James Marcus Haney // Task 1

Post on 25-May-2015

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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: James Marcus Haney






6// Theme or focus of images 1// image 1 is from an English folk rock band called Mumford and Sons. The image is from their tour in 2012 in Canada I think, shot by photographer James Marcus Haney. This particular image is of the bands front man, Marcus Mumford playing the guitar on stage alongside his band mates, whilst laughing. This shot has a warm feel to the image as the colours are natural, just maybe enhanced a little to make it brighter as well as it being an action shot. The image looks like it was taken at a distance at eye level, obviously with the band playing onstage, the photographer would have been backstage, therefore it may also have been zoomed in a little to capture only Marcus Mumford in the moment. The photographer could’ve taken the shot a little bit zoomed out, just to capture his focus point’s surrounding’s to give the photo a little more of a good feeling to it. I like the focus on the image as it blurs out the background, leaving only Marcus Mumford and his fellow band mate (who’s left side is only in the image) in focus, therefore making him the centre of the photo. I think this image captures the band’s spirit perfectly as they are all about just having a good time, to which the singer is.

2// This image was taken at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado, US. It is of, again, the front man Marcus Mumford. Looking at the background which is of an empty theatre, it looks like a sound check before one of their concerts. The image features Marcus Mumford looking over his right shoulder whilst playing the guitar, suggesting he is in the middle of playing the guitar and that is it an action shot. The colours again, are warm and feel good colours with natural daylight as the theatre is outside. The editing has been done to give the image a vintage feel, which the band have a vintage feel to them. The image looks like it was at a mid distance due to the photo only going up to Marcus Mumford’s waist, and it looks like it was taken at a level that was lower than eye level, due to the theatre seating rising up in front of him. I don’t think the image was zoomed at all, but I do think that if the photographer stood a little further back, we would be able to see more of the theatre and its size. The background of the seating, is plain which makes Mumford the centre point of this image.

3// The 3rd image is, again of the band, Mumford and Sons, playing a gig in Canada, again on their 2012 tour. The image is of the band actually playing live to an audience, but this time, the image is taken from the audience’s point of view. Judging by the height of the crowd at the bottom of the picture, this image was taken at a higher level than eye view, to get a better look at the set on the

stage, with the members being on different levels. This, again, is an action shot of the band, which is quite popular within this photographer. The colours are black and white, which would’ve been done during editing. I think the black and white feel to it gives it a sense of what the atmosphere was like during that show, as in black and white, you can outline the lighting, the smoke, the outlines of the band and audience etc. than what you would be able to see if it was in colour. I think this picture wasn’t zoomed in as if it was, you wouldn’t be able to see the crowd or the whole stage, where as if it was zoomed in, you would only be able to see the stage and not the crowd.

4// the 4th image, it is unknown to me where the location is, but I know it was on their tour again in 2012. It is of the band again but this time what appears to be outside backstage, before a show judging by the light sky. The four band members are all stood in a circle , fist bumping each other to have a good show. In the background, there is a tree which suggest the show could’ve been outside that time, and there are coaches in the further background which suggests that they are their tour buses and that the tour is not in the UK. The shot appears to be have been taken from an eye level as the band members don’t appear to be smaller or taller than each other to the camera. If the image was zoomed in, we would only see the band members and not much of what they are doing, where as if it was zoomed out, we would see more of the background, which might indicate to where this particular show was at. The image has been edited to have a vintage effect, as mentioned before it mirrors the bands style.

5// This 5th image if of again, Mumford and Sons, but this time is it their banjoist, Winston Marshall on their 2012 tour. The banjoist is on stage, playing the banjo and what appears to be dancing whilst shouting/laughing, an action shot. The shot appears to have been taken at a distance with a slight zoom to focus solely on Winston Marshall, therefore blurring the background a bit to make him centre point, it also appears to have been taken at eye level as it (nearly) a full body shot. If the image was taken a little more zoomed in, we might only see Winston, and not the background, what appears to be backstage, but if the image was slightly zoomed out, we would be able to see more of the foreground, and what else is surrounding him. The image has been edited to be black and white, which I think makes the image better as it captures the moment of him performing better than if it were in colour, then the audience would focus more on the colours rather than Winston himself.

6// The 6th image is of Kwabs, a musician from London. The image was shot March 2014 for Atlantic Records. This image is a portrait shot of the musician facing forward to the camera but looking slightly to his right with his hands covering his mouth. The shot appears it has been taken at a close distance as the image stops at his waist, with no zoom. The image is mainly cool colours that have been enhanced to become warmer tones. If the image was zoomed a little, we would see his face and jacket in more detail, but if it was zoomed out, we would see more of his torso, with less detail. The background is a gradual tone of what appears to be a navy blue to an ocean blue, with a layer of smoke overlapping it and surrounding the artist. The image looks as if the colours have been enhanced to be brighter, such as his suit jacket and to make the smoke more visible.

Composition1// I think the photographer for this 1st image has stood a fair distance away to get this full body action shot of Marcus Mumford. I think if it was zoomed it we wouldn’t see as much of the background as we can now, but if it was zoomed out, we could see more of the background, getting a better sense of the atmosphere. I think the photographer hasn’t cropped this image at all as it shows the setting of the image. I think if this photo was edited to be black and white, we wouldn’t get a sense of the colours and we wouldn’t get as much of a happy vibe because of the way Marcus Mumford is laughing wouldn’t look right in black and white. I think this image is a great action shot of how Marcus Mumford feels performing.

2// I think the photographer for this 2nd image, has stood fairly close to Marcus Mumford as it ends at his hips, and isn’t a full body shot. I think if it was zoomed in, we wouldn’t see the background, and therefore not get a sense of the time of day, and most of the foreground would be of Marcus Mumford’s back. If the image was zoomed out, we would see more of the background and get a better sense of how big the theatre was, there is a similar picture of Marcus’ band mate called Ted Dwane in the same position, but facing the camera with a fish eye effect, therefore we can get a better view at the surroundings. I think shot is a great shot of before a concert, to get a feeling of how big they are as a band for how many people go to see them.

3// for this 3rd image, I think the photographer stood at a far distance, maybe at the back of the concert room. I think if it was zoomed in, we wouldn’t get a sense of the atmosphere and overall effect, where as if it was zoomed out, we would see more of the audience which we could then see their reaction to the band. I think this is one of the best shots from this photographer as it includes the whole band in their own worlds performing, and enjoying there selves.

4// For the 4th image, I think the photographer stood at a reasonable distance from the band, as it is nearly a full body shot of the two stood more in the background than the two stood more in the foreground. Zooming in, we wouldn’t be able to see the facial expressions of the band and what they are doing, where as if we zoomed out, we would be able to see their full bodies and a better sense of the background and where they are. I think the vintage effect works well because of their overall image as a band and the background colours, such as the tree, has a soft feel to it.

5// I think the photographer for the 5th image, was stood at a far distance as it could be a full body shot, with a little bit of a zoom, to get a clearer view of Winston’s facial expression. I think the zoom is perfect as it is, as too much and we wouldn’t see the backstage background, or too little and we wouldn’t be able to see Winston’s face and the enjoyment on it. I think the black and white effect works good, as mentioned before, it allows us a viewer to focus more on Winston himself, in the centre of the image rather than if it was in colour, we’d be looking more at the colours that surround him. I think it’s a great action shot of the banjoist overall.

6// I think the photographer for this 6th image, was stood fairly close to the musician as it’s a portrait shot from the waist upwards, with the viewer having detail on his face and jacket. I think there has been a little zoom, just towards his face, but too much zoom and we wouldn’t be able to see much of him, and we could question what we would be looking at exactly, but too little zoom, and we wouldn’t have the detail of his facial expression and his jacket. I think the editing has been done great as it enhances his skin tone and the colours surrounding him. I like this shot of Kwabs as everything matches each other.

Techniques used1// this first image, the shutter speed to me, would be a quick short one, as it quite a light image in itself, as well as it being an action shot, so the shutter speed would have to be to captured in time. With the depth of field, the background is of an audience, which is completely blurry, which makes Marcus Mumford, the singer and main focus of this shot, the main feature. Marcus Mumford is in the centre of this image. He isn’t quite in the foreground as his fellow bandmate Winston is more in the foreground than him. Marcus Mumford is in the middle of the background and the foreground, but with his positioning in the centre of the image, he automatically becomes the main image. If we apply 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, Marcus Mumford overlaps the central square and the other lines connecting each other, therefore he is main focus.

2// this 2nd image, the shutter speed I think would have been open a few seconds, as the bottom half of the image, is darker than the top so the camera would need to focus and get the right lighting for the bottom half as it is all natural lighting. With the depth of field, the background is of Red Rocks Amphitheatre, where the seating is for the crowd, the sky and the ‘red rocks’ there selves. The background isn’t out of focus at all, it has been edited to be darker so Marcus Mumford stands out more. If we apply the 3 X 3 grid on top of this, we would see that Marcus Mumford is central to the image, and wouldn’t really overlap to the sides. His head is central to the central square.

3// This 3rd image, I think would’ve had quicker shutter speed as it would’ve been capturing the lighting on stage, which would’ve changed along with the music, as well as it being an action shot. With the depth of field, the background is occupied by the band and the stage playing live. They aren’t out of focus but because the image has been edited to be black and white, its not clear where everybody Is and what they’re doing. In the foreground is the crowd, but only the very bottom of the image, they are noticeable by the light hitting them which is coming from the stage. If we apply the 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, the main focus would be the stage and where the main light is coming from, just to the right of the centre. Also in the centre of the image, would be the band member on stage clapping his hands, making the centre of the stage the main focus.

4// In this 4th image, I think the shutter speed would’ve been a quick exposure as in the image is natural lighting, which if the shutter was open longer, it could of resulted in being over exposed. As well as the image being an action shot of the band before a show. With depth of field, in the background are trees, hills, what I think are tour buses and a fence. It looks to be an American backdrop, suggesting this image was taken on their North American tour. In the foreground is the band there selves, all fist pumping each other before a show, they are in focus as they are the main point. If we apply a 3 X 3 grid on top of the image, in the centre square would be the band member whose face we can see properly, making himm focus point and what he’s doing focus point, which links to the other band members.

5// In this 5th image, I think the shutter speed would be a quick exposure, even though its edited in black and white, you can see where the light hits the background and main focus which is Winston Marshall. If it was shot in a longer exposure, I think the image would be overall over exposed and Winston him self would be blurry. With the depth of field, in the background is what appears to be backstage and the main stage such as the equipment for the band, the further back stage, the more unfocused the equipment looks, where as closer to the foreground we come, towards Winston, the more in focus the equipment becomes because it closer to Winston himself, who is the main focus. If we lay down a 3 X 3 grid on top of the image, Winston would overlap the conjoining lines on the grid, as well as occupying the central square, which makes him the main focus being on central point.

6// With this 6th image, I think the shutter speed is a long exposure as the image appears to have been digitally manipulated to be lighter than it could’ve originally been taken. With the depth of field, in the background is just a plain background that appears to have been edited to be Smokey and or coloured to be gradually blue. In the foreground is the singer himself, posing. He takes up most of the frame which would automatically make him the main focus. If we lay a 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, in the central square would be from his nose to his hands, making his pose the main focus as his hands cover the bottom of his face.

Strengths & Weaknesses1// Two strengths about this picture for me include I like the action shot vibe, I like how the photographer caught Marcus Mumford, in a true happiness moment. I also like the positioning of Marcus, how the photographer has got in him in the centre. Two weakness for me, would be not being able to see more of the background, I would like to of seen it with a wider angle, and the second would be having Marcus’ band mate a little more to the left, out of the frame, by maybe the photographer moving to his right a little bit more. I would this image as inspiration for my own work by using the theme of an action shot.

2// Two strengths for this image for me, would be the angle of the shot, I like how low down the shot is which allows us to see what Marcus Mumford sees. The second would be the pose of Marcus himself, it’s a casual action shot. Two weakness for me would be, again, not being able to see more of the surroundings to the sides of Marcus, and not being a full body shot. I would use this image as

inspiration for my own work by the colours of the image, the vintage effect.

3// Two strengths for this 3rd image for me would be, the positioning of the camera, the wide shot of the stage and the whole band, also the black and white effect as I think it perfectly outlines the band and the audience and lights etc. Two weakness for me would be not being to see as much of the audience as you can now, and not much of the right side of the stage, where the lights are lit up as much. I would this image as inspiration by using the black and white editing.

4// Two strengths for this 4th image would have to include the closeness of the band in the picture, the image perfectly conveys the fact that they are all good friends in real life as well as in front of a camera, and the vintage feel of the image. Two weakness’ would include not being able to see more of the surroundings to give us an idea of where they are, and not being able to see much facial expressions of he band. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using the closeness’ of the band as inspiration for my own models to use.

5// Two strengths for this 5th image would include the quick shutter lense speed to be able to capture this performing moment of Winston, and the black and white effect, as mentioned before. Two weakness’ for me would be the equipment behind Winston to be blurred and not focused, and for the image to be slightly wider to the sides to get a sense of the audience. I would like to use this image as inspiration for my own work by trying to capture the moments at a fast pace.

6// Two strengths for this 6th image would be the colours. I like the mix and brightness of the colours in the background, also I like the smoke and how it blends everything together. Two weakness’ would be not being able to see more of his torso, and him not having a prop such as cigarette or such in his hand, which would fit with the smoke theme. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using smoke or such as a main focus point.