Japanese Kanji and Kana: A Complete Guide to the Japanese...

Post on 21-Aug-2018

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倫理  rinri ethics, morals 143

倫理学  rinrigaku ethics, moralphilosophy

143, 109

人倫  jinrin humanity, morality 1

不倫  furin immoral, illicit 94

絶倫  zetsurin peerless, unsurpassed 755

RIN – wheel, ring, circle; (counter for flowers) wa

– ring, circle, hoop, loop

車輪  sharin wheel 133

輪番  rinban taking turns, in rotation 185

五輪(大会)  Gorin (Taikai) theOlympic Games

7, 26, 158

競輪  keirin bicycle race 871

指輪  yubiwa (finger) ring 1082

HEI, nara(bu) – be lined up, be in a row

nara(beru) – arrange, put side by side nara(bini) – and nami – ordinary, average

並行  heikō parallel 68

並列  heiretsu stand in a row;parataxis


並木  namiki row of trees, roadsidetrees


平年並み  heinennami as in anaverage/normal year

202, 45

FU – general, universal

普通  futsū usual, ordinary 150

普(通)選(挙)  fu(tsū) sen(kyo)general elections

150, 814, 815

普遍的  fuhenteki universal,ubiquitous

1215, 210

普請  fushin building, construction 672

普段  fudan usual, ordinary, everyday 363

FU – (sheet) music, notes, staff, score; a genealogy;record

楽譜  gakufu (written) notes, thescore


譜面  fumen sheet music, score 274

暗譜  anpu learning the notes byheart


年譜  nenpu chronological record 45

系譜  keifu genealogical chart, family 930


REI, RYŌ, tama – soul, spirit

霊肉  reiniku body and soul/spirit 223

亡霊  bōrei soul/spirit of a deadperson


聖霊  seirei the Holy Spirit 686

霊園  reien cemetery park 454

万物の霊長  banbutsu no reichōcrown of creation, man

16, 79, 95

SHITSU, shime(ru) – become damp

shime(su) – moisten

湿気  shikke, shikki moisture,humidity


湿度  shitsudo humidity 378

湿地  shitchi damp ground, bog 118

湿布  shippu wet compress, poultice 688

KEN – clear, plain, obvious

露顕  roken dicovery, disclosure,exposure


顕著  kencho notable, striking,marked


顕花植物  kenka shokubutsuflowering plant

255, 430, 79

KI – valuable, noble; esteemed, your tatto(i),tōto(i) – valuable, noble tatto(bu), tōto(bu)– value, esteem, respect

貴重  kichō valuable, precious 227

貴重品  kichōhin valuables 227, 230

貴族  kizoku nobleman, the nobility 221

富貴  fūki, fukki riches and honors,wealth and rank


KAI – destruction tsubu(su) – crush, wreck; kill

(time) tsubu(reru) – be crushed, be destroyed;collapse

崩潰  hōkai collapse, disintegration 1174

噛み潰す  kamitsubusu chew up

I, [YUI] – leave behind, bequeath

遺伝  iden heredity 440

遺体  itai corpse, the remains 61

遺産  isan an inheritance, estate 278

遺族  izoku family of the deceased,survivors


遺言  yuigon will, last wishes 66

KEN – send tsuka(wasu) – send, give

tsuka(u) – use

派遣  haken dispatch, send (a person) 934

小遣い(銭)  kozukai(sen) pocketmoney

27, 659

気遣い  kizukai worry, apprehension 134

心遣い  kokorozukai solicitude,consideration 97

TSUI, o(u) – drive away, pursue

追放  tsuihō banishment, purge 521

追求  tsuikyū pursue, follow up 737

追加  tsuika addition, supplement 722

追い風  oikaze favorable/tail wind 29

追い越す  oikosu overtake, pass 1038

HAKU, sema(ru) – press (someone) for, urge,approach, draw near

切迫  seppaku draw near, press, beimminent


迫力  hakuryoku force, power,impressiveness


迫害  hakugai persecution 527

窮迫  kyūhaku straitenedcircumstances, poverty


HAKU – elder sibling of a parent; count, earl;(short for) Brazil

画伯  gahaku great artist, masterpainter


伯母  oba aunt (elder sister of parent) 112

伯父  oji uncle (elder brother ofparent)


HAKU – anchoring; lodge to(maru) – (intr.)

put up (for the night), lodge to(meru) – (tr.) put up(for the night), lodge

宿泊  shukuhaku lodging 179

一泊  ippaku overnight stay 2

漂泊  hyōhaku wander, drift 946

泊り客  tomarikyaku house guest;(hotel) guest


HAKU, HYŌ – beat (in music)

拍手  hakushu handclapping,applause


拍車  hakusha a spur 133

拍子  hyōshi time, tempo; chance, themoment


拍子木  hyōshigi wooden clappers 103, 22

脈拍  myakuhaku pulse 935

TEI – emperor

帝国  teikoku empire 40

帝国主義  teikoku shugi imperialism 40, 155, 291

帝政  teisei imperial rule 492

皇帝  kōtei emperor 297

カール大帝  Kāru Taitei Charlemagne 26

TEI, akira(meru) – give up, abandon

諦観  teikan clear vision; resignoneself to


要諦  yōtei secret, key, specialknowledge


成功の要諦  seikō no yōtei secret ofsuccess, key to success

261, 837, 425

TEI, shi(meru) – tie, tighten shi(maru) –be shut, tighten

条約の締結  jōyaku no teiketsuconclusion of a treaty

573, 211, 494

取り締まり  torishimari control,supervision


締め切り  shimekiri closing (date),deadline; tighten, stiffen


締め出す  shimedasu shut/lock out 53

HŌ, tazu(neru), otozu(reru) – visit

訪問  hōmon visit 162

来訪  raihō visit 69

訪日  hōnichi visit to Japan 5

訪客  hōkyaku visitor, guest 651

探訪  tanbō inquiries, inquiring into 544