Java 102 intro to object-oriented programming in java

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Java 102: Intro to Object-oriented Programming with Java

Java 102

• Object-oriented Programming

– Fundamentals

• Classes & Objects

• Methods & Constructors

• Encapsulation

• Inheritance

– Libraries & Clients

Java 102: Intro to Object-oriented Programming with Java



• Java is an object-oriented language

• Its constructs represent concepts from the real world.

• Each Java program has at least one class that knows how to do certain actions or has properties

• Classes in Java may have methods and properties (a.k.a. attributes or fields)

Example 1: Car Class


• Objects are created using Classes as a blueprint

• Each object is an instance of a Class

• Objects must be instantiated before they can be accessed or used in a program

• Objects are instantiated using the newkeyword

Example 2: Creating Car Objects

• These two Car instances are created with the new operator:

Car car1 = new Car();

Car car2 = new Car();

• Now the variables car1 and car2 represent new instances of Car:




public class Car {private String make;private String model;private String color;

public void setColor(String color){this.color = color;


public String getColor(){return this.color;


void startEngine(){System.out.println("starting


void stopEngine(){System.out.println("stopping



variables store the state of the objects that are created from this class. Ideally. these should not be accessed directly by other objects

getters and setters encapsulation the state of objects. All access to object variables should be done through this mechanism

Methods encapsulate the behavior of objects created from this class


• Packages are used for grouping classes within a java project

• Packages provide a way to organise code into cohesive groups

• They are just folders on the filesystem

• IDE’s replace the slashes with a dot as part of convention

Hands-on Exercise

Creating Objects


• A sequence of program instructions that perform a specific task that are packaged as a unit

• Takes zero or more input arguments.

• Returns one output value.

• May have side effects

• Examples– Scientists use mathematical functions to calculate


– Programmers use functions to build modular programs.


• Two types…– Class Level Methods– Object/instance level methods

• Class level methods are referred to as static methods• Method declaration referred to as the signature

– Method name– Parameter types

• Examples. – Built-in static methods: Math.random(), Math.abs(),

Integer.parseInt(). – I/O libraries: System.out.print(), – User-defined methods: main(), etc

Benefits of Methods?

• Methods enable you to build a new layer of abstraction.

– Takes you beyond pre-packaged libraries.

– You build the functionality you need

• Process.

– Step 1: identify a useful feature

– Step 2: implement it

– Step 3: use it (re-use it in any of your programs).

Anatomy of a Java Method


• The block of code that can refer to that named variable

• E.g. A variable's scope is code following in the block.

• Best practice: declare variables to limit their scope

Hands-on Exercise

Working with Methods

Constructors • Constructors are special methods • They are called only once when the class is being instantiated:

Tax t = new Tax(40000, “CA”,4); • They must have the same name as the class.• They can’t return a value and you don’t use void as a return type.

public class Tax {

// class variables / fields

private double grossIncome;

private String state;

private int dependents;

// Constructor

public Tax (double grossIncome, String state, int depen){

// class variable initialization

this.grossIncome = grossIncome;

this.state = state;

this.dependents = dependents;



Method Overloading

• Method overloading means having a class with more than one method having the same name but different argument lists.

class LoanShark{

int calcLoanPayment(int amount, int numberOfMonths){

// by default, calculate for New York state

calcLoanPayment(amount, numberOfMonths, “NY”);


int calcLoanPayment(int amount, int numberOfMonths, String state){

// Your code for calculating loan payments goes here



Hands-on Exercise

Method Overloading

Inheritance• Ability to define a new class based on an existing one. • E.g. lets create a James Bond Car from our existing Car class

Class Inheritance


Employee Contractor


Method Overriding

• If a subclass has the method with the same name and argument list, it will override (suppress) the corresponding method of its ancestor.

• Method overriding comes handy in the following situations:

• The source code of the super class is not available, but you still need to change its functionality

• The original version of the method is still valid in some cases, and you want to keep it as is

Hands-on Exercise


Classes and Objects Summary

• A class declaration names the class and encloses the class body between braces

• The class name can be preceded by modifiers e.g. public, private• The class body contains fields, methods, and constructors• A class uses fields to contain state information and uses methods to

implement behaviour• Constructors that initialize a new instance of a class share its name and

look like methods without a return type• Specify a class variable or a class method by using the static keyword in

the member's declaration• Class variables are shared by all instances of a class and can be accessed

through the class name as well as an instance reference• You create an object from a class by using the new operator and a

constructor• The garbage collector automatically cleans up unused objects

Java 102: Intro to Object-oriented Programming with Java

Java Libraries


• Library - a module whose methods are primarily intended for use by many other programs.

• Client - a program that calls a library.

• API - the contract between client and implementation.

• Implementation - a program that implements the methods in an API.

Example: Standard Random

• A library to generate pseudo-random numbers.


Standard Random API

Standard Random Implementation

public class StdRandom {

//between 0 and N-1

public static int uniform (int N){

return (int)(Math.random() * N);


// between lo and hi

public static double uniform (double lo, double hi){

return lo + (int)(Math.random() * (hi-lo));


// truth with probability

public static boolean bernoulli(double p){

return Math.random() < p;



Hands-on Exercise

Using a Java Library

Java Libraries Summary

• Why use libraries?

– Makes code easier to understand.

– Makes code easier to debug.

– Makes code easier to maintain and improve.

– Makes code easier to reuse.

Homework Exercise

• Invent and program any sample application to illustrate inheritance.

• For example, think of the classes Cat and Dog, Man and Woman, or a store inventory that has to be discounted...

Further Reading

• OO Concepts -

• Classes and Objects –

• Interfaces and Inheritance -

• Tools, tips and tricks for Unit Testing Java applications -