Joshua morris events portfolio

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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This is a small portfolio of some of my events experience. Though I only highlight a handful of things, I have helped to run hundreds of events.



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My name is Joshua Morris and I am an experienced graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington, with a BBA in Marketing. I have worked in events, particularly at consumer conventions and trade shows, since I was in high school. I have worked my way up from simple booth volunteer to paid staff and finally making my way up to full-fledged event manager. The following are some pictures, samples and summaries of events I have run or worked on over my modest career that I feel highlight my abilities and creativity.

I have further experience in online community management, social media, branding, marketing strategy and copywriting. My full resume can be found online by clicking here to get to my Linked In profile.

Working as a Marketing Coordinator with Score Entertainment, I planned, arranged and managed actor appearances and signing times at the company booth. We had two actors and there was no charge for the autographs and some promotional materials, but all items we had for sale featuring the characters of the actors immediately sold out. Show attendance: 125,000

Comic-Con International 2007: Actor Signings

Working as a Marketing Coordinator for Score Entertainment, I managed an appearance of two actor/athletes from The American Gladiators TV show. The TV program was a hit at the time of the conference, making our guests more high profile than what we were accustomed to. Through god communication and coordination with the venue organizers, we were able to accommodate additional crowds and make the event a success. Show attendance: 126,000

Comic-Con International 2008: The American Gladiators

Working as a Marketing Coordinator with Score Entertainment, I helped to run game tournaments around the country. Score had over a dozen different games in their library, many with wildly contrasting audiences. I was personally present and assisted with all “World Championship” level events, awarding several thousands of dollars in cash and prizes to the winners and participants. These were the pinnacle of all gaming events for the company. Show attendance: 28,600

Gen Con Indy 2008: Championship Tournaments

Working as the Events Manager for FUNimation Entertainment, I had an unexpected guest in the form of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. As a public face of the company, I answered his questions about our booth and the event on camera and again to his press entourage. Show attendance: 105,000

Anime Expo 2010: Unexpected Guests

Working as the Events Manager for FUNimation Entertainment, I worked with a brand manager and a costuming group to help arrange and promote this flash mob. Most of them are dressed as characters from a particular show we were promoting. Close to 300 people gathered in this area. Show attendance: 29,274

Otakon 2010: Costumed Flash Mob

Working as the Events Manager for FUNimation Entertainment, I came up with a photo wall to help promote our cable channel and drive traffic to our social networking pages. The girl on the right is a model dressed in costume who helped encourage attendees to get their photo taken in front of our wall with our photographer. They could then get their photo, tag themselves or share it from the FUNimation Facebook page. Show attendance: 18,000

Sakura Con 2010: Photo Wall


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