Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake · Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake Counties April 2008...

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Regional Analysis Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake Counties

April 2008

Michael Anderson, Economist(503) 229-6179

Innovation and Economic Strategies Division One World Trade Center

Brian Evans, Economist(503) 229-5224

121 S.W. Salmon Portland, OR 97204

Executive Summary This report evaluates the employment base, competitive industries and projected growth opportunities in the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department’s (OECDD) regional service area made up of Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake counties. The following are key features and trends that were identified by the data and analysis in this report: Employment and Wages

• Employment in the region (114,793) accounts for 8.0% of private sector employment in Oregon (1.4 million).

• Average private sector wages in the region ($29,810) are 20.9% lower than the state average of $37,703.

• Josephine and Jackson counties account for 82.1% of regional employment. • Jackson was the only county in the region where employment growth was lower than the

state average of 5.9% between 2004 and 2006.

Interstate Business Moves • The region was a net importer of business establishment between 1990 and 2004. • The region had a net gain of business establishments from California, New Jersey, New

York and Virginia. • The region had a net loss of business establishments that moved to Washington, Nevada,

Texas and Arizona. • Service industry business (Business Services, Health Services and Engineering, Accounting,

Research, Management & Related Services) accounted for 85.6% of net moves to the region. Population and Age Demographics

• Population growth in Jackson and Josephine counties was above the state average of 3.0% between 2004 and 2006.

• Jackson and Josephine counties were at 5th and 6th position for population growth in the state.

• The region has a larger share of retirement age workers (18.0%) than the state average of 16.6%.

• Only two industries have lower proportions of retirement age workers than the state averages: Construction and Leisure & Hospitality.

Competitive Industries

• The region has 50 industries that met at least one of the competitiveness criteria1. • Of the 50 competitive industries, 44 are projected to grow by 2016. • 15 of the competitive industries are projected to grow faster than the regional average. • Half of the industries which are projected to grow by 2016, have higher average wages than

the regional average. • More than half of the competitive industries have average wages AND employment growth

higher than the regional averages.

1 Competitive criteria used in this report are as follows: location quotient greater than or equal to 1.25; relative average wage greater than 100%; and differential employment growth rate greater than or equal to 20%.


Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate the employment base, competitive industries and projected growth opportunities in the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department’s (OECDD) regional service area made up of Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake counties. The framework for the report provides data and analysis to help identify emerging issues and possible areas for strategic economic development initiatives. The report is composed of four sections. Section one details the data sources and methodology for this report. Section two provides an overview of the regional economy by analyzing employment, wages, population growth, business relocation and age demographics by industry. Section three provides a framework to identify the industries in which the region may have a competitive advantage in developing or expanding regional industry specialization. Section four analyzes the employment and occupational growth opportunities that are projected for the industries identified in section three. Detailed tables of business relocation data are provided in the two appendices. Section 1: Data Sources and Methodology This report is based on analysis of statistical data from Oregon Employment Department, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Portland State University’s Population Research Center, and Walls and Associate’s National Establishment Time Series (NETS) database. The methodology for this report uses a series of indicators to provide a framework for evaluating the competitive strengths and growth opportunities of the regional economy. The following indicators are used for this report. Regional Indicators Section two begins with an overview of the regional economy focusing on private sector business establishments, employment, and average wages to determine the geographic distribution and characteristics of employment in the region. This data is followed by recent employment and population growth trends to evaluate the region’s strength in creating employment opportunities, and attracting or retaining people in the area. The next set of indicators in this section examines regional business relocation patterns. One way to evaluate the economic strength of a region is to see if it is able to attract businesses from outside the area. This set of indicators looks at net gain or loss of business establishments by industry and also details the states where business relocations are most likely to occur. The final set of indicators in this section analyzes of the share of retirement age workers in the region by sector. The impeding retirement of the baby-boomer generation will create challenges and opportunities for regional economies. Worker replacement needs may create new employment opportunities, but regions may struggle to find qualified workers. Competitive Industry Indicators Section three develops three sets of indicators to identify industries that have a competitive advantage in the region. We examine employment concentrations, relative wage levels and differential growth rates within each region to identify industries that appear stronger in the region


than elsewhere in the state. This section of the report uses the same competitiveness indicators as Joe Cortright’s “Oregon Industry Clusters” report commissioned by OECDD. More information about the each of the three competitiveness indicators is listed below: One characteristic of a competitive industry is the concentration of industry employment in a region, which is measured using location quotients. Location quotient is a ratio of the employment concentration of a given industry in a region compared to that industry’s employment concentration in the state as a whole. Location quotients above one indicate that an industry’s share of employment in the region is greater than the industry’s share of employment statewide. For this study we use a location quotient threshold value of 1.25 to determine if an industry has a competitive advantage in the region. A location quotient of 1.25 means that an industry has a 25 percent greater employment concentration in the region than that found in Oregon as a whole. Another competitive indicator is relative average wage. Regions where industry average wages are significantly above the state average are one sign that the industry has a competitive advantage in the region. Firms generally pay higher wages to higher skilled workers, as a reflection of their higher productivity, greater level of human capital, or to compensate them for the maintenance of firm specific skills. To measure relative average wage we compare industry average annual pay levels for the region and for Oregon in 2006. The threshold for this indicator is 100%, which indicates that the average annual pay in the region is equal to or greater then the state average for that industry. Differential employment growth rate is the final indicator that was used to determine regional industry competitiveness. If a region’s industry consistently outperforms their peers statewide over a period of time this may indicate the existence of a competitive advantage for that industry. To measure differential growth, we examine five-year growth rates for regional and statewide industry employment. The threshold for the relative growth indicator is 20%, which means employment in the industry grew at least 20% faster in the region than it did in the state as a whole. Employment Growth Projections Section four looks at the employment growth projections that are associated with each of the regionally competitive industries identified in section three. Growth projections are a good way to determine the industries where employment growth is projected to occur. Current projections cover the period from 2006 to 2016. Caveats & Limitations The competitive industries indicators and the employment projections are based on different datasets. The competitive industries indicators are based on private, covered (subject to unemployment insurance) employment while the employment projections are base on non-farm covered and uncovered employment. As a result the employment figures in Table 7 do not match the employment totals in Tables 8 although they are typically very similar.


Section 2: Overview of the Regional Economy Business Establishments, Employment and Wages

• The region made up of Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake counties accounts for 8.0% of Oregon’s private sector employment.

• The average wage in each county of the region is below the state average. • Jackson County’s employment accounts for almost 2/3 of regional employment. • Jackson is the only county with an average wage above the regional average.

Table 1: Private Sector Establishments, Employment and Wages, 2006

Area Est. Employ-

ment Average

Wage % of Region Employment

% of Region Avg. Wage

Jackson 6,419 72,240 $30,701 62.9% 103.0%Josephine 2,245 22,044 $27,597 19.2% 92.6%Klamath 1,827 18,982 $29,417 16.5% 98.7%Lake 271 1,527 $24,482 1.3% 82.1%Region 10,762 114,793 $29,810 100.0% 100.0%Oregon 122,629 1,434,040 $37,703 N/A N/ASource: OECDD analysis based on QCEW data from the Oregon Employment Department and BLS Employment and Population Growth

• Klamath County had the highest employment growth (7.0%) and exceeded the state’s employment growth rate by 1.1%.

• Josephine and Klamath counties were among the top 10 states for employment growth from 2004 to 2006.

• Jackson’s population growth was the fastest in the region between 2004 and 2006. • All the counties in the region were in the top half of all Oregon counties (36) for

employment growth from 2004 to 2006. Table 2: Percentage Change in Employment and Population, 2004-2006

Area Employ-

ment Population Emp. Growth

Rank Pop. Growth

Rate Jackson 5.3% 3.9% 15 5Josephine 6.4% 3.2% 10 6Klamath 7.0% 1.0% 7 21Lake 5.9% 0.5% 12 26Oregon 5.9% 3.0% N/A N/ASource: Oregon Employment Department and Portland State University


Interstate Business Moves

• The region was a net importer of business establishments between 1990 and 2004. • On net, 13 establishments left the region for Washington. • The region had a net gain of 109 establishments from California, three times the whole net

loss out of the region. Table 3. Top Feeder States (1990-2004) Table 4. Top Stealer States (1990-2004)

State Net Est. Gain State Net Est. Loss

California 109 Washington -13 New Jersey 2 Nevada -10 New York 2 Texas -9 Virginia 2 Arizona -5 Source: OECDD analysis using National Establishment Time Series Database (Wall and Associates)

• The following service industries accounted for the proportion of establishment moves in to the region (52): Business Services, Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Services and Health Services.

Table 5: Largest Net Establishment Gains by Industry (1990-2004)

Industry Move In Move Out Net ChangeBusiness Services 39 19 20Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs 31 11 20Health Services 16 4 12Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders 18 11 7Miscellaneous Retail 25 19 6Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations 8 3 5

All 284 235 49Source: OECDD analysis using National Establishment Time Series Database (Wall and Associates)

• The most establishments lost by the region were also service industries (11): Amusement & Recreation Services and Miscellaneous Repair Services.

• Four industries experienced no business relocations into the region: Motor Freight Transportation, Amusement & Recreation Services, Membership Organizations and Communications.

Table 6: Largest Net Establishment Losses by Industry (1990-2004)

Industry Move In Move Out Net ChangeMotor Freight Transportation 0 7 -7Amusement and Recreation Services 0 6 -6Membership Organizations 0 6 -6Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture 1 6 -5Communications 0 5 -5Miscellaneous Repair Services 3 8 -5

All 284 235 49Source: OECDD analysis using National Establishment Time Series Database (Wall and Associates)


Age Demographics by Industry

• The top three industries with the highest percentage of retirement age workers are: Other Services, Transportation & Utilities and Natural Resources and Mining.

• The number of retirement age workers is highest in the Retail Trade and Educational & Health Services industries respectively.

• Leisure & Hospitality and Construction are the only two industries in which the share of retirement age workers is lower than the statewide average (16.6%).

• The Information industry has the fewest number of retirement age workers. • Half of the region’s workers are in three industries: Retail Trade, Leisure & Hospitality and

Educational & Health Services. Table 7: Age Demographics by Industry, 2006 Statewide Region Sector Age 14-99 Age 55+ Pct. Age 14-99* Age 55+* Pct.* Construction 100,444 13,498 13.4% 9,133 1,220 13.4%Educational and Health Services 205,443 41,376 20.1% 18,613 4,066 21.8%Financial Activities 89,086 16,137 18.1% 5,994 1,213 20.2%Information 34,853 4,823 13.8% 2,232 401 18.0%Leisure and Hospitality 164,490 17,096 10.4% 15,710 1,661 10.6%Manufacturing 203,499 33,994 16.7% 13,777 2,622 19.0%Natural Resources and Mining 48,201 10,118 21.0% 5,157 1,136 22.0%Other Services 61,801 13,418 21.7% 5,002 1,205 24.1%Professional and Business Services 98,476 17,325 17.6% 5,904 1,124 19.0%Retail Trade 203,439 30,352 14.9% 23,902 4,143 17.3%Transportation and Utilities 52,954 11,311 21.4% 4,137 962 23.3%Wholesale Trade 84,563 14,420 17.1% 5,074 916 18.1%All 1,347,249 223,868 16.6% 114,635 20,669 18.0%Source: Oregon Employment Department, Local Employment Dynamics

* Some sector totals are affected by confidentially restrictions due to the small size of sector employment in the some of the counties that make up the region


Section 3: Regional Competitive Industries

• Of the 89 reportable (non-confidential data) 3-digit NAICS industries in the region, 50 met at least one of the competitiveness criteria.

• Employment in these industries accounts for 71.4% of private employment in the region. • Four industries in the region met all three competitive criteria: Heavy & Civil Engineering

Construction, Furniture & Related Product Manufacturing, Forestry & Logging and Animal Production.

• The Nonstore Retailers industry has the highest employment concentration, which is six times the concentration of the state as a whole.

• Half of the industries in the region met one competitive criteria.

Table 8: Industries Meeting At least One of the Competitiveness Criteria (sorted by employment)*

NAICS NAICS Description Est.Employ-

ment Average

Wage LQRelative

Wage Differential

Growth Rate

# of Criteria


722 Food Services And Drinking Places 786 10,736 $12,928 1.10 108.2% -0.9% *621 Ambulatory Health Care Services 660 6,462 $46,818 1.29 108.2% 8.4% **238 Specialty Trade Contractors 951 5,181 $31,570 1.02 82.5% 26.8% *321 Wood Product Manufacturing 76 4,778 $37,489 1.85 110.0% -8.5% **452 General Merchandise Stores 50 3,896 $21,981 1.31 115.3% 5.2% **623 Nursing And Residential Care Facilities 193 3,780 $20,462 1.25 109.8% 2.3% **445 Food And Beverage Stores 185 3,745 $20,971 1.25 109.6% -1.7% *622 Hospitals 5 3,552 $45,857 0.90 124.4% -3.9% *454 Nonstore Retailers 80 3,504 $29,806 6.05 99.9% 3140.9% **441 Motor Vehicle And Parts Dealers 198 2,832 $37,563 1.29 105.1% 3.3% **423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 219 2,573 $36,415 0.88 78.2% 27.5% *236 Construction Of Buildings 553 2,426 $31,036 1.21 76.7% 21.5% *721 Accommodation 167 2,218 $16,653 1.30 108.9% 7.1% **551 Management Of Companies And Enterprises 65 1,879 $53,596 0.80 90.1% 96.9% *484 Truck Transportation 180 1,576 $37,978 1.01 109.7% -11.8% *444 Building Material And Garden Supply Stores 114 1,468 $27,570 1.16 104.6% 27.9% **111 Crop Production 82 1,430 $21,953 0.66 119.4% 2.5% *447 Gasoline Stations 120 1,326 $14,991 1.51 101.6% 6.0% **524 Insurance Carriers And Related Activities 210 1,322 $39,173 0.66 88.9% 24.2% *237 Heavy And Civil Engineering Construction 102 1,296 $46,233 1.40 105.8% 49.9% ***337 Furniture And Related Product Manufacturing 60 1,288 $30,136 1.90 103.7% 40.5% ***113 Forestry And Logging 98 1,284 $46,509 2.10 131.5% 24.2% ***531 Real Estate 432 1,207 $23,857 0.75 91.9% 22.4% *115 Agriculture And Forestry Support Activities 88 1,027 $22,939 1.32 116.9% -14.3% **812 Personal And Laundry Services 133 1,000 $19,589 1.00 103.0% -16.4% *453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 171 898 $19,654 1.01 108.6% -12.4% *332 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 80 815 $34,455 0.61 98.1% 28.0% *442 Furniture And Home Furnishings Stores 95 718 $30,771 1.12 119.6% 6.0% *446 Health And Personal Care Stores 69 685 $26,213 1.13 108.6% 16.0% *

* Values that satisfy the following competitive criteria are shaded in grey: location quotient (L.Q.) greater than or equal to 1.25; relative average wage greater than 100%; and differential employment growth rate greater than or equal to 20%.


311 Food Manufacturing 39 667 $31,094 0.38 112.1% 17.3% *325 Chemical Manufacturing 25 654 $44,851 2.18 97.1% 2.4% *488 Support Activities For Transportation 65 629 $41,879 1.07 113.1% 30.5% **532 Rental And Leasing Services 84 587 $24,112 0.97 103.2% 105.6% **711 Performing Arts And Spectator Sports 41 555 $30,146 1.68 65.3% 4.6% *443 Electronics And Appliance Stores 68 509 $27,196 0.99 93.9% 317.2% *515 Broadcasting, Except Internet 21 452 $34,449 1.61 83.6% 33.9% **562 Waste Management And Remediation Services 24 439 $38,964 1.02 106.4% 48.5% **326 Plastics And Rubber Products Manufacturing 17 421 $32,807 0.78 102.6% 47.3% **814 Private Households 228 413 $10,256 1.30 75.2% 30.7% **112 Animal Production 70 380 $22,678 1.52 100.1% 110.9% ***492 Couriers And Messengers 19 366 $29,962 0.67 104.9% 50.0% **212 Mining, Except Oil And Gas 18 264 $37,151 1.65 102.3% -18.3% **512 Motion Picture And Sound Recording Industries 20 180 $17,760 0.63 84.2% 30.7% *221 Utilities 23 127 $75,849 0.33 126.1% -59.1% *481 Air Transportation 10 99 $30,757 0.29 78.6% 58.4% *314 Textile Product Mills 13 88 $25,146 1.00 106.2% 96.9% **518 Isps, Search Portals, And Data Processing 25 77 $37,322 0.24 71.8% 55.9% *315 Apparel Manufacturing 9 48 $27,492 0.50 118.2% 167.4% **712 Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, And Parks 17 48 $17,176 0.43 80.9% 71.1% *519 Other Information Services 3 7 $71,261 0.39 167.1% *Source: OECDD analysis based on QCEW data from the Oregon Employment Department and BLS


Competitive Industries: Employment Projections by Industry

• Of the competitive industries in the region, 44 are projected to have positive employment growth from 2006 to 2016.

• Of the competitive industries, 15 are projected to grow faster than the regional average of 16.4%.

• The Food Manufacturing industry is projected to have the highest growth in the region ; the industry is expected to grow 73.9% by 2016.

Table 9: Competitive Industry Employment Growth Projections (sorted by % change)* NAICS Industry 2006 2016 Change % Change 311 Food Manufacturing 620 1,078 458 73.9% 621 Ambulatory Health Care Services 6,545 8,806 2,261 34.5% 518 Isps, Search Portals, And Data Processing 78 100 22 28.2% 623 Nursing And Residential Care Facilities 3,261 4,158 897 27.5% 444 Building Material And Garden Supply Stores 1,477 1,864 387 26.2% 622 Hospitals 4,417 5,543 1,126 25.5% 332 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 823 1,032 209 25.4% 481 Air Transportation 115 144 29 25.2% 551 Management Of Companies And Enterprises 1,879 2,293 414 22.0% 115 Agriculture And Forestry Support Activities 1,129 1,377 248 22.0% 562 Waste Management And Remediation Services 454 547 93 20.5% 722 Food Services And Drinking Places 10,760 12,882 2,122 19.7% 488 Support Activities For Transportation 632 756 124 19.6% 443 Electronics And Appliance Stores 512 604 92 18.0% 442 Furniture And Home Furnishings Stores 732 862 130 17.8% 721 Accommodation 2,219 2,578 359 16.2% 238 Specialty Trade Contractors 5,282 6,123 841 15.9% 441 Motor Vehicle And Parts Dealers 2,825 3,274 449 15.9% 236 Construction Of Buildings 2,457 2,835 378 15.4% 492 Couriers And Messengers 414 477 63 15.2% 712 Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, And Parks 48 55 7 14.6% 445 Food And Beverage Stores 3,750 4,286 536 14.3% 452 General Merchandise Stores 3,900 4,445 545 14.0% 532 Rental And Leasing Services 714 810 96 13.4% 112 Animal Production 439 498 59 13.4% 512 Motion Picture And Sound Recording Industries 38 43 5 13.2% 711 Performing Arts And Spectator Sports 557 629 72 12.9% 423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 2,593 2,916 323 12.5% 812 Personal And Laundry Services 1,008 1,132 124 12.3% 453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 901 1,010 109 12.1% 484 Truck Transportation 1,668 1,865 197 11.8% 237 Heavy And Civil Engineering Construction 1,318 1,473 155 11.8% 326 Plastics And Rubber Products Manufacturing 423 472 49 11.6% 524 Insurance Carriers And Related Activities 1,397 1,555 158 11.3% 212 Mining, Except Oil And Gas 296 329 33 11.1% 531 Real Estate 2,553 2,796 243 9.5% 515 Broadcasting, Except Internet 456 498 42 9.2% 446 Health And Personal Care Stores 689 751 62 9.0% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 659 711 52 7.9%

Faster th

an R

egion A





ent G



314 Textile Product Mills 91 96 5 5.5% 337 Furniture And Related Product Manufacturing 1,302 1,363 61 4.7% 111 Crop Production 1,458 1,521 63 4.3% 221 Utilities 393 409 16 4.1% 447 Gasoline Stations 288 296 8 2.8% 315 Apparel Manufacturing 65 65 0 0.0% 113 Forestry And Logging 233 225 -8 -3.4% 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 4,784 4,546 -238 -5.0% 454 Nonstore Retailers 45 34 -11 -24.4% 814 Private Households N/A N/A N/A N/A 519 Other Information Services N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 106,447 123,951 17,504 16.4% Source: OECDD analysis based on CES data from the Oregon Employment Department * Employment totals in Table 8 vary from those in Tables 9, and 10 because they are from different data sources. Table 8 uses covered employment (gathered from firms that pay unemployment insurance) from the Quarterly Census of Employment (QCEW) and Wages. The employment projections in Table 9 and 10 are based on Current Employment Statistics (CES) that include both covered and uncovered employment.


Top 15 Regionally Competitive Industries1










$0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000

Average Wage



d Em



t Gro





Faster Grow


er Grow


egional Grow

th Projection

$29,810 $37,703

Region Average Wage State Average Wage

Lower Wages Higher Wages

Agriculture and forestry support activities (1,027)

Food services and drinking places (10,736)


Nursing and residential care facilities (3,780)

Food manufacturingFood manufacturing (667)

Air transportation (99)

Fabricated metal product manufacturing (815)

Ambulatory health care services (6,462)

Management of companies and enterprises (1,879)

Hospitals (3,552)

Support activities for transportation (629)

Electronics and appliance stores (509) Furniture and home

furnishings stores (718)

ISPs, search portals, and data processing (77)

Waste management and remediation services (439)

Building material and garden supply stores (1,468)

Size of circles corresponds with employment totals in parenthesis


Appendix I: Company Moves to Region

Company Industry Destination

County Origin State Origin City

Move Year

Move Emp

Witness Wear Christn Clothiers Apparel and Accessory Stores Josephine AL Tuscaloosa 2001 250Shaklee Corporation Chemicals and Allied Products Jackson CA Alameda 2001 180

Hawaiian Motor Company Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Jackson CA Los Angeles 1991 140

Jeld-Wen Inc Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Klamath WA Clark 1995 95 Story Plastics Inc Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products Jackson CA Los Angeles 2001 65 Comcraft Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Los Angeles 1990 50 Timbre Software Inc Business Services Jackson CO Larimer 2003 50

Sport Carriers Inc Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Jackson CA Riverside 2004 47

Higher Clling Stpping Slutions Business Services Klamath CA Siskiyou 2001 45 Csc Investments Ii Holding and Other Investment Offices Jackson CA Orange 1993 35

Home Preservation Services Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA San Mateo 2002 31

Nevada Produce Inc Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson NV Washoe 2004 29

Profile Plastic Coating Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Josephine CA Los Angeles 1994 28

Living Epistles Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Klamath CA Los Angeles 1990 27 N W D Inc Furniture and Fixtures Josephine CA Sonoma 1992 25 Oak Harbor Freight Lines Inc Motor Freight Transportation Klamath ID Ada 2000 25

Lifts Enterprises Inc Mesr/Anlyz/Cntrl Instrmnts; Photo/Med/Opt Gds; Watchs/Clocks Jackson AZ Maricopa 2000 24

Calvin Henry Fabrics Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA San

Francisco 1996 23

Roberts Ken Fincl Strategies Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine CA Ventura 1994 20

Modoc Contracting Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Klamath CA Modoc 2003 20

Fahner Farms Inc Agricultural Production - Crops Klamath CA Siskiyou 1999 20 Rivera John Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Shasta 2001 19

M & B Communications Inc Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction - Contractors Jackson CA Riverside 2000 17

Infotek Systems Corporation Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Klamath CA Orange 1991 16

Good Premium Audit Service Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA San Mateo 2002 15

Tri Leadership Resources Llc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Orange 2004 15

Mom Mobile Onsite Mammography Health Services Josephine CA Fresno 2003 15 Ability Roofing Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine NV Washoe 2003 15

Camco Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Klamath WA Cowlitz 2004 15

Sutphen Corporation Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Jackson CA Los Angeles 1994 13 Commercial Truck Parts Inc Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson CA Sutter 1991 13 Centaur Intl Hlth Svcs Health Services Jackson CA Orange 1992 13 Arise & Shine Herbal Products Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson CA Siskiyou 2002 13 Cygnet General Corporation Chemicals and Allied Products Jackson CA Alameda 1991 12 Top One Enterprises Transportation Equipment Jackson CA Sutter 2002 12 Hals Eat - Em - Up Eating and Drinking Places Jackson CA Tehama 2004 11


Sattex Corp Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products Jackson CA Los Angeles 1991 10

Qintar Inc Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Jackson CA Ventura 1993 10

Partners Financial Insur Svc Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Jackson CA Sonoma 2002 10

Technical Marketing Programs Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 10

Bellwood Properties Inc Real Estate Jackson CA Orange 1993 10

Rogo Medical Inc Mesr/Anlyz/Cntrl Instrmnts; Photo/Med/Opt Gds; Watchs/Clocks Josephine CA Ventura 1991 10

Foundtion Of Humn Undrstanding Membership Organizations Josephine CA Los Angeles 1992 10

No Stress Mfg Inc Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Josephine CA Los Angeles 1991 10

B & K Communications Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA San Diego 2001 10 Safewater Anywhere Llc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CO La Plata 2000 10 Brentcraft Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson ID Jefferson 2003 10

Pci Of The Inland Empire Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA

San Bernardino 1993 9

International Sports Exchange Amusement and Recreation Services Josephine CA Los Angeles 1994 9

Collier Company Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson WA Kitsap 1998 9

Hild Radio & Tv Inc Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson CA Alameda 2004 8 Morlog Corp Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Jackson CA Siskiyou 2004 8

Apropos Technology Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Jackson CA Ventura 1990 8

Trinity Family Medical Inc Health Services Jackson CA Trinity 1999 8 Aglo Plastic Co Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products Jackson CA San Joaquin 1993 8

Hi Fi Media Replicators Inc Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Jackson CA Los Angeles 2004 8

Death Tobacco Inc Tobacco Products Josephine CA Los Angeles 1994 8 Stateline Parts Supply Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Klamath CA Siskiyou 1999 8 Dialing For Dolls Inc Miscellaneous Retail Josephine AZ Mohave 2004 7 Mcrae Group Inc Business Services Jackson CA Placer 2004 7 Steven Lundberg Glass Art Llc Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products Jackson CA Santa Cruz 2002 7 Biomed Diagnostics Inc Health Services Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 7 Cowboy Country Apparel and Accessory Stores Josephine CA Shasta 1993 7 Meldisco K-M Of Avalon St Or Apparel and Accessory Stores Klamath NJ Bergen 2000 7

Bio Engineering Research Labs Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Alameda 1993 6

Balero Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 6

Phylco Audio Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Jackson CA

San Bernardino 1990 6

Davis A J & Company Real Estate Jackson CA Sacramento 1992 6 Cary Stephen C Md A Med Corp Health Services Jackson CA Sonoma 1992 6

Global Cache Inc Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 6

Pro Corner Apparel and Accessory Stores Jackson CA Humboldt 1993 6

5Th Dimension Gallery Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Santa

Barbara 1993 6 Diskin Barbara Apparel, Finished Products from Fabrics & Similar Materials Jackson CA San Diego 1996 6 Tree Star Inc Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA San Mateo 2003 6


Excel Electronics Business Services Jackson CA Fresno 1999 6 Toucan Trading Co Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Mendocino 1990 6 Bloomers Of Santa Rosa Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Josephine CA Sonoma 1992 6

Hair Connection Personal Services Josephine CA San Luis Obispo 2003 6

Rossha Enterprises Inc Agricultural Services Klamath CA Orange 1993 6 Udos Fshion By Erpean Dsgners Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson AZ Maricopa 1990 5 Trigon Systems Corporation Business Services Jackson CA Contra Costa 1992 5 Cb Embroidery Apparel, Finished Products from Fabrics & Similar Materials Jackson CA San Diego 2002 5 Burns Lumber Co Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Los Angeles 1993 5 Motorcycle Riders Supply Inc Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson CA Los Angeles 1991 5 Sierra Commercial Corporation Transportation Services Jackson CA San Mateo 2001 5 Nutrition Dimensions Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Jackson CA Humboldt 2003 5 Shareware Express Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Orange 1991 5 San Francisco Penny Machine Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Sonoma 2004 5 Dana Greaves Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Siskiyou 1999 5 Tambellini Ldscpg Unlimited Agricultural Services Jackson CA Contra Costa 2003 5 Bike Tech Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Orange 2003 5

Flight Development Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Josephine CA Los Angeles 1995 5

Flora Research Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine CA Orange 2003 5

Geb Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CA Madera 2001 5

Henningsen Circlehoe-Index Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Sonoma 2002 5

Index Innovation Inc Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Josephine CA Sonoma 2002 5

Pd Software House Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Josephine CA San Mateo 1990 5 Daniels Roofing Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Los Angeles 2002 5 Four Star Books Incorporated Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Josephine CA Ventura 1994 5 Colbyco Industries Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Ventura 1996 5 Bay Area Tree And Stump Svc Agricultural Services Klamath CA Santa Clara 2004 5 Mc Lin Painting Co Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Klamath CA Contra Costa 1994 5

Exl Co Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Klamath CA Placer 1994 5

Kc Contracting Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CO Jefferson 2002 5 J L J Enterprises Inc Business Services Jackson FL Bay 1991 5 Quali-Text Business Services Jackson FL Hillsborough 1990 5 Silver Springs Nursery Inc Agricultural Production - Crops Jackson ID Boundary 2004 5 White Horse Trading Co Inc Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products Jackson IN Clark 1993 5

Pharmaceutical Systems Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson MD Montgomery 1995 5

Vision Industries Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Klamath PA Butler 2004 5 Coast To Coast Reforestation Forestry Klamath WA Thurston 1992 5 Pursell Manufacturing Corp Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Josephine AR Cleburne 1997 4 Spray Mask Design And Sup Co Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Jackson CA Los Angeles 1991 4 Marpa Foundation For The Study Health Services Jackson CA Santa Clara 2003 4 Scott-Edelman Supply Co Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Orange 1999 4


Patrick J Moore Md Inc Health Services Jackson CA Shasta 2004 4

Dennis Jack F Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Jackson CA San

Bernardino 1991 4

Illumitronics Inc Mesr/Anlyz/Cntrl Instrmnts; Photo/Med/Opt Gds; Watchs/Clocks Jackson CA Santa Clara 1995 4

Accupart Inc Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Jackson CA Alameda 2001 4

Titlewave Press Business Services Jackson CA Siskiyou 2001 4 Friedman Furniture Co Inc Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Josephine CA Los Angeles 1992 4 Daven Enterprises Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Orange 1992 4 Tapp Roland V Imports Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Los Angeles 1993 4 Doreen Hoffman Md Inc Health Services Josephine CA Stanislaus 2002 4 Hal Dds Inc Health Services Josephine CA Santa Clara 2004 4

Applied Laser Systems Mesr/Anlyz/Cntrl Instrmnts; Photo/Med/Opt Gds; Watchs/Clocks Josephine CA Los Angeles 1992 4

Conejo Hypertek Inc Transportation Equipment Josephine CA Ventura 1994 4 Nelson T G Electric Company Construction - Special Trade Contractors Klamath CA Shasta 1994 4 Indian Camp Golf Course Personal Services Klamath CA Siskiyou 1998 4

Sherri Harris Consulting Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Klamath CA Sonoma 2004 4

Murphy William C Builders Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson HI Hawaii 1998 4

Northern Minn Rdtion Onclogy P Health Services Klamath MN Crow Wing 2003 4 Circle Daycare Lrng Center Social Services Josephine MT McCone 2004 4 Tiffanys Intl Web Designs Communications Klamath MT Flathead 2003 4 Meldisco K-M Of Ne 7Th St Or Apparel and Accessory Stores Josephine NJ Bergen 2000 4 Brain Sync Corporation Motion Pictures Jackson NM Santa Fe 1998 4 Pettit Wibur Agricultural Production - Crops Jackson OH Crawford 2002 4 Harbert Henry L Dmd Inc Health Services Jackson WA Snohomish 2004 4 Blue Sun Design/Build Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson WA King 2002 4 Mythic Proportions Ltd Miscellaneous Retail Jackson WA Mason 2001 4

Pomont Construction Inc Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction - Contractors Jackson WY Albany 1993 4

Crumpacker Karl-Motorola Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA San Diego 2002 3 Search Intercon Syst Business Services Jackson CA Orange 2004 3 Lotus Reporters Business Services Jackson CA Contra Costa 2003 3 Aid To Pets Inc Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Santa Clara 2002 3 Shoup Richard L Inc Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Jackson CA San Mateo 2001 3

Charles Gary Corporation Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Orange 1992 3

R G Wade Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA San Diego 2000 3

Safeworld International Inc Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products Jackson CA Marin 1992 3 Biomedical Exports Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Sacramento 1995 3

Hilltop Innovation Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Los Angeles 2004 3

Empty Room Apparel and Accessory Stores Jackson CA Santa Clara 1990 3 Gwin James Business Services Jackson CA Marin 1995 3 States John R Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Orange 1991 3 Landshark Bicycle Inc Transportation Equipment Jackson CA Los Angeles 1992 3


Dependable Demos Business Services Jackson CA San Mateo 1990 3 Systems Furniture Service Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Orange 1990 3 Mecco Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA San Diego 1990 3

M&M Mobile Truck Repair Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA San

Bernardino 1991 3 C Jones & Co Personal Services Jackson CA Napa 1991 3 Dynaforce Gym Equipment Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Jackson CA San Diego 1993 3 Jarvis Leroy H Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Los Angeles 1994 3 B D B Aircraft Supply Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Los Angeles 1995 3 Dingee David Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA San Diego 1996 3 Lighbourne Images Business Services Jackson CA Lake 1996 3 Garner Financial & Insur Svcs Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Jackson CA Orange 2004 3 Baylands Nursery Agricultural Production - Crops Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 3 Calico Cat Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Del Norte 1999 3 Taffy C Pelton Social Services Jackson CA San Diego 2001 3 Carl Spletzer Electric Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Santa Cruz 2003 3 Timbers/Lake Tahoe Inc Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Placer 1990 3 Surgical Instrument Distrg Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA San Diego 2004 3

Smith Douglas Charles Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Santa

Barbara 1990 3

Thompson Builders Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CA Santa Clara 1990 3

Bay Area Rapid Tumblers Amusement and Recreation Services Josephine CA Alameda 1990 3 Dynaco Products Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Santa Clara 2000 3

Homesite Construction Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CA Sonoma 1991 3

H&S Enterprises Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Josephine CA Los Angeles 1991 3 Don Olson Locksmith Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine CA Los Angeles 1990 3 Ace Books America Co Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Orange 1990 3 L C Service Inc Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine CA Santa Clara 2004 3 Lavere S Tv & Vcr Servic Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine CA Riverside 1991 3 Creative Wood Designs Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Josephine CA Sonoma 1990 3 Larsen Harold A Dc Health Services Josephine CA Merced 2001 3 Antique Appraisal & Res Svc B Business Services Josephine CA Orange 1994 3 Dansh Inc Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties Josephine CA Sacramento 1996 3 Rent A Chef Catering By Hugo Eating and Drinking Places Josephine CA Orange 2003 3 Troy Trucking Motor Freight Transportation Klamath CA Butte 2000 3 Simply Antiques & Collect Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Klamath CA Tulare 1994 3 Amtrak Travel Experts Transportation Services Klamath CA San Mateo 1993 3 Luna Thomas A Upholsterer Miscellaneous Repair Services Klamath CA Ventura 2000 3 Alturas City Of Miscellaneous Retail Lake CA Modoc 2003 3 Lariat Ford Inc Used Cars Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Lake CA Modoc 1990 3 Precision Testing Business Services Klamath HI Honolulu 2003 3

Excel Billing Systems Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson ID Ada 2003 3

Leiweke & Co Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine KS Johnson 1991 3

Resonate In Health Health Services Jackson MN Dakota 2004 3 Artis Tours Transportation Services Jackson MO Boone 2004 3


Great Destinations Travel Co Transportation Services Jackson NC Durham 1997 3 Berkum Phil Photography Personal Services Jackson NY Kings 1990 3 Bulkley P Todd Md Health Services Jackson UT Weber 1991 3 K Schweizer Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson VA Albemarle 2002 3 Scene 1 T-Shirts Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson VA Botetourt 1997 3

Tee-Off Construction Inc Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction - Contractors Jackson WA Spokane 1999 3

Island Acupuncture Health Services Jackson WA Kitsap 2002 3 Air Medical Services Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson WA Snohomish 2003 3 Wings Inc Business Services Jackson WA King 1994 3

D & I Construction Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine WA King 1990 3

Ryan & Riley Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine WA Stevens 2003 3

Sally M Mitchell Business Services Josephine WA King 2003 3 Hack-Man Inc Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places Klamath WA King 1990 3 Sagebrush Developers Inc Real Estate Klamath WA Snohomish 1996 3

J & T Contracting Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson AK Anchorage 1992 2

Trans Co Leadership Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson AZ Maricopa 2000 2

Maxwells Silk & Silver Miscellaneous Retail Jackson AZ Maricopa 2003 2 Medec-Lebaron Chiropractic Health Services Jackson AZ Maricopa 1994 2 Prm Products Transportation Equipment Jackson AZ Maricopa 1993 2 Professional Benefit Services Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Klamath AZ Maricopa 2004 2 Plantation Stop Eating and Drinking Places Lake AZ Gila 2002 2 Law Offices M Borgen Legal Services Jackson CA Orange 2003 2 Neshama Inc Business Services Jackson CA Los Angeles 2004 2 Element Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Jackson CA Los Angeles 2002 2 Hayes Floor Covering Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Placer 2004 2

Arthouse 12 Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA San Luis Obispo 2003 2

Tip Top Tv Hi-Fi Miscellaneous Repair Services Jackson CA Los Angeles 1993 2 Benchmark Maps Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Yolo 2003 2 Ground Zero Graphic Design Business Services Jackson CA San Diego 2003 2 Music Coop Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson CA Sonoma 2002 2

Kneeland C Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA Sonoma 2003 2

Malibu Publishing Company Inc Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Jackson CA Ventura 1997 2 Makdissy Pamela A Co Apparel, Finished Products from Fabrics & Similar Materials Jackson CA Humboldt 1991 2 Eyesell Media Business Services Jackson CA San Diego 2003 2 Agape Christian Counseling Social Services Jackson CA Los Angeles 2003 2

Gree Farmacy Llc Building Matrials, Hrdwr, Garden Supply & Mobile Home Dealrs Jackson CA Nevada 2004 2

Insuratek Corp Business Services Jackson CA Placer 2003 2 Sentis Technologies Llc Business Services Jackson CA Alameda 2004 2 Hitch & Weld Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson CA Alameda 2004 2 Manor Born Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson CA Napa 2004 2 Silver Threads Apparel and Accessory Stores Jackson CA Siskiyou 1990 2


Towler Tom Advertising Business Services Jackson CA Orange 1992 2 Buschman Suzanne Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Del Norte 2000 2 Pew Vern Transportation Equipment Jackson CA Mendocino 1996 2

Wright R W Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA Santa Clara 1991 2

Parsons Home Comfort Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Ventura 1992 2

Wertheimer Donald Barry Security & Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges & Services Jackson CA Siskiyou 2002 2

Luminessence Productions Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Alameda 1996 2 Tri-County Appraisals Real Estate Jackson CA Sonoma 2004 2 Industrial Management Company Holding and Other Investment Offices Jackson CA Los Angeles 1993 2 Wyyzzk Inc Educational Services Jackson CA Santa Clara 2003 2

Assn Insolvency Accountants Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Ventura 1998 2

Peters Neal Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson CA Lake 2004 2 Shawna Schmitt Personal Services Jackson CA Orange 2003 2 North Light Studios Business Services Jackson CA Marin 2002 2 Time Keeper Miscellaneous Repair Services Jackson CA Kern 2003 2 A Time 4 Wine Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Contra Costa 2004 2

Frey Walt Seminars Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine CA Contra Costa 2002 2

Flying Dutchman Fgn Car Svc Automotive Repair, Services and Parking Josephine CA Santa Clara 1993 2 House Of Canes Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Josephine CA Los Angeles 1991 2 Dias James Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Contra Costa 2002 2 M&B Communications Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Riverside 2003 2 Flowers By Deann Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Los Angeles 2004 2 Butts L J Construction Company

Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CA Alameda 1996 2

Concrete King Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Los Angeles 2003 2 Plex Art Co Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products Josephine CA Alameda 1991 2 Gle-Mar Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Sacramento 1991 2 Maus Electric Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Sonoma 1990 2 Johnsons Guns Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Sonoma 2001 2 All Desert Plumbing Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Los Angeles 2004 2 Loving You Com Inc Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Josephine CA San Diego 2004 2 Country Reflections Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Josephine CA Fresno 2004 2 R & J Specialties Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Josephine CA Los Angeles 1990 2 Low Cost Janitorial Business Services Josephine CA San Joaquin 2004 2 Paladin Business Services Business Services Josephine CA Sacramento 2004 2 Ron Fitzpatrick Jeep Parts Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Josephine CA Sonoma 2004 2 Frontier Mobile Estates Llc Real Estate Josephine CA Sonoma 2004 2 Multidynamics Inc Business Services Josephine CA Santa Clara 2002 2 Edwards Gordon R Company Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Orange 1996 2 Ra-Om Inc Petroleum Refining and Related Industries Josephine CA Ventura 1991 2 Cecilio Custom Cabinets Furniture and Fixtures Josephine CA Lake 2004 2 Aj Products Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Santa Cruz 1993 2 T G Restorations Automotive Repair, Services and Parking Josephine CA Kings 1991 2 Dimmick Barbel Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine CA Orange 1995 2


Productions Video Horizons Motion Pictures Josephine CA San

Bernardino 2003 2 Marathon Search Agency Business Services Josephine CA Solano 2004 2 Spring & Sons Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Josephine CA San Joaquin 1995 2

Karens Water Truck Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction - Contractors Josephine CA

Santa Barbara 2003 2

Glessner Corporation Chemicals and Allied Products Klamath CA San

Francisco 1991 2 Cinewagon Motion Pictures Klamath CA Sonoma 2002 2 Isys Transport Service Transportation Services Klamath CA Sacramento 2004 2 A Pocket Full Of Posies Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Klamath CA Orange 2004 2 Belmont Litho Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Klamath CA San Mateo 1994 2 Pinto Screen Prints Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Klamath CA San Diego 1991 2

C-F & Associates Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Klamath CA Sacramento 1995 2

Newman Tim G Trucking Motor Freight Transportation Klamath CA Los Angeles 1996 2 Thena Inc Holding and Other Investment Offices Klamath CA Modoc 1994 2 Cascade Tree Shearing Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Klamath CA Lassen 1996 2

Westfall Enterprises Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Klamath CA Humboldt 2004 2

Joseph Creek Ranch Agricultural Production - Crops Klamath CA Modoc 2004 2

Best Communication Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Lake CA Santa Cruz 2003 2

Mularz Theodore L & Associates

Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CO Pitkin 1990 2

Glassroots Llc Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products Jackson CO Boulder 2004 2 Made By Me Jewelry Inc Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CO Douglas 2003 2 Cd Asylum Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson CO Gunnison 2003 2 Perry Mark H & Accos Inc Real Estate Josephine CO Larimer 2001 2 Kcc Contracting Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson FL Broward 2003 2 Naturally Interactive Inc Business Services Jackson GA Cherokee 2001 2 Guardian Of Waters Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine HI Kauai 2004 2 Body Contours Inc Automotive Repair, Services and Parking Jackson ID Teton 2003 2 Orchird Software Inc Business Services Josephine ID Valley 2003 2 Wctu Railway Company Railroad Transportation Jackson IL Cook 1999 2 Tmf Polymer Solutions Inc Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products Josephine IL Kane 2001 2 North Suburban Otolaryngology Health Services Josephine IL Cook 2004 2

Wallace Miriam Cpa Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine IL Cook 2004 2

Nichols Company The Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Jackson MI Leelanau 2000 2

Ideal Image Inc Motion Pictures Jackson MI Oakland 1992 2 Vorderbruggen David Construct Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine MN Crow Wing 2003 2 Centennial Management Services Business Services Josephine MO Jackson 2001 2 Herden Farms Inc Motor Freight Transportation Klamath MT Yellowstone 1996 2 Asche David E Attorney Legal Services Jackson NE Lancaster 2003 2 Evergreen Co Real Estate Jackson NJ Bergen 2004 2 Devry Dairy Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties Josephine NM Curry 2001 2 Kuhlman Michele Apparel and Accessory Stores Lake NV Carson City 1995 2


Charles H Farr Health Services Josephine OK Oklahoma 2003 2 Do Write Publishing Health Services Josephine TN Jefferson 2004 2 Superior Engine Sales Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson WA King 1990 2 Seattle Home Inspections Inc Business Services Jackson WA King 2003 2

Mbc Consultants Inc / Emisar Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson WA King 2003 2

Lynnbos Garden Miscellaneous Retail Jackson WA Spokane 2003 2

Hawkins & Company Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson WA King 2004 2

Hm Johnson & Assoc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson WA King 2004 2

Stover Writing Services Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Josephine WA Pierce 2003 2 Candles & Such Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Klamath WA Pierce 2001 2 Rainbow Embroidery Etc Apparel, Finished Products from Fabrics & Similar Materials Klamath WA Thurston 2004 2 Rendalls Gourmet Mustards Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson WI Dane 2003 2

Burlingham Enterprises Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson AK Anchorage 2000 1

Springer Ltd Partnership Business Services Jackson AK Kenai

Peninsula 2004 1 2 Fish Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Jackson AK Anchorage 2002 1

Ursus Arts Studio Business Services Klamath AK Ketchikan Gateway 1997 1

Michalak Training Associates Miscellaneous Retail Jackson AZ Cochise 2000 1 Magic Wand Carpet Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson AZ Yavapai 2004 1

Systems Technology & Analysis Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Alameda 2000 1

Hanno Designs Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Jackson CA Alameda 2001 1

Tencati Elaine Consulting Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 1

Cs Environmental Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Santa Clara 2003 1

M S Mcdermott Woodcraft Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Santa Clara 2000 1

Custom Publisher Service Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Alameda 2004 1

Direct Effect Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson CA Los Angeles 1997 1

Hammonds Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA Riverside 1994 1

Manifest Designs Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products Jackson CA Santa Cruz 2001 1

College Solutions Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Alameda 2004 1

Frostco Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Contra Costa 2001 1 Mendelsohn Barbara Design Business Services Jackson CA Santa Clara 2001 1 Inner Power Health Services Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 1 Acme Video Motion Pictures Jackson CA Santa Cruz 2002 1 Can Do Construction & Handyman

Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA Santa Cruz 2003 1

Sew Its Custom Apparel and Accessory Stores Jackson CA Sonoma 2004 1

Newport Internet Mktg Corp Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Sonoma 2003 1

West Creations Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Tulare 2002 1 Murphy Patrick J Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA San Joaquin 1993 1 Especially For You Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Sonoma 2004 1


Service Center Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson CA Monterey 2004 1 Morgan Bob Sales Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Santa Cruz 1991 1 Quail Ridge Interiors Business Services Jackson CA El Dorado 2003 1 Khanna Claire Graphic Design Business Services Jackson CA San Diego 2001 1 Ee Lucas Enterprises Inc Business Services Jackson CA Riverside 2004 1 Danca Mary J Mfcc Social Services Jackson CA San Mateo 2003 1

Scharf Gary C Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA Siskiyou 2001 1

Riordan And Associates Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Jackson CA San Mateo 1990 1 Square Deal Cafe Eating and Drinking Places Jackson CA Los Angeles 1991 1

Blanchard Med Transcription Business Services Jackson CA Santa

Barbara 2002 1 Uniquely Carved Furnishings Furniture and Fixtures Jackson CA Alameda 1990 1 Maybrook Apartments Real Estate Jackson CA Kern 1991 1 Heart Of Huna Health Services Jackson CA Marin 2000 1

Obrien Electric Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Santa

Barbara 1991 1 A & J Leasing Business Services Jackson CA Orange 1990 1 Johnson Daniel D Real Estate Real Estate Jackson CA Humboldt 1990 1 Digger Dons Backhoe Service Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA San Mateo 1996 1 Finkel Herbert Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Jackson CA Santa Clara 1993 1 Cement Works Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Mendocino 1993 1 Handyman Etc Personal Services Jackson CA Orange 1992 1 Flowers On Wheels Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Siskiyou 1990 1 Berkeley Design Associates Business Services Jackson CA Los Angeles 1994 1 Hamilton Gail Photographer Personal Services Jackson CA Santa Clara 2004 1

Newman Charles Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA Marin 2001 1

Shastina Lumber & Millwork Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA Siskiyou 1994 1

Wilcox Thomas J Cpa Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Contra Costa 1993 1

East West Healing Arts Center Health Services Jackson CA Alameda 2002 1 Lewis Thomas Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA Fresno 2002 1 Time Out Travel Transportation Services Jackson CA Contra Costa 2004 1

Innovative Business Strategies Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Butte 2004 1

Santa Cruz Breakers Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson CA San Joaquin 2002 1 Native Cnstr Old World Masnry Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Siskiyou 2003 1 Dan The Carpet Man Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA Sonoma 2004 1

Lloyd Gary D Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA San Diego 2001 1

Alspach Richard F Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA Marin 1998 1

Herson Alan R Legal Services Jackson CA Siskiyou 1997 1 Westwood Apts Real Estate Jackson CA Merced 2002 1 Advanced Corporate Search Business Services Jackson CA Ventura 2003 1 Feathers & Friends Pet Sitting Agricultural Services Jackson CA Riverside 2004 1 Green Valley Electric Business Services Jackson CA Sonoma 2002 1

All Trades Const Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CA Santa Cruz 2003 1


Elite Floor Company Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Los Angeles 1990 1

Ht Engineering Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine CA Santa Clara 2004 1

Rock Turtle Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Plumas 2004 1 Solar Power Entertainment Amusement and Recreation Services Josephine CA Orange 2003 1 Westerlund Vicki Amusement and Recreation Services Josephine CA Sacramento 2003 1 Jack H Swift Attorney Legal Services Josephine CA San Diego 2003 1 Rayburn Maxwell Agricultural Production - Crops Josephine CA Merced 2003 1 Slater Books Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Kern 2004 1 Johnson Air System Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA San Diego 2004 1

Margolis Angelo Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CA Sonoma 2002 1

Crown Pools Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Placer 1993 1 Creative Wood Designs Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Josephine CA Sonoma 1991 1 Amber Equipment Rental Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA San Diego 1991 1

Hex-L Engineers Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine CA Solano 2004 1

Crowder Machine Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Josephine CA Santa Clara 1993 1

P S We Love You Educational Services Josephine CA Orange 2003 1 Shawnie Tools Business Services Josephine CA Los Angeles 2003 1 Marcellas Taste Of Nature Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Santa Clara 2001 1 Super Weld Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine CA Orange 1991 1 Bobs Cabnetry Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Josephine CA Shasta 1994 1 Fair Air Comfort Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine CA Ventura 1990 1

Gems & Jewelry Loan Co Cal Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA San

Francisco 1991 1 Fitness By Design Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA Lake 2001 1 Lilacs & Lace Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA Placer 1993 1 Illumination Graphics Business Services Josephine CA Sonoma 2002 1 Dj Mini Storage Motor Freight Transportation Josephine CA Mendocino 2003 1

Jones Trees Building Matrials, Hrdwr, Garden Supply & Mobile Home Dealrs Josephine CA Alameda 2002 1

Go Construction Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Del Norte 1994 1 Tweedells Entertainment Today Amusement and Recreation Services Josephine CA San Diego 2004 1 Daves Construction & Roofing Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CA Lassen 1999 1 Wessel Earl Real Estate Klamath CA Napa 2001 1 Paradise Of Heaven Business Services Klamath CA Sacramento 2002 1 King Frank Agricultural Production - Crops Klamath CA Siskiyou 2001 1 Moxley John Trucking & Hay Sls Motor Freight Transportation Klamath CA San Diego 2003 1 Mattison Donald Construction - Special Trade Contractors Klamath CA Butte 2004 1

Mcx Inc Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Klamath CA Alameda 1993 1

Sound Designs Furniture and Fixtures Klamath CA Shasta 2004 1 Peace Officers Remount Svcs Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Klamath CA Sacramento 2003 1

Hill Dental Lab Health Services Klamath CA San Luis Obispo 1991 1

R & S Sales Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Klamath CA Sutter 2003 1 Colorado Water Solutions Inc Business Services Jackson CO El Paso 2003 1


Kincade Rick Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CO Teller 2004 1

Brown Sara Associates Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CT New Haven 2002 1

Mike Duchien Home Builders Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson FL Putnam 2003 1

Metts Teresa Miscellaneous Retail Klamath FL Palm Beach 2002 1 Dennis Rowland Automotive Repair, Services and Parking Josephine GA Cobb 1990 1 Hrda Hawaiian Rescue Dog Business Services Jackson HI Maui 2004 1 Myrica Morningstar Personal Services Jackson HI Kauai 2001 1 Emerald Bch Sarongs Exotic Cl Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson IA Jefferson 2003 1 Shir Kid Co Partnership Business Services Klamath IA Polk 2003 1 Janot Skin Institute Personal Services Jackson ID Blaine 2003 1

Melville Consulting Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson ID Blaine 2002 1

Horners Farrier Service Miscellaneous Repair Services Jackson ID Boundary 2003 1

Mike Poland Construction Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson ID Teton 2003 1

Pollard Larry Builders Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson ID Valley 1998 1

Consulting Service Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson IL DuPage 2004 1

Crown Jewels Of Wire Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Josephine IL Kane 2003 1

Autonomation Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson KS Sedgwick 2002 1

Patchwork Design Group Business Services Jackson MA Hampshire 2004 1 Vara Linda S Health Services Josephine MA Plymouth 2002 1

K David Smith Photography Personal Services Josephine MI Grand

Traverse 2003 1

Fiebich Gene Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Lake MI Washtenaw 2002 1

Blue Quest Farm Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties Jackson MT Ravalli 2004 1 Hester Product Safety Inc Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Jackson NC Guilford 2004 1

D Morgan & Associates Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson NJ Union 2003 1

Eskew Corporation Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson NM Bernalillo 2000 1

Delbert T Bell Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Klamath NM Bernalillo 2001 1

Morgan Victoria Business Services Jackson NV Clark 2003 1 Mark Stan Music Inc Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Jackson NV Clark 2002 1 Arts To Go Business Services Josephine NV Washoe 1993 1 Stilwel Mike Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Klamath NV Washoe 1994 1 Altered Estates Business Services Jackson NY New York 2002 1 Bio-Pro Inc Health Services Josephine OK Oklahoma 2002 1 West Diane L Business Services Jackson TX Denton 2003 1

Crunchware Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson TX Dallas 2003 1

Craver Family Ltd Partnership Business Services Josephine TX Taylor 2004 1

Clegg Kenneth M Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Klamath TX El Paso 1997 1

Expedition Project Mgmt L Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine UT Summit 2002 1


J Squared Technical Servi Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine UT Davis 1991 1 Liquid Buddha Inc Motion Pictures Jackson VA Fairfax 2004 1 Silveous Elin Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Jackson VA Fairfax 2002 1 Lindsay B Darneille Real Estate Jackson WA Grant 2000 1 David Beede Company (Dbc) Business Services Jackson WA King 2003 1 Pope Michael P M S Lac Health Services Jackson WA Kitsap 2002 1 Environmental Management Agricultural Services Jackson WA King 2000 1 Sherwood Productions Motion Pictures Jackson WA King 1991 1 Custom Skin Personal Services Jackson WA Snohomish 2003 1 Lancaster David Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson WA Pierce 2004 1 Antonides Painting Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson WA Clark 2000 1 Stephanies Creations Health Services Jackson WA Thurston 2002 1 Fields Teresa Personal Services Josephine WA Benton 2003 1 Stover Writing Services Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Josephine WA Pierce 2000 1 Homeward Loan Services Nondepository Credit Institutions Klamath WA King 2001 1 Skilling Drywall Construction - Special Trade Contractors Klamath WA Whatcom 1997 1 Cellteck Inc Food and Kindred Products Klamath WA Whitman 1999 1

Tara Center Llc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson WI Dane 2001 1

Dallas Kane Construction Llc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson WI Waukesha 2003 1

Connies Hair Trends Personal Services Jackson WI Taylor 1990 1 Source: OECDD analysis using National Establishment Time Series Database (Wall and Associates)


Appendix II: Company Moves from Region

Company Industry Origin County

Destination Sate

Move Year

Move Emp

Windmill Inns America Inc Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places Jackson AZ 1997 100 Living Epistles Incorporated Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Klamath CA 1992 84 Cd Country 965 Communications Klamath CO 1998 60 Applied Laser Systems Inc Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Josephine CA 1996 40 Johnson-Northwest Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine TN 2004 36 Specialized Sales & Service Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Klamath TX 1992 35 Us Timberlands Svcs Co Llc Forestry Klamath WA 1998 34 Pursell Manufacturing Corp Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Josephine CO 2000 30 Mark Machine Inc Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Jackson OH 1994 30 Software Excitement Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson IN 1993 29 Reasonable Solutions Inc Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson AZ 1996 27 Rogue Rifle Company Inc Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Jackson ID 2002 26 Water Sports Llc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson IL 2004 24 Qintar Inc Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Jackson CA 2000 20 Atrium Ctr For Bdy Therapies Amusement and Recreation Services Jackson AZ 2001 19 Witness Wear Christn Clothiers Apparel and Accessory Stores Josephine AL 2001 17 Tee-Off Construction Inc Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction - Contractors Jackson WA 2001 16 Westco Contractors Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA 1999 15 Campbell-Childs Inc Mesr/Anlyz/Cntrl Instrmnts; Photo/Med/Opt Gds; Watchs/Clocks Jackson CA 2002 14 Sutphen Corporation Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Jackson CA 1997 13 Lancer Insurance Co Inc Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Josephine WA 1996 12 R F Laboratories Inc Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt Josephine WI 2003 12 American Tlecasting Of Medford Communications Jackson CA 2003 11 Del Mar Beach Villas Real Estate Jackson CA 2002 10 Drake Scott Enterprises Inc Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Josephine CA 1990 10 Centrifugal Cast Products Inc Primary Metal Industries Jackson MN 1995 10 Cascade Bottling Co Inc Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA 2001 8 Crater Cab Co Inc Local, Suburban Transit & Interurbn Hgwy Passenger Transport Klamath WA 1993 8 Directpet Llc Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA 2000 7 Cowboy Country Apparel and Accessory Stores Josephine CA 1995 7 J L J Enterprises Inc Business Services Jackson FL 1990 7 Fat City Amusement and Recreation Services Jackson MA 1990 7 G A Jones Lumber Co Inc Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Josephine NM 2004 7 Olde Inges Eating and Drinking Places Klamath CA 2003 6 Eastside Logging Inc Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Klamath CA 1991 6 Castle Superstore Apparel and Accessory Stores Jackson AZ 2003 5 Scotty S Mobile Rv Servic Miscellaneous Repair Services Jackson CA 2001 5 Pd Software House Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Josephine CA 1991 5 Rental Properties Usa Inc Business Services Klamath CA 2003 5 Sattv Communications Klamath CA 1999 5 Chambers Communications Corp Communications Klamath TN 2000 5 Oriental Rug Retailers Of Amer Membership Organizations Jackson VA 1990 5


Blinstrub N F Md Health Services Klamath WA 1991 5 Set Rite Mfg Homes Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson AZ 2002 4 Auto Showcase Inc Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson CA 2002 4 Black Bear Development Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine CA 2002 4 Moss Marty Enterprises Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine CA 1990 4 Rockwood Motel Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places Klamath CA 1993 4 Advanced Housing Systems Ore Building Matrials, Hrdwr, Garden Supply & Mobile Home Dealrs Klamath CA 1995 4 Arkay Trucking Inc Motor Freight Transportation Josephine ID 2002 4 American Sewing Guild Inc Membership Organizations Jackson MO 1998 4 Joes Horseshoeing & Train Miscellaneous Repair Services Klamath MO 2004 4 Mobile Training Institute Educational Services Klamath TX 1992 4 Tri -Arc Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson VA 1990 4 Shady Cove 76 Inc Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Jackson WA 2004 4 Ddd Enterprises Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine WA 2003 4 Blue Pacific Boats Renevators Transportation Equipment Jackson AZ 1992 3 J L I Enterprises Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine AZ 2002 3 Witt Ty Md Health Services Klamath AZ 2003 3 Shontz Tim Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA 2001 3 Logic Handle Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Jackson CA 2002 3 Ear Wax Records Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson CA 2003 3 Massage Tapes Inc Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson CA 2002 3 Oak Grove Storage Personal Services Jackson CA 2001 3 Summitt Enterprises Motor Freight Transportation Jackson CA 1993 3 Hersey House Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places Jackson CA 1990 3 Coffaros Furniture Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson CA 1993 3 Candle Connection Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA 2001 3 Ivanko Gardens Real Estate Jackson CA 2001 3 Western Environmental Mgt Co Agricultural Services Klamath CA 1992 3 Sal Angel Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Klamath CA 2002 3 Js Roofing Construction - Special Trade Contractors Lake CA 1998 3 Laughing Place Communications Communications Jackson FL 2003 3 Johnston Helen L Enterprises Miscellaneous Retail Jackson IL 2003 3 Agua Engineering Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson MI 1999 3 Advantage Lift Service Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Klamath MT 2001 3 Rogue Lumber Specialties Inc Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Josephine NH 1990 3 Bicycle Technologies Intl Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson NM 1996 3 Affordable Audio & Video Llc Motion Pictures Jackson NV 2004 3 Cascade Door & Supply Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson TN 2001 3 Tcs Resource Management Llc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson TX 2003 3 Broadbent Consulting Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson TX 2002 3 Shorack Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods Jackson TX 1998 3 Ljs Roofing Repair Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson UT 2002 3 Simco/Ramic Corp Mesr/Anlyz/Cntrl Instrmnts; Photo/Med/Opt Gds; Watchs/Clocks Jackson WA 2004 3 Meads Medical Management Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Klamath WA 1999 3 World Genealogy Society Inc Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Klamath WY 1990 3 R K Lango Polygraph Business Services Jackson AK 2004 2


Mels Roofing Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine AK 1995 2 Comfort Properties Inc Real Estate Jackson AZ 2004 2 Independent Electronic Insptn Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson AZ 2002 2 Qintar Inc Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA 2002 2 Vaisseau Raphaella Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Jackson CA 2000 2 Stove Place Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CA 1991 2 Corcoran Family Corporation Real Estate Jackson CA 1991 2 Clouse Cabinets Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Jackson CA 2004 2 Parsons Accounting Serv Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson CA 1992 2 Ideal North America Inc Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson CA 1997 2 Heating & Air Cons & Repr Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA 1993 2 H J Creations Embroidery Mart Apparel, Finished Products from Fabrics & Similar Materials Jackson CA 1998 2 U S Area Rugs Eating and Drinking Places Jackson CA 1993 2 R & D Scientific Glassblowing Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products Jackson CA 2001 2 Oracle Science International Amusement and Recreation Services Jackson CA 1994 2 Grants Pass Mortgage Nondepository Credit Institutions Josephine CA 2003 2 Wilson Craig Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Josephine CA 2000 2 Grants Pass Float Co Amusement and Recreation Services Josephine CA 2004 2 C & Dz Equipment Repair Miscellaneous Repair Services Lake CA 2003 2 Idea Direct Llc Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson CO 2004 2 Murray Will Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine CT 2001 2 Meridian Communications Motion Pictures Jackson DC 2002 2 22Nd Century Group Real Estate Klamath DC 2003 2 Fdr Construction Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson FL 2004 2 Sierra Real Estate Real Estate Jackson FL 2002 2 Arrowhead River Adventures Amusement and Recreation Services Jackson HI 2003 2 Cal Art Beads & Things Miscellaneous Retail Jackson HI 2004 2 Cleveland Glass & Bath Building Matrials, Hrdwr, Garden Supply & Mobile Home Dealrs Jackson ID 2003 2 Ric Merritt Transport Inc Transportation Services Jackson ID 2003 2 Timberview Cabinets Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture Jackson ID 2003 2 Michaels Total Car Care Automotive Repair, Services and Parking Jackson ID 2004 2 Creative Arts Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Jackson ID 1994 2 Barely Surviving Tc Miscellaneous Retail Josephine ID 2002 2 Riding Right Amusement and Recreation Services Jackson MD 2003 2 Winns Investigative Service Business Services Josephine MO 2004 2 Crooked Pine Packers Supply Leather and Leather Products Jackson MT 1991 2 Finch Forestry/Dev Forestry Jackson NM 2003 2 Hummingbird Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson NV 2004 2 Proffitt George Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson NV 2003 2 Sierra Commercial Corporation Transportation Services Jackson NV 2003 2 S A S Ceramics Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Josephine NV 1991 2 Ryan & Riley Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine NV 2004 2 Mountain Pine Transport Transportation Services Jackson TX 2004 2 Rogue Valley Kirby Co Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson TX 2004 2 Centennial Management Services Business Services Josephine TX 2004 2 Isb Llc Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Jackson UT 2003 2


Pacific Realty Advisors Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson UT 2003 2 Mohagen Crline Phyllis Sndrson Miscellaneous Retail Jackson WA 2001 2 Southern Oregon Electric Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson WA 1990 2 Evans Rod & Relics Inc Automotive Repair, Services and Parking Jackson WA 2003 2 Maple Trading Co Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson WA 2004 2 Alley Garth Ma Social Services Jackson WA 2003 2 Star Super Store General Merchandise Stores Jackson WA 1999 2 Mousetrap Inn Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places Jackson WA 2003 2 Ray Crivello Used Cars Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations Josephine WA 2003 2 Aranaway Farms Agricultural Services Josephine WA 1992 2 Kennedy M Co Inc Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Klamath WA 1998 2 Oregon National Sales Miscellaneous Retail Klamath WA 1991 2 Tenino Forestry Services Forestry Lake WA 2004 2 Younglife Membership Organizations Klamath AK 1992 1 Adams Kenneth Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine AL 2001 1 Patrcia Raquel Morgan Re Real Estate Jackson AZ 2003 1 Amj Enterprise Business Services Josephine AZ 2003 1 Wavetribe Productions Business Services Jackson CA 2004 1 Ballard Csb Ronald Personal Services Jackson CA 2004 1 First Choice Business Svcs Llc Business Services Jackson CA 2003 1 Lawrence Dewayne Trucking Motor Freight Transportation Jackson CA 2001 1 Latimer Design And Draftg Svcs Business Services Jackson CA 2004 1 Doyle John A Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA 2003 1 Braaten Painting Dave Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA 2003 1 Alive In Christ Ministries Membership Organizations Jackson CA 2003 1 Town Cryer Agricultural Services Jackson CA 2004 1 Earth Song Construction Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson CA 2004 1 Keith Boynton Rush I T Business Services Jackson CA 2003 1 Maybrook Apartments Real Estate Jackson CA 1994 1 Stans Tv Repair Miscellaneous Repair Services Jackson CA 1990 1 Joanne & Assoc Inc Personal Services Jackson CA 2004 1 Baker Js Electrical Inc Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson CA 1999 1 Four Eagles Garden Membership Organizations Jackson CA 2004 1 Silkworm Screen Printing Apparel, Finished Products from Fabrics & Similar Materials Jackson CA 1999 1 Y K Furniture Refinishing Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine CA 2003 1 Northland Industrial Equipment Business Services Josephine CA 2003 1 Edwards Carol Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA 2000 1 Powerline Exchange Transportation Equipment Josephine CA 1995 1 Applied Ozone Systems Miscellaneous Retail Josephine CA 1998 1 Dougan Robert Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties Klamath CA 2001 1 Oregon Air Transport Co Transportation by Air Klamath CA 1993 1 Jck Enterprises Personal Services Klamath CA 2003 1 Harper D L Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CO 2002 1 Aqua Fantasea Inc Miscellaneous Retail Jackson CO 2001 1 Tanner Kris Health Services Jackson CO 2002 1 Swanson Ken Construction Construction - Special Trade Contractors Klamath CO 2003 1


Pioneer Appraisal Services Inc Real Estate Jackson CT 2003 1 Level 2 Personal Services Jackson FL 2004 1 Everday Antiques Miscellaneous Retail Jackson FL 2003 1 Sleepy Hollow Indus Solutions Business Services Josephine FL 2004 1 Gregoris Tv & Electronics Repr Miscellaneous Repair Services Josephine FL 2004 1 Design Aid Business Services Josephine HI 2003 1 Shorland Softserve Business Services Jackson ID 2002 1 Willtran Inc Motor Freight Transportation Jackson ID 2003 1 Us Dry Bean Convention Membership Organizations Josephine ID 2002 1 Apple Creek Gifts Miscellaneous Retail Klamath ID 2004 1 Golden Rule Carpet Personal Services Jackson IN 2004 1 Bakke Don Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine IN 2002 1 Allan Design Group Business Services Jackson KS 2003 1 Sprout Dale Horseshoeing Tools Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery & Transportation Equipment Josephine LA 1990 1 J Sullivan Studios Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Klamath MT 2002 1 Equus Audio Inc Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson NC 2003 1 Piepers Westcoast Taxidermy Miscellaneous Repair Services Jackson NC 1991 1 Civil Construction Services Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Josephine NC 2003 1 Graphicspot Business Services Josephine NC 2004 1 G Valmont Thomas Educational Services Jackson NE 2004 1 Blank Martin J Food and Kindred Products Klamath NM 2003 1 Bedrock Land Clearing Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction - Contractors Jackson NV 2001 1 Aspen Spa Repair Miscellaneous Repair Services Jackson NV 2003 1 Kenny Hess Trucking Motor Freight Transportation Jackson NV 2003 1 Weidman Realtors Real Estate Jackson NV 2004 1 Vara Linda S Health Services Josephine NV 2003 1 Nucare Enterprises Business Services Josephine NV 2004 1 Robert L Chichester Jr Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties Klamath NV 2001 1 Gifts N Gadgets Galore Miscellaneous Retail Jackson OH 2003 1 Miller Inspection & Consulting Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Klamath OH 2004 1 Perry James Transportation Services Jackson RI 2003 1 Ansu Arabians Agricultural Services Josephine TN 2000 1 Kindred Spirit Design Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Jackson TX 2002 1 Irvin Insurance Agency Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Jackson TX 1991 1 J&B Electronics Sales Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores Jackson TX 2002 1 Apple Tree Eating and Drinking Places Jackson UT 1999 1 L W Larson Construct Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson WA 2002 1 Kohansby Richard J Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson WA 2002 1 Keller Communication Service Business Services Jackson WA 1999 1 Tudor Jon Painting Construction - Special Trade Contractors Jackson WA 2004 1 Can Do Construction & Handyman Building Construction - General Contractors & Operative Builders Jackson WA 2004 1 Newport Internet Mktg Corp Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs Jackson WA 2004 1 Morgan Verbatim Inc Business Services Jackson WA 2004 1 Erickson Group Ltd The Holding and Other Investment Offices Jackson WA 1992 1 Evans Christina Miscellaneous Retail Jackson WA 2000 1


Sherwood Productions Motion Pictures Jackson WA 1990 1 Trf Real Estate Corp Real Estate Jackson WA 1996 1 Cowan Enterprises Inc Real Estate Klamath WA 2002 1 Hillcrest Livestock Trnsp Inc Motor Freight Transportation Klamath WA 2001 1 Cascade Petroleum Service Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services Klamath WA 1992 1 Anderson Ronald Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods Jackson WI 2003 1 Runaway Publications Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries Jackson WI 2003 1 Pruett Craig Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties Jackson WY 2003 1

A Diamond Inc Realty Construction - Special Trade Contractors Josephine AZ 1994 Mochal Joseph A & Bernice Motor Freight Transportation Jackson WA 1991

Source: OECDD analysis using National Establishment Time Series database (Wall and Associates)