January Flame

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This is the newsletter for the temple. It contains articles by our Rabbi, Cantor, Temple President, Religious School Director, Executive Director and many more informative aritcle. The FLAME also includes our calendar of events.


1434 N. Altadena Drive • Pasadena, CA 91107 http://www.pjtc.net

19 Tevet - 20 Shevat 5773January 2013

ServicesMinyan Services are held every Sunday in Knell Chapel, beginning at 9:00 AM

( 6 2 6 ) 7 9 8 - 1 1 6 1

Shabbat Shirah -- The Shabbat of SongJanuary 4/5 Parashat: ShemotTot Shabbat Service 6:45 PM Knell ChapelFri. Service 7:30 PM Galpert Sanctuary

Oneg hosted by Sisterhood

Sat. Service 9:00 AM Knell ChapelKiddush hosted by Josette and Paul Bellan

in honor of their son Norbert’s birthdayJanuary 11/12 Parashat: VaeraFamily Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Galpert SanctuaryOneg hosted by Joan and Jerry Halpert in

honor of their anniversary

Sat. Service 9:00 AM Knell ChapelKiddush hosted by Shabbes Minyan Group

January 18/19 Parashat: BoFri. Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Galpert Sanctuary

Annabella Tornek Bat MitzvahSat. Service 9:00 AM Galpert Sanctuary

Oneg and Kiddush hosted by Carmela Argueta and Joshua Tornek

January 25/26 Parashait: VayigashFri. Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Galpert Sanctuary

Rebecca Cohen Bat MitzvahSat. Service 9:00 AM Galpert Sanctuary

Oneg and Kiddush hosted by Paris and Joshua Cohen

February 1/2 Parashat: YitroKita Dalet class will lead services

Fri. Shabbat Services 7:30 PM Galpert Sanctuary

Oneg hosted by Kita Dalet parents

Sat. Service 9:00 AM Knell ChapelKiddush hosted by Shabbes Minyan Group

Cantor Ruth Berman Harris

Save the DateSaturday, January 26, 2013

Don't forget to RSVP for the concert

As we start to prepare for this wonderful Shabbat, I cannot help but recall last year’s celebration. We had a vision: Shabbat Shirah was going to be different, something we had not done before! A time to gather as a community, with family and friends, and enjoy the wonderful richness of our Jewish musical heritage. We put the Shabbat Shirah Concert together in a month and it became a great and successful experience!

I once heard from a wonderful rabbi, “Music is often the key that can unlock our memory -- the melody plays and our minds travel back.” This may not have been central in the minds and spirits of Moses, Miriam, and the Children of Israel as they spontaneously broke into song. Yet their song brings us back each year, to that phenomenal moment, and enables us to experience the event with stronger passion and excitement.

So here we go! This year we are dreaming big, the sky is our limit! We are counting on YOU to recreate

that fabulous experience every year.

The people of Israel broke out in song so many thousands of years ago, and the power of that song is even stronger today. Opportunities like these enable us to reaffirm our connection to our music, to our

community and to have fun!Please join us on Saturday night,

January 26, 2013 at 7:30 PM for the Second Annual Shabbat Shirah Concert. I invite everyone to share Havdallah in Galpert Sanctuary and then stay for the concert. I have the honor and privilege to share with you once again my dear friend and colleague from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Diego Rubinsztein. We will also share the stage with Duvid Swirsky, Melissa Bergman, Janice Markham and Dave Boesch. Following the concert, Sisterhood will graciously sponsor a dessert reception for everyone to enjoy.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Cantor Ruth

Congregational MeetingSunday, February 10

Galpert Sanctuary11:00 AM

The FLAME 2 January 2013

Deep breath. It’s the end of another year and it’s time to reflect, to pause, to appreciate, to be thankful, to be regretful and in the end to be hopeful. Tomorrow night we light the last of the Hanukkah candles and with a little sadness we put away our Hanukkiot for another year. Tonight with both joy and sadness we wish our rabbi and his family a n’siah tova as they prepare to leave for a sabbatical in Israel. I myself find my emotions to be all over the place as I do things for the last time after so many years here at LBS. Just breathe.

I hope not for the last time, that our Media Room overflows with brightly colored gift bags for the eight-member Hidalgo family who we adopted as part of Children’s Hospital’s "Holidays from the Heart" program. Many of our own families have been so generous, purchasing beautiful presents of clothing and toys, school supplies, gift cards and household items for the family of a 19-year-old patient.

Just yesterday we made 83 sandwiches for the folks who come to Foothill Unity Center for a meal. Thank you to the Lujan family for delivering them for us! We also delivered 60 beautifully decorated gift bags filled with cookies, candy, toys and toiletries to the children of Haven House, a local shelter for victims of domestic abuse. We are so happy that we can make the holidays a little happier for those in need and of course, we wish we

could do more. That sentiment aptly

expressed in this quote by Edmund Burke reminds me of the lessons I learned from my hero and mentor, Danny Siegel. If he had a mantra it would be that “…Nobody makes a greater mistake than the person who does nothing because he could only do a little.” I had the great privilege of spending some

time recently with Danny, author, poet, founder of the Ziv Foundation, mitzvah-doer par excellence. He was in town for a USY event, which our new Youth Director Elah Davidson so poignantly wrote about in last month’s FLAME. He and I reminisced about trips to Israel we took together where we visited ordinary people who were doing heroic things to improve the lives of others. These trips and getting to meet Danny and his Mitzvah Heroes were life-changing experiences for me and I was so inspired I brought their stories home to our kids at LBS and ever since we have been doing our best to support their amazing work and others closer to home.

At this time of year when it’s time to reflect and to pause and to appreciate, to be thankful and regretful and hopeful, I wish you all time to breathe, time to inhale the beauty of our lives and our world. Deep breath.

Happy New Year!Debby

Staff and Officers

Advertise in The FLAMEHelp offset the cost of our monthly publication while promoting your

business or service.Business Card @ $20.00/month Quarter Page @ $35.00/month

Half Page @ $70.00/monthThree month minimum. Discounted rates

are available for longer running ads. Make your request at


The Communications Committee can assist you with ad copy and layout.

by Debby Singer, Education Director

Religious School NewsPasadena Jewish Temple and Center

1434 N. Altadena DrivePasadena, California 91107

(626) 798-1161 • (626) 798-8410 (Fax)http://www.pjtc.net/


– PJTC Clergy and Staff –Joshua Levine Grater – RabbiGilbert Kollin – Rabbi EmeritusRuth Berman Harris – Cantor

Sondra Dreshner - GabbaiEitan Trabin – Executive Director

Debby Singer – Education DirectorEitan Lowenstein – Religious School Assistant

Bruce Applebaum – Operations ManagerElah Davidson – Youth Director

Jane Hirschkowitz – Assistant to the RabbiMarian Rosen – Bookkeeper

Robert Brown – Facilities Manager

– PJTC Officers –President – Matt Ober

Secretary – Bob LevinsonTreasurer – George Roegler

Exec. VP Management – Jonathon WeiszExec. VP Programs – Faith SegalVP Administration – Jeff Landau

VP Adult Programs – Judith PettigrewVP Finance – Sandy Hartford

VP Membership – Rebecca GolbertVP Religious Affairs – Erich Schlecht

VP Youth Programs – Maureen McGrathPlanning Committee Chair – John CarltonSisterhood President – Barbara Levinson

Men's Club President – Jerry Halpert– Board of Directors –

Noah Golden-Krasner, Valerie Grover, Jerry Halpert, Shoshana Hess,

Stephanie Ivler, Lonne Lane, Meredith Rose, Ruth Several, Larry Sharfstein,

Bob Weiner, Lindsay Wetmore-Arkader–Voting Past Presidents –Judy Callahan, David Lorin,

Stu Miller, Mickey Segal

– The FLAME Staff –Bruce Applebaum – Layout

Edie Taylor and Roz Scherr – EditorsKaren Hochman Brown – Advisor

Camperships Availableby Lisa Grossman, Sisterhood Education VP

Attention Parents! It’s time to start thinking about summer camp. Camperships are available to PJTC youth students in grades 3-10 to attend overnight Jewish camps, programs such as USY on Wheels or those programs offering summer experiences in Israel. Sisterhood, the Men’s Club

and other PJTC members generously donate funds each year to help families make the Jewish summer camp experience possible. For more info, please contact the Director of LBSRS, Debby Singer, at debby@pjtc.net or the Religious School office, 626-798-1164. Also check out this great program: www.OneHappyCamper.org

The FLAME 3 January 2013

First and foremost I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Hanukkah. One of the best parts of the holiday season is the food, and I loved being able to share my passion for desserts with a few USYers in December. We had our first “Bubbie and the Chocolate Factory” night and I had the good fortune to meet a few kids who attended their first-ever youth group event. We made hamantaschen and rugelach and used the most bizarre chocolate

combinations as filling. Who knew that butterscotch chips, M&M’s, Reese’s Pieces and strawberry jam complimented Laffy Taffy so well? (Please email me for recipe details). We baked to our hearts’ content and topped the night off by watching “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” This was definitely an event many of our stomachs won’t ever recover from. And I hope to repeat it soon.

As for the upcoming USY calendar, the secular New Year is almost upon us and I’m delighted to announce a few activities we have to kick off 2013. First, we have our Kadima Kinnus coming up at the beginning of January. It’s a trip where the PJTC Kadima kids have the chance to meet their fellows with whom they will attend many events in the years to come. Our fourth, fifth and sixth graders will have the opportunity to enjoy a weekend with the other Far West chapters at Camp Ramah in Ojai, celebrating Shabbat and acclimating themselves with what USY is all about.

In January, USY is planning a roller-skating night open to Kadima and USY, a classic event that never seems to go out of style. And in February, PJTC is teaming up with other temples for “Into The Night,” a jam-packed overnight and sleepless escapade. At least two other USY chapters and a memorable zero sleep night will accompany this adventure. This year, “Into The Night” consists of many fun-filled activities, the most anticipated of which being Broomball. For those unfamiliar with traditional USY pastimes, it is essentially hockey played with brooms. If we can’t have Canada’s universal healthcare, we might as well have one of their most popular and dangerous recreational sports! It’s never too late to sign up and we’d love to see every kid at any and all upcoming events.

So please keep an eye on your emails and check our Pasadena Chapter USY Facebook page for the date and time of our next event. We hope to see you there.

USY — United Synagogue Youthby Elah Davidson, Youth Director

Aliyah RequestsDo you have a birthday or a yahrzeit or another

special event coming up? Would you like to have an aliyah for the occasion? Please email Sondra Dreshner, dreshner2000 @yahoo.com and she will be happy to put your name on her Shabbat schedule.

Notice; Our Stargazing evening, previously scheduled for Tuesday, December 18 with astronomer Steve Edberg, has been re-scheduled for January 22. We hope you can all join us then.

Sunday January 13 at 10:15 AM. Dr. Cary Presant will Discuss “Surviving American Medicine” Join us as Dr. Presant, a noted Health Specialist, speaks on the health issues that are important to

all of us. Adult Education and Hazak together with Men’s Club will provide the bagel breakfast. This is another opportunity to park your car and join us for this informative event. Donation is $8.00 per person. RSVP to mensclub@pjtc.net

On, Sunday, December 9, Dr. Ira Blitz discussed “Infertility, What Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel didn’t know." It was a well -presented and informative discussion of the many aspects involving infertility in men and women. The Men’s Club provided delicious bagels, lox and eggs breakfast with all the trimmings enjoyed by all.

On Friday, December 14, many of the attendees at the Annual Whitman Hanukkah dinner enjoyed sufganiot, (traditional Hanukah jelly donuts) at the oneg following services

Congratulations to our Football Pool WinnersThe latest winners were :Week 11 Mickey Siegel and Eric MillsWeek 12 Jeff Landau, Eric Mils, Art Bogad, and Mel

CohenWeek 13 Joel PadlipskyWeek 14 Sylvia Schleimer and Jan PaisWeek 15 Sylvia Schleimer, Neil Brown, and Art BogadAdditional Events Planned for 2013:February 3 - Join us for our Super Bowl party and enjoy the

game, pizza and beer (also soft drinks) as we watch the game on our 72-inch TV screen.

February 24 - Join us for an early breakfast and tour of the Santa Anita Race Track.

March 12 – Annual Dinty Moore Dinner with musical entertainment. Men’s Club will honor its “Man of the Year.”

April 8 – Final NCAA Basketball game.For questions/comments - email mensclub@pjtc.net

Men's Club News

The FLAME 4 January 2013

It's Happening with Sisterhood!

PJTC Sisterhood welcomes this gathering of Jewish women to celebrate the new moon with

study, discussion and, of course, dessert.

Topic: Iranian Jews, Past & Present

This discussion will be based on the current exhibit at UCLA's Fowler Museum, and should be interesting to both those who have seen the exhibit and to those who haven't.RSVP to sisterhood@pjtc.net or

Kathy Kobayashi



Thursday Evening7:30 to 9:00 PM

We welcome the month ofSh'vat — January 17

At the home of Marcia AlperFor more information call

(626)798-1161 or sisterhood@pjtc.net.Save the date for the next Rosh Chodesh

gathering on Thursday, March 7.

With Hanukkah behind us, we want to thank everyone for their support of the Judaica Shop. We learn something new every holiday and promise to not run out of small wooden dreidels for next year!

Now Purim is coming up! All the holidays are early this year. Look for clickers and clackers and even a small megillah to have as your own. For Passover we have seder plates, plague symbols, matzo covers and more! And please remember us for b’nai mitzvah gifts, wedding and baby gifts and for yourself- how about a new tallit!

Our hours are Tuesday/Thursday 4 :00-6 :00 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon

When School is in sessionWe can also open by appointment.

The Judaica Shop

Please visit the Judaica Shop for your Jewish Life Cycle Events

by Barbara Levinson Sisterhood PresidentWhat a great Women’s League

convention in Las Vegas I was privileged to attend! First, we were mesmerized by Rabbi Elliott Dorff who spoke to us about changes in Jewish law and standards. The topic may sound very dry, but Rabbi Dorff was visual, timely, amusing and down to earth. The next day, the speaker, Rabbi Bradley

Artson, was a bit more philosophical, telling us how we are the consciousness of the universe and that every choice counts. He was inspirational and uplifting. Rabbi Artson suggests that we “move away from the culture of kvetch to the culture of hugging.” That may sound corny when written here, but believe me when I tell you it had a great impact. I had the chance to crow about MY Sisterhood and how It's wonderful members have helped and continue to help our synagogue.

The most important things I learned were how really outstanding my Sisterhood is and how many creative, generous women I am privileged to lead. Rabbi Ron Wolfson spoke to us about developing a strategic plan, but it’s not what you might have thought. He

told us, “It’s all about relationships.” People come for programs but they stay for relationships. That rings so true -- simple but something worth reminding ourselves about.

In that vein, I was infused with enthusiasm for some new programming ideas and concepts that I hope to bring to Sisterhood, ideas that will further promote our already warm, friendship-driven community.

In addition, I went to classes on Leadership Development, Programming for Successes, Fund Raising, and Sisterhood- Synagogue Relations. I learned that many temples around the country are having financial difficulties and how different Sisterhoods have been able to help. I also learned of the tensions that such problems create between different synagogue entities and how they are handled. PJTC, and specifically PJTC Sisterhood, can be very proud of our openness, how we support our temple and how well we all get along, even under duress. Of course, every chance I got, I bragged about all our Sisterhood does to support our synagogue.

I would also like to remind you that we will be hosting a fabulous reception, following Cantor Ruth's Shabbat Shirah Concert on Saturday evening, January 26.

Above is a photo of the convention. Elsewhere in this issue are photos of our fantastically successful Artisan Boutique for you to enjoy. As I write this column we are just a few days away from Hanukkah and the start of a new secular year. In the spirit of the holiday season, I wish you all a prosperous, fulfilling new year.

Shalom, Barbara

Greet Family And Friends At Purim

To send happy Purim greetings is February 8

The FLAME 5 January 2013

All PJTC members are invited to greet family and friends at Purim. You were greeted by so many PJTC members last year, you will certainly want to participate this time around.

How Can You Order Greetings? Your personalized letter explaining

everything you need to know is now in the mail. Once again this year you will have an opportunity to order a greeting ON-LINE, or the good old-fashioned way, by check sent in the mail. All information can be found in your letter.

What’s Different This Year? Purim is earlier than ever. The date is

February 24. That means you have until the deadline of February 8 to place your order -- not a day more!

Act Now – Order Your Greetings Today!

If you have any questions about placing your order, call Ricky Calvin; she has all the answers.

This is PJTC’s 2012-2013 Sisterhood!!If your name is not here, it should be! To join contact

Carol Mills at carolmills@verizon.net. Hannah Ackerman, Erica Adler, Jill Adler-Moore, Leslie

Aiken, Marcia Alper, Ellen Ardman, Lindsay Wetmore-Arkader, Susan Auerbach, Ryna Aviram, Keri Axel, Anat Bar-Chaim, Adrienne Bass, Nicole Basseri, Hava Ben-Zvi, Karolyn Berkman, Mary Ann Bernath, Christina Bethel, Ginny Blitz, Chris Bogad, Lynn Broudy, Karen Brown, Patricia Bunin, Bonnie Buratti, Diane Burr, Nurit Burrow, Judy Callahan, Rochelle Calvin, Nancy Carlton, Susan Carroll, Barbara Cohen, Cynthia Cohen, Shirley Cohen, Betsy Conovitz, Nancy Copeland, Edna Cott, Tami Cutler, Suzy Dalrymple, Barbara David, Zehava Eckstein-Sweet, Ellen Dinerman, Sondra Dreshner, Pamela Dubin, Lori Dver, Janet Edberg, Andrea Edwards, Judy Ellis, Hana Elter, Daphna Enzer, Margaret Farbstein, Maman Fay Shin, Julie Feiner, Barbara Felsinger, Matty Feuer, Betty Fishman, Erica Fishman, Jane Fishman, Cecilia Fox, Judith Fox, Giovanna Fradkin, Lauren Frankel, Wendy Frankel, Debra Freedman, Helen Freeman, Connie Friedman, Ilona Fuchs, Janis Fuhrman, Estelle Galindo, Susan Galpert, Christine Garroway, Ludmilla Gierowitz, Rebecca Golbert, Sharon Goldberg, Barbara Gomperts, Rachel Goodman, Edeena Gordon, Hilde Gottfeld, Lynn Gould, Karen Gross, Lisa Grossman, Debbie Guest, Marjorie Gulkis, Katie Gundersen-Watson, Joan Halpert, Susan Harlan, Ruth Harris, Sandy Hartford, Phyllis Hassman, Sondra Hauge, Jane Hirschkowitz, Ruelena Hochman, Shirley Hoffman, Sue Hogan, Beverly Ingall, Hilary Jacobs, Cara Jaffe, Rebecca Johnson, Janet Kadin, Cynthia Kahn, Shelly Kaplan, Haley Karish, Francine Katz, Florence Kaufman, Ruth Kaye, Ale Kiguelman, Jodi Kinzler, Janet Klekner, Ellen Knell, Elise Knepper, Katherine Kobayashi, Betty Krachman, Marilyn Kragen, Lauren Krieger, Roza Kuppermann, Suzanne Kustner, Anita Landau, Lisa Lane, Ricki Lane, Faye Langholz, Mala Langholz, Karen Levin, Shana Levin, Franci Levine-Grater, Barbara Levinson, Susan Lorin, Roslyn Lubow, Dawn Lyon, Iris Malakoff, Emily Marcus, Brian Mark, Linda Mazur, Maureen McGrath, Carol Meislin, Julie Metivier, Cathy Michaels-Krasner, Stacy Miller, Carol Mills, Maxine Minovitz, Felice Mittman, Breyne Moskowitz, Henny Moskowitz, Erika Ober, Stacy Ober, Shirley Ornstein, Jenny Owen, Sheila Padlipsky, Ellen Pais, Janice Pais, Bonnie Pais-Martinez, Sylvia Paz, Judith Pettigrew, Zina Phillips, Sheila Presant, Judith Raichlen, Yolanda Resnik, Ruth Roberts, Evelyn Robinson, Janice Roney, Aviva Rosenbloom, Karen Rosenthal, Helen Rotenberg-Lewin, Aty Rotter, Linda Rourman, Martha Ruffman, Ruth Saffman, Denise Schaefer, Roslyn Scherr, Phyllis Schissell, Sylvia Schleimer, Dolores N. Schwam, Lee Segal, Marlene Segal, Doris Segall, Jakki Sencer, Ruth Several, Mena Shapiro, Annette Sharfstein, Cynthia Shilling, Elizabeth Short, June Shrifter, Alice Shulman, Carolyn Siegal, Debby Singer, Ruth Slater, Loretta Slifkin, Bobbi Sloan, Lyn Slotky, Natalia Slusky, Gail Snyder, Carol Sofer, Judy Sofer, Marcia Spira, Sara Sternberg, Gertrude Strobel, Pat Sullivan, Paula Svonkin, Felicity Swerdlow, Jacqueline Szmuszkovicz, Connie Taus, Edie Taylor, Phyllis Telis, Roslyn Terfansky, Pearl Tyree, Laura Van Dellen, Paula Waluch, Louise Wannier, Gaye Wein-Shepard, Barbara Weisenberg, Arlene Weiss, Joan Weiss, Rochelle Weiss, Valerie Weiss, Sarah Weisz, Frances Yariv

Artisan Boutique Wraps Up Successful Show

Photo 1:Jan Pais and Stacy Ober, Photo 2: Edie Taylor, Photo 3: Karen Brown, Photo 4: Babara Levinson, Photo 5: Ricki Calvin and Joan Halpert, Photo 6: Pearl Tyree

The FLAME 6 January 2013

PJTC Board Report by Bob Levinson, Board Secretary

The meeting began with input from Rabbi Grater about the situation in Israel and the D’var Torah. At the rabbi’s request, this section of the meeting was started by Cantor Ruth leading all in attendance in singing Oseh Shalom.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.Rabbi Grater thanked Carol Sofer and the Adult Education

Committee for helping to bring Rabbi Greenberg to PJTC. The next part of the series is being worked on by Anita Landau and will cover Keruv, the USCJ interfaith marriage inclusion program.

Cantor Ruth invited everyone to her daughter, Talia’s, bat mitzvah on December 29, 2012. The cantor is also working on the Shabbat Shirah concert to be held on January 26, 2013.

Treasurer’s report and the Finance Committee report were given. Campaign for the Future is at $306,545. Shomrei Zahav has surpassed its goal. Budget is on track. The Finance Committee is looking at the PJTC dues structure.

A long-term and prioritized maintenance schedule was distributed. First items of priority are the bathrooms next to Knell Chapel.

A Shaarei Torah Update Committee has been appointed by President Matt Ober and will be chaired by Alan Whitman. Their first meeting was on December 7, 2012.

Kenny Allen has joined the PJTC maintenance staff. A church is renting the sanctuary and chapel at Shaarei Torah.

B’nai Brith donated $10,000 to camp scholarships.It was unanimously agreed to enter into negotiations with

Cantor Ruth on the renewal of her contract.

Madeline Mark Fund to Honor StudentsThe Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center is pleased to

announce a new honor to be awarded annually to the post -b’nai mitzvah student (ages 14-18), who most exemplifies the values of longtime PJTC member, Madeline Mark. Madeline was deeply involved in encouraging youth to find their highest expression of growth, motivation, and achievement in ways unique to each individual.

PJTC invites students who are engaged in volunteer projects at the Louis B. Silver Religious School, at their own public or private school, or through their own individual initiative, to write an essay of approximately 1,000 words. This essay should briefly describe the project, and focus primarily on the realizations you achieved about yourself in doing the project.

The student whose essay is deemed to best represent the values of reflection, growth, and positive change will be awarded a grant of $250, and that student’s name will be added to the Madeline Mark Memorial Honor Plaque to be prominently displayed at PJTC. All essays will be published on-line on the PJTC website, and the winning essay will be published in the FLAME. The award is open to PJTC members only.

The deadline for entries is March 31, 2013.Please submit your essay to: Ruth Several, Chair, MMMAC1436 Mt. Pleasant St., Los Angeles, CA 90042Or email rseveral@sbcglobal.net.

HAZAK, Adult Education Committee and Men's Club

Welcomes Everyone 10:15 AM Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dr. Cary Presant, Noted Oncologist

Will Speak on His Knowledge of "Surviving American Medicine"

Dr. Presant will discuss the new technologies, how to navigate insurance re for ms and t he restructuring of medicine today. With more than forty years of experience as a physician, professor, healthcare administrator and researcher, Cary is well-qualified to discuss some of the 100 tips about getting the best doctors, finding safe hospitals, good treatments and affordable medicines that he outlines in his book.

We hope you will join us fora bagel breakfast with all the trimmings –

Donation $8 per personCall 626-798-1161 to RSVP

Hey Kids!Stargazing At PJTC

Tuesday, January 22, Katz TerraceParents And Other Grownups Welcome!

5:30 PM Hot Dog Supper, 6:00 PM Program

Join astronomer, Steve Edberg, who will have telescopes out on Katz Terrace trained on the moon and planets!

Men’s Club will provide hot dogs and drinks at 5:30 PM to those who RSVP to mensclub@pjtc.net, and Steve Edberg will begin the program at 6:00 PM with a tour of the night sky, followed by opportunities for all to enjoy a turn at the telescopes to get a close up view of the moon, Jupiter and more!

The FLAME 7 January 2013

Israel MattersFollowing is the latest in

a series of essays written by Mark Lavie, Night Editor for the Associated Press, stationed in Cairo, Egypt. (Mark is a member of our sister synagogue, Adat Shalom-Emanuel, in Rehovot.) If you would like to receive these

essays, contact Mark at mbentsion@gmail.com or access his Facebook page.

Is That A Fact?#14 You need to know

“Everything depends on where you start your history.”That’s one of the wisest observations I’ve ever heard. It came

from my 8th grade history teacher. So where do we start the history of Israel and the

Palestinians?Nov. 29, 1947, when the U.N. voted to partition Palestine

into a Jewish state and an Arab state? The Jews accepted it. The Arabs rejected it, but despite the war they declared on the Jews, with the stated object of throwing them into the sea, the Jewish state survived, but the Arab state was never born. Jordan swallowed up its territory. Yet that is the date today’s Palestinians have chosen to ask the same U.N. to recognize their state. The irony is too bitter.

How about June 1967? That’s when Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and Sinai desert. Its army crossed the cease-fire lines drawn in 1949 at the end of the above war. In other words, the “border” of the West Bank, now accepted by practically everyone as a sacred frontier drawn by God and handed down from generation to generation, was in fact just a cease-fire line that held for all of 18 years of the 4,000-year recorded history of the Middle East.

Or maybe July 2000, when Israel’s prime minister offered Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a state in more than 90 percent of the West Bank, all of Gaza, parts of Jerusalem and a corridor between the West Bank and Gaza — something that has never existed, certainly not within the “holy” pre-1967 “borders.” To the dismay of the host, President Bill Clinton, Arafat turned down the offer, walked out of Camp David and slammed the door. A violent uprising broke out two months later, and 6,000 people died, most of them Palestinians.

Certainly Israel has done stupid things, like settlements, has been guilty of acts of cruelty and has elected some bad leaders. None of those are decisive, though the world usually focuses on those aspects.

And all the above is well known historical fact. So let’s start somewhere that isn’t so well known.

November 2008.A year of negotiations between high-level teams of

Palestinians and Israelis has come to an end. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert shows a map to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. It delineates a Palestinian state in 93.5 percent of the West Bank, all of Gaza, ceding Israeli land to make up the 6.5 percent, including that corridor between the two territories, the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem, shared control of the

holy sites in the Old City. Olmert said, “Sign this.” Otherwise he would not give Abbas the map, knowing from bitter experience that any proposal handed to the Palestinians simply becomes the starting point of the next round of demands. This was Israel’s final offer. Abbas knew that.

So he emulated his predecessor, turned around, left the room and never met Olmert again. The chance was lost for good within a month when Israel invaded Gaza to try to put a stop to incessant rocket attacks, something that might sound familiar — and the motivation for me to finally write about this now, four years later.

Olmert’s offer of a Palestinian state in the equivalent of all of the West Bank, Gaza and significant parts of Jerusalem was never properly reported at the time. Olmert didn’t make it public then. He didn’t have to. The Palestinians did.

On March 27, 2009, the chief Palestinian negotiator, my old friend Saeb Erekat, a fellow night owl who was always ready with a comment on current events at 2 a.m., went on Al-Jazeera and spelled it out. He said then that Abbas “could have accepted a proposal that talked about Jerusalem and almost 100% of the West Bank.”

Then he quoted the response Abbas gave: “‘I am not in a marketplace or a bazaar. I came to demarcate

the borders of Palestine — the June 4, 1967 borders — without detracting a single inch, and without detracting a single stone from Jerusalem, or from the holy Christian and Muslim places.’ This is why the Palestinian negotiators did not sign…”

Chances are the real reason for his timidity was the refugees. About 700,000 Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes by Jewish soldiers in that war that followed Israel’s creation. They were housed in camps along Israel’s borders, in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. They have been kept there by Palestinian and Arab leaders, with the willing and continuing cooperation of the U.N., to be a festering sore, bolstered by the promise that they would one day return to their homes in Israel. After four generations, their numbers have reached about 5 million, and all are considered refugees from Palestine. All have been promised the right to return “home.”

Yet Arafat and now Abbas say they want a state in the West Bank and Gaza. Pulling these two threads together, it means they want a Palestinian state, and they also want most of their people to go live in someone else’s state. For sure there are winks and nods in the direction of some sort of other arrangement, but no Palestinian leader has ever told his people, sorry, you will not be going back to that village that is now under the runway of Israel’s international airport, you will be fortunate to live in a free Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. If Arafat couldn’t do it, no one can.

So why am I writing about this now? I was unable to write about it then, and we will have to leave it at that. I’m writing about it now because we have just had a conflict in Gaza that brought many journalists from all over the world who landed at that same airport, went straight to Gaza and began reporting on the suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israelis.

But history did not start when they got off the plane. The downward slope into insoluble stalemate, despair and violence

Click here to continue Israel Matters article

The FLAME 8 January 2013

March 26, 2013

Friday, January 11, 20137:30 PM, Galpert Sanctuary

Please join us for the Family Shabbat Service Friday, January 11, 2013 at 7:30 PM. The Family Shabbat Service is the regular Shabbat service with a family vibe. The music is upbeat, the atmosphere is welcoming, and the sermon is a storytelling session geared toward all ages! The Family Shabbat was created to fill a growing need among families and elementary school-aged kids wanting to celebrate Shabbat through music, prayer, and stories in a welcoming and inclusive space.

The Family Shabbat Service began this past July, slotted for the third Friday of every month. However, the next several dates will move across the monthly calendar. Family Shabbat will resume its scheduled time on the 3rd Friday of the month beginning again in April.

Below are the dates of Family Shabbat Services for the next few months:

February 8, 2013March 22, 2013

Starting April 2013, 3rd Friday of the Month.


Shabbat Service

Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, will be

observed onSunday, April 7

10:00 AMby The Sunday School

atPasadena Jewish Temple

The program will include PJTC Survivors

and Sunday school students.

The program will include readings from the Hagadah

Leyom Hashoa, and skits built around actual experiences of PJTC


All are welcome

Congregational MeetingSunday, February 10

Galpert Sanctuary, 11:00 AM

Our annual Congregational Meeting and Elections will be held

on Sunday morning, February 10 at 11:00 AM.

Please plan to attend. The Temple business is Your business.

PJTC Community SederSave the Date

Join us for our annual Community Seder on the second night of Pesach, Tuesday,

March 26 in the Social Hall. This is always a joyous evening of prayer, good food, song and storytelling. Plan to attend and bring the

whole family!Contact the PJTC office for more information

or to make your reservations. Details will follow.

Ronald Paler and Michael LoyaPasadena

The FLAME 9 January 2013

Adult Education Committee Bagel Breakfast with Dr. Cary Presant

Surviving American Medicine is the topic and title of a book written by local oncologist and PJTC member, Dr. Cary Presant, who will speak at a bagel breakfast at Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center on Sunday, January 13, 2013. The breakfast is sponsored by PJTC's Adult Education Committee, Men’s Club and HAZAK groups. The program will begin at 10:15 AM in the Social Hall. Donation is $8.00 per person, RSVPs requested.

Obtaining quality and affordable health care today requires a knowledgeable patient as well as a group of well-trained providers. Dr. Presant’s book, Surviving American Medicine, published recently, describes the new technologies, how to navigate insurance reforms and restructuring of medicine today. With more than forty years of experience as a physician, professor, healthcare administrator and researcher, Dr. Presant is well-qualified to discuss some of the 100 tips about getting the best doctors, finding safe hospitals, good treatments and affordable medicines that he outlines in his book.

Dr. Presant is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians; a past president of the American Cancer Society, California Division; Past Director, American Society of Clinical Oncology; and Chairman of the Board, Medical Oncology Association of Southern California. He currently is Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine.

Modern Jewish Writers Book GroupThe Modern Jewish Writers Book Group

meets on the third Tuesday of the month. On January 15, they will be discussing Saul Bellow’s 1947 book, The Victim. Peter Brier is the facilitator for the group.

ClassesRabbi Kollin’s Talmud class meets on

Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.Modern Hebrew at 5:15, 6:15 and 7:15 is

on Thursday evenings with Nurith Brier.The Stitchers meet on Thursday

afternoons with Trudie Strobel at 1:30 PM in the library.

We Have a Lost and Found Closet!S e v e r a l

youngsters have left sweaters, hoodies and other items of clothing at the temple. These items are now in our Lost and Found closet. We also have a few items that adults

have left. If they belong to you or someone in your family, come and get them!

Just ask one of us in the office. We don’t keep these things too long. Unclaimed items will be donated to Foothill Unity.

Women’s Book Club by Connie Taus, Book Club Chair

Anyone interested in reading and discussing books is most welcome. We meet on the second Thursday of each month in the Temple Library.

On Thursday, January 10, 2013 we will be reading Confederates in the Attic by Tony Horwitz. Influenced by his Russian forebears, who were unlikely Civil War buffs, Mr. Horwitz gives us his personal rediscovery of this historic event.

On Thursday, February 14, 2013 we will be discussing

The Mind’s Eye by Oliver Sacks. Dr. Sacks, a professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry at Columbia University, writes about the strange manifestations of the mind. Sacks sympathetically illuminates extraordinary brain conditions through people who are attempting to adjust to their situations.

Books are available at Vroman’s at a discount.

Order Happy Purim Greetings Today!

Kiddush Lunches by Roz Scherr

Our weekly Kiddush lunches are a Shabbat delight, But without enough sponsors, we’re in a terrible plight.Especially over the next month or two, We desperately need help from YOU.For an anniversary, new baby, or your own birthday, Celebrate it with a luncheon after we pray.Join with a friend or three or four, Then the work isn’t such a chore.We can provide each fork and cup and plate, But without you, it’s just wine, challah & cake.

(For more information contact Roz.)

The FLAME 10 January 2013

January 46:45 PM

Knell ChapelCome for an evening of togetherness, song

and prayer!Join Judy Callahan, Director of B’nai Simcha Preschool,

and Cantor Ruth for a half-hour Shabbat experience filled with music and movement for families with children age seven and under.

Tot Shabbat Service

Bereavement Group Starting in JanuaryUnder the leadership of Dr. Patricia Kirkish and Claire

Gorfinkel, the PJTC Spiritual Care Team will be offering a six-week Bereavement Support Group on Tuesday mornings, January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 12, and 19.

If you or someone you know has experienced the death of a loved one in the past two years, and if you think it would be helpful to share thoughts and offer support with other congregants who have had similar experiences, please call Pat or Claire or leave a message for them at the Temple office, 798-1161.

The Authors Among UsOur first author for the new year is Rabbi

Maurice Galpert and his posthumously published book Midrash for Moderns.

Rabbi Galpert was our PJTC rabbi for thirty-six years, from 1952 until his death in 1988. From about 1979 until 1986 he wrote a weekly column for the paper that became “The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles” titled

"Midrash for Moderns." After his death his widow, Sue Galpert, along with Norman and Hannah Ackerman among others, compiled about 100 of his columns into this aptly-named book. It is a lovely collection of very short pieces that are like good potato chips. You can’t eat just one.

Here are some sample lines from Midrash for Moderns to whet your appetite for more. Spinoza reminds us, “Life begins and ends with moral responsibility.”

A five-year-old was overheard saying, “Church is going to be fun today. I’m bringing my frog.” “Popularity doesn’t always coincide with quality.”

The one–page stories in Midrash for Moderns are succinct. Like minimalist paintings, they sketch a picture and leave the details for the reader to fill in. Each one makes us look at small things like the gift of a pot of soup or recovering from an illness in a different way, and how to learn deeper lessons from these everyday events.

Several Copies of Midrash for Moderns are available in the Library.

Library News

Stop in the Library in January to see some books about Tu B’Shevat.

Tu B’Shevat, the holiday for trees, is on January 26. The ever-current PJTC Library will have a display of relevant books for adults and children all through January. Stop in and see them.

Volunteers Needed.The library needs a few people to help us update the

collection. The available jobs include cataloging, shelving, acquiring books and weeding (books, not dandelions). The hours are extremely flexible and training and guidance will be provided. Think about it and contact Simon through the Temple office for more information or to get started.

The Authors Among UsOur community has authors and we are featuring them

in the FLAME and in the Library. Stop in and see the books we have featured so far and help us find other authors hiding among us.

New HoursThe library now opens a little before 10:00 AM on Sundays

when the LBSRS is in session and closes at about 12:30 PM. Stop in and chat with Sharon Goldberg or Simon Burrow, borrow a book, ask a question or use our, now working extremely well, WIFI connection.

The PJTC Library:Free WiFi, a quiet space on Sunday morning and books.

started in July 2000 and got its last fatal push in November 2008. Between those two dates, Israel withdrew from Gaza. Palestinians tired of the corruption and nepotism of the party headed by Abbas, voted for Hamas, and when Abbas refused to yield to the verdict of his own people, Hamas pitched his forces out of Gaza.

That was two years after Israel pulled out of Gaza. The Palestinians had a chance for independence and glory. Instead they chose rockets and war.

And so we arrive at today. There is a cease-fire. It will last a month, a year, a few years. Negotiations are pointless. An understanding of the background will help us all realize that the peace process reached its logical conclusion, and it did not produce peace. Twice.

An understanding of where this all comes from, and especially the sorry events of November 2008, give an entirely new perspective to the problem.

Because everything depends on where you start your history.

Abbas forgot to mention this…Click here to return to page 7

Israel Matters Continued from page 7

Please remember to bring canned food whenever you come to the temple. Be sure to notice the basket on the table in the main lobby. Please bring a couple of cans of food to help fill it.

The FLAME 11 January 2013

From the Eugene and Marilyn Fingerhut Memorial History Project

Status of the Eugene and Marilyn Fingerhut History Projectby Michael Several, Project Chair

In 1980, Eugene Fingerhut, of blessed memory, began interviewing elderly congregants to preserve the pre-World War II congregational history before it was lost forever. He also began collecting documents for an archive. These oral histories and documents were the basis of a booklet Gene wrote about the early history of the Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center.

After the initial interviews, nearly 20 years passed before Gene began a new series of interviews, focusing on congregants who joined the temple during the post-war period. These interviews continued intermittently until shortly before he passed away in 2006. Interviews have continued since then by a team of congregants that includes John Carlton, Carolyn Siegal, Carolyn Kunin, Ruth Several, Rebecca Golbert, and myself. At Gene’s shiva, his wife Marilyn requested donations given in his memory be directed to the history project, thereby creating the History Fund. Funds were used to professionally transcribe all the interviews Gene did as well as all subsequent interviews. All interviews are now in digital format, thanks to Craig Pettigrew who generously donated his time to convert the taped interviews that Gene did, as well as tapes of Rabbi Galpert’s lectures. The archive that Gene began in 1980 continues to grow. Maury Weiss has generously donated time to digitalize slides donated to the archive.

Together, the oral histories, documents and photographs are now an important resource on the history of the Jewish community in Pasadena during the twentieth century. Karen Wilson, who is curating the Autry exhibit later this year on the Jews of Los Angeles County, described our collection as “a historian’s dream.”

Mergers with congregations in Sunland-Tujunga in 1997 and Arcadia in 2009 have enlarged the geographic area served by PJTC to now include El Monte, Alhambra, Arcadia, Sierra Madre, and Sunland. Simultaneously, the importance of the history project has deepened. In recognition of its importance, the UCLA Center of Jewish Studies welcomed PJTC as a partner in its innovative and exciting five–year project, “Mapping Jewish LA.” This unique initiative will create a multimedia, digital archive that will enable people to use the internet to uncover places, organizations, and individuals relating to the history of Jews in the Los Angeles area. The expanded area served by PJTC, combined with the history project’s relationship with UCLA transforms the project from a temple resource focusing on its institutional history into a regional and national project for preserving the history of the totality of Jewish life in the western San Gabriel Valley.

The History Project has much work to do. In addition to expanding and cataloging its archive, the Project plans to conduct interviews focusing on the histories of the vanished congregations, Jewish education, Holocaust survivors, and complete the institutional history of PJTC. Mickey Segal has made a generous contribution that will enable the project to achieve these objectives.

Named to not only honor Gene for initiating the history project and Marilyn for sustaining it, the Eugene and Marilyn

Fingerhut Memorial History Project memorializes their deep engagement in our community. By remembering their contribution to our congregation, the project has a purpose beyond just being about history. It has now become an on-going living memorial to perpetuate the continuing presence of two unique people who did so much to shape our community’s history.

Interfaith Study Groupby Cecilia Fox, PJTC’s ISG representative

Founded in 2007 by members of Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center, the Islamic Center of Southern California, and All Saints Episcopal Church, the Interfaith Study Group is open to all who are interested. We usually meet on the second Sunday monthly, October-June, from 5:00-7:00 PM, and rotate meeting venues among our founding institutions. All are welcome!

Join our varied programs, where we may discuss books on interfaith or related topics, hear guest speakers, view films--all followed by lively discussion. We share a vegetarian potluck after the program, with time to discuss the event, and to interact socially. Our goal is to bring together people of different faiths interested in listening and learning, and in getting to know each other. We explore commonalities and differences respectfully, valuing all participants, and we appreciate the opportunity to thoughtfully and courteously speak and listen.

Next Meeting: Sunday January 13, 2013, 5:00-7:00 PM at The Islamic Center of So. California, 434 South Vermont Ave., LA. We are delighted to welcome guest speaker, Nirinjan Singh Khalsa, Executive Director of the California Sikh Council, who has publicly represented the Sikh community for more than thirty years, and will speak to us about the Sikh faith. He serves on the City of L.A. Cultural Relations Commission, is former chair of L.A. Police Dept. Religious Forum, serves on L.A. Sheriff ’s Clergy Council, and is a Cultural Intelligence Educator and Advisor to the U.S. Dept. of Justice, and to Homeland Security in Los Angeles.

Please come with an open heart and mind. Bring a vegetarian dish to share, if you can. Carpool leaves at 4:15 promptly from the north parking lot (just north of All Saints Church, 132 North Euclid Ave., Pasadena).

To reeive info on future ISG events, contact Norma Sigmund at All Saints: Nsigmund@allsaints-pas.org or call their office: (626) 583-2765. As the PJTC contact, I may be reached c/o theTemple office: (626) 798-1161.

Our next meetings: February 10, March 10, 2013.

Cemetery Committee AnnouncementA PJTC family is seeking to sell a double crypt in the

mausoleum at Mount Sinai Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills. The crypt is located behind the stone mural in an exceptionally attractive and serene garden area. Very few comparable locations remain at Mount Sinai, and this is a rare opportunity to secure a special site for yourself or for your loved ones.

If you are interested, please contact Ken Gerst (Kenneth.gerst@sbcglobal.net) who can put you in contact with the family.

The FLAME 12 January 2013

— Contact for Donations —Donate to Temple Projects & FundsOrder a Memorial PlaqueFreeman Passover FundOrder Leaf/Stone on Tree of Life ... Temple Office (626) 798-1161Shabbat b'Lev Music FundMAC Committee............................................................Edie Taylor PJTC Oral History Project ...................................Michael Several Simcha & Memorial Tablecloths ............................ Paula Waluch Send a Sisterhood Tribute .......................................... Roz Scherr Dedicate a Prayer Book ........................................Jo Anne KindlerLarge Print Sim Shalom .................................................Roz Scherr Rabbi Galpert Memorial Fund ........................................ Jan Pais

Shirley Hoffman Fuchs Award Fund ...................................................Debby Singer L.B. Silver Religious School........................................... Jan PaisTorah Fund Donations ...............................................Bobbi SloanJudaica Shop ...............................................................Stacy Miller Sisterhood Kitchen Fund ....................................Nancy Copeland Women's Retreat Fund .........................................Nancy CopelandMadeline Mark Memorial Fund ...................................Ruth Several

Weizmann Day School Celebrates Jewish Book MonthBy Lisa Feldman, M.A. Ed. Head of School, Weizmann Day School

Last month, Weizmann Day school joined communities around the country in celebrating Jewish Book Month. According to the Jewish Book Council, this official celebration of Jewish literature began in 1925 at the West End Branch of the Boston Public Library and was a one-week exhibit of Judaic books. More than 87 years later, the tradition has now grown into a month-long celebration of all types of Jewish literature. Our school community participated in the festivities in many ways.

Guest author Erica Silverman visited in November to help kick off Jewish Book Month. She taught the students about Emma Lazarus and her famous poem on the Statue of Liberty, described in her book, Liberty’s Voice. Ms. Silverman also shared another of her books, the fun-rhyming Hanukkah story, Hanukkah Hop! Our guest author visit coincided with our annual Pajama Day, which is one of the beloved monthly Spirit Days the students enjoy at Weizmann. The students and teachers love wearing their pajamas at school while emphasizing the importance of reading.

A sense of community is experienced through two cherished traditions. Reading Buddies is a special time when we share stories with our friends in other classes. Last week students in fourth through eighth grade were paired with our younger students in kindergarten through third grade. Among the beloved Hanukkah-themed stories that the older students read were Herschel and the Hanukkah Goblins by Eric Kimmel and Latkes and Applesauce by Fran Manushkin. To enhance our communal celebration of Jewish Book Month, the entire school, including staff, had DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read), in the Afterschool Adventures Room, with a Jewish-themed book or a book by a Jewish author.

In addition to these school-wide activities. each class was engaged in a number of activities relating to Jewish Book Month including author studies, writing and illustrating children’s books, book reports, and much, much more.

Historically known as “The People of the Book,” we passionately embrace reading at Weizmann Day School and continually foster a love of reading throughout the classrooms.

Caption: Guest author, Erica Silverman, sharing stories with Weizmann students

F i f t h g r a d e r , N o a h G., reading with Kindergarteners Noah (left) and Mason (right)

Fifth grader, Ella G., reading with Kindergar tener Abigail(left) and Ella B.(right).

Catch the "Spirit of Israel"Save the date:

Tuesday, April 16 for a fun-filled evening for members of all ages to celebrate

Israel's 65th Anniversary.Watch for more information about Cafe Tel Aviv.

Are you Submitting an Article to the FLAME?You already know that we need your submissions by

the 10th of the month. We’d also like to remind you to please remember to keep it at 500 words or preferably less. It will be returned to you to for abridgement if it runs over 500 words. Thank you, The Editors

If Not Now - When?New Hebrew Beginners Class are on Thursdays at

7:15 PM. Intermediate and advanced classes at 5:15 PM and 6:15 PM

To follow the Siddur and the Parasha• To understand the Torah and our heritage in its • original languageTo converse in modern Hebrew•

For more information call Nurith Brier at (626) 798-1161

or email info@pjtc.net

The FLAME 13 January 2013

B'not Mitzvah Celebrations

January Birthdays and Anniversaries

Host an Oneg! Celebrating a birthday — Host an Oneg! Celebrating an anniversary — Host an Oneg! Celebrating a baby naming — Host an Oneg! Celebrating a wedding — Host an Oneg!

Whether you have a special occasion to celebrate or not, it’s a mitzvah to host an Oneg following Friday evening Shabbat services.

To arrange for your special date, contact Anita Landau who will also provide guidance and instructions.

January 1 ...............Chris Austin Pazia Bermudez-Silverman

Ojig Ergas Kenneth Gerst

Ethan Weiss January 2 ................ Lisa Bloom

Jennifer DeBoskey Randy Shulman

January 4 ..................Art Bogad Dan Leibl

Leonard Lipton Buck Pistol-Boesch

Aileen Weiss January 5 .. Ruth Berman Harris

Jordan Ellis Alexandra Schiffman

January 6 Chemayne Halverson January 7 .........Sulia Bermudez January 8 ........Tovah Goodman

Tania Painter January 9 .......Sharon Goldberg

Gabriel Lujan January 10 ......Steven Conovitz January 11 .............Fay Maman January 12 ........ Thelma Alkana

Linda Mazur Jordan Miller

Jeffrey Skolnik January 13 .. Lev Emery Marcus

Kaileh Pistol January 14 ...... Rebecca Cohen

Jillian Goldstein Leonard Holen

Raphael Margolin Ernest Robinson

Edie Taylor January 15 .............Jonah Rose January 16 ...Zachary Burnstine

Fida Haddad January 17 ......Rachel Lebowitz January 18 Alexander Radulovic January 19 ........ Michael A. Fox

Katherine Karish Sophie Owen

Eugene Roberts Lawrence Scherr

January 20 .......... Elisse Blinder Michael Butnik Bruce Horowitz

Janice Pais Shayna Rothenberg

Miriam Shenfeld Felicity Swerdlow

January 21 ..............Ella Becker Shanna Edberg

January 22 ...............Diane Burr Lillian Miller

Claire Waluch January 23 ............Sam Felman

Gabriel Johnson Michael Karish

Joan Soclof January 24 ...........Ellen Ardman

Ronald Grover Max Mesnik

January 25 ...... Claudia Argueta Maia Cohen

Mindy Schiffman Lester Slifkin

January 26 .............Ruth Larner Alice Rothenberg

January 27 ..........Scott Svonkin January 28 .... Elisa Rothenberg

Matthew Segal January 29 ........Estelle Galindo

Linda Horowitz Alexandra Preiss

January 30 ............. Ruth Hirsch Ofer Ho

Karen Hochman Brown Beverly Ingall Michael Loya Jenny Owen

Evan Steinberg January 31 .......Julian Honowitz

Diana Selig

David and Gail Snyder ........................................................ 1/3/1982Jack and Eva Gold ................................#65 .................... 1/10/1948Alex and Frieda Rosner .....................................................1/11/1947Craig and Nancy Copeland .............................................. 1/12/1972Moshe and Fay Maman ...........................................................1/14/2011Jerry and Joan Halpert ............................................................1/20/1957Kai Lam and Bonnie Buratti .....................................................1/23/1982Martin and Mariko Howard ......................................................1/24/1987John and Nancy Carlton ..........................................................1/26/1980Adam and Maria Libman .........................................................1/29/2006John and Anne Sigoloff ...........................................................1/30/1999

Annabella Maria Tornek, daughter of Joshua Tornek and Claudia Argueta, and granddaughter of PJTC members Maria and Terry Tornek, is a Pasadena native born on December 28, 1999. She has been a LBSRS student since kindergarten and is in the seventh grade at Marshall Fundamental School.

Annabella enjoys knitting, cooking, and rooting for the Lakers. Her mitzvah project is called “Knit a Square,” helping

to clothe AIDS orphans in South Africa.Annabella will be called to the Torah on January 19, and is

happy to share the occasion with family, friends, and classmates from near and far.

My name is Rebecca Cohen and I am the daughter of Joshua and Paris Cohen. I have two younger siblings, Ethan and Audrey. I was born in Pasadena and am now a seventh grader at Westridge School. I will be celebrating my bat mitzvah on January 26 with my family and friends.

I am a competitive swimmer, an avid reader, and a lover of animals, music, movies and games. I enjoy service and charitable work and am a member of the Glendale chapter of

the National Charity League, a mother-daughter philanthropy organization.

My service project goal is to make people aware that there are many children and families living without electricity, which makes life very difficult. I would like to help raise money for Music For Relief, a disaster relief organization that has several campaigns to bring sustainable energy to families without. I hope to encourage people to sponsor solar light bulbs for Haiti and Socckets (soccer balls that generate power when kicked) for South America. In January, I will plan various fundraisers to meet my service goal but hope many people will go to powertheworld.org to learn more. I look forward to my celebration on January 26.

The FLAME 14 January 2013

How to Order Prayerbook DedicationsLet’s start off the New Year with the joy of giving

Dedicate a prayerbook in honor of a special birthday, anniversary, new grandchild, in memory of, etc. Sisterhood will see to it that a beautiful book plate with your dedication is placed inside the front cover of our temple’s prayerbooks. We will also send a letter to the recipient, a receipt to you and have the donation publicized in the FLAME.

The prices are:Sim Shalom – $36•Etz Hayim Chumash – $72•High Holiday Machzor – $36•Large print Sim Shalom (purchased through Ritual •Committee) – $60

For Sisterhood books, please contact Jo Anne Kindler; for large print Sim Shalom from

Ritual Committee, contact Roz Scherr.

Yahrzeits for January (announced Fri/Sat preceding the date)Tevet 19 January 01, 2013

Adela Licht Esther Sokoloff

Lillian Taus Tevet 20 January 02, 2013

David Kokis David Schaffer

Jacob Weinman Tevet 21 January 03, 2013

Samuel Alt Edith Chessen

Spencer Gilbert Margit Grotta

Maurice Russo Jeanne Steingold

Isidor Zwirn Tevet 22 January 04, 2013

Selma Applebaum Robert Margolis

Sam Telis Mollie Weinstock

Tevet 23 January 05, 2013Walter Schuster

Herbert Segal Tevet 24 January 06, 2013

Josef Liberman Barbara Siegal

Tevet 25 January 07, 2013Larry Figner

Theresa Friedman Dorothy Grossman

Tillie Kaplan Jack Lewis

Beatrice Yorke

Tevet 26 January 08, 2013Goldie Fridiss Alex Resnick

Gary Schleimer Tevet 27 January 09, 2013

Eleanor Coplen Minna Morris Lester Stroh

Tevet 29 January 11, 2013Gilbert Friedman

Erna Goldschmidt John Guinnes Oscar Kragen

Nathan Landay Shevat 1 January 12, 2013

Kate Taylor Sherman Chaim Silberblatt

Shevat 2 January 13, 2013Fannie Ackerman Joseph Goldberg

Ginda Resnick Ruby Swerdlow

Shevat 3 January 14, 2013Joan Greenberg

Shevat 4 January 15, 2013Daphne Levy

Nathan Tobias Barbara Werboff

Shevat 5 January 16, 2013Hana Eizenberg

Pauline Silberblat


Shevat 6 January 17, 2013Hyman Balkin

Isidore Hochstein Lorraine Meltsner

John Shafer Jack Tipple

Hyman Weise Shevat 7 January 18, 2013

Shirley Auerbach Phillip Bunin Anna Cohen

Avery Douglas Eva Fox

Louis Wolf Shevat 8 January 19, 2013

Leo Alkana Robert Gortman

John Jick David Skolnik

Shevat 9 January 20, 2013Terry Freeling

Tim Lopez Madeline Mark

Hans Strobel Anna Weinberg

Philip Weissman Shevat 10 January 21, 2013

Jill Robin Brown Rod Edwards

Walter Furman Queenie Gomperts

Thomas Hauge Besse Meyer

Manya Schwartz Shevat 11 January 22, 2013

Lorraine Roseman

Shevat 12 January 23, 2013Carole Clines

Anne Muriel Kollin Mark Schaefer Gertrude White

Shevat 13 January 24, 2013Laura Marcus

Shevat 14 January 25, 2013Estelle S. Alper

Goldie Paul Esther Rosefield

Esther Schneider Shevat 15 January 26, 2013

Marcia Elsner Helen Jacobson

Alec Schaffer Shevat 16 January 27, 2013

Marilyn Boesch Ruth Mark

Ralph Rosefield Ben Segall

Shevat 17 January 28, 2013Herbert Barg Dennis Levy

Regina Sarvas Shevat 18 January 29, 2013

Lillian Burmeter Lillian Chason

Bruce Fuhrman Sofia Odessky

Edward Zysman Frances Zysman

Shevat 19 January 30, 2013Arnold Brodie Saul Fuhrman

James Pettigrew Celina Zlotnicki

Shevat 20 January 31, 2013Carmela Mascoli Change in MAC Leadership

The Membership Assistance Committee, sometimes called BIG MAC, is undergoing some changes. Edie Taylor, who has tirelessly chaired the committee for many years, has stepped down, and several wonderful women have already taken over the bereavement assistance part.

If a bereavement occurs in your family, please contact the PJTC office immediately. During Rabbi Grater’s absence, either Cantor Ruth, or Rabbi Emeritus Gil Kollin will be available to assist. If you have any questions about arranging a funeral reception, please contact Ricki Lane, who is the new committee chair, or the other members of the committee, Aty Rotter or Mary Ann Bernath. They have graciously stepped in to assist families in their homes after a funeral, and/or for any shiva minyans.

The other parts of MAC will be set up as sub-committees in the near future, such as the High Holiday plants and the Passover food bag deliveries. We are fortunate that a number of other PJTC members have become part of MAC and are willing to assist. Of course, monetary donations are always welcome. If you would like to support this work, we always have room for more willing hands!

The FLAME 15 January 2013

December Donations Thanks to Our December VolunteersPJTC offers our members a variety of ways to be of service

to the Temple. Those who are able to give of their time are vital to sustaining our community.

To host an Oneg, call Anita Landau To host a Kiddush, call Roz Scherr

We are continuing PJTC Basketball for adults (high school age and above) at 8:00 PM on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month.

Oneg & Kiddush HostsDec. 1 Kiddush hosted by Pat Sullivan in celebration of her

birthdayDec. 7/8 Oneg and Kiddush hosted by Gregory Beirich and

Karen Liquornik in honor of their son Benjamin’s bar mitzvah

Dec. 14/15 Oneg hosted by the Temple Board, Sisterhood, and the Men’s Club as a congregational send-off before the rabbi’s sabbatical

Kiddush hosted by Sam Haddad in honor of Rabbi Grater

Dec. 21/22 Oneg hosted by Sisterhood. Kiddush hosted by Anna and Bob Bruck in honor of

their daughter Zoe’s baby naming.Dec. 28/29 Oneg and Kiddush hosted by Cantor Ruth and

Laurence Harris in honor of their daughter Talia’s bat mitvah.

Gabbai’im Mickey Butnik Sondra Dreshner John Guest Vic Ryden Roz Scherr Barry Segal

Torah & Haftorah Marcia Alper Ben Beirich Mark Chodos Darrell Cozen Franci Levine Grater John Guest Ofer Ho Sam Haddad Talia Harris Erich Schlecht Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater

Office Volunteers Ryna Aviram Ginny Blitz Judy Ellis Sue Galpert Jerry Halpert Ruth Kaye Ernie Robinson George Roegler Edie Taylor Roz Scherr Arlene Weiss

General FundCarole & Frank Grant in memory of Estelle Sofer, mother of Matt SoferA Hanukkah gift in honor of Debbie and John Guest from Sarah Guest

and Mark BowlingThomas NarrMelvin & Barbara Cohen in memory of Harry & Anna CohenMelvin & Barbara Cohen in memory of Carl & Estelle Greenblatt

Madeline Mark Memorial FundRoza KuppermannSherry Mencher

MACTamas & Eva Lengyel

Library Fund June Brodie & Harriet Berkowitz

Sisterhood TributesTo Gail Snyder in honor of her birthday, with very best wishes from Stacy

& Stu MillerTo Talia Harris with our congratulations on becoming a Bat Mitzvah,

from Nancy & John CarltonTo Ed Honowitz in honor of his 12-year tenure on the Pasadena School

Board, “Congratulations on a job well done,” from Stacy & Stu MillerTo Sam Levin, wishing him a speedy recovery & return to good health,

from Linda & Paul RourmanTo Roslyn Terfansky, wishing her a speedy recovery and return to good

health, from Edie TaylorTo Max Fishman, wishing him a speedy recovery and return to good

health, from Edie TaylorTo Sondra Dreshner, wishing her a speedy recovery and return to good

health, from Edie TaylorTo Tara Brown & family in memory of her beloved sister, Linda Mohan,

from Stacy & Stu MillerTo Ray Gould & family in memory of his beloved mother, Mildred

Gould, from Stacy & Stu Miller, and from Joan & Jerry HalpertTo Neil Brown & family in memory of his beloved mother, Iris Brown,

from Stacy & Stu Miller, Aty & Howard Rotter, Nancy and John Carlton, Linda & Paul Rourman, and from Marcia Alper

Yahrzeit Donations to General Fund From In Memory of: Ruth Genss Larner Father, David GenssSteve & Janet Edberg Father, Jerry GreensteinHelen & Martin Lewin Father, Salomon LewinMartin Lewin Brother, Jack Lewin Dolores Schwam Aunt, Rosalyn SmithSherry & Jack Weinberg Father, Meyer WeinbergMatilda & Irving Feuer Father, Alexander FeuerJane & Yudie Fishman Father, Bert FishmanBetty Fishman Husband, Bert FishmanGail & David Snyder Mother, Bascha SnyderHoward & Ruth Judkins Father, Julius SpielbergRachel Goodman Husband, Julius GoodmanJosh Goldbert Mother, Martha HandinAlice Shulman Husband, Tom ShulmanPeter & Roberta Braun Father, Milton GoldbergJudy & Jordan Ellis Son, Jonathan EllisBarry & Suzanne Kustner Mother, Lillian SplaverIlene & Marvin Donner Grandfather, David GenssEthel Cooper Father, Harry CooperRoberta Breton Father, Isadore RosenbergStu Miller Uncle, Marshall MillerJohn Guest Friend, Sam WinogradIsabel Green Brother, Donald Engelhardt

HAZAK Presents the L.A. Opera Production of 'The Flying Dutchman"

Sunday, March 17 at 2:00 PM The legend of the ghostly ship has fascinated opera lovers

for hundreds of years. An enthralling score, illuminated by striking stage imagery, powers a thrilling journey into an unsettling, mythic world where a tormented spirit seeks true love as his redemption.

Limited nunber of tickets at $10 ea. Reservation with check only. Call Joan Halpert (626)-793-8783 or Sue Galpert (626)-421-6399 for information

The FLAME 16 January 2013

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– Temple Member –

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– Temple Member –



Please Join us in the lounge

at PJTC on the second and fourth Mondays of the

month at 1:00 PM

Air Control of California


Sam Haddad #540986-Temple Member-

2334 Honolulu Avenue, Montrose (Glendale)

Let’s shake, rattle and bowl into the evening as we officially launch the Jewish Federations new Jewish Singles Group on Sunday, January 13

from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM for a smashing, pin dropping event

Single?Mid 30s to mid 50s

Want to get out, have fun and meet new people?

Theatre Havurah To See “Driving Miss Daisy”Saturday, February 2

On Saturday e v e n i n g , F e b r u a r y 2 , we will attend a n 8 : 0 0 P M p er formance of the Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy-drama, “Driving Miss Daisy” at the Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87

West Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre. This will be preceded by dinner at Coco’s, 1159 West Colorado Blvd. at 5:45 PM.

Tickets for the play are $19.00. You can make your reservation by sending your check to Ricky Calvin.

“Driving Miss Daisy” is set in Atlanta, Georgia between 1948 and 1973 and chronicles the story of an African-American chauffeur employed by the son of an affluent Jewish woman who has become too advanced in years to drive herself. The story is about their developing relationship.

For more information contact Ricky Calvin.

The FLAME 17 January 2013

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After Hour Rentals– A friend to PJTC –

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Pasadena JewelersServing San Gabriel Valley Since 1988• Jewelry and Watch Repair • Special Orders

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painting and wallpapering

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– Temple Member –



Save the date Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pasadena Jewish Temple 1434 N. Altadena Dr., Pasadena

12:00 - 3:00 PMJoin the local Jewish community for

games, food, hamantaschen, and fun!Contact the Temple Office at

(626) 798-1161 with questions or to volunteer.

The FLAME 18 January 2013


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-Temple Member-

Get great savings at fine local restaurants& help support Sisterhood of PJTC

Participating Restaurants in these areas:Pasadena, Arcadia, South Pasadena and La Canada

1810 • Beckham Grill • Central Park El Portal • Go China • The Italian KitchenLa Fiesta Grande • Margarita Jones Mezbaan • Nikki C’s • Oba SushiRoxolana • Stoney Point • Firefly BistroRadhika • Bella Sera • Café MundialChang • The Derby • Los Gueros

Matt Denny’s • Orleans CornerTulipano • Villa Italia • Dish

*** YOURS FOR ONLY $25 ***It’s easy to use:


To orderSendyourrequest,alongwithacheckfor$25permembershipto:

PJTC,1434N.AltadenaDrive,Pasadena,CA91107Make check payable to: PJTC Sisterhood.

To view the January FLAME

calendar, please click icon

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P A I DPASADENA, CAPermit No. 7051434 N. Altadena Drive • Pasadena, CA 91107

We will end with a fabulous Sisterhood reception.