Jasmine Action Story

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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You are walking down the street when your cell phone goes off in your pocket. You take it out. It a friend from school, demanding you tell him what time you will be at

the movie cinema. You text him back, ‘I’m on my way now.’ You shove your phone back into your pocket and look up. There ahead is a girl with silvery hair that

reaches her knees. Where had she come from? She is so close that you should have heard her stepping. Two cars screech around the blind corners at each end of the street. They speed closer, closer, and closer still until you are sure they are going to collide. You squeeze your eyes shut. But there is nothing. The cars do

not crash. What do you do now?

Pass out. See if the girl is okay. Carry on walking.

You are unconscious for a number of minutes, then you wake up. You stand and shrug; you can’t remember you had fainted. You walk away and meet

your friends as you said you would.

The End.

You decide to look for the girl. When you see her you almost don’t recognise her, because her pale hair is now tinged with red. She is okay. She stares at the road intently. Her hair goes back to silver, then the cars start moving again. There is no longer a force pulling them towards each other; the magnet is broken. She

jogs across the road. You:

Follow her. Run home and hide.

Suddenly you see a boy across the road. He wasn’t there before. He and the girl begin arguing in some language you have never heard. Even though they appear angry, their voices sound like singing. You are entranced. You

follow them from the opposite side of the road and a few metres behind. They stop. They turn around. Look straight at you.

Pretend to text someone. Stare back.

Quickly you pull out your cell phone and jab at the keypad. They have caught you, you are sure. You frown down at the footpath for a while

before you look up. They are gone. You sigh in relief. A few minutes later you arrive at the movies.

Tell everyone about it. Get abducted by aliens.

“Guess what!” you shout. “What?” Ash wants to know. You give your friends a very detailed recount of what had happened. “Yeah right,” James

scoffs. “Ha-ha, whatever,” Xenia says. No one believes you, so you:

Agree. Pack a tantrum.

“Yeah, it was all a joke,” you tell them. They all grin and say you were quite convincing. You smile along with them. Together you

get in the queue to buy snacks. You watch the movie. You go home.

The End.

“I don’t understand why you won’t believe me! Why won’t you believe me?” you screech. “It really happened, I was there!” You continue to hit and kick the wall and yell at the top of your lungs until you are asked to

leave by the manager.

Shoot laser beams from your eyes.

“Why should I?” you demand. Your eyes start to glow green, then the wall across the room explodes. You turn your gaze to the manager, and BAM!

The manager is gone.

Run like hell. Laugh evilly. Do both.

What have you done? You’ve killed the manager, that’s what! You’ll get caught! You have to get away. There is a small search for you, but you

are not found and life goes on as usual.

The End.

You can’t help it; an evil laugh bursts from your lips. You are having hysterics while everyone stares at you in disbelief. You quite enjoy using the

powers you didn’t know you had to do evil. You will become the most notoriously evil villain ever.

The End.

“Mwahahaha!” you laugh as you run. When people move as if to chase you, you incinerate them too. For years to come you are remembered as the

normal kid who turned into a psycho maniac.

The End.

Slightly shaken but convinced that the cars were never going to crash anyway, you continue on your walk. You only think about your friends and the movie you are going to see. Suddenly there is a tap on your shoulder. You turn around. It


A strange old lady clutching an apple. Your imagination.

“Um... Hello?” you say uncertainly. “Hello dear,” she replies, “Care for this lovely apple?”

Take it. Eye it suspiciously. Say no.

“Sure, thanks!” you take the apple. You bite into the crunchy flesh. It is delicious. You take another bite. “That’s it, dear, eat the apple,” the old

woman encourages.

There is arsenic in it. There is a worm.

Unknown to you, the old lady has poisoned the apple with arsenic. You start to feel odd. A few hours later, you are dead.

The End.

But there in nobody. You turn back around and continue on your way.

The End.

“Ugh! Yuck!” you exclaim. There is a worm inside the apple, and you have bitten clean through it! You spit the chewed up pieces onto the footpath. “Ha-ha,” the old lady cackles, “You shouldn’t take food from


The End.

You peer suspiciously at the shiny red apple in her outstretched hand. “I don’t know,” you say slowly. “Never mind, it wasn’t meant for you

anyway.” She walks away.

The End.

No thank you, I’m not hungry.” You briskly walk away, the sooner to get away from that creepy old woman. After a few yards you glance behind your

shoulder to see the shrivelled old lady is still there, staring daggers at you and mouthing silent words. You turn and sprint across the road, but before you

reach the other side a screaming pain tears through your body, then there in nothing. She has cursed you with death.

The End.

But before you can join your friends, there is a mysterious growling. You look up, and there is a giant sky coloured disk hovering directly above you!

Suddenly your feet lift off the ground. You hurtle up towards the ship.

Slam into the bottom of the ship. Land safely inside.

Ouch! There is a loud metallic bang as you smash into bottom of the ship. You stick for a second, then slowly become unstuck. You plummet to

your death.

The End.

You glare defiantly back at them. Wait – where are you now? You are in a padded cell. How did you get there? You don’t know. You never will.

The End.

Terrified, you turn around and bolt. You think you might pee yourself, you are so scared.

The End.

You pass through the metal unharmed and land on the floor. There are blue manlike creatures with four arms, antennas and bare webbed

feet peering at you.

Stare at them.