Job Search Survival Kit -- Job Search Help From A To Z -- Updated For 2018 --

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Getting The Upper Advantage No Matter The OddsBy: Anthony Hines

This presentation references all of my Job Search Survival Kit Chapters via links within each slide.

Each slide will be titled what the slide is about to save you time.

Download this document and keep it open as you reference the chapters and that way you do not have to keep skipping around.

Email me at with questions or comments if you need help. I want you to succeed so I want to help you.

Who Am I….I am a hardworking guy who, like many others, found himself out of work during the economic downturn in 2010. After a long battle of wrong turns, job search strategies that led to no where, and dead end leads, I decided to take a more strategic approach to my job search. Like anything else in life, I needed to treat my search like a full-time job and create a plan that would allow me to stand out above the competition.

Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me…because I quickly realized that to handle an event like that is to focus on what you can control and share the experience to help others. I believe that an experience not shared is a lost opportunity in life, and that smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s experiences.

BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING MORE.Get Your Resume Checked Email your resume to me at and I will ask one of my resume

contacts to look at it and get back to you. That way you will get free feedback as to how your resume looks and flows. Go for it because without a great resume, you have no chance of getting any job much less a great job. The turnaround is quick and the service is solid.

Read My Job Search Tip Document First .These are the Free documents that tell you everything that I did to get activity

& visibility in my search. Email me at and I will send you them.

The next group of slides will show the list of Job Search Survival Kit Chapters and what each of the chapters represent to allow you to pick and choose which one you want to focus on today in order to get your next great employment opportunity.

Remember, I am by no means a professional and never claim to be. I am just giving you things as I see them to help you to see through the ‘fog’ and get ahead in your career.

I hope my presentations help you out and help me to end unemployment one person at a time.

I created this presentation to make sure that people understand that there are multiple chapters to this overall series. I want to make sure that everyone gets access to each and every one of the series. That way you get all of the tips and all of the information to help you from A to Z in the overall job search process. Check out the following slides for more great information.

Chapter one is the original Job Search Survival Kit Presentation that is jammed packed with great ideas . It also has a You Tube video attached to it where I discuss each of the slides and how that slide matters in your job search process. This is where it all began and a must for you to check out as thousands of other people have already done. It is located at

In the second chapter you learn more about each of the 15 documents that are available to you if you email me at Ahines1@aol.comand request me to send them to you. It also continues to expand upon the tips offered in the original .

The link for that chapter is the following:

In the third installment of the Job Search Survival Kit you will learn about the mysterious world of HR and all that happens after the interview and during the interview process that you have no idea about and always wondered about. Learn from long time HR professional Joe Ward all about the behind the scenes world of HR and how not to get lost when you interview. This information in my opinion is pure gold. It is very detailed and will take you time to go through it so be ready.

The link to this presentation is

In part four in the Job Search Survival Kit series I discuss interview questions that I think will help to get you remembered by the interviewer.

There are some great ideas here but these should be used only if you feel that they will add value to the interview process.

The link to this presentation is

The next presentation is one of the most popular chapters of all of all of the chapters.

Chapter five is about rebuilding the confidence of the job seeker. I will give you tips that I used to stay with the program and to stay focused in the job search. These are personal tips that I think can be helpful in the process. These can help during the times of transition and career tough times. The link to this chapter is below.

In the sixth installment of the Job Search Survival Kit, you learn about ways to network that will allow you to not feel like you are networking. Real easy to use networking opportunities that you can start using today, right now, to help you get a great job.

These are ways to get you noticed which you may not have thought of.

The link to this chapter

The next chapter which is Job Search Survival Kit part seven targets ways to take action when you first find out that you are laid off and things you can do to possibly set the ground work to stay at your old company in another position. This too is a very popular chapter and one that is not to be missed as it gives you tips to use early in the process to help you land somewhere. The title is funky but appropriate.

The link to this chapter:

Job Search Survival Kit Part eight gives my possible answers to the job search questions that seekers always seem to ask.

I give you my reasons why sometimes people don’t call you back as well as other open ended questions that can really bring a person down. The link to this chapter is:

In Job Search Survival Kit part nine I discuss how to conduct a job search while trying to maintain a budget.

Basically, I discuss ways to conduct a job search frugally because the money has to last for who knows how long?

The link to this chapter is the following:

The next chapter is job Search Survival Kit --is part ten which gives you tips and shows you how to quickly add value at your current job or at the new job that you are about to start. This presentation resonates to the employed and the unemployed. It has rocketed up in views as of late. Hit the ground running and make a difference now or when you start your next job. The link to this chapter is

In Job Search Survival Kit part eleven I help the reader to see if they are in the right frame of mind to job search? Has the searcher done everything that he or she can do to be ready if a call comes from a possible hiring manager out of the blue? Basically, how job searchable are you today? In this presentation, you get in to "mood" to job search. It is created to get you moving and out of the doldrums.

That link is

In the Job Search Survival Kit Part twelve chapter, the reader learns whether the world of “Freelancing” is an option.

Freelancing works for some people because of the flexibility and constant change which can be exciting and new. Believe me, this option is getting hotter by the day as more and more people take control of their job life.

Another wicked popular chapter in the series which is located at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter thirteen, I took a bit of a different turn to help people when they get off their game or kind of down.

I put together a presentation that includes motivational quotes to help one to stay focused during the job search process.

See how others overcame adversity. Gain strength from their words and hopefully my comments This is basically help for your mood and to help you deal with the ups and downs of every job search.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter fourteen is a list of my recommended recruiters.

These are people I have come across who really try to help the unemployed get back to work.

These are people I found to be very responsive. That said, please follow their instruction and let them know that I sent you.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter fifteen, this powerpoint talks about myself and what I am trying to accomplish with my presentations and documents.

What drives me to keep doing it and what I am hoping people learn from my stuff

Many hours have been spent creating these items and thousands of people have checked them out so this just lets people know more about Anthony Hines.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter sixteen, I tell you some super secret job search tips that I never would have learned had I not been in transition as they really were never taught.

These are really things I learned along the way that I was lucky enough to figure out or someone told me. This chapter is a must read in my opinion.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter seventeen, I discuss ways that you can morph from a regular job searcher to someone who is a “fearless” job searcher.

Ways to stay positive and show passion and compassion while you are in this process that will get you noticed by everyone including the employment decision makers. Check it out and learn how to convey that the best person for the job is you.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter eighteen of the series, the reader learns all about some of the batter ways to use the internet to enhance your job search prospects.

Whether it is job search related websites or job search related resources your forgot to ask or sites with great information, this presentation gives you lots of online choices.

Plus you learn ways to make the internet work for you and search for jobs for you as you sleep.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter nineteen of the series, the reader learns all about some of the basic mistakes that should be avoided and can easily be avoided with a little thought and effort. Some of these you may know and others may be brand new but they can all hurt you if you let them.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter twenty of the series, the focus is for the new college graduate to get into the work force via some very different and unique avenues . Some of the things may be obvious but not everything. You will have to see for yourself and make your own decision.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter twenty one of the series, the focus is on the cold hard facts that exist in today’s workplace. This is not the workplace of many years ago and some people have a real hard time grasping that. Here are some thoughts and ideas on this reality and how to prosper in .

This environment. Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter twenty two of the series, the focus is on the feed back and comments that I have received from people over the time that I have created these presentations. Pretty interesting actually. Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter twenty three of the series, the focus is on using classic funk to break a job search funk. Yes, multiple links to soul and funk classic songs that hopefully will be motivational for you and help you to break a job search funk if you are having one. Yes, a little different but kinda cool as well.

Check it out at

In Job Search Survival Kit chapter twenty four of the series, the focus is on how you can use your age to your advantage. Some people are hung up on age when it comes to the job search. Here are some tips to help one deal with all that the older worker has to deal it.

Just click on the link .

In chapter 25 of the Job Search Survival Kit, I discuss possible ways to stay mentally and physically sharp during the Job Search process. This free time is an opportunity for your to refocus some of the time on yourself. Check it out at

In chapter 26 of the Job Search Survival Kit, I discuss possible ways to get the stalled job search moving again. Very basic things that can be done right away to get the job search moving again. Check this presentation out at .

The information in this video has been gleaned from over 20 years of “in-the-trenches” experience as a hiring manager/ interviewer and is the most current, effective information that will help land your next job.

Watch video here:

Learn what I did to make my LinkedIn profile popular and noticed. Find how and why I get many visitors to my profile even on weekends and why recruiters continually find me and ask me “if I know someone” for their open position. Nothing crazy, just basic things that you can do right now to get your profile noticed by many more people overnight.

A friend of mine who has interviewed 1000's of job seekers as Hiring Manager has just created a YouTube video based in insider secrets to WINNING your next job interview. He indicates that people that utilize the system in this video win jobs over 90% of the time.In the video link below he will show you step-by-step how to win your next job interview by creating a dynamic interview presentation. Don't attend your next job interview with just a resume and plan on getting interrogated with questions and hope you have the right answers. In this presentation he will show you a paradigm shift that allows you to take over the interview and demonstrate why you are the most qualified person for the job you are seeking.

Please provide feedback and spread the word.

Very simple.. This chapter helps you to know what to focus on during your job search and how to eliminate distractions. I call distractions “noise”. Get rid of the stuff you don’t need and replace it with the stuff that can help you. Check it out at the link below.

This chapter helps you to look at ways to job search in the summer months. People may not be as available via conventional means so this shows you ways to meet with more people than you ever thought possible Check it out at the link below.

This chapter is filled with is a bunch of quotes from famous people who did not let adversity get them down. They fought through what was presented to them and you can as well.

Check them all out at the link below.

This chapter discusses things that make hiring managers absolutely insane during the interview process. This is a combination of information from an article from Emily Co that is on POPSUGAR as well as some of my opinions.

Check out the link below.

Salary negotiation is always something that job searchers are sensitive about. In this chapter, I will give you my opinions about all of the aspects of the process that I can think of. This presentation will absolutely make you think about things that you never thought of before.

Check out the link below.

This chapter is filled with is a another bunch of quotes from famous people who did not let adversity get them down. They fought through what was presented to them and you can as well.

Check them all out at the link below.

This chapter has 10 job search tips to help you get your next job faster. These 10 have a lot to do with you and what you can do to get that next great job.

Check them all out at the link below.

This chapter will help people not familiar with the US job search culture. It will help to learn what can be done in this culture to get that next great job.

Check this presentation out at the link below.

This chapter talks about jobs and skills that are needed in today's workplace that get no respect which when packaged with other skills can lead to great opportunities.

Check this presentation out at the link below.

This chapter talks about how to create a positive workplace culture and how you can benefit from it.

Check this presentation out at the link below.

This chapter talks about how to deal with the paranoia that gets into your head when dealing with the job search process.

Check this presentation out at the link below.

I want to reiterate that I am not a professional and only providing you with things I did that helped me out during my own job search.

I do these presentations because the job search process has a lot to do with attitude and outlook. That’s on you. Excuses are for losers. Be a winner and take charge. You can do it because you have done it before I bet.

Make sure you individualize any all of the information provided on this or any of my presentations. My ideas are to guide you and help you to understand concepts.

If you want to quickly increase your linkedinconnection total, including many recruiters, go to .

This paid service will make your connection total explode. I caution that if you are not ready for a substantial amount of LinkedIn connection requests especially from recruiters, you may not want to sign up and believe me it doesn’t stop. They keep coming.

Now if you want that type of traffic and want many more contacts guaranteed, please use the above link for quick service.

Got great professional skills and experience that you can share with a company that needs help? You may want to consider Maven. This company has a list of many requests for information or experience that maybe you could answer and pick up some cash on the side while doing it. Plus, you can tell your friends about it and make some cash if they signup . Check out this link for more information.

If you have found this presentation helpful and found some ways to gain an advantage in your job search, then my hours of work to help the unemployed one person at a time has been a success.

please email me at and tell me how its going. If you have read my docs and have seen my other Job Search Survival Kit presentations , I believe that you are on your way to your next group of opportunities. Embrace the challenge and do your best daily. Go for it and don’t look back. No excuses, no delays, no procrastination. Go for it.

Come join the LinkedIn group that I recently created. It is called the Anthony Hines Job Search Survival Group. It’s a unique group because the people in it really support and help each other to get their next opportunity.

Just click on

People really seem to find it useful and I check in often as well. Come join today.

Don’t forget to link to me on

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Anthony_V_Hines for spontaneous jobsearch related tweets.

Please spread the word about this presentation to anyone who could use it so they can possibly get back to work faster.

All of my presentations on will also help to get you an even better edge in your job search journey. Make sure check them out.

Check out my Job Search Survival Kit on as well. Just search for it and it will come right up.

Please “like” the Job Search Survival Kit Facebook page which is at to get my latest announcements.

Go back to and check out my other “Job Search Survival Kit” presentations because over the recent past, I have added a bunch of new chapters that enhances what you have just read and will also help to get you an even better edge in your job search journey.

Check out my Job Search Survival Kit on as well. Just search for it and it will come right up.

Most importantly, make sure you email a copy of your resume to so I can get it to one of my resume contacts for some feedback because you have no chance of ever getting a great job without a great resume to get you noticed.

If you have found this presentation helpful and would like to make a donation, feel free to send whatever you want to the Paypal address but only do it when you have gotten a job because you will need to watch your spending when in transition. Believe me I know.

All donations will help in some way to promote this job search tip training program.

Good luck and stay in touch.