Jesus at Jacob’s Well in Samaria John 4:7-10. 7 A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Jesus at Jacob’s Well in Samaria

John 4:7-10

7 A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink." 8 For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. 9 Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. 10 Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

Events at the Well – Woman’s View

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water• Misused life

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water• Misused life• A new way of worship

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water• Misused life• A new way of worship

• Recognized Him as prophet

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water• Misused life• A new way of worship

• Recognized Him as prophet• Recognized Him as source of truth

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water• Misused life• A new way of worship

• Recognized Him as prophet• Recognized Him as source of truth• Saw evidence He was the Messiah

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water• Misused life• A new way of worship

• Recognized Him as prophet• Recognized Him as source of truth• Saw evidence He was the Messiah• “Come and see” changes lives

Events at the Well – Woman’s View • Ordinary day, she met a stranger• Stranger told her of:• Living water• Misused life• A new way of worship

• Recognized Him as prophet• Recognized Him as source of truth• Saw evidence He was the Messiah• “Come and see” changes lives• First source of city’s salvation

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”• Saw her as a door to many others

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”• Saw her as a door to many others• Began teaching using ordinary events

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”• Saw her as a door to many others• Began teaching using ordinary events• Created “hunger” in her

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”• Saw her as a door to many others• Began teaching using ordinary events• Created “hunger” in her• Began where she was – waited

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”• Saw her as a door to many others• Began teaching using ordinary events• Created “hunger” in her• Began where she was – waited• Saw the woman, saw the disciples

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”• Saw her as a door to many others• Began teaching using ordinary events• Created “hunger” in her• Began where she was – waited• Saw the woman, saw the disciples• Waterpots and Food

Events at the Well – Jesus’ View • Saw one “undesirable soul”• Saw her as a door to many others• Began teaching using ordinary events• Created “hunger” in her• Began where she was – waited• Saw the woman, saw the disciples• Waterpots and Food• Seized the opportunity for two days

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View • Ordinary day, needed food

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View • Ordinary day, needed food• Attitude toward Samaritans ? ?

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View • Ordinary day, needed food• Attitude toward Samaritans ? ?• Disciples and “limited” commission

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View • Ordinary day, needed food• Attitude toward Samaritans ? ?• Disciples and “limited” commission• Did they see “unclean” souls?

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View • Ordinary day, needed food• Attitude toward Samaritans ? ?• Disciples and “limited” commission• Did they see “unclean” souls?• Eyes did not see “clean” souls

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View • Ordinary day, needed food• Attitude toward Samaritans ? ?• Disciples and “limited” commission• Did they see “unclean” souls?• Eyes did not see “clean” souls• Told to lift eyes and labor!

Events at the Well – Disciples’ View • Ordinary day, needed food• Attitude toward Samaritans ? ?• Disciples and “limited” commission• Did they see “unclean” souls?• Eyes did not see “clean” souls• Told to lift eyes and labor!• Later preached in Samaria

Events at YOUR Well – YOUR View

Events at YOUR Well – YOUR View • Ordinary day, you meet a stranger

Events at YOUR Well – YOUR View • Ordinary day, you meet a stranger• Do you see souls as “unclean”?

Events at YOUR Well – YOUR View • Ordinary day, you meet a stranger• Do you see souls as “unclean”?• Are your “waterpots” in the way?

Events at YOUR Well – YOUR View • Ordinary day, you meet a stranger• Do you see souls as “unclean”?• Are your “waterpots” in the way?• Lift your eyes and labor

Events at YOUR Well – YOUR View • Ordinary day, you meet a stranger• Do you see souls as “unclean”?• Are your “waterpots” in the way?• Lift your eyes and labor• So simple, just say, “Come and see”

Finding the Living Waters

Finding the Living Waters

• Believe in Him John 3:16

Finding the Living Waters

• Believe in Him John 3:16

• Repent (Decide) Acts 17:30

Finding the Living Waters

• Believe in Him John 3:16

• Repent (Decide) Acts 17:30

• Confess Christ Rom. 10:9

Finding the Living Waters

• Believe in Him John 3:16

• Repent (Decide) Acts 17:30

• Confess Christ Rom. 10:9

• Baptized into Christ Acts 2:38

Finding the Living Waters

• Believe in Him John 3:16

• Repent (Decide) Acts 17:30

• Confess Christ Rom. 10:9

• Baptized into Christ Acts 2:38

Added to His Kingdom, His Church

Finding the Living Waters

• Believe in Him John 3:16

• Repent (Decide) Acts 17:30

• Confess Christ Rom. 10:9

• Baptized into Christ Acts 2:38

Added to His Kingdom, His Church

• Live Faithfully until death Rev. 2:10