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j ^ t i s t J ^ f c ^ H o u » e ,

M « M a t a t t ^ T e a * amtwwl «ar thuytHf nautaaUoa U M Ui«

« u 4 itaiitfaarSSti UiSnaara m I i » y w b i S r 5 h d _ « iicbUttatn'pi^

"^•iMniMirr'VMtlM Alio.

•MMlMiMlitmUd A In Ui*deiu«an*> Ml jMMae*, UHlnUi* M m i K t r i a In WMUlBf . —^JKlalM w w e h mMnQD* iMgtit to Um woM Of uod,

vruttiuv* prMUM inwid b« • • ^Mauwvw MMVMW WVUH* W

tiMtUi ^ iiM M n - M n i toter tb* I i$W«Ui « iiM M n - M M toter tb*

M M l M l a U w iuuMla ol •w/y ItepU]^ • r y a r u t o n y . prioe.ite.

J ^ D H A K K U a U m J K U w r * . In mia work IheauLhor dU-

^ apcMioUe u d pimutlT* eiiur«b«>, aad <••>0—iwm WBM taM bMD tu« g«ll«M •piillIII oi th* caawbwi ot Cnrut in lOi mb-ia^UiAoaari lii<ttin»iton,>a< w moomplttu MMl wuuMnrmlatoTlBdloaUanof U U


Mpaatsiljr. —Ily (.lolti ISB

(tbto teel Mn bo tiron^aM inrour bmtli-

^ U u a btaldw M«nil Imlsx w ant liitMi la fxct we mi

• S S i S f ^ , * n ^ i o m m i I zSCWSfVP^' A Wiiiifmtton on jJoiawi lafa:bir T . O . J o b * ^ 1».jj. Prtce. In ototb.TS » " « * o« B«i>uiiiMt t t .

•ud iiuninu GU

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r j ^ f p * H i t r r o K Y . uid. Vol. I. t , . . l l . i « • bltioryof Ui« i lii- - By u. a . «t feniUMid. Vol. J. ta a hlitoiy tu

In K. ammgaa. V«1

ISfSL.. tUrmm

_ _ B t w good LMidinukw abouid l O g l V t U U l a ' UigMl poalble «lrcol** PrlMMeu. A»r •SUNK • — « « . ! • • • • . Mi f i w l a a 'ftili ia « T»taaW*Utti« work, mad turn omo bicuMd Itt lb* «aa««nMoa oi « crMt maiur to %tie rnvfOm wad »urw»iui»a»d moiauidMUt

IW a u w pnf«.600 e W I H U t M A J T O A J U iiy J . M. Fsndialun A A . Tlilalnaomanq>MitUUi«irei7bwto( • U t k a M a y w u r k a o D tiu •iil4*ot, and Ui* — d l T U l o n ot otnKum Into PenMnaJ w m l to fhr praAmbl* to Umi t u ^ i aad PabUe, wXam Uiom utnas a n — PnM,iaetoUi.iOeta.

tntumm •t I m r M M q r . ajr Sdwazd . . A n l d a l o U s « d o M r U i * « o d BaytM aburebaf. W f K o a W ^ • i ^ l l b l M « t « a M M L - B y Kdwant T . MmgCtlkD. maobi«e(of UUavork la to ^ ^ . tmrnrn. '«idanaad bat ovmpTabaaalva IntaofdUtaMnoa wbJeta dla-J d o a oUtardaaoinlBaUoBa,

. . tha boat armmantc. In ibe . t w m a M d In liw auaZ toetd atyla. ibr e«lw> wUb to kJMMT, and liKMe who wiab M H l o w n n n .

T K B T a u . K a a A a j B A T i i B V mmm w r T a a a j i a o a a s i a * , j . m r a i l l M d a f t U i of tt«UU«iUB«f Padabap. - Uonao/tbJS Oonfaraueaa. _ _ ar,la.«Aratba vt tba B o m a U M o l t « cbareb

mraAttMdaaUiof tt«UU«iUBat f>ad« G i i v i I I aliin than bv UMMUonaof i •wa Ueeam AMambUMi and Oonfarai n c t H p t t m UM7«a>uuttkii*war,la,**Ar tte B o m a U M o i t «

i n a w a r a h of UCurMt and tbat th«y a n bar-•tt.saeaeaUeeuileii widliavliii aaoaHMad

Bay BitlUiy u a u owB i « p t u « . rordlwuaeaa eama onm Homa, jUMUa Ubwab to Uia AdaltwoM _ Bartfatloiui, than Jpraiaataat .MM^fBd'aUU ara bm 'bartoi • nrn^.WMkaiMUraTaraaiuaa UM ft Of AUaa launanuuu and Cloaa ana la Hail la bMorteal mauar

•loaaan , , tij^;*,; frioabTmall,•Bet*

C g a l igtatara. Prtaa to a l ^ w ^ t i ^ r. a . Manin.

i t U . u m t u j M u n r m . By J a : P . fSnMtad by law .-bat cbannlng atoiy . .

M a t B M ^ ^ and lorolbly tha dooMtnM Wklak mi^ma boid and laaeb: an?*biia ttw book lo plaea la tba kandaofUaa

.n(|l«u<l. Both ctiroii.iloKioiiUjr il.l. pp.»a; Vol. II. pi^S*. I'rice, tu oloJti, »*oi». n m . Manual lkM<><>(iMiioa. as n. B. tur •ntbor of Test-book ou Canuviwlilimi. a ttand b M k at fiavuat bUlory. Tlila w»rk l» a vatoabla oouUibnUon to Martini tnerwure, balM a ooUootloD t>t tiltUwloai Qwta, with eoplooa labia of eonunta aotl «id»-Dotea. IMHPM. »l JK). ^ K M k O M A K t t X U e t « r , Marataa a r r a l i h . Uy a . c. ii-laatiatMl. Tba aQb}«ol of bapUam la tbor dlwDisMl t« a popular auaattraetiTe Vol. I.. p. m ta^jiujUy boniid.

T M ^ t K W I A KKWian-i T«>n » » « t a a rloo, ta oioUi, ftiiQ.

w MTV* (lUCMt in wa IMVV •naiWl ]U expADM IDjtraiiarlDc tbu » « w Bdittoa, and wi can BOW otter jroo 161a book with prtrte. Not wiyutaaiHo* ibto afla'tJonai asiioMa. w« have nK'ui-tHl ihB prtoe »o iNim a t i/pik hf mail, pa>t|)iua, PCI i!o»au, )•> tnitll, pj«t|>aiii' rwrUuai>ri, by vxpitaa, pureliate pity-IIK C'Vlxa. SO Tiiut luakTuit II tb« Cb«apeat aa welUa U)«> U«iit aua IUca«>miwt t wlm and Tana Uobk la Ui« maraatk

f a i t MK1* a A r T i H T i n i A L a u r r - . w I M ^ a t a«a«". Wa hara ai*, mluoeU ttaa prMM'ul liUlio'-k U> ^tuf'a > opt. t>> la.ill, puatpatii, | tu iVr iloa«ii by tua)l, pualpaid, o qq I'tr iloKBu Uy ftiii im, pnrchaar* itayliij; otinnca, t 60 'I hla Uh<Ii contain* tbe naoi bjrnui au lo tha New lupuat PMlniMawl Tuiva liauk. Hand for it Hpitcliuun Oomv.

KTrrKr*vai (lyBtaa. New vdliloii (wonla onl>). A ctillociion o( iw ot ilie beat ami awe«tMit «( our "olil-tlma" Uymua. Ttala work haa l>r«u Rompiled to meet a wautluoB !«iU i!> Kur e^uniry ehurohw anil tha pr«>er anit aoalal mnatlDga of the cbtiroliM in olUea ana n>wua, for a aiual! attU ehaapbymn book •oonulntnn tu* livat anprovad and tnoai popn . lar l)ynni«. liolh old and now. frla^ per copi , lu n«xti>l« cloth , 15c.; per doieu . l u flc»tbl» cloth . II M. uo»eu, lu

'• Wk. in »>lolh, li i*> — a « * r « k ttr th" t%ur4>t>. V. C. Uaytou. Vol.

BayUal H l c ! « r y , — By J U Cramp, 1> V. A eoo>|det« blatoiy itoni the fuaudaliun of tbe ChrUUau ehnrrU ta thecioaeof in« •lahteeiillj ceatary. »i.ts T a e liapJlKi*. «y T U Jouca, I> 1). Belua a eomplatefaiator}- of their ortiiit), ronUiinlty, polity. poaiUou.and Influ-ence f-rl<» Wets. T H K UKK^IM o r B A t n r M T K , K f M . r a r d , I . L . a . - ' Y Q a ooKht to b* {hmlllv with tba UUtory ol yoar own denomination, at laaat the outline uf It. Yon have uo tltae to read a large boo^. In thla Itttla book ol lt« pacta yon have i all Ic a nut-ahcU. The Mtlior eoma>«oe«a and tracM back the Kip-a ifi t l f t wi flaiinMa dta .... *

ID < ( J Kft«

Wt v.. ... \ U MM V. V. tiat denomination froin tbe preaent oeotnfy to daya of the ApotUea. i f wUI ataaw yon mat Bapttms did not onginate wlt^ K ^ r • amy BBBM «%Ma acw* w J « % w a v r WtUlamiL nor in Kngland, nor with the mad men ol Mnn«i«r, aa our euenUea eharxe, bnl ara older than the Prot«al&nta or the OatboUoa.aadarelD bet the only reliclooa community that baaaloodtineetheap<mle«. and ia tbeouly l.%Qroh deaervlug tobecalled Tba Cbnrch of Cbrtat. Thla U a naw a ^ graatty anlatxad edlUou. i>rlc« tio eta.

P O L K M I C A L . T B B « a A V K H . n m E t . K K O K M A T K . -Tbla 1« Uie at>leal and uioat laarued dlacua-aloa of tbe aga. Nu anch valuable liook un tba dcnontutational dllTereiiotw beiweno Baptlaia and Methndlata baa over t>»*ii nr». •anted to the American pntjilc. UM pwm mated ou flue paper, l^lce. in aheep, library Tlia aaya^aea* »«baia4-uu tampbaii-uaa- Prlc*-. IIA)

Rapliam. ThU U one of the ablaat worka on tbe anbleei exuut. No minlatar can well alTord lo oe withoat It Octavo of ever SOU pagea. I'tlce, 13,ou. C A a r s i X L i N a e x p ^ w E n . WUUama. O.U. Una of the ablMl wor produced la refutation ot the p«rntoi»ua rlawa bald and uujjibt by the »o-«aliwi

Uy A. i'. >rk» ovier

Cbrlatlan ehnrcii. I^eo'ln clothr»l.flO? T H B l a n O B L m D A r U H T K R . Thia by tbe prince of Wrltem, Dr. A. C. Daytoik la one tJiat avery family ahould bava. i u atyto la eharinliig. t8l

Prioe, Id ^ i h . g l . W .

P K K A V I I K K I t ' U K I . P N r B A D I . K T O N ' S N J R K a O N I I . innyauort Hermona ou lm|>ortant aubleota. by J . tt Pendlat/>n. Thla ia an Invaluable work.

tVlee, in eloth, U.oe. Np«rK«on'a M«m(oai»—10 voii. Prloa, pw vol. IIJSO. Pnlpit 1Iien<r«. Cnnipr atDf;ouiiine* of ff.iiiijM. In wbli h It apix-jsiUfi tbe art oi preariilng |iri.Ftlral')' d«veIoi>ed. 616 uasa*.

Cutb IJi-0 Uelpa lo the Pnlplt. »y Ihe author of I'nlplt Theme I am. floih Two Toluinea inuue JNMl T a e P u lpli C yclopedia And Hiaialera ainpniilAtt (uiitaltituK (K»j hkctohpa anil ..4i!lu>u( of »>ri»oiii>, au(; n ««Mya on Itlbllcal l.<«mti>jt, theological itudlea, anil tli» ooniwi-•JIloo aud dcli«ery of •eriuoui. We haretold quite a number orthoae lo our eoloreil mini*-ter». a'd thev ajx«» very highly i f theoi. «U page*, ti.90

«er»BB. nana for Bermoua by W W. Wyihe. Umo, tinted paper. Price, li (^oth, »IA). Thla la not n boak of akelelor aermona for laay young mlnlatem, bni a book oalculatec to aid in 'he prepantlon ol aW' m<»n»- Price 11.80. PiMtor'a H a n d B * « k . tjomprUlngaeler-tiona of bcrlplurea arranRcd for varlotu oces-i.ionB of omclal a«ty together with aelect fortiiQlaK for marriage, etc., and mlea of «.ri(i<i for iiiarrlatce)!, ftc., and raira of order fur chiirchea, ^relMlaatlcal nod other aaMmbllea. by A' W. Ktt-rU Price.!' 00. Hewellwn the Reiuvouablp. The l)eti' coitabip: iu Nature, (^uaimcatlona, Itelatlona «H!) Uiiiin. Tbe iixwi oomplpte and rompre-fn.-lve tr.«ll»o t'ltant upon this «uhle<'.t. By II. ' . ('. liowa^l, U II. Ismo.. pp. Clolli, 40 rts. Tha Paatwr. By Rev H Harrey, I) V. A Uxik every Baptut preacher, who dealrea to know how to tie a good and naefnl paator, ationlil have. It ta ao cheap every one can b'Ay It. Price. 90 t u . Tbe Aauotated Parnwrapb ilibla.— PubllahMl by the ixiQctnu TractHoelety. Tula I la the heat aid to Bible atndy yet pabllaiied. llanotea are brief and mil enough, without

^ T H B Utilaa

thair ehurohea p i w w o T o S m p S ^ t it. avary p a r t i q o l a r . ^ b a W a d l M U ^ w S : " Blbllenl Thlnca h m

leitm. It la b. l*f, but earn • aw VI fWl, MU aaaw to a right nndanrtMMlijj, art and which have navar bafttra bean W i tZO .' Ui^pubUa In . n a h ^ t l ^ a ^ i S ^ ' t e

T h ; P H r a t , l b « Wwniaa Mid

eyeiy paaaaga of tdcriplnra In tha ItlnJiS edltlona: togethar with four thoiuJaad queS-tlona ami aiiawera on tha Old a B d M M r ° ° 2 tamanta. wiUU a |*t|er maaa of Hiirlptnral Information for Blbla Teachara and Mndenti that, ever befora bound In ona vSlnme making a handaoma aapar'iroyal Ivo oi over 700 m e . . Id Cloth,Wfc VHBUHMB'a l i m r r D a m . aHhi«it.. MUalon of tba YouSV hSu M o u K h ^ Bphere and UlMloit oj Womaii: T b i ofM'iaonry. <« nagea, 35 oU. Hend tor cataloana.

BAPTlM-r B O O H HOVMII, Meiunltla. TeKt. .

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radalaaipt'iat mna

•"^-'l.aiubig lortb U - -pUMfltlUiaad I


^ — Cluapbelllie Itn-•aaj^ata. A. C. Dayton. Thia la a review Of tba a m m e n u of Dra. Waller, Kniler book) and aboald tie genera ly read. In

M V I K I H A J . AMI» B J ( » J m i l A I . . T i S B B I B L B iHMTntI N B o r T H R a i O-B i i B L i r i L A H D B X i H M m o ] * o r

Yoa wast to lorm a i:«crlpturai IdM of your atataafiM death aad boftwe tho r ^ BTTMUon. Yon want to protaet your family O f «pirtu naibrta. Oet thla book, read it, and aet all

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wltbont taU. Price by mall, 7S ota.

aiaa f tba tha com-- - . J praouca ^ w T i i i d S ' J S S ? ^

k V ^ ^ a a t h ^ t ^ I ^ ^ B a p t M a . U i e l o t i i « « t Z

'< U r t M K BOOHM. W A i d B i i r r A H » T O B B Bf»«W.^Tb«re duratd lie a Mapttrt Hymn andTnna Book In every familyTTlila I •a«bolecaete«tion of U i e v a J J l ^ o f flySl»; l ^ t a M i b arand dootrina, ai>d a a^eotlra ot

2 » S i M o ^ y a t _ m a d a j auil the mnai^i

a<>UHK P O B O V B ('III1.0KKJN. Tbe Miory af iba Blbl<w-Krom UanaaU u> iievelation. lokl tn Himpla Ijaogtiage tOr the Young. By Obaa Puater. It haa been tbe endeavor of toe antbor, lu preparing tbli wark, to uae euch tlmpla'languaae and forma o(«xpr*<itou««',»bi!9 not aadlnlfled nor dlapletuliiK In more cultured mlndalahall be intelligible to ctilldrau and unedumtad adult*, without further szplitnation.

Prloa.|.100| riratHtepa far U t i l e Vrtit l a Cl*ap«l Patba. A new bonk by tbe autlior of the i -Htoty of the lllble," and "The Htory «t tba Uoapel." Thla book has been prepared with great c»re for the inatrnctlon of the little uaea In the Nnraeiy, tue Infant School and the Kindergarten. Itlaarrangei nponadlOitr* eut plan from either of the author'a preceding werka. instead of lietng divldetl into ehap-tera or leaaona. It nanaUta ol aepariMA poMagea. moat of them <ittlte abort, ajid e a ^ oompTeto In i'a^lf. Kollnwing each paaMfte am printed [ iincatluiia, au ainiple in their oonitnictlon that I the little hearer, if attentive when |hapM-i BaKe la road, can pkatlT anawor th««i . ' lly tile I klndneaa ot aeveral ladlea, teacher* of kiu* I dpnt"rtena. the aiithor waa pemiitted, while preparing hla liook, to read portion* al it to their elaaaea. Tha pnpil* aaoraod intereatad, iiateued attentively, aud anawer^ thequw-tioua with apirlt and apparent pleaaitra to themaelvea. nBpp., IDmo., with colored Iiliwt-lapitca and 140 iirnatraUona. Price, tOata. . T b a (tiory ar tha «a|>«il. In tbit book tbeatory of our Savlour'alife la given Into •Inilpleafomi that it may be r«ad and nudet. atJWl nw «A«ttt0 rkAManata aath^M


Tone, T f l J c f i j W o j t o * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Durability. Nos. ao4 and ao6 W M t B ^ t h n ^ ' s t r a o t , Bahlnioro. N o . i i a Fifth Avannt, N . Y .

kvill M

kvlll HI .\lx » nlf

h Oiticura POSITIVE C U R E

for every form of SUINaad B I . O O D '


nipiw w scRofuu,

atiwd by very young pcraona, aud otbam who ate not aklllful raadera. " - ' — -tbeteolaaeaa It ia divldMi into aho. liM been b«Mtowad printed in targe tym and

- r J " paragraphi. Ureal oara liM been berlowea at>«n tba ieleoV.on and ex> jmdon of the wood •ittgraTihga.ovar B U m taving^aapont in thAr praparaUon. M» — . . . .

X'tUZKMA, ur Salt MhMim, »llli ll« aRoultlnir ItchlnR AU MMl burnliiir, Ifiiumly rnlt lvnl l,y • warm Iwlli — — ? ! " • " "I'l'lfcatloB of Ctm-Kpr the betieflt of I "k"* Oure. V "V'i'MlllaHy.wHh twoorthrMawMofCuU-I Ml" ««»l»<mt, the Wl* IIUkmI IHrin»r, tu kwii' the

a l B O B i X A M B O V B . n i B ( ' H M W H A B V P A U U T a T . By BbauMar Tawplat f ^ U t a f t i a abort a^ataani(y iUa on aoma U k t o f ^ p ^ iuthayaar. Ttaata a«« itataa •ikly^ataahtin aaraMwa la m

Mira l ^ l » ™ t , t h e I IUkm I l n r i n » r , t u k w n ' t h e

Wa«t C i K i l , Um p e n p l r a t l a n p t i r a aiid m i l r r i u t l n g , t b a

1 " " k l a i i e y * a c l l v n , w i l l f p t w d l .

• t t r l t i u , H c a l l M e a d , l ) « m l r u i r , a n d « v « r y i i p « l M i « f

- • ' • • • f t l n a m i lynlclum .I??'!!!!!'*'!'"?.' JMce,CuUo ra.M0U: Boap, M ' Ijatwifef " j i J ^ t C y " '

J f i lSSfb^ kat•gan^^ aiUi .._^tralDi and WaaluiM* iuttanlly ihe„^Uiittra Antid'ahi I'laatar. KaW

0 1 ( 1 h r n i . v V o l . X I

Kntwwl at the IViat Office of .demphla, Tena., a« Re0<.>i>d ClaaiTMatter,

r t(

Our Pulpit.

C O N F l O ^ i S J O N n . v i /j . s . - a . V A n O N . IIT KNW!II WISIir.a, W INCIl«81Klt, TKNN.

N ' > . I .

• I'Vr w'ltli thn licart iniin (•.•llpvotli utito i ijrIuuoimiiMH HHd W illi tbi' l«'>iilli (UiiifyhNii'ii i» niMdo uiitv> aniviitioii." —itoniaiiR K. ID.

' P l l K subjocl t»f tills dUcoiii NU ill tills ohnpl^r Is iLo I ri«iilO':>u«iiP>>8 of^ftti'li, Id foatradiolioii lo ihtj

lighloouHiieBBof thii l a w . The rli^hUiotistioM of (ho law i» desoribwl; "Tiio man which doeth thoHO things slmll live by ihetti!"

By tho law a lliio of candiu l U liiarkod out, and ho that w o j l d live iiivi»,t follow that lino. A d o v U -tion from it is cortaiii loss, If nol dealh.

Tho rlghlooiiuiiosH of fiii"h Id deiuribod : It usks no (luoaliotis, it seeks not to outer into tlio Hocrot oouiicUs of (rod and Christ., ft boliovcs with tho heart, aiui conseiniGntly ooiifcs^ow with tho mouth that Jo9U9 it the Nfi'n.jali: " I f t h o n ahalt confoss with thy mouth tho I<ord Jenu«, <ind shall bolievo in thif.o hoarl that Gnd hiis raised hiiu from t h i doad, thou shalt 1)0 saved." I f tho (vmfegsiou Ih inado, basod on tho ntroti}(u9t [lojisiblo conviction, odivation lnHhis rr»8uU. Tho coufoajiau ii but tho voice of the belief.

Noto iiarticuiarly :— (1) The nghtooiMiiOHs of tho law as doncribcd by

Mofti(fl, was life (ofornal) Tho very kooping of tho rfiiiiiromnnt>4 of tlio l i w wai ItHolf tho ho^iniiing of llfo. ltd oontlnnaiico wa? a Rontinoiiiioo of life.

(2) Tho righteoitsnfiM of faith In life (otornal life or salvation) T o ho In tbo riirlitooiisiiosn of faith is to bo In tho ciijoyinniii of xal vatlon.

UavinK made ihoso obuervalions,! otler f ir caroful coinidoration ihi^ iromnMl iirop.nltloii.

I. Tlio rightcouBiioss ol iho U w comista in con-formity to the law, and tho rlglitnousnois of faith conaista in a iioiifonsion of Christ, baiod on faith (bolicf) in liitti.

Tho law tnaic&a domandH. Tho«o domandt are mot. T h i » is right in the oyanof tiio latv, and its t<lvooat(}8. I t iH ri)(htcoaHnnHa ilHolf. I f a man confosH Chriut, bolieviiig In his hairt that O o d haa raised liitn.frum dotd, that man is saved. Tiiis is right according to tbo principio I ol faith. It is right !uJiho;oyc8 of tiio advocattw of faith. I t is ttio righteousuosfl of faith. It la Iho bolieving that givoa nburactflr to' the whole oxoroiso. It ia tho salvation, the confession being only tiio voicing of tho aalration. i /

Out A very remarkablo explanation of this text has boon given This is i t : T o bolievo unto right-eouatioss Is to apinu to t-igliloousna^s, as ono cotneH t« a tower, to a hoUHe, to a river. A n d timt to confoifl uuto Halvation is to come to salvation, as one eomns to a field, lo a road, to a ehuroli.

Tliat ill no caHO doss beliering put one in right-oounesB^ nor does confessing Christ put ono in sal* vatiou, Rometlking elso must bo done or eternal loss ia the result.

N o w , J u lupDort o f the geUemt propoaitioni abovo ataled, and iu opposition to tills very extraordinary iutorprotatiuii I maica thia obinrvatioh

(a) I n boiievlng.lii Ohrial, »iid iH'donfoaaint; hlfii, a man dofla hot merely npproar)!: rl'S^tQOnsnoaa and Balvatlori,'^but ho atands equally t)i> highoat iiKbtaonsnoaa, cfntoi's ftilly Into «|$j|jRspali<ia of all tho< lakailon'thiftrti ritf in ^this w o n o l ^ n d ' honoo Into erery promise o f the sKlvatlon ''(hii1' t» boyoncI<tb»gntVei I This obaorTamni wen luiil-' talned, tber» 4a abnudant Barlptur*t ptdbf.^ i^bd

dodge tiie full force of the arguinont made in the extraordinary intorprotation above ;inonlioiiod, by departing from ihocotninonly received trans'ation of tho New T«8tanionl. In every instance K i n g .lamoH'Version shall bo tho standard. Fiy it let our i.'auHo stand. O r by it lot that cause fall. I big, however, the rlgiii to he govornod by a very simple rnio of interpretation of language, whether tho language be saorod or profan«, namely, the sur-ninndliigs and manner of a word, or expression must dotorraiuo its particular shade of moaning. For instance I exclaim to my friend, as we walks iilong tho mountain path, "Soo that s k n n k ! " Ho i« in doubt as to my meaning, as he lees an animal whioh if once seen is never f<jigotten, RcampinK away. But If we are meeting a third man, and I with peculiar manner, say, "8oo that skunk," he is in no donbl as to my meaning, and yot in one case I moan a very small animal with only the instincts of an animal. In the other a man, intelligent, and iu many respectfl exactly like other men.

Again, " I am going to town" says John. Docs John mean he Is only going to tho oorjiorat? limits ? Tuhn's six year-oid child knows well enough what ho meaHS, that he moans that ho is going into town T o bo sure this sounds rather undignified for aser nion. Hut it muat be remembered that we are deal lug with a childish interpretation of God's word Wlien I hoard tnat very remarkable exposition of

divino truth I went homo, look -i.y N e w Testa n^ent, and began to road, thinking possibly I had from very early life read too little for profit ; but I road passage after patsags, examining each with carf, and the moro I read the more I was astonished at what I had heard. Some of Ihoxo passages I prcHpnt, and ask a careful consldoraiion of them. For if we are only brouglit to righteousness and stlvalion by believing in Jesus and by confessing him, tho sooner wo Qiid it out ttio hotter for im. should do what Is lacking before wo are damuod. Examine Kotuans x . 12.

" F o r thcie is uo ditroienco botwoen the J e w and tho O r « e k ; for tiio L o r d over all is rich unto all that call uiwn hiui." "The L D t d ia rich unto all who call upon bim." That is, tho L u r d is rich in their sight, Ijofore thotn, to tlietn, as one comes lo a hotiso? I f that bo so, what is tho dilTtiroiico be-tween tho worst man on earth am' tho host, «o far as tho lord's riohos are ooiicornod ? W h y doss tho man call upon the L o r d , i f his calling only gives hlni a sight of God's riches? T h a t would bo hull tohiin. N o w brought to O ld's riches ho would uovor know his unspeakable loss, I cannot think that G o d would h ,ld out snob a fearful curse to mortals, and call it a blessing. Is our G o d a dotnon, that ho should ofTor to oboer us iu our Spir-itiial poverty with a near view of perdition 7

Again Ilomanaxi. 7, 8 : "Israel hath not ob-tained thai which hoaooketU f o r ; but tho oiootlon hath obtained If, aud the rest where blinded . .

uuto this d a y . " N o w , aooording to a cortian arbitrary way oi dealing with words, Paul says that thoao IsraclltOB wei-o blinded to tho day when ho j wrote, but at that time thoy wero seeing. This wo could oaaily believe, did not both aadrod and profano writlnga in ,tho plainast poiai-lilo terms deny it? Indoetl, tho laraolitba are nt nr blipded as they were In Paul'a dny.

Tiigra B9vo|r Kaa bcen^pt Umo atnco I'aul wrote, that thoy aaw any bettor than a man bp^n. blind

J - X U l l In,

day, Paul Is guilty <>f filsoh,K)d--ihi ' lloiy '^f^Uif has provarlcatod, If h« hiid any o iiViroUlng ; ovor Paul's mind, heart and nttrraDCns.

T u r n lo Ilomans l i l . I : -'I, bespocli you lUeteT^i. fore, biothron, by tho lujrcles of God, tha\ ye • ru * sent yonr btKlles a living «ar,riflooa'^uti»q (i'jit.w;^^ ia your ropsonablo set vic«!." This passago al the first glHiico lo favor the Id<a thai utj;,!! mean n •thing moro,horo at loaat thiiii in tho wroseiice of. lliit uote, tlio oilwrtafton present tho body a living sacrlllco u'ut^ (jlod, 'bvij,,'} ' that sacrifice in ono's roisonablo 8orv,ii». T o sert^o ' God is lo obey hlin,oitlior fully or lu p i r t . But, t- " ser'-o him to tho oxient of a Kacrifica Is t o , "^prvo, hitu fully. A tiling sacriflcid uii! > G6<1 uuder tjii/.' Moualc dispensation wam-.^nsumod, lioucefhe Krcajt^' lorce of tho figuro in this Scrlptuio. , ' 8<» full a W -vlco (though reasonable), tlial it Is called tt Tivipig sacrlce. Y o t according (o thoiiitorprot'a|[ipii^wbli^lj j , we are opposing, such n saorifloa (reawnabioj'.ji^j-.^ vice) only approachoi tho prtiialpjci oi" G >d, ^ i f j y -

, Whttlsouvyj'^^^ he ^oes In ih ) n.tiiiiof Jo«us, Ui.tC"h sj ' jiiucJi Ispr-. vico for J«suH hiniselt. A n d yol this onl)- tlfig on'o up to, an I not into ilio bonofils Our tl/ord ' h M ^ V^f* h i i laborers ? I h*ve not so loiriiod' Ir m. ; ^ ,

Ephoslans i. I t : "Which ihtJ carnuit of ''our' inheritance until tho l odemplion of the puichaseit po-sesslon unto ihp praise of his glory.' ' If In llio ' , ptfisage, nnto moans nolhing inoro than to, iu lho„ ' prosoncoof, whatdooJ tho rodcmpllon of tho p u r - - , , chased p0iiso4»ion amount lo? Wo havo tUo ' oarnost unlil tho riidoiuptlon ofl ' io j<i.-chai)d

.^11 the d^Dlrlnoa of Jesua are aa Idle btlea to tl^em^ They tVe toialfy blinti u to ibo'dlVline authorltr b f { } b r h t / T h t i j ^ p i b iikitit ID the bilkokoat utgbe l ^ d g for i n o t h i r . W theii'''unt4i ilopi

in proditoioB the proof th^re l i >110 dlaikOMttdn ' to a6i pH6tlMli> I n t o 6r ' lal ' ofi tbi'o'tiMf t l ^ ,(«•.{(. •|.J«>11 '.>• ti'ift isfih'-l ri" -..iit <l'.:t • ' , «.- it'..-' J'f<>- t^-'Uuy T t , •. ,

soinion. Are wo loft thon to aland iu tho jprcaeuufl of a lioitsn of blins, ilifi p n v i i i li of which It I'm highetit praUo of Ooil's gl'jcy, u ililj»i>uiottjiug olao IH done to us or for ns? N o a thoitsand tinier no I We|havg thooarnosl nnnoy. Tliat'h/jcuros tho right

to till! properly when the rOiniilndor ..hall havo boon paid. O r will anijol*, readf to adore G o d fot^ ' P 0 iiu'iilolo and full salvation, hush tho eternal 1 world * atili as tho grave, ro>)ogiii«ing tho ledoinptlon o r < " the purchasjd possession tinly 10 tfio pi-ftinrf of hlra H glory, and that somo prloally hand must holp'fwm'i' vr nu»o over Into ? Kternal, power forbi M 1 '

Again, S80 viirso tlfioonlh : "Wlioroforo," I kilo, after I hoarti of your fafth, in tho Lord' J o a d i , and'^H loro unto all tho s tinli.^' D i d the iovei'Of itUo Epheaians unto th-j saints n t f O r load thoih fiiHIier thau tu oxoroiso an abjtraotiuii D i d thofii itdvdftui« at any tlnio aas ctalo with tho btlntt in obe«^loilMi>('^» to'ibe inipuiso of thoir love? ;I>idi tljojri'iiowr anythinK to help a puor stint? D i d thay aevar by tbo bed-side uf a iicic aainb? D i d ttioy consider au erring aainiv add uiidoavor- to foaiof-ol^'o him in tho spirit o f tovo? I f their loVa tintonll tho t m . saints was Just lovo to, beforo, in the preaoneb > oljs W all thosaiiita^ and not a union with thotlailil* lU spiritual aen io, why,waa I'aul so aillyiM giving thanka for ihoin ? WbatUvepe thi^yfi-in»Mf»«>« th«nothora?.» )Why Pitul'8 prayer to God -toiigltiV^'«! tham thei spirit of arildom? f^Tliat^'thB'f U b i t " ' ^ ) o f o u r L o r d JoduaChriat, tho Fathat^of glul']r,<lfilfP'''{ f i v e untu you the<DpIrit o f wlatlom-: andiMvtflalloilP !«« lo ilin >]cnowledKe nf. him.' '^ <Bph«tUa8 Againti I w h y auoh aprayer/ IP their l>»v« Ui HM^' ofi aalnta waa only an approaching lovd,'^tiaTep'rif«eHi>t«w lug lU,pbJoojL? i:M«iToovoriidld Paul |ir«y ;fjur„»n>i^

^Uilng Hi all, whon aakt^d.ibal ,(jo|tn bO' glycu.wnto t L i q i ^ i f uitlQjiid}iU<coniiMUoni>'in P^MUU no more t;biin,lO|iin 1^0 aeuto (if^befon,

pjr al^i^ b e f ^ M ftfUppiiUlo,^, Uj|>,j .


t i v M MBM the »p!rU of •rfciiom woiilil '"n iver Oo « w any good, U H I A M U « r u In !»« or u p o n , T M ^

l p h e » » n « i L l D H«re wo hu t* thp-f»tnlliKr lMjnia«t t : 'KJ rwt td ObrUt J m u i untQ KO<I4 work«. ' '>Cr««ted a n t o good work* niMiiii w h t i f T f t » l o t t » U J o » l q o « | | « o , U o r go>d worka? That b« d o w not «at«r o p e o iba prootl works until soino-Uiiiif «li« LM tMs:; done to hiraf Then ht i ei««tloo U « l adde r failure than hi* fall in Adam. HI* erMtloa f a Chris t Je«ufl naturally pmduces BOodi work*. I n hl» new creation tpKHl work* arc hlr Bt toral aotivit ie^ Ja»t as eatloK, walking, Ding tag a n the oaiurai aciivitie* of hi* oHgiu*l cmttloB. I oaunot betlet parapltraso this exproH •loD than a* follow*: In Christ Jeaus, in llio life osen h»Y« In Je«u«, thoy are ereaiwl in good works, tha i I*, in that life go )d »fork* .* the oi-cupatiou.

P««on toEi»he* iaMnl i . 18: "For throuxU dim we both ha re acoe*a by one Spiri t untp the Fallier "


What a d r a n U g e if there in hariujf access (u ihf) ' f a t h e r . II that acoM« nerer brings ma the blo«iln«« that lUI the Father '* hou«o? Could anythin j j Uo more torturing, when one i* farutshing for w»ter, than t o have ac«et« to a aprtng, aud not bo por-m i t t ^ t o a t o c p d o w n and d r i n k ? Certainly the Spiri t which bring* about this acccw unto the Fkther doe* anjeioeedingiy Imperfect work, if uni-) •zpreaae* a w y clo*e reUtioushlp. - i f it givei lent) than the cIoie*t rei i t ion lo the spirit, but aolemnly mock* men, who believe hi» teachings

Let one more pa»«ago «ufRi» Epiie^iaus ii. 21: " I n whom all the building, iU!y Earned together, g rowetb unto an holy temple in the Lord." Ac-cording to the u»e of unto, which wo hare been oppotIog,thi* bnitding.fitly framcil togotber, grow,* o p to an holy temple—does not become iho holy temple i twlf . Thi« i t a Irke ex^rcisioa, "»n acorn grow* up to an oak." If it .ioeu not convey the IJea that the acorn becj ne« an o ik , ii U not m p e c t a h l j nonsense.

I hatre tried, a t «o!na lenjfth, to show tho folly of making onto mean, in the Soriptures invariably to in the *euse of at, or In the presence of, and tho •pacia! folly of giving it »uch a meaning in our t u t .

ThI* Investigation han led to a very potitivo con-claatOQ, namely, that believing with the heart is righteomnew, and that cmfes i i n^ Christ from a ooDvictlon in the heart is ss lvi t iou. If ttiii t>o iDt true, I cee DO meaning in the text.

• T H E S U F P E K I N S T l l U T I O N " B T J . T. P K I O I J .

K O . I .

' T H E above heading is tho title of a book by Itev. 1 Frederic Deuiaon. A. M., publishod in 1860. and

' dedicated by the American Baptist Publication Society to J . Warren Merrill, Boston, Mass., by whoee liberality (t wa* sterotyped, and thu* p^r-petoated." Though 1 was qui te a young church-member a t the time, my recollection tha t Hov. Bedford Langford, ou r pastor, at Both.'ohom Morgan county, Ga., was acting a* colportuur in the Appataoh«e Aasociation, and f rom him my a n n t purchased the book. About that time, a cir-eanu tanea occurred which riveted the questioa of chnrch eommunioa firmly and forevor upon my mind . Some Tlaldng si*ters of a fashionable family were present a t a communion service by o a r ehureh. Tho usual inviUUou'to visiting brelh-ren was extended. T h e sister* referrod to failed to come forward, and take *eaU among tho mem-

r^Vwa. My fkther, * h o wa* deacon, overlooked . tbern nniaUntiotial ly. Of courw, their feelings were mneh hurt , and they took occasion to let the fcet be known. I remember weU, tha t f a the r de-ftnded himself by aaylng that while he d id not purpoMly alight the good aistera, they shonld Vo-Bunabflr Iba t the Scripture* give them no r igh t i to o o n B u n e l n a a o t ^ e b o r R h , and they Tirtoaily d M i i a e d t o accept the coarteay by not oomingf f o r . w a r d w h w l n T l t e d . . , , . , , ,

A t b a n e , i n th« ItrMenoe of the fkmily , thit pas-tor being present, the aulfleot wa* diMJUMed^ll^ eoBBMUott wi th t h e n e i r bool^ by the ati thdr m b o ^

qtiteUob iB< lathkr** t t ^ WVir i i pa t to r Lat igfor t ra ' m i n d ' WbeAer A i '

no wbi

sul^eot tras, tiiftuk W , irt.. 18« Jfov, ^ Worrell, ' a t - ^ S t i . O m subject In the C A N W A N 7.NF/EX, signed " A Baptist," in whtol. waVhb pt' i ^ exampU) of, lnh)i«oommnulofi in tho NowTpi tumont I refor to thfesc inattur^: t h a f u o (jjiiS inky ac«uw mo of simply fall(,)wing Hi-o ttrave* blimily, ao a "prio»t ri.idOir BAptiKt.'' ' ' '

Kr.im the prefico of tho b m k I ropy th i s : I'Ko present t roat ls j survuy.* i|,.) iy,rd'« stipfwr usa very plaiu, yet muit .HigiiiHoaut, «iil»liciiu iiud spir i tual institution, givoit by nur h , r 4 u> «v«iy ohiiroli, a chun;h, gaihoreii iu liU kiuh' , itii I onlarml ac-cor.lhi}} to hU woni , "

"Spwial couiidordtJoa iHS;lre.«<o iha question of oliuroh iiiilepoiidwuoy as involvml In eortain views of the Buppor, »ud rttioiuian U aUo to tlio various iiiodora clai im of what may Iw tertnod couiinunionism."

In dUciiHsing tljo "Origin ot thu iiisiit,utir)u," tho author dwolU upon iho "iinparttiico of correct viow8,"aiid ave r t s that "purer viows are grAdually p evttiliug."

Detiniug tho aim of iho present vrork ho claims t b o ' siippor as pmvly (Jhdsiiau instimiioii," in^t it, in purl, ei>iioini*oi to ihn hoiiho* iho Ghristiau Hoheiii.', attd -V-in L>.J rightly OIP^SI-VXI, and Dnjoyed only by those who hav« teli ihe Christian faith a« a . i i v i n e l i f u I m h e hea r t ; tor tue cdliuru of the

iier life IIUOUKII tli« lumliuin of the physical sensed, tlio Uistiuitjoii wa.* given." Thu au thor a i d s : "Ami as we Miaii have oi!o«sion to sljo-.v, this in^iiiuMoucuM ba lawfully obhOrvml only by ChrlstiHu chiiruhos at H.ijh, sineo they are ordained an tho | tleiwsitories of tlic faith, and order of the Chri«iitt,i scheme. And wo hold that each church is a .conipleto Hud indejiendent society of Jesus; o r corpMraiion; to bo an embodiment and iU lustration, a living type and roposentaUon of tho goi|K)l and of all the Now Testament l a w . "

Th« wonder is that with such a book boforo tho-people of the .North, our bruthren iu tha t quar ter ever allowed the idea of intor.dcpoudenoy of chorohes to gain so much ground I

I am not fcure that I can agree with the a u t h o r whru ho soenM to think tho Lord's supper is "an oui jfrowth of the pamovcr Mipper. ' I atn of tho o,.lnirti. that the former was like I>aptl8m,an|en(irely new iusiitniion. I do not ' know that the a rgn-meat of the book u sirc.iKthenml by lilfe pb^itlon, that the ps i fover was H type of (ho TJ^rd's Kuppor. In combat ing •'wmmirnionlHm," hb urgfts; "I t Is very improper to «,)o«k, as maiiy do, about 'com-m u u i n g w l t h tho chnr<ih,' and 'commu^ihg wi th tho denomination, ' and 'communing With ono an-o the r . ' "

•tUtlott hutepg*;, we ihlftft, o*«li»*lvoly to 0^u^chlM^ j s t j M i i l ^ f S v o r ' b e l o n g ^ excittaively to Jewish feiJiHif,"!: • J ^

I ^ M r R j ^ h fourtcwt, ia tno ^ a g e ; . wa* given uot aloue to the first church t h a t was formed, but to evpry .obujoh Uiat was ftftorwarda. o r g a n l i ^ , Pau l says to the Oorlnlhian church, 'For J, have re-celvod of tho Lprd, that wliloh I also delivurod unto you, that tho F^rd Josus, the night in which he was betrayed took bread , ' "e tc . * * * "Tlio supper waH given lo each church for tiio bimeflt of all its meujbers. a i a thoans of keeping the t ru th In their mindH." • • • "Thus tho Inslitution origi. tinted. Thus tt has beon delivered to us."

From page twenly-llvo to page forty-four tho author treats of tho "Stnic turo of tho institutlo.i." l i e lirst treats of tho strncturo of the passover, quot ing from Exodus xii., he lays stress upon the (net, that "a lamb was for a house." • • « foreigner and a hirod servant shall not eat tlioroof. In otio house shall it be ca ton; thou shalt not carry forth aught of the flesh, abroad out of the houee, neither shall ye brosk a bono thereof ." With the author tho Lord's supper takes tho place of the old typo—the passover. •'Hflincoforth ail tho clr-ct-mcisod In lieart, bohig onlightonod by now measures of tho Spirit , and boing admitted by the new ordinanco of haptlsni Into the house of God, which is his church, are to observe tho supper lu-Hlcad of tho passover." • * • "The (supper) institution must be k»>pt by churches only." Page :n. » • "And if to make Us effoct mom di-rect, distinct, and nationa', the l<ord gave tho insti-tution. (passover) to every single family of tho na-tion, with the specific command that each family ehoulil observe it by Itsell." i 'age 16.

" l i e know that it would bo best for his people, ttud for the world, thai there should bo a visible boundary to his churches, speaking of what was necessary on the part of all who should enter his visibiB kingdom, and also a visible institution in each of his churches, speaking for tha vital coi.nec-

oach of the members with himself." Pp.

On page twenty, paragraph n 'ne, tho typical nature of tho pansovor is not m'cnlionod, but be 8 i j 8 : "Tho Savior and the twolvoi Who had lo/t all and followed hitili living (ogethor arid lojootitig theit-6)iirmon expenses out of a common' purse, wore, ia the Jewish 80IHO of the torife,' a Yatnliy, and honco were liuthbrlzod and rcqtt|i'<jd,as Jews, to' observe tho pasSovor. They wore alsej'a o'hu'rCih of ccclcsla, 'a cortipi'uy callod out b/<iuthOri ly ' / ' 'Thoy Were the flrst church of Chi^I«t,tllo'gdrtn of thip larger body soon to bo daihjd, aWl fully oi^g^n|>bd: As a Jewish family they oBsorvod tho But as they wt.ro now aboUt to tjtko theli^'dland and ' tah ic as a Christian church before tho Vorlf l ," tho Savior gives to them a« ihe flrfet Christfaiii' corbi'ratloii, oV church, the supper Institution "As a metn'bkal' of himself, their founder; Ijosid atid lli 'd.'ihd » nleflgo of his final ' coming " to take .'hlij p<jb^io''Vo h i s ' heav-only homej ' ' < FrddHuii i


' p i i E forty-niuth Congress inot to-day a t noon. A ixjug beiore tha t hour, the streets loading

to tho Capitol wero thronged with |Msdestrlan« eager to witness thu openiHg .cones. Tho specta-tors' gallorlos of both the Souatc and House were

hearenly hotfiej" < FL (bat the H a ^ 6 r atid^

Wq learn a . bhtircb' thai the a a t l 6 r arid ' thti" twelve wore i! bhtircb

(ecclosia); a* such, tttoy W e ^ ' a '/aMlly, a ' W f W ' r k - ' t lou. '" Hero wa* a m ^ hiiii head;Vfa'tf ^ M i t i

•founder attd lltK . ''

packed an hour beioro half of those who wished to get in had arr ived. Every inch of space was Ukou where people could sit, or slantl^ or stoop, or kneel,while In tho corridors sur rounding the gailor-ioB, there was a wri th ing, s t ruggl ing, disappointed mass of humanity , elbowing and tiptoeing to catch a glimpse, through tho glass doors, of tho sconces on the floor of tho Senate and House.

Those stienos wore the old ones, that are enacted here every two years, in tho House there wore ovor three hundred members, w h o occupied tho hotir preceding noon in handshaking, exchanging congratulations and greotings, and Introdoclng tho new mombers. There were noat iy ono huudred a^ul twenty.flvo now faccs.

T h e House and Senate w e r e callo<l to order at :tho same piomont. Tho organization of each had been settled by tho caucusos held on Saturday, and to.day tho formality of re-oleoting the old offloers of the House was quickly accomplished by tho Demooratio niafori ty. Tho RepubiicauB honored Mr. Iteod of Maine, wi th a oompllmenlary vote fo r ; Speaker.

. ' I n theSena to , Senator John Sherman of Ohio, wa* elected presiding ofllcor, to suocoed the late

..Vice-president. I n accepting tho nomliiotioii, Sen-a tor ,Sherman said hlB duties h i ther to had not g l r e n

fbltn, t^e experfenpe newssary for a good ofllcor. I n tryiqgjto,fairly and ImparUally observe and ohforoo the r.ule* of the Bonato, ho felt thpt ho would .bavo tft rqly greatly upon tho forbearance and courtoay

. Hriti.-r.;! I ^Thf t comment m w J» that Senator Logan d id a

nominat ion for proiI» P'9r?tW» Pfttho dftnale, I unanimnmaly ^ h d o r a d n

^Im on Fr iday laat, by the eauous of KepubUcan

i' J .

fionator*.' l td dooliiiui on tlie ground tha i he v«'Jld HOhve hU bonBtituoilHi bettor by rumailriing tin tho floor, and thiit tim'position w a s not to his taste.

'Ttitt sesiijon of the Bohato to-day was brief, ti merely orgutdued u n d " t i l o n ' adjourned tjjrbugll rospoot to the n iemory 'o f ' Mr. ileudrlcks, "whoso chair was heavily drHpod in lilack. v •

PiieBldont Cleveland's niessago will bo sent to both brancitcs o f ' Congress dur ing lo-morrow's session. I t will bo road in both ends of the Capl-lol lit tho (ittuiolime. The message has been care-fully guarded, and none ot it han bebu published hefore thO t ime Intendrd, though much of lis,poli-cy has been itidicnicd in advance. Aa you will hHVo read It. probably, boloro this roachi'H you, It

Hsel5,ss for nio lo fomoasto iUi coiucuiH. I will mention, however, that l! CongresH siiould

not, after a roaHf>iittl»lii time uppiove of tho presi dent's rcROinmcn.lutlon to suspend tho silver coin-ago, it is probable tho Treusnry will suspend it on its own author i ty , boldinfjf (liut the Bland act, al-iliough it provides a poi niRncnt fund to purchasb bullion, yet providps no turid for the cxpeuHe of coinago.

Tho annual report of See,rotary Wliituoy of the .Navy, will pr(>l)al)ly iittiKct mnrti iittoatiou lliun thiit of any oitii-r C.ilil luit olliiior. In liis I'ccord of the year, ho trcatM thnrougiily Knd oxhaustivoly tha quostlon o( re orgatii/.ing hi"* dnpartmont and placing It upon a biisino'^.') l u d s wlilcir will fj;uard it from tho nolorlou(ii Kfatidala of tho past.

'I'he report oi Indiun (;oiuniis«iotier Atkins shows that then! will bo but little change in the policy of tlio (ji.vei-utrtMif towiirdit the Indian under u l>omoer.iti.-a.lndiii.tir«tion. The ri;d man is to bu rwdaimed a.-t fa'd as possible hy the ordinary l)rocofBes of civilizaiSoii, innl Ih to be made to work like other fwoplo.

Ommi*<"ioner Oolm^n, (ho idiieCof tho farniors, gives a yt'iir''! agrir iiiirai n!.<!ilts lie tolls llui 111 (ids and work of his di'iiai Irnciit, wliut the vari-iiuH Hureiiiis linvo done, and whiU they hope to do,

When Confji-CHS gets fali'ly to worii Ihe indica-tions ure (hat it will psss the Hour huccest'ion bill, wliii-h providOH for giviiif; the presidential succcs-Nion lo Caliiiici olllcirs in iho line ot' their rank, 'riicre HCftiis lo bf i,o (lispunihun \u treat the mat-lor from » party slanilpoint

Beiiators niid ineinliors of boili parties think this wiiitct-'H fession will ho one of Ihe most inter-esliiig siniT ilic wiir. Il IK «uro lo he a long onci and will prohal)fv n.ii on I lioforu u iu i August.

December 7, IftfiiV

A.N Al'l ' i 'JAL K(.)U (iUKKNV IliLI-; (MIUlUlU, O n o . GItA VK8 : — Alliiw ino to make,an ap|M!al to U the' 'olil •iuumI" lit Tmk; I'KXNKiiaKK IIAI'T^ST in l)i!littif of the (ireenvillo ouuroh in iSwt TcniiOdsee.

A good old brother resiitiiijf in th.it vi l lag '»,and who had l)een nlork ol the court in thai cOuhty f o r many years,fel t vory anxious to ir<vo a' Baptist 'noetingrhouse in the comity seat «i' that popiilbns couiUy, and so ho wont to Wot'k C!tiiio»i<ly' to Viruct lhi< object. By conlrlbuling Ikffjiily to thiiSi objact bimsolf, and soliciiing oontrihui,loh» from iiis tiu-merous friomls throughout IHC coiinty, ho siic-coedod in oroclii<g iin uxm>ll&nt brlc.k odillco 35x50, on a voryiiligi')lo sito'in tho villagi), KI a cod. ot $:i,400. and paid I'ovft a|l, .biit iiliou>./|>3J() llo w>ti then l.akou siitk, iiuil w is bedrid le i for spvoral | yoars, and he never loft his rortiii until ho was .car-ried to his grave. He Was thenifoi'o t'mable to do any iiior^ collecting for thl3 cliiirch, and loft i|it, h is death lids dPbti against tho cliufcl). ' ' "

Tho property has been sold to irioet this claim. Tho whole debt now with intcirost and 'co^tw, (ig-grogatfts i)tJtwooir«ilho hutldriil Untl'ton hiijiiilred dollar*. Tho tilatlhknts have Agreed t.-) take l GOQ for thbir 6ialm, lii^o'vidod that It bo 'paid hy tht» i'U'st of Jaunary/>ro.tfwio. f t ' I s , thcirbtoro a quosllon,

t fow, dear hrpthran, you, who eau 4t»r«i a dol lar for this Importaht object, pleasei remit to .ne at KnoxvUJo, by Christmas, care of Thoina* L. Mo»e*. AU that is contributed for thle purpose will go to ^ tho buihUug fund of tho Homo Mission Board of tho ' the earuest and efi lcieut 'working^ of the ^ T^kiUi

And, on the n in th instani, the said'comftiitUAM*. met a t Temple , Teza^ ;and efi'coted said eouMlida>' t ion. Thi* 1* a g r and wj»rk Ibr^the Bap tUt i of Texas. 'Thla, wo believe,; brought abaut by

Soutliorn Baptist Conventlou, and the contributor* will be, oredlted accordingly.

Dear bretbrau, do not fail to respoud promptly and cheorinUy to this ap(>oal. And 1 t rust the holy women of our churehos will opon subscrlptiun*, and collect aii tiiey can f j r this object. Dja r sUter*, help us in th is umergcucy. "Goil blois the holy women!" Fraternal ly, etc.,

T H O M A S C . TKASOALK, A z e u t REUAua-s.—Will not ovory Baptist of EiU Ten-

ne-soo respond to this call ? Ono dollar from each ucUve Baptist will build that liouse.

propeiiy," thftt ' I «hk*fo"/hjf hiitiiiil' your tJiddnWAt'lia^rti'j''' i P W h u M i soribors \jvlil titfha'n^b viiie, ^hHWliriiWl Wl/i, demplltjii 'Of H(«!i! V Wwiibli) i^W^ia^

UOI.GOTHA8. T was l lenrich llnino who said, "Wherever a great soul utters its thought, there Is Golgotha,"

and history is full of illustrations of the t ru th ol this saying. It is easy under tlie dictates of policy and prudence to avoid conflicts with error, and to "koop OHt 01 the melee." But to bo loyal to princl-jiln, and uncoinproinUing and braro in the advo-cacy of t ru th and right, Is perilous to (Kipularity, and, sometinies, even to life. Onnwt io fawns and criiigoE to public sentiment and trims his sails to the shifting wintis of the day can easily escape dmigor, but he will make very littlo progress, and will only win the ignoble distinction of being a mei-o ti mo-server.

The men who have made tho dco(>cst impression on tho world, and who have achievoti tho most for tho race and fur themsolvei are those who havo fearlessly uttered their thoughts und have dared all danger for tho sake of t ru th anil righteousness l lofeir ing to conspicuous instances of this class some one has said : "Socrates, for conteming the false gods of his time, drank tho deadly hemlock, Luthor, denounced by tho popular voice as anti-christ, did not havo a smooth, flowing pa thway through this world. Danto wrote Uis divine d r a m a amid the woes of exile. Tho great truth discovered by Galilio was in his own day deemed heresy wortfiy of doatb. Savonarola, Calvin, Knox, wero popular only with what the world called a dissent-ing rabble, in tho first age of Christianity, tho great souls who dared to utter their thoughts proved tho t ru th of !lein»'s remark. They wero moil "of whom the world was not wortiiy," but "they were stoiieti, they wore sawn asunder, they were tempted, were slain with the s w o r d ; they wandered about In shoop-skins and goat skins, be-ing destitute, atlllcted, t o r m e n t e d . " — . Y. Hap-

tint iVeeklt/.

I l E S O L l i r i O N S . V y H E R E A S , It has pleaso-l Providence to point » ' our boloved pastor, D. E. Gambroll, to another

floldiof labor, 1)0 It — Ucsoilvod, T h a t Temperance Hill church has lost

a good and useful member and paslor, and wo donply rcgrut the time of part ing with him, for his walk in and befpro us has ondaared him to ovefy member of our churcii and community. ,

Uesoivcil, Tha t wo commend him lo any church ' or r ^mmnni ty that his lot may bo cast in, as a gootl and useful cl1i7.cn, a t rue and tried Cliristian, a nsofui neighbor, and as a preacher and pastor, ho will soon gain tho khid aiTections of all. ^

Uosolved, T h a t a copy of this bo Spread on ou r minutes, a copy IM sent to him aud one to THE T R N N K S S B K BAtn-isT and JiaptUl Record^ for pub-lioation. I " Bcspec'tfidly submlitod. ,

J . W. BoATRIQUt,, j,^,. 1 N. J . UAnWiLL,

>. I I .,1

' ' ' J . M. StlADRAl'K. Com.

1 tH'H " ' ' F R O M ' T E X A S . . In .J, 1 [T the oall nosilon of General Association, irbielf

P ^ convened Hf Dailai, NoVeidb^r twep^^ ^liio .^sMblRtli^;! i i p ^ l h t o d ' t f r o ; , ! ^ ^ Ifl^nar^'/ pjriw^r (p,, qon(ei: w'itb a lika.<iMeim'*ltB»

. to conaOlidMli oiir ' SUto Unlveralt ie* and genera l mits lonary bodle*.

Baptists- A. S . Whiiesboro, Dooeniber iS, ISSSJ - T^JJR

_ — ^ Ifei^ •. M A N U A L L!X)U;

For the u*E of pastors, oontalning TWDITTJ ^N* ^. burial servioea, adapiod to difl^i«nt OOITDIIJCIIT 'DF ^ past life, together with coHsoiatoty ministering to iho heroaved. and UTTFNL (IIATIWIT f6r record of funeral,, text, elty. Compiled AND EDITED* by Lansing Burrows, D. i) .

Dr . 11. H . Tucker aays of this vo in tne : • I t the best book of the kind we have ever a^ t t , knd is wortit many times U* price to any

Dr. J . B. Hawthorne E*V*: " I t LI A wohdet'TFAIIT"^ such a i>ook has not been prepared for BA^TDIFT' ministers long since." • ! . <

Price, fitly cent*, postpaid, END this amt>tttit ' »o Graves A Malu f fy , Memphis. "TEMN.

il Ii I, ,',. tl: .--•..•Ii « fe.ii.'lt B E L E U T I O U 8 . VJIJLFT J ^ -

There is a great DFAL ol useless {LEITTFTNEHT ABBOT clinging to one'S "old church." Maiiy ^ IIHNRIH-^ memlwrs UJWN leaving liome TO TM/TTLE ELSLBWFIIII ' permit their membership to remala-'LU the "CHURCH '' with which they have licen tooneeted,'TTIID' COBUE-' ' queutly their intiuonce and IC'IOR* are often LO T ^IO^*' tne Master. A churnh-tn«ml«I' ON^T ILWAYIJ'TO'''' tako h i s letter w i th h i m a i id ' even i f LII*''"^ a place but a short l ime SHOULD'pnt IH WI^TTER " with some Baptist church. It U secure a letter of dlsmisMon IVOM the TRBWNIH WTB which he has rccontly united as IRONI-the

chnrch" at home. . I - F'TI IR NTLF 1 .-lU

It is no wonder Chrfelianity oftqn HA^ W A^;, time in our cities., For RRCSNOYJ I n a c i t y , but of liinrty'-sijc wholcsa i^ . ITQUOR^ ^ ^ ^ owned L)y elghly-ono PCRWJN^ ATI showed that klxty-cighC were c h u r c h y J vided aVwut as follow.-J: .Nineteen CaUioUcf, JTI^N.F^JI Methodis ts , tweh-O" P r e s b y t e r i a n s . SOMN^ JCPU^J^-^F F. Mans, six^Chrlstians, SIX Baptist's and two CUML^-JJ^^ land Prcfbyter lans . Truly docs a secular p^{>er Jn tha t CL y ; r e m a r k , "That looks very MIICJI LIKE THPIJ,. , church runs the whiskey on TJI^J churches t h a t to lerate such MCML^RSF and SHIUQE T -J on the p r t ach t r s wlio servo CHURCHT J .YM .AFJPRTI I, year and do not purgo tiia churchy of IHCP.^J^JJJ

EIKAI .TUT UOMEH^R-THCRE is some aoasolMtiotf,'''-'^' after ail, in being , [KIOR and havlkig a|Aa1biy^'' furnisheil house. PIIJ^sitlana tell n s ' t ha t thWdttX-i urious houses of Iho rich a re unheal thy. » too much upholstery in them.lioo mtich ^NERYJ'TOO J' much dui't and .disease germ*, and SOT ECEUGB'*^^' simplicity and cleanliness. TIIE HARD,VIUNEARI;I CTED'' floor !l)at is frcquiiutly eleancd is preferaltle'to the ^ r k h l y carpetcd otio, » JU a sanitaryt o* ( in i a^ | - and * 'I some sensible RICHOPOOPK: lollowlBg (B« BILFGII*-tion of tho poor^tttan'a cottage, with it* cleatrfloor, ventilating flre-places, suHiit room, and •w»et l4t ' " motphero, are introduoing fntsh air fluoSt ANDLSUBU st i tut ing |ioli«hod vurfacesiboth iu flooraaiMl throwing ou t the germ-seoroting NARIX^ ANDDTTTLTY bkngings. At.viliage and country hontea-tbe't l^M'' ' shrubbery and dense trees have been C L E A ^ away from near proximity FO the- LIONSE<I,' ALID' TBE*'UN and air a re permitted LOKTAUE. KTLNI* wltb better s a n i l a i y rrguial lons inside and OUT^E t b o d ^ ^ J B G

we hope to h e a r ' o f less ' low fever* a n d a j n b l ^ r p m a l a r i a l ' . . '[^a ' ^

II rtuiyi T H E W O R K S O F F L a V W S J d S K l ^ .

bava recoivad from tb& ago^t|i of publ l sbbr tHhbJa i^A^



o^iPieaM n o t l o a ' i l i i t ' w o ' i ^ diTcHif^ tfii* • ' W ^ ^ i ^ n ^^

fifty centa aa bereiofore.


mh WORD Vium RhST TKNNESsKfi:. D R O . O J lAVKa s - A IUU« bit of nam* from my

^ i i i temUiig to nomo of youi-

w>*dor»- So I i»m a»y tlj»t I hmrfl ju»t oloitaii a

mwUng of utuv d»f$ itt Now Hopo ohurcli,! Juffor-

•op w m y f i f l • « ! uu«blo to«ay h o * mmiy pro

fOMlpOfc 4

Now Hope i i A point Uvo miles ewt of Dandvldgo

«nd •l)ou!d litvo be«ii one of the out Bt^iioni of tho

Dandridg* eiiuroh, u ihero kro sonio fliioon or

tWfmy of lU luomber* llvinK at tho plaoo, and Uio

OMfMl churoh to (hoin. Some Uiroo other churchoit

wUbIn about Ibosatiio dl*Uuoo, but no orgiiniza.

tlon of BapU»U at this jrolnl, I.encu it ban been a

rallying polul with Pod»b»pti«t« and Tuubcr-.. Tho

la«t named have a boiHo nearly complotod. The

l^:«Miodi«U h/iv© lumbar on lito ground, and tbey

Intend to build. The United Hrdthren (as il.oy call

themielvoa) put iu a olaiw, aud ara fixing to build

aa ? wa« told «o you soo it attra itlug loino at-


The country around Now Hope i^ donwiy popu-

Jated, 10010 ol the best of oitizdiu livo Uero. I ml-

viiod them to got letters and organito at once, and

build a good house, which ihoy «oem atixiou, to do,

men of the Mttloment offering one hundred dollars

and aome even more to begin with. I waa called

^ m o to my Biois wife before the meoiing closud.

W® bad a good meeting. As there was no church

thi re to receire the oouveria, no opportunity was

given, for I am one that boiieve* that no niinistor

of J e i m ChrUt has any right lo receive and baptize

men. in the absence of a church. A g..odly numl.. r

profMstd regeneration. I loft ,n,uy to mouru orer

unpardoned sins. I h»d no udni^terlal help.

Br«. GraTos, would it have been right to csllerl

together the membsra of the D , church, sAy (laooti

In number, and »hey to reccive members for this

church and requested them bapllzej ?

One thing more I want 10 say. A membor of

the chuwh to which I belong, a.oved that the

church Invito members of sister churches to com

munewi thus . Some opposed the move, jiud ro

quflsted to have the lirae of voting put „ii for

tweiw months, and to give all a cl ance lo invoHI-

gito, and see what the word of God did tcach upon

this aobjoct, aud ho wa^ a,koJ if he h^d ever roa I

and rtodied the subject one-hall hour in his lif« l l „

« i d n o . Ue withdrew his motion ai our Hoit

church mooting.

Charch communion is gaining ground in Eaii

Tennessee. Some men have said to you thoy en-

dorsed your church .omiDuuion, and then at thoir next ttaeting gave a general invitation. Wt.at i .

this but flattery and cowardice? My opinio., is.

o-day, If every Baptist in our r^nlfs were to vote

their senUmonts there woui.l be a majority in favor

of church communion. Bo many arc waiting till

U b«5ome. popular, (well, It is ooming, I t i l k ) . rhen they will say, " I told you so. Nancy haven't we ktilied a big boar ?"

Tho good Lord bless you, my dear brother, i had

to atop .•oading, and wipe the tears out of my eyes

wheu I,-e^i your words, " I tm no bettor, but

rather worse." Uow often I have thouKht of what

you aald to me, when at my house. "Bro. Gilbert

you may have it to say, I «rroto a part of tho 'Now

GreaMroii Wheel' in your house," and so you did

JTuT f liJee.but never will in this life Whlujsburg, Tenn., Thomab Oa»KKT '

rwiiiy ilir^^i-nlT l.r iht: UM^PUOO,!^

ohuri.b*v-«>vide Biblss )or ^ i r thidr att^ddawlfc

I ^ t Bibles enough l«j reguUrly^istribnled, or left

In tho pews, so that overy pewon ptwenl may have

one, or at least one for^ every oouple. And if tho

pastor,,and^a few 6f ti.o subsl^intfal «,emhors

wl l lgoqu io i ly io workat it, they can seouro a

gt-nera u.e of them. It is not .ii.ongh to have Just

one Bible, ami thai for the pulpii . 'nor is it Enough

tohavojnstono r«.ad. In your prayor-mcetlngs

and morning scrvico let tho Sc. (pturt, lesson be

«nnoun«-d long enough Imforo m d i n g to allow

ovory one time to rt..d It. This may be done by

"«.o of a blackl,oa.d, it desired. Now lot iho pa,.

or often rcgnest ulbprm!. t (o koc,, the tcxi bclore

them while 1,0 reads. I f a tb^ of the members

w 11 hoed l.iH rcqtioNt, tho ,vorK 1h soon aocni-

pllslied. At i.rayer-niectinK let iho Mame thing bo

ilono. And i-,i;ecj«Uy, lo( „„

any otif Ih spi akhm about tho l(3»«(in.

It seems to n,q that tl.o end Justitles lli« under

tnkluK. I should say there wore p^ycholoKlcal

ttdva..l«x„,lo tho pastor or spoakois Out it Is not

of lhe.o I n-ill write; il.ouKh it corialuly will aid

much in brh.KinH tho whole congregation into

sympathy with tho spoaker and tho Nul.joct. I

shouhj not wonder if it lacilliatos both tbought

a>id tho cxprcH.u-n of It. as wdl as tho rocoptlon of

But it doos secure familiarity with the suMoot

ma i tero f .boBih Io . formuch will l.c learned in-

cldeutally, ,hat was not directly in li.^o with that

days study. It would alw, greatly ta.niliariw

rnsny people with tho loratl..,, of books in the

Hfblo. And above all ihcso, it appears to mo that

thus wo might put honor on tho woni of God. and

picaso hi.,. I,y roadi..B il a. an act of public wor

A W O U D PftOU B l l o ; C A N A D A .

n E Alt BRE r i l l l KN ! -The m may you subwrlbed JV Ht lit,. II , . . . . . ! . . .


t h e u s e o f t h e b i b l e i n o u u


W ^ n . l ? discussions about tho

" _BIblo In our public schools. This may be of

Utal concorn. But it is tually more Important to

awur® the proper use ot the Biblo In our ohurohes.i

ChrlaUans ought to be very familiar with the con-

tonu Bibles. They ought to Icuow the

^^^ Hio Vppearanco of l a thl . age of such'miinJflcen^

" to. m ohiJrohM, by «,lltU0 tilllg

A W O R D I.RU.M l i n o S. L.


D U O . GUAVIJd:-\Ve I,arc prayod and waited to

^ hfar ul y.,u.'getting buitor. but in tho last

" ' .mb.r of Tmic Tk.nnk..8Kb llAi-Ttsr wo soe you aro

not inuol. irnpi ovml, b..t "i.avc fall I, i„ Go.i." a.,d

all will bo light.

I am still pastor l.uro at Ukiah. Our HaptUt

causo in this 8ta-o 1, advancing. Many ,.ew

churche. have been bi.llt. n , j/era/,/ of Truth

i.nproving, but it U not a, «,.nnd in ojr" p.inci

I'lOB aa 80i«o ot us would likt to seo it

A collego wo hope to b.iilt, ,.p i„ Oakland.

We need .t so .nu,:,,. Wo tl.lnk tho lUp.lst heart ol

tho wholo biatc 1» flred .*ith o.luca.i-»,

TUis i« a ha.d field work in, _ ,„a„v obstacles

iu the way. Many Dapiins co,uo bore frn.n tho

fcast. tJome wlthlottcrs. othorH without letters

Many ol them will not uclte with tiro church, and

t.on .it last jo;n tho mo. i p„,H,ia.. congregation in

tow... Where they como from they do not tea<-h our

disllnctiro priuciplos. Ttjcy »ay, "One church is

as goou as another," ai though tfuch men as Oal vin

Wfjsloy, or C'a.upboll could .„ake a society as good

«8 tho church ol tho Ljrd Je.us. Wo think that if

you could come to Coliioruia it would help you

"iuch. All -oud lovo. tj. L. Sanfoko.,.

FKOM M i s s i s s i m .

n i t O . G R A V E S : - 0 u last Satu.day II,o Alex-

i J a..(lria cl..irch, Marshall county, Mississippi,

1 wbich you Icctured a low yours ago,

uuanitnou^iy a.loptod local church communion,

there boing only one uogatlvo vote.

Tlie church seems, to bo wide awake, and iu

working order j and wo had a good, meeting in

August. We havo been recolving members at

nearly «very mooting since, making in all about

fourteen reoolved this year. Tiboy jiavo a neeklir

well J i S o d ^ and a

Mn BIgllatohis Asi.jjiation for tim youtJif

praachei* ^t Jacitso.i, is v.)ry much needed. Will

yo I not forward the amount of your awbscriptlon

to Bro. W. D. Hughes of Momphia. Toua.. or to

Dr. Savage of Jackson, ai,4 theylwiU give you a

repcipt? No Christian ougbf io promise and fall

t > pay. H is a sin lo maketaise promises.

Bro. W. J). Borum wrote to Bro. Graves to know

If lio was included in the collection in Memplds

A i I wai tho one that g)t up tho subMription, {

«»y, yosi All Iho young brethren preparing for

the miniUry at tho University wore included. B ro

Graves agreed to provide forth. 00 Ho ha^ since'

tsken another. Ilo cortainiy is do ing a noble part

Bro. Borum wrote to Bro. Graves to know Tf any

moans could i.o provido.i for hiiu to stay tl.o «o<t.

sion out, and -.aid, I scut him twolvos dollars ll.o

Graves says ho cannot help him, and writos to n..'.

to «oe ^hat I can .lo fo.- hi.u at my churches, i

would say to llro. Borum, hold on, I will son 1 you

mon..y enough to pay another mo.itl.'s boaid. Our

young minislors must not b». forced to leave school

for tho want of means. What say you brethren ?

Wo need,and must have an educated ministry. The

Bgo demands it.

I have t,«on told that wo have a i.oblo class ot

young .nen preparing for th3 ministry at JacksPn

I hopo thoy will not shun to declare tho wholo

truth, for foar that they will not bo popular with

the crrorisls, as some of our young proachors aro

that aro now preaching. If thoy tou-ih on Baptist

doetrlno thoy are ready to apologize, as though

thoy liad committed a crimo. Thor,, 1« » great

effort being ma.le 10 break down the distinction

between error and truth. I f thoro Is anything

extra on hand it makoM no difTcenco how manv

Baptist proachcrn there arc present, othera must

bo called on to assist.

Bro. G.ave3, I hopo you will continue tho expo-

sition of ti.e parables I am rory tnuch pleaded

as far as you l.avo gone Who., you got through I

hope you will put them in pamphlet form.

Collierville, T e ^ . j . o.

TO THK r i lE( ) I . ( ( j r (7ATcLASS .

O R tho benefit of those whodcHlre to enter Dr

Graves's Theological Class, and to save ti^.J

n corresponding, (wo have rcceivc.i qu.te a nnm-

ber of huiuiries tho past wock from „t only tho

bouth an.i West, but two from Canada,) wo hero

' ^ r o f - ' T by tho

bovcn DistMusations,

Christian Doctrines, f Genesis, mth notes by Conant, 75 CaiUerbury Revision Old Testametll 00& 00 Bible Types Explained. .1. l l . Eveiott

without delay, and we shall bo glad to supply

them. The prices quoted above include ix,stage.

When wo can send by express we p,t>fer doing so.

Of ^u rse we pro-pay the charges, and would ro-

queat those who live near enough to an express

oflice will so state in their orders. Yours truly,

J . S. MAiiAvrr.




...vvt....]!, nruiuu 18 wgii, attenued. and good many of their i«ombor« 1 aik and nrav .« public, i i ld a. BMong B a p t K Hi d strong ohuroh>mmuui6u!8t 1h tlVeir K r I thluk the good seed aoWn at^ . b e g l u u l p K K r m l

woDUyr.brothor, ^ ^ ^ , Bt6otm£

••If'inl.-^ift.toji •1 '?U( .Mtsf! f.iirt

1 m u RR? restrict 1 Big Hatchio Assoclaticn, on Friday, on account

ot rain. Second day, Saturday, Dotkcou P. A Con-

nor and I boarded the train for the place of m;o -

"g, Old Uunion, Shelby county, Tonn. The church

bsevoH miles west of Lucy 8l . i ion. Rov. I ran

M. Wise, the pastor, had proceded ua aiiout two

lioura After some delay, "Tigo" and the huggy

s ^ M tho church, hovo7n sIgh - ' T l g o " Is a mule, not a dog as the name would imply. I took the le ln . aa plfo,, T o ! Coimer, the whip, as Hreman; and is tl^, road w m good, and tho fireman did his duty, we m a d r g ^

"onirregaUon about to parUko

J W I , Ihtbkftally andhMrUlyjoJnedjn


a^pronouncod everything, from pig to pie, as very

After dlnnnr a good essay Was read by Bra Con-

ner. on Sunday-schools, and tho eveuiug ,po,rt in

disoussiou Of mibjocis, according u, prograuutae.

Sunday morning, weather still gloomy, but

o ^nod at ten o'clock with a good congro^a t i l

It was good to be thoro. At eleven o'clock the

writer proaohod on missions, and a collection was

taken up for Siato Board, conducted l,y Bro Wise

whlchrosnlledinflvo dollars for State mlssioH

work. Considering the .lay and sickness iu tiio

community, tills was a good collection.

After dinnor 0.. tho ground, had an essay from

l>oacon Martin on ministerial support. I t was full

ofg«od,s.)li,I thought, and was well receiv..d by

all. After a -hort discussion of tiio sut.jeci, ail

taking part, adjourned to moot with Covington

ohnrch, Friday before the fifth Sunday in .fanuarv

next. - /

Tho preadbers of the district, our country pas-

tors, who have no regular fifth Sunday work

whole were thoy? Bietlnon, these fltth-Hunday

meetings raoan somothing, thoy accomplish some-

tlng-fhcy are helpful to all, p.Tachcr and people,

who j.artlclpate in then. Will you not. bo with

us at Covington ? Come, wo need vou.

Old Union, like all of our churches, lilccs good

preaohl..g, hut nnliko many of our country church-

e^ th«j ..0 willing to pav for good preaching.

Hccc . hoy always havr i pastor that Is able U)

loadth> onward «ud upward. They aro not

rich if. lii« world'8 gooda-eithor, but rich i.i tho

graooof ciod—souls and pockct i.ooks ei.iveriod

'o K. C. Faulknb. . . Riploy, Tenn , Dec 4, 188.V

n>y church iwre In town, except tho ohnrohds

lnter.commu„io,.. ,Wf l have a go.lly p„tor , :a

workman of whom wo are proud. Our nhuroh

1 k n o w ' 7

We had our house of worship burned last May •

caused from ths burning of a ho.ise very near i t . -

boiievod to have been sot on fire hy a mean man

whooccupUUf for a store-room, wbieh church

r? . ' our town, church, and to

our udefatigable deacon. Anmln.wiio honors the i ^ r d with his money. We aro going to rob.iild

b. Baptist.


FRO V A L I D ^ Y C R E K K , T K A A 8 .

[ y : A K n A P T I 8 T : - W h y should Bro. P. Oroen

of Arkansas, con.plain of his llro. Tuppor for

not quoting some other passage in God'n word to

(avor intorcommunion than Iho one ho did, " I an-

point unto you a kingdom, that you .nay oat and

drink at my table 1.. my kingdom, an.i sit on

twelve thrones Judging the twelve tribes of Israo 1,"

when It is the very hctt, and only passage those

who agr.io with him can bring against church-

commnnlon, or the best I havo yet heard ol out

hero In North Texas, and wo have so.ua smirt men

out hero? II is stransfo thoy do not see that tho

construction they place upon this passage coutra-

dicts thoir own leachlngs, and upsets thoir own

admissions? Th.-y one a..d all admit that tho sup-

per Is Ktrirdy a cJiurch ordinance, to bo obsorv.td

l)y each cliurol. os such, and thoy one and all deny

that it Is a deuominationa! ordinance, and yet

thoir construction of It makes tho supper a denoini

national ordinance, for (hoy all admit that tho

kingdom inclu dos tho donominatien, i. 0.. ail Bap-

tist churches ought to cat wlierevor tho table is sot

within tho kingdom, or denomination, making tho

ordinance, aa all can see, and ovory candid man

must and will admit,» dononinational ordinance.

A position that proves loo much for them, proves

nothing for tlmm, but overthrows liiom I !

I do not think Baptists havo over shown so much

inconsistency in anything else, as tlioy do touching

tho communion quostiou. Only think for ono mo-

ment of Bro. Ray's plan to guard tho supper from

tho approach of tho unworthy members of other

churches. He says it is tho duty of the oflicers,

deacons, to soo that no unworthy momiier of an-

other church bo allowed to commune, altliough ho

was in good flianding in hi^ own Church, and tho

invitstion had not iioon given lo all who aro in

good standing In any aisUr church. I'han toll some

of them lo take a back seat I Is this consistency ?

Now, I am qnito sure that God's plan will work

without so much friction, t am glad to learn that

I havo a chance to help odncale young mlniaiers

who will bn more oon<ilH»ont. I will d-» it.


f r o m TIIK C l lU l tU i i AT THE HEAD


j J R O . GKAVKSr-Eld . IX L Morns of Claiborne

county, oamo over i.aro one week ago to assist

our pastor. Eld. W. Oliver in holdl.ig a series of

meetings, aud although tho weather had been v.-ry

unfavorable, our meeting is going on, increasing

iu interest all tlio while. Two professions up to

ihursday night, an.i several seokiu/ Christ in tho

pardon of thoi. sins. That portion of tho church

in at'ond3ij(X) mnc!i revived

Docomher 5, 1885 p.

AW r.XFf.«A;ATI05>.

• im«wll tonr w-oks

u n T : : ; . R *

Tlio pubiioatlon of the Itevlaod Old Teitatntnt

In May laat marked ' the completion of one of tea

^ a t e s t llferary «venU of all timei, and exc lM

the interest and attention ot tb« entlro,®«gll»b.

speaking world. ,

The occasion for tida revision of the ^r lp«ur« i , and the abie hands into wbJoh the great worVVaa entrusted, are so well understood that ,wo need tiot advert lo either topic i and while there are virion* opinions as to the value of the roaulU atlaine^ U is an assured fact tbat he old King jkipee^BJWe will not bo displaced for many year* to oome. Realizing Ibis fact, and the value of Ibe^ReVleea Bible, and the popular interest in R, onr publbl ien have prepared and put upon the markei ii ttev Psrallel Family Bible, quarto sice, which dvea tMe Authorized and tho Revised VoriioM cohimns, line- or.llne, Upon each page, ' - f

The desirability of thfc arrangemlnt will be ai>. I-rwialed at once by ail students an<J BlWe w ^ « V aud the now Parahel Bible will bo well r Sdv " ! ^




h e a r HRETI IREN.-F .vo mi^ionarios. Breth.

R. T. Bryan and wife, D. W He.ring and wife

and Miss Ruth McCowen, startul f . r China yester-

day. F.vo others, Brethren L. D. Daniel and wife,

E. A. Puthufl and wife, and Miss Everett, with a

so., of Bro. Puthun; will sail forBrar.il next Sat-

..rday, Deoe.nber the tifth. The eipenses. direct

and incidental, of the departur of such a co.npany

are very heavy. Will not the churche, aud aH

lovers of Christ, observe the golden .nio and eomo

to tho aid of the Boaid ?

H A. Ti i TKit, Cor. Sec. Uich.nond, Va., Dec I, 1885.

spaced. I t lsnearl^donWe thearaeof'tho iargeat

graphic usage of the American Bible S o e l r t y X

Commlttoe of Rovleert for the

st^nllani conforms to IbelSofllsh

Extraonlinsry care has boon exerclged' to iniiire accuracy. They have employed the.most S " proof-readers, and tho work has been again M d again gono over. In fact, fhey have detMted and

They are the first to publish a ParalleL Bibl^ quarto siie; and although they Inear th grca expense in the preparation oMhe plateeHhSy will issue the double volume at but a a ight extra c largo over the price of the Old Versftn a l on " Reference to ti.e price-list below will ahow the now and attractive styles ol bindings adoptod=and their prices, both those for family uae and t b Z for pulpit use. 'These stylos and price* are » graded as to i,o adapted to tho taste and ^meaw



i RO-GRAVES i-My lomark i ln my la«t oomi

'^munioation of "Soft BaptlBts/' did not apply to


l y i . JOHNSTON and I were invited to hold a

^ mission-meeting >1 Macon on the Qf h Sun-

day iu Novombor. Tho Doctor was dotai.iod at

home and I was alono. Tl.o weather was i..clem-

cnt, but wo had a good congregation Sunday

morning. After a sermon on Cliristian Bcnev-

olonco, two brefhicii went through the congreg*.

lion to take the nsme^ and rccrlvo Iho coniriini-

tions of tho people. Tho try pU.lgo was twenty-

nvo dollars, but our cash collection v us thirty-two

dollars, and a.i eflort will ho made t.i raise it to

thirty-five dollars. I think evorv member of tho

church present mada a contribution.

Tho Baptists of tho place uay as much salary for ono Sunday as the Meti.odisls and Presbyterians pay for three Sundays. Who can say Baptists aro stingy ?

Bro. Windos. former pastor, has a warm place

in ihe hearts of this i>oopl,.. I enjoyed the mag-

niflcciit bospifslily of Macon, and many other

kiudnessos. I felt highly complimented in being

n8ke<l to bccon:o pastor of tiiin model and energetio

church. Tl.oy are waiting lo co-operate with

Somorvilie and tho State Board.

I colieoled in Novomlwr, at Eiidora church, twenty-six dollars and fifty t ents for foreign mis-sions. i •'•>:

Bro. T. J . McCandless of 'Somervllle preached

an excellent Thanksgiving sermon at Eudora in

the morning, and at OermantowM in 'the evening

of tiie iwenly-titth uit.

Some good ohui-chos would l»e fortunat« in ae>

curing tlie paaloral serviofls of Bro. MeO. He N «

misBlonary preaobor, and a good pa iior. 1

Germantown, Tenn. J . D. Anomsoi i .

Thfl AalhorlB4Nl Tenlna |h» «« r lMd

bolh vid .Btf New r«.lM««>.t.i.li.»4k . l l a i r ^ npoB vMk par... iMncm alar.

Two BlblM IB okD V«lnm«.ft .... J KdlUon, L«rr« .ClMr Typ«. U v t ^ ^

So. 300. Aiabesquo, paneled, gilt t i t l e , > m b edges, cou'alninj both Veralona of the Old and New 'festamenli In parallel columns : the Reviaera'preface to eioh* the readings and reuderiiiga prafert^ by the American oomralttees; biatorr ol the earlier printed edilions of^the Bibl^ etc; fa nily rticord and marrlane certidoate; 18 full-page engraVlngaJ '

l i ' • • '14 afl.

rmmiir TMltlom, hmrg*. TrpV^^ «.«ejhieeop»r«i .ovsr leeo I tHaatmi l iM, m

r « l l>*r« rnmtwmwim^ t. ? Containing both Versions of thu Old and New

Testamenta in parallel coiumna:' 8mlth»» Pro.^ nouncing Bible blctlonaryj the ParaWw S r o ^ f • Lord, iiruslrated wltb 10 /uii-pago engrar ln« • H letoiT of tho Book, of tho Bible, fflu.lratS X ' 47 full.pjgoengravings; Compline OonoT to the Holy Scriptures; auperb engrav gold and ooloi'B, showing Jewish Worablp, nacloB, Voitmonts and Holy Vesiiels; W Utbo^' i graph Maps of the Holy t ands j Live. 5f ?he Apostles aud Evangeli.ta, and Life of W u L , 111 is rated; and many other valnable featured ' a . Aids to the Study of the Dlvim. Word;1rt S -in No Iwo onumoratet! a i oontalfled

Wo. 820 . American Morocco, R a I B K d ' P A W L , gilt ijack and side iSlle, gilt edges. ^

70 CliL CKlr. for IKWIIIC* whM msit k J I Lm . '


Containing both Version, of the Old iind New Tea-lament, in Parallel Column^ and a Contwrdance, but without l l lustratbn. or otbe" wjllaferal matter. E'lwolally adapbtd tor pulpit

« A 1 8 « D PANEL , gilt tllle, gilt edge., r . a« !« i French Morocoo, n i l " — -

ttiie. No 411.

i i o . ' 4 a i .


Vench M..rpcoornAl8Eb PANkLUJ^ ' llqne, gw f a

AddfWM OaAVM A GBAVKB /T MABAwrr, Uemphli^ Teno.

* H-M

l i

iil*iililfiibeni wjKM. '

. . , • IMllor 4iid mt>rtetor W. I*. SONI), bUU., T«m«Mte, HOM. J . IIAHITAL., MIINLMLL'DI A»II0O«ATB8.

M W N OMHTKTLLLWM. •.J,lfB08T,J),i). - .i- HMrataento.Oft). rtihr W«. . • . UuiflHBd.

• RKV, X T. OAiCl-ltV. (Inn.leMioij'ii (yom llo«d«, Tenu, .jpaoifi^u. W. JOHKSTON; liUO., - i (>fl«Uor»iile, rmn.

' "HNAOKKH KOHKIIfK AUVKKTIHKMEKT*. HDWIH A%r>HN * »K6., - - - . OtnclnMnll.

" - - - .NBwVom. •MMta*w <in«)«i «aeiMaii> iiir««l. Waittpma,

PKK Api>UM IN AOVANt'Ki >rtntii.e!opir.„.:.:.u......;....„:i..i.; n w

l-KUMHKORBIX MONVHHl ^i,....... .i 7* flt*.

Blnitlo Copy Jour uimiUw... - 80ot». aintla eopr to mlnUlbiK who (j.iUwriVerii 1 oo

ADVImTtbSNO llATEH JUrnliiliod on ap|iltoatlon. Mt««ikrlM>~wb«(n «(iwmmHpf thU pAuer or rncmbsm or

aatrfMQtltM, MV03 UoM urfttiM^ u)i over Mv«n Un««, artMii MUjmUoe. KlBttt wor<I»Kim«» • Hue. FftrUew madliig

ti«'«MtwlMi,n«iolutton» of rcspoci, «to,, wl'.l boar thlii in Jtind Anil WMd •MO with t HXTRNONV

«kl>c| mooer hy l>0*»r0l»Mi Onl»r, WegUtOKMl LcM«r, KxprrJW. or nr«ft, lit our rUk; oth i-wliw »t the ncDdttr'i. Jf muivrer la dMircd by inittl, iieuil sump or ixnital ciinl ' PMiopiil;l«t««ni i* «o«e« UitoiiitMl for ihn editor HioulJ bo #rUt«o onMpar»t(! ilieelii ttmugb luolowil lu tUo eikiu« eu-TVIMM -with b»litln«a lett iii.

AodrMMi til baiinerii letlorm and mak« Money OrAem mid I)ri> ti payable.to Omvw A •(luhntry.

DlBtlniciiIalitnK PHnolyiMorHaptlaU, '!> Ai iUptlaU, we arn tontaud for tbe HUpreme nattaorUy

of tne word 01 UiKl but tlin nnlynnd tumclent rale Of faltb SKtusUea, Tbe DtbJ«, «u(t tba Btble ouly, u opnoMd to

•It hutnaD irkdltlou in matter* botli at fftlth and praoUoe, IK dootrlDe ui oar de-nre called earoeaUy

tnnat iflalio aa belug u dlNtltignlflblUK aosUDHtlou->-a«loetr:oe for wblob vre ni to tnOnveud. - * Bapl . __

ijolned tbein UMn btB foUowers, tb« eame to number, , In ortirr, anil lu . .. auobai |MbIe till be oon(.e.

34'Aa Baptuta, we are to «Und for the onUnancee of Obrlit a be •njolned tbein UMn bte followers, tb« eanie to number,

I n tnoae, lu ardefj anil lu tymOoiie mfniUng, nnobanged and

bliuroii |>rIvllegoi, It inuit be iitoinbora. It nothing lem thtti dlaloyalty to prltioiple to AVOW it in «rord« and disown It in our prAoiicd. If ths Lord's flupi^isr it indMiK m oliurelii onUtianco the oburobes of Ubrjit era In duty boniid lo olii»»!rvo 11 R9 cliurchoH, ami not a« parts of diU'w <jut ohurciies; in other word*, not aa'a dfliKiuii-iiatlouai ordinaaw,-—inviting all connecknl with tiio Haptii*t doDoinluaiion.

We hnvo 0ngaK0<l Eld. J. T. Prior of Jmny, On , formerly proprietor and eilUor of the Kvmgtl of California, to review sovoral, If not ull, of tke alwA'o luoutiunod publlnatloH*, for the benefit of those brethren (the editor of tho t'lmj ecpwJally ) who bciiivo that wo «ro thn inventor of tho idea nf ciiui-oh coinninnloii, and the first to advocate tin. prlncipleu upon which tho pra(itice icdf'*. K d. Kjiy does all in hli« jM wer to tnalco UHOilious. and prt-ju dice UH ill the estimation of our brethren, by «neef-ing at UH as an Innovator and r»>foriru!r, and the putter forth of a "new-fangled notion," Ho dofs this while he adniltR that there ix no wnrrant in (Jod'a word for inter-ohuroh communion, ami that it ought not to he practiced. The first of Eld. IVlor'B articles wo now pntKont t'» o'lr readers.

()1{UAM?.AT1().> aiT' CALVAllV BA1T18T CllUIUJH.

'PIIK Kwxvillo Onily Journal thus noiircs ihe * orifanir.ation of tho Calvary Uaptist church

p artnur in tho concern, and I aiu gQiujg t ^ ||uk « E buBiiieaa is J^atilng oh,' Well, I.OW. that ii what I want. uk bc parinm In lfa» coucern, and let us sco bow fbo butiuoiiA i« g«lth»|{ on. ' IX» not lei u« drop our «)vereig'M or our abUHog on ifae plate, and <hen wa^b our band* cif it till aowo »ub-teijuent'occaiiioii, when wc will repeat tbat proc«<M. Do not let'iis take leave of the miMtousry «u«l never tiilnic more alwut bini- Let u«, i u d i ^ , be paitnerH in the great work wbicb we. are en-gaged, and let us know aud roni^nilxir that to mi 1« given that marvellous honor; tot merely of bc-Inp partners am! fellow• worker* with our ( tt ai Mailer, who wills ihat all men should 1>« »Ave*l and should come to the knowIfHljje of Iho Hwib."

There will be lifty dollars wanted to p«y all ex-peneot. <»( " Our ISoys " ai JacksMMi up to January the first, 18S6. If you liavo not given anything to ministerial educHiion /kiji year, ikeud a R<>i3trit>u tion f/iin week boforo IKH \car CIOMS*. WO wani i/oii (o biwme an nrhve ti:iiii.<. r ti. thi» husiuwi*.

t l ' E WKHK 'iirprii'id, on a Urjfe i>ai ag e that wa* iaid n|\on our wrintig (slij,^ i


I AsSapttata, wo are to itaud for a sptrltaal and regener-'«t«<I eboreb, aud tliat uone sUall be reoolVMUDtoUbrlat*! otiflreb.orbewelooniedto ltaordtnHnceH, wUboat oonfeaalns • |>«rsoaaI faltb in Obrtet, and ftvlhg oredlole evidence of

etieoaiaUoa of taewi, ,,, ,.f v' Chnrch

Tke BaptUU Mlevv tbnt a CtarUiUau cbarnb it a local oon> re»UOD,Bud complote In ttwelf. 'tiat, ttuder UbrUtt, eaou obarcb U abnulQiely aoverelen

aaJ liulapeiidaut. S. TliattOeaob ctaurob Otn lei oomuUlltHl tbe liole goardl

*nabipaiid ooutrolol theonlluanoe* -prvaobliis tbogoapel 4ndadutl»l«tarluK oaptlam and tb« Lord'HNapper.

4. That all ohurcli rigblii and prlvlIoKtM, nil votlux and tbe Ixird'alupper. abould he ItmUed to tlie dloolpllne of eaob sbureb.

5. That no *emlilKoce of coclwliuitlcal autborliy can be eaefetaediiBVe bya local eburch.

«. Tbat eaob IOOHI ebnrob Kioil,> li inveated with all eoole-iK-ttlcttl power—power U) elect «ud cumialaalon aud depoao lia own ottt«er«,-power to receive, dlbolpUne and eiolude I ta own membooa. •

Itialktttnllililuir i*oli<ijr »r llil'aturipal Bntillau. ma non-l^MtnUlon of unmau nbcietlm aa Horlptnral

ot«rob«ab)r*mnuUon, mialaterlal or ecoiealaatlcal, or any * Uaaoa or oo-op«raltoti tbat ii anueptlbla of being at>-fmrentiy or logically oouaurqed by our uieinbera or tbelrs or . M> world in to a reoognltlon of ecoHntaatlcal or ralunterlal «qnalltr wHb BairttitaburaheK, •tll«me« la thf) moal <-fn<<leut Ac<'«)iu|>llc<> of Krror«



TN SOMtrisMtldnti tboro oDj.oddbii'fo the 1 BaptUt Book, lloutio bccanso .it publishes two books that; advotiate ehiirch uoniiniinion. It occurH to u» that these brothron, to bo conshtont, would oppose the American Baptint Publication Bocloty for tho'eamo roason. The follo iring i» a partial iUt of the bhurch eommunion publioatiunM ondorsod, published Und circululod by thul Society: —

Progress of Baptist Prineiploa. By t'lof. T. Ctirtls, I>.p.,, ..

Communion. By Prof. T. Ourtis, D.O, Tbo Buppor Instiiulion. By ir. Doiilson, A.M. Baptism and Communion. 1£. KuilerJ t^.p^ Tba Oh'iirch. By Pi-of. Itai-vey, D.D. ' Mtptlat Principles. J. M. Pendleton, D.D. Communion. B y Wm. Gardner, D.D. Wo do not wUb toibo understood that tho emi-

nent.futbors of llicvo works,ittndorsod as soundly Boriptunl in iho<csUmailou of this Soduty, advo* oato tho practioo of cburch corntbunipn i,l)Ut wo do say that tliey hniiounoo the prinoipl'os, and l a y dowi^ thft priij[nlBos» which lOKloally oomiMjlMho oonoluilQii that ohureh oomniuulon iB itlnne Sorlp tural aiid ooHsUtont; 1. o., that tho Lord's itippoi' Is St'ahili^h ordhmUQO, and o^nuot bo oatrlodont of tho obnroh otilobratlng it,«<.that^'llkigi all othbr

-ittiiif iJ iiiit jJiitiitt I .v.-

• ' " A :

that ciiy :— "On Ihe tlrst of Beptemhcr last llov t>. L. Ifailey

of Aberdeen, Min»., came to this place and took charj^e of (Jalvury HapiUi chapel, North l\ncxville with a view to the orgnnlzation of a church as won as iiractlcahle. Mr. Ilailey U a craduaic of ihc Southern Baptist Theolojrical Seminary of lA)ui»villo, ivy., auil came to this place highly re commended. Ho has fully sustained his character as a (Irst-class, liigh-toued minister since ho IHW had charge of the work in North Kuoxville, ami liai (gained tho confidence and love of ail who have heard him. Since cominfj to this place ho found the work wao too arduous for him alone, luid i few weeks since called to bis assistanco Miss Nora, the danithtor of Dr. J. ft (iraves of McmphlH. She a lady of Hlerliiif^ worlh, ami Norih Knoxvilici'' to be ont^ralnlaled on the valiiaMe aojiiixiiion (W Mr. aid Mrs. Ilailey to her ranks of Cbrisiian workers

O n Btinday last, the orgiini'/.alioii of Calvary Bupiist church was elTeclnd, (ho council in iitioud-ance tx'inK an followf-: Klrst Baptigt church : llcv. K. A. Taylor, pastor; W. W. Woodi'lJlI', .Jttmc-» S. Hall, Uobert OHborn, John L Mosec, John McCoy and .John Cruze; Ixland Home chu'-ch; [lev. Jesse Baker, pistor, W. B. t'ord; Adair's Creek church: W. A. A. Conner and B. F. Sanders; Beaver Dam church : llov. B. DoMarcUH, |paslor, Jackson Hnntor and J. C. Mynatt.

"The sermon on tho occasion wan delivereil by Itev. Jesse Baker of Mossy Creek, from' Acts, ix. 31. and was one of deep lhon{fht, and apjiropriate to the occasion, setthiK forth the distinctive doctrines of this denomination in a clear, unndstakeahio manner to the asf^iubly present.

"At tho close of Mio sermon tho church covenant was read, together with tho names of (lie members constituting the organisation. On motion the connoll declared tbo church regularly,oruani29i1,'ind ready for business. Tho flrst mootin/ will bu hold on Thursday eveninsi of this week, when tbo doacons and ofHoersof the church will bo choscn."


THE following account is given iiy Earl Cairns: ,, " In Belfast there was a little bov, a oblinuey-

swoop. l ie happened to bo attracted by missions. And dropped In a mission box a sum not Inconsid-erable for him—tbo sum of twopenco. One after-noon a friend of tho boy's mot hlnl going along tho stroet in an unusual condition, for J d s hands and hit faon woro washed, and bo "was dressed in hU,boat clothes. And Uje boy who was his friond Bald to him, 'IIuHoftT whero aro you going?' 'Oh I' ho salci, 'I am going to n mission-mooting.' •What I' ho aald, 'going.to a | misBlonary mooting? What aro you going to a mlaiioDary meeting for?' 'Well/ tbo Rwoop said, yoti aoo,! havo booomo a sort of a

A i'i:KsKN r •ack-

g one morniujr last week, to rintl it a . ijiy or Yougti't Oreek and Hebrew and K i<,'ii»!i t "ot;.ordaui« of the Bit»le, with thi-4 not*- —

1 lake |)l«-asnri! in a ,>py of \\,ag,v\ Circek aud Helirow C 'nc«.ril«tt(i», Hro. iinVP". whicii, 1 trust, will bt- ac«'j->Uljle, and provo UNefn! in the devflopincnl ol" »uur au-wor ihc ijiio«tiou, what is truth ? i f\i!ly your* in (<-t|.nv«hip auit .«orvioeof (Virist our L,ir(f f S Ui

hkliUir autl I'loprletnr of/T.iywV IVutr'ti.-frer. It i» a majfnitlcoul vr>lnnni; and the !it>rary of

uo midlntor or Bible <i;udttni of only a uitvleraio acquaintance enough in sjifll .•<!( ihf wonU <ihouhl be wilhout il. l l- will we the Hi.-hrew woi\1 in Eujjiish oharaclni-x lor cvt ry word in ihi> »»U1 Te--tanieiit, and tho <irtrek word in KnjtJish cbaras tcm for every word in tlic .New TcaiAiucnl. .Vu o i . ample: —

It (/>e. 1 A Ihi. k, •.ti'-kii riii>, — <-Ae«ifr. i;, A thick, sticky tuinfd sjrtip, — • U im'ir. What in prf m-fl out, — grape iiiiri', — vot/iH. ".AihI he drank v 'l/'". ami 'v i- ilr-.iiiki-Ji " ('iou. ix 21 , 1.

* IX 211 ' . \ : i . i i i . . ri.ill .'.ruukcu will) iviiir Nutii. viviii .

7: "("a\i^o Ihc slroni; « i .n- i , in j>.,nrtti,' elc. O. ! iroDh. Ju'lgoK il I.'J. •• I cave my wine which chi.-1'reth I'" 7. (t irc k, Aru li. IJ;

Mocking "aid, Tlir>M' tiicii art- f .'I ..t n< iv vriuc." 8. Sweet wine, — gi apc jui<-4.>. <hit,„. Kph. v. 18 :

Ho not ttrutvk vvitlf o/no... Thi'i will give tho icaJcr an idna "f the great

value of (his woi-k, giving, a, ii ,| Uie Scriptu-ral foi/Ke/n//(»( every word u-.-d in tho Old and N«w Testament Wlm Wcbiter's Una-bridged Dictionary i.4 to Ihc English (ti holar thin work is to Ihe student of (Jod's word, aud we heartily conimcnd it to every Bible s udoul.

We rogi-ct to record one in^iance where tho author allows hU creed to sacriiioe his impartial scholarship, but ho all >w< Ihc word of tio<l to re-prove him; viz.. ''Baptixc. To eonmjcrate (by pourini; Oui on or putllufi into). tJreek, Imptizo." But he fail^ to Kive ou«> i^xsnnpfc iii-fiiwl's word to llHlily irH allegt'd u- e of the word, niid lher«fort!

Ihe very .S(M i|(turcs he <|uote« correci hin^iardtian deflidMon.i.

There arc s|w)l.<» on the sun, but ucvortholess tho sun U an imliapcintblo lumiii.»ry to u*.

Will Uro. Uusscll lun-cpt our heartiest thanks (or his timely inil inC»limab!o literary gifi; »tid may Oo4l oua))lo us both, hy it< aid, to give our rt^aders the light of life.

This work can be iiad of the Baptist Book House. Price, (Ivo dollars.

THE THEOUIGICAL READING CLASS. U E AUE enrolling tbo names now rapidly for

VV 1880. Tho old onos beard from suggest and request that we eonsont for all to commenoo tho course anew togolher on tbo flrst of .January, 188(J. Wo aro willing, and more than .willing, for wo think It altogether tlio best thing to do; ant) a ro-vlew on the part of tlio^o who havti read thocourso will bo good for thoni. Bond In your natnos

hnihna , and poit nfflcc addreaa, and look in this iMUO for the t(xt.book» you will need, and proooro Ihow, so a« to be ready, OM and all, to commontjo tb« flnt of {January.

THOSE ffxEDOES. p u i s MINISTERIAL BOARD at Jackson are 1 in debt two hundred dollans for tho Iward of

young mlnlttors and they ask us to urgo every brother who has promlsetl to help to do it now, by all means before tho flrst of January, that these noble young men may uot have to bo sent borne. Friends of tho young ministers, help. If your pledges were try pledges now is tho time to try, aad to try with all your might. At>d if you have' not promised help without promising. The cause U good, aud the ueotl i* urgent.

BOOlv TABLE. Mav CbristiaiiB Danoe? By J. H. Brookes, D.D.

143 pagei, Iflmo. Pajwr binding. Price. 26 csDta, pcwtpaid. This little boot contains ion chapters of very

interesting matter on the 8ubjtM:t of dancing, aud, while not an unkind expression i« fouad in its pages, it Is full of goo.1 common-sense argument* ajrainst (bis social evil. JM. 8. Mihatfy & Son, Memphis, Tenn , will supply it at tbo publishers' price.

Fifty Years and Bey:>ul; or Old Age aud How to Enjoy It. A new edition sixteenth thojlsaud. A most appropriate gift book for "Tho Old Folks at Home." Compiled by Bov. S. I^throp with an intrtKluction by Rev. Arthur Edwards^ D. D., eiiitor cf tho A". If. Christian Aflcfjcnte 400 pp. cloth, black and goM stamp, 11 (XX Pro seniation edition, full gill, |1 .V). This is a new issue of a thoroughly good hook

The first edition appeared Itirce ysars ago, since which time the sale bat reached no less than fifteen thousand copies, certainly a most remarkable sale for a work iniendMl ouly for those advanced in life. The > japters on the preservation and proper us« of the physical faculties in the decline of life are exceedingly pointwl and practical, and do not in any way detract from the devotional portion of the work, which constitutes the great bulk of th». contents, comprining coutributions from well known writers and carefully aclected oxcorpU from the best writers of tho past aud present.

The preaeutation edition in attractive biufling and gil: edges will make a particularly appropriate lx)ok for a gift to friemis who have parsed the naeridian of life. J. S, MahafTy <t S-Jn, Momphia, Tenn.

••— — a happy^Qiio to uH? Voti cau" make a double present In oho by giving,UiU papar aa a (^hrlatmaa" present to your pastor or to that married son or daughter. It will bleas tho pastor or child and help tho editor also; 'h

Tbo foremost scholar of Germany Isays: "Tho baptism ofthochlldrefi of ChrUtians, of which no trace is found in the New Toslamont, i« not to bo held as an a|>ostolic ordinanco, but as an Institu-tion of the church, wblah gradually aii>so in apbs tollc times lu connection with tbo development ol ecclosiastical life anil doctrinal tttauhi'iiH, not cer-tainly attoMicd bofoio Tertulllan, A. 1)., 300, aud by tiim still decidedly oppottod, and al'hongb already defended by Cyprian, only lioromiug general after the time of Augustlno, A. D. 100, in virtue of that connootion."

GENERAL ITEMS We call special attention to our Parallel Family

and Pulpit Bible*.

A flrst-clasa academy in Tonnessoo wants a tlrst-class teacher (layman). Addross J. M. Wilks, Ecbu, Macon county, Tenn.

The resulUof missionary labors among thoTelu-gus aro without a parallel in tho history of modern miaslona. The conversions ainco tho groat awak> euing in 1877-8 have averaged more than 2,000 a year, ihe number of cburch-memlMirs now bciug near 25,(XX) gathered into thirty-four churches.

E XCUSE . — The fierce cold has brought with it palna to limbs and dulineas to mind, so that we have not been able to furnish the parabi) for this Issue. It will l>e all the better for another week's work iipon it.

We beapeak the careful reading of Bro. Prior's re-view of tho publicatioca of tho Amorican Baptist PubBoation Society on communion, which com-mencea with this iaaue. All will see that we only urge the practice of the principle* set forth In all theae publications,—loyalty to what their dhtln-gtiiihed author* declare to be the truth.

Will not every friend make a good, thorough effort to tend ua one, If not more, new Bubscriber for a ChrlBtmai preaent, so as to make the last week r- • of the old as well as the first week of the new year

The question, whetbor iho tloallion dylug with-out tho gospel aro lost, recoive. now light from the opinion of tho lloalhoo oxpro^sod by tho vonor-able missionary, Dr. A^hmuru, in a rooeut address before the Indiana iUiitiiil Staio Coavoniion. Said he: "The Heathen kuow thitt they aru lost. Thore aro none among them, unies i it nhould bo some few Buddhists, who ever imagine that laon aro to have any other life thao the p e^oul in whioh to prepare for a final day. These sptiiulalious which have been gotllng a footing <mot)g y 111, iire ouly that old worn-out PagaiiiBin which H JIH ; of us have been (Ifjhtiug for the last thirty votro."

Aniimisoiouium gone t.) Bucd ia o.i/mpiiliud in the miuutcA of tho Laurel river Acsociation of Kentucky, now boforu us. Il has a uioiuberHhip of nearly three thounami, ainl noi ouodi.'ue is rupurtid for missioni at home or abroad, and uot money unough sent up hy the churches to pay for printing tour small pages of it» ininute», costing ten dolisrs or BO. Ouo minister (and loi his name bo a j.raise and hiti act an inlluontiai example to all others) prv)po8ed to the Association ihnt he would givo fifty ceniK for every ilollar raised by the body to tho amount of fifty dollars; but tho Associalion refused lo ac< «()t the olTer I Thul is oiio Miisionary Axsociaiioii Ihat sUoiilJ he ilissolvcd.

"t)n Ihe name principle it i<i lhal ordinarily one shoulil uu( he Ki(,ii/.t>il oven l»y an ordiiiiietl ininiH-ter without the approval of a ch' rch," says tho veteran editor of the fV(/-t>f(>»/i (ndc.t, aud HO say wo. What was done hy .lohn tho Bapti»t and Philip and the apo«t!oi, under special commissions, before churches were organize*! and innltlpllrd, is no guide tor tho churches of lhii« aj(;o. Tno autliority conferred by Christ upon iho aposUes was trans-ferred by them to the churches they organized, in obodiencs to the command of Christ, "le<iching them todoal! tldngs whatsoever I have commanded you." Tho ordinances, which aro the guardians of tho purity of the doctrine as well as tho churches themselveB, were delivered solely to tho churches thoniKotves as a sacred trust; and they cannot delegate their trust to their pastors, lo evangelists, or to any one iu any circumstances Imsglnablo. Tho bill of exooptions lo Mio irexoral rulojiinst be discovered and prnsentod hoforo we yield our oppo-sition lo manifest and admitted irregiilaritlo.s.

The llrst pastorate of a preacher uuially givos tone aud color to the wiinlo of his subsiHjiiont inin-isttrial life. Tho young pastor wlio thinks that because ho occupies a cothparativoly obtcHro and limited lleld, ho iio hI not oxen bimsolf' greatly, and wlio euppo' os that he may rossrve bis t>ost powers for somo other Hold, l.s making a' terrible mistako. The habits of study, tho mothodi of Work formcl In tho tlrst pastorate will full >w tho proachor through life, aud dotoruilno his position and usefulness. Carolossnoss lii study, lack of ays-torn In work, will show tbonisolvos In cottilng years. Thoro mat toinporary aotlvily. In vlewof some nnti aud urgoift'^demaud/^but tho' fiact remains that the ftnt pastorato is tlii rudder' which shapes all this coining oaroor of the pro^c^iof.. Ah I yonng brother, fiowovor^obioure your Hold, work and preaoh as if the oyot of tho whole world were looking at yon, and the oarg of *»ho whole world wore listenlnitto you, and abovo Ml romora-

bor that you are ^under the gaz} of |,ha| f a l t e r who has said, "he that Is lalthful in that wbloii if least is lallhtul alio lu

We forget^ hat our fathera ^ wer«'= Idlolatora. 'So keep us romlnded of that faot the names of,, blols have boon glt'cn to the days of our WMV i<iD Ihe museum at Borllii, luthehall d e v o i d to Kojrtb-orn antiquities, they have the representations of the idols from whfch tbo names of the 4aky« of thd week are derived. Prom tho»Idols of tbo,; S«n comes Sunday. This Idol is representei^tfit^ facollko the sun, holding a burning wheel,j)fitb both hands on his breast, signifying his Murs^ around the world. Tho blol of tbo ^Utoou,, f^om which combs Monday, it habited In a shor^ .ooat likea m&u. but boldlug the mwn in his haod*. Tulsco, from which comos Tuesday, Was one of the mo it ancient and popular gods of the Geimans audds ropresontod in bis garments of sklu aocord-' ing to their p ciillar manner t»f clothing; the thifd day of the week WSB dmllcated to his worship. Woden, from which comes Wednesday, WM a valiant prince among tho Baxons; bis image .w|a prayed to for victory. Thor, from whence comes Thursday, is seated iu bed, with twelve star* over bis head, holding a sc^ptro in his hand., , Friga,. from whence wo have Friday, Is reprosouted,^ with a drawn sword in bis right liand, and a bow In his left. Sater, from which wo have Saturday,, has tbo appearance of perfect wrotchednesA. Ue is; thin-vlssgnd, long-haired, with a long beai^^^ile' cjrr.9< a pail of water lu bU right hand, whoiilu aro fruits aud flowers.


SESSION? The faculties at Jack»on and Carson College will

unite In tho statement that three young ministers in all respects more promising, and more worthy of asslHtanco. uf-ver attended those colleges. "They aro In tho midst of their studios. Thoy cannot re-lurn witliout the assistanco of frioiids. The] ijuestiou now Is, shall we say lo them return and you shall have It ? Personally It will be too much for us, until wo aro again able to take the field to preach or Icciuto. If wo shall receive, in answer 1 to this appeal, between now and September the first, enough lo pay one month's board for'ieaob, ' thirty-seven dollars aud fifty cents, trusting in God and our brethren, wo tvlll say to them. "Cmme' back and finish your course." iiOt every filend of luinisterial education who roads this decide If he or sho will help this cause this year, 1885-6, attd inform us how uiiich, and forward a part of it be-" fore tho first of Soptembor next, tBro. Fuller/Wft ' aro sailsficd, wiU start the now year with his old' i)ro|>ositlou; I. e., to bo one of twenty t« pay the board aud washing of one young minister,—thir* toon dollara aud fifty conlN six dollars and seventy* < cents each. Wo beliovoouo brother iu Oaliforaia wi.!l engage to support ono. And we believe the young ladies' missionary societies IH Tentiesi^ will engage lo support another, aud that the «00i0- L ties in Dyorstiurg and lliplt;/ will head the IUt.'< And wo are morally cortain that tbo general) oon> { tiibutions will su|iport another. If we are right In this wo can aupjwrt four instead of three forthe^ oomlug year, lH8it-ti. Shall we not do It?' It may bo a hard year, but lUteu to the promisor "Trust in tho Lord, aud do good, and verily thou «balt bo fed." Who will trust In tbe Lordpfahd leail ofl' iu this grand work ? '.R-SIV.V; •

If wo oan ouly bo InstrumeutHl tble year iD > raising tbo means to support four young ministers at Jackson and Car.«un wo shall fool thst we are not living In vain; and the brother or sister who gives ton or five or ouo dollar will uotl l tw wholly iu vain. n Wts mji

Let ua hoar from orory frloud of miolvterlal cdn-..« cktion durlug this month, that w«> may let the, brethroii know if thoy can return lo HefU ciuber. '

A'jy amounts in the malU that have uotreaohMl • us will bo addo^ to the Septumbor fund, i vrj

J . I t . CIBAVKS. llU.Ktt PUNO. a Ij.i:

Urn K B Fuller moLCses to lie one of t*n to giva |18 OO.i' i a Mlsslsslppl.-Kf U Fuller, 0 79) rieasant-hlll oWrob,'

OoSoUiconuty, 0 ?6. ToUiI, til fW. • h ^ . . " Kuntuokyr- W L Trioo, tl Tft. , ,

, Toxas. —MrsLlaaleChaaoy, 18 (K). ^ i i URNNIUL VUMU. if' ''.

Cashon band lstBaptamli«r,|4i 90. -fy ' t^ ' 'i - M'-i ' -llowlyod •\noe Bopmniw 1st to date, (it. , W;;;^ :

i-v ; ... . tr- HBPOH*. • ;;;

U F Rborrouse, Loiilslanii, a IWt Mrs A'J Bberirousef-lio., 1110) Mrs K V Westbrook, MiMlsstppI, I fMi Johl{ WilaoD.balirirnla, » 00{ Matllo Watkhs, Misabaiiipi, ' 40. ToUl, 0 <0. " '

' m

'^'xMm^- .ilWf.;

J . i'," ' --I '




' tiuiuitioat t wild tH },rp.Suie'(or my |mttor j l ^ I. " kin (.uUllbt'd ibut ailviio«t« itto^irtiiDfiiNi i>f the praW^ / ( I'hHirolipciiiiiiiitijlou, ao<l «Uu tii K'oUUittraaratMj'Mv* (liniw wrillen It/ yownwlAor puHlnJieil by tbo IMpUtt

Ifouw.' ' \ ' J . toMur. , ^''ToniJMlpe;'" -f i ^^yAiiWlri m Wti give j'On a. ll«t of all (ho books ^n'iBoinniuui.iii onrtorsed atuJ publishud by tho AFIIFCRLO«N; n^pilst 'Pdbllcidi.n Society, PUiU-VrtfjibfiV<0 fcomtnoiuw wlUi; viz.,— ** ]!b#i6il on dojitnitiiilon. " ' r rogro i s - 'o f&apUst Priiiclplos. By Prtf . T.

''Cdiiimuiilon. By f r o f T Curds, D.D ^ i 'Tlioyu|H>er IiiMtimiijii. By F Dctilaon.'A.M. "lUt)tl«m and Comiuiinioii. U. Fullor, I).I). T h e Church. By Prof irsrvoy, D.I).

• tJii»tlst Prliicip'.!». j M. P.n 'lioton, D.D. ' ' AIH)-TO TtlE AllOVE.

Coinmuniou. ijy Win. (J »nl nor, I.).l).

T h o Apostolic Uimrrh. W. E. Paxioii, D.D. Bnay on'Coiiiinuulixi. By Mercor. Pnl>.

lUhnd'Irt the Georgia riilplt in 1811. Ttitei-communloii'. By J. 11 Onivc«. Old Liodthurfclsiu. By .f. ll. (}ravus.

'Ghiiwh Directory. By K. T. Olscox, I) D. If Bro. Tombot will pro^orvo tliis lUt wo will

add to It'when wo bave iiioro tinio. When thC'io authors assort that tho Lora'o tiiip-

per a ch .rch ortlinancc, and «h .uhl be ob«erve<l by anbtirch asuuch,"— when tb*-; asstrt tbal "(be nvcrcd'suppir cannot be carrijd out of the church," —' wliau thry j-ay lliat it i« an oiiilnance analotjou.s to the paasivcr, and it limited to tlie local church lis n.at rito wis to tho family, ntc., they adrooate church romiiiunion,

qUMTlO.V .1<I9. I'lottse an jwor lUe fwlto wing Hupstlnn: t i l t not |)roiiHrU)rt(luoo all cUirj<(!» of u puMic niituro id wrfUuK, whou Uiay aro of a vory gr(.vi. chiirac-lur, such at ilrunkcn iCHH fal>iUoo(t and profjiiii) •

- A N B W C K 300 MIBI cerittin'y. Wo never kuew liul oiio churc't (' .1 prcsinue.l to rofii^c t<. gi»c tho DII^'fcndaut ch.ir^ , and specidoallona. A brother I »hDuld prolc"! j;„j'ust boiuj; brought to trial nn-lofii furnii'icd with them.

•iUBSTION 3< I. il »Uou..l 11 I'liurcli ile»l witU >< mem-ber wUu liUD II itiijiiiicd Jib wifa (ur no known causer Ami tth a shoul; in; ilono with tbo woiuiin t

A N S W K R 3(JL. His act would bo a matter of public scamlal and the hu»bind sliould b» charged whh unchristian conduct, and oxcludcd for a vio latiun of his marrlago contract, unlesa ho can show that he baa Scriptural ijauso lor leaving bin wife.

IS' •->•

QOKSTIOm m How often sb iuld lliu oliuroU hear anil rec«tv» »h« acknowK-dgomt nm of tt uietnlHjr who |>«r»lBt» aoour*) $t pui'lloUrunkennodH)'

AWBWSK 362. Not once. If drunkcuuoss, forni oi^lou or adultery can bo piovcd upon a niointior, or !< hoconfoasos cither si ', Iho church has nothing le ' . "i M to do but to excJndo him; and this sho is in duty bouud to do. Ho must establish his ro 1 jjtsii'joaml reformation out of and not in tho church, and Ijy years of Christian dfportmetit.

olalmiog U) b« an e y ^ w U a ^ to U»o orim®, but the ao-ouBttt one dttiiea ttie ohargur > ' •>

AKgyriH 366 l a the wouth oi' two or ilrtwe wltuoMos ouiy CUM tk charge b« aastaiiuad. Other things bsliig equal tho word of que luan is aa good

tb»t of another. I t would bo » dangerous.rulo, which would enable one man to deUroy the Ghria-tian ch4racl(»r of another.

(io»»TiON W«, Win you etplalu ACU KVH. m 1. Whi.1 ai,l Cl0,t Wink »it AnU wl»al doM Uie worU

wink ai.an bera» And Jiow <JW I'.ul know Ood over winked. If U w«» not through Inspiration civeii blni from <1<k!I'

3. In oonnmlon "iih iho atwve cjpUlu whaniie God-head is. How c«n Uo.1 be God thu Katfesr, Ood U>« 8<m and O.KI tbo Holy Spirit, and all tw <>n«?

tilvu m» a olesr exuianaiiou of theao Scripture* in vour pap«r.

A N S W S H M 1. I „ II,E orlKinil the word in our version translated " wink " is hup-tridoon, and moans overlooking; and the verse should read •' Therefope, indeed overlookinR the t'mes of igno r4nc« God now commands all men, In al! places, to repent." For a Scriptural cxplaniiion of this pa«a«K« read Aon xir . IC, Uo.n. ill. 25, Lake xxiv J7. Titus ti II, 12, 1 Pater i. U. iv 3; and if you ar.> not enlightenod write again.

2. Wo refer you to -he Seven DisjMsusatlons for all WB know OI) thlH <|1|63HOI1.

Ood gMBt >Dti !M». have •trou^tfe to ffnUh them.- ThU la what Bro WM'. Flowws o f t e j i t t , .ays - T b a n k you, B ro - . ^an l of Montague. Texas, for tho circular wc ao aiueb H antetl. We Uoiw you will get tfaat nilrofal M m , by spring at

We want to vlait you. Adam was not

i.s j r woi jKi wuii.K? /I'ALJL I.N MII LKK

I» It wiinti rt lilla that WC josite a brother, Beariiiff hl load on the nmgh road of )lf,>»

1« Il worth while that wo Jetr at each other. In hliiokneni nf htian that we war to the knife' tiod pity u« all in our pitiful strife.

Uo I pity U!) all as we jtwUe caih other; Hod pardon u* all for the iriumpha we feel

M'hen a fellow jfoes Jown neath hia load on th^ heather, I'lTced to the heart. Words are keener than oie«.l. And nijihiKT far lor woe than for weal.

Were It not well, iu thia brief little lournev tin over tho isthmus Jown into the tide.

We eive hini a tiah inateml ,if a aeriN-ot Kre I •Mliii; the hand« tr. In- and ntii.le Forever and aye IN dust ut hh Maet

l.<'ok ai ihe rosea aalutlnK each other, -Look lit tho herdu all in poace on the plain

Man, and wan only, makes war on hl« broth.-r. And laii^ha in his heart al hi* perils and paiua, Shamed by the beasts Uial go dov»n on the plain

la It worth while that we Iwittle to humble Some (KKir fellow down into the dust?

U<Hl plly tiR all I Time too »oon will humble All of ut tOKdher, like leaves In a gust. Humbled Indeed <lown inti. the dust.

Ica«t. !b possession of et .rnal life l,«for« be partook of the forbidden troe, but under a coreuant of works hU living dotMsndlnjf on bl), doing, as Methodists and CampljellMes teach all (JhrKtlaus now aiv U our answer to lu.iolper, ll . R Cochran; You win flud an exhatistive discussion of what consti-'.utos a call to tbo iuliiii.try in this .mp«r this mouth Head it cart fully. W« havw to thank Eld. Tan-ner of Astoi, Ga , for (Ivo annual mbscribers and kln.l words. Tl.fre 5s a noble b^nd of bictlircn In hia sccilon wltne-siug and suflflHnx tor tbo truth of whom oe is one. Trulb, in everv ajfP, has had its luartyrs, why not In this? "Tho Baptixtg itero are drawing the lino o ' distinction between lbcin»elve« and the Methodists after a lOng Umo Tho Baptists alUliated with thorn antil Uwy wore driven to see their error it will tako a long time to set thinga In order • So writes Uro. U. A Rhodes of Wasblnifton. Ark Wo do not ihlnk.

K m O B A M S .


<<UiesT10N 363 Mhnuld a brother Iw exoludeil from Ibo ehuioh for golntr to l.tw with bis brother to recover a juat debt that he OIIUL 1 not jjet otherwise F WM K. L U T I . K .

'.NSWKtt a<i3. "Dare any of jou, having a mat-t-.-against his neighbor, go to law beforo tho un-tght'ous and not boforo tho saints?" (1 Cor. vi.

I • You can see Paul makes no oxueptlons, but lehms tho only ono thai, by the Holy Spirit, ho ltui)# would bo luadi. . The raaltor shnuld havo, In duo time and by the

procesa Christ himself laya down, boon brought boforo tho church of wliloh tbo diibtor is a inoinber, and, Il ho refused to hoar tho ohurah,— to pay or aeouro tho debt, —cxoiudtd, and then ho, its a V oHdlJ»D, could bo doalt with by duo course of Jut". .

. ...» •• •iuaailON IMM. How should a oliuroh dosl with a mom.

ner ihiilocrfaMes Iu sellluy Intoxloatlng Hqunraf \N»W1H !«k lie should bo chargcd wltli grotily

iin. hrUtUii cpiiduot, —aiding and abott «g drunk-runiisi; QW'IfloiitJou ttBoiling Intoxloallng'drlnkar

<iUWmtW>«IA. What la tbo rlKbt tiourso for a church when OM member iiresauta a oliarge ogalost auoUior

"My prayer is that God may span your life and give you all the needed belp, tnut you may tlnlsh tbo expositions of tho parables, and give tliom to us In book foriM. I want lo pree«?nt a copy to each one ot my children, to reatl after V am dead and gone." Thua writes Bro. O. Alcorn of Texas; and ho calls uoou every Baptist father to Join him' iu this pledge to help out tho book. But' wo wljl not press ll until tho oxiwslUons aie finished, that all may ico if tlioy doom them worth tho nxpense of ttere<)typing for a book. Wo are satliflod, If they are Intrinsically meritorious, thera aro one Ihousand BaptiaU who will agroo to buy one for their lamlly, If not for each child, or agree to sell ten. Wo kro only concerned to Intorptut thorn cor redly, and may God holp us. - Wn thlmk you aro right. Sbftphard-boy. I t waa tho last and not first Laniooh.- " I nover comtnuned wi'th a cburoh of whiob 1 wa* not a irember. Accept a few naroea for Tu« BArTiar, and expect more Kwn." 8o saya Bro. W. A. Maban of Klploy, Touh. 8 MT. Barret t : Wo litvo publlahott two or throe •ermou« but reootitly on Iho aitnie text, and U would bo a lltlle too much on ouo text to publish youra, « i wo laid lo a brathar but l u t month. Shall wo roluru the luanuiorlpt or kojp I t ? — - . . " i thin^ youroxiwaitioniof the parable* iho best I ever

Bn> M I) Walker, that ill the ancient Cbris.iaus "had any more or In-tter faith ' than ail the Chris-tians of this »ge 4ioul.l have. And we l.ollotre •hat, should |H>r.ccution arise In America, there would bo seven thousand at In^st wh<» would suffer death rather than r<>nounce tho faith a rd principles reprosente l by naplists. or tholr M .pc^ founded up >n them. (jJotl will u.-'l Iw left wiih-.nt witnesses. He never has been iu any a>;e " Your interpre-tations of our Lord's parables aro certainly new to olil Bible readers who have been following tho wild and visionary ideas >,f commentators and preachers, as have heretofore been given tho facts and trtie raeaninj; of them. I hope tho good Lord will gp,re your life, an l . tr^ogthen your mind, so von can thiNh the work in full (Jo.1 grant, if It h hi-, will, to restore your healtti. I will be seventy-tbr«H years old next K-riday, If I live to se it" So writes our Bro ,1. L I> uvns of r>i,!a^ T. xas. We »|>t>reriate your go.,d opinion of our work, Bro 1). Weexperted to have se .n you when wero ip I>alla» in Sepiember Should ive live lo finish tho I arables you can i.avo tho canvasiilng of ^H Dallas if you aro alive and wilting Bro ,1. S. Cols-man of Marln„rille, Mo., conlril)ut..« three dollars and twenty.fltro cents lo send this paper to young ministers at the various colleges and .eminarios of the co„n»n-. Wo have, ft>r year., sent this pa,>er free to every > oung mir.iater In all tho colleges and theological seinlnarios who will pav the postage - t w e n t y tive cents. We have never asked any one lo aid us In t h h ; and this U the lirst con. tnbntion sver made to aid us in thiw work And in tho same letter bo pays for tho paper, ho says, for two goo«l, faithful but ncglectetl ministers In Missouri, whose hearts will he made glad by Its weekly visits, and adds: " Would to God that all our minister., ospcclally, and members also, wore taking it,and preaching and practicing its precepts. The faith of an,I or.ler of God's house would thou Iw taught and obg.rved." Would to God Ihore were one Ihousand Bro. Coleman's in each Slate. Will not Pomo brother or siMer in . ach church «ce that hii or hor pastor has T I I E BAtTisi for a Christ-mas present ? Only live contributing twenty cents each for this puriwso and it is dono. '< May the gracious I^)rd spare your lifo and give -ou strength o f b o d y a n d m l n d t o TOmple'- tho ex.-osltions of tho parables «nd put thom into book torm, for our Bikes," writea Bn». J . J . Callaway of Texas. Amen m say. if it la God's will. We are daily reaH«lng bowarduou i tho undoitaklng is, ami bow htade-qualo^wo aro to accomplish it as it shou Id be dono. But if wo out out some of thu brush, and blaxo out tho traok in the right direction, It will aid aomo ono whom God inav cro long ralao up to do tho woik. When our Intclligont and host Biblo read br t thien and uiiniMera loll us that thoy art) Iu-atrutJicd by our ex|)o«ltlon« wo ar« greatly en-couragwl and holjted to Write thotn - J . R. Q W. N. Adam^ of Dardanelle, Ark., aonda UB these' ohoorlBK wonii with a ronowal ani} a new lub-

U 1,

if',; ' f ^ f r - ' !

i « h - r i

sorlborc "Pleaso ao«H>pl u iybes t wlshijs Ibr fho aiioMNis of tbo grand Old Banner,'and-niy praVei-a for the recovery of Us faltkful and uritlHttg editor to his former health. May bo bo long spared to advoojto the truths tor which bo has so long and faithfully contoBded. I foci tbat somo of the ar-tlelosln ono number of T H E B A I T I S T ai« worth more than tho amount of a year's subscription. I am now nearing tho close of tny labors, and 1 ofleti try my bellol by the word of God, and pray to him that If ouo doctrlno for which I" have coii-teridotl Is wrong that ho would let me see It Iwforo I go hence. My faith iu all the promises of God is without ono doubt. Pra\ (or me, that my pros-pools may ever bo clear." You hato our Christian love and fo. vont prayer. Wo havo beeu down Into ttio lowest part of tho valley, and found It learning with the light of heaven, and in that light havo tried our fal h, and the doctrine and prlnelplos we liBvo hold Slid uiivocated the past forty years, and found them pure gold. Wo would sooner suff.-r martyrdom than surrondor ouo of thotn. In that light wo uioro clearly than over 84w that tho purity of the loctrino of Christ dopeuds upon tho purity of the ordinancoB ot his oliiircb. Bro.,) J . Callaway of Stephens, Texa«, orders tho paper for another marrliid d&ughior. sayln;/. " I soud yotir piiper to luy married children hoping they will continue tho subscription lo it while thoy live, for tholr own sakei uud that of their families " Would it not ho an excellent Christmas gift for pareuts to present, this comiuK Cliristmas, to each married child? We shouid like to enmr a ihousand such Kifs this month. If you h.ive not gflvcn ono or tlve dolliirs this year for tho education of poor young ministers will you not do It at once,—bo-foro tho year closes? Make a thank offering unto the Ix>rd of ouo, tlvo or Ion dollars. Seo tho report in this paper. Wo shall need fifty dollars lo pay

lied, will find a portnaiient 'abiding'place'lo ' tht uilnds of many of the hoarora,- and bocftnjto flijgor-boards In tholr lives ou the road of llfo to poiftt, to others the safe and suro way. — T l i o First church Sun,bty. school made a oollootiou for SUt« miasious last Sunday, and roalii/ui fourtoou dollare and twenty.flvo touts.

TKNMK«8»E. - Bro J. M. Corbln writes that ho oxiMScts to movo to Waynesboro, Wayno county, In a few days, and that ho would bo glad lo havo all bis conospoudonts address him there. Bro.T J Fink of buwaiieo writes on December thesovouth: " I thought a few lines from hero would not bo out of placu with you, us you like ihe n^w« from the churchef. I »tn an Old Landmark and cburoh communion Haptht to tho core." There were meot' ings hold at Now Lebanon church, Groono county, including tho ti.ird and fourth Sabbaths Iu No-vtMnbor, resulting in twonty-four additions to tho 'ihurch by Laptlsm. The proaching waa dotjc mostly by Eld. James Katlifl"."

ABKIFCSAA. — A Ill-other somls us tho following A church of twelve members was trganized at

ICingsland, in doveland county, on tho fifth in Htaiil. Elds. J . B. Lumbly, A . J . Fawcelt and M I). Early actod as Iho presbytery. Tho chnrch has

otr all bills al J tckson up to January tho llr> l, 1830 Won't you send ui one or (ivo dollar)? "Our pastor, Bro. J . IL Fitzgerald, has resigned his work with us here a- Marianna, Ark., to return to the University at Jacksou, Toun., lo finish bis course Our pulpit 18 thoreforo vacant; and wo want a xound Landmark pa8»or. Can you commend ono to us." So writes Br,). John P. Farrar, sr. Wo ro joico in tho deci«iion of Bro F., and If Bro. Stamper of nouning hsH not engaged his timo we oan cor-dially rocommoud him. Any miulslor wishing to locate i,p Arkansas ran correspond with Dro. J . P. Farrar, Miiriiinua, Loo county, Ark. We arocoufi-deut Bro. FiUgerald has left u live and sound Bap* list church J. B. Stiller: Wo I'ofjir you lo tho Seven Dlspnpi^aiion- and the arllcleThe Origin of Evil and of Satan tor an answer to your long ,,uory. L J . Nixon, Alabama : Wo cannot interpret your singular dream. "Since my time ran out for Ttiic BAI-TIBT I know what It Is lo inlss a good paper. Send It forthwUb." So rays J. 11. Martin of HailehurBt, Miss. That Is just what we are trying to do, — make so czoollont a paper that no Baptist can afi'ord to do without It. Can you not got a few of your bi-ethrou to try it three or four mouths ? Wo think they will, at the end of that time, think, foci and do as you hare done. L L. Groonlee: Wo think tho days of mlraclos aro passed. The divine origin of Chrl«ti> anlty has boon by thom fully ostabllehod ; and they havo ceased. Soe Hob. xll.

NEWS FROM THE STATES. Wodoslre that all our roadora will aond ua ovory

tern of Baptist news that may come under tholr observation for theso columns, and that, too, while it is fr,!8h.

Bro. Mahatly rwiuosts that (ill news items bo written on separate shoots of paper frpm bualnoia lottors I'loaso also give dale and State;

MKMPHIS . —Dr. T. V. Toa«aalo bf OolumbuB, MISH , Iwlng In tbo city laat Sunday,' preached to the First ehuroh oongrogalion at^olaroii>. ni. His sorntnn was approprlaio, was «a«ily handled, the theme sucmod to bo original with thd*jDootor, and to bo Roinolhiiig onlircly now In Ihn titie'of lorinon* latng. Wc hnpo tho points made by tho proscher, wluoh wor« well illuatratod aud oxquUltoIyJsluipli-

a house In process of (onstruiitlon. E'd. J . D. Lumbly Is pastor. Eld. J. T Craig is quite fooblo indeel, with no hope of recovery. Eld. A. J. Fawcelt of Pino Bli-tt" has boon callcd to Tyler, Texas. Eld. M. D. Early is moving on cheerfully and most succe»»fully as financial secretary of tho State Bonrd. He got, In cash and pledges, tho first month llvo hundred and sixty five ,lollars."

TEXAS.— Bro J. li. Smith writes from Wolf City tho following: " O u r pastor, Bro. Mans-fiold, has bxpiizfd seveil Into Llboriy church this year. W. havo a number of good Sabbath sohools ill this community. Tho churches aro moving on tolorably well " Bro 1) I). Swindall o!" Lan caster has closed his year's work Ihore, and has ac-cepted a call from Ititly church, Ellis county, und ivoiil.l lie |.lca.si-.l lo havo his correspondents ro-mpiiilicr Hul l his address hereafter will ho Italy, Texas

KicNTidiv — Uro, ll. E. W. GOH* writes from Orell on l.eienibi'r iho lirst: " Tho M is»i< iinr* Board and Siinday snhool Convention of Iho I^ong Bun \HBOC alion iin i with tho Knob-crook Bapiist church, near Hlvcr View, Dfcombor the first. The writer was called to the chair, aud II. A Atkinson of Cupio WHS made secretary. We ha,I quite a prolilalile und pleasant stssion. Dr. T. T. Eaton and many of ilio bt.iduuis of tho Seminary wore present, and tpok part in discussing tho missionary work of the iicnomliiailon as wo.I as tho Sunday-school work ol Long Ilun Association. Bro. Folk, l believe of your Stale, proachcil on Sunday at oloven a. m. There wore Mvo additions. Bro. FOR-tnr of Alabama preached at Satem, and Bro. S. A. Cbainbors of Lnulsvillo at Sunny Side Saturday might, from which an interest grew out which ro-suited in niiioieon convnraionn and severtecu ad-ditions at Knob-creek. Bro. Williamson, tho paitor, baptized twelve last Sunday. There wore alx conversions Saturday night, and (ho good work goes tm up to now. One hundred and thirty-eight have lieen added to tho two churches. Knob-orcek and Salem, and now prayor-meetlnga aro bolng hold all through (ho country, and convoralons are occurring at almost all of thom. Tho oloments are full of the praise of tho I^ord. In the vallcjy'of Brier crook thoru Is only ouo family whloh U not conneciod with Salon ohurch."


with groat attnccsa. I want to ' ' •ltlon».ofilhe parabltm «r« iiniiW^lfitittdfvll^^^ , In hook form.^AUo jiir. bollnoss. May Hli,; t,'*r<l ah n'ltiMVy M jrou, and spare you to the'deii '

6ei|d us a club of .twenty ( |1 60 «aobX iat^, a Lung and Boiy B r a ^ a« a proiwnt fo ryoar wastbr.

• ^ V' - • S i - ' " ' • y • •

Olio thoiiijind fiollaiM} wopld npt" infltionco tb t hmHlroda who aro utiing the Lung. au^ I oi]ty )Eli>M« for woak lungs, weak jiack or horiila to jpart with it could tlioy not secure another. If you gethoorta or exhauated front apoakliig road tho' tottloioniftli on another page of this paper,' iniitli th8_ dbyeirnor of Ternieaan.'niiil tehni HfKu 'W<iii<I.>uvaI> 'ajtsala* Of Tcnnesgo.'ttud frtini Mrs. Wostbrook of 111 sippi, and a scor,! of othora.'s No , iniuUtor al^quJd be without a Braco, If he would proi«rv« ar^good voice, or improve u t)o<>r or falling one. 'Tea dollaw wiHsecuTO one r,r Uouly siibdorilrorti at |l.fiO'0*oh.

A IJARXIST PHAVEK BOOK—During our tiwlTe years connection with Iho BapllH Book llouao we haverccoiVed numorous oalls for a baptUt Prayer Book, nnd. after diligent search throagh the cato-logufs of tho publishers wllli whom wo ilo butlae^s, \v(! have at lust found a book, which, though »o( a Prnyer-iiook llkft iltose used by Epiaoopaltans aud Roman Cutbolics, is a book calculated to aid young Christians in public and prlvato wonihip,' and will mctJt the witiits of our patrons. The title ofthislKKik |s—"Aids lo Devotion: Intjludlug Bickcrstetli on Prayur, Watl't uu ido to Prayer, and Select Devotional Exorcisos." Tho title of this book iixplainn its oharactor aud design. Basldes tho whole of Dr. Watts unequallod Guide to Praj'er, ; i t conlainslho richly ovacgollcal Views of ^Prayer ' by Mr. Bickerstoth, wiib'oxiimples frOtu' Scripture and other s iiirccs, snfiiclcut to illuHtcato, and aid tbo ) oung ChriMiian in applying thom to praotloe. Tho hints in Iho Prrfaco aro iiivHluablo (or social prayer•ineotings, the benefits of which are some* times wholly lost fur want ol obsorvinK Just *noh tilings ftM ho points oui. ^diHo, pp. ^20. Cloth, 75 ct-. Stoit by mall,.po«i.p;tld,011 reoolptof price. Ad 'rCHS (JllAVFH ai iAIIA 'l'V

JUVENILE LIBRARY. P U I i L I S I I I v l * I I I W. & a . € I I A M I I K R «

ol l.»ii u n«<l l^4lliiburB. Twenty-scveii IUIIMIMHUC y houiiil In cloth 1 0 mo

voliiinoH. eiic i coni.ilniiui ii limiUiful lUustralion in

ootuyn, uiwlalion on hides. Just such books aa oliildrcn ilellght In. Wo arc sure thoy will ploas'o. This Is an exccllont llsi for toach(!m lo choose pilr.e books from for their scholiirs; and parenta will find in this list puitablo book for sou ordatlghtcr. They aro uniform in binding. IMcc, 50 ots. each by mail; or wo will sond the lull list lor,|12 00. Address GIIAVK/, & MAHARRV,

Motnphlif, Tedn, ' I-IHT. TAOKS.

Joo Fulw,)od'H Truft. 1<|4 ' T i e Little Captive King and Other Talo^^^ Unulo's Sammy's Money Box. Midsum nor Holiday. Found ot! tho Batlio-fiold.

! Clover Boys and Other Stories. Duly and AUbction. I:,, (

.A Talo of Old EnglamL

from M IBSOUBI. — Bro. I. N , Anderson Lone Jack on December the nUioth: Some moat preotouR tiieotlpj{a of mOro than three |Vee just closed with our ehuroh. Aro. A . ' } ^ did most 61 the preaohing, assisted by ^ini Bsst, JJ B. Jielcsott and the writer. twenty'tiine additions with more hair of tho ntitaiber by bAptiiro,'an^:'j[y i t | f letter and relation. SI>«e fourteeii^' |pd^t |^ hope In Christ ' duHug the meetings. Otfii^&li^' inquiring the way of lini. Many g l o H y i ' i 0 t f n | s ' bare beeu hold in Mlsnourl this Hill and winter



185, m y ,

IM ^ 143

144 128;

iFlroBlda Amusemouts. 169 jTho Swan's Egg. ' . l i J . sThe Sloadlast Gabbdl. , IQJ;^ fAlloo Bnol and Other Taloa. » ; «v vi" .-.!®) Tha Bravo Swiss Boy and Other Tales. 144 Paul Arnold* or Life In Peru. , . ijjg ^ Self-denial and Ollior Tales. ' ^ ! '

' The Exiica of Spiixborgt^it, > >i 'i 144 1' Philip O'l lara 's Adventures. ' ' 1 4 4 ^

The Little Robinson and Other Tales. . / 144 True Heroism and Other Taloi. ' 180 )The Whlsporor. « 117? Jorvls Ryland nnd Other Tales. ,, , . VJUM-

jJCrlando; ' 0 Orandmama's Pookoti. ..rtv lau ^ ^ Pitsolola and Other Tales. - • 14 |

Moral Oou^ago and Other Tales. 148 My Birthday Book. . i ' ' • Alfred in IndU feOs Wli Why uot get UB a olub of twenty subioribers

I I fiO eaoh and loourd our promlutu, tlie Luug and Body Braoe^ for youraetf or your paitor f

t . . . -p' (r... . . . . . .

• ^


The Young South. MRS. NOEA Q&AVS^ U.VILKY. torto*.

To «u (mnivnioaUoB* far tkto (Mputntvi mikf l)«

cddrcwml, KnoorrilU, tV'Qii.

l ' 0 8 T . < » r F t O E . U K A R CRtM>nKN3--Tlteoldr««r l« niptdiy dnwinji^

toficlo«e. bat tiro w««L»left, tad, tar ftwr •ou will fnrgH nur wort |br <le««i« Msitt yoor pr«i>Kr»tu>D*. for S m U a«\i», i U y «»MI« othw tb«in«« «nd tM m tarn word* tan whiit I MM to jiou 1 want you llr^i W cUbm down Id IIi« risfct bMd <<c>rm-r of this |>a|>e, chtldrAn. at our Uti le Worker*' foad. 5!»ly-OM titU* poiuliw pledged tlt^wAelve* to pay cenu Mcb uontt) durin* tbl« year tor Uextcxx, Only tJilrty-«iHi bare ftil-lltled ik«ir plfdirctt Uiut far, aliout itall tii«i w)iol« ouml^r. Whdt do you •upttww tkc otJi«r half intend dolrntf It I* • f ea i^ l thfas to break a |>l«*ls««. Surely tl»y do not m««n to do •oPh a thine « • ti)«lt So I h o ^ th« w » t two w««k« willbe Umo k S v u ^ !{if t i n s to prove ib«mM>it-t'« trve glrUaidboyaj and I wlUeaffwly watch Ui« maila from now till January the tlm.

And BOw.chUdfren. I will tell yi>o of a litUe hoy of wbom I have lately S»ard, a<«l »ay RO(»d bye, i:hlMr*>n, ran you not hunt up aotne new or old aunt* and unoies fi»r ib« coiaio); y w r We want to alwaya haw «»T«r»l jo »t«ml in fVool, and and anon call out to u», "Coaw on, children, Mexico lor ChrUt." Try to if you cannot find Mine.

I want you to Us happy, rery htppy, thU Oiiristiiiaa, lo I fteel I nsuM a^ain remind you that the *ure«t way to b« happy ta to make some one «1m> happy, acd beg you to tr» lh1« plan we^k.

l l i it Uttk> hoy of whom I have U*ely heard »atd lo bt* papa oit« morning. " rii4-4. I wish "l had yv.ur c n U or com." Ui« papa w»* am»r<>J. - Why. wb. j do you want with my crlb» of corn, ray ih>d ? " »• Well," an*w».>rwl the l>oj,«I waaUilnklnsthitif 1 had jour crilw ,if ewrn I mlKht answer aouie of your prayt>r« for the poor." Ye*, be bad b«anl hi* papa, night and morninK. pray UoJ to h«ar the cry of the poor, and 10 fec-d the hungry ; co tbU little boy thouRht if he bad bi* pjupa's eoro be might an*w(!ir hU papa'* prayer*.

While you thank Ood lor your cotoftrta and c'bri*tma« joya thi* year do not loriwt «o pray t>r tao*«. w tw are de-nied all auch oomforl« and joya. and lar the Heathen, who know nothing of thi* dear Savior who bmugtit " peace nn earth and and pood will to men," whow Wrtbday »ou m t yon are oelebraUnc. Ye«, dear chiUlren, pi for the poorthat you have alway with you. ami Ihe Heathen ai your door and jusi acros* the wa, . and tiiuii .roun.! you to aee what you yoarw lf can do t- ward vour own prayer*. You will W »iirpri«cd. I know, lu lind how near you can come lt> answerini: tbem yourself, .ind then I know Otxl win help ani bliMi* vou m the ful-filling of them.

And now I* the liB)e, dear chilUrvn, to ibiok over and •Iccldo what work we ahali do next y^^t. i ^ . »n,l who of you arc going U> do It? Think of ii, «,ul t^ n-ady t« ankwcr the many ^ueallons I am going to asv you next week. lovingly, ^^j it Nona,

Aumt Nora : - lncl.i«ed jou will pleaae find two dollar* and alxty-five o. nt». One dollar .nid l« iniy-dv e cent* i» the proceeds of a ijuilt made by our band of Karncst Worker* laat year. Wo did not saececil in •ellins it un-til a abort time since. Our band i« broken up. There were (toly a few of us, 4nd now wc art> widely separated You can um the money lor our .Mexican ffirU. And the remainder, one dollar and forty cenia i* the mifwionary mouey that my dear Aunt Aon Atteberry had when «he died. 8he died July Are:, Aunt Xora, 1 want (be money »c»t to Bm, Grave* for the support of the youni; minlatera. Aunt Xora, I waa ao much afVald we would loaeyou when yoti married; but I am now w> very glad thal,we have gained a new uncle, to whom I iei<e a hearty welcomA, 1 will close with much love to you and the

l l *Tr i« Waiiiiw.. Brookaylllo, jMU*.

O a r PUI»w.Toac~ [1 win Rlvo my younx readers a text each week, will

quMUra* For them to tfaln\ and t«ad alwut on i b e ^ b U t h • n d ^ l . M a aon pillow, under their hewlVewh n ^ ' aa thevRotobed. And i will kW« » flr« and a S ^

S l i i t ^ r " e«u»in* who wUl write S T t h i jrremlcat nnmber of Ictusm during the v«at ^ u t ^

Let me b w from you, dear youn({re«<lBni. — Auj»TSoaa.J

" l/>rd, 1 bolleve, bolp thou mine unbelief."

Where can thla t«xt be found t

>Vlio spoke It, and to whom?

WhM did this flithcr wantofChrUtl'

>Vhy^wor« not; Uto disolple* able to aura hi* Mnr,

Did J m u i cure him r

How long bad bo bwn dumb?

How did th« (plrlt treat hln ?

your oitlMren did you brIuK them to bim In ^ t b f

, rii4«w>T«xT roft jtuv KUBEtt n>uaTUNTn. "And llMy oanw unto hlut, oao -Jlok of the

pal»y» whifilt borne of fnur." Hark II. a. The four nea brotight the «tek man to Jeaus, aud there were ao s a a y people ta tke k^ni-e that they e«uld not get to Jeau* •o Uwy w«atoa the top ot tbe hnuwj. and broke the roof, and let the bed down to where Jesus waa, Ttls meihtxl of){«ttlni;the»ickm»nlo JtM»u» prov^J their iir«at fttith la htm; so h« »»id to the siek mau, " take up thy hod, and Ito iby way unto thine bou»o," ll6 cure«l, xnd gliully obeyed. The man could not possibly have Kone to Je«ua without belpi neither can the pm.r l>entsrhted Iteaiben hear the gtoriAua gospel nows uolesis wo send it to them.

IUhkkk *si)TiiuMa» McClRicaoii. And they came unto him, brinjclng one sJok nt the

palsy, which waa borne of lour. • Thejo words can be found in Mark !«, Tt-y .-aai.- to J«»u.. Tboy did not get the sU'k mau tu biiu. Tboy lot bliu duwo from the roof of the house. Their tt<!tlr.iis proved to Jesun that they believed In blm He did cure htm. He Urst said, "Son. thy sin* he rirjitveu thw.- This man could not have reached Jesus and l>c«n eurwl alone. This lesson teachea u» to brins our frieiidb Chr.jt ty maanH of

llArr.is Moowv. And they came unto liini, linoKiiii,' .mi' nick ol the

psUy, which was b,»rne of lour " 1 oaii tliul these words in Mark li. 8. They came unto .leHus. Ye-., thny (;ot tbo sick man to him, Th«y unwvertxl tbo r..of, nml Kt dowu the bed in bis presence. Their iictiom proved their faith. Ye*, be ourwl the sick mau. Ilo ar.w.i, wek u|> iiia b. J ami walked. So. he coulU not. Tfiai Jesu» can do all thinic*.

Aunt Nora. lncU»etl you will fln-l t»,>iU).|lve ecntd for the youn« ladiw. I sent ten rents hi sepU'mtier, but ftiled to send it in i>ctobcr on account flK lnKlll. Aunt Xora. 1 coagratuUte you, liml wi.h ytm every httppincss. I will receive my new uncle with k-reat (>lei>«ure.

Somcrville. Teoo. di.ivb «. liiiisK.N. Pillow-text anowere-J «l»o l» M,|i> .M..h.,Iv .l,:»v ion Wall

Lillie Uravee.

CHKl.sTMA>i UIKl's,

J . L. » l.Ol.liH, My d»ar .Mr. Sauu CUus, when will you .«>me

With your pack of nice tlilnsi. for u< all. Leaving beautiful presents in ever) bom,)

For the cbUdren, Iwtli ^reat ami xmall r

I would tike a ro»> w:.v doll «nh « trill Fur luj dear hill,. «i,ior. lan.'lli.,

.\ntl K«l>t>le a >tl«l to »ll,l<' ilnwii Kh. mil. Ami caudy for swedt little Bii.

Another good Ihoushl h.-»» enter.-l ni> lit am, V package o| sUM-klnRS and sii.ws

. To RHP to the poor, I have heard lUem comiilaiii While the fro*t was biting ihuir iocs,

when you come round please 4hlnk of the fxKir In the drunkard's rorM»ken home.

Not a morsel to ke«>p tho wolf from the door, An 1 never will lie where there's ruin!

There's a poor lady just o\er the way Would thlok a warm dress a jcreat Iwon .

She ha« little to eat but tlwl* time to |ir.i> TbatUod would destniy tho saloon.

I supposie, .Mr, Santa Claus, ycu have heard t»f the etory, thoutsh now so old.

How the wise men, heeding tho boaveuly word, lltouKbt their frankluivnse, myrrh and Rohir

nut the word U so plain the jwor you may havu " whoa you will you may do tbom Rood,"

In liKhteoInK affliction e'en down to tho grave Through aympathy. clntbinif and f joil.

it bjr iiBtms. T h e truth Of thlu orlttlnul twller Is plainly oooukU I n d l ^ l e a by tbo word "o lauie , " whiob, In. tho GvUtio,or ititoleiit (loruiany meana cWld an^ uoa. Bapta Clauno formerly iiioaut tho l l o l y C h l i q . _

T U K O l l K i l N ' o f C U m S T M A S . p i i m S T M A S looks out at w from Uio dim ^ shadow of tho ifiovqa of tho Orui(l», who know Hot C h r i s t ; aiwl It U dcnr to ihows who now ro-Mounco the uauic of (Jhrisdan. Tho Olirlstman lo({ which Herrlck Mhorto hU luurrio, incrrin boys lo lirliijf with a tioioo to tho nr lag is bwt (ho Sdxoii Y u I o I o k buruluKOii Iho Eiijflish bear lh; ami the bUji i ig hoIhUy Itjiuplcs vl' Hatui u shino utraiu lii thoJI IumlnatedChrls i lau chuioheii. II is tho Pa-gan rolelletoo tnidor which the OiiriHtian youth klMca tho C b r U i U n luald. It lu iho liolly of tho (UdKoiuan SatunmliH whiuhilucoratBa llraotibrlduo

V " ' ® " " ' ^ ' ' fmoklnir barou

of boof, the flowing oconns of ale, aio hut iho bui-vlvalfl of tho liHsmondous cHtin,y; and drlnkin« of tho ScuudlnaYlan VValhulia,

Tbo ChrUtlaii and an(u Chi isUiin fwjilnifs blond In tho happy soasou; and tho Chri tian ohtsorvanoo ralnglo» at every jx.Int witli tlio I'aKan rlto. It Is not eaty to say whoro tho PsjrKulHui ends and tho Christian l)«glns. Tho raivtls and tho wassails, tbo prayers and the uaines, tho frenerons hospi-lallty, Hobby llorso and tho Lordo l Miai ulc', Maid Marian and Santa CUub, iiro a i iu ions luedlov ot iho old and the now. As the poUkIoiih thought of all a}{«s and conntrlcs, when it restclio* a ct'italn olevatlon, flows Into an ojtprossiuM whlnli niakos Iho eoriptnres of tho uioHt divergent nalioHs bar-inonlons, llio history of this happy foBtival 1« tivl. donco of Iho tomninn humanity of tho oailioi and latur races; and tho stranger in HrnrobrldKe Ifal ! musing by Iho glowing hosrth on Christnuis ove,' as ho watohen iho roinpinif icvolry bonoath tho glistening berries, and lUteiiH to iho wail» oaiollnjr ontsido In tho moonllKhl, or a-* ho U wakonod on CbrlstiuBs morning by tho huRhcd pAlter ol eliil-ilnin'a toot iQ tho psasago and tho shy inntiio of cbildron's voices at his door, may well m?eni to hoar a nioro celestial strain, and lo oa'mh a doopor moan-ing In tho words, " ItiifMi-n Atirahain was I am, "

£.l<lle Worker* lOr Inns. We, tne undorslfcned. pledge oiirsolv™ to nive i«n ouiim >

month toward edneatlOB » young Mexlonii liuly lu the Ma-rtero Institute, Halllllo, Slexl.o, wh» u flfllnn lienielf to bn-come a mloatonary ainouK hvrowii iieoole.

Parker Mc^reiror, 11 inos.; nioiiiiw .\lc<ireK"r, 11! iikw! H-hii-nis Iteynolil., I'i m<w; ijliml.y Uemlej, H,i„u»|, Hyatt IS ni.i*; I.l.to M<K*ly. it num; Wtivi.rly Karl rtmVll" i mo*! Kddle iWdleton, U uii«i; Una la mo-; Klora CanllelJ li mM; Alma tJaiiltfld la n.os; r union t anhoid IJ nios; I' Ullert.^nlleUm moH ,l«i>iu> t;»ini«IU 111 niOH; Ooma (anrteld 11 mna; Jobn Overton Oiii.ney I'i luoh; VH„Karrar U BiMi lUiMHUorrOQte Umiis; Ad»8litirit)UHol2tiii«i (iaranoti Wliigo, IJ nioe; Mary Irenw Uwciis, IS in. »: KuDe I'nilliiw li m<w; Ilia Uee, U m<wi H«liie jHcuson, U tooi,: Joliiilo . |ick«m 13 luoa; Aunt MHIIIIh, JJ inon; Blln harmar U tuos l-atherWInKO, l*mo*; Malietle Kiiy. 12 mo*; llolHirt WllSM

mo*; (ieorgia Wilsou. U mos. ' -nie •• Annte May Belslier, 11 mot. Toramlto Uartln, 10 ino»i l-ola

Battle Moihly, IQ moa. May Mr.I.enn, 10 iiioh;

S '

'a; o

S A J i T A C L A U S . AITTA C L A U S waa ono of Iho oldest idoas of tho Celtic Wotl itt Pagan tiui»s as ho was of

tho Pagan East baforo. In Christian times he was •till regarde^l with religious revoronce, sitting, as he had u t fo r agea in E g y p t and olsawhoro, lu vtbo «nu» of hi* mother. Santa Claua was , i a fact, tho, child Jeaua in the middle agee ; and throughout that iwriod the leattro creed of Germany and all OelUo Kurape w a i that h e ^ t t t e d all f a m i l y dwel l -i D K a o f g o o d Cbri iUana on the ero o f V l s anal-i r a m ^ , and brought with hiiii g i f ta and bloating* Ibr the ehtldreu. T h l i beautlAil tradltloo la itUI to be fband l inger ing in Germany, though ^ n t a C U u a doee not Mem to bo apeolalljr connected with

WllUUarliu'v tnVi; I^ywn Wall 1) Poarl l>on«njlr», V niMi NaPiji. Ursve* lUll, V imw; M8k«1o ll.-eiio. y miw.

Batoa fsiully, H) mo. Ulll* UrAYcaSmoai MatUo Ayres, s nioaj Klura UuKiuIro s mne, ' (Jlamm JTawoetl. ; mna.

6 mo*"'* * Os">l>'«. B i«u»; luea Oaml.lo, nettle ()*l>oruo. 6 ninai Maudlo Wlilto, 5 mod. Kobcrtaltului), 4 mo*. '

mm?* moa; Ada llurrls, ;i iiio«; |,uU Kinnoy »

Hattle Morn«,3mos; Maboll Fllun.a UK.t; (Jlura V lnu, a James McKlnntiy IW, W K cornohtM, ^ m^

Owr HIsaleunr j ri iuU.

. ^T*.."""*, 9"'' TOUti» frlomls to help ii< wiili itujir niokeK M-l'ililP-."' ejlwoa'elwoy'UOK ladlos ln Jlu.lerti liistltuto, Mekloo, who are ntlltiK IherasfllvM to bi'oiuuo mlMiouitrtiy amonii thnir own people

<'«•••'>• «•«>"«-

lulroftBte; BreathotloQnInii lOoUi IdaUluoald luftta; j i , HJoruoy IM; Estiur WimiJ iii .lUj Hugh Norvell 111 cwi

.0 1 Wl; Olive Oreen !i5 pImi .icrneni Hhclton 10 «is; Aunt Ang,o l Wl; Olive Oreen !i5 pImi icri.. LennleHnolton loot*! Jommio JBU>r< ctfl| iCmma htu.n

yonn«8(iliii| Mrs W Younn » etaj Kloratannoldiu.iUi JowleCHnflsiano <!i«j Kuil»r uaiiOald

A'"*" tJxoilellt ol'l KUnlce tanlloldfiOotsj Kruwt Ulmney lU oi«; UHIU l.stta iii eWi

f " W o t * ; Nannie flurnslOBtii! Tlionmn MoUroKor 60 et^ Ahdr*w «lUrri*lOtllB;,t lnr*noBHoH« oiai Wirile SUiiton (Wots; liUcluHlanton so «',». •lotiii, 110 oo,

" '«tnr New Viiml. h i i f ^ i ^ H ! ' Winchester, Kail., i OO; Ida Wood 1 W. Uariln 5 f * w ? "li"' t'adwell IW utn! l^ila ('Milweli ai ew;

'I'mell Oliib, Klen uanflelfl, dnieu.' ul

) 4 iM,

JOlia lClrby.|ldo((m.

JMMtUe U iiall, 1 dussn. ^iy^tt B.tanle», a iioten

I U jg Doytik Sdoaen,

r '"'"»"«•• M^reior, 4 dnieu

•sMMde (Jowlaon, H dosen.

% h.

^ AND Ju.^fi -'hi ..

a K A . I > I C D M i i s s o k H K L P S P'Oll

FIRST (lUARTEll 1886, NOW READY. T K H M 8 . . . - ( ' a M l i i n A d v a u c o .

P H I M A I I Y U U A I M : .

I ' l C l ' U R K L K S 8 0 N H . liHlly prinliKt iti eolorn, Knit'IHI'iH'

..... the "I'loinrti l.omion (iard-," In Helx, and Willi anaitriirtlvw coier, THIt.\(H: a iOl'U-Mliirouo<iii«n«r; orlVeenu („t orioy«*r,

IMU.MAKY t ^ r A l U ' K U L Y . J'iKlt.MHi-HiiiKic noiij,S I'oulM. la pnniitiKi-ii

01 lUii and npw.iiil* uonla p»r •••jpy, iniik IIIK lio.ai |i«r liuuilrou .or twolve moutnti. I

OUH l . r r i LK O.VKh. • I'utiliHliiil wceiav. riClt.MS:-NiiikI,* ,t"!il««

M) Oi'iit* pi-r year. I''lvri eopma and iipwunlKito ouo nililrotig, lUi i'«ul> per copy foi one year.

I A D V A N C E D U K A D i : .

I A D V A N C K D t J l l A U T E I i r A . TKHM";—HniKloeopy, .'i Penm. In pHokiiuen

;»f l ive and ui>wurd>,aoHat/< per copy, maklnii

|tl3,wfyrtA«lve mcililhs. i IIIIILK L K S S t J N 8 .

TKHMSi~inO noiilen lui' one mor.ili, ttlci nl" ( .rtti ieeoioiifhN, IIJW; lor -ilx riiouUiK, t/j.76,

(one y i u r , »?..'iO. • . OUU VOUN't; l ' l ; () i '/ .K

I'ulillplied monllily. TKKM.s: Mingle copies (Kicenln pnr V(.iir In oMibs of four atui mi-wiirtJs, itr. ODiitd,

S I : M ( ) H ( i l l A D E .

irWNKMi t,>^Al^T^:u^.^, •rHUMH Hliiijle i-oi.y, Tcunij-. In pn.-k.i„eM

111 live aiHl ii|nvanli(, ft ceiiln per ropy , inaklni: per 100 for I wijre muiitliH.

I N T E H M E D I A T E ( J R A D E F O R 1 E A ( ; U E I f 8 .

MAI'TIS I' I KACMKU. I NTKWM KDI A T K ( ^ r A I M ' E R L V . ' ^ moulil-Jfliirn„l ror Krmrtay »cl,o„l u,.rl.

em TKKvih. rsi'tiiin, Biiiitle C'lpv for one ' veiir. SOeeiilt), In chilis of rtvii or iiinre 'it one


S U F E I l i N T K i V D E N T S .

TKUMSt-Hlnpli. oopv, liceiiU, In l)aekii«e> of flwp Mini upwiiri's, iiU eeiilH i>or Copy, inak-liiK J'OOO er linmlreil for Ivclve monlliB,

T I I K V f ) l \ ( ; KKAF'KU. I'lilillHlKMl nintifhly anil noml-vnonthlv

TKUMH;-HinKl.>floo>s«einl-.m)nllily.!lfln«nl«i H A r i ' l h T .SH PKKIXTK.VI IKXT.

r i l l ' : S T N L U i l l T H i h i k mjhmon i M r r i ' K K N , -I . i v i i i i . (I'oiriierlycol ,re"l .ie»l<n«.) •llT.eiltlxllSlnntioii riiirishfil ninnllilj flnil MpuH iiionil'ly. ' iili Ipilnij prlee I ai- l.cen r tlnrp.l

rl'.U.M.S:-Tlie annie aa flifwe of The lU.Hp. r.'fi'oin 111/ t Olo|A UOpi r year; »l per (jiittrlor

A M E I M C V X B A I M I S T P F D U r A T r O N S O C I E T Y • I kit ..till . l , l - |t i l l l . . . ,» . . .. . ... .. ' l lao flm-fiilll M' , I'll I I,A l>l:i I'll I \ ; \l ii.hlllKfo" HI "nil 10 •| ri'in..ni fi-

« 111..,.I. A Til I "I X" ' MOD 'I X


» Muiniy Hr Ni: W MMIK Kll trie. 11'iH • s ', I nl N

I S M )


! S S ( i

•<M1IKNT*I(Y ON lilH IN rUtS/TI-'N * I 1'N n A > II oo I I.KN. .ip... ;i p.lMii.iKiry, I ll.>».h»il ve li.clilniil frflcl l.'i>l, Hi u;n<«i I \ e, » i'li i llii-'• ai "ii , i i i,i

l(>r nl«. I.lli.iir\ l(ofiTii|,.'s< Niiit(ins|. oiis to l'>- i-hei*. «n l Iwo I'lMi'l) i',.lined K loxiloiov of .liiduli anil InriK I. imil I'hI.-niido In iIih :rini" f I'linm.

I'r'. c 3i. lull 111 aveil Killlliin. lU im llv I!KV IHI K S .AM. M \ i KIiii IIKI

( I r a d t M l S o r i o H o f ( i i i c N t i o i i H(M>k«.

Tie I I I'ltrl II

I'riei", I" I 111 1 Kiii'li, INTI^ItlV«TM>lV«l. <ll'K\1l'ION ttOOM

iiiniii' 111 lii'v K N r,.i„iiiM.i, I) 11 viiri-nf Mill" h liiliTinii.lhil.. i.ni.li Iiilurlivuuii H lill "1

( i r a d t M l S c r i e s o f ^ ^ i i a r t r r l i o s .

II. II. Il I'mi I I'll.

1 I l%ll,l'llll . ni iu-uli.

1 rill' M i i i i i t a y - h i i i . . i i l I J i i n r l i ' i l>- l l y U i - i I-' \ r u t i f u l n ' l , l> t ) l '» l. i , . ' fl i-i-ni;. a v a i i I ' l l ! ' l i i l i T i i M - i l U t i ' ( . l i m r l i T h ' " " llu l U ' R I l i ' • .1 I'lir rhililrrir» yimttiirli'.v. lit Mr* M II K..iiii.i.lv in i-miis I Thfi IJiili'diii'f. Qnnricrly Miir\ .1 ('.iiiniii •• in'ii im S IVni'lliT.' K.llll.ilMif 1 (Olrl !, Ill II.'. 1 r Hi lniillli l Hii, I, III mill, ft 'IVMi-hnrri' Killiliiii of lly Mm M li Ki.iini'il.v. iiicniif. : l.i.ti<iuii N'hvi'h. PHI ruiili's, II vi'iii ; I'liiifk'rupi.i" iiii.iiitilv, H ii'iii>

W , iV, U'lMtK « <''0.. 'J,1 llriiiiillelil Stn el, Ito.lun E o r S a ' o b y ^ ' ' • • " v o s Ac H a l i a l T y . U c m p l i l s , T o i i i i .

lOIINHTttN'S ,ll>l'ltN .\ I. '11 llhintrtiii'il Mii|iii/liii' till iltr iii'.iplt' I hIhIi'iI 1N7I. I.Hlli'il I'VI'IV nlllt'l ..I-I'k II iiiiiri'". 'il II yi'iii Till' <.'IIIIIH'r:M AN I nf.M)

IMtrHTIII Al. A.MMtll t 111 illii.-t i| |iii)iiitiii ii'i-iiiii "t |itii uii«..« 111 till. nrli. \ Ill jiji |-:vi-i-\'Mllii 1 w .-I-I. H vi-ni (Nn'I'ON'n .lOt^llN A 1

he l':ieelrl<'iil Wiirlll.^ Ml iMii.l il 11'. I. I.r I Iini'iil JIIMII 111 i:i.mil li,\ mill lir iinicCI iiiiuli-rmli'ii" nil iiii. .imiklf CI 11 V

1.1, I.- I'NI'srAl.i.V i„ii„i >111110. llrili'i It mill iliiidoillllirr U liiiiii-, 111 ..lili h lii nlim II piiM-iiifiil ii.'M kfiiid '.li.iy, Itilnn-Hlliitf liiil tint ,< liii.lliiniil 'llf I'llrri'iit 1ltlllllH>r* i.f Im.iIi liiiliinlrliil .\iiii'i li ii itijd 'niit K|iil>rrli'lll Wi.l-lirnti' kIkii \t.r%- tifliiii'l|\-i-I'l'iitiiti''III I S. <11 ('IOIII'In iii'i'piilil. AtreiitN ii'anfeil. Anv ili'uirr 'Kill inki' iinir mil.M ilpllun i nr ml-.liom. , .». .MHINMTdN. IMilifiilier, 0 Murray Mt., Nen- Vorki jK< ..hkh'nklliisi.iii, „r

lii.i i< II iii'it-li. ('hiiT'iifii, W e M T I I / ^ I T V AilviultMP". I, Fsrmpllnii fri)iiiliDmnliil|iiiii._..frily n. iin. imiiii.v-IVlSilV I U w l V T Hvlii|I,«>»tlJlK»iiilwiirkliiKIO|,'»tlnr. 1. OUMimillv ili.illnl««iil»lli><*l|i.n«

• • • a a <mm m. HiKWVialli/iUiivh cmloi rurllKH cvKryilny, 4. iiiulft cmilrijl nj i m 1 1 I 1 n W HnD<irliitanili>nl. ^ llnviininii'iil Hilnmatl lo llii-cliiirAiitor iilum li linllvliliial I W I I I h I B n l l L I riiilfl, fi, A faculty Willi KwM'liilc w i t h AiiyMloiiiiitiii llmrr

INSTITUTE, The Pastor^s Haxud-Bbok.

UKVIHIfiL) K U i r i O N . < ' O M P l J i E D BV W . W E V A U T H , D . D P R I C E , 01VI3 l l O L A i A R , ' > *

I'll in m l he ilr»l, nuwt widely olronlated, and, In tu ro*l*««l farm, ihe'inost tomiiletelmsnunl foi iii'toiHcver pmillHheU. tlemhritijei riili-e, fnrmii of olnorvntion, aud hnltM for nil their iir renHioiiiii lorms lurulslif'il by l)r.;W. U. WllliamB, tl. H. Olwever, tl. W. (iuKliiiian, H,H.OutlinB,.l,Hiiinlliril Molinennd olliew.wllh BorJplnrnI reiirtliiKii and dovo lloiiBl oxeeinw. " . T. . . . n. flph ruiim. Klve Koriiis ol hiiritil I Uir iinc.lMHiniiiloal inlritin 11 ry work _ unii liie ilify tlioiisnnd .

'I'lilN book will Uu IVmu,

-"V -,". KtiU olliew,wlUi BorJiilnrnl reiKlliiu* „„u uu.,/ . ( iploUM .•'atliitural and iioellnnl ollailona, M'ilh rlnvnllotial rcndltiKN lor ihe je Hiirijiturti roAdlngs with espoiiliinns, ami many imt poelloul Muotsttons. I Hurvlei. and iimyerit lor fuiiirfal*. K.o6leslssHpai ftirmnlRS. Itulds of order

nrnl otlii'r tfuliheraiiTe iMdlltit and tallies for weord of iiasloral, church and . Tiie ll»iiil.l»o«a would SMin »lmo«t inililiiponsllile to yoiingfiwaelwrt

Hand iiaitors who ImvbiiswlTt Would not imrt«llli.U for tSn tiiiiwi Its eost, Uu.lVmu, imnud In fletlblo Iwttlier, with iMMliet 'or luiiMirs, snd Its imhllsbed

AUHiiHlUt. Hsnilall.ordersU^ URAVfMI * M A l l A r F Y ; Heiii|ililM,Tenn. J'rioei VI UO . rJ.

A O i l l H B T M A S S T O ^ Y i Uk (Jarrlo, (lad, bo9n sitltng <)utte stll

for full len inlnutos.ncurlod up In (ioriiorofllio sofa, with lior oheok real iiig upon hi-r hand, and hor o.vo« tiaod upon Iho floor, a» if sbq^woro hi a«>«|; UioiiKlil. " W h a t are you,thinking of so busily, my dar l iuK?" asked hor iiioiliur.

"I was wondering,"answeredCarrie, "liow much six Chrishuas "jircsenls would

cri^l J and I was wIsIiIhi^ 1 had N piii-Ni? full of mouoy, so t h a t ! might buy llmin."

"And whal doss my little dau|;htor wish to do with six Christmas pros miisi"'

I'll icll you, inolhor. Wo girls wore Ulkiug at rocoss lo-duy about ChriHlmuH, and woudoring what we should have iu our slookiugH, when 1 Hsw lilllu. Maggie Fiynii standiHg near.' Well, Maggie, ' said I , 'what do you Ihluk Santa Claus will b r i n g you ?"

' (>, iioihing,' said she, shakinu her head ; 'the Utile man a lways pass e.s by tlur house witl 'out stopping.'

'what I didn't you over havo a I 'hrisiffias presoni P^nalil I.

'• No, never,' ssld she; and there wero iic'uslly toai-s In hor eyes.

" I havo boon (hlnking ovo?-since, nmUior, how nice it would bo if 1

could give every ono of those lltllo Klynns a proRcnl. Hut there are hIx of ilioiii, and how In tho world o u l d

buy six presents with what little money f l i sve? "

P E A 7 { L S .

Mnii'i iifilisppiiK KR, 88 I coiinlrue i'iiti'0'4 111 hlf i^r IIiiKw-i"; il In bpi'ifiim. lliiT ' - H I 'iilliiHi' I'l liliii ii'i'li iM llt^

riiiiniiiti l.(! oiiiiKii (('li e bury iiiuler tho (liiiic.

Ill Ilic iiii lliiai;leN ^ii I Iriouilahipu ol tidy yi ili'i*, I havi." lomi'l thril ihe

|uii0»l, HweotjjHl Htiil ijoOlil'*' lit' my frii.'iii « Will' Itiii-u Mill ki!| l lii'iiroel III

A piM'iui:t r>il.'i WDiilil lill 111 ah (lU'ly a b o v e four. 11 ia In ibe .IIIICIjh,

(irHiiiiivs anil gliiry IUIIIIn uf our be llel, tlid fr'»p<lhal. aro n ii l-iiili, iliai Uii. HiKMv of up|ii'i<hoiiKl(iii heiflcti and Iho ii't of tinkindncss fnrni.s.

Nolliliig IcHH Ihiin lbi> iiialoHiy of (ioil Mild the power of lliu world to ciiine cun iiuiiii'ii!!! tliii peace itiul Nttiicllty of our liom<^f, till 'order and Horenitv of otir niliidfi, iho rplril of liHUehco Hii<r lender iiie.cy in our lii'iirlH

Tbo religion of J<),<*i|ii Iiiir not uiere-ly reiitllled pai-licnlarabusi.'*, loinovcd spwilsl ofrll*, f xer i cd u benign and Hiiliititry liifltienub on local instiUi-tlons. It bus formed and' Vntroduml iiiio Ihe world h geiierul ChrlBlittii coiiMi'loiiRiicss w'hiuh is practically nbiquitoiis aii^ coinuiaiKtIng in Christoiidoni; to which liistitiilloiiV, teiidonolos a n d ' porsons ai'O Inoro and nioro distinctly amenablo; wblott Jnilgos all a u ' i d e a l Btandard ; to which flattering conoosMon to ^oaltt i , or pewor, or 'gettlui; ot culture, are InhprenUy ollbhilVo { '^hloh' conBtUui' tos a apirit'uKl ttond dlT ((iilun bot'wioon the niOBt vlatos, and

which aiBEnoii w i w lure expeclatloa, Its approMlug iUnretQinoy in tho world, Vi

I t i r a well knoirn liitalo nrltliyeast, Ifeati oomos stale, loriffi stotuaoti, iiunioiQus othi

atead lOf ^east, U this duJs^t ; but onp <jif tho'tnost „ „. ^^ , orindfgcSitEion or dy«i»op»li tiso of Royal. Bak ing I'owdtir tlm eao-charlne propertloa Of tho floury Which are dlstroyeil by ferniQutatioit with ypasi, aro jKirsorvcd and the broad is msdo inoro nutritious. Ton por c«nt more bread is baked—because of thla caving—from tho saruo quantity of Hour. , . . ; j -

« The Koyal Baking Powder will «!«> make sweet, M hilo broad f rom an an-ferior quall ly o f f lour , a property po«-sessed by no olher loavening a g e n t Thus, much Hour that is dark in color, or from olher causo is considered be-low the finer grades, and ther«fo're much cheaper, can bo i iUl iKd and turned lulo a per fec t l y^swoot^nd wholesoine bread. Nor can bitter bread

ever result from the uso ot': too much, or moro than the reqnlrsd quantity, of Uoyal Baking P o w d e r ; asy whether used in small or large qnantltioK, its proporlious aro in such exact p(|uivaUint« that they a l w a y s neutralize each oilier. Bread in t w way does not require iQ!xiug|(|irn' n^bt , hut may be prepared ready ft»r the oven in a few Uiinntes; an adran-tsge that win ho readily appfoolated by evr ry housokeeper.

to po*-

DANGER SIGNAL. When a prixjn Ki«» y"u tounicritlt muixrhcPM''-

mtralrj « crime »x«iniit tU< «ntl your p*cunijiry nlere t* ; l»ui whrn hr ( ivi-* ymt an InfiTiia- and

lUAKcrnii* mcillciiw In Iht |»lm'c of r«ie of fiitfl wifll lino»n cuimlvc prrip»-riii:« ho <:om«U» lit*, blnflcM i f crimf». for liD cufi»jrfrti agAlnrt your bfiilih mill llfr.

" I h- Ni-w S'oik Hi-ralcl," Sept. al, iS8j. Mytt I'o oad.iriK n nsustsrffll itwdkiiSe it 10 Ittjlir* »h«

niwiufMrtiifrr 'and tho buyer, and the bayiRS *r|U xKm (li'cr. nwny fiotu « ciuhierfcltcd nctUdM tfc»t" ihiy find wonbkirt. Manufacturen of couotcrftit artidcJ full ficoauM they huTO mS the enptrkiue and Apparutiut of tli0 lari T! nutnufaciiirer tu |ifiidu<« th* v •iimir rumllvp rpiultn. Tim Uri(» manufacturcn h«»« ' ilie utmnu Incentive, wliiU- (licy ars piMatod, nmliii their nieUlciim lu pcifin;i aiidcunkltw u p nlblc."

Pi.r r3t.imple, Inko the exmrlcnRcol Simmon* liver RpkuIhU.I prcparod by J . H. 2eiliii A Co., o| Phil*-drlpliia: ihcir firm ha> devoted.)**!* 01 ttiM, cm-ploynl tliD mi.iit rniiiiriii i lirinltt* of tbr Una, and •pcm ilioiii»r.iis <•( !H!4,-s in hrinjilni'lh«lr mcdkino to itie |>orfri.Uoii It hall attainrd, Thoy expcildsd * larKo •mount ol mrtiic-y in brlnKlni;' !l to tbe.st* laiitioa of thfi. |icaplc,'anil lUtinr h*» mMl« Sissssn* I jvrr KMiil.itor. nrlildy popular. ID oidor to iaalic moiiry from I lie Jtrijai rcpytMlon icatned hy'lU* rciiKily. uiKcrupotoin udrnmuren hav« |joii«n tu fhcap c«iiiil< rf<iUii, (lalWi'roui tu hrallh, ntlcs

nt tlioM ImmM a immn clim.ly n.ii«itihllni{ SimnMus jwr Re,i{iilaior„ to drctlve i hd unwaiy mto barlas •

tbolrlBlcriof . . . f), KmiNAMmNA, N»««n* Co., FI*. ' . " 1 havo uwd l>r. .Slmnywu liver K«K«t> lator and nlwayit loiiiid il to di> tubal I* ctalniPtl fiir II. Tim U»t Uitllo .and two packuKfn did nio no (jood and were tbsn niilhiiiK. 1 »<t« il In nai (ait uj HI Zelllii & Co., and ni.t K<'nulne, *i of monry lA buy II. 1 would be gl ihlflinra and tl'niiln*. H^d me hiHmt buiiiU(.wlih ttd Z aiul " ' ultflMltiiro no I hi! Wrap|ii>r). MuII (old will injure Homo on*

lllIMJI, 1 Tlio rfeniilne Sluimiinii f.lver

como I(m l'*ultle«f I'kmlly M* •ndonciDitnt of ihi; Iboutandt whU liiiv* og wtint .Slmmoni livtr lUipilator }rti)n(l>iBlv<ii< you tbo Kcnlilne, not „

dalm* u " Juat tu goud," und bacaUM be SB it.

xvlll lulii alt wlh n noUm nit rm I ®


mmn o k u ruuNORV; tb>tliiii| I'l.ii I iiiiwii iiiulTluiiifCliaruhM,

I ill'Al«ii"',('«tin.,»l«, I'tflSlT W. Aim 4N Tl'.ll. t iilMr„|iin »mi« VANDUZEN A TIFT, iOlnclNfi»ll»%,

"•'•n- • irH'taiif

MoSt ian i B i l l F M R o y

I m m J I ' ^ (VUIII«tt l(


V^rFhr^'f:'-. . I »V r "u-

T h e WO/tlOS

i G r e a t N e r v e


I'll a

•JMI all olhvr «iia Sllinu »iiU. tin* IrU (iHl- fe.'^'l'/'SSj "" J 'tnUrlon'. 1


I.«. PCMBCRlON « do, MTg CfctmltU, AllMU.Oa.

i u U »i,.M«>iM Uiii* fonulnln* Mnrhil <iiin.)ra| "ptwf.. • twtt li, twrtTiu iwrM** mi rr w o r k f — I n * IrmM, A rrnw ud oiia,

I ' rROVED. "^f t i ' ^^WlSiAjBl . ' t t • »Vlil«»M)»

'ujeter&Ko.,Ai!anta,08,l 'Undi cHiiotw. ««BH<,iihi,p«(i.V

nUTttJ?!!"^'./*"' nn^n-h fai tbe BMt,aMiim u llM.aDii Ch««p«»t.


Sfl Mai


s i b i e y ' s T e s t e d S e e d

asoBun*. K. t . IIIH tri »«1H S7 3(1

-KV k CO.. *»u OHIGAOO, IU.. s

1 HBBCjARnil. in ctMiu •- —— .-g

rO»T»J»nll Rfo full Ol p«o. f pie wlio (jcIleTpiJ they could\

fbe cured hjr doling tho ty*!*!!!! Fnith |)olKinou« (Ira^, If youl

f»r« ailing an.] JIOTO tried jn«<|.L Ficlne without being curod, do iiotl

FbadltoouragwJ, but tuka ad»aDU|o\ f of the offer wo iiiakn you. We iu|ll\ feeud you,on trial, onu of our P »<,[rl«\

|ll.Mloat«d Appllanoci, to m k, ;rovr) Icaae, prorWod you agree to jOiy lit ft./ llf It cure* you Id one month, r i t / Icfcw not euro yon, It oo»tiy,Hi nol,li.. 1 lof. /« nof ikit a /air (•/«, / i>i/. I ftrent ApplUnww to euro Intrmf.1 liU.llttll'llATIIlM, l-IVlnANUKlO./ 1 HElr nianiSEg. rag*, LCKO Di». J 1 ««••• A«TII«a, CATAnHm L.iUMl 1 lUcK, Aoi«, lnaa, ." , , many olhfr l)l»ra»c.. I b«r, WD do. Jiot Mk you . 1 H'pm tillndiy j i,„t. ni»a)y f i pry tliim, atourrlik. U5.oooi I Ciircn mmto dnrlug i6&(, 1q ^ 1 «*•« whoro (111 othir trial- ; IwonU had fnllod. I'riceaj perylow. »llu»tratiHlbook lllrinf full iiaitlnuiari. j M i U l a n k for •(atiraaiit , 1 J"""' «:a»B, tout jfrea. l Addie<»»,moDM(, Rlws-i |tnora.lM't'«Co.,aM/

^ J ' A i a p i l A j J U a MyMoihy but i n other name foi-

our Ignoinnoa; If wo were omuUclont, all would iMf poffMtly plain, |

Flio'd llowody IbrCalarrli ta agree, able to UHt. II |i| not » llquhl or a «nufr. fiOo. A holy If,it) ilixfl a voice. It opcjkn

whtn tho t6ri|'u.|!« silont, ami is eith-er a couHaKt ittractloii or a contiiuj-a! reproof.

Nothing oleo is to bo cal'cd itw^ businosB ol llfo at all. 1 arn txiromo. >ou may thinit; but thU Is llberiy and life to mo—to know Cbrlsi.

Our faith is tlioocntor o f t h o l a r -got at which Go<l <loth nhoot wiion lie trle» u»; ami if any otbor tjraoo «iuill P8<apo UHfriod, oorlanly faith uhall uot.

Many poraonn, by ihoir montal projudlcos, would bind down tl,o liord • f mercy to such and mirh ii way of daTinpr then-; hut our I ^n l will not thuR be laid undor coiintriiiil; why should he? Ho will bhvo whom ho wills, and ho will savo as hu wills, lllsgospol is not, "Sufl'or so much horror and dospalr, and livo;" »,ti(, "Bpliovoon tho Lord Josns Christ, und thou Shalt bo saved."

"I KEEL SO^^fKLL." "I want to lb»nli you for tciliiifi

mo of Dr. Plcrco'ti "Favoito Proscrip tion," » rites a lady to » frioud. -'For along time 1 was unlit to atlcjnd to the work of my housoluild. I ki'pt about, but I folt thoroughly misora bio. I had torrlblo backaohos, boar-ing.down sensations across nio and was qiiito weak and discouraged. I soni Slid got some of (lio medicine af-ter receiving your lottfr, and it has curod mo. I hardly know myself. I feel so well."

S u n d i i y - s c h o o l B o o k s .

A. 0. Itrif r t:Bieohl»m on Hih|« tvmirl n». Dr J P


/-...f .f"'/--'.'^' '« ' « tt., „ "'•".'y' r- ivr «»0«II» W OU, Bii Jidny -iM-hot)) (;iiuui lUuikt. I'er <!•>. 60 ota. Hu«-I»y.iict,<„,| )-rliM.r». « pa i" wUU 0.U O'.vrrii. I'er dowin 00 ou.' * ' HI lie anil lUitl TloUtu, I'or 100911 00,

miiAvcN 4 i i A H / i r r r W •mitph/tti, Tend.

Pianoi $ Crgut ciulumtra /rum

Efcliriri-d, AU|rn<«i,.a,,,

, AUdnm T^nn..

te.t«,l. Writ, u, t«fr,r« i.nrcl.«ln;, Ai, Is

IVll WzvlltiO


KuUllid lliii

T I I K W O H K Ol ' C I I H I 8 T




I l l J . K . f J D A « ' l i 8 , L L , . D .

Ml.'.?!",",'";.'. "1 ""rrect uiuleritandlni r Ihi. wl r.lo Worn ..I Chrldt,and tliB prophet' cal rtrrljilur^s, emhraclDK a full KMhnUtlogy. ' uiuleritandlng of Ihi. wl r.lo Worn olChrldt, and the prophet" cal rtcrljilur^s eml.raclDK a full K<icfi«u.l'.gy. It wl iiM nil linmetiai! b«li)toall Mlulnfa™.

Mlhle I Mcucr* «nu Hlu.i.mtiiT ' "TlilK (fn'.it lilB-wmh'.ol Or. J. I{. Oravca " It l» » m-KUlOcinTbIJ,;

K i i i p h a t i c D i j i g l o t t ,

woM Kngluh iransiHtlon; H new Kinub.nie VmloB, biuwU oil ilifl InuirllDoary Wni Idtljm, on ttio readlngit of ctnltwif rrllloji and on the varlons reading, of the VaUwin M«m.iflrl,.t / No Im In th« Vi,ilo«ti Ilbr«S), UwcUHTWlth IU.«r«tlvo «,ud Mot notiM, and a .'opioMi. wl^-iion of rcfflr. tmroa. to Kit «|,„|« of rt|\li;h In addiMl a Tj uabloalphMlK-Uenl ll)d<.«. Ilv H«njaiulu WllDon. imo vol., 12 mo, pp. SM FriVe «

/oTprl^c.'" ..X"!* y®'"*.'''? l«ni><* ooniploto. ThB different ronilt rlnfrs oi vnrldu* pntntagt* l» Ihn New fwtanieiu aro the tomid^tli naon whlcli inoDl of tho wolB ol «hriMlwu» hm® been biiilt up Without claiinliig uMinloto iDrra«tD<fi« for our u» hiir'» lu-w i-nd «lnl»orat • version wo

.""""Hi, '«''«»er may imlgo for liliiioHllf wliKlhpr the wonU (h.'re marally traiwliue.! nro ko arrnii.iod in thii wmmon voral.in to oxptoHH t)if «fV»ct in^au-fwtnmmii vrrltorH. Ju r..gir<l ti'iJ ' 'wnMisll.M, 11,^re itoHbtleiw bo dllfiTencva of opirl -n «m<»n» (Jr»< »i •cholarn. Inu, having .iilrmlitc'.l lurtvn.Tal Iu-oiHinlnatlon, tl.elr ?..r.l 1 u . f c - o gciu-t '"" «" t'lvo nu h»i . 'oy lij Jirrwnthiy II to tlio public We hAVii lo.Iro

—.^'..vtvivi. If, la n jungiii of aoino III hundred p,.«->t«, well printed on lln.. iiai^r, and haudnomSly bouni/. W not bud »hii«i to raiul It througb.

The undeuiablo cUoct ot Christian ity on national, domestic and individ-ual progress, wrought through the organization, ministries and tuissions of tlio Christian Church, in knowl-edge, vi'rtue, order, Ireedom and mercy, testily not only thai tho God Of truth revealed it. I>ut that tho God of history is with It and within It.

H o u s i ^ ' c T T i r T A c i D imFOS-IMIATE.

AOVBNTAGEOUB IN 0YB1>RI'6IA. Dr. O. v." Dorsoy, Piqiia, O

says: "I have used it in dyspoi • with very marked bonellt. If tiior; denoionoy of acid in tho stomaol nothing aflords moro relief, whilo tho action on tho nervous syatoin Is do

' cidodly bouollcial." ( —

If Christ is uot certainly tho Sou of God, then thoro is uo certainty. If this is not proof that Uo Is tho author of eternal salvation to all thorn that obey Him, thon all proof Is Impossl. bio.

Ve hnTO

over IU pagcK. ari.l lia leaolilngi, before weoa" "" " hopomwn todo." WrlU) -""Wl II. AiiiBWt nUlMllMK)!

~yorti'$ JltpoaUory, St. l.oui». Mo. i.fJi'" ,«»"«''"' l»«o l2mo pagea,

"••'f'*'''." han.liwmoly l£tiud black and gold NittiiipH, '"""uu, I'riot. Ill ImiKiHonin brown FJnglUlj c <itb, liy rniiil, p.,ai.pft|d (u

. riwfllarl'inooiitriivcivy, and Ixjtli' d Wl li »H|n nt rh|.-ny ii.«,n !nl>«lnlt«n rot itlon,

of tho II l,M,f (.'hrlNllnnlly as taught In the

cnxiked ahall be S prtMiit ihla Tolume to t bo oaroful ponsldorat'ou ot an InttUlgsnt P«ople, Addr«ii( Mrnvoa A .nHimlly,

M«uipiiii<. Tunn.

. 00 3 78 -.... .iini. iiKMiHKiKi cupiti* (II uua liK)olc w«r «)M an.l pal.1 for b.,for«*tbe Oitlt Oon^MAe llv«r«d ironi the priiKcni.

In library iili«<ip binilihg. '•"*!'.•>•this Sooi'

For Hum l»y our/luthorlEe'l iigento In er«rv

CRAVES & MAHAFFY, ••iihlUlinni. Woiiiphla. T«inn


MAinvFACTiman n »i« F r c n v l i fiiilvcrtng- -Mid

ORNAMENT/}; GLASS C a , 014 St. Chnrlas Jt., 8i l!.Oiila,Moi

l>«»l|Iiiannil iili ri I1"[| iiilahiif «ii A. ' llritl'ruv..

ttl^ Road our ^ - i «vll4JH;,llfM

ALL "PLAYED OUT." ' Don't know what alls mo iatol).

Can't oat woll,—can't sleep well, Can't work, and don't onjoy doing anything. Ain ' f really, slok, and I really ain't well. Fool all kind o' played out, flomoway/' That U what scores of mon say ovory day. If they would take Dr. Piorco'a "Golden Medloal DIs-oovory" they woiild soon have no oo-easlon to eav- It.'x I t purlflM thn blood, fonna up tho •ya l fm and fortlfleslt •calnt t dlsoaio.,; J t U « groat MtU blilloua remedy m well.

1 8 5 3 .

o w P l i i u o s a t J « 0 .

New 6-SUp,Tffo KDe «w ll Orgiiui $60.

II. (i. HOLLKM KBfl'S MUSIC ROUSH. liMiphii, Tiiiti. Libde B«ck, Ark.

n i j HK4 JVTOVII*;

F A M O U S HOLLENBEBC PIANOS, A 11(1 k o e p . s i i l a r R o s t o c k o f P l r t i i o H iviid O r g a n s o f t h e b e s t a n d m o N t s o l I d m a » u -flictureits W r i t e f o r c r t t a l o g i i o s O v e r 3 0 , 0 0 0 d i f f o r e n t n i e c e s o f i n u H i c i i n l i i b o o k s , a n d d a l l y n d l d l

t i o n s o f i i o v o l t l e s .

. i m i M A i i i ^ i ' r m H K i . ^ /


i . A T E 8 T AND n K « T H O R H of these popular aiUliora a«ii(, jkjbI. frow, to

any Snperlnti ndont or Chorlslor roH 30 CKNTM.

NMlEN-LfsIISy Q DAY-SC'I IOOI. n i i r s i o .

o«cd«d In bringing togothor h» loint nathora and edlloia two well known wrltera of Sun-day aohool mu»lo. wlioac pnpulnrliy haN been r.B wide aa the Cnnday-ioliool world. Knjoy. ing a large Bticoaaii In ihoir wiparate worK L, publlahora In the pant wo ar. Haxured of a bined IhoIr oom-OUJRRRrUI,,

iKRiiPriii., T U o i r o i i T r n , .

nhvoTiwirAi,. , a Pnbliahad and bound In very lioatitrio. ii®

pagea. Bcwrd oovow, |io per lOO: f« so «, ""'•..''if?'" ""I'/iIw" frea, Hfto. »ati pie liny 8. ftiliupi.^Mo. AddraW«ll ordera f.

m a m r u i s , t e a i i v


A R E M A R K A B L E " l j o b i r

THE WONDERS OF P R A M « Bull ol Will M t n l l t i M iiiii w m M I l u n r s lo fmp, .


F A J E ^ S ,

( l u m n i T t A u i A i i s i H i M m i c i f f

H "Ii? •"•••«»«»• in u»« u . f « s " •"•Bdad to ttv i»o4ar«to

offloe is oppMlta Ui* D. S. I>aMB we osn obuin pat^nU

Usnd Model tw Ontwinc. W« adTlw nau-ntabiiity fhie of t i a rw : wo

make no«harw%Bt^ we'obSnpiSTntr we refer bere to Iho tiw

» t / M tLiiA4(BeAA/ry v W a m * OAxxoT atai'^rAsajso »m4J'Ji/Css

i . t . r o o F & C O .

S f ' ^ i i a P H ^ i e r ^ ,

L . H O G R A P H E R S .

I B ' t n k B o o k M a n u f a c t u r e r s » o . 9 1 H9€om s t r « « < .

Mamplila, TtMM. I Ordwn Ml olt«d nud M mi** «iw«rt.a»ftw. I QHoao. •


iotiu lo jour own diate or oounty WVlte {? , O. A. 8SOW 4 J o , I Opi>o»lw Patent Offlos, WaahlnKtoo. d . C. I

«»UI» 41

tenet*, or

Fun CloiH, U 00 ; post on receipt of Address

& M A H A F F Y , M e m p h i s , T e n n ;

A G E N T S w a n t k o

-ftit the


b o n f Bamlin

•if If k' J'*'. '' I >al. lit,

Villi I. i'j,..,., „|,

ORQANS) ni»hMi linn,

j r i t l . l l r . , , , , Www I li.lil. kliloBj (oral 'IjbtMnyMn.J l>ne humltrdl f rl«, to ( •.'irrAjriuriitt f»kenl«(j. Cat •logm frae.


PIANOS: mr>d« of Strlnifinji |).> Roirfijuuvon*

<1 w a M «• I at tiiMingat Fttmn nn the f» » * » » I n n

t M ^ g g l :1T|UW ' • j roil

L ^ ^ . ^ - a j s h v C U U B ,

C b a i u i u t o g a , l a i A t i a i u . ,

Florida A O TUB

TM ChMtMlit Mtm>«, n i l i S r i ^ b VK^ A l». IMOOKI. DIAbOVllKS^yS^i;:. J^ It 111 R»rnt>

1- K& TUB


I ! ! ! M [ h - T r u n k l i n e

Witftogt Change and wltlijD8ail Unrivaitd SHORTESr AND OUICKESfToUTl From ll^phli, Milan, and HamboKt |«

N 0 R T H _ & J A S T

a s i i s

AHHIVAV AWD DRPAO * |IRK «»r t r a imm.

Maahvlllc RMllroA.I. City Time.

• •mpi iU Mid Cto«rI««»»»jaaHiwMl.

•d'lyMoepiaSidays .'BiMp.a. t.:ioa.m

• 6)05 ajn. 7:00 p.in

& ^ s t . L . K f

T h e

L F A V O R I T E ! Calljon Aearesl TIcJict Ai t .

Or AiWrcM w. A. .UlN'KS, Pa,. Agt., DuIIm, Tex, oi

' W. h DA.NLEV, Q. P. i T. A^ Jsnl tww K«sbW»e.T8Bi>. ,


^ vavv f i UU p«iri Ohio AMonthwoatera B.M

'^Itia a

T H R E E t r a i n s D A I L Y fly Ihli llni. M^IMTT '

B T O B W H H a J T I ^ B A R ^ ; ^ ^

/®Uoirsi No. 8 (fait lln» »lly)IMVMats 1 lafcm. NO.aleaTeliat"la

Kjay ^mmodauon learea .t

arrlTM dally.Mcept HunVlay, atlfcMa.m, niMlaalppI aad ToBumuivfi ••iirwiHi.

TOXM nnrt HI. )U>nla BmiMiid. Arrtva

" SaX'*'"* TO OtiaawooN r- '&nneaWu®

raUwiSl ai ir lnk-" I "

• /JZi j I ?*^ !*

» pjn I tialiir. „

D . W . H U C H E S r " DMiar ! •



S I L Y J i H ,

SILVER-PLATED M L El a , ETC., E i c .

a»S Mnio nrr«l, Hsnph i Kaoainnjj Prom^uy atid neatly don



S o u t h e r n T r u n k L i n e J j ^ S B ' l l S l ' S ' i S ^ LOUISVILLE. LOUISVILLE,




• vv ••...if

Orinklsv " Olargndon

2 TWO DAILY TRAINS P u l l m a n H l o e p i n g t » r s o n a l l J i l g h t

T r a i n s .

T h e S h o r t L i n e t o


N D T H E N 0 R T H W E 8 T . Tho Direct Honte from

K o t i t u c k y a n d T e n n e s s e e El TO

A r k a n s a s , T e x a s , J K i m s a s A N D r i t B SOUTHWEST.

Ttorough l lcket on «de over Uila JRoail At PrincliMU OiHipoii Offlov.

J T f T t h e T n m k l i i i i e . fdrthwr tairortoiiUoii writtftttbr'

(iBllupon i it A B. T A h L t n r , T h M A g m t ,

IkMi iT l IKXy,

Sf—IHhjf Church A M I S - C. T. B O L T CO.. H A U M W . ' O .

i i e i i i ^ ^ avUMxviU'a


a v i ' l t a I

itVvi— -T

1 4 :3a • .


N E V m i S A Y J l I E

V l io i l i i r i iron Conirl i

T i l l T o u r H e a r t A c l i o s

tSimilllNO" Knilt IiKlltt Ittiiii Oe/thA' AMkSn*, Nerrotu Oct'llllr, «<mI M ttaporteil nnim^-. Try li.

iwj. On* buillK will mtl fy Mu IIM>»I «kt|i-„ JA!iK8M'r»i..i«U.m nf lH.U» HMlto Mllpttittn*!!' vurwCoiMniiiptluii, ilroiu lilila, AtSan*, Nerrotu (kt'llllr, «<i<l C«l«rrlu II

H m ant it t»w M(rit»U (tvm l«(U<r< <>t p»r»> «*rt OCRiin, aiut iiuir vrdtr tor (mir frloitilii i

"t fe*r ctittnln l» In «4IICIIIM), muil LUI ihy UI«

I'rtivu It lor jroui' p»r»>n> »lii) y uisillt'lniw it Ihii l.iiiiK* vBiwl lay only brollivr o( a liitmorrli»i):i> „ -

about a ytar Mtv 1 wtih cuuJitu tn Ukr tliKin. Thy (nio Irlwiil, ,, l|AN]4AU i(lCK;I.K.

••i rlM OUKH I I»« nr Ooimnmiitlnn noino

waM hint Ui try tli«m. 1 I|alit*d III-Uikinit l!l» Kr»l lJir«? .

Ailerioii K>'. .1 V lun.l.

"Aa your inwl U(rt«y»ar»»ift. tMD poandt wU

u • lIuUi*rliu ("MM unllcriiDf wlih llroiubllU iie«rly

• • ' • " - . > - ,|(,i)iir.»itn| tbiiiir iltitl

(w«nt}R yi!«R*,*ND Irlivl DKMI all kln<)»<if iiH-illclnc.xitHt iU)«CitnnubUliiai<iMli< Ihf only tbluir ili '

JANK A ASIIllllOOK •ay* th« CannubU lii(ll<iM ID Ihc oi virM h«r rtlldt. J A

U»»»la«nlle. D«ll«rd C.i., Ky.

I ktww all about iiiii C«niiul>ln ImllrH, nrtntn van avv •la>i«lil«r»ttli)> illM . - AMtf lilvr «t <

»ev«r»l y«ar«, h la lux <>()

Ooap Rl»or, I'uwwhlck C<i., Iowa.

V U< unml. !Ki«aM)'Kn(l mn a Irax <>( yuur mblti iw.

Ut Wa» iMfffttcll , jACou TKifrr.

I hart Ukcn lliff rnnniiblit llMll<-i» w illruinwl, and am happy ttt tu u>{l yoti UjaL i aiii fw lU ciiiva a( Najtal Catarrh. YMU wvrt! rlftht. aly truulrlu vma itol ConaMniptluu but Tatarrli.

JAIIKS AO.lUiW-KU. Wabaah Av., Chtragu, III.

U baa cored MtallelKiulot tlentiral tvwiltv o( ilw whola ayaKiin of tvfo <it thriw ynira' nlanilliiK. »"<l othtra are tryluif ii wllh « U O M « « .

•HKIUIt'T .t I.KSI.IK JllmpiH)n'a Slorv, Waslunntion Co., r»

« r'"' 1 " ' ' ."S ' • T A •

IndleSTtniMf&'Jy fc'l yod re.fl'ii!?!!?!) par boltlaof thrwi iKiltWa fur HH.no, I'IHn i>nil Dint-mant •t.Xft rach. C U A I ) I X H ; K A C O . , l'ro)..rl.'H.r/., F

IBM Kac* gtrtKl, i'hlladelphU, Ta. t v l l l » u r iii |

I l o l l , how«Ve/ i»Mnfc<lJ l a h e v u m o torriblo a <))lutf. Uu? w h i c h

tjOYo is iho sa l t w h i c h alont) in ti i i« poor naMira of tho nunoo of f luty f r « u i c1ocoiii[>Q8iUoii.

Dou't ilIflKtt»t,<iv«fcyl>oily by h a w k . I O K . O L O W I N J F ' ^ H I I I I I R P I T L L N I F ^ I M H I I A O

ih-, S$gt)'H C»Ut - rU Itoiuody aittl ba cnrwl . ' itt

DYSPEPTICS nitty hear e l »wiueU»iiig i i i iportnnl liy Htlilrowing l l a v . J . B . Jonkb,

John«on C l l y , TeimosBoe.

\ | h a i i« It but t i i e l ^ t ' a m l i ; lory of Iifr|'; that «§rii'pthiogrj({oo«l a iu l great, HOiaii lhiug real ly: w u ^ i y u« Ixi done,

Js l i i i i l in>on 118? I t is not solf- intlulK-»ii<-0 aUowodi hut'viMoi']^ «0bieV0(<,

uieii. (hat «)>i/|uaVe"

C h r i s t aloiii j, <it al i W1KI» nave ov«i-bomt) tho i iauio oC Icing, Is the h ld iuK place of tho aoul from thu ^torni!) of w r a t h w h i c h It* slnn hiivt) ovoktx). Ho alone can s u p u l y tt^o thirst i i i i ; , i l y -l 3 S « p ! r i t w t t h "Uvlt iK WRier." ;

« M O R O S FOR 1 8 8 6 . • J ' l t i c i i « K i > i ' t i : i).

The prlc« o( Kind WnnU fur !S(N« U re-lucwl u> fw «t«nta a y»«r tor tbe SWkly, urtd !J5 r«nl» a year

' fur the mml-Miiittlily — |U O I H I W . T h « .t<«Kaon< willtwdcclditllv lm|ir<iv..i|, an,! ni||

(oclade lhrt» trriuU'ii, • 1.- BiphuiMIoiu Vuenllfuu wjilraat an«wor«, lar tb« rider )tchol»rt>. •

I. QuMtloiu and Arii«««r«, iVn Inttirnii'dlat* whottrH J. 1«IMM)H glory ami IJiw ll ni mid Aii!.u>.r», fi.r tin.

yottUlsit achnlam. Thone IrMuut wilt lian all lli« otbor n ikl ill'iMirt*

menta alw, and »lll br viinisi',.i!i!.i iir »iiv ief<«>iiii li>r I V ri »dli SuBday-ncbiwil iirh"Iar»jiiiWUlji-i|, ILIIS' I IM '

doiuiry «orn» riiiti>m!e lliiKatiiMtl«lrreiw>iMt«itt.H will U will ewthfiu* I& kdraeanv and IhaftjUreKtaot the ^mi and lu iMrdl^ tltai Its cldol younf ti> A*n«| ) »

. coulHbiiUWH.ln ,M>«ntd«iit-H will ho a fti|irk«d foaiut"

lu* Ita adTOCany "( mliwliinii, u irtiH rinif* Itapllnl rmn-.'iii|..r.

,m%ll|li.:'t» luMi ih" f. Try It W ymr ««WU At b'aal Jend ft.r i.p«lincii

)plea, vnrtrb »lH I*'ft>t*»r4i4 frj*. Weekly r'WiisUropy, f l Oil; clubtol t»;q or nvirc,

«M:bMr«ttiL . Bena-Mutithly^-Sluglefopy, MtuiiK; clubs iiMfn

or nora, earh fs cviuii,. The 4iiatl«ily-<-('.<mlalnlnK Itii' Ipmnua (iir inrh

quarteruf (he year, Willi ntbi-r linlp^ tor learlKra nud Mh»lara/a^aanuin,Mc<ii>t/<. •

liMmn Ijitalletii—Ouilaliilnff the Iciteuii* oiilv, ii. r annum, «arh III wnta.

TheChlld"at!em--lt>inl«lnlti» tlio hinMpin In mlinplo and eaay ioriu, «tli« plrluri'a and nidltip ronUn' «ult< able for Infant clam«~pi r aninim. ulntrl" t Dpy /•q centaj cluba of len or morn, <»rb as ii-nl«. Addrrn

KIND WdHDS, Mucop i Orders for Kind Worda Bildri'I'iiral IN O H A V H B A- .MA-

M/im, UeiDphla, Tenn., will bv promplly llllwl.

V « I « K M ( » Ho«l i« lit CUmSTlATCft lAIT l^M. t)m I'imIV^MUU.

or tholiSiUhot tlK- tKwiier; t(.("5i'av(iEv Pp. 86. Jj. jSi.V J i : - VV ! .J -ittri'

T l I K A C T OF H A l - l IS.M. Itk-K in nil. horltlea. Uy J. 1(,Oruvut*. i'li.iHi.iiic

T H E S U l T K I l A C'HUUt'H OUDI-NAJims, ami wttK BO iibsoi vi'il ii\ tliu Aixm-tollu Churoliod. l ly J . It. (Iriivti<. Pit. /il.

l(W< T H E K E L A T U ) N O F U A n [ S J | T O SAL-

V A T ION,, mid u Birraon byO.il.Sii i irttvun, of l;<>.|idon. Hv J . U. (Imvu8. P p . ™ H)o.

F o r J a n u a r y , b p g i u n ^ i g the nlnotcaiith volnnu*, U a brlHlafit holirtSy number, iibouu>M?ig i " texts a u i l pioturcs ap-propriate to tho scasibn. I t opens

^ r l i t i 4ti' iiiti^rDstius a u d i u s t i u c U v o d«Bay on "ChrfNti i i i lh" Oart i i :" Dr. I'lllunimi'ii soriiion in on " C l i r i n i i i i a in A l n c i i c H , " n.'voral Cl|>iiHiiiiaii iiriii Now Voar'n »ioric<.

•fiitl I'ouin, itll (JiiBly i l l i i^trateil. Por-hapH tiie artlqlo U j a i »l lUr»ti.ra<:t tho iiit)st sit««nilou Is "rrehiBfrtr lc A m c r - ' Im," hy I III! Iti'v. <ipo. 'I,'. K i l ler , with IWCIU) -two i i l i is lcAl lrt l i i . T I h t . ' ' Hro ni»i iy xhort uud i l i ^ g i y arit,i'to«, sni l tlip f i i | i -p i i«o picturoH rtro b r s i i i i H i l ami m n n i ' i o i H . > XhOj regular neriniH,

Harvest," i i i i i l " D i l c i t mill'

n i y s " go oir, .Bii. i thu I'Miturlal Do pai lnsei its Bro full a m i couiji lete. I ' l i b i i - i i i U by Mh«. l<'ttANk Lesi . i i ' ,

.Vi, nnil r>7 'Park PlAro, Ni-w Y m k ( ' i l> . II 'J.'i c.i iiCn a nuiiiln'.r, it

j y c * ' . j o- i.aiti.

"< ; i l A U L K S K t J U K I t r U U A I > -

(M Ifts M Ijf iytts l^Afj ^vlifl-^A . vh'.i 1 lori'tl - l o o iMiU'il ' ' A w a y l ) ) v n in Poor \ a lii'," for i!io A'oul l i ' s C'Mii pitnion, whiuh «!iMi ftftiiountM 8nfl'«l HtpiKiH l>y .1. T . Trow i ir ibgVj Of/ ' r^e M i i i v i l l n Fonn, C . A. StophoiiR, ami OlIltTH-

^ A J I E W | K > O K F O R T H J B I J A J P T I I ^ T P E O P L E ^

' I I I T l i l i l D S D f T I i r a i ^ i R E \ r i « R | > A J I ^

The story o f i t l i e ^ a ^ i ^ ^

» Y U K V . U I C H A U D U.COOK, It ImndiMwiicly llUigtrat«a by tit vnawrtilin Of nntqd Btftn. «dtOe*ii, ntaoM and avmIc lu Itapiui hUuuy Jat.i 41d Wgfbi,iMI|i3tiii«li>da7. a l«i*eatiiniii.tof tnhirmitio" HIHUll tuO UHlntlMltt, iluidf .. . « . .••L i . . . . . Hk«t(!luitl iKH/k/ur •aiijiltn* -O L L . L « I » A I I D P T I V O T I W « R ( O M T T I E D « Y « H I U I « T ; I I R I ^ | ( ; H M V L T J » » I « ) I I , „ „ „ . „ No jyaiHia .1.0111(1 ri« wlthosii ii.ia iiamViixHMt aUafprutftliou far wterunoii at il»y Um«,^uJ III r«.ta BBdn^riiHii niiili li«'iK«i»ruf» f f t f i i i f ' ' - - - • - • - ' •.•••lu i>Dr vli wa nud |irantii w, Hiicti i

lUptlHt lumUjr -fl'l* I I iifuriniil Inu. 11 oUffti 11«> IM) I

ifiilllar wJtIt iho«ulji»Mit.-Ia»i 1« lOKiv«a rBHiuiu f„r icti u book la ludlNiiuiiiUiblK lo «v«ry UHUHHI, H I , | | IK M««(ltKl iii i» un> voiy lK>.»k FeotjUMntDK a i niii> smttli vmiimo «b<» re«u'r. <i

„ , .. th III® ti»lia» ofuv.il-r Hftiitliil inliiMier. It 1h m , u<.t li.«.R tint iniolilKeut I'tidoii, )iiiii( n h i UioliM lull unit Hcoiirrtle liiioriiiniluu uliout tlio llHuilaw

Klne Cioili, with Itafk Mini Mill K in HIHCH nud Oold, ai • . •v>lt>. t *.. ^ I. . . . . . I ^i .t . „ >.. III..—k. .....1 tfi .(..a Mcrouoo, wllh Uiick Ht>d .Mift^ilu tlUicN tirtl (j|i>ld,

Adiirew iiHi^VMA M A I I 4 F r Y . M«i||ipblii, l ^ u u -Ml

•I S(L

B u r t ' s SIW G e m s IT AVc(rro.


A ^ .llt< l,vn iif .felOTilTV l'01>U;.AIt COWI'OBI-T l d N O of J N S T R U K K K T / X MtJSlC for tho H O M E , tclorti'd from li.owiuka .f K A V O K l ' f l i COlff-r O S E R S , arraHjifd IVr ilis P I A N O imd ORfJAN Ttii tiUiwnf Uto miislo In ililo buok mv: , M,*II'~IIKS.-'r'Hn<'r.ii ff a Mirl.it.i.f.o, V.aritbo Ire Tarn „ . , „ bi>ur», «<,uii.ra i.f J'l'di'f, ^ oi.nj Itec rult

»NI>OS, VAItl lATlONx. T I t A S . s r H I I ' T I O S H , nTfl.-Mt.u.ii !«,.(, youo, Alpln.. Inu. AiimrylliH. A iilnul«, Anstrl-lii it.rinn, lii"in<.f Iho C.mvp .t, f,i(i"k i w.h fc i i f:. II li. iiitiui Oltl,

araktoritiilc.., ,V Chifrtul «li\d,iliildruu'all.ai. OoiuiiUtUin,cvm.'n,! IV'f..., i ,, . is.s o cirmij, Dimh IgK SIfltrh lli'tl", HI « KiiglatiJ, t)iin CftilKi iFjiniiituI, I), wn tifcirn ihw I i.I ! ..•. < On.w. Eiiir'Ai'ln ( ^ W N M O N R T C ) , K.crylu l.VA liurlliiK lOaviiUf), F.-iuilly Oailifrli,;! (K U ' L V O , P . UIT iii, I'IJUM 8.>II». KOII.I ItHOrtK MilHt lart» Ul (fil Nl(rl:t. Iliinnv Mniui'litK IC .lirli-nl. lluiftiv i j j T'll.iv. l.aiir*'8 Ia'MjtIHK, luimi'

tin KMb r, t/vvini; MlllnluH I, Miiiiita


,, , . - . ,, . K loaviHtfl, r;»uilly r;:iii,(\rli,;i (K u'lv »), f , uifiii, |f|j»i-H.wt« A Iiat f art, Ui ,1,1 Nl([l:t, Tlupiiy Moiui iiln IC .prli,c), ila^iy l.aurfn U i Bolinon, lluiiM<r'» (.-iiil. Iluu'l'in-fin», tn 11)0 niiunlry, 1 1 th ' \Vadn>" ii, .1 »»un..|ii . IJitIn li

I, :Ji.rnul» ft WsniiiH.', '<Ii<lTjr Wnnil.nT, i.l -lu Bii«, Mill" »lMiiorli'», Uiiid from it n lllimlMid*, •IJNWU.K .III, II, V«Ilau Mtl.«.

Il'll w, r«ioi'fnl Dnanw, II l'(,n.»rii<.i. On-r tbP I . - . T- -I'tiiul* i*t Mftr*iiit*i','»T*»iTy ^ t^ry IWIaJNwU.ir .ii|, II, Mtli«l», orf t-. KtirupctKolwiB 1, On Ihfi Itlil

ifnuirM I f .M«r. , J. Miiiini

'li'avani i bouitbia IMoli i|} llfliii'ti nr* »• Miipw . Iii'inemlv r Mf, liritn<?{i, K'lsoft-i Miiii'itxtl jMvmn, .'-if'B Hh >r'< lt<->>aiiia, Hwrvt Irfn-ii. MllE»p'l•'1 1 iwiy, Mtu'phi'nr* Hfrt u-dc

•HlKhliik-fiT lliitni', Bon* <•! Un' .Niirth iMoloUy), Soniiimnhiilii iAr)a,v ? nit Krntxii iW« («>.' »l>r|u<« ("ornlnu. r..r(«if;«r'(iKiinii(ll«i.|V Thiiiiui'ri'l, Vlllaifi' »iui.l,« (JUIIMI.M II Vruiiiture (I'liimiiirrii Wait j y . "" """ ^""^d'n* ""•'•I'l'/? Wlii " lilt- « ki, - . , . .,., » men on ttiB i;.nii e, wwiaiOKOii-etini? KOI) H I I AN ItH. Krlop.itlv l'a<tli<>H. In Runiiitby, >>cw YRur"!! OVwlliu! R e m e m b e r 3 0 P o p u l a r M e l o d i e s . I. I. •». . a > , . Kull bIUKH nniB'c Ufa", nml iM>uncI M fih hnn Ib«»in'- i u rftv d ruvtjr. >tri|m(MUul muvto iiMif i'ifitivU Ui i>nv booil

r i l U K ^

TUU U thf t>o«t crHei tl n vf

l u i i i e f ^ S . M u l i a i l > & S o u , M f i i p h l - , TOMH.

- r r

, Hoarpnn

^ 'UioHii wli.j (.rodch, lu ^ ro Wf »l « tti I anil (/o iiiit^ Ili^loV l l o i a y

' t W /li<> ftpeoificht re o ^ u l f U V i T o l e i V ^ i OlVfS o

uli a'""*''^''"'-''^ i-'urt'H cvtiiuiiVaiH

W i l A T 18 i T TO K A T A N D S>UI s'K IT W O U T n t L Y ? T I I K SYMUObiaM O F T SUPPKB. By J . 11. Uruvcs. I'p. 'W. »uo,

I N E - r V l D t J A L I T Y H B K U I K OOD, L ib . erty nf Oontoletioo anil OdiiScquuiit Kiuu. dom of Tboi • • • befbro tba

dom of Tbouukt—annual M I ' I H U I I prt-uuliMl befbro tba TenniMtwo UiiptiMi Covi ntliin 18fM, fcjf J . M. »/d>ort»ion,'iwid pul.li(»l<i(T1iy thi- retiueator the Convention. Pp. Wl. to

BLACKJS I l K A S O N ^ F O U UIiOthUKNG A U A l T I S t . TbU Is It tram or itrtat vuluu, and ihould bo widely olroulntod. Uy^liofti W . L , Slack. : . Mijfe

A l ' I i i 6 j ; U A U r K O l ' L K . t n i I y ° % T able book df 8a p a ^ a . By k Mel vfiti

W H A t l S O O N S C I K N C R f Have yi pleHlOPf By .I. U . O f n v o s , ^

11.1 S o i v i l icfuii l a p l t l l y ' ntii l lo inplftoiv •^nld by III! 2r»i!., fiOo. iiiii^ Jiil. o ) H o i i ' ' ' U i s


Ih isy lueu tnato® uioinijiiitH of ire-Jkc^ioii. Kyoii i(;tlieiw m o rfuo tno-

B N I O I I T » ; ' I R ' " W ' F T M I ' 4 . I I I H A I I ^ M ' I I I I B R T H V Z L ? !

trai iqull l lKc, wfil consecrate the

long li0Ulli!«<l t o i y M t / . ' / J . . - t lVHI ! t

n m Hhc iu) Tlioru.l l itai i . 'Oti| ln!l()i i . iTi'tho'%dver-

I^^^NajUAi,f».i l » , w p t t g l v l i i g Aho (IroMs of Mini. D n , 11. i^. riBOiiKnicCH N w b o . U ' W O ' K t ^ N D W W i , o " '

' I loinq nvor ti*(3ilA ,tUU'l H ' T l ' I W • • ift^-^J

r T T u r j turn for THROAT nnd l u N O b l S E A S E S . ColtlB, Cougho. ^ raTtiroat, LtOsaiOf voica, influ«nza, andidlcaifli RHR<MI I M U L I L I H MELD L I K U I I I R ; in lia I I I>K (Jnrid «K.iuin»liiliiio,ire. (•..I'Lnryhftifli, Bronohltl*. OulnaVi Asthma ond OonsumpUon

1>H .1. Jl M('l,IFA,v'a TAH U I S K U U JI;II>I Ja tl|«f> |>tri.>MWlY lliiii wflT i:lvo «iir» rrlb'l. ubuacurti

annean, Bora J> In lu IIIMKICK

l.niilf tSwaws » bon> nil otii.ir t«U)»'t/"« Ji/»n^ f.il ... rniubli-ii wlien atich • itli-aiaiit t»tnwf>-1» nlliired vi>u f Kur Chiflil It la n p mill HtH'nkerii llif l'.\h iViNK l.l'Ari lUl.M In nli itl'Miiltttil iM'CeKiltv, Nuthllii; liim

ban yiiu. miltiTi (iiini 1 brunt and I A U I R

nllWe nprrlllr. " Ki>rCruA)l itU n - IM'CeKHllV, Niitl wliltU will gliu nufh Iraiucdmio reiki, ami it will puKUlvely eurc Tlmmt TrDjibli'a.

C u r e t h a t b a d C o l d ! S t o p t h a t C o u g h ! TIin» wliono t.uncn and Tlirnat nrr niro.hiird iviul lirv, will ri'ulljn iho mwihliiK rITm-i of n nlnKle

dona-4 D H . J, 11. M I ' I ^ K A N ' H T A H niMli Ul.sn r4Ui;Hnil tn ulvn nil d Militliiu nkcpikn a chance t(i bu aa-ajirpd of llH wondiTful, KOO I I I I I IK and nilrni'iil.iin i |riiii'«, 1 pnl up 'lYInl tVillli'S, cixllnit LU cenla iiarh, Kvi ry di-nlpr In the I'nilml SlaiM »lmuld Imvi- tli»m. If Uii y have not, plc»«e auk tbcni to aond for a doipn at II loKl Kvrry oim tryl-ig ibiil 2S tint K I IQ will bu cunvlnci'd of the mlraculuua beuullU ho will ivMlve from taklmc ..i ' • •

D r . J . H . M c L e a n ' a T a r W i n o ^ l - u n g B a l m .

Por Slnnera r bi'Cii illwovered IHIN'T UKI .AT.

If yon have a iKixnf^nii, J. H.l WiKV Ltmo HALM

ive a cold In the head, llcklliirii In the n.we, forehead ami Ihrnat yiin havoCalnrrh liret* . II. Ui't^Aa'a OATAaaii I'DWIIKK, and Uau It uiioy a day, bealdea Ua. J. 11, Mi'I..KAII'ATAR BA L M to Ileal your thfoiit I W D Inuia.

^ v -A- r

ufl.'uf tt! w m luno n n y w f l i t Oiiriad'By'' IVIff WmB LUNO MLH.

P r i c e 6 f T H a r B b t i m s a s C o n t n E a c h . 'lUV»ni'yo" oue'doS?i'i!' " "'('i " " P<>«lam lUtaw, 1

JirXlHitifefor'''"''*^"''^'^^^^ • After ualiig Dii. J, it. MotjaAn'aT.ia'WtWS l«mailAt*,'loH»«'h»« W:niyi'a,

im. J. It. MoLKAN, Cor. ttroadwAy anit ItldilC Aireaia. UT. IXJtllS, ItO., Prop»tiilor of DR.J.H.MclI, I


rcgu lur 1 toil prlotf l i ,$j.00AV copy by mall postpaid, w ^ ^ wiUeond to ttn)i'

MUSIO m O H for exttjninijtioij, n' ^ Bin(,'le dgmplc copy,^ poBtugiepuid, on r c t d p j of two doU»iK.


Ths Jofti] Church Co., QIBOJWNATI, OHIO

I, ; . - . . c o i i F O U K D O F


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C'lxl-rjTcr o i l iitKl Linn;.'SThal pleivfiitil iitid rtcilve nveiit In Ibf all < nu»iimjfllvi» nfmpfrmpH wiliL.r . roiiip.Hiii.l ..I I'liru I .^il.iwi oil rtii.ll.i.iii.', In U'liit; iiiitii'ruHll.v in riMillrnl ntm<tl,-i- Hul<i a W b o r .'lien.Ul, tk b> Ihv nMiprl, tor, by all ilriiitnlKiH.



^ D A Y S ' T R I A L . „ T H I S N S W t i m o TRUSS Han a I'ad dlllereni from alj ftlliim, 1. mn aluiiMi. wl h mil!

• 'IBS liKi niar.ad pojiiion, .f latie

U liid I . .. .... ... ti'>tiOe. , Jrwtlltathehnll I irsaa^o back iiic

nla fc^el.lMrarely iJiy »nd»il»ht,«ia a miHcal rai.

XV I I ' H /.IX 4 O'T V . B .



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A d v e n t u r e s .

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about Animals, gleaned from the Beepers ^ ^ of the Zoologiou Gardens, Londoa, hy AttTif^fB B i B B f

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A D V I C E TO A B O Y E N T E B I N O O O L L E O E ,

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T H E M A B O U I B O F L O B M B . J A I f B S A N T H O m r F B O n S B .

T H E a t T E E N OP B O X n i A K n A . C H B I 8 T I N E NII:.8S017.

C A N O N P A K R A B . W I L K I B OOLMNfl .

B I C H A B D A , PBOOTOa. , P B A N C I 8 A. WAI.KJE6B.

O I . A B A XiOUISE KEItLOOO^. Pmidetit 0. W . E L I O T , of H a r v a r d University. Prssident N O A H P O B T B B , o f -Tale CoUeffe. President P. A . P. BiOEtNABD, of Coltimbia. OcUatei, Profii8«>r UOSKM COLT T Y I i E B , of OomeU OoUeg«.

' .«•

I- Vsj.-ii-

. iiW ,•<,»(


•'.••< ., ii

U s e f u l a n d P r a c t i c a l .

80178 WHO CAME FBOM T H E FARM, H. BtrTTEBWOJOT. VlOLIM BOWINO-Bnying a Violin, by BOBT. D. BBiMN. lOCKS AND, KEYS i or Wonders of Locksmiths, H. E. W l i a s , Bl iALI i STOOK-BAISINO for Bdys, by LEMUEL P A X l ON. 0HOBT-SAin) AS A PBOFESSION, H. W. QLEiJSON. A YOtJNO FOLKS' Shaksspeare Olnb, Prcf. W. J. BOLFE. HOME-SEEJCniQ I N THE WEST-Home-. „, ateadiiat-Bow Land is Pre.emptod-How <{' to Sscara U n d by Tr«« Ooltiure, by E . V, SMAIXEY,


Illustrated Sketches. y O t T K O K S H B B B B OP T B X I HOtTfUI O P COIOIIONS, by A H O N O OAWNXBAM), b y tSJS PBXNOB A i m P B m O E S S B I S S t A B O K , by

oiu tilt) Bublimo

(betwoon ood a n d lou uhait

j p o d w i l l iBoUssioiiii

I l K

XiOBO T E N N Y S O N A M O N O H I S P A M I U C A B B , by I T O H T I N O T H B . , | J 10TI0 COLD, b y A N E D I T O B ' S B X P E B I E N C E I N a'Htl W I L D W E S T , XXPlCt I N T U B B S ' i r , by tho XT. & lUnlatar to Tnrkay, mmmtmmt tmm t^m-w mm ^ m-^mmimm tk f vaaw Wt OH M&UAiSWF wV A Uf JK

b o K N O ^ o K S O y K A O X C a n d C o n j u r i a * K*PU>JIMKI, b y Son- , i s r c s OV • r a A V m . i n Soutbam OaUftmUa, by yrc • ' . L

H . w . r u o y . J O S E P H H A T T O K .

DIBS. E. K. A J K E a B B A J C S T O X B B .

U u n t B C H W A T K A . X L . H A B B O t J B .

Bon. a B. O C X " P B O P . H O P P M A N . "

H B I . B M H t T N T J A 0 K 8 0 K . M

h » K D r T O R I A X A on leadhiff oranta at bomo and abroad will bo fnndamental In character, and nuirimt In ( M r i h hlal trentnioiit of tbo sabjocts dlscdMod. The O.*iIIiDtU0?n9 P A O B wlU be a spodal featoro, as hoi«(ofkis«, andl "^a •" «

be flllod wltli stories, Jbigles, and pictures itdaptod to the youngest rosders. L - W A T


i ' ' i 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 ® ' 2 ? •ubioplbM now, i n d fonda u i $l.7B, yte will tend th* (Mimptnlon i a J M K h ) * ^ Ji !"* «»• M b M r l F to ^ n u a i ^ l i t , I8III0. m d • Ai l i

_ J f i l suHbr^^^ from that date, i i m u J A I M V ontih

P E R R Y M A S O N ft O O . , P u b l l i h e n , 4 1 Tempfe P I k m , B O S i m


, :.fj

AHEODOTES of John MarsliaU, by J . E S T W r ciotWII, A STORY of a Btorm-lfonnd Train, by OSOAS XXOX. J - ' EXPLOITS OF BICYCLISTS, by BENJ. F . A BAW BECBUIT, and What Happened to Hhn, A . C H I L D S . 'i STORIES OF LKTTEB-CABBIEBS, T. W. STABKWEATHEB. ^ T H E PEBILS of Preooolons ChUdren, Dr. W. A. HAmfOND i , A BOY at the Battle of Frederioisburg, THOS. S. ROPXINB. ' Vi THB " C B r r f E B BACK" BEOIMENT,

and Other Tales of Old Campaigns, by AM08 H D M U Y . -. , _ . if-Hi-

••/•I." J. tiit.'iift

• •••V'-:,!' • II •

.^•ir.trtj',."-.' ; T



M l

I! i

i s

I S E V E l l S A y D I E

f l io i i i lh j roJ 'voaRh

T i l l Y o u r H e a r t A c h c s

WjMOth." ihlNU" K m i l I i i i l l a U o i n -Id will Miiufy tl''> nuMi

II, JACKS' l-r»|»r»Al.in «( ludU H«ni|i Wftl Jtmltlvciy csrHC»i',i<i|uivll«ii, itronclilU*, A;rtJwiiui, Ktrvou* IkiMllly. »nil (.'ntaiirti. II to <u> I m p a r t e t l re i iml / . Try ll. I ' rot* U for your-

Utra wiTM-it »rbm Utbir* <>t Mrimnii wliu «F«f* CUKISD, amd new unlM tar tfiolr f t lAuU:

"1 (c«r MHiaJn In in * ilneUR*, And l u Uiy mmlldttM ODrM mr onty tin>lh«r o f « iI<marr>iiM?e at lb<i f.unKa kbwil • ytu »4ta (wtufi ouixln to thciu. Ttir tnii! Mmul, IUNNAII MIOKtK,

- ,,JJ, . , •. : : 51 ••, XWWKxHrary,.*, i. " A i rottr DuxJIrlm c u m ) ni« <it Conuimtitlmi M»tir

UiiMTMtni.tlcotwitWhiintatrjr Uttfiit. I'Kititwd lU-Mra uaai»l> wnlhi Uktni; ilw (trvl thrv<- li<j||l>>'.

U w r w c e l m r u , AnUcrwi' 0,.., Ky, 4 V m n . l ,

lloUitrhiu bKt-n •umrrlitjt with Hrtnn-llWs tio«tly twcDlT r«*i*, ind iiici ttiMi >11 kiiidii nt i!>Ml<cliu!,aiKl MyiUiaCsiinitltUlnillaiila ihe iml (hlnu lh»i KitM b«r r*Urf. JAflK A i H i i i m m K

UmlMsvi i tv , tUUnrdCv,, Ky

ir> *ca It «ur«d l u ) ' d n u f h w r o t U w A H t i m u . S.„ 11*4 for Oovittil yi«r«, bu t wm |iyrh<ilf ml. iVtM •utul inc * b«i»(yuur.iiMUdnv,

jACim ruoiT

I kiwwAll about Ibd C a n i m t i U l i i d l t tt. n'>>:it j r u r a *Ca It <;ur«d uiy d n u f t i w r o ( Uw AHtirnu. Sh»


D»tp River, IViwo»hlck Cn., hiwa.

I h«?a taken (bo ( 'H i i i i ub l a Inillrit m dIrectviL and am hap|jy lo W1 you iti»t I aui twrfectly run ' s of Sa«al CaUrrl j Yqii ««t« riifht. Jljr Uuotil^ not ConsumpUuii but OiArrt i

JAUKS A O M.liWKI.I. MTab'.ah AT., C3ilca|{n, 111.

I lhaacurBilMrs JV^vmtnf ileneriil Di hUitv di' wholtaytiMn of tWK or Uirtc >>««• Kntidlnii. an.l otbara are t rying It »1(h aucofn.

HEmil'T A I.KSI.IK Slmpton'a Store, WanhliMjKm <;«>. f i i

"Ifl™*"'®"}^ I>r.W ^Vjfr.s; Oanii.ul-. i i t iv*. f o J I f their fal l rml MtdU.oidl r iH I w a . S O

. rbottlxor t h n v fnr d d . n o . I'lil'. «u,l lUnl-Ul«nl •l.iin l ^ tll, Cfl.M)lHK:K A I'li , ffiiprl. t..r., lOMKaPiStrMl, rhl ladf lphla , I ' . .

Aak In par

»>lll «« !U\i r til Christ aluiiu, ot nil wftu. iiiivc over

bnrafe tbe nainc of king, is ttio lildiug ;)l«ce of tho soiil fr<»ii) thi> sionn^ of wra th whloh it* eirn liavii cvokeil. He aloofl «»n supiily tl|o luiiiitiaK, (ly-ing •p i r i twUh "Ijvltinf water ." .

KIND MORDS FOR 1 8 8 6 . I ' H I C F C N K J / « ; C K K .

Tl» price o ' K i n d W«ifd« for liSO l i te.lac»il to .•io ''IJ^ i pnf** « ytyif Illy —In cliiln.

T h « I^a«»n< i will li<. di'cl.liHlly Im|.i..>>-.1, ami nill

c«n<a 1 ytnr for llio \V»'kiy, and . fur ttin Somi-Miintiilr — in rlitin

Inciadn Ihrre ir«i)i-!i. 1.' KxplM4lllftffu «nt| (;«(>ii|t(>ti< irltii ' im aami'r-i, tar

Ibeelikrurbsiarii. «. ytie»ll<>fla and A n n w r a , for tiil«-iii..tl»l» « hilar« J. I*iw<>n (llory ami Qupulim and Aiii.«. r . , t..t iln

yoiiiigwi Mbniars. TIimd iMaotij will lisv» all vlie i-tbw <i«iial

m e n u al»o, and «i l l 1* iiii>»»ifilmi i,y a m (.if SttBdiu-HKhool M'bi.lara pa(»ll.;b< d. ITi« r'. idlotf "lat. ter, pmunK, pnpi'r and iirtnilnir * i l l .u i iui i rp»- . - . -<g Yba Mlwion, Itriioftiinailnnat aod M n . l ^ ^ b M I lt& •tfucUoii («atur«! of Uic pap-zr wUl twmalBMl.'.M n j ml«»l®har»«iorri»fK.iidMn« ao.1 r{>nfriku!)'m»tr-.in iiiw

•»h«d rorrmpotxt.-iit* <rm (w a <ii(irk.-a famiijo io» lu advocacy '•( ml»».i'<n«, t. ii>i» r4T!t»

tiiifiilt I t » I I I and I)ienilwhfi4a<>t till' Soi:tb< ra Itamiat ('iMn.>nH..ii and Ite BMrd*. .Hat ita «lit«t •li>i%lll b - to i« i . l tli.. yoanK to iesua l ? »

Try U l a y o o r w t o l At t i« t i fMid ftr .peclmHi copiiM, irtrteb w1IH>» fiirwarifc-d f r f* .

W n k l y T - H t o f l a n i p y . l l m i c l i bao f (uti or toi-re, tftcb so cafila. ^

8»ttU-ll«ntliiv —SInitlacopy, tOc«m»; c lu is of Ifn orniar^carkitwnU.

Tb« QuaitMty—{«n(Rlninif ilw I>«»]mii f<rr rarh quartorof itwynr, Willi other hclpj f.ir intclieni «nd wholara, sNr aamim, u cant*.

I^aaon walleta—Omlnlfiliiu Uie l.>w<iiiii .mlv. i»r annum, aa fb lo cnilii.

TheChlld'»(j?m-t '«nlii l i i l i i i t tlii- Ipsjuiu lu a ninii.lo • " " • ' " / . f o n i ^ w l l l i p l t n i n - i a i u l rmdliur (BitUM i(il|.t aiiuifor lofaiii cianimi—pi r atimim, ninsfb' ropy cfDta; cJaba of ten or more, tnrh JJ K>iit«. Adrtrtw t .


Ordnn for Kind Wordu aildn'»s. d iii il«*rita A Ma-HArrr, Mcmpbia, T«nn., will Ui pioni]illy flllod.

V»1mM» Bo«kH In Pnitttr CURIB'l'IAWHAITl.^M. l l"i l'ro(V«alul

or thoTuHhol thXli^jtcl. Hy.T. tMirrtvi *? Pp.80, p ] J

THK ACTOF HAIM'ISM. Itipli iu mi. boritlos. By J . It. (Inivi'a. I'li.lUi.Iiir

THE su r i 'K i i A c n u u ( 11 OUDI. NANCE, and WUH no <>t)!*t>rvt.>il )>\ iliu Aiioh. tollo Churobcs. lly J . U (JruviB. I'p. 4«.


VATION, luid a Strmon by C. U. Sinirjteun, of Londoh. By J , lU Qrovus, I'p, TO lOo.

WHAT II? IT TO KAT ANl) DHl VK ILV. WOUTUaYf THK BYMIIta^ISM OKTlllC StJlTBIl. Uy J . 11. tlruvcs. l'|.. 40. loo,

INDIVIDtJALlTY »KK<IKK GOD. Ub erty of OonMlcnt'e and OoTinftnmiu dom of ThouKbt—annual Mrinoii prcauboA before the T«nrnv»(H o ItHt>tl«t U<iyc nil»n 18M, Ivy J , M. lV»l»orUion, iiltd |!«jtj!l»h(<if"»!¥' tborequotiOf tboCoiivuntliiii. I'p. nil. lo

..SVAi'ilS^ ^ KOJI JIKUO.MIXU 4 BAl'-nst. Tljli Ir a traoi *.r jfifeal vuluo,

o'rojiWitml. l»y ItevI w . JUBIaoV. ilOUf

A PBtOLIAll I'Eoi'WC., A' tnily"^ able bookrifsaimse.. Bylt.K. Mulvln:

WHATI8CON8€114NOBr llavo

^ Hell, however panifed; 1i never so terribly a thJusr, Ijip rtoalli wlilch

a , - - i.• • ^

Txivq in the ealt wlitoii aluno in ttiiii ptidr nature of ftum saveo tho wnso of iiliity f r o m (lt)oonu>o«i<Jo».

Dou't iliORUAt flvorylwily by hawk IOM:, iitowlnt; and spit t ing, but Dr. Hugn'a Cl^tHrrli lU'tueiVy and bti cur«Ml. -t" '

' " M S P E P T I ^ S

may bear ot sotuetiihiK iinpurtant by HtJtlroHsliig U T R . J . B . J O M R E ,

Jobn ion City. Tuiino«i«oo. i I.I Knii

What It but tliu teat ami glory of lifof t ha i 8<$nit$tt)lng;Koo(l and great, fiuiflfitliinic really w o ^ h y

tt* im tluiie, in laid ii(>on ti»? It is not eclf-iutiulg-iiit'C aliowodi bu t victor* aobiovod, that oaii maicti'lliL (»r uion.

I 'HASIC t g f l l i t f c - ^ ^ j m A V MAOAZtHfc

I''or Janiiary.bcKiunJiig thg itinolconth volume, i-* a briliiant holiclsy number ,

I «bouuiUfi>j in texts aud pictures ap-i'ttipiiate to tho t t ojieiiH with itu iiiliirtiatiug aud Iiistiuctivu <t'<e«) till "Chrt>«tnia«" Carol;" I)r ralmiK^''''"C' tnon if on '•Cliristiiia in Atm i ira," ikkJ there ; Jirt' n. vtiral C^iiisliiia^ aiiil X'cw Year 's norw-s ^iiiil jxHMii, III! tln«ly Hliiitratcd. Per

the artlQlo thaJ( »rIll^ atcraot tbe I I I O H I aifeniiort fs "l^rchlBfoHc Amor-

' l)y lilt! U< v, (ipo. T. Uiiier, with tsireM'y-lwo I,lu!iir*rirtii«. Tlit'ii- afo tliniy -li.ir! mill lini^ly artiolo», sin) the fiil'-p:ijic plKtnfcn rtrp tiraiiiiiul and iminiMou". TiX'f rVKular hcriaii' "ijovo's llarvfisit," Ami "I>ilclt:nili»

^jo on, .and t ' o K lltoriid I) • HartiiienlB »ro full and o n i p l u l o i ' l ihii-iutl liy Mh«. PKANK I.csm^, i J , .v., ntid fiT Tai-k ha<-e, N-w Y.. Ci i ) , )( 2.) rjiijn a nnmht^r. if2..'>ii a

'y. »• 1 o- j.aid.

^ "Cil Alil.KH KDItKUr C U \ t ) -V > DOOK" ^

(M M ^ffrMp .i i tei i «l hIk, I (Mlk-i1 - 'Away in I'lior \ a lie," for lh« Youlh 's Colli paniofl, wbiuh alibi ft'iVnounec'a s<iri«l •jtoiies l)y .1. T. TroWbribgf, (jnf»rj(e M tiiviijo Konii, C. A. Btophonn, and OlllLTtl-

A N E W B O O K F O B T U E J f A O T S T P E O P L E . ^ • r t t K K i L K r K i f T i i i ^ i k O K W i i i r o .

N O d t P B

^ tlu>«i> wh.j ( ruifl i , lo ^ ro im « r H i i an<l'<?0 li:,tl H^luV l lmay oi llotHinutid t W / I I P si)6i»itieRt ro

•Moritiv." (j'tWi o( ^liDaivriipKs Tl also cnrt'K c >tii;li!» niid 'i;oiT''thro(ir Iflpldlt' aiid lomplptdv ^. i l t l by all D.iij/jjU'f^'at V.w., aOc. a i i i U l . ( » 1 H f l . I { ' { U i ! " •

«lcnn> Hul phn r Moajp heala and buitntlflaa, JSo.

Mii«|a iMiBttKa^

lliisy int'ii Biiatm itiotncntji of .ro-lltt<;tion. Even If lhi>no aro raro^yto-ni0iitW,'Jf'w^'A'li4-il ih^Jr'Wlll rofiirtzoj' ^ i l l Iranqullliitc, win ' i^naccra to t h e lon^ IrouiU'M^ toll> !t Z ' t ' ;

Tlioro..ta<an.oiqlaaiMi.in tba'vdTeir^ ihmoui Tin WiiiifXitiHq, Bai,^! j fM tfliflMg t»i® k d d r o « of Mnh. DB. 11. SS. IfiBCtinoKO-

' Nj who l l n a / a t ' N M ^ H ^ ' J ^ i ^ U u r o

•H f.'j -1

pratifIcMa^ Mi^f^f^^.,. Bpp, uUiJos " IIAHU WJtlHIUSaUKF llavo y(|l a3 t f ' l a Ihn

gpodi W^lonop? Uy J . 11. Oi-nvcii. U L t K ™ " me«l-pp. ittf'jpat'W' t!»,fw,' J. j , , ; T J ^ Iclnd-nvor tiwuU. .l> . j a s r HHTt W •

v l • ' i f 'St / ' I 'Sf i l i l iKl it.

T I I U I D E D I T I O N . I T E N T J L S L ^ D A J U O N O W R B A B V . Tho Story of Ikjptiilte Ageslnd Countries,

liv IlKV. SII(:J1.\UI> B.CtKJK, U.l>. tl li«koj.l*oin*iy tlluktrtit«a tiir ill rnim\'i.|in m»n, «diac««, pImm aiui evroia iti iUtpilai hut4ity. c<>naf lolu Uis {hg**, iDtt»«n#tiiiilai. In* larv«sfiio.tii(of lntorinati(,» alKjul llip llttPftnu. ttislr iMtat « .<1 i.rwkJnl ooaaiTlon, and ro»uy abort au.t fmerasUiiS Nketnlitftt aiiii itu*uii>t<^. lU lUuiitr«tUu;i iui>l ,«Urai4(j«« niak* it prn-onitnaaUy ih! l)ouk ibr |||« Hmum ptopln.oiii Kitil ito tow frIcM uiiialit rniam Ibn n-aoh ot aft, u •ai.j.FIE«B toug-ialt IMM- Ugiu«»tt6(iii» uikdAliM^rm&wtb* «ti»ta«U« of lUjiUat iwii}. cliiitM aiitl pra<ili«««rmi(itheUHy«(kfW>*t'lirl>i|auittki|»a|ioatlM it«wn to ttXi iimS^t {itna .Nu iiaiitltt atioula tH, wUbuBl till* tie»tta.}i,M:k ot tti& rtDi»ll(Hi lor r*(M«UD<< It HUy itnic and Id anil iv.rt»ii nndi ha'txcoriii* 'afhitmr wltu ih« *4ii>im, — ifat le to givo a r(wt<in r',, i.qr vti w. »u<l i ractiwo. Sucli » Iwwk la lndl»w>ii»al)l« lo ei-vrr JiKi>tl«l, »nrt U needwl m tery It .inwi lamlljr. Xliia »U* uKli' Uxik .«nil4MaiBg m oui t •mall volume Ui«> r«nuir.<l l i t f u r n i i i i l o u . I t o t t g l i t t o l w In lh« n a n d a o foT in - r Ba|>ltilt n i i i i ln le r . I t Ih i l i« boi.t b o o k lot tliii iiilvliliitMil l'o<ii,l>»|i|lai n ll > •lot . . ' r« lull Hnd Mn)ur« t« i u f . ; r r a a t i o u abuDt t l ie Ha t i l l i i u

Kin* Ciii l t i . m i l l ItHi-a mill .M>l a lu HIacK a u i I U o l i l , ai ^ Mi>ru<'o<.>, w i t h l U r k a u d M t t i « t n i l l a e k » i U U<U(1. a u A>Ui«k)| U K A t M « M A H t r r V . Mrnaialila. Tobh.

B u rt' s aiftifs Gemss f fV le fody Alhfiro. A of I O P U i J V I t C O M P O S I -

T I O N O o / I N S m U K E K T / X H I U S I C f o r t h e H O W E , t n i m t! ,e p o j l a . f l A V O R t X l i C O K -P O S K a S , arnuwrt .1 fci t h ? P I A N O n n i j O K ' V A N Tlio l i d u a bt tbA niitnio In i b f ^ tiwik nrr^:

MAH''"HEM.--Tiini 'r. '»t 't « .Man.»r..I'.O, JUrr.br. i n T»t» t u v r a , ikmiiiU <if I v a c f , 1 IW- fill;

. • V S h v k I J - T I O N j * . Iwjf. A'.vao. Alpln* -T I;I«TL< I K I I T ' ' • I ' " ' ' . N.HTTIITINOIRL,

(Solwt* 1 Da t t i»Khl- iv v i M . a n t ' b^niittua l a e i . .i>' I .MaT, J>r •*'K^^»>, ^ rlncIll(vrM<•, HmmpSI

O v«miy. V/wb »»)'!•', Knlt-Afl" Fliltfr Koud U lliTlbS. II.IUU'

^ l i« | j r , l<..«intr lIIUarbii.'l, >a(Mei.d>'

„ MONIMW. VAH'ATIOS-*. - _ OrHrttnif, lai*ryi;i», An<Ual& AuMrtiu MlflCh l!r.!l», tv «r (litijinm^ndpi.

Krttiww, Moniori..», baiu r-.iui t«<- HiniiUnd*, JJiiro' »»ry IWUfXot't.irjyr.Mlbui V«lrKl>,<>fr(<> r.on>pf OT.T (lie n il w. !Va<M-r.il IT am*. 11 i <-5«-r(i».>. r!..a hranc", ll'iM .11 .s.iii.mal Hiwo, Sr» Sh r* )».-ama. Uarrrl •KiKhliiB f..r Mucin, Sunt ' f tbc Nurtti iMeUviyl, Sainii-vuhHU i,

LIFLUJ-A O W L N J ! . R . . I*» .L .>T 'AO<TOK!RN'UTF.F . I 'WRRL. MLITMTF JI^I.T H rail for Mr, mch on (to Kh.'rf, WoMlnjf (ln^tnia Will ..• tl«-X 'Up FOU U if A yn.rHliy i'»«llin.. In annp^tKy. «i>w Y(i«r'« arrciliiK R e m e m b e r 3 0 i ^ o p i i l a r M e l o d i e s .

Pall n iM r •»»«', t.f-A iM^m.' i^iiu » l.aniW.nw- tj rwvor*. flila ll the o mH tf n in truniiMiiAl RjUKlc ttMri'CrcicU it. uitc I*IK( »; i*ovr»*Aii». a.

. ».,• « .-uv.-, .V. f ivrtiirai lx>»i!. B>i)-p'i.r>i Hoy. S!wp>w.fd'-< a»r< i df

• Anal, 'i- r r . m . sn^ n « lSi;lio<« iWa l i i II Vr .»a ior« ^l^.^|>lHl,r1V

f J m w a S . M a l i a l T ^ & S o i t , riiphir-, T«nn.

LIGHT. • ^ j a s s t Hcva<<d>l«>

r IH-MIWI arbrre all otlii-r rii!ait<U"k X.^i f iili^l. *viijr% iU vou ^ Tr..ulilM W l i m a w b a BirtMiit rfhwiJy In v o j ! Croa i iUla a p..«>lii»» "p»<rlltr. I ^ r «ln(f«r» ami hiM.«k«r» liif T»» \Viyt l . rxo llti .a l> nn al'«>lut« Smltltut brrii ill.<o»»r»J w blcb »111 ([|T« »ucL liumodiaie rvli»l. and it »il l pa«lUv»ly m m Tbroat iMuliWa. U)a"T l>«TAT.

Curo that bad Cold I Stop that Cough I " " Mniil.

b« aa*

' - ;; ...... . . . . . . . ...Wild flW » diwrn an a lr«t Kvery oi,« try.i i* ibat i i vri.t ( i ia will IM convtarrd of tbe nilracoioun bauafita b* will t « « W o from t«k jn« ' • ^

Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar WlnolLung Balm. If TM b«T». a »l iS In tbf lioad. Ucklln* In thr n<i», for»h»ad aart ibiwat yoo hav« Catarrh ! IWI a

b n i n r o a . J n . ^ U a M ' a C'Artaaii I-owpaa.and u u it one* a d a y , bcaMMliik jf. U . U c U a a ' f T A a W imi Ltmo B a i a to b*>l your throat and iasica.

' ' i s t t h l i s m i r a f a m i l y H. mtSiirs M W M LUHO M

11.04 l . t»

OR M mte*irs nn wme LUHQ ULH^ P r i o o tif T r i a l B b l i l b s a s C o n t s E a c h .

WUI wSVw o i J d o S S i T " «« * •»««>« in poatMN ^taiw. I oTX MulU'for'''®'' ^ wwh a* thaOwot (wUlct,

Aftar uMnic Da. J. H. M C U A I ' I Tail UT^J IUUI . I»t i i |*\w ffom yiltl. DH. J. n. BrLEAS, Cor. Broadway OHM »tr««U, 8T. IXJtlS. HO.. Proprietor ol M. J. H. McLiAlt'SWOtlDiRfl/L SmK^WmHO moHL

TBoaaiir 1l»in«wi*, a j|<riimin*ftl tivery Vuhla kMperde Celanibu iSa., aUtaa Ibat Dr J n w t t e i i M S t i i r i i n ' U a,

iilSiiSSrjtS'te®/.^^ Uirjr AT ItMBV Cttmplalnl, ba anro («laka fta, J. H.


I .Uinii tm aiHl flndlnf KI fM liollar. lor whtob plM

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C-oil.l4«<>r OllnntI Umw.-s-'riiti p|»iu<ii»t and llvf «Kan» In tk« I'lii* of all (loiKflTrtifllvf nrwjUnnn,

WlilKir', Ciitiipoiin l .if l'iiri'i '..,|. |.lv..r o n •»iii[ Uni.', Ill Im Ihk unlL ' tMlly adui>t<!d Jii inpitlral i>ra«llrv, .Sold liy tliiiiiroiirl.'tor, A. K. ^yjll iiy all ilruKKl^la.

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8 T 0 B I E S from the Ftihtriei, Prof. S M O E E f . H I I A N

S 0 0 8 W H O E A R N T H E I B L I M O , J A K E * O B E E R W M O I , ^

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atBs. X. xc. A u x a BBAX BTOXBB.



L-k msx:Bisi mjun J R A O B X I B X .

k S i n ^ I t l A U tm liadini«T«it* at hone and aliroad wiii tw fundamental In cbamctsr, and marimd In i l ' t i e a ^ m fbe imb]«cta dtKttMMxL Tbe OHIliORBN*S PAQH wiU bo a ipeolal teatum, aa b e t e t a ^ ani

Ibe niled with alariei, M e e , and plctural adaMOd to tbe yonngeet roaden. i 1 To any on« who subiorlbM nftw, and •ends ui %i.7S, ws will asnd the OomMnloii

t f N « nromthjk dm* ths tubtoHMIon li reeelvad to January lit, I8S0, t n t l an i l l < ^ y a a f t it(bi6H)itloii ^ m that data, smit onfar, aliA, or Mt tmmi u m

mum. lNMi«a mantton «hUi popa r .

^ M A N M P B R R V IMASOW a O O . , Pub ldhe r t , 41 Templo P I B M , B O m r . I M t t . ^ '

f! •..•1 u -r

Vi I m


ttfiptkt B o o k H o u s e ,

• M M a t a St . , MciMpi i i i ^ T i p k

' •KUOMI MA i i f ^ w.rwiMn,


Kmrntm to %Jam vciwiti^ pniOUIM»< in

••.•X.A1I l > lU iM l » l i - WJKAT M IXt

IT« timmurn, an4


a n O i i ^ u r n * work. mmI Im* i>.«o

tor yowj^wiSn* w^M*)

ton by T M l * «i Mui

ou ^Mwmi li* vaustiMkit,

u . t w m SttiiltiSwto

^ , J iBt* I' KMkal i««AUd* iw U» iMftaOv OBM Ul«M WFSU Mil

UM MMM J i t o £4»anlT. . t t i j . XtaatiiMttf UicwwK tt w

glTt* Mt euiwrwtiiwMiw VlM«f UOM Mlluti oflUJSRMW* wbicb dls-ItenMi BkMiMa (nan «tiMr4*aoauaaUoM, mBTw nuiiiui tM Met MsamMriaTta^ MVM( WNNia M4 iauMi* " - — Unw vte wttA tolStM, • M H d Mur v^ntik

lOcM WTtiLjiBi

k It aUm Uuuai br I I UwMM Awmkiiw

wmmmm* M ^wiw ^ u n tiM iiiDMMia «wjMMiB «uBr«a M t <k«nit fl( Cnrtst. anrttiiw Utk* «a •urtMUnMUoi:

W. u a t h t t UMtr ar*

•a^aM MM •MMwnaltuSttM M niktMMiUMorioanMii. ••k^^iiHMUMqr aauur tM***

UwtraMtMaeMi • OUMttoUbuot of ltet«teUon^ tbm t>>t>ieMaBt

••tta^UMM UMor rtiMsUUMiran M JjUteOUM

M M ^

Mv i

t^erehlfS* AdttJleroo* kUott tbm t>>t>leMai •U. sir* b*; -OArjot

S ^ S T f t S f T j

MMUm «t t M Ml,


--~tia»««l.«y WJU-tei**. t u n s s s s i

Mkimh. t laeid: Ui* itr|<uaMtit •unit- nth b o u k i ^

mc« la elo^, w eta. IWB —wmm mjn. BjT J. M. MmTUII. tJkdconwUd by u: F. i-owrerVatx

o i l


- . t h S t M r T O ^ k i ; - ^wivtiUoB BnpUM ItUmtiur*, Mtnf * oollwiUw lil*tot|Q»l (kcu, vUb S ^ f e i T A ^ U S S ^ u o S

• r jnMtk. ttj a . a. o u t ^ u , tiutfmM. Tb* •Dt)t«er^ l>apu«m b u

II* BUmnrt mr Tm D m *

. i5f,iiiBioui,»u».

TPi* A^ittata. ftjr T « Jimak, 0

nm • oKMiiir mavtWMiL i . ' J . f t H L iJUBt^XaAawMto M&u IUu

owadjmomlnMion, UUaM lb* oattui* of lu Ym no tljaa lo rMMt A Uimboo^ la uus UtU* book ol

mtU m '.luuiiwiowuvi

ttjpcDM Injmt>ul»ji thui N«W' mS m« oAr you tCli book iiltk«iWdtB|tbt»«d(i;Uoii»i M ttdttovd Uitt prio* to

\ IB r t doMii, by KsitKf*, pnirvltu* »»•.

I) («!•«>«•*. ' fiu

« a a ajtw^ M m m MAjLvuhvi,

Sln«l«OOp»,byin»U, portptJd, f «> doMu bjf m»il, PWMmW. » M

Ikta «MUtt*» iltw tiiiiUM Jtelmtitjwt em-nai etaMB popT.

And M«l«t;lnMUn«a of tHa nhnmh^ I


I tworda HI. and

ftOBCorulu, ,lb« Hecwd ol thi y loo ii.».


r w u c H K m * anijm'i'

m •at ''tfcR

rjEHDi^irrpMnigeaaoaii. nnytiian g-woM on JwpprUnt M^J*^ by " M PMidi*lon. Thtal»wiiaT«1o«bl<i work. ^ , I ^ M l n cloth, ' mpmwf»*» Hcn^w- i s tqi*.

-4; We*, pw , Cooipr Msg ouUine* or I

••rmnp*. to aiipeDdeii «h* »rt oil |»«i».-)tuix prMitMl'Ur d<vciupr<l. ti« pugM. f

O otb , Wtx». ^HrtiW to lib* •Nflrlt. l)y the author or PuJplf^atm* 12m. clo<li Two»olm»iei la no*. gg

v iSt ;?* . ' ^ ' * •"«» UliiUlfir*

' Bond (or'"* ttOOK HOVSK,

Meninbla. TnnB.

P^tOl* WMa; Miuaatar.WjMurMwaaM M* »(• oMm Utaa tM PtdWMSTM tS*

• s r s u M — r Tb* ChBMh «( ew^T

^ t


rum «BA VBs-MrffSMm b u u t b ^ moM J«arMddiw» •mnM AT * H m im-amtm. • •Tit adbk - b - h. m _ (KU

VM Jhiy«I>«<MM I fbat* on ttapMU-^ PttoSTujB CMMM M BaitUnM. TbUtton*«>rtti*

abtwK warka on ibe rablect Mtant. No MlBlM«r can «*U aSbrd W bp withonu^

sxroesD. By a. p.

X S v e r - g r e e n


I i i f l i : n I m f i o .

WIUiMita.UJU. (TOdnoed In I

Mia and UoKbt ^lirMlaackafob. Mmi

oaa « bam Jtf atyMiW

abtMvvvkasTw •a thj p«nae)*na

— — . liua

P)rl0*.'ltt^Ut, tlloo.

»-<Miu>a> louiMKn, ana rniaa or t<rilei fto m ^ a m , »to., and ralM of order n»r «harebM,<>relcalaiUcat aad otb«r aaaemollea. by W. W. KTcrta. rris*^) flO.

Haweilaa tba D*e*e*ebl^ The Dea-1 ' -A-

' - -10 eta.

Tfca raator. By H Hanray.DI). A -rbo dcalrta to naatol paatot

— •reiTonroan i i Jv/lS* Prteiwobtu

TB« raaMr. jiy RAV B Hanr*' ^kcvcuT Baptut vroaebar, wbo 1 know how to bt a COM and naal abonld baVe. It ta ao^taaap arei tiortu i i j i / i s . rrte^^^^

PtiVltah«d by tt»» lynnhtnTractl^iety. '1 tiU to tb* beat Md Kbloatady yat puClU. A" lUAOtMarabriat aad Aitl anoogfa, wiinui.i

f ? ™ " ? ^ * ft'tt ^mmendad by t o Ubrary UconipJ*6

wi l h an t erltm, in ana^p/nS

i j ^ M f i ^ m cHu j » i uu i . ka M a ^ a r tba Uanw:>


rntmmtum, T«mh

» Baay. A

^ tb* M n ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ t u r n l

'lata Bla^y isivfo-^FTOa, _ to RavKlation, ToM in Blmpl* Lannata fbt

•^ChaiFua»*r. I t ^ K ^ a t b *


1 Board, a*!^ atollapUa«]

au UM UaiMMa. • r iMfeMMwuwr-xiwttM.


•a iaaiMMaiai i -

Balea l«r oMowntui b«»Bi WMblwa. B»r . l ! MHi,


rVB BIBUI lb<»d»i»]itOV w i k t t t i k

»«wr CMBUy to HMd lu J t t ^ ana tat au

tb* Yonngc ~ " of.Oi* autbor^tn annarliu tbii


VI Miwvivtvu w iwuiM aaoianiflttd nor

•dnlta, wlUHMit ftmbarM»MbMlffi!H...

Pmttm. A Baw l

•raateafk dViaiMtMroriu* rilaiMMUMVifft «aaoo»ruMna&tfoi tSkV

vc immmwm^ ^mummtm w OTipMUM PAMMCiil aaab Sompttt

ilttajorft No. l i t Fifth AV«li\ie. N. Y. >Mil I'll

" l Q U i p e L U E ' %

s : ® ! ^ 1600


>1 I 'dW? rny j

f ^ e s t o r a t i o q


i f t n d B t A U t y l O Y , '

to the C U T i c U a / \ /

R f e M E D I E S " ' '

, ^ . Kt-ltboani aiMl lir . T>y lb* CvnCClA llMMItllM.

—ii.mrr,lb<) mw blood purlflirrii.cloiinMi

IB aNiilitlaJlUn tteautlHtr «ii<l

"BHl Oily Nin. (Wl)ttl«,>tO OU) iflOHB, >*({ at Mva Mb Oailuojl Oo

Miurilile, Bbimsallt

s tand y» In the w»yM. and ooo and aak (br tho old pathB, "whloh are the jrood waya, and -walk thoroln, and y« abiai And rest i)or ytav aoiila.—

KiitaTMl at tha IHwt Offlo* of <ilempl>lii, TanB., aa Saaond ClM* Matt«r.

O W S o r l e s ^ - V o l . X L . W K M P i l l H , T E M A . , D E C E M J I E l l 1 885 . N e w H e r i e s - V o l . X V l l I . N o , 8 0

Our Pulpit.



NO. I I .

•Kor Willi till' liciirl. Hiiin I-i'IIcm iIi ijiuo ritrlil-.miaiiP"'!, lUIll wtti) liut IMiMlltl COIlft'HHitill )ri mailt' tllll'i htitiN illiull." — lloniitiiH lu.

AVING fXfllliiliCil it! kMi th III! i*i r.')ii()ou« iii-

tOl'|W'()tiUl(iii of UtU jias.'ii^i' liavinf{ Hoeii

oiio tlilnn that it cannoi uossibiy m 'tin, 1 prm^eed

to coiidliler, with ii» imir.li cai 3 an (lOinlU'e, this

(jiiostloii: Wliai i« ihi^ wuCtMsioii ol t'liri«t,

httdnd on falUi In liiiii ?

Kxamiiit^ tho niiiolh vow : "If ihoii shall c.oii-

foos with ll)) u; 'iitli the I;Ont Jiwiis, ami slii^lt he-

lifivo lu Ihliio hutti t ilial <ri>i) li iit\ rnUed hlni froiti

tho dead, thou hliall he »iiv(vl." ir a man makoH

this coiifcHnloii, hclltjviiif; I'lilly wTiai ho coiifoM**)?,

is tho inihlcHf way inm.-tlhU! ol oxprosaiiiK th«

tliought. Tho wholo vor»o ooiMliuiKw an cxpr.is-

flion that is cloHOly akin to oii(> In tVoi|iiont Uito witli

tifl, and like oxiirexsioii.s arc foiiml In iho liioratiiro

of all people. With lu il i 1 Mriinothncs in tliU form :

"It is ju»t as yon have heaiM it slated." I woiihl

not hoaitato to f.tako my life on it." Afjain. wo

flndlt about thus: "I Icn w it ii so. I am as well

aatlstted 01 It as 1 am of mv oxiHiomw," Xow,' in

this Scrl(>turo v 0 havo it. If any man oonl'o^s Jo-

8U4 to bo tho Christ, his «onfe)j«ion tunnj^ li wBd on

such aconvlclion as loavnn no tlonhi in tho mind

8 to hi« h 'inj{ tho Chritt, tluil mm sliall ho sarod.

Ills conrintions arc so well i-stalili^hod Mm il ho-

<5omo8 a iiarl of liim^olf. So convinuod ho will

follow .fcsuH, ohcyiuK.

J:)00» (ho quostlon arisn, why do « tho Spirit say

tl.at tho man niusi hollcvc thai (iod has raisod

JCBUS from tho dead ? rvmiiiloss In)<'an.i0 ho who

bollovcH fully tho rosiirroclioti of Josiis heiiovos

orcry otho:- staloinoiii inado hy apo'itU' or

prophet about him. Ills rosiiriw-lion was tho

most Inorouiblo thing in Ids history. Live men

had made tholr follcwn boliovo thoy c.Dnld work

inlracloH. Hut it liad novor boon domonstralod to

tho saUtfuctioM of any cousidorablfi iiunibor that a

doad man, whothor prophut or prlosi, could wako

himself from thrt doad. Whorovor you (1ml

a man who accopts tho rcsiirroolion of Josus, ho

cavils not a momont about his InoarnaMon, his

power to forKlvo sins, his ahlliiy to savo to tho

iittormost all tho8« who coiud unto God by him.

To lllustralo, ifa man stand on (h« hl>fh. st point

of tho Rocky mountains ho is !m tho ro«ion of por-

potual anow. Ho may stund thoro, hut it is utterly

InipoRBiblo for him to si and thoro nnioss ho makes

tho toilsome Joiirnoy from tho base of tho monn-

tain to its summit. S j, tho mind and heart may

grasp tho rlsoii Lord, but tluiy must como up vhoro,

whothor conspiouoiuiy or othorwlso, from tho

manger of Helhlohom, yoa, from thu sublime

prophecy In Gonosls: " I will P'H onmity hotweon

thKi and tho woman, an.l hotweon thy sood and

hor HOod: it shall briiiso thy hoad and thou shall

brulso his hool."

With thoBO obsorvatlons, whloh It is hopod will

boi'omomboroil as wo passon in this discussion,

we call attontlon to tho following proposition

I. Tho oonfosslbn named In this text is basoil on

tho slroMgeht possible oonvlotion.

Could tho powers of man have roqoiv,«d, with »

roasouablo dogroo of nppioeiallon anjt" strOnKor

thought than is prosontwl in this Berlpluro, no

doubt tho Spirit would have prosoutod it. But,

hero it Is, rH U>at poof nnito mind could oompro-

hoiid, all thai a poor (ihaoklod soul could appreci-


(a) "With tho heart man hellovoth unto rlght-

oousni'ss; and with tho mouth nonlesslon Is made

unto salvation." (Joufeislon of (h« Lord .Tosua,

which Is rocogulzint? the claims of Clu'ist as Mes-

sl(iH, Iho Iloiloomor of man, is most ompliatieally

Iho rcsnli of helloviiif; with tho heart.

A man may confoss a thousand things, and bo-

liovo nono of thom. Confosslon never rc8Ult« in

iK'llof in the boart or mind of tl 0 ono coiifusslu)?.

Uui liclief bofjots nonfof.sion: "Kor out of tho

abnndanco of Iho hoart tlio month spoakcth-" If

the hoarl l>.i full of a lliinn il sooks uttoranco by tho

I f.ulh. If a man iiollovo in his hoart ton thoii-

Han.l IhiiiKH, he will bo likoly to ooufoss tho groat-

o t number of tliouj possibli. On a like prinnli)lo

in bas.i.l tho dcoloaration often ropoatod with pe-

culiar omphasU: "iNfurder will out." Ilo Who

(lioM hU hands wantonly in human blood gets his

deed lUftd in his heart. Ills deed is an extraordi-

nary lino. Monstrous issues are involved. Some

body's hopes have been blasted, somebody's hearth

stone lias beon draped in mourning. A now made

grave is in tho ccmetery, and It never would have

been there, but for his raih act. Every syllable,

letter and lino, is written lu burning letters on the

very soul. Tho secret chatubers of the heart may

k e e p il for a time. Hut its 8tru,(gle8 towards the

open, froo world are so coiwcles.s, that lu an hour

of agony tho dread eecrot bursts forth.

As tho oak comes from the tiny acorn iu the

earth, and lifts his long arms heavenward, stands

bolore a hundred filortws, the result of tho acorn, so

Iho confession of tho Lord Jesus has stood two

thousand yours before every coucolvable.slorm of

Inlhlellty, tho result of tlio holiol in the heart that

.Jesus WHS the Christ, man's Uedocmer. As cer-

lainly as tho acorn planted in tiic soli, nature's

place for such gorminatlou, results in au oak, so

ocrtainly doe s faith In Christ result In confession.

Hut what if tho man don't confess? He don't be-

llevo nolhiug inore 'nor less.

In this age of ^emi-ohristlanlty all sorts of men-

tal assent and credcnco are called faith. No doubt

multiplied thousands of souls will go downtoover-

lasting sorrows, thinking thoy bollevo In the Lord

.Jesus, while they fall to nola that faith U a thing

that has Its dwelling placo In tho hoart of mau.

If it dwells in tho heart of man. If wo know

what It Is, If wo protend to loll pooplo whero wa

(liid It, wo ought to be able to so describe tho

placo of Its abode as that pooplo will bo likely to

recogalzo It. If wo cannot do this, wo should be

exceedingly careful, lost wo mlsload honest In-

quirers. Bo thon. It Is with a thousand misgivings

that, wo prococ4 In this dlscuaslon. A question

just hero thrusts Itself In our way. It will not got

out of tho way. It demands consideration.

What Ifl tho hoart ?

It is certainly all important to know what is to biD known about tho homo, abiding placo, of faith. Bomo things about It wo may know, othor things vt o can nover know. Tho llguro usod horo is vory strong—"with tlio hoart." Tho physical hoart of man is tho treasure house of life. Touch tho hoart and you greatly oudangor life. From the hoart the II,fo, tho blood, is sent thr<iingh all Ihe body. Lot IMi pulsations oetio and llie is extinot. I t is there* fore regarded as tho center of phyaiifftl lilje and aotivity* While it beau Uie hands do ttholt: work. Lot il oOKse and the hand lies powerless at jhb itde. Willie it acta the eye does lU oilloo. Jlfhfin it ooases lis »otlTltlfl8 tho Byti i i dead. A« l i Is the center of i.lij'»lo»l life, whafkrt Is tho


' -it'J

term to denote the center of Bplrltual lifte and ac-tivity. As there can b« no physical actlTlty In m^n, except as his heart acts, so there can be no si)Irlinttl activity without the heart (tlio splritoal ctntor) moves. There tho vital foJve is stored. The.-o It receives the InipnUo that sonils it hotird-Ing tiirough every oxtromlty of the orgaulstn.

This inuoh wo know from tho figure uimkI by tho Holy Spirit to eonimnnlcalo to us tho way of over-lasting llle, Wo know of what tho hoart of flesh Is made. Wo know the prlnclp1<iH upon whiah It aeis. Wo know Itji nso In our bodies. Wo know-how upon lis normal condition our very exlstenoo depends. From our knowlwlge of tlioao things we may have a falnl conception of things unseOn, our Spiritual activities and nature. Out U is only a taint coiiceptloa. All man sees o! himself is ina-terial, and ho may wmp'rehend as bo soc^ Bat his spiritual self Is Inniaterial and he can never see It, and can nover know It, but from lis phonotne-lion. The immortal principle in man, call itepirit soul, mind, or anylhlng that any. mind may think desirable. Is boy )nd man's understanding Just as certainly as God is. That principlo is. Indeed the divinity of man. Can nature comjiass natnre'a God ? Can tho material man oomprohond tho lia-malorial mau? (3r, to aocommodato some mlndt that unconsciously loan towards materiallsni, ff the soul (Immortal part) of man does the thlnWtig, retlocting, reasoning, can It reveal Itself, ita rea«on< ing, exactly as it Is lu tho mateHat man? Lot not Intullcctual pride rob tha soul of any of its satis-fiiclion, nor of any of its worth, by arrogating to itself soul-fiiiictlons and onjiKyinonts.

As there has ever boon war among tho (Mople of earth, so there has been conflict between tho mt-torial and tho Immaterial, between the intellect and spirit. Tho Immaterial lu one part of God's Aias sought to displace, or swallow |up, that w h ^ Is tangible and visible. In another part, and oftiin in tho same, tho maierlal has sought to seni to the land ol spooks everything that reaches reason. Mind has lusted analnst spirit, and spirit has lustod against mind. It thus bocomos the one who would at all hazard honor Qod'a word to keep himself from vain specnlstlon. and bo con-tent with what'has beon rovealod. And aUhongh, to think of my immortal part aa In the roalm of tho_ Incomprobcinslblo, may apiroar ib tho worldly minded as a weakness, I should bo contont In suob wcakitoss. For It is far bettor to acknowledge thnn^mo Is in tho dark, than to bo groping about In the blaijk fogs claiming to see, when ovory claim but tolls t»o plainly h"W utterly nnconseious ho is of light It Is Inllultoly hotter, more honorable, worthier of praise, to'stand and gsao on divinity, aiid to wonder and admire, though not by ten t'housMnd tlinus comproUondlngf than to stand olothod in tho hablllmonts of pliilosophy, and loso all tho grandest ooucoptions of tho'soui of man by vain olTorts.to bring It within tho'tnirview of reason. Uoason I to bo sure, is a wonderful ondowmont. I t iii akin to the divine. But tho kinship is ao far off

^hat it Is really vory wnak. More than in anything (tiso it betrays its woaknois in its continuous eObrta to reduce an idea to a iubstauoo, and abstraotioa to


But U it bo with tho hoart, or in tho hoart, mon believe unto rigiitoousnois, doos tho mind haro nothing to do with it ? This sub'queition impera-iively etllsfbr an answer, and no can nnhesita* tingly give U. The Inind has much {to do In tho o a s o . - ' t f ••

Faith in the I/>rd Josus begins in tho mind, bni la oompletod iu (he hoart. God has given at minds wilb which to '(rcoelto and weigh evldenoo

, i

' t I,