IYV+10 News Flash No.3

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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The basic principle of IYV+10 is to recognise, cele-brate and promote the invaluable work that vol-unteers do to make our world a better place. Rather than providing a template of action for our partners to follow, we are offering a neutral space where volunteer involving organizations, United Nations entities and governments, as well as private actors can highlight the role of volun-teers in whatever way they feel appropriate. As representatives of UNV, you, on behalf of the global community, can provide a space for major partners to convene and discuss what issues they would like to focus on and within what timetable. Just as we set aside one day a year for Interna-tional Volunteer Day to champion volunteers and their contributions to peace and development, IYV+10 is a chance to dedicate an entire year to these largely un-sung heroes. UNV Field Offices can offer national partners tools and advice to support them and yet let them take ownership of the year. In the Introductory Statement for the United Nations Volunteers: Report of the Administrator on 30 June 2010, Rebecca Grynspan, Associate Administrator of UNDP stated, “In preparing for this year’s MDG Summit, and with only five years

Special points of


Why should we get

involved anyway?


Presentations now


IYV+10 logo available

on World Volunteer

Web in the 6 UN



Volunteer Day theme

is “Volunteering for

the MDGs”

IYV+10 Powerpoint Presentations

Why should we get involved anyway? 365 days for us!

about the original IYV and

IYV+10, outlines objectives of

the year and highlights action

which UNV will undertake

and facilitate together with

its partners to mark the year.

We have created a standard

PowerPoint presentation that

UNV Field Offices can use to

inform and inspire colleagues

and partners about IYV+10. It

gives background information

It also gives a list of tools that

can be used by all entities

interested in marking the

year and names some of the

global events that will take


IYV+10 News Flash! No. 3

Wednesday July 28, 2010

left to 2015 we need to involve people in develop-ing countries in their own development not just as beneficiaries but also as active participants, as volunteers themselves. Through national volun-teer schemes different groups are brought togeth-er to work in partnership, thereby building the social capital so necessary for improved develop-ment prospects.” Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, also stressed the importance of volun-teering on International Volunteer Day 2009 stating “The decisions and actions of individuals may seem insignificant in the face of global chal-lenges. But when people choose to devote their time and energy they can, together, make a differ-ence.” Now, more than ever, is the time to stand up for

volunteers all over the world and allow their sto-

ries, their aspirations and thoughts to be heard by

the international community. We are offering the

global community a chance to value and recognize

the role that volunteers play in civil society, facili-

tate more people’s involvement in volunteer activ-

ity, share experiences and explore synergies and to

promote volunteer service so that people of all

ages, backgrounds and profiles will feel encour-

aged to offer service as volunteers.

The United Nations Volun-teers (UNV) programme’s theme for International Volunteer Day (IVD) in 2010 will be ‘Volunteering for the MDGs’. As with last year's IVD theme, ‘Volunteering for our Planet’, UNV will continue to support and recognize the different themes that partners may wish to pri-oritize in their activities marking IVD 2010. Please bring the issue up with your national com-mittee for IVD as well as with the coordinating enti-ty for the tenth anniver-sary of the International

Year of Volunteers (IYV+10). Explore ways in which to create synergies with both entities for the launch of IYV+10, which will take place on IVD, in-tegrating UNV’s IVD theme as far as possible while respecting your part-ners’ choices. The focus on the Millenni-um Development Goals (MDGs) provides an op-portunity to highlight vol-unteerism as a tool to con-tribute to peace and de-velopment. Depending on the focus of the activities in your country, you may want to highlight a specific

theme related to one of the MDGs, such as health, environmental sus-tainability or education, or perhaps focus on the cross-cutting nature of volunteer-ism. Please think of activities for IVD which can carry over into IYV+10, and gather good IVD photographs and videos that can also be used for IYV+10. The best IVD materials received will later be showcased on World Vol-unteer Web (WVW) and in various exhibitions. You may also want to con-sider using the logo for the IVD theme and the logo for

We would welcome your comments and feedback at iyv+10@unv.org. Simona Costanzo Sow Project Manager for IYV+10 IYV+10@UNV.org

IYV+10 Logo

The IYV+10 logo is

available in all 6 UN

languages on the

World Volunteer Web

together with the

Terms of Reference

for its use. Please pass

this information on to

your partners.

International Volunteer Day

Starting with the next News Flash, we would like to showcase the

great work you are doing at the national level. Whether you are

taking steps to establish a National Committee, building

relationships with national players within civil society, the private

sector and volunteer involving organizations, consolidating links

with the government or getting ready to organise events and

campaigns to mark IYV+10 please tell us how you are

progressing and we will feature your examples in the next


IYV+10 together on promo-tional materials you pro-duce for IVD. The way you decide to make the link be-tween IVD and the launch of IYV+10 will depend on the overall context in your country. For more infor-mation on volunteerism and the MDGs, please visit: www.worldvolunteerweb.org/mdgs.html A special WVW section ded-icated to IVD will be coming soon. For more information on the upcoming MDG Re-view Summit, please visit: www.endpoverty2015.org/2010_mdg_review_summit

We want to hear your stories

All the News Flashes, along with any related resources and promotional material are available on the Knowledge Platform and WVW, where we have created a hidden page for Field Offices: www.worldvolunteerweb.org/iyv+10/field