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Submitted to the Board Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for Literature Degree at English Literature Department











Meaning: “From the evil of the retreating whisperer .Who whispers [evil] into the

breasts of mankind from among the jinn and mankind."[An-nas:4-6]1

Artinya : Dari kejahatan (bisikan) setan yang biasa bersembunyi yang membisikkan

(kejahatan) ke dalam dada manusia dari (golongan) jin dan manusia.



2 ( accessed November 09,2018 at 10:pm)




I would to say thank you to Allah SWT who gave me His grace and convenience to

help you Complete my final project entitled John Nash portrayed in the film A

Beautiful Mind by Howard.

I want to say, thank you to the person I love, especially my parents, my mother named

Nurhayati, my father Named Edi Simanjuntak, and my whole family who give me

prayer and understood them as long as I did my thesis assignment.

I am very grateful to Mrs.Tira Mariana, SS, M. Hum and Mr. Minsakutra, SS, M.

Hum as co-supervisors Help me in composing and also managing my content

patiently, helping me in overcoming my language which has guided me to complete

my test with satisfying results.

Last but not least, I thank the friends who have helped and support me to finish my

test well; they are Herry, Afga Ronald Mahesa, BDR, Nani Yulansari, Rikawati,

Nuryatimah, Cici Dela Awalia, Bunga Sri Rezeky and all my friends who have

supported me.



Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘aalamiin.

All praises be to Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful, who has

given me the mercy, strength, health, and guidance in accomplishing the thesis

entitled John Nash Hallucination in The Film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard,

which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English

Literature, Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin

Jambi. Shalawat and Salam are upon our Prophet and last Messenger, Muhammad

SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to lightness as we feel today.

Then, I would like to thank those who have assisted me in writing this thesis.

My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Dr.

H. Hadri Hasan, MA. The Deputy of Rector, Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, PhD, Dr. H.

Hidayat, M.Pd, and Dr. Hj. Fadilla, M.Pd, who allowed me to study in the


2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I. The

deputy of dean, Dr. Alfian, M. Ed, Dr. H. M. Fadhil, M. Ag, and Dr.

Raudhoh, S. Ag. SS. M. Pdi.

3. My great supervisors, Minsakutra, SS, M.Hum and Tira Mariana, SS, M.

Hum, who have been tremendous mentor for me.


4. All of my lectues who have given me so much knowledge and experiences

during meeting in this class until now.

5. All of official in adab and humanities facullty who have managed my

administrations and requirements as long as my study till gruadation.

6. My parent whi have made sacrifices on my behalf. My sisters and brother.

Words cannot express how grateful I am. Their prayer and love for me were

what sustained me thus far.

7. My best friends, my classmates A/B, I would like to thank you so much for all

he things that we have made together since we were in the 1th semester till

now. 1 am going to miss our class so bad.

8. My all friends in UIN STS Jambi, Posko 25 Kukerta, and so forth that I

cannot write all of them, thanks you so much for your help, support, and


Finnally, I admit this thesis is truly perfect. Therefore I very need the

comments and critics from the readers, especially the student of English

literature of Adab and Humanities faculty, State Islamic University, Sulthan

Thaha Saifudin Jambi.

Jambi. November 09th 2018

The Writer




Dahlia, 2018. John Nash Hallucination in The Film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Minsakutra, SS.MA Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, SS, M. Hum

This thesis discusses the hallucination in the film A beautiful mind by Ron Howard. A Beautiful Mind tells of John Nash a student at one of the universities who did not like learning in class or John Nash preferred to study alone. John Nash in film A Beautiful Mind experiences hallucination or referred to as schizophrenia in his life. The purpose of this study is as follows: first, to find out the portrayal of John Nash's hallucination. Second, to find out the causes of John Nash's hallucination. Third, to find out how John Nash controlled his hallucination.

This study uses the theory of hallucination and psychological approach. Descriptive qualitative methods to analyze the data in this study thesis. The source of the data is taken from the conversation, and the scenes in the movie A Beautiful Mind.

The findings in this study are, first, the hallucination portrayed in the film is, hear voices, see things and feel things. Second, the causes of John Nash hallucination are dreams, ideals and diseases. Third, the way John Nash controls his hallucination are by seeing the doctor, by using non-medical interventions and by using distraction.



Dahlia, 2018. John Nash Hallucination in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Pembimbing I : Minsakutra, SS. MA

Pembimbing II : Tira Mariana, SS, M. Hum

Skripsi ini membahas tentang hallucination di dalam film A beautiful mind

oleh Ron Howard.A beautiful mind menceritakan tentang John Nash seorang mahasiswa di salah satu universitas yang tidak begitu menyukai belajar di dalam kelas atau John Nash lebih menyukai belajar sendiri,John Nash di dalam film A Beautiful Mind mengalami halusinasi atau di sebut dengan penyakit schizophrenia di dalam hidupnya.Tujuan penelitian ini sebagai berikut:pertama,untuk mengetahui gambaran halusinasi John Nash. Kedua, untuk mengetahui penyebab halusinasi John Nash. Ketiga,untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara John Nash mengontrol halusinasi.

Penelitian in menggunakan pendekatan teori hallucination, dan psychological approach menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisa data dalam skripsi ini,sumber data di ambil dari percakapan, dan adegan di dalam film A Beautiful Mind. Penemuan penelitian gambaran halusinasi John Nash yang ada di dalam film A Beautiful Mind sebagai berikut:pertama, mendengar, melihat dan merasakan .Kedua,menemukan penyebab John Nash berhalusinasi yaitu:bermimpi,cita-cita dan penyakit.Ketiga,menemukan cara John Nash mengontrol halusinasi yaitu dengan cara pergi ke dokter,tanpa medis dan selingan.



PAGE OF TITLE. ............................................................................................ I

APPROVAL .................................................................................................... ii

LETTER OF RATIFICATION. ..................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ............................................................ iv

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... xi


A. Background of the Problem ................................................................. 1 B. Formulation of the Problem ................................................................. 4 C. Limitation of the Problem .................................................................... 4 D. Purpose of the Research ....................................................................... 5 E. Significance of the Research ................................................................ 5


A. Hallucination Theory ........................................................................... 6 a. Kinds of Hallucination............................................................... 7 b. The Causes of Hallucination...................................................... 8 c. How to Control Hallucination. .................................................. 10

B. Psychological Approach....................................................................... 14 C. Characteristic of Human. ..................................................................... 17 D. Review of Related Research. ............................................................... 17


A. Design of the Research........................................................................... 23 B. Sources of the Data. ............................................................................... 25 C. Technique of Data Collection. ............................................................... 25


D. Technique of Data Analysis. .................................................................. 27 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS

A. John Nash’s hallucination portrayed in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard. ........................................................ 30

B. The causes of John Nash’s hallucination in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard. ....................................................... 45

C. John Nash ways in controling his hallucination in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard. ........................................................ 50


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 57

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 58







A. Background of the Problem

People talk about what it is like to experience symptoms associated with

schizophrenia, schizoid-affective disorder and psychosis. Two types of symptoms are

associated with schizophrenia: so-called 'positive' symptoms, including hallucinations,

delusions, disturbed thinking and paranoia, and 'negative' symptoms, including

tiredness, loss of concentration, lack of energy and motivation, few facial movements

and flat emotions. Not everyone who has a particular condition will experience all the

symptoms associated with that condition. This summary focuses on positive

symptoms; negative symptoms are discussed.

Hallucinations are people with depression and other conditions may also

experience some of the symptoms discussed here.1It means that hallucinations

including hearing voices. Many people talked about experiencing hallucinations:

hallucinations are something that you hear, smell, feel or see.

The reason for choosing the topic Jhon Nash hallucinations is based on the film

A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard .Because Jhon Nash is always more hallucinations

1Robert, “Definition of hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 2000, p. 98.


in every activities that he did . It mean that hallucinations is the condition when a

person who experience it sees ,hears, feels ,smells, and tastes things that are not real.

In this thesis the writer is interested to analyze film A Beautiful Mind there many

aspects in film such as social and psychology. Where in this film the main character is

often see many people and in time he fell the reaction if that is real .Amy Villarejo

stated that film is structured like a language and it is telling stories.2It means that film

offers us of seeing and feeling and it is inspired product of creative team and might

well stimulate person fantasies. The writer interested in choosing film in this research

for some reasons:

Firs, because the writer want to find out what hallucinations were like by John

Nash, and whatever the perpetrators of John Nash could hallucinate so that he could

not distinguish between real things and things that were not real in nature, the film A

Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard

Second, this film also teaches us how to control the hallucinations because it

will make us come to danger situation in society. Third this movie A Beautiful Mind is

an Academy Award winning book and movie starring Russell Crowe, Ed Harris,

Jennifer Connelly, Christopher Plummer, and Paul Bettany. It's about the winning

mathematician of the Swedish Banking Prize in Economics in memory of Alfred

Nobel John Nash and his experience of schizophrenia. It can be seen in the pictures

and dialogues below:

2Amy Villarejo, Film Studies the Basic, (New York: Library of Congres, 2007), Third Edition, p. 12.



John Nash: I don't like people much.4

This picture explains john Nash to see his college buddies who are talking

from the window, and he looks sad because he has no friends to share stories. These

picture, explains John Nash tells Charles that he does not like or discomfort if people

are too many, and he starts comfortable to share his story with Charles.

Picture 25

3Duration :00:07:33,649 --> 00:07:35,929 4Duration :00:07:33,649 --> 00:07:35,929 5Duration : 00:58:32,741-->00:58:32,963


This picture explains that John Nash looks frightened when he sees the person

who just came out of the car he thought the Russians were following him, he looked

from his class window with a feeling of panic he left the class.

Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer analyze this thesis entitle

“John Nash Hallucination in The Film A Beautiful Mind By Ron Howard”

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the

formulations of the problem are arranged as follows:

1. What is John Nash’s hallucination portrayed in the film A Beautiful Mind by

Ron Howard?

2. What are the causes of John Nash’s hallucination in the film A Beautiful Mind

by Ron Howard?

3. How does John Nash control his hallucination in the film A Beautiful Mind by

Ron Howard?

C. Limitation of the Problem

Actually there are many aspects that the writer can analyze in the film, but in

this case the writer investigates the John Nash's Hallucination in the film A Beautiful

Mind Therefore, the data are chosen from the utterances uttered by John Nash main

character in his utterances.


D. Purpose of the Research

Based on limitation of problem above, the purpose of this research is:

1. To know the John Nash’s hallucination portrayed in the film A Beautiful Mind

by Ron Howard?

2. To know the causes John Nash’s hallucination in the film A Beautiful Mind by

Ron Howard?

3. To know the ways John Nash in controls his hallucination in the film A

Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard?

E. Significance of the Research

In this study, the author wanted to know the hallucinations of John Nash,

among them, hear voice, see things, and fell things. The author takes data from the

transcript of A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard. The author hopes that this research

can be useful for people who are among people who are crucifying, both family and

friends. The authors want to know how to control the hallucinations John Nash did.

The author hopes that this research will make others not stay away from people who

are crucifying and will even embrace him to provide encouragement to be able to

recover back to normal as was done by John Nash's wife who convinced John Nash to

recover the norm like people in general.




A. Hallucination Theory

Hallucination is a perception in the absence of external stimulus that has qualities

of real perception or that represent gross distortions of perceptual input. Hallucinations

are vivid, substantial, and are perceived to be located in external objective space. They

are distinguishable from several related phenomena, such as dreaming, which does not

involve wakefulness; pseudo hallucination, which does not mimic real perception, and

is accurately perceived as unreal; illusion, which involves distorted or misinterpreted

real perception; and imagery, which does not mimic real perception and is under

voluntary control.6 It means that a hallucination is about delusional perceptions in

which a correctly sensed and interpreted stimulus is given some additional and

typically absurd significance.

According Aleman hallucination can occur in any sensory modality visual in

human life, because they have the things that they can hear, see, smell, taste and feel.

Hallucination is known as a disturbance, and can occur in most of the senses above.7

These may be things like seeing movement in peripheral vision, or hearing faint noises

6Aleman, and Haan, “On redefining hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,

1998, p. 99 7Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3


and or voices .The writer will use theory of hallucination by Aleman to find out John

Nash’s Hallucination portrayed in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard.

a. Kinds of Hallucination

In understanding the people is hallucination. According Eleman there five

kinds of Hallucination it can be seen in the explanation below:8

a. Hear voices.

People may sense that the sounds are coming from inside or outside

their minds. They might hear the voices talking to each other or feel

like they are telling them to do something.

b. See things.

People might see insects crawling on their hand or on the face of

someone they know. Sometimes they look like flashes of light. A rare

type of seizure called occipital may cause they to see brightly colored

spots or shapes.

c. Smell things.

People may think the odor is coming from something around them, or

that it is coming from their own body.

d. Taste things.

People may feel that something they eat or drink has an odd taste.

Where the taste is different from what is felt by other people.

e. Feel things.

It might seem to people that they are being tickled even when no one

else is around, or they may have a sense that insects are crawling on or

8Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3


under their skin. They might feel a blast of hot air on their face that is

not real.

b. The Causes of Hallucination

Causes people can hallucinate there are three namely, dreams, ideals and

diseases.9 Not only is that which allows the use of drugs also included into the

cause of hallucination.10 Causes hallucinations as follows:

a. Dreams

The person who is hailing will usually have a very ambitious dream to

achieve his dream, where Dream is something that becomes the great

ambition of our life, where everything, material, mental to physical, we

muster to achieve those dreams. If one of them, whether material,

mental or physical, does not exist, then it is impossible for the dream to

materialize. This can either encourage a person or impose a desire to

achieve something in the dream so that the person whose aspiration is

too ambitious causes the person to have a hallucination.

b. Ideals

The person who has a hallucination is usually the one who has a strong

desire to reach his goal, and ideals is a great desire in life to be able to

spend the life as what is expected by someone. With the ideals, then

9 Aleman, and Haan, “On redefining hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,

1998, p. 99 10

Gorman, L.M .,Sultan, D, and Luna Raines, M .Psychosocial Nursing Hand Book for the Nonpsychiatric Nurse. 1989.p.56


someone will continue to cultivate everything, so that ideals can be

achieved as a supporter of life needs. Usually these ideals are always

linked - relate to the material, because basically humans want to live

"adequate". "High enough" his money, "High enough" his position,

"High enough”, when one cannot control the ideals he wants, so as to

make a person depressed because what he aspires to achieve is not

achieved and this can make it be hallucination to be able reach what he


d. Diseases

The person who is usually a person who is exposed to the disease,

among others, the disease, migraine, Alzheimer and other forms of

dementia and epilepsy. This disease is one of the causal symptoms of a

person who has a hallucination, and this is sometimes not apparent with

the invisible eye.

d. Drugs

The phenomenon of hallucinations is an Abnormal Perception of the

individual in which he is conscious and awake but without the stimulus

of a real sensory receptor beyond himself. Hallucination, in other words

perception without a clear object. Hallucinations are usually found in

drug users and drug users. The use of cocaine, LSD, and various types

of amphetamine derivatives can also trigger hallucinations. Even in

cases of marijuana use (marijuana) can elicit visual hallucinations. The


use of narcotics such as cocaine may lead to auditory hallucinations, as

well as in cases of hallucinations experienced by schizophrenic and

other psychotic disorders.

c. How to Control Hallucination

A hallucination is a false perception of objects or events and is sensory

in nature. When individuals with Alzheimer is have a hallucination, they see,

hear, smell, taste or even feel something that is not really there. 11

They may see insects crawling on their hand or hear people talking to

them and respond to those voices. In contrast, delusions defined as a false idea,

sometimes originating in a misinterpretation of a situation. For example, when

individuals living with dementia have a delusion, they may think that family

members are stealing from them or that the police are following them. This

kind of suspicious delusion is sometimes referred to as paranoia.12

a. See the doctor

When helping someone who is experiencing hallucinations or

delusions, the best way to start is by arranging a consultation with the

person’s doctor. The physician can look for physical causes, such as

kidney or bladder infections, dehydration, pain or alcohol or drug

abuse, all of which can cause hallucinations or delusions. It is also

11 Gorman, L.M .,Sultan, D, and Luna Raines, M .Psychosocial Nursing Hand Book for the

Nonpsychiatric Nurse. 1989.p.56 12

Iris.E.C.sommer, ”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”Journal.Permissions 2012.p.706.


possible that treatments being prescribed for pain are the cause. If the

physician prescribes a medication, watch for and report any side effect

you notice, including over-sedation, increased confusion, tremors or

tics. While non-drug interventions are often effective, medications can

be helpful when the person is persistently upset by the symptoms and

non-drug approaches (described below) have already been tried. You

may also want to ask the doctor to evaluate the person to determine if

medication needs to be added or adjusted to reduce hallucinations or

delusions. If the person has a history of serious mental illness, such as

schizophrenia, the hallucinations and or delusions may be related to

that illness.

b. Non-medical Interventions.

Interventions that are not medical in nature are often the best ways to

help someone experiencing hallucinations or delusions. Assess the

situation and determine whether or not the symptom is a problem for

you or for the individual. Is the hallucination or delusion upsetting to

the person? Is it leading him or her to do something dangerous? Does

the sight of an unfamiliar face cause him or her to become frightened?

If so, react calmly and quickly with reassuring words and a comforting



c. Respond with caution.

Be cautious when responding to the person is hallucinations and or

delusions. If they do not cause problems for you, the person or other

family members, it is typically best to ignore them. Avoid arguing with

the person about what he or she sees, hears or believes. Unless the

behavior becomes dangerous, you might not need to intervene.

d. Offer reassurance.

Reassure the person with kind words and a gentle touch. For example,

you might want to say, do not t worry. I am here. I will protect you. I

will take care of you, or I know you are worried. Would you like me to

hold your hand and walk with you for a while? Gentle patting may turn

the person is attention toward you and reduce the symptom. Also look

for reasons or feelings behind the hallucination or delusion and try to

find out what it means to the individual. For example, you might want

to respond with .It sounds as if you are worried or know this is

frightening for you.

e. Use distraction.

Suggest that the person comes with you on a walk or sits next to you in

another room. Frightening hallucinations and delusions often subside in

well it areas where other people are present. You might also try to turn

the person is attention to a favorite activity, such as listening to music,

drawing, looking at a photo album or counting coins.


f. Respond honestly.

Keep in mind that the person may sometimes ask you about the

hallucination or delusion. For example, if he or she asks, do you see

him? You may want to answer with, I know that you see something,

but I do not see it. This way you are not denying what the person sees

or hears, but you avoid getting involved in an argument.

g. Assess the reality of the situation.

If the person is having a hallucination, ask the person to point to the

area where he or she sees or hears something. Glare from a window

may look like snow to the person, and dark squares on a tiled floor may

look like dangerous holes.

h. Modify the environment.

If the person looks at the kitchen curtains and sees a face, you may be

able to remove, change or close the curtains. Turn on more lights to

reduce shadows that could look frightening. If the person insists that he

or she sees a strange person in the mirror, it is possible that the person

does not recognize his or her own reflection. If the person has delusions

about people stealing from him or her, have some duplicates of those

items on hand so you can provide the person with a replacement if it

becomes lost.

B. Psychological Approach


Here the writer uses psychological approach because the writer analyzed about

hallucination is expressed by the main charactering A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard.

Segment Freud’s work and theories helps shape our views of childhood, personality,

memory, sexuality, and therapy. Psychology is the scientific study of mind and

behavior.13 Psychology is the study of human and animal behavior with the object of

understanding why living beings behave as they do. It is a study of all human affairs,

mind, situation and condition also behavior and action deal with human daily activity.

Psychology’s most famous figure is also of the most influential and controversial

thinkers of the twentieth century. The character’s behavior in the story may indicate it

is psychology condition. “Bahwa di dalam fiksi psikologi yang mana dilukiskan, tidak

hanya sebuah peristiwa tetapi merupakan tingkah laku dan tindakan tanduk para

tokoh utama cerita.Dimana seorang tokoh mengapa begini, mengapa pendirianya

begitu, didasarkan pada latar belakang kejiwaanya”.14

According to Freud, id as important part of our personality human’s psychology

state is basically drive from people personality and thus people acts and reacts to what

has happened to them from their thoughts, emotions and behaviors, because everyone

in the world has different one and another. Freud provided convincing evidence,

through his many careful record case studies, that most of our actions are by

13 Steven Pinker, Introduction of Psychology. (Fall, major approach to psychology, Journal, 2001), p. 1 14 Dobie, Theory Into Practice-Psychological. USE California, 1990, p. 51


psychological force solver which we have very limit control. Generally psychology by

Freud by has three kinds or parts of psychology. There are id, ego and superego.15

“Teori kepribadian menurut Freud pada umumnya dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu: id atau Es,ego atau Ich and superego atau Umber Ich. Id adalah dorongan-dorongan primitive yang harus dipuaskan, salah satunya adalah libido. Id dengan demikian adalah subjektif primer, dunia batin sebelum individu mempunyai pengalaman tentang dunia luar. Ego bertugas untuk mengontrol Id. Sedangkan superego berisi kata hati.”16

From the writer above it can be concluded that delimitation about id, ego and

superego. Id is a component that contains the personality, where the system works

with the principles of fun “pleasure principle”. Ego is the personality who served as

executor, where the system work on the outside world to asses and deal with reality or

“secondary process” to work as mediator from id or to set the stimulus of id so does

not violate the values superego. Superego is the last system of personality then the

development of social contact or moral personality from the human because it is a

filter of good bad sensor, completely wrong cannot something be done by thrusting


Finally, id, ego and superego have the same work in reality in human life. Id was

born when we are still baby. Ego can grow when a person three years old, ego work to

15 Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157 16 Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra,p. 62-63


be controller the instincts and superego like morality law in our self. Sigmund Freud

divides the using of psychoanalytic approach to literature into four object, they are:17

1. The Author

The theory is used to analyze the author and his or her life, and the literary work

is seen to supply evidence for this analysis. This is often call psychobiography.

2. The Character

The theory is used to analyze one or more of the character; the psychological

theory becomes a tool to explain the character’s behavior of motivation. The

more closely the theory seems to apply to the characters, the more realistic the

work appears.

3. The Audience

The theory is used to explain the appeal of the work for those who read it; the

work is seen to embody universal human psychological process and motivations,

to which the readers respond more or less unconsciously.

4. The Text

The theory is used to analyze the role of language and symbolism in the work .In

this research the writer chooses on the characters on the movie, this approach to

17 Sunaryono, The Analysis Of The Consequences Of Willy’s Frustration In His Life Toward Himself And The Plot As Depicted In Arther Militer’s Death Of Salesman drama: A psychoanalytic approach. (Jambi: Adab Faculty the State Institute for Islamic Students Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2013), p. 17


reveal the psychological dimension inside of the characters including their

behavior, psychology, social, environment, motivation, role and conflict.

C. Characteristic of Human

The characteristics of a person or thing are the qualities or features that belong

to them and make them recognizable, a quality or feature that is characteristic of

someone or something is one which is often seen in them and seems typical of them.

Characteristic, individual, peculiar, distinctive mean indicating a special quality or

identity. Characteristic applies to something that distinguishes or identifies a person

or thing or class. 18

Responded with her characteristic with individual stresses qualities that

distinguish one from all other members of the same kind or class, a highly individual

writing style peculiar applies to qualities possessed only by a particular individual or

class or uniqueness eccentricity that is peculiar to the British distinctive indicates

qualities distinguish and uncommon and often superior or praiseworthy.

D. Review of Related Research

There are researchers who have discussed about film A Beautiful Mind by Ron

Howard, they are:


Marriam Webster,2017,characteristic march 15 ,2018 at 10:25 pm


Firstly, Irina Chalisa, the student of Study Program of English department of

Languages and Literatures Faculty Of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya, in 2014

by thesis entitled “Teddy Daniels’ Hallucinations Portrayed In Martin Charles

Crosse’s Shutter Island this research discussed about Hallucination is the condition

when a person who experiences it sees, hears, feels, smells, and tastes things that are

not real. There are many things that cause hallucination. One of the causes is bad

experience. Shutter Island is a film that shows so many evidences of hallucination

experienced by the main character, Teddy Daniels. Teddy Daniels had bad experiences

in the past which lead him to change his identity in order to forget his past.

Psychological approach is used in the analysis, specifically Freudian Psychoanalysis

theory. Psychological approach can be used to analyze character in a work.

The main character and his hallucination matter to analyze. The analysis of the

movie is based on the script and some scenes in the movie, so the writer also put

several scenes from the film to help the writer to explain the argument .There are two

findings in this research, the first finding is the confirmation of Teddy Daniels’

hallucination. Teddy Daniels’ life in the past is the reason of his hallucination. Teddy

Daniels’ hallucination is confirmed by two methods, the first is from Teddy’s behavior

and attitude, and the second is from other character’s responses. Then, the second

finding is the type of Teddy’s hallucination. Teddy’s hallucination is considered as


multimodal hallucination, which means he experiences both visual and auditory

hallucinations. Keywords: Main character, Psychological, Hallucination19

Secondly, Ferri Dwi Agustina, student of English Language and Literature,

Study Program English Education Department Faculty of Languages and Arts

Yogyakarta State University in 2014,by thesis entitled “A Psycholinguistic Analysis

Of Schizophrenic Speech And Behavior Portrayed In The Main Character In Canvas

Movie this research discussed is This research has two objectives: (1) to describe the

language abnormalities experienced by a schizophrenic in Canvas movie; (2) to show

and explain the accompanying behaviors acted by a schizophrenic in Canvas movie.

This research employed a descriptive qualitative method. It is concerned with the

description of the data in the form of utterances produced by the schizophrenic, Mary,

in Canvas movie. However, numbers were also used to support the analysis of the

data. Some steps in analyzing the data were: identifying the raw data, classifying each

datum into the categorization, analyzing each datum, interpreting each datum based on

its theories, reporting the findings, and drawing the conclusion.

Finally, the data findings were triangulated by three linguistics students who

were keen on psycholinguistics. The findings of the research show that first, among

the eight types of schizophrenic language abnormalities, only five of them occur. They

are perseveration of ideas, non-logical reasoning (peculiar logic), looseness,

19 Iriana Chalis,” “Teddy Daniels’ Hallucinations Portrayed In Martin Charles Scorsese’s

Shutter Island,” Study Program of English department of Languages and Literatures Faculty Of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya.,2014, p. v


weakening of goal, and poverty of speech. Meanwhile, the absent types are peculiar

use of word, peculiar sentence, and distractibility. Perseveration of ideas is the most-

often appearing phenomenon made by a schizophrenic who always repeats the same

word, phrase, and even sentence continuously. Besides, the other types have only

small occurrences since they are not common abnormalities mainly found. Second, the

deviant behaviors which are accompanied by a schizophrenic are also shown in the

movie. The other deviant behaviors i.e. aggression, painting, affective flattening, and

unnecessary use of water, have the most-often occurring phenomena in the

schizophrenic. Keywords: Psycholinguistics, Schizophrenia, Canvas, language,


Third, Gemma Ruth Gray the student of School of Psychology College of Life

Sciences The University of Birmingham in September 2009 by thesis entitled “The

Interaction Between Auditory Imagery Vividness And Auditory Perception, And Its

Application To Hallucination Proneness this research discussed about this thesis

determined some of the mediators of auditory imagery vividness and investigated how

vividness affects the interaction between imagery and perception (Chapter 2). In

addition, and firm study investigated the neural correlates of auditory imagery and

perception (Chapter 3). The final empirical chapters assessed the interaction between

auditory imagery vividness and hallucination proneness, and the influence of

20 Ferri Dwi Agustina,’’A Psycholinguistic Analysis Of Schizophrenic Speech And Behavior

Portrayed In The Main Character In Canvas Movie,” English Language and Literature, Study Program English Education Department Faculty of Languages and Arts Yogyakarta State University in 2014.p. xvi


hallucination proneness on the interaction between imagery and perception (Chapters

4, 5 and 6). Imagery vividness differs according to sound category and familiarity and

is affected by cues to imagine sounds. Imagery and perception can also interact to

influence the detection of sounds in noise, and are processed by partially overlapping

regions of the auditory cortex. Studies into hallucination proneness revealed little

differences between high and low hallucination proneness participants when detecting

sounds in noise.

When stimuli had an emotional connotation (i.e. auditory presented emotional

words) high and low hallucination prone participants differed only in their memory

recall rate, but not in their vividness ratings, or in their sound detection performance

for such words. Taken together, this thesis demonstrates that auditory imagery

vividness is a robust measure that is affected by a range of cognitive factors. Vividness

can influence detection of sounds in noise and has measurable effects on neural

activation. These studies provide evidence for the theory that imagery and perception

rely on overlapping areas of processing.

The thesis also finds little association between hallucination proneness and

auditory imagery vividness or sound detection performance. This suggests that factors

other than auditory imagery are associated with proneness to hallucination-like


21 Gemma Ruth Gray “The Interaction Between Auditory Imagery Vividness And Auditory

Perception, And Its Application To Hallucination Proneness”, School of Psychology College of Life Sciences The University of Birmingham in September 2009,p iii.


The difference of this analysis with the previous analysis is that the previous

analysis sees hallucinations only in certain respects, such as the analysis of Iriana

Chalisa looking at the rush experience, because of the bad experiences that greatly

affect the occurrence of hallucinations, the analysis of Ferri Dwi Agustina sees more

viewing of the more frequent Schizophrenia repeating the same sentence and behaving

strangely, Gamma Ruth Gray's analysis is more to discuss the cause of a very

influential schizophrenia that is hearing .This analysis will link everything in the

previous analysis of everything, hear voices, see things, smell things, taste things,





A. Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the writer use qualitative research and descriptive method

that is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research may be in descriptive

form. The data were collected in the form of words as a descriptive explanation than a

number. The result of the research contained quotation from the data to illustrate and

substantive the presentation. Descriptive research is a research which aims to describe

a phenomenon accurately base on the characteristic of research.22 In this thesis, the

writer used qualitative research, where the data are analyze through interpreting, not

statistical analysis. Nyoman Kutha Ratna state:

“Metode kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah, data dalam

hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaanya .Cara-cara inilah yang mendorong

metode kualitatif dianggap sebagai multi metode sebab penelitian pada

gilirannya melibatkan sejumlah besar gejala sosial yang relevan. Dalam

penelitian karya sastra, misalnya, akan dilibatkan pengarang, lingkungan social

dimana pengarang berada, termasuk unsur-unsur kebudayaan.”23

Based on the quotation above, the qualitative research can be used in this

research due to the qualitative method did not only in valves the intrinsic aspect in

literary work. But, it can be relating with the extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. So,

22John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, (United States of America:

California 1997), p. 15. 23Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-III edisi

revisi,(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), p. 47.


that is why, the qualitative method also can be said as multi method. Because, the

relating of the intrinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. Descriptive is:

“Data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar dan bukan angka-angka, hal itu

disebabkan oleh penerapan metode kualitatif.”24

According to Merriam in his book also stated that “Qualitative research is

planning a research project can be compared to planning for a variation trip”.25So,

qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive data and is it a process to do a

research such as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research,

where qualitative method also analyzing about the data from outside which the data

still not right. Qualitative research method is the method that entirely on research

through libraries that rely on data that is almost entirely from the library.

In this theory, qualitative research in research procedures which produce

descriptive data as spoken words of the person or behavior being research. Descriptive

research can be explained as a statement of affairs as they are at present with the

researcher having no control over variable. Moreover, “descriptive studies may be

character as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is, while

analytical research attempts to establish why it is that way or how it came to be”26 It

makes easy the research to get the right data. It means that qualitative method is

24HartinisYatim,MetodologiPenelitianPendidikandanSosialKualitatifdanKuantitatif, (Jakarta:

Bogor Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2009), p. 191. 25Sharan B. Merriam, Rualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education, (New

York City,1998), p. 3. 26Ethridge, D.E. (2004) “Research Methodology in Applied Economics” John Wiley & Sons,



analyzing about descriptive data that are used documentation in this research, by using

this qualitative method, the writer felt easy to analyze the film.

Base on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative research is

analyzing about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the situation of the

natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using qualitative

research the writer had rice answer about the question in analyzing the problem A

Beautiful Mind film by Ron Howard.

B. Sources of Data

This film research film taken from data A Beautiful Mind film, this film which

was directed by Ron Howard in 2001, with duration 02:08:49 minutes, the writer use

the script, dialogues, the character, mimic or expression, body language, and scene on


C. Technique of Data Collection

In an effort to get the data and fact, in this research the writer use qualitative

research, the techniques in qualitative research .The writer use documentation and

Sugiyono state that

“Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu. Dokumen bisa berbentuk tulisan, gambar, atau karya-karya monumental dari seorang. Dokumen yang berbentuk tulisan misalnya catatan harian, sejarah kehidupan (life histories), ceritera, biografi, peraturan, kebijakan. Dokumen yang berbentuk gambar misalnya foto, gambar hidup, sketsa dan lain-lain. Dokumen yang berbentuk karya misalnya karya seni, yang dapat berupa gambar, patung,


film dan lain-lain. Studi dokumen merupakan pelengkap dari penggunaan metode observasi dan wawancara dalam penelitian kualitatif”.27

It means that in qualitative research, the writer use some documents that have

correlation or support the problem of the research, because this research is descriptive

that is why the writer described and analyze the data that has been found in A

Beautiful Mind film to answer of the problems that has been formulation in the

formulation of the problem.

The writer had some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this research

more specific. The stepson collecting data:

a. Watching the film

Collecting all data from the film that had been taking from script and other sources

which are closely related to the aim of the research and also watching repeatedly

and comprehensively for some senses, dialogues, and symbol that exist in the A

Beautiful Mind film and articles in the cyber data as many as possible which show a

form of problem.

b. Reading

Reading the script in the film repeatedly, after getting all important sources, the

writer read it to make sure that the data are correlating with the research.

27 Sugioyono,Metode Penelitian Kuatitatif Kualitatif ,2013,p. 240


c. Marking on the Words

Marking on the words or sentences and all the important statements and

information, as well as afterwards, making a note of data. After reading the sources

carefully, the writer marked any important statements to make the writer easier in

the analyzing process for the research.

d. Identifying and Classifying

After finding all the data completely, the writer processed the data to analyze them.

Finally, the writer made a good arrangement for the thesis itself as the last in

finalizing research.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writers analyze the data. In qualitative research,

technique analysis data were used to answer the formulation of the problem in analysis

data, the writer use a technique of data analysis. The writer had several techniques

from the data analysis, in order to make this research more specific. According to

Susan Stainback, “Data analysis is critical to the qualitative research process. It is to

recognition, study, and understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that

hypotheses and assertions can be developed and evaluated”. 28Nyoman Kutha Ratna

stated that “Sesuai dengan namanya analisisis terutama berhubungan dengan isi

komunikasi baik secara verbal maupun non verbal.29 In line with this statement, the

writer uses the method. According to Nyoman Kutha Ratna:

28Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, p. 244. 29Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p. 48.


“Isi dalam metode analisis terdiri dari atas dua macam, yaitu isi laten dan isi komunikasi. Isi laten adalahi si yang terkandung dalam dokumen dan naskah, sedangkan isi komunikasi adalah pesan yang terkandung sebagai komunikasi yang terjadi. Isi laten adalah isi sebagaimana dimasudkan oleh penulis, sedangkan isi komunikasi adalah sebagaimana terwujud dalam hubungan naskah dengan konsumen.”30

In this research, the writer used technique descriptive analysis because this

research is descriptive. It was way the writer describes; analyze the data that has been

found in the script A Beautiful Mind film to find the answer the formulation of the

problems that have been formulation.

The writer had some steps in analyzing the data, in order to make this research

more specific. The steps are:

a. Identifying

The writer identification the data and made assumptions or finds the politeness

strategies are used by Anne and some reasons she use it in A beautiful Mind


b. Classifying the Data

The writer classification the text event teaching which has correlation with the

source and combined in A beautiful Mind film.

30Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p. 50.


c. Analyzing, Describing, Explaining and the Data

The author analyzes, describes and explains data on How John Nash's image

hallucinations. What cause John Nash to hallucinations, how did John Nash

control his, hallucinations in A Beautiful Mind film.

d. Making the Conclusion

After all the data have been analyzes describe and explain in the research, the

writer made the conclusion of the research.




In this chapter represents the finding and analysis of the data, analyzing

through the words of the text of a story, another principle of analyzing the character

are the actions of each characters to behave according to their character in the story in

this study the writer chose the theory of hallucination for this study discusses. Base on

the finding of the data, exposure data obtained, and base on the discussion in act

ordnance whit the theory: it can be concluded the following result:

A. John Nash’s Hallucination Portrayed in The Film A Beautiful Mind by Ron


According to Eleman, there are five kind s of hallucination, kind of hallucination

is: Hear voices, see things, smell things, taste things and fell things.31 Based on the

writer analysis about hallucination of John Nash in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron

Howard, there portrayed of John Nash’s hallucination portrayed t there are: hear voice,

see things, and fell things, such us:

a. Hear Voice

Hearing is one of the very important senses, but sometimes someone can hear

what is not heard by others, as experienced by John Nash in a beautiful mind film

by Ron Howard, it can be seen in the pictures and dialogues below:


Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3


Picture 332

Charles : You're not easily distracted, are you?

John Nash : I'm here to work.

Charles : Are you? Right. 33

The picture and dialog above explain where John Nash was talking to Charles,

whom he considered his roommate and John Nash could hear what Charles said to

him and he answered clearly, but what he heard was John Nash's own

hallucination and it is an unreal thing that John can hear and this is included in the

kinds of hallucination.34 This picture and dialogue is portrayed Jonh Nash’s

hallucination John Nash does this by means of a psychological approach that is by

using Id in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard.35 Besides being able to

hear Charles' voice John Nash also listened to the voice of Marcee niece of

Charles, it can be seen from the picture below:

32Duration 00:06:46,597 --> 00:06:50,101 33Duration 00:06:46,597--> 00:06:52,983 34

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3 35

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


Picture 436

Marcee : Uncle John!

John Nash : Hey, baby girl! 37

This picture shows the situation when John hearing the cry of a small child,

who called him, and he looked for the source of the sound around him, it turned out

that Marcee was the nephew of Charles Herman. The voice that John Nash heard was

the voice that came from John's hallucination and hearing was into kinds of

hallucination, which portrayed the hallucination of John Nash.38 John Nash did

something using the Id contained in the psychological approach.39But not only that,

Jhon can also hear the voices of Parcher, Charles and Marcee all at once which are

described in the following figure.

36Duration 01:02:51,236 --> 01:02:52,528 37Duration 01:02:53,070 --> 01:03:00,079 38

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3 39

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


Picture 540

Marcee : Uncle John?

Parcher : Take care of her, you pathetic piece of shit,

or I'll take care of you.

Charles : John,please do what he says.

Parcher : Move, soldier.

Marcee : Uncle John?

Charles : John, please!

Parcher : Now!

John : Alicia and Charles never coexist in the same

interactive field. 41

The picture and dialogue above explain when John Nash wanted to protect

Alicia and her child from the threat of Pacher who ordered John to finish off Alicia

because according to Parcher, Alicia had a lot of knowledge about John's secret

work. Hear the voices coming from, Marcee, Parcher, and Charles. John felt that

the sounds he heard were real, but what John heard was an unreal sound and it was

40Duration 01:37:43,594 --> 01:37:45,304 41 Duration 01:37:43,594 --> 01:38:08,162


hallucination from him, and hearing was included in one kinds of

hallucination.42This was a portrayed of John Nash's hallucination, but at that time

John Nash began to doubt what he had to do to hurt Alicia or ignore what he

heard. This was included in the ego, which John Nash began to think about but

could not yet know the impact he would do.43

b. See Things

Seeing is something, a situation, an event or someone that we can know

that is not real or just an illusion, but feels real to people who have

hallucinations. As experienced by John Nash. John Nash often sees things that

are not real but he thinks they are really real things in nature. It can be seen in

the pictures and dialogues below:

Picture 644

John Nash : hmm

Carles : listen, If we can't break the ice how about we

drown it?45


Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3 43

Dobie, Theory Into Practice-Psychological. USE California, 1990, p. 51 44 Duration 00:07:08,161 --> 00:07:10,455 45 Duration 00:07:08,161--> 00:07:17,421


The picture and dialogue above explain that John was staring at Charles who spoke

to him, which Charles invited him to have a beer with, and John also received an

invitation from Charles, this was a picture of John's hallucination, in that picture John

felt that the Charles he saw was real people but actually Charles is only in John

hallucination, and this person is not used to being seen, including kind of

hallucination.46. What John Nash did was included in the Id, which John Nash only did

as he thought. 47John Nash could also see the code in the magazine as in the following


Picture 748

The picture above explains when John Nash began working to read the code in the

magazine, and he felt he had the ability to know the code in the magazine, when he

read the magazine he saw a light that seemed to give him instructions to read the code

in in the magazine, what John Nash saw was a picture of John's hallucination, and

seeing is part of kinds of hallucination. John Nash saw how to make sure it was real or


Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3 47

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157

48Duration 00:45:08,156-->00:45:12,193


not included in the id, where the id was doing something in his think, no matter it was

real or not. 49John could also see a child like the following picture:

Picture 850

John Nash : Do I know you?

Marcee : My uncle says you're very smart but not very


The picture and dialogue above explain when John Nash sat down, suddenly

John Nash saw a small child approaching him. John looked at the little boy and

asked him, it turned out that the little boy was Charles's nephew. Charles's nephew

was named Marcee, but Marcee who was seen by John Nash was not real, Marcee

was only seen as hallucination John Nash, see things is of kinds of hallucination.52

What John Nash did was included in the personality of id, which John Nash did as

he thought .53 John also saw Parcher when he was in his office. It can be seen in

the picture:


Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157

50Duration 00:49:24,183 --> 00:49:24,517 51Duration 00:49:24,183--> 00:49:29,312 52

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 3 53

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


Picture 954

John : Parcher!

Sol : John, you all right?55

The picture and dialogue above explain when John tried to stop Parcher ,but

Parcher ignored John's call, then Sol saw John calling someone but Sol did not see

anyone around the room, what John saw was John's hallucination and seeing including

into the kinds of hallucination.56 The picture above illustrates the hallucination of John

Nash in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard. John Nash does that using id,

where he does what he thinks.57 John Nash also saw Charles and Marcee are featured

like the following picture:

54Duration 01:00:59,827 --> 01:01:01,954 55 Duration 01:00:59,827 --> 01:01:08,795 56

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p. 57

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


Picture 1058

John Nash : Call somebody! Call somebody!Charles

They're Russians!,Steady the leg. 59

The picture above explains that John Nash is asking Charles for help asking

others to let go of what he thinks are Russians, John saw Charles being among

many people but only John saw Charles, and Charles let him be taken by a group

of people he considered Russian, the picture above shows hallucination from John

who can see something that other people do not see.60John Nash's things included

in the Id.61John Nash can also see the picture below:

58Duration 01:05:59,396 --> 01:06:00,898 59 Duration 01:05:59,396 --> 01:06:03,024 60

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p.3 61

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


Picture 1162

John Nash :Chrles? The prodigal roommate revealed. Saw

my name on the lecture slate? You lying son of

a bitch!

Dr.Rosen : Who are you talking to? Tell me who you see.

John Nash : How do you say ,Charles Herman in Russian?

Dr.Rosen : There's no one there, John.There's no one


John Nash : He's right there. He's right there.63

The picture and dialogue above explain when John Nash saw Charles in the same

room with him, but dr. Rosen didn't see anyone in the room except John Nash and

himself. John tried to convince dr Rosen, the note that Charles was there and was on

his list. John Nash's actions were included in the Id, where John Nash could not

control what he thinks.64 It can be seen from the pictures and conversations above

what John Nash saw was not real, because what he saw other people could not see,

62Duration 01:08:30,305 --> 01:08:31,680 63 Duration 01:08:30,305--> 01:09:03,505 64

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


and that was a picture of John Nash's hallucination.65 Hallucination John Nash could

see from the following picture:

Picture 1266

John Nash :Parcher!

Parcher : yes,sir

John Nash : You're not real!

Parcher : Of course I am. Don't be ridiculous. 67

The picture and dialogue above explain, when John Nash was taken by the

army brought by Parcher to surround John, John tried to fight Pacher and believed

himself that the Pacher he saw was not real, Parcher continued to make sure he

was real. But the parcher and army troops that John saw were not real and saw

were kinds of hallucination.68John Nash was thinking ego, where John Nash had

begun to convince what he saw was unreal. 69 The picture and dialogue above is an

illustration of the hallucination of John. Now, just say that John Nash hallucination

can be seen in the picture:


Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p.3 66Duration01:31:47,558-->01:31:48,601 67Duration01:31:47,558-->01:31:58,444 68

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p.3 69

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


Picture 1370

Picture 1471

dr. Rosen: You see them now?

John Nash: yes. 72

The picture and dialogue above explain that John Nash was sitting with Alicia and

dr. Rosen. At that time John Nash saw Marcee who was playing and saw Charles who

was watching, but what John Nash saw was not seen by Alicia and Dr. Rosen.Marcee

and Charles are portrayed of John Nash's hallucination, what John Nash did was

70Duration 01:39:13,142 --> 01:39:13,145 71Duration 01:39:27,14 -->01:39:27,265 72Duration 01:39:20,027-->01:39:32,581


included into thinking ego.73See something that is not real or other people cannot see

including kinds of hallucination.74

c. Fell Things

Feel things can be felt when someone feels the presence of other people, insects

nearby, and he can touch like real, but that is actually not real. This is felt by John

Nash in the beautiful mind film by Ron Howard, it can be seen in the pictures and

dialogues below:

Picture 1575

John Nash : come here ,Charles76


Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157

74 Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p.3

75Duration 00:49:42,660 --> 00:49:44,703 76Duration 00:49:42,660 --> 00:49:44,703


Picture 1677

Marcee : Uncle John!

John Nash : Hey, baby girl!

Charles : Wow, someone needed a hug!78

From the picture and dialog above it can be explained, John Nash hugged Marcee

and Charles. John Nash can feel that hug, even though the hug from Marcee is not

real. This is one picture of John Nash's hallucination itself. He feels a real hug from a

friend but it isn't really real. Feeling is kinds of hallucination.79. The people who

hallucination include id who does what he wants without caring about other things.

80John Nash is also looking for implants that have been installed in his hand as in the

following picture:

77Duration 01:03:00,746 --> 01:03:02,707 78Duration 01:02:53,070 --> 01:03:02,707 79

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p.3 80

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


Picture 1781

Dr. Rosen : John!

John Nash : The implant is gone, I can't find it. 82

The picture and dialogue above explain John Nash, who was trying to find an

implant that had been put in his hand, but he did not find it, dr. Rosen tried to prevent

John but John continued to hurt himself. This picture explained what John Nash felt

was not real and it's just the hallucination itself.83 John Nash's actions were included in

the Id, which he did not think about his father injuring his own hand.84John can also

feel kissing the forehead and stroking Marcee's head like the following picture:

Picture 1885

81 Duration 01:17:51,186-->01:17:52,437

82 Duration 01:17:47,557-->01:17:55,857 83

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p.3 84

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157

85 Duration 01:52:19,263-->01:52:19,310


Picture 1986

The picture above where John Nash kissed his forehead and stroked Mercee's

head, and John felt that it was really real but in reality it was not real, in the picture it

can be explained that John Nash can feel things that are not real and that includes into

the kinds of hallucination.87What John Nash did include personal Id .88 The picture

above is an overview of John Nash in a beautiful mind movie by Ron Howard.

B. The Causes of John Nash's Hallucination in The Film A Beautiful Mind by

Ron Howard.

According to Haan and Aleman said that the causes of hallucinations are several

factors, including the following: Dreams, ideals, diseases, and drugs. These are the

parts that influence a person to hallucinate. 89

Based on the cause of hallucination experienced by John Nash in the film A

Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard, there are three causes of hallucinations is dreams,

86 Duration 01:52:27,731 -->01:52:27,756 87

Aleman, HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy, 2007,p.3 88

Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157

89 Aleman, and Haan, “On redefining hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,

1998, p. 99


ideals and diseases. These kinds of dissidents John Nash hallucinated in a beautiful

mind film by Ron Howard .Such us:

a. Dreams

The person who is hailing will usually have a very ambitious dream to achieve

his dream, where Dream is something that becomes the great ambition of our life,

where everything, material, mental to physical, we muster to achieve those dreams.

If one of them, whether material, mental or physical, does not exist, then it is

impossible for the dream to materialize. This can either encourage a person or

impose a desire to achieve something in the dream so that the person whose

aspiration is too ambitious causes the person to have a hallucination. It can be seen

in the pictures and dialogues below:

Picture 2090

Charles : Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher

truth. And you know why? Because it's boring. It's

really boring.

90Duration 00:08:22,655 --> 00:08:25,741


John Nash : You know, half these schoolboysare already

published?I cannot waste time with these classes

and.these books Memorizing the weaker

assumptions of lesser mortals!I need to look the governing dynamics.91

The picture and dialogue above explain that John Nash was thinking about

being able to do something more than his friends, and he wanted the things he did

to reach the government to prove to people that he was better than others, images

and The dialogue above is a form of John's dream to achieve what he dreamed of,

and dreams are included in the cause of people hallucination.92

b. Ideals

The person who has a hallucination is usually the one who has a strong desire

to reach his goal, and ideals is a great desire in life to be able to spend the life as

what is expected by someone. With the ideals, then someone will continue to

cultivate everything, so that ideals can be achieved as a supporter of life needs.

Usually these ideals are always linked - relate to the material, because basically

humans want to live "adequate". "High enough" his money, "High enough" his

position, "High enough”, when one cannot control the ideals he wants, so as to

make a person depressed because what he aspires to achieve is not achieved and


Duration 00:08:13,394 -->00:08:43,842 92

Aleman, and Haan, “On redefining hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1998, p. 99


this can make it be hallucination to be able reach what he wants. It can be seen in

the pictures and dialogues below:

Picture 2193

John Nash : You know Hansen has just published another

paper? I can't even find a topic for my


Charles : Well, on the bright side,you've invented window

art. 94

The picture and dialogue above explained that John Nash felt disappointed that

he had not been able to get his Doctorate degree while his friend Hansen had been able

to publish a new manuscript, and this was one of John Nash's experiencing

hallucination because he had not been able to achieve his goal of getting a doctorate,

and aspiration. We are one of the causes of people experiencing hallucination.95. John

Nash's personality at that time belonged to the personality of the id.96

93Duration 00:11:33,601-->00:11:36,313 94Duration 00:11:33,601 --> 00:11:43,653 95

Aleman, and Haan, “On redefining hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1998, p. 99

96 Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New

York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157


c. Diseases

The person who is usually a person who is exposed to the disease, among others,

the disease, migraine, Alzheimer and other forms of dementia and epilepsy. This

disease is one of the causal symptoms of a person who has a hallucination, and this is

sometimes not apparent with the invisible eye. It can be seen in the pictures and

dialogues below:

Picture 2297

Picture 2398

97Duration 01:19:52,210-->01:19:52,415 98 Duration 01:19:54,245-->01:19:54,351


Picture 2499

Alicia : How often?

Dr. Rosen : Five times a week for 10 weeks. 100

The picture and dialogue above explain that John Nash experienced seizures

that often occur to him as said by dr. Rosen in Alicia in the dialogue. Seizures or

epilepsy in medical science are included in the symptoms of people to get

hallucination. The disease that John Nash experienced in the film often happened

so that John Nash experienced hallucination.101

C. John Nash ways in Controlling his Hallucination in The Film A Beautiful Mind

by Ron Howard.

According to experts there are several ways to control hallucinations; Gorman

and Iris say people who hallucination can be controlled by: See the doctor, non-

medical interventions, response with caution, offer reassurance, use distraction,

99Duration 01:20:06,237-->01:20:06,531 100Duration 01:20:08,702--> 01:20:14,792 101

Aleman, and Haan, “On redefining hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1998, p. 99


respond honestly, assess the reality of situation, and modify the environment.102 Based

on the statements of Gorman and Iris above, the author uses three ways to control John

Nash's hallucination in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard: see the doctor, non-

medical interventions, and use distraction.

a. Seeing the Doctor

People who hallucinate should be taken to the doctor first, so that they know

what they are experiencing so that it makes them a little calmer. Treatment from

the doctor may be a little more helpful for patients not to think about something

that disturbs their thoughts. Use how high the dose to be given depends on the

hallucination experienced by the person with the hallucination. It can be seen in

the pictures and dialogues below:

Picture 25103

John Nash: Where am I?

Dr. Rosen : MacArthur Psychiatric Hospital. 104


Iris.E.C.sommer, ”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”Journal.Permissions 2012.p.706.

103Duration 01:07:29,867--> 01:07:31,452 104Duration 01:07:29,867--> 01:07:35,373


The picture and dialogue above explain when John Nash was brought to a mental

hospital to check what John Nash experienced. At that time John Nash was examined

by dr. Rosen to examine the genius of John Nash and it was dr. Rosen knew that John

Nash had hallucination, seeing a doctor is a way to control hallucination.105 dr. Rosen

also explained to Alicia the wife of John Nash what John Nash was doing like the

following picture:

Picture 26106

Dr. Rosen: People with this disorder are often paranoid.

Alicia : But his work, He deals with conspiracy.

Dr. Rosen: Yes, I know.107

The picture and dialogue above Dr. Rosen explained to Alicia that John Nash

had hallucination or experienced a disease called skizefronia. Aclicia did not

believe but heard the explanation from Dr. Rosene, Alicia began to believe that

her husband had hallucinations he asked Dr. Rosen for help. Help him heal her

husband from the sufferer suffered by John Nash in order to get back to normal


Iris.E.C.sommer, ”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”Journal.Permissions 2012.p.706.

106Duration 01:09:35,368 --> 01:09:38,081 107 Duration 01:09:35,368--> 01:09:49,135


as a person in general. Going to the doctor was one way to control hallucination

from John Nash.108

b. Using Non-Medical Interventions

Non-medical interventions are often the best treatment to help people with

schizophrenia or hallucinations. This treatment can be done by people closest to

what Alicia did to John Nash in the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard. It can

be seen in the pictures and dialogues below:

Picture 27109

Picture 28110


Iris.E.C.sommer, ”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”Journal.Permissions 2012.p.706.

109Duration 01:44:36,625 -->01:44:36,755 110Duration 01:44:57,609-->01:44:36,783


Alicia : This is real, Maybe the part. that knows the waking

from the dream.maybe it isn't here, I need to believe.

that something extraordinary is possible.111

The picture and dialogue above when Alicia encouraged John Nash and gave

John an insight into what was real and unreal, and he convinced John that John

was able to get through what he experienced. And he would try to help John to

control the hallucination he had and this is included in how to control Non-medical


c. Using Distraction

Control people who hallucination in a dis interaction manner is by suggesting

that the person performs daily activities or advises someone to do what he likes to

make him feel calmer and feel a little comforted by the activities he does, as John

Nash did at the following picture:

Picture 29113

John : My wife,she loves mayonnaise.

111 Duration 01:44:37,615 -->01:45:07,437 112

Iris.E.C.sommer, ”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”Journal.Permissions 2012.p.706.

113Duration 01:57:35,926 -->01:57:37,302


Toby Kelly: Thank you.

John : Go on.

Toby Kelly: The factor. is in the two categories.114

The picture and the log above, when John Nash was in the library, there was

one of the boys who approached him named Toby. John Nash and Toby talked

about the food made by Alicia, the wife of John Nash, Toby also asked for the

opinion of the ruminant theories he had found. What John is doing is one to be

able to make John return to normal as people in general, and this is included in

how to control hallucination with use distraction.115 John Nash's personality at that

time began to think about what was good for him or not and it belonged to the

super ego personality.116John also began to discuss as in the following picture:

Picture 30117

John : leaves the tire of B. and flies to the tire of bicycle A, and

backwards and forwards until the two bikes collide. and

114 Duration 01:57:24,622-->01:57:40,222 115

Iris.E.C.sommer, ”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”Journal.Permissions 2012.p.706.

116 Wilfrend Elguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New

York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 156-157 117 Duration 01:58:00,451 -->01:58:29,107


the poor little fly is squashed. This is the important thing

about actually focusing in and comprehending. the area

you're dealing with. Mathematics is very specific. and it

is an art form, no matter what people here will tell you.

especially people from biology. Don't listen to those go back to what you were doing. might want

to steal this. write a book and get famous.118

The picture and dialogue above John Nash is explaining or can also be said

to be discussing with several people in the library about mathematics. There he can

discuss with others around him and this can make him forget about what he is

experiencing, what John Nash did was very helpful in his own control of

hallucination. John Nash controlled his hallucination by using distraction.119

118 Duration 01:58:00,451 -->01:58:29,107 119

Iris.E.C.sommer, ”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”Journal.Permissions 2012.p.706.





After analyzing John Nash's hallucination in a beautiful mind by Ron

Howard, John Nash could see hallucination, what caused John Nash to exclude,

and how John Nash controlled the hallucination. The writer makes conclude,


John Nash's hallucination is listening, seeing, and feeling. John often

sees, hears, and feels things that are not real, but John Nash thinks that what he

experienced was truly real, like John Nash. Get see Charles, Marcee, and Parcher

that are not seen by others.

The cause of John Nash's hallucination because of dreams, ideals and

illnesses experienced by John Nash, like John Nash was eager to launch his work

but he could not do that yet.

Controlling hallucination is one way to get John Nash back to normal

like everyone else, John Nash controls Hallucination by the way, See the doctor,

non-medical interventions and use distraction. , non-medical interventions by

John Nash he got support and helped him to be able to know the real and the

unreal things of his wife.


In conclusion for me found John Nash‘s Hallucination portrayed in the film a

beautiful mind are, 3 of Hearing voice ,8 of see things ,and 3 of feel things. Found

cases of John Nash’s hallucination are 1 of dreams, 1 of ideals, and 2 of diseases.

Found John Nash‘s controlling hallucination are, 2 of seeing the doctor, 1 using Non

–medical interventions, and 1 using distraction.

B. Suggestion

After conclusions, the writer would like to give some suggestion the

having a meaning for all lecturer and students especially in English Literature

Department and also general reader. The writer realizes that is research is far

from being perfect because of the limitations of the research’s knowledge.

For student of English Literature Department of Islamic State

University STS Jambi may used A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard as

reference for giving information how to control hallucination and influence

them to more attractive in treasure.

For other research, this also can be used as references by other

University students who are interested in literary study on A Beautiful Mind


based on psychological approach. They can A Beautiful Mind as an object on


For the film lovers who like the genre romance to watch A Beautiful

Mind movie, because this film tells a lot about real love, giving lesson about

loyalty and lessons for people who are in love.


Books Agustina, F. D. 2014. “A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Schizophrenic Speech and

Behaviour Portrayed In The Main 5. Character In Canvas Movie,” English Language and Literature, Study Program English Education Department Faculty of Languages and Arts Yogyakarta State University.

Chalis, I. 2014. “Teddy Daniels’ Hallucinations Portrayed in Martin Charles

Scorsese’s Shutter Island,” Study Program of English department of Languages and Literatures Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya

Creswell John W.1997, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, United States of America: California.

Dobie, 1990.Theory Into Practice-Psychological. USE California,

Elguerin Wilfrend 2005. et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature fifth edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Ethridge, D.E. 2004. “Research Methodology in Applied Economics” John Wiley & Sons.

Gray Gemma Ruth September 2009,“The Interaction Between Auditory Imagery Vividness And Auditory Perception, And Its Application To Hallucination Proneness”, School of PsychologyCollege of Life Sciences The University of Birmingham.

Merriam Sharan B, 1998.Rualitative Research and Case Study Applications in

Education, New York City. Luna Raines and Gorman, L.M ,Sultan, D, , M . 1989.Psychosocial Nursing Hand

Book for the Nonpsychiatric Nurse. Ratna Nyoman Kutha, 2011.Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-

III edisi revisi,Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Sugioyono,2013.Metode Penelitian Kuatitatif Kualitatif.

Sunaryono, 2013.The Analysis Of The Consequences Of Willy’s Frustration In His Life Toward Himself And The Plot As Depicted In Arther Militer’s Death Of Salesman drama: A psychoanalytic approach. (Jambi: Adab Faculty The State Institute For Islamic Students Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,

Villarejo, Amy. 2007.Film Studies the Basic, New York: Library of Congres, , Third Edition.

YatimHartinis,2009.MetodologiPenelitianPendidikandanSosialKualitatifdanKuantitatif, Jakarta: Bogor Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia.


Aleman, and Haan, 1998. “On Redefining Hallucination”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,

Aleman, 2007. HallucinatiesbijSchizofrenie”,Journal Psycholoogy.

Pinker Steven, 2001.Introduction of Psychology. Fall, major approach to psychology, Journal.

SommerIris.E.C.2012,”The Treatment of Hallucination in Schizophernia Spectrum Disorde rs.”journal.permissions.


Marriam Webster,2017,characteristic


A. John Nash’s Hallucination Portrayed in The Film A Beautiful Mind by Ron


No Dialogue/scene

Description Duration

1 2

Charles: You're not easily distracted,

are you?

John Nash: I'm here to work.

Charles: Are you? Right.

Marcee : Uncle John!

John Nash : Hey, baby girl!

John Nash's

hallucination could

hear Charles' voice

which was

considered real, but

the voice was

actually not real.

John Nash could

hear Marcee's voice

and that was John

Nash's own

00:06:46,597->00:06:52,983 01:02:53,070->01:03:00,079

3 4

Marcee: Uncle John?

Parcher: Take care of her, you

pathetic piece of shit, or

I'll take care of you.

Charles: John,please do what he


Parcher: Move, soldier.

Marcee: Uncle John?

Charles: John, please!

Parcher: Now!

John : Alicia and Charles never coexist in the same interactive field

John Nash : hmm


John Nash heard

voices from

Marcee, Charles

and Parcher derived

from John Nash's


when John Nash

saw Charles talking

to him and this was

seen as


00:07:08,163-> 00:07:17,421

5 6 7

Charles : listen, If we can't break the ice how about we drown it


Hallucination John

Nash saw someone

he didn't know from

a distance

Hallucination John

Nash can see

something like

seeing sophisticated

technological tools

in front of him.

John Nash

Hallucination that

can see the light

coming from

separate magazines



00:45:08,156->00:45:12,193 00:49:24,183-->00:49:29,312

8 9 10

John : Do I know you?

Marcee : My uncle says you're very smart but not very nice

John : Parcher!

Hallucination John

Nash who could see

Marcee, Charles's

nephew whom John

Nash had

roommate, but

Charles and his

niece were John

Nash's hallucination

Hallucination John

Nash could see

Paecher in the car

watching him

Hallucination John

Nash could see

Parcher leaving

him, who at that

00:54:42,135-->00:54:42,162 01:00:59,827-->01:01:08,795 01:05:59,396 -

11 12

Sol : John, you all right

John Nash : Call somebody! Call somebody!Charles They're Russians!,Steady the leg.

John Nash:Chrles? The prodigal

roommate revealed. Saw

my name on the lecture

slate? You lying son of a

time saw soles as if

he were looking for

someone but Sol

didn't see anyone

Hallucination John

Nash saw Charles

and Marcee in the

crowd, and John

asked for help to

help him

John Nash, who

could see Charles in

the room. that, was

the hallucination of

John Nash, seeing

something unreal.

>01:06:03,024 01:08:30,305-->01:09:03,505

13 14


dr.Rosen: Who are you talking to?

Tell me who you see.

John Nash: How do you say ,Charles

Herman in Russian?

dr.Rosen: There's no one there,

John.There's no one


John Nash: He's right there. He's right there

John Nash :Parcher!

Parcher : yes,sir

John Nash : You're not real!

Parcher : Of course I am. Don't be ridiculous

dr. Rosen: Yousee them now?

John Nash saw a lot

of soldiers from

Parcher, and that

was the viewing

hallucination that

John Nash


When John Nash

saw Charles and

Marcee, what John

Nash saw was John

01:31:47,558-->01:31:58,444 01:39:20,027-->01:39:32,581

15 16

John Nash: yes.

Marcee : Uncle John!

John Nash : Hey, baby girl!

Charles : Wow, someone needed a hug

dr. Rosen : John!

John Nash : The implant is gone, I can't find it.

Nash's hallucination

that could see

something unreal.

John Nash's

Hallucination that

can make hugs from

Charles and Marcee

John Nash felt an

implant on his arm,

and it was the

hallucination that

John Nash


01:02:53,070 -> 01:03:02,707 01:17:47,557-->01:17:55,857 01:52:27,731 ->01:52:27,756


John Nash stroked

Marcee's hair which

was actually unreal,

but John Nash felt

like it was real that

it was John Nash's

hallucination that

could feel

something unreal

B. The Causes of John Nash's Hallucination in The Film A Beautiful Mind by

Ron Howard.

No Dialogue/Scene

Description Duration


Charles : Mathematics is never going

to lead you to a higher truth.

And you know why?

The dream of John Nash

who wanted to issue a

formula to the

government so that it

caused John Nash’s

00:08:13,394 ->00:08:43,842

19 20

Because it's boring. It's

really boring.

John Nash: You know, half these school boysare already published?I cannot waste time with these classes and.these books Memorizing the weaker assumptions of lesser mortals!I need to look the governing dynamics

John Nash: You know Hansen has just

published another paper? I

can't even find a topic for

my doctorate.

Charles : Well, on the bright side,you've invented window art.


John Nash wants his

work to be published but

his desire cannot be

realized, causing John

Nash’s hallucination.

John Nash's disease

00:11:33,601 -->00:11:43,653 01:20:08,702--> 01:20:14,792

Alicia : How often?

Dr. Rosen : Five times a week for 10 weeks.

naturally caused John

Nash to hallucination.

C. John Nash Ways in Controlling his Hallucination in The Film A Beautiful

Mind by Ron Howard.

No Dialogue/Scene

Description Duration

21 22

John Nash: Where am I?

Dr. Rosen : MacArthur Psychiatric Hospital

The way to John

Nash Control the

hallucination to see

the doctor to

identify the disease

that is guaranteed

Contouring John

Nash's hallucination

01:07:29,867-->01:07:35,373 01:09:35,368-->01:09:49,135

23 24

Dr. Rosen: People with this disorder

are often paranoid.

Alicia : But his work, He deals

with conspiracy.

Dr. Rosen: Yes, I know

Alicia : This is real, Maybe the part.that knows the waking from the dream.maybe it isn't here, I need to believe. that something extraordinary is possible

John : My wife,she loves mayonnaise.

Toby Kelly: Thank you.

John : Go on.

Toby Kelly: The factor. is in the two categories.

by following the

treatment suggested

by Dr. Ronny

John Nash


hallucination by

means of non-



supported by Alicia.

John Nash controls

hallucination by

doing activities that

he likes or call use


01:44:37,615 ->01:45:07,437 01:57:24,622-->01:57:40,222


John : leaves the tire of B. and flies to the tire of bicycle A, and backwards and forwards until the two bikes collide. and the poor little fly is squashed. This is the important thing about actually focusing in and comprehending. the area you're dealing with. Mathematics is very specific. and it is an art form, no matter what people here will tell you. especially people from biology. Don't listen to those go back to what you were doing. might want to steal this. write a book and get famous

John Nash controls

hallucination by

using distraction or

doing something he

likes like teaching.

01:58:00,451 ->01:58:29,107


Synopsis of A Beautiful Mind

The film tells the story of the struggle of a John Nash who had schizophrenia

which made him live in hallucination and was always shadowed by fear until he had

to fight hard to recover and won the Nobel prize in 1994.

John Nash is a person who is aloof, shy, inferior, and introverted. Nash said

that he didn't really like to connect with other people and he didn't think anyone liked.

In addition, he is also a person who is arrogant and proud of his intelligence. This was

compiled by canceling the lecture which he thought was only spent time and made

the brain dull. Instead, Nash spent more time outside the classroom to get an idea to

get a prestigious doctorate and research, Wheeler Defense Lab at MIT.

In addition, Nash had a roommate named Charles Herman, who had a niece

named Marcee. According to Nash, his roommate really understood him. Nash likes

to write formulas in the window of his room and library which he accidentally finds a

new concept. Nash's life began to change when he was asked by the Pentagon to

crack the secret code sent by the Soviet army. There, he met secret agent William

Parcher. From this secret agent, he was given a job as a spy. This new job makes

Nash obsessed until he forgets time and life in his own world.

John Nash began to fall in love with a girl named Alicia. After John Nash got

married, John Nash got worse. He was increasingly scared and looked strange.

Finally, Alicia began to suspect the condition of her husband. Larde began to find out

about Nash's roommate she had told. When Alicia found out, it turned out that the

friend Nash had told her was not there and it turned out, Nash was only alone in the

dormitory. Nash grew increasingly frightened because he felt followed by a secret

agent. That's where Alicia brought John Nash to a mental hospital for treatment, and

in the end John Nash was able to recover normally thanks to the doctor who cared for

him, Alicia who always gave support to me, and the environment that made him

comfortable doing activities that he liked.1

1 June 02,2018

at 09:31 pm





Full Name

Place & Date of Birth


Phone Number


Pelabuhan dagang 15nd March 1995

Mendalo, Kota Jambi.

0853 6914 0092





Elementary School SDN 1 TUNGKAL ULU

Junior High School SMP 1 TUNGKAL ULU

Senior High School SMAN 1, TUNGKAL ULU