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Used Cars. and Trucks - Now On;.,. THE DAILY

Terra Nova Motors Ltd~ S1. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1959 No: 192

• Ina ames or er roo

Chou Offers Terms , !AP' _ Communist: :\ew China news agency just a ~ not recognize this ooundary line, I The Communist Chinese pre·: Chou said, •

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(Pricer 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons'; .'

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\l'eGnc;nJY orrerc~ to s~t.: few hours before Toss, its Rus.', drawn up before the Flrsl World· mier charged that after the n.: Chou 'offered to !ettle the tX1der :~m:~2i;. \,llt~ [nd18 i ~.Ia.n c~u~t~rpart, pullshed on of· I War. I betan rebell~on "Indian troops; bound:Jry issue "through frle~dly . inlnOI \ nC.Odotions. Rut i hCI?1 So,let stot£..,ment calling. on! ~amed after Sir Arthur Henry started pressing forward steadily! negotiations conducted in a well­frem JW~l1cr. Chou En.: tndl~o and Chl~a t? settle thel~ I ~!odlahon, a British admlnls· 1 oc~oss t~e ~astern section of the' prepaN!d way, step by step."

.. ! 'I

.: In::: I. ella. IS to blame, prob .• m$ pcacefull>. I trator, the Ibe has been regarded: Chl~ese·lndlan boundary." "China Is willlng to live toaether :~:'\l":ed the w.lthelrawnl of ~ Th~ tone of Chou's letter was, by India for years as its bound· I' 1~D1A RESPO~SIBLE irl friendship with Sikki; and

1:00i'; he 53\d are trcs'llnrgC1r conciliatory. \ sry. wlt~ Tibet kom Bhutan to • ~'~hc tense situation rCCl)ntly '. Bhutnn, without committIng ag· o. I ANSnERS NEHRU NOTE the east. But the Chinese never arlsl~g on the Chinese· Indian' gresslon against each other and,

. a !ctter from Indian He was answering a March 221 recognized It, border was all caused by tres·1 has, always respected the p~o . \Iir.i~t~r ~~:'~Il-\\'ho 3;': letter from :O;ehru. ~e claimed, Chou askerl Nehru to Ivlthdraw passing and pro\,ocatlons by In·' relatio~s between them and ~';;. ,

[Or:1m'Jn:;t eh,.13 Allg .• G i that the reason h~ wmtM so long I Indian t roo p s from territory dian troops, and for this the' din" he said .",,,:c'n-l .. hou oficred the' was that he was "somewhat sur·' claimed by Peking-slices of the I Indian side should be held re'I' A major P3~t of the letter was

oi wilhrlrawing Pe.: prlsrd" to .fi"d basic differences' northeast frontier agency, La· spo~sible." ,devoted to t~e Mac~lahon line claim, 10 1111\113.1 and Slk.! 0:1 uOllndarlCs bctween New Delhi II dRkh In Kashmir, Bhutan and He charged the Indians WIt<l In' controversy.

t[O H:r:13;ayan buffer stales I ann Peking. , Slkklm, \'ading Longju-a spot in Tibet The Chinese premier termed IdiJ and CommunIst· I . Chou wrote N. ehru that t~e In'j Ail Jle close to Tibet, but the: where Kehru specifically charged the ~Iacmahon line "a product of

" T;~':. I dInns, and not the Chinese, area wa~ a bone of co~tention. the Communists with ag~rcssion.· the British policy of Aggression . in".:. ~atcil TlIesday,: crossen the ~rnc~!ahon line. He I long before this sprln~'s anll· The ,Indians were "shielding, against the Tibet N!gion of rt:md h\~_~~ ('ommul11st! also pol~ted out that China does, Communist rebellion In Tibet. I rebel bandits in t~is area," i China." .-------------------------

Weapon' Wants Close look

\ Silver Salver Kh h h I EDINBURGH (Rellters) - An rus ( ev

exchange of girts at nearby' Glencorse Barracks \\ ednesdlY

R . marke~ the affiliation of the USS la ROI'nl Scots. Britain'. oldest re· g!r~ent of the line: and. ~he I By WILLlA~1 1,. RYA;.;o \ to Us on a patter."

R.IROLD ~\oRRISO;.;o I And yet In the U.S, the m06t I Royal Newfoundlani! ~llhtla I Nikita K~rllshchcv wants to Khrushchev says he sees :10

Pms Slall Writer I powerful Western country,- vastire~lme~t, the 0lde6l reglmenll get a close look at the American i difference between the American Ar:1cricans even toda), I nllmbers of Negroes in the south. \ nanD a. . eagle. Perhaps he wants to knoll' '.capitallsm of today and that of

F~r . :hl rranc~ise becau~e i ern states nre barred from the . Thhle

f prflncehss Royal, colonel· i how long It will be before - by i 50 years ago, His picture of the

. ' ,polls th~ough various tricks im. m·e "" ate R'Jyal Scots,.: his reckoning - he can step on' United States, despite all that : Ihs~ wo:Js, enJ:1clatcd by I p05ed b), Ihe whites. h~nded B silver sal\'~r to CoL the eagle's tail. I must ha\'e been reported to him, Ie-:eral comr.1is,ion on civil I With damaging co~vlctlon, the Sir Leo~ardl Outerbndge. hon The Soviet premier made this seems to be much like the pic·

I~ k,il~d State, has i Soviet propaganda machine might ~ra~ co one o~ the noyal New· ambition plain long after he be- h.l1:e many an InSUlated Soviet F.uss;l J ~ow~rful new, well repeat: 11011' muc~ friend. oun land Regiment, g~s, about two yeo~s ago, to hint citizen has: A count~y wholly

. WCne0!1 t? aim at the: ship could the whites l:l the south. hiS wa~ bto an inVitation to. vis!t I do~inated by Wai! Street, where ,: !d r,3110n In SJuthelst ern states have for Aslatlcs If A d the Umted States. CommUnIsm s I ordinary peop!e lIve In fea~ of

they t:-eat their own Negro cltiz· ceor i ng ~tar travelling salesman want an: pollce state machinery. ens with such evident contempt Idea of just what. the. resistan.ce I He e,'en purpo:-ts to sympa·

~o;:m ir, \'Jrious ello:-ts and hatred? might be, to his line In a hemls, t~lze with the American people ,\sia;:ic and others: Of a total population of some' To TV p~ere which ~as been a mystery I -as distbguished from what he . \l'ay of life, the I 77.000,000 persons, the U.S. has to him all hiS Hfe. 'ca!!s the ruling circles. MaNna· way. is fHr b~tte:- about 19.000.000 !'legros. Ol'er the To Khrushchel', American talk', nimously he has co~cedcd that

the Commuslsts ~ years, progl'es~ has been made PICTOU, N.S. (CP) - The of Individual f r e e d 0 m is I Americans are "good people." , i in various integratlo~ scheme!,' Innuence of American tele· n.o~sense. Frequently he has I

RIGHT I but great re!istal1~ against in· 1 vision Is reaching Into Cana· rIdiculed Western democracy as I

lie unc,,"iab!e b~sic right tegation stilI prevails in the' dian courts. a sham. ' I :s tile right to vote. I south. Judge J. Welsford Mnc· "Freedom Is only lor monopoly'

Forestry Meeting


, .

_---------. donald this week gave with· capitalists," he thundered on one I L1VEnpOOL, N. S. (CPl-The :lesses at a trial here R lesson occasion. "The workers are pi un· i sixth annual meeting of the Cana·

.. many witnesses think they like sheep. The Western press' be hehl at nearby White Pobt PAKSE, Laos-As palt of U,S. ~Iilitar~' Assistance rru~Ta1l1 in Laos, l;.S. Quits Art

In court procedure. He said dered. The capitalists ,hear them i dian Institute of Forestry will

should raise their right hands and radio serve only the manop., bench Sept. 14 and 15. Includ(!{\ officers and enlisted men. aided by a FreIlch non·com, train YUUIlg Laot-wlJen swearing an oath, olles. They call themselves the i on the agenda Is a tour of Bo- ians in lise of weapons supplied them by the United States. Here an un·

Gallery. By KEX KELLY I field of Canadian art where I feel

Pml Sla!! Wrlkr I there is useful work to be done." ICP' - Alan Jarvis, ART MAGAZI~E

bP-II\ed new life Into the I Later, the Society for Art Pulr 'Gal:ery, is quitting as Il!catlons, a non - profit corpora· al the end of the month, atlas, announced thnt Mr. Jarvis

monlh! beiore his five· has been elected chairman and t')~lraCI r""s alit. will head a notional campaign to ~,ts?O:,~n a~,d controversial co-ordlnte and flnanace new a~d on the C:1~adia:1 art scene existing efforts In this field. The he ass')ml'<! the post In society now publishes Canadian )Jr. Jar\'is leal'es as the Art Magazine and the an:lOU:lCe-

• • I 13 mO\'ln~ to a new hOm<! , ment said it wm extend Its oper· DtW Lome Rulldlng in I atlo~s.

O:tnwa. The 44·year·old native of Brant· his resignatIon to ford, ant., hasn't been on the

ter Falrc:ough, best of terms with the govern· (or some time lit! ment since t~e spring of 1958

reiief from the ed·; when his undertaking to buy two burdens "In order to i art treasures was vetoed by the

on olher areas in the 1 cabinet.

Ollsands Vie,v Duplessis

GER.'LD FREEMA!'I· to be held today for the 69·year· Pr~s! Stall Wrlkr ol~ premier. 'IERES, Que, (CP) Flowsrs filled the lobby of tJe

01 Premier Mau:lce grey stone court house where Mr. • I 10:.: in state for the Duplessis argued as a young law· , ,da;' \\ ednesday while the yer.

whose destbies he guided Trois· Rlvleres knew Maurice years filed sadly past In Duplessis as a polite and serious

line. schoolboy, an ambitious lawyer ail parts of the and !lnaily a successful and

;ne~-~,ool. who loved and highly cont\'overlal pol!tlcan who the co!orful premier, returned for a visit nearly once D 01 the Union Nationae month, It kept him in the provln·

, who called him "Ie chef," clal legislature 32 years. Who dlsagr~d with his The informal, small·town type a~d even some WJO hotels contended with a food of

all he stood for-trooped r eq u est B for reservatlo:1s' as Ibt Open coffin in the cou~t friends and o!!lclals, reporters

and photographers gathued for the biggest funeral Trois·Rlvlere! has ever· had,

da~light and early eve­\'Iewers moved at a rate I,CIX) an hour.

Went ltraight from the offer pra),ers at the Trois·

Cathedral. a block dill­IUneral services are

Prime Minister Dlefenbaker is expected· to t>e here' for the fu· neral, along with Premiers Duff Roblin of ManltoDa ~ Leslie . Frost of Ontario.

"Keep your arm down and free world, but we wouldn't be I' waler's Mersey Paper Compan" d f rl h Id th BI

I'I I ' i cnti ie instructor shows a Laotian ho\\' to disassemble a U.S.-made

o e u e n your right tempied "bock if _they offered It Limited here.. - - I - hand." he told a witness. "In e~lTbine,-UPI Telephuto. Canada you swear on the -------------Bible, yOU don't stick up I

y~fh~:~:·somethlng you see Labor Party., CanadlO an Trade . in teledslos and in the

movies. " .

Dizzy Dies TORONTO (CP1-Dlzzy was

gettlsg old and nasty. It was o~ly a matter of time.

He was born 34 years ago In Hoosick Falls, ~.Y., and came to Toronto at the ag,a of 10.

He had a long relationship with Florence Dromedary. The turning point In DiZZY's life came when they first fought.

Dizzy shunned her, returned W her, then shunned her again,

Thereafter ~Is llfe at High Park Zoo was turmoil. He once kicked B keeper In the stomach, breaking three ribs.

He drifted Inlo IndlHe:ence finally, spending much of his time brooding.

Dizzy died Monday, his only distinction being that he a:ld Florence were the first camels

In Canada to become patents.

No Tea? BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP1-

Who says the English love tea? Th~. local United Ser\'lce

. Organization stocked up with 1,000 tea bags for a party Tuesday :lIght to honor visit·

.Ing Engll!h sailors from the frigate Scaroorough. . Mrs. Odessa J. S~lpley,

USO director, reported 1,000 tea bags still on hand Wed· Ili!sday. . . '"The sailors ate pizza and

television dinners, drank cof­fee and exhausted the milk supply-but none wanted tea.

Produces Plane

In Limelight !,Figures By ED smON I for the election Is to decide who [

Deep In Red LO~DO~ (CPl-The election: shall repn:sent this country at a . OTTAWA. (CPl-A rapill rise' eliml)(~d 10.3 pcr ce::t to SJ,310 .. ' co~ntries fel! off by $126,300,000.

limelight belollged to Hugh Galt.: summit conferesce," he said. lin Canadian business th!s . 200.1J0~ from S3.0)\ ,70?.000 ill the I In th~ ,~\'en mont:,s thc United skell Wednesda,'.' I "We believe that our claims to, year, together With a fall·ofr m. fl1',t ,e\rn mcnths 0: last year. I States took 63 per ceJt of Cana·

The beaming Labor party represe~t Great Britain are very expor.t. sales to all markets but' Total exports rose more slowly,! dian exports, compared with: 58 leader allghted at London Air. strong." the UnIted Stales, has put Cana, I up b;' 0:1))' 1.6 per cent to S2.-1 per .cent a year e,arl.lcr. Thc'pro­port, his Russian visit curtailed Galtskel! argued that Macmil. dian trade figures deeply In tile' Bo0,4IlO.000 from $2,S03,00J,OIXl. I ?OrtlOn of Canada s Imports com· by Prlme Minister Macmillan's Ian and his Conservative party red. : A breakdown of those fI~urcs mg from the U.S. was unchanged announcement of the Oct. 8 gen. are recent con\'erts to the Idea A trade deficit of $-159,800.000: sholl's trade with the United j at about 70 per cent. eral election date,' and said he of sum mit co~ferences and in the first sel'en n;onths of the I States. pla"in~ a larger role in, The sc:'e:l . month deficit on was "delighted" by the news. strongly resisted the Idea when It year-an excess of Import~ over, th~, o\,cr·all plct.llrc. . I ~I'ade With the Umted States

The Opposition leader waved' was first put forward by Labor. I exports - was reported \\ednes· \ !\early two·thlrds of the gam: Jumped to $507,600,000 compared his hat, end \Inked arms with i STl\RTS CAMPAIG~ING I day by t'1e bureau of stafistics 'in imnorts flowed from south of I with $485 000 000 a year earlier:

, comely Mrs. Barbara Castle, the The Opposition leader immedl. That was more than double th~ i the b~rder. On the export side, Canada:s t~ading deficit nonn Laoor party chairman, who wal ately hit the campaign trail wlt'1 deficit of $19~,700,OOO a year ear· I Canada sold $173,70,000 more in \ ally is offset by the steady in nux there to meet t'1e plane, and a H}-minute relevision appearance lier. I goods ta the U.S. during Ja~uarY· of ioreign capital invested In this Aneurin Bevan, his chief lleuten. Wednesday :lIght and a date to Imports i:l January - July July but total exports to ail other country.

ant and shadow foreign secret· address the closing sessioh of the ary, who accompanied him O!l Trade Union Congress at Black· the trip to MoscoW. pool today. ACCEPTS CHALLENGE Gaitkell said at the airport he

As the p~otographers clicked Is confident that when the British their shutters. Galtskell accepted people reflect on the re'cord of the challenge thrown down by the the p~esent government: begin· prime minister when he called ning with Suez, and compare it t!le elecUon. with Labor's foreign pollcy, there

"I see that Mr, Macmillan has would be no doubt of the out' suggested that the main reason come.

Space Capsule Found Intact

By VERN HAUGLAND than planned, It was a "very rl· CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) gorou re . e:ltry, experiencing

A one· ton space capsule blazed high heat load! and high rate~ hundreds of miles across the At· of deeeleration," and would pro· lantic Wednesday and wan'ccov' -duce II great deal of useful Infor· ered . northeat of A.'1tigua eight malion. hours later. Furthermore, GiJruth sold, It

Edmonton'S Mayor: "Gross Misco nduct"

EDMONTON (CP) - William! of Improper conduct. The report said Mayor Hawre­lak re~i\'cd u profit of $20,000 o~ a land deal made th:-ough the trust company with Dominion Stores Limited .

Hawrelak, mayor of Edmonto~ I The one·man commission was for eight yea~,'quit his $15,000~ set up by the attor~ey·general to yenr job Wednesday after a judi· investigate charges of ci\'ic mal· cial commission charged him admini~tration made by about 500 with "gross misconduct" in con· persons. Hearings lasted 21 days. nection with a land trimsaction. The report suggrsted that el'i· MISLED CO:lfMlSSIOSERS

The popular 45-year-old chief I dence on two land deals aJd He said there were cases where magistrate submitted his resign· charges of bribery be turned over t~e mayor misled his fellow:tam alion a rew moments after the to the attorney·general for pas· missioners and the council for hls report of Mr. Justice M, ~l. sible action. personal profit, ' Porter of Calgary was tabled 'at Mr. Justice Porter suggested I .

a special meeting of city council. the city consider looking into the I The Oct. 14 munlcipal election Mr. HawreJak ~'iped tears from possibility of recoveri;]:: Mayor would hal'e marked the end of

his eyes as he left the cou~cill Hawrelak's financial gains in his fourth term as maylY.'. He did chamber after deaying c~arges I some of'the land deals, not roak\! known ~Is plans.

Judge L. S. Turcotte, of'Leth· bridge reprimanded the mayor for accepting gifts from pen;ona hal'ing business .with the city but ~commcnded that no charges be laid under the Criminal Code,

Sclentists oboard the destroyer turned out to be an excelle~t test Strong w~lch fished the slmu· of the recovery operatio:l because lated space craft out of the WR' the capsule landed several hun·

NEW DELHI _ . Reuters-In· ter, reported 'Jj In eXCl)llent con· dred miles from the planned (ep) _ ConserilaU'II! ment Is only tbree years old I I t V K dltlon. point of Impact llJd far from

Robert L. Stan!!eld said "anyt~ing Is possible," dian Defence M n s er , ' This indicated that the test most of the reco'll!ry facilities. a Nova ScoUa gen. "II the Liberals keep sayinll.we Krisbna Menor wId Parliament night would yield vast amounts The capsule, a cone six feet

.S. Election Possible UN Party, Caucus In Quebec Today r·········~

. QUEBEC (CP)-A Union ND'I The cauc~s will be ~e~d In the • Weather'; · tionale party caUcus has been Q.ue~c legls~ature bUlldmgs. In· t . . ~. ~ called for 8 p.m. today. It Is the vltatlOns were se.nt to party I t Sunny, clouding ov~r; first step in t~e appointment of a ~embers Tuesdax I? televams • thi evening, HIgh 70.:: '

Is PDS~ible this year WedlletdBY the Indian Air Force of data required bl4 the National Wide at itS bose a.,d 9'h feet "keep. saying we. lire afraid of an,eleetion the:! the will make 'Britlsh Avro-748 air· AeroooutiCB and Space:Mmlnls. long, tapering to a 20-inch dlam· a general vote,~8IfuatI?,n ~~Id. .change. We are ~raft under license to replace tration before the first U.S. astro- eter at the nose, was launcJed Henry Hicks said ~:d~llt~ Jl~~~e~ ~~~C~i~ exLstini DC·Sa, naut ca~ be launched safely Into by a Big Joe Atlas rocket.

bow what 'Llberals an election. . orbit, EXTRA LOAD referred. to. _ . Vu:WS PEIWlN Robert G I I rut h, director of In Wednesday's firing, for the any reason lor ail Mr:. HiCks' SIlld he wesumed Oe'·.a-d Man Unnoticed NASA's Project Mercury, told a first Ume In any Atlas launching,

but certainly U Mr. Stanfield -has taken heart press conrerence that the !I~ing the H)·foot long skirt section con· wanl3 to call (l,'le from Ute CoitaervaUve vict.DTY In . was mainly B test of the shape talnbg two oooster engines falll'<!

Pl'eJ)ared to fight it," Prince Edward Island where I FRANKFURT, West Germany and design of a space ~apsule, to separate and fall away. s a former LI>eral pre. 24.year Liberal Ilovernment" .. -,Reut~rs-A. dead man ut at and from that standpoint was sue· This meant that the Big Joe

alO In an Intevlew In' O\l8ted by the PCs Sept. 1, the wlieel of his car for three cessful.' sustalner had to cam an added . . Mr. Hicks said he did not know days in the main street of Gag· STEEP RE·ENTRY weight of 8 thousand pound! or

Stanfield told a relevi': what Liberals had bee:!' saying gemBu before a' passerby nO-I GlIruth added although-lhe cap, more belore It too bur~ed out and hue that while his tbe Conservative were afraid 01. tic~d he .,~ dud, the Frankfurt sule's ~·entry In t~ earth's at· I left the cal'sule free for ballistic

CoilltlvaUve io~erll- an election," AbendpOllt relluneu Wedll .. day. mosphere was some .... hat steeper flJght. . .


new premier' for Quebec. signed by ColOnization Mimster .. s : ~ Party members will be asked J. D. Begin, ~hief party organ.iz, ~ T'EMPE'RATURE'S'~ , 4

to endorse one of their cabinet cr, and ~!aunce Bellemare, chic! ,. , m~mbers-most likely Hon. Paul Whip. • ' .' ~ Sauve, youth and social welfare Premier Duplessis, who died larmouth .... 54 76 ... • mL1ister-as their ~holce to s~c.: carll ~~o~day, is to be buried In • Sydney .•.. -, 51 .. 81;' ~ ceed. tbe late Premier DuplessIs.; Trols·RlV1eres, QIIC., today a:1d t Halifax.,., .. 58 76;,

They w~uld then petition Liu.;lt ap.pears. certain that a new t Toronto ...... 71 B6' ~ tenant.Governor Onslme Gagnon; premier Will be c~osen .shortly t Montreal .... 64 84:· to ask Mr. Sauve to form a new I afterwards - pOSSibly 1';lthln a I' ~ ~ cabinet. ' few ~ours-and sworn b l~lday. , ............................................. .

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A,ad tlUh BIOO 12 11 13 C",h'''"r Il'~ lO I~ 19 -I Onld f.'II. :lOCO 10', 10 10 .11'" Uran lllO 0', n'.' II, I'ro •. '" Adocal. ~1O JOO 2IlO m -10 Chin" 1000 II 06 17 -I GR Ur.n lIOO 191, m. :9.1 - '., 1lIIIII;on mo 101 IIlI m - I Purdrx AbltC'h~ 13M ,U n 4.2 <..:hrom I:l') 2SJ 20,\ IAl '" 5 Ornndrn:tl ~ 18 II 16 ,·1 MInda 500 7 , 7 QUI' \ Tlil Alb. hpl !OOO I I I ro,:, Will 600 JOl 300 100 Oronduc 100 1:.1 III l;!.l M n Corp .111 IIJ \1 \1 Qu. C!llb , "'''~'T\ 311 m

l, 11'. I:'. _ II ~ody.nee" 1,1M ID In In (I,'ell 1000 I I I ~Io,,'" iGlO II ha 70 -I Q", (1)1' .

I. , 411 II.. 11lO 1I H %1 Coin L.~. ~OO 13'\ IJ'\ IJ", Gunnar \:ZIO liD', !>" ID 'l HI IVrl,hl \J.\O lO 5n IU Oue L.b "'",.Lord" UOO 31 Jl 33 Culum" 1100 :', 2'\:11 r,,"'Rr .,. 4\1)(\ 16n I:, lin -21 Sam. Cr JlOa:2 m, ~I'" -I'., 'I ~uc Lill',

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AulD Hut UIC fIn, 11\\ \l\~ + \~ C 41elllllieno 2..\M • " I -1 I < ""ItY 3~O,1 34 31 :n -J New U('lh; 7Cf'l.J ~.lIiJ '20 20 I Jl.<1d1orr.

AftJ RaQ)'ft 1* n 2\ 2!l + h \' " Heta a J~I 10 " "I,~ -1 Hea\h 100(1" I S Dlrkcn 750 ~:!7 ':!lJ ,t~~ , ':1", rock An.1I 11* II Il!\ \I ., I c c.III"'" ?lI1 101\ 10 10\\ I I\OOJ m 1\0\ l ~ Golduc 2100 I 1 7 I R.'oIon Mudl. 11>0 II 11 tl ,2 CD" C Id 11\0.1 1 l,' - "; ""1' 'l" Ill" IJU ~U:lli ~ ••. Hn,o ".;;0 71 6' 71 -, ,\·,.,h:e AIT'~ lOll •. seoo % 2 2 _\ C n.nl •• n MIO 111\, 11\, III> - '., "n"I" ~1):1 m III In -I New J"on ~CJl , 1'" 7', ~ oc,' Rio RUI'

I AU.n CJI Cop 100 11.1 m 1.1 _I C Otn "L. 7110 I'l ~1 100 -I I Hud nlv III III L911 ~o -I N ~,Ior llJ,O 10 \1 II'., -I ,:" .I:;"b , AU\ •. II'" 1000 III, 10 10 -1 C DIICoory liDO 36.1 60 3S1 .1 ,I" I 1\ 1\ 1\ + I Nwlnnd lOa" 10 \0 -I nrc~"'n . Aubtll. 17000 lit 3 3 _ 1\ C Hallll.1I 13m 60 II II -lind L.kl 18100 4 I l\\ S ~'>I.ma Im,o II, III 112 -IJ 1I0.,n COli i Aumoq~. Ilbil m I 1\, + \1 ~on M ! m7 119 11 U!O - ~I ,".~Iratlon 1000 m. 31\1 1m ~wnor Il:J<l II, m I'., \lyonor

I Auaor lOG m no SMI 1 (1 "11~1\1 Hon ,18:1 US, Uti -, 11'\ N clul 16lS UIl\\ 89~ n~t - --I :-Irw !\uuyn R~ 1~ \4 1~ ittn Ani AIIII\,. LIOO l 11\ 11\ C Morr"" 11100 30 It n -I '" 'I", 1000 II 11 11 -I ~ S,·n."''' 2\1111 l'.; I'., \\, Sond H,

'i BanlJltIt 100 111\ 11\\ 1111 C Mo.nor IJ~O 1M 1110 IDO +1 lrl.n Cop 1900 l!.I 101 M I Ni'k Him "'" 19 .1R lS , Shorp Cr

I Bao,,",14 ~. 11\ I I \" I'on N.... 1000 11 11 11 -·1 to., 1'1.11 l!14l m 211 .. 4 ~IIII,"'" ;.1.\ 1,1 DO 1.1:' . 5' i Sill''''''

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1'\0 J\5 .ID :;I~ ,j()() 4()() 1(}()tJ 10 , ~81,'J :J~ , Iii Bululn

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t,.1 ii, ~r !'1 .. jnl )W Sl~ i I!lJllle Oil" J!I $l:\~.

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9:Jo) 17", 7 - •• B. C. Gardner, .11.e. 103\ *:n~', J) J3". I

1:;<) !JO!' ]7', ]7;; ~_I'. man of the board 01 ,40 l~ ," :~o :-IclI'fuundlnnd Corpo' dio~

I l!onn4r' lOOOD !\., I !II.I n"r "mn 2100 Ii lUI li'.\ I .• hrodnr I~H IlB'\ m~ ldI, - I, ~uroh'r IOIIU \07 lUI 101 -3 I Trolll llr:o. I. llroul lIot1 )(to 11 II II P·F.I,II>n. 1000 11 \I \I !.I~I el. 100 II II 81 -I ~o\'P ~ ... JIIU 1<.1 til b" I' .1""',1",

,rnhnL 6000 I 1 :t '''I Ill', 11 17 - II \, (I.n 1000 lI'.~ WI '1\\"" ~or'" Lan 12" 1'1 !III 1\11 I'n Keno

:: :;::!!!::1~~ 7\:. ,;1 :~;' 2l~ :ll, Conoid. :~, I~ I~,., I~\I tl t::~I:~"1I ~~ IiI 1;1 IiI -.1 i;~~:~i: ~~~:" 1:;,,1\., I;" ~I" 1 ~':~o~,:n I ,.H.d moo 11 I)'., III _ '." I'. 01,1 ~Ju I" 131 III --I I.nllldin Jill" \ 1', l'l (l'Il,I,", 9'"" ri7 (.J 62 -I lenl"m

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H -I Waln\~:" :!,i6ll $37L,~ 16 l , :l6~t - '. ' d d 711 IJOI., ll'. ];., . ltc, announce today thl;' 11'1 , \\'all..rr:l

j~, -4 We,tor B retiring at his own rt4u/!~ reason5 of health bUI ~iU



111 II 12



-I .1


Total uln: 2,~a5,oc.o

~IU'T ,H'TI\'E TOROSTtJ 'TOCKS linue OJ a direclor. His 81 Tht t;atladlart Prn. '11 k

SI,e. 5.1" 14\g" Lo. el ... Ch·,. mcnt WI ta'c cHcct ali!: LS[)t;I'iTRI,'L~ '1 ~ti;j $~~I:' 2\12 ~~I] _. Ii: company s annUJ m

:.:"n:rcill on Septcmucr I :,Ir. Gardncr 31,0 , that I!. r.reville Smil~ has been appointed 3 <Ii'

t I,:, NOW. •• RIGHT NOW. .. YOU'RE A British Newfoundlann lion Limited. In ad has heen nominated 10 ~Jr. Gardner as ehairm board and will abo chief execulil'e offie" comran~'

II , ,


, , , , .


, . , , ,

.... \,.

, ,'I'

, .

"",': '''":

".,;, .

,'II< ~ : '


new your Chevrolet dealer is talking the kind of deals that Chevrolet trucks an even better buy than ever bt,for .. And

truck! are the best truck investment you Can make at any Their UMW'P.assed power, economy, ease of operation and deep· IOlid oonatrUction lick every job- you tackle •• year in, year

Act fast. Check with the ~ck experts at your Chevrolet Dealer's



rrln/lv. You'll be a great deal better off , .. in every way,

_-...:.---------Vis.it your authorized Chevrolet Dealer-----------· .... ·~:~'~~'~·-




~Ir. Greville Smlill I'

tor of manl' Canacii~I' ie,. including Bank of)1 . Canadiill1 Pacific Rai',,!,· pan)'. Quebec ;';alar:1 G'" ptlration ?rrl Sirel Carmla Limited.


Tr·Ciil1 Pl. CrR

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69sa ~:!I~I :!I. 391) '~i.il:' ~j I i

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OIL~ 11~31 r) I ~~} iii,:'

2~~3 II) 16JjO ,t;~ ; 13~1..I ,D~


Ord\i n ~J9300 10':; :-. ~ ~hlan1A 12.!1900 I3j l~~ F.xP All 15500 C Halliwell 13;,50 Buffad 41~

.'IOSTRE.'L CLo.;l~G Abilibi :M~I

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)9 1: .. 11'" \:i Bnque rc n.lflur.l A Bathunl B Hell

till " .. :1 Int l'rl'

H ~~,\IJ~,Ttr

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\11 ltln com ,'\1\ Cdn 1>1 Amcrican GrolAln 8uubnn ClnldLln Inntmt"1 CanaluT"id r.;hilm;llon 'lUlUill commonwealth Inter Corpora14 lauton Dominion fAult)" 1 n nut O!\ fond co\lrct\f Grouprd Sf'1 A Groupt<l jncoml (;rouped In~mf Ac("lm Gr" .. otn 011 Ind Gil ("Ulo rli liro'olilh }'und tntllon Mulual Ktyslont i MUU.lII Acc'JmlJl;atlnl i·I..~'~ Lctr .. ,. Fund xd. Mutuel Incom' jo'ulld ~(Jr.h Amer fund of Ull

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"Iller, .Ii.e" t ~ll;tl'd of

, ' l'orpol'dtion 'ltl loday that ,1\ \1\\11 reqU~lt

'l,dlll but will' trrClur. His ·kl· effcct after JIl"u:l1 meetinl ~~ptcmtJer 2a

l:l'']" 31:'0

'\lI'r Sml ~'\"'in:ed I filulldiann

1 In additIOn, ':''''C:'led to ~ a' chairman of ',1 ill allo

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Briefs In The

" "News

\rldOlll1dlan~ Tuuereu· , ion hilS gratefully

receipt of $500,00 Ihe c·I"lc o[ Ihe late Dr,

E, Ilcnnelt. . S'.Irrnnlendent o[ the St.

Sanatori,"n [or ol'er 25 Dr, Bennett was in a

10 ;l'r "I first hand the and ,orrow whieh

10,1, inflicts on it; vic, His ,"r:witness together , r, pert ~ nowledge he

• The Daily News THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER' 10, 19S~,c

I :~ , ;

i ' . , • • r--\ ; "

Confederation Building Td Be Ready By Next July. 1 st ,", .


* Exterior Work Nearly Completed By a Daily 1\c\\'S Staff \\'ri\er ,

The extrrior· work on Confederation Building is almost completed. The ()t~,pr ,~y a flag was raLlcd on top of the. towcr thus indicating the last, of tV.'o nJllllfl1l hncks had heen wcll and truh' laId, The bnckword and foundations for the Illlilclillg were completed by the Ncwfoundland Enginecring and Construc­tion Company. The building is 600 fcct wide (frontage) with a rear wing of 250

I .... ·'

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f('et, I;' ". j I. _\

On a visit to Conlederation Ithen 200 feet from the ground fill them .. When the work 1~" I

Building the other day this On the way up we took time out finished many local tradesme~',:'~ I )IIews staffer .nd Photographer \ to look through the un-glassed will have become skilled, thanlls'.:~ ! Frank Kennedy were amazed, windows and saw a tremendous to their mainland teachers. ' ,~ I We ascended the steel stair Ipanorama and pastoral scene 01 Canadian Comstock has liad'~', " case, flight alter flight, right'up the surrounding countryside 125 men constantly employed ~n~':':

1.,1 I ., .

'.' I " ,I

I' 'I

)d i l , I

" '


, ;

!O hI.' lI'or~, 'would n~ nouht ;1; 10 his dedi·

10 Ih(' rausc for which _lro IC- thc eradication of , osi- Irom ;;ewfound·

to the elel'enth floor and look·' and far out to sea, It IS the have laid through the bUilding' , i cd up into the dome, We were largest building ever construct· over .3(){),000 feet of wire cor('.:

cd in Newfoundland and the ducits and installed 3000 fix.',' , ; II

highest, so there are many rea· tures. This maze of wiring niiist.'",; sons why its vastncss leaves, be seen to be appreciated ahlt'.: the ,'isitor with awe and a tre· \ then one realizes the expert"" mendous amount of respect and ness of the men charged with ",; admiration for the Premier and Ithe installation. "-:':' government in sponsoring the All lighting fixtures will 1Hl:, huge structure to tlOuse the liourescent with aluminous ~c)I,' ;

;: I ,. ! I'

:: \ 'Uh,l,l:I!I;d an~ generous '; , refleclion of his 1

i,l,on of the anti· pro~r,lmme of the

Ill1kh he sCTI'cd as 0: the hoal'd of

, ,:"l'r II; c,'!;lhlishmcnt

m ,till il1l'estlgating 15541111 ann rohbery of

i\crrll an , 19 Flower 1

, Tht at lack occllrred on , GOllrr ~trert on An~ust , \0 arrests han been

I\as ~tt~rked Irom i b) threr youns toughs ~a' robhrd of fmlrty

an ~;\, COlll'cyen tn G1nml 1I0spilai In a

(onriitioll ann under In operalion 01\ his arm


Promenade ~ Ic.tmlllY',; I1ll'eting of the \ou~,ciL round lor Higgins I

.)1 up :hc subject of the , of I,',C Promonade by I C~R, By fcncing this sec· of Cit) propert)', persons tormall) parkrd their cars II! no !or.~er able to use


found it necessary to elf this ,eelion of the

10 ell.lure that their would hal'c access to the

" The trucks carry· iOQ(\l for the passenger

~uil unload there Iwo lIlt! times a dHY,

Wall, 33 year old Inlprclor. ~as lound

It U5 a,11I" September HI b belicl'ed to have run ol'er by a train, I)(curred approximately

a.m, ROt Pollee are out the Inl'esllgallon.

To Study Petition John R O'Dea, successful I

~e .. foundland Party in the August 20th had nothing to say

the pelilion of G, Rex , to have the eleetion in , Sl,uth declared null when contacted by the

Sew!. ~Ir, O'Dea intimat· he migl,t have some·

to sa)" II hen he had the petition and can·

hLl lawyer, James D,

No Traffic Fatalities

On Weekend , • civil service and parliar;1ent. 'ing pyramid lights in the Legi~·· ~Tr, Arthur .John~on, pre,'!': PARLlAME1'\TARY latil'e chamber and also in the

, dcnt of the Safety Council oIl . CHA~IBER lover or entrance hall. On the , \cII'foundland, h,as, exprcsse~ I While one can only detect o;tside around the building are

his dcep apPleclatlDn o[ the 'the shape 01 thc new House of verv modern light standards ; fact that there! were, n~ tra!'1 Assembly at the moment on the bea'ring mercury vapor lights, , Iflce fatalltleths n

L b:\ew ouDn '1 eighth floor, it will be a magni· Thcse will light up the parking

and over e a our oy r b' th I weekcnd, despite the vDlume Ilcehntt f cham er . Tmheasunng areas, and approachhes to t e 1ft ff' th ds elg y eet square. ere are bUildings dUring t e au umn

o ra IC on e roa , II' fIt ... th The po:il'e are to ,be com. Itwo ga cries or spec a ors or and winter, Tile wIres to ese mended for their diligencc I VISitors far rem~ved from the stand~rds are all under~round­on both preventive an? en· '. members, There 11'111 also be Ithe fIrst reai below the .surface forcement duties, l:kewlse thc ample space for the press. The 1 hghtlrlg arrangement an east·

, motoring and walking puhlie largest windows in the build· ern Newfoundland. Special wire ~ for their splendid CO'Dpera· ing will be located an the and conduits were used in thIs ~ lion with the authorities. parliamentary chamber and underground project.

It is regretted that the the three facing south can be Canadian Comstock's heat· , weekend was marred hl' B seen in onc of the photographs ing and plumbing workers

drowning and the council on this page, ,howing the hal'e also been busY· Heat I once again stresses the neces· countr)'side from within with I will be carried from the huge , sity of residents living up to Cabot Tower on the horizon, oil [urn aces using high pres·

the warnings expressell by the At present the interior is far sure hot bunker fuel to over Hed Cross Society. Parents from completed, In fact some 430 radiators, all concealed . should make sure that all rooms are pla;tercd and elec· Each room wi!! have Its own

1 their chidren arc taug~lt to i trical conduits and heating t~ermostat a~d there Will be I <\\'1111 and be safety con,clOUS : engineers are still busily en· all' condltlonmg for the warm I at al timcs when on water. .! gagcd extending these services. and humid days. All wires and

The press, radiO and T'I I The electricians started work pipes are conce~led and, It COl'erage gll'en the Safety: fr m the ground as soon as the will be casy to fmd electrical Council on behalf o[ Safety,' I 0 d ' I'd Th connertions in case desks , ,.,' oun allons were ai, ere as a public serl'lce, IS, \ ery, 'II b 200 . th b 'Id have to be relocated as the much appreciated, the Safety: WI e rooms In e Ul ., wires are under the £\oors, Council release concluded. ing. The building contains aroplF

CO~ISTOCKS BIG JOB ' , rest rooms and there are;~151 Canadian Comstock of )!on·

treal has the mcchanical con· tracts, 'electrical, plumbing ,and heating" This is the largest such

,contract el'er awarded in, New·

toilqts and wash basins, :~d sel'cnteen drinking foul1~rns distributed to the various i1rWr! . =.~10; and W1ng~I. . ;:.~

There arc twenty· five :~rF Canada's Minister of La.' [oundland, This .firm has con· stations distributed thro-~h

bour, Hon. ~Iichael Starr, will traded for and executed bigger DUt the building for addlti.Ql'~' visit st. John's next week, ;lIr. iobs in other parts of Canada, protection, However, . th!

Starr To Address PC'S

I Starr has accepted an invita· It is a fine tribute to Com· building is fireproofed and i tion to. address the annual stock's staff to see the trr.· waterproofed. There is a sc~r· , meeting of the ;;ew!oundland mendous work already 'accom· . city of wood in the entirE

Progressive Conservative As· plished, While the top men are' structure. The window boxe~ socialiDn on ,TuesdtlY, Septenl' ' company employees from "Ion· will be made of wooa and ber 15th. lie is also expected treal, many ,local .men have covercd with stainless steel

, to visit Bell Island, ! bcen employed and hal'e learn·, frames, I :\Ir. Starr was first elected' cd tremendously ,as the jobs The last item to be addcd to , to the House of Commons for progressed how these bigger the lop of the building thus 1 till' constituency of Ontario contracts arc accomplished and indicating eonclusion of the ',(wllieli takes in the city of, the expert detaii needed to fuf, (Continued on Page 14)

O,l]all'a) in a bye·election in' -.-------:\Iay, 1952, Prior to his elcc· . tion he had been l\layor of R uf Oshawa, He was appointed ena Files P etitiaIl :\linistcr of Labour in the Die· . f(:nbaker Cabinet June 21st, I. ID57, G, Rex Renouf filed a pe· ordinariiI' resident in the provo

Tb,is will be ;lTr, Slarr's tit ion and an affidal'it in the ince for 'the 12 months imme' first visit to :\ewfoundland. Supreme Court at 12 noon diately proceeding the is·

I He is due to arrive in SI. Wednesday asking for' the suing of the writ of the elec, ,John's September 15th, and election in SI. John's South tion, will remain until the 17th, be declared void. 1111', Renouf ;;otice of fiing of the peti·

Dclegates from Progressive was the PC candidate in the tion and copies were sent to Consefl,ativc branches alii' August 20th election. \' the resJondent Charles, De· across the provll1ce 11'11\ be, vme and John R. 0 Dca,

. present for the annual meet·: Grounds in the petition were ~lr. O'Dea, United !\ewfound· 'ing of the prol'incial as socia· , lIlat Chal'les Del'ine. who land Party candIdate won the lion, which opcns at 7.30 p,m"l stood for thc :\ewfoundland election August 20th by de· Taesr!~y, September 15th, in Democratic Party in the elee· teating ~Ir. Renouf by 3.ma· the B,I.S. Clubrooms, Queen's I tion, was not qualified as a jority of 126 voles. Mr, Dc' Road, St, ,John's, I candidate due to not. being an vine received 213 votes. to ) eslwlll)" afternoon,

!aid he had not reo I cop," ot the petition, • '/"0 ,',,,' ~. S 10\\'.1 part 0 tIe TOI' PIIOTO shell,"s thl' Inl,lhY or L'lltr,\IlCC of till: COllr"lll'I','lt"llll Il,II'I<II'II", ('I'''''I'!'I' PJI()TO I f I

nell' II()~ISC ,of AS.ll'lI1hly. BOTTOM l'1I0TO gi~'e.l R \ jell; of the ~urro'\I](li()g hills frol11 the large windows in

the Leglslatlvc Challlher.-Dllily i'iCII', Photos hI' Frank KCIlIlL'(h'. ty Opening University will

n lor registration and lit! a~ scheduled, Mr.

Renoul, Registrar, told Sews,

consultation with the 01 Health, It was

to open lite Univer· 01 time.

lilT BY CARS Two·year 0 I cI Chri,tophcr

Dinn was hil and knockL!lI down ncar his home on Battery Road by a car driven by William Baird, Feild Slreet, at 6 p,m, yesterday, The boy was taken to


the General HospItal where: I several slilcilCS were inserted! ron

Flight Down Under to e10se cuts on his head and I

Ferry Lungs

E,:I/, O'Brien, son of arms, , ' t, Ncwfoundland pol i 0 ~Irl La O'B ' At 1.30 p,m., Florence Con·' count has risen to' 81.

Br'o)l~ aWdrenced tnehn, 1 way, nged 5, was hit and Knock·, Five of the cases have " n ra ar ec· I d I ' 'b' \'f d Ilir) al RCAF Station e < o~n on Q~cen s Road by a : een air I te to the is [48" dear dTiven by Aston Clouston of· Fever H05pltal in St,

one 0, air an K t' P d Th 'I 'I J L , b crew k' f en s on, e {llr recell',el ,o"ns y Eastern Pro· rna Itlg a our· f' I h' ' ., . flYing \'1' 't' th h a ow minor euts an< rUI5e.; vlnclal Airways, One cuse 51 III e usc b I' I f G d I IUo.killm 01 ~.lar'lt'lmc I ut OllcrWlse was un _I u_r I. , I rom ran Fa Is and _ ' 'Bay de 'Verde and three

and, The two aircralt I .from Springdale.

their Greenwood base 6 d' T A five year old boy from and will arrive in 0 'ay s St. John's is roported to

of Queensland, Aus· have a mild cale and is I'tpresent Canada duro being trcalo.d at home,

Force Week, ' " A · d R.C,A,F. will be flying

eel e· nt lix iron lungs io St.

CDlIisionl t~\).(1I' collision which

l ~ Itt on MIlitary Road , p,m. yeatenlay, re

in $ZOO. damages to tan.

John'. -todoy. The irQn lungs arc part of shipment

Seo'r' e lent to Montreal and St, John's from Edmonton, The C·119 Flying Boxcar II scheduled to arrive ,at Torbey Airport 'from

,Montreal at 6,30 a.m, this morning. ,

Building Plans 'u· · The following plans valued' 'nlverslty

at S169,800,OO were apprJveu at yesterday's City Council C

1111~~,li~~~,: Chafe, l'orner 'Vin. '0 nt r aets 1 che.,ter and Empire A\'cnue '

bun"aloll" Douglas;; I'll It': The steel has been 30 Rankll" Street 5"1

0 pleD I :! for the arts and boiler build· . , n Dre I, ' h U' , , d ; J, \" Parsons, 22 Gibbs Plnce, IlllgS on t e . \lIverslt)" Site, an "silk extension; ::rr." Lucy I work IS startIng on ,lite sCience , Kavanagh, 105 Signal Hill' and englrleer:ng bUIlding. , Road, rear extensiDn; Hubert: Contracts have bcen awarded I C, Chafe, 11 Lakc Avenue'l to Trynor Construction Co. for ., side extensiDn; J. 1', Lus· excavation work; Newfound· 'combe, 182 Pennywell Hoad,! land Enginecring and Construc· , rea,' l'xtens,on; Chester Dawe, i tion Company for foundations Ltd" Lot \0, ~7 ::Iontgomcry! and brick work; structural Strccl. hungalo\\,; Kinsman's I steel. Standard strudural Steel

! Ilo)'s' Club, :Ilulldy Pond and' Comp"ny; mechanical (dectri· : llopl'lI';dk, !Joys' Club; Gor·, cal. pillmhin~ and' heating), 1 don ~tl'""l')', IBtll Street, rcaI'I Conllolly & Twize\l ~lulltrea1. : pOI'('h; SUpPI' ,\Cl' Ti",i, Adil,tnS! ,As the work prO'grcsses the

AVl'l1ue, Side ext~l1SlOn; Sta· labour force will be amplified. i ! pldol1 Lid" Lot No, 50 Dun· The U~iversity is estimated to


, field Street, hungalow; Wm, t $13 'II' . d . b' g , , eos n1l IOn an IS eln Clarkc, LoIs No, 37·38 Roche, b 'It f th P , . I G

• Street, two bungalows; G, UI or e rOVlnCla Ov· : Clarke,. Lot No, 29 Horwood crllment on a 25·year buy·baek

Street, bungalow; Steel and plan by Hanson & ~anson and Engine products Ltd" Bam. Whltney·Hanson With Ross· briek Street, oil lank storage Meagher as the general and fence property; 1. Butt, tractors, 11 Brazil Square, one storey extension, . ONE LlGIIT

CillHslon took place ,,~:' lI'hen I far driven

oU I~ I student driver, Avenu e tOld on Pine fence. \lnd crashedln!o

~ xll!nlive, damage Ib, car aDd t~e

Accidents 4 Injuries 2

REGINA' (CP) - Two morc polio eases' were reporletl in. REFERRED TO TOWN

Too nlnoyclty motorists are driving with one headlight. According to the police, it is an ollence not (0 have bolh' headllghts Ilt while driving.

" • , \

Saskatchewan durin~ the week.! PLANNING COMMISSION end raising the pr.llvincial total i Peter J, Gregory, corner to 20, The cases Are reported; Cornwall Avenue and Topsail 10 be non.paralytic. I Road, gungalow,


White Twister Socks


Fawn and Slack Sizes 4 - 6V2 39c, pair

Cotton rib. Sixes 8 - 9Y2 49c, pair

GIRLS' GYM HOSE Black Cotton and Wool Blend

Fit 7 - 14 .................. , .. ·69c,

BOBBY SOCKS Fine 10ft Cotton .... 29c,


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Newsletter From THE .- DAlL Y NEWS Britain 1'1/11 Take This One

Newfoundland's Only Morning Papt'


ean&dI .... "................. 512.00 per lDnulll United Klnrdolll aLd

all fOfliln eouDtrI .. '14.00 per lI1uulD Autbo:iJed II lIeund ellN mall. Poll 0Ulct. Department, Ottawa.

Thl DAIL I NEW. .. • IIICIl'I1lq paper eltabllahed In 11194, 'lid pub lialIea . It the N aWl Bulldllllll~ . SiSI) Duuwortb Street, It John'l, Nlwfoundllllll bJ Rob1n!OD • Compall1, Llmittll.


The Cauadian Pre.. II exc1l1Blvel, entitled to thl ule for republlcat1ol1 01 all lIew. dllpatch~ In thli paper credit. ed to II or tu the Associated Press or p.,utera .nd allu tile local new. pubUsh­ed theJ'6iJ1.

All I'rell IIrvlrr Illd feature artIclu In thlI paper are ccpyrlihted and the1J reproduction II problhlted.

It of CircLllaUoDI.

,Wnber Audit Burun

'THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1959

Pressure On The Schools If IChool registration increases

this year in the same proportion

that it has in the past ten years, we may expect to see an 'enrolment of more than 120,000 children. That will be about 6,00:1 more than last


from the islands and coves in tl1eir


111II.1t Ylir Iv.n for II.A.C:. 'G.t Y.u .Hom" ServlCl

More motorlBh and motor cyclists In Britain than ever before were "res· ~ued" last year by the RA.C.'s round· the.elocle "Oet You Home" lervlce. Nearly fifty-three thousand car drlv· ers and more than elenn thousand motor cyclists-an estlmated 160,000 members and pauenien-took ad· vantage of the scheme, under which alternative "Get You Home" transport Is provided free of charge by the R.A.C. for ,thoae stranded after road· side trouble with their vehicles. In an, the number at' cases dealt with was over ten thousand more than ln 1957. Towlr Exp.ril Will Idlntlfy Clnon

Experts at the thousand·year·old Tower of London will try to ldentlfy a canon brought up by skin divers from a wreck off Bermuda. The. wreck is believed to be of the Sea Venture, fla1lshlp of Admiral Sir George Somers, who founded Ber· muda, Britain's oidest Crown Colony. Markings on the cannon Indicnte that It had an English maker about 1eOl. ;llost shlps In those days drew thelr cannon from the Tower of London.

Thl 1959 Motor Show

on the Underground. The £ 30,000,000 plan Includes the re'newal' of over a thlrd of the Underground· TraIns. The traIns, numbering 200, wll! all be In the new "sllver" fInIsh.

Dotlor Johnlon eilibutloni In Blrmlnlhlm

From September 14 to 19 of this year the city of Blrmlngham Is to hold a week of eelebratlons to mark the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Among the events of the week w\1l be lectures, dramaHc readings, a brains trust and a subscription dinner In addition, an exhibition Is I<! be arranged (September 14 to October 3) of books, manuscrlpts and portraits of Johnson and his circle. Sureh For Royal Pilice of Nonlueh

Excavations are to begin thls sum· mer to 'uncover the remains of Non· such Palace In Nonsuch Park, Ewell, Surrey, the last and greatest of the five palaces by Henry VIII. The ex· cavations will last from July 6 to September 2B and are being sponsored by a committee representing the l\jin. tstry of Works, the borough of Epsom and Ewell, the Nonsuch Park joint management committee, the Surrey Archaeological Soclcty an dthe Non· such Society.

Do.II-Your •• lf Exhibition

At the average rate of one class-

Then there is the trend towards

the construction of cen tralized ele­mentary and regional high schools wi th all the special difficulties of eqUipment, staffing and transpor· tation that are part of this form of

educational progress.

The 1959 Motor ShOW, the forty· fourth in the series, wlll be opened at Earls Court on Wednesday. Oc· tober 21, and will remaIn open until the evenlng of Saturday, october 31. For the first time there wlll be no display of boats or marine engines at the Motor Show, since the manu· facturers concerned conslder that their side of the indUStry wlll be adequately represented by the Nation· al Boat Show, ~ be staged at Earls Court in January, 1960.

The seventh International Handi· crafts and Do·It·Yourself Exhibition will be held at the Empire Hall, Olympia, London, from September 3 to 19. The entire three floors of this Important exhibition centre wlll be filled with el'ery conceivable type of do.lt.yourself materials, tools and equipment, together with a fascinating

-------- ._------

room and one teacher to every 33 pupils, it will mean that the boards of education have had to find an·, other 180 teachers and to . provide

for as many new rooms. . These are impressive figures but

the problem the" represent is much more difficult than it would appear

to be at first glance. . Teacher recruitment ralls not

:nnlv for the enlistment of 1BO more :tea~her.; than W~ had a ~'e;\1' ago :but a) so for renlacem p nt of lal'P'e inumbero; who hal'" ",ithr1 r p,\\'11 N,~r­

;manentl" nr temporaril~· from

their profession. I . I Finding new classrooms IS com-: plicated also by the necessity of I repairing Or replacing many old : !chools which have come close to

I th~ ~"n of their u~efulness. . Tt is fRrt~ like the~e thRt must catls~ thn~!' r('1~p(111~i1'lf' fl'lr the

:rn"rll1rl nf ('rl\Jr~tinn~1 1)(')lir:' to ,. . Ifeel th~t Ihr:' ~rr liI'ing in ~ st~te !"If r~I'ret\1t11 nightm.:ll'!'.

Their pr!"lhlem~ ;Ire fUI't1l1~r a~­I'TR'·att'n \w nrw kinr1~ of rr!'~,ure. Thr f~ct ('If v('Il\mtarv cpntraliza­

tion of the ponulation is throwing 1l g~owln~ hurden on sr.hool b'oards 1" the communities which ar!' at· trac!;nlZ npw residents in large

nlJmber~ 'T'he\' have to cope not nnlv with the natural inrrease in th" ~:'hI101 nOT'llllation in their I'\wn town~ but also with the inflow

Finally. there is the \'ery grave

problem of trying to build up an adequate' supervisory staff.

Over and above all this is the

key question of money. Up to now, the provincial government has been able to increase its annual alloca·

tion vear after ~'ear. This year the total' expenditure will be about 5161;, million or four times what it was in 1949 .. But unless new

sources of revenue emerge. it will be difficult to find in the future the annual increments that are the minimum need if only quanti­

tative demand is to be met. Because it has special problems

that do not exist in other prov­inces, that of dispersal of the pop­ulation among the greatest of these, Newfoundland has a tough road to travel. But the growing rlemanns of I'du('~tion are trouhlinlr p.ven the richest rrovi"ce~. It fol­Jo\\'~ thitt Nlu('ittion has hecnme a naliim:11 prnblem and in time it n-.,;,t have II solution on 8 Mtional basi,<; with the specific and limited aim of establishinlr an' acceptable minimum standard of educational

oonortunity for every Canadian ch i1 ri.

ThE' is<lle ha< been sucrE'~~fl,nv

;n-oidrd for <l 10m! timp but the timE' ;" raoidlv IlnT'lro~('hinl! wh"n it will hE' gi\,pn ~ hi,,1, n1·;nritv on

the agenda of national policy ..

Refusal To Filce Realities An impressive list of signatures

has been.appended to a full page advertisement in the New York

Times which takes the form of an appeal to the President of the United States to reconsider his in­vitation to Khrushchev and his own acceptance of an invitation to

visit Russia, ' The Ippe~l recites the Khrush·

ehev rec:ord. It is a bloody and ruthless chronicle. But it does not justify abandonment of a major effort to leek the basis - for ulti· mate peace through personal con­tacts between leaders of the free and the communist world.

situation require that these meet­

ings take place and those who op' pose them, no matter what their

motives, are allowing personal feel· ings to jeopardise a chance for peace. Their advertisement may be

well-intentioned but it is anything but helpful in the circumstanc~s

of our time:

Strength For Today By IARL L. DOUGLASS


We have to face realities. There There ls a.story In the 12th. chapter

The Wellh FilII: An Announcemlnt

di~play of handicraft work originated In this country and also from all parts

Edson In Washington



lIlr. Henry Brooke, Minister for Welsh Affairs, has announced that Her ~Iajesty the Queen has been pleased 10 direct that In future only the Red Dragon on a green and whitc flag, and not the flag carrying the augmented royal badge, sllould be flown on government buildings In Wales and, where' appropriate, in London. The council for Wales and

of the world. , How Old II Stonlh.nge' Scientific


Whenever Congress tackle.' bil lems like housing. highway~. hospitals and the like, some seem to get the idea there is onlj path to a solution.

]\!o!lll1outhshirc has expressed its gratitude to the Queen for her Ik ci~lon. £30 MillIon Sch.me to Improvi thl

Undlrllround Over £30,000,000 wlU be spent duro

ing the next four years on the biggest modernlsatlon scheme for the London Underground since the war, SIr John Elliot, chairman of London Transport, announced recently. The programme. Sir John said, was the measure of London Transport's determination to keep the Underground right up·to·date and on top of Its Job of serving pas· sengers. It will glve Londoners more accommodation and greater eWclency

I What Others OUTMODED POLL TAX Owen Sound sun·Tlmes

Stonehenge. the great prehistoric ('il'eie on S:Jlishul',\' P!ain. Wiltshire. was erected lome 3,670 years ago. This 113S been rel'ealed by recent excal'at· ions carried out by a team headed by Professtor Stuart Piggott. The team disco\'ered several large pieces of deer antlers, probably used as picks or levers. in an enormous ramp leading towards one of the biggest stones They were sent to the British ~Iuseum laboratories. where radlo·car~n tests rel'ealed their age.

Tourist Indultry W,rth Nurly £12,000,000 A Y .. r To Ullllr

Last year, 1958, was one o! the most successful years on record for the :-Iorthern Ireland tourist Industry. The annual report of the Ulster Tourlst Development Associatlon estimates that about 300,000 tourists visited Northern Ireland In 1958 and that the value of this trade wu between £11 mUlion and £ 12 mllllon.

Are Saying j extra for the amount they do above the· minimum set.

We wonder whether the clever Rus· sians will adopt the Hindu custom of when i worker' collapses under the strain, any money still owing can be collected from the wages of his rela· Uhes.

THEN AND NOW Saint John Telegraph·Journal

Poll tax Ume 15 here again. This is o[ little lnterest to the majority of citizens. The only persons affected aside from the city employees who must send out the notices, are single men over the age of 21 and married inen who do not own or lease separate quarter for their familles. Women are not required to pay.

The annual poll tax Is $5. This. source of revenue will hring Owen Sound about $700 to $800. certainly not more than $1,000, hardly worth the errort requlred to collect It.

It is thought-provoking to reflect that within one human life span the population of Canada has multiplied four times.

The total will reach 18,()()(l,000 !l()me time late in 1960, the Bureau of Slatis· tics estimates.


A community, no matter what Its .ile, which goes for more than four and I

half years without a trafflc fatality, hu mastered a technique whleh deserves the careful study of other towna and dlles. Medlclne Hal, Alberta, II auch a place, and It! good record is not the remit o! luck but planning, education and law enfox:cementB. The Medicine Hat traffic safety program beglru In the ,chools and ends as a concerted community project. After a period of successful operation, It becomes a moral obligation of every citizen not to bre~k the succession of "deathless" days.

NO BAD DEBTS Sault Ste. Marie Star

The figure now stands at about 17,500,OOO-an increase of 3,500,000 since 1951. Thus in the last eight years Canada has gained a8 much population as she did ln the entire 4{) years be­tween 1871, when the total wu 3,689,· ~7, and 1911, when It was 7.200,643.

By the 1920's, schoolchlldrr.n were having the fact drummed Into their memory that the populallon ot the country had then attalned the proud level of 9,000,000.

• At the outbreak of World War II it was about 11,000,000.


Editor Dally News,

By PETER EDSON NEA Washington Correspondent

WASHl1\GTON - (NEA) - I,abor Day this year is more of a political event than a day of dedication to the noble working man or a holiday to mark the end of summer.

And the prospect for the year ahead is that organized labor's political status will be fooght over more than the uniona' economic demands.

Perhaps it is natural for the ers of a particular bili to thir,! have the exclusive patent on a ' But it's Quite misleading. Peop:! think this way indicate eith~r or indirectly that if you are net for measure. then you are agaimt the problem at all.

Though voters' memories are suppos· ed to be short, the outcome o.! the con· gressional battle over new labor legisla· tion may have considerable effect on Sen. John F. Kennedy's prospects as a Democratic presidential candidate.

On the Republican side of the fence, president Thomas J. Lloyd of the ?Ieat Cutters' Union charges that Vice·Presi­dent Nixon haS not joined President Eisenhower's public attack on labor, "so that Nixon can pose as labor's friend' in case he iets the presidential nomina­tion." . AFlrCIO President George Meany, in

his Labor Day statement, declares that labor faces "a cold war against the whole trade union movement - invoked by the big business interests of the nation."

Meany mentions the business dr\re for a wage freeze in the steel strike, the drive for right·to·work la\\'s in the states and Ihe drive for restricl ive fcderal laws a5 evidence of the eflorts to destroy trade unionism.

His conclusion is that the unions will ha ve to organize even more strongly for political education and polilical action to counter these efforts.

President James B. Carey of the In· ternational Electrical Workers Union ap· parently had the same idea in mind when he dashed off his bac,kfiring letter to all congressmen who voted for the Land· rum·Griffin bilL

It told them: "We !hall do all In our power 10 prove to the working men and women in your district' that you have cast your lot against them and they should therefore take appropriate action at the ballot box."

Other union sources, particularly their publicatio!l.'l, printed lists of congress· men who voled "Right" or "Wrong" from the unions' poin: of view. with plellty of inferenCe> on what should be don about it.

frolll ~lIo1ller angle. James L. ~k Devitt. lI.tional director of the AFl.r CIO Committee on political J::ducation complains that a recent column on labor legisation by this writer was unfair, Il

This may sound far·fetched b,1 not. Many times we have heard that if a lawmaker or a parly ',,~

for, let's say, the Brow\1·S mental hcalth bill, then he or it favor of insanity.

Somehow or other. in the heal ated during congressional combl', have to remember that there is than one way to get at a proble:!. very often more than one good ,

The kind of invention thal is ved in attacking problems like or welfare is by definition No one can have the foreknowie/l! one particular invention will all others fail.

Those who try to insist tl1m is "the right way" also man;,"r. it process. to suggest that if ~, ril pass their favorite bills Ihc bil iems will be solved for ~ood ui They seem to like to give 10 Ihm ures an air of important fl we would adopt them. rllh nu, and say: "Kow. that's that. nil care of the country's hou"lIg , for this century."

It should not have to be ;aid an age when America's leaping upward with almo;l speed. all such problems as schools will be with us conti~ many, many decades. n.e he!~' them' any Congress can m.kr \I1!i have to be followed b~' other jlb~

OUr attack on all thtse ~hon'J cultics would probably be a IIlti! if we all remembered thar then will be one great big per~lln!ll tion.


Score one more point-may':>! the side of decadent capitalism. Russians are going to tryout buying of consumer good.1 on I

'Cale. That 1;. some of the Ru;,lanl

\OI11~ of the mor~ expe,,,il< II<;!J

as radios, motur 5l'UlJh::r~.

chines, etc. The), will. uJ have w sweat out long 10111"; .

many of Ihese things,

,Is friendship today between the of Acts.-almost an amuslni Itory-western allies and Japan, between of how when Peler was In prison the

dlsclplll had a prayer meetlnl and the western allie! and West Ger- prayed earnestly that he would be de· . many. Fifteen ,ears ago this would livered. When he was delivered by the

Dear Sir.-I have read with con· siderable interest recent letters in your paper dealing with Insurance and Insurancp. companies,

listed labor's political campaign contri· butions to congressmen who had \'oled for and against the Landrum·Grillin bill in the House.

And lest we too hast 11,- .1;;C~ \I'e are winning the Ru."""s l

wavs. it must be remarked ha;d of the ~tate is still li.h~l~ about the Soviet citiltn. be automatically deducted fro'"

J.ave been. thought tmpossible. The miraculoul hand of God, Ind.1 little wbarous treatment of pri50ner~ maid named Rhoda went to the door

In rUl'onle \() Peter's knocking and

er's earnings. It might br cAlI!d

patory garni.lheeing. el war by the JaDanese and returned hurriedly to IIythat Peter tlIe sh~kinrt revelations of Hit· w ... landln, without, the rerponll of

lrr's et'lncentration ~Rmps !I~emed, th011l who were praylnl WII "Thou art mad."

then !tn ITlSUDerllbl~ bamer to the Here they were, praying earnestly rtllUmption of normlll rel:ltiom. that lomethln!! be granted them, and

We are not surprised to see Russia taking up the "never, never" Iystem of buying. As things are with the Rus' II.n worker, pay Is Sil low and prices so high that the ,o\·ernment·owned Industries must have difficulty movlnl loods. AI we know only too well, to kHP production ,olnl, yoU must have nle., and In Ru!sla there Is neither advertlllni nor ulllni In the way we know It hen.

AI fir II Russian Industry Is eon· cerned, there IJ no need for credit cheekl or hureaul 'for utlmatlnll a man's. ralln!!. If Boris buys on Ume. hls wues are Automatically lIarni,hed And, aince he CRnnot leave hi~ job wlthou( .-peelal permiasion. he has to 110 on' workln/! until the debt is p,id'

In my opinion. the writer, Ire 'barking up the wrong tree'. It Is, to my mind, u~eless under present regu· lations to l~ave the Inspection of a property for safety purposes In the hands of the insurance companies Carelessness reaclll to the company's advantage as In some cases the In· surance companies, In the event of n fire. can u~e the Hlrlence nf surh cA!,ple~sne~~ to tl'Y to I'cducr. or ~~CRpe pnyml'n!. even thouj!h the)' ma., h~ve eollccted premiums for in sur ancp on the propertie~ for ·twenty. forty or more years, In other worri" If the InsurAnce company Wa! me· ce~~f\ll in AvoirlinJl payment they would have had the premillm~ they collected rlurlnl! those yea!'s A~ A

clear profit without returning any value whatsoever. It seems, to me what ls necessary is legislation reo

Mr. McDevitt's point. in which he is correct. is that not all this political Ippnding money came from COPE, It ~am' from 111 union lalxlr political or' ganizationa.

But when an offer Wi5 made 10 pub· lish a full 'Jist of just which ~andidates COPE did support, and how much money was contributed to each one, it was turn l~(i down.

cultural dlstrictli if it \\'81

.upported certain candldatt!,"

While the ',hl'S~ lines, the bllsine~s :'ke ~atio"al A,sorialion or .J'he west abominates the· ideals when It was granted they refused to

=. method!! 'of communiw ad it belicve thal their pr.yer~ had been

_ Aoswered. • been practised by tyrants in This f. typical of whathAppen~ in Ut; Kremlin. But if that should the lim of evpryoneo{ Ill. When God Qome a basis 'for refusing to talk Actually answers our prayers we are ;(l"~' • .jfth the rulers of Russi., the u.uaUy III oVlreome with utonllh· ~Jc~., rId must inevitably 'drift into ment that we forgel-for lome Ume ,~ at leaRt-to thank Him. )l JUll can't ~ ~'ar of IInnihilltion it is des- be that God has actuallY' lranted us Hately. aeeking to Avert. . " what we Rsked for. Yet why pray for ~i~resident . Eisenhower . knows lt if we bellevel WI ean never let m ,. e oing. H, II ncflell . to ·bellev. that God ~tu.llywant.to I t h is d . Our trouble 1i that WI find it hard

.. , .. dlul ~an those who ar.,.ask~ng. . ilve us the desires of our hearts. We Win to call off the exchange of top', are afraid we ate asking too much. level meetings ot thi kind of· The truth lenerally 1a that we are ~J'le with whom' he'must do uklnl too little. God always wlnta to

give us more than we have the courage bwiness. But the realities of .the to uk for.

, \

, off. Thll, on the whole, II a more hu·

mAne method than we f'Xllicted. We I'lluallzed I spe~ial department or the NEVD empoweri!d \() eollect debta by any means they con~idtl'ed' luitahle and Imagined many thrUtle515 buyers would .nd their day.· workini out thllr payment. in the lilt mints.

The .chern. may, In addition to mbl' tnl' RU8sian . goodl, also helP to spur

\ workers to further efforts In the way of toll. The pre~ent Iystem ,Ives them a basic wage. somewhat behind the aubsl!tence level, and they are pa~

. quirin, the Insurance companlell to pay the full amount of Insurance they accept or carryon a property, regard· _ less of actual value or evIdence ot carelessne~!, This woulrl make the companies much more careful In the examination of properties for fire

"Wt' ~'luldn'l do that." it wa~ ~xplain ed by COPE headql1arter~, "We don'; ,.I1,,,",ze whom we ~il'e money 10. I; ,;ould be dynamite in some of Ihe agri

. I'r~ .nrl u.s, Ch.mber or rom. just "~ vehpmrnt in Iheir or I~hor racketeering. Arr. t~,1 ;"r greater busine.ss particIPIII!~ Ilazards and to underestimate rathel

than over·estimate the value. The in sured person would. of course, con tinue to be liahle and ~uhject to prose culion for Rross carelessness or Rn: infringement of the act.

1 believe .omething of thls iin:: would b. mort Ukely to have thr effect the letter wrIter evidently de sire, and would undoubtedly .result , as InsW'ee suggests In a slibstantla: reductlon In los.s of life as well 'a~ propertY. by fire.

Yours lruly. PROPER,l'Y . OWNER.

.ics is slepped up,

So Ihe prospect for lI~n ~ ,. emphasis than before on

,:'.:cment issues in politics.

Typical example of what OIl)

; ng Up coin.. from Michl,&'­rlep. R~bert P. GriUin, author of tht Landrum·Gri!l11 lieing mentioned as a POIIlibl1

for Democrllie Senator pat a former Detroit labor union who must ltand fpr re·electi~ year.

Y Niws,p .. J ,.

H. \\'. Sibley. J '1. Chaplain said

d thcn Coloncl Sli out hiS Inspcclion. Party being Licu!

Scrgts. Frcd and Rohert :\ or , Stiriing spoke to t,e went down

and also took the Unit ~[arched

Order. the Inspection

,C., the Party 111'

the C.L.B. Arm Senior Company

up under Captain F with the [ollowin.

attendance: W. ~liller,

with Lieu!. Frank g the Colours. was also on pal

Smith said Prayers Colonel Inspecled

. again talking to lads during hi; tim,

the rank;. He Salute as the

ed past in Re d then spoke to

al the I

lhe lads pll ns o[ P,T" Sigllai

Building and which

e and greally ell) visiting party.

e 15, 1959, . accompanied hy

Faccy, ~Iajor R. J. M. Noel, C

and J. V. Ra Foxtrap for th' The Colonel was

G. Eliott and ers and escort

stand. Pr Parade were Lieu

CSM K. Fowler . The Coionel

the Company and s of the lads

the Salute as Past, following \Ii

10 all ranks. of drill.

and first aid fe v . cnlng and was c I \'lsitors.

of the e\'cnill~ tation of a C

the Company by q who brought it t

, and the insc follows:

C.L.B. LAD 10 his leaders

COmrades H for . e n. an adVantage

that he wouid othel'll

his best' in all he . He works for

and not for him not look for pr

Is not boastful h 10 be trUSletl . e Is Truslworth .t~at Jesus CI

'b::Ylour and fol ole all else.

. befort the' W

EMBER 10. 1




~~('" tackles bil/ " highways, \(' like. some ,dr, there is anls 1

"lural lor the If bill to think . r patent on a s 11,lradina. People

IH1":,tc either If ,ou are nol lor

'(1U ~re against iil

,pr or a party wu he Broum."",;1

IiI. then he or it

. ~rr.'sional combat, ,,'r that there is ,pI at a problem.

~ than one 1I0od Invention that is

< problems like " defmition " the foreknowledu nI'ention will work

. ) to insist there iJ ," also manage, in i;f'>t that i( we wil!' nte hills the big

.. Ji\'f'd for good and IKe 10 ~i\'e to these I"'portant

p: them, rub our ,. that's that. That ,,,,,try's housing ,. t hale to be uid

,.\ m prica', populatiOi 1 with almost

problems a. haUling Wllh us continuoUJl1

.rrade.,. The but ne" can make will owed b:' other jibs. "n all these thol1lY ;lrobably be a little ''Tlhered that theU :~eat big permanent


':ore point-maybe 1"C1,dent capitalism, iJing to tryout .,umer I/ood.! on I

f CAlled he~lng,

ncts rtlin

1 union leaden the bll"in~s org· \«orlation 01 M

I h,mner of ""'nt in their


C.L.B. 'News

Yellowknife' Is Next Community

'.' Foreign Invaders Gain In U. S. Markets

Markets Abroad, Too, Creating a Major Worry They'll Capture More of Our By DON ATTFIELD

Canadian Prcss Staff Wrller YELLOWKNIFE, N,W,T. (CP) Of al Ihe scattered communities By RAY CRO:\!LEL ' -,,,.' . - _ •.. _-- ~ I are gaining markedly ih sales What, then, is the rcason for

north of th~ borders of the prol" NEA Staff Correspondent "\ \ of scientific and professional in· this growing. foreign ~bilit~· P liD restrictioll is still I as a Faithful' Member of Inees Yellowknife stands out as I W ASHI~GTON _ (NEA)- ' I struments. Foreign ph 0 t o· meet American. busmessm o , ('olonel Stirl. the Church, one of the neatesl. 1'1 f ' i . f US' graphic ap"'ratus !S' selll'ng head on? Here are &ome .

Thl' I' , f I I' Ie oretgn nvaSlOn 0 •. Mr

I. 'Ih th 6 D hi bIt t d h s mpresslon 0 eeanmess ., . I II ., ling in me 11'1 ,e ,oes s es 0 ex en t e and organization in the gold.min. : markets IS gOing to get worse: . , we , swers: .

aulhOrities al~d hal'tng Kingdom of Christ amUll~ ing town of 3,200 on Ih~ north I fOfClgn producers, too, Will! ,;, "j I And deb~pitel tanff inchrel3dses, Growing prod~ctlvity....;."In~' .. until ;uc t~llle as the other iads, . shore of Great Slave Lake arises I take away more U,S, markets ;I orelgn Icye es a,re 0 Ing I trial productivity 'in WC!;t·

Crar I; SII'CIl In thiS I .A ,nice ~uppcr, fol.luwed the largcl~ from the (act its strnnts abroad. , ;:;.,~ their own after commg up from E h t t' :. 11 I d d ' 'c ,. . " urope as gone up a WI~'· Ihe mcantlme, a leI entng lere a~ tt I un llel' ore paved, a rarity In th~ norlh· All cconomlst close to the '" almost nothlng a fcw years Ius t th t' bt )'

.,ked to kecp an c)'e !~I,.nd and t,lOught to a ~II)~~ a, But despitc its trim appear'IPrcsidcnt say this is one of thc ' back. , - L~bO;aise Stil~ :::ap.elg ,.:c;,~

and fur. mosl enlo~;lh~c cvemng, ,I ance, says ~tayor Ted Horton, ! major worries the U.S. is fac. II forclgn small cars have ' ~ . mCllts throu~h lilly l:~, .R5~ Ihe Colo",t Yellowknife is overrlln by _ and' ing. stolen the U,S. export trade and Smarter Marketing -':eu


slations, al'companied b)' Lt. Cmdr ,T, largely subs2rl'ient to-flocks of Congrc,~mcn report increas,' have caten a respectable niche pean businessmen saw tl19 aeknuwll'dgcmcnts of I I\, C. i'acey, )l~;ors - A. E, some of. th~ biggest, blackest, inJ business clamor for quotas.l in the domestic U,S. market. sibililies for small cars "'or

don~lions .towards !;pmmcns, R J ~! l'>oel Knd \ most ml~c,hleI'OUS ra\'ens to be Somc labor spokesmen ha\'e be. I The si,tuation abroad general· wide when U,S. businessmen In the last notes It .pts. V, L. Ash, J V. RabbH;, found a~) II here. •• gun iu ask for "protection," Ily is worse than at home in the didn'l. They beat U.S. business·

of "rs, )!lIrdoch for Illt'l't to 1I~'I"ts Content ',lJ BInG .\:-'Dh~IIEEKh'" ". A Commerce Department ·U.S. There's a good chance thc·mcn to the punch on ligjlt·

d t"ntll' onlml'l. C] '\' tit til In' 'tl th" al'cns Igg~r t an chlc,;ens-. " ' A' II 'III, It b' I ",( Ilia rcr, . ". U "'tIC on ',!, b' I I' . I economist notes thaI Imports' : ncw mencan sma cars WI ,welg 1 ICyc es, on some tYI'.eS

,'r th' d I" h (f' " R' 1 Igger tlan tlelr cou,ms t]c. . ' q'fll or IS an ,e 0 tcer. ner~ are ev,.1, I' b f 'of forclgn manufactured goods· recover a good chunk of the do·: of high·grade cameras, on sew· o'llr ih~llks ann ap. I')l Halten, ll. 1'. Cupt. ~'r:I,lf: I ~rot\lh'~-18.vet JlflSttha outthree rbelll have doubled \he p~sl six year, 'I'mestic market. But Commerce, ing machines that make special

'I d h (or fI - t H b 1 m IS pam 0 e nor ern a~· ' ' ' h' k h . I . to ~tr" . ur ,oc , ,.OIl'C, ,Lleu:s. 1 WUI e 0 vS, ,rens where Irees are scrawny He says U,S. businessmen face Department analysts tin- t e. stitches easicr for the house· do::,dI01Io\\'~rns (amp ~.n/.,. LIEutS ... "'I"X Ro\\'e Art.~;; I a~d scatteren, and winter rules 'tougher' completion from here ; U,S. export car market is large·: wife.

al;o I\e thank Joe ilriHrll'lr, \lll,l 3. or, pal~l ... (or about nme months of Ihe on out. Ily gone., . ' Truc~ing f0r a vcry ,;11\11 2nd, LI~'I~", ~ \31 en< e PI.~J'. year. ' I Tile hottest' ch~lIenge won't Kcy ligures aren't yct in, but; )Iore SUltable Items for the , on of S-lO.OO, als.o ."r.pv and ~. \\, L:C1SI'J'IC of \\ 11' They s~m to b~ el'erywhere,: be in traditionnl cheap labor : it looks as tilOu"h Westcrn Eu·' ~Iarket-~Iany European manu· t,~P Expcnses, ,Il IS I ~ftton wlth ;0 n(, 27, ' n, parade. struttin~ o~ rooftops and on th~: fields where the U,S, has been" ': ropeans may be ~eating inlo the facturers while not so advanced-


that the fr~ends L,IlS Inspct'llu,l ,r.,1. Lie (or;1 I ~teets, gettm~ Into g,arbage ~nd undisputed leader, I; i traditional U.S, machinery and· as some Amenean products, are , of the Bngade 0.' Church l'a~'~c!e,.~ ,1st of 311, , Into c\,erY0:1e s h a I~, daring There's a touch of irony. A: . industrial equipment markcLs in: more sUltable for ,many world

antluilily to hclp then the ImpectlJ 1 I~l the Mm, ~omeone to do som~t111ng aboul good chunk of the foreign corr(. : Latin American and 'Asia, and some AmerICan markets. In Ihe runnlllg o( th~ ourywhen the Colonel spoke to It., , " . petition comes from exported', At home, say economists, re·' gene,:al, these are sm~lI 'ecol\'

('anlP ano the authof!' I many of the small lads and ask. \\ h\ doesn t \ ellowkmfe do A ' k h d' t I capture of a bi~ share of the, omy ,models. Th.ey re more . " ·1', b 'I? . mencan 'noll" 011' an InI'es·. ~ 1 f II

Ihe Bri~ade fully ap. ed them ail kinds of question;, somel,lmg a out I , . I menl. ~ domestic market for small cars' praclJca or sma Jobs and for Ihis ,uppor! and hope afterwards Colonel Stirlinn . ~la)or Hort,on, a~ked Ihls ques- i 'h ' I' rEI' 1I'0n't end the forei<!n invasion.! some small consumer pocke.!·

, h d ' ~ lIOn In an Interl'lew shrugged 1 ousail( s 0 uropean am : - " .' -.. - .,... -' .. b k '11'1 ",'.,o'S be I erc an spoke to all ranks e~pressmg ,: I, ' t', I t' ,'t t I Ir.1 I "If it isn't small cars, it will· 00 '5. : ,.,' n'\, h ir' . . .. ' and glanc~n at IllS Wife, "Sla Ie prot uc II I Y cams 01 SnlROL OF FOHEIGN THAllI': II'I'V!\SION Is the imported 10

i!1 1.1 to "I etc hiS appreclal10n at all he h~d "Oh' The "re cute" she 'aid cd the US. in rel'cnt I'ears, . _ . ,,' be something else," says one: Beller workmanship-Tn ~o~e f~r a rl',1i \\,orth)': secn and connratulated all runks " " ~ ',;,".' " .'! car, lIk~ the nr,:-Hl LTS here hellIg unloaded In r-or.w lark. 't 'Th r . '" dee cst .. . ' ~.. " Tilal sour problcm, said the Ile,ll'lllng Amenc~n secre!." U,S, Freighter's name-Europcan Tr:lIler _ also nramatizes (he 'cconomlS, , e "uropean, <Ire cases-including some types of onle '~~,I:\. Ollr P on Inclr IlIle 51~01l1ng and In'! mayor. "The P?ople, eSPcclally, firms are Invesllgatlng tllO 011· situation, which has Washington worrieR. : gelling where they can compete: electronic equipment-the Ell' ar,d 'il~',\rlatl?n, lerest In I.h.e Brigade. I th~ wom~n, won t let us do any· Ilion dollars a year in ol'erseas : across the bo"rd, And the prob·: ropean' have a tradition -oI l~srf.{ no:'\s The \'lslllng part)' was en'('r. I th;,~ about them." busilie.;s-hal( in automobile, ballistic mi"ilcs. I il1g inroads 11110 Ihe IImcric:1I1 lem i', thcy're now beginning tn : higher craftsmanship, important

,prior to Camp, Il1spcc, taincd by the officers in thr ir i "We'l'e tried a cotlple of limes: machincrl' chemical and othcr Foreign bllSil1es,mcn arc mak· drug and mcd1cinc market. The,' lI'ork at il." , whcre accuracy is essential. , the (plonel ,:ecmed to homes before getting on the! 10 hm'c the m exterminated,: lllanufaCl~~ing. -------.----------.-- -, -,,-- .. ------- - -- -'

r 01 tne day In turn, road for Sl. John's, Cuptain J, ~ EI'Cr), time wc do thc WOllle:l I NOlI' European or Japancse 1'h11S milch can b" 11011" 10 re' I, U."EF B

11 lsi nd and" t t I~ d ' II j , N 1 F II parlklilar do,e 01 radiation is c, "CO:\T1:-'GE:\T . e . a 'I \" Rabbltts took mOl'ing pi;., ~e age. er an :orm ,?IM sor ,businessmen are bcginJ}in'6 to lIe ear a out absorbed bl' Ihe bod,. tlllce radiatioll bjury by planncd OTTAWA ICPI - Th2 lourtll

, tures of all the inspections Jild : of r,a\'en protecuon socI~ty alld: undersell Amcrican firms in, As yet Il~bod,· hilS developcd a use of sheltrl'. contin:;ent of Canadian sodicr~ June, l. l~jHh' Lolone: : they will make interesting! won t let us touch th~m,. i U,S, markets in some import· D protcclile agent, of practical ap· The public can do a goou deal to be senl 10 Egypt since 1956

carned "lit, IS an~ua ! som'cnirs of these occasions lor : PRESERVE lM~tU:-'ITY. ant clectrical _ and el'en elec. : angerous pIIC<ltIO~, a gainst the chemicai tn ensure that the)', do not su," for a year's tour or'duty with \lte ':o~ of B~~ld !~~n~nl~:~' : latcr )'ears. I £\'en as editor and publisher 01 trOniC _ manufactures, I By KE:'> KELLY , changes tilat radiation causcs in tal~ fatal, or hcrJPPlmg doses of United ~ations Emergency Force

. , I " J ~t'! FLOREAT SE)!PEn c'L.B. • Ihe town's only newsp?per, the. Tllcy're underbidding IImeri·! Canadian Press 5tHI! Writer t'le \\'<Jt,r thaI composes much of, ra latlOn In t e elent of war. will b~ flown to Ihe ~[iddlc Easl Fa:c', >1~J,Or fl., ' '," : weekly New! of Ihe :O;orth, he cans on large power equipment. I ,., ' . the human body. I alilhorilies !a)" Shelters capable this fall. army headquarters an:

alns.1. \, ~abbi\ts, C, I J,V.R. hasn't been able to Inr:l public, U.S, trade magazines carr), ~ ~n"\IIA' CPI - RadlOactllC Thcrefore treatment for radia· of reducing the effectil'C:less of, nounced Tue~da)'. ',I, S, coultas a~d opinion agamst the birds, ,scare headlines about the com. faLout that will filter down ti01 sickne,s and injury starts the radiation by half can be built I .-------

D C Bar:cr The officioll ~!r. Horton had no sooner, .. f tr nsistors : ,10rtl)' after a nuclear expoSlon with t:le clinical effects of thes~ at reasonabie COs I. 1 r-----------"-:. is met at the Beach hy 0 BAR BS ~toppcd telling of the prohl~ms, pel1tlon a J~panese a t d .' : is recognized by civil defe~c, cllanges. ! In additio~, shieldlng of as . SCllih ,nd Capt. Frank the ral'ens bring" hOII'el'~r, than. -and tranSlSto~ are, Of a~:. • authorities as being as 8reat a Sci~ntists believe that expOS'Jr2 dense a mass as pOSSible, for ex· Again ar,d c;cortcd to the Rec. he was 1~lling With obl'lous en··


~otlest ltem ln [ c . ~el\ ro . hazard 10 health and Irfc 3S the to radiation from fallou~ 1I'1l! ample In a concrete basement, II lea wa; scned, Then joyment of some of tlleir anlics. ,Iers of the electronic., Trans·: bomb's blast and helll, ! calise sClwe illness character·' also reduces radiatIOn .

'5 "'m inspected in the BY HAL COCHRA:>i Occasionally t ~ e), infuriale i 15tO;S ~re the he,art of th.e nell'" Thep beliel'e, t.~at e\'~ryone ex· ized by naus~a, I'omiti:lg and: Auditorium by the Col. , . golfe\s on the loca! course by cst IV s and of mtercontInental , posed to Ihe lnltlal radiatIOn shot lalcr serious blood change, and MORE POLIO I~ WEST ,

unit of Ihe Bell Is. Lots of. folks ~o on \acalion 1 plucking golf bnlls nght off Ihe I .,' Oll( as the bomb cxplodes 1\'1;1 ii:fections. Dca: Ir may OCClir L:.';j\,\ ICPI - Two more .' 94 and get Into the old summer. fairwa\'s, ra\'~ns scrolchlng on Ihclr rools, : ,,1,0 be killed hy bast and heat, within dal', or weeks, depending polio cases were reported in

Co:np.1nI lias some t' I b t t T ' f·' . k' I' "It' f t ti n s'(uation" S . 'I I d' .' d f d' I' Sa,~alchewan during Ihe wlek.! un'er LiPlit H. Yoke)"~ Ime ru I' u dmos C.l leds are t\ aI'onte tnc' IS 0 Opalr d~IP h sd a rus fa n~ I , It' a In prepal'lnh

g 0 trcl." Ira In· mainlY on the ose 0 ra la JOn

"" 'ff' S II' re getting t le roa s repalre , 10 st"al food from dogs, ne IS, e snl . , IOn ca"lwlll'S I I l1'.e( lea' mell recei"NI: or the Vlcllm rna)' re· cnd raising the prol'incial total roI.01\W~ ° leer., e, • • • I tract, the dog's attcntion while Except f~~ tlle heol'lng . POPlI'1 hal'e conc~ntrted on Ihe i:\jll' COIl'\' slowly. to 20, The cases are reported :_I.~ell:s ~!: \ oke), It's smat.ter to get set before: tile other makes of{ wilh Rover's, laled areas. ral'ens are fOllnd all: ries that will resull f!'lUll faliout, SllELn:HS \'IT;\L to he noOl·paralytic, I! . \I, :O;ell, \I .. ~!Iller, you go ahead than to go ahead· dinner. , 01'Cl' C?nada and far tn thc: the deadly radioactilc dll'! in the The dose receil'ed ill thc open t .. G :'!altln, G. and get upset. ' The crally lurds regularly, north. lhey arc most ~umerousl atmosp:lere afUr most nuclear can be much redllced by ,hie:d· EDW)XTO\ I(PI - The AI·.

C. L, llark. and CS~I • c, • I make th~ news by stealing Jel\'·, where carnon food IS In plenll.: explo"ons. in~-in praclice, by taking cOI'cr bcrla liquor control board has


Again N'

"N k'''' I ,c1l'1' or other ,Illn\' banbl~, to ful supplv, stich as along the, THREE (LASSES in cella:', and specially·prepared Il,~ed ,\lh,rla breweries to reo

\1', , '0 par -Ing slons a lI'al'S' " , I' I '. I" G t I II [raim ["0 l\ a Irerti'in" th i' oft Siblc)', B ,'\" I ,t?' f' {.. store in a cache kept by each , lore, of large a~es ",e Ica They hal C grollp!'( ,1e t"pc, ,:,cllers, lIntil Ihe rarlialion die,s ,r ( ,~C I S .\;;Il'h"pl~ill said Pray. 'arc put up Illere tt sine or biro, ,5131e. of iojuries under Ihrre main do\\,\ 10 10\\', re<ltil'e·harmc,,, drillh, 0,] Ie Il'l ision. chairman

t~en Colollel Stirling, parklllg -from ~ couple 0 f . :":OT FC:\:\Y Wherc fouo is plcntilul and headings - wh01r hody illillr~', indl. (~eorge Clash ,aid 'fllcsdal', ~I\. bucks up I I . I I j t k' " d ' I Cla 5h said 'he request \\'a; made

o~t hIS III,pcetion, Thc I' The burl)' mayor Illr""f S"n· t.,ey 01'1' not mo eslCf, ," a .s'ln Injury al1 Interna cOlltam·, rH:' h~1112 Lieill. \1'" • , • 011.\ hOI\'~I'er as he remembered 'cliowklllfe, they b r C 0 n1 e as inalion, "'hile heR'y rlo;c, ('"lI5~ ,sp ,so t~1al the dl,5tlilery ann Ihe , c'

Frcll Lams.' Tn a hdty woman an OUIICC , telepho~e call~ fl'olll rcsidelll, in, lame as chic~ens <lltholl~h-for· Tile extrnl of i'i1ury depend" ,'erc s:cknp;5, b,'PI' nne ma,"· llr'c1\wie5 wil: IInl enlrr f ~Ir",·

ad n'Jhrrt ;\ormore,: o[ reeluctlon is worth all of the; l'lp Illiddle o~ the nigh!. com., lunatel)' fOI' t~em - thcy arc on the ,mounl of rarii;Jlion ;mel prod"!'r nnl)' mild in""I'"eill fir . .sion ad"rrlisin~ penrli'l~ decision

Again,i d of a massell~e, I " f h' k k I h d t l h . tl 'n f I' 'lIhie'1 Ihe innced, no immrrti;1lr Sl'Ill,,'nn,' 0:' a npl\' code IIf "dIN',j,in:,

~',Irllr,~ ,poke to many', p0un 5 P <lining ° CJn~ 'cpt awa'e ])' i ar er 0 ea c . 1C pCl'IO 0 IIllC 011'1 '. . -----.- -. ,

- ----------------

t! wcnt down through; Iml also took the

lSl:e lilit )!arched Past Order.

the Inspection of Te.. Ihe Part)' mOl'cd I

the l',L.B. Armour~'

the Senior Company was ,p u~der Captain Frank , '!Ith the following 0['

'l a;tcndall~e:-Lieuts,

C, 1\', )IJller, F, , wl:h Lieu\. Frank Bart·

the Colours, C S:l1 wa! abo on parade. I

S:lllth said Prayers and , Co;oncl Inspccted the

. again talking to many 'le, du:ing hi; time go·

ih the ranks. He alsq Salute as the Com·

I!:nched past ill Rel'iew I:,d Ir,cn "poke to them plealure at Ihe Inspe~·

tile I~rls ptll on , ~ 01 r,,,, ~i~laliin.,

, B'.IlltllI1i; and Mli· I Rr'PLrati"n which \I ere. " ,and ,r~atly eliJoyed I 11'llln, pMII·.

Ij, 1959, Colonei" ,iccomp_niro hy cmdr.1

C. Fmy, ~Iajor A, E. , R. J. ~1. Noel, Capts.

,no J. V, Rabbitts, Fuxtrap for the In,

. Thc Colonel was met Rei', G. Eliott and Capt.

and escorted to i g stand. Present

parade were Lieut J and CS,I K. Fowler ~nd /n, The Colonel In· ,Ie Company and spoke

01 the lads and I Ihe Salute as they:

Past, loll owing which! 10 all ranks. "

,t'bitln n of drill, P.T., , , an~ lir,lt <lid [eatur.; ~llcnln, anti was enjoy. 'I

a 'ISi\Orl. . 01 Ihe r.1'enill~ was:

I on of a c,L.n'I' I r,c Company by C5:\1

, "ho brought it back , and the inscrip­

fOllows: I C,L,B, LAD O)al to his leaders and comraoe f s, He never

This great. • •


I' •

• .IS again!


4 X 8 (32 Square Feet)













Lumber ... Hardwood Floorings. . Mouldings., I Doors .. -, Hardware .. , Sherwin~

Williams and Matchless Paints, etc.

Lasts Longer 1.ooks Better

Goes Up faster

• Smooth Primt Coattd Surface • No Unsightly Nails to Mer Surface • No Surface Chtcking or Cracking • Stlf.Aligning, Speeds Application,

Cuts Costs • Vented-Eliminalts Vapor Trap • Handsome Deep Shadow Effect • Wide 'Widths Fit Modem Trend • long length~-fewer Joints

® ~.alslOr.d Tr .... M.rk



, .

.. .'-

krleHinR. And n,': n e.'.' partidp.tio~ :

or an adranta.e for 10 that he would not

r other~ his be t··· !1 up. 5 In all he tin.

d He wor~s for his an not for himself.

. not look for praise ;1 nol hoastlul.'

h 0. be Irusled be, e IS Tru,lwul'tlly.

S Ihat ,Ie,us Chris' , all ' bel OUr and follows I

Ofe all else btfore the' World


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Per~onal Chit .. Chat

V181TING AUNT Min M. Haley, arrived in

town Monday cl'enlJl~ from Lamallne, 10 visit her aunt, at 29 Henry Street.


~---...- ... --------- ______ " ~.r_r_~, ____ _

MAINLY FOR \\lOMEN \ 'I hi:-e \v a y ,,-Pea r c y



Hints To fresh~~ a I'eil, press it un·

der waxed paper,

First Grade Scholars Need First Class Shoes

Mr. snd Mrs, )!lchacl BRm, brick, 33 Brine Street, relul'n· ed from Lamallne over the 1'1 first grader ~eed5 a lint weekend, where they hell spent closs shoe to get his school the Labour Day holiday, Thc), I career ofl on the right 1001. A Were acctlmpailled' by thell' I yO\l~g!ler with \I~comfortnble daughters, n050llta and Shal'on, , leet encas~d In illfitting or .. poor· son ~!ichael and Wall,' Daniels, Iy construcl€d. shoc, fldg~ts.,

If you hal'e ~ra)' hair, it should he cllrien 101lsel)" Tight ~lIrls

loses contact With school wOl'k

BAY ROBl!:n1'S ,,",A. and soon becomes a disciplinary

will add ycars to your appear·: , anee.

Fold tableclolhs nnd nailKins I

in a different way from time to 1

lime to al'oid wcar along folrt li:les,

Beauty Briefs A second District R?lIy ~I I pr~bl~~;her taking har child for

the United Church "omnn S ! his rtrst pair 01 "school shocs" Association was held at BAY wll1 protect ~15 loot health-and Roberts on Wedlle~day S~ptcm· . cO:1trlbute to better classroom ber 2nd, Attending from the' performance-by. lollowlng four executil'e of the SI. John's Frcs· basic I'ul~s, I Parenls 01 I'ete~an b)'tery W,A. were, :'Irs, II, Win· scholars b the seco.ld grode and 80r, Mrs, W, Oakley, ~Ir>. W, up ~llOUld also take notel. f ~ !leauly, unlcss it's the ab50, Trask, )Irs, G, :lloores and 'Irs, III !lU)' no shoe unless It flts :J~ ~i Illle'y ,ma;h'ng, stu~,:lir.~ I,ind F, DOl'e. perfectly. The tip of the shoc t>\. . ',. f 1:!Ot lights about once in a cen-

The programme for the artcr.! shoulrl extend threc.quarters ?f ~., . _>t. It,. '. -'ti, tury. is usu.lIy acquired. Tllr

nooll sessioll deait mnlnl\' with an mch beyolld Ihe ~nd 01 hiS ~T i' i.':~ p;ain girl and the much-phclo, the work of the locnl W~mnn's I~ngc<t t~c, Chcck thiS by pres. l,,,.. ,J""'~ ""',~:'. grnp:;('d bcauly quitc of len hal'c . ., 'I sing a fll\g~r on the toe of the . .A . - "<,I- ~ tile ,ame material wilh which 10

!s:t~~~at~~~a;;i~gl~~:dc:(~,~~ti~~ : ;l~~r fh;1~1\'~ot;~~ f~:~I!~e~:~~1 a~~~: ' ,. f:. f-"':: .\' :, ;:I~~~ g~\I\~:~fCI:~~\~'~ i~ot~~1t G~~~ Dr the annual report Which Is ' Illrs willie \'ou leak to sce tllat ' .. thing about hcr looks, Her hair of great Importallc~ If the eX' I tllel'e I, r~ gOpl:lg at back or 0 is drnb and she's left it t:wt way tent of the work of each local side,; nnd he makes sure It's ' Tllc beauty Use' a color sh:1m-A~sociation I~ to be lully reo comlortable. pOO. The plai:l girl has no\'CT cognlrcd. Some problems relnt. 12' Choose sturdy all.lenther bolhered to l~nrD anytllin~ allm:: Ing 10 the work were dlscII~sed ;I'o~', FOJt speclnli~t; and pe, ,,' clothes. The 1'2auty has learn' Bnd possible ~olullOJls offered, dintl'iciml' rccommeOlI supple ed e\erythin~ she can abu( The ~Rle of Chrl~tlnn Literoture leat'lor IIppers tllat bend nn:1 [,hric and colou~ line. It's PlTt

stret:ll 'wilh ~cli\e. 'growlng feet of her srcret. The pbin girl hns A tough lent~er so:e gil'es pro. dr\' skin ami wouldn't tllink of

A worship period was eon' teclic:! to te:!der feet while it ~ cr~all1in" at night. Snnp a,,,1 ducted by )Irs. p, Snail'. ~Irs, I\rol'i~c,; C01!trolled elasticlly 'il water - ~,'erc enollgh for ~rr G. French and ~Irs, (Rcv.) R, t~ot hclps the shoe hold Its grandmollwr and they're enOlI,h Purchase In the afternoon and shap0 [or hcr, 100. The beauly hns

was I'er)' encoura~ing,

\ r-tr WedncK~Y, S~p;Qr;;ber 9

Present-For You lind Yours ' .. !loth ncgal;l'c anu favorable' rdiatirins exist, bul the fal'orable outweigh the ad­verse, so r-rocccd connJcnlly with plans, If ora,ying up or signing contracl', do '0 afl~r noon, suggest vibratiOn!. Tile risk3 o[ c:ttravag3.nce nrc m~£: .. nified once ag2in, K~ep your purse ,trings ti~htly drawn,

Past." On S~plcmber 9,1893. \!r~, Grol'cr Clcvehnu bec:me the fir5t wife of a U.S. prcsiJent to give birlh to :I child in Ihe While HOlls~. Howevcr, the first child born in Ihe While !-louse was a gr:lntlu"ughtcr of Thomas Icfh,cn,

Future, .. Our Bre"t-grJ~,dchildren nuy not much meat as a bas:c fO{)d. world will not be abl~ to . the land required to r::le

number! of cattle, etc,

The Day Under Your Sign IE5 ICern IAmh 11 to April 19)

,\ l~~;r.jr U;1~:t ~i',' ~:h't 11~rc:: )CiJ 11 }C'J .. :~ ..... ll:'~fl' In r~~'I,~~li·:r:-.

TAURUS {A~,il 20 t. f~,y 101 r::ll~'" cl,::\ils H: r'r·1: .. f.!' : f~~~dl1, ~i t':', ('J:! 1..;;1 o;o,ith :l gcy:.d boo!t.

,G:~',INI It,!,y/I to J." 211

I Yf"~r ri"~ 1,#,4 t" ',~:1,>r. 'n:i it "":jc;c~n ";',,.: do.r,:"!,: cr u,i~;; te,:':,.

I CANCER IJune 22 10 July 21) ,::c. '~:r.~ m:,;\H~~ !::c ',I r!C~,~C'5 s:,:·.~!· r .ct,~'tii, d )C~J'\t i1tt~r.~ffi tu tll.: sir,e " ,

I . LEO IJJll11 to Aug, 21J 'I' r- f~:',ll i~ ell 1'1'.1:',31 c,:':ccti ... e •. D;) )Oll~ ~~n (0 h \.(J.(I;·~rll:H.

Vli,GO \A'9' 22 10 S,~f. 22) ,\,:'":" :~:~J I)~:rh :1!:~r a"h nl~, :.Jt Lci:'b' 0;>0 lr)" (ll o\Crc:-:.tcr.~:r.i lfCC.:t,

LlO~A I~.pl, 23 I. 001.111 :::{T' c:ear of a c~:;:rc I'J : ~ , cli:us r,'lY tllink }::-O.~'~~ t~"-'

~CO".FIO 10",131'0 th 111 lIC11:~C= b~::1.:c:r.!, bt ·f·" :, ~\r:l:g!Lt l:,:J n::.ao" r~+·":' " SA9tTT',RIUS l1~o,. 21 to (1lh*r p.\IUI~' ~:'.f \~::~ r:­Ih:y \f"n't ht ,,'r.~:1 yO'J c:~

CAPRICO~tl 10ee. 11 I,! D::.-n't !:~ f~r.l::, rrJISC.J t~ , ~f:r:y r«r~c hHe .kt~~'Z'.1 cb:~t!

AQUARIUS (nn, 21 t,.F.b.111 n.l~::.lr~t'r Irj~r'd, r~C.~ L:''--:'' "'{If\.:. II iu\'t lair liJ l!:e I'.i..~

PISCES I F.b, 10 t. MOl,; 101 lherenth":Ji;o.~r.1 co~ld r;!·· .J .,

of .:lo rcc~t ,aio i[ )"~U a~~~,'t .

----------- -- -~--- ----

Doctor Jordan Sa SI~III"'R DlSr:,\SES :l1.\Y IlE

(,\t',"LI! lIY TilL S.\:l11::

ions during arut'? ,'~:~~t Ji,ca:;e, . .

: ... D:'~I~ trcatmen~ i:~ . AGE~T . i:1L'il'::es o~e 0:' ll",';lt, r:'

D. drug3, alld ill ,O:IJ c,c, lilic" ,\CTfI or l".,.j·~

" by ~Irs. C, Grcenlano, ~Irs, R. (31 Pro,vide a change 01, loot. dr\' skin a!:d she uses a moi;· Dale ano ~Irs, W. Spnrilc5 In the: wear, L Ike aoult!, children luriiin~ cream, The p;ai,1 ~ir1 l'Y ED\\,! ' I D . 'I , should not wear the 'omn 'lIOCS confi~e,; I1rr make·un to a doh ) . \, 1' .• IO! ,\:-i, ' , e\'enin~, The !oloist WDS ~lrg. C. " , ' 0 • 0 1 . \\'ritt[,11 fill' :-i1:.\ S"lIiec , n ,.. ~ Ti:e'I'c are 11',0 ;omcw:la~ ;i:1:;'

Sml'lh "Rnd p'lon'lsI' '11r', \\', nIl L1C time. \our \.'oltn~s.er ·U of lip~lick. wro:\g s:la[:e, 'rile'

Tiio:-e pco;1~e ',11,':1 I'

co:itL~ who do r')~ :':: to Illed:cal Ircallr,:::: '.'








" 'I



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I, :i' :',


p ,p

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I I 'I I'

1.' ;

-.I '

. sh~lIlo chnnae to pia" shoes beall~.I' uses [oUllllalion, pOI\Cler. ' S , d" r G, '"' " ,," d",,,'" '" ""d, "''',,,' " peer Rn . fl, ' ,cer,l.a . n,rlo_r sellool 0,'11 t •. nc. '110\11. "0 •.•• , ' • .- , ' ," Ii". hi toulh of ro!',.~e tillStici; Th id , ,\ • ",," " • • , ' '''', " 1,1, "' "'w" i" ,'"d,'

e Pres cnt .. Irs, I, ~1l1~Orlof Ihe salr.e sbstantial leather \'~t..),.~ ('..... !""d cye nl:1keup, on ,,'ilich I rc~ci\'c a number of , ~. ... i"'1"'I"" Bo:ll ale rlir;i~u:t to to ~la\'~ surgery. TliE.' llll' SUr~L\~'y {~l·?'-:. ~~.

[,:1:'0,1 of ti,e u:",;,'."; addressed thc women on the construction to protect his leet I <~ il., t .~, --subject "The work of women in from con,tont pnl'cmcnt pound. -.... .. • Often sle('p doesn'l come \'Cr)' ,~:,<,:,,::. ;[1:;:', l'~:, ,;l'iJ[l.· b,:lcl~ the Church." i,g, Leather, which "b!'€nthes" ! quickly Ih'~,c wnrm ,\Ilmnr '::C'I'. ;,; e c;\:\,,'d by I:~~ 'Jllle

IllrOu"11 mllllo". s or Ilnl',II'., I porn, ni~hls and .I'OU 10;5 ~nd tmn fill' I.']!' '0_ 1·111".".inl', I'"., ,'"-'.

Th 'd' I B B b , , " ,," ., "",II, "',,,,,,,, ;'"' m" '''', ' e ales 0 ay 0 er 5 keeps the fret dr" and "ail"Gool. hcurs ~'H\ el'rn t:12 1I'1'::llt1es i:l sic;l; cO'1dilinJ n' I'i

East and West and Cole\"s ' 1 HC~'c:1;iI iiei',i, inIO:"C, an in-• ed". Sneakers should be worn G ' SI t 11 ,I ., ". ' . Ihe ,heet )<Ccome your C:lemy, .\

,.,,' '" ,. h, ,"""lim'''''' "'" " "II g,"""d "' gym ,"'" '" ,,,II,, rI,." d, "<em",,, ""," "" P'''' ,,' II,' ",,,,,II,,,,, "I< ""10m wo; Ii" "",', , ,,,,,,,1, "cimi"'" ,,, '" "",m,"'''' d ","i" roo"w,,, ", " ,",i, ",,,,.m'", loe lh' n."" 1m II mil ,d "".d,, ,"" '.'" "'"' .1 , "'w '''''''', ,'.' ," ". """', "," Ill, ,\""", i",Il",', G ".,," "liil "W", "01'1. Li, d.w' II" ." ,'"' ""'k Ii" "m,1I i ""'" "", Uee,", ill

nnrl m~!llY othL'" ~l["(~; cI'cr. el'CII ill till, ",',?:, the c~rdlll nsf' lit ",;:'~

Rally which included the servo 141 Bewoer of false eCOhomYIWCdUll1oll August 121h, .",~ 7,:]:1 "s f:I'.h.'r gl',er 11':[5 her or':IIi· iJe,::n:1!1. wilile tlie Ilride's in bd witlioul a pi:lo'.I' PI~ce Colitis is n di,ca,e prii]);"'i:I' 10· pm h A II I tI ' ~,,:cd o',I'cr dnwn in Ih~ di~l';' in" of a lo\'ely supper. Hand.me.doll'ns and altempts to . " w cn .I1II1C ~.,.",c:,,~ I. cl.",\\,ill;;'I'1. ,',1:::":)11 o[ IrOIL1I1, brot;lI'['S .I":ln "I:ll Joseph Fe~r." I.'.our tc~, in a com:o,rtaille p.os;.. . 1 '"b d ht f' . - 11,,'e tl':,(,\ in t.rnt norloin kllo',ln

"et "one more monlh" Irom al aug er a .,II, ond ",s, Hob·" II"S l1('r SI"er, ,11';. ,Julill ce." u,II(',cd. ·1 tlOIl and your ~rl'" [',o,e tu '0."1 .. ... a, tile bl':~e I:;;",:il;e.

I,l,alr 0,1 ou.t,grown shoes are, al.l, 'Ier,t rca,rcey" G2 ('''.bnt S.,lrerL,· 1h';"1:'!1n, Till' I1l'io1(',,"';(I;·. A[:er Ihe ceremOIl.\' a re"cp" ,ide" Do. absollil.cl,'.' n,o,lh,II,lg , I... T Jere i:-: ~n:lj\..) qlJe:;t~on as to

pe~n) .lIlse, pound. loolish wus umted III Hal, JIalllnJolI) were Ihe (;1'''''111''; si,tl'1' ~11" lIOn "'''s h'111 :',t P,iri.~llod" The more [01 onc mlr .. ,le .XCl',lt wilet:,er citi'l'r di,easc ,'\Ilu:d b2

or ~ur~:::<11 m8.~'.lH·~ ~;

diC'~l'.ed jlr~;lg 1111"'~~',

I1lo.:t or tiw:-ol' \', > -I Z~~

n3:e c:~o'Jgh ',0 2:":I_;~e

practices, The fell' dollars ),OU to D:1vld ,:\'elsoll, sun o[ :,rr. 1!:~IT,' Dc'.',·l', St. ,r ':1:I's nll:l Iill' ;'I)'1111e :11'0 PI'C'!'lItl\' residillg at· breathe a< dccpl)', anl1 a, cI';"ly con<iricred res a ,pl'cifk ,Ii,order, sal'e now WOll't make up for de. i and ~lr5, Albert Whitc'ol'ilY, 23 LUll'; "i.llcl' :,11", Deli']!." (:01" 02 C"hul S:,l'l'ct. 'n;cI' will lea\'c as you cnl1, He,ax ,'our I\\olc s:ncc 1ilcrc ai'C .,,·\l'I'al lol'inlic,

, , ' formed feet, pain or doctor bills ,~Inxse street. flcI'. I1I':lil1e 0[. don I',.hu C:lIl1e from Ihl' "l<dn. shorll\' io lid:e lip r'csidence in body. Clo'e )'~\I\' ~)'~s anel t.ll~k, II'h.ch do nul all behave a:ike, The long-~leel'ed s~lrt .IS ?Ig; laler on. f1e1at~d at the dQuble rillg land for thc occasion. I Londo'n, Onlarin. of ,lecp, and It mOl) come, ':IId which of~"l do 110\ reqt:::c

Fashion Tips Daily fN t~ls loil, ,esPccla,ll) .I\lt.h------'-· - . --- --- Ille S;1Il'" ki~\lls of Ire:ltmcn!. D \IL" r:r r Frnnch cillfs, \ ou'll find It In ~1 M I Somelhin~ thnl ran Ilr 'I,dlll . , • XI F. e anllers a e - BII~ jt io;; aln:u.~t il;\'ari;)hl.v t: .. ,,~ ,,\'er)' fabric: sllks, all the dif. \. "'''- ..• ",,, ... - ,----,-.--"" .... --. is n dllst'n~ powder nd of Im"l ,0['"", ,,' bl",d. ",d ! ",,,,,i,, , "",,' , ,,"', ,,' "II"" "'iii,,, ,,,,i,, "': ",i"" "'" m: H "II

F. d C· .. , I' It' I' It u;cer;:I:l'e eoii\, I:cnl q,l:c;'il' 2 II,'I'S, b',ccn '

sheer wools lao. Sometimes the rlen s < ,".' , dainty sal:n cOI'er:n~- s Ig I r"cO\·c·r.~·,· collar

or the cl < I'e a nl h ' "n I dainll' for using after a T:H1,' quick, CDlllpc~e , s'ld: Oil,cr" " s 0 e a., m:l s "'h ' - ,cnilllo: be e,pecled a.\d 1():1~ "Ilisps, fullr

type, others ha\'e the new soller ," ;_ bal , I period 0: tl"'n:IllCllt llr,d~:' \lIe ',t,p. 'Jlt

more opn types; But always If you are at a burret supper, .' " ! c:m·tel' ,,11,·01'1 ;;'.ion uf a i'h~;~i-the slec'l'es are long, with turn. don't rush back to the tablc lor B T': cic,', i, :,c'ciled


'., 'cup milk

back French cuffs and jaunl)' a second sm'ing, Wait until eauty IpS Tile r;I','·.e or (';1'''('' 0' \I·.cen· b ' III e CO,ill, nrc ,:1. PllU"11~, :I.

culfiinks, .I'our hostess asks I.'OU to "0 back " ,. . '\1 ,. I or has dishes pas;ed, If SJe ',i~c::i':l r.lil)' I'Ll), a pili'!, but doesn't ask you, thcn make one, T1~TED FOl!~D,\T1()~ , tllcl'c is no "~I'("n;cnt o~ nny

1 ~ C,IP m:':i.1l. ~'r.

\ C'IP d"~ed CO"

\ \ Cljl diced [':~'

1 I C'I)l (i ~ (' ,',1 r:' I • " I'p. \I'orc['·"_··

. d 1

serl'lng o. ADS GLOII' O:lC ~crm. n.ltl ,ome ,',ili:,-:.:c'.' --" of O\"l\ion on ti,c impol'<J:lc<: of

If 1'011 call a man who Is busv, BY ALICIA IBnT iD'e-elien in tile ~":lC':':ll piC:II:'l', ~,I,.':t fat in h,,,


A IWdoman with a faslhion sense, and' his secretory asks if she :-;EA Bealll" Editor Tile cmol ins l1la), po: "JC a inl hi 01','11 0:1:[1 I

Cummcrbunds, sashes, and can· trasting or nOl'elty belts are fa\,· orltes for accenting the walsl.

,s ou see t~at evcry Ine In h~r ,he mav have him call hock II lilll~d make·up fou'I:lali01 PI i"li1r" cnlFl', \>'.11 :l.i1'0'[ CCC['- Il'l'Ir ~:1'1 .1'/

".Ih .. mi,'m"" hoc Po", ""',1 "", h'; ,,,,m "m' "d "'~ "'" "" " ,,,, '01 "i" ,,",,,b' l "i"i, ,H', ",,,,,[ Ie "",Ii' "'" "" k "",l "",", ,',.' and accents her best. She musl


phone number. Saying. ";';0 applie,1 and buffed ':0 II' n wilh h'gun. em": 0<:.11 ,1rl".' or ,'.1',1:11 :1]' .... h:'Dt ulllil 1'·

k"OW OPl pol, """II, ,,,hi,,, Ih"" '''II ,,11 book ',l,,.' wHh,' I "",,,,i., Ii""" il ,m"iile< , '" """ il",' "''''''','' ", "", ,''co,, wf',., able color" but which 01 them' out cI'c~,gll'ing your nome Is not I : "loll' for the ,~in as \\'e1\ a, pro- 5, lI~p!UI1'" ,\ "HII'," C~ll'i"'.':C u:> CC",rI"I'ire SO':I' dramatize her ow~ coloring, Be. courteo\ls, I tcction from wind, ,un, heat or llc-r,tallll'n~, lto·.I'eI· 1"r , of I'. hat "['c'.1-c,1 Oll~-ll":: : C';","

',g ",,~'H, dre"" " ,11 lim" ""d, ',me 1"'''''',Ii'' """" """,' """",, p' ,,,''''i Ie ",Ii Ii, lop "iii Iii T" "" must become as natural to her For th09~ with a or lotion, keep thc skin moistl'lI" 10 (h,,:on in ,'Ie lir< pb'c, DI', i holf 1J11:, of nn " ..

" '~"hi,g 't" ,h, d.", "d """",l ,," " ,h,i, h,i" , "''' ioe" ,11 "," ,,,' w,,'" ,,,,, "" it :,"" ,,,,b,,, ,i,,,, P" ,,, ", ", so 8. e must now what 15 rlRht ~ome pem~nent has lMJen Into. !lut in applying tinted founda- n,cl'c I'c;ld'::-, is n"c(lcd, on:l r·ln0 de":'"" for el'ery occasion, She mu~t ducert Ihot won'l turn \'Ollr hair 1 lioll. benr i:l mimi that it ,'10\1',:1 ,[edica; Ir:'~,tillc,-t is Ir'ed L\',',:l:: Ill;"',"'"

1"", ' .. "i'~' ,. ."h,. lh' '"'", II',' ""m ,id oom.. . ". '" Ii,h<l, ",d "i" "lic'" """, C' """Ie II b' h"""" ct, """" ,,,l "" ' i .I .. " "d d" ,l"" "d ,h .. " ,'" , """"",'''' ,,,h, wilh "" iii"", d;,,' 10 '''"' '"'' """',, ,li ",,' i, "'" ['''III .f ;'" ,Ii, "i"d ,"me' "" " . ~ubt1e and .exquislte simplicity. I ~eparate ne\ltrnlilcr. It requires . ,~in tones Otherwise, whal <':1.'<', 1:0: n:');'e Ih:1:1 iiI c or 10 ,~,'I 11l·"rcr;"'I~'" ," ____________ ~on::;l.:..y~a:~b:..:o:U.:..1 :..1::.5...:m::..tnute~. "ou'll get ;"il1 he a ro,p·tint~d; 0.11 of 100) will nCed sur~ery. ma!:e a goo,l I:,,: , face and !leck in shJrp conlra,t I' t:lou~h i:l ol'l~r [orin' ,t:!"~(,I"" fo,' 311)' mim', "'" I ..' •

to white arms and hands, <lOuld not bl' tall lon.~ ricl:1yeJ ----

Add sparkle co In, m,.l er '- .n.ck with deliclcul Bran

Gems, genlfou5iy spread with [nIb bUtler! Ea!Y 10 make? Ahn,' , •• wbee YOII Ult dependablt FI,ilcbmlnn's Active Dry Y 1 .. 1 (or rout home baking!

• 1. Scald

V2 cup milk

Sltr I. VI cup .hon-nln, % cup granulaled lugar 1 V2 Iea.p .. n. ,.tl 1 V2 cup. brtln flakH

Cool ta I,k.warm.

2. M,antl",., .... "". Inlo ba,,1 V2 cup luktwarm water

Stir In 2 ItClipoDn, granvlated

• ugar Sprlnkl. with contonll .f

2 tnv.IDp., ft,l.chmann', Acth,t Dry Ytall

1" II.~~ 10 .. 1l1li111, THEN Iilr WilL IIIr In brln .. 1,lUre an~

1 wtl\.ll .. ltn .. , . lYJ ClIP' t"CHIItH

.1I1Ivrp'" nlvr to- t~ Mil ~nlll""'lh I~d .101111.

.' ~ . , -. ,~~


N.d. no r.fr;g.rcrflon

. '

Work In .n oddilional 1 '/2 CUp. (about' once­

.11tH all.p~rpa.. . flour

3. Tum out em nghlly.IIOIIrtd bo.,d and kn.ad 'ntll .m.olh and .Io.lle. fl.co In greo .. d bowl, IMh lop wUh .. ,It,d bull" Of margarlnl. Covlr. Lei rl.1 Ir\ a wOml piau, Inl f.1>m dralt. unlll doubl.d In b,lk, aboul t Y. hou ... 4. Pundl do"" dough, Hal •• the dough, farm .aclt hall Inl. aM e .Inch ,all. Cut •• th ,.n Inla 8 . .quol pl"'~ Cut .oclt pi'" Inta 3 and lorm Inlo .m.II, ""oalh ball., PI." 3 ball.tn .oell .. clion 01 Vre ... d m,ffln pan!. anioh b.ll. with .. oll.d bulh, or .. or­g.rIMI, Covlr, ht rht unlit

,doubl.d In bulk, aboul t hour. ao," In a hoI .nn. ~OO', .bout 15 mlnul ... • Yllld-16 ,I"'"

This Ilorents the \'Cry purpose' if l1~edical tr~at",c:1t <1,,<,s IW'. you had in usi~~ the foundntion: lll'in:~ g~od rc'ulls I'.'ilil t:1il' \(,Ih fl'olll a nalurol, glowiog look, It crea' speed. 111;1.1,' m:ll1lll:llk ; .• ,-" tes an ennmeled, arlificial 100'" The ml'dlc:l1 Ir':almenl in~:lIrlc, fall collection. \, ,,"', thal's a5 doted as high·button rest, diet, nllr,::lg care, b:oo:\. [;,r the lIlo't \1,::1 'r: shnes. . 1 tran,rusions, ~ n d, in some! dresses. ~Io'l (' !...-~

Don.t regard 6 tinted fo~ndn'l c~'es. it may requirc the nd· ,horl, pace-r,'··":! tio~ as a cOI'er·up for blenllshes minislration of dru~s or hor-~,<kirt silhollctle IIi, l'::, eit~er. This is a mallcr to be: mone'., The l,xnct methods to. fa,hion \\'0:10 3 ,.:: ,~

____ ... _______ ' handled separatcly and n?! 10 bc i usc. of course depend on the in·· mo:lels in tllile :e,e .,-.~

Mrs. Adn Parkcr, 91 )'car~ 0111, of Ilrookline, Mass" cnroule to her home via TCA Viscouill niter vlsitlng Miss E, Greell of Trinity, 'r.Il, Shown from left 10 right TCA crew ~II~~ P. Lagnre. FlO D. Shephel'llson, Capt, D, )!iUs nn<l ~Iiss l'. MUll1lay)IO,

• BARBS coated ol'er with eosme\lCS, 1 dil':dual circ!lImta::ct's. But iions of Ihe lco,,' -

It's astonishing Ihot people I blood transfllsions may be par· hOlletle, nlHl h'n.l"'" who hal'e gone on a diet succes;- 1 ticularly m ~ n t i 0 ~ ed since u[ them ure '1\11: ;",1

BY HAL COCHRAN fully often tcnd to backslioe {lnce patienls lI'ith ulcerative colitis, ,tones, paildle, ot' c: No man should be 1uek:l, the weight Is 0[[. But they do, u,unlly lose a ~ood idea of iJoor! ... ------~

enoll,"h to get high up in 1h4 and presenOy the pounds comc· and ~I\al' need sever;} transfus· F ,world if it's going. to make hill . back, .. I -, - : -- ", G R II! I look down on h,s friends. A diet Is more than jllst habits, I at ,~ Ih,s I,'a,': ),011 can t p~,,,ol\' a-, • • '. If you're 10 keep your weight begin to eat all of the sweets and' Ai L I

I Ftm~!I II0t;', moltTf pcop1c wh~re vou want it from the~ on, 1 ricb foods Ihere are. ,0 whl' be SEEING LOVE TmU~IPII-OR : ;Ct C lfltt!c IruC'f' Willen t/teliloo/-; vou m~st remember that you're! concerned about them at all? I

FAIL-IS ALWAYS APPEALI~ci· th, c Hockefeller ~eir wa<. out of. Jar It OUT- ca C OVCT.· . I T' h t d C 'I't f I ' ,

Between Us 'Nomen ., • • • ~[)"l,~ to have to be caloric, can· fiC eo an .,um"c 1 y 0 ate,

__ I' hiS playpen, I 6cious summer can somelimes ca'.ISC There are two reasons why a "I , ,. , '~~ ThiS' may not be fun but w~o I· ,kin prohlem, which have been I

Iruc-lIfe Cinderclla stOTl'-like 1 The thollo,l. of tlIClr dlscom· "(' . rr.. d I . lo"t llOW t tl' h f . - ~ . said it should be? And the reo I ormant to, Jlo>som anew.. : Ihe romoncc of young Stel'cn' " I S llO IIIlg ? ort 0 de· wards me more energy, a better, Thc sun, In small do,es, IS thc I

I Rockefeller and the pretty girl i Ilghlb.-:for human nature al, ,f, fi"uJ'l! a younger looking you,: best answer to these, A ,ooth· I . w~o worked in his home as n . \\'a)'s snlcker~ II'he~ the oest laid ~. • .. . • 't' . . I m~id-ne\'er fails to intrigue and plnns of nllce and men arid Bear i:l mind that when nessert I' 1Il~ a~ 1sepllc cre,am. applied cellght the public, SOCially ambllious motilers go A SC'lmsiress -gives Mom a nicd comes around, your answer d?i1y, IS another he,p. And bath


I The !irst is the triumph of trlle awry, fit and tile b111 gives Dad a bad must lMJ "No, thank you," u~'1 Oil in the ni::htly ba.lh can sMth.e i one, less dessert happens to lMJ Iresh and refresh the ,kin, leal'mg It

i 10,ve over adverse circumstances" E\'en lhe anginal Cinderella '. • • 'ruit or cheese I wi~i a silky feeling, \~e love a lover, who ref~,~~s to I story ~ad both of these appcals. NcvC1' bmu to liDur re~ II 1::1nc or these measures , II you look lMJ 1\ help

hsten to Bueh \lords as 1mpos. I For tlte come.uppance of 'th that 1I0U'VC wcrl<cd.lIOtlrself up denrs u,' liny bumps or itchy sl~le,~' "unthinkable," Mn "u:l.1 stepmother who threw her O\I'~ to financiaL sccuritll, it you' skin. co~ '.'.:~ your doctor. Don't su ta Ie when those words, are' daughtcrs lit Ihe Prince's head ",nnt it to Zast. in ony c~,~, attempt to deorup

It may



b~sed on sue~ worldly ,consider. I gil'es thc reader almost as much skin problems over a long period atlOns as a dlffcrence In ~~ck. satisfaction as t!lC triulllph of of time without expert hetp.

Again ,

I ,

ground, women. soclnl POSition, poor little Cindcrclla education and so on, Wo love 10 . see loves young dream. triumph owr any ~nd all obstacles, That appeal of the Cinderella story is to our romantic nalures. .

The second sppeal Iln't quito S8 naively charming. It has a touch 01 malice In It. We like to t!llnk of nli the Mama's wilh social ambitions lor their da\lgh· ters who mUBt be gnashbg their teeth at the thought of 1\ Cln· dereliR geUing such a catch, How.some of tho~e Momas must have pulled strings to. giVe their daugiters a chon~ ,to meet voung Rockeleller, It's sale to bet that some 01 thosc Mamas

were making their plans belore.


I N' Again

N' Again




NIGHTS M.n, peopl. n ... r ... m to rot. load nilhl'l real. They I ... and Ium in bod-and lhon art dull ,nd li.tl ...

I Ihr1lU1hoUI the day. I , , , Alt or which rnay be , dllO 10 I C.mpor • .,

code condition which ttll. lor the wo 01

,- . Dacld'. Kl.m.7 pm ..

H .. lthy kidney. 611" txCUl "ida lrom the ' do. do"" and .,.tem, dialurbod resl, .

and b.ocltacho .It.n don'C relt .... 11 II h ... n't that Iprilhtl, in cho daytime-w. Pill.. You ell1 d.p<nd on

Row Pay peers bit envy

of Beaulieu

to 10,000

the in ..

The Quccn's cou3in. raid Lascell es, was

with the rest of ruins of a Cist~

The), pitdhed their lawn, left SCl'cra l' behind, but Lord

host, was all smi e last brokcn beer

collected, His '<en"er,,<1 tha t ne ad

• • • For 32·year·old Lord was also a personal

It meant that hc e latest round in the

Stately Home competition among

es open to the bccn fierccr, wilh dukes, fly for the lou enables them

cosily ancestral It Isn't enough to

and a family

lie\\, trend when to a nudist COl

Wohurn Abbey had himsclf phe


For the past ten and radio of 1

munist-ruled :\', hal'e been pour

the Vietnam's 511

, the Kingdom 01

ree weeks a~o th I more serious II'h of the old Pathct northern Lao; c1.

Communist on the Lno; ( still scem

than tile mili eged as far hack

Ihat the Lao: had been \'io

agrecment endcd the

b)' allowing 31

buildup in six months I

Hanoi (the capi! nam) accused t h cnt of persesti Pathet Lao con 15 of the of 1954. The

urces demand cd th tional SupervisoTl'

set up in 1954' ent Ihe Genc\,;,

M,S "B I Ms'" e Ie Isle " Belle Isle


For hnmedll For rates II


R. N. COLE,.


" £tc.

,0 ;1 t, 1'0'.11) I I -,: t::r'f'i<:":1 ~ . l' t,lt b-.~L

: !o ..... ~!'t~ 20/ , .: r'.::.kt .. t"H

) ~~ Ircu't



W~ \T PtE ',' n f::-lt

'1, siiccd

:ll:X or ." lI~n1 ':'ccs r,'

'::c< u"til -',:ICrl lI'ilh . '1r~ ilnr. a j:

, ',: \' chi::rd.

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., rHU~SOA V, SEP'I'EMBEA lOs 19-'9 -Rowdy • Jazz Festiva I And Vintage Cars

Glovertown Notes' . .

P · Off F F' · II PdP' GLOVlmTOWN - Mr. ahti ay or In~nCla y resse eer ~~~sJO~~~; ~~~~~sca:sy !~;ert~' .. ing a few days II'lth Mrs, HUiII

:'1111'; i l'l'rS bit their cr· i

DC \11th cnl'y when Lord I , ,'f 1l\'~lUllcu plnyed'

10 j(limll jmrrazCII teen.:

[C~;, , blill I I rte 1:1'111wl'Cl' \\",lS Cl it5:

The Vill'tlil \If E 111'0 I' ['," but: 0', \I,·,T fnr IIrlder than r.. . I

, Ihltl~ Ii,,' \"II\,Orl. n,!.. JJlZ '\ ; i 11.1'; ~ [' l' 11.

B;rr:"e t "::,, IICarl11g filthy. :ill'l Ir,ll1liJird the fiow·!

';lCli' :;"Ii 1:c'a:'ly wrcc\;cr " \ (['\',;\1;,\' BC;1ullcu P:llnr,c. " i"r:c .. - 1111rdl)' i1 d\ll:e \Il

," .(.<::: \I iI.' would lIot hal'e

tennis s\lcakcrs without socks, ' by's parehl.B, Mr. ahd "It' I \ I "h I' d Ilenry rcllhilm, s s m,l C, e exp alnc, 'I' 'I F I}' , I

k d ·• ISS .' ary 'C t lam IV 10 ill when I as e him the sccrel of working with t~e C,N.T" St his Bue£~66, "I merely give lhe John's, Is spelldlng a week with puhlic wllat it Wollts. l1ight now her mother, Mrs Alice FeHham, thcrc Is a crate [or vlhtagc rna, Glol'erluWn south torcars, so I 'olJeft Ihe MOlllagu W' :lila ~Its Harold Loder, ~!otor '~Iuseum." John and VernR, rclurnel

The museum is onc of the fom Cupids this week Where , fincsl of its kind in Europe, :III'S Lall~r find childreh spent : with over 200 caI> on display, lhe sumlhcr wilh her' piirrn\',; i most of them in good l\'orl,lng Mr, and Mrs. Clynp Perry

I, order. They. include: and uab)' bavid returned to

, • • • Totonto AugUst 22 after sr:cnd· ! .be oldest car in Brllnln, R ihg a holiday with Clyde;s par' one horse·powcr Knight buill enls. ~Ir. and ~Irs, Bn~lcr in 1805. Perry,

The staff cnr, a Humber Su, MI'. H~rbel·t Feltham retul'n

. : :~',: I': .... 10.. per·Snipe, used hy Field ~Inr· cd from SI. John;s AugUst 26 The li'h":':' C,l\! 'in. the lion shall ~lontgomery during Ihe afler molting a round trip on .,:1 1.",.,1:,", I'", thel't'. jiv. < battle of EI Alamcin. the Northern nan~r He en·

. ':(~,11fd !l~,'~il to llis s~alel)" ',Iw motley thcy

f : ! I


, .! :1

.:! : , 'I', ,

" "1 • , . !

, , ., , ,

I i : '

'lIiil, ,~"" rc,; of lhc cal, in' A Columbia Electric, ~!DlIei joyed the trip very inuch. rtli!:' ,: ;1 l'i.,t"I'III:1I1 abbc~', 1001, once owned by Queen ~Iiss Patsy plarflOnd, ~tud~l't

pr" i"i,I"''',: :I:cir tl'nls on Alexandra. (During the Suez IllllSC al the (,race 1l0.lpllal, reo ' " I,":l.";: ;l','cral Ions of fuel crisis of 195G, il WAS takenl,turued \0 work Augu,t 20 after ' i

I I '[ ltd d' th d ) spellllllg four ds)'s with her' , " I

'c llll:'! bui .ore .• on agu. au an use on e ron. " ' II 'It h' , " , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dll' ami 011, OIl IS ' , ,

, .,",,-;, ""' :\11 ,mites, When When Lord ~lo tagu married . " I' , ,,' , monu. The rcmalnder of her d~I1arturc from :St. Jolm's fullon-ill" his recent visit to lIici\,foundlnnd I" :1;',ll~"~L'11 h"cr baltIc had the ntece', of Lord Somerleytnn three weeks' vacation II'AS spent ,.. . 'j'

C'I r,':kd"d, His Lordship carltcr thiS ycar, Ihe bmle Was on Ihe mainland motoring with where he nddrcssed a mecting of postma.stcrs at Lewisporte. The TeA I, ' ,:,'\""'d ,il:1i hl' ad grossed" transporled to Bcaulteu Abbcy \her boy friend, George Keeping, stcwardess is ~fiss A. C, Bren!1l1!1 uf ~lolltrca1. '1.'\.' 'ar:~ ~~>,'II Oil Ihe gate. In a 1907 Rcnault. and his parents of Port aux

• • • I What is it likc to he iu the Bnsques. Feltham. \ R I F Aftcr shelter comp~ water en' .' I fr: :i:'l:,~(1ld l.ord ~tonlagu , st~tclY homes business? For onc \ :Ill'. and ~Irs. B~rt Garf and ;lILss Eliw Sparkes left: here U Cs 10r , food, Two ~uarts of water a da 'I:, 'J',; ,1:"" ,; ]1,'\,,01',;\1 Irillmph.' thing, It means no prll'ary. two children. Sandra and August 19 for st. Lcon~nrs. : for each adult and th~e€ for eae' .'! ,! • t: :',,":',' In "I he had won' "~!y wife and I have had to I Sharon, of st. Juhn's, nrc spend· where she will lake up duties· SUr"~,!al I child i~ refommended hv Can,: 'I' · :,:'>! r"11l',d In Ihe Bailie of, ,confine ourselvcs to a few ing a holiday with ~!rs. Gorf'l as a ,teacher. • l' j, I dian eivil defence alllllOritic,. I I'~ , .::'; ~;il::;1 lIollle;, : rooms in order to throw the I sister aIH! fnmily, ~!r. and Mr~, Thc funeral of the IJte Eli By KE\, KELLY I sholiid be ~tof'ed beforeh8~d i ;,', (r,:::,Cl1:'011 '11Il(ln~ the 40U greater part of the palace open Stcphen Hicks. 1I011owa)' W:lS held on ThurHtlay, [alladlan Pres, Stoff Wtllrr old I'inegar jars or similar co: ,!,

,~C; ,'r,'t: ,,1 thc Illlhlic has 1.0nD '\~n LADY ~IONT:\GU: They miss their prll'a£),. to the public," His Lordship ex· Cungratulalions to Winston August 27, at the Salv:ltiol1 OTTAWA IeI') , ,\nybociy·,· tainers and Changld fre~uentll, ',I 'cr:".,'!1 [i"eer. wilh carls, plained. "Of course, I miss sit. Briffett, son of ~!r, and Mrs. Army cemetery. with Capl., primer on ,sun'ival in nuciear it may be too latc tu got uncoil ' ,i~: '0,,:1 ,:.,1;,'" barons and' with a bel',' of nudist 10l'elies I Slateil Homes !eaguc. with 'W00 ting in the gardcn and using ltichard Briffelt, and Lorne Slade officiating. Deepesl sym· WJr shenici have "GET C:-<DEH· taminatcd· water' afler Ihe bom ! I , : f, :.1: ::", lourist moncy' clad in bi:;ini, (or the occasion. I burn Abbey ana Chatsworth. the front door." SlI'eetap\lle, son of Dr. and pathy is cxtendcd the bcreaved GHOl:'iO" pri~tcd in big letters fails, .' '


, '1 t . t ' II' f II . did ,. h k II ,'Iso gl'\'e" tI,e O\"llcr' are, ,J.Irs, Eric Sweetapple, bolh .of relatil'es. ,at Ihe sWrl, For food. It IS a goon Idea t ':i(;1 (11 .• ",1" ,1l'II' a m;.111 alll : IS e OIl' peers crle,' Ol\'l1e u)' t e DU'e o[ Devon. " " , . f t f I . 'I I ' I' ,.. " I I J' 'I nl'rk,'lllc I'nsl'ght r'nto Illlman \ (,lovcl'tolVn S,oUlh, who, oblall\· ~lr, and ~[rs. Clifford Petlcy. Sheltcr behi~d at Inast tllre'" nal'e a cw .ms 0 eI'JpOI'J,2

: Cl",,:' ,,::,'(';o\'a lomes. ," 'au,: -illlu p annel countcr, s me, Stl I to beat. u " - 'Ik k d d , I n,atllrc. I "athered, 'I finti ml'. c,d sC,huia,rslnps for lhelr good of Corner Brook motored ti" feet of cJrth a~d two lncitcs of 1111 . or soltle, pac age. l'IC I"

I: I'::': :::",,:~it to own a coro· allraclio!ls, Altogelher Beaulieu expects solf const;ntlv' "m"zc'l "'," pno, s,andlll,g l!1 Grade X at the .. Cen· Glol'ertown on Tuesday of this: COllc1etc or on Ir.eh of ,lecl 1\111, 111l1k. alo~g With rackaged c: .: 1,:',,1.1 ::,r,liI)' erl',t. Toda)"s: Lord :lIontaglle retaliated by .200,000 visitors this year. which c u u u , u. , . Illmed food Packa"ed a'l , In'' LOI'd ~ionla"Ue declarer\. traI, Hrgh Schoo\. Of the tlftce.n wcck and were rcgistered ~t, reriul'l' b)' half Ihr' l-!:~ct uf, , S,' ~ "! :J;:'i,; "~'('r:l'an included, ne, ,opcning Ilw Jlonla:;t1 ~Iotor ~[u. i is nearly doublc 1051 )'ear's at· Po c, . ' n ,., • puptis who took Gradc XI nest·a·whilc Hlel for a coupl": deadl)' radio<lclil'c fallo'.ll thai! tll1ned foods kerjl 10'lgr a~d 111 : · :.,! ,,;:'i1"l~' :111£1 lIve enler, srulil "lHI staging the three,day . tendancc. Ardnaz~d b, thedlr abll.lt, tolmls, CHE e~ams at the Central High of dal's. 'follQ',l', mosl nucirar ex~:o,;io:1s:: nOI'crln~ ,sene; as, protectlo

'jazz fcslivai. Lord ~!ontagu WRS poring rea ,;Igns an to get t lem· ,the following twel\'c wcre SIIC' ;'Ir,' and ~!rs, C. E, Ackern~J',l ,CJlwriiall cil'i defnec' J.'~hcr· a~,lInst W,latcver radlallon p~r ,:. b D, r:, (l( Bctlford st;trled • • • ol'er 'hIs hattle plans when 1 sell'cs lost, also by the amount rcssful: Stanle" Sparkes, PIlI.'lIls werc in town this wcek for Il,e I ilic, ,a)'. ' ctralcs the shcl:er.

I h I I d \ I B I· ( . I ' I h' B I' f th '. ' " I 'I" , l' . LI"htm" IS Imporlotll. II cOIIPI ' :, ..... :i'lie, w cn le P <lye , ,s iI l'esu I. call leu pro. III el'l'leWc( 1m al Call leu. on a "soap C)', c,onsume.. , Sparkes, Evclyn Warr, i\'orma,n S~Ulre-D:lv wcddlng, 1 hev re·: tiC next r:l.e IS to slav tncre (1


M d I .

I. 'I' I B I ") P I h hIt' h' A TIll t t . , . . 'II I CO I" " 0 ,alterv. l'OII'('re lorc I~s 0 " ,

.. '1, Illil :" ('on\'en IOn on nOUIICl'( " ell' ay a <ICC as l e sout I coas 111 Hamps rre. le pu I IC S as c In somen· Genge, Fran': Feltham, EriC turned by air n~ Gander Wei· , 10Ilr". a',lllO"IIICS WII! sal' fl .11' h' '11' 1"1 I' I ,', ' \" . 1\ \ I' I' ' 1·1' 'h' . -l' • U~ 1 1c1 ts WI (.0. '(1me 19.1 I ,

: ,W,lrl:, 1 'C~' eslate asl 1I0\\' shot liP' from ;Ixlh placc I sharp,no~cu mon with thinning irs ! find appalling, /lnyt ling, Jancs, Joan Holloway. Jcan ne,dav September 2nd, i I ,c, er a .on~cr perro., IS r2·· M. t I fl" ~::ll,ri! photographed i to third plac'c in the Top Ten I blond hair, he wore chinos and' wilh a crest on it sells," Saundcrs, Oou~las Holloway.· ;Ir.· Stewarl Butt wen I to St : quired. but aiter 48 hO·.lrslhe' rng may u,cI ~p 00 muc 1 a you. i "

___ William' Burton, and Arlhur John's Thursday night to spcnd: radioacli\'ity will.have decayed 10 i ox,gcn sUPP ,. I a fc\\: days . . a pomt ,'I'hce It IS 100 limes less, 'fOILET F,-\CILlTlfS ' I

a yc .. ar, with the change of th~ ~lr, and :llrs, Wallacc DaVIS lethal Lien whe~ ti'e bomb WC:1t I . : sca,ons, In summer the room Ihave returned from SL .1ohn',' off. I Try to sct up a pla.c~ to sen , rials with rcd gcraniums. In fall after spending a mo"t el'juy. i TlJcse two rules cnn be followed, as n, toil,t. Feder~1 cJl'lI dcfe:1.c , . I, Ihere will lJe chrysantJemums, ahle ten,dav holidav "Iith I by an)'O:le willing to tak~ a few' offICials are maKIng a SPerl:

ny nEnnrn: SI~GTO~ . whicb had adjoul'l101 sln8 dlc 111lents Laos Is enlitled to 1,500 Hammerskjold., the Ui>: Secret· I in winter poi~settias end ho:.ly, friends and r~IatiYcs,' I hOIl'S to prepal'e a s:lclter and. study nf lhl~ alO~g Illth the pro: : fo: Ih, rJ.'1 Icn months the in JlIly 1!158. hal'ing £iccirlcd' such instructors. and shc has nol ary.General, Simply at lhe rc', In sprlllg luhps and daffodils. I :llr. and ~Irs. Watton and I sP~'llCl a moriPsl SUIll to, olllfit hlm'l

lem of oX~ben cupply, ,~f '~?,',: '

wi :';,dio oi China and that its work was completed . nnything like lhat number in qucst of thc co.Chairman . pro· I Pahlmann at present is broodlllg I familv have rccenllY mOl'cd to' se.( and IllS f'lI:lIl,·, : come:, 10 I\orst. a patl \I.tll . ' "I, 'J"'lllllcti :\orth Viet. should be recalled to illl'esligate the countrl', el'en counting the· vided lhe Laos Government I on how to ehan"e the 20,foot I GI . t f B} ~[ ,I n;\SE~m;-;r SlIELTER ' dlSln.eclant \\111 scnc, 1 O. lover own rnm lIe 1ans .• r. TI h 11 . I I 13\ nk t atchoc; <:1'

'. hal, h'c" pouring invec' thcse Communist complainls. few Americans. agreed tubbcd trees around the pool In I W lton wiii be employed wilh· Ie s e.ecr II,{' f nccd~'t lJe i a, e s. m cc, a,,· " on :1:,' Government of I But carll' this year Ihe Laos What about Peking and Han. But ~ne essential If such ma, I ordc:' to have flaming maples in II Ir;:in Oil whcn thc; set up I elaborate, A propcrly . prepared, SO?~S and Ilcms for Ce\',. , \. I . hi ' .' b 1 fall eHr"reens b winter and . g ,', ,cor ncr of the lia'cment will serve· \ialllcs should be remcmbol ed

:.,~ ".',:\i<ln'; sl11all ne-;;h-'I Premier said lhat Lnos would 01 accusations last June thai the 'c nery as thIS rs 10 e user. I bl' . M d ·ct· . ilhclr I,:anncd serncc stallOn I'f't' 'I f I hI 1 c' d 1\ r3[\1'0-a tra".,c,I'stor OlIn. h!\ I f L d " ' , I . ossommg og\\:oo In sprmg. I J S "lrc(' (Ie (l ow t lC .grotln .I"" ...

, ., r . ;IlCI 0111 0 aos: an i nol acccpt the return of the i Laos Governmcnt \'ias persecu· is ubrecmenl bet:\ccn . t Ie co ,rOOI11S is bronze, in keeping with. here. . ' ,Icl·d. : possible. tllat is not depcndent c ; Ilr('~:' a~o the situation: Intcrnational Commission, as I tin? the Pathet Lao? This accu· Chol~men • that ~~. bel\\een thc I thc bronze Park Avenue sky· I ~lr, an.d ~!:s, Leslrc ,;H~ms I T:lc c~tcrp~isin~ can add fril:,' Il(JI'lnal powcr ,unply .... lI'itl bel :

~orr '1'I'\Oli; when clemen., requelted by the Communlsls; saiton \\'os apparently based on RUSSIan and Bndsh G~\Crn. scraper in which the restaurant land ..family \\I~I b.e mo,~.nM, (:~ I that '.1'1,11 strenglhen il anri, im, kcep yo" ilform~d and may gil, I, 0: t'." IIld l'~:hct Lao units I as a sovcrci~n Stale and memo nn Incidcnt staged ~Y one ex. ments. It seems uncertaIn at I is located. The twp,slorey wm. Lel\lsporle th.s comrn", ,\\C k il[[)',C t.1~ir ch:mccs of ""'I'II·al. you wclcome news of the leI 21 I '

rtr:hll'I l.ao; clashed with ber of the United Nations shc Pathct Lao battahon which present whether lhls can be I UOII'S are not curtained with a~y· where ~[r. Hams WIll t.lkc uP. One intcrc;ling ;]spcel of bon:il rariioactiril:' oulside', ,,:I'll:: lclrcCS alld seemed preferred to take any problems three months ago resisted Intc.\ achieved. A few weeks ago the' t]i~g SO ordinary as fabric. duties as a t~aeher, . I tCols cOllducled :11 the U~ited OIlCC \'.10 waitin3 period is Ol(

t1 ,'c:::n~ ,on:e h.elp from: sl:e might havc to that body. gralion in the Laos national nusslans . in linc with pcklng: Instead, millions of ltny multi., ~!tss Dell.a Blackwood. rs, Sta:es was Iltat basemcnl, cs,. -of(icials stres> ,lIwt it" III

The Situation In Laos ,

, I

,he tOI't1er In :\orlh vie.!, \, orklll~ up to CrisIs army and marehed off into the "and Hallo.i . Suggcsted thnt the I color gold anodized alultllnum' spendrn, a \acallon at Gl and, capeel most of the blast dam,,~e, Dortant to wart ai, .east 4B .holl1 , , :. A,e Pekin~ and Norlh Viet. jun~le. That recalcitrant bal· I Inlernational Supervisory Com,: chain are u5cd. giving an Irl·i Falls WIth relatlles, 'evcn. when qllr.e cIo'e to til tilen rrep3~r " ., .. "cuate YOt b rr::lI1\Ul1llt propaganda. !lam justified i!l seeking to have: talion II'OS one of two such units I mission for Laos should be reo , descent, gauzy effcct. ETAOI hg bomb s po:nt of explosioa, arc". 1 I

.1 ,on the Laos GOl'crnmcnt ! the Inlernational Commission i which had accepled Intcgralion called to deal wilh the present .. '\:t~ ;::11 sc['1Il morc slgnifi. return to Laos contrary to the in Ihe noyal Laotian Army on disputes. The British Govern·

:h.~ 11", miiitary affrays· wi,hc~ of the Laotian Govern· generous tel'ms finally sugge~· ment does not favour this Idea a' far back as last No· mcnt·,' It hardly seems so. cvcn ,ted hI' the Laos Government. because Britain docs not see Ihal :hc Laotian Govern, judgin.g from what the Comm· Those terms gave the Pathet how the Internationnl Commis· I

bd Lre1l I'iolating thc unisls consirler their own "suh· Lao 100 officer·posts t'n the sion for Laos can be recalled of 1054 stantialion" of lhcir accusations national army compared wth 120 without the conscnt of the Gov· I

er.tlcll the Indo·China against that GOI·crnment. Be· a~ked for by Pathet and 40 orl· ernment of Laos, b,' ,,:!owing an American C<1use all that thcy have been ginal1y proposed by the Govern· But thc machinery of the , h,I::Cl.ljI in the country. , aljle to point to ns an "Amerlc· ment • quite a hnndsome com· Geneva co·Chairmen could fa·

,. 'i, ::-:1:1Ihs later. Pekino: I an buildup" in Lnos has been promlsc for Ihe Palhet Lao; It cllitate discussions with China Han,'1 "~e oapital of i>:orlh I the arrival of abcut 100 United was the single Lao battalion and North Vietnam, who were ami r:e,,-cd Ihe Lao's Gov Slatcs instructors who have which was rebclling. not the also mcmbers of the 1954 Ge·

n' o"l;csling the for, come not as addilions or reo Laos Government which was nel'a meetings, Co,operation be· , P:',!l(", 1.,,0 contrary to Ar. in[orccments. which arc for· "persecuting" last June, twccn Britain and Russia over' ! 1.\ n; ;i,c Geneva agree. bidden undcr thc Gcncva agree.! All this sug~ests that China Laos throucih this machinery of· AGAIN OUR OWN Br~ad has

.1 I

, "

1 :~ut wC'rlthtf' • ,< monry.

.' of In.;1. Thc Communi,1 I ment. hut to replace French mill I and Communist·rulcd North fers hope of moderate and rca· " uP!n",:"icd that the Intcr i tary instructors to whom'Laos Vietnam ha\'e worked up this sonable solutions of the present !::,n:1 ,,~"~"C\':,~ry comm~ss'l is fully entitled under the 1H54 crisis over Laos antI these de· tension. Provided the Com·,

: ,r, c,' iii 19"4 to help 1m' Genel'a arl'angemcnts. As a mal· mands for the rcturn of the munists are prcpared to res· i

been chosen UBest by Taste Test"



., ~I :"r Genel'a agrcement: ler of facl under thcse arrange· International Commission again· pect Laos sovereignty and not! st the wishes of the Laos Gore· ,to try to intcrvcne in her do· ernment not because they mcstic politics. such solutions, really h~lieve that the Genev~ with the possible aid 'of the agrecmenls have been violated Unit cd Nations, would be at· , WITHY & CO., LTD.

Liverpool st. J ohr's Boston to


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Aug. 14 Aug. 18 Aug, 28 Sep. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 19 Sept. 29 Oct. 3 Oct. 16 Oct. 20

Ocl. 16 Oct24 Oct. 30 Nov. 3 Persons contempiallng pass~ge to Europe

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N, COLE, Special Representative, St" John's



but for reasons o[ their own, tainable. What cxactly thcy expect to gain from the Commission is nuclenr. London Meetings

Women Want The Best But the fact that Peking and

Hanoi have manufactured tcns· Ion around Laos, and sporadic By DOROTHY ROE clashes inslrle the country, docs' NEW YOnK IAPI - When a not make Ihe tension and the woman takcs a holiday from ~e~ clashcs any less real . which own kitchen to eat out, she wants is why rcprescntativcs of Bri. the works in luxury and service, tain and nussla, who were co. says William Pahlmrtn~, a man

who has made a thorough study Chairman of Ihe 1054 Geneva of feminine psychology In his conference, have been exehang· work as an Interior dcsigner. fng views in ~ondon. The sign· "A woman who has to cook ificance oB Ihese London meet· Ihree meals a dav at home and ings is that they represent a, then wash the di~~es wants the kind of survivin~ "stcering com· grcatest possible contrast ~hen mlttee' of the 1954 Geneva can· she goes out to dine," ay fercnce. One valuable thing Pahlmann. "She wa~t exotic about that conference was that food per[ectly served in an at· it constitutert a framework with· mosphere of elegance. What's in y .. hich China and the leaders more" she deserves it. Few of Communlst.ruled North Viet· ~omen have domestic servants nam who arc not m~mber sof any more, so they make up for It the United Nations regotiated by ~eeklng out the ultlmate In

. scrVlce when they go out." with other countrlCs. who w~rc That's why Pahlmann ~as con· conccrned to end the Indo·Chrna centra ted on creatbg a lush, con!l!ct. At the 1954 Geneva rich and luxurious almosphere In meetlngs Mr, Eden and Mr. two of Manhattan's newest and Molotov, whose countries were most expensive restaurants-The not directly committcd In the Forum, with the decor of the 12 I fighting in Indo·Chlna,' were of· Caesars, and The Four Seasons, : ten able to playa kind or res· latest and most lavish addition' trainIng and mediatory role. to the cafe circuIt. This is Ihe spIrit which the co· The latter, recently opcned, Chairmen presumably wIsh to features a marble swimming pool contlnue to apply to the present with bubbling chartreuse corored tension over La~. water In the mi,ddle .o[ t~e main

On August 17 the British CD. dining room, Dlllers don t swim Ch I made a definite pro. In It, but they msl' reserve, pool,

a rman sIde tables and Imagln~ they are posa! whose terms ar~ not yet luxurIating at some glided salon known though it Is beheved that on the French Riviera. DS they the British Government favours nlbbl&-.on truffles lind pate de the Jending of Indepehdent o!J: lole grill while attentive waiters servers to Laos to 'make re- hover near. commendation I. PerbaPt such The decor, menus and walters' observers could be sent by'-Mr, unlforms are changed four times





OUR OWN Bread has led the field in tresh-. ness

OUR OW~ Bread has been !lccepted by Nfld. housewives as the toP. quality Bread


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.t Mil LO 1 Le I Atlantic Challenge Trophy for \ OTTAWA (CP1-AI ' liVe e C · I B I- Itt e ague I the Halifax team they gave a get free rides on Ottawa,' , 'OmmerCla OW Ing fine performance for their, 't~tween'9:3U a. m, and 12

) 'A" 'd O'T I All Stars H'Orne first trip out of the Province, Thursday. An Ottawa

. i awso" n n' 00 e "--trl- Utilitle. Ltd' ,C.' P. "_.-1 -' In the two games played 'on store is footing the bill 10 .... • .-.. '" Monday Halifax All-Stars mot~ its 5~h birthday sale,

,. W, Daniels 186 162 223 ~71 G. Mercer 116 150 201 467 The Little League Baseball, took the first encounter 12-6 ta~a, Transportation Loor"",'._'

• G. Daniels 241 :149 170 660 E. Smith 136 227 162 525 St. John's AI;Stars returned I, in the morning and' came offiCials said the system

TI-e For FI-rst spot A. Chafe 1452116 218 629 M Gladnev 210 241 206 659 to the City yesterday after- ballk with a 5-2 wIn in the carn;s about 1~,OOO


,'. D. H~ek 178531 187541 .~! 2547399 C.' Kavanagh 620034 842235 8224110 2375089 noon by TCA. Despite the fact afternoon to cop the sllver· on ,80 buses durmg the """ that :the City squad lost the ware, period.

T.& M,WI~r~ ------~--~------~~~~~--~~----~----~-----------------------------,!, the race appeared to be ,head·

rhe finish of a raeecan be ing for a three way fInish for more thrilling than.when it some time. Arl Winsor came

, as In a dead heat and Utat's on strong in the last two mUes

but Ute trophy, goes to the team wlth the lowest number of points on three finishers.

T. Power It19 164 189 T. Barron 204 2B7 208 A, Jackman 207 fn 170 R. Hennebury172 180 173 525

II It what happened in the an· after trailing the winners by

I. al C~OS8 ~ Company Juve· 200 yards to cop third place ii' e FIve ?f1le Walk Jester' with a time of 46 minutes and ; y afternoon. Sean O'Toole ,:19 seconds, just seven seconds

, St. Joseph's and John behInd O'Toole and Dawson.


11,waon of Holy Cross both SInce the race was first oke the tape at the same started in 1952 the team tre­

I oe to have a 'first place tie. phy has been won seven times I rhe last walking race to with no team entered one

George Joyce, director of Cross & Co., started the race with member! of the local police and the RCMP control· ling traWc for the event. Dr. Max Edgecombe gave tbe en· tries their medical examina. tions. John V. Rabbitts was captain of the course and re­corder, Timers were Jamel A. Clancy and Charlie Quick whtie the judges were Reg Yabsley, Ron O'Toole and Ches AtkIns.

~2 8{)4 740 2296 '

Hickm.n Mo~3 \ L. Bishop 264 176 222 652 \ T. Percey 198 177 155 :130 H. Murphy 241 166 201 ' 608 C. Scurry 120 226 144 490

813 745 722 2280 T. MeMurd. Co .. Ltd~


III,rsh In. a dead heat was the summer. Sl. Bon's racked up : 1 mile walk of 1953 when their fourth wIn on Ute pres· I rd Hayward and Bern Mol· ent trophy yesterday as they

i ; were neck and neck at edged CLB, the only other q ~ finish !lne. That year the team, by three pointli, ;, ~ top heel and toe men After winning the first FINISHERS I, Ire just about even for the team trophy outright st. 1st: Sean O'Toole, St.

M, Lewis 173 171 21& R, Spurrell 165 1:14 161 R. Spurrell 137 218 169 M. Dawe 181 1~ 157 492

656 007 702 205.'i

BunH Lld.-l

, i mplete race and yesterday Bon's now have four wins on Joseph's, and John Dawson, : ; ~ernoon O'Toole and Daw' the presept aw&rd and can Holy CrosS, 46,52.

I n started the race together claim the award wIth another 3rd: Art Winsor, CUB, 4:\,119, :' d after their five mile jaunt vIctory. Curtis Academy was 'Uh: Stan Cook, st. BDII'S,

C. Mercer 'JRJ7 230 158 D. Brophy 191 173 140 R. Squires 215 150 195 A, Holloway 191 231 296 718

"ey were still tied. the other team to register a -«1,21. I The winning time was 4l! win n5 they copped the troph~' 5th: Leo Shute, St. pat's,

864 784 789 2437 Pept. Comm.-2 B. Jackman 276 193 2711 J. Curran :l66 150 173 H. Murphy 170 145 195

:. inutes and 52 seconds. This In 1955. 52,43. ,ne was exactly one minute Ycsterdav st. Bon's had 6th:

Denis Furlong, St. 54,OB, Pat Furong, St. Bon's, C. Gosse 257 195 316 76B

969 600 9&7 2600 i' )wer than the winning tlme Stan Cook' taking fourth with Bon's, :', O'Toole last year. Yester· Denis Furlong sIxth 'and Pat 7th: ',: y', time for first place '\\'89 \ 'Furlong seventh. Their fourth 54,09.

, ' , minutes and three sec· walker was not needed as only 8th: Geoff Follett. CLB, :' ,ds behind the record limp, the top three are considered. 55,20. A. St.nley & son~ !' 11154 set bv Tom Murphy i CLB had Art Winsor thIrd. 9th: Len Winsor, CLB, P. McLeod 142 182 181 I: St. Bon's. . I Geoff Follett eighth and Len! 55,56. L. Hudson 120 140 142

While the first two .,islk'i Winsor ninth, st. 13on's got I lOth: Al ~Iurra)', St. Bon's,' ,J, Graham 126 131 136 393 i , flni!l1ed In a dean lock 117 points whlle aLB had 20 I 59,38, • C, Evans 9!l 143 205 447, i

';' ~ restling' ,I ,


O'Keefe'1>-3 ,J. Durdle L. Gosse D, Rodden N, O'Keefe

-487 500 684 1747 ,

1i3 142178 4931

153 185 173 511 i 167 181l 257 613 i

131 243 178 ~52 624 759 786 2169 •

,I Kalmikoffs Team Up :'gain .On Monday Night

: Grul Euler" Oil-2 1 "

, C. Smith 14n 153 189 4E8, .J. Cowan 224 137 209 570' G, Vaughan 249 197 223 669 H. Cowan 131 214 170 515,

750 701 791 2242 • Nfld. Armature Wcrkl-l I J, Wal~h 130 147 59 336,

, 'ft- -, 16 th I ff I h' fIT '1 d 'I' h tl f" h ff' S I' C. PI'ne 131 196 lBO 507 I' ,\ ,er a m~n ayo \'an, e IS a5, on)' 15 no ~s goo ' 1£ I to Ie mls ~ ~Ir, tra - 'T \\' 1,1 132 228 lB4 540 ,lmikoff will return to action \ as eilher Vignai or Carpentier in ! ing time lor the card is 8,30 I .":. C~okl 194 32B 192 714 1

, the _ Stadium on ~Iond"y the gymnastic type o[ wrestling, p,m. \ 587 899 515 2101 ;ht: He will team liP with his' but Cl'en in this harn and diffi· : ---

'othcr Karol to ha\'e the \ cult section o[ the fight game he • 'Tickets for ,[onda\, night's B • B 2 ! :no~ and feared, Russian sput: 'can hold his own, I action will bc on ;RI~· to hold· C C~;~~g I rCI'262 148 151 561 : :ks_'b'a'i:k in action. Facing the: To open the card Ivan will: ing certificate owner,; on Fri· H' 'St)~ , 227 147 191 565 "lmlkoff brothers will be a clash with Vignal in a one fali I day while Ihe genenl sale is G' :\~we~~IX lB6 219 "75 690 \'

1m 'of French fighters as Ber· thirty minute battle while Karol I set for Saturday and ~Iondal", G' Fuller 172 129 201 55"' rd Fre, nchy Vignal and Tony will lake on BaillRrgeon in a'i The Sladium ticket office i." 84" 693 818 0358 !

, dllat~eon get together. similar bout. The tag·team open from 9,00 a,m. until AIO-l I -

, lvar,_~almikoff was injured in will be a best of three falls,15,00 pm daily T, Carroll 141 143 Hl8 480, , bout" 16 months ago. He was i F. Crocker 145 1!i7 16R 470' : rceQ, to drop from the grnp·' J ° F b II W, Dawson lB3 212 226 621' I' ing $li.me because of his injurY umor oot a P. Halley 231 242 176 6~n' " it sjarled,getting back in ,hape 700 754 766 2220 : Jun,~, ~nd has noW reached top . ndn1'9h, Since Ivan was iojur' , , I d Of S ·U.N.F.-3 , brother Karo has been ~oing 2 G · C, Rcynolds lR9 253 :119 761

:' 'sQlo and racking up a fine n arne emles , ; nn'lng record for himself but ' ,I, , 'R. Clarke 17B 155 232 565, ,thInn back the terrible two. J, Fillier 213225 173 611 me's're once again set for (ag· S F T - h R. Tizzard 146 205 269 620

, am. lcrion. et 0 r on I g t 728 835 993 2557 LOng .feared by both fans and Nfld, Light and Power-O Iponenl!i the Kalmikoffs will L. Adams 204 179 159 542

':e any style of trick to register The second game of the services of Joe Sl"n~v tonight G. Mandville 201 162 216 579! .1 ViC.toFY' They are well known junior football semi.finals is but will likely havp. P~t Whelan, B. Whittle 175 245 217 637 I

r (beir bruising, battering taco scheduled for the Ayre Athletic and Ron ~!cCarth)' in uni(orm, N. McLeod 143 209 160 512 i ,:s and have ofte,ll left the ring Grounds tonight. Holy Cross and Their starting clever, w:l~, come 723 795 752 2270 i " ml~ it up with ians. Claiming st. Bon's will clash in a fixture from Cy McGettigan. Pat Whel·

have, entered the wrestling, set for 6,30 p.m. The tl'O 'I'ams an, Don Crane, Ron ~icCarthy, ,Raney Co.-O !'Ime in order to put "Russia on are meeting in a best of three' Da\'e Spurreil, Derm ~kGetli.:~!. Kirb)' 1,,1 21~ lAA 560 :: p in el'erything" they ha\'e games series for the right to gan, Bob Redmond, Ron Krll)', ;~!. Drover 165 160 171 496

:11 ;edj!t'~ical Ru~sian methods in face guards in lhe junior finals, ,~Iaurice Kal'anagh, Tony Man-' E. Skanes 176 208 207 591 'iCIT, t~!"b to fame. Crusadcrs tonk the fll'st g<lme IlIng. Bern ~tcGulre. Ron But·' R, Simmons 151 210 liO 5:11 , Whlle'the Kalmikolfs are wiid ,of the series on Tue,do)' I:i;:ht' ler. John ('arter. Daniel Me·' A65 7~7 706 2178 :: ,d !ough they'll ha\'e more than i ~2 with Aubrey Pike. fr(lll1 SI. ! (;ettigan, Dick ~el'ille. I Commercial Cable~-3 i hanlfull when they take on Lawrence. h~II~lng In three of Sh I" HI' C' , t 'L, Stapleton 259 312 D5 70ti ,I, 't 'I B'II 'h' I HI L" ,- "ll'k' ou" 0\ II"'S rome ou .. sI1I8 geon and Vigna. al ar'l t elr goa s, 0)' lOS> 11'1, 'C', h ,.' 'I ' h ,~Burt 1i4 "i2 17" (ilR ,I: !On:!s from ~Iontrealwhile Vig- 'i)' use the some lineup ~,)ni~lll, ~;:el\ ~o~ell~~~~gtht;I~lalsto~~~~c~ • \\:, Abhott 233 220 769 ~28 'i 11 romes from France. The two that won the first enr'Junlcr 1<H", "II' I b b' 1 Ih 'B Perr" "36 196 175' ti07 , ' I b 'II' \\1 a so e s eSI 0 ree'" J -'

'I'rench speaking grapplers are them. Fu lack BI Pierson 'II St B' " 90" 1006 751 "ti59 " . ' d "f Ih 'I g<lmes series. ,on s wm, - -, , ' the qUiet style of fighters an , was mlssmg rom e opening: th 'f' I 'II be I d I J)elphls Cot~ 3

\' - I bo t f th . tl' t b t h may pertorm \ e semI· Ina s WI orce, ' -: ,lTe_,y as 0 e,lr wres mg cnc?un er u e into the third game. Eilh~r the ',E. Thomas 171 146 139 456

:' )wers, But they shll are rank- tOnight. " opening contesl o[ the fin~:s I D, Thoma! 97 201 186 484 I iii among the top men In the The Holy ('ross llnc,np will lor the rubher game o[ the H, Herniquez 188207 197 592!

: 1 mtling game today. come from PHIS Tob1l1, Pat 1 W Cooney 2M 159 2B6 fj"O' ,I Villn~ i~ a Edouard Carp en· Hobbs, BriAn Philpot!, Frank semi-finals will likely be sched-i ' 6'90 713 808 22;1' , er av}e fighter and hai a vast Ben~more, Ed Shapter, .lack I I I f ~I d . hi R ~"~ R Ltd 0 : : mount of acrobatic and gymna!. Philpott, Bill Pierson, Bill Nev· II e or. on ay nlS ' I:.i Abbott ~!i tOn Inn 430

: e 'f1'I1!Pllng tricks. He Ii fast ille, Bob Perehard, Auhrey ~. R' 11R 149 P4 40\ ~ nd<clean and mo\'es as quickly Pike, ,lim. Jackman, Adrian I ~i Jtn'l 172 154 16- 4nl ,~ • .,.-wrestler of lite present. Molloy, BASll )~eaney, Cy Jack· Cummerbund!, sa,hcs. and con· ,P.' Su~il\~:n 127 200 17~ 503, 'Ialllargeon ill well known [or his mAn and John Dawsor tr,ilsting or nOl'elty belts are fav· ' , mllZlng strength and like Vigna1 st. Bon'~ will be wil~out the orites fot' accenting the waisl. 542 609 684 lB25 : " ' B\'flokfiehl-3 I

L. Soper 243 21 R ,20R G67! J. LRite 24t 265 250 765 i


", '. ~

TEA~I THOPlIY -SI. !lon's wun .the tCUIIl trophy ill ycsterclay's unnunl Cross & Co. Juvcnile Five ~Iilc Walk. ~Iembcrs of the teillll plncecl fourth. sixth and sc~'enth to cupture the sil\'Cr\I'nrc for nnother ),cnr. The tcum \\'US, \cftto right:-Drnis Fmlong, Al \Iurruy, l'ntyurlnng, lind Stan Cook. t C,lpitol Pholo Service.

K. Reynolds 21fl 176 201 593; F. Soper 19S 285 171 652 1

895 942 840 2'577 I Terra No\'a Motors-O ,

, A. ~tarsh 125 153 141 419: , I' C. Nugent 195 255 Ig4 644' ',,' L. Snelgrove 1.,6 171 2~2 549' ',' iT. Kenncdy 152 IOn 204 465·

! 628 688 i51 2077 •

\ Ayres Lld,-2 ' , R, Cullimore 2l:l 213 216 642 I K, Griffith! 200 163 186 ;;,19: , \\" Ennis 144 210 237 !inl' 'J. Rice 252 205 246 703 I

809 791 885 2485 I

----------------------- ,


• g~ our prices on

GOODI\'E4R TI RES We've done it! We've

reduced the pric:es on, these famous quality-built tires to fit the pocket of every motorist!

CUSTOM SUPER-CUSHIONS The same top quality tires that come on new cars

Rayon Whitewall

Rayon Blackwall

9\\IE $5.90

Nylon Whitewall

s;t\\IE $5,70

These big savings are for the 7.50 x 14 size. E',/~n greater saving,;

on larger Sizes •

Similiar Bargain> an other Goodyears - Nylons , . Rayons .•• Tubeless .. Tubetype ••. all ~iles,

Take advantage now of OL'r are:at price reduction to equip )'oU; cm with Canada's finest tire,.

Enjoy the confidcnfc ona <ah'y that comes with driving on P,rCJnd New, Fully Guaranteea Good­years - you owe it to yourdf and your family!

\NE ~TILL HAVE A FEW GOODYEM MAR:\Tt-:ONS ~,S !.O',V />.~ ;, 1'0 88 .



Excellent \'~lue,

GrtS miser.


2 Door,

neal Family CAr

'57 FORD


~I~illlanil Drinn

'57 SUBURMt'-1


Li/;r "cw. !'"J:I' Equ;\lltr,J,


'58 CHEV Low ~li.'t"(\~r,

Goncl Conditioll, A neal Vallie


'57 VAUXHALL Slll~rt Co",[itiuli.

Yuur 'Incol Tr~l1sp nlat iOIl,

'jr; SIMCA

II; :'cl Tllll, ;n~ ~[iJc',

ror Your \\'irr

'58 VANGL'ARD Fully ,\utonl.tic,

Excellent condition, 8000 miles.


,.\ ~1el'l~\' Srtrin~

":ark hor~e for your Rusinc~~.



d' Gillies Homer

the sume pro\'cd thc straight Cit)'

wins to two in

the first game of ba~k to regis

Cross won 9-~ ntl finale \a~t


three rUIl .

John power h ' ill the hottonl

lie crown f Clr t I to the Cil~'

I\'ere six ex Bon's cracked doubles and

while th~ losln~

cight and 011'

Hc was tag'6ed ! eight rtlns. \\'1

~e\'en hatters An' pasl four.






~ •. ::,ICA

I lOll,

'r i ~ r I."

>ll!1' n"if ... I r ~JGL:ARD \ llll)m~tic, I rondltlon,



1"\ ,0.;" ing h'If· ... " for (;u ... illr~~.


on's • enlor 'ase a am s ,

--- -.--------------------------'--------------=---- . /

ge To

CrUsaders 9-8 Claim City Title

ed' Gillies Blasts Three Homer for Winners



\:,1. Or(lll IIC flied Ollt but he mIl hnppy About it, I" II ",,, l"~\I~:hl hI Phil Leonard in deep left field

F:II C;i!ic, l:\g:.;ct! up al Ihird hlllie und outfnced a ," In'lll LL'onllrd to home pI lite to score the run

, I'l-,",, St, lIoll's Ihc Jenkins :'Ilcmorilll Trophr, the

"'1'\ ~",;"r H",chall Ch,lnlpiollShip for 1959, and -thri!lill~ ,idllr~ ol'cr Holy Cross at lhe Bull Purk last

Wilh lite ~'IIl1C ucnuluckeu at 8·S. the run ~coreu by . ilrll'l,d the uiff~l'cllee as St. Bon's tooK their

;trai~llt Cily litle by edging the Crusauers

\\in~ to til II in the League finyls, Holy Cross

tlte fir,t ~'lI\1C of the series 7-4 wilh the Bluegold~ ba~k til regisler 3·0 and 3-1 victories before

(ro,1 II lin 9·5 on ~Iondoy to sct the stage for

'ralill linale bll night. rtd Gillil" Imnshed the hi~ blow for the win­

SI, BUll'; ''Iunu, The ~pccd~' centrdicldcl' blast· Ihrcl' nlll L'ircllit ,h(lt in Ihe ei~hlh innin!( amI

1 Juhn 1'1111 l'r hllrlillt! hrilliant ball \\'ilh Ihe hllsc~ ill Ihe hilitom Ilf Ihe ninlh Sl. Bon's "rallpetl

lilt lWl1ll for the ,hth time .Iinec the relurn of


walked and Barry ~!aunder 'singled with Lconard following ~IJundel' with his second nouble scorin~ bolh Wither, allu Brrrn.

, ~!alllJ(10r ~cor.cd all Rohson's hil . with L~ollarn coming in on:. ,Shol'l'~ ~arrlfirr fly,

Gordon Breln scorld the III tl'I' Citl' ill l!J47, sixth run for the 10sIrs in

--------.-------------- the sixth Inning ofi&r h. rlp.dl'· "'(11\11 of tlo~r \11 in nil Ihr thrilli"~ Ind ~rnl ."al· "i111

.~"'l'n" anrl mort than

gro him for six run', Ihree hits' wllile walking six ~nd lannine' Ihe same number. \\' II b II r :\ewell pitched the ninlh And

wllked Ind clme on to the pllte on Maunder's hit Ind I Iwo base Irror, The Blue GoJds hi)! 11111in~

['ame In the eighth, f.d. took Ihr los-,. He gal'e up one Browne and Karl Am,. lhe

j . •• ;' 'J' .. 'J'

, ' ~ ~

:-'E:\IOII B:\SEB:\LL CH.-\'III'!O\S-St. liOll', "Oil Ihe 1f):;!1 St, John'S Senior Bll'l'ball Chall\piomhip la,t night "ith" dose \l·S win nver Huly Cros" .\!l'lllhers or tI,e "illl\in~ "1",1[1 me. kft 10 ri'~hl. rir.lt 11)\\':-[,:11, Hrc," lie, TellY \"anllill~, Duw: COlllcrfon1. Second row:-Wi.lf Case:-.

Don HYlln, Karl :\l'lI" Boh Lill('~,Il', Tl'd Cillic'. John 1'0\\'['r, coaeh 1',1111 B~ r,1I1t. Thinl 1'011 ,-II"t 11O~' Stall Cook, RUll !lutler, John Kavanasb, Bill Gillies, lllHnll~er John Lall I"l'. iloh HrdlllOnd. :\nl'i Span O\\', nllll Ed, ~)ui;:ll'y,-Hol al Phulo SI'1I irl', ------_._---

, ' .

I I,:

~ : I I ..

, .

" , ·.Ii


" I

rl('~rl~si' (' ~alllp. was :1 hn:h olllllcld5 ai­{o\,r IliH"IH'~ \\(lre' ['om·

II: Ihe rl»lilncc pastures, cr",II': Ihr hils that

run on one walk. I [irsl two hlttpr~ re('cil'ert free The game It~elf wu • brealh ! passc~ ann adl'anl'crt all ~

laking affalr all the way, U ~inglc b)' Sparro\\, with BrowlI tbr ~cor~ changed hands rt' s['orin~ and Arn~ going 10

Giants Reds

Dro,p ~ Snider, Player ~ .~ .. ; I; Or Spokesman _,': t;,::, "

\r;w YORK (AP)- When

Pirates 7·2 . In.d· II'R~' Ihe fly

made a :n:al of twenly· , I'"' Hllrlr,', Holy

rcn\(r[:cIMr. ~n~~ged a ei.hl In Ic;!d Ih~ out,

0, 1~ p~llllll~.

Ih' nlnc illning con· ~'frr ,ix rxlra base

51, Bon'\ rracked oul a If doublr, and Gillies's

.hllt Ih- IDling Holy lelm ramr np with I~o bal. hill,


r.~an ~',ar:ed on Ihe i SI ROil', and pilched I ci~hl <lnd one third!

He lIa; la:,.~ed for nine I /ij'~1 rlll". while he

le,en h:lllcr, ~nd Ihrew , 1\nI!S pJ.<I [our,

pntidl), and the final out third b'hr. com, "'as .n)'bod)"~ glleu Iln, Ted Gillies ·clm. 10 the till the I.d Ollt, pllt. aftlr pltchlr Don

Ryon hid fanned for the first out, Gillies worked Ik, count to three tnd two b.fore bll.tlng in I Jim Carev pilcn oy'r Ih. right field w.11 to lI"d his tum Inlo • 8,6 I.ad,

ilid he become a front office I m<lll, a,kcd Casey Stengel,

manager o[ the ;';cw York B~' The Canadian Pre,,, [or 11:; I ,illllr.\', bl': lil' \,,'hi\l' ell;:1 I" tli-11. Ilr"d,111'. \I.llIl lwln': "Oil Yankee" when told that

:\ational Leag',lc·leatiing ~illl ~O.\ .':111 !to.;1 .: l1Clf ;:;;,n,' III !-r.Illl, ~UI::':";: C·JIl. Iill' 1)", ·:".C·l' .\:l.: R. pichcd U!I 11 nuke Snider, Los :\n~e1es. :Francisco capilalized ell of! Ihell' ,\rl~!'Il','ll Lea~llI' Icad Ie :un ,' ... :i,')' ":!:l '.' .. ',' 111 .. ',1 ~Ol'" ,·.,.i~::'IlUI, ,,1,,1 I'X:"lldl'd hi, ~c;I' outliclrtcr had talked about :beat deicnl'c by Piltsbll~gh Pi~' I !;w ]"lmr;I~!l1;": C;e\(,j;,!.d III P!!::-It l;ittci' III 1:1': ri;:',ll. \1'i:~ .['.1 ~ol:.1 to 2:~ hi.~hc.:;t in the! nQssiblc t'raues involving the "tr> Weuneolh.y for a .... ~ \1'111 III din':. dIe loser. :n"jol.' Ill' hit three b;lllr" but t\l'O club, in a California ra-

ISan Francisco, Cle' I !;1nd 'I"'rl" d'h,b\!' LUS .\:-:GCLES--.\l' _. \\,,,11\ <li,ill'l "elk a mau diu inlerl'iew, i In the other d:1Y l'ncoantcr 111 I1l':Hh.!· fru;1l P.,:l~i::~ ~'(' til IllO\'(' ~ jr;OIl .)ct liP the ol1ly :.'.1jJ \\·!th L":, .\l1'-!_ks t~f)l Its I"· in :he Snider mentioned Tuesday lhe :\ationnl Lca~tlP, n twin· Wilhill foul' "nil OIlC·:lali gJlllCj a he",;y P"('l' or ba.ie :U·-.:ll"~: ,,~:th. :lllOll O,lc!ll'1\ \,ith ",ill' night thai Johnny Padres,

':1111 lit Chicago, Cincinnati Reds of l'lIi("<:(I. :"Iel !JII" 1l:':,-c{!Jlc n{llled oul ~Ic off T::: lor f'llillljlS. :\urm Dodger pitchC}', might be head· Itook bolll ends from the Cub,.' 11 "';1> Ille 111:, ,:r.oIgh: ,'lli of a ,i~;-".;1I11l' h':I;.~ ,Irl"lk I"illl L",':;l'r tried lu bUill but popped p,l for Ihe Yankees in el"

l'I'he)' user! thrce homer runs 10 C",'11 \,:ctory UICI' Ille 1;,,1 ::';1CC a 1;\l'-,~.llill(''' ,',:, .1,,, :2ic'; t:1~ bell ill",o loul trrrill'ry, C"rl change for Eston Howard, win the secontl game 7·2 and :;::1';1:"1'.-. !]::" Sh:II',. "'il;) dCi\\,Il' ; I'~~c.{\cd l'h,:,,,;:;!,llill 1·0 \\·,'d· ';C1' .. ;;'s:;i lou~ht hi> \I'{l)' pJst l',1tcilcr-oulfieldel' . Infielder,

Isnared the 1O,inning, I'd \\'",hinglull (01' :11(' fifth nc;c!:tl ui',\II. :'o:',~e 1':"lc U'"'JII'C TOllY VCIl',,,n lie also mcntioned a possible_ ISAl'I'FORD'S WI:"' timc II,'., ,C","I1. ,,;,., 11ll' '.1'i,;· ·'I'.~ \il""1l'1 '.1:'.' :1'(' j),<I'C(,I" :';:<1 :n:,,'e " ciil'lllg "(I:,h II; the r!cal Ihat would bring Don I At San'Francisco, righlhandcr "":' 1\'l'.h;1 >l'I·cn-lliltt'r. 11th ;t}',i':hi !)\er ',h~ Phillil" ::::11 Th,'n :,tllon, ill " d,"'i:lg' J)ry~da!c, another Dodger : Jack Sllll[urtl, with help from TIll' IC'I~ue 11',,<\,'1', Ilrl'(h,d ;It Ihe ,:oiiccc\ll ,,,:<1 liC'), LCh ·'Ie', ". Ii,'; ~('<I up "nil raced 10 hurlcr to :\C\I' York for in·

, '11 . h . I h I III I ., I ,.' '1 I I I f f,'n',lnl' ",l'l 'IrDou"ald and 'Stu ~ll rr 10 t (I el~1t , reo onl:: (IIH' Dut Ie' ( lllill L .:'11' l'nl .\n~cl('., th.('(' ~:;':·ll1'.' hC<llll(1 ,'-~l'II:". l1l.:,.';.1\1:": 1 JlI::' <!,~C.H 0 ,,,- \. b

corded hI.'; 13tll Pllchill~ vic, ~CGI':I~'~ J1illl~l(!-. ~t'_·::li~':.! ;\ b:bl\ lCl:~II~.\j_'IHlij~~ S:.11 ,'j':: ;:is::!). :--:;~. · .• · . .:i:i·" ClrUi·,'. 31,othrr plajcl', ''1'111 surprised that Snider

tory a~all\st 12 lo~scs. T:lC dr· and lUl'i:lg tlH' ~)~Ilcli:.':.~ 1:1 I)

leat wa; char~ed 10 sl"ller ll;lr. ;hre(' ('I'l'C,}'S . \I'hilc b(,~till~ III" is tile s.lokesmall for the Lss I·C." H"tldl:;, \\·11. :',,!I inll) till' <Iirt .'!"I ':',:Il:[l~'" '1'\."l.('_1~~1.,_c '_.- .r-.',:~. S' .\n~clc, clull, 1 thought he . • _ _ , 'loS all outfielder," said Sten·

ln Ihe II(tll i'llli!l~, I he in'~ ;'.,·o"1l'1 :1:1' h;·,;(','. I .

(~iilllt.~ .~l'orrd thrc~' r\ln.~ 011 I~:ll:n:!unE- .\P --- S;l·L'..1;· U tr'h • 16Cl.. t ~,_ ~-e'l ~v"~,{I-' ,"" "I (,~Il s"" this Is the firs onl\_' one hil ontl adderl 1'.\0 ill0 l'll'IA",,,! 1r.I\};:Il; l'Oll,lllC;l'U I"" • • - ..... _,L • L thj,,~ I hall' ileard 01 !O'lch a

BILL GILL.IES more \\'ilh ju,t aile .,a[ety in Ihei~ I~tc S:'C.':lll 'lril'c :0 ;,~\' T' . U· . t r I O;;'O~,TO (CP,--'" :,-- neat iJut with \IS lIew l\1 ~ ,

Th o l'hompl'on ,SI. Ball'. loam' the s~\'ellth, Ihl' laller :IS relief i:l :ill' ,\nll'l ;('::n I.eo;·,lIL' pcnn· . • ' , I . " , " , , ger P~nc:I I"·I.~: I'''' ': I.- lea~llc lrading ru c comln~ ':' rt_"I'" tere.1 f,·r-.·I Illl the '''01'0.' pitcher Bob Porterfield walked ,ml r,:(1' h,' ,,.:eepin~ a llu{lilll' d .,' h I Y

.... , ", ltl... .. C A8 .O:I:·~r:l,·'M "-':.~: .:1"'., in· th,'s "'I"llel' I'd ave usa PHIL LEONARD ill two liJllies, ilrzu.'r from l;allll~lIll'C C-.iolc, "- "ll'. bO~l'Il lI'ilil a single run in the to b~':5 V-:cdc::do'l ",d there wil: be a lot of tal..:.

. " •. 5in~le to ~hortlclt centrr, Holy Cross tied the contest

S,lll i'ranL'lsco roo~ie Willie \\·l'IIlW.id • ." ni0ill, ~.~ ;lnd +\ lop h~lf of the second inning, . . ,. . ' ., r,o,,~o'l fe. Toro;,!o 1'1,.,'0 ,'.;lellt a lot of deats. B'JJ' ("II' - h I' t b t Thr delermined lIul,I' ('ros; 'leCove)' ran hlS hll\ln~ ,Irc'(" TllP Illlll I'lcll,r.l'. ,\,,,,1',1 1'0' . I I I le- t e Irs a Irr up Le~fs' o,·(·:c::on treinlng --------

'h' .--,. , I ~~ua<l h;lltlcri lJal'k til ollce to 21 games with a singlc in his 11'!·.ded l'!cIT!al:I\', I, .. illqir,~ . reilr 1",1 Ilrsl. on an efl'or hy; lllore tic lhe contcst In Ille, on 1." official time al bat. lIr 5\;['in 10 'IX, ,'n,lbloll Ihl' In. c~"'P "I Pelc,bro:?I1,

I H I ( Ih d b G "11 I'ill be dif'~::'.ll ':i.'

I) y ro;s Ir aseman or-: boltom lif llle eighth, Wilh-: \\'al~eil tiriCC and was hit hy ~ dilll1' to gain h.,l! .1 g.:I1ll' 01: ~on R e H II I .l I .n'ur." he ~;Jld 11.\' \\'~''.' 'j~ a II ,r PIl. P len procec' I'll: ers singled leadinn olf and pill'h. Ihr lil',1 ,llller Chic;lgll While t I I d d t h '~ll.iolf. "1\'[' <lim '." b~ 1'1\'; o s ea 51'con an came on o. was pushed aruund 10 thil'd I Willie ";I~'; hrlled hls 2ilh Sox (hicago defeaL'i! \\';},I1-

d d' l:.'f hr;l'l~t'.'· ll;:ilt i:'PI"!1 tlll' score on Bob Re mOll 5 bloop, on sUl'Cc.,sive \\'al~s tl) lIure\' home run II'llh nOllc Oil in Ih," i~"llln j.[ 10 ,I;I~' 4', ~,II\\C.' . :-.l·l r l .,

; and Bhen. Wilhers came third, . al'l':;". Ti", l.~a;- 1;1I1';uI; lei! ir, I'i' ':\'1"

Sr, Paes Softball \1' I. Pel. (dlL

POWER In the bottom of the same In' a~l'OSs t11~ piate on a passed i Ollly one error \ViiS offi(iallY I.l'.fly .1,.("~ iLll-':l:~','n ;,!IO'o" 1,,'1 )::1i'I' riuri:": 1',1,.,,·11 IIi C.' "'::11 ball while lIurley scorerl ,ch;lrged against PllIsblll'gh, 'lUI I'd IllS fOrllll'r nl'lO:".lrJIll',~all", 1111' 11~.'1 \:1tio1:"1 lill''':;'.'), lJc:r0,: .ill; 17

.i10 1/1:.: 1~)2 ~(l

Th" SI. Pal's soltball serie,~ :, sl'ilcduled 10 open thi.~ l:ol1jin!! Sl1nullY mornin~. All l',,·Juril- of SI patrick', Hali S('!;o"l intcrested in takin!! Ilart in thr ,cries mllSt have I!lcir nallles in by 7 p.m. to' d~l\' .

, 5I.i":: I · I'oll'rr, rame nln~, Phil Lr.onarn poked I , , lon~ double off the left cenler . 0, fl',,,, III Ihe rio!!1 h '

.~ rlchl blllboard~, Ind then fJn ~((, ... (d ~nd tl',() rl.lll. '

, bi'C lic PI:rhed 10111'0 I after Run rellrr.d Short on a strikeout and Robson with a

I I." I:,;:d 10 ~rollnd n~' b~1I to left, pl\t'hrr ~lIke p!., ,1'11 nobson to

OUI In ::r-I ha.c ;\fal'lin belted a double to n;'11i1 I' ". left ficld, ,Icorlng Leonard,

I u\\('r frm 11110 ,. but pI:cllnd b .'11', St. Bon s rcgalned the lead

"'hen Leonard forced Barry Ihere were sCI'cral pla~'lll~ n"e hit.< 111 Ih' Ilrsl '~alllo.: 1"',0"1' ,"'1'." bUI" t illl'l \':'" \,,, 'i, "launder, who had al~u walk- lapscs. III addition, the l;i:IlII,: '"hil'il l'Il,,·,'I,II:,1 ,I':llil ,".ilh all li,";"".~I:'I;I'I'.I.' II Clip '·I;I:lY'I'tr. 1;[l:I'I1'II['.' ed, at s~colld base, drel\' six walks and Sant'Il:'d a" :Incl'l'!lrd rUll III ,he 1l,,1.i1 liln 1I11I1u~h:1 Qll'leh Mill' :11\t! r.~,llln

Tn. f,"11 run of the bill '\\'1'11 as :llcCo\'e)' was hit by a in:~. -(lilli' l'l'll1 In;i1l li:1' f;r1I~rlll~ I\ll "il- ,'ill -,'I 111m' wll the big onl, Bill pitch, ~lll.\L\l!l\n: ,!\I'l -.\lllcri· \\,hi1iil.~llIil :':i :'\l'W Ym k n.l:ll:cr.,;;.

j.1 .-WI 2:~

;", tll ~7

RJ . ;111 ,11

II' L I'r!. (;1\1,

GIIII" Wll fr .. paned to I 18TH HO~IER . eill' 1. I' ".:' II e cil,tllrr Boilh,' .\' a l'OI"lit11lIlin~ ,1,,1'1. Ln flr,t ban, ,tol, n.ond, went In Chitago Vida Pin'on g''''C )\,.Ii lI'., \)"_c o·II),,ill'i1 hull1C rlill lal'h ,:lld Ihr b"I', 1\',11 h", C to third on In Infield oul 'the Reds a I-a IClid in Ihe lir.,1 wilh one 0111 in :hc ninlh in- 10 II ill\; til illlli [rUlll lile", hll' Ind ,cored an Brown's long 'inning of the bob-Iailrd sceolld lllllg hoO\ld ~i:I1\"l1lkeL' tl) " tl'l l:l 1111_' rink. " dislllllce "I II I I.ft h I · 18' hi';' 'I 1·',"""'1-1'11 ;11 1;0 ..i';:' ---yo, ~ame II' ell IlS • IOl\lC lun J.3 I'il'lory ol'cr st. Louis Car-, about twu milc.,. ,,"

\'","~, slloulrl bc scnt to l:1ok II~l,\,l'l·. 33!~L, Frank. \\·al..11 or Bill Boyles, 49191'.


Softball Finals Tile 8eninr softball final!

II ill CO/ltinue tonight at the" , II I,m I, . h f rlh' , I II B b ,et erl"'lt I th . ,WIt a au Inning a I', a • or e win.. did 'd i

vpencd the i' hiRe mond sing e 10 cenler an , Browne hll tne fourlh reached th~ ri~ht field scals .. 'dillals Wecinll,day llight alld Cll- : LI)' .\n~c·~.' '" 1;.1 ;;43 3

pitch offered kim by pltcner i Catcher Ed Balle), stroked ,hlS . ;lbled the battilng Br;lI'cs to "l'hat should gel u., inl" :'iill\~!lhC{' ,;; 63 .i431 Bannerman Park diamond; Aces will be out to deadlock -5;:ot 10 Irft nlling II' CII Browne sent him to second with

\.. lI'as propp·. I f 'II! Ca-cI \1'" '[ t' a Single to e t. .. ' . I,e .• ar In aller Snort and CI' ~Ior.

hilling for \rilbur ",lorced Short al third,

Itrer! fOllowed ~!orrLI to fill Ihe bases but I

, S(~I • tap o3ek to (he I


. Karl Arns became the second out 'when he skied out 10 cen· ter but Noel Sparrow hit a two out double up the alley In left

/,,1. ... ", cenler, Icoring Redmond, with Power throwini/ 10 A pair of run. In the fifth

tothforce ~Iartin, Gar, ,I,'e the winne!'1 I 4-1 .d· en taok a one and 'InUlIe, Redmond followed

GIlI~dore hlttina back Wilks 10 Mannln, and Cuey to I s who stepped on with a sharp lin,le over Short

'lid t~~ce Huriey cominll 10 leU Korln, beth m.1I the ball IIlme abead of 111m, Mannind and

~hrtl' • , n Was the Crus. Cisey -hili worked a double onl, ~or Ilarter bUI he I_I to put theDl.!elvet II ~ rtc and two third Icorinl polltlon,.

one ,''is charged with ' Holy CrOA! exilloded ror four lV h' .

in e 11s,.Jjm Carey- run!,liI their haIr onhe filth to' ~he fourth to_l1ke take I ~,4 leRd, Jack Wlthm

el&h~~in and hurled Itarted the r~lIy whPon h~ wu , 51. Bon'. tSI' tale on an error, Gordon Breen

Jim CIIIY 10 ,end GillIS : 11th, a t\\o.~un homer, In .he; sta)' wilhin hailing dislance in' ,hope quickl)', Rnd Illi nun Pil'c.burgil it GY .;'07 H Itruklng home IcrOIl In. Iseeolld sending starter Dave, lh N t' I I.eague pennant sense. One of O~I big prob· Cinclr.llatl oK 7t .4B~ to', pllt. wllh In. blgg .. 1 51, ,Hillman spinning to his 11th: e j la lOna - /Icms last season I\'as lacl, of'. ti5 72 .474 121, Bon'. run 01 tn. yeer, 'loss, ' strllgg e. condltionln~ which left us ChlcJ~o The Dally New. offers can, . ., .; Adla, who look o\'cr at ,e-, losinn most o[ the early 151. Louis 64 76 .457 15

gratulations to the coach of Frank:e Robinson S 3,1th., eond base after Felix ~!antil!a g;;m:s in the third pc ric II:' ; Philadelp]ia 5!J 8t .42120 the champions Paul Byrant, homer was good for three o[ the w", lifted for a pinch·hittcr In! ____ --'-- - - --------- .-----

1 Reds' lour runs 0[[ Johnny Buz· tl . II" d h't a 111'0 I r" "--~.",, ...... '~'''''''''' .. _ ........ " ... manager John Law or and hardt In the fifln before the lC ~c\'en I Illnln", 1 ,

team members Karl Arns, I d d pI I 'Ian stnkc, onc ball pilch over the I ump res suspen e a:..,'. h 0-5' John Pawer, Don Ryan, Ron ager Bob Sehefling prQlested lelt field fencc ncar, t e ,,0 I

,Butler, Ed Quigley, Noel thili move without 'llcecss. mark to keep thl' Brale~ th:ce, ~. Sparrow, Will Cnsey, Bill Gil· Lefty Joe Nuxhall, who res .. ~nl\\e" bchlOd first-place San, lies, T~d Gillies, Tony Man- cued sidelined starlcr .Jay Hook Francisco Giilnls. .. . lllng, Ed Browne, Bob Red, In Ihe seconlJ, picked up his I Avila's smash rUlllCI, a lmJ­m?nd, Doug ~omerford, Bob I eighth win, He has lost nine. I Jiant pitchin~. pcrformance by J..lncga:, 1l1iI,e !logan: Jed Mo().'/e ~IOrYll's 12th homer in I SI. LOUIS rool,lc ErOie Br?gllO,. Gambel g and John Kal anagh. ' the second touched of! thc but enahled I'elcran sout.,pa~v·

BOX SCORES I Cubs' only scoring. I Warrcn Spahn to pick up hls 151 Bon'. AB R H E flJ1TlI INNING RALLY . i Inth victory.

T ' Gilil I ~ 1 1 2 Checked on four hils during. :->1'\\' YOnK (liP) - Ri .. ,hl-, " es, e I ' I ' 'T Manning, ss 4 1 0 1 the first nine innings of the' handrl' Art Dilmar allli ,oulh·:

W, Casey, f 3 1 0 1 opcner, Ihe Reds broke out with i paw Whiley For<: combincll for· B, Glllles, 2b 4 2 0 0 I four singles in the lOth-three i a four·hit shulout over Kansas i s, Redmond, 5! 5 1 3 11 of them In succession before: Cit)' \\'ednesua~' ni~ht ;IS Nell'· E, Browne, 1b 3 1 1 0 I an:,body was retired-to sew uP: York Yankees handed the A's K. Arns, c, 3 1 0 0 'I the Verdict. ,their 12th straight loss. 4-0, N, Sparrow, r! 4 1 2 0 Eddie 'Kasko st8:ted Glen i Ditmar 12·8, lI'innin~ hIs D, Ryan, p 4 0 1 0 Hobble en route to hiS l~th.loss . fi£lh ill.a-row, galc up threc J, Power, P 0 0 0 0 ~y singling to open the extra singles, two by Bob C~n', be·

Totals 36 9 B 5 inning,. fore gil'in~ way to Fnr<J in the Holy Croll AB R H E Then Ballcy ~nd Jerry Lynch . Ih bec3ll'e of a slight wrist J, Withers, 2b 5 2 1 0 followed With plllch Singles, nln -p, Hurley, ef 5 1 0 0 Before lcEty Bill Henr)" third sprDin, • The Yankees henl ex . mate G, Breen, 3b 2 2,0 1 Chicago pitcher, coul!l get tile, Johnnv KIlI'ks 7·10 with a pair B, Maunder, S5 4 1 2 0 side out Gus Bell used his sec- .

2 d hi th d o[ unearned rllns in I'I~ second. P. Lllonard, If 5 2· 1 on t to sc~re e seeon run,

, T I BOSTON (AP) - AI Kaline BRabson, c ~ 0 2 0 Aller catcher Sammy ay or 4 0 0 0 d h· 0 h h 'th cracker! a Iwo·\,un homer nnll R Short, lb slroke IS 1 I orner In e

rl 4 0 3 0 E . B k I I d f ,Jim Ill1nnin~ sp'Jn a sh~rp :\1, Martin, p, opener, rlllC an s s nf e or C, Walsh, rf 1 0 0 0 Chicago's second run in Ihc thrqe-hitter We~ne,rln)'nidhl to J, Carey, p 2 0 0 0 third, lead Drlro't 1'i~ers In a,~-l can·

) ~ . ,',

"~H t,· •


, the best of seven games se.rle.!. ". ! for the crown when t~ey play -

Adirondacks in the fourth ~ meeting of the finala, The game will start at 6.30 p,lI!.

..... , ..... -"...: ;·~._.;.:I::.;;. • .:.:..\;,:;:..l

D, Fitzgerald, ph 1 0 0 il WASHlNGTON"':AP Chi· qu"sl of Bc.,lon Red Sox. W, Newell, p 0 0 0 0 cago's daring base. running pan- The D"troit virtorv enablerl il C, Morris, ph 1 0 0 0, i~ked Washington into three I to sl~v in 1\o;r'l pl~"c. ,1 half j' p, Barron, pr 0 0 0 0 I errors in a four-run sevcnth ~'rr:r ph?"~ of i':rll' York.

Totala 39 9 10 2 Inning rally Wednesday night B:lll11ir.·~ pll,hed hi., se~SUll re-

llED"':Scun O'Toole, left. of SI. Joseph's, and John Dawson of Holy Cross,

hrnl;e the tape ill yesterday's snllll[ll erms &. Co, Juvenile Fil'e ~Iilc Wnlk

in a deotl hili for n first place tie,-Capitol Piroto Scn icc,

! I , I ..

I i I

I 'I, , I I


. ,

• I

. ,i I,

- . • I

.. I I


:' ,. '. 'I , ,l I


, , I

'I I , .

I i· ,



! , ~

,,' , ,


I:: I ..


Labor Day Corner R'

.1."5 ... paniard's B . N" Paramount - .\ ay , ews Tomorrow .. , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.~~~,~~~~_ ·.BY L. ~~~Ql~, Labour Davr ,~ iC; 1959 or L P. Hoi"", O'.II'b,trd br HEA 5""".1". \' Curn~r Brouk this

.' • 'eachintJ I' G D GLEN FORD THE STORY: Grady lIaskell! wh,' they quit.·· marred by Ihe ["II;,! ~. A T "TORPEDO RU:"''' WITlI .,. . I:) osse- awe ER~EST 1l0RGNINE i has been wa)'laid on the streets 'I "You-slopped thl'I1I~" ad. ; ~I~~.I,~. ;~flJl.eaak~~.fh'.:rl.h!.

They Will Go I of Heserv:.tion by. cowhands who, ")lanagl'u to." .Joe PI'rll' '

GI F d d E I B I beal him 10 his knees with, milled briefly. "1\011' let's get conSidered an ill"JII'

enn or an rnes or. . ' Eril' Sowater. 0

SPANIARD'S . BAY, Sept. Weddl'ng gnine co·star in ~!G~!,s "Tor': Illow5 and kicks. ,along 10 my sh"nty. where you '1 l.:tllI1ur

II-Wlth the annual output of d

.' f·· • ' can re,t and clean up a lillie." L d T dd 1\ pc 0 Run, ' telhng the story 0 V'I I an on .a . \'A


-"an'. and "rade ele"- ' Jlaskl'11 shook a sa"agely pun· . ow '" • • a submarine commander and his "l'l'd. '.\'~' "'~Il'" ;'" " tho ,,""" " Sp~. "bmu'" "mm"d" ood h', . It ... • doom.d "d ,,,'"' "hi" h"d o'''h ,'0' ",". we,k " <h, m,'" . ,~ard's Bay (nineteen this year), I II h [ 'I' I fIght. Both Ihe numbness and \ "Thanks. But I gol a room- Ihe L3110Ul' !la,' , • rcleJn ess sear,c! . or, ~ IsAmpcrrt· i the blackne,s deepcned until in Ihe holel. I'll he all ri~ht. I'm' . . '1!; .Is not surprising. there- la apanese.' aJes,v s Ircra I hid . h' \ f '\ I' I I P I I'll in the \\' ... ,[ (.'0:,,1 COO

fore,.to fld that many of ,our C' h SI' . fl I' s orl v. e,plte IS Ilest rf orts ,0lJ Igrc .oe ce c, ,re YOII, 1I'3S mi"ing 11'11111'," arTier, t I' Ilnaru ags lip I ..' ' .


oung men. an" women are f Ih P I H b It k he lay prone In the dust and 1001orrOW-;\l1l1 bu\' ,'(HI another folloll In" th .. 11.1",1 " 0 e ear ar or a aI"." ' . . . , . ~ .. e

entering the teaching. profc9' \\'1 th btl h' f Ih ,knew nothing more. ' nrll,k.· . n~"\'I1111~. 1.;,1 III II I' · !' Whll f th len eat es IP" 0 1', Th 'll~ I I' .' II '1 I .1 I' f' 1 II 5 on. e some 0 em P 'f' FI ttl II I cy 011 a lout HS motIOn' C pUI (" 31\'"'' allu al1~ cu ",[o;c, 11' 1'\1,1:, . aCI IC ee were ,I'n 0 le . . . ", ~ue attracted to It for the bottom Ihe fioht to block Arl· less figure. One leaned o\'er: lor ',\Ie holel. I." ':':" \In''".' .. ,ln'~:-! ' : x:emuneratlon they receive ' I y' ~I d t tl him. bOllt drawn bilCk for H,' [('a"hed the ho:cl ·,tcfl

s .. II" ,tnc:' hU'IIH'" .'1,

· ( 'Ib It . d ) mira amamo 0 p,,-,sc a 11' I . . I.' <;. I" I' 11 a e . a very goo reason, US" b' . anolher kick. BrCorr II could be slulll'.llrri ,,~,'""t !I)('lll :'lld fell .;1' .,·'r ,r,'."",., .. ", "'''st of them are anxious to ... ,a\'v su manne sernce. ct I' I h h' \. I I f I. I' II hl.·.·, 111" I"," .. ~ 0 D . b 7 1941 th 1~' lI·errl. ar.\ \\'~rnlng came 10 11' lilr,(; all( ';11"(>. 111' JO . , , " ... , :"'11 '

· <.0 "m'ih'" "'u, wo"h ' ""m" . .. '. """ '<om 'h, ,,,'oe M. . ,,' ,,,'," '" "·,·m',, ",.,." ,,, ee' ".", c,,".' l"hlle. They are. for the most were onll' 51 .Iu\~lllarrnes on ar·, "1 h' h II r " h' I 11' I I . I I i",~.' :(l:' a rI · ' . 'f" I I .e",·e 1m 1'-. 0 ,"Oll' 'p,l! 1\ t 'ro 1 "I:~ )(';11 '.'.'1' C


art, conscientious .young tll'e tI\III' In the Pac I IC agalns . G I [ I" '.' . I" L' 1'11 1 I' 1 I :1\:1'1,:1 t"(' I'" • •• ' • I lC aW3\, rom 11m. IOU lr:lr OPI'rl. ror" Il t: imc ,'.P sa:,',

~ lJ1en and who realize the 1m. ~Ix·mrlholl tOilS olf enemy' ShiP'" I' f h" ['1 .. 1 "hiler ~;>I1;·i· · . I me-..,c~l' awa" rom 1m. ' .. !-'c I ('i! _,0, ('::t'';: qpIPP;'rd ~:~i." ~tance of the profession mng. EI'efY Amerrc~n sub com, t 1 " 'd [ . "1'1" I lI'fJrllin'~. ", :':,' ~ . dId t . T. t' I urn oose l.lc;e .oa s 0 hll(,k· a":I"I>1 IIT~ paill. W': II" '"",). I' ;~ey hal'e chosen; they are 11lIail •. ,r wan e 0 sln~ I,e: I' '" 'II . I .. I ,all.\ . 0 11'\ .. ' I"" .. ....... " Iy aware of the rcsponsl. 'h' h f I tl . \ SlOt. l'1i d(l~~f" ." 'J:l


: [,' I'" .('['1 :<.11 .. I' I'"' .', .. ' ;"""" S 'lIarli. lit or ong mon I' • . .' . , ',1) \ ,,, .. , '. " ',."' ·l' f

r. .•• b'llty which "'111 be theirs,' ! h . hi d h t Sta:llrn. thl'l' 5cJ~,f'[rd alld ''.·'',Ii on 1,;!,0 :I,e hl,"1. 111C 1"11 [. .' " ~ ; e '.\'as ?n Ilnsig p !': .,~ . . _. . .. , .• ,. ol:r iI·':,,·, .•

.;th.y M •• UU" '0 b. 0' ,,,. " 'h' ,'m 0' "T"",rl,,'" ,bock. ,"m",," ''''''' h""T, Ii "" ••. " "".,' '" ,,"m'. '." ," ",' " ... ,." ," " .... )'vIce. With one or two ex, R .," G' r: d I' (. . p.1nl:ng drmand. I for;· h,," !·,".,i<-III!y ~.,,,, I" ,fl' .1(' ~ir 1·:1"" il •. 0;" u". ,rn or p a)s .um "\"h' til.' '0" 'I I I' .. ,~tepUons, all are being placed ' rl B' ,n'l [tr. 0 s il "Ill. , e,,';r '<Ie :." 1.",,1., (0 I"." ""I li'·qnlc. '1'111' f; "" . _ ,<13n cr al nr~ 01 e 0 .e "I J I' ' A.' b • " " . I' 'I .... ' . '1 .. ' I' . . .. , 'Iii "hoo" "mo', '''m 'h." ..s S G,·,,·",h. ."Ii Em,,' ,m-.","" ."'0 ,m.' ." .. cc .', '" ,.. ," ." '.' '" ,," '"" ,''"".,'' ; ,.llometowns and In much '.. . . ' 0'1. ': you start laughin'. Ih:nk o[ Ill:<., rrl ['0:11. ;",ri \\,:,' ,'::I'I'~ :11~ a Ill(' 1.\"-1 ('n:,·'. "'\'

BO~~Hir.e as his exrciltll'C , . !maHer and morc i!olated I . I h'l I I'm slone sober. and lookin' al p:,;, 01 b",:'",in uIO'.'I·'\ "gil 10,' 1::' illl''o:I:;: ," ,,' I;crr. In a ga'11e 0 .1' P ~ll: . ' . ., . eommunltles. . I· 'h ( ... f" t

r k d . you ol'er thl' old ql\'('d·o[[, 'T,,~': llo(h~ t ,,':;'(' --- m~k .. It "'ill"I'1! ~(j"I·'IIIl""'·.

',: "'I B tt P'k B A 11'1 ,e<,~ , e ,reI 1.1,1 .ac 5 o\\n r I' d' I I' I . \ II t' .rn 8' e Y I e. . ...... w 1 "h' b' Ih . "reener paCK(' \\111'11 I ro' e ,,:(j"'. f·f I' .r·.' ,~!i~~ .. O. 101' :,11'''' I\,'i'p ;,:., . . ; . "mm,"" h" ,,,,hI,, '''''' ". ,,,,,,m, "... ~"'" " ,'". "pm,. Ge' "m ,,0'" ,b"C, """. ~fi" m, ,,,' 'h.; ,,,"" ,'". co, ,'." 'm

'I b d usm~ a tr"llSp\)rt Cilrrl'll1~ 1.41)0. h . , .. . , ., H."y V.!l.y, L.""'. ' . . . " " m .. '" ""., ".".," ·.ct,,, m""" ,·0" c"","" ". ",,' ",,' i: 'lI.nd in a less accessible spot Ame;lcan or,'o,lcr: of 1I",rs tn i Th~'arlrd H,grr !blcri h,de Ollt a 1'1'1".1,' I'"w:h ~;r:. ;,,,:il'. I.:,h",,!' (,1I'ill['il '." ,. ,: "III b D P ddl h '11 rllr. Interference. ,-.1 (, no·.\' ,Ir·' \' .', ..' • II . ·t·· I .w e on e e w 0 WI .. , • h h' .[" Oll turn :U;lt gtll1 IOO.~~·. Prf'le :'\ext 11ll1P ~rJ'.1 W;:ti:: a 1n:1I\ "I . In\'1 :1.ilJ!ll.; q )J;,

-tart' th bl' enture at Para "pI' IS Inform~l1 ,,,t !' 'A', e I . I " . I 1 \ 1I.lt 10 lior, l • e g v . ". b' d' h d ·-an' ~Oll I he dead be!ore' ~,I--l"!lpr II '(lne. c ran, ."~ 'dlse. a little community In <ld ~Ol' allg.hEr are a .,a·· lllornln~~" ',Ill'a: :0 ric·alh. Ci·1 like I"" .I~,,·k \,,)1'(:"

.J.'''' mil, '0 e",.",h'. L. b. " 0 h·,,", poet I '" hp, 'h" ,p, 10w. '"" 'II ' ,h",. h' ",' ,., he," , '" .w . "" , ""'''''..''' ., . "" 'I '!'ador. Az Smith will 'g(] to hllat hapPp:l' f[,(,1n :I~i' p(,il.i . be dead before thal. ~Iol'e along: b,,1. l':,"'n if h~ olll ~;" '. c'; !Juga Ii .11 9 ;].11\ '.1":1.' , ~Herrlnd Xeck and Dou Shep. " 11 I " [ I I 'ing. ;]Ilrl ['(In'I'''''' r' . ,,'d ;'" k"p • ,h"go .t.': "" m,k" '"' , rl,·,m" " "",".., 0 ,.",' . no",", 'p""." ''',,' '" , ,,,' '''''' d.. ,",de "" ,,; ~ S,""y,ld.. ,. h"d by. R'" ,. ,,",' ",Ii"" ,m' 'P'P"''''.! 'pm,""","'''' ",,,,hi .. "",I. "M. '"' II.' d,,' "",' '" II,,,,, Th ,. ",,,,d,

., ,""."o,<h,,, po".d to • ,., .":;,""d h' "ph .p'"de<", '" po,,' ,,, "wk",' w' "', '""".," ""p.".", "'. ",i.o.',· lip cc"· ",p' ,,'" ,.,

. ,i'wy "',,,d "mm"iI, ""m'. 'h; ,,,""",, ." ",,',h 'h. r,".1 , b,,'o "",. m"''' h. M' ,,,' ", .. "",. ,. "',. m "",,,"" . ,." "."., '" ""p, ,,' , ., whm W", 0' D'" L.k.'" ,,, h " ,,,,,,d '" • '"''"''' ,o! hi"'. A,,, ,,, 'p ,,,,,.,,, • h""d h "'d " """ "" ,

owd '0'" 'u"" OW" • ' m'''' ",ld. 'h,' ",h'"""., '" I lim '" ",m.'" '" 'h', "",' "'". 'W 1m·,· " "w"h '" "m"'· d II, ."" p"" ,h. h.d h"cto'"" '''' """ 'P.", Tok,o 'w. "0' """ m ,m"hk ,," h h"'" k m, ,,, ,,,,;,,, ,,,,,,, ",' '" ,,,,up ""." ,,, ".. ",,' hlldn't heard of In SI. George's ;',e atlack, by o:"'n'~ drpth: shol la,hil~~ al them Ihrongll '1'111'11 he' ,hili lied nl"I".,dil, hal[ of i11l' [:1\


.1 i ,

" I

Bay is :\larion :>:oseworthy. h'~mhs and fht' En.",l ,h,1IIr\,,,"n: the nigh!. So the,' drift",! 01'1'. a[ro,' Ihe lollh,', l'haulk. Ih" ""-;. ?h,Ill' Sh"",d will to"h "' '''''' 'h, '''''''h '" d ",,' h"ki 0, """ ,"w,d, p"""ll,· '" ,,,',,... '.'."" "" ,,,,ll·h,,' ,,,,w ,,, "dt,,,,,,· '" " "lb, old hi""''' tow, " "i",,,. . . ,",md,d 'h' m ,II ". "ld,'p"" ,," ,h', h'"'''''''' """ "".".'''.' 'w,,' ",' """ "., "", Trinity and close by her at . . 11Hlof<. ~nd Ihell Iile ul'epl'r rum· l'll mall r('l'l and \\(,,1'1' ~, Ill' 20 e]Pelioll. r";,d a T",ll, E .. , wll' b. "'" . • Ed,m"d r,,,,",,, p,,,,,,,,., Ii" " 'h', "",,,·d "" lidd,,· ,,"'k'" " """ '" ,,,,,,, "" ,. '''' ,,"''' "",,', ., ",'" •. AI,,, Jm'. E'h.b.'h J.w" .. ,'"'p,,h, .",'. "i h ., ,,,,,1,· It ",m,d to r,,,d, II """ th' """., .. , w1 ". "" ,,,II "''''' or "" .. "",h"" t, will seek her fortune In a bal' Prl'ney directi~g fr'lPI ~ ",1'(11 ,lhal he was crall'lillg 'up a tun· ir.,~ behind his word, ,Iru"k W·P>'· Fred \1!l'""·if

.. b, 'h" "m" .. w. dld SPAXl <WS "Y S k. - "" h, MOld ,,1. "rl W, ,. '"" ", dOl'''''' ",rl ,d,"," ","'" .. ,h. "" ,,, "" ,,01 or "" w,,, ,,"" "". ", "" . ".,",y y",n .'0 '"'' th". _ Th 'C,' h' 5 . opt. 8" "',rl 'OO' or '"rli" 0'", "" h,·irl, h'd boe, • m,mb,,·. '" m w"',, n, ",." b",rl 0" IT"," ,o",d h"'" '0 ""h h'm, " ,w' ,n". , ," "" "" "It,,· ",",w·'" "". ,,,','

dollars per month.) Arthur El'an~~l!~~r~\'a 0 tl t. John the I"hltc n)'lo~ nnd lace, fitted I sang "Thc Lord is my Shep· ;:urlS by Rich,',j Sil' Thr ',ic·· ,oulld whlch was at flr,t a YOIl. I lei I .'·oll-I n(,I'0I' did'" ,on gellrral lah.,"~ was no fortune then at thlrt" s Ie scene of. hod ICC With long puinted herd." t ['1 d" ' ClIairman for till' , a verI' pretty summer I' d' I' H I ure was I lIIe ,n Cllll''lhlS"OPC . mcal1lnglcss jumhle. but res 011'· 111' p;]id her 110 furl her !lltell-Gosse will endeavour to In· 1 ding ~n Friday '\ugust 2B'Cat' ~.~~,c~. t S 10

1111 IdeI' length The reception was held al and color. led presenlly inlo words he tioll. ohlil'iollS 11011' 10 Pl'er~·· was BJ~trr F"d,r.

still knowledge in his charges 7 30 'h •• J ,'l I. I. 0 11), on tu e was held the CE.A."'. Hall Coley's \ewlounrtl!lllO rep. at Hodge's COI'e while Bill beth p.;~~ ~teen /nct, EI za· ,In place by a tiara of pearls Point. where the ~other of Plol'ing co·sta·r;lI~ rolr < .1I·r' eOlllhd sort dinlo

Il,ense't Ah· forhee ':hin~ h'Jt Ihe n~~essit\'. of reacll·· 01 the CI.('.· LeGrowwillatlemptthesame ~trs' All g ~ o. ~h. and,and ~lllnestollcs. She camed:the bl'iclc in a dress o[ navy Dj:)~;Bre\l'sk-c;,,;.1< '!" '''I;"PU., 'Ilg all Pfll Ingda 1m e·:ln~ liS roolnh· dllcrk

e l1e mOlf·ed


rocedure In a nearb" com. P_ 1'1 an a\\c, Coley s' a .whlte P, rayer book decorated I blUe lace wl·th whl'le acces. m d' f . d I' . came a pa.r 0 han s trvllIg 10 on throllgh tear ness 10 all r.uiana. He ha' , on became the b d [I th I com !In er s ',vl D,:)11 "I' h h' ..'", I h b I . I . munity. Ruby Shel>pard will Lewi~ Eldon rJ e 0 I 11'1. I\' llte slreamers and rcd, sOl'ies received the guesls Jones who I"s'. 3\'rl'arrd \.'01 II: oosl 1m IOd la Sitting pOSitiOn., III 0 t. T

C clll. C . f Ian 21 yC;])" in :or

· th'. " .. t .. ,h .t ''''''P ",d "" J.m" ,,';;' 0' "'5 owd I ""II,,,,, <0,". I 'ilh 'h, ,,·oom·, molh" who G'''' roorl " '·,,",""0" GO',. A 'oo". ,h" "n" bre." <0,; . '0 • 0"" ",.dt . wo 'oe' "dt", ,.Jlm Gosse w!ll be entrusted iard'.s B ' •. osse 01 pan· Hcr maid of honour. ~!i5s I wore a dress of nave blue '" lin and out of hIm and once, sl'll'.s and seol her prole,1 er

l·. fa'! a:ld t~H' I'.,.,' .

. I "10 rel'lve a school at Bay t a~, Rev. H. :IT. Bat.,' :'olarJlyn French. and bridcs. crepc with white accessories. era!. more he was back in a I\'orld of ing lip n[ler him. :. i Bulls that has been dormant ;n: ~ur~l t?ean, assisted b} \ maids. lIlrs. Fred Bowering Both wore corsages of pink With QS"i- of the nell"n of I realit,·. ,,[ never did' \\'hal YOli 53y 'I for ten years. Clear across p:~ior~ d u t~:' B/·.blRector. ~nd ~Irs. \\'esley Gosse. wore and white carnations. "Torpedo Run" taking plaee' The owner o[ Ihe urging

· the country will be found e ou e ring Identical street length dresses Following a dellcl'ou tu k aboard a submarine, porI ion; ,,' hands w;]s saying: "['omc up.' _ . _ _ • ceremony I f j' k . sr· I't a l':\TfE WORI.D YOCTII George Clarke at :'oli11ertown Whilst 'the g t ; b 0 I". Silk organza With ley dlnner. the customarv, of the film were pholog7aplIeli fricnd- come up~ (;ire Junction and farther on we I ucs S \\ere 1"1 matching tiaras. The)' each. toasts were honoured with off the coasl of San Dln~o nnd. goon Iry no'\' and wc'll ha,p 01'1',\\\'.\ '('P'-1.adl' Bader,·

" ,



I: ,


" :1' "



il I, ' , ! "


I: : : I ' ~

; II'

: I' ~ ;11

shall find Frances :\Iercer at fnug,ll udsheredt



bbeaut!. carned nosegays of pink and i :l1r. l.eslic Dawc a.l toast. Long Beach. Calirornia. full ro·' you back on ylll1l' feet." ' POII'I'II. wid,)',\' of lh~ :olIl1Ue:' 01 .• : Curllng. Bridget Flynn w111 EdgYa eDcor~ e be tUhrc 'fv ~th!r. wl~lte car~ations. : master. The remainder of I' f h ,. s I' • • • Ilile bo,' ,COlli 3nd "iri ~uidr .n-, ,h· d k h ,...." ,,0 • "<dol,,, 0"'" m" "or . n. "P"""" " , , , .. ,,,.,. "" I "m"·",,,,". "i'"''''''~'P''' Ii,

( on e goo wor s e bride and ~!r Heclor D' f db" I e I .1C el'enlng was spent dane· obtained, and two ~uhma":np, I lie re,por.,kd lI'ilh Ihe tr, i:elc.' scoliling i, Ihe one Ih"l~ commenced last year at RIl'er. . _. all e, per orme y :Ill. Wesley, I".g ,'I' I ~ h d • ",,' ",,,d, ", E H ,~. Go", bmll r,· ",d , d",,..m """ '0","" . ""d ","p h, ,." ",.,., "n" ,"' "n, '''0 "0'" "odrl ,O""",,P

ea • Harbour Grace, and this key pia d -' I't' , ' ler a t le groom. The 11Onel'tllOOn was spent at obo d h··h tile COlllP3ny: 1.111.' his benefaclor. II" tl'il'd 10 t II [I ct year we find Shirley Young dl y~ appropr a e wed· .,!r, Allan Dawe. Jr" and :llr. Occan Pon·d. :llr. ~~d '11'.1 1'''1 3~ d

W Ie eg3ne,s 0 co ur. race. cree . h' h " m",". '''d Bo"".'" '" b· d G .' .. 0"''''"'. i "",k. bw' 'M"d h', ""''''' ... "" '0"""" ,'". "", hm "

rIg on er own doorstep at Given I marr'ag b her b ' e rJ es· ,osse arc now residing at, Ilhit'\; rh3rgl'd wilh clolted a one day' \'i'll follo\\ ing a 10111 T1lt6n. . ' n ley . 0) s. . Spaniard's Bav. I' ---------'0' .11 0' th.m will h",; """, tho b,ld. 'ook'd "rl,. D,n" 'h, ""'''' 0' 'h,· i h'ood u"", h" b" 'n,'" "" 'I<" w, "",,' ,n .. · " , , .. " '0 .. "." .It th, '""'" ,h., •• h,p' "",. flo" ,."" b",flow' m,"'" 'h, ",w". 0 r 'hioh I lPh "0 Ii.'· E " Vok,,' 'SG.," '51'" .. OK" "",. ",,,,.,, '.'" "~'.",' P" ", m,· ',., they will and' possibly one or B --------.- C!{ICAGO 'AP' - A tormer'fllll). spal ~g"ll1. "on!; ('''lllP \EII' KE:\\-:-~'~:~~I~~\OIl two might at times get a ack To Personals BI'rt)ldavs i I\·a.,hlnglolm slati;tician allPar.,· finally. hlllrl.·d. rag~ed and

I.O.\l)O\' 'Hl'"I.", '--Sir Pat·

little weary in well doing. but i ~ntly has broJ(Pll his eogagl'menl ! ho.~rs~. , ., .• ric\; [(cilisOIl ha, Iwen appointl'r1 we do expect thcm all. know. U. _ ~. j'.·\\·I.·\RO·S· 1

10 marry Chri;line Jorgpn'l'll. i \\ hrre--whl·rp

d 111l'~·--2.o. mverslt"

" - SAY. Sept 8 10 ,'Icee.'d Sir r-:\I~I,'11 Har'lIg a;

in, cl'cryone of them as we Sr.·\.\IARD·S B.\Y. S t R B .tl d . ", who llnderw~nt sllrgerl' 10 IiI', a, "Plliled 0111," wa, lhe ;1I1.,\I(·r .. f I"


. rp . - 11 I a,. greetings are ex., . ': I ~~Ol eillor 0 ""1",, II \I ,b an· o. to do. the I'ery best that SP' A • l -:Ill'S. :I[uricl Turncr of \Jecl' tcndcd to tile 'f I .'. ~ woman. according to tile Ch,·, "1'0'.1 (an r!lr~el aiJout I It'ill . 1l0'ln' I 'f' "1


,' I; ." .


:,~hRD'S n.'\ Y. sept S I.' , 0 lOWing' I, , . ... " ' . ee, .Il.l u;. ,en',o,1. ,n. L,

ey can, Thn

folloll'I' II - I' L;J~C 15 hNe thiS wrek as Ihe' Robhl' Go L" (ago . ..,merlcan. Howard .T. Knux. noll'. frlen~. 'II

T . - ~ I1g II' I I'C urn . sse and l.dward·"8 h [. .",..' . eachlng is an olrl and hon. to :'olemorial Unl 't t ~ucsl of hcl' sISler :III'S Hart, Saundrrs F'd S ;., . I e la~cc. was I'~glstrrrd 31· "f IIrgel~ • Ha,k('lI < 1'0)('1' rode --===.------~~-':::~~~~---~~

r bl f. F I'crSI yo" 'I I h .. ,'. , • , .' on 1'1 al'. eptcm· 'a hot I . \1' k II fl'

o a e pro eSSlon, ortunate. continue their sludles' '1'." c. , aile of er brothel'. :llr., hCI' 11: :lIiss Flore' CI' I I' III all rgan. nor 1 0 . 10 ~ l:\r<h crloak. "J II rrmpm· ly for those who take It up ~Iarina Bishop " '\r' I'SS: Arthur HUlchlllgS. 1 miln on Saturda" Islce t h

lIP' hrre. bill rO:lld nol h~ real'hrd" hpr--and iocate P1'rr~ one of

today th r mun It" • . r. e5 cy I J, ep em er "Ihe nrll sr"p'l' ,al', Knox phn· h "1 . '11 h . , ~ e e'a Ion IS Gosse, ~Ir. ,Joiln C. Chipman. . --. ! 12: ~Irs. Harry Bisho a Ii - .: '. ".;' . ., I I'm. 11'11 IIr sre OIl' It

commensurable with that of ~!r. Lewis E. Gosse. )Iiss. ~Il. Rllrl ,Irs. ,nlcn Hatcher Jliss ~rarinl1 :>:ose\\'orth~ ~n 10 mall') a Chlca,o muriel. I""r.<-mon 10 man'" ~~erfo:lelr~e Oftea~~::a\'~~hr~ Jane AliCe Dawe' and trcading I' 3111d 5011 are hO.ld a,·lll':. here; Sunday. September 13' 'II' ' "Surr. sure, Rilt _II t l-"tI II III

on new ground' will be ~Iiss t 115 wcek hefore returning to I.lohn S. Dro\'er on :l1(;l1dHY' keep. Righi noll' you need some look~ forward only to the day Bertha Bishop. illiss Ei'lce~ tChorncr Btl'hook._ While here 1 Seplember 14; :'Ilr .. Stanlc': HEll JET '\RRt\,E~ looking aller." when his pa"-<:heque arrives ,IT I ey al n e "licsls of 'Irs G ' OTTA\\''\ '(I'I '\ I'lIS':llll' .

(happy day 'that It Is), life ,ha en, :\!l'. Albert Vokey. }Iat h ~ f Ih 6 ~l' \ "t'l . ()sse on Tuesday, Septem· . -.' .-, : "You're - who

o" demanded l\lr Fr d G d 1I! B b c er s a cr. "I'. j r lur ber [5 1\[1'5 D . h TU·II}! jet. airlioer. \I hi.cII ".ill! Haskell. .

for him must be very dull In· . e osse an r. 0 Hul hi ' :" rover Bis op on t k I tl Cd"


Dawe w11l continue at main. I' ngs. Thursday. Scptember 17,' ~lrs. a e pal' In Ie ana Ian "a· I "J l' I Y bit .. tlonal Exhibltion a ir sholl' In, . oe ce c.. Oli oug I me." land universities. while Mr. ill d ,[. " lI!ary J. Gosse who will be Toranio S~pt. 11 and 12. arril'ed dTink In the lallyon Housc a lit·

BI J. Fred Gosse will persue his r' s~· Jail .' IS. :I~rac~ ;ell eighty·four on Thursday Sep· I'here Tuesday from the lliniled tie whIle ago. Remembcr:" .

uebemoes studies further at Queen's 10 . 0 In s spe.n Ie a our tember 17. • Kingdom. The Russian Embo.,.,"" "Yeah. I remember. Who were.

Theological College Dey weekend With their folks u. J . here. said fhe plane will be based in -the)'?" ,

PIe hOful ------- FREE RIDE ON BUSES Oltawa and will make flights "Hayfork. Vince Tendler alit! .. . n Two New Nur~es Mrs. H. H. Hutchings of St. OTTAWA (CP)-AI pas'Jmgers OI'U Toronto Friday end Satur· the outllt. I don't know why ANTHONY QUINN THl$!AmHU~!' SO' PHIA

SPA.'l1ARD'S BAY, Sept. 8 l'I John's spent last Wednesday get free rides on Ottawa b'J5~s day without anding there. they jumped you, but I knoll' "

n h ~tween 9:30 a, m. and 12 noon

-BtluebeITieB are plentiful SPANIAR 's BAY. Sejl. B ere ns the guest of ncl' Thursday. An Ollawa department this' year although fewer peo, -Two young women from brother ana sister·in·law. Mr. slore ~s fooling. the bill to pro· ple ue engaged In picking. SpanIard's Bay 'will follow and :I[rs. A. R. Gosse. mot~ Its 59th birthday sale. Ot· The reuon for this Is the de. In the footsteps of Florence . lawa Transportation Commission '~ntl for blueberries In our Nightingale this month. but l\lr. :llyrle Yoke),. :lliss officials said Ihe system IIsualll'·

. area' Is not the same as other before they are' fully quali· :\larle Sheppard and :11155 carries aboul 11000 passenocr's i ,I years. To date North Eastern fied as nurses they will. havc Ruth Sheppard of Bell 1s·, on 85 buses duri~g the" ~,'.

Fisherfes at Harbour Grace had three years of training, land spcnt last weekend visil· i period. morning "~ve not commenced buying. Miss :,;!lIdred Pike. daughler Ing with relatives and friends I'

. iJld as this firm ordinarily of :'olr. and Mrs. Gordon Pike. i In Conception Bay. f'IRST VISIT SI:'oICE 1m hilS several agents In and will commence her trainin~ - ... BL'FFALO. N. Y. I AP I-mrs

N' Agai




.. :.'

I I,

'about Spaniard's Bay who at the Grace Hospital School .~lrs. HilYWarn Hutchings '. Sear1ioroll~h, the first Brili~h: ." ." .Iupply tranBportation for the of :olursing. She· taughl 11'1Ih Frances and Chesley' warship 10 I'isil Buffalo since' ~". "pI~kera, thb explains why so i school last year at Ramea. alTlved last week hal'lng. nc~. ~O, IAI3. lied liP at t:,e'

:leW ate engaged. 1 hal'lng graduated from hi~h spent two months al Labra·; municipal. picr Tuesday for a I TO-MORROW

-;.,A limited num~r of pick.· school here In In 19~8. She! dor. Iwo·day mit. In contrast to the' · "tIrS eln di!posl of their pick was too young to' start last i • "\ IRI:l ~'isil. a matter of bllsin<ss i

t9 buyers for Fishery Pro. year. . I Mr. ann :'oIrs. \\ Ililam Butt thaI Involl'ed burning down I' :' ~8 Limited at Hol),rood, To. the General Hospital I with Don.na and ~Iarll)'n from. I b~lildil1gs an0 rnuting the Incill , PIII't Amherst Sea Foods of Miss Cal'elle Gosse. daughter St .• John s ~ppnt the Laboul I citizenry dllm~' the war nf 1812. i !~, Jolln's are also engaged School of NurSing will go DIy weckend hen wit.h their Ilhis was a 50cial call. ' ;.-.izi; the bUYlnl' of I limited of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas folks, the :>:orman Chlpmans. ~:-..anUty and Mr. B.AndrewB Gosse, who graduated from CO:'olTRAC'I' AWAROF.O II~ proceulng some at Dildo. the same school In the class :I<!isses Lily and WinnIe TORONTO (CP)-T~e contract : ... Bonansta Cold ~torage Limit. of '59. Lots of hard work. Hutchings who are working In \'10 hilild th~ new $6,600.000 Uni· ._ed at Bonavistaand, Fortune girls; lots of patience and lots St. John's spent hst week· vcrslty of Toronto arts building "_~" cll'l'Ying on as usual. of luck. end here with their parents, Mr. has heen. awarded to Redfern

<Mr. Allan Hutchings, Field and Mrs. John Hutchings. Construction Company LImited,

· , .worker with the .Department I Mrs. Matt Brazil :Jr. was tend. of Toronto. ""ci!'.Natural Resources.' says ered a hou5e·warmlng party Mr. and Mrs. Don Vokey. -----------" . ..tlut most of the crop Is be. last week. She was _pre~ented Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Peddle with holiday at Trinity, the Bona· 1 1:\11 lathered. from the new with a purse of money with :'Ilr. and Mrs. Arthur Gosse vista Peninsula, Fogo and at i bushes, rut 18 bushe.s that which she purchased a radio. motored to Gander on sat· Spaniard's Bay .. :. have' grown on . lind burned The Braliis moved Into their urday returned on Tuesday 'over in the 'Iast twelve months new home recently. having sent an enjoyable Miss Shirley Bowering of ~ • ..Gt,so. '.' " weekend at the nlrport town I St. John's [s here on hoHday J ., pctrldle berries are alBo Mr. and Mrs; John Godsell with relatll'es; aud is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. i Jlintlfulbut these are not of and family were hefe from Ihe - ,Douglas Smith.

l' (l58me commercial value 89 capital for the Labour Da~" We were delighted to have I .

. th~" blueberries andue weekend. . Re\', CUllon T. E. Louer anu Mr. Bntl ~Ir9. Cecil W. GosSt ! el'l!d fUf the maklno of ~!rs. Louer fur an &It"rIIOOO I'spellt I'

1 e < a vfry P r~sant r:!lllolir

iJ~. Tile date {Ol' the flick' patches have bern "Ill'kcd v!.lit 011 ~londllY of tlii> week. I'Dn), al Ar~cntia. ~./?r . pll'lrld!(e benles has clean" by people· who arc and qillte pleascd to hear Ihey I' --

.;.\ :~t been announced as the I,anxlous to .gct· their shares arc both wrll. The)' will return ~!rs. r::ric Drover of Bcll Is ~': ':f,p:~ uc not'fully rlpenc~:, bpfore thc rush on Ihls clc· to Pell)' Harhour this w~ek Ilanrl "lsllrn some of her (mnd, 1.&;.:.~e\er, 1~~e.:I,~enear.er I lectable berry gets 6Ial'te.d. 'hal'lng speol a velJ' plea~ant; here 'on ~fonday.

. ~ , ..

. . ,',

.. _ • 8IWSJfi. rlNI DIS . 10 tIIlOIASCO~ aM IIUJOCOlOI

L..-__ --!:.!.!:!...!.=~--...... ~:JM£ ___ -I




.. _._---



u ATIlLA" 6.45 - 9.30. "DEVIL'S GENERAl'l







CBN y, September

N'wa. of the /t40:mi!1. News and

Cluck. Devotlo!ll. Preview.

New!. _.', ",pr. Parad~.

I,m,n.", Broadcl3t _Nlusi.cal PrDJ!'IIIl.

tD 1/.

News and W ProJl'am .

Today. Bulletin.



~,~\BER 10, 1

uH'Day 'ller B

, .4 ,idi-lh:'l .~illr;;;~. ,\,1

" "leoi"r, Wh' " '. ~

. dq :O;l~l , ' . . . :1llnur (jP(".1.dr,

,~ r ;111

I '~.I .. l l·lt~·


.', I' 'p ,ill·.o (,1 r ln'a!i(.ns

;;. L .. l~ :lod \ I, 11~' i 1 'i IJ'ld'

, ., ,1'

,I' -I " . r:, : .:i,-1. '111~ ('cl " ;l.In \Iunda,

II ('urlsbleu of' '":,,Ir up of ' I"!l,' parade ","1 rl't \ll'nrd

c -1~11r1 nl Ihf

",[ 1I(I,pit:lI. also ,::d labour

,,:I" I or thr


N' Again

N' ~gai



10 P.M. I ~----I


. ' . THU"SDAY, SEPTEM!ER 10. 1959

or Stove Oil· and Fuel Oil . '

hone 7469 or 3007 Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of

e Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd.

Radio Programmes 6.0-HeadJine News Ind

\'. Srptember 10

Nt,"· of the Mornlni· SeWl and Welt1ier.

,--"um,"' C1LICk, "& \JevoUuDl.

Preview. aradr.

Con!umer!. In the Mornini,

\'ariety. ~\usiClle,

Heart Program, Sews,

~Anr.oIJnc!'r! Choice, Broadca&l.

Da)' Serenade. Bulletin, I PrOium.

News and Weather UlI'e to Remember.

with ~fulic. Ln.,mlll"· n Oba. Time

L T"mnW Hunter Shol'f. L~i"ri',"2IrlPn of the Air.

and Tran. Canada Matin!e.

. Afternoon. :\ell's,

"--y",, .. Parade. I..r .. ,h",., BrGadclJt >-.!I.UllCl1 Pro,ralll.


Weather, 7,00-!"lfld, News and Sports. 7.05-Local Weather. 7.1:>-~ews .. 7.30-Round thr World New. 7.35-Complete Weather Fore

cast. 7,50-What's Cookln. s.oO-:-.Ifld. News, 8.05-Prov. Weather. S.IO-The Bob Lewis Show, 8.15-Shlplllng Report. B.25-K1ddlu Carner. 8,30-Nfld, New&. 8.35-Weatber. 8,40-Bob Lewia Show. B,45-Mornlnl Merr1' Go

Round, 8.55-Just a Minute. 9.00--Gen. Provincial NeB 9.05-Muslc for Million •. 9.3O-Bob Lewis Sbow. 9.45-Prodiaal Husband.

IO.OO--News In a Mlnut .. IO.OI-Martin" Corner. 10.l5-Made for each other. 10.33-What's cookin' 10,35-Who's That SInglni7 10.45-Housewivel Choice. Il.OO-News in a Minute, ll.OI-Rev. Matthew, 1l,30-Honour' Your Partner. 12,OO-News In a Minute. 12.01-Towne and Country. 12,30-N eWi in a Minute. I2.3S-Town and Country. tOO-Local and National

Headline News. 1.D1-Towne and Country. 1.l5-New5, 1.35-Edltorial Comment. 1.40-SporlS. l.44-Art Baker'l Notebook. 2.00-News In a Minute. 2,OS-Gerry Wigiins Show. 3,OO-News in a Minute. 3.Dl-WesterD Jamboree. 4,GO-Gen. Provillcial New&. 4o,3S-Western Jamboree. 5.00-News in a Minute, :\,OO-Bob Lewu Danel Plltl· 6,OO-N ewa In a Minut •.

-------I ... ' _________ --11 Answer to· Previoul Pun'. _ At the Table .


1 Cqrnon-4- chopI IJltet-

12 SIIliI. 13 Awry It SIHVelfli

.arment I ~ Moun lenla 16 Mallaned 18 Landed

properllu 20 PutJUP 21 ReIHl nOn. tJme %UnV'lllon . 26 Burr 27- rout JOPen ~2 Deuert U Rl!limentld

3 SlllddlH ~Toma\o-5Ey~

suigffilvely BGround 7 Knowl!dll'e 8 Drama part 8Panry

10 FenciDi SWOld 11 E5POUSH 17 SynlheUc

fabric UEnmlno

accoullU ~3 TiIlH 2' Seborn, 25. Blackbirds 2B Irish peuant

..ttr !5 Group oIllin. b--+-+-~ as Sulllx 37 Min's name 38 Winter

prinlrlU 411 Foothold 41 ActGllljlllshed 42 Declaim 45 Shared It

the table 49 Leaving II Futtner 52 I>inclIOIl &3 Shield 5U'uU (lUftIx) fi5Graf-18 Death. 17 Momln.


DOWN 1 Arrive 2 Burden ,

Jacoby On • • Bridge SPADE SLA.." IS EASY TO MAKE


27 Amoeba foot ~I Garment 28 Glacial ridges '2 POtnll 29 Williams and ~3 Harvest

Lewis 44 Church reM 31 Jiggle 46 Dry 33 Not suitable 47 French river 38 Conllovert 48 Was aware 40 Oklahoma ~O O.n.men~


Horse Riding Popular in R.C. I

VANCOUVER (CPI-A re\'ived Interest in horse·riding is sweep· ing British Columbia.

Horse sports are attracting lh~ young and the old. and In manv parts of the prol'ince, people are owning and carbg for the ani· mals, They include house\\'il'~s, students and office workers.




,-/~'(! "OJ GErn1A.T IH I NG AWAY F1l()'.o1 HERE "rnIS 1~51NJT,

'\OJ ~EAR?,


DADrJT! l!LLloJeED ~ ~/oJE.W CLOJl.lES wm1

I' !>(:H(;)QL OPfIoJ­




6,02-What'. Cooklll' 6.05-BulleUn Board. S,IO-National News. 6.l5-Sporll.

D!T .83 'K~3 f J 10 8 8 .AH2

EAST .u , 10 ~ 7 8 2 • 54 ",au

There are more than 3,000 horse owners in British Colum· bia. About half these belong to clubs, The number of horses rUllS into t!le thousands .


\'. September 10

with BUl. and Waterfront

~!rnkhl!t Wltll Bill,

Weather. I-!ruklil!t with Bill.

with But

Club, Box Jamboree, BOI Jambor"

>-K.llllbllna witt Recorda


~:~:l~tl~~:. with Recorc1a >-'alllb.lln; t. : wl~ Rlcordl


O~ Parade,


I~b lewis Show. Ulb' n,... ",


6.25-Newl. , 6.30-The Sana Ind the Star, 7.00-Newl In a Minute. ' 7.0l-Club 93, 7.3OrNews. B.OO-News til a Minule. R.Ol-Best from the West. B.3D-News. 9.00-News In a Minute. 9,OI-Wbat's Cookin, 9,02-Big Six Proaramme, 9.l5-Nfld, Soiree. 9,30-Chapel by the Side of

the Road. 9,45-posco NeWi.

10.00-Newl In a Minute. 10.Dl-Boston Blackle. lO,30-Newl. 1O,45-Sports. IMS-Housepart, and New.. 12,30-News. 12,33-Houseparty. 1.01-Queen and Sian Off.


e.ClO-Iundla1. 6.W-Newl and Wllther. 7.00-Ntw. and Weather, 'UO-Newl lad Weather. 8.00-Brtakfllt Club, 8,30-1lert Parb Bandstalld. II.OO-It Happened Last Nlpt 9,~5-New. and Weather.

IO.OO-Coffel Time, ll.OO-Turn Back the ClOl:k lU5-Polnt of Law. Il.SO-Proil'am 12. 12.30-March of iveDIa, 12.45-Sportl Pa.l. 1.00-Jack Paar Show, t30-Marvin MUier. U5-Couple Next Door. 2,OO--Ray HeathertoD. UO-Newi. 2,~Panorlm.,

. 3.30-Baseball. 6,OO-Checkln In'. e,30-Newl e.4~Ameriea'. IUIlnesL e.5~"kla' In. R,OO-Sporla Toda,. . B.lS-AdventUlll ill Seience, 8,3I1-Parallel.· US-Nelll'l and . Welther. 9.00-FBI In Peace Ind War 9,2~Dltffy's Tavern, 9.~O-WhIRp'rinl StrutJ, 9,55-Ebony Ind Ivory.

1O.00-1'lnal Edition. IO.15-New Yorken. IO.30-Moods in Melody. J O.~S-Thil I believe. 1l.OO-Mullc TJIl Wldnl,ht. 12,00-51,n Off,

VOWR TRURSDA Y, ,lIeptemher 10

P.M. 8.llS-ChUdrill', StoI')'Um" 8.80-Ma~h Rhythm. U&-VOWR Pna.nu, . 9.00-~!uslcil Momenta, U~Sonp III, the Nlallt. 9;4!!-:-Whfn' • Child Alb:

10.00.-:-Hym.DI for the Quiet -

I!IOUTH (0) • A 10 g 'AJB f K92 '" K 10 8 7

Both vulMrable 80atll Welt NDrlIo Eari 1 N,T. Pus 2' Pass 2. Pa.. 4 N.T. Pau S • Pan 8 • PuI pan Pan

Openllllleld4 A


North'. two heart bid was tne Jacoby transfer forcing South to bid Ipades and the four no· !rump wae Blackwood,

Since South wu declarer the final lix spade contract was I lay·down. He wu able to dis· card one of dummy', . hurt.! on hu kin, of club.,

Riding club memberships have more tha:l doubled since the end of th~ Second World War, and in some areas the number of riding schools has tripled.

In the Vancouver Southlands area alone there are mor~ than 500 youngsters from four to' 18 y~ars of age active in horse sports.

The horses includ? pure Arab­ian, English thoroughbred~, t~e America:! saddle breli and a host of western breeds and ponies.

Estimat?d costs of buying a horse run from $200 to $600, boarding and s hoe i n g $50 a month, saddle and bridle UOO and up, end riding boots $40, •

Youtllful Dream Now A Realitv

With North .. declarer Eut would .problblyopen a helrt EDMONTON (CP) - Wilp~a and there would be 110 way to Brown. who as a young girl avoid the 10SI of two trick.!, thought she'd like to be a church

Ineldentally South can also deaconess, today Is one of four make .Ix no-trump .If he plays wom~n ordained as ministers of sklll1ully. The best defense IB the Unlteli Church in Alberta.

f She took over the complete an ace a clubs opening follow· duties of t~e large congregation ed by' a spade shift. at Robertson l1nit?d Church here

South should run all Ilx for the summer months. She Is spades and dtscard a club, dis· the regular sSl;istant ml~ister at mond ani! heart. Then he should the church return to his hand with the "People are often sc~pLical king Qf diamond. Ind cash the; about a woman in the mbimy," Icing Q~ clubs, West will have to I she said. "But once they become discard down to one belrt In well acquainted thay lose theIr order 10 guard the diamonds, I doubts."

Next come three rounds of ~!iss Brown conducts baptisms. diamonds and Eut will nave to 'weddin,gs and funerals besides go down to one heart also In preaching" . '

d k She Ba\'~ her faVOrite rluty 15

or er to eep the Jack of clubs. per~aps ·the mosl rlifflcull on~, South will then make tw~ heart that of rounselli:1g peoplp. Irlcks without ever hiVing to! "All kinrls of pl'ople with ~1l worry about which opponent: kbd5 of problems go to th~ min· halds the kin I, , lister. Most difficult of aU Are

C d 5 family problems, AlthOllg,h th?re

ar . anse 1 ATe' n:any types of problems. there IS u~ually a' connec:tlon

\ with religion."


Q-The blddlnll hu been: Miss ·Brown BIYS she often en-Ner1l!. Ealt South Welt counters young p?ople trying 10 1 • PUI 3 • Pa!5 reco~cile science with reli~lon. 40. Pm 4. Pass "And that's ~ gocx\.lhing. With· __ ' lout that qllcstionin~ "stage thty

Hnur. would 1ll'1'('T reRch A firm ba~i~ l1.00-Weatber ,Ind Clo5edown, for t~lr conl'ictions laler in

life." ---_.-------' '-CJON.CJOX T.V. 4 • Pass THURSDAY, Sepietllber' 10 ~ .. Pass

&,It-Ed alld IO~N, You, South, hnld: l.tIO-WIICHI,. Woodpecker. ...K.J8 7 .K.16 5 fA Q 8 ",all I.III-New. Headllne~. Whnt rln vou do? I.U-Summer Thealre. A-Pass. 'Your parl"er' has I.IIO-Local Newl I"d Weather. I hearrl both your junlp raise and U5-NaUOIIII New.. 'diamond cur. bid. PerhRps he U ..... D.ItIbl. 11lI'CIpe. has nit diamonds and did not 1.M-Wllkr WlnchllL ,..ant to heir about that ace. '.M-The Ptput" TODA Y'S QUESTION

lU.oo.-S.VI GUD Will Trlvel You. South hold: lO.SG-Pmdt. ...K J 8 7 ¥3 fA J 3 ",K Q 1O,B,4 ' 1l.OIl--I,oretta Voun, Show. What do ),011 do ol'er your i U.IO--Wrftllhlj... .. .' partner's opening one·heart bid .. lUI-Newl andWeatber. Answer Tomorrow

1.. \J.lO\J\..\)~'\. s~ \..\~ "\>I.\S WR !;'.~. o~"'- 'OLi'l' 'OOms.,,~~




0\-\ ,\\-\~\\. \,'S SUS'i '<=.'?S\\.OO '000\\<;:'\ INOW \., '/0\.)' \.L \.DO'll-O~~ \0 \\-'It " .... "'''"0 S\'i)'i:., ~'\..\.. s'a:. \)RS~ ~\~OR,\'A'i:. f-..,..--~~ \..\\\\..t. ~R\.





By V. T. HA~fN


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I' I

I ~ ~ ". 'l\ TERFRO~ F'ind Ancient


I , II

\ ,

" I'


, ,

PIRECTORY Sports Arena .. • By JAMES TOMLIN!! ~ 'ONDRY DOCK ROME (Reutersl-Itallan arch·

M,V. Swlle, M,V, We!' aeologlsts are excavating an an· Explorer, M.V. Eastern I dent Roman sports arena which rer arid the M.V. Storm, they be1l7ve. to be t~e best·pre·

5e:ved rUI:! dlscol'ered here In reo cent times.

AT DOCK It Is the big Varian Circus, used

PROJECT: Fire Retardant Paint of Interior of 'Hangar No. 2, R.CAF, Station, Torbay, Nfld .. File 122·7·T7·9,

SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to content and ad· dressed to the undersigned, for the above project, . will be re· celved until 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time)

S.s. Kyle Is mOJred up f . d' or charlot racmg an games, THURSDAY, October I, 1959, e season,' ]jowaters run measuring about 1,765 feet long r No.3, MY. l:lara Mar and 400 feet wide. Specification! and tender tbe. M.V, Adhern Trader Its construction was started by forms required may be obtained

Ii! 1I1.V, Bai!am Lake will Emperor Hellogabulus during his by Prime Contractors onty from I,' minor repaif1;, four'Y1!ar reign between 218 and D.C.L. Plans Section, .Room I~B, I

1'1 222 A,D. It is named after thc at the address below, A dcposit .1,1 T HORWOOIl I. DillER emperor's family name, Varianus of $25.00 payable to Defence . ;! CO. I '1'1. a~d was built on the out~kirts of Construction (1951) Limited i; 1,1 e ~I.V. Thomas J. Hodder, ancient Rome, near the Imperial required for each set of docu· ;: In arge of Capt. Pickett h I Pnlace. ments. This deposit is forfeited i' ~ dis arging l cargo of lumber . Expe~ts believe ~hal excaVB' if the complete specificatiuns ,. Ind janer the lumber is dis· hons wl!1 bring to light B whole are not returned In good order 1. 1 chafFed will take frcight for nell' S(~'les 0: treasures, on or before the fourteenth day, . I • The supermtendent of Roman i'. .Og~ today, antiquities, Professor Giullon Ja. followinf( contract award, II' 0 • , cop!, think! It hlghl)' likelY that SpecIfication! wlll be on. : : . ~T H.!\I,e. DOCK\ ARD ! Christian relc will be found view at Builders' Exch~nges in I

. :, T~ P,W.D. 401, an? PWD I wlllin t:le larg~ area cOl'ered by Halifax, Fredericton, Moncton'i : I, 400 "rc engaged dredging, the I the circus. Saint John, N.B" SI. John's" " ~I.V. Pugwash. Investigator II I The circus was fou~d near the Nfld. Board of . Trade, DCL: " are moored up indefinitely, I Church of the Ho:y Cross, just In Halifax Branch Office and at

The two harbour fire tu~s, side the city hall of the Emperor the address below, " Ro\'sl Canadian fire tug 3 and /lurelia~us. The wall was built Efch tender must be sulnnit·

i • Ih~ fire tug Otter,l'ille are moor· after the circus, which It cuts ted on the forms prescribed and 1 '.'11 ed up' for harbour fire service. ~cross, Icav!n~ about ,one.half o! be accomplll1ied by a security

The H.~!.C.S. Royal Canadian i lis length 11'lthm the cl!Y limits. deposit in the amount of SI. frigate ~licmac Is moored up, Exploratory excavallnn~ ~8ve 500.00 or B bid bond In the

, . ,

, indefinitel\', rev~aled mo:e than 20 ~eet or the amount of 10% of thr bid price ,,' ongmal .seatl~g and s!alrways for ! a~ called for in the tender , AT CANADA PACKERS th.e public, bUilt of brick, together documents:

. 1 I' . WIth passageways and vault!, The lowest or anv tender not The ~!.V. Ivy B. ~Ie I'ln In S f the I'ault were Intact .

charae of Capt. Collins i! tak. ome 0 s ' nece~sarily accepted. . ~. . a~d parts of the stairway w~re lng freight fa: Bona\'lst~, Cat· perfectly pre£cved. even the alina, Port Umon and Elliston. teRd~ o[ the steps being undam·

I Tne .-ILV. :'I!axine Johnston in 1 R~e<i, Black and whi.te tessela.ted

rh~e of Capt. Johnston IS, brick pavements, With beRutlful , tali'ltll frcight for Bona\'istR, i flowcr and bird designs, havc , EtUll'ton, Catalinn, and Port Un· 1 been brought to light. .

J. D. JE:'iNISON, Secretary, No, 4 Temp, Bldg" 56 L)'on St"

OITAWA, Ontario. scp9,10

lo¥' "M far a~ it is possible to lell 'l'he ~I.V. ~jraim ~IHY in at t~e moment, this circus Is

rharge of Capt. Rogers is tRking , pro.habl~· t~e best.~r7~:n·ed r~~1D freight for the usual Bonal'ista I of Its kind In the ~I.t~, Prof: JJa·

, Bay ,paris, ! copi said, "In addition, It I, l~kelY ,~ i he )I.V, Linda MHY in. to pr?I'e to be one of t~e b~,~est

· , .. I spor(l~g arenas of all times. : I c rgc of Capt. Bugge 11111 be 1 The Circus Maximus, with a

, ~ hng ready to latcr gon on I le""th of 1,848 feet, though 83 [e~l d k ,~ ST. JOHN'S MUNICIP,\L

dry oc. lo~"er than the Varian Circus, is COUNCIL ! -- notOa perfect specimen of its kind I AT CROSBIE &: CO. LTD, because it has no built· up trl· P bl o N ° ;rhe whaler Flnback is moor· \ bunes or seating arrangement!. U IC ohce

• d up for the season, P t t th ' t I One exciting facet or the ~ew ~rs~an 0 • e pOllers ves·,

· I

, I· , \ dlsco\'ery lies in the fact that the ed In !t under Seclio,n 373A of :. i n area withi:J the perimeter of the The City of St, John s Act ~nd ;01 Democrats circus probably contains innume· ali other p~wers .It. enablmg,

, , , .

I. I nble treasures dating from the t~e St. John s MUniCipal Coun·

FeudIng I third and fourth centurlc! A,D. cil hereb~ passes and enacts

, the followmg By·Law.

bnadla~ Prm Stal! Writer I .~lIigator Is staging a dra~at1c \ ' 'ASHlt\GTON I CP I - Family return to the 8utumnand wInter , ~l'.-LAW

f ding among the Democrats, shoe picture. Nothing gives 8 1. 1\0 bUIlding shall be. eree.(·, led behind dosed doors after more luxurious look to a street ed or . made on. any land In the c'opening public tussle, may, costume than a highly·pollshed follOWing deScribed area, name· sly jeopardize the party's I alligator plimp or tie, matched 1y:- .

h s for the preside;1cy In t960. . bl' a handbag. They are In col· AU that piece or parcel To the ddight o[ the Rcpubji· o~s B£ well as black. of land situate and being

.:. rans, tile Democrats ha\'c ope:ll)': . north of the City of SI. IPlit .on such a ~ital issu~ a~ .p~e. : i~e5, though these might be I'e. John.'s and dcscribed as fol·

:,' electl?n strateo )' In (?noIU, i toed b)' the president. lo~s, co.mmenclng at a And It appears the conflict goes'l i pOint which IS the Inter· dce~r Clan that-to the heart o[ I T~e' congressional leaders' section o! the boundary of

:', the preside:!tiai nomination itsel.!. i hewed instead to a...mlddle.o[.the· the Cit)' of SI. John's, with , The part)' co~\'entlOn ope~s In, road poll~, argul~g the voters the eastern extremity of I., L?s Angeles next July. 11.. Can· would be more impressed by Logy Bay Road, thence ~n· :'1' \,Ineed a southerner can t \l'1n. na· party accomplishments than. nlng In a northerly (llrect·

tional chairman Paul M, ~u~. promises. tion along the eastern ex ler'.!1 brash and o~tspoken ~~dl' , . tremlty of the Lo~y Bay

,. I'idual apparently IS dotermmed When. Butler took after Con R d d' ta f :' to oppose one possible -candidate gress leaders'. there were cries In thoa ad I\h nce °h s~ve~ ,I for the party nominee _ Senate I Congress, mostly from southe~n ousa,n ree un:e 1', M j 't t _ d L d B J h . Democrats, that he should resign. (7,300) f~et, thence turning ",' a on y "",a er yn on .. 0 n and running north eighty 'J; son of Texas, There were fresh des for But· degrpes fifty minutes (80' L I Th~t automa~lcally.thro\\'5 But· le's scalp when he later a{ 5D') west a distance of four

,'1' :1' IeI' mto conflict With Speaker nounced t~e 1900 convention will lour thousand two hun· Sam Rayburn of the House of . t' ,

,': Representatives. The 77-year.old be asked to strtp VO lDg power dred. (4,200) fee~, thence . . Rayburn, also from Texas, lias from any delegate Who ~efuses to t~rnlng and running south . ~ I: said he is prepared to back support' the presidential nominee slxtY'seven ~egr~es thuty 'I Johmon for the nomination. This would' prevent a repetition ~inutes (67 30) west l

. With about a haU . century of of the 1948 revolt of the Dixie· dIStance of . four tho~sand ! I . congressional experience be~ind crats-southe~ners-who refused four ~undred a.nd eighty , him,- Rayburn held the perman· to back Harry Truman fo the (4,480). feet to the western

· ,:; ent chairmanship of three prevo presidency. Some southern states extremity o~ Po:tugal C?ve " .. 1 ious conl'enlions, in 1948·1952 and have adopted rules which would R?ad at lts l~terseclion . \ 1956 .. As such' he was able to rec· allow their convention delega· WIth the old section of POl"

ognile . whatever speakers he tlons to ~emain uncommitted on tugal Cove Road known as liked from the convention floor the presidency, Bell's Turn, th'ence turnin,! and to wield some powerful In· and running in a south flucnce over some of the voting easterly direction along the ;eI~gates., AgaRI n western extremity of Bell's tICKING SPEAKERS Turn a distance of one

" I As' national chairman, Butler thousand two hundred (1,-"ill preside over a one-clay m~et· 200') feet to its intersection ill of the parly's l08-member ns· N'Wlth the western extremity ~onaLcominlttee here Sept. 16 to of the Higgins' Line thef\ce ,re re for the convention and . running" in a southerly leci . .onofficers and speake~s. Agal.,n ~ direction along the western : If !tUer listees to one of his extremity' of the Higgins'

I I 'e 5: natlo:l81 committeeman Line a distance of five au if,fr~n of California, he. Willi thousand six hundred (~.-yo, oust t~~ congresslO~al 600') feet to its intersection o~.· ~h8t dominated previous iN' with the boundary . of the o~venUons and shunt~ Rayburn, City of St: John's at Long I~. " . Pond Bridge, thence, turn·

I , ," ~eiltap! If left alonc, ~ayburn ing and running along the

*,I~ . be prepared to Yield the A' • boundary of the City of .,

vel to younger hands :1ex~ g a In' st.. John's to -the poInt of uly.{, but he's no man to be h . lahtd- around and he might-If " com.mencement at t e In,er· u:llIid aside-take after Butler . Becho~ of the boun~ary. of ne' uncertain manner. the City of 51. John ~ wlth Su~ .• development would,. of the eastern extremlt) of urA,'add to the public show . Logy Bay .Road. d to the delight of Republicans I . ( All beartnllJ are referred t might damage Democratic Where To Stay to the true meridian. spec!s at the polis b l'te Nil- IN WITNESS WHEREOF

ember 1960 election fight. Sa Isam Hot.r tbe Seal ?f the City of The Democrats control the Sen· St, John. hili been

te and Hau~e of Representa BARN1!8 ROAD hereunto .ffixed and te and House of Representatives Sltu,11!<! In thf Reart 01 lilt thiJ By·Law. hili been ut they've been block.ed from City. sIgned by the 1tbyor e White House by Republican QaIet. Cnltonabl. A'" and the' cltr' Clerk on wight D. Eisenhower's presl· .,..' behalf of the st. John', ntlal vi~torle8 In 19.~' and 1956. For RlltrVaUoDi IJId lJIo Municipal Council this mCIZ~D CONGRESSMEN formltlea . 2nd day of September

SnlHlng at the winds, Butler A,D, 1959. itiifiud Democratic co~gres· D.o.1 63"1: (Signed) onal leaders a few nonths 8g0 ~ .

TM, ~tf. U", "at.~. Sl ,~9 ~-HU .. -mct. ~ ....,...¥J't!'trrl~

.?·2 ------'--

"The child's plate is for Morn-s~e's 011 a diet!"

-Abbott's Commercial School RE.OPENING SEPTEMBER 1 sl.

Private lessons in Shorthand (Gregg, Pitman and Sloan), Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Account· anq, Business Moths and Business English. ~ay' or night lessons, Pupils prepared for eiornlna-


For appointment and further particulars apply to 141 LeMARCHANT ROAD or- PHONE 3401.


IE'AIRS IILeIIIZI.' firtston.


Nfld. Armature Works Ltd. MMBRICK S1. DIAL 7191 . 7192






MAIN OFFICE . . ·~052· 4053







It con be dangerous ond costly too, to

try your hand ot home-made repoirs or im­provements I Have them done the right

woy, the sofe woy, by consulting with one of the experts you'll find listed in our classi·

fieeJ section. A phone call will bring the

right help to your door I

DIAL 2177 - 2178 2179


lUng to block a lot of EIs· IIIR8. JOHN FACEY. H.· G. '11,' MEWS, ~nho\\'er legislation. He wanted Reli6!l1 Mln_reu ,. . ' Mayor. I mera le&lslation Implemcntlng t E. B, FORAN,

Daily News "m3l .. ! . ct' CI II De!ncleNtic' proposal. IIld prom. / -, er,

r .


l~,~J.D) ~}.· ..... :·t·;···· Newfoundland \



I Regular 8.10 a.m. train leav· ing SI. John's .Friday, Sept. 11th, wili make conncction a( Argentia with Motor Vessel for the West Run Placentia Bay.


For Fas~ Taxi Service


Dial 2424-2410 QUEEN'S ROAD

Open from 6.30 to 2 I.m.


: SERVICE . ~===============-I Regular A.lO a.m .. train leal' : AUTO PARTS (Whole): ;in~ SI. John's r"nday, Sept., __________ _ : 11th will make connection al: · Argenlia with S. S. Baccalicu' flIID Nlld for renular purls Soulh Coa;t _ Armalure

· Sen'ic; ',70 fP {Jllt'l Works

CON:'Ii.;CTION BAY RUN ANn' ,~'fjij01f Ba:~mk 'Wf:ST RUl'I PL1\CENTIA IlAY' , Strcel · . I l1lU£ Dial 7191·2; I Regular 8.10 a.m. Irain leal", __ ....::=-------jn~ SI. .Jobn·s )(onda)" Sept.: UILDING MATERIA'.) I 14th. will make connection at: B Argcntia {vith )!otor Vessels for: --------­the Ba\' Run and West Run, CHESTER D.AWE, LTD Placentia Bay. SHAW S·1. and TOPSAIL RD .

For all your Buitding FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES Requirements call

80161-911;1 FREIC;Jl'f ST. JOHl'I·S·COR·



CO .. tTD. Kadio. Television. Refrigerators, Occp

Electric Ran;;cs, Floor Poli.shers

Gramophoncs' Public Address

Tape Recurder, ItU'AIRS ,\\,Il ~ER\I T 5 1.I:'1i[S

DIAL 3001 to 300)

WA TER ) lREEI ian:!u l'r'







G~rry H!'.I Surveys L

TELEPHONE 9 Fl'ei~ht for regular ports SI

.John's· Corner Brook Servicr per S.S. Norlhcrn Ranger will be accepted at the Dock Coastal i

Shed . Friday and Saturday.:


Sept. 11th and 12th, 9 a.m (e

5 p.m .

can be obtained at I CONNORS DRUG STOKE

334 IV ATER ST. DIAL 2206


Freight for ports St. John's Goose Bay per 5.S. Burge,o will. BAINE JOHNSTON he accepted at the Dock Coastal COMPANY LTD Shed Saturday, Sept. 12th, 9 ' ' .

, a.m. to 5 p.m. Agency Ilepartmcnt


2~3 Water st. Dial 2102 YOUF FRIGIDAIRE



(NFLD.) LTD. Wiring Materials, Wire and.

Cables, ~!otors, Starters, ---Lamps, Swit~hes. Ligbting, HUTC HEN'S

Fixtures, etc:. I MEAT MARK~', WAREHOUSE PRll"iCES ST.. 53 William Stml

DIAL 5085 Dial 745U and 1)061 ~ . FIRE INSURANCE

I H. R

Public Notice

CROSBIE & CO., LTD. , Agents lor




Under and by virtue of the HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. pOllcrs conferred by Section HI GENERAL HARDWARE

i ( 1 ) of The Crown Lands i L\lines and Quarries) A,'t, ,Chap(er 175. of The Rel'ised I Statute, of :\ c\I'foundland. 195'~,

! HIS Honour (he Lieutenant·

Distributors for Sunbeam Electrical Appliances

Sports Goods and Sports wear for ail occasions.

DIAL 5016 I GOl'ernor in Coullcil has reser· __________ _ II'cd as from the 2nd d~)' of Jull' ,

11959, from the operations of th~ ! ERNEST CLOUS~ON, LTD. said The Crowil Lands (Mines! McCLARY AUTo)!ATIC and Quarries) Act, all minerals WAR.'! AIR CO[,;DlTlONING , in the area of land in thc Island I 210 IV ATER ST. ' of Ncwfoundland described as: DIAL 4183

fol1ows:- 1----------Beginning at the northern· I HEATING

most angle of a Fee Simple: ----------­jlining Grant issued te The

,Great Gull Lake Copper Com· c: A, HUBLEY, LTD.


Rep. General Electric 36 King's Road Dial 2916 .

'. pany Limited and registered in Volume 1, Folio 132 in the Registry of Free Simple Mining, Grants.and now recorded in the: name of Gullbridge ~lioes Ltd.; RADIO.TV REPAIRS thence rUllning by Crown land

i north thirty·two degrees !ift~ .• GREAT EASTERN OIL '\ t\\'o minutes west two thousand' six hundred and forty feet: COMPANY, LTD.





Temple Btdg .. I' O. Il<1 341 Durkllorlb S~ Dial 80JiO III ;T"


Dial 220{


204 Duckwurll!!! Obi ml


·Ihence by.land conceded to REPAIRS TO RADIOS, T.V AL 1 DUNN'~,

Brinco by a Crown Concession AND ALL ELECTRIC NCES



3001 t 3 05 Cor. ~Iayor al and by Crown land north filt\.'· APPLIA. • seven degrees eight minutrs DIAL 0 0 8i lIerrymeetin: cast seven thousand nine hun· ,3"

, USED CARS I DIAL: co dred and twenty feel. more cr less to the western boundary PARKDALE of a Free Simplc Mining Grant ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD. PHAR~BCl.

. to Great Gull Lake Copper FOR A CAR YOU CAN ElIUlbelh MI Company Limited and register· DEPEND ON CALL Dial 91l~ cd in Volume 1, Folio 167 in ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD ---the Registry of Free Simple "A Completr StOlt At Your Mllf{PHY'S ~!ining Grants and now record· DIAL 3015 DRUG stORE. .ed In thc name of Gull bridge : . _____ ._____ m Mllltla~ r .... ~!ines Limited; thence by the Dial 641& said' land south thirty·two de·' THOl\l PS01\'S grees filly· two minutes eas(' PJlARMAfY two thousand six hundred and 45 Quldi \'idl forty feet and thence north fifty·sel'en· degrees eight min·'

i utes east one thousand three:. I hundred and twcnly fce(;' thence by Crown land south' thirty·twu degree,. [ifl),·two , minutes east two thousand six i

I hun"drcd and forty fecl and' i th~ncc south fifty·scven degrees eight minutes west three thous· and nine hundred and sixty !ect more or less to the eastern boundary of a free Simple Min· ing Grant issued to the Great, Gull Lake Copper Comp~ny' Limited and registercd in Vol· ume I, Folio 150 in the Registry of Free Simple Mining Grarts and now recorded in the name of Gullbridge Mines Limited: thence by the said land north thirty·two degrees fifty·(wo minutes west two thousand six hundred and forty ffct and thcnce south fifty·seven degree,,; eight minule..'! west five lhous· and two hundred and eighty fel't

: more or less to the point ! of beginning; all bearings being re!erred to the true meridian.




Will Knock at Your 000' with Gifts ond Greetings

from Friendly Business Neighbours ond Your

Civic and Sociol 011 the occosion of:

New Carner to the Citi' The Birth of 0- Baby,

PHONE 94865, 6957 or 90943

FLEl\lI1'-!G'S PHAR~I.~O

lfi~ Pennywel' Dial 92~3j



Brashly bright hue' se~t in this fali's for late day and co:ors take on more brilliance, but a richness and,dcplh ' cI'cn the mosl I'i, ,0 hright I'c~-so mUlh I

standby that iI', ' 'of the 'ba~ics, ha; , fre~h~css and I'el'l 'c harsh. jllstead th~

: sort, misty or smok~'




I 23 19 21 18

17 25 26

N I) Monday,

gt No. 1


By , ',1



F 959




SITUA1 w. ha ..

SALI training

stria! SUPI and


N,o. 824,


.. -




, ~



. & IMPORT '0.

\ i:-lOn... '

., LJeep r , ': Ie fbnges .: I'olisheo' : "'uphunes' ... cess S)'stellll.


L'I'''':'' .. ;~,.:.

. ' :," ~"

.,',; ,., I . . . ,., . ..., .. , . • , , I,,'. :.1.:



No. 16

II\L~ .••• ·· .. -"-'!i ;i'., ~!r..

LOST-On Tuesday, Septem· . ber 8th botween 6 and 9 p.m. bctween Arnold's Cove and MQckinson's on the Hodge, water Line. A ladios blue suitcase. containing personal cHects. Finder please Phone 9O~49·H or call at 27 Pine Bud Avenuo. Reward i~ offered. .

Help Wanted-Women \ \ MAKE MO:>olEY at home as, ,

, sembling our iwns. Ex· I pcrience unneCCi~al'Y. Elko ~Hg. 515 N. Fairfax, Los



, \ \\) SEIl\ 1.l\\:S

ewspaper SERIES



DODGE ~ I _~~~~~~~s ~o. C:lif~ ______ !

~,.Ul to 30~

;;:R !>TREET






ry H~lIey 'veys ltd. 'HONE

H.T 'II AUt,.. . \Tilliam Strttl ,I ;~j(, aDd 6061

CL\I\KE TnpsaU RoM lI;al ~~ --\ '.i:\'

R",rt, IDd Waltl Dial JOZ6


[mOTHERS &. CO LTD. Walrr Str~1

, O,a' :1;58. t1!3

I, \ '( E L1~IITED ~rlr llIdg" P.O. 80S ': I Ourk.orlb SL 11'01 so:r.o or ~



'()'-,,,,"ORS LTD. U4 WATElI rr ..

Oill 2%0(


I!onrhy &: Emp1ft Dial 10078

-~ --_.---: ..... Wy·s

DRUG STOR! O~ Ducnrort~ f\I.

Obi !331


r or Mayor an' )I rrn'1lleetill ~ II'

D'I.U 7388

"OALE PH A IUIUCl. fliabetb Aye.

mal ,1i!(1


11 ~ 'IIl1Itilr1 R~ DIal 6W

. nlPsON'S PTlAKMAC1. ~.J

45 Qllidl Vldi II ...

,h h' bright o this [all's (A<~UoP ~ day and t3ke on more

'ore. but a ,." al1d,depth ,h,' m()';t vivid

.: rl.'d-SO- mllt'}\ I hat it's

r ba~ics, has 1<?-, and \'er\,e

. '1 ,15tead tile misty or ~

I 23 19 21 18

17 2S 26

N 43 34 38

G 49 58 55 47 48


o ,

63 75 74 64 66

Help Kiddies

NOTICE On Monday, September 14th. Atlantic

No. 1 I.O.O.F. will reoptn. All

are r.quested to attend.

By order of thl


WANTED Warehouse Clerk

Grade 10 Education. Apply:


reliminary . Notice .. .

undland Progressive ervative Association'


7.30 p.m.

US. Club Rooms, Queln's Road.


Michael Starr, Minist.r of Labour.

FOR SALE 1959 PLYMOUTH In perfect condition. Low millagl.·

Terms can bl arrangld t

PHONE 91476' aftlr 5 p.m.

SITUATION VACANT W. havi an op,nlnl for II

SALESCLER·K training in thl Mlchanical' and .

s'rial Supply Busintu. Grad. XI is and sPlcialty training will bi

prtf.renci. Rtflrenees requlrld.


No. 824, GENERAL .. OST 51'. JOHN'S


I ; '.Il

I .. , . I


'1 ItEP.\LRS 10 Ra~105. Toasters, I \1.\, Flnt lre,ns H •• ntcrs. Vacllum I,

i/illi Cleaner., etc. Prompt ,ervice

'I i


i[,J"1 with lu.\w prIC0S. Corner

\!t I Dinl ~~Ro·H allg71trth fHlI ~ l~lc~Il'lc Shop. 7 Henry S:. I SPECIALS " i

1956 METEOR 2 Door ... $975. ::I 1958 HUDSON SEDAN $1600 .•• -----------------.. ~.~ , ::j. 11 '-' 'I; l 1954 DO~~:y ST

E;: .:. $600. ROYAL GARAGE"; '~l!

-- I ------ --- --'---- ,

- I NEW MF.'IlJOIl RUG CI.EA"'· . I EH!!. RUjj' and Carpet mnde I

10 look Iiko nell' Von " ... nnd \\'hc:1 pre )'OU ~uin~ I! Schrader process adds years (~-to HDlOOEL n1l' l\it~llCn to life of rugs. Cleaned III like you Pl'olllised-i" home or at our plant.

'Phone 91033 New Method . Rug Cleanen. Freshwater i Hoad.

PHONE 2094 LTD. CAR LOT 92196 . , , " , ., lI'i.;c \I'.)fIlC~ !la,'c a!\I'al's wanted beltrr J\i~'I:el1' . ..\n~ loday il is ~nsy [u;· uny 110m· en to h81'c the Kltcl:en of her dream~. For fllil details on how to do it, call lIS todny.


---~ .----_ ... _------


Tuno Boat for Charter, experienced Wedge port






Second Game of Semi­Finals

6.30 p.m.




-------·------i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wall Washing I I

WALL WASHJ:,G - Wall. \ Pullets For Sale Statutory Notice WANTED ., - f.-

I cleaned by new mechl~~. I I Resu!h pertect saves paint 1 SPECIAL PRICE' In the matt~the will and: -New rrethod Rug and Wail i ;;I; mons. old Pullets at $2.40 ea. '1' p.state of f'rederlck J. Roll. I Cleaners. Freshwater Ro,d \ F.O.B. FLORENCEVILLE, N.B.. late of SI. John's In tht 'Phone 910,\" LA\,I~G - DISEASE FREE I Pro\'ince of Newfoundland,:

TO LET-Suite 4 offiles In Light Sussex or N.lI. x BR. . Real Eslate Agent. deceased. I I Cros£breds. I· ' Royal Bank dunding, West FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPME:--.IT I All persons claiming to br' End. Ideal for ,hipping Write. Wire or Phone 4620·F I creditors o[ or who hav~ all), firm or cuslorru broker. . H G CRANE claims or demands upon or Dial GQ312, John D. O'Dris· ., 'af[ecting the estate of Frederil'k coli. Real Estale Agent. 44 MOSROE ST" ST. JOHS'S : J. Hoil. ~Iale of Sl. John's afore·' jlyB.( If) or contact said. deceased. are hereby rt,· ---------'--- ld" quested to send pa, ticulars.

P.\RTlES Interested In hlSh or Dona S 'thereof in writing duly ,tlested low Paintin~ jobs done. \

I Please apply 14 Casey S:rcet 'P IF' to the undersigned Solicitors or Phone 4683.L. sepl.lm OU try a rm I [or the executors of the latc

_ ~_ _ _ __ _ E E CE' L" N B Will and Testamcnt of the saH! : rilE CIINTRAL BARBER AST FLOR N \ I Le.. " '. after which date the exccutor,;


SIIOP, We are now operat. sep8.lmth deceased, on or before the 20th. , Ing eIght chaIrs. You can be day of September A.D. 1059.'.

I a;sured ot the best possIble will proceed to distrihult the, service plus the least pOI. I said estate, having regard only Sible waiting, 24 New Gower . to the claims which they shall SI.. opp. Adelaide Motors. then have had notice.

Dated at SI. John's thi, 20th. '. .'OR SAU:-Strurtural Steel,

I Bram; D Beams; AnglMj Channels; P!Jte5; SbaftiDI ~tc" varlou. sizes" Nnd. S~lvage & Sale~ Co., Lt&, 11 Patrick Street; 'l'baH 1709. mar 19. Iypar


LIMITED (In LIquidation)

1 9 5 3


$5.00.00 ,


DIAL 80378.9

day of August A.D. 1959. i


Solicitor. for the Executors. aug24,3~,sep8, 14


SPRlNGD,\LE ST. (Near School)

Two Storey Dwelling. ~900.00.

LEMARCIlANT RD. (Near Grace Ho!pltal)

Ideal unattached Two Storey Dwelling.

SUDBURY ST. Two Storey Dwelling.

By Business Lady



Phone 93-785A '" ,1:.-



. . '





Will rent entire building or separate floors.



DIAL 2119


! '

. ,

'J I! , I'


I: I


'. ' '

" .1 .' ,

.. , I '. :1

., .1

, , I


I '

I 11 , I'

, ,

, '" j'l . I . 'I ,I I, : I, I

, '

. ,

I :1

.. I 'I

In the matter of an Indenture of Mortgage made between John Fral1~is Westall, Mort· gagor, and General Accept· ance Corporation, ~lortgagee.

All persons claIming to be creditors of or who have any claim, or demands upon or affecting Lawrcnee Brothers Limited (lnLlqulda\!on) are requested to send particulars of the same In wrltlng. duly attested. to the undersigned LiquIdator on or belore the 15th day of September, 19~9. after. which date the 8ald Liquidator will proceed to dis· trlbule the assets of the said company having regard only to lhe ~Ialms 01 which he shall then have had notice.


TAKE NOTICE that thc auc· tion advertised in the above matter 10 be held on Salurday. Sept. 12th. is herebY cancelled.

Dated At SI. John's this 13th day 01 August A.D. 1959


~~i .IOSEI'!1 JIITZGIIIBON, Auctioneer.


Liquidator. i

ADDHESS: co ... A .. Y ., .. " l "

Knight Phelan & Hawkins, .1 NOTICE This is 10 give notice thai

three weeks after date hereof I will make applica. tion to Boord of Liquor Control to sell Beers and Wines in a tavern ta be situate near Wareham on the Highroad to Trinity.

, Board ot Trade Building, lin and Around St. John'5 Water Street, St. John·s. C' Jap Reliable Electricity aug17,2Bsep10.1~ ____ -'-=~~~~~~~~==


Properties For Sale

Two· Storey House on Le· ~farchnnl flrlad. Has <ill modern cOI\\·cnicnccs. large back yarn • and dOllhlc garil;c. This I! your chance In get a good home. .'

Llrl! hOIl~e nn Circular R",d with n~ilutiflll grollnds, hAll bu!!dln~ lite on the back. Two StoreY House In Tessier Pllce In. lood atate of repair. Price mOlt reuonable.

Bunillow and conllderable lind on Thorburn Ro'd. There Ia.. lot of ,Dod .. Ieabl, tim· blr on the land. '

Bungalow and 20 aern of . land on Mount Scle Road. In

close proximity, to Oxen Pond. Three Storey House with

shop on Duckworth Street, In good bUBine.!8 Bcetlon.

Building Lolli on Topsail Road. Ilay Bulll. Road and Torbay Ro~d. • ,

Apply 10

. J. T. O'BRIEN Real Eslnte Asent

. '" Vllualor


. (Female) with knowledge of Typing. Write stCJting age and experience, if any,


PARKER & MONROE LTD. sep9,10(tc))


. Detached, with living room, dining room, b~ih·in kitchen, four bedrooms, modern bathroom, beu.­men! apartment. Oil furnoce heated. Drivewoy and double garage. Would also consider ex· change for bungalow. Centrally located. Apply



Superior dwelling, containing large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, bathroom, four bedrooms and utility rooms.' all furnace heated, freehold land, front and rare. gardens •.


'WILLIAMS & CUMMINGS 3M. lluckworth SI. Uial 333U

LAW. OFFICES, 333 DUCKWORTH STREET PHONE 2020, 5674 or 6972.

Two Storcy Oll'c:ling, allachcd.

USE\' ST. (l'iear l.e~larchal11 Rd.1 TlI'o Storey Dwelling.

IIEl'inY ST. (Opposite Thr~trr I

Thrce Storey Llwelli"il and Shop. S~500.

PINf: BUD AVE. Two Storey Dwelltng.

LEMARCHANT RII. Four Storey Dwelling.


Modern Two Slorey Home.

LE~IARCHANT Ril. (Near St. Clare's

Ho~pital) Three Storey Dwelling.

CABOT ST. (West)

Unattached Two Store" Dwelling. '

IlUNGALOWS Elizabeth Ave., Grcn[rll Ave .• Park Al'e .. Water· ford Heights. Edinburgh Drive. Carson Ave.

co~mER('lAl, Lot lI'ilh Buildilll;. cor­ner Blackmarsh Rd. and Ca.shin Are .

'fOPSAIL no,\" Ch.leau. Fully EqUIp ped Rcst~uranl.

C.\BlNS \\'r. havc Three C;.bill5 left For Sale at Three

'Island Pond.

LAND l,'ark Ave., Winston Ave .. 'I'horburn Rd., Topsail . Pond, Blackmarsh Rd.

Are you .Interested In selIln~ your Home prlv· ately.'wlthout any bothpt If so contact us.

SNOW'S Real' Estate

161 CASEY ST. DIAL 52:;0


REGISTRATION 1959-1960'-:' Registration for first year students will begir. on Monday" 14th September, with on Assembly al" noon in Pitts Memorial Hall at which regi~tration . procedures and other activities will be outlined. : All first year students must attend. Registration for all students other than first year ,.­will take place on Friday, 18th September be- '. ginning at 9 a.m. in the Merrymeeting Building;' of the University, All such students should presen;:,. themselves at the University before that dote te> . consult departments as necessary on their course~:: for the academic year, and to familiarize them-·' . selves with the time table for registration In the;' several faculties.

BUT my

obsolutely ~o soon after




dear, you Wonderful

look and

1'-------_... ---I'm all and all

fixed PAID

thanks to . . . .

up up



.1 ;



, .

"4nriN' 1 ,~'~n

~~ ... :

.' . "

. " I , .1

, I

.. ·1 .1


, ,



I' I I , \




" I




, ; {

i; , I





Cotton· Blankets,' . . , .'

; Qnd:Blue Borders, Qssorted ~o~ $2.48 each to

• .:$3.98 each.

, , .

" r~,Cotton. Blankets 'Colours' Grey and Heather.

,Sl~. .48 x 72 ..... ; ..... 97 lach "., "

"}1~', 58.x 72 .. ,·$1.49 each ,.,., " .

Size 52 x 72 part wool, $3.69 each,

"Car Rugs Port Wool, Plaid Design. excep­

tional va we. Only $3.98 ea.

Bed Comforters Paisley covar, wool filling, .

Special .. , .. N ....... $5.95 each

Satin covered, two-tone, wool filled

Special .. ,: ... , ....... $7.95 each


Retail Department - 319 WATER STREET Your Gateway to Economy


, I made where necessary. I

It was decided that a final I warning will be issucd and from then on all those no~ placirig their garbage in the proper containers will be fined.



DEMOLITION PermIssion w~s gran,ted to \

take down a house on 3335 Barter's Hi! which does nol

J THB i STEI\USlllPS LTD, / , M.V, London loading ~

~~ ROOK ;,!~ntrenl Sept. a·9th, for Bot wood and St. John's.

M.'V. Perth loading at TDronto .

\ have sewer facilities and is in

, a dangerous condition.

Sept. 9th, Hamilton Sept. 10th.: THE GREAT IMPOSTER and Montreal Sept. 14th. for The Amazing Careers of' Botwood and st. .Tohn's. i

\ Press .. Radio S.S. Gowrie leading at Tor·',

F. W. Demara- onto Sept. 17th, Hamilton I Robert Crichton $3,95 Sept. 18th, and Montreal'


I Tour Labrador NO ROOM IN iHE ARK Sept. 21st for Botwood and

AI M h d 5 00 St. John's. an oore ea. M.V. Dundee loading at

A whirlwind tour of the operations of the Iron Ore Com· pany of Canada in northern and

ETHIOPrAN ADVENTURE Hamilton Sept. 26th, Toronto Sept. 2Bth., and Montreal Oct. 1st., for Botwood and St. John's.

\ western Labrador has been made by a party which Included I I senior press and radio rcpre· ,scntatives and other guests of 1 the company.

Taking off from Torbay in a aircraft, the group was flown first to Schcffervi1le, the town· site of the operatio~s in the ncighbourhood of Knob Lake, The route gave an opportunity to see the Twin Falls of the Unknown RiveI' and the mighty Hamilton Falls.

Herbert Ritt/inger 4.25 THERE SHALL BE WINGS

Leslie Roberts .... 5.00 WORTH LIVING FOR ....

Eva Bartok ........ 2.75 AfRICAN FOlLIES

Constance Tomkinson ........ 3.00

BEST BEST OF GREGORY CLARK ... Craig Ballantyne 3,50' FOK 2c PLAIN

Harry Golden .... 4.75 Conducted by Claude Howse, THE ALTERNATE CASE

company representative in New· Joseph F. Dinneen 4.25


I :ItS. Belle Isle II en route from Halifax, due 5t. John's September 11th.

M.S. Bedford II saillng from Halifax September 14th, due St. John's September 16th.

M.S. Belle Isle II sailing from Montreal September 17th, due St. John's Septem' ber 21st.

M,S. Fauveltee sailing from Halifax Septemper 18th" due St. John's September 20th.

foundland, and J. Despres, Director of Industrial Relations, REFLECTIONS CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. the visitors were taken on a R. A. Parsons .... 3.00 o:\'ovaport leaving St. John's tour of the mines on hoth sides, THE SHOOTER'S BIBLE" Sept. 11th. of the LalJrador.Quebec border I 1 ·Gulfport leaving ~iontreal and the whole proce,s of min. 960 EDITION .... " 3.00 Sept. 9, arrive St. John's Sept. inc operations was explained. • ~ d 14, leaving Sept. 16. The), visIted also \!\e repair Di(!(S & CO. Lt IIigilliner leaving Montreal shops, the cafeteria and the reo k ,. Sept. 16th; arriving st. John's creation centre and were sholi'n Th B k lie Sept. 21st.,; leaving st. John's e 00 se rs Sept. 23rd, (Bay Roberts).

~ouncil Notes this saying that there was al· readY n heavy congestion of traffic at the traffic lights :It the head of Lone's Hill and with the parking meters the matter would get worse. Ra·

a film of the history o[ the Iron Novaport leaving Montreal Ore Company's project from the, Spin 442'; or 2008 3191 Sept. 23rd; arriving st. John's start of railway constructIOn to I or Sept: 28th; leaving St. John's the commencement of mining Sept. 30th. operations. I t!! i 11111 ~ =- ~ r 4\ Gulfpol't Iea~l~g Montre~l

o th f 11 I . /, "'): "'?' \\ . \ Sept. 30th; arrIVing St. John s n e 0 ow ng morning ~ (J~ '~l(i~ij':V >- :v,'~ Oetobr.r 5th' leaving St. John's

they fiew to Carol Lake where )' < ';\'11' - '0ct 7th ' • lAD WATIR

ytsterday's meeting of .k--.;;L Coun~il actina Cit)'

thing else, ther than parking meters It The period of the growth of should .be a no parking zone

this p,ant life last till about and parking space be provld· the middle of September and ed on Carter's Hill.

vast depo:its of iron Will soon ,,~. <" .... ~ . . be exploited. Under the '6uid. ~ • Refrtgeration. anee of Dr. ~IOSl and his st~[[, '1 / rJ', ~ r::i /1[1'1 GULF AND 1'\ORTHERN





"lllIn'eer Duncan Sh3rpe el(' _tned why the nausutlng ..... ithln the next week or 80 GARBAGE CONTAINERS

the water should be back to Pictures have been taken the st. John's group \\"~ take~ "..~tJV ~.:::~ G:JI ~\.t\J SHIPPING CU" LTD.

, \

IDd smell is been ex· rii1'1 .. n~ .. rl from the Petty Har·

Pond water reser·

Its normal taste, by the Sanitary Inspectors of The subject of sewerage persons who are not using

running into Rennies's River mc~l contnlners to phr.c the hot summer was brought up but Mr. their garbage In. It was Ir~rn

""'1\lh. the water is lowered Sharpe said that the only ed that about seventy' perrPlll source and tlle tern· sewerage running Into Ren· of the householders are u~ll\g

nlorAhll'" of the water rises nie's River is surface water the metal garbage cans. In .clwlrl!!: the pl~nt life to Crew. from the strtcts and not from future persons falling to com·

bacteria Is nat harmful homes, ply with this by·law will be

to see the m2In o;·c lJodlb ~n~ I.' ,..'~ ,~., , \ .~ N ,.

Ihe pilot plr:lt in , . .,hid: expert· I ~c,~. \\ r er."us leal l~~ . C~arlotle \ C f d . llIents with various bcnefication 1 ~' \\ .' 1 town Sept. 11, adHC "cpt. 14, on e ,era~ion

d .• 11\ I ,:"" I \' leave St. John's Sept. H. processes are lJelng con ucteu, t;"C-:: (" ".;6 \ \ o~ i' Ch 1 tt B . .. .. ,. ~ ergus caving ar I) e· ild· A railway IS under constructl?n 1 Love ot first sight saves 0 :ut towll Sept. 1Bth; arriving St. II lng betwec,n . Carol Lake and tne of time and mOlley. ."., John's Sept. 21st; leaving Sl Quebec. ,,",orth Shore and Labra· John's Sept. 21st. dor Railway. "Fergus leaving Charlotte

(Continued fi'om P~ge 3)

I. Department of Heaith PARKING MITERS prosecuted with fines amount· This new project invoives a TV th~ re~e",olr dal:y, Councilor Henley brought In!!: to as high as $200.00, capital outlay of $150 million I R P ~nm,nHI this the City is In. up the matter of parking me· Sanitary Inspeeto'rs made and is' scheduled for produftion E AIRS

town Sept. 25th, :lrriving St. John's Sept. 28th, leaving St John's Sept. 28th.

job will be the beacon Ji~ht. At prescnt there is a temporary cne to warn aircr:ft. This' will be 230 feEt f,'om the ground. It is expected that thc building will be ready before July 1st, the target date. Four elevators are being installed

, : I ..

I <:1'I:1II1rlll the amount of chlol' lers on LeMarchant Road ncar calls at each of the house· in 1962. It will have an output

In water anc! It tastes the business section. council· holders not conforming to thr of about six million tons of =htingale responded to regulation and seconds were i beneficiated ore having a'n iron


<Fergus leaving Charlottete· town Oct. 2nd., due st. John's Oct. 5th., leaving St. John's Oct. 5th.

, \


i: i '1






," " I


" :1' " :11 , ~ t

\': I' '. i

11 ," J; , , , .


, 1: I

, 1 ,

content of about 65 pel cent. This Is the initial programme.

'. PHONf.7313 At the Knob La~e an.d. allied .

BIG and·~BEAtJnrUl.~ . LONG ~nd LUXURIOUS , -

~Iy ....... rH,1Ir uphollwRd 1ft lowly 'alorla 10 be '" """doot,1!y , ... f"",,010 .. It 1 .... 1 A

..,,, be~oId .. d.1aY 10 poat>L No Il1vtlr01;,. .... " judct 10 ,,", fu",,_. 00 """' I .... tllolII

..,. " we ~ f .. )'OIII'OIf.



operations, production t,HS YCcr E It· , will lJe about 12 milliun tons.' ec ron5C

Centre Ltd. This is un:rcated o;e with an Iron content in excess of 50 per cent. When shipping begins In 90 CAMPBELl AVE. 1962 at Carol Lake, the bene· ficated ore from that operation After hours 'PHONE 6401 A will be blended at Seven Islands with the untreated are from Knob Lake to produce a high quality ore of more than GO per cent iron content.

Members of the party were \ Dr. Raymond Gushue, Anthony Ayre, M.F, Harrington, A.B. \ Perlin, Don Jamieson, W. But· ler, J. Watts, J. Gushue and G. Perlin.

Again N'

• Refrigeration.


by T'Jrnbull Elevator Co., one v will be for private use.

M,V. Blue Peter loadinll Those invoi\'Cd in this mag· Gloucester Sept. 4th. nificent structure - Arch!·

!'vI.V. Blue Cloud !onding teels: Paine, Lawscn, Betts Gloucester Sept. 9·10th, and Cash; general contraclc~s, FURNESS RED CROSS LINE ROSS.~t2Jgher. Ottawa; strue· Manchester Pioneer leaving tural con~ractors, Newfound·

New York September 11, Saint land ~nglneerlng and CC!l·. John, N.B. Sept. 14, Halifax \ structlOn Co~pany; ~t?cl can· S t 17 f C B k

tractor, Dommlon ErlUge; me· ep . or orner roo, ar· 1 . Itt C '1 .. S J h' S c lamea con rzc or, ,anna an

~lVlng t. a II s cpt. .23, leJv, Comstock; consultants, Wr,it· mg Sept. 25 for Halifax and ney·H3nson; project, Hanson· I

New York, Hanson' cement Concrete I :llar.chester Pioneer leaVin\l1 Prcducts Ltd.' I

New York October 2, Saint The building so far Is a {inc 1 , , John, N.B, Oct. 5, Halifax Oct. tribute to the skill and cra[ts·: "Religion, like a \;;'1;

8, arriving St. John's October manship of all phases ,01 the ~ ~ound pretty sour in t" 11, leaving Oct. 14 for Corner construction Industry who' of the fellow who h<lnl Brook. have shared In its erection. ticed. it."


MacCORMAC'S Dial 5181 . 2 - 3



Mr. and :llrs. James R. Dillon announces the enagement of there daughter Geraldine to I A/2C .James C, reslcy, son of, Mr. and Mrs. F, G. Presley, Knoxville, Tenncssee, U.S .A,

YOU DIAL 93018

Ii GO.ld en Glow" . California Evap •. Apricots "

25'1 . " .


·1 ... - ' \

> J' ; :,'.'," r·'·'.:.M··>·.J'·,,;:;W·~' 'f ,"'N'~; T~" E' rR~" ': L'td' . " " . ' .\. I,' .' ", .' .

, I,' • • , I' I! '. • I

'. .._' . l '.', , , ' . . • :,' .,~.,.,.' .... '. ,,',:., ' .. 1-") .. - , , •

~III:.·A: 'MER(:HANlS," '." . ·,ST:.'J:OHNS" NEWF,QUNDLAND , ~ ~' , '_'" j ( •• , ~ '10,.. I)' 1, '":'(. - ;1,. I", .• -' • " 1 •.

. / ~"." "

. . , ~. / .

:, ... , ,


• ',r',

. ,.;'


N' Again

Ladies' High Heel

'Pumps ALL AT







A. G. BARNES Ltd.' ------------------~-----





(Open doily. except .Sundays, till I" a.m.) .

40 similar homes are. presently under construction

HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF Ti-lE MANY FEATUR~S: • Bedrooms with • Upp-toldate Bathroom. • Easy 'access to

spacious closets. (Special quality ground floor. • Full size con~rete fixtures Basement. • Johns Manville • Plumbing finished

Roofing and Insulation,' upstairs. • ModRrn Liying and • Hot air Oil Furna~e· .

D}nlng rooms. unit with capacity to • ConnectIons for • Youngstown Kitchen heat both floors ground floor Bathr


. . '. and many other IIuly outstanding constru:lion topics.


l.d·C.,rs , ... ·Now

1 .'

existed bel ween Delhi. in India and in

leadership is likely into believing that . and ambitlous Chou realty surprised. The

would. make su

eGi For

Sau .. '


,Du id