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JeopardyAllusions Themes Vocab Review Quotes

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Allusions

The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers, and the crash hit them hardest.

$100 Answer from Allusions

Stock market crash

$200 Question from Allusions

…bread lines in the cities grew longer, people in the country grew poorer.

$200 Answer from Allusions

The Great Depression

$300 Question from Allusions

There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see

outside the boundaries of Maycomb County.

$300 Answer from Allusions

The Great Depression

$400 Question from Allusions

Simon would have regarded with impotent fury the disturbance between

the North and South, as it left his descendants stripped of everything

but their land…

$400 Answer from Allusions

The Civil War

$500 Question from Allusions

Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself.

$500 Answer from Allusions

FDR’s 1932 inauguration speech

$100 Question from Themes

The sheriff hadn’t the heart to put him in jail alongside Negroes, so Boo was

locked in the courthouse basement.

$100 Answer from Themes


$200 Question from Themes

The jury couldn’t possibly be expected to take Tom Robinson’s word against the Ewells’…

$200 Answer from Themes


$300 Question from Themes

It was the first time I ever walked away from a fight.

$300 Answer from Themes

Coming of age

$400 Question from Themes

How do the children react to Atticus’s hidden identity?

$400 Answer from Themes

Coming of age

$500 Question from Themes

What are some ways we see Scout and Jem “part company”? 

$500 Answer from Themes

Coming of age

$100 Question from Vocab

Until Jem and Dill excluded me from their plans, she was only another lady in the neighborhood, but a relatively benign presence.

$100 Answer from Vocab


$200 Question from Vocab

I wasn’t sure what Jem resented most, but I took umbrage at Mrs. Dubose’s

assessment of the family’s mental hygiene.

$200 Answer from Vocab


$300 Question from Vocab

She married a taciturn man who spent most of his time lying in a hammock by the river wondering if his trot-lines

were full.

$300 Answer from Vocab


$400 Question from Vocab

She was a less than satisfactory source of palliation, but she did give Jem a hot biscuit-and-butter which he tore

in half and shared with me.

$400 Answer from Vocab


$500 Question from Vocab

When it healed, and Jem’s fears of never being able to play football were

assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury.

$500 Answer from Vocab


$100 Question from Review

How is Scout different from her classmates?

$100 Answer from ReviewScout already has more education than her

classmates. Her life is not as hard as those of her classmates, and she has the luxury of

having a professional father who is well-educated. She is interested in learning

where her classmates are more concerned with helping their families survive and where their

next meal will come from.

$200 Question from Review

Why didn’t the Ewells have to go to school?

$200 Answer from ReviewIf the truant officer enforced the law, their dad

would probably go to jail. As bad as things were for the Ewell children, they likely would have been even worse off without their father. Because their home life was so unusual, the authorities bent the rules for them (such as

hunting out of season).

$300 Question from Review

How does Cal have two identities?

$300 Answer from Review

She talks and acts like her black friends and neighbors when she is with them, and she talks

and acts more like the white people of Maycomb when she is with them.

$400 Question from Review

What does Miss Maudie think of the Radleys?

$400 Answer from Review

She believes they have the right to do whatever they want to do as long as

they don’t bother anyone else.

$500 Question from Review

What is courage according to Atticus?

$500 Answer from Review

There is a different kind of courage than physical courage like a man with

a gun—courage is knowing you are beat before you start but doing it

anyway because it is the right thing to do.

$100 Question from Quotes

“He ain’t Company, Cal, he’s just a Cunningham.”

$100 Answer from Quotes


$200 Question from Quotes

“…but sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey

bottle in the hand of—oh, of your father.”

$200 Answer from Quotes

Miss Maudie

$300 Question from Quotes

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his

point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”

$300 Answer from Quotes


$400 Question from Quotes

“Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.”

$400 Answer from Quotes

Miss Maudie

$500 Question from Quotes

“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” 

$500 Answer from Quotes

Miss Maudie

Final Jeopardy

A finch is a small songbird.

Explain the significance of the family’s last name. 

Final Jeopardy Answer

The Finch family is vulnerable. Scout and Jem will be

particularly vulnerable due to their innocence.