JSPR Model Project Cycle Management (PCM) Training Manual · Project management should be...

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JSPR Model Project Cycle

Management (PCM) Training Manual

March 2009

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration

and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR)



JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Framework of Training

Project Cycle Management Training

1.1 Rationale of the Training Development projects are important for improving rural well-being and life environment when the projects are effective. Effectiveness of development projects tends to depend on the quality of project management. Thus, project management of development project is considered very important. Project management should be efficient, effective, transparent and have accountability to stakeholders. In this regard, development workers need to have knowledge and skills for good project management for development projects.

Project Cycle Management (PCM) is a project management method using logical framework (logframe) as a management tool. Every project has its project cycle which covers planning, design, appraisal, and implementation. The PCM method provides useful guidelines for project design, monitoring and evaluation. Also the method is participatory in the process of project design similar to Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). In combination with needs identification by PRA, the method can be used to analyse the real needs of communities and select appropriate projects in a visible and logical manner. It is useful for developing or revising a Community Development Plan (CDP) as well as to design a particular project to be implemented. It is also useful for donors since they request accountability and transparency for the executing agencies and their partners in their funded projects.

Learning the PCM method and practicing development activities using the method can help development workers to acquire the competencies they need.

1.2 Participants



• District Social Organisers (SO)

• Facilitation Partners (FP)

1.3 Objective

The training will enhance participants knowledge and skills of Project Cycle Management and participatory planning for better implementation/supervision of community development projects.

1.4 Outcomes

• The participants can explain concepts of project cycle management.

• The participants can design a project using participatory planning methods and logframe.

• The participants can explain about project appraisal, monitoring and evaluation, and write appropriate reports.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.5 Contents (Module and Session) Outcome Module Session Competencies acquired through the session

The participants can explain concepts of project cycle management.

1. Introduction of PCM

1.1 Background and History

- Explain Background and History of PCM

1.2 Concepts – What is PCM?

- Explain the definition, principles, methods, and actors.

1.3 Components - Explain programme cycle, project cycle, stages, Logical Framework, and participatory planning.

The participants can design a project using participatory planning methods and logframe. 2. Project Design 2.1 Stakeholder

Analysis - Explain stakeholder analysis. - Explain types of stakeholders. - Explain importance and influence of stakeholder.- Conduct stakeholder analysis.

2.2 Problem Analysis - Explain problem analysis and its importance. - Explain problem tree. - Explain method and steps of development of problem tree. - Develop problem tree.

2.3 Objective Analysis

- Explain objective analysis and its importance. - Explain objective tree. - Explain method and steps of development of objective tree.

2.4 Scoping and Project Selection

- Explain focusing/ scoping a project. - Develop objective tree with scoping.

2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe)

- Explain logical framework. - Explain importance of logical framework. - Explain terminologies of components of logical framework. - Explain methods of development of logical framework. - Explain narrative summary. - Explain assumptions and pre-condition. - Explain OVI and SOV. - Explain inputs. - Explain relationships among items of Logframe. - Develop Logical Framework.

2.6 Implementation Plan

- Explain project implementation plan. - Explain methods of development of an implementation plan. - Develop implementation plan. - Explain inputs and its importance in implementation plan. - List up inputs in implementation plan.

The participants can explain about project appraisal, monitoring and evaluation, and write appropriate reports. 3. Appraisal,

Monitoring and Evaluation

3.1 Project Appraisal and Ex-ante Evaluation

- Explain what project appraisal is (definition, types, criteria, etc). - Explain about ex-ante evaluation and its reporting.

3.2 Implementation and Evaluation

- Explain importance of monitoring and evaluation.- Explain differences among monitoring, reviewing, and evaluation.

3.3 Report writing and Essential Reports for the Projects

- Explain definition, stages, kinds of reports. - Write different Reports for the development projects.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.6 Teaching Methods • Brainstorming • Lecture • Group work • Ice break

1.7 Supervisor/Facilitators

• Trainer

The trainer should have experience participating in PCM or logical framework training as a trainer and in training of trainers (TOT) as a trainee.

• Co-trainer

The co-trainer should have experience participating to PCM or logical framework training as a trainer or a trainee.

1.8 Venue and Duration

Venue: MRRD Facility

Duration: 9 half days

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.9 Detailed Schedule (Sample)

Day 1 (Date) Module Session Time Topic Opening of the

training 0900_1030 Recitation of Holy Quran, Opening remarks,

Introduction of Participants, Training agreement, explanation of training schedule and Pre-test and training ex- ante evaluation.

Break 1030_1045 Tea break Continuation of tests 1045_1100 Pre-test and training ex- ante evaluation.

1.1 Background and History

1100_1145 - Explain Background and History of PCM Introduction of PCM

1.2 Concepts – What is PCM?

1145_1300 - Explain the definition, principles, methods, and actors.

Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

Day 2 (Date) Module Session Time Topic - Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions Introduction of PCM

1.3 Components 0920_1030 - Explain programme cycle, project cycle, stages, Logical Framework, and participatory planning.

Break 1030_1045 Tea break Project Design 2.1 Stakeholder

Analysis 1045_1300 - Explain stakeholder analysis.

- Explain types of stakeholders. - Explain importance and influence of stakeholder.- Conduct stakeholder analysis.

Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

Day 3 (Date) Module Session Time Topic Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions

2.1 Stakeholder Analysis

0920_1030 Continuation of Stakeholder Analysis

Break 1030_1045 Tea break

Project Design

2.1 Stakeholder Analysis

1045_1300 Continuation of Stakeholder Analysis

Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

Day 4 (Date) Module Session Time Topic Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions

2.2 Problem Analysis 0920_1030 - Explain problem analysis and its importance. - Explain problem tree. - Explain method and steps of development of problem tree. - Develop problem tree.

Break 1030_1045 Tea break

Project Design

2.2 Problem Analysis 1045_1300 Continuation of Problem Analysis Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Day 5 (Date) Module Session Time Topic Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions

2.3 Objective Analysis

0920_1030 - Explain objective analysis and its importance. - Explain objective tree. - Explain method and steps of development of objective tree.

Break 1030_1045 Tea break 2.3 Objective Analysis

1045_1145 Continuation of Objective Analysis

Project Design

2.4 Scoping and Project Selection

1145_1300 -Explain focusing/ scoping a project. -Develop objective tree with scoping.

Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

Day 6 (Date) Module Session Time Topic Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions

2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe)

0920_1030 - Explain logical framework. - Explain importance of logical framework. - Explain terminologies of components of logical framework. - Explain methods of development of logical framework. - Explain narrative summary. - Explain assumptions and pre-condition. - Explain indicators. - Explain inputs. - Explain relationships among items of Logframe. - Develop Logical Framework.

Break 1030_1045 Tea break

Project Design

2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe)

1045_1300 Continuation of Logical Framework

Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

Day 7 (Date) Module Session Time Topic Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions

2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe)

0920_1030 Continuation of Logical Framework

Break 1030_1045 Tea break 2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe)

1045_1130 Continuation of Logical Framework

Project Design

2.6 Implementation Plan

1130_1300 - Explain project action plan. - Explain methods of development of an action plan. - Develop action plan. - Explain inputs and its importance in action plan. - List up inputs in action plan.

Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Day 8 (Date) Module Session Time Topic - Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions

2.6 Implementation Plan

0920_1030 Continuation of Implementation Plan Project Design

Break 1030_1045 Tea break 3.1 Project Appraisal and Ex-ante Evaluation

1045_1115 - Explain what project appraisal is (definition, types, criteria, etc). - Explain about ex-ante evaluation and its reporting.

3.2 Implementation and Evaluation

1115_1220 - Explain importance of monitoring and evaluation.- Explain differences among monitoring, reviewing, and evaluation.

Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation

3.3 Report Writing and Essential Reports for the Projects

1220_1300 - Explain definition, stages, parts of a report. - Write different Reports for the development projects.

Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray

Day 9 (Date) Module Session Time Topic Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation

3.3 Report Writing and Essential Reports for the Projects

0920_1030 Continuation of Report Writing

Break 1030_1045 Tea break Evaluations 1045_1230 Assessment, Self-evaluation (after), Evaluation by

Participants Closing remarks 1230_1300 Distribution of Certificates Break 1300_1400 Lunch and Pray


Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Textbook of Project Cycle Management

(PCM) Training

March 2009

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR)


MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION OF PCM 1.1 Background and History---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.2 Concept – What is PCM? - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.3 Components------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

MODULE 2: PROJECT DESIGN 2.1 Stakeholders Analysis------------------------------------------------------------------13 2.2 Problem Analysis------------------------------------------------------------------------16 2.3 Objective Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------18 2.4 Scoping and Project Selection-------------------------------------------------------19 2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe) ------------------------------------------------------23 2.6 Implementation Plan -------------------------------------------------------------------32

MODULE 3: APPRAISAL, MONITORING AND EVALUATION 3.1 Project Appraisal and Ex-ante Evaluation-----------------------------------------35 3.2 Implementation and Evaluation------------------------------------------------------38 3.3 Report Writing and Essential Reports for the Project --------------------------40


JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



This textbook is principally written for facilitators / moderators / practitioners who utilise the

Project Cycle Management (PCM) at the operational level, such as development workers and social organisers of government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and community-based organisations (CBOs).

This textbook provides simple concepts and techniques which are probated in JSPR project and required for PCM including the following;

Chapter2:Project Design







Project Cycle

Logical FrameworkParticipatory Planning

Stakeholders Analysis

Problem Analysis

Objective Analysis

Project Selection

Logical Framework

Implementation Plan


Monitoring &Evaluation

Implementation and Evaluation

Project Appraisaland

Ex-ante EvaluationRepot Writing

AndEssential Reports

of the Project

Figure 1: Diagram of Contents of PCM Textbook

In the sequence training in JSPR, the PCM training is implemented after the Participatory Rural

Appraisal (PRA) training. The PRA training provided how to collect information due to be aware the rural circumstance/situation/condition and some of analysis tools by villagers. The PRA training of JSPR did not focus on the analysis tools because it is utilized only among villagers and JSPR community development project was implemented among related parties. Therefore the PCM method is adopted in JSPR core skill training as one of sequence training for community development.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Project Cycle ManagementAmong Related Parties

Participatory Rural AppraisalAmong Villagers

To make aware

To analyzeTo plan

To monitorTo evaluate

To Mobilize

To analyzeTo plan


Follow Up (Evaluation)

Project Design

Figure 2: Sequence Training for Community Development Plan

1.1: Background and History

Development Assistance Committee (OECD/DAC) has supported Developing Country, and has made effort for better change of the implementation of development projects/programmes. By the 1950’s, despite significant inputs (human and financial resource) by donors/supporting agencies, the following problems were appeared;

- Mismatching between projects and priority needs of community - Less achievement of outputs - Unsustainable development - Escalation project cost depend on the delay of schedule

Based on the above problems, the following lesson learnt was clarified based on their experience for long support.

- Difficulty of motivating the local initiative and ownership - Difficulty of sustaining the projects implemented - Duplication of assisting the targets by donors/supporting agencies - Difficulty of transferring techniques to the targets with various ways and methods by

donors/supporting agencies. - Narrow view of utilization of funds without fungibility issue

According to the above problems and lesson learnt, in the late 1960’s, United States Agency for

International Development (USAID) developed the Logical Framework Approach for managing plan, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes/projects as a methodology of preparing and implementing project, and it is also

widely know as goal oriented project planning (GOPP) or objectives oriented project planning

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


(OOPP). This planning method is a prototype of Current Logical Framework (Logframe) which is central to the PCM method.

Since the 1970’s, this planning method has been started using as new method for project design by many international institutions, such as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and so on.

In the 1980’s, the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) improve the weak points of

the logical framework approach and developed the Objectives-Oriented Project Planning (ZOPP) method, which clarified the linkage between logical framework and analysis stage as well as developed planning method with participatory approach.

Besides, a Japanese cultural anthropologist “Jiro Kawakita” developed the KJ method in 1950’s, which is a methodology to analyze the data using card. This method is one of origin methodology of visualization, which is commonly used in some participatory development tools/methods such as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Learning Action (PLA) and etc. The transaction of development tools and methods are shown in below figure.

2000’s1990’s1980‘s 1970’s1960’s1950’s 2000’s1990’s1980‘s 1970’s1960’s1950’s

Logical Framework Approach

ZOPP Method

PCM MethodThe participatory planning was added in planning process due to ensure the ownership of projects

The monitoring & evaluation were considered in project cycle and operation cycle due to ensure sustainable development

The logical framework comprising overall gall, purpose, outputs, activities, inputs, indicators and assumption were developed to improve the project management as well as planning process with analysis tools


Transaction of D

evelopment Tools

KJ Method

By Donors/Supporting Agencies

Figure 3: Transition of Logframe Tools and Methods

1.2: Concept - What is PCM? -

Due to explain the concept of the PCM method with participatory planning, this session will be described Definition, Principles and Actor of the PCM Method with participatory planning.

Definition: The PCM is a tool for setting of the project design and managing project, including planning, implementation with monitoring and evaluation.

Principles: The PCM provides the following principle for better planning and management of project.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 1: Principles of PCM Method Participatory Approach: The PCM with participatory planning ensure the well relationship and rapport building among participants of workshop who are various groups with their opinions/ideas. Every opinion is respectfully considered among participants for better planning and management of project. Logical thinking: The PCM utilizes Logframe which has its origin in logical framework, the project management through Logframe support to empower analysis logically such as cause & effect, means & ends.Effective and smooth running of project management: The PCM method provide for effective and smooth running of project management by clarifying the objectives at the project planning stage. Effectiveness communication through facilitation skill: Effectiveness communication through facilitation skill will support to share common concepts, terms and formats among stakeholders such as government, implementing agencies and beneficiaries. Appropriate selection of project with needs: The participants of workshop for planning project are able to make consensus with each needs due to the participatory planning method. Transparency: The transparency of project enhance because the PCM clarify planning process, rational and the picture of project throughout phases of project cycle. Consistency: The planning process considers not only project cycle and operation cycle for better project management consistently. It is clear for all related parties/person to understand how to manage the project. Accountability though change in attitudes: Through the implementation of the PCM method with participatory planning, all related parties are able to share the plan and make a consensus together with beneficiaries. This process provides the change in attitudes and set of accountability. Change in Roles and Responsibilities: The dependence of implementation partners/beneficiaries is changed through the planning process and implementation process with participatory approach, it is possible to ensure the ownership through clarification of role and responsibilities. Procedure: Donors and counterparts agencies as implementation partners are recognized their activities with well coordination and harmonization, based on the project cycle with planning process and operation cycle as well as implementation agencies and beneficiaries.

But the Logframe with participatory planning will not guaranteed successful achievement of project, should be updated and revised based on the monitoring which identify actual situation.


The actors of the PCM method with participatory planning are the beneficiaries, intermediary organisations who deliver technical services, consultants and project officers from the donor organisation as technical supporter/supervisor, ministries and agencies that actually implement the programmes/projects for the development. All actors have their specific responsibilities towards the projects or the portfolio of projects in various phases.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


The PCM method with participatory planning contribute the decision making process for development activities with consensus among all related parties/persons based on the jointly information/data analysis, it is possible for beneficiaries which seek for better change of life, to make harmonized coordination with officers from all or various parties involved

1.3 Components

The PCM comprises a number of project phases under the Project Cycle and has the Logframe for managing the project. On the other hand, participatory approach support the development of project design in planning process as well as project management using the Logframe. Besides,

the PCM have made clarified Participatory Planning with analysis tools among related parties/persons, using participatory approach.

Project Cycle

Donors have developed their own cycles with their own specific phases, but in general they more or less follow the same pattern. Usually one phase exists of several sub-phases with activities. The general project cycle used by JSPR are shown in “figure 4: Phases in the Project Cycle”.

Figure 4: Phases in the Project Cycle

The Preparation is including the planning process, formulation and appraisal based on evaluation and commitment of implementation and provide Logframe and its appraisal as final outputs. The implementation is managed in activities and its inputs through the Logframe and its implementation plan/work plan. The follow-up is considered after the implementation for sustainable development, and aim to support the operation/maintenance/extension/creating new project based on a result of the ex-post evaluation.

In case of the development activities among Developing Countries and donors/supporting agencies, there are two levels of cycle; the one is for managing development activities in programme level which is a comprehensive plan among government and donor/supporting agencies, the other is for managing development activities in project level under the programme. The difference of programme cycle and project cycle are shown in below;



Logical Framework

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Box 1: Programme Cycle and Project Cycle

Programme cycle: The programme cycle is generally setting of comprehensive plan and managing the programme activities among counterpart agencies and donors/supporting agencies such as National Solidarities Programme (NSP), and National Area-based Development Programme (NABDP). The achievement of programme under the cycle has direct influence of the counterpart agency’s policy/strategy paper/master plan which is under the country wide development plan.

Project cycle: A project cycle is setting of particular plan and managing the project activities among member of implementation team, implementation agencies/partners and beneficiaries, such as management support consultant (MSC), facilitation partners (FP) and implementation partners (IP) in NSP. The achievement of project under the cycle has direct impact of the project purpose/objectives which will support the achievement of country-wide development plan indirectly.

Example: In case of Community Development Plan with subproject in NSP, the community development plan is developed under the programme cycle which was considered comprehensive plan with multi sector. The subproject proposal is developed under the project cycle which was considered detailed plan with target need focused on a certain sector.


The two cycles consist of three phases for well project design and project management and general stage of the cycles are classified in the two outputs “Designing” and “Management”. The stage commenced from planning, appraisal, agreement, implementation with monitoring & evaluation, completion with evaluation, and identification based on ex-post evaluation. The stages are shown in “Table 2: Stages in the Cycle”

Table 2: Stages in Two Cycles

Phases Main Activity Stages Outputs

Preparation - Planning (Policy setting, Identification)

- Appraisal for Formulation based on ex-ante evaluation

- Agreement among government and donor/supporting agency.

- Comprehensive plan (Programme Level), Detailed Plan with Logframe (Project Level)

- Evaluation Report - Agreement/Memorandum


- Implementation with Monitoring

- Mid-term Evaluation - Completion with Terminal


- Implementation Plan & Monitoring Report

- Evaluation Report - Evaluation Report

Follow-up - Identification based on Ex-post Evaluation

- Evaluation Report with Recommendation & Lesson Learnt




JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


The each stage is described as below;

Policy setting: Policy setting such as vision, short/middle/long term goal/purposes with some short list of programmes/projects is in one of planning stage, and the establishment of comprehensive plan of programme/project. It covers sector wide approaches and may set out a number of ideas for programmes/projects.

Identification based on feasibility study:

The identification phase concerns the initial formulation of a programme/project idea in terms of objectives, results/outputs and activities. In the stage it is verified that the identification is matched with actual needs, and more it is necessary to confirm its feasibility whether it is worthwhile to do using rough sketch of programme/project. The feasibility study is conducted to verify it.

Appraisal for formulation based on the ex-ante evaluation:

According to the result of feasibility study, all the details of a project are specified technically and financially in the formulation stage. And the programme/project precise description as a programme/project document is prepared by implementation agency in collaboration with related parties, such as government staff, NGOs and the donor organisation. The document is appraised in terms of relevancy, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, and more it is reconfirmed feasibility through technical, financial and human resource aspect as well as social and environmental impact. Finally, the related parties/persons with key organization of financial support make consensus to finance or not.

Agreement among related parties:

The stage will be prepared the term of reference with detailed plan/design of programme/project based on technical and financial proposal. The agreement/memorandum are prepared and exchanged among related parties / persons. The all documents need the approval from related parties/persons.

Implementation with monitoring:

The implementation stage concerns the execution of the programme / project, and are managed using Logframe, Implementation Plan, Disbursement Plan and etc based on the detailed plan/design. Depending on achievement and performance of programme/project, the implementation and disbursement plan will be revised with flexibility. On the other hands, strengthening/weakness and problem/resolution of the implementation should be monitored as well as social aspect issues and cross-cutting issues. If some problem are by drawing on the resources provided for in the financing commitment, to achieve the desired results and the purpose of the project. In this stage various reports are produced such as inception report or plan of operations, annual working plans and monitoring/progress reports.

Mid-term Evaluation:

Monitoring is a continuous process, while it also might be decided to have a mid-term evaluation half way implementation period. The performance and process of implementation, relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency are analyzed in the evaluation, using monitoring results and interview survey. Depending on a result of evaluation, the logframe and implementation plan are revised/updated for better implementation on the situation/condition. In fact, evaluation is used to identify possibilities for remedial action. If it is necessary to change something, the related parties should exchange some letter for the change due to make consensus among all related parties.

Completion with terminal evaluation:

In the final evaluation stage, the points of evaluation are similar with mid-term evaluation; Performance, Process, Relevance, Effectiveness and efficiency is significant points. In case that there is some delayed and unsuccessful activities are anticipated in the programme/project period, the evaluation is used to take countermeasure for completing the programme/project. The evaluation provides lesson & learnt and recommendation, which is used to improve guidance of similar programmes/projects in the future.

Identification with ex-post evaluation:

After the programme/project was completed in the project period, the programme/project are maintained the local agencies/organizations. In fact, operation and maintenance/extension of the project are continued for sustainable development. The evaluation focus on impact and sustainability and provides lesson & learnt and recommendation for better change.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Besides, after the project completion, it is necessary to consider the operation / maintenance / extension of project for sustainable development activities. Therefore the project design must be considered the operation and maintenance/extension/creating new projects, and the PCM method has evaluation system such as ex-post evaluation for follow-up the project. The cycle support the sustainable development activities, as well as may create the new project which will support the project implemented or other related needs, based on the lesson learnt by ex-post evaluation. The sustainable development under the project cycle is shown in the “Figure 5”.










Operation Maintenance/Extension Operation Maintenance






































Project Period Operation and Maintenance/Extension/Creating new project

New Project


Figure 5: Project Cycle and Sustainable Development

Logical Framework (Logframe)

The core of PCM method is the Logframe, a project’s diagrammatic representation. Logframe is a tool for analysis, presentation and management of projects/programmes in the various phases of the cycle. The Logframe provides all parties involved with a concise description of the project.

The project management have been run using only objective, activities with inputs and implementation plan in construction type project by 1950’s. Due to the well project

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


management and sustainable development, the Logframe was developed in 1960’s and clarified the project overview with narrative summary of project/programme including overall goal, purpose, outputs, activities and inputs, objectively verifiable indicators, means of verification, important assumption and pre-condition on the matrix. The form of matrix is shown in below;

Table 3: Logframe (Project Design Matrix: PDM)

Project Purpose:



Overall Goal:

Important Assumption

Means of Verifications

Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Narrative Summary

Project Purpose:



Overall Goal:

Important Assumption

Means of Verifications

Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Narrative Summary

The outline of items in the Logframe is shown in the followings;

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Box 2: Contents of Logframe

The Overall Goal(s) is/are described about the project contribution to policy or programme objective (impact) which is referred in upper level plan of the programme/project. And it is expected to achieve after several year (5-10 years) of the completion of the programme/project. The figure 6 shows the case of the NSP.

The Project Purpose is reason why the programme /project is needed and is described about direct benefit to the target group (s). The purpose should be achieved in the project period, if the programme/project delivers the expected outputs. Its achievement will be contributed the overall goal.

The Outputs are described about tangible products or services delivered by the project through activities. Logframe developed by USAID have used results/outputs, however, this textbook settle the word on only “Outputs”, and the outputs mean the something exists because some activities are executed. And its achievement will be contributed achievement and performance of the project purpose.

The Activities are described about tasks that have to be undertaken to deliver the desired results and its achievement will be contributed achievement and performance of the outputs.

The Indicator means “a fact, measurement or condition that shows what something is like or how it is changing”. The objectively verifiable indicators are one of information/data to evaluate achievement and performance of the overall goal, project purpose and outputs, as well as it is possible to identify the change through implementation. And more, all related parties/person can share the evidence of evaluation through results of verification of the indicators. The indicator should be considered data collection quantitatively, qualitatively and chronologically.

The Means of Verifications refer to the source of the information/data of objectively verifiable indicators. Before starting activities, the source should be clearly identified for information/data to be collected.

The Important assumptions are conditions that are important for the success of a project, but uncontrollable within the programme/project, so there is uncertainty about their being fulfilled. The perspective assumptions are considered economic, policy/regulation, environment, socio-cultural, stability or staffing and etc. And the assumptions influence achievement and performance of programme/project but are beyond the control of programme/project management.

The Pre-conditions are requirements that should be in place prior to a project’s commencement.

The Inputs consist of human resource, financial resource and equipment/material. It is necessary to prepare and provide for the execution of activities. And the inputs are described to separate by institution/organization on the recipient sides and supporting agencies. It is helpful to identify the roles and responsibilities of each related parties/person.

It seems that the Logframe is one tool for development of comprehensive plan or

implementation plan. This interpretation is wrong, the Logframe is a tool for developing the project outline. After the development of Logframe, the detailed plan must be developed for real implementation. The each activities are clarified more detail for actual work, based on the 5W1H (why, what, when, where, who (to whom) and how).

In the case of JSPR

Afghanistan National Development Plan


MRRD’sStrategic Paper

JSPR’sLogical Frame

(Project Purspose)

Community Development

Plan (CDP)

Upper Level Plan

Upper Level Plan

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Participatory Planning

The PCM method is clarified the planning process in preparation phase with participation of all related parties. The planning process consists of two big sub-stages, one is analysis sub-stage which has four (4) steps including stakeholders analysis, problem analysis, objective analysis and project selection, and the other is planning sub-stage which has two (2) steps including logical framework and plan of operation.

Box 3: Steps of Participatory Planning Analysis sub-stage

- The Stakeholders Analysis clarifies the organizations, groups and people relevant to the target area, issues and problem.

- The Problem Analysis clarifies the problems for the target area and sector, and the relationships among identified problems.

- The Objective Analysis considers ways of solving identified problems. - The Project Selection decides on the type of approach to be taken as well as identifies the

project. Planning sub-stage

- The Logframe identifies the project outline with plan. - The Implementation Plan identifies appropriate timing of activities and instalment of

inputs. Phases Stages Sub-Stage Step

Preparation - Participatory Planning (Policy setting, Identification)

- Appraisal for Formulation based on

ex-ante evaluation - Agreement among government and

donor/supporting agency.

- Analysis - Planning

- Stakeholders Analysis - Problem Analysis - Objective Analysis - Project Selection - Logframe - Implementation Plan

The linkage of each step is shown in “Figure 6”.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Step 1:Stakholders Analysis

Step 2:Problems Analysis

Step 3:Objectives Analysis

Step 4:Project Selection

Step 5:Logframe

Step 7:Plan of Operation

Project Purpose:



Overall Goal:

Important Assumption

Means of Verifications

Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Narrative Summary

Project Purpose:



Overall Goal:

Important Assumption

Means of Verifications

Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Narrative Summary


for formulationbased on

ex-ante evaluation

Sub-stage: Analysis

Sub-stage: Planning

Beneficiaries Negatively Affected Groups Decision-makers Funding Agencies Implementing









Actionto take

Disbursement (Timing of Invoice Letter)


Financial Report

Technical Transfer/Orientation/Training




Mont/YearResponsible Org./PersonsActionActivitiesItems

Disbursement (Timing of Invoice Letter)


Financial Report

Technical Transfer/Orientation/Training




Mont/YearResponsible Org./PersonsActionActivitiesItems

Figure 6: Sustainable Development using the Project

The stakeholders analysis, problem analysis and objective analysis in the analysis sub-stage identify the background and rational of development, the project selection decide on the type of approach to be taken for the development based on the analysis. Based on the result of project selection, the planning sub-stage is commenced and identified more detailed description of programme/project for the implementation. In fact, the project design is significant step to connect the analysis sub-stage with planning sub-stage.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



2.1 Stakeholders Analysis

Definition: Stakeholders are

- People affected by the impact of an activity - People who can influence the impact of an activity - Stakeholders can be individuals, groups, a community or an institution.

Stakeholders groups are made up people who share a common interest, such as Masjids Mullahs, NGOs and the community; however, such group contains many sub-groups. These sub-groups may be affected by the project in different ways, and some sub-groups may have a lot more influence on the impact of the project than others.

Stakeholders include:

- USER GROUPS- People who use the resources or services in an area - INTEREST GROUPS- People who have an interest in, an opinion about, or who can

affect the use of a resource of service. - BENEFICARIES- of the project - DECISION-MAKERS - THOSE OFTEN EXCULDED from the decision- making process.

Stakeholders could belong to one or more of those groups. For example, some one might be a user of a hand pump (user group), and also involved in the water user association that manages it (interest group, decision-maker).

Stakeholders include the winners and the losers of the project. While most stakeholders will benefit from the project, there may be others who will be negatively affected by the action taken, besides this; Stakeholders are not only those who shout the loudest. Those who are often excluded from the decision-making process due to age, gender or ethnicity are those who are most likely to lose out if they are not included in project planning.

Stakeholders can be divided into two main types.

- Primary Stakeholders: Who benefit from, or adversely affected by, an activity. Primary stakeholders are usually vulnerable. They are the reason why a project is carried out- the end users

- Secondary Stakeholders: Include all other people and institution with an interest in the resources or are being considered. They are the means by which project objectives can be met, rather than an end in themselves.

2.1.1 Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is a useful tool for identifying stakeholders and describing the nature of their stake, roles and interests. Stakeholders’ analysis helps to,

- Improve the project’s understanding of the needs of those affected by a problem - Reveal how little we know as outsiders, which encourages those who do know to

participate - Identify potential winners and losers as a result of the project - Reduce, or hopefully remove, potential negative project impact

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


- Identify those who have the rights, interests, resources, skills, and abilities to take part in or, influence the course of, the project

- Identify who should be encouraged to take part in the project planning and implementation.

- Identify useful alliance which can be built upon - Identify and reduce risks which might involve identifying possible conflicts of interest

and expectations among stakeholders so that conflict is avoided.

Ideally, stakeholder analysis should be carried out with representatives of as many stakeholder groups as possible. It might not always be practical to do so if the stakeholders are widely spread. However, if there is a danger that important stakeholders might be excluded, more time and resources should be invested in doing the stakeholder analysis to make sure they are included.

2.1.2 Method of Carrying out Stakeholder Analysis

1. List all the possible stakeholders in the project. Divide these into primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. Remember to include supporters and opponents, user groups, vulnerable groups and sub-groups that are relevant to the project.

2. In the second column, write down the interests of each stakeholder in relation to the project and its objectives. These interests might be obvious. However, there might be some hidden interests, so assumptions might need to be made about what these are likely to be. Remember that each stakeholder might have several interests.

3. In the third column, write down the likely impact of the project on each stakeholder’s interests. This will enable us to know how to approach the different stakeholders throughout the course of the project. Use symbols as follows:

+ Potential positive impact on interest

– Potential negative impact on interest

+/– Possible positive and negative impact on interest

? Uncertain

4. In the fourth column, indicate the priority that the project should give to each stakeholder in meeting their interests. Use the scale 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest priority.

EXAMPLE: A community identified their priority need as improved access to safe water and produced the following table. Villagers were collecting water from kareez available in the village but now they will have access to safe water by the project water network.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 4: Stakeholder Table Stakeholders Interests, Strength,

Weakness Likely Impact of the project


Primary Local Community Women Children

Better health Better health Walk less to collect water Safety while collecting water Opportunity to meet each other Better Health Walk less to collect water Time to play


+ + + __

+ + +




Secondary Water Sellers Community Health Workers CDC Health NGOs Ministry of Health Donors

Income Reduced workload Income Involvement of CDC members in the project Better Health Achievement of target Effective spending of funds Achievement of health objectives


+ __












Now looking to the above table we can create a stakeholder table as case study and find out the important stakeholders for our project. Besides this we can also do detail analysis for each important stakeholder. Detail stakeholders analysis includes the following points,

- Basic information about each stakeholder. - Problems/ weakness - Needs - Strengths/Potentials - Action to take

SWOT analysis is also useful tools for stakeholder analysis to examine strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat of each stakeholder comprehensively.

Please create a stakeholder table and do detail analysis for one of each important stakeholder.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


2.2 Problem analysis

Before we start to design the project, we need to analyze the problem identified during project identification. Problem analysis helps primary stakeholders to identify the causes and effects of the problems they face. It involves drawing a problem tree, from which project objectives can be identified. Use the stakeholder analysis to identify those who should help to construct the problem tree, making sure there is a mix of people from the community with local knowledge, technical knowledge and so on. Problem analysis can be carried out with different stakeholder groups in order to see how their perspectives vary.

To help stakeholders think through all the causes and effects, check that they have considered social, environmental, political, economic and technical factors. The problem tree should help to reinforce our findings during the research phase of the planning. It might also raise new issues that we had not previously considered. Problem trees enable stakeholders to get to the root of their priority need and to investigate the effects of the problem.

2.2.1 Method of Constructing a Problem Tree

STEP 1: Agree on the main problem, usually the one identified during project identification. Write it on a post-it note or piece of card and place it in the middle of the wall or floor. There might be other problems identified by the community that could be explored. Draw separate problem trees for these and compare them later when starting to think about exactly what the project will address.

STEP 2: Identify the causes of the main problem by asking ‘But why?’ until we can go no further. Write each cause on a separate post-it note or piece of card. Some problems might have more than one cause. For example:

Developing Problem Tree (CAUSES)

Main problem

Lack of


But why? But why?

Nothing to sell Few jobs

But why? But why? But why?

Poor yields Local factory Closed Immigration

Figure 7: Sample of Cause and Effect

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


STEP 3: Identify the effects of the main problem by asking ‘So what?’ until we can go no further. Write each effect on a separate post-it note or piece of card. Some problems might have more than one effect.

Encourage discussion and ensure that participants feel able to move the post-it notes or Cards around. Check through the problem tree to make sure that each problem logically leads to the next.


Figure8: Sample of Problem Tree

It is possible that problems are identified of which it is completely unrealistic to formulate an objective. E.g. it is not possible to transform ‘heavy rainfall during rainy season’ into ‘no heavy rainfall during rainy season’; in the first instance the problem will be maintained. At a later stage when the project planning is done, one can think of measures to cope with the heavy rainfall, like proper drainage system or dikes to protect. Important to realize is that while transforming problems into objectives one should remain realistic (is it feasible?).

Less time for farm work Increased disease

Use dirty sources

Buy water

Increased cost of water collection

Increased demand

for household use Not enough


Open wells

dried up


hand pumps




Water intensive

farming methods Water table




Increased mortality Less money for

school fees





Children stop going to school

Shortage of

safe water

Increased demand for

farm use

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


2.3 Objectives analysis

After the problem analysis follows the analysis of objectives. This analysis includes:

- The translation of the negative situations in the problem tree into a realized positive state (the objectives) for example, 'low rice production' is converted into 'improved rice production’;

- Verification of the hierarchy of objectives; - Visualization of means-end relationships in a diagram.

Also in this step it is of importance that all stakeholders are involved. While transforming problems into objectives and verifying the hierarchy, discussion and feedback on the objectives is done. This helps building consensus amongst the stakeholders. It might also be necessary to reformulate some of the problems.

Demonstration case: Diagram of objectives

Figure 9: End & Means in Objective Tree

This diagram, or objective tree, provides a general and clear view on the desired positive future situation.

Im p ro v e d fo o d s i tu a t io n

F o o d p ro d u c t io n o n h i l ls in c re a s e d

R ic e p ro d u c t io n in lo w la n d s in c re a s e d

S u f f ic ie n t i r r ig a t io n w a te r re a c h e s th e

f ie ld s

R e g u la r s u p p ly o f in p u ts fo r r ic e

p ro d u c t io n

In c id e n c e o f m a ln u t r i t io n re d u c e d

L o w e r im m ig ra t io n ra te s

S o i l fe r t i l i t y o n h i l l s lo p e s in c re a s e d

L e s s e th n ic c la s h e s in n e ig h b o u r in g

d is t r ic ts

C a n a ls c le a re d D ik e s a re u p g ra d e d

M a in te n a n c e i r r ig a t io n fa c i l i t ie s

im p ro v e d

S o i l e ro s io n o n h i l l s lo p e s re d u c e d

E n d

M e a n s

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


2.4 Scoping and Project Selection

Next, often the objective tree shows many objectives that cannot all be reached at once. Therefore, choices will have to be made. Certain objectives seem unrealistic, too ambitious or not feasible within the context of a possible intervention, so that other solutions need to be generated for the problem concerned. However at this stage of the planning these choices are not yet made. Still all possible ways (objectives) to achieve the desired future situation are considered.

Improved food situation

Food production on hills increased

Rice production in

low lands increased

Sufficient irrigation water

reaches the fields

Regular supply of inputs for

rice production

Incidence of malnutrition


Soil fertility on hill slopes increased

Canals cleared Dikes are upgraded

Maintenance irrigation facilities improved

Soil erosion of hills slopes


Soil FertilityIrrigation system

Agricultural inputs

Lower immigration


Less ethnic clashes in

neighbouring districts


Figure 10: Clustering

If we try to address all of the objectives we have identified, we will find we have a very expensive and lengthy project. It is therefore necessary to focus on one or a few areas of the objectives tree. If more than one objectives tree has been drawn, we will need to decide which of these to focus on for the project.

Example of an objective tree with focus on one area

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Improved food situation

Food production on hills increased

Rice production in

low lands increased

Sufficient irrigation water

reaches the fields

Regular supply of inputs for

rice production

Incidence of malnutrition


Soil fertility on hill slopes increased

Canals cleared Dikes are upgraded

Maintenance irrigation facilities improved

Soil erosion of hills slopes


Soil FertilityIrrigation system

Agricultural inputs

Lower immigration


Less ethnic clashes in

neighbouring districts


Figure 11: Identification of Project(s)

2.4.1 How to Select a Project

Identify several approaches in the objective tree. For each approach workshop participants should consider basic points such as:

- The target group and its number of people - The target area - The details of principal activities and their main actors - The type and amount of materials and facilities for carrying out the activities. Then

consider the various approaches in light of the selection criteria and select one approach as the basis of the project

2.4.2 Project Selection Procedure

1. Reconfirm the expected project framework (target area, sector project duration, implementation agency, budget and beneficiaries

2. Circle approaches on the objectives tree and name each approach in a manner that makes its objective clear

3. Summarize and confirm the basic points of each approach (target groups and the number of people in the group; the target area; the details of principal; activities and their main actor; the types and amounts of materials and facilities, etc

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


4. Choose the selection criteria for comparing approaches to be examined

5. Compare and examine each approach in light of the selection criteria

6. When negative factors have been identified, consider altering the approach and use a card to show that it requires further investigation

7. Select one approach to be developed into a project

2.4.3 Selection Criteria

(1) Target group:

- Is it appropriate if the target group is the group that was tentatively selected in stakeholder’s analysis? If not, what is the most desirable target group?

- Does the ratio of men to women present any problems? - Which approach addresses the greatest number of people?

(2) Target area:

- Is the target area clearly identified?

(3) Related agencies:

As for agencies of the recipient side:

- Do they have satisfactory financial management capacity, human resources, technological abilities and leadership to carry out activities of high quality?

- Are there any negative or positive points to be noted?

(4) Inputs:

- Do you thing the sufficient human resources, materials and funds are available? Are they available under restrictions on the donor and recipient sides?

- Which is the most cost efficient approach in achieving the expected effects?

(5) Needs:

- Does the approach objective meet the need of the target group? - Does the approach objective meet stakeholder’s needs?

(6) Policy priority:

- Are the approaches consistent with development policies of the Afghan government such as ANDS and MRRD strategic papers?

- Is the approach consistent with donors’ assistance policies?

(7) Possible negative impacts:

- Are there any possible negative impacts from varies viewpoints? If yes, can any measures be incorporated to remove or minimize such impacts? The followings are negative impacts which are needed to consider:

Security: e.g. anti-government movement, terrorist attacks Society and Culture: e.g. tribal conflict, human rights abuse, land tenure Gender: e.g. gender discrimination

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Environment: e.g. pollution, erosion

(8) Feasibility:

- Can the approach objective (care in the highest position) be achieved under the expected framework and restriction?

(9) Sustainability:

- Will most resources needed for implementation come from local resources? - Is there enough time to train personnel to take over implementation when the project

ends? - Are the people to be trained likely to remain with the agencies responsible for

implementation the project? - From various viewpoints, are there any points to be noted concerning the sustainability of

the projects’ effects?

Table 5: Identification of Selection Criteria for Each Approach

Criteria Approach 1 Approach 2 Approach 3

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe)

Now that the project has been identified and detailed information has been collected, we can start to plan exactly how the project will function. A useful way of doing this may be to use a logical framework (log frame). The process of completing the log frame helps to think through all the factors that should be considered for planning a successful project. Even if people are not planning to develop a log frame, it may help to use the tools included in the log frame approach when planning projects.

2.5.1 What is a Logframe?

The log frame is a tool used to help strengthen project design, implementation and evaluation. Although it is constructed during the planning stage of a project, the log frame is a living document, which should be consulted and altered throughout the project’s life cycle.

The log frame is a table of four rows and four columns, where all the key parts of a project can be inserted as a clear set of statements: the project goal, purpose, outputs and activities, with their indicators, evidence and assumptions. It shows the project’s structure and describes the project logically. The log frame does not show every detail of the project. It is an overview of the key factors. Details can be given in other documents, such as the proposal, budget and activity schedule, which accompany the log frame. Most donors use the log frame format above. However, some turn log frames on their side so that the objectives run across the top of the table with the summary, indicators, evidence and assumptions down the side. Having carried out a stakeholder analysis and done research, we can answer the question, ‘Where are we now?’ The log frame asks a series of further questions:

- Where do we want to be? (Overall Goal, Project Purpose) - How will we get there? (Outputs Activities, Inputs) - How will we know when we have got there? (Indicators) - What will show us we have got there? (Evidence) - What are the potential problems along the way? (Assumptions)

2.5.2 Narrative Summary

As the brief explanation of narrative summary which consists of Overall Goal, Project Purpose, Outputs and Activities already have been explained in Module 1 (refer to Box 2 in page 11), achievement of activities will be contributed outputs, as well as between outputs and project purpose, and also project purpose and overall goal.

A selected project in objective tree can be integrated into each column of narrative summary. Main objective in the selected project tends to be Project Purpose. The first level of end(s) of the main objective tends to be Overall Goal. On the other hand, the first level of means tend to be outputs as well as the lower levels might be activities in narrative summary. Logical linkage between each column such as activities and outputs should be cause and effect relationship.

When we fill out each column of narrative summary, we should write not items from the objective tree but sentences which represent achievements and actions.


Overall Goal: Incidence and impact of diarrhoeal disease is decreased.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Project Purpose: Access to, and use of, safe water in the target district are improved.

Outputs: Participatory management systems set up for needs identification, planning and monitoring.

Activities: Provide training for CDC members in surveying, planning, monitoring and proposal writing.

Figure 12: Linkage among items of narrative summary

2.5.3 Assumptions

We have checked that each objective should lead to the one above using the ‘If-Then’ test. However, we can never be 100% sure that each objective will lead to the next because there will always be a risk that external factors will affect the link. Most projects fail, not because of bad project design, but because of lack of attention to these factors that are either outside the control of the project or which are too difficult or costly to control. In the log frame we need to show that we have thought about what these factors might be. To complete the assumptions column of the log frame, first consider the risks linked to the project. Risk is the potential for unwanted happenings. Every activity involves risks. If they happen, some risks will affect the activity more than others. Risk assessment helps to identify them and consider the likelihood of them happening and their likely impact. The risks can then be managed by changing the project plans to ensure the risks are minimized.

Possible risks include:

- Climatic – rainfall - Security – anti-government activities, terrorist attacks - Human – labour strikes, beneficiaries unwilling to try new techniques, project staff

leaving the organization - Economic – crop prices being unstable - Political – government policies - Projects by other agencies not remaining on schedule.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1) Method of Risk Assessment

Start with some large sheets of paper.

STEP1: Identify the risks by:

Looking at the various analyses that have been carried out, for example, stakeholder, Economic, environmental, social, and problem. Looking at each objective in the log frame and brainstorming the assumptions that has to be made in order for the higher objective to be achieved. A useful series of questions to ask is:

- If we do these activities, what can stop us from delivering these outputs? - If we are successful in delivering these outputs, what can stop us from achieving this

purpose? - If the purpose is achieved, what would stop it contributing to the goal?

STEP 2: Use an Impact/Probability matrix to evaluate the risks.

List all the risks and number them. Then consider how likely it is that each one will happen (probability) and what the impact of each risk happening might be. Think of the impact on project success and also the impact on the beneficiaries. Place the numbers in the matrix. For example, in a project to improve yields, the first risk identified is that farmers might not adopt new varieties of seed. The probability of this happening is considered to be medium and the impact on the project if this risk happens is high. So a ‘1’ is placed in the relevant box.

Table 6: Impact and Probability Matrix


Low Medium High







Think about measures that will reduce or eliminate the risks. We may want to pay less attention to the risks that are low probability and low impact, although simple steps might reduce these. It is important to pay attention to the risks towards the bottom right-hand corner of the Impact/Probability matrix (high probability and high impact) as these in particular threaten the success of the project. If these risks cannot be reduced, it might be necessary to cancel the project. For example, the risk that farmers will not adopt new varieties of seed is quite important. A measure to reduce the risk could be to ensure farmer participation in choosing the new varieties. If the rains fail, the project could fail. Irrigation might need to be considered as a project objective. Remember to add these risk-reducing measures to the project objectives. In terms of the log frame, this will involve adding more activities and possibly outputs.

Including risks in the logframe

Now return to the log frame and write the key risks as assumptions in column 4. These are the risks that could actually make the project fail if they happen. Some risks might be considered so critical that we decide not to go ahead with the project at all. The diagram below should help to decide which risks including in the log frame as assumptions.

Pre-condition as a part of assumption

Regarding PDM type logframe, Pre-condition is needed to set the bottom of assumption column.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Necessary conditions for the implementation of project are written in the cell. For instance, “to be able to obtain cooperation and understanding on the project from local people”, “to be able to obtain active participation from PRRD” are typical pre-condition.

Figure13: Sample Chart of Risk Analysis

Once we have considered the risks, we can turn them into assumptions.


Risks are negative statements about what might go wrong. Assumptions turn risks into positive statements. They are the conditions that need to be met if the project is to continue.

For example, consider a risk in an agricultural extension project. By rewording the sentence to make it positive rather than negative, the risk can be changed into an assumption:

RISK Farmers might not be willing to try out new varieties of rice.

ASSUMPTION Farmers are willing to try out new varieties of rice.

It is usual to write assumptions rather than risks in column 4. Avoid mixing risks and assumptions. There will normally be fewer key assumptions at activity level, and the degree of uncertainty will increase for the higher objectives. This is because we have less control over higher levels. It is easier to change activities or add new ones to reduce the risk. It is harder to take action against some of the risks that threaten the use of outputs to achieve the purpose, or the way in which the purpose contributes to the goal.

Is the risk high impact

Do not include in logframe

Include in log frame as an assumption

Will it happen?

Is it possible to re-design the project

and influence the external

High risk project which should be

probably be rejected probably


Re-design the project: e.g. add

activities or outputs or rewrite


Monitor the risk and think of ways

to reduce it

Almost Certainly








JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Summary Indicators Evidence Assumption

Overall Goal

Project Purpose

Outputs Then

Activities If And

Figure 14: How to consider Risks and Assumptions

For example:

If we train members of the community to maintain and repair hand pumps (activities), and an effective supply chain for spare parts exists (assumption), then sources of safe water will be improved (output).

If sources of safe water are improved (output), and an adequate quantity of water is available (assumption), then access to safe water will be improved (purpose).

If access to safe water is improved (purpose) and incidence of diarrhoea disease is due to unsafe water (assumption), then the incidence and impact of diarrhoea disease will decrease (goal).

As external conditions may change, it is vital that we carry out further risk assessments throughout the course of the project to ensure that we take account of all threats to its success.

2.5.4 Indicators

1) Definition:

- Indicators are a measurable or tangible sign that something has been done. So, for example, an increase in the number of students passing is an indicator of an improved culture of learning and teaching. The means of verification (proof) is the officially published list of passes.

- Indicator is indirect measure of an event or condition.

From the management point of view indicators are the core of the logframe approach. Sometimes the term "Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVI)" is used to stress that they are not merely subjective judgements but should be formulated in such a way that different observers will come to the same result when measuring the achievements.

For each of the objectives (outputs, purposes, and intermediate goals) indicators provide information on the minimum targets in terms of target groups or target organisations, quality, quantity, area and time. A logical framework can be considered and realistic if planners can reasonably expect to achieve the objectives at different levels as specified through the corresponding indicators.

This requires sound cause-effect relationships between indicators and the respective output, purpose, and goal. In particular, reasonable expectations about the up-take and utilisation rates of outputs by clients as well as the time lag involved in this process are required when formulating the corresponding indicators and specifying targets at output, purpose and goal level.

Assumptions should be specified through indicators in the same way in order to define threshold values which specify crucial levels beyond which planners see project success increasingly

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


endangered. This requires careful monitoring of the development of external conditions and adequate reaction.

In order to fulfil the expected functions and to be useful for appraisal of project planning as well as management of project implementation and monitoring of achievements, indicators must have a number of characteristics.

2) Characteristics of Indicators:

(1) Indicators must be substantial and relevant

An indicator must capture the main aspect of a particular objective (output, purpose, or goal). This means that it specifies by itself or in combination with other indicators those aspects of the conditions to be achieved by the project which are essential from the point of view of the direct clients and target groups of the project and of the project concept as a whole. This also implies that for complex objectives more then one indicator will be required in order to cover different dimensions. At the same time, the number of indicators formulated should always be limited to the minimum number required to describe the corresponding objective in order to avoid unnecessary work of data collection and processing.

(2) Indicators must be independent

An indicator should be formulated as a precise description of an objective to be measured. This implies that an indicator is logically at the same level as the corresponding objective and neither the cause nor the effect of achieving this particular objective. For instance, the achievement of an output can not be indicated by simply listing the last activity required to produce this output. In such a case there would be no cause-effect relation between activity and output level of the logframe. The indicator for an output must also not refer to its expected utilisation as described at the purpose level.

(3) Indicators must be precise and realistic

Indicators have to describe the corresponding output, purpose, or goal as precisely as possible and meaningful in terms of:

- Target group: Who receives (output) or utilises (purpose) the goods and services, who gains what benefits (intermediate goal)?

- Quality: What are the criteria which allow a particular case to be judged successful or not? - Quantity: How much/many does the planning (realistically) target for? Wherever possible

this should include a quantitative target in order to be able to decide whether a change actually observed during project implementation is within the planned target or falls short of it.

- Time: By when should a particular objective be achieved? For management purposes it is often advisable to define target values for different points in time in order to allow periodic monitoring of achievements and to decide on necessary corrective actions.

- Location in which area or region (geographical, agro-climatical, etc.) should the objectives is realised?

(4) Indicators must be verifiable

An indicator can only be used if the data required to verify the indicator can be collected at reasonable cost and effort. If the verification is impossible or too costly, the indicator has to be replaced by one which is easier and/or cheaper to verify.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


3) OVI’s preciseness and steps

- Objectively verifiable indicators define the performance standard to be reached in order to achieve the objective

- They specify what evidence will tell you if an overall goal, project purpose or result/output is reached

In terms of

- Quantity How much? - Quality How well? - Time By when? - Location/area Where?

・ They focus on important characteristics of an objective to be achieved

・ They provide a basis for monitoring and evaluation.

(1) OVI’s - STEPS

Objective: Agricultural production increased

Step l Identify indicator:

e.g. smallholders increase rice yield

Step 2 Quantify:

10,000 smallholders (owing 3 acre or less) increase production by 50%

Step 3 Set quality:

While maintaining same quality of harvest as 2007 crops

Step 4 Specify time frame:

Between October 2008 and October 2009

Step 5 Set location:

Urozgan province


10,000 smallholders in Urozgan province (owing 3 acres or less) increase their rice yield by 50%

between October 2008 and October 2009, maintaining the same quality of harvest as 2007 crops.

4) Source of Verification (SOV/MOV/ Evidence)

Evidence is called ‘Means of Verification’ in some log frames. It describes the sources of information we will use to measure the indicator. For example, body temperature is an indicator of health. A thermometer provides the evidence.

For the log frame, consider:

- The type of data needed, such as a survey - The source of the data – whether secondary (collected by someone else) or primary

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


(Collected by our organization) - Who will collect and document the data - Frequency and dates of data collection. For example, monthly, quarterly, annually.

When appropriate evidence for each indicator has been identified, consider whether it is:

- AVAILABLE: If we want to use secondary data, will we be able to gain permission to access it? Will it be reliable?

- LOW-COST: Will the information be too expensive to collect? - TIMELY: Will we be able to collect the information when we need it? Consider seasonal

variations in climate. If we want to use secondary data, will it have been collected at the right time? Sometimes government statistics are not released until some months after the data was collected because it takes time for them to be analyzed.

If the evidence is not available at low cost at the right time, the indicator should be changed to one which can be measured more effectively.

Example of evidence

- Reports - Newspaper articles - Minutes of meetings - User survey - Participatory evaluation - Certificate - Maintenance log - Accounts - Official statistics

Try to build on existing systems and sources of information before establishing new ones. But make sure the information used can be trusted. If primary data needs to be collected, make sure this is added to the activity objectives and to the activity list and budget.

2.5.5 Input

Inputs are the physical and non-physical Means necessary to carry out the planned activities. A rough estimation of the necessary resources should be presented in this stage. The activities are related to the different results. Indicators for activities are usually defined during the preparation of an activity schedule specifying the activities in more detail. Following are major types of inputs.

- Human resources (office staff, skilled and unskilled labours) - Material & equipment resources. - Financial resource

The sample of Logframe is shown in next page. It is a sample of 4 x 4 matrix type logframe. In case of Project Design Matrix (PDM), there is no OVI and SOV in the activity level. Instead, it is necessary to mention inputs in columns of OVI and SOV in the activity level. In addition, Pre-condition is needed to mention in the bottom of assumption column (refer to Table 3 in page 10, and 2.5.3 in page 25). Although there are few types of logframe, philosophy and logical thinking of logframe are almost same.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 7: Sample of Logframe (4 x 4 Matrix Type)




Goal Decreased incidence and impact of diarrhoeal disease

Mortality rate due to diarrhoeal disease reduced by 5% by end of year 3 Incidence of diarrhoeal disease in diocese reduced by 50% by end of year 3

Government statistics Local health centre statistics

Purpose Improved access to, and use of, safe water in diocese

All households accessing at least 15 litters water per person per day by end of year 3 Average distance of households to nearest safe water less than 500m by end of year 3

Household survey report Household survey report

Healthcare does not decline Diarrhoeal disease is due to unsafe water and hygienepractices

1 Participatory management systems set up for needs identification, planning and monitoring

Diocese and community joint plans and budgets in place by end of month 9 At least 90% of WUCs raise local contributions by end of year 1

Plans and budgets WUC logbooks

2 Improved sources of safe water

At least 90 improved or new sources of safe water established and in operation by end of year 2

WUC logbooks Water quality test reports


3 Raised community awareness of good hygiene practices

Number of people washing hands after defecating increased to 75% of target population by end of month 30

Survey of knowledge, attitudes and practice

Adequate quantity of water available People are not excluded from accessing improved sources Access not for potentially polluting uses Hygiene practices are culturally acceptable

1.1 Establish water user committees (WUCs)

30 WUCs established in five diocesan regions by end of month 3 Once established, WUC meetings held once a month

Constitutions of WUCs Minutes of meetings Membership list

1.2 Provide training for WUC members in surveying, planning, monitoring and proposal writing

All WUC members trained by end of month 5

Training records

1.3 Communities carry out baseline and monitoring surveys of water use and needs and submit prop

All WUCs complete baseline surveys and submit proposals by month 7

Survey reports and proposals


1.4 Hold joint Diocese, District Water Department and WUC regional planning meetings

Agreement reached with Water Department and all WUCs by end of month 9

Minutes of Meetings Letters of agreement

Groundwater is free of arsenic Communities have confidence that water sources can be improved Committee members will take responsibility to work for community Water user committees continue to function in everyone’s interests Community prepared to work with WUCs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


2.6 Implementation Plan

Working within the project design as set out in the logical framework, an Implementation plan demonstrates how the project activities will be done. In turn, the Implementation plan provides the basis for preparing the project budget. Together, this information not only provides the structure for project implementation but also a reference point for project monitoring.

An Implementation plan ensures efficient use is made of resources and time throughout the life of the project.

Once the logframe has been developed, think about the details of how the project will take shape in terms of timing, resources, budgeting and personnel.

Like the logframe, the implementation plan should be viewed as a flexible document in which changes can be made later.

2.6.1 Activity Planning Worksheet

The activity planning worksheet is used to help us consider:

- Who will do what - When this will happen - What types of inputs, besides people, will be needed.

EXAMPLE Output: 100 women engaged in a range of income-generating activities by end of year

Table 8: Implementation Plan Worksheet

Personal Needed

Materials Needed






People For how


Responsible Person


1. Train 20 women in Jam making

Aug 15, 2007

Aug 30, 2007

One (1) Chef

7 days

- 20 pans - 500 jars - sugar - fruit - kerosene for stove

Mr. Ahmad

- That oranges are cheap this year



2.6.2 Monitoring and Reviewing Systems

Think about who will collect the evidence for the indicators and who will analyze it.

Identify who will be responsible for making decisions about changing the project design as a result of lessons learnt. Ensure that stakeholders are involved in this process.

If the information gathered during project identification and research is not enough to give baseline data for the indicators that have been identified, then a baseline survey should be carried out before the project implementation starts. This means that there will be data to

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


compare progress against. For example, an indicator is “attendance by girls at the primary school increased by 50%”. For the baseline survey, the number of girls attending the primary school should be counted. When progress is monitored later on, the number of girls attending school can be counted and then compared with the figures in the baseline survey.

2.6.3 Activity Schedule (Known as a Gantt Chart)

The activity schedule enables us to consider when our activities will happen and for how long. This will help us to think about when would be appropriate to carry out the different activities. Timing will depend on things such as:

- Seasonal weather patterns, socio-economic events such as harvest, and religious events such as Ramadan

- Availability of human resources such as trainers - Availability of materials.

The activity schedule helps us to look at the sequencing of activities because some activities will depend on others being completed first.

Use the activity schedule during the project to monitor progress. Ask questions like:

- Why are these activities not happening to schedule? - What will be the effect of this on other project activities? - How can we catch up?

The activity schedule should be viewed as a flexible document and can be altered if new circumstances arise.

The lines in the chart indicate the time span for each activity. Make some lines thicker if the activity is intense, and so avoid planning too many intense activities at the same time.

Put the initials of the member of the team who is responsible for the activity above each line. The chart format can be altered if we want to indicate activities on a week-by-week basis.

2.6.4 Input

Inputs including human resources (office staff, skilled and unskilled labours), material & equipment resources and financial resource have been described in the “2.5.5”. On the development of Implementation plan, the human and material & equipment resource are considered to develop the implementation plan. The financial resource is considered to estimate cost of the project. The sample of Activity Schedule is shown in next page.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 9: Activity Schedule for an Income-generating Project (Sample) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

Identify Participants


Identify Trainers


Do market survey


Conduct Training


Production begins


Further Training





Evaluation E

Personal Materials

Project leader

Chef for the training


(Personal, materials,

equipment, facilities and

funds required by the project)


-pans -jars - sugar - fruit -kerosene for stove

Transport vehicles

M Monitoring R Review E Evaluation

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



3.1 Project Appraisal and Ex-ante Evaluation

3.1.1 Project Appraisal

Project appraisal represents a crucial step in the project cycle. The proposed project is reviewed from a range of perspectives to determine whether to proceed to writing a proposal and seeking funding. Project appraisal also represents an opportunity to improve project design prior to implementation. Project appraisal examines the information gathered during the course of the preceding steps. This section focuses on methods for appraising projects from social and gender perspectives, and concludes with a cost benefit analysis.

(1) Social Appraisal

A social appraisal reviews the project design and the process of project identification through to implementation and monitoring, from a social perspective. Particular attention is paid to the likely impact of the project on different stakeholders, their opportunities for participation,

(2) Gender Appraisal

The Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM) is a tool for conducting a gender analysis of a project (Parker, 1993). It may be used at the planning stage to determine whether the potential gender impacts of a project are desirable and consistent with the project purpose and goal.

(3) Social Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is used for determining the attractiveness of a proposed Investment in terms of the welfare of society as a whole. By presenting social benefits and costs in a monetary format, CBA not only facilitates choices between alternative investment options but also give an idea of the project worth. The technique is principally used with regard to public sector investments.

3.1.2 Project Appraisal Criteria

- Technical: will the project work? Has due attention been paid to technical factors affecting the project design? Given the human and material resources identified, can the project activities be undertaken and outputs achieved within the time available and to the required standards?

- Financial: can the project be financed? Will there be sufficient funds to cover the expenditure requirements during the life of the project?

- Economic: will the nation and society at large be better off as a result of the project? - Will the project benefits be greater than the project costs over the life of the investment

account is taken of time (namely, is the Net Present Value of the reject positive at the test discount rate)?

- Social and gender: what will be the effect of the project on different groups, at individual, household and community levels? How will the project impact on women and men? How will they participate in various stages of the project cycle? Will the social benefits of the project be greater than the social costs over the life of the investment when account is taken of time?

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


- Institutional: are the supporting institutions in place? Can they operate effectively within the existing legislative and policy environment? Has the project identified opportunities for institutional strengthening and capacity building?

- Environmental: will the project have any adverse effects on the environment? Have remedial measures been included in the project design?

- Political: will the project be compatible with government policy, at both central and regional levels?

- Sustainability and risk: will the project be exposed to any undue risks? Will the project benefits be sustainable beyond the life of the project?

3.1.3 Ex-ante Evaluation

(1) Ex-ante Evaluation: As a Practice of Appraisal

Ex-ante evaluation is an evaluation before implementation of a planned project. It is important for

project appraisal.

(2) Purpose and Evaluation Viewpoints of Ex-ante Evaluation Studies

Ex-ante evaluations evaluate plans before starting a project. The evaluation results are used to improve the plan and to judge the relevance of the project. Consequently, the evaluation is first performed primarily with emphasis on relevance. Relevance evaluation means examining whether the project is relevant from the viewpoint of i) necessity – does the need exist in the applicable region, society and among residents?, ii) priority – is the development policy of the Afghanistan in line with Donor’s priorities?, and iii) the adequacy of the project as a means – why was a project with this kind of project objective selected? Are the target region and the target group appropriate? – and others. When evaluating the other evaluation criteria (effectiveness, impact, sustainability, etc.), the point that differs most from the evaluation studies of the mid-term evaluation and the evaluations after that is that the evaluation is based on forecasts and prospects instead of performance and implementation process data from the past. Concretely speaking, the examination is about whether an effect will really be produced when the project is implemented according to this plan, and whether the project is planned in a way that that effect can reliably be grasped and verified.

The result of the study can be filled out in Ex-ante evaluation sheet as the below table.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 10: Ex-ante Evaluation Sheet

1. Project Title:

2. Outline of Project

(1) Outline of the project objective and output

(2) Period of Project

(3) Total amount of Project

(4) Implementing Agency (e.g. Government)

(5) Donor

(6) Target Group and Beneficiaries

3. Necessity and positioning of Project

(1) Current situation and Problems

(2) Positioning within the national policies of Afghanistan such as ANDS

(3) Positioning within Donor’s policy

4. Framework of Project (from Logical Framework or PDM)

(1) Objective of Project (Outcomes)

i) Objective to be achieved at the end of Project (Project Purpose)

ii) Objective expected to be achieved after the end of Project (Overall Goal)

(2) Outputs and Activities

(3) Inputs

i) Donor side

ii) Afghanistan side

(4) External factors (important assumptions that should come true)

5. Evaluation Results based on five evaluation criteria

(1) Relevance

(2) Effectiveness

(3) Efficiency

(4) Impact

(5) Sustainability

6. Consideration for Peacebuilding, Poverty, Gender and Environmental Issues

7. Lessons Learned from Past Experience

8. Future Evaluation Plan

(1) Mid-term Evaluation

(2) Terminal Evaluation

(3) Ex-post Evaluation

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


3.2 Implementation and Evaluation

During the implementation phase, there are things we must do:

- Update the stakeholder analysis to check that there are no new stakeholders who might influence project success or who should be invited to participate. Also, the circumstances of stakeholder identified at the beginning of the project may change.

- For example, some might have been pushed further into poverty and we might want to include them as primary beneficiaries. On the other hand, some secondary stakeholders might change their viewpoint and become a threat to the project.

- Reassess the risks to the project. - Monitor and review the progress the project is making towards its objective. - Feed the learning from monitoring and reviewing back into the project design. - Go back to the log frame and make adjustments or improvements where appropriate.

The indicators identified in the log frame show how we will know if change has occurred. Monitoring reviewing and evaluation are the terms used for the process of measuring and analyzing the indicators.

3.2.1 Why Should We Do Monitoring, Reviewing and Evaluation?

There are two main reasons for measuring our performance:

- ACCOUNTABILITY: We need to show those who give us resources and those who benefit from our work that we are using the resources wisely.

- LESSON LEARNING: By measuring, analyzing and reflecting on our performance, we can learn lessons that will enable us to either change our project plans or change our approach to other projects.

To measure performance, we need to address

- RLEVANCE: Does the project address needs? - EFFICIENCY: Are we using the available resource wisely? - EFFECTIVENESS: Are the desired output being achieved? - IMPACT: Has the wider goal been achieved? What change has occurred

that help beneficiaries? - SUSTAINABILITY: Will the impact be sustainable?

3.2.2 The Difference between Monitoring, Reviewing and Evaluation

Many people think of monitoring, reviewing and evaluation as the same thing, but they are difference is that they are carried out at different stages of the project:

- MONITORING is done continuously to make sure the project is on track, for example, every month.

- REVIEWING is done occasionally to see whether each level of objectives leads to the next one and whether any changes need to be made to the project plans, for example, every six months.

- EVALUATION is usually done at the end of the project to assess its impact.

The table below looks at some other difference between the three times.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 11: Difference among Monitoring, Reviewing and Evaluation


When is it done?

Continuously - throughout life of a project

Occasionally - in the middle or at the end of the project

Occasionally - in the end or beyond the phase or project

What is measured?

Efficiency - USE of inputs, Activities, outputs, Assumptions

Effectiveness, relevance and immediate impact - achievement of purpose

Longer-term impact and sustainability - achievement of purpose and goal and unplanned change

Who is involved? Staff within the organization

Staff and people from outside the organization

People from outside the organization

What sources of information are used?

Internal documents e.g.: monthly or quarterly reports, work and travel logs, minutes of meetings

Internal and external Documents e.g.: annual reports, consultants” reports

Internal and external document e.g.: consultant’ report, national statistics, impact assessment reports

Who uses the results? Managers and project staff

Managers, staff, donors, beneficiaries

Managers, staff, donors, beneficiaries, other organizations

How are the results used?

To make minor changes Changes in policies, strategy and future work

Major changes in policy, strategy and future work

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


3.3 Report Writing and Essential Reports for the Project

3.3.1 Reporting

During implementation of a project, it is necessary to record all project activities and to share the records with stakeholders. In the practical world of development, business or government, a report conveys information and (sometime) recommendations from a researcher/practitioner who has investigated a topic in detail or one who has implemented activities. Effective report will give a professional image to the writer and get others to take his work seriously. A well-structured report that has clear objectives will get more attention and is more likely to produce in the intended results.

Reader/Audience: The response to the below questions will help you to decide what to put in the report and what style to write it in:

- Who is your reader/audience? Who are you writing for? - What do they know already? - What do they need to know? - What do they want to know?

3.3.2 Stages of Report Production

Because a Report conveys information, we can argue that the stages to producing one should logically be organized around the information gathering stage.

- Stage one: Framing the issues and planning - Stage two: Information gathering (Researching the Project) - Stage three: Analyzing the information - Stage four: Writing the Report.

3.3.3 Parts of a Report

- Cover Sheet: This should contain some or all of the following: full title of the report; your name; the name of the unit of which the project is a part; the name of the institution; the date.

- Title Page: Full title of the report. Your name. - (Acknowledgements: A thank you to the people who helped you. – Not always necessary) - Contents or Table of Contents: Headings and subheadings used in the report with their

page numbers. Remember that each new chapter should begin on a new page. Use a consistent system in dividing the report into parts. The simplest may be to use chapters for each major part and subdivide these into sections and subsections. 1, 2, 3, etc, can be used as the numbers for each chapter. The sections for chapter 3 (for example) would be 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and so on.

- Abstract or Summary or Executive Summary or Introduction: This is the overview of the whole report. It should let the reader see, in advance, what is in it. This includes what you set out to do, how reviewing literature focused and narrowed your research, the relation of the methodology you chose to your aims, a summary of your findings and of your analysis of the findings.

- BODY ・ Aims and Purpose or Aims and Objectives: Why did you do the work? What was the

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


problem you were investigating? If you are not including a literature review, mention here the other research which is relevant to your work.

・ Methodology: Methodology deals with the methods and principles used in an activity, in this case research. In the methodology chapter you explain the method/s you used for the research and why you thought they were the appropriate ones.

・ Results or Findings: What did you find out? Give a clear presentation of your results. Show the essential data and calculations here. You may want to use tables, graphs and figures.

・ Analysis and Discussion: Interpret your results. What do you make of them? How do they compare with those of others who have done research in this area?

・ Conclusions: What do you conclude? You should summarize briefly the main conclusions which you discussed under "Results." Were you able to answer some or all of the questions which you raised in your aims? Do not be tempted to draw conclusions which are not backed up by your evidence. Note any deviation from expected results and any failure to achieve all that you had hoped.

・ Recommendations: Make your recommendations, if required. Positive or negative suggestions for either action or further research.

・ Appendix: You may not need an appendix, or you may need several. If you have used questionnaires, it is usual to include a blank copy in the appendix. You could include data or calculations, not used in the body, that are necessary, or useful, to get the full benefit from your report.

・ Bibliography: List all the sources to which you refer in the body of the report.

3.3.4 Reports and Development Projects

As we are running or will be running development projects, so it is needed to communicate the progress and out puts of our work with the stakeholders and see to what extant the project is going. It will provide us a chance to control the activities of development projects and realize, if they (activities) are in a mood to achieve the objective of the project written at the rational of the project or its logframe.

During the implementation, generally we have to prepare the following sorts of reports.

- Progress Report: in each projects, projects implementers (FPs or CDCs) are obligated to prepare weekly, monthly etc… (Depends on the project duration or expectations of Donor) progress reports for key stakeholders to ensure the accountability of lunched activities in process of receiving the outputs and objective stated in the rational of the project or its logframe.

- Monitoring Report and Review Report: During the implementation period, on weekly, monthly basis or (Depends on the project duration or expectations of Donor) can be controlled, and compared with each indicator, mentioned in the Logframe of the project and report to the considered section.

- Completion Report: The completion report is the final report, provided at the end of the project, when all the activities of the projects are completed.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


GLOSSARIES English Pashto Dari Definition

Monitoring ارنه دپروژي دفعاليتونو دکنترول لپاره نظارت ارنهي په دوامدار شکل سره دپروژي په جریان ک

ي ترسره کيEvaluation یه شروع وسط او یا د پروزي ارزونه دپروژي ارزیابي ارزیابي

لو لپاره ي یدوروسته دهغي دحالت دحالت دبشپو پوه شو چي پروژه دپالن ي تر او تر سره کيي عملي شویده .اکلي هدف سره په توافق ک

Logical Framework یوه منطقي چوکات دي چه د پروزي د ترتيب او چوکات منطقي منطقي چوکاټي او د پروزي دیزاین د پاره په کار اچول کي

ي شامله ده ارنه او ارزیابي هم پکProject ي چي پروژه پروژه اکلي دفعاليتونو محموعي ته ویل کي دیو

هدف لپاره په مشخصه بودیجه او مشخص وخت ي ترسره شي ک

Sub project اکل شوي پروژه فرعي فرعي پروژه يز پروزي ته وایيدکليوالو لخو ا بنسimplementation دپروژي عملي کيدنه تطبيق تطبيق Stakeholders چي په یوه خاصه ولي هغي مربوطه اداري دي ادارات مربوطه مربوطه اداري

ي دیو هدف لپاره کار کويمشترک ساحه کDirect beneficiaries ه مستقيم

اخيستونکيه مستفدین مستقيم ه اخستونکي دي چي مخامخ گ دپروژي هغه

ي خه رسي ورته دپروژي Indirect beneficiaries ه غير مستقيم

اخيستونکيمستفد ین غير مستقيم ه ا خستونکي د ي چي دپروژي دپروژي هغه گ

ه ه اخستونکو لخواورته گ دمخامخ یا مستقيمو گي رسي

Methodology دیوکار یا عمليې دتر سره کولو طریقي یا طریقه طریقهئ طرزعمل ته ویل کي

Objectives د پروزي نهایي متوقع السته راوړني ته ویل هدف هدفي کي

Purpose اکلي روزنيز مقصد مقصد رام نهایي هدف ته ویل د یو پروي کي

Assumption هغه نامعلومه باندي فکتور چه د پروکرام په فرضيه احتماالتي مقابل کي خند واقع کي

Activity د پروزي د تطبيق د پاره کوچني مراحل ته ویل فعاليت فعاليتي کي

Formal Evaluation ي چه د باندي د پروزي هغه ارزوني ت ارزیابي رسمي رسمي ارزونه ه ویل کيي خه تر سره کي

Self Evaluation خه په خپله ارزیابي خودي اني ارزونه د پروزي د عملي کوونکو د خوا ددوي په وسيله د ارزوني تر سره کولو ته ویل

ي کيOutput خه وروسته په دست اوردها السته راوړنه هغه نتایچ چه د فعاليت د اچرا

ه الست يفوري تو ه راEffect ي تاثير تاثير د یو عمل نهایي تاتير ته ویل کيImpact د یو فعاليت تاتير او ونده د مقاصدو په حصول اثر اثر

کيAccountability ي حسابدهي حساب ورکونه شفاف حساب ورکونه ته ویل کيOutcome ي دستاورد السته راوړنه د پروژي د فعاليتونو په نتيجه کي السته راPerformance نه ني چه د پرمختک په لور تر یو خاص اجراات ک هغه ک

ي شرایطو الندي اجرا کي

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



Asian Productivity Organization (2002) Participatory Project Cycle Management (PPCM): A Planning Method for Community Development, Asian Productivity Organization, http://www.apo-tokyo.org/icd/act_intl_trc/PPCM_paper.pdf

Atif, Abdul Hakim (200x) Guideline of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. MRRD, Kabul.

Blackman, Rachel (2003) Roots Resources 5: Project Cycle Management Tear Fund, England

BRAC Afghanistan (2006) Course Outline & Reading Materials, under JSPR Fellowship Training Program II-2: Project Cycle Management, BRAC Afghanistan, Kabul

European Commission (2004) Aid Delivery Methods Volume 1: Project Cycle Management Guidelines, European Commission, Brussels

FASID (2004) Management Tool for Development Assistance: Participatory Planning, FASID, Tokyo

FASID (2006) Management Tool for Development Assistance: Monitoring and Evaluation, FASID, Tokyo

GTZ (1997) ZOPP: Objectives-oriented Project Planning, GTZ, Eschbom

IFAD (2002) A Guide for Project M&E, IFAD, Rome, http://www.ifad.org/evaluation/guide/index.htm

JICA (2004) JICA Guideline for Project Evaluation: Practical Methods for Project Evaluation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Tokyo

Nabris, Khalid (2002) Monitoring & Evaluation – Based on a PASSIA Training Course, PASSIA, Jerusalem

OECD (1991) DAC Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance, OECD, Paris, http://www.dfid.gov.uk/aboutdfid/performance/files/guidance-evaluation.pdf

OECD (2002) Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management, OECD, Paris

OECD (2006) DAC Evaluation Series: Guidance for Managing Joint Evaluations, OECD, Paris


JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 1. Introduction of PCM Session 1.1 Background and History of PCM Time (Duration) 45 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain the Background and History of PCM.

Agenda - Sharing what Background and History of PCM - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with power point) - Power Point presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“What kind of tools do you know concerning management of development project?”, “Can you explain Background and History of these tools?”

- Listing up answers to “What kind of tools do you know concerning management of development project?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider “What kind of tools do you know concerning management of development project?” Outputs - List of “What kind of tools do you know

concerning management of development project?”

- List of “Background and History of project management tools”

30 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Definition of Background and History of PCM”, Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain about definition, background and history of PCM. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions. - “What is Background and History of PCM?” Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 1. Introduction of PCM Session 1.2 Concepts - What is PCM? Time (Duration) 75 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain the definition, principles, methods, and actors.

Agenda - Sharing the definition. - Sharing the principles - Sharing the methods - Sharing the actors - Sharing the participatory planning

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

What is definition of PCM? What are principles of PCM?

Listing up answers to “concept of PCM” and Project cycle. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about

- What is definition of PCM? - What are principles of PCM?

Outputs - List of “what definition of PCM - List of “what are principles of PCM?”

25 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

What is definition of PCM? What are principles of PCM?

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain definition and principles of PCM. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions about the new session

What are methods? Who are actors?

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about methods and actors of PCM. Outputs - List of “what are methods of PCM?" - List of “who are actors?”

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation.

What are methods? Who are actors?

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain the methods and actors of PCM. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is definition of PCM? What are principles of PCM? Who are actors?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 1. Introduction of PCM Session 1.3 Components Time (Duration) 70 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

-Explain programme cycle, project cycle, stages, Logical Framework, and participatory planning

Agenda - Sharing the program cycle. - Sharing the project cycle - Sharing the stages - Sharing the Logical Framework - Sharing the participatory planning

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions about the previous session.

What is definition of concept of PCM? What are the principles of PCM?

Asking about new session What is component of PCM? What is programme cycle?

Listing up answers to “concept of PCM” and Project cycle. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about

“what is definition of concepts, and principle of PCM.

- “What is component of PCM? - “What is programme cycle?” Outputs - List of “ what definition of concepts

is” - List of “what are principles of PCM?”- List of “what component of PCM?" - List of “what is programme cycle?”

10 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

What is programme cycle? Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain programme cycle Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

15 mins

Activities - Asking the following “What is project?” "What is project cycle?" "What are stages?" "What is log frame?" Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about project. Outputs - List of “What is project?” - List of "What is project cycle?" - List of "What are stages?" - List of "What is log frame?"

40 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation. “What is project”? "What is project cycle?" "What are stages?" "What is logframe?" Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain the definition of project, project cycle, stages, logframe. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is program cycle? What is project cycle? What is log frame?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 2. Project Design Session 2.1 Stakeholder Analysis Time (Duration) 265 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain the Stakeholder Analysis. - Explain the type of stakeholders. - Explain the Importance and influence of stakeholders. - Conduct Stakeholder Analysis.

Agenda - Sharing what stakeholders Analysis, type of stakeholders, Importance of Stakeholders,) - Conduct Stakeholder Analysis. - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with power point) - Power Point presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know stakeholders Analysis?”, “Have you Explain stakeholders Analysis?” “What is it?”

- Listing up answers to “What stakeholders Analysis ” Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider “what stakeholders Analysis. Outputs - List of “What stakeholders Analysis is”- List of “stakeholders Analysis points”

30 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint

presentation “Stakeholders Analysis”, Type of stakeholders. Importance and influence of stakeholders. Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain what stakeholders Analysis”, type of stakeholders. Importance and influence of stakeholders. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

170 mins

Activities Group work on stakeholder analysis - Identify stakeholders on a village - Select a particular sector and related stakeholders - Analyse each stakeholder Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they will identify stakeholders on a village and analyse them concerning a sector. Outputs - Flip charts of group works”

40 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works on stakeholder analysis Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions. - “What is stakeholders Analysis?”, “What is stakeholders.

Importance and influence of stakeholders? Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 2. Project Design Session 2.2 Problem Analysis Time (Duration) 285 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain problem analysis and its importance. - Explain problem tree. - Explain method and steps of development of problem tree. - Develop problem tree.

Agenda - Sharing the problem analysis and its importance - Sharing the problem tree - Sharing the method and steps of development of problem tree - Sharing the Logical Framework

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

5 mins Activities - Asking the following questions about the previous session.

What is stakeholder analysis? How many kinds of stakeholders?

Asking about new session What is problem analysis? What is the importance of problem analysis?

Listing up answers to “Problem analysis” and Project cycle. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about

“what is stakeholder analysis? How many kinds of stakeholders?

- What is problem analysis? - What is importance of problem

analysis? Outputs - List of “ what stakeholder analysis is” - List of “How many kinds of stake

holders?” - List of “what is problem analysis?" - List of “what is importance of

problem analysis?”

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation What is problem analysis? Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain problem analysis Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

220 mins

Activities Group work on the problem analysis - Select a core problem - Develop a problem tree Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they will work about drawing problem tree. Outputs - Flip charts of group works”

40 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works of problem analysis Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is problem analysis? How we will develop problem tree?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 2. Project Design Session 2.3 Objective Analysis Time (Duration) 130 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain the Objective Analysis and its importance. - Explain the objective tree - Explain the method and steps of development of objective tree. - Develop objective tree.

Agenda - Sharing what Objective Analysis and its importance, objective tree, method and steps of development of objective tree. - Conduct Objective Analysis. - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with power point) - Power Point presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know Objective Analysis?”, “Have you Explain Objective Analysis?” “What is it?”

- Listing up answers to “What objective Analysis ” Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider “what Objective Analysis. Outputs - List of “What Objective Analysis is” - List of “Objective Analysis points”

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation“Objective Analysis”, Type of Objective, Importance and Objective tree. Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain what Objective Analysis”, Type of Objective. Importance and influence of Objective tree. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

75 mins

Activities Group work on the problem analysis - Set a core objective - Develop a objective tree Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they will work about drawing objective tree. Outputs - Flip charts of group works”

20 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works of objective analysis Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions. “What is Objective Analysis?” “What is Objective, Importance and Objective tree?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 2. Project Design Session 2.4 Scoping and Project Selection Time (Duration) 75 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

-Explain focusing/ scoping a project. -Develop objective tree with scoping.

Agenda - Sharing the focusing/ scoping a project. - Sharing the develop objective tree with scoping

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

5 mins Activities - Asking the following question.

What is scoping a project? Listing up answers to “scoping of a project”. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - What is scoping a project? Outputs - List of “What is scoping a project?

10 mins Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation What is scoping a project? Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain scoping a project. Outputs

40 mins Activities - Group work about scoping of a project ” Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they will work about drawing scoping of a project. Outputs Flip charts of group works.

15 mins Activities - Presentation of group works of resource map Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is scoping of a project?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 2. Project Design Session 2.5 Logical Framework (Logframe) Time (Duration) 320 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain logical framework. - Explain importance of logical framework. - Explain terminologies of components of logical framework. - Explain methods of development of logical framework. - Explain narrative summary. - Explain assumptions and pre-condition. - Explain indicators. - Explain inputs. - Explain relationships among items of Log frame. - Develop Logical Framework.

Agenda - Sharing the logical framework. - Sharing the importance of logical framework - Sharing the terminologies of components of logical framework. - Sharing the methods of development of logical framework. - Sharing the narrative summary. - Sharing the assumptions - Sharing the indicators. - Sharing the evidence. - Sharing the inputs. - sharing the relationships among items of log frame.

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities -Asking the following questions

What is log frame? What are terminologies of components of logical framework?

What are methods of development of logical framework? What is narrative summary?

-Listing up answers to “logical framework”. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about - What is log frame? - What are terminologies of

component of logical framework? - What are methods of development of

logical framework? - What is narrative summary? Outputs - List of “What is log frame? - List of “What are terminologies of

component of logical framework? - List of “What are methods of

development of logical framework? - List of narrative summary?

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

What is logframe? What are terminologies of components of logical framework?

What are methods of development of logical framework? What is narrative summary?

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain framework Outputs

60 mins

Activities - Group work about narrative summary of framework” Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they work about develop narrative summary. Outputs Flip charts of group works.

20 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works of narrative summary of

framework Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

5 mins Activities Asking about the following question - What is assumption? Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about

“what is assumption? Outputs - List of “what is assumption?”

15 mins

Activities Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation What is assumption?, What is pre-condition? Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain assumption and pre-condition. Outputs

30 mins

Activities - Group work about assumption” Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they work about identifying assumption. Outputs Flip charts of group works.

10 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works of assumption Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

10 mins

Activities Asking about the following question - What is indicator (OVI)?

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about “what is indicator?

Outputs - List of “what is indicator?”

25 mins

Activities Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation - What is indicator (OVI)?

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain indicator. Outputs

5 mins Activities Asking about the following question - What is Source of Verification (SOV)? Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about “what is SOV?

Outputs - List of “what is SOV?”

15 mins

Activities Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation What is SOV? Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain SOV. Outputs

70 mins

Activities - Group work about indicator (OVI and SOV) Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they work about set indicators and SOV. Outputs Flip charts of group works.

20 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works of indicator (OVI and SOV). Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is logframe? What is assumption? What is indicator? What is source of verification?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 2. Project Design Session 2.6 Implementation Plan Time (Duration) 120 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Introduction of Action plan - Activity planning worksheet. - Monitoring and reviewing system. - Input.

Agenda - Introducing and explaining Action Plan. - Creating Action plan

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

5 mins Activities - Asking the following questions.

What is Implementation Plan? What points should be considered in creating

Implementation Plan? Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about

“introduction and importance of Implementation Plan?

- They will understand that “How Implementation Plan is developed?

Outputs - List of Introduction points of

Implementation Plan.

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following points by using PowerPoint

presentation Introduction of Implementation plan Activity planning worksheet. Monitoring and reviewing system. Input.

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain Implementation Plan. Outputs

75 mins

Activities - Group work about Implementation plan Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6or 8 persons and they work about creating implementation plan Outputs Flip charts of group works.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

20 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works of Implementation Plan. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer

Outcome. The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is Action plan? Which are the major parts of Action plan?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 3. Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation Session 3.1 Project Appraisal and Ex-ante Evaluation Time (Duration) 30 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain what project appraisal is (definition, types, criteria, etc). - Explain about ex-ante evaluation and its reporting.

Agenda - Sharing the project appraisal (definition, types and criteria). - Sharing the ex-ante evaluation and its reporting

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

5 mins Activities Asking the following questions

What is definition of appraisal? What is ex-ante evaluation?

Listing up answers to “appraisal and ex-ante evaluation”. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about - What is definition of appraisal? - What is ex-ante evaluation? Outputs - List of “what is definition of

appraisal? - List of “what is ex-ante evaluation?

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

What is project appraisal? What is ex-ante evaluation?

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain program Outputs

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is project appraisal? What is ex-ante evaluation?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 3. Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation Session 3.2 Implementation and Evaluation Time (Duration) 65 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Implementation and Evaluation - Reason of monitoring, reviewing and evaluation. - Difference of monitoring, reviewing and evaluation

Agenda - Introducing and explaining Implementation and Evaluation. - Discussing the main points of the session.

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

What is Implementation? What is evaluation?

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about

“implementation and evaluation? Outputs - Introduction points of monitoring and

evaluation. - List of “implementation and


45 mins

Activities - Explaining and discussion the following points by using

PowerPoint presentation Implementation and Evaluation Reason of monitoring, reviewing and evaluation Difference of monitoring, reviewing and evaluation

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain monitoring, reviewing and evaluation. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. Implementation and Evaluation Reason of monitoring, reviewing and evaluation Difference of monitoring, reviewing and evaluation

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

Session Outline: Module 3. Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation Session 3.3 Report Writing and Essential Reports for the Projects Time (Duration) 110 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain definition, stages, and parts of a report. - Write different Reports for the development projects.

Agenda - Sharing the definition, stages, and parts of a report. - Sharing the different reports for the development projects.

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities Asking the following questions - What is definition of report? - What are stages and parts of report? Listing up answers to “reporting”. Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome - The participants will consider about - What is definition of report? - What are stages and parts of

reports? Outputs - List of “What is definition of report? - List of “What are stages and parts of reports?

30 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation What is report writing and essential report for a project? Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain report writing. Outputs

45 mins

Activities - Group work about report writing ”

Develop table of contents for each report with necessary items to be reported.

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are divided into 4 small groups and each group included 6 or 7 persons and they develop table of contents Outputs Flip charts of group works.

20 mins

Activities - Presentation of group works of report writing Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer

Outcome The participants share and exchange ideas of other groups. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009

5 mins Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

question. What is the definition of report? What are stages and parts of report?

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs



Evaluation of PCM Training by Participants Date: Please rate or write your comments on each question. For questions to be rated, please consider them as 1: Very little, 2: little, 3: Fair, 4: Much, 5: Very Much. <Section 1: Contents of the Training> 1-1: Were the contents understandable? 1 2 3 4 5 1-2: Did the contents meet your expectation?

1 2 3 4 5 1-3: Which sessions were the most interesting? (Please select up to two.) 1. Background and History of PCM. 2. Concept of PCM 3. Components of PCM. 4. Stakeholder analysis. 5. Problem analysis. 6. Objective analysis. 7. Scoping and Project Selection. 8. Logical Framework. 9. Implementation Plan. 10. Appraisal and ex-ante evaluation. 11. Implementation and evaluation. 12. Report writing and essential reports of the projects.

1-4: Which sessions were the least interesting? (Please select up to two.) 1. Background and History of PCM. 2. Concept of PCM 3. Components of PCM. 4. Stakeholder analysis. 5. Problem analysis. 6. Objective analysis. 7. Scoping and Project Selection. 8. Logical Framework. 9. Implementation Plan. 10. Appraisal and ex-ante evaluation. 11. Implementation and evaluation. 12. Report writing and essential reports of the projects.

1-5: Are the contents applicable to your current jobs? 1 2 3 4 5 1-6: Any comments and suggestions on the contents


<Section 2: Handouts> 2-1: Were the handouts understandable? 1 2 3 4 5 2-2: Were the handouts useful to help you understand the training? 1 2 3 4 5 2-3: Any comments and suggestions on the handouts <Section 3: Trainers/Facilitators> 3-1: Did the trainers/facilitators explain the contents clearly? 1 2 3 4 5 3-2: Were the teaching methods suitable? 1 2 3 4 5 3-3: Was the facilitation of the trainers/facilitators effective? 1 2 3 4 5 3-4: Were the trainers/facilitators friendly? 1 2 3 4 5 3-5: Any comments and suggestions on the trainers/facilitators and teaching method.


<Section 4: Training Facilities, Learning Environment> 4-1: Was the space of the training room sufficient? 1 2 3 4 5 4-2: Were there sufficient space for group works? 1 2 3 4 5 4-3: Was the arrangement of the training room suitable? 1 2 3 4 5 4-4: Any suggestions on the training room and facilities. <Section 5: Timing and Schedule> 5-1: Was the timing of the training suitable for you? 1 2 3 4 5 5-2: How are you satisfied with the training schedule? (length of the whole training, length of each session, timing of breaks, etc) 1 2 3 4 5 5-3: How can we improve the training schedule? Please write your suggestions.


Self-evaluation before the PCM Training

Name: Organisation: <Section 0> 0-1: Have you ever had any PCM training? YES NO 0-2: If yes, when and what kind? <Section 1> Do you know “Project Cycle Management”? Circle a number for each question (1: nothing about the idea, 2: vague understanding of the idea, 3: proper understanding of the idea, 4: deeper understanding of the idea, 5: can explain the idea to those who do not know it) concerning your understanding about following topics, before attending the training. 1-1: Background and History of PCM (1.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-2: Introduction of PCM, it components with different stages (1.2, 1.3) 1 2 3 4 5 1-3: Stakeholder analysis (2.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-4: Problem analysis (2.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-5: Objective analysis (2.3) 1 2 3 4 5


1-6: Scoping and Project Selection (2.4) 1 2 3 4 5 1-7: Logical framework (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5 1-8: Assumption (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5 1-9: Indicators (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5 1-10: Source of verification (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5 1-11: Implementation/Action Plan (2.6) 1 2 3 4 5 1-12: Appraisal and ex-ant evaluation (3.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-13: Monitoring and Evaluation (3.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-14: Report Writing and essential reports for projects (3.3) 1 2 3 4 5 < Section 2> What do you expect to learn from the training? Please imagine what you become able to do through the training.


Self-Evaluation after the PCM Training

Name: Organisation: <Section 1> How much do you understand “Project Cycle Management”? Circle a number for each questions (1: nothing about the idea, 2: vague understanding of the idea, 3: proper understanding of the idea, 4: deeper understanding of the idea, 5: can explain the idea to those who do not know it) concerning your understanding about following topics, after attending the training. 1-1: Background and History of PCM (1.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-2: Introduction of PCM, it components with different stages (1.2, 1.3) 1 2 3 4 5 1-3: Stakeholder analysis (2.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-4: Problem analysis (2.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-5: Objective analysis (2.3) 1 2 3 4 5 1-6: Scoping and Project Selection (2.4) 1 2 3 4 5 1-7: Logical framework (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5 1-8: Assumption (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5


1-9: Indicators (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5 1-10: Source of verification (2.5) 1 2 3 4 5 1-11: Implementation/Action Plan (2.6) 1 2 3 4 5 1-12: Appraisal and ex-ant evaluation (3.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-13: Monitoring and Evaluation (3.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-14: Report Writing and essential reports for projects (3.3) 1 2 3 4 5

Pre & Post Assessment of PCM Training

Name: Organization:

Date: Score: 1. Please describe the definition of the PCM The PCM is a tool for project design and managing project as a cycle, including planning, implementation with monitoring and evaluation. 2. As a method, please describe the similarities and difference between PRA and

PCM. Both PRA and PCM are participatory method for identifying issues and analysing those issues using tools such as cause and effect analysis. On the other hand, PCM focuses on project formulation and management using logframe for a particular project, while PRA focuses on identification of issues and solutions within community regardless a particular project. 3. Please select the related methods to create the PCM method 1) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) 2) Logical Framework Approach 3) Appreciative Inquiry (AI) 4) KJ method 5) Zopp Method 6) Rural Rapid Appraisal (RRA) 4. Please describe what problems and lesson learnt were appeared in the projects

under the Development Assistant Committee? The textbook explain 4 problems and 5 lessons learnt.

Problems: - Mismatching between projects and priority needs of community - Less achievement of outputs - Unsustainable development - Escalation project cost depend on the delay of schedule Lesson learnt: - Difficulty of motivating the local initiative and ownership - Difficulty of sustaining the projects implemented - Duplication of assisting the targets by donors/supporting agencies - Difficulty of transferring techniques to the targets with various ways and

methods by donors/supporting agencies - Narrow view of utilization of funds without fungibility issue 5. How many phases are there in Project Cycle? And please describe the phases. Numbers of Phases: 3 Phases: 1) Preparation, 2) Implementation, 3) Follow-up

6. How many stages are there in Preparation Phase? And please describe the stages Numbers of Stages: 3 Stages: 1) Planning, 2) Appraisal for formulation based on ex-ante evaluation, 3) Agreement among government and donor/supporting agencies.

7. Please fill out the blank on the sentence. The participatory planning and monitoring & evaluation are one of (tools) for realize each phase. For example, participatory planning is used in the (preparation) phase, and the monitoring is used in the (implementation) phase, the evaluation is used on (project selection), (meddle and terminal of implementation) and after (several year of the completion of the project). 8. Please fill out the blanks in Logframe. Narrative Summary (Objectively

Verifiable Indicators)

(Means of Verifications)

(Important Assumption)

(Overall Goal)

(Project Purpose)


(Activities) Inputs: Pre-condition:

9. Please describe relationships among items in Narrative Summary. The achievement of activities will be contributed achievement and performance of the outputs, as well as there are same relationships between outputs and project purpose, project purpose and overall goal. 10. Please describe sub-stages and steps of Participatory Planning Stage.

Stage Sub-stages Steps - Stakeholders Analysis - Problem Analysis - Objective Analysis

- Analysis

- Project Selection - Logframe

Participatory Planning

- Planning - Implementation Plan

11. Please explain the following about Stakeholders Analysis. Definition of stakeholders analysis: The stakeholders Analysis clarify the organizations, groups and people relevant to the target area, issue and problem. Who are stakeholders: Stakeholders are User groups, interest groups, Beneficiaries, Decision-makers, Those often excluded and etc. What is result of Stakeholders? - List the possible stakeholders with interests - List of Detailed Analysis including basic information of stakeholders, problems /

weakness, needs, strengths / potentials and action to take. 12. Please explain the following about Problem Analysis. Definition of Problem Analysis: The Problem Analysis clarifies the problems for the target area and sector, and the relationships among identified problem. What kind of method will be used in Problem Analysis: Cause and Effect What is result of Problem Analysis: Problem Trees 13. Please explain the following about Objective Analysis. Definition of Objective Analysis: The Objective Analysis considers ways of solving identified problems. What kind of method will be used in Objective Analysis: End and Means What is result of Objective Analysis: Objective Trees

14. Please explain the following about Project Selection. Definition of Project Selection: The Project Selection decides on the type of approach to be taken as well as identifies the project. What kind of method will be used in the Project Selection: - Clustering - Ranking and Scoring with Selection Criteria What is result of Project Selection: Draft Narrative Summary of expected project as expected project outline. What are the points to be considered in project selection? - Target group and number of people in target group - Target area - Related agencies - Inputs - Needs - Policy priority - Possible Negative Impact - Feasibility - Sustainability 15. Please explain the following items of Logframe.

Items Definition Indicators Indicators are a measurable or tangible sign that something has

been done. Assumption Assumption turn risks in to positive statements. They are

conditions that need to be met if the project is to continue. Inputs Inputs are the physical and non- physical Means necessary to

carry out the planned activities. Pre-condition Necessary conditions that must be fulfilled before the project gets

underway. 16. Please fill out the blank of the following sentence. The logframe is shown only the project (outline), and it is difficult to manage/control the project, using only logframe. Based on the logframe should be designed the (implementation) plan which are considered the real activities with (main actor), (inputs (material, equipment and capital)) and (its timing).

17. Please describe what kinds of appraisal are there for project appraisal? There are three appraisals.

- Social Appraisal - Gender Appraisal - Social Cost Benefit Analysis 18. Please describe view points of the ex-ante evaluation. - Necessity - Priorities - Adequacy of the project as a means 19. Why should we do monitoring, reviewing and evaluation? There are two main reasons for measuring our performance:

- Accountability - Lesson Learning

JSPR Model Monitoring and

Evaluation (M&E) Training Manual

March 2009

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration

and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR)



JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Framework of Training

Monitoring and Evaluation Training

1.1 Rationale of Training Implementation

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are parts of Project Cycle Management (PCM). Monitoring is the process of collecting project implementation data, checking progress of projects, comparing the progress to plans, and implementing some actions if the projects are not performed according to the plans. Evaluation is the tool to examine whether projects are implemented effectively and efficiently by using a set criteria and searching for ways to make implementation more effective and efficient. Evaluation is conducted before, during, and after project implementation. Both monitoring and evaluation are important tools of project management.

One of major tasks of a community development workers is to facilitate community members to implement projects for the development of their community. Community development workers conduct monitoring and evaluation of these projects to support community members to improve implementation of the projects. Therefore, it is essential for community development workers to acquire competencies of conducting monitoring and evaluation in the field.

1.2 Participants

• CLDD/MRRD staff

• PRRDD staff

• District Social Organisers (DSOs)

• Facilitation Partners’ staff (Local NGO staff)

1.3 Objective

The training will enhance participants knowledge and skills of project monitoring and evaluation.

1.4 Outcomes

• Participants will be able to explain general concepts of monitoring and evaluation.

• Participants will be able to explain monitoring and evaluation as an integral component of project planning and implementation processes and conduct monitoring and evaluation using appropriate methods and tools.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.5 Contents Outcome Module Session KSA acquired through the session

Participants will be able to explain general concepts of monitoring and evaluation. 1.1 Introduction of M&E

- Explain what monitoring and evaluation are. - Explain objectives of M&E. - Explain relationship between M&E

1. Overview of M&E

1.2. M&E and PCM - Explain what PCM is. - Explain M&E under the PCM method.

Participants will be able to explain monitoring and evaluation as an integral component of project planning and implementation processes and conduct monitoring and evaluation using appropriate methods and tools.

2.1 Introduction of Monitoring

- Explain what monitoring is. - Explain objectives of monitoring.

2.2 Monitoring Procedure

- Explain what items should be monitored. - Explain levels of monitoring. - Explain what monitoring system is. - Explain what monitoring plan is. - Explain monitoring for modification of Logframe. - Establish monitoring system. - Develop monitoring plan.

2.3 Methods of Data Collection

- Explain what observations are. - Explain what semi structured interviews are. - Conduct observations. - Conduct semi structured interviews.

2. Monitoring

2.4 Reporting Monitoring Results

- Explain how to report monitoring results. - Report monitoring results.

3.1 Introduction of Evaluation

- Explain what evaluation is. - Explain objectives of evaluation. - Explain types of evaluation. - Explain major steps of evaluation.

3.2 Planning Evaluation

- Explain how to plan evaluation. - Explain what confirmation of evaluation purpose is. - Explain how to organize information of the target project. - Organize information of the target project. - Explain how to formulate evaluation work plan. - Develop evaluation grid as evaluation work plan.

3.3 Conducting Evaluation Survey

- Explain how to collect data in a practical way. - Collect necessary data. - Explain how to interpret collected data.- Analyze and interpret collected data.

3. Evaluation

3.4 Reporting Evaluation Results

- Explain tips for preparing evaluation reports. - Explain typical contents of evaluation reports.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.6 Teaching Methods

• Brainstorming

• Lecture

• Group work

• Role playing

• Ice breaking

1.7 Facilitators/Supervisor

• Facilitators

Facilitators should have experience in facilitating M&E training and in participating in training of trainers.

• Co-facilitators

Co-facilitators should have experience in participating M&E training as either participants or facilitators.

• Supervisor

It is better that the supervisor know the contents of M&E training very well. It is recommended that the supervisor is a person who will develop a textbook of the training.

1.8 Venue and Duration

Venue: MRRD Facility

Duration: 4 full days

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.9 Detailed Schedule (Sample)

Day 1 (Date) Module Session Time Topic

- Opening of the training

0900_1030 Reading of Holy Quran, Opening remarks, Introduction of Participants, Training agreement, explanation of training schedule and Pre-test and self-evaluation (before).

- Tea break 1030_1045 - - Continuation of tests 1045_1130 Pre-test and self-evaluation (before). 1. Overview of M&E

1.1 Introduction of M&E

1130_1230 - Explain what monitoring and evaluation are. - Explain objectives of M&E. - Explain relationship between M&E

- Lunch and Pray 1230_1330 1. Overview of M&E

1.2 M&E and PCM 1330_1450 - Explain what PCM is. - Explain M&E under the PCM method.

2. Monitoring

2.1 Introduction of Monitoring

1450_1530 - Explain what monitoring is. - Explain objectives of monitoring.

Day 2 (Date) Module Session Time Topic

- Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions 2. Monitoring

2.2 Monitoring Procedure

0920_1030 - Explain what items should be monitored. - Explain levels of monitoring. - Explain what monitoring system is. - Explain what monitoring plan is. - Explain monitoring for modification of Logframe. - Establish monitoring system. - Develop monitoring plan.

- Tea break 1030_1045 - 2.2 Monitoring Procedure

1045_1140 Continuation of last session 2. Monitoring

2.3 Methods of Data Collection

1140_1230 - Explain what observations are. - Explain what semi structured interviews are. - Conduct observations. - Conduct semi structured interviews.

- Lunch and Pray 1230_1330 - 2.3 Method of Data Collection

1330_1425 Continuation of last session 2. Monitoring

2.4 Reporting Monitoring results

1425_1530 - Explain how to report monitoring results. - Report monitoring results.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Day 3 (Date) Module Session Time Topic

- Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions 3. Evaluation 3.1 Introduction of

Evaluation 0920_1030 - Explain what evaluation is.

- Explain objectives of evaluation. - Explain types of evaluation. - Explain major steps of evaluation.

- Tea break 1030_1045 - 3.1 Introduction of Evaluation

1045_1100 Continuation of last session 3. Evaluation

3.2 Planning Evaluation

1100_1230 - Explain how to plan evaluation. - Explain what confirmation of evaluation purpose is. - Explain how to organize information of the target project. - Organize information of the target project. - Explain how to formulate evaluation work plan. - Develop evaluation grid as evaluation work plan.

- Lunch and Pray 1230_1330 - 3. Evaluation 3.2 Planning

Evaluation 1330_1530 Continuation of last session

Day 4 (Date) Module Session Time Topic

- Review 0900_0920 Review of last day's sessions 3. Evaluation 3.3 Conducting

Evaluation Survey 0920_1030 - Explain how to collect data practically.

- Collect necessary data. - Explain how to interpret collected data. - Analyze and interpret collected data.

- Tea break 1030_1045 - 3. Evaluation 3.4 Reporting

Evaluation Results 1045_1130 - Explain tips for preparing evaluation

reports. - Explain typical contents of evaluation reports.

- Evaluations 1130_1230 Post-assessment, Self-evaluation (after), Evaluation by participants

- Lunch and Pray 1230_1330 - - Closing Remarks and

Distribution of Certificates

1330_1430 -


Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Textbook of Monitoring and Evaluation

(M&E) Training

March 2009

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR)


MODULE 1: OVERVIEW OF M&E 1.1 Introduction of M&E-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 M&E and PCM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 MODULE 2: MONITORING 2.1 Introduction of Monitoring------------------------------------------------------------ 8 2.2 Monitoring Procedure ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10 2.3 Methods of Data Collection ---------------------------------------------------------- 17 2.4 Reporting Monitoring Results ------------------------------------------------------- 20 MODULE 3: EVALUATION 3.1 Introduction of Evaluation------------------------------------------------------------ 22 3.2 Planning Evaluation-------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 3.3 Conducting Evaluation Survey ------------------------------------------------------ 44 3.4 Reporting Evaluation Results -------------------------------------------------------- 47 GLOSSARY REFERENCES

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



1.1 Introduction of M&E

1.1.1 Monitoring and Evaluation

Although the term, monitoring and evaluation, tends to get run together as if it is only one thing, monitoring and evaluation are, in fact, two distinct sets of organizational activities, related but not identical.

(1) Monitoring

Monitoring is the ongoing process of collecting information about the progress and achievements of a project. Monitoring helps to assess whether or not activities have been performed according to plan so that managers and supervisors can improve the implementation process and/or modify the plan if necessary before the project is completed. Monitoring occurs regularly throughout the project implementation. Monitoring of a project is normally carried out by project implementers who are directly involved in project activities because they can collect more information and make more accurate judgments based on the real situation.

(2) Evaluation

Evaluation is the independent, substantial and purposeful analysis of a project. Evaluation usually identifies the physical, environmental, social and economical impact of a project, or “what effects the project has had”, in order to analyze whether or not resources have been used effectively and efficiently. It can be formative (taking place during the life of a project or organization, with the intention of improving the strategy or way of functioning of the project or organization). It can also be summative (drawing learning from a completed project or an organization that is no longer functioning). Meanwhile evaluation can be carried out before the project design (ex-ante evaluation), during the project implementation (mid-term evaluation), at the end of the project (terminal evaluation), or a time after the project completion(for example, 1, 2 … years). Considering the need for objectivity of evaluation, it is preferred that evaluation is done by external evaluation consultant(s).

1.1.2 Objectives of M&E

The major objective of M&E is to improve project management, find directions for future projects, and/or bring useful lessons for other projects, rather than looking for mistakes or making criticism. Objectives of conducting monitoring and evaluation are summarised as follows:

(1) Improving the quality of the current project

M&E provides information to projects, to show the current status of the project as well as to present a clearer basis for decision-making. Based on the information generated through M&E, project related personnel (i.e. project managers, donors) will take some measures to improve the quality of the project.

(2) Improving the quality of other project

New and other ongoing projects are improved by consideration of lessons learned from project experiences.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


(3) Improving transparency

M&E clarifies the outcomes of fund injection to fund providers, supporters and various other stakeholders for transparency and accountability.

1.1.3 Relationship between M&E

Monitoring and evaluation are two different management tools that are closely related, interactive and mutually supportive. Through routine tracking of project progress, monitoring can provide quantitative and qualitative data useful for designing and implementing project evaluation exercise. On the other hand, evaluations support project monitoring. Through the result of periodic evaluation, monitoring tools and strategies can be refined and developed for future use.

Some might argue that good monitoring substitutes for project evaluations. This might be true in small-scale or short-term projects, or when the main objective in M&E is to obtain information to improve the process on implementation of an ongoing project. However, when a final judgment of regarding project results, impact, sustainability and future development are needed, an evaluation must be conducted.

Project evaluations are less frequent than monitoring activities, considering their costs and time needed.

The following table provides a comparison between monitoring and evaluation:

Table 1: Differences between Monitoring and Evaluation

Item Monitoring Evaluation Frequency Periodic, regular Episodic Main action Keeping track/oversight Assessment Basic purpose Improving efficiency, Adjusting

work plan Improve effectiveness, impact, future programming

Focus Inputs/outputs, process, outcomes, work plans

Effectiveness, relevance, impact, cost-effectiveness

Information sources Routine systems, field observation, progress reports, rapid assessments

Same plus surveys/ studies

Undertaken by Project managers Community workers Community (beneficiaries) Supervisors Funders

Program managers Supervisors Funders External evaluators Community (beneficiaries)

Source: UNICEF, A UNICEF Guide for Monitoring and Evaluation: Making a Difference? New York, 1991, p.3

(Reference: Nabris, 2002, pp 7-8, modified by JSPR)

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.2 M&E and PCM

1.2.1 Project Cycle Management

(1) Project Cycle and Project Cycle Management

Project Cycle Management (PCM) is a method for management of the entire cycle of projects from planning to evaluation.

Figure 1: Project Cycle Management

Projects are managed through utilization of logical frameworks under the PCM method. At Preparation stage, logical frameworks of projects are developed. At Implementation stage, projects are implemented based on logical frameworks. Then at Follow-up stage, lessons learned from project experience will be collected based on logical frameworks, to be utilised for other new and ongoing projects.

(2) Logical Framework

Logical Framework (Logframe) is a table which summarises a project’s objectives, outputs, activities, inputs, assumptions, and indicators. It also shows logical interrelationships among them. Logical Framework is the core of Project Cycle Management and utilised in various ways at every stage of project cycle.




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of Verification

Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Narrative Summary




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of Verification

Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Narrative Summary

Figure 2: Logical Framework



Logical Framework

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Figure 2 describes standard Logical Framework used by several organizations. Depending on organizations, though, forms and terminologies of Logical Framework are a little different.

(3) Five Evaluation Criteria

PCM method applies five evaluation criteria, which are set by Development Assistance Committee (DAC), throughout a project cycle to check projects. They are Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability. According to DAC, each criterion is defined as follows.

• Relevance

The extent to which the objectives of a development intervention are consistent with beneficiaries’ requirements, country needs, global priorities and partners’ and donors’ policies. (OECD, 2002, p.32)

• Effectiveness

The extent to which the development intervention’s objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, taking into account their relative importance. (OECD, 2002, p.20)

• Efficiency

A measure of how economically resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) are converted to results. (OECD, 2002, p.21)

• Impact

Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. (OECD, 2002, p.24)

• Sustainability

The continuation of benefits from a development intervention after major development assistance has been completed. The probability of continued long- term benefits. The resilience to risk of the net benefit flow over time. (OECD, 2002, p.36)

The figure below shows where to look/ check of Logical Framework for examination of each evaluation criterion.

Effectiveness Efficiency



Project Purpose

Overall Goal

SustainabilityImpactRelevance Effectiveness Efficiency



Project Purpose

Overall Goal


Figure 3: Five Evaluation Criteria and Logical Framework

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


1.2.2 M&E under the PCM Method

(1) M&E in Project Cycle

Monitoring and Evaluation are major parts of PCM. Monitoring and Evaluation happens at various stages in a project cycle, as shown in the figure below. Monitoring is usually conducted during implementation of projects. On the other hand, there are several types of evaluations and these evaluations are conducted at appropriate timings throughout a project cycle.

Figure 4: M&E in Project Cycle

(2) M&E Framework under the PCM method

The concept of monitoring and evaluation under the PCM method is illustrated in the framework presented below. This framework is comprised of the following three elements.

1. Logical Framework to develop a correct understanding of the project

2. Five evaluation criteria

3. Perspectives based on cross-cutting issues for a comprehensive evaluation

At Monitoring stage, current status of the project by comparison with the plan (Logical Framework and Plan of Operation) is checked and analysed and appropriate actions to be taken are pursued. Based on monitoring, the plan is revised if necessary.



Ex-ante Evaluation

Mid-term Evaluation

Terminal Evaluation

Ex-post Evaluation


JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Source: FASID, 2004, p.7

Figure 5: Framework for Monitoring under PCM method

For Evaluation, the plan (Logical Framework) is compared to the actual status or achievements and analyzed, then evaluation conclusions are made. To accurately determine the items to be examined and ensure that no significant items are omitted, the evaluator will also consider cross-cutting viewpoints. Based on those conclusions, recommendations for the future course of the current project are made and lessons for other projects are drawn and used to improve decision making processes for the future.


Recommendation Lessons learned


Five Evaluation Criteria-Relevance -Effectiveness -Efficiency -Impact -Sustainability

Plan Current status/ Achievement

Cross-Cutting Viewpoints



Society & Culture

Organization & Institutions

Economy & Finance


Figure 6: Framework for Evaluation under PCM Method

Determine current status


Take appropriate action

Plan of Operation

Logical Framework

-Determine current status of the project and compare to the plan-Identify changes in external conditions

-Analyzing factors hindering or promoting project progress

-Consider measures for addressing factors hindering progress-Revise the plan-Implement corrective action

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


(3) Characteristics of M&E under PCM Method

Here are some advantages and cautions of Monitoring and Evaluation under PCM Method.

• Advantages

a. Comprehensive Monitoring & Evaluation are possible through the application of the five evaluation criteria and perspectives based on cross-cutting issues.

b. It is easy to share project details among those involved in the project when Monitoring & Evaluation are performed.

c. High-quality Monitoring & Evaluation results can be obtained because multiple participants consider results at various stages of the evaluation process.

d. It is possible to employ selectively only some of the five evaluation criteria, depending on Monitoring & Evaluation purposes and timing.

e. Highly transparent evaluations are possible because the Monitoring & Evaluation process can be clearly explained.

• Cautions

a. For projects in which a Logical Framework cannot be created, applying the PCM method is difficult.

b. Performing an accurate evaluation requires that all evaluation team members correctly understand the PCM method.

(FASID, 2004, p.10, modified by JSPR)

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



2.1 Introduction of Monitoring

2.1.1 Monitoring

Monitoring is an ongoing process to periodically check whether or not the project is being implemented as planned the expected results are being produced, to modify the plan when necessary, and to provide feedback on these checking and modification. During the implementation process of the project, the progress of activities and the extent of achievement of objectives or performance are monitored. If any problem is found in comparison with the plan, it is analyzed and appropriate correction measures are taken. These steps are repeated until the project is completed.

A delay may occur in progress due to an unexpected problem or a change in the environment of the project. In such case, the project needs to be advanced after removing the cause of the delay, and taking necessary measures to keep the direction and the track of the project and to correct the plan. If the project activities are ahead of the schedule, the plan may also need to be modified. In either case, sticking to the original plan is not necessarily the best solution as correction. It may be better to move along with the current situation or to review the original plan.

Monitoring should not be used only for progress management. Creating a monitoring framework that positively involves the implementation agency and direct beneficiaries can lead to higher effectiveness of the project through enhancement of the project organization and empowerment of the direct beneficiaries. (FASID, 2002, p.12)

Since it requires accurate data and information on time, information and data collection for Monitoring is basically done by project staff who are the closest people to the project. The collected information and data will be utilised by project managers and staff to check progress of the project.

2.1.2 Objectives of Monitoring

Objectives of Monitoring are summarised as follows:

• Providing project management, staff and other stakeholders with information on whether progress is being made towards achieving project objectives. In this regard, monitoring represents a continuous assessment of project implementation in relation to project plans, resources, infrastructure, and use of services by project beneficiaries.

• Providing regular feedback to enhance the ongoing learning experience and to improve the planning process and effectiveness of interventions.

• Increasing project accountability with donors and other stakeholders.

• Enabling managers and staff to identify and reinforce initial positive project results, strengths and successes. In addition, monitoring alerts managers to actual and potential project weaknesses, problems and shortcomings before it is too late. This will provide managers with the opportunity to make timely adjustments and corrective actions to improve the program/ project design, work plan and implementation strategies.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


• Checking on conditions or situations of a target group, and changes brought about by project activities. In this regard, monitoring assists project management to check whether the project continues to be relevant to the target group and/ or geographical area, and whether project assumptions are still valid. (Nabris, 2002, pp.4-5)

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


2.2 Monitoring Procedure

2.2.1 Item to be monitored

The following items of the Logical Framework need to be monitored first in order to check progress against the project plan:

1. Progress of Activities

Checking the progress of activities according to the detailed activity plan.

2. Achievement of Outputs

Collecting data on Output indicators, and checking achievement of Outputs.

3. Achievement of Project Purpose

Collecting data on Project Purpose indicators, and checking the achievement status.

Major Logical Framework items to be monitored are as shown above. To detect causes of problems and devise proper measures against them, however, situations of inputs and changes in external conditions and preconditions should also be monitored regularly to collect data.

If a gap between the plan and the current status, or a problem is found during monitoring, its cause should be identified and proper measures should be devised to get the project back on track or solve the problem.

In identifying the cause of a problem, it is useful to start by referring to the vertical logic of the Logical Framework. For example, monitoring has revealed that the Project Purpose is not achieved as planned or there is unlikely to be achieved. In such case, the cause is lack of Outputs or imperfection of the Important Assumptions for Outputs. If there is a defect in Outputs, the cause is supposed to lie in Activities or in the Important Assumptions for Activities. Similarly, a delay in Activities may come from Inputs or Preconditions.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 2: Check Points of Vertical Logic of Logical Framework

Problem Check Points Project Purpose - Lack of Outputs?

- Imperfection of Important Assumptions for Outputs?

Outputs - Problems in Activities? - Imperfection of Important Assumptions for Activities?

Activities - Lack of Inputs? - Imperfection of Preconditions?

When the cause is not identified with the vertical logic of the Logical Framework, it should be considered whether or not there is any external factor other than the Important Assumptions, or any problem in the way of operations inside the project. If no cause is pinpointed through these analyses, the plan itself may be defective.

The importance of the above three items to be monitored varies with the stage of the project. During an earlier stage, efforts are concentrated on establishment of the implementation scheme of the project including the monitoring system. Monitoring starts with materialization of the Outputs following the progress of Activities. Frequent monitoring of achievement of the Project Purposes is not very helpful. In a final stage close to completion of the project, on the country, the achievement of the Project Purposes gets great attention. That is, as the project proceeds, the focus of monitoring shifts from 1 to 3 in the list above or in the Logical Framework, and the importance




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of VerificationIndicatorsSummary




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of VerificationIndicatorsSummary




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of VerificationIndicatorsSummary




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of VerificationIndicatorsSummary




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of VerificationIndicatorsSummary




Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Important Assumption

Means of VerificationIndicatorsSummary

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


moves from the bottom to the top. It should be noted, that if baseline data is insufficient, the necessary data needs to be collected as quickly as possible.

Figure 7: Shifts of Focus of Monitoring

If not indicated in the Logical Framework, there are other items that should be monitored during implementation of the project. Examples include external conditions of the project, such as the recipient country’s policies, legal, socio-economic, or institutional frameworks; and coordination with other donor agencies. There are also factors inside the project, including factors related to the management of implementation, such as financial management, team building and procurement, and the relations with the target groups. Most of these factors are examined when negative and positive elements are analyzed, but they should always be watched.

2.2.2 Levels of Monitoring

Focuses and frequencies of Monitoring change even for one project, based on roles and responsibilities of those who monitor. Although the layers of levels are different from project to project, there are two major levels at most of projects: project implementation level and project supervision level.

• Project Implementation Level

Monitoring at project implementation level focuses on daily project activities and progresses and it is conducted directly by those who implement the project. Monitoring at this level, therefore, is conducted more frequently. Monitoring includes minor problems and its solutions as well as major problems. Major problems will be shared with those who are at project supervision level.

• Project Supervision Level

Monitoring at project supervision level focuses more on achievements of outputs and project purposes than on activities. It happens less frequently than it does in the project implementation level: for example, weekly or monthly. Monitoring at the level is conducted by checking monitoring reports at project implementation level as well as direct monitoring of the project. As a result of monitoring, those who at this level sometimes guide those at implementation level on what they can do for better



Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Narrative Summary



Project Purpose

Overall Goal

Narrative Summary

Implementation Stage

Early Middle Final



g Ite


Overall Goal will be evaluated after the completion of the project.

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implementation. If major problems happen, solutions for the problems are discussed with people at project implementation level. Sometimes, those who are at this level are donors and/ or funders for the project, who have to show accountability.

2.2.3 Monitoring System

To carry out monitoring properly, it is essential to establish a system that clearly defines key information for the progress management and regularly collects and summarizes such information for persons or a committee responsible for decision making. This system should be equipped with a scheme to feed results of monitoring and decision-making based on the results timely to work sites of implementation. For daily monitoring, the information flow and feedback shown in the figure below happens at project implementation level. For less frequent monitoring, aggregated information at project implementation level is shared with project supervision level for decision and feedback.

Figure 8: Information Flow and Feedback

The following points should be clarified through the monitoring system.

Information Collection

Information Collection

Information Collection



Feedback Feedback

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Table 3: Items to be Clarified for Monitoring System

Items Things to be clarified 1. Information to be collected (what should be monitored)

• Indicators for Project Purpose • Indicators for Outputs • Achievements of Activities • Other important information inside and outside

of the project 2. Method of information collection (how and when to gather information by whom)

• Persons assigned to information collection • Timing of information collection • Frequency of information collection • Methods of information collection

3. Method of information summarizing/ aggregation (how and when to summarize information by whom)

• Persons assigned to information summarizing • Timing of information summarizing • Frequency of information summarizing • Methods of information summarizing

4. Method of decision-making (when to make decisions by whom)

• Persons or committee responsible for decision-making on whether or not the project plan should be changed

• Timing of decision-making • Frequency of decision-making

5. Method of feedback (how and when to feedback by whom)

• Persons/ units assigned to feedback • Methods of feedback • Timing of feedback

If these points are left unclear, monitoring may not work properly, the progress may not be brought back to the right track in time, or accurate determination may be prevented. The monitoring system should be set up prior to or just after the beginning of a project, immediately after the project staff members are assigned and the plan of operations is established.

For a monitoring system to continue working, all of the people involved in the project, not limited to project managers or leaders, have to fully understand the significance of monitoring, their own responsibilities and the importance of information to be collected and summarized. These people are also required to be aware that the creation of a monitoring system is an element of a management scheme for implementation of a project. Moreover, they have to start paying attention during the implementation of the project so that the direct beneficiaries should be able to maintain and enhance this scheme for themselves. From this point of view, it is desirable for the monitoring system to be established on the initiative of the project staff at the site of the project.

It is also important to continue improving the monitoring system flexibly on a time-to-time basis in terms of the effectiveness of information, the efficiency of collection and delivery of information, and time, budgets and methods needed for the monitoring activities.

2.2.4 Monitoring Plan

When the monitoring system is clarified, a monitoring plan should be developed. Ideally, it is developed along with implementation plan and disbursement schedule before implementation of the project. The figure below shows a sample monitoring plan.

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Figure 9: Sample Monitoring Plan

Monitoring plan is mainly for monitoring of activities of Logical Framework and monitoring action will be planned by activity (or sub-activity, if any). It is better that monitoring plan covers items 1, 2 and 3 in Table 3.

In addition to monitoring of activities, quantities, qualities and timings of inputs should be monitored. These items are usually shown on implementation plans/ operation plans as well as disbursement schedule.

2.2.5 Feedback to Parties Concerned

In monitoring, it is important that the results are shared among relevant parties for understanding and awareness of the same level. Monitoring results need to be shared among all relevant parties, including the target group, and also reported to the upper management of the project and related organization units. In the case of ODA projects, the results are reported to the implementing organizations of both the donor and recipient sides, and in the case of NGO projects, results are also reported to cooperating parties and funding sources.

Depending on the nature, importance and urgency of the individual monitoring result, the person in charge of the project site determines what action to take on a case by case basis - for example, whether to make an emergency report to the upper management and related organizations, include the results in the periodical progress report, or talk in advance with others about what course of actions should be taken.

2.2.6 Monitoring for Modification of Plan/ Logical Framework

(1) Monitoring based on the Evaluation Criteria

Basically, a project plan is not drastically changed/ modified as a result of monitoring. However, sometimes, it becomes necessary to change the plan itself.

When considering the modification of a plan in the monitoring process, the five evaluation criteria should always be kept in mind. While the criteria are described in detail in the Module “Evaluation,” when modifying the plan based on monitoring results, the following points mentioned in the table below need to be noted.


Monitoring Actions(What and how to monitor)

Supervision Level

Implementation Level






Responsible Organization/ Person(By whom)

Monitoring Timing(When to monitor)

Monitoring Items(Activities from Logical Framework)


Monitoring Actions(What and how to monitor)

Supervision Level

Implementation Level






Responsible Organization/ Person(By whom)

Monitoring Timing(When to monitor)

Monitoring Items(Activities from Logical Framework)

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Table 4: Monitoring Points for 5 Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation criteria Main considerations

Relevance • Is any change seen in the development policies of the recipient country or in the needs of the target group?

• If the Project Purpose is becoming incompatible with the factors above, what measures can be taken?

Effectiveness • Is the Project Purpose expected to be achieved by the end of the planned period?

• To achieve the project purpose, what Outputs should be reinforced? What Outputs can be reduced without any negative effect?

Efficiency • Are the Inputs being utilized properly to produce “Outputs”? • How can Inputs be held down to produce the same Outputs?

Impact • Is the project producing any negative effects? • If so, how can they be dissolved or minimized?

Sustainability • Is the recipient country contracting a satisfactory system (with and appropriate technologies, human resources, management, skills, funding sources, etc.) to sustain the benefits of the project after the project is completed?

• If not, what can be done to reinforce the country during the remaining period?

Source: FASID, 2002, p.16

(2) Modification of the Plan and Preparation of a Revised Logical Framework

If the monitoring result leads to a modification to the plan, the Logical Framework should be updated and a revision prepared (with a revision number attached). In addition, why and how the modification was necessary should be recorded. Basically, a revised draft of Logical Framework is prepared by the project team and finalized through approval by the upper management of both the donor and recipient sides. Future monitoring is then performed using the latest version of the Logical Framework.

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2.3 Methods of Data Collection Methods of data collection for monitoring are mainly observations and interviews although other methods are also utilised, depending on the situations. In this section, therefore, observations and interviews will be explained. Module “Evaluation” will explain other methods of data collection.

2.3.1 Observations

Observations including inspections and field visits provide understanding of processes, infrastructure/ services and their utilization. Observations enable gathering accurate information about how a project actually operates, particularly about processes. Observations also provide direct information about behaviour of individuals and groups.

However, observations depend on the observer’s understanding and interpretation. Therefore, observations need well-qualified, highly trained observers and/or content experts, indeed. People always observe things, but doing observation is a skill and it is worth paying much attention when we do it for a particular goal. In observation, only visualizing is not enough; we need to use our other senses if needed. We somehow need to train and build the capacity of responsible persons for doing sound observations.

(1) What is to be observed

• Observation of physical achievements (for example: how many culverts have been constructed)

• Human resources observation (for example: how many people have participated in the meeting, how many of them were trained for the project)

• Capacity observation: to see how much people’s capacities are developed during the implementation process. (for example: how much the farmers understand the terminology used by agronomist for the improvement of seeds)

• Attitude observation: to observe what project related people (implementers, beneficiaries, etc) react to others in terms of the project.

(2) Kinds of Observations

• Planned and regular observation

Whether it is a planned and continuous process of visits to collect particular and required information from the project site. (for example: using of checklists, formats)

• Semi planned observation

In this kind of observation, the observer collects general information (general effects of planned activities) from the project site. This kind of observation is done by content experts to collect much general information regarding the project progress.

• Observation based on problems/obstacles

When problems are reported in the field, this kind of observation takes place to find on-time solutions for them. In this kind of observation, field notes (maybe available in monitoring reports) and meeting particular people in the field is

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(3) Who is the Observer?

• Project Beneficiaries

Project beneficiaries, who are located at the site of a project, can do observation because they have good information as they are in the field. But, they might not have sufficient technical information and skills regarding the project.

• Staff at Project Implementation Level (Project Implementers)

Staff at project implementation level can be observers. They have understanding of project purpose, outputs and activities and are in charge of monitoring of the project at the project site. But, in terms of technical information and skills, they might not have sufficient knowledge.

• Staff at Project Supervision Level (Project Supervisors)

The knowledge level of staff at project supervision level is higher than staff at project implementation level in terms of project purpose, outputs and activities. In addition, they have advanced skills and information from the technical perspectives of the project. However, they might not have sufficient time for field visits or might be not well in the picture of project progress because they are not always at the project site.

(4) Important Skills in Observation

Observers should be:

• Smart and pay complete attention to their work.

• Patient enough.

• Good in receiving and delivering feedback.

• Familiar with the field culture.

• Able and have enough courage to meet people.

2.3.2 Semi Structured Interview

When it is necessary to understand perceptions, views and satisfaction of implementers and beneficiaries deeply (when it is necessary to have qualitative data), Semi Structured Interviews are useful, although it requires time and well-trained interviewers.

Semi Structured Interviews are planed interviews, where the questions have been prepared in advance. But, somehow during the questioning period, more questions arise to clarify the issue in a better way, and so indirectly we can collect more information about the issue.

(1) Objectives

• To collect more information from the participants by asking both planned and open questions and analyzing their answers.

• To collect a wide range of information from the implementers of the project based on their field experience. (In this case, interviewers should have adequate knowledge, experience and skill to get much information during the interview.)

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(2) Tips for Interviews

• Interview Preparation

a. The person who will run interview should be completely in the picture about project site conditions.

b. Questions of interview should be selected and prepared before the interview.

c. It is better that interviewers formulate a group of two to four people. One person should be selected for controlling and guiding the interview; another can prepare questionnaires and take necessary recommendation. The roles of each person can be changed in further interviews.

d. A comfortable place and a suitable time should be scheduled for interviews.

e. Plan all activities that should take part in the interviews. Prepare required resources for the interview.

• How to Run Interviews

a. Start with local greetings and introduce yourself.

b. Let participants know your purpose of the interview.

c. Please don’t run the interview by asking direct questions from the list continuously. We should collect important and comprehensive information during the interview. Questionnaire can be filled after the interview from the notes collected during the interview.

d. Please do not ask sensitive questions during the interview.

e. For some abstract issues, questions should be asked to make clear the facts that are hidden.

f. Utilize 5W1H (What, Who, Where, Why, When, How).

g. Interviews should be ended by thanking all the participants.

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2.4 Reporting Monitoring Results After each monitoring, the results should be recorded as monitoring reports. According to the set monitoring system, monitoring will be conducted regularly for the fixed items/subjects. In order to minimize time for monitoring as well as record progress for the same items over time, monitoring forms are often used. Utilising monitoring forms also makes it possible to compare progress at different project locations.

Monitoring forms can vary for different levels of monitoring because focuses and frequencies are different as was previously mentioned. For monitoring at project implementation level, a form is relatively simple. Figure 10 shows a sample motoring report form at the Implementation level. Main focus of the monitoring is progress of activities, and therefore, the major part of the report form covers what was planned and what was actually done during the reporting period. Also, social aspects such as merits, demerits, and problems can be recorded if there are any specific things to be covered during the reporting period.

Figure 10: Sample of Monitoring Report Form at Project Implementation Level

On the other hand, the monitoring report form at project supervision level has more items to be recorded. Monitoring at the Supervision level is more comprehensive and focuses not only on progresses of activities but also on timing of inputs and disbursement. Monitoring at this level is less frequent, such as weekly or monthly.

1. Monitoring person/s:

Monitoring date:Village Name:Reporting Period: from toNext date for Monitoring:

Monitoring Report by Implementer

1. Monitoring person/s:

Monitoring date:Village Name:Reporting Period: from toNext date for Monitoring:

Monitoring Report by Implementer

2. Project Name:

3. Progress of Activities on reporting period:(Activities should be corresponded with activities on “Plan of Operation”)


On going

Not started yetFromTo

Expected Deadline:


On going

Not started yetFromTo

Expected Deadline:

ProgressDuration on Initial Plan & Expected Deadline

Activities of Initial Planon reporting period


On going

Not started yetFromTo

Expected Deadline:


On going

Not started yetFromTo

Expected Deadline:

ProgressDuration on Initial Plan & Expected Deadline

Activities of Initial Planon reporting period

4. Merits, Demerits, and Problems:


Measures for problems/constrains:





Measures for problems/constrains:




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Figure 11: Sample of Monitoring Report Form at Project Supervision Level


(Sign)(Name)1. Monitoring person/s

Monitoring date: Village Name: Reporting Period: from toNext date for Monitoring:

Monitoring Reportby Supervisor


(Sign)(Name)1. Monitoring person/s

Monitoring date: Village Name: Reporting Period: from toNext date for Monitoring:

Monitoring Reportby Supervisor

2. Project name:

3. Progress of Activities on reporting period:(Activities should be corresponded with activities on “Monitoring report by Implementer”, according to “Plan of Operation”)

Please describe strengthening/empowerment point of Implementer that appear through activities conducted in reporting period.

Strengthening/Empowerment of Organization:

Please describe procedure and progress of instalment, purchase and etc... The financial report for the implementation of project should be prepared in monthly report.

Finance:(Instalment, purchase and etc.)

Please describe the quantity, quality and timing of material and equipment delivered/rented separating works and activities.

Material & Equipment:

Please describe the quantity & quality of personnel inputs, collaboration from villagers, separating works and activities


Please describe achievement/progress of each activity (construction and etc.), verifying the attachment file “Monitoring Report by Implementer.

Achievement of Activities

Progress of Activities in reporting period Milestones and Inputs

Please describe strengthening/empowerment point of Implementer that appear through activities conducted in reporting period.

Strengthening/Empowerment of Organization:

Please describe procedure and progress of instalment, purchase and etc... The financial report for the implementation of project should be prepared in monthly report.

Finance:(Instalment, purchase and etc.)

Please describe the quantity, quality and timing of material and equipment delivered/rented separating works and activities.

Material & Equipment:

Please describe the quantity & quality of personnel inputs, collaboration from villagers, separating works and activities


Please describe achievement/progress of each activity (construction and etc.), verifying the attachment file “Monitoring Report by Implementer.

Achievement of Activities

Progress of Activities in reporting period Milestones and Inputs

4. Strength, Weakness, Problems and Constrains


Guidance and Recommendations if any:

Measures for problems/constrains:




Guidance and Recommendations if any:

Measures for problems/constrains:



5. PhotosThe photos should be corresponded with all activities reported on “Monitoring report by Implementer”, according to “Plan of Operation”.





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3.1 Introduction of Evaluation

3.1.1 What is Evaluation?

Evaluation is the systematic and objective assessment of on-going or completed projects and is conducted by utilising set evaluation criteria with certain purposes. Under the PCM method, projects are usually evaluated by five evaluation criteria (Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, and Sustainability). Evaluation is a practical tool for effectively managing projects. Evaluation provides all stakeholders throughout all levels and stages of project management with information about the process. Such information includes what the needs of a target society are, whether a project is being carried out as planned, how a project is affecting a target society, or what the factors that affect project management are. Evaluation is one of the tools used to present information on whether a project is producing effects or being properly conducted from the viewpoint of accountability, and also to provide project management with useful information for more effective implementation of projects.

Evaluations are usually led by people external to project managements. This will increase the objectivity of evaluations. Project strengths and weaknesses might not be interpreted fairly when data and results are analysed by project implementers.

Evaluations are conducted at various times of a project cycle: for example, ex-ante evaluations are conducted at project design stage, mid-term evaluation during project implementation, terminal evaluation at the end of projects, and ex-post evaluation several years after project completion.

3.1.2 Objectives of Evaluation

Objectives of evaluation are summarised as follows:

• To ensure appropriate and logical use of resources for achieving objectives

• To identify what the project successfully achieved and what problems were encountered

• To identify how communities or vulnerable groups participated in project implementation and how people were affected by the project results

• To analyse whether the project was appropriate for the location and the population

• To analyse how the project affected the preservation and development of the environment

• To learn whether results of the project can be used for developing future plans

• To identify specific lessons for improving the relevance, quality, and impact of future projects

3.1.3 Types of Evaluation

Throughout a project cycle, several types of evaluations are conducted (see Figure 4). Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) conducts four types of evaluations, (ex-

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ante, mid-term, terminal, and ex-post), for each project. Each type has different objectives and focuses. Here are differences.

• Ex-ante Evaluation

Ex-ante evaluation is conducted on a project requested by a recipient country. It first involves a study of the project to determine its necessity as well as its conformity with country program. Details of the project and its expected outputs are clarified. Then, the relevance of the project is comprehensively examined and evaluated. In ex-ante evaluation, evaluation indicators are set and they are used to measure the effect of the project in subsequent evaluation, from the mid-term evaluation to the ex-post evaluation. (JICA, 2004, p.7, modified by JSPR)

• Mid-term Evaluation:

Mid-term evaluation is conducted at the mid-point of projects. This evaluation aims at examining the achievements and process of the project, focusing on the efficiency and relevance among the Five Evaluation Criteria. Based upon its results, the original project plan may be revised or the operation structures strengthened if necessary. (JICA, 2004, p.7)

• Terminal Evaluation:

Terminal evaluation is performed upon completion of a project, focusing on its efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. Based upon the results of the evaluation, it is determined whether it is appropriate to complete the project or necessary to extend follow-up cooperation. (JICA, 2004, pp.7-8, modified by JSPR)

• Ex-post Evaluation:

Ex-post evaluation is conducted after a certain period has passed since the completion of a target project, and it is conducted with emphasis on the impact and sustainability of the project. This evaluation aims at deriving lessons and recommendations for the improvement of country programs and for the planning and implementation of more effective and efficient projects. (JICA, 2004, p.8, modified by JSPR)

As described above, each type of evaluation has its own characteristics. The Table below summarises what viewpoints are more focused for each evaluation type.

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Table 5: Differences in Evaluation Viewpoints for Each Evaluation Type

Ex- ante evaluation


Mid-term evaluation

Terminal evaluation

Ex-post evaluation

Confirmation of Performance


Grasping of implementation on process

Five Evaluation Criteria






: Examination based on the actual situation and performance : Examination based on forecasts and prospects : Examination according what is judged necessary and possible for the evaluation : Full examination is not yet possible, or completed in a previous phase. *1: In case of an ex-ante evaluation, this means conducting a baseline study or establishing indicators. *2: An examination based on the Five Evaluation Criteria is normally beyond the scope of monitoring, but for its operation and management, it is important to keep these Five Evaluation Criteria’s viewpoints always in mind. Source: JICA, 2004, p.116

3.1.4 Major Steps of Evaluation

Regardless of types of evaluation, major steps of evaluation are 1) planning evaluation, 2) conducing evaluation survey, and 3) reporting results. The Figure below shows steps of evaluation.

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Figure 12: Major Steps of Evaluation

(1) Confirm the purpose of evaluation

(2) Organize information of the target project

(3) Formulate evaluation work plan

(4) Collect data

(5) Analyze and interpret data

(6) Report evaluation results


Planning Evaluation

Conducting Evaluation Survey

Reporting Results

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3.2 Planning Evaluation There are several steps to be taken to implement evaluation as shown in Figure 12. In this section, each step of evaluation is explained.

Evaluation purposes differ among ex-ante, mid-term, terminal and ex-post evaluations. As the first step of evaluation planning, it is important to confirm evaluation purposes and share information among stakeholders on how the evaluation results will be used and by whom.

3.2.1 Confirmation of Evaluation Purpose

When evaluation is planned, first of all, the evaluator and related stakeholders need to confirm the purpose of the evaluation. There are various evaluation methods depending on the purpose. The evaluation results may end up useless and not to the point, unless those concerned share its purpose and use. Therefore, it is very important to confirm for what and by whom results of evaluation will be used, and plan evaluation to meet its purpose. The purpose of evaluation differs depending on where an evaluation is situated on the project cycle (ex-ante, mid-term, terminal, and ex-post).

Another important issue in the process of confirming the purpose of evaluation is that those concerned with evaluation share the same purpose. “Those concerned” means stakeholders including donors, the relevant ministries and implementing agencies in the partner country, and the beneficiary. People generally tend to dislike “evaluation” because they feel they are being audited from the outside. Therefore, it is indispensable to gain the people’s understanding of its purpose and their cooperation towards evaluation activities in order to carry out evaluation effectively.

It is also necessary to specify who will be the users of evaluation results. If evaluation is conducted internally, donors and implementing agencies in a partner country are usually the first users of evaluation results. In some projects, local people – either as the beneficiary or as the counterparts of implementing agencies – are the direct targets for feedback. It may be a good idea to arrange an occasion to discuss among those concerned the kind of evaluation study needed to improve project management.

3.2.2 Organization of Information of the Target Project

(1) Grasping the Whole Picture of a Target Project

The next step after confirmation of evaluation purposes is to grasp the whole picture of a project as an evaluation target. By knowing what is already happening in the project, the evaluator can more easily decide what evaluation questions are important in conducting the study and what type of data needs to be collected. There are differences in the types and the quantity of information the evaluator can obtain at the time of evaluation, depending on the timing of the study and availability of related documents, including monitoring results.

a) Contents of Plans

Evaluation compares the current situation of a project with its original plans. Thus, it is necessary first to collect information on the contents of plans. There mainly are two parts: 1) the project elements: project purpose, activities and inputs and 2) the way the project is structured (the logic of causal relationships). Project plans are made based on

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the hypothesis that expected effects will be produced by implementing a project. We can confirm how the plans were made considering their background, the relation to development issues, and the relevance of project strategies. When grasping the contents of plans, the Logical Framework also can be utilized.

b) On the Project Performance

Another type of information that should be obtained is the performance of a project at the time of evaluation. In terms of mid-term evaluation, it becomes important to know the actual inputs and outputs as well as the current situation of implementation process. Regarding terminal evaluation, in addition to that kind of information, the achievement level of project purpose should be obtained. We can generally obtain information on these items from the monitoring results. However, if needed, additional surveys can be conducted during evaluation.

Source: JICA, 2004, p.32, modified by JSPR

Figure 13: Conceptual Overview of Information on Target Project

c) Main Sources of Information

Main sources of information for grasping the whole picture of a project are shown below.

Information of Target Project

Contents of Project Plans

Framework of project (background, objective, outputs, activities and inputs of project)

Level of performance of the project

Situation at the time of evaluation (results, implantation process, etc.)

Causal relationships in project (how expected effects will be produce by implementing a project)

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Table 6: Information Sources to Grasp the Whole Picture of a Project

Type of Evaluation Information Sources Ex-ante Evaluation • Development plans of a partner country in a sector/ sub-sector

• Donors’ programs • Related Literature on the sector/ sub-sector • Information about on-going projects in the sector/ sub-sector

(regarding other donors as well) • Baseline data • Evaluation reports of similar projects (Logframe, lessons

learned, etc.) • Draft Logframe, etc.

Mid-term, Terminal, and Ex-post Evaluation

• Summary tables of ex-ante evaluations, project documents • Different versions of the Logframe • Monitoring reports • Various reports and memorandum of project • Officers from donor office, ex-experts, etc. • Relevant ministries of a partner country, implementing

agencies, etc.

(2) Utilization of the Logical Framework

a) Actual Situation of Project and Logframe

Logframe is a useful tool for understanding what project objectives, activities, and inputs are, how target values and measurement are selected, and what project risks are. Logframe has been used for the planning and management of projects. Logframe may provide the evaluator with information about the actual situation and the logics or theories of projects. The following information can be obtained through Logframe.

- Expected effects and outputs in the project - Target values in objectives as a basis for judgement - Means of verification (which is useful for considering survey methods) - Some external factors and risks that influence the project performance - Inputs/ resources - Availability of monitoring information, etc

In reality, however, the contents of Logframe may not be very clear and logical, or target values may not be clarified in some cases. In that case, the evaluator needs to grasp the actual situation of a project from relevant documents or through interviewing people concerned. In addition to that, an opportunity to have discussions with stakeholders can help the evaluator consider what should be investigated to measure the effects of the project and with what criteria the achievement level of objectives should be judged.

b) Reviewing Logframe: whether it reflects the actual situation of a project

A Logframe is formulated at the time of project planning, considering causal relationship in Logframe. In and after mid-term evaluation, it is possible to correlate the contents of Logframe to the evaluation work plans in so far as the actual situation of a project is accurately described by the Logframe (in the case that there exist plural versions of the Logframe, the most recent one is applied.) In reality, however, there are

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cases in which the Logframe is not clearly or theoretically formulated, and thus does not reflect the actual situation of a project. Sometimes not only causal relationships but also indicators, targets, means of verification, and important assumptions are not well identified. In that case, the evaluator should adjust the Logframe to reflect what is happening at the project site as accurately as possible using other project information. For instance, in the case that what is written as the project purpose can merely be considered as an output, the evaluator – working in consensus with the stakeholders – can know the project purpose by examining related materials or interviewing those concerned to find out what effects were originally expected. Based on monitoring results, the evaluator may also adjust the indicators in a more appropriate way.

The task of adjusting the Logframe does not mean that the evaluator can formulate as “assumed Logframe” or set the “target values to be easily evaluated.” The evaluation target is the planned contents and project performance. Therefore, the aim of reviewing the Logframe at the time of evaluation planning is to adjust its contents according to what is really happening at the site.

When the planned content or objectives are not clear even after reviewing other information, it is often difficult to construct causal relationships in the Logframe. As a result, we may not be able to evaluate the project in a real sense. In such a case, we can formulate the evaluation question of what was the assumed project purpose, and then measure the degree of achievement after identifying the purpose.

In the case of ex-ante evaluation, the evaluation results are reflected by the formation and/ or revision of the Logframe and the establishment of a basis for smooth monitoring and evaluation afterwards.

Figure 14: Utilization of Logframe in Evaluation

Modify Logframe according to the actual situation using information form other sources.

Does the Logframe reflect the actual situation of a project? It is logically structured?

Logframe can be utilized for making evaluation work plans

Is the modified Logframelogically structured?

Some ideas are needed when making evaluation work plans

Logframe can be utilized for making evaluation work plans

No Yes

No Yes

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c) Adequacy of Indicators and Means of Verification in Logframe

There is a column of “indicators” in the logframe for the measurement of objectives. In the column, the measurement of outputs, project purpose, and overall goal are specifically set with targets. Also, next in the right, the column “means of verification” shows the data collection methods for the indicators. That information is indispensable for monitoring a project. It also can be utilized to confirm project performance as well as to determine the data needed and the data collection methods in an evaluation study.

The evaluator needs to examine whether the project purpose is described with appropriate indicators and measurement methods. If the indicators are not appropriately stated, the information on project performance submitted by the implementing agency might not be trustworthy. In that case, the evaluators may conduct additional surveys to obtain performance data.

d) Positioning of the Logframe in a Program

In understanding the project through a Logframe, questions about the positioning of end outcome (or the overall goal) of an individual project in the underlying program or the development issue should also be raised. An individual project is one way to solve a development issue within the framework of a large program, which is a collection of individual projects that are loosely tied under development issues. In evaluation, it becomes necessary to examine how an individual project is positioned in a program or under a development issue and also what the linkages are among the projects of other donors and partner countries. This is especially the issue of “relevance” in ex-ante evaluation and “impact” in ex-post evaluation.

(3) Grasping the Implementation Situation: Information on Performance and Implementation Process

The evaluator needs to understand how the project has been implemented at the time of evaluation (especially in and after mid-term evaluation). That includes issues of performance as well as what is happening in the implementation process. Such information can possibly be obtained from monitoring records. JICA’s project evaluation is an internal task, and thus information on project performance and implementation process are usually provided through monitoring efforts. If the evaluator thinks that monitoring is not carried out well enough or that more detailed information is needed, further surveys will be conducted within evaluation activities.

a) Information on Performance

Information on performance includes the results of inputs, outputs, and the degree of achievement of a project’s purpose and overall goal, although the focus will be different depending on the timing of evaluation. The evaluator is mainly conscious of whether objectives are achieved as planned and how target values or indicators are modified during implementation. Monitoring records may help the evaluator clarify objectives and indicators in case they are not specified in the Logframe.

b) Information on Implementation Process

Information on implementation process includes how far activities proceeded and what is happening at the project site. Also, the relationships between a project team and project operation departments as well as other relevant organizations should be investigated. It is expected to make the most of the strength of a project and avoid

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incidents in advance through examining the implementation process. The information about the implementation process may provide factors that influence the achievement of objectives. In the case that these factors are not well examined in project monitoring, further surveys should be included in evaluation.

Table 7: Information to be gained through Examination of Implementation Process

Source: JICA, 2004, pp. 46-47

3.2.3 Formulation of Evaluation Work Plan

Making an evaluation plan is a process for determining what and how to implement the evaluation in line with its purpose. An evaluation study is usually limited in its budget and time, and therefore an effective and efficient way to conduct the study should be well developed. The major steps of evaluation planning are described below. These steps are interrelated with each other, and thus are in many cases developed at the same time. In the final step of development of evaluation work plan, all information is put in an evaluation grid, which shows detailed framework of the evaluation and from which evaluators can develop practical survey tools.

Examination of activities • Are activities carried out as planned? If so what are the contributing factors? • Are there any activities that are not fully carried out? If so what are the reasons? • Are project inputs sufficient enough to continue activities?

Relationship with target group • Are project objectives consistent with needs of target group? • Is there any positive change of attitude and behaviour of a target group to support

project activities? • What is the level of participation and perception towards project activities by a

target group, related organization, and community concerned? • What is the level of satisfaction of target group towards services delivered by the

project and the level of their utilization? Project Management

• Are the working attitudes of the project staff positive enough to implement project operation effectively?

• What is the level of commitment of project staff to project activities? • Is good communication between experts and project staff established? • Is monitoring conducted in an appropriate way? Is project strategy modified

accordingly? • Do donor agencies properly provide support or advice in project monitoring?

Overall What are the important factors or key issues that contribute to the project’s effects? (i.e., methods of technical transfer, the equipment and facilities provided, the plan of operation, the services provided by the project , the selection of a target region, the size of a target group, etc)

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Figure 15: Steps of Making an Evaluation Plan

Figure 16: Evaluation Grid

(1) Developing Evaluation Questions

Figure 17: Evaluation Questions and Evaluation Grid

a) Evaluation Questions and Five Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation questions represent “what one wants to know through evaluation.” The question of “whether a project was (or will be) meaningful” is an example of an evaluation question and a common question for project evaluation. More focused questions to verify the value of a project will be: “Were effects produced by the

(1) Develop evaluation questions

(2) Identify basis for judgment

(3) Identify necessary data and select data source

(4) Select data collection methods

(5) Develop “Evaluation Grid”

What to know through evaluation

On what basis the value judgment to be made

What data to be collected from where

How to collect data

(1) Develop evaluation questions

(2) Identify basis for judgment

(3) Identify necessary data and select data source

(4) Select data collection methods

(5) Develop “Evaluation Grid”

What to know through evaluation

On what basis the value judgment to be made

What data to be collected from where

How to collect data


Data Collection Methods

Data SourceData Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation



Main Questions







Data Collection Methods

Data SourceData Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation



Main Questions






Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


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project?” or “Were resources efficiently used?” It is possible to formulate more specific questions focusing on the effectiveness of a project. Starting from a general question, more specific questions should be developed to make evaluation study operational. By doing so, more concrete survey methods as well as the necessary data are easily identified.

When evaluating projects by five evaluation criteria, evaluation questions can be developed according to the five criteria. The more specific the questions are, the easier it is to develop an evaluation work plan afterwards. By doing so, the quality of evaluation itself may be improved.

It is not necessary to cover all the criteria with a full set of evaluation questions. We need to be careful not to automatically set evaluation questions based on the five criteria, but to develop the main questions that would give useful answers for improving the project. The budget and time for an evaluation is usually limited, and it is often difficult to answer all questions. Evaluators and donors should fully discuss with other stakeholders what to intensively investigate and then select important evaluation questions.

b) Perspectives of Five Evaluation Criteria

The five evaluation criteria are used to evaluate a target project from various issues of view and, in the process, to identify the hindering and contributing factors. Based on these factors, good lessons learned and recommendations can be formulated. The table below shows main perspectives of each criterion. They can be referred to when developing evaluation questions.

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Table 8: Perspectives of Five Evaluation Criteria

Criterion Perspectives Relevance “To examine the justifiability or necessity for project implementation”

Necessity • Does a project match the needs of a target area or society? • Does a project match the needs of target groups?

Priority • Is a project consistent with the donor’s policy and country

programs? • Is a project consistent with a partner country’s development plans?

Relevance as a Means • Is project strategy producing impact on development issues in

related sector of a partner country? (Are selected approaches, target areas or groups appropriate? Are there any synergistic effects of other donor’s projects in the same sector? etc.)

• Are selected target groups considered appropriate (as a target or in the size)?

• Is a project relevant from the equality point of view? (Are project effects and costs equally shared? Is there any ripple effect beyond target groups? etc.)

• Does the donor have an advantage in extending technical cooperation in the related sector or sub-sector? (Is there any accumulation of know-how and experiences regarding target technologies within the donor? etc.)

Effectiveness “To examine project effects”

• Is the project purpose specific enough? (Are indicators and means of verification appropriate?)

• Has the project purpose been achieved (or is it going to be achieved)?

• Did (or does) the achievement result from outputs? • Is there any influence of important assumptions on the attainment

of the project purpose? • What are the hindering/ contributing factors for effectiveness?

Efficiency “To examine project efficiency”

• Was (or is) the cost of inputs justified by the degree of achievement of outputs? (This can be compared with the similar projects of other donors or of the partner country.) Were (or are) there any alternatives that would have achieved (or will achieve) same level at lower costs? Could (can) higher level of achievement be expected at the same costs?

• Was (or is) the cost of inputs justified by the degree of achievement of the project’s purpose? (This can be compared with similar projects of other donors or of the partner country.) Were (are) there any alternatives that would have achieved (or will achieve) the same level at lower costs? Could (can) a higher level of achievement be expected at the same costs?

• What are the factors that inhibit or contribute to the efficiency of project implementation process?

<Examples> - Were inputs delivered in an appropriate timeframe? - Were the size and the quality of inputs appropriate? - Is there any influence of important assumptions on the process

from inputs through output? - Is there any influence of preconditions? - What are the hindering/ contributing factors for effectiveness?

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Table 8: Perspectives of Five Evaluation Criteria (Cont’d)

Criterion Perspectives Impact “To examine the project’s effects including the ripple effects in the long term”

• Has the overall goal been achieved (or is it going to be achieved)? • Did (or does) the achievement of the overall goal result from the

project purpose? • Is there any influence of important assumptions on attainment o the

overall goal? • Is there any unexpected positive or negative influence including

ripple effects? <Examples>

- Is there any influence on policies? - Is there any economic influence on a target society, project

implementing agencies, and the beneficiary? - Is there any influence on the organization, related regulations

and legal system arrangement? - Is there any influence on technological innovation? - Is there any influence on such issues as gender equality, human

rights, disparities between the rich and the poor, peace and conflicts?

- Is there any influence regarding the issue of environmental protection?

• Is there any specific impact observed, either positive or negative, due to the differences of gender, race, and social class?

• What are the hindering and contributing factors for impact? • What are unexpected factors that produced positive and negative

influence? Sustainability “To examine the sustainability after the termination of the project”

• Are the expected effects described in both the project purpose and the overall goal going to be sustained after the termination of assistance?

• What are the factors that inhibit or contribute to the appearance of those sustainable effects?

<Examples> - Is political support sustained? - Does the organization have the capacity to carry out activities?

(Are the personnel located in appropriate manner? Is the budget, including ordinary expenses, secured? Does the decision-making process appropriately function? etc.)

- Are related regulations and legal system arranged? - Is the organization financially independent, or is the financial

support continuously provided? - Are necessary technologies maintained and prevalent? Is the

equipment appropriately maintained? - Would a negative influence on the social and cultural aspects, if

any, become obstacles in carrying out activities? (Are there any negative influences on sustainability because of the lack of consideration to women, the poor, and the socially vulnerable?)

- Would a negative influence on the environment inhibit carrying out activities?

• Was (or is) the ownership of implementing agencies and related ministries assured?

Source: JICA, 2004, pp. 56-58

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(2) Basis for Judgement

Figure 18: Evaluation Grid and Basis for Judgement

a) Confirming Target Values or Setting New Criteria

The assessment of a project’s performance in and after mid-term evaluation needs achievement criteria (or target values) in order to judge whether the objectives were achieved as expected. Target values described in the indicators column can be utilized as such criteria. In case no target values are specified, evaluators need to set up the criteria for determining both the level of achievement and what to compare that achievement to. The evaluators and stakeholders have to fully discuss what criteria to use as a basis for judgement.

b) Viewpoint of Examining Causal Relationships

In evaluating the effectiveness or the impact of a project, the evaluators should raise the causal question on whether the effects resulted from project intervention. Such a question is different than measuring a project’s achievement through normative questions. Because a project is merely one intervention in a target society, we cannot exclude the influences of other factors besides the project. In other words, the effects of a project cannot be measured only by looking at the changes of target beneficiaries. Usually there are two methods to prove causality: 1) quantitative methods by “comparison;” and 2) qualitative methods of constructing information, trying to prove interrelation between the project outputs and outcome. Both quantitative and qualitative methods can be combined and used complimentarily.

• Quantitative Methods

The basic methodology of quantitative methods to examine causal relationships is “comparison”. There are two ways of comparison: 1) to compare a target society/ beneficiary before and after a project is conducted to see their changes; and 2) to compare a target society/ beneficiary with a project and another society/ people without project.

The most scientific method is said to be the one called “the experimental design method,” which is a combination of before/ after and with/ without. There are two steps in conducting the survey: 1) to choose people as the target group and another people as the non-target (control group) at random before implementing a project; and 2) compare their changes before and after the project. However, these methods raise ethical concerns and require a comparatively higher cost, and thus cannot easily be applied for evaluating individual projects in reality. However, it is possible to conduct a simple comparative survey between those who participated in a project and those who did not, even though those groups are not chosen at random. In many cases, before and after comparison of the target group is applied. The baseline data obtained in ex-ante evaluation will be used to compare results after the project. Another way of examining causal relationships is to regularly measure data and see the transition and its tendency

Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


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in a time series.

• Qualitative Methods

Qualitative analysis of causal relationships tries to explain the relationship between the project implementation and the changes in its beneficiaries. Such analysis brings together various sources of information about the project in order to ascertain what kind of causal relationship exists between the project and the effects upon the target society.

There are several qualitative ways to analyze causal relationships such as: 1) to construct information on implementation process from inputs through activities to outputs, and from outputs to objectives, 2) to attempt to explain the logical relationship between project implementation and effects, 3) to analyze the process to transfer and disseminate technologies through activities, and 4) to clarify the relationship between project implementation and effects by conducting detailed and in-depth survey of a target region or a target group of small size.

In constructing information on the implementation process and assessing causal relationship, the qualitative data such as how activities are carried out, whether outputs are achieved as expected, how a target group’s perception towards the project changed, or when the effects were produced may be collected and interpreted, in which qualitative analysis methods can be utilized.

(3) Considering Necessary Data and Information Sources

Figure 19: Evaluation Grid and Necessary Data

The next step is to identify what data should be collected from what sources in order to answer evaluation questions. The task of identifying the necessary data is part of the process of finding out the specific indicators for measuring a phenomenon. There usually are several ways of measuring a phenomenon, and thus the most appropriate measurement should be selected.

a) Types of Data

There are two types of information or data to answer evaluation questions: 1) quantitative data; and 2) qualitative data. The different nature of each type of data should be realized because it affects data collection and analysis methods in an evaluation study.

• Quantitative Data

Quantitative data is the data expressed in numerical values. Quantitative data is used more to assess project performance or the degree of achievement in numerical values such as the average test score. Quantitative data is used more to assess project performance or the degree of achievement in numerical values such as to calculate the average income of a certain group by statistical analysis. Quantitative data is also suitable for analyzing the situation of a relatively large-size group by conducting

Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


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sampling surveys.

It is possible to quantify those “qualitative aspects” – that are not so easy to directly measure in numerical values – through a questionnaire survey with multiple choices or through observation with the check list. For example, in order to investigate the degree of people’s satisfaction, evaluators can calculate the percentage of satisfied people by preparing five multiple choices: 1) fully satisfied, 2) moderately satisfied, 3) neither satisfied nor unsatisfied, 4) a little unsatisfied, and 5) totally unsatisfied. One can then calculate the mean value of the degree of satisfaction by coding these choices with numbers from five to one respectively. When measuring changes in people’s attitude or perception, it becomes possible to quantify the changes by defining “the attitude” or “the perception” in concrete terms.

Because quantitative data is systematically and uniformly collected, it may be more reliable and easier to analyze. However, background information such as the reason why a phenomenon is observed and how the status quo is achieved cannot easily be obtained.

• Qualitative Data

Qualitative data is the data expressing a phenomenon in a descriptive way, and thus it is suitable for understanding the situation in depth or for understanding the people’s behaviour and their perception in detail. Qualitative data can provide more detailed information including influential factors, the process of changes, episodes, and relationships among them in a project. Most of the information on the implementation process is qualitative data, and this kind of information includes the problems and measures taken in the process of activities, the management process, human relationships, and the perception of stakeholders towards the project. Such data can be analyzed to learn how these factors influenced the attainment of objectives and what hindering or contributing factors exist. The analysis using qualitative data is more inductive compared with quantitative data, and therefore, the interpretation tends to be more biased.

b) Data Sources and Sampling

Two major sources of data for the project evaluation are the existing materials and the information from stakeholders of a project. These sources should be consulted first to save cost and time. When using those data, evaluators should confirm how they were collected and analysed, and how important they are for the particular evaluation study.

Evaluators should select the appropriate data sources by considering the accessibility to information, whose information is more accurate, and whose viewpoints are indispensable. Differences of gender, ethnicity, and social classes are also carefully examined when collecting and specifying data.

Necessary data may not be obtained as expected even from supposedly the most ideal information source, if data collection methods are not appropriate. For instance, in a society where women cannot raise their voices in the presence of men, data should be collected in circumstances where men and women are separated. When local people may not express their true feelings to outsiders, it may become necessary to train local people as surveyors to carry out data collection.

When conducting surveys on a number of unidentified beneficiaries, we can proceed with either: 1) a “census survey” in which all people (or a population) are the target; or 2) a “sample survey” in which only a part of them is the target. Which to choose

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depends on the survey purpose, the size of the target group or target region, the restrictions of budget and time, and the accuracy of expected data. The merit of the sampling survey is that the results of the survey can be generalized as characteristics of a target population.

(4) Data Collection Methods

Figure 20: Evaluation Grid and Data Collection Methods

a) Types of Data Collection Methods

The main methods of collecting data are: 1) review of statistics, literature and existing data; 2) observation; 3) questionnaire survey; 4) interview; and 5) focus group discussion. Some methods can be applied to collect both quantitative and qualitative data depending on the structure of questions and responses.

Table 9: Relationships between Types of Data and Data Collection Methods

Collecting data takes time and money, and thus the availability of existing credible data is the first thing to be investigated. Each method has merits and demerits shown on the table below, and evaluators have to carefully select the appropriate methods for data collection.

Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


Data Collection Methods

Data Source

Data Needed

Basis for Judgment

Evaluation QuestionsEvaluation

Criteria Main Questions


Site VisitsObservation

using the Checklist

Observation Questionnaire SurveyFocus Group Discussion

Interview SurveyOpen-ended

QuestionsStructured Questions

Quantitative Data

Qualitative Data

Site VisitsObservation

using the Checklist

Observation Questionnaire SurveyFocus Group Discussion

Interview SurveyOpen-ended

QuestionsStructured Questions

Quantitative Data

Qualitative Data

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Table 10: Main Data Collection Methods

Description Merits Demerits/ Tips Literature Review including Existing Data • Project reports, monitoring

records, literature in related sectors, statistical data, other donor’s reports, etc.

• Less cost compared to other methods, and thus efficient

• The credibility of information and data is the questions.

• Necessary data may not be obtained.

Direct Observation • The situation of facilities and

the equipment use, the appropriateness of the infrastructure and services, the training site, the way of people’s behaviour, etc.

• Little cost • The results are influenced by surveyors’ skills and biases.

• Objectivity has to be assured by combining with other survey methods.

Questionnaire Survey • Ask all targets the same

questions using a questionnaire and analyze the data obtained.

• There are two types of questionnaires: 1) the self-administered questionnaire which respondents directly fill in; and 2) the questionnaire with which a surveyor asks respondents questions and takes notes of their answers (non self-administered).

• There are two types of questions: 1) closed-ended questions for which specific response options are provided; and 2) open-ended questions for which respondents answer in their own words.

• It is possible to obtain information on subject at once from numerous targets.

• Respondents’ answers can easily be compared.

• Analyzing answers of closed-ended questions is relatively easy because they can be quantified.

• Skills for developing an adequate questionnaire are needed to obtain necessary data.

• All important information may not be covered if the size of a population for a survey is limited.

• Response rates are not predictable.

• There is no opportunity for respondents to clarify the intentions of questions due to the lack of chances for direct conversation.

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Table 10: Main Data Collection Methods (Cont’d)

Description Merits Demerits/ Tips Interview Survey • There are some types of

interviews depending on the target – individual interview, group interview, key informant interview, etc.

• There are three types of interviews depending on the structure of questions. - Structured Interview:

Specific questions are prepared, same as in the questionnaire survey.

- Semi-structured Interview: Main questions are prepared. Some additional questions are asked when necessary during the interview.

- Unstructured Interview: Only the intention of the interview is clarified. Questions are freely asked for each respondent.

• It is possible to flexibly deal with respondents, depending on the situation.

• It is possible to further obtain information from respondents’ reactions – i.e. facial expressions, voices, etc.

• It is possible to ask additional questions to obtain more details.

• It takes time. • The results are

influences by interviewers’ skills.

• The results can be influenced by individual bias.

• In many cases, it is not possible to quantify data and thus, generalize results.

Focus Group Discussion • A group of around 10 people

with the same background discusses specific topics (or questions). Their perception towards the topics or ideas can be obtained through observing the discussion.

• It is relatively easy to conduct it.

• Through participants’ interactions, information on specific topics is obtained from various viewpoints.

• Objections are easily heard.

• It is not suitable for sensitive topics.

• A few respondents may control the discussion.

• Respondents may not express their true feelings if the topics are related to social norms.

• Discussions are influenced by facilitator’s skills (capable facilitators are needed).

• Carefully select members (maximum 12 people).

• Have someone make a record of the discussion.

In the questionnaire survey or the interview, results may easily be influenced by the way

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questions are formulated. Even though a questionnaire survey is conducted on the whole population, or for key respondents who may have important information, it might not be possible to obtain the necessary data as expected unless questions are appropriate and operational. Described below are some tips regarding how to prepare questionnaires and questions by different methods of data collection.

Table 11: Tips to Prepare Questions

Data Collection Methods Tips

Questionnaire Survey

• Use clear and simple words and expressions. • A sentence should be simple, not too long. • Do not ask two or more things in one question. • Avoid using double negative sentences. • Do not use leading questions. • Include questions for double-checking. • Include some options which allow respondents not to respond – i.e.

not applicable, no opinion, etc. • Keep the total volume modest, not too large (two to three pages at

most). • Stipulate the evaluation purpose (the survey purpose) and

confidentiality. • Do not forget to express appreciation for cooperation. • Social and cultural aspects should fully be considered and sensitive

wording avoided. Interview • Start with general/ simple questions before asking personal/

difficult questions. • Decide the order of questions assuming a smooth conversation –

i.e. arrange related topics one after another (however, an interviewer may skip some questions depending on a respondent’s answers).

• Prepare main questions reflecting the intention of interview, and ask additional questions accordingly. An interviewer should always keep in mind the intention of interview.

• Social and cultural aspects should fully be considered, and sensitive wording should be avoided.

• Plan the time schedule, the contents of interview, and the orders of questions in advance so that the interview will be finished within the time limit.

Focus Group Discussion

• Set a main question or a theme, and avoid asking new questions until participants finish discussing it.

• Do not ask questions to be answered by yes or no. • Ask such questions so as to grasp reasons, causes, and backgrounds

of behaviour or opinions. Source: JICA, 2004, p.42

b) Combining Different Data Collection Methods

In order to maximize the merits and minimize the demerits of each data collection method, several different methods should be combined. For example, a questionnaire survey can be conducted to complement existing data. Or, a focus group discussion among local people may be conducted to know their perception after an understanding of the general tendency has already been learned through a questionnaire survey. It is

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also possible to carry out a survey using both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. It is important to consider the combination of several methods in order to reduce the biases of surveyors as well as respondents.

c) Types of Data Analysis Methods

There are two types of data analysis: 1) quantitative analysis; and 2) qualitative analysis – exactly the same as the types of data. They should be utilized complementarily.

Quantitative analysis demonstrates the degree of achievement or causal relationship using quantitative data based on statistics grounds. It tries to present the evaluation results as scientifically as possible.

On the other hand, qualitative analysis uses qualitative information obtained from a literature review, interview, or a focus group discussion, etc. The set of analytical tools is not prepared in advance, and in the process of data analysis, the meaning of data, new facts, or relationships between factors may be deductively constructed.

The results of qualitative analysis may be influenced by the biases of both respondents and analysts. In order to assure the objectivity of the findings, such measures as having a third party conduct the analysis or combining with other data collection methods should be incorporated. One of the merits of qualitative analysis is its ability to obtain detailed information about local target populations and people’s behavioural changes. The results of qualitative analysis can be utilized as supporting evidence for the results of quantitative analysis, and thus can help to identify the various factors influencing project performance.

(5) Formulating an Evaluation Grid

The last step of making an evaluation plan is to bring all the contents of planning together in an “Evaluation Grid”, a table of evaluation work plan. All components in the evaluation grid are interrelated to each other, and help us develop the most appropriate work plan for conducting an evaluation. In the process of creating the evaluation grid, we always have to keep in mind what is the most appropriate way to answer evaluation questions.

The evaluation grid should be used flexibly. There are no rules in the ways of description, and a new column can be added when necessary. The important thing is that the way of answering evaluation questions is clearly specified and the effective methods within limited sources are identified. After completing the grid, it is also important to properly reflect the contents of the grid on the questionnaire or a question sheet to actually conduct surveys.

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3.3 Conducting Evaluation Survey After detailed principles of an evaluation survey are set by developing an evaluation grid, actual survey activities in the field have to be conducted. Then analyses and interpretations of collected data follow the activities.

3.3.1 Collection of Data

Actual data collection in the fields comes after development of evaluation grid. In order to collect data, it is necessary to do the following things for preparation.

• Establishment of survey implementation structure

It is necessary to decide what structure should be established for the evaluation survey such as who will be an evaluation team leader, who will be members of the team, how field surveys will be conducted (whether the team need field surveyors or not, etc.), what kinds of supports the team can receive in the field, and so on. If it is necessary to hire additional consultants and/ or surveyors, it is better to start hiring procedures.

• Development of actual questions and questionnaires (if necessary)

Based on developed evaluation grid, actual questions which will be asked to each stakeholder will be developed. Depending on data collection methods, necessary items should be prepared. For example, if data is collected through questionnaire survey, it is necessary to decide exactly who will be asked, what kinds of questionnaires should be developed for each, how they will be asked, and develop actual questionnaires. If focus group discussions are to be conducted, what kinds of focus groups will be set up, who will participate in the discussions, what kinds of topics will be discussed, who will facilitate the discussions, and so on should be decided.

At the same time, it is necessary to consider how the collected data will be gathered for analyses and to develop spreadsheets.

• Set survey schedule

Considering implementation structure, kinds of survey methods, survey duration, and so on, evaluation survey schedule should be set and arrangement of surveys such as appointments with interviewees and/or participants of focus group discussions will be done. It is better to have some occasional days so that the schedule can be changed depending on a progress of the survey.

When the preparation is finished, actual survey will start based on the set survey schedule. Collected data will be input to the prepared spreadsheets for analyses.

3.3.2 Analysis and Interpretation of Data

(1) Data Interpretation

Evaluation does not end with just data collection and analysis to find out mean value or degree of satisfaction. Based on those results of analysis, some value judgments should be made according to the evaluation criteria. At the same time, in order to make useful recommendations and lessons learned, influential factors that have affected the results should be fully analyzed. This task is called “interpretation.”

There are two steps in the interpretation process: 1) making value judgments about a

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project according to the Five Evaluation Criteria; and 2) drawing a conclusion based on those judgments.

a) Evaluation Using the Five Criteria

The first task is to evaluate a project using the five criteria and specify the factors that brought the evaluation results. For instance, suppose when evaluating the effectiveness of a water supply project, effectiveness is examined based on the data analysis that “60% of all villagers could access safe water” as an answer to the evaluation question of “what percentage of villagers could access safe water by conducting the project?” In the case that the evaluator judges that the effectiveness is not high enough because the target value (80% of the villagers) was not attained, factors that inhibited the achievement of the objective should be analyzed. There might have been a problem with the location of the waterworks installed, or the water supply management committee might not be functioning properly.

When explaining hindering or contributing factors, specific evidence drawn from survey results should be presented to all stakeholders. If not, the credibility of the evaluation may decrease. As a result, fewer people will be persuaded to utilize the evaluation results.

If the conclusion only indicates that “the effectiveness is high” without analyzing hindering or contributing factors, or if it reports the rating score of each criterion, the results may not to be utilized for project improvement. Only when influential factors are identified can useful recommendations and lessons learned be proposed.

b) Conclusion

Drawing a conclusion based on the interpretation results for each of the five criteria is the next step. In an evaluation using the five criteria, the evaluator perceives a project from the viewpoint of each criterion individually. To draw a conclusion, however, the evaluator has to make a value judgment for each evaluation purpose from a comprehensive viewpoint, considering all the criteria. For instance, in ex-ante evaluation, an evaluation mission team decides whether it is valid to conduct a project and whether the contents of plans are appropriate. In the case of terminal evaluation, a team judges whether a project is successful and whether the assistance should be terminated. The team also has to provide evidence for the judgment from the results.

In drawing the conclusion, the following approach can be applied to re-examine a project: 1) whether assumed causal relationships between project implementation and effects were appropriate; and 2) whether the project implementation process was appropriate. For instance, if the effectiveness is low despite the fact that the efficiency (the relationship between inputs and outputs) is high in a project, there might have been problems in the planning process which specified the causal relationships that would produce the expected effects (or the original plans). Or, in the case that effects are not produced although the project structure (the logic of causal relationships) is considered appropriate, there might have been problems in the implementation process (or the way of implementing a project, including inputs and the management system). Re-examining a project on these issues clarifies who is responsible for what, and makes it possible to formulate recommendations and propose the lessons that have been learned more specifically. This analysis is essential for internal evaluation whose main purpose is to feedback the evaluation results to those responsible or to those concerned in order to improve project management and operation.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


(2) Making Recommendations and Proposing Lessons Learned

Based on the conclusion, recommendations are made and lessons learned are drawn. “Recommendations” include specific measures, suggestions and advice on a target project for those concerned in the implementing agencies. “Lessons” can be learned through the experience of a target project and fed back to on-going similar projects or to project finding and planning process in the future.

It is important to reach some consensus among the stakeholders (including the government officers of a partner country) about the recommendations and lessons learned. By involving potential users of evaluation results, it is expected that the recommendations and lessons learned will be practiced, and accordingly, some improvements will be made in project management and operations.

Not many people would utilize the recommendations and lessons learned if they were not specific and practical enough. To convey clear messages by providing supporting evidence obtained from evaluation results is most important.

Table 12: Flow of Data Interpretation and Recommendations/Lessons Learned

Source: JICA, 2004, p.88, modified by JSPR

Data analysis • Numerical value data by quantitative analysis • Issues and incidents grasped through qualitative analysis

Evaluation results using the 5

evaluation criteria

• Judgments based on each of the five evaluation criteria:- relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability

• Provide evidence for the judgment and analyze hindering or contributing factors


• Responses to evaluation questions • Judgment for the evaluation purpose form the comprehensive

viewpoint based on the results of the five criteria - Ex-ante Evaluation: whether implementing a specific project is

valid and whether the contents of its plans are appropriate - Mid-term Evaluation: whether a project is producing effects as

expected and whether there is a necessity of modifying its plans - Terminal Evaluation: whether a project is considered as a good

practice or a failure - Ex-post Evaluation: whether the effects produced are being

sustained and whether a project was worth conducting - Judgments for other evaluation proposes

• Providing the grounds Examining whether the problem can be attributed to the way causal relationships are specified (a matter resulting from project planning ) or the problem of the implementation process (a matter resulting from implementing a project)

Recommendations • Specific measures, suggestions, and advice regarding a target project

to be taken into consideration by those concerned

Lessons learned • Lessons learned through the experience of a target project (useful

information for project finding and formulation in the future or the management of other on-going projects)

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


3.4 Reporting Evaluation Results Evaluation results should be reported in a simple and clear way to potential users. If the report is difficult to understand, evaluation results are not easily fed back and utilized. As a result, resources (namely time and money) invested in the evaluation might end up being wasted. Reports should explain key issues in a comprehensive manner to those who are not directly involved in the evaluation study, so that they can easily follow and understand the results.

Here are tips for preparing a report.

• Avoid a redundant report. Keep the length of the main part around 30 to 40 pages. Be sure to make a summary of the evaluation results.

• Write a report using specific expressions in a simple manner, emphasizing issues to be conveyed avoid using technical terms too often.

• Use tables and figures in inappropriate and simple manner when explaining data, so that the readers can receive messages to be conveyed through the data.

• State the limitation of the evaluation study.

• Provide the grounds for judgments in the evaluation of survey results.

• Stipulate the sources of quoted data.

• Place the evaluation grid, contents of the questionnaire, and collected data in an appendix.

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Table 13: An Example of Evaluation Report Contents (the Case of Terminal Evaluation)

Preface Project Site Map Pictures Abbreviations Summary of Evaluation Results

Chapter 1 Scope of Evaluation Study - Background and Goal of Evaluation Mission Dispatch - Mission Team and Time Frame - Project Overview, etc. (i.e. Background of Project, Logical Framework, etc)

Chapter 2 Evaluation Methods - Evaluation Questions, Necessary Data, and Indicators - Data Collection Methods - Data Analysis Methods - Restrictions and Limitations in Evaluation Study

Chapter 3 Project Performance - Inputs and Outputs - Project Purpose - Implementation Process

Chapter 4 Evaluation Results 4-1 Evaluation for Each of the Five Criteria

- Describe data analysis results, evaluation results and grounds, and the hindering or contributing factors related to each of the Five Evaluation Criteria

4-2 Conclusion - Examine hindering or contributing factors and make judgements on evaluation

results from the comprehensive viewpoint - Summarize noticeable issues when necessary

Chapter 5 Recommendations and Lessons Learned 5-1 Recommendations

- Describe specific measures, suggestions, and advice regarding a target project or a related cooperation program

- Describe recommendations for each potential user, in priority order, and in a time frame, if possible

5-2 Lessons Learned - Describe useful information, obtained from the target project, for project

finding and formulation of similar projects or the implementation and the management of other on-going projects

- Describe useful information for formulating a cooperation program in the related area

Appendix: 1. Study Schedule 2. Main Interviewees 3. Minutes 4. Evaluation Grid 5. Questionnaire, Question Items, etc. 6. Data Collection and Analysis Results 7. List of Collected Literature and Documents 8. Other Related Materials

Source: JICA, 2004, pp. 90-91

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



English Dari Pashto

Accountability Obligation to demonstrate that work has been conducted in compliance with agreed rules and standards or to report fairly and accurately on performance results vis-a-vis mandated roles and/or plans. This may require a careful, even legally defensible, demonstration that the work is consistent with the contract terms.

:حسابدهیالزام تا تثبيت گردد که کارها مطابق به

قوانين توافق شده و معيارات است، و یا ارایه گزارش مناسب و دقيقی از نتایج

. قوانين و یا پالنها استاجراات در مقابلاین موضوع شاید مستلزم تثبيت دفاع قابل

توجه و حتی قانونی باشد که وظایف با .شرایط قرارداد سازگار باشد

حساب ورکونهي چي ه آي ي دا په ډا پدي پروسه آ

آار دمنل شویو نورمونو او قوانينو سره ي په اړه . سم شویدي او یا دآارآرد

ي دآار پالن راپور ورآول پ داسي حال آي ونيول شي . شوي طرحه په نظر آ

دغه پروسه ډیري دقيقي آتني ته ي چي آار و داثابته آ ضرورت لري تر

دقرارداد او منل شویو حالتونو سره سم شویدي آنه؟

Activity Actions taken or work performed through which inputs, such as funds, technical assistance and other types of resources and mobilized to produce specific outputs. Related term: Development intervention

:فعاليتام ه انج ق ب ا از طری ت ه ا و فعالي کاره

د اند؛ مانن اری : رس الی، همک وه م وجتخنيکی و سایر منابع محصول مشخصی

.را به وجود ميآوردمداخلۀ انکشافی: ربوطهعبارت م

دنده ، کاري ته ویل آار یا فعاليت هغه آار یا ه

ي چي په وسيله یې زیرمي یا بودیجه آيدالسته راوړنو دالسته راوړلو لپاره په

ي . آار اچول آيدپرمختيادفعاليتونو : مربوطه اصطالح

ي ه

Assumptions Hypotheses about factors or risks which could affect the progress or success of development intervention.

:فرضياتفرضيات در مورد حقایق و یا خطرات

که ميتواند سد راه پيشرفت و موفقيت .اقدامات انکشافی گردد

يرنه انخه عبارت دی چی ور هغه باندنی فکپروژه د متوقع هدف، مقصد،نتيجه او

خه را گ ویفعاليتونو د رسيدلو .ر

Beneficiaries The individuals, groups, or organisations, whether targeted or not, that benefit, directly or indirectly, from the development intervention. Related terms: reach, target group

:مستفيد شوندگانورد افراد، گروپ ها، و یا سازمانها، چه م

ستقيم و هدف ه شکل م ه ب ه، ک باشند و یا نستفيد دامات انکشافی م یا غير مستقيم از اق


نا یل شدن به گروپ مورد : کلمۀ ارنباطینظر

: ه اخستونكيروپونو عبارت دي، دانفرادي اشخاصو، خه خه چي دپرمختيایي چارو ولنو او

ه ورته په مستقيم یا غير مستقيم ډول ي . رسي

Direct Beneficiaries Those who will be positively affected by the development intervention at project purpose level. Related term: target group

:مستفيد شوندگان مستقيمه ه ب د ک سانی ان ستقيم ک وندگان م ستفيد ش مشافی دامات انک وذ اق ت نف ت تح کل مثب ش

.ندپروژه قرار ميگيرگروه مورد نظر: کلمۀ ارتباطی

ه اخيستونکي مستقيم یا مخامخ ه اخستونکي دي چي په دپروژي هغه

خه ه ورته دپروژي مخامخ ډول گي رسي

Effect Intended or unintended change due directly or indirectly to an intervention. Related terms: results, outcome

:نتيجهه دامات را ب ته اق ا خواس ا ن ته و ی خواس

.شکل مستقيم یا غير مستقيم تغيير ميدهدنتایج، محصول: کلمۀ ارتباطی

تاثيري متوقع یا غير دیوفعاليت په پایله ک

ي .متوقع تغير ته ویل کيپایلي یا تاثير: ورته اصطالح

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


English Dari Pashto Effectiveness The extent to which the development intervention’s objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, taking into account their relative importance. Related team: efficacy

: مؤثریتعبارت از تداوم مقاصد اقدامات انکشافی بدست آمده است، و یا توقع ميرود بدست

طریق قسمت اهميت ارتباط آید از این .شانرا در نظر ميگيرد

ورتوب گخه دکوم په : عبارت دي دهغ لوري

اکل شوي وسيله چي دپرمختيا لپاره ي او یا یې السته راوړل هدف السته را

ي متوقع کي

Efficiency A measure of how economic resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) are converted to results.

:شایستگی و کفایتکمنابع / سنجش اینکه چگونه منابع اقتصادی

مانند وجوه مالی، کارشناسان، وقت و (به نتایج برگردانده ) سایر موضوعات


اغيزمنتوبهغه وسيله ده چي په م یې په مناسب

ه ډول دپروژي زیرمي بودیجه، (او السته دپایلو د) پوهه، وخت اوداسي نور

ي . راوړلوپه موخه پرتله یا اندازه کيEvaluation The systematic and objective assessment of an on-going or completed project, programme or policy, its design, implementation and results. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfilment of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. An evaluation should provide information that is credible and useful, enabling the incorporation of lessons learned into the decision-making process of both recipients and donors. Evaluation also refers to the process of determining the worth or significance of an activity, policy or programme. An assessment, as systematic and objective as possible, of a planned, on-going, or completed development intervention.

:ارزیابیارزیابی سيستماتيک و عملی از یک

پروژه، برنامه و یا پاليسی در حال جریان و یا تکميل شده طرح آن، تطبيق و یا نتيجۀ آن بمنظور از ارزیابی تشخيص ارتباطات و

اجرای مقاصد، شایستگی انکشاف، . مؤثریت ها، تاثيرات، و تداوم است

یک ارزیابی باید معلوماتی را در ر ما قرار دهد که معتبر و مفيد اختيا

بوده، و هردو، کمک شوندگان و تمویل کنندگان را قادر سازد تا از

تجربه های مشترک که حاصل نموده اند در روند تصميم گيری استفاده

ارزیابی به روند تشخيص . نمایندبدترین و پذیرا ترین فعاليت، پاليسی

. و یا برنامه نيز اطالق ميگرددی اقدامات انکشافی پالن شده، ارزیاب

در حال جریان و تکميل شده باید تا .حد امکان سيستماتيک و عملی باشد

ارزونهدیورواني یاتکميل سوي پروژې، پاليسى، رام اودهغه دډیزان، تطبيق اونتایجو پرو

ي هد ف یي دادى چي . ارزوني ته ویل کيني، اغيزمنتوب، داهدافوارتباط اوک

يورتوب، ا یوا . ثر اواستقرار تعين کي چي رزونه باید داسي معلومات تهيه ک

وروي اوزده سوي درسونه باوري اوگاى اودمرسته اوتجربې سره یو

ورکونکواودمرستي دترالسه کوونکودتصميم نيوني دپروسې سره

ي ارزونه همداډول . مرسته وکت هم رام اهميت اوارز دیوفعاليت یاپرو

ه کوي روان یاتکميل سوي دیو. په نپرمختيایي فعاليت ارزونه باید دومره

ومره چي ممکنه اصولي، اوباهدفه وي .وي

Ex-ante Evaluation An evaluation that is performed before implementation of a development intervention. Related terms: appraisal, quality at entry

:نی شدهارزیابی پيش بيدامات ق اق ل ار تطبي ه قب ت ک ابی اس ارزی

.انکشافی، اجرا ميگرددارزیابی، کيفيت در شروع: کلمۀ ارتباطی

خه مخکي ارزونه دپروژې داجراوپروژې ي چي دی هغه ارزوني ته ویل کي

ي یافعاليت ترتطبيق وړاندي ترسره کينه، دشروع کيفيت : مربوطه اصطالح . پل

Ex-post Evaluation Evaluation of a development intervention after it has been completed. It may be undertaken directly after or long after completion. The intervention is to identify the factors of success or failure, to assess the sustainability of results and impacts, and to draw conclusions that may inform other interventions.

): اجرا شده ( ارزیابی عملی از اقدامات انکشافی بعد از اینکه ارزیابی

این ارزیابی شاید مستقيم بعد . تکميل گردیداز تکميل و یا مدتی بعد از تکميل اقدامات

اقدامات، حقایق کاميابی ها . صورت گيردو ناکامی ها را به منظور ارزیابی تداوم ور نتایج و تاثيرات آن و همچنان به منظ

به نتيجه رسيدن که شاید در مورد اقدامات .بعدی اطالع دهد، مشخص ميسازد

دپروژې دختم وروسته ارزونهي چي دیوفعاليت هغه ارزوني ته ویل کي

ي . یاپروژې ترتکميل وروسته ترسره کي دغه ارزونه کيداى سي چي دپروژې دختم ته ت وروس اهم ډیروخ ته ژر اوی وروس

هدف دادى چي ددې ارزوني . ترسره سي ي، ل س ل وپل امى عوام ابى اوناک دکاميت ودپروژې دنتایجواواثراتوپای تر

. مطالعه سي اوتصميم ونيول سي

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


English Dari Pashto External Evaluation The evaluation of a development intervention conducted by entities and/or individuals outside the donor and implementing organisations.

:ارزیابی بيرونیارزیابی از اقدامات انکشافی توسط

مؤسسات مستقل و یا انفرادی تمویل کننده .و یا نهاد تطبيق کننده عملی ميگردد

بهرنى ارزونهودریم ي چي دی ل کي ه وی ي ت ه ارزون هغته ه مرس ي ن طه چ ه واس ان پ ار

وونک م تطبيق ه ه وونکې اداره اون ى ورکان وي ترسره سي . ار

Five Evaluation Criteria Evaluation criteria for development interventions which include relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.

:پنج معيار ارزیابیپنج معيار ارزیابی برای اقدامات انکشافی

، مؤثریت، شایستگی، عبارت اند از ارتباطتماس ها یا تاثيرات، و تداوم

ه معيارونهدار زوني پنه ارت دي ل ه عب ه معيارون ي پن : دارزون

ر وب، اث ورت وب، اط، اغيزمنت ارتبخه ت . اوپای

Impacts Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.

:تاثيراتتاثيرات طویل المدت مثبت و منفی،

ابتدایی و ثانوی است که توسط اقدامات انکشافی، مستقيم و یا غير مستقيم ، عمدی

.و یا غير عمدی، بوجود می آیند

اثرت طه مثب ه واس ت پ ایي فعالي دیوپرمختي

ه م ي اوږدمهال ستقيم اومنف ستقيم یاغيرمه ن ت اغيرپالن سوي رام الن سوي اوی پ

ي . سوي تاثيراتوته ویل کي

Implementation To carry out a project or idea.

:تطبيقاجرا و یا بکار بستن یک پروژه و یا

.نظریه را تطبيق گویند

پلی کولل ه وی و ت ي کول ایونظریې و پل روژی ی د پ

ئ .کيIndicator Quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement, to reflect the changes connected to an intervention, or to help assess the performance of a development actor.

:شاخص که کميت یا عامل کيفی و یا تغييراتی

وسایل ساده و مؤثق را تهيه نماید تا بوسيلۀ آن دستآورد ها به منظور انعکاس

تغييراتی که در یک اقدام بوجود می آید، و یا در قسمت ارزیابی عملکرد های

بازیگر انکشافی کمک نماید ، اندازه .گيری شود

شاخصي ي چ ل کي ه وی ي فکتورت ي اوکميت کيف

ن يله رام اري وس اده اواعتب ي یوس ه ک تي، دازه ک ي ان ته راوړن والس ترایي ي چي دیوپرمختي ه ک اوتغيرات په نه ن ت ي م رڅ ک ه ت ره کولوپ ت دترس فعالي

ي چي . راغلي دي یاددې سره مرسته وکابي ي ارزی ن ارکوونکي ک دیوپرمختيایي ک

ي . کIndirect Beneficiaries Those who, beyond the level of target groups, benefit from the development intervention in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large.

:مستفيد شوندگان شاخص هامستفيد شوندگان شاخص ها کسانی اند که

در ماورای سطح گروه مورد نظر، از اقدامات انکشافی طویل المدت در سطح

.یده ميبرندجامعه و یا بخش بزرگتر فا

ه اخيستونکي غير مستقيم ي ستونکي د ي چ ه اخ ه گ روژي هغ دپه ستقيمو گ ا م امخ ی روژي دمخ دپولنيز یاسکتوري ه اخستونکو لخواورته په ي گ ان ک ه جری ال پ ډول داوږدمه

ي رسيInputs The financial, human, and material resources used for the development intervention.

):منابع(داده ها عبارت است از منابع مالی، انسانی و مواد

که برای اقدامات انکشافی از آن استفاده .ميشود

ت لگشري الي، ب ت دم ایي فعالي دیوپرمختي

ي . اوموادودمنابعوواستعمال ته ویل کي

Internal Evaluation Evaluation of development intervention conducted by a unit and/or individuals reporting to the management of the donor, partner, or implementing organisation. Related term: self-evaluation

: ارازیابی داخلیه توسط یک شافی ک دامات انک ابی اق ارزی

راد / بخش دایر ميگردد ا گزارشدهی اف و یا ار و ی ده، همک ل کنن دیریت تومي ه م ب

. مؤسسۀ تطبيق کنندهارزیابی خودی: کلمۀ ارتباطی

داخلي ارزونهر، ي دون طه چ ه واس ان یانفرپ ه ار دهغان همکاره ادارې یاتطبيق ورکوونکي ارت ایي فعالي وي دیوپرمختي ه راپورورک ت

ي . ارزوني ته ویل کي ارزیابي خودي : مربوطه اصطالح

Interview A meeting in which someone is asked questions for a survey

:مصاحبهمالقاتی که در آن از کسی به منظور

.سروی سواالتی پرسيده ميشود

مرکهه کي ه هغ ي چي پ هغه مجلس ته ویل کيتني ه پو ه هکل ي پ ه دیوش خ ا دیوچ

ي . کي

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


English Dari Pashto Lessons Learned Generalisation based on evaluation experiences with projects, programmes, or policies that abstract from the specific circumstances to broader situations. Frequently, lessons highlight strengths or weaknesses in preparation, design, and implementation that affect performance, outcome, and impact.

:تجارب آموخته شده عموما تجارب که از ارزیابی پروژه ها،

برنامه ها، و یا پاليسی هایی که از محيط . مشخص به اوضاع وسيع تر جدا ميشود

بار ها، تجارب نقاط قوت و ضعف را در طرح ها، آمادگی ها و تطبيق که روی

عملکرد ها ، دستآورده ها و برخورد ها .ازداثر ميگذارید، واضيح ميس

زده سوي درسونهي سى دارزون روژې یاپالي رام، پ وپرو دیي ې دي چ ي تجرب ه الس راغل ه پ خ

ي خه په الس را اکثره . دمشخصوحاالتورام وپروژې، پرو ې دی ه تجرب ت د غ وخق چي زاین اوتطبي ي، ډی اده یاپاليسى امي ه راوړن ي، الس ت ن روژې ک دپوي ي ضعيفي اوق اثيروک دي ت اواثراتوبان

ه کوي نقطې . په ن

Logical Framework (Logframe) Management tool used to improve the design of interventions, most often at the project level. It involves identifying strategic elements (inputs, outputs, outcomes (= project purpose), impact (= overall goal)) and their causal relationships, indicators, and the assumptions or risks that may influence success and failure. It thus facilities planning, execution and evaluation of a development intervention.

):Logframe(چارچوب منطقی زاین وسيلۀ مدیریت که به منظور توسعۀ دی

اقدامات که غالبا به سطح پروژه استفاده چارچوب منطقی شامل عناصر . ميشود

داده ها، (مشخص استراتيژیک ، )هدف پروژه(= محصوالت، دستآورد ها

و عوامل )) هدف عمومی(= تاثيرات ارتباطی آنها، شاخص ها، و یا پيش

فرضيات و خطرات که شاید در کاميابی و بدینگونه چار . ندناکامی پروژه مؤثر باش

چوب منطقی پالنگذاری، اجراات و ارزیابی اقدامات انکشافی را تسهيل


منطقي جدولامان ا س وافزار ی ااداره کولوی رول ی دکنتوي وطرح ق اه ي دفعاليتونوی آالت دي چ

و ي اودامعم طحه ال ک ه س روژې پ . وي دپل دغه مهم مشخص کوونکي عناصرپه خپ

اړي، ي رانغ امان آالت، ( ان ک واد اوس مصد، روژې مق ي، دپ ه راوړن الس تدف اوددوى ومي ه ر اوعم روژې اث دپاالت صونه، احتم ي، شاخ ببي اړیک سروژې ن دپ ي ممک وم چ ه ک اوخطرون

ي داډول دا . کاميابي اوناکامي متاثره ک همالن جوړوني ي یافعاليت وپ وه ي دی ن ، ک

. اوارزوني ته الربرابروي

Methodology The system of methods used for doing, teaching, or studying something.

:روش و روش شناسیسيستم روش های که برای تدریس ،

.عملکرد و یا مطالعۀ چيزی استفده ميشود

طریقه ، ميتدولوجيي ي چ ل کي ه وی ستم ت ه سي دطریقوهغ

ي د و، دیوش ه کول مطالعاره سولواویایوکاردترسره کولولپ تدری

ي . استعمالي

Mid-term Evaluation Evaluation performed toward the middle of the period of implementation of the intervention. Related term: formative evaluation

:ارزیابی ميانمدتدام ا ق اق دت از تطبي ابی ميانم ات رزی

.انکشافی در وسط پروژهارزیابی تکوینی: عبارت مربوطه

مهاله ارزونهمنوپروژې ي چي دی هغه ارزوني ته ویل کي

ي . یافعاليت په مابين کي ترسره کي . اصالحي ارزونه : مربوطه اصطالح

Monitoring A continuing function that uses systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide management and the main stakeholders of an ongoing development intervention with indications of the extent of progress and achievement of objectives and progress in the use of allocated funds.

:نظارتآوری عمليۀ دوامداریست که سيستم جمع

ارقام را به منظور تنظيم مدیریت و افراد مهم ذیدخل در یک مداخلۀ انکشافی با

شاخص های توسعۀ روند ها را و بمنظور رسيدن به مقاصد با استفاده از وجوه مالی

.تعيين شده، استفاده مينماید

ارنهي ت چ داره فعالي یودوامولي ه اص صونومطابق پ دمشخصوشاخ

ع ک ات راجم ه معلوم و تو ي تره ي داصلي برخ ایي ه ورواني پرمختي دیوونکى والولپاره دشاخصونوسره یواداره کي،اودفعاليت پرمخت سيستم رامن ته کوي صرف س ه دم ه راوړن دافوالس ت داه

ي ي اکي و . بودجې په ر

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


English Dari Pashto Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) These are two complementary, but distinct processes. Monitoring focuses on tracking inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts as interventions are implemented. Evaluation assesses the efficiency and impact of interventions (typically after they have been implemented). Together, monitoring and evaluation allow policymakers to track results, suggest corrections or improvements during implementation, and assess success. M&E systems can also promote ownership of reforms and accountability.

:(M&E)ی نظارت و ارزیابنظارت و ارزیابی هر دو مکمل و متمم

نظارت . دیگر اند، اما روند مجزا دارندیکبر پيگرد روی داده ها، محصوالت،

دستآوردها و تاثيرات، زمانيکه اقدامات . انکشافی تطبيق گردید، تمرکز بيشتر دارد

ارزیابی، تاثيرات اقدامات انکشافی را بطور نمونوی بعد از ( بررسی مينماید

). اینکه اقدامات انکشافی تطبيق شدارزیابی باهم ترتيب کننده نظارت و

پاليسی را اجازه ميدهد تا نتایج را پيگردی نموده ، تصحيحات ویا انکشافات را در

جریان تطبيق پيشنهاد نموده، و موفقيت سيستم نظارت و . ها را ارزیابی مينماید

ارزیابی همچنان ميتواند مالکيت .اصالحات و حسابدهی را توسعه دهد

) م این اي ای ( ارنه اوارزونه ر په خپل دادوه یوله بل سره الزم دي ، م

ې دي ه جالپروس خ ل ه ب ي یول . ان کوادواو ي دم ان ک ه جری ق پ ه دتطبي ارنوي ه ک ن و، نتایجواواثراتوپل امان آالت . س

وب ورت وب او و داغيزمنت ه ده ارزونوي ه ک ن ق ( پل روژې دتطبي وال دپ معم

ي ه ) . وروسته ترسره کي ه اوارزون ارنه دو سى وجوړوونکوت اى دپالي اړه یو

ي ه وک ن ي دنتایجوپل وي چ ازه ورک دااجه اره وړاندیزون الحاتواوترقى لپ اوداص

ي ه وک ابى ازون ي اودکامي ارني . وک دي ي چ داى س ستم کي ي سي اوارزونې ووني دپروس ساب ورک الحاتو اوح داص

ي . سره مرسته وک

Project Cycle The entire process of an undertaking, including project identification and formulation, appraisal, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and feedback. Feedback from evaluation results is incorporated in future project planning. In actual practice, a mini cycle of “planning, implementation, check and plan revision” is repeated at each step.

: دوران پروژه است، بشمول )پروژه(تمام روند یک تعهد

مشخصات و شکل بندی، ارزیابی، تطبيق، فيدبک از . نظارت، ارزیابی و فيدبک

نتایج ارزیابی، در پالنهای بعدی پروژه در اجرای حقيقی، . در نظر گرفته ميشود

پالنگذاری، تطبيق، چک " کوچک چرخۀدر هر مرحله تکرار " و تجدید پالن

. ميشود

دپروژې دورانشخص روژې دم ه دپ ه پروس ولارني ق، ه، تطبي ن و، پل کولواوجوړول

ه شمول ي اوفي بک پ روژې . اوارزون دپى ه الس راغل ه پ خ ایجو ي دنت دارزونه ات د راتلونکوپروژوپ بک یامعلوم في

ي ه ک الن جوړون ي پ ي . استعمالي ه عمل پق روژې د تطبي الن ،اودپ ي پ رین ک تمي . چيکولوته کتنه په هرقدم کي تکراری

Project Cycle Management (PCM) A methodology for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of projects and programmes based on the principles of the logical framework approach.

:(PCM) مدیریت دوران پروژه روشی است برای آمادگی، تطبيق و

ارزیابی پروژه ها و برنامه ها به اساس .قوانين روش چارچوب منطقی

) پي سي ایم ( د پروژي د دوران اداره م ره س اټ داصولوس ي چوک دمنطقق ى، تطبي اده رام ام اپرو وپروژې ی دی

ل اوارزوني وميتودولوجى اوطریق ه وی ې تي . کي

Project Design Matrix (PDM) A table (one of logframe form) summarizing a project’s activities, inputs, objectives, important assumptions, and objectively verifiable indicators, as well as the logical relationships among them. Related term: Logical Framework (Logframe)

:(PDM) طرح قالب پروژه دول کال (ج ی از اش ) logframeیک

ابع، روژه، من ای پ ت ه ۀ فعالي خالصاخص م، و ش يات مه يش فرض د، پ مقاصاط ان ارتب اد مقاصد، همچن ل اعتم ای قاب ه

.منطقی ميان آنهاچارچوپ منطقی : عبارت مربوطه(logframe)

وی د پروژی د طرح محتروژې ي دپ ه چ خ ي چوکاتو و دمنطق یي داف، مهم صرفيې، اه ه، م فعاليتوندوونکي شاخصونه فرضيې، اوواضح تایيه اط خالص ي ارتباط رمن منطق اوددوى ت

. اوتشریح کوي منطقي چوکات : مربوطه اصطالح

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


English Dari Pashto Recommendations Proposals aimed at enhancing the effectiveness, quality, or efficiency of a development intervention; at redesigning the objectives; and/or at the reallocation of resources. Recommendations should be linked to conclusions.

: پيشنهاداتپيشنهادات به منظور توسعۀ تاثيرات،

کيفيت و کفایت یک مداخلۀ انکشافی؛ دریا در تعيين /طرح دوبارۀ مقاصد؛ و

پيشنهادات باید به نتایج . دوبارۀ منابع. ارتباط داده شوند

تني سپارایي فعاليت هغه پيشنهادات چي دیوپرمختيه وب تقوی ورت وب او ت، اغيزمنت کيفي

ه : داهدافوپه بياطرح کول : کوي اومنابعوتتني وکي، سپار صيص ورکول ا تخ ه بي پ

. ي وي باید په آخره ک

Relevance The extent to which the objectives of a development intervention are consistent with beneficiaries’ requirements, country needs global priorities and partner and donor policies.

:ارتباطوسعت که مقاصد مداخلۀ انکشافی با

ان، ضروریات ضروریات مستفيد شوندگکشور، اولویت های جهانی و پاليسی های . تمویل کنندگان و همکاران سازگار است

ارتباطوري ه پ ه هغ ي پ دازه چ ه ان هغه داف د ت اه ایي فعالي دیوپرمختيت تنو، دمملک ستونکو، غو اخرورتونو، دضته یتوبونواودمرس یوالولوم ن

. ورکوونکودپاليسى سره برابرويSemi-Structured Interview An interview method using checklists in which an interviewer seeks answers in the course of an interview. Such interviews tend to be less formal and more open-ended than those conducted by an enumerator using a questionnaire.

: شده مصاحبۀ نيمه ساخته روش مصاحبه ای است که در فهرست

استفاده شده و جوابها را در جریان این نوع . مصاحبه جستجو مينماید

مصاحبه ها کمتر به رسمی بودن گرایش با مباحثۀ آزاد (دارد و بيشتر انتهای باز

دارد نسبت به مصاحبه های ) ختم ميشودکه از طریق گوینده و با استفاده از

. صورت ميگيردپرشسنامه ها

رویو ) مرکه ( نيمه پالن سوې انه کي چيک ه هغ دمرکې هغه طریقه چي پوونکى ه ک ي او مرک تعمالي ستونه اس ليخه استفاده ه ان کي دهغ دمرکې په جری

وي ري . ک ميات ل ې ل رس ه ډول مرک دغه سي دهغ ي ني ه برک ت پ ر ل وخ اوډیي سه سره چي سوالپا ه مقای مرکوسره پ

ي استعمال ي پک . ي

Sustainability The continuation of benefits from a development intervention after major development assistance has been completed. The probability of continued long-term benefit. The resilience to risk of the net benefit flows over time.

:داوماستحکام یا تتداوم مزایا از مداخلۀ انکشافی که بعد از

کمک های بيشتر انکشافی تکميل شده . تداوم احتمالی مزایای طویل المدت. است

جهندگی خطر جریان مفاد خالص در همه . وقت

ت پایوپروژې ه دی خ ه ته دهغ ل وروس د تکمي

ي ل کي ه وی ستني ت ي اخ داره گ . دوامودوام ته ویل ک ي داوږدمهاله . ي

Terminal Evaluation Terminal evaluation is performed upon completion of a project, focusing on its efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. Based upon the results of the evaluation, JICA determines whether it is appropriate to complete the project or necessary to extend follow-up cooperation. Related term: summative evaluation

:ارزیابی نهاییروژه اجرا ل پ د از تکمي ایی بع ارزیابی نهت، شتر روی موثری ز بي شود، تمرک مي

روژه دارد داوم پ ودمندی و ت اس . س ه اس با نتایج ارزیابی، جيکا تشخيص ميدهد که آی

ا من ردد و ی ل گ روژه تکمي ا پ اسب است ت . الزم است همکاری تعقيبی ادامه یابد

ارزیابی تلخيصی: عبارت مربوطه

رنى ارزونهآخل وروسته روژې دتکمي ه دپ آخرنى ارزونوب، روژې اغيزمنت ي اودپ ره کي ترسني الندي نيسي ي ورتوب اواستقرارتر . گ

صميم ا ت ابق جيک ي دنتایجومط دارزون ا پروژه په مناسب ډول تکميل نيسي چي ای

ي روژې تعقيب وې ده اودپ سل سي ه دوام ورک ارى ت فعاليتونواوهمک

. اوکه نه . خالصه سوې ارزونه : مربوطه اصطالح

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


English Dari Pashto Triangulation The use of three or more theories, sources or types of information, or types of analysis to verify and substantiate an assessment. By combining multiple data sources, methods, analyses or theories, analysts seek to overcome the bias that comes from single informants, single methods, single observer or single theory studies.

:مثلث بندیو یا بيشتر نظریات، منابع و یا استفادۀ سه

انواع معلومات، و یا انواع تحليل ها به با . منظور اثبات و ثقه سازی یک ارزیابی

یکجا نمودن چندین منبع معلوماتی، روش ها، تحليل تئوری ها، تحليل گران تخقيق

مينمایند تا به اصل که از یک گویندۀ واحد، روش واحد، ناظر واحد و مطالعۀ

. واحد فایق آیندنظری

بنديمثلث اډیرونظریو، ددرویل ا دتحلي اتودډولونو ی منابعویادمعلوم

ي ره ک ه ترس وچي یوارزون . دډولون دمعلوماتودمختلفومنابعو، طریقواو تحليلي وونکي ل ک اى کولوسره تحلي نظریوپه یوره چي ه معلوتوس وي چي دهغ کو کالعې ود، شخص یامط دیوې سرچينې، ميت

ي خه په ال ي مقایسه ک . س را

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009



FASID. (2004). PCM Project Cycle Management - Management Tool for Development Assistance – Participatory Planning. Tokyo: FASID

FASID. (2004). PCM Project Cycle Management – Management Tool for Development Assistance – Monitoring & Evaluation (M & E). Tokyo: FASID

JICA. (2004). JICA Guideline for Project Evaluation – Practical Methods for Project Evaluation. Tokyo: JICA

Khalid Nabris. (2002). Monitoring & Evaluation – Based on a PASSIA Training Course. Jerusalem: PASSIA

OECD. (2002). Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management. Paris: OECD


JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 1. Overview of M&E Session 1.1 Introduction of M&E Time (Duration) 60 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain what monitoring and evaluation are. - Explain objectives of M&E. - Explain relationship between M&E.

Agenda - Sharing what monitoring and evaluation are and objectives of M&E - Sharing relationship between M&E - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know what monitoring and evaluation are?” “Can you explain what they are?” “What are objectives of M&E?”

- Listing up answers to “what are monitoring and evaluation?” and “objectives of M&E”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider what monitoring and evaluation are and their objectives. Outputs - List of “What monitoring and

evaluation are” - List of “objectives of M&E”

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“What monitoring and evaluation are” and “Objectives of M&E”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain what monitoring and evaluation are, and objectives of M&E. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“What are relationships between M&E?” “What are differences between M&E, especially in terms of frequency, main action, basic purpose, focus, information sources, and implementers?”

- Listing up answers to “relationship and differences between M&E”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider relationships between M&E and differences between M&E. Outputs - List of “relationship between M&E” - List of “differences between M&E in

terms of frequency, main action, basic purpose, focus, information sources, and implementers”

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Relationship between M&E” and “differences between M&E”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain relationship and differences between M&E. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “What are monitoring and evaluation?” “What are objectives of M&E?” “What are relationships between M&E?” “What are differences between M&E?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs



٧٨۶آورس اموزشي نظارت و ارزيا بي

معرفی نظارت و ارزيابی -١نظارت ارزيابی

اهداف نظارت و ارزيابی -٢بهبود کيفيت پروژه فعلی بهبود کيفيت سائر پروژه ها

رشد شفافيتارتباط بين نظارت و ارزيابی -٣

فرق بين نظارت و ارزيابی: 1جدول صفحه ورد


معرفی نظارت و ارزيابی

چند اصطالح نظارت و ارزيابی به نظر ميرسد يکجا انجام شود در صورتيکه يکی باشد، اما در حقيقت نظارت و

ارزيابی دو فعاليت جداگانه از جمله فعاليت های يک اداره . است که مرتبط اما يکسان نميباشد



يک پروسه متداوم جمع آوری معلومات راجع به پيشرفت -١.و دست آورد های پروژه ميباشد

آيا فعاليت ها مطابق به پالن انجام شده است يا خير کمک -٢.ميکند

.يا پالن تطبيق پروژه را پيش از تکميل آن تغير دهند -٣بصورت معمول توسط تطبيق کنندگان پروژه که مستقيما -۴

در پروژه دخيل هستند، انجام ميشود



عبارت از تحليل مستقل، هدفمند، و مهم يک پروژه -١عمليه ارزيابی معموال تاثيرات فزيکی، محيطی، . ميباشد

اجتماعی و اقتصادی يک پروژه و يا اينکه پروژه چه .تاثيراتی را داشته، مشخص ميسازد

آيا منابع به شکل موثر مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است يا -٢.خير

در جريان تطبيق پروژه ،ارزيابی قبل از ديزاين پروژه -٣بعد ) سال ........ 2،1مثال ( در ختم پروژه، و در زمانی ،

. از تکميل پروژه انجام شود


اهداف نظارت و ارزيابی

بهبود مديريت پروژه، نظارت وارزيابي هدف عمده -١دريافت مسير آينده پروژه، و دروس مفيد برای سائر پروژه

.ها ميباشد


بهبود کيفيت پروژه فعلی

عمليه نظارت وارزيابی معلوماتی را که نشان دهنده به -١. حيث اساس در تصميم گيری پروژه استفاده گردد ميباشد

تدابيری را برای بهبود کيفيت پروژه کارمندان مرتبط -٢. اتخاذ مينمايند. ......) مدير پروژه، تمويل کنندگان،(پروژه



بهبود کيفيت سائر پروژه ها

پروژه های جديد و در حال جريان با در نظرداشت دروس -١. آموخته شده از تجارت گذشته بهبود مييابد


رشد شفافيت

نتيجه استفاده منابع را به فراهم کننده نظارت و ارزيابی -١منابع، حمايت کنندگان، و سائر ادارات مختلف ذيدخل

. بمنظور شفافيت و پاسخگوئی فعاليت ها واضح ميسازد


ارتباط بين نظارت و ارزيابی يک، نظارت و ارزيابی دو وسيله مختلف مديريت هستند که دارائی ارتباط نزد -١

. موثر باالی همديگر، و حامی متقابل ميباشند نظارت معلومات کمی و کيفی مفيد برای ديزاين و تطبيق عمليه ارزيابی -٢

. پروژه فراهم ميگردد در نتيجه ارزيابی دوره ئی، ابزار و . ارزيابی نظارت پروژه را کمک ميکند -٣

. ستراتيژی نظارت تصحيح گرديده و برای کار های آينده انکشاف مييابد کن در نظارت خوب ميتواند جا نشين ارزيابی در پروژه گردد، اما اين گفته مم -۴

.پروژه های خورد و کوتاه مدت وژه به قضاوت نهائی راجع به نتائج، تاثيرات، تداوم، و انکشاف آينده پر -۵

. ضرورت باشد، در ينصورت بايد ارزيابی انجام شود رار عمليه ارزيابی کمتر از عمليه نظارت با درنظرداشت وقت و هزينه آن تک -۶

. در دوران يک پروژه تکرار ميشود . جدول ذيل مقايسه نظارت و ارزيابی را نشان ميدهد

فرق بين نظارت و ارزيابي: 1جدول

بخش نظارت ارزيابي

تكرار دوره ئي، منظم ضمني، عارضي

كاركرد اصلي اشتبا هاتګيريجلو/ نگهداري مسير ارزيابي

هدف اساسي بهبود موثريت، عيار سازي پالن بهبود مفيديت، تاثيرات و برنامه ريزي آينده

، پروسه، نتيجه و پالن هاي دست اورد/ منابع و مفيديت هزينه مفيديت، ارتباط، تاثيرات، كاري


يد ساحه، گزارش پيشرفت، دسيستم عادي، باز عين كار به عالوه عمليه سروي و مطالعات ارزيابي سريع

بع معلوماتامن

مديران پروگرام سوپروايزر

تمويل كنندگان ارزيابي كنندگان خارجي

) مستفيد شوندگان(جامعه

مديران پروژه كاركنان جامعه

)مستفيد شوندگان(جامعه سوپروايزر

تمويل كنندگان

شخص مجري


. 3، ص 1991يونيسف، يك رهنما براي نظارت و ارزيابي، ايجاد يك تغير؟ نيويارك، : منبع ) روژه جي اس پي آرتغير داده شد توسط پ، 8-7، صفحات 2002نابريس، : ماخذ(

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 1. Overview of M&E Session 1.2 M&E and PCM Time (Duration) 80 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain what PCM is. - Explain M&E under the PCM method.

Agenda - Reviewing previous session - Sharing PCM, Logical Framework, and five evaluation criteria - Sharing M&E in project cycle, M&E framework under the PCM method and characteristics of M&E under PCM method - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions about the previous session

“What is definition of Monitoring?” “What is definition of Evaluation?” “What are objectives of M&E?” “What is relationship between M&E?”

- Listing up answers to the above questions Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are reminded what they learn at the previous session. Outputs - List of definitions of M&E - List of objectives of M&E

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“What is PCM?” “What is logical framework?” “What are evaluation criteria?”

- Listing up answers to “PCM”, “logical framework” and “evaluation criteria”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about “PCM”, “logical framework” and “evaluation criteria”. Outputs - List of “what PCM?" - List of “what is logical framework?”

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Project cycle and PCM” “Logical Framework” “Five Evaluation Criteria”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain “project cycle and PCM”, “logical framework”, and “five evaluation criteria”. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Where is M&E located in Project Cycle”? "How are M&E conducted under PCM method? What are frameworks of M&E under PCM method?" "What are characteristics (advantages and cautions) of M&E under PCM method?"

- Listing up answers to “M&E in project cycle”, “framework of M&E under PCM”, and “advantages and cautions of M&E under PCM”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about M&E under the PCM method. Outputs - List of “M&E in project cycle”, - List of "M&E framework under the

PCM method" - List of "characteristics (advantages

and cautions) of M&E under PCM"

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“What is M&E in Project Cycle”? "What is M&E framework under the PCM method?" "What are characteristics of M&E under PCM?"

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain M&E in project cycle, M&E framework under the PCM method and characteristics of M&E under PCM. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “What is PCM?” “What is logical framework?” “What are five evaluation criteria?” “What is M&E located in project cycle?” “What is M&E framework under the PCM method?” “What are characteristics (advantages and cautions) of M&E under PCM?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs



پروگرام همکاري جايکا براي استقرار مجدد پروگرام همکاري جايکا براي استقرار مجدد انکشاف اجتما عيانکشاف اجتما عيجې اس پي آرجې اس پي آر

20092009:: تاريخ تاريخ آموزش همکاري سوم آموزش همکاري سوم

نظارت و ارزيابي نظارت و ارزيابي وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات

))افغانافغان((فرشته فرشته : : تهيه کننده تهيه کننده


فهرست فهرست

نظارت و ارزيابی و مديريت دوران پروژه: موضوع )تشرېح و جرو بحث (لکچرېت : ميتود دقيقه : زمان وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات : مکان

انوارالدين نور : ل کننده يهستحاجي صاحب زيرک: همکار تسهيل کننده


هدف درس هدف درس

اشتراک کننده گان در اخير درس قادر خواهند بود که اشتراک کننده گان در اخير درس قادر خواهند بود که نظارت و ارزيابي دوران پروژه راتشريح کنند نظارت و ارزيابي دوران پروژه راتشريح کنند


فهرست فهرست

نظارت و ارزيابی و مديريت دوران پروژه نظارت و ارزيابی و مديريت دوران پروژه مديريت دوران پروژه مديريت دوران پروژه

جدول منطقیجدول منطقیارزيابیارزيابی) ) معيارهامعيارها((پنج مشخصهپنج مشخصه

نظارت و ارزيابی تحت ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه نظارت و ارزيابی تحت ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه


مديريت دوران پروژه مديريت دوران پروژه آمادگی

تطبيق پروژه پيگيری

جدول منطقی


جدول منطقی جدول منطقی

منابع فعاليتها

حالت قبلي

دست آوردها



فرضيه ثبوت شاخصها خالصه خالصه



ارزيابی ارزيابی ) ) معيارهامعيارها((پنج مشخصه پنج مشخصه

ارتباط ارتباط موثريتموثريتمفيديتمفيديتتاثيرتاثيرتداوم تداوم


جدول منطقی جدول منطقی



دست آوردها


تاثير مفيدیت موثریت ارتباطخالصه


نظارت و ارزيابی تحت ميتود مديريت دوران نظارت و ارزيابی تحت ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه پروژه

بخش عمده مديريت دوران پروژه نظارت و ارزيابی بخش عمده مديريت دوران پروژه نظارت و ارزيابی ) ) 11((عمليه نظارت و ارزيابی در مراحل مختلف در دوران عمليه نظارت و ارزيابی در مراحل مختلف در دوران

پروژه پروژه انواع زياد از ارزيابی در دوران پروژه انواع زياد از ارزيابی در دوران پروژه


نظارت و ارزيابی تحت ميتود مديريت دوراننظارت و ارزيابی تحت ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه پروژه آمادگی

-پيگيری تطبيق پروژه

ارزيابی مقدماتی

ارزيابی نهائی ارزيابی ميان دوره

ارزيابی مابعد پروژه



جدول منطقی نظارت و ارزيابی تحت جدول منطقی نظارت و ارزيابی تحت ) ) 22(( ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه

جدول منطقی بمنظور بهبود درک درست جدول منطقی بمنظور بهبود درک درست ارزيابیارزيابی) ) معيارمعيار(( پروژه پنج مشخصه پروژه پنج مشخصه

تفکر به اساس موضوعات اضافی برای ارزيابی جامع تفکر به اساس موضوعات اضافی برای ارزيابی جامع


تعين حالت فعلی


اتخاذ اقدام مناسب

پالن کاری جدول منطقی

.حالت فعلی را تعين و با پالن پروژه مقايسه نمائيد -

تغيرات را با شرايط خارجی مشخص - .سازيد

عوامل که باعث عقب ماندگی يا پيشرفت - . پروژه گرديد اند را تحليل نمائيد

تدابيری برای عوامل که باعث عقب ماندگی - پيشرفت پروژه گرديد است اتخاذ نمائيد

- .پالن را تجديد نظر نمائيد - . کار های اصالحی را انجام دهيد



اقتصاد و دارائی

ادارات و انجمن ها

جامعه و فرهنگ

محيط تکنولوژی

پاليسی ها

پنج مشخصه ارزيابی ارتباط

موثريت مفيد يت تاثير تداوم

پالن مقايسه دست آورد /حالت فعلی

نتيجه گيری

توصيه دروس آموخته شده

ديدگاه های اضافی


مشخصات نظارت وارزيابی تحت ميتود مشخصات نظارت وارزيابی تحت ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه مديريت دوران پروژه

فوائد فوائد نظارت و ارزيابی جامع از طريق تطبيق پنج نظارت و ارزيابی جامع از طريق تطبيق پنج ) ) الفالف

. . مشخصه ارزيابی و ديدگاه های اضافی مشخصه ارزيابی و ديدگاه های اضافی تشريک جزئيات پروژه در بين ادارات ذيدخل هنگام تشريک جزئيات پروژه در بين ادارات ذيدخل هنگام ) ) بب

اجرای عمليه نظارت و ارزيابیاجرای عمليه نظارت و ارزيابینتائج با کيفيت نظارت و ارزيابی بخاطريکه تعداد زياد نتائج با کيفيت نظارت و ارزيابی بخاطريکه تعداد زياد ) ) جج

از شرکت کنندگان نتائج را در مراحل مختلف پروسه از شرکت کنندگان نتائج را در مراحل مختلف پروسه ارزيابیارزيابی

های ارزيابی های ارزيابی ) ) معيارمعيار((بطور انتخاب تعدادی از مشخصه بطور انتخاب تعدادی از مشخصه ) ) ددارزيابی شفاف ممکن است بخاطرپروسه نظارت و ارزيابی شفاف ممکن است بخاطرپروسه نظارت و ) ) هه



توجه توجه در پروژه های که جدول منطقی ايجاد نميگردد، در پروژه های که جدول منطقی ايجاد نميگردد، ) ) الفالف

. . تطبيق ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه مشکل ميباشد تطبيق ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه مشکل ميباشد اجرای يک ارزيابی دقيق مستلزم آگاهی تمام تيم اجرای يک ارزيابی دقيق مستلزم آگاهی تمام تيم ) ) بب

..ارزيابی به ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه ميباشد ارزيابی به ميتود مديريت دوران پروژه ميباشد


ز توجه تان جهان سپاس ز توجه تان جهان سپاس اا

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 2. Monitoring Session 2.1 Introduction of Monitoring Time (Duration) 40 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain what monitoring is. - Explain objectives of monitoring.

Agenda - Sharing what monitoring is and objectives of monitoring - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know what monitoring is?” “Do you know objectives of monitoring?” “Why is it necessary to conduct monitoring?”

- Listing up answers to the above questions Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider “what monitoring is” and “objectives of monitoring”. Outputs - List of “What monitoring is” - List of objectives of monitoring

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“What is monitoring?” “Objective of Monitoring”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain what monitoring is and objectives of monitoring. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “What is monitoring?” “What is it necessary to conduct monitoring?” “What are objectives of monitoring?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs



٧٨۶آورس اموزشي نظارت و ارزيا بي

معرفی نظارت -١اهداف نظارت


معرفی نظارت

آيا پروژه مطابق پالن ميباشد آهيک پروسه دوامدار -١ .يا نه تطبيق ميگردد

.نتايج متوقع بدست آمده ايا -٢پيشرفت و اندازه دست آوردهای اهداف و فعاليت ها -٣

.نظارت ميگرددسريع تر از پالن پيش در پروژه يا آار و فعاليت تاخيری -۴

. پالن را اصالح نمائيم بايدميرودبرای نظارت اساسا توسط کارمندان پروژه ارقام درست -۵

. بر رسی پيشرفت پروژه استفاده ميگردد


اهداف نظارت

تهيه معلومات در مورد پيشرفت پروژه در جهت بدست آوری -١.هاهداف پروژه برای مدير، کارمندان و سائر ادارات ذيدخل پروژ

های منظم جهت بهبود آموزش تجارب و )فيد بك ( تهيه بازتاب -٢.رشد پروسه پالنگذاری و مفيديت سهم گيری

. رشد پاسخگوئی پروژه به تمويل کنندگان و سائر ادارات ذيدخل -٣قادر ساختن مديران وکارمندان در جهت تشخيص و تقويت نتايج -۴

.مثبت اوليه، قوت و موفقيت پروژه بررسی شرايط يا وضعيت گروپ مورد نظر و تغيرات که توسط -۵

. فعاليت های پروژه بوجود آمده است


تشكر ازهمه شما

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 2. Monitoring Session 2.2 Monitoring Procedure Time (Duration) 125 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain what items should be monitored. - Explain levels of monitoring. - Explain what monitoring system is. - Explain what monitoring plan is. - Explain monitoring for modification of Logframe. - Establish monitoring system. - Develop monitoring plan.

Agenda - Sharing items to be monitored - Sharing levels of monitoring - Sharing monitoring system, monitoring plan, feedback to parties concerned, monitoring for modification of plan - Making monitoring plans by group work - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Masking tape

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you remember what items there are in logical framework?” “Which items from logical framework should be monitored during implementation of projects?”

- Listing up answers to “items of logical framework” and “items to be monitored”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about “what items from logical framework should be monitored”. Outputs - Logical framework - List of “items to be monitored”

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Items to be monitored” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain items from logical framework to be monitored. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you realize there are two levels of monitoring?” “What do you think they are?” “Please consider who monitor projects from central level to community level, when they monitor, what they monitor, why they monitor, etc.”

- Listing up answers to actors of monitoring with when, what, and why to monitor

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about “levels of monitoring”. Outputs - List of actors who monitor projects

with when to monitor, what to monitor, why to monitor, etc, for each actor

10 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Levels of monitoring” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain levels of monitoring. Outputs

15 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“How are collected data for monitoring circulated among related people to improve project implementation?” "What is monitoring plan?" "Whom do you need to share the results of monitoring?" "If it is necessary to modify the project plan for improvement, how do you monitor the project?"

- Listing up answers to the above questions Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about monitoring system, monitoring plan, feedback of parties concerned and monitoring for modification of plan. Outputs - Flow of circulation of monitoring

results - List of “what monitoring plan is” - List of people whom the monitoring

results to be shared with - List of how to conduct monitoring for

modification of plan

25 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation.

“Monitoring system” "Monitoring plan" "Feedback to parties concerned" "Monitoring for modification of plan"

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain the monitoring system, monitoring plan, feedback of parties concerned and monitoring for modification of plan. Outputs

20 mins

Activities - Dividing participants into several groups so that each group

has about 5 participants - Distributing one sample of sub-project proposal to each

group - Asking each group to do the following group work about

monitoring plan “Please make a monitoring plan for the project distributed to each group.”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants are able to make monitoring plans. Outputs - Monitoring plans from each group

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Asking each group to present their group work results of

monitoring plans - Asking participants for questions on the presentations of

each group Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer - Masking tape

Outcome The participants share the results of the group work for further understanding of monitoring plan. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “Which items from logical framework are to be monitored?”“What is level of monitoring?” “What is monitoring system?” “What is monitoring plan?” “Who should the results of monitoring be shared with?” “How do you conduct monitoring when it is necessary to modify the plan?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs



پروگرام همکاري جايکا براي استقرار مجدد پروگرام همکاري جايکا براي استقرار مجدد انکشاف اجتما عيانکشاف اجتما عيجې اس پي آرجې اس پي آر

20092009:: تاريخ تاريخ آموزش همکاري سوم آموزش همکاري سوم

نظارت و ارزيابي نظارت و ارزيابي وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات

))افغانافغان((فرشته فرشته : : تهيه کننده تهيه کننده


فهرست فهرست

نظارت) طريقه(شيوه: موضوع )تشرېح و جرو بحث (لکچرېت : ميتود دقيقه : زمان وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات : مکان

انوارالدين نور : ل کننده يهستحاجي صاحب زيرک: همکار تسهيل کننده


هدف درس هدف درس

اشتراک کننده گان در اخير درس قادر خواهند بود طريقه اشتراک کننده گان در اخير درس قادر خواهند بود طريقه نظارت و ارزيابي راتشريح کنند نظارت و ارزيابي راتشريح کنند


فهرست فهرست

بخش های که بايد نظارت گردند بخش های که بايد نظارت گردند مراحل نظارت مراحل نظارت2. سيستم نظارت سيستم نظارت پالن نظارت پالن نظارتجدول منطقی جدول منطقی / / نظارت بمنظور تغير پالن نظارت بمنظور تغير پالن بازتاب به ارگان های ذيدخل بازتاب به ارگان های ذيدخل5.


بخش های که بايد نظارت گردند بخش های که بايد نظارت گردند

پيشرفت فعاليت ها. 1بر رسي پيشرفت فعاليت ها در مقايسه با پالن تفصيلي

كاريدست يابي به نتائج . 2

جمع آوري معلومات راجع به شاخص هاي نتايج و بررسي دست يابي به نتايج

دست يابي به هدف پروژه . 3جمع آوري معلومات در باره شاخص هاي هدف پروژه و

بر رسي حالت دست يابي به هدف پروژه


ناقص بودن فرضيه هاي مهم توليد؟هدف پروژه نكات بر رسيمشكل

منابع فعاليتهاحالت قبلي

دست آوردها

مقصد پروژه


فرضيه ثبوت شاخصها خالصه



منابع فعاليتها

حالت قبلي

دست آوردها



فرضيه ثبوت شاخصها خالصه خالصه

مشكل در فعاليت هامشكل در فعاليت ها --))توليدتوليد(( بازدهبازده

ناقص بودن فرضيه هاي مهم براي فعاليتناقص بودن فرضيه هاي مهم براي فعاليت --


کمبود منابع؟ -فعاليت ها نواقص پيش شرط ها؟ -

منابع فعاليتها

حالت قبلي

دست آوردها



فرضيه ثبوت شاخصها خالصه خالصه



Output s

Project Purpose

Overall Goal



فعاليت ها

توليد / بازده

هدف پروژه

Overall Goal

خالصه حکايتی

مرحله تطبيق

آغازين متوسطه نهائی

دند گر

ت ظار

نايده بی ک



هدف عمومی پروژه بعد از ختم پروژه ارزیابی ميگردد


مراحل نظارت مراحل نظارت

ز و ه تمرک ر ب خاص نظ ای اش سئوليت ه ش و م ر نق ز و تغي ه تمرک ر ب خاص نظ ای اش سئوليت ه ش و م ر نق تغيتکرار عمليه نظارت تکرار عمليه نظارت

دو مرحله عمده در پروژه ها دو مرحله عمده در پروژه ها مرحله تطبيق مرحله تطبيق --11 نظارت پروژه نظارت پروژه--22


مرحله تطبيق پروژه مرحله تطبيق پروژه --11

نظارت در مرحله تطبيق پروژه روی • فعاليت های روزمره پروژه و پيشرفت آن • توسط اشخاصتطبيق کننده پروژه • تکرار نظارت درين مرحله• نظارت شامل مشکالت کوچک و راه حل آن و همچنان •

شامل مشکالت عمده مشکالت عمده با اشخاص درموقف نظارت پروژه •


: : مرحله نظارت پروژه مرحله نظارت پروژه ) ) 22((نظارت بيشتر روی دست يابی به دست آورد و هدف نظارت بيشتر روی دست يابی به دست آورد و هدف

پروژه تا فعاليت های روزمره پروژه تا فعاليت های روزمره روژه ه تطبيق پ روژه درين مرحله نظارت کمتر نسبت به مرحل ه تطبيق پ درين مرحله نظارت کمتر نسبت به مرحل

مثال هفته وار يا ماهوارمثال هفته وار يا ماهوار: : تکرار ميگرددتکرار ميگردده ارت از مرحل زارش نظ ی گ ر رس اس ب ه اس ارت ب ه نظ ارت از مرحل زارش نظ ی گ ر رس اس ب ه اس ارت ب نظ

تطبيق و همچنان نظارت مستقيم پروژه تطبيق و همچنان نظارت مستقيم پروژه ردد ورت ميگ ردد ص ورت ميگ ه . . ص ضا ب ارت، بع ن نظ ه اي ه در نتيج ضا ب ارت، بع ن نظ ه اي در نتيج

ورت ائی ص ستند رهنم ق ه ه تطبي يکه در مرحل ورت اشخاص ائی ص ستند رهنم ق ه ه تطبي يکه در مرحل اشخاص..ميگيرد تا چطور ميتوانند پروژه را بهتر تطبيق نمايندميگيرد تا چطور ميتوانند پروژه را بهتر تطبيق نمايند

ا اشخاص ا اشخاص در صورت مشکالت عمده راه حل مشکالت ب در صورت مشکالت عمده راه حل مشکالت ب مرحله تطبيقمرحله تطبيق



سيستم نظارت 3.2.2

جمع آوری معلومات جمع آوری معلومات جمع آوری معلومات



بازده بازده


شيوه جمع آوري شيوه جمع آوري . . 22چه وقت و چه وقت و . (. (معلوماتمعلومات

چطور معلومات را جمع چطور معلومات را جمع آوري نمود و توسط آوري نمود و توسط


توظيف اشخاص براي جمع آوري معلوماتتوظيف اشخاص براي جمع آوري معلومات زمان جمع آوري معلومات زمان جمع آوري معلومات تكرار جمع آوري معلومات تكرار جمع آوري معلومات ميتود جمع آوري معلومات ميتود جمع آوري معلومات

معلومات كه بايد جمع معلومات كه بايد جمع . . 11چه بايد چه بايد .(.(آوري گردندآوري گردند. . نظارت گرددنظارت گردد

شاخص براي هدف پروژه شاخص براي شاخص براي هدف پروژه شاخص براي دست آوردهادست آورد فعاليت هاسائر دست آوردهادست آورد فعاليت هاسائر معلومات مهم در داخل و خارج پروژه معلومات مهم در داخل و خارج پروژه

موارد كه بايد واضح گردندموارد كه بايد واضح گردندبخش ها بخش ها


چطور و چطور و (( بازده بازده طريقهطريقه. . 55چه وقت بازتاب دهيم و چه وقت بازتاب دهيم و

))توسط كي؟توسط كي؟

شعبه براي بازتاب دهي شعبه براي بازتاب دهي / / توظيف شخص توظيف شخص ميتود ارائه بازتاب ميتود ارائه بازتاب زمان ارائه بازتاب زمان ارائه بازتاب

تصميم گيري تصميم گيري طريقهطريقه..44چه وقت و توسط كي چه وقت و توسط كي ((

))تصميم گرفت؟تصميم گرفت؟

اشخاص و كميته مسئول تصميم گيري در اشخاص و كميته مسئول تصميم گيري در . . قسمت اينكه پالن پروژه تغير كند يا خيرقسمت اينكه پالن پروژه تغير كند يا خير

زمان تصميم گيريتكرار تصميم گيريزمان تصميم گيريتكرار تصميم گيري

خالصه سازي خالصه سازي طريقهطريقه..33و جمع بندي معلومات و جمع بندي معلومات

چه وقت و چطور چه وقت و چطور ((معلومات را خالصه معلومات را خالصه ))ساخت و توسط كي؟ساخت و توسط كي؟

توظيف اشخاص براي خالصه سازي توظيف اشخاص براي خالصه سازي معلومات زمان خالصه سازي معلومات تكرار معلومات زمان خالصه سازي معلومات تكرار خالصه سازي معلومات ميتود خالصه سازي خالصه سازي معلومات ميتود خالصه سازي



پالن نظارت 4.2.2




مرحله تطبيق جنوريدسامبرنوامبراكتوبرسپتامبرپروژه

مرحله نظارت پروژه

بخش كه نظارت ميگردد

فعاليت (جدول


كارهاي نظارت

چه راو (چطورنظارت )كنيم

زمان نظارت)چه وقت بايد نظارت صورت گيرد(

ارگان مسئول/ شخص )توسط كي(


شریک نمودن نتایج در نظارت آن بين ارگان های ذیدخل بمنظور شریک نمودن نتایج در نظارت آن بين ارگان های ذیدخل بمنظور درک و آگاهی یکسان درک و آگاهی یکسان

شریک نمودن نتایج نظارت بين تمام ارگان های ذیدخل بشمول شریک نمودن نتایج نظارت بين تمام ارگان های ذیدخل بشمول گروپ گروپ ، نتایج نظارت به هردو اداره ، نتایج نظارت به هردو اداره ODAODA در قضيه پروژه های در قضيه پروژه های گزارشگزارش

تطبيق کننده پروژه یعنی تمویل کننده و و گيرنده پروژه تطبيق کننده پروژه یعنی تمویل کننده و و گيرنده پروژه گزارش دادن در قضيه پروژه های موسسات نيز نتایج به ارگان گزارش دادن در قضيه پروژه های موسسات نيز نتایج به ارگان

. . وجوهوجوه/ / های هماهنگ کننده و منابع تهيه سرمایه های هماهنگ کننده و منابع تهيه سرمایه با توجه به ماهيت پروژه، اهميت و ضرورت نتيجه نظارت با توجه به ماهيت پروژه، اهميت و ضرورت نتيجه نظارت


بازتاب به ارگان های ذیدخل 5.2.2


جدول جدول / / نظارت بمنظور تغير پالن نظارت بمنظور تغير پالنمنطقیمنطقی

: : نظارت به اساس معيارات ارزيابی نظارت به اساس معيارات ارزيابی ) ) 11((

آيا كدام تغير در پاليسي انكشافي كشور •ارتباط گيرنده يا در خواست هاي گروپ مورد

نظر مالحظه گرديده است؟ اگر هدف پروژه با عوامل فوق نا •

سازگار باشد، كدام تدابير را بايد اتخاذ نمود؟

توجه اصليمعيارات ارزيابي



ادامهادامه::نظارت به اساس معيارات ارزیابینظارت به اساس معيارات ارزیابی) ) 11((

آيا منابع به صورت درست استفاده گرديده است تا •موثريتمحصول بدست آيد؟

چطور منابع را كاهش داد كه عين محصول بدست •آيد؟

آيا توقع ميرود كه هدف پروژه بعد از ختم دور پالن •مفيديتشده بدست آيد؟

، كدام دست بمنظور بدست آوردن هدف پروژه•آوردها بايد تقويت گردد؟ كدام توليد ميتواند بدون

كدام اثرات منفي كاهش يابد؟


ادامهادامه::نظارت به اساس معيارات ارزیابینظارت به اساس معيارات ارزیابی) ) 11((

همراه و داراي (آيا كشور گيرنده داراي يك سيستم •تداوم تكنولوژي مناسف، قواي بشري، مديريت، مهارت، منابع

رضايت بخش كه فوائد پروژه را بعد از ) تمويل و غيرهختم آن دوامدار نگهدارد ميباشد ؟

در صورت كه جواب منفي است، چكار ها را بايد انجام •داد تا كشور در جريان مدت باقي مانده تقويت گردد؟

آيا پروژه كدام تاثير منفي را ببار مي آورد؟ •تاثير در صورت چنين باشد، چطور ميتواند حل و به حد اقل •



اصالح پالن و تهيه جدول منطقی اصالح پالن و تهيه جدول منطقی ) ) 22((اصالح شده اصالح شده

اصالح پالن در صورت نتايج نظارت اصالح پالن در صورت نتايج نظارت ، نوسازی و اصالح جدول منطقی ، نوسازی و اصالح جدول منطقی

با تائيد تمويل کننده نسخه پيش نويس جدول منطقی با تائيد تمويل کننده نسخه پيش نويس جدول منطقی اصالح شده توسط تيم پروژه اصالح شده توسط تيم پروژه


ز توجه شما جهان سپاس ز توجه شما جهان سپاس اا

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 2. Monitoring Session 2.3 Methods of Data Collection Time (Duration) 105 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain what observations are. - Explain what semi structured interviews are. - Conduct observations. - Conduct semi structured interviews.

Agenda - Sharing what observations are - Practicing observations - Sharing what semi structured interview is - Practicing semi structured interview - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know what observations for data collection are?” “Have you ever conducted observations for data collection and how did you do that?” “What do you observe?” “What kinds of observations are there?” “Who can be observers?”

- Listing up answers about observations Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider about “observation” for data collection. Outputs - List of what to be observed - List of kinds of observations - List of observers

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Observation (what to be observed, kinds of observation, who is observer, important skills in observation)”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain what observations are. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


15 mins

Activities - Forming the same group as before - Distributing one photo of implementation of project to each

group - Asking participants to do the following

“Please observe the photo deeply, describe what the photo shows as much detailed as possible and find out improvement points if any.”

Inputs - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants practice how to observe projects. Outputs - Descriptions of the photos with

improvement points

10 mins

Activities - Asking each group to present their group work results of

observation of the photos - Asking participants for questions on the presentations of

each group Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer - Masking tape

Outcome The participants share the results of the group work for further understanding of observation. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know what semi structured interview is?” “Have you ever conducted semi structured interview and how did you do that?” “What are objectives of semi structured interview?” “How is it conducted?”

- Listing up answers from the participants on the flipchart Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider about semi structured interview. Outputs - List of what semi structured interview

is - List of objectives of semi structured

interview - List of how to conduct semi structured


10 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Semi structured interview (objectives and tips for interviews)”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain semi structured interview. Outputs

20 mins

Activities - Forming the same group as before - Distributing one sample questionnaire to each group - Asking participants to do the following role play

“Please appoint one person as an interviewer and one person as an interviewee. Interviewer asks questions on the questionnaire as well as further questions which are not on the questionnaire and interviewee answers the questions. Other group members observe the interview and tell the interviewer how to improve the interview considering tips for interview.”

Inputs - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants practice how to conduct semi structured interview. Outputs -

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “What are observations?” “What is semi structured interview?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs



٧٨۶آورس اموزشي نظارت و ارزيا بي

ميتود جمع اوري معلومات مشاهده-١

.چه بايد مشاهده گردد.انواع مشاهده

.مشاهده آننده آيست.مهارت هاي الزم در مشاهده

مصا حبه نيمه سازمان يا فته -٢اهداف

رهنمود براي مصاحبه2

ميتود جمع اوري معلومات

ميتود جمع اوري معلومات براي نظارت عمده مشاهده و .مصاحبه ميباشد


مشاهده -١

خدمات - مشاهده باز رسي وبازديد از سا حه ودرك پروسه،زير بنا -١.واستفاده انانرا فراهم مينمايد

مشاهده مارا قادر ميسازد تامعلومات دقيق پروژه رابدست -٢و معلومات در باره رفتار افراد وگروپ ها رافراهيم .بياوريم . مينمايد

مشاهده بايد به افراد داراي آيفيت عالي،واموزش ديده ضرورت -٣.دارد

. در مشاهده بايد بصري ساختن،وشعور خويش را به آار اندازيم -۴ براي مشاهده بايد به افراد مشاهده آننده گان اموزش داده شود و -۵

. ظرفيت انانرا ارتقا دهيم4

.چه بايد مشاهده گردد

. مشاهده دست اوردهاي فزيكي-١. مشاهده قواي بشري -٢. مشاهده ظرفيت-٣. مشاهده عادات يا طرز برخورد -۴


.انواع مشاهده

. مشا هده منظم وپالن شده-١. مشاهده نيمه پالن شده-٢.موانع- مشاهده برمبناي مشكالت -٣


. مشاهده آننده آيست

. مستفيد شونده گان پروژه-١).آارمندان در مر حله تطبيق پروژه ( تطبيق آننده گان -٢



.مهارت هاي الزم در مشاهده

:مشاهده آننده بايد . زحمت آش بوده وتوجه آامل به آارهاي شان داشته باشد -١. برد بار باشد-٢. در گرفتن و انتقال دست اورد هاخوب باشد -٣. بافرهنگ ساحه اشنا باشند-۴. توانايي و جرئت آافي براي مالقات مردم داشته باشد -۵


مصا حبه نيمه سازمان يا فته -٢

زمانيكه ميخواهيم نظريات ورضايت تطبيق آننده گان و -١. مستفيد شوندگان را معلومات داشته باشيم

. سواالت قبالترتيب ميگردد -٢ در اين وقت مستقيم يا غير مستقيم معلومات اضافي در -٣

. باره پروژه بدست اورده شود


اهداف مصا حبه نيمه سازمان يا فته

جمع اوري معلومات بيشتر زريعه سواالت بازو تحليل -١. جوابات انان

. جمع اوري معلومات بيشتر از تطبيق آننده پروژه -٢


رهنمود براي مصا حبه نيمه سازمان يا فته :اماده گي

. مصاحبه بايد آامال وضعيت ساحه مورد نظر قرار داشته باشد-١. سواالت بايد قبال تهيه گردد -٢روپ مصاحبه آننده گان بايد -٣ . نفر باشد۴-٢ . محل مناسب-۴. پالن گذاري براي فعاليت ها و منابع مصاحبه آه در نظر است-۵. با احوال پرسي ومعرفي خود تان اغاز نماييد-۶. به شرآت آننده گان اجازه دهيد هدف مصاحبه شما را بدانند-٧


مصاحبه با مطرح آردن سواالت از روي ليست به شكل پي هم -٨معلومات مهم و جامع رادرجريان مصاحبه جمع اوري .پيش نبريد

پرسشنامه ميتواندبعد ازمصاحبه از روي يادداشت هاي جمع . شود .شده خانه پوري نماييد

يزدر جريان مصاحبه استفاده ننماييد-٩ . از سواالت احساس بران براي بعضي مو ضوعات خالصه سواالت بايد به منظور در يافت -١٠

.حقايق پنهان مطرح گردد. استفاده نماييد ) 5WIH( از ميتود -١١. مصاحبه بايد با سپاس گذاري انجام يابد -١٢

رهنمود براي مصا حبه نيمه سازمان يا فته


تشكر از همه شما

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 2. Monitoring Session 2.4 Reporting Monitoring Results Time (Duration) 65 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain how to report monitoring results. - Report monitoring results.

Agenda - Sharing reporting of monitoring results - Practicing how to write monitoring reports - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Masking tape

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked (Detailed

procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

15 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Have you ever written monitoring reports?” “Why do you write monitoring reports?” “What do you write on monitoring reports?”

- Listing up answers to the above questions Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about reporting of monitoring results. Outputs - List of objectives of writing

monitoring reports - List of what to write on monitoring


10 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Reporting monitoring results” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain about reporting of monitoring results. Outputs

20 mins

Activities - Forming the same group as before - Distributing format of monitoring report by implementer and

monitoring report by supervisor to each group - Asking participants to do the following

“Please select one project you know and write the formats by imagining the selected project.”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants practice to write two different types of monitoring reports. Outputs - Filled monitoring reports

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Asking each group to present their group work results of

filled monitoring reports - Asking participants for questions on the presentations of

each group Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer - Masking Tape

Outcome The participants share the results of the group work for further understanding of observation. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “What are monitoring reports?” “Why and What do you write on monitoring reports?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs



پروگرام همکاري جايکا براي استقرار مجدد پروگرام همکاري جايکا براي استقرار مجدد انکشاف اجتما عيانکشاف اجتما عيجې اس پي آرجې اس پي آر

20092009:: تاريخ تاريخ آموزش همکاري سوم آموزش همکاري سوم

نظارت و ارزيابي نظارت و ارزيابي وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات

))افغانافغان((فرشته فرشته : : تهيه کننده تهيه کننده


فهرست فهرست

گزارش دهی نتايج نظارت : موضوع )تشرېح و جرو بحث (لکچرېت : ميتود دقيقه 90: زمان وزارت احيا و انکشاف دهات : مکان

انوارالدين نور : ل کننده يهستحاجي صاحب زيرک: همکار تسهيل کننده


هدف درس هدف درس

اشتراک کننده گان در اخير درس قادر خواهند بود نتايج اشتراک کننده گان در اخير درس قادر خواهند بود نتايج راپور نظارت راتشريح کنند راپور نظارت راتشريح کنند


گزارش دهی نتايج نظارت

نتايج نظارت به حيث گزارش نظارت •/ نظر به سيستم نظارت تنظيم شده، نظارت برای دوران •

موضوع مشخص ثبت گزارش کاهش وقت برای نظارت و همچنان پيشرفت•

عين زمان استفاده از فورم نظارت • زمينه مقايسه پيشرفت در موقعيت های مختلف پروژه•


فورم های نظارت در مراحل مختلف بخاطر تمرکز و بين تفاوت• تکرار آن • فورم نسبتا ساده برای نظارت در مرحله تطبيق پروژه •تمرکز اصلی روی پيشرفت فعاليت ها •بيشتر از قسمت فورم درموضوع پالن •تطبيق در جريان گزارش دهی •جنبه اجتماعی مثل شايستگی، عدم شايستگی، و مشکالت •گزارش موضوعات مشخص در جريان گزارش دهی•

گزارش دهی نتايج نظارت


گزارش نظارت توسط تطبيق كننده پروژه

: شخص نظارت كننده. 1: نام پروژه. 2: پيشرفت فعاليت در جريان گزارش دهي.. 3") پالن عملياتی"فعاليت هاي بايد مطابق داده شود با فعاليت هاي در (

فعاليت ها در پالن اصلي در جريان گزارش دهي پيشرفت مدت در پالن اصلي و موعود متوقع________________الي _________________از

: موعود متوقع هنوز شروع نگرديده در حال جريان استتكميل گرديده

________________الي _________________از : موعود متوقع هنوز شروع نگرديده

در حال جريان است تكميل گرديده شايستگي، عدم شايستگي و مشكالت . 4

قوت/ شايستگي ضعف/ عدم شايستگي

موانع/ مشكالت موانع/ تدابير براي مشكالت

سائر موضوعات

________________: تاريخ نظارت__________________: نام قريه

____الي _________از: دوره فورم____________ :تاريخ بعدي براي نظارت



گزارش نظارت توسط تطبيق كننده پروژه

: شخص نظارت كننده . 1( ) اسم امضاء( ) ( ) اسم امضاء( )

: نام پروژه. 2: پيشرفت فعاليت در جريان گزارش دهي .. 3

__________________:تاريخ نظارت ____________________: نام قريه

________الي ______از: دوره فورم__________: تاريخ بعدي براي نظارت

کار لطفا نکات قوی اداره را که در جريان تطبيق پروژه در دوره گزارش آش قدرت اداره / قوت. ميشود، توضيح دهيد

قسط، خريداری و (مالی ) غيره

گزارش مالی تطبيق . لطفا شيوه پرداخت اقساط، خريداری و غيره را توضيح دهيد .پروژه بايد در گزارش ماهوار تهيه گردد

وظايف و . کرايه مواد و وسايل توضيح دهيد / لطفا کميت، کيفيت و زمان انتقال مواد و وسايل . فعاليت ها را جدا سازيد

همکاری باشندگان قريه، . لطفا کميت و کيفيت منابع بشری را توضيح دهيد پرسونل / کارمندان . وظايف و فعاليت ها را جدا سازيد

را توضيح دهيد، فايل ) ساختمانی و غيره ( پيشرفت هر فعاليت / لطفا دست آوردها دست آوردهای فعاليت ها "گزارش نظارت توسط تطبيق کننده "پرونده ضميمه شده را مشخص نمائيد /

پيشرفت فعاليت در دوران گزراش دهی مرحله و منابع


شايستگي، عدم شايستگي و مشكالت . 4

تصاوير . 5 .مطابقت داشته باشد " پالن عملياتي " مطابق به " گزارش نظارت تطبيق كننده "تصاوير بايد با تمام فعاليت هاي

سائر موضوعات سائر موضوعات موانع موانع / / تدابير براي مشكالت تدابير براي مشكالت

موانع موانع / / مشكالت مشكالت ضعف ضعف / / عدم شايستگي عدم شايستگي

قوت قوت / / شايستگي شايستگي

عنوان عنوان عنوان عنوان

عنوان عنوان عنوان عنوان


کار گروپي کار گروپي


ز توجه شما جهان سپاس ز توجه شما جهان سپاس اا

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 3. Evaluation Session 3.1 Introduction of Evaluation Time (Duration) 85 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain what evaluation is. - Explain objectives of evaluation. - Explain types of evaluation. - Explain major steps of evaluation.

Agenda - Sharing what evaluation is and objectives of evaluation - Sharing types of evaluation - Sharing major steps of evaluation - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with power point) - Power Point presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know what evaluation is?” “Have you ever conducted evaluation and how did you conduct it?” “What are objectives of evaluation?”

- Listing up answers to the above questions Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider about what evaluation is. Outputs - List of what evaluation is - List of objectives of evaluation

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“What is evaluation?” “Objectives of evaluation”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain what evaluation is and objectives of evaluation. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know there are several types of evaluation?” “Do you know what types of evaluation there are?”

- Listing up answers from the participants on the flipchart Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider about types of evaluation. Outputs - List of types of evaluation

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Types of evaluation” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain types of evaluation. Outputs

15 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“How do you conduct evaluation from planning to analysis?” “What are major steps of conducting evaluation?”

- Listing up answers from the participants on the flipchart Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider about types of evaluation. Outputs - Flow of implementation of evaluation

10 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Major steps of evaluation” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain major steps of evaluation. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “What is evaluation?” “What are objectives of evaluation?” “What are types of evaluation?” “What are major steps of evaluation?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs




آورس اموزشي نظارت و ارزيا بي معرفي ارزيابي ١٫٣

ارزيا بي چيست؟اهداف ارزيا بيانواع ارزيا بي گام هاي ارزيا بي


ارزيا بي چيست؟

ارزيا بي عبارت از پروسه هد فمند يك پروژه در حال -١جريان ويا تكميل شده بوده وبا استفاده از معيار هاي تعين

.شده با يك هدف مشخص انجام ميشود پروژه ها با در نظرداشت پنج معيار ارزيابي -٢

مورد ارزيابي قرار )ارتباط،مفيديت،موثريت،تاثير وتداوم (ميگيرد وبراي تمام ادارات ذيدخل معلومات را فراهم

.ميدارد ارزيابي معموال توسط اشخاص بيروني جدا از تيم رهبري -٣

. انجام ميشود


اهداف ارزيا بي. مطمين شدن از استفاده منا بع براي دست يابي به هدف -١. تشخص نمودن دست اورد ها و مشكالت پيش امده -٢ تشخص نمودن سهم گرفتن جامعه ويا مستفيد شوند گان در تطبيق -٣

.پروژه وتاثيرات بااليي نتايج پروژه . ايا پروژه براي منطقه ونفوس مورد نظر مناسب بوده يا خير-۴. ايا پروژه در محافظت وانكشاف محيط تا چه اندازه موثربوده -۵.د ايا نتايج پروژه ميتواند در پالن هاي اينده مورد استفاده قرار گير -۶ مشخص ساختن دروس براي بهبود ارتباط ،آيفيت،و تاثيرات پروژه -٧

. هاي اينده


انواع ارزيا بي

ارزيا بي مقدماتي-١ ارزيابي ميان دوره-٢ ارزيابي نهايي-٣ ارزيا بي ما بعد-۴

. ورد مراجعه نماييد ٢ لطفا به صفحه نمبر

تفاوت هاي در ارزيابي از نطقه نظر هر نوع از ارزيابي: 5جدول ارزيابي ميان *2نظارت ارزيابي مقدماتي

دوره ارزيابي مابعد ارزيابي نهائي

تصديق فعاليت ها


درك پروسه تطبيق پروژه

پنج معيار ارزيابي ارتباط مفيديت

ريتموث تاثير تداوم

آزمايش به اساس وضعيت و فعاليت هاي واقعي : آزمايش به اساس پيش بيني ها و اميد ها: آزمايش به اساس چيزي كه الزم قضاوت گرديده يا در يك مرحله قبلي تكميل گرديده :

است . هنوز آزمايش كامل ممكن نيست، يا در مرحله قبلي تكميل گرديده است: مطالعه اساسي يا ايجاد شاخص ها را افاده مي / در ارزيابي مقدماتي، معني اجراي سروي *١

. كند يك آزمايش به اساس پنج معيار ارزيابي معموال مافوق عمليه نظارت ميباشد، اما براي *٢

. ن، مهم تا هميشه اين پنج معيار ارزيابي را بخاطر داشتعملي ساختن و مديريت آ، ص2004جايكا، : منبع

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 3. Evaluation Session 3.2 Planning Evaluation Time (Duration) 210 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain how to plan evaluation. - Explain what confirmation of evaluation purpose is. - Explain how to organize information of the target project. - Organize information of the target project. - Explain how to formulate evaluation work plan. - Develop evaluation grid as evaluation work plan.

Agenda - Sharing confirmation of evaluation purpose - Sharing organization of information of the target project - Sharing the formulation of evaluation work plan - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Masking tape

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

5 mins Activities - Asking the following questions

“What are you going to do first when you evaluate some project?”

- Listing up answers to “planning of evaluation” and formulation of evaluation work plan.

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about how they start implementation of evaluation. Outputs - List of first things to do for conducing


10 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Confirmation of evaluation purpose” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain confirmation of evaluation purpose. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“What do you do after confirming evaluation purpose?” “What can you do to collect information of the target project from documents?” “Which documents can you get information of the target project?”

- Listing up answers to documents from which you can get information of the target project

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about how to get information of the target project. Outputs - List of documents to get information of

the target project

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Organization of information of the target project” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain about organization of information of the target project. Outputs

5 mins Activities - Asking the following questions

“Do you know Evaluation Grid?” “What is it necessary to do for development evaluation work plan?”

- Listing up answers to things to do for development of evaluation work plan

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about formulation of evaluation work plan. Outputs - List of things to do for development of

evaluation work plan

50 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Formulation of evaluation work plan (developing evaluation questions, basis for judgment, considering necessary data and information sources, data collection methods, and formulating and evaluation grid)”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain about formulation of evaluation work plan. Outputs

30 mins

Activities - Forming the same group as before - Distributing sub-project proposal for one project and one

sample of evaluation grid for the project, which has some blank parts

- Asking participants to do the following “Please develop parts of evaluation grid referring sub-project proposal and filled parts of the evaluation grid.”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants practice to make parts of evaluation grid. Outputs - Filled evaluation grid

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


20 mins

Activities - Asking each group to present their group work results of

filled evaluation grid - Asking participants for questions on the presentations of

each group Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer - Masking Tape

Outcome The participants share the results of the group work for further understanding of evaluation grid. Outputs

30 mins

Activities - Forming the same group as before - Distributing the filled evaluation grid and one sample of

questionnaire to each group - Asking participants to do the following

“Please make one questionnaire for one target group.” Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants practice to develop questionnaire.. Outputs - Questionnaires

20 mins

Activities - Asking each group to present their group work results of

development of questionnaires - Asking participants for questions on the presentations of

each group Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers - Pointer - Masking Tape

Outcome The participants share the results of the group work for further understanding of questionnaire development. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions “What is confirmation of evaluation purpose?” “What is organization of information of the target project?”“What is formulation of evaluation work plan?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs



آورس اموزشي نظارت و ارزيا بي

پالنگذاری ارزيابی


پالنگذاری ارزيابی تصديق هدف ارزيابي ) ١(

تنظيم معلومات پروژه مورد نظر ) ٢(

جدول منطقي پالن كاري ارزيابي ) ٣(

جمع آوري معلومات) ۴(

تحليل و تفسير معلومات ) 5(

گزارش دهي نتايج ارزيابي ) 6(


پالنگذاري ارزيابي

اجراي سروي ارزيابي

گزارش دهي نتايج


ذاري ارزيابي پالن

هدف ارزيابی در ارزيابی مقدماتی، ميان دوره، نهائی و مابعد قسميکه در گام نخست پالنگذاری ارزيابی، مهم . فرق ميکند

است که هدف ارزيابی را تصديق و با ادارات ذيدخل شريک نمود راجع به اينکه نتايج ارزيابی چگونه و توسط . کی استفاده خواهد شد


ذاري ارزيابي اجزا پالن

تصديق هدف ارزيابی سازماندهی معلومات پروژه مورد نظر

درک تصوير کلی پروژه مورد نظر-محتوای پالن : الف-نوع ديگر معلومات که بايد بدست آيد، فعاليت های . ب-

در قضيه ارزيابی ميان . پروژه در زمان ارزيابی ميباشد دوره


منبع اصلي معلومات . جمعلومات پروژه مورد نظر

محتوای پالن پروژه

سابقه، ( جدول منطقی پروژهاهداف، بازده، فعاليت ها و منابع


سطح فعاليت های پروژه

وضعيت در زمان ارزیابی نتایج، پروسه تطبيق و (

) غيره

چگونه ( علت روابط در پروژه تاثيرات متوقع با تطبيق پروژه توليد

).خواهد شد

، تغير داده شده توسط جي اس پي آر 32، ص 2004جايكا، : منبع 6

نوع ديگر معلومات

ارزيابي ميان دوره، نهائي و مابعد

• جدول خالصه ارزيابي مقدماتي، اسناد پروژه• نسخه هاي مختلف جدول منطقي• گزارش نظارت• گزارش هاي مختلف و يادداشت پروژه • مامورين از دفتر تمويل كننده، كارشناسان قبلي و غيره• . وزارت خانه هاي مربوطه كشور همكار، دفاتر تطبيق كننده و غيره

•ارزيابي مقدماتي سكتور فرعي/ پالن هاي انكشافي كشور همكار در يك سكتور • پروگرام هاي تمويل كنندگان• سكتور فرعي/ معلومات مرتبط راجع به سكتور • همچنان راجـع بـه (سكتور فرعي / معلومات راجع به پروژه هاي در حال جريان در سكتور

)سائر تمويل كنندگان• معلومات اساسي• )جدول منطقي، دروس آموخته شده، و غيره(گزارش ارزيابي پروژه مشابه • مسوده جدول منطقي و غيره

منبع معلومات انواع ارزيابي



استفاده از جدول منطقی

وضعيت واقعی پروژه و جدول منطقی ) الفآيا منعکس کننده وضعيت واقعی : مرور جدول منطقی )ب

.پروژه ميباشد


مرور جدول منطقی

جدول منطقي را مطابق به وضعيت واقعي با . استفاده معلومات از منابع ديگرتغير دهيد

آيا جدول منطقي منعكس كننده وضعيت واقعي پروژه ميباشد؟

آيا به شكل منطقي سازماندهي شده است؟

جدول منطقي ميتواند براي ساختن پالن كاري ارزيابي

. مورد استفاده قرار گيرد

آيا جدول منطقي اصالح شده به شكل منطقي سازماندهي شده است؟

بعضي نظريات و مفكوره ها را در زمان تهيه پالن كاري

. ارزيابي الزم ميباشند

جدول منطقي ميتواند براي ساختن پالن . كاري ارزيابي مورد استفاده قرار گيرد

نخير بلي

نخير بلي


تکافوی شاخص ها و تحقيق فعاليت ها در جدول منطقی ) ججا به جا کردن جدول منطقی در يک پروگرام ) د)


معلومات در باره فعاليت ها : درک وضعيت تطبيق پروژه و پروسه تطبيق پروژه

معلومات راجع به فعاليت ها معلومات راجع به پروسه تطبيق


معلومات در باره فعاليت ها و پروسه تطبيق پروژه: درک وضعيت تطبيق پروژهآزمايش فعاليت ها

مل كه در آن نقش داشته كـدام هـا آيا فعاليت ها مطابق به پالن انجام شده اند؟ در صورت چنين است، عوا •اند؟

ن است، داليل آن چيست؟ آيا كدام فعاليت وجود دارد كه كامال انجام نشده باشد؟ در صورت چني•آيا منابع براي پيشرفت و ادامه فعاليت ها كفايت ميكند؟ •

روابط با گروپ مورد نظرآيا اهداف پروژه مطابق به ضروريات گروپ مورد نظر ميباشد؟ •ت هاي پروژه بميان آمده است؟آيا كدام تغير مثبت در سلوك و رفتار گروپ مورد نظر جهت حمايت فعالي•اجع به فعاليتهاي پـروژه تـا سطح مشاركت و درك گروپ مورد نظر، ادارات مربوطه و جامعه هاي دخيل ر •

چه اندازه است؟ وسـط پـروژه تـا چـه انـدازه سطح رضايت و ميزان استفاده گروپ مورد نظرراجع به خدمات ارائه شـده ت •

ميباشد؟ مديريت پروژه

ي پروژه را به شكل موثرعملي نمايند؟آيا شيوه كار كارمندان پروژه به اندازه كافي مثبت است تا فعاليت ها•شد؟ ميزان تعهد كارمندان پروژه در قبال فعاليت هاي پروژه در چه حد ميبا•ه است؟ آيا مفاهمه خوب بين كارشناسان خارجي و كارمندان پروژه ايجاد گرديد•اع تعريف و تصحيح گرديد؟ آيا نظارت به شيوه مناسف انجام گرديد؟ آيا ستراتيژي مبتناسف با اوض•اهم نمودند؟ آيا تمويل كنندگان حمايت الزم يا مشوره هاي الزم در نظارت پروژه فر•

بصورت عمومبـه ايـن معنـي كـه، ( انـد؟ عوامل مهم و موضوعات كليدي كه در موثريت پروژه سهم داشتند، كـدام هـا

ياتي، خدمات كه توسط پروژه ارائه ميتودانتقال تخنيكي، فراهم آوري وسايل و سهولت هاي الزم ، پالن عمل ).گرديد، انتخاب ساحه مورد نظر، اندازه گروپ مورد نظر و غيره 12

روپي . کار ترتيب ارزيابي نهايي




نتيجهسوال فرعیسوال

آيا منابع مطابق به پالن تطبيق 1.1.1 شد؟

جامعه: جامعه در پروژه های انکشافی (4 سهم گرفتند (آمادگی پروژه های فرعی، و تطبيق آن). آنان جای جلسه، ورکشاپ و

آموزش را فراهم نمودند. جامعه در تطبيق و حفظ و مراقبت پروژه های فرعی نيز

.سهم گرفتند

بررسی فعاليت های که توسط شوراها با ابتکار خود شان انجام

شده است

پروسه پروژه های انکشاف جامعهمرتبط به شورای محلی

،يادداشت های جلسه با شورا ها مرور اسناد نامبرده شده، مصاحبه

مستقيم با باشندگان قريه

آيا بازده مطابق به پالن بدست 2.1.1 آمد؟

بازده 1: حمايت سازمان های جامعه (5 بشمول شورا و مردم جهت ارتقا، رشد

مهارت ها و برخوردهای شان برای پيشبردمشارکتی پروژه های انکشافی جامعه

مشاهده وضعيت جامعه مورد نظرپيش و بعد از تطبيق پروژه

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه

:بازده 2 (6 حمايت سازمان های جامعه بشمول شورا و

مردم جهت ارتقا، رشد مهارت ها و برخوردهای شان برای پيشبرد مشارکتی

جامعه انکشافی های پروژه

بررسی ظرفيت شورا و اعضایآن

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه

:هدف پروژه (11آيا اهداف پروژه بدست آمد؟ 3.1.1 آنعده اشخاصيکه دخيل در امور انکشاف جامعه ميباشند مهارت ها و طرز برخورد

های را فرا ميگيرند که برای پيشبرد مشارکتی پروژه های انکشافی از طريق

تطبيق پروژه الزم ميباشد. (بازده 2پروژه طراحی ماتريکس PDM)

مشاهده وضعيت جامعه مورد نظرپيش و بعد از تطبيق پروژه

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه

باشندگان قريه در قريه جات مورد نظر (12اداره شوراهای مورد نظر 4.1.1 از کارکرد های اعضای شورا و همکاران.تسهيل کننده يا موسسات راضی ميباشدند

باشندگان قريه با دست 60% آوردها و اهداف تعين شده توسطخودسان برای پروژه های انکشافی

ميباشد .راضی

اسناد توسط تسهيل کنندگان و نظرياتارگان های دخيل

مرور اسناد نامبرده شده، مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورا ها، رياستانکشاف دهات و باشندگان قريه

کيفيت و کميت باشندگان قريه بهبود (13.يافته است

رشد سهم گيری ار لحاظ کيفی وکمی

اسناد توسط تسهيل کنندگان و نظرياتارگان های دخيل

مرور اسناد نامبرده شده، مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورا ها، رياستانکشاف دهات و باشندگان قريه

استفاده مهارت و دانش فراگرفته شده (14.توسط اعضای شورا

اعضای شوراها که توسط پروژه ،جی اس پی ار آموزش داده شدهمهارت و دانش آموخته شان را در پالنگذاری، نظارت، و ارزيابی.پروژه های فرعی بکار ميبرند

اسناد توسط تسهيل کنندگان و نظرياتارگان های دخيل

مرور اسناد نامبرده شده، مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورا ها، رياستانکشاف دهات و باشندگان قريه

آيا به باشندگان در باره شرکت شان در (15پروژه های فرعی 5.1.1 کارهای انکشافی قريه معلومات بيشتر داده

شده بود؟

بررسی ابتکار جامعه برایانکشاف قريه شان

اسناد توسط تسهيل کنندگان و شورایمحلی

مرور اسناد نامبرده شده، مصاحبه با شورا ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه دسترسی باشندگان قريه به زيربناهای (16

.اجتماعی افزايش يافته استدسترسی به زيربناهای اجتماعی و افراد مهارت ديده افزايش يافته


اسناد توسط تسهيل کنندگان و نظرياتارگان های دخيل

مشاهده مستقيم، مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورا ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و باشندگان قريه، و مشاهده

مستقيم تسهيل کنندگان پروژه را مطابق به (24مديريت پروژه تسهيل کنندگان 2.2.1

.اليحه وظايف شان تطبيق نمودندبررسی کيفيت تسهيل آوری تسهيل

کننده در جريان پروژهنظريات تسهيل کنندگان، اعضای شورای

محلی و باشندگان قريه مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، اعضای

شورا ها، و باشندگان قريه

جی اس پی آر پروژه را به شکل (25مديريت پروژه جی اس پی آر 3.2.1.مناسب نظارت نمود

بررسی کيفيت نظارت جی اس پیآر در جريان پروژه

نظريات تسهيل کنندگان، اعضای شورایمحلی و باشندگان قريه

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، اعضایشورا ها، و باشندگان قريه

آيا کدام مشکل ديگری بعد از ختم (28پروژه رخ داده بود؟ دليل آن چه بود؟

تشخيص مشکالت و موانع اگربوده باشند

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات مصاحبه کنندگان ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه کدام جزء از پروژه های انکشاف (42سائر موارد 4.2.2مفيديت 2.2

جامعه مخصوصا تطبيق پروژه های فرعیبيشتر مفيد بود؟

/تاثيرات اجزای پروژه های فرعی تطبيق پروژه های فرعی را بر

.رسی نمائيد

،نظريات رياست انکشاف دهات واليتیتسهيل کنندگان، اعضای شورای محلی و

باشندگان قريه

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورا ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه آيا کدام تاثير ناهمموار که نتيجه (50تاثير ناهموار 1.4.2

عملکرد افراد خارج از عضويت شورا باشدوجود دارد؟

انتقال مهارت به باشندگان قريه ازطريق اعضای شورا

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه آيا پروژه بطور فزاينده در 2.4.2

توليد تاثيرات سهم گيری مينمايد؟ آيا کدام تاثير مثبت يا منفی باالی (52

اقتصاد و زندگی مردم،، و انکشاف جامعه در ساحات مربوطه ولسوالی دند وجود


بررسی تاثيرات مثبت و منفی درصورت وجود داشته باشد

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه، و مشاهده مستقيم

چه مثال مشخص برای توليد تاثير (53توسط پروژه بعد از ختم آن ميباشد؟

بررسی تاثيرات مثبت و منفی درصورت وجود داشته باشد

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه، و مشاهده مستقيم

عناصر سواالت به باشندگان قریه

/ارزيابی 1.1 بررسی فعاليت ها

ارزيابی 2.1 پروسه تطبيق

تاثير 4.2

سواالت ارزیابی جمع آوری معلوماتبخش های ارزیابی معلومات مورد نيازمعيار و ميتود قضاوت

نتيجهسوال فرعیسوال

عناصر سواالت به باشندگان قریه سواالت ارزیابی جمع آوری معلوماتبخش های ارزیابی معلومات مورد نيازمعيار و ميتود قضاوت

کدام کار ميتواند انجام شود تا از (55جنبه های مالی و اداری 2.5.2 مهارت ها اعضای شوراها بهره برداری و

فعاليت های انکشاف جامعه را به شکلمناسب در قريه جات مورد نظر ادامه دهيم؟

مقايسه نظريات رياست انکشافدهات، تسهيل کنندگان و شوراها

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه

کدام کار ميتواند انجام شود تا فعاليت (56 های پروژه در قريه جات مورد نظر را

نگهداری نمود؟

مقايسه نظريات رياست انکشافدهات، تسهيل کنندگان و شوراها

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه آيا تکنالوژی انتقال شده به شکل موثر (57تکنالوژی 3.5.2

در تطبيق پروژه مورد استفاده قرار گرفت؟ مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيلميتود انتقال تکنالوژی

ها، رياست انکشاف دهات وباشندگان قريه

آيا تکنالوژی انتفال شده برای حفظ و (58 مراقبت تسهيالت اعمار شده و ايجاد پروژههای فرعی غير زيربناهی شده موثر بود؟

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات مصاحبه کنندگانميتود انتقال تکنالوژی ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه

آيا تکنالوژی چيزی ميباشد که ميتواند (59به ساحه ديگر منتشر گردد؟

بررسی توانائی اعضای شورای محلی، ولسوالی ، و رياست

انکشاف دهات

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات مصاحبه کنندگانها، رياست انکشاف دهات

کدام حمايت های بيشتر برای شوراها (60جامعه، فرهنگ و محيط 4.5.2 الزم است تا برای جامعه شان در دراز

مدت تسهيالت فراهم نمايد؟

مقايسه نظريات رياست انکشافدهات، تسهيل کنندگان و شوراها

مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه کدام جزء از پروژه های فرعی جلب (61سائر موارد 5.5.2

عالقه جامعه را نمود تا تداوم آن را تضميننمايند؟

مقايسه نظريات رياست انکشاف دهات، تسهيل کنندگان و باشندگان


مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات ارگان های دخيل ها، رياست انکشاف دهات و

باشندگان قريه آيا کدام عوامل ديگر وجود دارد که (62

مانع تداوم پروژه گردد؟ تشخيص مشکالت و موانع اگر

بوده باشند مصاحبه با تسهيل کنندگان، شورانظريات مصاحبه کنندگان

ها، رياست انکشاف دهات وباشندگان قريه

تداوم 5.2


سوالنامه براي باشندگان قريه

ارزيابي براي پروژه هاي انكشافي جامعه

. كميته پروژه هاي فرعي نميباشندمصاحبه شوندگان عضو شوراي محلي و ) نوت

معلومات عمومي. 1


آدرس محل سكونت


سطح دانش

: مرحله تطبيق در پروسه پروژه هاي انكشاف جامعه. 2

دهيد؟ توضيح عناوين پروژه هاي فرعي كه به حمايت جي اس پي ار اجرا گرديده را لطفا ) 1.1.1( 2-1

: پروژه هاي فرعي زير بناهي، عنوان) 1

: پروژه هاي فرعي غير زيربناهي، عنوان) 2

/ نموديد؟ و بعد، آيا شما در جلسه موافقه در باره فعاليت هاي ذيل را از شورا دريافت/ وركشاپ راجع نتايج / آيا شما اعالن جلسه 2-2

)4.1.1، 1.1.1( داده شده است اشتراك نموديد؟ توضيحوركشاپ براي فعاليت هاي انكشافي جامعه كه در ذيل


موضوع اعالن مشاركت


استفاده از ارزيابي اشتراكي دهاتتشخيص نقشه جامعه با بلي يا نخير بلي يا نخير

تشخيص پالن انكشافي جامعه با استفاده از پالنگذاري مشاركتي مديريت دوران پروژه خير بلي يا ن بلي يا نخير

:پروژه هاي فرعي زيربناهي

:پروژه هاي فرعي غير زير بناهي

بازده كدام آموزش را كه از جي اس پي آر يا تسهيل كنندگان دريافت كرده بودند با شما شريك ساخت؟ در آيا اعضاي شورا 2-3

صورت چنين است، لطفا موارد ذيل را انتخاب نمائيد؟

اعمار صلح□ : نام آموزش نخير يا بلي

ارزيابي اشتراكي دهات □

مديريت دوران پروژه همراه با پالنگذاري مشاركتي □

موضوع اعالن مشاركت

انتخاب پروژه فرعي بلي يا نخير بلي يا نخير

تشخيص طراحي تفصيلي براي پروژه هاي فرعي زيربناهي بلي يا نخير بلي يا نخير

تشخيص طراحي تفصيلي براي پروژه هاي فرعي غير زيربناهي بلي يا نخير نخيربلي يا

موضوع اعالن مشاركت

انتخاب پروژه فرعي بلي يا نخير بلي يا نخير

تشخيص طراحي تفصيلي براي پروژه هاي فرعي زيربناهي بلي يا نخير بلي يا نخير

ي براي پروژه هاي فرعي غير زيربناهيتشخيص طراحي تفصيل بلي يا نخير بلي يا نخير


نظارت و ارزيابي □

بازجوئي قدرداني □

محاسبه □

تهيه و تداركات □

گزارش نويسي□

: سائر موارد□

تهيه نمودند؟ ) همبستگي ملي و غيره(آيا فكر ميكند اعضاي شورا پالن انكشافي را با پروژه فرعي بهتر از سائرين 2-4

:دليل بلي يا نخير

در صورت آيا فكر ميكنيد تسهيل كنندگان در تهيه پالن انكشافي جامعه همراه با لست پروژه هاي فرعي خوب كمك نمودند؟ 2-5

. دهيد چرا چنين فكر ميكنيدتوضيح لطفا است، همينطور

:دليل بلي يا نخير


در صورت آيا فكر ميكنيد اعضاي شورا به تنهائي قادر به نوسازي و تجديد پالن انكشافي جامعه و ليست پروژه هاي فرعي باشند؟ 2-6

. دهيد چرا شما چنين فكر ميكنيدتوضيح لطفا است، همينطور

:دليل نخير بلي يا

دهيد چرا شما توضيحلطفا است، همينطوردر صورت آيا فكر ميكنيد كمك تسهيل كنندگان در مرحله آمادگي ضرورت ميباشد؟ 2-7

. جنين فكر ميكنيد

:دليل بلي يا نخير

چرا چنين فكر توضيح است، لطفا همينطورورت آيا پروژه هاي فرعي نظر به خواست جامعه انتخاب و تطبيق گرديدند؟ در ص 2-8

. ميكنيد


:دليل بلي يا نخير

آيا شما با كاركردهاي آمادگي فعاليت هاي انكشافي جامعه با اعضاي شورا ها راضي هستيد؟ درصورت همينطور است، لطفا توضيح 2-9

دهيد چرا چنين فكر ميكنيد؟

:دليل بلي يا نخير

توضيح دهيد آيا شما با كاركردهاي تسهيل كنند در آمادگي فعاليت هاي مرتبط راضي هستيد؟ درصورت همينطور است، لطفا 2-10

چرا چنين فكر ميكنيد؟

:دليل بلي يا نخير

:مرحله تطبيق در پروژه انكشاف جامعه. 3


بلي يا نخير آيا شما گاهي ساحه پروژه فرعي را بازديد نموده ايد؟ 3.1

. آيا شما در تطبيق پروژه هاي فرعي سهم گرفته ايد؟ در صورت چنين است، لطفا توضيح دهيد چگونه سهم گرفتيد 3.2

كار گر :منحيث كارگر بلي بلي يا نخير

رنده ماليسهم گي

سهم گيرنده مالي و مردكار

: ديگر

آيا شما در جلسه تشريك پيشرفت تطبيق پروژه شركت نموديد؟ در صورت چنين است، لطفا توضيح دهيد چند مرتبه شركت 3.3


:مرتبه بلي يا نخير

يل گرديد؟ در صورت نخير، لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا پروژه هاي فرعي مطابق به پالن تكميل آيا پروژه هاي فرعي مطابق به پالن تكم 3.4


:دليل بلي يا نخير


نمايند؟ لطفا مديريت و كنترول مي) همبستگي ملي و غيره(آيا فكر ميكنيد اعضاي شورا پروژه هاي فرعي را بهتر نسبت با سائرين 3.5

. توضيح دهيد چرا شما چنين فكر ميكنيد

:دليل بلي يا نخير

لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا شما چنين براي تطبيق پروژه هاي فرعي انكشاف جامعه الزم ميباشد؟ آيا فكر ميكنيد حمايت تسهيل كنندگان 3.6

.فكر ميكنيد

:دليل بلي يا نخير

آيا فكر ميكنيد اعضاي شورا در آينده قادر به مديريت و كنترول پروژه هاي فرعي ميباشند؟ لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا شما چنين فكر 3.7


:دليل بلي يا نخير


. كردهاي اعضاي شورا در تطبيق پروژه هاي فرعي راضي هستيد؟ لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا شما چنين فكر ميكنيدآيا شما با كار 3.8

:دليل بلي يا نخير

.نين فكر ميكنيد آيا شما با كاركردهاي تطبيق شورا ها به حمايت تسهيل كنندگان راضي هستيد؟ لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا شما چ 3.9

:دليل بلي يا نخير

:كاركرد هاي پروژه انكشاف جامعه. 4

آيا فكر ميكنيد كه وضعيت زندگي مردم از طريق تطبيق پروژه هاي فرعي در مقايسه با پيش از تطبيق پروژه به شكل مثبت تغير 4-1

ي جي اس پگونه تغيرات ميباشد و از تغيرات مثبت ذيل كه مورد نظر پروژه نموده است؟ در صورت چنين است، لطفا توضيح چ

. در صورت فكر نميكنيد تغير نموده باشد، دليل تان را ارائه نمائيدميباشد انتخاب نمائيد؟ برعالوه،

بلي يا نخير

). ميتوانيد چندين جواب را انتخاب نمائيد(تغيرات مثبت : در صورت بلي


سرمايه اجتماعي □ محيط زيست □ معيشت □

:در صورت نخير

آيا فكر ميكنيد اعضاي شورا ها در مهارت و برخورد شان در اجراي انكشاف جامعه مشاركتي تغير بهتر نموده اند؟ 4-2

:دليل بلي يا نخير

قانع كننده هاي پروژه هاي انكشاف جامعه براي انكشاف رويا هاي آينده و پروژه هاي فرعي بمنظور تغير بهتر در جامعه آيا فعاليت 4-3

. و مفيد بود؟ لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا شما چنين فكر ميكنيد

:دليل بلي يا نخير


يد و ميخواهيد كه در كدام فعاليت هاي اجتماعي جامعه شركت نمائيد؟ در صورت چنين است، آيا شما بيشتر آگاهي حاصل نمود 4-4

لطفا توضيح دهيد تا چه حد مشاركت با كمال ميل وجود دارد؟

بلي يا نخير

. درجه داده شوند، لطفا موارد ذيل را در نظر بگيريدبراي سواالت كه بايد در صورت بلي،

بسيار زياد: 5زياد ، : 4متوسط، : 3م، ك: 2بسيار كم ، . 1

: در صورت نخير

منابع نسبت به قبل بهبود يافته است؟ در صورت / منابع و سرمايه فزيكي / آيا فكر ميكنيد دسترسي باشندگان به سرمايه انساني 4-5

. چنين است، لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا چنين فكر ميكنيد

:دليل يا نخيربلي

شيوه مناسب انكشاف جامعه تحت پروژه جي اس پي آر را نظارت كافي از طرف جي اس پي ار براي ايجاد / حمايت شما آيا 4-6

. دريافت مينمائيد؟ در صورت چنين است، لطفا توضيح دهيد چرا چنين فكر ميكنيد

:دليل بلي يا نخير


آيا كدام مشكل بعد از ختم پروژه بميان آمد؟ در صورت چنين است، لطفا مشكل و چگونگي حل آنرا توضيح دهيد؟ در صورت 4-7

مشكل بوجود آمده باشد، كه براي حل آن ابتكار به خرچ ميدهد، اعضاي شورا يا ديگران؟

بلي يا نخير

براي حل موضوع ابتكار به آنانيكه

خرچ دادند

مشكل راه حل

چه نوع حمايت بيشتر براي رشد اعضاي شورا الزم است تا مهارت ها و ارائه خدمات موثر شان را در دراز مدت دوامدار نگهداري 4-8


: مفيديت. 5

امعه موثر ميباشد، پروژه هاي فرعي زيربناهي يا پروژه هاي فرعي غير زيربناهي؟ كدام موضوع براي انكشاف ج 5-1

: جواب


: دليل

:تاثير. 6

ين آيا كدام تغير مثبت يا منفي باالي اقتصاد، معيشت، و انكشاف جامعه ساحات مرتبط يا ولسوالي دند وجود دارد؟ درصورت چن 6-1

است لطفا تاثيرات مثبت يا منفي را توضيح دهيد؟

بلي يا نخير

: تاثيرات مثبت

: تاثيرات منفي

: تداوم7

كشاف جامعه به يك شيوه مناسب ادامه بهره برداري گرديده و به فعاليت هاي انچه ميتواند انجام شود كه مهارت هاي اعضاي شورا 7-1



چه كار بايد انجام شود تا فعاليت هاي پروژه هاي فرعي را متداوم نگهداري نمائيم؟ 7-2

امعه شان سهولت فراهم نمايند؟ كدام حمايت ها براي شورا هاي مورد نظر الزم است تا در دراز مدت براي ج 7-3

كدام نوع از پروژه هاي فرعي دلگرمي جامعه را براي تضمين تداوم آن بدست آورده است؟ و چرا شما چنين فكر ميكنيد؟ لطفا در

صورت ممكن است دليل تان را واضح سازيد؟

: دليل

. آيا كدام عوامل كه ممكن مانع تداوم گردد وجود دارد؟ در صورت چنين است، عوامل را نشان دهيد 7-4

:عوامل بلي يا نخير

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 3. Evaluation Session 3.3 Conducting Evaluation Survey Time (Duration) 70 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator KSA acquired through the session

- Explain how to collect data practically. - Collect necessary data. - Explain how to interpret collected data. - Analyze and interpret collected data.

Agenda - Sharing collection of data - Sharing analysis and interpretation of data - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“What should you do practically to implement data collection for evaluation?”

- Listing up answers to things to do for implementation of data collection for evaluation

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider how to implement data collection for evaluation.Outputs - List of things to do for implementation

of data collection for evaluation.

15 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Collection of Data” Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain what to do to collect data for evaluation. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


15 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions.

“What do you think you should do after the collection of data?” “How do you think evaluation of a project is conducted based on the collected data?” “What are conclusions, recommendations, and lessons learned?”

- Listing up answers from the participants on the flipchart Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants consider about things to do after data collection, how to evaluate a project, differences among conclusions, recommendations and lessons learned. Outputs - List of things to do after data collection- List of meanings of conclusions,

recommendations, and lessons learned

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint

presentation. “Analysis and interpretation of data (data interpretation using 5 evaluation criteria, drawing conclusion from the data interpretation, recommendations and lessons learned)”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain about analysis and interpretation of data. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions. “What do you have to do for collection of data?” “What is analysis and interpretation of data?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from this session. Outputs



٧٨۶آورس اموزشي نظارت و ارزيا بي

اجراي سروي ارزيابي جمع اوري معلومات -١

) ايجاد ساختار تطبيق سروي () انكشاف سواالت وسوالنامه هاي واقعي (

) تنظيم تقسيم اوقات سروي ( تحليل و تفسير معلومات -٢

) تفسير معلومات () ارزيا بي بااستفاده از پنج معيار (

) نتيجه گيري () تهيه توصيه ها و پيشنهاددروس امو خته شده (

ورد مراجعه شود ۵به صفحه نمبر


جمع اوري معلومات -١

جمع آوری معلومات واقعی بعد از انکشاف طرح ارزيابی بمنظور جمع آوری معلومات، الزم است کار . بميان می آيد

. های ذيل را برای آمادگی انجام داد


ايجاد ساختار تطبيق سروی

تصميم ايجاد گردد مثل، رهبر بايدبرای سروی ارزيابی -١تيم، اعضای تيم کی ها خواهند بود، سروی ساحه چطور

آيا تيم به سروی گران ساحه ضرورت (انجام خواهد شد ،)دارند، و غيره

کدام حمايت ها را تيم در ساحه ميتوانند بدست آورند، و -٢ . غيره

يا سروی گران اضافی باشد، بهتر / قرارداد با مشاورين -٣. است پروسه قرارداد را شروع نمائيم


انکشاف سواالت و سوالنامه های واقعی )درصورت الزم باشد(

. شودسواالت واقعی که از هر اداره ذيدخل پرسيده خواهد شد انکشاف داده مي -١. مورد نياز بايد تهيه گردد د با در نظرداشت ميتود جمع آوری معلومات، موا -٢

بطور مثال، د اگر معلومات توسط سروی از طريق پرسشنامه جمع آوری گردد، کی ها مور

شود، ترتيب برای هرکدام چه نوع سوالنامه وسوال چطور بايد سوال گردند،

. شود ترتيب و سوالنامه کی ها در بحث و در صورت نياز به بحث گروپی است، چه نوع کار گروپی

گروپی شرکت خواهند کرد، کدام موضوعات بحث خواهد شد، ری کی تسهيل کننده کار گروپی خواهد بود و سائر موضوعات بايد تصميم گي

. گرددف در عين زمان، الزم است چگونگی جمع آوری معلومات برای تحليل و انکشا •

. را در نظر داشته باشيم ) ايکسل ( صفحه گسترده


تنظيم تقسيم اوقات سروی

با در نظرداشت ساختار تطبيق، انواع ميتود های سروی، -١مدت سروی، و غيره سروی ارزيابی بايد زمان بندی گردد

يا / و تنظيم سروی مثل قرار مالقات با مصاحبه شوندگان و . کار های گروپی انجام خواهد شد

هنگاميکه آمادگی تکميل گرديد، سروی واقعی به اساس -٢. تقسيم اوقات سروی انجام خواهد شد


تحليل و تفسير معلومات ٢

مطابق به معيارات ارزيابی ساخته بايدتحليل معلومات -١در عين حال بمنظور اينکه پيشنهادات خوب و دروس . شود

اين کار تفسير ناميده . آموخته شده بايد کامال تحليل گردند. ميشود

. دو گام در پروسه تفسير معلومات وجود دارد -٢ ساختن ارزش های قضاوت مطابق به پيج معيار ١ -٢

ارزيابی،. ترسيم نتيجه گيری به اساس همان قضاوت ٢ -٢



ارزيابی با استفاده از پنج معيار . ی گرديده است ميباشد استفاده از پنج معيار و مشخص ساختن عوامل که باعث نتيجه دهی ارزياب با

بطور مثال، فيصد از ۶٠" تحليل معلومات که فرضا هنگام ارزيابی مفيديت پروژه آبرسانی، موثريت پروژه مطابق به -١

چند فيصد اهالی به آب " منحيث جواب به سوال ارزيابی که " اهالی قريه به آب دسترسی پيدا کرده اند . مورد آزمايش قرار ميگيرد ” صحی از طريق تطبيق پروژه دست يافتند؟

بدست نيامده است، بناء عوامل که مانع دست " فيصد اهالی ٨٠" درين صورت بخاطريکه هدف مورد نظر -٢ ممکن مشکل در موقعيت که دستگاه آب در آن نصب گرديده . يابی به هدف شده است بايد تحليل گردد

. رده باشد وجود داشته باشد، يا ممکن کميته رهبری آب رسانی بصورت مناسب عمل نک وی بدست می آيد بايد به تمام هنگام تشريح موانع يا عوامل سهم گيرنده، شواهد مشخص که در نتيجه سر -٣

. ادارات ذيدخل ارائه گردد پس در نتيجه، تعداد کمی از افراد نتيجهء . در صورتيکه عدم ارائه، اعتبار ارزيابی کاهش خواهد يافت -۴

. ارزيابی را مورد استفاده قرار خواهند داد را بدون تحليل موانع و عوامل سهم گيرنده نشان ميدهد، يا اگر گزارش " مفيديت باال " در صورت نتيجه فقط -۵

پروژه مورد استفاده قرار نخواهد ها نمره هر معيار را برآورد مينمايد، نتايج ارزيابی ممکن برای رشد آموخته شده را پيشنهاد تنها با مشخص ساختن و شناسائی عوامل موثر ميتواند پيشنهادات و دروس . گرفت . نمود


نتيجه گيری در ارزيابی که . له بعدی ميباشد ترسيم نتيجه گيری به اساس تفسير نتايج برای هر يک از پنج معيار مرح •

نظر هر معيار ارزيابی به شکل پنج معيار مورد استفاده قرار گيرد، ارزيابی کننده پروژه را از نقطه قضاوت بمنظور ترسيم نتيجه گيری، در حاليکه، ارزيابی کننده بايد ارزش های . جداگانه درک مينمايد

بطور مثال، در ارزيابی . هيه نمايد برای ارزيابی هدف را با در نظر داشت تمام معيارات از ديدگاه جامع ت ودن محتوای پالن پروژه را تصميم مقدماتی، تيم ارزيابی در باره درست بودن تطبيق پروژه و يا مناسب ب

. ا حمايت های بايد خاتمه يابد در ارزيابی نهائی، تيم ارزيابی ميکند آيا پروژه موفق بوده است و آي . ميگيرد . همچنان تيم بايد شواهد را از نتايج فراهم نمايد

آيا روابط علتی )١: ميگردد در ترسيم نتيجه گيری، شيوه های ذيل برای آزمايش دوباره پروژه تطبيق •. آيا پروسه تطبيق پروژه مناسب بوده است ) ٢فرضی بين تطبيق و تاثيرات پروژه مناسب بوده است،

پائين و ) بازده / روابط بين منابع و نتايج (بطور مثال، در صورت مفيديت پروژه با وجوديکه حقايق وابط علتی را شناسائی نمود که موثريت پروژه باال باشد، ممکن در پروسه پالنگذاری مشکالت بوده که ر

يا، در صورتيکه باوجوديکه ساختار پروژه . را توليد خواهد نمود ) يا پالن های اصلی (تاثيرات متوقع يا شيوه تطبيق (درست در نظر گرفته شده توليد نشده باشد، ممکن در پروسه تطبيق ) منطق روابط علتی (

آزمايش دوباره پروژه راجع به اين . مشکالت وجود داشته باشد ) پروژه بشمول منابع و سيستم مديريت کش نمودن آنچه به شکل موضوعات واضح ميسازد کی مسئول چه ميباشد، و تشکيل پيشنهادات و پيش

همچو تحليل ها در ارزيابی داخلی اساسی بوده که هدف . مشخص آموخته شده است را ممکن ميسازد ر بهبود مديريت و عمليات عمده آن بازتاب نتايج ارزيابی به اشخاص مسئول يا اشخاص ذيدخل بمنظو

. پروژه ميباشد


تهيه توصيه ها و پيشنهاد دروس آموخته شده شامل " توصيه ها. "ددمطابق به نتيجه، توصيه ها و دروس آموخته شده ترسيم و پيشنهاد ميگر -١

نيکه مرتبط به دفاتر تدابير مشخص، پيشنهادات، مشوره ها در باره پروژه مورد نظر برای آنا. تطبيق کننده پروژه بوده اند ميباشد

بشمول مقامات دولتی (الزم است در باره توصيه ها و دروس آموخته شده با ادارات ذيدخل -٢ جنبه عملی پيدا نموده، و مطابق به آن بعضی پيشرفت های و. به توافق برسيم) کشور همکار

. در مديريت و عمليات پروژه بدست خواهد آمد نباشد، تعداد در صورتيکه توصيه ها و دروس آموخته شده مشخص و به اندازه کافی عملی -٣

برای رساندن پيام ها به شکل واضح فراهم . زيادی از مردم ممکن از آن ها استفاده ننمايند. آوری شواهد بدست آمده از نتايج ارزيابی بسيار مهم ميباشد

ورد مراجعه شود۵ به صفحه نمبر

دروس آموخته شده/ جريان تفسير معلومات و توصيه ها : 12جدول

معلومات با ارزش هاي عددي توسط تحليل كمي • تحليل معلومات

موضوعات و حوادث كه از طريق تحليل كيفي معلومات بدست آمده است •نتايج ارزيابي با استفاده از

پنج معيار ارزيابي ارتباط، مفيديت، موثريت، -:ارزيابيقضاوت به اساس هر يك از پنج معيار •

تاثيرات و تداوم

تهيه شواهد براي قضاوت و تحليل عوامل تاخير و سهم گيرنده در پيشرفت پروژه • پاسخ ها به سواالت ارزيابي • نتيجه گيري

قضاوت براي هدف ارزيابي از ديدگاه جامع به اساس نتايج پنج معيار ارزيابي •

ق پروژه مشخص درست بوده و آيا محتواي پالن آيا تطبي:ارزيابي مقدماتي - . آن مناسب ميباشد

آيا پروژه تاثيرات متوقع را توليد مينمايد و آيا ضرورت :ارزيابي ميان دوره - . به تغير پالن ميباشد

ايا پروژه يك كار موفق در نظر گرفته ميشود و يا ناكام :ارزيابي نهائي -

آيا تاثيرات توليد شده دوامدار نگهداري ميگردد و آيا پروژه : ارزيابي مابعد - . ارزش قضاوت براي سائر پيشنهادات ارزيابي را داشت

فراهم آوري زمينه •

موضوع كه (آزمايش اينكه آيا مشكالت ميتواند به شيوه كه روابط علتي مشخص شده موضوع كه از (ه يا مشكل پروسه تطبيق پروژ) در نتيجه پالنگذاري بميان مي آيد

. نسبت داده شود) تطبيق پروژه بميان مي آيدتدابير مشخص، پيشنهادات، و مشوره در باره پروژه كه بايد توسط اشخاص • توصيه ها

. ذيدخل در نظر گرفته شودمعلومات مفيد (دروس كه از طريق تجربه يك پروژه مورد نظر آموخته شده • دروس آموخته شده

و تشكيل آن در آينده يا مديريت سائر پروژه هاي در حال دريافت هاي پروژه ). جريان

، تغيرداده شده توسط جي اس پي آر88، ص 2004جايكا : منبع

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


Session Outline: Module 3. Evaluation Session 3.4 Reporting Evaluation Results Time (Duration) 45 minutes Facilitator Co-facilitator Competencies acquired through the session

- Explain tips for preparing evaluation reports. - Explain typical contents of evaluation reports.

Agenda - Reviewing previous session - Sharing reporting evaluation results - Reviewing learning points

Inputs (materials/equipment) for the session

- Projector - Screen - Computer (with PowerPoint) - PowerPoint presentation - Pointer - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Lesson Plan: Time Teaching activities/ questions to be asked

(Detailed procedure for each agenda) Outcomes and Outputs (if any)

5 mins Activities - Asking the following questions about the previous session

“What is collection of data?” “What is interpretation of data?”


Outcome The participants review about collection of data and interpretation of data. Outputs

10 mins

Activities - Asking the following questions

“Have you ever written evaluation report?” “What kinds of contents should be written on an evaluation report?”

- Listing up answers to contents of evaluation report Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants will consider about contents of evaluation report. Outputs - List of contents of evaluation report

20 mins

Activities - Explaining the following by using PowerPoint presentation

“Reporting evaluation results (tips for preparing a report, sample contents of a report”

Inputs - Computer - Projector - Screen - Pointer

Outcome The participants are able to explain about reporting of evaluation results. Outputs

JICA Support Programme for Reintegration and Community Development in Kandahar (JSPR) JSPR Model, March 2009


10 mins

Activities - Reviewing the lesson contents by asking the following

questions. “What contents do you write in an evaluation report?” “What are tips for writing a report?”

Inputs - Flipchart stand - Flipchart paper - Markers

Outcome The participants review what they learn from the session. Outputs



Evaluation of M&E Training by Participants Date: Please rate or write your comments on each question. For questions to be rated, please consider them as 1: Very little, 2: little, 3: Fair, 4: Much, 5: Very Much. <Section 1: Contents of the Training> 1-1: Were the contents understandable? 1 2 3 4 5 1-2: Did the contents meet your expectation?

1 2 3 4 5 1-3: Which sessions were the most interesting? (Please select up to two.) 1. Introduction of M&E 2. M&E and PCM 3. Introduction of Monitoring

4.Monitoring Procedure 5.Methods of Data Collection 6.Reporting Monitoring Results

7.Introduction of Evaluation 8.Planning Evaluation 9.Conducting Evaluation Survey

10. Reporting Evaluation Results

1-4: Which sessions were the least interesting? (Please select up to two.) 1. Introduction of M&E 2. M&E and PCM 3. Introduction of Monitoring

4.Monitoring Procedure 5.Methods of Data Collection 6.Reporting Monitoring Results

7.Introduction of Evaluation 8.Planning Evaluation 9.Conducting Evaluation Survey

10. Reporting Evaluation Results

1-5: Are the contents applicable to your current jobs? 1 2 3 4 5 1-6: Any comments and suggestions on the contents


<Section 2: Handouts> 2-1: Were the handouts understandable? 1 2 3 4 5 2-2: Were the handouts useful to help you understand the training? 1 2 3 4 5 2-3: Any comments and suggestions on the handouts <Section 3: Trainers/Facilitators> 3-1: Did the trainers/facilitators explain the contents clearly? 1 2 3 4 5 3-2: Were the teaching methods suitable? 1 2 3 4 5 3-3: Was the facilitation of the trainers/facilitators effective? 1 2 3 4 5 3-4: Were the trainers/facilitators friendly? 1 2 3 4 5 3-5: Any comments and suggestions on the trainers/facilitators and teaching method.


<Section 4: Training Facilities, Learning Environment> 4-1: Was the space of the training room sufficient? 1 2 3 4 5 4-2: Were there sufficient space for group works? 1 2 3 4 5 4-3: Was the arrangement of the training room suitable? 1 2 3 4 5 4-4: Any suggestions on the training room and facilities. <Section 5: Timing and Schedule> 5-1: Was the timing of the training suitable for you? 1 2 3 4 5 5-2: How are you satisfied with the training schedule? (length of the whole training, length of each session, timing of breaks, etc) 1 2 3 4 5 5-3: How can we improve the training schedule? Please write your suggestions.


Self-evaluation before the M&E Training

Name: Organisation: <Section 0> 0-1: Have you ever had any Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) training? YES NO 0-2: If yes, when and what kind? <Section 1> Do you know “M&E”? Circle a number for each question (1: nothing about the idea, 2: vague understanding of the idea, 3: proper understanding of the idea, 4: deeper understanding of the idea, 5: can explain the idea to those who do not know it) concerning your understanding about following topics, before attending the training. 1-1: Introduction of M&E (1.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-2: M&E and PCM (1.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-3: Introduction of Monitoring (2.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-4: Monitoring Procedure (2.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-5: Methods of Data Collection (2.3) 1 2 3 4 5


1-6: Reporting Monitoring Results (2.4) 1 2 3 4 5 1-7: Introduction of Evaluation (3.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-8: Planning Evaluation (3.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-9: Conducting Evaluation Survey (3.3) 1 2 3 4 5 1-10: Reporting Evaluation Results (3.4) 1 2 3 4 5 < Section 2> What do you expect to learn from the training? Please imagine what you become able to do through the training.


Self-evaluation after the M&E Training

Name: Organisation: <Section 1> How much did you understand “M&E”? Circle a number for each question (1: nothing about the idea, 2: vague understanding of the idea, 3: proper understanding of the idea, 4: deeper understanding of the idea, 5: can explain the idea to those who do not know it) concerning your understanding about following topics, after attending the training. 1-1: Introduction of M&E (1.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-2: M&E and PCM (1.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-3: Introduction of Monitoring (2.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-4: Monitoring Procedure (2.2) 1 2 3 4 5 1-5: Methods of Data Collection (2.3) 1 2 3 4 5 1-6: Reporting Monitoring Results (2.4) 1 2 3 4 5 1-7: Introduction of Evaluation (3.1) 1 2 3 4 5 1-8: Planning Evaluation (3.2) 1 2 3 4 5


1-9: Conducting Evaluation Survey (3.3) 1 2 3 4 5 1-10: Reporting Evaluation Results (3.4) 1 2 3 4 5 < Section 2> How do you utilise what you learn from the training in your daily tasks? Please write them in details.

Pre & Post Assessment of M&E Training

Name: Organization:

Date: Score: 1. What are objectives of Monitoring & Evaluation? - Improving the quality of the current project - Improving the quality of other projects - Improving transparency 2. Project Cycle Management Fill in the blank. Answer: (Logical Framework )



( )

3. 5 Evaluation criteria Please answer 5 evaluation criteria, looking at explanation for each criterion.

Evaluation Criterion Explanation


The extent to which the objectives of a development intervention are consistent with beneficiaries’ requirements, country needs, global priorities and partners’ and donors’ policies.

(2) The extent to which the development intervention’s objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, taking into account their relative importance.

(3) A measure of how economically resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) are converted to results.

(4) Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.


The continuation of benefits from a development intervention after major development assistance has been completed. The probability of continued long-term benefits. The resilience to risk of the net benefit flow over time.

Answer (1): (Relevance ) (2): (Effectiveness ) (3): (Efficiency ) (4): (Impact ) (5): (Sustainability )

4. M&E in Project Cycle Please select appropriate answer for each blank from the choices. Choices - Terminal Evaluation - Monitoring - Ex-ante Evaluation - Ex-post Evaluation - Mid-term Evaluation Answer (1): (Ex-ante Evaluation ) (2): (Monitoring ) (3): (Mid-term Evaluation ) (4): (Terminal Evaluation ) (5): (Ex-post Evaluation ) 5. Items to be Monitored: What items do you monitor? - Progress of Activities - Achievement of Outputs - Achievement of Project Purpose 6. Shifts of Focus of Monitoring Please fill in the blanks of the sentences by selecting appropriate words from the choices. In the early stage of a project, progress of (1): ( ) is focused at monitoring. As a project goes on, focus of monitoring shifts to (2): ( ). Around the final stage of a project, achievement of (3): ( ) is focused. Choices - Overall Goal - Activities - Indicators - Project Purpose - Outputs Answer (1): (Activities ) (2): (Outputs ) (3): (Project Purpose )







7. Major Steps of Evaluation Please select appropriate answer for each blank from the choices. Choices - Collect data - Formulate evaluation work plan - Confirm the purpose of evaluation - Organize information of the target project - Analyze and interpret data Answer (1): (Confirm the purpose of evaluation ) (2): (Organize information of the target project ) (3): (Formulate evaluation work plan ) (4): (Collect data ) (5): (Analyze and interpret data ) 8. Data Collection Methods There are several data collection methods for monitoring and evaluation. Please write three methods among them. Three from “Literature Review”, “Direct Observation”, “Questionnaire Survey”, “Interview Survey”, “Focus Group Discussion”

(1) ( )

(2) ( )

(3) ( )

(4) ( )

(5) ( )

(6) Report evaluation results


Planning Evaluation

Conducting Evaluation Survey

Reporting Results