Jaundice and Homoeopathy

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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  • 8/3/2019 Jaundice and Homoeopathy



    Dr. S.K. MAMGAIN

    AWARDS & HONORS: Doon Ratna; Garhwal Gaurav; Gold Medalist; Veteran Homoeopath & Various other honors


    218, D. L. Road, DEHRADUN 248 001

    E-mail: drmamgain@gmail.com

    Web: http://www.homoeopathy-milddose.com

    JAUNDICE (Etiology and symptoms) A condition characterized by yellowness of the skin,

    whites of eyes, mucous membranes, and body fluids owing to deposition of bile pigment

    resulting from excess bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia). It may be caused by

    obstruction of bile passageways, excess destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), or

    disturbances in the functioning of liver cells.

    Jaundice may indicate a benign curable disease, such as a gallstone blocking the

    common duct, or carcinoma of the head of the pancreas involving the opening of the bileduct into the duodenum. It is therefore important to make the correct diagnosis.

    Persons with jaundice may also have nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain and may

    pass dark urine. Jaundice is a symptom of many disorders, including liver diseases, biliary

    obstruction, and the hemolytic anemias.

    The diagnostic studies to determine the cause of jaundice include noninvasive

    procedures such as ultrasonography and computed tomography, in addition to clinicallaboratory studies and expert clinical evaluation. Invasive studies include cholangiography,

    endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), or percutaneous transhepatic

    cholangiography (PTC).

    In the newborn, severe jaundice may damage the cells of the basal ganglia and the

    brainstem, and may lead to deafness, cerebral palsy, or death. Depending on its cause,

    which may be red cell (Rh) incompatibility or septicemia, jaundice in the newborn may be

    treated with exchange transfusion, phototherapy, or both.

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    In homoeopathy our Materia Medica has rich store of very good and wonderful

    remedies for jaundice and when any one of these remedies used on proper indications it

    CURES the case as defined in Aphorism No. 2 by Hahnemann in his Organon of Medicine.

    RADAR 8 in Synthesis Repertory gives 168 remedies as General Rubric under Skin

    Discoloration Yellow (Jaundice etc.). Out of these I could use only a few for jaundice with

    very good results.

    I am giving two unique cases hereunder from numerous cases cured under my care.

    Out of these numerous cases some were cured within a week.

    Case No. 1. A businessman aged 55 years on 5 th June 2006 complained that:

    He was feeling much heaviness in head for about past four months.

    Great weariness.

    Sleeplessness in the night with occasional sleepiness during the day.

    Loss of appetite, on looking at food feels full.

    Heaviness in stomach, a kind of dyspepsia.

    Urine yellow.

    On 6th June the blood examination revealed

    Serum bilirubin .. 5.20 mg/dl (Reference range 0.20 1.30)

    S. G. P. T. (ALT)1540 U/L ,, ,, 11 - 66

    Copy of the blood report dt. 6th June 2006


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    Homoeopathic treatment was started. The patient was advised to take furlough from the

    business and to take complete rest for some time. Fat free simple easily digestible diet was


    He responded to this treatment promptly and started feeling improvement in all respects.

    On 10th June 2006 blood was sent for examination and the result was:

    Serum bilirubin .. 4.80 mg/dl

    S. G. P. T. (ALT)1195 U/L

    Copy of the blood report 10th June 2006

    On 16th June 2006 the blood was again got examined and the result now was:

    Serum bilirubin .. 2.00 mg/dl

    S. G. P. T. (ALT) 437 U/L


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    Copy of the blood the blood report dt. 16th June 2006


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    On 26th June 2006 the blood report was:

    Serum bilirubin .. 0.99 mg/dl

    S. G. P. T. (ALT) 110 U/L

    Copy of the blood report dt. 26th June 2006

    Finally on 3rd July 2006 the blood report was:


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    Serum bilirubin .. 0.82 mg/dl (Reference range 0.20 1.30)

    S. G. P. T. (ALT) 39 U/L ,, ,, 11 - 66

    Copy of the blood report dt. 3rd July 2006

    The last blood report shows that the values had come within normal limits.


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    No further medicine was given.

    The patient became perfectly normal and cheerful as he ever used to be. After the

    homoeopathic medicine was started and he promptly started feeling improvement he did not

    take rest as advised. He continued to carry on his business activities.

    In this case Crtalus horridus 200 did the magic.

    Case No. 2. This is a case of a 17 years old young female. She was a boarder of a very

    prominent public school. When I was consulted on 27th August 2006, she had been suffering

    from jaundice detected on 21st August 2006.

    The blood examination on 21st August 2006 revealed:

    Serum bilirubin 2.50 mg/dl (Reference range .0.20 1.30)

    S. G. O. T. (ALT) 980 U/L ,, ,, .15 46)

    S. G. P. T. (ALT) 2845 U/L ,, ,, 11 66)

    Copy of the blood report dt. 21st August 2006


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    Due to such an advanced state of the jaundice the school administration had asked her

    guardians to take her home for proper treatment on the advice of the school hospital..

    I was consulted on 27th August 2006, her symptoms were:

    Loss of appetite.

    Urine dark yellow.

    Stool of light color.

    A very painful boil at coccyx for the past for days. The boil was so painful that she

    was unable to sit, as such she was keeping lying on her abdomen. It was terribly

    troublesome for her to go for urination and stool.

    Pimply eruption on upper arms and the back with no itching.

    Homoeopathic treatment was started on 27th August 2006, and she responded well promptly

    along with relief in the boil.30th August 2006 the report was that she is feeling better with much improvement in the

    boil, the hepatic profile was:

    Serum bilirubin 1.50 mg/dl

    S. G. O. T. (AST) 228 U/L

    S. G. P. T. (ALT) 422 U/L

    Alkaline Phosphatase 330 U/L (Reference range 38 126)

    G. G. T. P. 248 U/L (Reference range .12 58)

    ESR 56 mm/hr

    Copy of the blood report dt. 30th August 2006


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    Page 2


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    5th September 2006:

    There is improvement in her general condition.

    The boil has healed completely.

    The hepatic profile was on 5th September 2006:

    Serum bilirubin 1.02 mg/dl

    S. G. O. T. (AST) 46 U/L

    S. G. P. T. (ALT) 115 U/L

    Alkaline Phosphatase 188 U/L

    G. G. T. P. 120 U/L


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    The copy of the blood report dt 5 th September 2006

    On 15th September 2006 the Hepatic profile was:

    S. G. O. T. (AST)..29 U/L

    S. G. P. T. (ALT) .46 U/L

    Alkaline Phosphatase 79 U/L

    S. Bilirubin (Total) ...0.89 mg/dl

    All the values have come in normal range.

    The copy of the blood report dt 15th September 2006


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  • 8/3/2019 Jaundice and Homoeopathy


    Jaundice comes on with astonishing quickness, and the eyes become yellow, and

    the skin becomes yellow and mottled.
