JIHAD Jihad – striving comes from a word which means effort. In particular it is any effort made...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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JIHADJIHADJihad – striving comes from a Jihad – striving comes from a word which means effort. In word which means effort. In

particular it is any effort made particular it is any effort made by someone out of love for by someone out of love for


The Great JihadThe Great Jihad

• For most Muslims, jihad is a personal effort that everyone makes to serve Allah to the best of their ability.

• They do this by living a life devoted to God by self sacrifice and by showing love and compassion (kindness) to others.

• It is Jihad when a Muslim:

• Makes a special effort e.g. getting up before sunrise in order to pray

• Tries to love and forgive someone who has hurt or insulted them

• Gives up personal possessions for the benefit of other people.

PEACEPEACE• Wars are wasteful

of lives and resources

• Millions of people , including whole generations have dies because of war.

• Billions of pounds are spent on warfare

• Most people don’t believe its right to inflict pain, suffering and death on others bin order to take power or gain land by force.

• When this happens Muslims regard this as tyranny.

• Tyranny is the cruel and oppressive rule of a country.

• Someone who rules in this way is a tyrant.

• When a tyrant rules there is no real peace because:

• There is no security

• People feel humiliated and ashamed if they allow the situation to continue

• People feel helpless because they cannot do anything about it

• People feel ashamed because they think they have behaved in a cowardly way.

• “ if anyone walks with an oppressor to strengthen him, knowing that he is an oppressor, he has gone forth from Islam”.



• Islam is meant to be a religion of peace and goodwill.

• But Muslims do not agree with wrongdoing

• They may therefore fight to the death to defend honour and justice

• Muslims feel obliged to fight against injustice and evil

• To show courage

• Obedience

• Discipline

• As they try to bring about a just and righteous society.

• However, Muslims feel they must always exercise self control and only fight for principle not out of passion.


• “ The prophet was asked about people fighting for various reasons: which of them fight for the cause of Allah? He replied,' the person who struggles so that Allah’s word is supreme is the one serving Allah's’ cause.’ “


• The word ‘jihad’ is often used in connection with a military conflict.

• Jihad does not mean forcing others to accept Islamic belief

• It means striving to bring about a just society where Muslims follow Allah’s laws and others can worship God or not as they chose.


• This can be followed on from Jihad but should only be declared:

• In defence of the cause of Allah, not for conquest

• To restore peace and freedom of worship

• To gain freedom from tyranny

• If led by a spiritual leader and fought until the enemy surrenders

• Women, children , the old and sick should not be harmed

• Trees , crops should not be damaged

Does not includeDoes not include

• Wars of aggression or ambition

• Border disputes or national or tribal conflicts the intent to take over another country

• Forcing people into accepting a faith they do not believe.


• Muslims believe that a military jihad should stop as soon as the tyrant has surrendered.

• Once the enemy has been beaten all fighting should stop

• The principles of mercy should be applied immediately

• The enemy should never be executed as revenge after they have surrendered.

• The wounded of the enemy army should receive the same treatment as the wounded of their own army

• Women and children should never be harmed or ill treated.

• “ if two sides among the believers quarrel , make peace between them. But if one trespasses again the other, then fight against the one that transgresses

Until it complies with the command of Allah….then

make peace between them with justice, be fair, for Allah loves those who are fair”.

surah 49:9

MARTYRSMARTYRS• A person who dies

serving Allah is called a ‘Shahid’, a martyr.

• They believe that a martyr automatically receives forgiveness for all sins and go straight to paradise.