Jennie and kate power point

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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15 FactsBook Two

(Native Son)Jennie and Kate

Fact OneBigger wakes up at his house after he kills

Mary. When he wakes up he acts like nothing ever happened.

Fact Two Bigger goes to the Dalton’s house. That’s when the Dalton’s & Peggy realize Mary is not there.

Fact ThreeThe Dalton's search for her but still cannot find

her. They hire a private investigator, Britten.

Fact FourBigger goes to Bessie's house and kind of tells

her about what he did. He decided to make a ransom note to send to the Dalton's.

Fact FiveBritten brings Jan and Jan finds out that

Bigger is lying to them. Britten interviews the both of them.

Fact SixBigger goes outside and points his gun at Jan.

Jan gets scared and runs away.

Fact SevenBigger goes to Bessie's and tells her that he

killed Mary. They plan the ransom note and what they're going to do. He drops the ransom note off at the Dalton's.

Fact EightBigger goes to Dalton and they find the ransom

note. A day later reporters are interviewing and questioning the Dalton's about Mary's disappearance.

Fact Nine Everyone is in the basement and the furnace explodes and gets very smoky. The reporters try to figure out why it just did that.

Fact Ten The reporters end up seeing Mary’s bones in the furnace. They also notice a ring which belongs to her.

Fact Eleven Bigger decides to run away and goes to Bessie’s house. They continue to talk about there plan to run away.

Fact Twelve Bigger and Bessie decide to run and they take all there stuff with them. They end up in an abandoned house.

Fact Thirteen When they get to the abandoned house Bigger rapes& kills Bessie, he’s own girlfriend. He does that because he wants to feel in control.

Fact FourteenBigger starts to think about death. He believes that he is better of dead then alive. Bigger also see’s the article about Mary’s death in the newspaper.

Fact FifteenThese 2 white man end up capturing Bigger. They sink him into the snow as if they were going to kill him.