January 28th bulletin

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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church update


Sabbath School

The God of

Grace and

Judgment Ecclesiastes 12:14

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Jack Polihronov

Musician: Praise Leader:

Next Week: Super: Pastor Alex Golovenko

Worship Hour

Song and Praise……………………………………………….Edwin & Faith

Hymn of Praise….……………No.198……………………And Can It Be

Intercessory Prayer………………………………………..Aroldo Anniehs

Praying for Missing Members, Students writing Exams Next Week Praying for Revival & Reformation - Humility, Unity in families

Offering Appeal………..Religious Liberty………..Jack Polihronov Next Week……….Church Budget

Children Story……………………………………………………………Puppets

Special Music…………………………Mario Carcamo /Mario Simoes

Scripture Reading………1 John 5:11-13………..Cameron Munro

"God is on our side" George Perez

Song of Commitment…………..No.485……………I Must Tell Jesus

Benediction...............................................................Mike Keim

Sunset this Sabbath 5:32 pm Next week 5:40 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: bekorben@gmail.com

Announcements Today

1. SECOND Reading: Ritchi & Asi Pandaleke by Profession of Faith joining our fellowship.

2. First general church potluck of the new year Today Sabbath January 28th. Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Feel free to bring additional items from any category.

A-C Salad/Raw vegetables, D-F Bread/Bun, G-I Main course/Casserole, J-M Cooked vegetable/Soup, N-R Dessert/ Fruit, S-Z Drink/Juice.


3. Table Tennis at the church on Sunday January 29th 1-3 PM and meeting every two weeks. Players of all skill levels are welcomed and basic instruction will be provided. If you are interested, please talk to Ajit Gaikwad or Don Topper.

Later Events

4. Sabbath School Adult teachers monthly study group! Bring your lunch on February 4 as we will stay after church to discuss lessons ##6-9 in your quarterlies. It is our desire to be in unity on doctrinal teachings in our Bible Classes. 8 Adult Classes currently exist in our church with over 20 teachers facilitating the learning experience.

5. Saturday, February 4th at 6:30 P.M. All the church family is invited for a celebration dinner at our church with the Eccles family as they rejoice in their two young daughters (Renice and Renecia) being granted Canadian citizenship. Please sign up on the circulating clipboard if you are interested so we know how many people to prepare for, or talk to Don Topper

6. NOW EVERYONE CAN DO GOOD JUST BY EATING SOME GREAT FOOD - MEXICAN FOOD! What: Fund Raising to benefit LACA When: Saturday, February 4, 2012 Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm Place: London SDA Hispanic church (gym) at 649 King St. off Adelaide Menu: Mexican Pozole and Authentic Mexican Tacos This is an exciting and enjoyable way to support LACA School, let's make it a fiesta! Go to www.amigos-adventistas.ca for more information or contact George at 519-913-2279

7. Men’s ministry’s next meeting is February 5th at 8:30 AM. We will get into the new book A Place For Us Guys. Very interesting book, I hope everyone is finding time to start reading this book.

8. On February 11 we invite you to the

Church School Vespers and Dinner

starting at 6 pm. Lisa Clarke, teaching

principal of the Grandview Adventist

Academy in Hamilton is the speaker.

Parents association is preparing the

Dinner for all supporters of Christian Education.

9. Ontario Conference President Mansfield Edwards will host a meeting on Strategy and growth for the Western district at our church on Sunday, February 12 at 9:30 am. Lunch will be provided at noon. All leaders and members of church board are invited to attend this meeting. It is vital that we be clear regarding the intended direction of our Conference and the goals we are working towards.


10.2012 Budget was voted by the Business meeting last Sabbath, making a commitment to give $45,500 to the local church ministries and operations costs. That makes it $875 per week. Please mark your donations “Budget.” Copies of the new Budget are available.

11.Inviting ALL to our mid-week church service. Starting in the New Year we will have the second church service weekly on Wednesday nights at 7 pm. Pastor Alex Golovenko will lead with a series of sermons on “Fruit of the Spirit – the Love.” The mid-week service will give more opportunities to elders and deacons to develop their preaching gifts. A sign-up sheet for preaching opportunities is available at the front bulletin board.

12.By your request! Prophecy Seminar DVD set is available for $15 at AV booth. Make your donations addressed to “Evangelism.” 7 presentations by pastor Golovenko are recorded on 3 DVDs, presenting the Big Picture of Biblical Prophecies and connecting Daniel and Revelation.

13.Security concerns should be the purview of all members. If you open a room you are responsible for its security. Please ensure that rooms, especially the sanctuary, are locked, with external doors checked, if you are the last to leave. Suspicious behavior should be reported.

14.Doris Van Leeuwen is looking to have VBS this year. Whoever is interested in volunteering should please speak to Doris you can contact her @ (519)-452-7073

Happy Birthdays Jan 28 Michael Golovenko Feb 7 Alex Golovenko Jan 31 Rita Topper Feb 8 Paula Ferreira-Gaspar

Feb 3 Moses Onyango Feb 8 Sarah Isaac

Feb 7 Jenny Carreiro Feb 10 Dawn Antone

Praying for the World Project

Germany, Grenada, Gibraltar & Greenland Today we are starting 4 days prayer for Germany, the most densely

populated European country, with the highest population in Europe – 83 million people. The home of Protestant Lutheran Reformation today the country struggles to preserve its Christian heritage with influx of Muslim and Buddhist immigrants. Its recent history of secular humanism, Nazi tyranny, socialism & communism, military conflicts had caused mass exodus from organized Christianity, especially after World War II, since 1945, and alienation of people. Country is experiencing extreme individualism and lack of connectivity among generations. The new immigrants do not integrate well and are kept in segregated groups making it more difficult for Christian witness and evangelism. Special need is the evangelization of East Germany which endured four decades of Communism and atheism. Currently Germany is the leading economic power in European Union. Pray that nations wealth would be a tool for Christian advance and would benefit people in need of social justice.

A special emphasis of prayer is requested for the Ashkenazi Jews. The memory of holocaust cannot be erased. Their

On Wednesday we will pray for Grenada, an island country where 10% of population are Seventh-day Adventists. With a population of 110 thousand there are 46 Adventist churches present. Earlier French legacy still has the Catholic church as a dominant but nominal influence. The survey of Christian churches reveals the most urgent need for prayer is to reverse moral and family decline as sexual promiscuity and teen pregnancies are widespread; around 45% of households are led by women, with men absent.

Thursday we lift in prayer Gibraltar, a small strategically placed rocky peninsula on the south coast of Spain of 6 square kilometers only with 30 thousand population and small groups of 7 Adventists. The main prayer request is for Muslims working in or visiting Gibraltar who are very open to receive Christian material and to hear about Jesus. Pray that this opportunity might be utilized sensitively but decisively.

On Friday we pray for Greenland, the world’s largest island and with the lowest population density of any country, as 85% is covered by ice cap. Formerly Catholic the population is under influence of Danish Lutheran Church, and evangelical influence is very recent. There is no Adventist presence there at all, and no mission yet.

As you are praying weekly, daily for all nations, I trust your awareness of how large the harvest is grows too. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

In service of the Great Shepherd, pastor Alex Golovenko