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Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Team Pics


Now Some Pictures from The Past

Let’s Enjoy Each OtherLet’s Catch Up



All American Pool and Patio with The Fraziers

Michelle Hoffner Wolff it doesn't looked like his hat fit over his hair! baahahaha!!! :)

Sundowners: Some of the First

I can’t believe I HIT IT

I can’t believe you hit it


The Tallest

and the Smallest

Play Ball

Get Down That Line

Blast from the Past

Coaches Point of


I can tie my own shoes


Follow the Ball

Throw it in there

We All Got A Lesson In Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover

The Wildcats from Taft. The year before we came out to play at Conway.






Orlando Fashions

Great Form


Katy Mello Metcalf Well, when your sliding technique

resembled a fire safety training video-

"Stop, drop and roll" your knees were pretty safe.

Jane Craig Corser

I'm pretty sure I played for Lil' Hustlers when I was

probably 13-15 years old...I remember because I couldn't

drive and if I didn't want to go to practice just because "I

didn't feel like it" my Mom forbid me...she said "you

committed yourself to this team and you will not let them

down. That has been the driving course of my life, why I've

always wanted to excel at everything I do...BUT MOST

IMPORTANT...your Dad always instilled in us girls to believe

in ourselves and NEVER quit! It's one of the reasons I am soo

very proud and happy in my life today.Katy Mello Metcalf 

Did dad coach the Lil' Hustlers?

Jane Craig CorserAbso-FREAKING-lutely! I played so many games with your Dad coaching us at

Walsy Ward Field (sp?). I especially remember one specific game when he played me shortstop...WHY?? probably because who was supposed to play that position didn't show up...but nonetheless, I made a triple play that day...there were runners on 1st and 2nd base and I was hit a line drive up the middle, snagged it and got the out, tagged 2nd base because the runner had already left, and threw the ball to the first baseman for the out. That WAS one of the highlights of my playing days.I've never pulled a triple play again and never will.

What special memories!!I pray Joe will remember, but he coached a heck of a lot better players than I,

for which I am proud I met at Conway Little League Fields!!! :))) Katy Mello Metcalf He'll remember you! Mom and Dad always called you Janie...never Jane. :) And we'll also have name tags...BIG ones. :) Hahaha! Jane Craig Corser YAY!! But will he dance with me?? There is dinner and dancing right? I'll bring my dance card with me and leave the first dance open for him!!

Can You Say Tired


Long Ball



Hanging Out

Hey Batter Batter Swing

Linda Willis Gillotti All Foreign Car Parts team.

My dad and the late Bernie Zerr coaching. One of the Zerr twins was not in this photo. Kelly, I think.

All Foreign Car Parts

Michelle Ballard LewisThis isn't Joe's team, but had some of his

players. Joe's coaching my last 2 years of ball when I played on the Stingrays before college is

what pushed me to be good enough to get a scholarship to play ball in college.

Hey Batter - Batter

Yvonne Christine I won't be able to come, but have fun ladies!

Kathy Hansen MartinI won't be making it down for this. :-(I will miss getting to see everyone. Bummer!

Lesia SullivanI'm not going to be able to make it

Saturday night. What is going on Sunday? I may be able to stop by for a bit before the concert I'm going to on Sunday.

Lori Eubank SullivanI wish I could go

Good Times

Good Times Great Memories

Bonnie MarshI'm not going to be able to make it…. Everyone have a great time

Stephanie Gray WilliamsCan't make it Sat night but will try to make it to the game/dedication on Sunday at Conway field

Rhonda Raybern Hoover By the way, I think it's absolutely fabulous what you're doing for your dad!! Sorry I can't be there. Conway was the best...such great memories!

Trip to Dairy King

Hang out time

Big Bats

Man Down

We Love Our Fans

Headed out to the pitchers mound

We All Love Doing The Winners Walk

Getting Together

Jodi Smithwick Joe helped us all. He did rock!

Linda Willis Gillotti He called me 'wheels

Melissa Rowin Your dad used to call me little bit : ) !!! LOL

What Fun

USSSA World Tournament

In Alabama



Drive The Ball

Crimson Construction

Crimson Construction

Crimson Construction

Katy Mello Metcalf Dad always said, "When you win, win with Dignity. If you lose, shake the other team's hands with Good Grace." No one person will ever cost you or win you the game. You win and lose AS A TEAM. He also used to say something to the effect (when we lost) Hey,the game is over, the ball is back in the bag. Let's look ahead to what we can do to win the next game.

Dannye Mello Thompson Life is a competition deal with it and compete hard

The Question was asked What did you learn from Joe or Just playing Softball

Green ’ s Cab ine t & M i l lwo rk

Singing In The Rain….

…Just Singing In The Rain

Love Bugs

Green ’ s Cab ine t & M i l lwo rk

Katy Mello Metcalf One time at practice, Dad caught Diane Willis

and I chatting it up and not paying attention. He told us to run around the track at Conway Jr. High until "I tell you to stop." He TOTALLY forgot about us, and we ran until we saw the

team packing up to go home!

Conway Appliance

Proud Mom and Dad

1978 1st PlaceWest Orange Tournament

Red Devils

Some of the crew

Heather Foley TravisWasn't a Joe-ism persay but I remember my freshman year coming out to the softball field after basketball and being afraid to talk to Rickman asking Joe where the JV field was and he laughed at me and said "you won't be going there get on the field". Made my freshman year. For the record still afraid to talk to Rickman LOL

Katy Mello Metcalf Look at those shorts! :)

Melissa Ballard Locey LOL!! We had those shorts special made:)

Juliana Canales Schmidt Wow, I was not on that team but

remember playing against them. Love the shorts! Weren't those pics taken upstairs

of the concession stand?

Get Another Look at Those Shorts

1982 Fort Gatlin Press 1st Place

1983 Fort Gatlin Press 1st Place

Fort Gatlin 1983

Fort Gatlin Press 2nd Place 1984

Did You Hear We Won

Lisa ThomasWow... It's been a really long time.

It's great to see all the old pictures :) Would love to reconnect with the

ones who remember me .

Jane Craig Corser Ronda, I would LOVE to see your Dad, is he coming? I had such great fond memories of his coaching days...he's actually the one that taught me to play outfield, with Dwayne you know where Dwayne is?? Lil' Hustlers, I think that was the beginning of the Lil Hustlers!

Jim Daniels Agent

“State Farm Ins”