Jay Abraham Webinar 3/5/13 - We First

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Simon Mainwaring


Introduction •  Award-winning advertising writer and creative director in Australia, U.K. & U.S. •  Nike creative writer at Wieden & Kennedy •  Worldwide Creative Director on Motorola at Ogilvy •  NYT’s, WSJ and Amazon bestseller, We First, named Best Marketing Book of 2011 (strategy+business) •  Blogger Fast Company, Mashable, Forbes, GOOD, Huffington Post


Key Questions

•  Do you think we can turn back the internet?

•  Do you think we can turn back social media?

•  Do you think we can turn back mobile phones?


The Opportunity

•  Automation: Scale your lead generation and sales at little expense.

•  Social Media: Build your brand reputation, leads and sales through new channels.

•  Mobile: Stay connected to customers and sell at all times.


“If you want to become a large and profitable brand

you have to start acting like one.”

The Obstacle

? ?


The Solution


Step 1: Accept new marketplace


“People will share twice as much information as they share this year, and next year,

they will be sharing twice as much as they did the year before.”

Zuckerberg’s Law

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•  Develop a curiosity for new technology that can build your profits.

•  Read a technology blog: TechCrunch, Mashable, CNN Tech.

•  Ask customers if there are new ways they’d like to connect.

Action Steps:


Step 2: Rediscover your audience

Source: Edelman GoodPurpose Report 2012

Source: Edelman GoodPurpose Report 2012

•  Ask your customers what they care about.

•  Identify shared values and a common purpose.

•  Commit to contributing in a way that builds your business.

Action Steps:


Step 3: Focus on Story + Telling


Choose how to tell your story •  Facebook •  Twitter •  Google+ •  Linked In •  You Tube •  Pinterest •  Instagram •  Vine •  Social ads •  Mobile ads


Social Media Around The World 2012 Report, InSite Consulting

Social Media Around The World 2012 Report, InSite Consulting

•  Check if your marketing tells a clear and consistent story.

•  Check if your marketing has a consistent look and feel.

•  Find new ways to you tell your story.

Action Steps:


Step 4: Define your brand

•  What does your company do?

•  What is its purpose?

•  What are its values?

•  Who does it serve?

•  What is its mission?


Key questions to ask

•  Values: Why did you start the company?

•  Abstract: What is its purpose in the world?

•  Competitive: What are you the only of?

•  Skills: When you are at your best, what are you doing?






Insert image filling entire screen Right click, ‘arrange’ ‘send to back’

To overlay logo on top of image

Insert image filling entire screen Right click, ‘arrange’ ‘send to back’

To overlay logo on top of image

•  Work with employees and customers to define your purpose.

•  Share that purpose in your marketing materials.

•  Regularly remind your customers of this common purpose.

Action Steps:


Step 5: Make a contribution

•  Seek financial gain and personal fulfillment.

•  See customers as partners in business success and positive impact.

•  Avoid accusations of green-washing or cause washing.


Insert image filling entire screen Right click, ‘arrange’ ‘send to back’

To overlay logo on top of image

Insert image filling entire screen Right click, ‘arrange’ ‘send to back’

To overlay logo on top of image

Insert image filling entire screen Right click, ‘arrange’ ‘send to back’

To overlay logo on top of image

•  Identify a cause that matches the values of your brand.

•  Demonstrate an authentic commitment to that cause.

•  Use that contribution to build greater loyalty and sales.

Action Steps:


Step 6: Engage customers

•  Plan your marketing for the entire year.

•  Use unexpected opportunities for free PR. •  Always reinforce the same brand story.













•  Coaches: Webinar, free e-book, livestream, live event, Google hangout, speech, book, free chapter, coaching program, mastermind.

•  Sales: Offers, coupons, gifts, new products, crowdsourcing, cross–promotion, sponsorship.

•  Technology: New website, app, You Tube show, blog, social media channel, ad buy.


•  Plan each tactic as a chapter in a longer brand story.

•  Use the common purpose to engage customers.

•  Update customers about progress towards the mission of the brand.

Action Steps:


Step 7: Co-create marketing

•  Pull in your customers rather than push marketing on them.

•  Lead with listening, rather than talking.

•  Share the sales and marketing burden with customers.



Add logo here

And remove formatting box

•  Ask customers to promote your product, services and cause.

•  Create marketing content with customers specific to different channels.

•  Ask customers for ideas about new products and services they want.

Action Steps:


Step 8: Grow community

•  Plan an editorial calendar for the entire year.

•  Respond to unforeseen engagement opportunities.

•  Always engage, upgrade and reward customers.


Grow community





Reward Engage

















•  Use each tactic to build the longer brand story.

•  Use your common purpose as a way to inspire customer loyalty.

•  Keep customers informed of your progress towards the brand’s mission.

Action Steps:


Eight steps to leadership

1.  Accept new marketplace 2.  Rediscover your audience 3.  Focus on Story + Telling 4.  Define your brand 5.  Make a contribution 6.  Engage customers 7.  Co-create marketing 8.  Grow community


Leadership strategies

•  The future of profit is purpose.

•  Be the celebrant, not celebrity, of your customer community

•  The evolution of revolution is contribution.


Leadership tactics

•  Stop selling, start caring.

•  Let the customer be the hero.

•  Scale intimacy.



Self-sustaining profits + impact










Your Brand


Social Branding Blueprint

1. How to talk about the good that you do so customers to buy more.

2. How to frame your brand story so customers promote your business.

3. The best strategies, tactics and tools to make sure you get results.

Get your Blueprint at: SocialBrandingBlueprint.com/Jay

Social Branding Blueprint

1. Save Time: 8-step, easy-to-follow program.

2. Less Work: Simple menu of the tactics to choose from.

3. Less Effort: Get customers to build your brand with you.

Get your Blueprint at: SocialBrandingBlueprint.com/Jay

Social Branding Blueprint "Since taking the We First training, our new Customer CEO brand has had rapid market acceptance, measured in three ways. In new business, we have seen our client base nearly double within six months. In brand awareness, our social media connections have exploded with thousands of new followers. Finally, in pre-sales of our new book, several dozen organizations are placing bulk orders and booking us for speaking and workshops. Simon's gift is understanding how to really make this happen, not just talk about it.” Chuck Wall, Founder, CEO Customer "After training with We First our engagement level on Facebook (people talking about us) has constantly exceeded 10% and mostly stays between 20-30% with a high of 70%. This is compared to good target range between 1-5%. We have seen significant sales increases as a direct result of the high interaction levels." Michael Jones, CEO, Thrive Farmers Coffee After working with Simon, the number of new business leads increased 40% in the past three months. Mark Burgess, Co-founder, Blue Focus Marketing

Get your Blueprint at: SocialBrandingBlueprint.com/Jay

Step-by-step online Blueprint training course. $997

Free Ticket to We First Seminar in Fall 2013. $1997

Teleseminar and webcam trainings: $497

Investment: $997 ($3500+ value)


Social Branding Blueprint

Thank you!

For the special offer on the Social Branding Blueprint

Visit SocialBrandingBlueprint.com/Jay now.

Will you be the NEXT contagious social brand? “

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