Java Classes Using Java Classes Introduction to UML.

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Java Classes

Using Java ClassesIntroduction to UML

Java and object-orientation

Java is an object-oriented language a Java program consists of one or more

classes, each of which contain attributes and methods

Java programs create and use instances of these classes called objects

we can use UML (Unified Modelling language) to design and document our object-oriented designs

UML class diagrams can easily be translated into Java code

Why classes?

convenient way of packaging together related data and functionality

this is called encapsulation

Example - Spike

Spike's data colour of body

and features position (x and y

coordinates) height

Spike's functionality

construct a new Spike object and initialise its data

draw move to a given position get its current position (x or y coordinate) change its height to a given value

Java classes

in Java we use the following terms: attributes for the data methods for the functionality

attributes are usually private other objects can't read or change them

public methods are used to interact with the object

typically methods could: read an attribute set (change) an attribute do something (eg paint) using attribute values

Why classes?

once we have defined a class we can create one or more instances (objects) of that class class is the blueprint object is the actual

instance each object has its own

data can be different to that

of other objects of the same class

methods are used to interact with individual objects

How to create and use objects

declare a variable of the desired class Spike spike1;

create objects of that class using the constructor and the keyword new spike1 = new Spike();

use the name of the object to call its methods spike1.moveTo(50, 100); spike1.drawSpike();

Other classes you’ve seen

Console readString(), readInt()…. methods

System.out print() and println() methods

You also used the String class Take a look at your first Java project again.

UML class diagrams

UML – Universal Modelling Language

standard notation for designing and documenting object-oriented systems

a UML class diagram is a box with 3 compartments top: class name middle: attributes bottom: methods




More detailed class diagrams

attribute visibility+ for public- for private

type of attribute, return type of methodafter :

type and name of method parameters in brackets after

method name




Using classes very often in Object-Oriented programming we

will use classes written by someone else part of Java language in libraries, like Console written by our colleagues (Spike)

(hopefully) these classes will be well designed, tested and documented

we can use them with confidence this is called software reuse

allows rapid building of robust systems now we will go through another example of

using a library (someone else's) class





part of corejava library encapsulates all information

about a date private attributes:

day month year

all integers why not have a dayOfWeek


Day methodsCloneable




what do you think the other methods do? hint: it is good programming

practice to give methods meaningful names!

can refer to documentation for more information hopefully the class developer

wrote meaningful comments!!


all classes have a constructor method that is called when an object is first created

all constructors must have the same name as the class and are public

constructors never have a return type Java provides a default constructor

creates space in memory for the object and all its attributes

classes can provide their own version(s) to do any initialisation steps required which methods are the Day constructors and

what do you think they do?

Day classCloneable




two constructor methods: public Day()

creates a Day object with today’s date

public Day(int yyyy, int m, int d) creates a Day object with given


get- methods

often need a method to return the value of a private attribute way of reading the attribute without changing it

conventional to use a get- method method getX( ) returns the attribute X

public so other classes can use it return type is the same type as the attribute Day has three get- methods

what do you think they do?

set- methods

set- methods are used to change the value of given attribute give write- access to a private attribute

method setX(type a) sets the value of attribute X to the new value a

public so other classes can use it parameter type is the same type as the attribute

return type is usually void Day does not have any set- methods

why do you think this is?

toString() method

all Java classes have a default toString() method

returns a String containing information about the object

the default is name of class @ hash code of the object for example Day@1a16869

many classes override this method to return something more meaningful in this case Day[2004,9,22] name of class, then year, month, day in

square brackets





other methods of interest: advance(int n) advances the

date by n days not as easy as it looks – have to

consider end of months and years

int weekday() returns the day of the week 0 for Sunday to 6 for Saturday

int daysBetween(Day b) calculates and returns the

number of days between 2 Day objects

Information hiding

the logic within these methods is quite complicated

fortunately we don't need to know how they are implemented

as long as we know what they do, we can confidently use them without knowing how they do it

in OO terms this is called information hiding

Using the Day class we'd now like to write a program that

uses some of the features of the Day class

before we write our program we need to think about what it will do

Scenario - a small application program is required which can ask the user for a number and tell them

what date it will be in that many day's time

How can we do this?

could create a Day object it encapsulates all the information about a date

what date should we represent? today's date use default constructor

how can we get input from the user? use Console.readInt() method

how can we advance the date? use the Day object's advance() method luckily we don't need to write it ourselves!!!

How can we do this?

how can we output the results? use the Day object's toString() method, and

print the returned String to the console how should we structure the program?

put code in one class

small, so put all code in main() method import corejava.* to access Console and Day


DayInterface.javaimport corejava.*;public class DayInterface{ public static void main(String[] args) { Day theDate; int amount; theDate = new Day(); amount = Console.readInt("How many days from now? "); theDate.advance(amount); System.out.println(amount + " days from today is " +

theDate.toString()); }}


How many days from now? 250250 days from today is



have looked at classes why we use them - encapsulation what they are made of (attributes and methods) how we can document them with UML class

diagrams how we can use library classes in our own

programs information hiding – we don't need to know how they


tutorial design some class diagrams write some more applications using other

people's classes