J9 Focalpoint-May 2013 Edition

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J9 Focalpoint-May 2013 Edition


AA NNeewwsslleetttteerr PPrroodduuccttiioonn ooff tthhee JJ--99 JJooiinntt aanndd FFaammiillyy SSeerrvviicceess DDiirreeccttoorraattee

The loss of a loved one in combat is a terrible and tragic event for family and friends. For one family, recovery from that tragedy is all about giving back to the servants of Liberty, the U.S. Military Service Members. Read on… See Page 3




“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” - President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt


The J-9 Jobs Initiative offers a fulltime staff member that works directly with Guard and Reserve members in Georgia to help them find employment by utilizing the Hero to Hired (H2H) employment program. Ms. Charlene Anderson is our H2H Employment Transition Coordinator (ETC) for Georgia. She is also a certified career counselor offering support and assistance with our members that are seeking employment in the civilian sector.

15 May 2013 Volume 4, Issue 2


Yellow Ribbon Team


…………Continued on Page 2


Spring 2016

…Continued from Page 1

H2H is a high-tech approach now utilized by thousands of job seekers with many tools that are built into the system to assist them with writing a resume, with researching various career fields, to include the educational requirements, salary ranges and statistical data for future growth in the industry. H2H now has over 10,000 employers posting jobs every day, with over 11,000 service members hired since its inception in 2012. H2H is free not only to our service members, but to the employers that post jobs. This makes it an extremely attractive and highly successful program. H2H is available nationwide and there is an ETC in every state for those that have plans to relocate. Other valuable tools offered by H2H are a military skills translator, a career assessment survey and professional networking avenues in your area of interest. It also offers advice on educational opportunities geared to your skill set and so much more.

While registration does not guarantee you a job, it does offer you an opportunity to connect to jobs that match your military job skills and talents with outside employment. Ms. Anderson works diligently networking and building connections with external employers and outside agencies to develop employment opportunities for everyone. She is always seeking new employers to join in our efforts to help all of our Heroes find jobs.

If you are interested in learning more about H2H, please visit the website at www.h2h.jobs or contact Ms. Anderson at: (office) 678-569-6066 or (cell) 404-219-0342. You can also download the mobile app for your Android TM Smart Phones or IPhone at www.H2H.jobs/mobile.

If you are a service member who is under-employed or unemployed, we encourage you to register today and include Heroes2Hire in your quest to identify your new career path and locate a job that will fulfill all of your professional expectations. H2H is there for you!



Reaching Out To Help Others How many times have you caught yourself trying to share what you are going through to help someone else? The Veteran’s Administration (VA) has taken that concept to a whole, new level. The VA is introducing peer to peer support for Veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

For many Veterans the thought of talking to a stranger, much less a civilian about their combat experience is unthinkable. The VA has put a new twist on the Battle Buddy mindset, but developing a program, where Veterans are serving Veterans in the new peer counseling program. The new program was named in honor of Joseph Dwyer, a Army Medic suffering from PTSD, that died of an overdose after returning from combat.

This program is being offered in addition to the traditional counseling and treatment programs offered through the VA to include the Vet Centers, etc.

If you need more information about counseling services, please contact the J-9 Family Program team’s Military Family life Consultant (MFLC), Lynda R. Smith at 706-525-8962.


By Melissa Dalton


Spring 2016

We have heard the phrase some gave all many times in songs and articles. In the case of Major Kevin Jenrette, he is still giving back to his peers. Major Jenrette was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan in June 2009. His wife Shannon decided that they wanted to honor his memory by giving back to the military, so every year they host an event that honors this fallen hero with the proceeds going to multiple grass root organizations.

The date of the event was selected to honor Major Jenrette’s graduation from Ranger School. The event continues to be held the second Saturday in May. Participation as well as support continue to grow in support of this event and honoring of Major Jenrette. The focus of the event is a 5K run, which boasts more than 400 participants each year. This year will be the 4th year that the event has been held. The funds from the 5K walk and run event are donated to the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, Inc.

The Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, Inc, a 501 {c} (3), offers emergency financial assistance to Georgia Guard Members and their families to address basic needs. The organization received a check presented by Mrs. Shannon Jenrette for $19000 last year. These funds allow the foundation to help many of our military families in need.

If you are interested in learning more

about the event, go to http://somegaveall5k.webstarts.com. If you would like to make a donation to the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation in honor or memory of your special loved one, please visit the site at http://somegaveall5k.webstarts.com. Your donations help the Foundation to continue its mission of providing emergency assistance to Georgia Guard Members throughout the year.

In closing, it is awesome to think that not only does Major Jenrette’s memory live on, but he and his family continue to honor us by giving even more to his Georgia Guard Family.

Remember this: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” ~ John 15:13 KJV.

members and Families. You can easily make a contribution by going to their website at: https://www.georgiaguardfamily.org/contribute.php.


"Freedom" by Steve Penley

FREEDOM is a stirring and penetrating tribute to American soldiers, from the Minute Men to the 48th Brigade, captured on canvas by renowned Georgia artist, Steve Penley, to benefit the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation. Remaining signed prints are available at a reduced cost of $ 35.00 each, plus shipping and handling. More information



Spring 2016


STAFF SERGEANT SAVLVATORE A. GIUNTA Salvatore (”Sal") Augustine Giunta was born in Iowa, the winter of 1985. He is the oldest of three children of Steven, a medical equipment technician, and Rosemary, a pre-school teacher.

Staff Sgt. Giunta was raised in Cedar Rapids and Hiawatha, Iowa. Childhood adventures were in many instances a forerunner of Staff Sgt. Giunta's adult life and experiences in the Army. As a kindergartner, his mother taught him how to remove the screen from his ground-level

bedroom window to escape in an emergency, such as a fire. That night, he reportedly packed a suitcase, crawled out the window, and attempted to take advantage of his new-found freedom – but made it only as far as a neighbor's because he did not know where to go. The open window escape route, coupled with sense of adventure, willing to tempt the unknown, and resultant wanderlust, may have inspired his attendance at the U.S. Army Airborne School and military service as a paratrooper.

…continued on Page 7


The Free and the Brave! NAME: Staff Sergeant Salvatore A. Guinta B (Battle) Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, V Corps, Vicenza, Italy Parents: Steven and Rosemary Giunta Wife: Jennifer Giunta Born: Iowa, 1985 Hometown: Grew up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he graduated from John F. Kennedy High School.

On April 12-14 The Georgia National Guard Youth Programs, in partnership with Operation Military Kids, conducted its annual Month of the Military Child Camp at 4H Fortson Center in Hampton GA. 19 youth ages 12 to 17 participated in this weekend camp. Military Family Life Consultant, Daryl Beard and 5 parent volunteers supported the weekend activities and were actively engaged in activities and classes with the youth participants.

All campers participated in outdoor activities that were geared towards building resiliency. These activities included environmental classes, teambuilding activities, canoeing and expressive art.

Youth participants were educated through play and received a wealth of information that supported resiliency including a presentation by the Georgia National Guard Counter Drug Task Force Civil Operations Team on the effects of drugs and making good choices.

This weekend’s events also provided leadership opportunities for the leadership component to youth programs as Tori Socia, State Youth Council member and Nick Daum State Youth Council President facilitated teambuilding activities and informed youth participants on events and activities available to them through Youth Programs.

Youth exclaimed that they enjoyed the weekend’s activities and asked, “When can we do this again?”

"Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." - Albert Einstein


Spring 2016

Do You Know Your MFLC Team?

In this series of articles, we will be spotlighting a service program offered by the J-9 GA Guard Family Program Team beginning with our Military Family Life Consultant program. Our Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) team provides counselor support in three primary areas finance, behavioral health and youth support.

The goal of the MFLC is to help Service Members and Families through education and information on stress, finances, parenting, grief and other related topics to help you minimize stress and to help you develop positive coping skills. Recipients of these services benefit by becoming more resilient and better prepared to deal with the challenges of military life and the deployment cycle.

The MFLC will help you to clarify the problem, prioritize the problems, develop an action plan and handle the crisis. They do not tell you how to do something, but work with you to give you the skills needed through education and support to help you take control of the situation.

Your J-9 MFLC team consists of the following consultants that offer free and confidential counseling services.

Ø Ms.  Lynda.  M.  Smith  provides  financial  based  counseling  and  support  services  to  include  basic  budgeting,  money  management,  Debt  Management,  Consumer  Rights  information  as  well  as  financial  planning  to  reach  life  goals.    She  can  be  contacted  to  arrange  counseling  at  77-­‐500-­‐7471.    

Ø Ms.  Lynda  R.  Smith  provides  counseling  services  for  behavioral  health  issues.  She  provides  support  for  dealing  with  separation,  grief,  depression  and  other  related  areas.  She  can  be  contacted  for  counselor  support  at  706-­‐525-­‐8962.  

Ø Mr.  Daryl  X  Beard  specializes  in  providing  counselor  support  for  our  youth.  He  can  help  a  parent  to  develop  parenting  strategies,  coping  with  separation  and  general  counselor  support.    Daryl  can  be  contacted  at  706-­‐870-­‐8537  for  more  information.    

The support services offered by our staff are free and available upon request. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. If you need additional assistance to contact these staff members, please contact your local Family Assistance Specialist for assistance.

Our team is here to support your Family no matter the stage of the deployment cycle.

Recently I was deployed to Guantanamo Bay Cuba. The duty was challenging and provided an opportunity for each team member to excel. During duty hours, the 170th MP Battalion personnel did an outstanding job at all levels. The Soldiers even took to serving the GTMO community after duty hours. Some volunteered to support MWR runs, organized fishing trips, reading to children, and beach cleanups. The Spartan Trail Blazers took on the task of clearing hiking and biking trails on Sunday mornings. The Trail Blazers cleared eight miles of impassable trails creating countless hours of biking and hiking community enjoyment. Additionally, key members, conceptualized, organized and executed a fundraiser run in support of a non-profit organization supporting Haiti’s 2012 earthquake recovery efforts. The goal of $1000.00 was surpassed and over $2000.00 was collected. Overall, thirty-three 170th Military Police Battalion Soldiers offered over 1000 hours of volunteer service to the GTMO community. Our duty day missions developed the team; however, true cohesiveness evolved as a result of volunteer activities. Together we were engaged in activities, which had a positive impact on Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and their families. Others who often thanked us for volunteering encouraged us. One chaplain often highlighted how we were leaving our legacy. At home, our busy schedules may keep us from taking time to volunteer in our communities. Sometimes we are intimidated by the tasks at hand. However, I encourage everyone to find time as an individual, a family, or even a command to become involved in a community activity at least every six months. As an individual volunteering is an opportunity to meet others; as a family or a command it is a great bonding opportunity. Working together towards a common cause, no matter how big or small, is extremely rewarding for all.

- 170th Military Police Company Soldier

The 170th MP "Trail Blazers" Volunteer




Spring 2016

As April winds down to a close, so too does our formal recognition of our military children and youth. We have had a busy month hosting numerous events across the state in honor of our youth. The Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSA) teamed with the Family Assistance Center Specialists (FAS) to host four regional events across the state.

The Month of the Military Child events held on 27 April in Kennesaw and Cordele were the big finale to a month long celebration of our youngest heroes. We worked together to provide events that offered everything from music to carnival games to celebrate our military youth. Many local businesses, agencies and individuals joined us in honoring these “Proud, Ready and Resilient” youth during these events.

There were multiple days of activities, games and other celebrations hosted by the J-9 Youth program staff as well as a Community Carnival Fun Day in the Deep South to honor and recognize our military youth. It is a great honor to be part of such events. We all enjoy the opportunity to be able to meet the families and entertain our youth. It allows us a chance to really get to see our families relax and enjoy activities no matter what stage of deployment the family is experiencing. If you missed out this year, don’t worry. Our staff will be hosting similar events again next year. Come on out and join the fun!

HHoonnoorriinngg OOuurr YYoouunnggeesstt HHeerrooeess

Life is busy. May brings Mother’s Day, and graduations, and yard work, and little league games. There are family commitments and social commitments, military commitments, and the Youth Symposium & Family Readiness Conference. Oh, and work. We have to go to work every day. We are pulled in so many different directions that it can become easy to get frustrated or even discouraged. I recently talked to someone who rattled off all the different elements that comprised her daily schedule and I felt tired just talking to her! The simple answer to life’s demands is to let go of some of our tasks…decide what is most important in our schedule and delete the things of lesser importance; but that often means that someone is going to feel left out or rejected, which leaves us feeling guilty. That is difficult too! I would like to tell you that I’m going to offer you some great way to add time to your day, or give you a miraculous way to please everyone; unfortunately, I have no great epiphanies in that regard. But in the midst of our busy lives, there can always be peace and joy. In fact, God has promised it! In the Old Testament, David was really busy, too! He was running from the army of King Saul, who wanted to kill him. He was trying to take care of his family and lead an army of men who followed and trusted him. God had promised him a kingdom, but at that point he was merely surviving in caves. But David had a unique faith in God. He trusted Him completely…and God was faithful to David! In Psalm 5:11, David said of God, “But all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” David chose to look outside the issues of life and find peace and protection in God. We can do the same today. Life isn’t perfect. We don’t have it all together. But as we look at life, I pray that we see that we love well and are loved well. I pray that we don’t get discouraged in all the things we are doing, but rejoice that we are needed and loved and important, and I pray that we take the time each day to sing for joy and thank God for the great gift of this crazy busy life!

From the J-9 Chaplain



Spring 2016

In high school, the charismatic and outgoing Salvatore seems to have been, according to his parents, more interested in “socializing and goofing off” than in grades - and the open window frequently provided him with many opportunities to do so. Indeed, his parents have said his “energy” could be “challenging.” Examples of his good humor and frivolity include the time ”when he stole the mouse from his math

teacher's computer, or sneaked out to put a Kennedy High School shirt on an opposing team's statue.” A neighbor later recalled that Salvatore's “bravery” stood out when he was in high school. Salvatore was a junior at Kennedy High School when hijacked commercial jets were intentionally crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. His mother recalled that Salvatore immediately wanted to bring the family together and ensure their safety by picking up his brother from middle school and sister from elementary school, and she remembers telling him: "If the world falls part, I guess I can count on you." It was probably this same overriding sense of family and concern for his rifle platoon brothers, and his recognized bravery, that motivated his actions in Afghanistan on Oct. 25, 2007. In summing up his life prior to joining the Army in 2003, Salvatore said, "The first 18 years of my life were in Iowa. I'm an Iowan." With characteristic humility, he added, "Every single person who has touched my life has made me who I am today...The only responsibility I claim for myself is if I screw up." While there were indications that Staff Sgt. Giunta had been recommended for the Medal of Honor and that the nomination had a good chance of approval, it was not until Sept. 10, 2010 that the White House announced that Staff Sgt. Giunta would receive the Medal of Honor, the first awarded to a living recipient since the Vietnam War. On the previous day, Sept. 9, 2010, President Barack Obama telephoned Staff Sgt. Giunta to personally inform him that he would be awarded the Medal of Honor and to thank him for his gallant and selfless service. "President Obama said ‘thank you' for what I did," Staff Sgt. Giunta said in an interview after receiving the phone call from the President. "My heart was pounding in my chest, so much that my ears almost stopped hearing. I had my wife by my side. She was holding my hand. When she heard me say, ‘Mr. President,' she gave me a squeeze." Profile Video

Since being thrust into the national limelight on Sept. 10, 2010, Staff Sgt. Giunta has continuously reacted with characteristic modesty and humility. "This was a situation we were put into," Staff Sgt. Giunta observed. "By no means did I do anything that everyone else wouldn't have done. "It's all kind of blurry," he stated a few days after the Medal of Honor announcement, "There wasn't a whole lot of thinking I needed to do. Looking at it like a picture, I'm just another brushstroke in the picture." "I didn't run up to do anything heroic. Everybody's been shot at, and I might as well run forward," Staff Sgt. Giunta said he thought at the time. In the wake of the Medal of Honor announcement, Staff Sgt. Giunta also candidly observed that Oct. 25, 2007, was "one of the worst days of my life, and when I revisit it, it kind of guts me a little bit more every time." He also described his award of the Medal of Honor as "bittersweet": "It's a huge honor...but it does bring back memories of all the people I'd love to share this moment with who are no longer with us." Indeed, Staff Sgt. Giunta's mother recalls her son telling her that, "The medal [Medal of Honor] should go to the guy on the right of me and the guy on the left of me. We were all in the fight." Staff Sgt. Giunta has continued to demonstrate reluctance for being singled out for his remarkable heroism, observing that, "This respect that people are giving to me? This was one moment. In my battalion, I am mediocre at best. This shows how great the rest of them are." Humbly summing up the situation, Staff Sgt. Giunta stated, "If I'm a hero, then every man that stands round me, every woman in the military, everyone who goes into the unknown is a hero." Staff Sgt. Giunta's personification of the Warrior Ethos, his selfless leadership, and his "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above the beyond the call of duty" provide tremendous inspiration and exemplify the very best of the American Soldier today. Article from the Army' MOH Pages at:


The Free and the Brave! …Continued from Page 4


"Think how good the great soldiers are."

– SSSSGG SSaallvvaatt oo rree AA .. GG iiuunn ttaa,, MMOOHH


Spring 2016

If your idea of an exciting day does not include riding the “Georgia Scorcher” roller coaster at Six Flags backwards and blindfolded, then the volatility of our economy over the past few years is likely to be giving you some serious heartburn.

Breaking news from CNN today (26 Apr 2013) reads…

“CNN reports:

The US economy accelerated at the beginning of the year, but, don’t get too excited. Economists aren’t optimistic the trend will continue in the months ahead.”

There are a number of economic influencers we could analyze here, but, first and foremost, regardless of the current national financial state of affairs, we as individuals have choices to make that will dictate the direction of our financial destiny in any economy.

The Basics. It’s called “Basic Training” for a reason. Because it is the very basic level of skills required to survive in an uncertain and threatening environment. Many losses in battle come from abandoning basic survival strategy. The same is true with our finances. We must know the basics and commit to doing the basics – in all economies.

What are the Basics of sound money management?

1. Define your financial goals – without a clear mission, we cannot know if we’re doing the right things to succeed.

2. Assess your current position – make every effort to know what’s going on with your money today. Track every dollar of spending for at least 30 days to identify uncontrolled spending on items that do not align with your basic financial goals. Analyze your bank statements to determine how many unnecessary bank charges you’re paying. Also, track all ATM withdrawal spending.

3. Identify all debt. Pull your credit report to get a complete picture of balances and payment history on each of your accounts. Develop a plan to improve your credit score. Significant money is saved over time through lower interest rates offered on mortgages and

vehicles to people with FICO scores above 720. 4. Develop a monthly spending plan (budget) that will

enable you to identify the amount of money you can use to pay down your debt as soon as possible.

5. Develop a formal debt reduction plan – and stick to it. Remember, every dollar of interest paid on debt increases the overall cost of the item purchased. Many times we find that we are still paying for items that have long ago worn out or been given away.

6. Start a savings plan. Remember, Uncle Sam with get his share of your earnings regardless of whatever else is going on in your life and finances. Do the same for yourself. Put a % of your income in savings before spending any other money from your pay. Maybe it’s 2% -- maybe 10%. Whatever it is, pay yourself first.

7. Start saving for retirement – take advantage of the power of compound interest over time and tax efficient retirement accounts, such as TSP, Roth IRA, Traditional IRA and/or 401(k). Put your money to work for you. The longer your money has to work for you, the better its opportunity for significant growth.

8. Engage expertise. Don’t go it alone. Get help in developing your financial road map for the future. Take advantage of the free and confidential personal financial counseling service available to you through the Joint Family Support Assistance Program made

Remember, as long as you allow your financial situation to be the result of uncontrolled spending, unpaid debt, random impulsive purchases, you have relinquished control of your financial destiny to someone else – most likely, a total stranger. Decide today to take back control of your finances and commit to sound basic money management practices and see the positive change over time to the strength and improved stability of your financial future.

You worked hard for it – make sure it’s working hard for you.

LLyynnddaa MM.. SSmmiitthh,, CCLLUU,, CChhFFCC

MFLC/Personal Financial Counselor  Joint Family Support Assistance Program 770-312-0923 770-500-7471 LSmith1@MFLC.zeiders.com




Spring 2016

The military is excellent at getting more for less! This is how a team of five can make things happen for the Yellow Ribbon (YR) program in Georgia; Providing assistance to all of the Georgia Guards deploying service members and their families.

With a dedicated and hard working team, the Yellow Ribbon program in Georgia is standing out amongst other states. Since a recent successful visit from the National Guard Bureau (NGB), Georgia is known as one of the top programs in the Nation. First Lieutenant Eboni Walker recently joined the team in November 2012 as the YR OIC and many have notice the amazing progress that the program has made. “It’s not just me; I have an awesome team to work with. They make it so easy for me!” LT Walker says.

As most people know, Yellow Ribbon events are held before deployment, during deployment and after deployment. Each event requires different types of resources depending on the event and

needs of the unit. The Yellow Ribbon Team is always looking for more resources to give the service members and their families the best information possible.

SSG Williams is the YR NCOIC and he coordinates vendors and presenters for all YR events; enforces the military standard, and oversee the logistics for the events. SGT Reams is the Joint Serve Support (JSS)/ Event Plus expert which provides funding for all our Yellow Ribbon events and track YR attendees, he also handles IT and audio/visual issues for events. SPC Rivers sets up all IPR's with units’ leadership and presenters and develops schedules and LOIs for the events. SPC Tinnan makes sure everyone knows where to go! As he is responsible for marketing the Yellow Ribbon brand everywhere we go; to include all signs for YR events and registration.

Everyone on the team is committed to the Army Values and constantly displays a selfless service attitude by going above and beyond to make sure service members and their families leave YR events with the knowledge and resources they need for any situation.

Your Georgia Yellow Ribbon Team


From left to right: SGT Andandrio Reams, SPC Joshua Tinnan, 1LT Eboni Walker, SPC Darryl Rivers, SSG Rolonzo Williams


Spring 2016

As summer quickly approaches and outdoor activities resume people are searching for a way to get in shape and Military One Source (MOS) has a program to help. Military One Source offers services to help with health and wellness. Eligible individuals wishing to improve their health and general well-being can seek online counseling for this free service through MOS. There are four key areas of focus, which are as follows:

• Living Lean: Workbooks, emails various multimedia tools are available to help with nutritional health including weight management.

• Living Easy: Through the use of online media sources and methods an individual can seek support and guidance to manage stress and help one to become more resilient. There is even a downloaded manual to help in your efforts.

• Living Fit: This program offers a plan to help you get fit, which includes a 90-day Walking Program. Getting up and starting is the hardest part and staff will help to get you going and keep you motivated.

• Living Free: This program focuses on smoking cessation. The four week course will help you to take control of the habit and stop smoking no matter how many times you have tried and failed.

The staff will help you to meet your goals through coaching, mentoring and education. If you are looking for a way to get fit and do not have the time, energy or money to attend a gym, buy smoking cessation aids or just need help to get up and move, contact Military One Source. To enroll in these programs you can find them online at http://www.militaryonesource.mil/ or call 800-342-9647, where a consultant is standing by to help you. If you would like more information or have other questions, please contact Jani McGee our J-9 Team MOS representative at 404-307-5827. Here’s to your success and the achievement of your goals!!!!


JJeeaannss,, aa MMoovviiee,, PPooppccoorrnn aanndd OOhh,, SSoo MMuucchh MMoorree!!

Abigale Hutchinson, the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator for the Georgia National Guard had some high level support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In March 2013, Major General James Butterworth signed a Memorandum approving all GA Guard Members and civilians to wear jeans to work on Friday, 29 April 2013 in recognition of the month’s sexual assault awareness and prevention activities. His statement addressed the SARC theme for 2013, which is “We Own it….We Solve It… together” preventing sexual assault is everyone’s duty.


Spring 2016



AAppppllyy YYoouurr TTrraaiinniinngg!!!! !!

Governor Deal Signs The Veterans Licensure Bill (House Bill 188) In furthering the efforts to ease the transition into the civilian workforce, Gov. Deal signed the Veterans Licensure Bill (House Bill 188) into law. A committee will be created to determine which waivers will translate military skills, training and testing into the following licenses: Electrical Contractor Class I, Journeyman Plumber, Conditioned Air Contractor Class I, Residential-Light Commercial Contractor, and Utility Foreman. Also, this same committee will consider if veterans' spouses who have these 5 licenses will be able to transfer them from another state to Georgia. Since the law was signed, a working group that is comprised of the division director of the Licensing Boards, members of the relevant boards, and members from the Governor's Office of Workforce Development will work together on the implementation of this bill. The legislation does not change requirements for certification, including testing and applying to the board for a license. More information will be available soon. For more information, contact Lacy Turner at lacy.p.turner.nfg@mail.mil or 678-569-5781.

The wearing of denim to recognize this day dates back to 1999, when the Italian group Peace Over Violence organized Denim Day USA. Historically, defense attorneys have used the fact that a female was wearing tight jeans during the commission of rape as a means of defense. This group is working like so many others to educate people that your choice of clothing does not

condone or invite sexual assault. It should not be viewed as justification for bad behavior.

Ms Hutchinson also hosted a movie and popcorn day showing the movie the “Invisible War” in recognition of SAAM’s month. The invitation was distributed statewide inviting everyone to come and join in the fight and learn more about sexual assault

and prevention.

If you are a victim of sexual assault or need more information, contact Abby Hutchinson at 404-308-7945.

JJeeaannss,, aa MMoovviiee,, PPooppccoorrnn aanndd OOhh,, SSoo MMuucchh MMoorree!!


Spring 2016

The Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 Implementation Plan requires various courses of action of soldiers on active duty for over 180 days. All courses of action start while the soldier is on active duty except for the Department of Labor Employment Workshop (DOLEW), for returning soldiers that are un-employed. This course must be completed after their release from active duty and before there ending DD 214 date. Eligible soldiers must attend a Department of Labor Workshop (DOLEW).

The objective of this course is to create a customized employment transition plan for each soldier. This 3-day brick-and-mortar course is designed to share best practices for transitioning into the civilian workforce. Participants will customize these best practices to create a plan that will be the vehicle to attain their personal goals. Participants will add information to their Individual Transition Plan (ITP).

The course is broken down into 3 days and seven sections. Day 1 consists of Section 1 focusing on the Change Management Plan, while Section 2 focuses on developing a job search plan and then concludes with Section 3 focusing on building effective job search tools. Day 2 consists of Section 4 focusing on building an effective resume while Section 5 focuses on the federal hiring, federal resume and federal programs. Day 3 consists of Section 6 and focuses on the skilled interview and concludes with Section 7 which is the post interview analysis process.

Based on class size limitations spouses are eligible to attend this training. For more information please contact James Pawlik at 678-569-8257 james.s.pawlik.mil@mail.mil or Marvin Thomas at 678-569-8193 marvin.w.thomas.ctr@mail.mil.


CCDDLL aanndd TTrruucckk TTrraaiinniinngg ffoorr oouurr HHeerrooeess

Are you interested in a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)?

By: Lacy Turner, Employment Coordinator for Joint and Family Services (J-9)

The Troops to Trucks program is expedited and seamless processes to assist veterans to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and ease the transition into civilian employment. Through a partnership with The Governor’s Office of Workforce Development and The Department of Labor, The Department of Driver Services (DDS) offers this program at several different DDS locations throughout the state. There are 3 ways to gain a CDL and start your new career!

Veterans who are in their 90 days before or after discharge and have a DA348 with Tractor Trailer endorsements can visit a DDS center to take the written and free test up to 3 times. A driving test is not required. This is paid for by a grant through the U.S. Department of Labor. To find a DDS Center to take the test, visit http://1.usa.gov/Xsht3L.

Veterans who have not driven in a while and have a DA348 with Tractor Trailer endorsements can take a two week driving course at Albany Tech located at 1704 S. Slappey Blvd, Albany, GA 31701 and Atlanta Technical College located at 1560 Metropolitan Pkwy SW, Atlanta, GA 30310. Eligible veterans will take a short free refresher course with a written test and driving test to earn the CDL. Contact your local career center to learn more information by visiting http://wfia.cybernetixs.com/. Veterans with or without a tractor trailer endorsement can take an eight week course, pass the exam, and get connected with employment opportunities. Eligible veterans can take this free course that is recognized and endorsed by all truck companies. Contact your local career center to learn more information by visiting http://wfia.cybernetixs.com/.

For more information, contact Lacy Turner at lacy.p.turner.nfg@mail.mil or 678-569-5781.


Spring 2016

Just as our Soldier’s must prepare, train and qualify for their duty-specific skills, so must our families. Annual Training (AT) provides the opportunity for FRG Leaders to test their communication networks and make point of contact (POC) “We-Care Calls”. It also enables those Volunteer Leaders the opportunity to educate and revisit some of the Family Care necessities such as the Single Soldier’s plan. “Who will care for the pets, pay the bills, repair the car or check on the house?” Is the married Soldier or Soldier with dependents, up-to-date with their Family Care Plan? This applies for both those who are required to complete the Plan as well as for those who are not required but want to ensure their family is well prepared in their absence. Are they prepared with childcare arrangements, emergency contacts and pickups? Is the spouse prepared for 15-21 days of separation? Aware of all the emergency plans for their home should one arise? Soldiers need to provide their families with emergency contact numbers of full-time staff, and their Family Assistance Specialist’s name and contact information. Educate your families and Soldiers about the Joint and Family Services Directorate and be available to resource and refer Family and Service Members (SM) if needed during this AT. Annual training is your time to educate, train, prepare and test your Family Readiness Group. Creating resilient families for ANYTIME - ANYWHERE missions!

And lastly, use this opportunity to schedule a fun FRG outing or get together to build relationships with those who will be holding down the home front when the call to duty comes!


Impacting Unit Family Readiness

Volunteers impact every department within the Georgia National Guard, J9 Joint and Family Services Directorate. During FY12, the impact of volunteers within our Family Readiness Program at the Unit level reflected in the overall readiness of our Georgia National Guard.

The Unit Family Readiness Program is the Commander’s program implemented to provide information, education and support to the Unit’s Service Members and their Families. Volunteers are an essential component to the Unit’s mission readiness by preparing and equipping Georgia’s Service Member’s and their Families with the knowledge and tools to successfully manage military life throughout all phases of the deployment cycle.

There are many successful Unit Family Readiness Programs across Georgia. These programs are staffed with over two hundred and fifty two committed volunteers, who execute the Commander’s Family Readiness goals. With over 2,784 combined volunteer hours for FY12, their involvement in the Unit’s Family Readiness Program is an invaluable asset; they have provided support, encouragement, communication and event coordination during training exercises, deployments and State-side missions, allowing the Service Members to focus on their mission.

The Georgia Joint and Family Services directorate ensures volunteer orientation, training, continuing education and recognition of the vast volunteer corps and relies on their commitment to assist Commanders in meeting Family Readiness requirements.

Sharon Coleman

Senior Family Readiness Support Assistant


Spring 2016

Military  leadership,  volunteers  and  Family  Members  have  a  team  of  Family  Readiness  Support  Assistants  (FRSA)  at  the  ready  to  help  with  family  readiness.  The  J-­‐9  Family  Program’s  FRSA    staff  acts  as  a  conduit  to  distribute  information,  offer  education,  training  and  support  to  military  leaderships  beginning  at  the  brigade  level  extending  their  services,  support  and  guidance  down  to  the  units.      These  staff  members  are  few  in  number,  but  active  in  the  State.  Our  FRSA  team  travels  to  offer  support  for  Soldier  Readiness  Processing  (SRP)  events,  unit  family  functions,  Yellow  Ribbon  Reintegration  Program  events  and  so  much  more.        FRSAs  help  to  recruit,  train  and  monitor  the  Family  Readiness  Groups  providing  hands-­‐on  assistance  and  information  to  subordinate  unit  commanders  and  unit  FRGs  on  all  aspects  of  family  readiness,  well-­‐being  and  the  deployment  cycle  support.    They  work  with  leadership  to  develop  and  implement  the  Commander’s  Family  Readiness  Program  and  Communication  plans.    The  FRSA  team  serves  as  Subject  Matter  Experts  (SME)  to  support  rear  detachment  commanders  (RDC)  and  support  post  deployment  reunion  plans,  trainings,  briefings,  and  activities.      In  essence,  your  FRSA  team  acts  as  the  channel  for  information,  training  and  development  of  the  Family  Readiness  support  staff.  Working  hand  in  hand  with  the  Family  Assistance  Center  Specialists,  Transition  Assistance  Advisors  and  other  related  staff,  these  staff  members  make  the  transmission  of  family  readiness  related  information  possible  for  the  GA  National  Guard.      For  questions  or  more  information  about  the  FRSA  program  or  to  request  their  support,  please  contact    Sharon  Coleman,  Senior  FRSA    BB)  404-­‐309-­‐6573    Sharon.l.coleman.nfg@mail.mil      Shelly  Williams,  GA  NG  FRSA  JFHQ-­‐GA/78th  HRF    

O)  678-­‐569-­‐5508  BB)  404-­‐309-­‐3758  Shelly.c.williams.nfg@mail.mil    Kari  E.  Corley,  GA  NG  FRSA  560th  BFSB    O)  678-­‐569-­‐5936  BB)  404-­‐309-­‐4859  kari.e.corley.nfg@mail.mil      Julie  Mackim,  GA  NG  FRSA  48th  IBCT  (1-­‐121st  IN  BN,  148th  BSB,  1-­‐108th  CAV)  BB)  404-­‐309-­‐5642  julie.r.mackim.nfg@mail.mil    Micki  Boan,  GA  NG  FRSA  78th  Aviation  Troop  Command/78th  HRF            O)  678-­‐569-­‐3618  BB)  404-­‐308-­‐8744  amy.m.boan.nfg@mail.mil            Sonya  Recker,  GA  NG  FRSA  48th  IBCT  (2-­‐121st  IN  BN,  48th  BSTB,  48th  IBCT  HQ,  1-­‐118th  FA)  48th  IBCT  HQs,    O)  478-­‐803-­‐3153  BB)  404-­‐309-­‐2063  Sonya.w.recker.nfg@mail.mil      Kristi  Justice,  GA  NG  FRSA  648th  MEB  O)  706-­‐685-­‐7530  BB)  404-­‐308-­‐9080  Kristina.c.justice.nfg@mail.mil  

FFaammiillyy RReeaaddiinneessss SSuuppppoorrtt AAssssiissttaannttss By Your FRSA Team, J-9 Joint and Family Services Directorate, GA DoD


The FOCAL POINT! Newsletter, Volume 4: It is always nice for an editor to have his own spot in a newsletter. As we move forward into budgets, deployments, and more uncertain times for our loved ones, friends and military family members, know that you can be certain of some very important things. For one thing, you are not alone. Many went before you, many will go after you, and all of us are with you, in spirit if not in body. A second surety is that there is more help today than ever for your trials as a U.S. Military member or family member. For those who know me, you know what I would add as one of the top three sureties, for those who don't know me…suffice to say, I am a man of faith. Should you find that faith is not reassuring to you, then satisfy yourself with the understanding that there are few forces greater than the U.S Military, and few people more dedicated to each other than the American's who offer their lives in service to the people of this nation and its founding documents. – CW2 Barry Long


Spring 2016

The Georgia National Guard J9 Employment Assistance Team in conjunction with the State Education Office is working to assist service members and their spouses in their efforts to obtain employment. In addition to helping you with the steps shown below, we can assist with converting military training and skills to civilian and keep you abreast of upcoming job fairs and workshops. Follow the steps below to success! Remember to "Like" us on facebook (www.facebook.com/GeorgiaNationalGuardJobAssistanceCenter) for the most recent job listings and events!


Attention GA Guard Job Seekers


Spring 2016

The 2nd Military Recruitment Job Fair was held on April 17th at the National Guard Armory in Glennville. The Georgia Department of Defense and the Georgia Department of Corrections partnered to host this event to fill approximately 800 open positions.

Col. Mark London was quoted as saying, “What makes this one so unique is that they’re hiring on the spot,” stated Col. Mark London. He further stated, “Whereas, when you go to most job fairs, they take your resume and they may interview you, but they don’t actually hire on the spot, whereas the departments here they are hiring on the spot.”

In addition, the following agencies also participated: the Department of

Juvenile Justice, the Department of Public Safety, State Board of Pardons and Paroles, GEO Group, and Corrections Corporation of America.

The complete statistical data is not in yet, but so far feedback has been promising. Of the 800 jobs available, the GDC reports that job offers have been extended to 24 attendees, CCA hired 11, Pardons and Paroles have 3 to 4 potential applicants. The other sections have not yet reported back the full results. One job fair attendee was hired immediately with the GDC and starts work May 16, 2013.

With the success of this event, plans are in the works for another later in the year. In the fall of 2013, there will be another Military Recruitment Job Fair that will be held in the Augusta area with anticipation of regionalizing the event and hosting it quarterly in the near future. More state agencies are looking to participate like the Georgia Department of Agriculture at the next event. Stay tuned for more details.

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FFaallll 22001133 By Lacy Turner, Employment Coordinator for Joint and Family Services (J-9)




“Military Personnel, Families, and Veterans First!” The J-9 Joint and Family Services Directorate and The Georgia Guard Family Program: Our directorate services the military community of Georgia, providing those services, support and information that are vital to their care. Our staff is committed to providing the best care, in a timely manner, and followed-thru to a successful conclusion so that Military Personnel, their families, and Veterans in Georgia will have the resources, help, and information they need to thrive.

Georgia Department of Defense 1388 First Street, Bldg 840 (Finch Bldg) 1000 Halsey Avenue, Bldg 447, Mailroom Marietta, GA 30060 Point of Contact: CW2 Barry D. Long Human Resources/Systems/ATSO/Safety Officer barry.long@us.army.mil