Jirafe E-commerce Strategy Session: How to Prepare for the Holidays and Sell Like Amazon

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Jirafe Commerce Strategy Session: Preparing for the


Can you compete and make the most of this holiday season?

68% of Consumers Start Holiday Shopping in Sept., and The Big Brands Are Already In Motion

Some Industry Stats:

67 percent of online shopping carts are abandoned (comScore)

75 percent of shopping cart abandoners return within a 28-day period. (Forrester)

The top 10 commerce sites convert 23 percent of visitors to buyers each session. (SeeWhy)

66 percent of Amazon’s sales are repeat purchases - they optimize for returning visitors, but the industry average is 7 percent. (ClickZ)

More than 80 percent of brands send the same message to all of their customers, and not all customers are created equal (hubspot)

Winning New Customers is Hard. . . and Then You Have to Bring Them Back!

These Guys Are Nailing It!

Total basket value • Number of products • SKU’s • Descriptions Category • Price • Promotions


Pages visited • Time spent on page • Entry and exit pages Products viewed • Ad banners displayed • Images clicked


Referrer • Keyword • URL • Domain • Base URL • CategoryNew user • Returning user • Location • Time


Google Analytics Only Gives You Half of the Information You Need.

Cancelled orders • Products returned and exchanged


Products purchased • Taxes, shipping costs • Other processing costs • Number of orders by product and category • Average order value • Number of orders


Transactions approved, pending and denied


E-commerce Merchants Also NeedTransactions, Product, Order & Customer Data.

Holiday Season 2014 Stats:

Total ecommerce sales have grown 16 percent over last year’s number, and the market is only heating up.

This year’s holiday season, according to the National Retail Federation, expects to see a 9 to 12 percent increase over last year’s holiday sales.

UP NEXT: 7 Tips to Succeed this Holiday Season

How Can Merchants use Their Data to Succeed this Holiday Season?

• Keep a close eye on how fast your products are selling, and which are selling the best. Doing this enables you to remerchandise on the fly.

• Feature your best selling products more prominently on your site, and to lead customer acquisition campaigns with best sellers. It will also help you anticipate sell through rates so you can ensure you have the inventory to meet demand.

1. Keep an Eye Demand

Real Time Dashboard

• Drive higher order values among customers with low average order value, or help to give promising products higher visibility, by creating gift sets or offering a package price for goods.

• Look for products that are frequently purchased together, or products that get lower traffic but have great conversion rates. Your lower AOV customers might be inclined to spend more if they sense a deal, while other customers will be thankful you’ve helped them find the perfect gift!

2. Bundle Items

Product Insight

80 percent of brands send the same marketing promotions to all of their customers - but not all customers are created equal.

• Your best customers are your most loyal customers so reward them with exclusive promotions or advanced previews.

• This will not only keep them coming back after the holidays are over, but it will also give you a nice revenue spurt before the holiday madness begins.

3. Target Your Best Customers

• Every business has customers that only make a purchase when a discount is involved. Be sure to send these customers information on all your sales and promotions, and maybe even try counting down to promotions in order to build anticipation.

• You can also drive additional revenue with post-holiday sales to this audience, as well as inactive customers and customers who have viewed but not purchased

4. Tap into Your Discount Customers

• This holiday season will be one of the shortest on record, with only 26 shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Reaching your customers with the right message, via the right channel can be critical in terms of a successful holiday selling season.

• Be sure to pay attention to which channels are driving conversions, and which promotions your customers are responding to. If Facebook drives more sales than Pinterest - adjust campaigns accordingly.

5. Monitor Your Marketing

Visit Origin

• If you have promising products on your site that sell well despite low traffic, you might want to run promotions or ads that draw customers to these products to see if you can boost revenue. Just imagine how well they could perform with higher traffic!

6. Promising Products Can Boost Revenue

Product Insight

• IBM forecasts that in November 2014, 20 percent of ecommerce sales and 43 percent of site traffic will come from mobile devices.

• Keep an eye on which channels are driving sales, and make sure your site works well on mobile. You may also want to consider adding mobile marketing into the mix.

7. Don’t Forget Mobile

Your Data Should Help You Easily Understand:

•Who buys at full price? •Who only buys on sale?•What’s your repeat purchase rate 30, 60, and 90 days

after a customer makes their first purchase?•What customers are at risk of leaving?

Key Take-Aways: Understand Who Your Customers Are

Grow Your Revenue By Knowing:

•What products convert the best?•Which products are frequently purchased together?•Which products are the most abandoned?•Which products are the most discounted?•Which ones are your rock stars?

Key Take-Aways: Know What Sells

You’ve Worked Hard to Win Your Customers, Keep Them Coming Back!

•Learn which products they abandon during a visit - and retarget them

•Segment your customer lists, all customers are not created equally

•What offers can you make to incentivize repeat purchase behavior?

•Learn what channels drive them to your site

Key Take-Aways: Keeping Customers Engaged

Visit jirafe.com to learn more or start a trial!
