good & fair category. There is very

less number of poor.

Analysis of Total Data

Good = 40%

Fair = 30%

Poor = 30%


Analysis of Accidents:

Analysis of accident reportable / non reportable

Sr. no. Description 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

(i) Reportable

accident 3 1 2 1 2

(ii) Non-reportable

accident 5 3 2 3 4

During 2003-207 various activities such as accident free days, work

permit system, accidents prevention program & training program introduce. Workers

taken for visit to other similar industries.

Safety & workers are more motivated towards safety. Hence no. of accident is in

downward trend.

Although the viraj is highly sophisticated factory & the unsafe conditions

are less but as for accident trend is concerned every year approximately 25% of the

total accident are due to unsafe condition. The unsafe act, which can be prevented

are more & the percentage of accident due to unsafe act of person consist of about

75%. If the unsafe act of person is prevented there is scope for reduction of accident

by 75%.

So if viraj have low its no of total accident it must have to concentrate &

give more priority to above given suggestion. Which definitely help them to reduce the


no. of accident take place during working & make working condition more secured &


Suggestion & Recommendation:

I have taken accidents statistic & study about accident about company. After analyzing

the company I found that the basic causes of accident or unhealthy condition is that

Unsafe condition

Unsafe act

Chemical & other hazardous material

Temperature extremes

Economic hazards

More familiar safety hazardous such as slippery flowers hand blocked

More of work place health hazardous are obvious one like us un regulatory

equipments &

Slippery flowers many unsafe hazardous in the company produce as parts of its

production process. Others problems like drugs, abuse as much or more dangerous

to the workers.

So, I have given following suggestion to the viraj forging ltd. After taking into

consideration of the company.


Reducing unsafe condition; safety engineer should design job so as to remove

or reduce physical hazards.

Employee increasingly use the computerize tools, design suffer equipments.

Minimizing the unsafe act by employees theses involve more than taking up

safety ensuring that worker wipe up spills or enforcing safety rules although

such think are important.

Maintain open safety communication for instant by telling employee as much

as possible about safety activity such as testing out alarm & changing safety

equipments or procedure.

Provide the supervisor safety practices.

Makes the compulsion of uses safety equipments at the plant.

Find out the hazardous condition & identify hygienic area & take the corrective

step to provide safety environment.

Provide safety check ground on shop flower.

Activation of safety department level safety sub committee to suggest &

implements matters related to safe working.

Provide safety training.


Research & Methodology:

In project the company the hazardous condition in the organization the study focus on

the relationship among the

High quality job

Employee satisfaction & occupational injuries.

I had found that in steel industries quality jobs in viraj involve extensive training Varity

& autonomy the major occupational injures by for instant

The result of the study of company found that high quality work has direct or indirect

impact on occupational injuries.

Providing employee more opportunity for autonomy & increase involvement & more

training seem to improve safety conscious behaviors directly by promoting.


Employee training about safety

Highlighting problem solving & enabling prevention action

High quality work also improves safety indirectly.

SWOT Analysis:

SWOT analysis is tool for auditing an organization & its environment. It is the first

stage of planning & helps steel industries to focus on key issues SWOT stands for

strength, weaknesses. Opportunities & threats. Strengths & weaknesses are internal

factors. Opportunities & threats are external factors.

In SWOT strength & weaknesses are internal factors.


Your specialist marketing expertise.


A new, innovative safety or service

Location of your business with safety in mind

Quality process & producers with safety.


Lack of safety expertise

Undifferentiated safety & precaution (i.e. in relation to your competitors)

Poor quality machine, PPE & working environment

Damage reputation

In SWOT, opportunities & threats are external factors,


A developing safety precaution such as the enter net surfing & getting


Mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances

Moving into new segments that offer improved profit

A new international principle, standers & lows

A market vacated by an ineffective competitors


A new competitor in your home market

Price wars with competitors


A competitors has a new, innovative safety precaution, laws & policies

Competitors have superiors facilities to employee workers


I have taken safety study in viraj forging ltd. After studying & analyzing I come to

conclusion that no doubt viraj is highly modern plant

Depending upon the case study, investigations, analysis made it has been found that

there is chance of improvements, which helps the company to achieve the goal of



After analyzing data & other factors I find that 80% of accidents are due to unsafe

condition. In order to guide those working on shop flower to do away with short cuts

& unsafe working action; & to adopt safe way of working so that no cause is given

for an accident to occurred. If we could reduce many accidents by implementing &

strictly following the rules & regulation towards that it really, would be able to reduce

accidents. Not only that, but also analyzing the above given suggestion will help

organization to reduce the percentage of accident & achieve its objective.


Questioners to Employees

Name of employee: - ____________________________


Address: - _____________________________________

Age: - ___________

Number of year of service rendering:-_______________

Safety given to him: - ____________________________

Safety expected by him: - _________________________

View about company: - __________________________


Questioners to company

1) What will be the future demand and production capacity for steel


2) What are the growth opportunities for the steel manufacturers?


3) What are the major driving factors for the steel industry?

4) What will be the major constraints for future growth of steel industry?

5) Who are the key competitors to them?

6) Number of employees in the company?

7) Total turn over of company on the safety equipments & measures?

8) Safety provided to the employee?

9) Duration of inspection or replacing the equipments?

10) Number of safety officers & his duties?

11) They introduce any modern techniques or safety equipments in there


12) Provision relating, if any employee not following the rules & regulation

13) Concern with safety?


14) Safety policy of the company?

15) Any seminar or workshop organized by company to make aware his

employee in safety matter?

16) Number of accident takes place in the company in a month or year?

17) First aid & medical service provided by the company to injured employee?

18) Provision for compensation given to injured employee? In small & major

case like death, permanent disablement.

19) The company view about safety?

20) Companies’ upcoming plans to adopt in concern with safety provide to his




Web Sites: www.google.com




Reference Books:

The HSE in Indian Industries

The Factories Act, 1948.


All About Steel;



International Stainless Steel Forum (Worldstainless)


Viraj group company based in Germany


The European Stainless Steel Development Association


Viraj group company based in Rumania


Welcome Bienvenue Bienvenido Willkommen

  The forum for the World Steel Industry

  American Iron & Steel Institute - STEEL WORKS

 Southern Africa

Stainless Steel Development Association


Australian Stainless Steel Development Association

  American Institute for International Steel


  Iron & Steel Institute Japan


The Swedish Steel Organsisation


Nucleo Inox

Nucleo de Desenvolvimento Tecnico Mercadologico do Aco



Japan Stainless Steel Association

 Swiss Inox

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