January 19th

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Teacher Christian P. Hernandez

Saturday January 19th

What´s this?What color is it?

Fill with a or an.

1) Lucy has ___ dog.

2) Let's sing ___ song.

3) Emily needs ___ new desk in her room.

4) I need ___ blue pen.

5) Ben has ___ old bike.

6) Peter has ___ aunt in Berlin.

7) We listen to ___ English CD.

8) She has ___ eraser in her school bag.

9) The speed of this car was 160 miles ___ hour.

10) They finished ___ unit.

Personal PronounsEnglish

I Yo

You Tu, Ud, Ustedes.

He El

She Ella

It El, Ella, Eso,

We Nosotros (as)

They Ellos (as)

Personal PronounsSingular Plural

I You

You (Tú, Ud) We

He They



Complete with the correct personal pronoun. This is John, Sue and Jack, ___ are my friends. This is Rebecca, ____ is a teacher. My name is Bill. ___ am a student. This is Joe. ___ is a doctor. This is me and Jessica. ___ are in Mazatlan. Pluto is my pet. ___ is a dog.

Personal Pronouns and the Verb «BE»

Pronoun Verb BE form

I Am

You Are

He Is

She Is

It Is

We Are

They Are

The verb «BE» has three forms: am, is and are.

Am only goes with the pronoun I and is singular.Is only goes with the pronouns He, She and It and is singular.Are only goes with the pronouns You, We and They and is plural.

Complete the pronoun with the correct form of the verb «BE» I ___ You ___ He ___ She ___ It ___ We ___ They ___

My name ´s_ Christian. I ´m_ thirty two years old. This is my shirt, It´s_ white and orange. These are my pants. They´re blue.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A: Hello. I´m Pedro. What´s your name? B: My name´s Carlos. A: How do you spell that? B: C-A-R-L-O-S. And how do you spell your name? A: P-E-D-R-O. B: How old are you Pedro? A: I´m nineteen years old. And you? B: I´m twenty years old.

What´s your mother´s name? What´s your father´s name? What´s your sister´s name? What´s your brother´s name?

Nurse Hairdresser




Track 16

Can I help you?

How old are you?

What´s your job?

Let´s hurry!

The Verb «BE»Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I´m I´m not Am I?

You ´re You aren´t Are you?

He´s He isn´t Is he?




They´re They aren´t Are they?








The Verb «BE»Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I´m a doctor. I´m not a dentist. Am I a doctor?

You´re a student. You aren´t a teacher. Are you a student?

He´s a mailman. He isn´t a police officer.

Is he a mailman?

She´s a nurse. She isn´t a doctor. Is she a nurse?

It´s a cat. It isn´t a doctor. Is it a cat?

We´re students. We aren´t teachers. Are we students.

They´re pilots. They aren´t receptionists.

Are they pilots?

I I ____ I ______________?

You You ____ you ____________?

He He ____ he _____________?

She She ____ she ____________?

It It ____ it _____________?

We We ____ we ____________?

They They ____ they ___________?

Angelina Jolie is American.  ____________French. 

Brad Pitt is American. ______________ German. 

Brad and Angelina aren't French.  __________American. 

My friend and I are university students. ___________primary school students.

The Statue of Liberty is in New York. __________in Washington.

 _______ you the new student? Yes, I _______  . 

Leila and Nancy _______ students. 

Nancy _____ Australian . 

My sister and I_____  students. The girls ______ tired. These women _______ beautiful. The tea ______ delicious. Nadia and Leila ______ friends. The newspaper ____ El Debate.

Is Sylvester Stallone French? No, ___________French.

Is Robert de Niro an American actor? Yes _________. 

Are New York and Los Angeles Mexican Cities? No, ____________ Mexican cities. 

Is Chichen Itza in Paris? No, _________in Paris.

Is Macchu Piccu in Africa? No, ___________in Africa.

There is / There are «There is» means «Hay» in Spanish and is used with

singular objects. E.g: There is a Walmart supermarket in Guasave. There is a McDonald´s in Guasave. ________ __ Burguer King in Guasave. ________ __ Autozone in Guasave

«There are» also means «Hay» in Spanish and is used with plural objects. E.g:

There are three Ley supermarkets in Guasave. There are two Cobaes in Guasave. ________ two Banamex banks in Guasave. ________ two Santander banks in Guasave.

There isn´t / There aren´t «There isn´t» means «no hay» in Spanish and is used

with singular objects. E.g: There isn´t a Soriana supermarket in Guasave. There isn´t a Sam´s Club supermarkert in Guasave. ___________ __ Cinepolis movie theater in Guasave. ___________ __ «Angeles» private hospital in Guasave.

«There aren´t» also means «no hay» in Spanish and is used with plural objects.

There aren´t any elegant restaurants in Guasave. There aren´t any Penguins in the North Pole. __________ ___ apple trees in Guasave. __________ ___ peach trees in Guasave.

Is there….? / Are there……? «Is there….?» means «¿Hay?» in Spanish and is used in

questions regarding singular objects. E.g: Is there a Walmart in Guasave? Yes, there is. Is there a Cinepolis in Guasave? No, there isn´t. Is there a Burguer King in Guasave? ____________. Is there a Sam´s club supermarket in Guasave? ________

«Are there any…?» also means «¿Hay?» in Spanish and is used in questions regarding plural objects. E.g:

Are there any Cobaes schools in Guasave? Yes, there are. Are there any elegant restaurants in Gsve? No, there aren´t. Are there any Banamex banks in Gsve? ____________________. Are there any penguins in the North Pole? __________________.

Pronunciation /s/ and /sh/Word /s/ /sh/













1.- Which are the parts of our house? Write in your notebook.

2.- Where do you sleep?

3.- Where do you eat lunch or dinner?

4.- Where can you cook?

5.- Where can you have a shower or a bath?

6.- Name some things you can see in your bedroom and in your dining room?

7.- Name some things you can see in your kitchen and in your bathroom?


10.- Which is the most important room for you in your house? Why?

The Verb HAVE

Singular Plural Singular Plural

I have You have I don´t have You don´t have

He has We have He doesn´t have We don´t have

She has They have She doesn´t have They don´t have

It has It doesn´t have

Affirmative Negative

I They I They

You I You I

He You He You

She She She She

It It It It

We We We We

They I They I


Do I have……..?

Do you have…..?

Does he have…..?

Does she have….?

Does it have……?

Do we have…….?

Do they have……?

Interrogative form of HAVE

____ I _______? Yes I do. / No, I don´t

____ you _______? Yes you do. / No you don´t.

____ he _______? Yes he does. / No, he doesn´t.

____ she _______? Yes she does. / No, she doesn´t.

____ it _______? Yes it does. / No, it doesn´t.

____ we _______? Yes we do. / No we don´t.

____ they _______? Yes they do. / No they don´t.

1. We _______ a new English teacher. I hope she's nice.

2. My boss _______ such a bad temper. 3. I never _______ breakfast in the morning

because I'm never hungry. 4. The houses all _______ blue windows. 5. An elephant _______ four legs and a big

trunk. 6. Many poor people _______ no money to

spend. 7. The child _______ red hair and very white

skin. 8. The woman _______ three children.

Stephanie _________ to swim on Friday.

I __________ to finish my English homework.

My car __________ engine problems.

We _________ to be more responsible.

The soccer team _________ advanced to the championship game. My parrot _________ a habit of making noise.

The storm ________ affected the weather in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

I __________ taken the exam for admission to law school.

Stephanie and Sebastian _________ no relatives in New Zealand.

You _________ one week to prepare the report for the company presentation.

a person/people: …‘s or …s‘:   Mary’s sister, the men’s suits, my friends’ cars, Susie's ice

cream     Things: the … of …:   the color of my bike , the number of the worksheet     Animals, towns and countries: either: ...'s/...s' or: the ...

of ...:   New York’s taxis – the taxis of New York;  the lion’s teeth – the teeth of the lion; Germany’s big cities – the big cities of Germany

1. New York – museums:  2. our neighbors – dog: 3. Bob – hair: 4. Ronnie – schoolbag: 5. week – days: 6. room – corner: 7. children – feet: 8. a baby – skin: 9. the girls – bikes: 10. flower – color: 11. shoes – size: 12. our cat – eyes: 13. tiger – teeth: 14. Canada – big cities: 15. Vienna – beautiful buildings: 16. desks – color: 17. Shakespeare – dramas: 18. my friends – rooms: 19. house – number: 20. bed – price: 21. my parents - friends:

Hello! My name´s Amy. I´m thirty-two years old. My

mom´s name is Hilda and my father´s name is Gibran. My brother Jesus is twenty-seven years old. My pet dog, Osita, is white. She is four years old. That´s all about me, now tell me about you!

Your new friend, Amy.

Dear Sheila: I want to tell you about my house. It´s on a

noisy street, it´s small, it has only one floor. There is a tiny living room, a small bathroom a regular size kitchen and a big bedroom. I love my bedrooom. I have a big TV, a DVD and a home theater where I watch my favorite movies. It´s a nice house, come visit me soon!

Love, Bob.