JISC e-Framework InnovationBase An Overview David Millard (University of Southampton) Yvonne Howard...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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JISC e-Framework InnovationBase

An Overview

David Millard (University of Southampton)Yvonne Howard (University of Southampton)

What is the InnovationBase?

• A place to capture activity and outputs– Using Wiki pages and ad-hoc links

• A place to make sense of the domain– Using managed structures and views

• A place to discover and learn about the domain– Browsing the Wiki– Views of the KB– Queries and Search Reality (of the Domain)

Wiki – reflecting reality

KB – understanding reality

The InnovationBase Wiki

• A first port-of-call for people in the domain to record what they do

• A Wiki is unrestrictive– pages can be on anything– but users are encouraged to fit into

existing category structures…– … or extend them

• The IB will use a Semantic Wiki– In a standard Wiki the pages are typed

(categories)– In a semantic Wiki the links are typed as well– Creates a rich hypertext network that can be

queried like a database

Reality (of the Domain)

Wiki – reflecting reality

KB – understanding reality

Example Rich Hypertext Network

Southampton University

(organisation) uses




How many software applications use QTI?

What is the impact of QTI? (How many organisations use software that uses QTI?)

Semantic Media Wiki

Standard Wiki Page

Semantic Wiki Extras

Blogger is available: [[is available online:=http://www.blogger.com]]

[[supports::Annotate Article]]

== Patterns ==

[[Category:Online Blog System]]

Limitations of a Wiki• Wiki’s are great for ad-hoc

and evolving structure

• But difficult to manage meaningful structures:– Lists– Networks– Constrained Collections

• Because the users views the knowledge through a single node

Limitations of a Wiki

• A Knowledge-Base has different characteristics– Good for managed

structure and controlled development

– Higher barrier for use: needs more specialist users

• Can we couple a KB with the Wiki to get the best of both worlds?


• Sequence of Screenshot Mockups to show editing of IB elements in the Wiki

• These mockups use the Wiki to:– View KB structures– Connect and disconnect Wiki Pages to KB

structures– But can’t edit the structures themselves

Software Lifecycle

Google Blogger

Online Blog Editors (4) Desktop Blog Editors (2) Mobile Blog Editors (1)

Blog Editors (7)

Blog Tools (8)

Blog Analysis Tools (1)

What is this?

Software Lifecycle

Lifecycle: Research Project

What is this?

Stage 1: Call

Stage 2: Bidding

Stage 3: Startup

Stage 4: Running

Stage 5: Dissemination

Stage 6: Reporting

Lifecycle: Marketing

Google BloggerBlog Editors (7)

Software Lifecycle Process

Lifecycle: Research Project

What is this?

Stage 1: Call

Stage 2: Bidding

Stage 3: Startup

Stage 4: Running

Stage 5: Dissemination

Stage 6: Reporting

Lifecycle: Marketing

Google Blogger

Blog Editors (7)

Online Blog Editors (4)

Blog Tools (8)


Search for new Lifecycle:


Software Lifecycle

Lifecycle: Research Project

What is this?

Stage 1: Call

Stage 2: Bidding

Stage 3: Startup

Stage 4: Running

Stage 5: Dissemination

Stage 6: Reporting

Lifecycle: Marketing

Google Blogger

Blog Editors (7)

Online Blog Editors (4)

Blog Tools (8)

Process Domain

Search for new Lifecycle:


Software Lifecycle

Lifecycle: Research Project

What is this?

Stage 1: Call

Stage 2: Bidding

Stage 3: Startup

Stage 4: Running

Stage 5: Dissemination

Stage 6: Reporting

Lifecycle: Marketing

Google Blogger

Blog Editors (7)

Online Blog Editors (4)

Blog Tools (8)

Process Domain

Search for new Lifecycle:


Software Lifecycle

Lifecycle: Research Project

What is this?

Stage 1: Call

Stage 2: Bidding

Stage 3: Startup

Stage 4: Running

Stage 5: Dissemination

Stage 6: Reporting

Lifecycle: Marketing

Google BloggerBlog Editors (7)

Software Lifecycle

Lifecycle: Research Project

What is this?

Stage 1: Call

Stage 2: Bidding

Stage 3: Startup

Stage 4: Running

Stage 5: Dissemination

Stage 6: Reporting

Lifecycle: Marketing

Google Blogger

Blog Editors (7)

Online Blog Editors (4)

Blog Tools (8)

Process Domain

Search for new Lifecycle:


Software Lifecycle What is this?Process Domain

Search for new Process:


Google Blogger is not yet connected to any processes…

Software Lifecycle What is this?Process Domain

Search for new Process:


Google Blogger is not yet connected to any processes…

Online AssessmentOnline Reflection

Software Lifecycle What is this?Process Domain

Search for new Process:


Process: Online Reflection

Google Blogger

Blog Editors (7)

Online Blog Editors (4)

Blog Tools (8)

Software Lifecycle What is this?Process Domain

Search for new Process:


Process: Online Reflection

Google Blogger

Online Blog Editors (4)

Blog Tools (8)

Blog Editors (7)

Software Lifecycle What is this?Process Domain

Search for new Process:


Process: Online Reflection

Google Blogger

Online Blog Editors (4)

Blog Tools (8)

Blog Editors (7)

Software Lifecycle

Process: Online Reflection

What is this?

Google BloggerOnline Blog Editors (4)


Discussion• Where does the editing of structures happen?

– All structures have wiki pages• Those wiki pages include discussion spaces

– Is this the best place to edit the structure?

• How to you unlock the structures for editing – Login to KB?– Discussion in Wiki, editing in KB?

• What about the category hierarchies?– These must be editable in the Wiki– Are Software and Organisations special in some way (what about Standards)?

• What about inferred relationships?– For example

• Google Blogger is part of the Online Reflection Process• Online Reflection Process is part of Student Project Lifecycle• Therefore Google Blogger is also related to the Student Project Lifecycle

– This is easy enough to represent (e.g. a different coloured line)– But what about editing?