Joyce Hendricks, Edith Cowan University - The Multigenerational Workforce

Post on 14-Sep-2014

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Joyce Hendricks, Edith Cowan University delivered this presentation at the 2012 Clinical Training & Workforce Planning Summit. The 2012 Clinical Training & Workforce Planning Summit discussed the future of Australia's nursing workforce, exploring ways to ensure the capacity and experience to provide high quality care for our nation's increasing healthcare needs. For more information, please visit





Joyce Hendricks PhD

Edith Cowan University


An interesting make-up, involving four different

distinct generations, often with different needs

and cultural experiences.

This generational diversity is an important

issue in designing work environments that

attracts both the younger generation and

retains the present generation of workers.

Generational Cohorts

-what is a cohort?

A generation is an identifiable group that shares birth years, age location and significant life events at critical developmental stages.

Generational traits are necessarily diffuse and often overlapping, these collective experiences create shared filters through which people interpret and react to subsequent experiences

4 generational cohorts

Veterans; born 1925 – 1945

Baby boomers; born 1946 – 1964

Generation Xers; born 1965 – 1980

The Millennials also known as Y or Net Generation; born 1980 – 2000

“I” generation >

The Veterans (1925 – 1945)



Loyal and hard working

Detail oriented

Respect hard work and hierarchy

Usually hold senior positions


Dislike conflict

Inept with ambiguity and change

Reluctant to “buck” the system

Baby boomers ( 1946 – 1964)


Want to please – driven

Service oriented

Committed to self improvement

Need extrinsic motivation


Judgemental of those who see things differently

Self centred

Reluctant to go against peers

Won’t suffer in silence (“its not fair”) but don’t necessarily confront their issues directly

Millennial generation (1980 – 2000)


Resilient and tenacious


Technologically savvy


Expert diversity

Outcome driven


Technology dependent

Need supervision and structure

Inexperienced in dealing with difficult people issues

Little tolerance for inefficiency

Current Leaders and Managers

Consider for one moment leaders and or

managers that you know?

Which generational cohort are they from?

Do they fit into the descriptions provided?

Who are our workforce?

What happens when you have all

generations working together?

Consider this….

Veteran colleagues value hard work and respect authority whereas Boomers value team work.

Generation X people value self reliance and Net

Generation colleagues’ value achievement. In the workplace, a veteran worker might say, “Do it

because I say so” ; and a Boomer might say “Let’s get together and reach a consensus about how to do it”.

The Generation Xer might say they will do it themselves and Net Gen might not care who does it as long as the

work gets done.

What happens?


Job dissatisfaction

“back stabbing”


Increased sick leave

All = Conflict

Research tells us …

Negative, non-supportive, unpleasant, and uncooperative peers

and co-workers are key impediments to persons ability to find joy

in their work (Manion, 2003)

The lack of peer cohesion and poor working relationships account

as a factor in burnout (Garrett & McDaniel (2001)

Disrespectful behaviours are menacing in their erosion of

productive collaborative approaches to work (Bernstein &

Fundner, 2002/2003)

Why Leaders & Managers need

to consider generational factors!

To create a positive work environment

To attract and retain staff from all generational


Leaders: what to do!

Personal introspection

How do generational influences affect the ways in

which we interact and manage?

How do you lead or manage?

Leadership strategies


Sensitivity to communication differences across generational cohorts, will bridge gaps and create solutions that appeal to each generational belief system.

Vets – face to face

BB – like Vets + staff meetings (informal)

Xers – technology, want to know that decisions are made

Millennials – emails, summary of changes

Generational differences with

technology use

Baby boomers reached adulthood without digital technology

although now many are embracing technology , some do so


Gen X since their teen years (1980s) have been using technology.

They embrace its use.

Gen Y have lived their entire lives with technology use and expect it

to be used.

Leadership strategies

Conflict resolution

- work ethics

Vets -Follow orders unquestioningly, hardworking, professionalism

BB -Works well in a team , believe they are carrying the system,

work is a career, tired because of lack of promotion; they are

important because team builders

Xers -Will do it themselves because it is easier and only they can do

it well anyway; marketability is personal success via technical

competence, multi-tasking, and their ability to work well alone.

Work is an occupation only

Y - Just do it. Lack professional ethos

Leadership strategies

Management style

- flexibility

- situational

Leadership strategies

- Preceptoring Y + X

- Coaching Y+X

- Mentoring B+ Y

If all else fails!

Highlighting mutual team goals and keeping

outcomes as the focal point will promote

effective solutions.

To sum…

Leaders need to be aware of and reframe

perceptions about generational differences

and to view these differences in attitudes and

behaviours as potential strengths

Questions … and thank you.