Javascript Editing Tools Made Easy Blue Raster - Esri Developer Summit 2013 Lightning Talk

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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JavaScript Editing Tools Made Easy

2013 Esri International Developer Summit March 25 - 28, 2013

Presented by: Robert WinterbottomBlue Raster

Editing tools made easyGoals

Configure the editor widget to support non-GIS users

Keep it simpleLimit the tasks our users

could performAdd additional capabilities

to the editor widget

Keeping it simpleEasily identifiable tools.Simple tools

Draw/Erase Polygon and Freehand Polygon drawing

Undo/ Redo Edit Vertices

Custom Editing Tools!= “Reinvent the wheel”.Reassemble the wheel

with components that were already available from Esri’s JavaScript API.

Combination of draw toolbar, edit toolbar, and the Geometry Service.

DrawingPolygon or

Freehand Polygon tool.

Draw the shape and automatically join the geometries.

Geometry Service Method: Union

ErasingDraw a shape

and automatically remove that section from the polygon.

Geometry Service Method: Difference

Editing VerticesGive our user greater

precision.Great tool already.Snapping!

Interact with neighboring polygonsShow neighboring


overlapping polygons.

Provide feedback.Geometry Service

Methods: Buffer, Intersect, Relation

Thank you.Follow Blue Raster

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