Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Word

Post on 21-Feb-2018

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  • 7/24/2019 Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Word


    ournal of Investigative Dermatology(2001) 116, 853859; doi:10.1046/j.0022-202x.2001.01362.x

    Topically Applid !i"a#i$ % &$'a$c "' #*A +l o%olla$ a$d , T'i oci$ &$y# a$d Ti

    $'ii"o o a"ix "allopo"i$a 1 i$ "' #a$ 7#i1

    ""y ! *$, 'ilipp #", A$d oi, Alai$ % %oli, a< a", Da$c

    4. =*@& ?346/%*@, pi"al &. io", +yo$, Da$c

    %opo$d$c: 7 ""y !. *$, +aoa"oy o %o$$c"i Ti ioloy, To d a"'oloi, ?$ii"y o+i>, 23/3, 4000 @a" Til#a$, li#. ail:

    1a" o "'i Go< Ga p$"d i$ po" o# a" "' A#ica$ Acad#y o 7#a"oloy, @a$ Da$cico, %A,ac' 1015, 2000.

    cid 26 ay 2000; id 23 Day 2001; Accp"d 26 Day 2001.

    Topo pa


    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a cofactor required for the function of several hydroxylases andmonooxygenases. It is not synthesized in humans and some other animal secies and hasto be rovided by diet or harmacologic means. Its absence is resonsible for scurvy! acondition related in its initial hases to a defective synthesis of collagen by the reducedfunction of rolylhydroxylase and roduction of collagen olyetides lac"inghydroxyroline! therefore! they are unable to assemble into stable trile#helical collagenmolecules. In fibroblast cultures! vitamin C also stimulates collagen roduction byincreasing the steady#state level of m$%A of collagen tyes I and III through enhancedtranscrition and rolonged half#life of the transcrits. &he aim of the exerimental 'or"has been to evaluate the effect on dermal cells of a rearation of vitamin C toicallyalied on one side vslacebo on the other side of the dorsal face of the uer forearm ofostmenoausal 'omen. iosies 'ere collected on both sides and the level of m$%Ameasured by non cometitive reverse transcritionolymerase chain reaction madequantitative by the simultaneous transcrition and amlification of synthetic $%A used asinternal standards. &he m$%A of collagen tye I and tye III 'ere increased to a similarextent by vitamin C and that of three ost#translational enzymes! the carboxy# and amino#rocollagen roteinases and lysyloxidase similarly increased. &he m$%A of decorin 'as alsostimulated! but elastin! and fibrillin 1 and * 'ere not modified by the vitamin. &heexression of matrix metalloroteinases 1! *! and + 'as not significantly changed! but anincreased level of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloroteinase 1 m$%A 'as observed'ithout modification of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloroteinase * m$%A. &hestimulating activity of toical vitamin C 'as most consicuous in the 'omen 'ith thelo'est dietary inta"e of the vitamin and unrelated to the level of actinic damage. &heresults indicate that the functional activity of the dermal cells is not maximal inostmenoausal 'omen and can be increased.
  • 7/24/2019 Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Word



    AA/&0*! /1! decorin! elastin! matrix metalloroteinases


    28@ *A, ioo#al *A; *A, y$"'"ic *A; 1, colla$ 1c'ai$; 1, colla$ 1c'ai$; *-%, a#i$o-

    pocolla$ po"i$a (A7AT@2); %-%, caoxy-pocolla$ po"i$a (1); +H, lyyloxida; -1, #a"ix#"allopo"i$a 1; -2, #a"ix #"allopo"i$a 2; -9, #a"ix #"allopo"i$a 9; T, "i i$'ii"o o#a"ix #"allopo"i$a

    +-acoic acid (i"a#i$ %) i a$ $"ial $"i$" o o# a$i#al pci a$d '#a$ "'a" lac