Job Search Tips for New Graduates

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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It's very difficult to find a new job for you as a fresh graduate when you are just out of your college life. With no experience in hand to show and not aware of required employability skills, you definitely need help.



1. Don’t Wait

You might be tempted to take a few months off after graduating to relax, but you might not realize how long job searches take.

Start actively searching now.

2. Work Experience

New graduates sometimes exclude certain types of work from their résumé, like fast food or retail, figuring that it won't be relevant to the types of jobs

they're targeting now. But especially if you don't have much other work experience to show, these sorts of jobs can be key in demonstrating that

you know how to deal with customers, show up reliably and that you have a track record of handling paid employment

like an adult.

3. Don’t Listen to Everyone

If your parents or friends are your main source of job-hunt guidance, you might be at a disadvantage. Job-search conventions have changed significantly in the last

decade, so your parents might not know what's most effective in the process today. And your friends probably don't have much more experience than you do,

so take their suggestions with some skepticism.

4. Don’t Apply to Everything

Carefully targeting your search to jobs you're truly qualified for, and writing a tailored cover letter for each will get you far better results than

simply aiming for quantity.

5. Broaden Your Horizons

While you shouldn't apply for everything you see, you also shouldn't be narrow and only willing to consider a very specific role in a very specific field. Open

yourself up to a broader range of possibilities, and you might find it easier to find work

6. Don’t Underestimate Yourself

Don't assume that internships are no longer a possibility to get a job if you are no longer a student. Many internships are open to non-students,

and they can be a good way to get experience and give you something to put on your résumé while you continue to

search for something full-time.

7. Use Your Network

You might feel pushy reaching out to co-workers at past internships, your parents' friends and other people you know, but it's very normal to do

that as part of a job search.

8. Practice Interviewing

If you prepare ahead of time and practice your answers to likely interview questions,you'll do far better in interviews and dramatically increase

your chances of getting an offer.

9. Don’t Panic

If you prepare ahead of time and practice your answers to likely interview questions,you'll do far better in interviews and dramatically increase

your chances of getting an offer.

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The AMCAT is India’s first employability assessment test that help fresh graduates to get their first job quickly and efficiently.

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