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Post on 18-Nov-2014

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When the National Development Plan (NDP) was released in 2012, the first thing that struck me was its title: “Our future – make it work”. It is a statement of ownership, and a call to action: the plan belongs to all of us as South Africans, and it is up to each one of us – not just the government – to ensure that, by 2030, we do indeed live in a “country remade.”

The different sectors of society all have their role to play in this regard, and higher education is no exception. Universities produce the knowledge required for progress, equip young people with the skills that the economy needs, and empower communities for critical citizenship.

The sociologist Manuel Castells calls universities “engines of development”. And former President Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”.

At Stellenbosch University (SU), we follow a science- for-society approach. This is reflected in our HOPE Project, through which we are working to eradicate poverty, promote human dignity and health, entrench democracy and human rights, strengthen peace and

security, and balance a sustainable environment with a competitive industry.

Fundamental research and academic excellence are important, but universities can no longer be ivory towers – especially not in developing societies. We have to be relevant to the people of our country and continent by engaging with their needs.

That is why SU made research inputs to the NDP during its formative stages, and now that the document is there, we want to contribute to its implementation. This conference of our School of Public Leadership is an important part of that effort.

Collaboration is going to be crucial to the implementation of the NDP. We need strong partnerships between higher education institutions, government structures at all levels, and the private sector.

Equally important is to keep the conversation on national development going. And in this, too, SU is ready to contribute. Promoting open and critical debate is, after all, a core function of a university.

In that spirit, may this conference be a great success.

Prof H Russel BotmanRector and Vice-ChancellorStellenbosch University

Message from the Rector and Vice-Chancellor

Universities the ‘engines’ for NDP implementation

Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery 2

The National Development Plan (NDP) is the government’s “blueprint” for addressing the challenges and opportunities of South Africa. Pre-eminent experts wrote it and then everyone in South Africa, including a much wider pool of experts, could comment and provide input for the current version.

This conference is squarely focused on the implementation of not only the NDP, but other national plan aswell. These plans are backed by budgets and resources, but they can only bring benefits to people and communities once they are implemented. This implementation must be effective as well as ethical.

In the NDP nine primary challenges for South Africa are identified. These are:

1. Too few people work.

2. The quality of school education for black people is poor.

3. Infrastructure is poorly located, inadequate and under-maintained.

4. Spatial divides hobble inclusive development.

5. The economy is unsustainably resource-intensive.

6. The public health system cannot meet demand or sustain quality.

7. Public services are uneven and often of poor quality. 8. Corruption levels are high.

9. South Africa remains a divided society.

To deal with these challenges the NDP identifies the following six interlinked priorities:

1. Uniting all South Africans around a common programme to achieve prosperity and equity.

2. Promoting active citizenry to strengthen development, democracy and accountability.

3. Bringing about faster economic growth, higher investment and greater labour absorption.

4. Focusing on key capabilities of people and the state.

5. Building a capable and developmental state.

6. Encouraging strong leadership throughout society to work together to solve problems.

This conference:• is a step in the process of moving from ideas

through institutionalisation to implementation;• will relate to national development planning as well

as the programmes of Stellenbosch University; and• will provide a platform for various role players to

discuss and develop future strategies, partnerships and ways of implementation to realise Vision 2030 for South Africa through the successful implementation of the NDP.

The conference will consist of three components: plenary sessions with both individual presenters and panel discussions experts; presentations of projects that illustrate the implementation of policy with rapporteurs reporting back to the plenary sessions and, on the third and final day, a research colloquium on National Development Planning.

About the Conference

Prof Erwin Schwella is Professor of Public Leadership at Stellenbosch University’s School of Public Leadership. He is the Convenor of this Conference and Co-facilitator of the Research Colloquium.

Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery


23 No


ber 2013

The aim of the colloquium will be to map the various initiatives across the country that relate in one way or another to the process of national development planning. The reason for this is that many of these initiatives take place in isolation, which means that researchers, policy-makers and citizens are not provided with a viable and reliable dashboard of web-links about where particular categories of information and analysis can be obtained.

It goes without saying that the scope of the NDP is so broad that a mapping of this space would need to take into account an unmanageably large number of initiatives across all the different sectors specifically addressed by the NDP. Instead, it will be necessary to identify initiatives that are not sector-specific and that relate to the broad, integrated approach to planning that has been adopted by the NDP. This would include, for example, research relating to macro-economic policy; employment/unemployment; sustainable development; urbanisation; national and urban infrastructure investments; spatial planning systems; biodiversity and eco-systems; institutional development and capacity building, and innovation and research.

The colloquium will be run in a participatory manner. Participants will be expected to make 5 to 10 minute contributions about their own and related work, followed by discussion about emerging themes. The end result will be a preliminary analysis of emerging trends, gaps and core challenges facing the research community.

Prof Mark Swilling is the Director of the Sustainability Institute and Professor at the School of Public Leadership. He is the Co-facilitator of the Research Colloquium.

Research Colloquium on National Development Planning

Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery 4




Thursday 21 November, 2013

08:00 - 08:45 Arrival and Registration Stellenbosch University (SU), School of Public Leadership (SPL) Campus, Bellville Park

09:00 - 09:35 Welcome Prof Erwin Schwella, Professor of Public Leadership: SPL

Dr Holger Dix, Head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in South Africa

09:40 - 10:30 Keynote Message from the Presidency Mr Trevor Manuel, Minister in the Presidency: National Planning Commission (NPC) – Video Message

Mr Khulekani Mathe, Acting Head: NPC Secretariat

10:30 - 10:55 Break Tea / Coffee

11:00 - 11:45 The National Development Plan (NDP): a Provincial Governance Perspective

Dr Ivan Meyer, Provincial Minister of Cultural Affairs, Sports and Recreation: Western Cape Government

11:50 - 12:30 National Development and the South African National School of Government (SANSG): Re-engineering the Public Service through Capacity Building

Prof Job Mokgoro, Interim Head: SANSG and Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee of the SANSG

12:35 - 13:20 Lunch

13:25 - 14:30 Panel Discussion Facilitated by Mr Henry Jeffreys, Independent Political Analyst


Perspectives on the NDP:• PhilanthropyandEducation

• Planning,Policies,Action

• Anunashamedlyethicalapproach

• APartnershipwithOrganisedBusiness

Ms Priscilla Booysen, Rupert Family Foundations

Mr Abba Omar, Director Operations: Mapungubwe Institute of Strategic Reflection (MISTRA)

Dr Graham Power, Executive Chairman: Power Group

Mr Christo van der Rheede, Chief Executive Officer: Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (AHI)

14:40 - 15:30 Project Showcasing Refer to Project Programme for Project Descriptions


15:40 - 16:30 Project Showcasing Refer to Project Programme for Project Descriptions

16:40 - 17:40 Plenary feedback

18:30 - 22:00 Gala DinnerD’Aria WineryDurbanville Wine RouteDurbanville

Hosted by the AHI: Western Cape


Prof Willie Esterhuyse, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, SU: The NDP as Instrument for Peace in South Africa

Professor H Russel Botman, Rector and Vice-Chancellor, SU:Stellenbosch University as Research and Innovation Partner for National Development

Friday 22 November 2013

08:00 - 08:25 Arrival

08:30 - 09:10 Making National Planning Work: The Role of Good Governance

Adv Thuli Madonsela, Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa

09:15 - 10:20 Panel Discussion Facilitated by Mr David Daniels, SPL Panellists:

Perspectives on the NDP:• Acommissioner’sviewonthecurrentreality

• Goodgovernance:challengesforthePublicService

• ASustainabilityView

• LocalGovernment

Prof Mohammad Karaan, Member of the National Planning Commission (NPC) and Dean: SU Faculty of Agri-Sciences

Dr Yvonne Muthien, Director: SASOL INZALO Foundation

Prof Mark Swilling, Professor at SPL and Director: Sustainability Institute

Cllr Thabo Manyoni, Executive Mayor, City of Mangaung / President of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA)

11:25 - 12:15 Project Showcasing Refer to Project Programme for Project Descriptions

12:25 - 13:10 Plenary Feedback

13:10 - 13:40 Lunch

Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery 6

13:50 - 14:30 SUasaKnowledgeandInnovationPartner Prof Eugene Cloete, Vice-Rector: Research and Innovation, SU

14:35 - 15:30 PlenaryImbizo Facilitated by Prof Erwin Schwella

15:35 - 16:30 Cocktail Reception Hosted by the School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University

Saturday 23 November 2013

10:00 - 12:30Academic Research Colloquium: Setting the Research Agenda for National Development

Prof Mark Swilling and Prof Erwin Schwella

12:30 Closure


Conference speakers and presenters

Mr Christo van der Rheede, Chief Executive Officer: Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut

Mr Khulekani Mathe, Acting Head: NPC Secretariat

Ms Priscilla Booysen, Rupert Family Foundations

Dr Holger Dix, Head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in South Africa

Dr Ivan Meyer, Provincial Minister of Cultural Affairs, Sports and Recreation: Western Cape Government

Mr Abba Omar, Director Operations: Mapungubwe Institute of Strategic Reflection

Mr Trevor Manuel, Minister in the Presidency: National Planning Commission

Prof Job Mokgoro, Interim Head: SANSG and Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee of the SANSG

Dr Graham Power, Executive Chairman: Power Group

Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery 8

Dr Yvonne Muthien, Director: SASOL: INZALO Foundation

Prof Eugene Cloete, Vice-Rector: Research and Innovation, Stellenbosch University

Adv Thuli Madonsela, Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa

Prof Mohammad Karaan, Member of the National Planning Commission and Dean: Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University

Cllr Thabo Manyoni, Executive Mayor City of Mangaung / President of the South African Local Government Association


Project showcasing:

Thursday21November14:40 - 15:30

Project Description

BuildingCapabilityinOrganisationalCulture Transformation (SA Govt TAU)

Case study in the Eastern Cape Provincial Government.

ThinkTwice A non-profit organisation which provides life skills education and training to mainly under-resourced crèches and schools in the Western Cape.


A three-year research project that is aimed at determining the efficiency, effectiveness and overall impact of virtual classrooms in the Western and Northern Cape Provinces.

Foundation for Alcohol-Related Research

An organisation dedicated to building positive futures in Southern African communities by significantly reducing birth defects caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy..


A project to ensure sustainable delivery of basic municipal services related to health at Joe Gqabi District Municipality in the rural Eastern Cape Province.

Democratic Governance and Rights Unit

The project’s main focus is the human rights aspects of the plan with a specific focus on the governance issues as well as engaging civil society.


The Stellenbosch University Water Institute as a knowledge partner, showcasing research and capacity development at Further Education and Training and Higher Education levels in South Africa and Africa.

Thursday21November15:40 - 16:30

Project Description

DigiLead: Building Digital Literacy for Leaders

The DigiLead program as Phase 1 of its strategy further aims to create a local ecosystem that can foster and develop the utilisation of digital gaming as a tool within the public leadership sphere.

PowerGroup Pelikan Park, the largest Turnkey Housing Development in the Western Cape (3 200 homes plus services, schools, commercial areas etc) presently being undertaken over four to five years.

COHSASA Improving and maintaining the quality and safety of care provided to patients attending African-health care facilities.

Lead Afrika Leadership and leadership tasks associated with development within communities. The leadership process contributes to the achievement of desirable future goals.

Water Governance Programme in conjunction with EWSETA to encourage visionary leadership in water governance in South Africa.

RUCdi Voluntary Association from the Ravensmead / Uitsig and Cravenby (RUC) community, sharing experiences and memories of growing up during a bygone era, celebrating the community history, memorialising its political activism and reconnecting with long-lost relationships.

Friday,22November10:25 - 11:15

Project Description

IMSTUS/SciMathUS(HOPEProject) These programmes aim to provide learners whose Grade 12 Science and Mathematics marks were inadequate to gain admission to higher education with a second opportunity to study at university level. It also includes teacher development in the fields of science and mathematics.

Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery 10


SU researchers are collaborating across traditional academic bound-aries on three key domains of food security: food access, availability and utilisation. Their focus is on Southern Africa, with their findings being relevant not only to the rest of the continent, but also further afield. Project goals include reducing food losses in the farm-to-fork chain; improving crop production and water use efficiency; empower-ing small-scale farmers with appropriate new technologies; promoting the utilisation of safe and nutritious food; understanding the social, economic and political dimensions of food insecurity; and evaluating the impact of climate change on agriculture. Close collaboration with communities is a key feature of the Initiative. The goal is to get a grip on the issues that affect people in different spheres of society and how this relates to food security.


The Africa Centre for HIV and AIDS Management was established at Stellenbosch University (SU) in 2003 to nourish the social, political and economic transformation required to defeat the pandemic. The Centre runs a community mobilisation programme under the leader-ship of well-known singer Jimmie Earl Perry, the first UNAIDS Na-tional Goodwill Ambassador to South Africa. Interactive educational theatre is used to create awareness about HIV and AIDS prevention.

MyCiTi MyCiTi is a bus rapid transit system currently being rolled out across Cape Town, South Africa.


The project entails the improvement of housing demand data collection, storage and use of the data in the selection of beneficiaries for certain kinds of housing programmes or projects.

FriendsandNeighbours The project aims to develop a people-centred approach to nature conservation which is focused on identifying common ground and mutual benefits, as well as building bridges between people and nature.

The Clothing Bank This project empower unemployed mothers through enterprise development so that they become financially and socially independent.

OpenAfrica Open Africa’s vision is to assist rural entrepreneurs to increase their income and potential to employ more people, by building their capacity to trade and connecting them to markets.

ManenbergContactCentre The project is about how to create a safe office for the Manenberg community and for staff to be able to travel to work without a police escort.

Friday22November11:25 - 12:15

Project Description


The project was initiated to establish and develop micro-businesses and entrepreneurship in the community and, to date, supports a small number of local residents in this regard.


Project of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa in collaboration with the College of the Transfiguration which aims to create an electronic library where parishioners, clergy and ordinands have online access to the library for academic and social reading.

Hanns Seidel Foundation This project is an innovative mentoring support initiative to strengthen good governance in municipalities in the Western Cape.

InyandaYouthNetwork This project is about the youth using arts performances to communicate to their peers about social issues, while at the same time implementing youth employability programmes.

LeanInstitute(UCTGSB) UCT GSB programme to assist SME with running a ‘leaner’ business.



The Ukwanda Rural Clinical School in Worcester is an initiative of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch Univer-sity. A new generation of health care professionals is being trained at the school to specifically provide medical care in rural areas.

Rupert Family Foundations This presentation will demonstrate how strategic philanthropy can contribute to sustainable, democratic and participative educational development in partnership with school communities and universities.

GTP: Future Tyger as a World Design Capital 2014 project

This Project in the Greater Tygerberg area aims to position Voortrekker Road and the Bellville Central Area as Cape Town’s second metropolitan node.

Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery 12


Bellville Park Campus USB Main Building

SPL Van Der Horst Building

Bellville Park Campus USB Main Building

SPL Van Der Horst Building