Joint Definition - Friction Joint Friction is determined based on the parts connected by the joint....

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Joint Definition - FrictionJoint Friction is determined based on the parts connected by the joint.

By default materials from SW are used and a default of dry steel for friction and contact properties.

The user can override this at any time by selecting other materials from the database or by using custom values for friction and Joint dimensions.

Joint dimensions relate to the dimensions of the surfaces in contact for the joint to determine frictional components from every load direction.

Joint Definition - FEASelect the features on each part that the joint loads will be distributed over when results are exported to FEA

Multiple faces can be selects for each part.

Loads are evenly distributed over features

For joints generated from assembly constraints, the loads can be automatically mapped to the features used to define the constraints. This option appears when you export loads to FEA.Only features on the current

part will be recognized whenselecting faces

Features can be removed by clicking on them in the dialog window and then pressing the delete key

Contact - Point-CurveConstrains a point on one part to follow a profile on another part.

The point is still free to rotate in any direction

Curve can be open or closed

Picking on a surface when defining a curve selects all the outer edges of the face automatically

Points per Edge Curve controls accuracy of spline fit to profile defined. The number refers to the number of points the spline must pass through on each edge portion.

Total number of points permitted per curve is 800

If not in an assembled position, solver will move the point to the nearest position where it lies on the curve

Contact - Curve-Curve (Continuous)Curves can be open or closedCurves can be 3-D, but must only touch at one point

Solver will terminate if the contact point reaches the end of an open curve

Picking on a surface when defining a curve selects all the outer edges of the face automatically

Points per Edge Curve controls accuracy of spline fit to profile defined. The number refers to the number of points the spline must pass through on each edge portion.

Total number of points permitted per curve is unlimited

If not in an assembled position, solver will move the parts to make the curves contact at the nearest position

RollingContact Point

Contact - Curve-Curve (Intermittent)Curves can be open or closed

Curves do not necessarily stay in contact

A contact parameters tab allows for material specifications for contact definition

Curves must be 2-D and parallel at all times

No limit on the number of points

Curve Flip used so that arrow MUST point into the solid from the edge of the curve (ie it defines the side of the curve that the solid is on)

RollingContact Point

Contact - Curve-Curve (Intermittent)

Can uncheck or check intermittent contact here also

Output frame option enforces a result frame when contact/collision occurs independent of the number of frames specified in the simulation parameters (but only for that curve-curve definition )

Contact properties are modified clicking on this button

Contact - Curve-Curve (Intermittent)

Default materials for parts appears, but can be overridden.

Collision parameters can be customized for specific contact definition. Coefficient of Restitution offers a simple interface to contact parameters.

Friction takes into account the static and kinematic friction transition.

CouplersAllows the proportional movement of one joint with respect to another.

Can link:Rotational - RotationalRotational - TranslationalTranslational - Translational

Available for combinations of Revolute, Cylindrical, and Translational joints

One joint can be linked to multiple joints provided they do not conflict with motion generators or other couplers

Couplers are primarily used for representing gears without taking into account losses

Linear Springs

Same format as Action/Reaction Force

Only supports Linear Springs

Length defaults to be initial distance between attachment points

Design toggle option allows the user to specify any length at which the specified force exists in the springIf Force is set to zero, length

indicated is the free length

Linear Dampers

Torsional Springs

Angle is equivalent to length for linear spring

Torque value indicates amount of pre-load in the spring at the specified angle

If Torque is zero, Angle specified is the free angle

Torsional Dampers

Joint Definition - Motion with Arbitrary Function

Use a ‘+’ or ‘-’ to combine multiple functions

Start on a new line by using the ‘Ctrl-Enter’ command

Use any array of mathematical functions to define expression (refer to following slides)

Refer to help for full function definitions

Expression units are in radians for rotational motion and assembly length units for translation(also depends on time units)

Predefined functions can be used by clicking on the “Fx” button.

If text is highlighted in the expression window, it will be replaced by the function selected using the “Fx” button

This icon gives information on the points located onthe separate parts attached by the joints. This is an interim step to providing an advanced graphical function builder (see next slide)

Joint Definition - Motion with Arbitrary Function

Use this button to validate expression.

If errors are detected a dialog will appear indicated location of error. Correct the error and click on the Tick button to re-check expression

Joint Definition - Supported FunctionsFunction Name Summary DefinitionABS Absolute value of (a)ACOS Arc cosine of (a)AINT Nearest integer whose magnitude is not larger than (a)ANINT Nearest whole number to (a)ASIN Arc sine of (a)ATAN Arc tangent of (a)ATAN2 Arc tangent of (a1, a2)COS Cosine of (a)COSH Hyperbolic cosine of (a)DIM Positive difference of a1 and a2EXP e raised to the power of (a)LOG Natural logarithm of (a)LOG10 Log to base 10 of (a)MAX Maximum of a1 and a2MIN Minimum of a1 and a2MOD Remainder when a1 is divided by a2SIGN Transfer sign of a2 to magnitude of a1SIN Sine of (a)SINH Hyperbolic sine of (a)SQRT Square root of a1TAN Tangent of (a)TANH Hyperbolic tangent of (a)IF Defines a function expression

Joint Definition - Supported Functions

Function Name Summary DefinitionCHEBY Evaluates a Chebyshev polynomialFORCOS Evaluates a Fourier Cosine seriesFORSIN Evaluates a Fourier Sine seriesPOLY Evaluates a standard polynomial at a user specified value xSHF Evaluates a simple harmonic functionSTEP Approximates the Heaviside step function with a cubic polynomialSTEP5 Approximates the Heaviside step function with a quintic polynomial

OPERATORSSymbol Operation** Exponentiation/ Division* Multiplication

EXPRESSIONS AND FUNCTIONSFunction Name Summary DefinitionDTOR Degrees to radians conversion factorPI Ratio of circumference to diameter of a circleRTOD Radians to degrees conversion factorTIME Current simulation time

Joint Definition - Result Dependant Functions







Joint Definition - Result Dependant Functions

Motion Generators, Forces, and Moments allow the use of result dependant functions as part of their function specification. These can be entered for Joint motions, Forces, or Moments.

Marker IDsMany of the ADAMS functions use Marker IDs as parameters to the function. To determine the Entity ID or the ID of markers attached to an entity, the marker icon listed on the function dialog will bring up a list of each motion entity and then the marker id’s underneath those entities.

All Dynamic Designer Motion entities display some information under the title ADAMS Solver Data. This includes the Entity and the ID of the markers attached to the entity. In the image to the left, the Distance2 Constraint has two markers with IDs of 27 and 28 on parts 1 and 4 respectively.

If I were measuring angular velocity of Part 1 with respect to Part4, I would use the WZ(I,J) functions where I would specify WZ(27,28) to measure the relative rotational velocity of Marker 27 with respect to Marker 28.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The AX function returns the rotational displacement of marker i about the x-axis of marker j. Marker

j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. This value is computed as follows:assume that rotations about the other two axes (y-, z-axes) of marker j are zero. Then AX is the anglebetween the two y-axes (or the two z-axes). AX is measured in a counter- clockwise sense from the y-axis of the J marker to the y-axis of the I marker.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.



The value of the function is -20 times the angle between the y axes of Markers 43 and 32. The angle ismeasured in a counterclockwise sense from the y-axis of Marker 32 to the y-axis of Marker 43.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The AY function returns the rotational displacement of marker i about the y-axis of marker j. Marker jdefaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. This value is computed as follows: assumethat rotations about the other two axes (x-, z-axes) of marker j are zero. Then AY is the angle betweenthe two x-axes (or the two z-axes). AY is measured in a counter- clockwise sense from the x-axis of the Jmarker to the x-axis of the I marker.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.



The value of the function is -4 times the square of the angle between the x axes of Markers 46 and 57.The angle is measured in a counterclockwise sense from the x-axis of Marker 57 to the x-axis ofMarker 46.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The AZ function returns the rotational displacement of marker i about the z-axis of marker j.Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. This value is computed asfollows: assume that rotations about the other two axes (x-, y-axes) of marker j are zero. Then AZis the angle between the two x-axes (or the two y-axes). AZ is measured in a counter- clockwisesense from the x-axis of the J marker to the x-axis of the I marker.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.



Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions DM


The DM function returns the magnitude of the translational displacement vector from marker j tomarker i. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. DM is thedistance between markers i and j and by definition is always non-negative.




i - The marker whose origin is being measured.

j - The marker whose origin is the reference point for the displacement calculation.



Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



Returns the x-component of the translational displacement vector from marker j to marker i asexpressed in marker k coordinate system. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is notspecified. Similarly, marker k defaults to ground if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose origin is being measured.

j - The marker whose origin is the reference point for the displacement calculation.

k - The marker in whose coordinates the x-component of the displacement vector is being calculated.Set k = 0 if you want the results to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.



This function is the square of the x-displacement of Marker 21 with respect to Marker 11 as computedin the coordinate system of Marker 32.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The DY function returns the y-component of the translational displacement vector from marker j to marker ias expressed in the marker k coordinate system. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is notspecified. Similarly, marker k defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose origin is being measured.

j - The marker whose origin is the reference point for the displacement calculation. Set j=0 if you want j todefault to the global coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinates the y-component of the displacement vector is being calculated. Set k = 0if you want the results to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.



This function is the square of the y-displacement of Marker 21 with respect to Marker 11 as computed in thecoordinate system of Marker 32.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The DZ function returns the z-component of the translational displacement vector from marker j to marker i asexpressed in the marker k coordinate system. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is notspecified. Similarly marker k defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose origin is being measured.

j - The marker whose origin is the reference point for the displacement calculation. Set j=0 if you want j todefault to the global coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinates the z-component of the displacement vector is being calculated. Set k = 0 ifyou want the results to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.



This function is the square of the z-displacement of Marker 21 with respect to Marker 11 as computed in thecoordinate system of Marker 32

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The PHI function calculates the third angle (in radians) of a body-2 [313] Euler rotation sequencebetween markers i and j. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.



This function returns the phi angle between Markers 222 and 434 in its second column.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions PITCH


Calculates the second angle of a Body-3 [3 -2 1] yaw-pitch-roll rotation sequence between marker

i and j. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. Note that pitch isan Euler angle.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.



This function returns the pitch angle (in radians) of Marker 143 relative to the global coordinatesystem.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions PSI


The PSI function expression calculates the first angle (in radians) of a body-2 [313] Euler rotationsequence between markers i and j. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is notspecified.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.



This function returns the psi angle between Markers 222 and 434 in its second column.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The ROLL function calculates the third angle of a Body-3 [3 -2 1] yaw-pitch-roll rotation sequencebetween markers i and j. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. Notethat roll is an Euler angle.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.



This function returns the roll angle (in radians) of Marker 143 relative to the global coordinate system.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions THETA


The THETA function calculates the second angle (in radians) of a body-2 [313] Euler rotationsequence between markers i and j. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is notspecified.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.


THETA(222,434)This function returns the psi angle between Markers 222 and 434.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The VM function calculates the magnitude of the first time derivative of the displacement vector of marker i with respectto marker j. The vector time derivative is taken in the reference frame of marker l. Markers i and j default to the globalcoordinate system if they are not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured. Set i= 0 if you want it to default to the global coordinate system.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j to default to the globalcoordinate system while still specifying l.

l - The reference frame in which the time derivative of the displacement vector is taken. Set l = 0 if you want the timederivatives to be taken in the ground reference frame.



This functions returns the magnitude of the velocity of the origin of Marker 23 with respect to ground. The time derivativefor the velocity computation is taken in the reference frame of Marker 32.


This function returns the magnitude of the velocity vector between Markers 21 and 32, as seen by an observer at Marker43.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The VR function calculates the radial (relative) velocity of marker i with respect to marker j. Thevector time derivative is taken in the reference frame of marker l. Markers j and l default to theglobal coordinate system if they is not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j todefault to the global coordinate system while still specifying l.

l - The reference frame in which the second time derivative of the displacement vector is taken.



This function implements a translational damper with a damping constant of 10.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The VX function returns the x-component of the difference between the velocity vector of marker i and the velocityvector of marker j as computed in the coordinate system of marker k. All vector time derivatives are taken in thereference frame of marker l. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. Similarly,markers i and j default to the global coordinate system if they are not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j to default to theglobal coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinate system the velocity vector is being expressed. Set k = 0 if you want the results tobe calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.

l - The reference frame in which the first time derivative of the displacement vector is taken. Set l = 0 if you want thetime derivatives to be taken in the ground reference frame.



This function defines a damper acting between Markers 236 and 168. The damping force components are proportionalto the components of the velocity between Markers 236 and 168 as seen and measured by an observer at Marker 168.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The VY function returns the y-component of the difference between the velocity vector of marker i and thevelocity vector of marker j as computed in the coordinate system of marker k. All vector time derivativesare taken in the reference frame of marker l. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is notspecified. Similarly, markers i and j default to the global coordinate system if they are not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j to defaultto global coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinate system the velocity vector is being expressed. Set k = 0 if you wantthe results to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.

l - The reference frame in which the first time derivative of the displacement vector is taken. Set l = 0 ifyou want the time derivatives to be taken in the ground reference frame.



Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The VZ function returns the z-component of the difference between the velocity vector of marker i and thevelocity vector of marker j as computed in the coordinate system of marker k. All vector time derivatives aretaken in the reference frame of marker l. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is notspecified. Similarly, markers i and j default to the global coordinate system if they are not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j to default toglobal coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinate system the velocity vector is being expressed. Set k = 0 if you want theresults to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.

l - The reference frame in which the first time derivative of the displacement vector is taken. Set l = 0 if youwant the time derivatives to be taken in the ground reference frame.



Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The WM function returns the magnitude of the angular velocity vector of marker i with respect tomarker j. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want jto default to the global coordinate system while still specifying l.


WM(1236,2169)This function returns the magnitude of the angular velocity vector of Marker 1236 and Marker 2169.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The WX function returns the x-component of the difference between the angular velocity vector of marker iin ground and the angular velocity vector of marker j in ground, and expressed in the coordinate system ofmarker k. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. Similarly, marker kdefaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j to defaultto the global coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinate system the velocity vector is being expressed. Set k = 0 if you want theresults to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.



This function returns the x-component of the angular velocity Markers 1236 and 2169 as measured in thecoordinate system of Marker 2169.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The WY function returns the y-component of the difference between the angular velocity vector of marker

i in ground and the angular velocity vector of marker j in ground, and expressed in the coordinatesystem of marker k. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. Similarly,marker k defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j todefault to the global coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinate system the velocity vector is being expressed. Set k = 0 if you wantthe results to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.



This function returns the y-component of the angular velocity Markers 1236 and 2169 as measured in thecoordinate system of Marker 2169.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The WZ function returns the z-component of the difference between the angular velocity vector of marker iin ground and the angular velocity vector of marker j in ground, and expressed in the coordinate system ofmarker k. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified. Similarly, marker kdefaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.




i - The marker whose velocity is being measured.

j - The marker with respect to which the displacement is being measured. Set j = 0 if you want j to defaultto the global coordinate system while still specifying l.

k - The marker in whose coordinate system the velocity vector is being expressed. Set k = 0 if you want theresults to be calculated along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.



This function returns the z-component of the angular velocity Markers 1236 and 2169 as measured in thecoordinate system of Marker 2169.

Joint Definition - Supported Result Dependant Functions



The YAW function calculates the first angle of a Body-3 [3 -2 1] yaw-pitch-roll rotation sequencebetween markers i and j. Marker j defaults to the global coordinate system if it is not specified.Note that yaw is an Euler angle.




i - The marker whose rotations are being sought.

j - The marker with respect to which the rotations are being measured.


YAW(21,11)This function returns the yaw angles between Markers 21 and 11.