James: Hands-On Christianity…. James 2:1-13. No one can determine the heart of another from the...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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James: Hands-On Christianity….

James: Hands-On Christianity….

James 2:1-13James 2:1-13

No one can determine the

heart of another from the

outside. That’s why James

says in James 2:1-13,

that “prejudice” and

“partiality” are wrong!

James presents his case

against “prejudice” in a tightly constructed passage.

James presents his case

against “prejudice” in a tightly constructed passage.

First, James


a principlein verse 1.

“My brothers and sisters,

believers in our glorious

Lord Jesus Christ

must not show

favoritism.” [TNIV]

“My brothers and sisters,

believers in our glorious

Lord Jesus Christ

must not show

favoritism.” [TNIV]

James 2:1….James 2:1….

James’ point is that

faith in Christ and

“partiality” are incompatible.

The word “favoritism”used here comes from

2 words in the Greek which,

when put together means

“to receive by face.”

It’s the idea of judging others

solely on external face

values,such as clothes,

cars, or skin color.

It’s the idea of judging others

solely on external face

values,such as clothes,

cars, or skin color.

The Heavenly Father is nota respecter of persons.

The Heavenly Father is nota respecter of persons.

He judges the

heart,not outward


Following the statement

of his principle –James flashes out the issue

with a vivid illustration.

“Suppose someone comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes,

anda poor person in filthy old clothes also comes in.”


“Suppose someone comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes,

anda poor person in filthy old clothes also comes in.”


James 2:2….James 2:2….

“If you show special attention to the one wearing fine clothes and say, ‘Here's a good seat for you,’ but say to the one who is poor, ‘You stand there’ or ‘Sit

on the floor by my feet.’ ” [TNIV]

“If you show special attention to the one wearing fine clothes and say, ‘Here's a good seat for you,’ but say to the one who is poor, ‘You stand there’ or ‘Sit

on the floor by my feet.’ ” [TNIV]

James 2:3….James 2:3….

“Have you not

discriminated among

yourselves and become

judges with

evil thoughts?” [TNIV]

“Have you not

discriminated among

yourselves and become

judges with

evil thoughts?” [TNIV]

James 2:4….James 2:4….

2 things are clarifiedin this verse.

2 things are clarifiedin this verse.

What Was Done:

The usher “discriminated.”

What Was Done:

The usher “discriminated.”

We’re Told Why It Was Done:

“Because of evil motives.”

We’re Told Why It Was Done:

“Because of evil motives.”

James presents

3 reasons why

“PREJUDICE is wrong”

Prejudice Is

Inconsistent With

God’s Method

Prejudice Is

Inconsistent With

God’s Method

“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God

chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be

rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those

who love him?” [TNIV]

“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God

chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be

rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those

who love him?” [TNIV]

James 2:5….James 2:5….

“The great characteristic of

God is His complete


“James is not shutting the door on the rich – far from

that. He is saying that the gospel of Christ is

specially dear to the poor ….

goes on to explain….

…. and that in it there is a

welcome for the man who

has none to welcome him,

and that through it there is a

value set on the man whom

the world regards as


From God’s perspective,the real issue is the

condition of one’s soul.

God bases His

choices on the heart,not the wallet.

Prejudice Ignores

The Universality

Of Sin

Prejudice Ignores

The Universality

Of Sin

“6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are

exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones

who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you

belong?” [TNIV]

“6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are

exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones

who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you

belong?” [TNIV]

James 2:6-7….James 2:6-7….

Prejudice Is Sinful

Because It Is


With The Scripture.

Prejudice Is Sinful

Because It Is


With The Scripture.

“8 If you really keep the royal

law found in Scripture, ‘Love

your neighbor as yourself,’

you are doing right. 9 But if

you show favoritism, you sin


are convicted by the law

as lawbreakers.” [TNIV]

“8 If you really keep the royal

law found in Scripture, ‘Love

your neighbor as yourself,’

you are doing right. 9 But if

you show favoritism, you sin


are convicted by the law

as lawbreakers.” [TNIV]

James 2:8-9….James 2:8-9….

“… love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”


“… love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”


Leviticus 19:18….Leviticus 19:18….

“Anyone who sows

favoritism breaks the

supreme law of love for his

neighbor, the law that

comprehends all laws

governing one’s relationships

to one’s fellowmen.”

“Anyone who sows

favoritism breaks the

supreme law of love for his

neighbor, the law that

comprehends all laws

governing one’s relationships

to one’s fellowmen.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if all our relationships were guided by

the royal “Law of Love?”

Wouldn’t it be nice if all our relationships were guided by

the royal “Law of Love?”

But the fact is, we all have

certain built-in “prejudice”

that influence our reactions towards people.

“Prejudice” produce cliques,

gossip mongers, legalists, and

power-hungry groups in churches

who put enormous pressure

on others to conform

to their rules of behavior.

“10 For whoever keeps the

whole law and yet stumbles

at just one point is guilty of

breaking all of it. 11 For he

who said, ‘You shall not

commit adultery,’ also ….

“10 For whoever keeps the

whole law and yet stumbles

at just one point is guilty of

breaking all of it. 11 For he

who said, ‘You shall not

commit adultery,’ also ….

James 2:10-11….James 2:10-11….

…. said, ‘You shall not

murder.’ If you do not

commit adultery but do

commit murder, you have

become a lawbreaker.”[TNIV]

…. said, ‘You shall not

murder.’ If you do not

commit adultery but do

commit murder, you have

become a lawbreaker.”[TNIV]

James 2:10-11….James 2:10-11….

In verses 12-13 James brings

his thoughts on “prejudice” toa close with 3 basic principles

for us to apply.

“Speak and act

as those who are

going to be judged

by the law that

gives freedom.” [TNIV]

“Speak and act

as those who are

going to be judged

by the law that

gives freedom.” [TNIV]

James 2:12….James 2:12….

Allow God to CHANGE how

you think, speak, and act by

living according to His Word.

Allow God to CHANGE how

you think, speak, and act by

living according to His Word.

Before you respond to

someone, first think,

“How can I love this


Before you respond to

someone, first think,

“How can I love this


“Because judgment without

mercy will be shown to

anyone who has not been

merciful. Mercy triumphs over



“Because judgment without

mercy will be shown to

anyone who has not been

merciful. Mercy triumphs over



James 2:13….James 2:13….

How wouldyou respond?

If you suddenly discoveredthat your closest friend had a background like the woman atthe well or the apostle Paul?

How wouldyou respond?

If you suddenly discoveredthat your closest friend had a background like the woman atthe well or the apostle Paul?

Would it change your love? Would it change your love?