Joost Swart Trio - '13 - Eng - BlueArt Managementperforming%music%by%Claus%Ogerman.%...

Post on 29-Apr-2018

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BlueAr t d i R . Moreno - V ia le E . M i l lo 21 - 16043 Ch iava r i (Ge ) Pa r t . I va : 01154190993 - Cod . F i sc . : MRNRSR64E06F839K

Te l . : +39 (0 )185 -36 .45 .00 - Fax : +39 (0 )2 -700 .440 .725 in fo@b luea r tmanagemen t . com - www.b luea r tmanagemen t . com

J O O S T   S W A R T   T R I O    


Joost  Swart  -­‐  Piano  Massimiliano  Rolff  -­‐  Double  Bass  

Daviano  Rotella  -­‐  Drums    Joost  Swart  is  undoubtedly  one  of  the  most  interesting  pianist  of  the  new  Dutch  scene.  Grown   musically   alongside   with   great   dutch   pianists   such   as     Jasper   van't   Hof,   Michael  Borstlap   and   Henk   Meutgeert,   he   graduated   with   honors   from   the   Conservatory   of   Jazz  Music  in  Groningen.  Swart,   founder   of   Francien   van   Tuinen's   quartet,     grew   quickly   in   popularity   nationwide,  performing  for  five  years  in  a  row  at  the  prestigious  North  Sea  Jazz  Festival.  After   an   intense   period   on   the   New   York   scene,   in   2005   he   joined   the   band   of   Vincent  Herring,  touring  in  the  most  important  theaters  and  festivals  of  Europe.  In   2005   he   published   his   long-­‐awaited   album   as   a   leader   with   the   band   "Tetra"   which  receives  a  great  visibility  in  the  European  Jazz  circuit.  In   2008   he   recorded   the   album   "Symbiosis"   as   principal   soloist   with   an   orchestra   of   14  elements  performing  music  by  Claus  Ogerman.  In   recent  years  he   starred   in  numerous   tours   in   Japan  and  Southeast  Asia  alongside  many  musicians   such   as   Benjamin   Herman,   Jesse   van   Ruller,   John   Engels,   Hans   Dulfer,   Rick  Margitza,   Vincent   Herring,   Don   Braden,   Valery   Ponomarev,   Freddie   Bryant   and   Ralph  Peterson.  The  trio   is  completed  by  two  experienced  musicians  of  the  Italian  Jazz  scene,  Massimiliano  Rolff  on  double  bass  and  Daviano  Rotella  on  drums.  


BlueAr t d i R . Moreno - V ia le E . M i l lo 21 - 16043 Ch iava r i (Ge ) Pa r t . I va : 01154190993 - Cod . F i sc . : MRNRSR64E06F839K

Te l . : +39 (0 )185 -36 .45 .00 - Fax : +39 (0 )2 -700 .440 .725 in fo@b luea r tmanagemen t . com - www.b luea r tmanagemen t . com

The   music   of   this   trio   is   a   great   balance   between   modernity   and   mainstream,   with   Jazz  standards   and   original   songs  written   by   Swart   and   Rolff   as   it's   shown   in   their   first   album  release  "After  Dark"  recorded  in  trio  for  BlueArt  in  2012.    

Massimiliano  Rolff   -­‐   Born   in   1973,   composer   and  double   bass  player   with   a   strong   personality,   as   a   freelance   bassist   has  performed   in  many   prestigious   theaters,   clubs   and   festivals   d'  Europe  and  the  United  States  of  America  with  Jesse  Davis,  Scott  Hamilton,   Eliot   Zigmund,   Herb   Geller,   Peter   King,   Dave  Schnitter,   Phil  Woods,   Sangoma  Everett,   Andrea   Pozza,   Rachel  Gould,   Emanuele   Cisi,   Andy   Gravish,   Jasper   van't   Hof,   Alessio  Menconi,   Marco   Tamburini,   Martin   Tingvall,   and   others.   As   a  composer   and   leader   published   between   2003   and   2012   the  album  "Nextbeat",  "Unit  Five,"  "Naked"  and  "More  Music",  tens  instead  are  the  albums  in  which  it  appears  as  a  sideman.      

 Daviano   Rotella   -­‐   Is   one   of   the   most   appreciated   drummers   in  north-­‐west   of   Italy   performing   in   the  most   important   Italian   Jazz  clubs  and  Jazz  festivals  for  over  30  years.  Rotella   won   the   "Premio   Calabria   for   the   Performing   Arts   1995"  (Jazz  field).  He   has   collaborated   with   many   musicians   including   Riccardo  Zegna,  Dado  Moroni,  Mauro  Grossi,  Andrea  Pozza,  Paolo  Silvestri,  Jimmy   Woody,   Giovanni   Tommaso,   Paolino   Dalla   Porta,   Piero  Leveratto,   Rosario   Bonaccorso,   Pippo   Matino,   Luciano   Milanese,  Luigi   Bonafede,   Emanuele   Cisi,   Flavio   Boltro,   Domenico   Caliri,  Victor  Boourgardt,  Giampaolo  Casati,  Claudio  Capurro  and  many  more.        Link:­‐swart-­‐trio/                    

Rosario  Moreno  Artist  Manager  Phone:  +39  0185  36  45  00  -­‐  Mobile:  +39  335  52  57  840  -­‐  Produzioni  -­‐  Booking  -­‐  Management