Js effects and manipulation 4

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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The L + R Delay settings adjust the effects in each ear hole, say if I was to adjust the Damp setting to a higher frequency, and the L setting was higher than the right, it would seem as if the effect was more effective on the left side of the sound listening device.

The Damp setting adjusts the echo effects, the Resonance effect just applies a lot of disturbance noise that builds up the more the echo effect is, and the Low Cut effect reduces the volume of the echo so the original audio comes through more.

The last effects on this option menu allow you to make the audio seem more distant, which is applied using the (IN) option. The Filter Enables and Disables the effects, and I’m not really sure exactly as to which aspects of the audio is adjusted by the Midi and Swap effects.

These 3 options apply the high pitched robotic effect that is heard in the clip. The other options that surround the options that I adjusted are practically the exact same thing in the form of not really doing much when I turn them full up or down, and I didn’t really notice a change in the audio effects after using the rest of the options.