Jan-Mar 2012 Franciscan 4 No 2 - April-May...full Easter service without hurrying. ... William...

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Portland, Oregon The Franciscan | 1

The Franciscan The mission of St. Francis Anglican Church is to

uphold and make known the Faith delivered once for all to the Saints, Catholic and Apostolic in the Anglican Tradition

Volume IV Number II April-May-June 2012 Portland, Oregon

Palm Sunday Just inside the door of the Latvian Center on Palm Sunday

April 1st, Fr. Costanzo blessed and distributed palms, after

which the congregation processed into the Chapel singing Hymn

62, All glory, laud, and honor to the tune of St. Theodulph. After

Fr. Costanzo changed from a purple chasuble into a red chasu-

ble, the Mass began.

Easter Sunday This year we were able to use the Latvian Center Chapel at

time previously used by the Estonians, for they had their Easter

celebration on Palm Sunday. Having the service begin at 11

o’clock with no one following gave us the opportunity to have a

full Easter service without hurrying.

Because we are unable to celebrate an Easter Vigil, we began

the Sunday service in the narthex with that part of the Vigil

where the priest strikes a new fire which is then used to light the

newly blessed Pascal Candle. Then Deacon George Charlan,

our Parish Deacon, carried the Pascal Candle in procession into

the Chapel while “The Light of Christ, Thanks be to God” was

chanted three times, each time at a

higher pitch. When the candle has

been placed in it’s stand, our cantor,

Margret Schuster, chanted the Ex-

(Continued on page 2)

Michael Nolan and Joe Mock in the

Palm Sunday procession (with apolo-

gies to Joe for catching him in a “blink

of the eye.”)

Above, Deacon Charlan, Fr. Costanzo, Mr. Smith and Mr. Walther during

the chanting of the Exultet. At the right, Fr. Costanzo is shown lighting the

Pascal Candle during the ceremony in the narthex.

2 | The Franciscan Saint Francis Anglican Church

April Birthdays Fr. Chad Hart, III 11

Leann Nolan 12

Miranda Rake 30

April Anniversaries Rev. George Charlan,

Ordained Deacon 25

May Birthdays Gil Miller 17

May Anniversaries Fr. & Mrs. Michael Costanzo 19

Tom and Margot Wilson 31

June Birthdays Michael Nolan 3

Arlene Perry 18

Madge Tilsley 21

Sheila Walther 23

June Anniversaries Michael & Leann Nolan 11

Joseph & Sharon Mock 19

Fr. and Mrs. Kent Haley 23

July Birthdays Bill Schuster 13

July Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith 23

August Birthdays Yuri Imamura Rake 4

Margaret Sang 19

Steve Smith 27

August Anniversaries Bill & Margaret Schuster 13

September Birthdays Ray Curry 1

Douglas Rake 1

Naomi Ohlson 8

Shalom Marie Ohlson 11

Betty Ann Smith 16

Ruth McRae 17

John Walther 24

Sarah Nolan 27

September Anniversaries Ray & Cody Curry 5

Gil & Peggy Miller 10

David & Betty Ann Smith 12

Rev. Chad Hart, III, Ord. Deacon 18

ultet. As it was sung, the clergy and server were gathered around

the candle facing the augmented St. Francis choir made up of Bill

Schuster, Music Director and Organist, Andis Garuts, Anna Schus-

ter, Arlene Perry, Catherine Schuster, Cecelia Schuster, David Sim-

mons, Elizabeth Schuster, John Robert Schuster, Margaret Schuster,

Margot Wilson, Michael Schuster, Robert Kohl, Sharon Mock, Sheila

Mulbry, Tom Wilson and William J. Schuster. The Easter Mass followed.

The Music

The Service Music was Healey Willan’s Second Communion Ser-

vice augmented by the plainsong Gloria and Lord’s Prayer from the

Fourth Communion Service of Wilfred Douglas.

The Choir chanted the minor-propers and sang Come and See

Where Jesus Lay by Robert L. Kreutz for the Communion Anthem.

They closed the Mass with an energetic performance of the Hallelu-

jah chorus from George Frideric Handel’s Messiah.

The hymns sung by all present were Jesus Christ is Risen Today

(Easter Tune), Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (St. Kevin) and He

is Risen (Neander).

We applaud everyone’s effort in making this one of the best

Easter celebrations we have had. Bravo and Brava!

(Continued from page 1)

Portland, Oregon The Franciscan | 3

Around the Parish

Deacon George Charlan celebrated the 17th anniversary of his

ordination to the Deaconate on April 25th. In the picture at the left,

Fr. Costanzo blesses Deacon Charlan at the April 29th Mass ex-

plaining that too much went on during the Episcopal Visitation on

April 22nd to properly acknowledge the anniversary then.

During these 17 years Deacon Charlan has served as the

Chaplain to Bishop Robin B. Connors both when he was the Ordi-

nary of the Diocese of the West and then Rector of St. Marks, Port-

land. When Bishop Connors left St. Mark, George continued serve

the Bishop when he was in charge of the church peculiar set up by

the Primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion, Archbishop

John Hepworth. When Bishop Connors made his final retirement,

Deacon Charlan continued as an assistant deacon to Deacon and

then Father Daniel Squires and now to our Rector Michael Cos-


Deacon Charlan arrives an hour early every Sunday or Holy

Day to set up the altar, kneelers, table and worship material be-

fore any of us arrive. Then during Mass he celebrates the larger

Deacon’s role that Fr. Costanzo has established.

George has also contributed some of the worship items that

are in use at St. Francis; when we need some special liturgical fur-

niture or embellishment, George is often able to supply this from

his own personal “warehouse.”

We are grateful for his faithful service and particularly happy

to extend our best wishes to him on this special occasion.

William Schuster, Bill Schuster’s number one son, is complet-

ing high school this spring and will begin his Army training in Ju-

ly. Bill’s eldest daughter, Catherine, is graduating from the Uni-

versity of Portland with a degree in Mathematics. She will be at

home during the summer and holding down a part-time job until

she decides what to do next.

Gil and Peggy Miller continue their European travels. They

hosted their grandchildren to a special spring break with a vaca-

tion trip to France. They will be visiting northern Europe, includ-

ing Latvia and Estonia, as well as cities in Sweden, Finland and

Russia later this year.

Fr. Costanzo, Gil Miller, Arlene Perry and David Smith will

travel to Irvine, California, for the meeting of the DOW Standing

Committee and Synod and Deacon George Charlan and Rob

Perry will join them for the Synod which begins in the afternoon of

May 24th. Following that Rob and Arlene will spend a week in

Ashland at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Oregon Caberet.

William Catherine

Deacon George Charlan

Gil Miller receiving birthday blessing.

4 | The Franciscan Saint Francis Anglican Church

Sharon Mock spent Mother’s Day with her mother and her

sister’s in California and Joe has continued training their new

dog. Joe says the dog is moving out of the rambunctious pup-

py stage into the adolescent stage and is becoming better

behaved. Congratulations, Joe.

Sheila Walther and Margot Wilson are recovering from sur-

geries which included hospital stays. Tom Wilson has been

fighting an ear infection and recently has been attending clas-

ses on the safe operation of a motorcycle.

Tim and Naomi Ohlson are expecting their third child in

August, but unlike today’s common practice, they have cho-

sen to prolong their suspense by waiting until it is born to dis-

cover the baby’s sex. Ranatha has announced that she is almost six being five and a half. Tait told mom that he

wanted to be older and taller than his sister Ranatha but later realized that while he might be taller he will not ev-

er be older. Naomi has laid in a garden and Tim has published pictures of its early development on Facebook.

The Episcopal Visit

Mr. Timothy Ohlson, Bishop Stephen Strawn, Fr. Michael Costanzo and Deacon George Charlan.

On Good Shepherd’s Sunday, April 22, the Second Sunday after Easter, The Right Reverend Ste-

phen Duane Strawn, Ordinary of the Missouri Valley and the Episcopal Visitor to the Diocese of the

West in the absence of an Ordinary, visited St. Francis to perform the Canonical Visitation (required

once every three years), Induct and Institute The Very Reverend Michael Allen Costanzo as Rector

and to set aside Mr. Timothy Eric Ohlson as a sub-Deacon. Our choir was augmented by Bill Schuster

on the Organ, his daughter Cecelia, Jocelyn Thomas and Andis Garuts. See additional pictures on the

next page.

Portland, Oregon The Franciscan | 5

Bishop Stephen Strawn, the Episcopal Visitor to the DOW, with

his Chaplin, Deacon George Charlan, is received by the Priest-

in-Charge, Fr. Michael Costanzo, soon to be instituted Rector.

The Senior Warden, Peggy Miller, and the Junior Warden, Thom-

as Wilson (hidden) present Fr. Michael Costanzo to the Bishop

for induction and institution as Rector of St. Francis.

Mr. Timothy, having been admitted to the office of sub-Deacon, is shown here bestowed with the Altar Missal which he is to read

and study. He was also bestowed with amice, maniple and tunic (the sub-deacon’s apparel) and the chalice with purificator and

paten. As sub-deacon, Tim is now authorized to administer the chalice during communion.

6 | The Franciscan Saint Francis Anglican Church

The Franciscan

The Franciscan is the periodic newslet-

ter of the Parish of Saint Francis in Port-

land, Oregon. It is distributed by elec-

tronic mail and a version is also made

available on the Church web site.


Sunday: Mass at 9 am

Other times as announced.


Latvian Center Chapel

5500 SW Dosch Road

Portland, Oregon 97239-1151


Official correspondence to:

St. Francis Anglican Church

9 SW 68th Ave

Portland, OR 97225-6176


The Rev. Michael A. Costanzo

19029 Dallas St

Oregon City, OR 97045-7596

(503) 656-4528 (residence)



The Rev. Mr. George Charlan

(503) 775-5435



Peggy Miller, Senior Warden

Tom Wilson, Junior Warden

Michael Nolan, Treasurer

Sheila Walther, Vestry Member


Arlene Perry, Secretary

David Smith, Parish Attorney

Staff are non-voting

Internet Web Stie


Facebook Name

St. Francis Anglican Parish

The Rt. Rev. Stephen D. Strawn

Episcopal Visitor

3728 Payson Road

Quincy IL 62305-6504

Phone: (217) 222-3241

E-Mail: sdsaca@aol.com

Diocese of

the West



