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Post on 03-Jun-2020

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Josh Bezoniwith Shawn Wells, R.D.


Boost MetaBolisM 300% in 2 weeks

Wouldn’t you like to have a fat-burning metabolism that runs as fast and as smooth as a Ferrari? We all would… After all, with a fast metabolism working for you 24/7, automatically burning calories both day and night, achieving and maintaining your ideal body becomes a cinch.

Unfortunately, it’s much more likely that the current state of your metabolism is like that of an old jalopy, causing your belly to expand, while making it almost impossible for you to lose weight, yet alone keep it off.

Do you know why that is? I do…

You see, you may be surprised, shocked, and even relieved to learn that the run-down, sluggish state of your calorie-burning metabolism actually has very little to do with your age, or even your genetics.

In reality, the speed of your metabolism—either delightfully fast or painfully slow—is almost entirely determined by several critical factors that you have 100% control over… and I’ll tell you all about each one in just a moment.

Hi, this is bestselling author, nutritionist, and metabolism expert Josh Bezoni, and in today’s short and informative report, I’m going to show you the REAL reasons why your metabolism is barely sputtering along, and exactly what you can do, step-by-step, to correct even the worst metabolic nightmare and immediately begin reaping the rewards of a metabolism primed for fat loss.

You will discover:

• The shocking reasons why going on a “diet” is one of the WORST things you can do for both your metabolism and your fat loss results


• 4 high-fiber foods that you MUST avoid if you ever hope to turn your metabolism into your fat-burning ally (these so-called healthy foods pack on pounds and create a metabolic disaster within your body each and every time you eat them)

• The top 3 CAUSES of a slow metabolism (and 3 simple strategies to almost instantly ignite your fat-burning furnace)

• 5 surprising foods that boost metabolism and actually force your body to burn calories each time you consume them

• A little-known fat-burning trick that allows you to eat MORE food and MORE calories—every day—while at the same time sending your metabolism through the roof

And as if that wasn’t enough, we’ll even show you how a brand new drop-dead-simple metabolism-boosting strategy can increase your rate of weight loss by nearly 300% in less time than it takes to brush your teeth each day. Sounds a bit crazy, I know, but fact is, 100 research participants experienced those exact results, on average, just by harnessing the power of this shockingly simple metabolism booster each day.

By the way, I want you to know that all the tips and strategies I’m sharing with you today are backed by real, scientific, peer-reviewed research. You’ll see the little footnotes throughout, and then we’ll share the full list of studies with you later in the report.

But before we get into those powerful metabolism-igniting tips and tricks, I want you to know that I’m just like you, and that I understand where you’re at, and exactly what you’re going through. You see, while it’s true I’ve been fortunate enough to share my fast and effective fat-burning trade secrets with millions of great folks all over the world through my books, articles and numerous radio and television appearances, I wasn’t always the “nutrition guru” I’m known as today.

In reality, unlike those lucky naturally thin folks, I struggled with the same “bad” genetics that you were most likely born with, so I too know what it’s like to be overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy. As you may know, when you’re constantly low on energy and downright embarrassed about the way you look and feel, it can do a number on your self-esteem and overall morale, and rather quickly.


I can remember like it was yesterday when my metabolism was seemingly slow as a snail, causing me to pack on excess flab and grow a belly so big I couldn’t even buckle my jeans. Embarrassed and discouraged, I hid from social situations and avoided cameras and mirrors like the plague. Perhaps you can relate.

But here’s the truth: No matter how low you’ve gotten, no matter how beaten down and battered your metabolism may be, and no matter your age or how frustrated and alone you may feel, I want you to know, it doesn’t have to be that way.

You see, just like I was able to overcome my poor genetics and disastrous metabolism, you can do the same, no matter your age, weight, or gender. Even better, the simple yet incredibly effective metabolism-boosting tips and strategies I’m about to share with you today are light years ahead of the information I had available to me back then, so you’ll do it much faster and much easier than I did… BUT only if you agree to jot these metabolism shortcuts down, take action on them now (not later), and put them to good use starting today. Sound fair enough? Let’s get started.

The first thing you have to understand before you can begin to fix your sluggish metabolism problems are the 3 pitfalls directly responsible for SLOWING down your metabolism.

Cause #1? Something you may have done a lot of: Dieting. Particularly in the form of “crash dieting” where calories are severely restricted in an attempt to lose weight quickly and “chronic dieting” where calories are restricted for extended periods of time.

Both crash dieting and chronic dieting can and will wreak havoc on your metabolic rate, as is clearly demonstrated in numerous studies published in the prestigious research journal Metabolism.1

For example, in a study conducted at Rockefeller University by world-renowned obesity researcher Dr. Rudolph Leibel, the metabolisms of individuals who had lost weight via long-term chronic dieting and/or various “crash dieting” techniques were compared to those of individuals who have typically maintained a normal weight.

As expected, the metabolisms of those in the “dieter” group were 25% lower than those who had not gained or lost significant weight in the past. Even more, the dieter group had accrued so much damage to their metabolisms over the years that their now


battered metabolic rates were slower than those of normal-weight individuals two-thirds their size!

Other studies show significantly decreased levels of important metabolic, fat-burning hormones with crash dieting, such as the Metabolism study performed by Dr. Campbell at the University of Vienna in which thyroid levels dropped by a whopping 38% after just 2 weeks of consuming a very low calorie diet.2

And yet another Metabolism study conducted by Dr. Gloria Dubuc and the nutrition research team at the University of California - Davis, showed a 50% reduction in the body’s #1 fat-burning hormone after just 7 short days of following a severely reduced calorie diet.3

Clearly both crash dieting and chronic dieting can do a number on your metabolism, but what can you do to begin burning fat again if your metabolism has been negatively impacted as a result of your past dieting efforts?

Fortunately, although lowered calorie intakes produce pronounced decreases in metabolism, the reverse is also true – increasing your daily calorie consumption can aid in reversing the trend. Generally speaking, an increase of 500 calories per day above your current calorie intake is a good place to start. That said, while increasing daily calories can indeed help to repair your metabolism, it’s also a surefire way to gain weight unless you offset the increase in calorie intake by burning even more calories through exercise, so be careful using this approach.

The second major cause of dramatically slowed metabolic rates is the relatively inactive lifestyle that most of us live today. Unlike our hunter and gather ancestors, we spend the majority of our day sitting or lying down. Sitting on the way to work, sitting while at work, sitting on the drive home, sitting at the dinner table, sitting on the couch relaxing, and then laying down to sleep at night.

Of course, with drastically reduced levels of activity comes significantly slower metabolisms. To combat this (without resorting to standing, walking, and exercising all day) you may want to try something called High Intensity Rotation Training. With this style of exercise, you rotate periods of very intense exercise (such as running as fast as you can for one minute) with periods of active recovery (such as walking for one minute


as you catch your breath). Because this type of exercise is so intense, it is much more metabolically taxing than traditional aerobic exercise. In other words, it allows you to burn more calories in less time.

For example, in a study performed at the University of Guelph by Dr. Stuart Galloway and published in the distinguished Journal of Applied Physiology, women who performed a High Intensity Rotation Training style workout burned 36% more calories from fat compared to those who exercised for the same amount of time but at a steady pace.4

While certainly effective, this type of exercise is very intense and may not be the best fit for everyone, so if you’re looking for an easier, more practical solution, stay tuned as in just a moment we’ll be revealing our incredibly simple metabolism-boosting trick that is research-proven to work day AND night, resulting in nearly 4xs faster weight loss… so be sure to keep reading.

The third and final major pitfall of declining metabolic rates in today’s society is the overconsumption of whole grains, even foods praised as being high in fiber such as:

1. 100% Whole Wheat Bread2. Whole Grain Pasta3. Bran flakes and other Wheat-based “Fiber” Cereals, and…4. Whole Wheat Tortillas and Wraps

Despite having more fiber than their “white” counterparts, these 4 high-fiber foods destroy your blood sugar and give rapid rise to the fat-storing hormone insulin.5 In fact, believe it or not, 2 slices of whole wheat bread raises blood sugar far higher than a can of sugar-sweetened soda or even a sugary candy bar. This is because the wheat of today is nothing like the wheat of generations ago, having been genetically modified by the food industry, mutated, and exposed to the likes of industrial toxins and radiation to force an unnatural higher yield at the expense of your health.

These harmful wheat products, although praised by food manufacturers as healthy for their fiber and “whole grain” content, are a major cause of the raging obesity epidemic in western society today. Even more, because they are so rapidly digested, these foods provide virtually no metabolic benefit during digestion, resulting in less than optimal metabolic rates, and ever-expanding bellies world-wide.


On the other hand, protein is much more metabolically complex, boosting metabolism and burning up to 30% of the calories you eat just during the digestion process, not to mention the fat-burning hormonal benefits of eating less wheat and more protein. Simply put, by swapping out toxic wheat for fat-burning protein starting today, you’ll do wonders for your metabolism and your waistline to boot… highly recommended.

But what if I told you there is an even easier, more practical, and FASTER way to increase your fat-burning metabolism both during the day and even while you sleep – one that has been shown in peer-reviewed research to result in nearly FOUR times greater weight loss than if you didn’t utilize this simple, yet highly effective metabolism-boosting strategy?

And what if I told you that you could take advantage of this scientifically-backed, simple solution, practically without thinking, in less time than it takes for you to brush your teeth each day?

Is that something you might be interested in?

You see, this simple “trick” involves a synergistic combination of several brand new fat-fighting, metabolism-igniting, natural ingredients that researchers have discovered are able to directly target fat cells and dramatically increase body fat metabolism, producing significant, measurable fat-burning results in as little as 2 weeks—all without the use of potentially harmful stimulants. And to tell you about each, I’d now like to turn things over to my colleague and one of the top Registered Dietitians in the world, Shawn Wells, R.D.

Thanks, Josh. Hi, this is Shawn Wells, and as Josh mentioned, I’m a top, medically-trained Registered Dietitian and nationally published nutrition author with more than 20 years’ experience helping literally tens of thousands of ordinary individuals, as well as dozens of professional athletes, lose weight and achieve extraordinary fat-burning results through sound nutrition and cutting-edge science.

One of coolest things about working in the nutrition field is the new discoveries constantly being made, giving us insight into the human body and how it works,


especially with regards to fat loss and metabolism.

For example, just within the last 12 months we’ve learned more about fat-burning, body fat metabolism, and unique methods to directly target fat cells than we did in all of the previous 10 years combined.

Moreover, through research and progressive science, we’re now finding some pretty powerful ingredients that can actually have a profound impact on boosting fat metabolism by attacking body fat at the cellular level... huge discoveries for those of us looking to achieve and maintain our best bodies, while at the same time ensuring optimal health.

The ingredient I’m most excited to share with you today is actually a patent-pending combination of two exotic plant extracts—Sphaeranthus Indicus and Garcina Mangostana—together known as SigmaLean™. Why am I so excited? Simply put, in my 20 year career as a Dietitian, I have never seen a combination of ingredients with more compelling, undeniable fat-burning research to support it, than I have with this incredibly unique and potent blend… and when you see what I’m about to show you, I’m sure you’ll be just as excited, so be sure to pay close attention as we dive in…

First and foremost, the data surrounding SigmaLean™ is all human data. Not rats, not animals… humans.

Second, each study conducted on this highly metabolic complex was set up based on the gold standard of research design—randomized, double-blind, and placebo controlled.6,7 This means that neither the researchers nor the study participants knew which subjects received actual SigmaLean™, or the placebo (a simple sugar pill), so there could be no bias.

Let’s take a look at what happened.

In the first peer-reviewed clinical trial, conducted by Dr. Judith Stern and the nutrition research team at the University of California, Davis, and published in the highly respected peer-reviewed journal Obesity, 60 subjects were randomly assigned to consume either 400mg of SigmaLean™ daily, or a placebo, for a period of 8 weeks.6

All participants consumed a rather standard 2,000 calorie diet, and were instructed to


walk a moderate 30 minutes per day.

Within the first 2 weeks, the SigmaLean™ group had experienced 3.3 times greater weight loss compared to the placebo group, while also shedding nearly 2 inches off their waist… again, all within 2 weeks.

By the end of the 8 week trial, the SigmaLean™ group boasted 3.79 times greater weight loss over the placebo group, and an unprecedented 4.66 inches lost around the waist. Not only that, but the SigmaLean™ group shed weight where it matters most, around the belly and from the hips, as demonstrated by a 2.2 times greater reduction in waist and hip size over the placebo group.

And as if that wasn’t proof enough of SigmaLean’s extraordinary effectiveness, Dr. Stern and the team at UC Davis performed another identical study with 40 additional participants to further validate the incredible results seen in the first clinical trial. The outcome? Nearly identical results to the first study with even slightly greater weight loss seen at the end of the 2nd 8-week trial.7

The results of this study solidified the prestigious Platinum Standard of research – when two or more “gold standard” studies are successfully executed with the same study protocol, both delivering statistically significant and similar findings. To see such profound results in not one, but TWO peer-reviewed published studies of identical design spanning a total of 100 participants is exceptionally rare, and further substantiates SigmaLean’s™ unparalleled effectiveness and potency.

So how does SigmaLean™ work?

In simple terms, SigmaLean™ boosts your fat-burning metabolism by attacking fat cells at the cellular level in 3 unique ways.

1. SigmaLean™ inhibits fat cell creation2. SigmaLean™ limits fat cell growth, and…3. SigmaLean™ stimulates the breakdown of fat cells for maximum fat burning

Essentially, with SigmaLean™ you ensure your fat cells are shrinking, not growing, all


while avoiding the addition of new fat cells. The end result is maximized fat-burning (without any harmful stimulants making you “jittery” or keeping you up at night) leading to 3.79 times greater weight loss than if you didn’t have SigmaLean™ on your side.

At this point you’re probably wondering where you can get your hands on SigmaLean™, along with how much to take and when… and that’s where we’ve made things really easy for you.

You see, in addition to being a Registered Dietitian, I’ve also been researching and formulating all-natural dietary supplements to help people live better, fitter, healthier lives for more than two decades, and it wasn’t too long ago when Josh, along with his partner Joel (Co-Founders of the natural nutrition company, BioTrust Nutrition), contacted me to put together a fat-burning, metabolism-boosting supplement for their clients based on some of the research I had been doing on the two extremely potent, natural plant extracts that now make up BioTrust SigmaLean™.

What impressed me most about Joel, Josh, and BioTrust Nutrition is their commitment to the quality, potency, and purity of their products and their untiring dedication to each and every one of their clients. Additionally, BioTrust is dedicated to giving back, having donated more than 700,000 nutritious meals to hungry children in need and helping to grant the wishes of more than 100 children with life threatening medical conditions through their alliance with The Make-A-Wish Foundation®.

In fact, I believe in BioTrust and what they’re doing so much that I now head up their Scientific Advisory Board and Research and Development department along with my great colleague and fellow Registered Dietitian, Brett Hall.

This wasn’t a decision I made lightly. Fact is, I’m an extremely well-respected formulator in the nutrition field who has worked with everyone from high-profile celebrities and athletes to hundreds of thousands of ordinary people looking to shed fat and get healthy, and I’d never put my name and reputation on the line for a company I didn’t fully believe in and trust.

Simply put, BioTrust is THAT company, not only for me, but for more than a half million satisfied customers all around the world… and as we continue you’ll begin to see even more why so many people, just like me, have put their trust in BioTrust… starting with this telling piece of information:


Clearly, the overwhelming science behind the SigmaLean™ complex is second to none. And without a doubt, the two incredibly unique, synergistic plant extracts that comprise this research-backed blend are incredibly effective in and of themselves. But what if BioTrust could make this strategic metabolism-booster even MORE powerful?

What if we could take it from an incredible, research-proven formula to a supplement so potent that it stands alone in a class above and beyond any supplement of its kind? Well, that’s exactly what we did by adding certified BioPerine® black pepper extract to the already extremely effective SigmaLean™ complex. Together, we call this superior combination of fat-fighting, metabolism-igniting ingredients Metabo379™, and it’s by far one of the most exciting, unique formulas I’ve ever had the opportunity to work on.

Going back to BioPerine®, this patented black pepper extract has been shown to enhance the absorption of many fat and water soluble nutrients by up to 60%.9 In other words, 60% more absorption means 60% more metabolism-boosting power for you, and it’s only available together as part of our ultra-advanced Metabo379 formula.

I’d also like to point out that Metabo379 is made with natural ingredients and contains no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, gluten particles of any kind, or stimulants. And unlike other companies, it’s tested by 3rd party labs to ensure what’s listed on the label is actually inside the bottle.

Even better, Metabo379 couldn’t be any easier to benefit from: just take 1 capsule two times daily before meals and let science do the rest.

At this point, you’re probably wondering how you can obtain Metabo379 for yourself, along with the price for such a breakthrough, quality formula, exclusively available only through BioTrust…both great questions.

Because we only use premium ingredients and honest, research-backed levels of each ingredient in Metabo379, combined with the cost of 3rd party purity testing and only the highest quality GMP-certified manufacturing facilities, the cost to produce Metabo379 is


400% to 500% higher than many of the low-quality, ineffective, and questionable dietary supplements available on the market today.

Beyond that, science shows that the ingredients in Metabo379 actually work—yielding 3.79 times GREATER weight loss than you would experience without it—and we stand behind that claim like literally no other supplement does or ever will.

What do I mean?

Simply put, we are so incredibly confident that you will significantly flatten your belly, improve your health, and increase your energy as a result of your use of Metabo379, so much so that we back each and every bottle of Metabo379 with our state-of-the-art, industry-leading 1-YEAR Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

I want you to do me a favor: Think about all the money you’ve spent, and all the valuable time you’ve wasted over the years, on so-called weight-loss and metabolism-boosting “solutions” that did nothing but leave you frustrated and disappointed. Now, how much would something that actually works—a true solution that finally helps to put an end to your weight loss struggles once and for all—be worth to you?



Heck, I’m sure you’ve probably spent at least that much over the years without much in the way of results to show for it.

And while we are guaranteeing your satisfaction with BioTrust Metabo379, obtaining access to this true fat-blasting and metabolism-boosting solution isn’t going to cost you $1000 or $500. In fact, it’s not $400, $300, or even $200; although I’m sure you’d agree that finally achieving your weight loss goals and obtaining a body you can be proud of, without the pain and suffering of more wasted time, effort, and money would be completely worth that price.

Instead, the price you’ll pay today for a 30-day supply of Metabo379 is just $97.


But you know what? Joel, Josh, and I want to make this even better for you. Because you showed us, and yourself, that you are committed to ridding yourself of excess flab and improving your health, or you wouldn’t have read this entire report, if you order right now we’re going to reward you with a 30-day supply of Metabo379 for just $69…and here’s the best part: when you choose to invest in our most popular 90-day supply package, or our “best deal” 180-day supply package, we’re going to give you an additional, sizable discount on top of today’s already reduced price.

That said, we’re only able to guarantee this price until our current inventory runs out, as the price for the premium raw ingredients contained in Metabo379 is constantly changing due to supply and demand, causing our pricing to be stringently re-evaluated with each subsequent production run… another reason why stocking up and saving today is a smart option.

And by the way, that’s not marketing hype; that’s the cold, hard, honest truth.

It’s also important to know that Metabo379 is the only product in the world to contain the specialized, research-backed SigmaLean™ complex and patented absorption-boosting BioPerine®.

Furthermore, to protect you from fake knock-offs and to offer you the lowest possible price (by cutting out all the middlemen), please know that the ONLY place you can buy real Metabo379 is direct through BioTrust, right here on this website.

Beyond that, because Metabo379 is not available through any third-party website or retail store, this also ensures you will be taken care of directly by our premium in-house customer care team (and not a lesser-quality third-party). In fact, our world-class level of service is known to stand head and shoulders above the rest of the industry – a big reason why BioTrust has been awarded an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau.

And the best news is, the more bottles of Metabo379 you buy, the more you save. Just check out our special MONEY-SAVING PACKAGES available at the link below.

==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!

So, provided Metabo379 is still in stock, you should see 3 money-savings options when


you click the link above. If you don’t see it, that means we’ve temporarily sold out, in which case you can contact our customer care department and they’ll be happy to add you to our back-order notification list.

If you do see those 3 options, however, make sure to secure your order today while we still have availability and are able to offer the current pricing.

Here’s exactly what to do:

For fastest service, simply choose your money-saving package and then click the yellow “Add to Cart” button to reserve your discounted order of Metabo379 and proceed to our 256-bit secure order page. And don’t worry; your order information is 100% safe and secure. We use the same online security system as trusted companies like

==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!

And what’s more, when you choose to invest in Metabo379 today, we’re also going to include a FREE copy of our special fat-burning report “The Top 10 Metabolism-Boosting Foods,” giving you the inside scoop on all the best calorie-burning foods to eat and enjoy to further enhance your results. This is another $29.95 value, but we’re including it with your purchase today at no additional cost.

And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also receive FREE email support and FREE access to our members-only online weight loss community so our trained health & nutrition coaches can make certain that every aspect of your metabolic flat belly transformation is fully supported…just one more way we assure your success at BioTrust with our industry-leading team of experts.

==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!

Now, as you can probably tell, at BioTrust we do things a LOT differently than the majority of companies in the nutritional supplement industry. You see, instead of our wallets, our number one priority is you, your results, and making sure you are taken great care of, which is why I want to take a moment to reiterate our guarantee to you:


When you use Metabo379, you will be thrilled with the results, or your money back. We know it works, and so do the thousands of happy Metabo379 customers worldwide. After all, as we’ve shared with you today, the ingredients we’ve included in Metabo379 are shown through top-rated, peer-reviewed research to dramatically increase your body’s ability to metabolize and burn fat, while blocking the growth of existing fat cells—a second-to-none winning combination when it comes to achieving maximum fat loss results in record time.

At the same time, as a first-time Metabo379 user, you have yet to experience those results, and we understand that you may still be a little skeptical. After all, you may have even tried other weight loss products with little to no results due to other companies using cheap ingredients, cheap manufacturing, and inferior, unscientific formulas not backed by research. Of course, that couldn’t be further from who BioTrust is, or what our products deliver, but the fact still remains: you work hard for every penny you earn and you deserve to know your purchase is fully protected—and it is—by our industry-best 1-Year Unconditional Money Back Guarantee.

Simply put, that means you can try Metabo379 today, and if at any point over the next 365 days you feel Metabo379 isn’t for you, for any reason whatsoever, you can get a prompt, courteous, unconditional refund of even empty bottles by contacting our customer support at 1-800-766-5086, or by emailing, or by using the quick contact form on our website. And if you didn’t jot that down, don’t worry; our contact information will be on your receipt and we’re very easy to get a hold of.

==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!

Well, here we are. You’re now standing at a fork in the road, staring down two possible paths to choose from.

On one side is a road that leads to more disappointment, frustration, weight gain, and further health risk as your metabolism continues to slow and more fat storage entraps your body, firmly grabbing hold of every aspect of your life.

As you travel this road, you’ll continually struggle with unsuccessful bouts of dieting and exhausting exercise… all for seemingly nothing, as the reading on the scale and the image in the mirror only continue to fall further and further away from your goals, despite


all your efforts. Your health and energy will continue to decline as your waist expands and your self-esteem decreases…and even worse than the devastating consequences this road will have on you, your physical health, and your emotional well-being is the heavy toll this unfortunate path will ultimately take on your family, your loved ones, and all those closest to you as they watch your health deteriorate and your potential go unrealized.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You see, there lies that other road… a road where you are in total control of your metabolism, your waistline, and ultimately your fat loss destiny.

On this road, the journey to a flatter stomach is a much more enjoyable one, stress- and care-free, knowing that the smooth, firm ground you walk on has been paved by the hundreds of hours of research we’ve already done on your behalf.

It’s the only road that brings you closer to your new body and a trimmer waistline with each passing day, burning belly fat and producing the consistent, visually noticeable, motivating results that leave you feeling unstoppable with each and every step you take. Until one day, not too far off, you’re looking back in the mirror and realizing that the body that was once your dream is now your body.

As a dietitian who has dedicated my life to helping others, it is my genuine hope that this path is the direction you choose and experience, and I know it’s the path that you also desire for yourself.

So now’s your chance, your one opportunity to forgo your past and get started today toward a new, bright future where you’re once again in the driver’s seat, taking full control of your body, your metabolism, and your life.

==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!

I speak for Josh, Joel and the entire BioTrust Team when I say that we couldn’t be more excited to work with you and help you along the new path that you are choosing today. We’re incredibly proud of you, and we want you to know that we’ll be here for you, with you, every step of the way.

So make it a great day. Select your money-saving package at the link below and then click the “Add to Cart” button to secure your discounted purchase of Metabo379 and get


started toward your new future, your new body, and your new, slimmer waistline, right now.

==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!


Frequently Asked questions

Q: How many bottles should I order?

If you have more than 10 pounds to lose, we recommend you invest in our discounted 3-bottle option. If you have more than 30 pounds to lose, we recommend our even further discounted 6-bottle option. These recommendations will ensure you have an ample supply of Metabo379 on hand to achieve your weight loss goals without the need to re-order often. You can always return what you don’t use if you achieve results even faster and these packages will allow you to take advantage of our lowest possible prices today.

Q: What are the ingredients and amounts used in the formula?

Q: Why will Metabo379 work when other weight loss supplements have failed me?

That’s a great question. That major reason you likely did not experience results in the past is because most weight loss and health supplements are not founded on science and backed by research (Metabo379 is). Further, most companies do not test their products to ensure that what’s on the label is actually in the bottle (BioTrust does). Even worse, some companies are known to flat out lie on their labels and fill their capsules with nothing more than rice flour and other fillers.

Another common pitfall of dietary supplements is dramatically underdosed formulas that do not deliver effective levels of each ingredient. Clearly, if science shows 200mg of a product to be effective, putting 20mg of the ingredient in the product for “window dressing”

Amount Per Serving %DV Sigmalean™ Comple 400 mg *(Sphaeranthus indicus [flower heads] extract,Garcinia mangostana [fruit rind] extract) BioPerine® Piper nigrum [fruit rind] extract 5 mg *

* Daily value not established.

Supplement FactsServing Size: 1 Capsule Servings Per Container: 60


isn’t going to do anything for your results. This deceptive practice saves the manufacturer money, but robs you of the results you deserve.

All that said, you can rest assured that when you invest in Metabo379 you are getting:

• A quality, science-backed formula based on peer-reviewed research, containing honest, effective levels of each ingredient

• A quality product that has been verified as pure and potent through 3rd-party testing

• A quality product that is manufactured a certified GMP facility• A customer care team that is committed to your success• Additional coaching from trained experts in our online weight-loss community to

ensure your success

Simply put, at BioTrust we are committed to doing EVERYTHING the right way, with integrity, and with your results in mind… and that’s exactly why you can be confident in joining the BioTrust team today, and experiencing the science behind what Metabo379 has to offer.

==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!

Q: How long do I have to use this product before I see results?

We expect you to see noticeable, visual results within 2 weeks (just like the research study participants) and more profound results with prolonged, continued use. Moreover, many users report increased energy and less hunger within days of beginning supplementation with Metabo379.

Q: What is the best way to take this product?

Simply take one (1) capsule with breakfast and one (1) capsule with dinner, and let the research behind Metabo379 do the rest.

Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No. This product is caffeine- and stimulant-free.


==> Secure Your Discounted Order of Metabo379 Now!

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Like every BioTrust product, Metabo379 is made with natural ingredients and completely free of gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, and peanuts. It also contains NO sugar and NO artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors or preservatives. Metabo379 is 100% gluten-free and contains no GMO ingredients. If you have any concerns you should consult your physicians before taking any supplement.

Q: If I have a medical condition, can I take this product?

Metabo379 is made with natural ingredients and is considered safe and extremely effective for nearly everyone. However, if you take prescription medications or have a medical condition, we recommend that you show a bottle of Metabo379 to your physician and/or pharmacist for proper approval. You can always return it later with our 1-YEAR Money Back Guarantee.

Q: How will this product be shipped to me and how quickly?

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using a premium carrier such as FedEx or UPS, and customers in the US and Canada can expect their orders within 5 to 7 business days. International orders typically take 8 – 15 business days (plus customs clearance time). Rush shipping is available.

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Q: Will anything else be sent to me, or billed to me, after I order?

No. This is NOT an auto-ship program. You only get shipped what you order today and nothing more.


Q: Is it safe to order online from your web site?

Yes. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from or any other trusted Web site.

Q: How long will today’s special pricing be available?

We are unable to guarantee today’s pricing beyond today. Our pricing often changes due to the constantly changing prices of the high-quality, exotic ingredients used in Metabo379 as well as supply and demand. To guarantee our lowest pricing, be sure to secure your order today.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

While Metabo379 was created to work and is based on extensive amounts of peer-reviewed research, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your Metabo379 purchase, just let us know and we will refund even empty bottles without question. You’re always protected by our industry best 1-YEAR 100% Money Back Guarantee.

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1. Leibel, Rudolph L., and Jules Hirsch. “Diminished energy requirements in reduced-obese patients.” Metabolism 33.2 (1984): 164-170.

2. Welle, S. L., and R. G. Campbell. “Decrease in resting metabolic rate during rapid weight loss is reversed by low dose thyroid hormone treatment.” Metabolism 35.4 (1986): 289-291.

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5. Atkinson, Fiona S., Kaye Foster-Powell, and Jennie C. Brand-Miller. “International tables of glycemic index and glycemic load values: 2008.”Diabetes Care 31.12 (2008): 2281-2283.

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7. Stern, J. S., et al. “Efficacy and tolerability of a novel herbal formulation for weight management.” J Med Food. Jun 2013; 16(6): 529–537.

8. University of Sydney International Table of Glycemic Index. Aug 2014.

9. Vladimir Badmaev, M.D. et al. Piperine, an Alkaloid Derived from Black Pepper, Increases Serum Response of Beta-Carotene During 14-days of Oral Beta-Carotene Supplementation. Nutrition Research (1999) 19(3) 381-388

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