Jamestown Settlement

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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The New World

Some Reasons for Exploration

Build Empires

Sea Route


We found new land. Now what?

What could the countries from Europe do to keep the land that was claimed for them?

Hear Ye, Hear Ye,

Her majesty, Elizabeth I, Queen of England, has appointed you to establish a colony in the New World. Decide what you need to do to make your mission successful.

Roanoke Island

• England’s first attempt at a settlement• Sir Walter Raleigh

Roanoke Island

• John White

• Read page 156 to find out more

Meanwhile, back in Europe…

Spain vs. England

…and the winner is

Sir Francis Drake

Back to the colony…

• King James I of England• Virginia Company of London• Charter—a document that permitted colonists

to settle on land claimed by their ruler.• Colony called Virginia• Jamestown– the first permanent English


Jamestown Settlement

“A very fit place for erecting a city.”

John Smith

Land was low and swampyAir filled with mosquitoes carrying diseasesRiver water was not healthy to drink

Gold, Gold, Gold

• Many settlers were so focused on finding gold that they didn’t plan for harsh winters.

“He that will not work, shall not eat.”

John Smith

Chief Powhatan• John Smith began trading with

Chief Powhatan of the Powhatan People.

• Corn helped keep the people alive.

• John Smith had people dig wells for fresh water and build homes for shelter.

• Chief Powhatan’s daughter was Pocahontas.

John Rolfe

• Married Pocahontas and found a way for the colonies to make money!

• Marrying Pocahontas helped keep peace between the English and Native Americans.

Cash Crop


We need more people!

• Since there was now a large demand for tobacco and other crops, the colonists needed more people to work on the farms.

• Indentured Servants were used to do the work. They agreed to work for someone for a certain period of time and then they would be able to buy their own land when they were finished being servants.

The House of Burgesses

• The Virginia Company wanted more people from England to come live in the colony.

• They established the “House of Burgesses,” which would allow the people of the colony to make their own laws.

• This is how the tradition of “self-government” in the English colonies began!

Jamestown was on its way to become a great settlement!