Jill Joy Catalog of Available Paintings & Prints June 2016

Post on 05-Aug-2016

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Los Angeles based artist, Jill Joy, paints to evolve her consciousness and in so doing hopes to elevate global spiritual awareness. This 128 page full color catalog features abstract paintings by Ms. Joy that are available for purchase. For more info visit www.jilljoy.com Jill Joy's work ranges from abstract expressionism to minimalism and sometimes references the landscape from a mystical perspective.



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Cover: Detail of Not Black and White, acrylic on canvas, 36x36”

Right: Jil l Joy in her studio

Photo Credits: Scott Carmella, Baha Danesh and David Oleary

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evolution towards enlightenment Art bridges the gap between the spiritual and material, draws connections between

what we see and what we sense, attempts to plumb the mysteries of life and death.

Over the course of 25 years I have explored painting as a spiritual discipline, a path

of purification of mind and body and of the development of my soul - as a path

toward enlightenment.

I have watched my work evolve into three distinct and now concurrent bodies of work

representing the three aspects of the self: Emotion (the body), Consciousness (the

mind), and my latest series, Illumination (the spirit or soul); A spiritual and artistic

trifecta that expresses the interrelatedness of these aspects of human existence that

must evolve simultaneously to achieve the ultimate spiritual goal of enlightenment.

Along the way to this discovery, I engaged in much experimentation. This work is

contained in a series called The Journey.

It is my hope that the work will become as meaningful to you as it is to me.


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table of contents

Emotion p. 8

Consciousness p. 36

Illumination p. 72

The Journey p. 92

Biography, CV p. 124

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 11Facing: Jill Joy with I Can Live Without You, oil on canvas, 72x48x2.5”

artist’s statement

Emotion addresses the temporal, personal, human struggle that includes loss,

pain, joy, change, frustration, grief and aspiration. The paintings are intense,

active and filled with a sense of energy in motion; powerful expressions of the

unharnessed creative force that initiates change and growth, as are emotions when

felt and constructively expressed.

My technique in this work is heavy, dense and multi-layered. Oil paint thickly applied,

often with a spackle knife or trowel that sometimes takes years to dry, similar to old

wounds and deep feelings. This technique evolved as I worked to give physicality

and weight to emotions and the sense of movement as I ride my emotional waves to

resolution and transformation.

Emotions must be felt, allowed to flow and move through us in order to give us their

message and transform us.

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy12 Grief, oil on canvas, 48x72x1.5”, 2009

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Do You Love Me, oil on canvas, 60x48x2.5”

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 17Emotion Series, Gallery Installation View

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Death Comes and Recedes, oil on canvas, 48x72x1.5”, 2012

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Summoning The Heart of Love, oil on canvas, 60x72x2.5”, 2012

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy20 Dissolution, oil on canvas, 60x72x1.5”

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 21Self Sacrifice, oil on canvas, 36x48x1.5”

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Dissolution, oil on canvas, 60x72x1.5”, 2012

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Self Sacrifice, oil on canvas, 36x48x1.5”, 2011

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His Confused Heart, oil on canvas, 60x48x2.5”, 2012

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She’s Come Undone, oil on canvas, 60x72x2.5”, 2013

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy28 The Journey, oil on canvas, 48x72x1.5”

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Divertere, oil on canvas, 36x36x1.5”, 2012

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Not Black and White, acrylic on canvas, 36x36x1.5”, 2012

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy32 Blame, acrylic on canvas, 60x72x1.5”

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 33Two Worlds Collide, oil on canvas, 72x48x1.5”, 2011

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Red Sea, oil on canvas, 24x20x1.5”

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Blue Black Sea, oil on canvas, 24x20x1.5”

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light of emotion

by Shana Nys Dambrot

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Painter Jill Joy is not satisfied with mere representation of the external world, however beau-

tiful; and in her longing to instead more fully express her inner life has recourse to abstract

gesture and the soulful power of color.

Her lush, saturated, refined, and richly detailed paintings evoke rather than describe the

contours and atmospheric jouissance of the natural world. Executed in a kind of meditative

semi-trance, they are more like artifacts, residues of the energy that produced them, both art

historically/materially and spiritually galvanized process paintings of the highest order; and

further, physical conduits of that same luminous energy, radiating into the world.

Her reds sweep the prismatic gauntlet from ruby to crimson, cherry enamel to fiery Autumn,

sunset clouds to shadows in a glass of port. Pops of gold, blood orange, greens of forest and

emerald intermingle with violet, ultraviolet, indigo, cold slate grey like flagstone walkways.

Sweeps of inky, absorptive black; and from snow to diamonds more varieties of white than

we would ever otherwise notice. Blue, of course, from dawn to dusk, to choppy water and

glacial ices, prayer flags to sapphire, and blues that live only in the imagination.

Passages proliferate with kaleidoscopic density of detail, alternating with areas of replete

emptiness which is not negative space, but rather full with a tangible emptiness.

Shana Nys Dambrot is a Los Angeles based art critic and curator. She regularly contributes

to The Huffington Post, ArtLTD Magazine, Whitehot Magazine, and other publications.

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I look up and I see the sky.

It becomes part of me.

My feelings like clouds

against the clear blue vastness,

scudding across the backdrop of

infinite consciousness.

I look out and I see the ocean.

It becomes part of me.

My memories like islands

in a sea of universal mind.

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Gathering Storm, oil on canvas, 48x72x2.5”, 2014

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Samskara, oil on canvas, 54x84x2.5”, 2015

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A wave.

has crashed through my life

Separated me

from what has tormented me

and sustained me

I sit here in the silence

in the receding tide


what will become of me

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Wave, oil on canvas, 57x69x2.5”, 2015

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Jill Joy’s beautiful paintings are reflections of the soul. Her inspired contribution adds to the betterment

of our homes and community. Beauty manifested through art allows our collective consciousnesses to

advance by positive influence. These pro-social byproducts elicit Joy, Jill’s namesake; and Love, the

universal energy/intention elucidated upon by all religious and spiritual traditions.

Dr. Charles Freeman, Ph. D. Psychologist

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Hope, oil on canvas, 36x36x1.5”, 2013

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 51Thought Forms (compassion), oil on canvas, 20x60x2.5”, Installation View

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Thought Forms (compassion), oil on canvas, 20x60x2.5”

Study for Magenta Sky, oil on canvas, 6x18x1.5”

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Rain, oil on canvas, 48x60x2.5”, 2014

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This work is striking; the off-center void allows my eye to rest on something; my mind to contemplate.

It is like a window, and the seemingly perfect white of the void provides a sense of the infinite.

Eric Domeier, AIA, Domeier Architects Inc.

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy56 Gone But Not Forgotten, oil on canvas, 36x72x2.5”, 2015

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Red Sky, oil on canvas, 40x60x2.5”, 2013

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy64Devotion, oil on canvas, 60x48x2.5”

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 65Growth, oil on canvas, 60x48x2.5”

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All Things Must Pass, oil on canvas, 20x60x2.5”

Zen Mountain, oil on canvas, 20x60x2.5”

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy68 Grey Skies, oil on canvas, 48x60x1.5”

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Green Sea, oil on canvas, 45x57x2.5”

Green Sea Detail

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Red Dawn, oil on canvas, 45x69x2.5”

Red Dawn Detail

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Santa Fe Sky, oil on canvas, 30x30x1.5”


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artist’s statement

Enlightenment is, at its essence, the presence of light in the mind. Illumination

tracks my continued progress on the path toward that goal.

These paintings express the dawning of a light-filled state of awareness, the con-

sciousness which pushes out conditioning, ego attachments, thoughts and the sense

of the self as mortal and finite. Like all of my work, they represent the movement from

unconscious to conscious awareness. They convey a sense of peace in the knowledge

of ones true identity: a divinely sourced being that exists beyond the physical body.

This work explores the traditional topic of light but from a purely spiritual perspective.

These paintings are the spiritual made material. They reference the horizon as the

point of departure for the enlightened mind as the sun breaks through the darkness

between earth and the sky. Once the light enters the mind and imagination, it enters

and consumes the body.

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The deeper the blue becomes, the more strongly it calls man towards the infinite,

awakening in him a desire for the pure and, finally, for the supernatural...The

brighter it becomes, the more it loses its sound, until it turns into silent stillness and

becomes white. -- Wassily Kandinsky

Incipient Blue, oil on canvas, 40x60x2.5”

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy76Blue Pulse, oil on canvas, 20x40x2.5”

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Silent Hope, oil on canvas, 40x60x2.5”

Silent Hope Detail

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Grey Horizon, oil on canvas, 18x30x2.5”

Grey Horizon Detail

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Limitless Borders

limitless borders

disappearing mind

dissolving ground

i am nowhere to be found

© Jill Joy 2016

Twilight Band, oil on canvas, 48x72x2.5”

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The Void

I am being filled

from the inside out

by a great void.

A vast emptiness

covered by the thin skin

of identity.

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Emanation, oil on canvas, 48x60x2.5”, 2015

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy86 Epic, oil on canvas, 48x72x2.5”

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The Light Remains, oil on canvas, 30x30x2.5”, 2014

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quiet moment

silent mind

light cracks through

the dark drawn blind

crowded moments

have now flown

time stretches out

lithe and long

the next moment

cannot conceive

this long moment

a breath of reprieve

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The Solace of Space , oil on canvas, 18x30x2.5”, 2014

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the journey

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artist’s statement

The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.

-- Ernest Hemingway

This body of work contains paintings that chart my journey over the course of ten

years as I openened new doors spiritually and creatively. I explored the mystery of

betrayal and disappointment and its ability to open us to a more authentic life; the

malleable nature of reality and how it shifts with our thoughts; the unlimited expanse

of the ocean, both the physical and emotional; and last, but not least, the nature of

love and change.

This work is deeply personal and each painting is completely unique.

The soul loves experience and asks us to take on new challenges. It takes a lot of cour-

age to walk through a new doorway in life. If you wait for the perfect time to do what

you love, it will never come. You have to follow your heart and seize the opportunities

that are meaningful. When we pursue what is meaningful we create beauty. Life is

frustrating and disappointing sometimes, it is also beautiful and poignant.

As we walk through these doors we evolve. It’s not always an easy process. But along

with fear and uncertainty come exhileration and a sense of peace and satisfaction

from aligning with our soul’s purpose and moving forward. To leave the doors

unopened is to experience death in small stages while we are still alive.

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Life has broken his heart

It has blown it all apart

Between the pieces that remain

He’s looking for something to keep him sane

In the space between the pain

He’ll find the Love that does not change

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The Mystery of Betral, oil and metal leaf on canvas, 40x60x1.5”

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Self Love Trumps Heartbreak, mixed media on canvas, 44x44x2”

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 99Doorway, oil on canvas, 72x48x2”

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Anne’s Love, oil a on canvas, 44x34x2”

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy102The Glaciers Are Melting, mixed media on canvas, 48x60x1.5”

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the glaciers are melting in my soul

plates of ice a million years old

mountains of guilt buried so deep

i heard whispers of their movement

in deepest darkest sleep

there’s no stopping them now

they are on the move

the ice floes are running

change is coming

self loathing and doubt

are melting away

ceaseless dripping holds me sway

the ice is melting inches everyday

my personal planet

is turning into a bay

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy104Black Ice, mixed media on canvas, 48x72x1.5”

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Beneath my calms skies there’s

black ice in my soul

A slick dark patch

that feels lifetimes old

A shallow ice layer

deadly in its way

Tread carefully across

it’s where the ego slays

As you walk with me

if the path begins to feel slick

That’s black ice

the chill comes on quick

I know you’re here now

to help melt it down

As it turns into tears

the pain begins to drown

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LOVE and Other Words

I had to finish the Love painting without you

Because you left before we were through

When you left LOVE couldn’t be seen

It was obscured by all the blue

Now you’re gone and the painting’s done

You didn’t see the yellow rise like the sun

The letters are bright, the colors aren’t dim

Like love, the whole is greater than the sum

Sometime I wonder did you make the right choice

Leaving without your reasons voiced

But what’s done is done and now you’re gone

In your absence the love goes on

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy 107Love, oil on canvas, 72x48x2”

www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy108 Divine Love, mixed media on canvas, 72x48x2”

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www.jilljoy.com ©2016 Jill Joy110 Love and Betrayal, mixed media on canvas, 72x48x1.5”



It’s a terrible ride.

It will burn you up inside

It will grab you and shake you

It will strip and remake you

It will shine a light on all the dark places

You’ve been trying to hide.

So hang on to the bar

and keep your feet inside.

Because Love.

It’s a magnificent ride.

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Transcendental Landscape, oil on canvas, 48x48x1.5”

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Aurora, oil on canvas, 48x48x1.5”

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Loving D, oil on canvas, 54x44x2”

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Somber Ocean, oil on canvas, 69x57x2.5”

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Dark Mountain

Dark mountain

in the canyon of your heart

Solid and hard

it breaks you apart

Dark mountain

rising up craggy and moist

from the valley of your soul

solid rock that steals choice

Dark mountain

wall of pain

keeping you broken

as you remember again and again

Dark mountain

shadows the landscape of your mind

release resistance

allow mutable time

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Dark Mountain, oil on canvas, 40x60x1.5”

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jill joy biographyJill Joy was raised in Arizona, Hawaii and Massachusetts under severe financial and emotional

circumstances. The transcendence of these circumstances has fed her spiritual and artistic journey.

She attended Tufts University on scholarship and graduated Summa Cum Laude. After a brief stint in

a corporate law firm in NYC that offered to pay her way through law school, she renounced the idea

of becoming a lawyer and decided to pursue her passion, art. She got a job at the McKee Gallery in

Manhattan where she became assistant director and discovered her true calling was to be an artist.

Jill planned to return to school to study art at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Prior

to enrolling, a brief summer detour in a Yoga Ashram in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts

turned into a 2.5 year stay. During this time Jill immersed herself in the spiritual practices of celibacy,

Yoga, meditation, vegetarianism and service. Over the course of her focused spiritual practice she

uncovered and dealt with unresolved emotional issues, conditioning and pain. She also experienced

states of spiritual ecstasy and a sense of oneness hitherto unknown to her. She came to recognize her

deeper purpose in life, the pursuit and hopefully eventual achievement of enlightenment.

Eventually Jill came to recognize the creation of art as spiritual practice, her personal Yoga (which

means union). She paints to develop her consciousness and evolve her soul. As part of this process,

the art she produces becomes a conduit for the spiritual evolution of the viewer. There are elements

of surrealism, abstract expressionism and minimalism in her work culminating in a peaceful yet

dynamic experience. She is influenced by Mark Rothko and eastern mysticism.

Jill likens universal consciousness to the sky: an infinite backdrop across which the clouds of emotion

and thought come and go. The process of spiritual development includes clearing obstructions from

this field of love. Her work reflects this philosophy. Her process is inspiration based: through medita-

tive awareness, images emerge in her mind’s eye that reflect the state or evolution of consciousness.

The creation of these paintings for Jill is a purely meditative experience. This is communicated in the

work which creates a sense of active peace in the viewer, much like meditation itself.

Jill’s work is represented by galleries in Florida and Texas and now the Jill Joy Gallery in Los Angeles,

CA. She has won numerous awards and residencies. Her paintings are in private collections across

the United States.

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jill joy cvselected solo exhibitions2016 Consciousness - Jill Joy Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

2015 Unseen Forces - Sparks Gallery, San Diego, CA

2014 Still Wet - Art Center Lofts, San Diego, CA

2013 Expiation - The Glashaus Gallery, San Diego, CA

2012 New Work - Consciousness Series - The Glashaus Gallery, San Diego, CA

2011 Duality - Pimento Fine Art, San Diego, CA

2009 The Mystery - Bard Hall, UU Artitst Guild, San Diego, CA

2008 The Abandonment Box - Pappalecco, San Diego, CA

2007 LOVE - C Street Gallery, San Diego, CA

2006 Life’s Not Perfect (but it’s beautiful) - Pilates Downtown, San Diego, CA

2002 Recent Work - Garnverville Arts Center, Garnerville, NY

selected group exhibitions2016 The Loft @ Liz’s, Los Angeles, CA

2015 Rebirth: Death, Life & Transformation - Downey Arts Coalition & Symphony, Downey, CA

Dean Day Gallery, Houston, TX

One on One - Sparks Gallery, San Diego, CA

Wall Street Fine Art, Ponte Verde, FL

2014 Dean Day Gallery, Houston, TX

Mac Fine Art, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Art Hamptons - Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance, East Hampton, NY

2013 Mac Fine Art, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Art Hamptons - Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance, East Hampton, NY

San Diego Contemporary Art Fair - Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance, San Diego, CA

2012 Group Show - The Glashaus, San Diego, CA

2007 Healing Art - Scripps Memorial Hospital, LaJolla, CA

2000 Six Women - Pomona Cultural Center, Pomona, NY

2000 Millennial Exhibition - Pomona Cultural Center, Pomona, NY

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jill joy cv (cont’d)

education, awards and residencies2016 Los Angeles Art Association, Los Angeles, CA

2013 Citibeat Best of San Diego, San Diego, CA

2010 San Diego Fine Art Society Program Grant

1999-2000 Artist-in-Residence, Pomona Cultural Center, Pomona, NY

1999 Vermont Studio Center Residency Fellowship, Johnson, VT

1988-1989 Art Student’s League, New York, NY

1986-1987 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA

1983-1987 Tufts University, Medford, MA Summa Cum Laude

selected press2016 Light of Emotion, Critical Essay, Shana Nys Dambrot, contributing editor to

Huffington Post, ArtLTD Magazine, Whitehot Magazine

We Choose Art, Los Angles, Januargy 2016

“Jump For Joy - Jill Joy Is In Town”, Diversions LA, January 2016

2014 “Joy to Consciousness” Fine Magazine, October Arts Issue

“Art Happy Hour With Jill Joy” Critical Focus Blog, Richard L. Hayes

“Pro-social Byproduct”, Critical Essay, Dr. Charles R. Freeman, PHD Psychologist

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630 Hauser Blvd. #308, Los Angeles, CA, 90036 747.234.6408 www.jilljoy.com jill@jilljoy.com