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.On Tuesday vote

LEVER SA Your independent voice

on council.


As Tuesday, September 16 draW& nearer, the candidates for City Council enter the home stretch of their. campaign. Whether the candidate just started his campaign after Labor Day

.. orwnefliertlie calldidate has beenoufworking hard for the last two.~onths (as Jack Queen

has), the next few days are very important. The next four days are the last chance to touch the minds of the voters.


Jack Queen has put forth a special effort to win the confidence an~ the support of our community with his own unique qualifi­cations. A few are listed below.,

I) Queen's main qualification for public office is his devotion to i~tegrity in politics - a public office is a public trust. As Chatrman of the Speaker's Bureau, for Common Cause, Queen has been monitoring the conflicts of interest of office-holders for several years.

2) Who would be better qualified to deal with problems of city management than Jack Queen? He has formal training in City Management and City Planning. •

3) Although Jack Queen has served on local boards (Advisory Plannmg Board, the Council of Government Human Resources Board and the Housing Technical Committee) he has also worked at the nationatl vel as an aide to U.S. Congressman Ken Heckler. IDemocr , W.Va.l. Queen understands how senseless duplication f efforts at the .local and higher levels of government costs the taxpayers dollars.

4) Jack Queen has had the opportunity to visit with most

Greenbelters to rediscover the good spirit of this unique town

and also to discuss some of the annoying problems. Although Queen hopes to get to each door, he has publicized his address and phone number for those he may miss.


Based on his own survey of Greenbelters, Jack Queen has some goals for the next council. A few are listed below. He will continue to listen for others.

I) Comprehensive public disclosure of campaign, contributions. The present law is very weak.

2) Better crime protection against petty thievery and other nuisance crimes. (A better mix of foot patrol and squad cars deserves· -~rang consideration).

3) Increase tax relief for the elderly on fixed incomes. Seek ways to lower or at least maintain present taxes for all Green­baiters through wiser spending programs and Revenue Sharing.

4) More citizen input in consideration of the housing project for the elderly.

5) More realist,ic transportation for the elderly and the handi· capped 1 •• A mini-bus deserves strong consideration over a a Iorge bus.

• 6) Encourage more community participation and communica-tion in city council meetings.

7) Safe bikeways are needed. A permanent bathroom facility would be moet desirable at the Greenbelt Lake.

8) Encourage better ties between the older and newer sections of Greenbelt, to preserve the uniqueness of our small town community.

51 ?t-'PR4Mat ?t~ *;'ttJH~ ~ 2ueue Fellow (}reenbeltera: \ SA


Many constituent. ask me if I would favor increasb\g the number of city Policemen. I can not favor implementing any plan unleu I have thoroughly atudied the needa of the total community as well as the lncreaaed coat..

Personally, I will ~ot uae the lime of the police force for delivering me meuages or documents (a_s 18 now the practice). I will pick up my own documents and packet. ftom the Municipal Building. Each time 1 go to the Municipal Building wUl be another opportunity to Investigate the way our money Is being apent.

Jack M. Q~een


SA Please vote for Jade M. Queen on September 16, Jack. would be a breath of fmh air in the chambers of City Hall.

... ~ Dr. IN6-aGD Autb. J. Neumaier, Tl'elll.

Election Capsule (Jiretnbelt A~'l -{] ~M'> ·1i.:..·.:~ '!\. •

,~.,,~,:~q•••lllll!l>•z;···_--.... ll!lkl!l.!l. !1§1111!..,

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C NIVf:«stTy ~_.... .-_ Jt OLL~::c;~:: p V'l" MARr'... •. OO!Ii

. 1\RK, Afo, ~D ~ , . . .SL-------. ••• And Also Running The new council will bl! a

veteran council, headed In aen­lorlty by Mayor Pllakl'a 10 yean of aervlce, followed by Weldenfeld'a ud Schwan's four year• of aervlce ud Cutaldl'a and White's two yean of aervlce. Together, they repreaent 22 yean of service. Once &pin, the coun­cil wilt . .be without a woman member. t--- .,.._,

Btws Btuitw In the tpOrtiiiWJWre l(lld

th:lt characterlael ~ el .ctlons, the loeera. Jack Quelll ud Vlrctnl& ~ joiMIJ the victon Tu.da1 Dlibt at a poat-electlon part)' at tbe J'lre House which wu open to all.

AN IND.BaNI NEWSPAPfl Only one write-In vote W8ll c~..t ·- for Bruce Bowman. There were 55 ablentee !&Jiotl. Volume 38, Number 44 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, September 18, 1975


ALL FIVE INCUMBENTS ~E-ELEOED TO COUNCIL D~dication of Springhill Lake · Recreation· Ce1ter Sunday

AGENDA Special Charter Meeting

of City Council

· Weidenfeld lets High Vote -But Castaldi Close Seooad

by Wlni Milan M 5e t 22 1975 ' JJy "I' Skolnik on., P • • 1 'tt h' h ni 22 "The best thing about the new building is the grel!t potential i n one' of the closest- finishes in years, w IC saw ~ y we now have for expansion of the city's recreation program," at 7:30 p"m. ---votes separating the first. and third-place winners, Mayor Pro-declares recreation director Hank Irving when discussing the Tern Gil Weidenfeld eked out the high vote in last Tuesday's advantages of the recently completed Springhill Lake Recreation 1. Meetlnr Called to Order Greenbelt city ·council election. His 999 votes were just 12 Center. Intended for use by all Greenbelt residents, the new Rlcharo R. Pllakl _ Mayor more than Richard Castaldi's, who in tum finished 10 votes center is a natural-look, earth-tone, brick and wood air conditioned 1973-1975> ahead of Mayor Richard Pilski. All three were incumbents, with building, which houses a full size gymnasium including bleachers

2. Meditation Weidenfeld winning his third term to office and Castaldi his

and an exercise room, plus shower and rt>st room facilities. In second. For Mayor Pilski, the veteran of the council, it was his Pledge of Allegiance to the addition, there are a large game room, a TV lounge, a separate Flag sixth straight election to office. multi-purpose room, and a "fish bowl" style control office. Lo- The other two spotl on the five- place winner. <See accompanyinc cated on Springhill Lake's golf course, the new building will now 3. Certification of Election member council also went to In- box for voteeJ be used in conjunction with the golf club house, where recreation Count cumbentl - Charles F. Schwan All of the top vote ptheren Classes and meetl'ngs will be held. and Thomu X. White, who ftnlsh- puUed over 40 percent of the vote,

4. Oath of Office of Members · ~ 1 t t1 th eed t All the above mentioned

' - prn. of Council , ed In that order. Sixth place went thua e lm na nr e n or a Greenbelters are all cordially In- ~ to Jack Queen who In hla tint out- run-orr election. In fact. aU the

vlted to come take a look at the grams are ~tlso conducted at other . tRichard R. _PIIs~-=-J.layor _ Ing ftnlshed stronr with 820 votea__..Itnnera polled .mllfL.tllan l!l)_ .pel'-=._ -, -~--new SHL ceiiter-·aurfrig. it.i -dedi~ .. "recreafioii&i centers in-Gr~nb~iC- [---l973=197rr- -~ - some 74 votes behind the fifth- cent of the votel . cation this Sunday, September 21, and Information concerning them 5. Ele~tlon of Temporary at li p.m. Licht refreshments wilt may be obtained by calllng 474- Chairman be served following dedication by 6878 weekdays (recreation depart-­city council members. There will ment business office> or 345-2770 also be rames, entertainment, and for Sprlnrhlll Lake center actlvi­guest celebrities, includmg WASH ties. The recreation ·department radio personality Bob Ouckman, plans to work In coop.,ration with who will be master of C<'rcmoni~s. Mrs. Sutton, social director Ill th<' KAVA Teen Club will sponsor n Springhill I..ake community house, dance (admission free) in th" nt·W In dt•vdoping n<'W programs and -&Ym from 7-10. p.m. f<'aturing mu- acUyltles. sic by the Free Spirit band. An exceptionally wide choice r:f

History activities Is oiYt>red throurh the The $390,000 SHL Recreation recreation department. ln fact. r<•

Center was first concdved In 1968 cently Greenbelt has bt•cume a Na­when a referendum successfully tiona! Gold MPdal award finalist submlttl'd to tht• voters listed the for parks and r<•crcation manag<' Center as one of a half- dozen pro- ment cxcellenc<'. S:>rinr,hill Lo lte jects that would be financed Recreation c,.nt•·r is t'X[lt'<'ll•d to through the sale of $950,000 worth makP a supPrior rPerPP.tion pro of bonds. At that time the cost of gram even better. the project was <'stimated at $60,-000, but included no plans for a gymnasium.

The site fot· the building wns to be donated by the Springhill Lake sp11rtmcnt owners as part of a package which involved the salt• of tht• 12.9 acre SHL golf course to th" city. Since this land was part­ly within a flood plain, delays were encounll'red in obtaining '"' cessary FedPral tHUD> and Stall' approval for open-space grants to financt• th<• purchase of th<• golf cnurs<•. Such grants In the am­ount of $89.000 were finally approv­ed In the fall of 1972, but In the mean time construction costs had begun to escalate rapidly.

By the lime the city was ready to let bids out. the estimates for the building were In the neigh; hood of $300,000. The city's fins cia! problem, however, wu ease eomewhat by the availability of Federal revenue-sharing funds, of which about $95,000 WIUI allo­cated to the Recreation Center, leaving $295,000 of the $390,000 to­tal to come from the bond Issue.

Aotlvltlee Open 3611 daya a year, aa Ia the

Youth Center, SHL center will be utilized at once for a &Teat variety of recreational pro&Tama. Fall ac­tlvltlea will Include basketball, jloor hockey, table pmea, volley­ball tournament., movlea, TV, and open gym. Free programa will be available In artl and craftl, model building, and group gamea/phyel­cal fitneaa <Chucks and Laasles) for elementary echool children.

For preschoolers through grade 3 there wltl be 11\m Time, a com­bination of atorlea, pmea, and craftl .. Organized gym activities wltl be offered for girls and wom­en, for men. and an open co-rec­reation gym for all aget1. On fam­llv nlght thr first Friday of each month from 7-11 p.m.. famlllea Prr """ouragcd to uae 1ame room facllltlea. - '

Health Fair - Sept. 26-27 At Beltway Plaza Mall

The Greenbelt Jay<'<•es, in ro opl'rallon with the Prine<• Gt•nrg<•3 County Health Dt•patimcnt and Beltway Plaza Mt•n·hants Assodn tion, wilt spons.>r a HPa!th Fair from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on F.-iday and Saturday. Sl'pt. 26 27. at Bdt· way Plaza. Fifty private, public nnd voluntary g.-uups w'll partie: pate.

The primary purpost• of tlw ~'air Is educational; howPvPr, many fr"" health tests will bt• provldt•d, stwh as cholesterol, blood prt•ssurt·, hearing, vlsiQn, glnw·omll, dPntni pla'lue, diabetes. oral can<'l'r, brcut cancer and tubt•rcuhs;s skin testing.

"Smoking Sam" will show folks how lungs look after filtering n few clgarcttce. Peopll' mny stop nt the Alcoholism Centers booth to piny a game of "To T<·ll tht• Truth" nnd learn about probl<•m drinking. Chubby "the Hlp" Chrr ub wilt describe venereal diS<'IUie. Strollers may pick up lnformativP pamphlets and dlecuu health Ia sues and problema with profession ala. 'Jihe Infant and child sllmuta tion booth should be a hit with younpten and parents alike.

Band. Parents Sell Apples

~he Parkdale Band Parent• A•

a ation Ia sponsoring an Apple D ve on Wed., Sept. 24 at Park dat~ Senior High School. Rl'd and golden Delicious apples will be' sold by half-bushel boxes t approxi­mately 21 lba. l at the school. To order call Mrs. Day 34~ 8312 after 3:16 p.m. Procredfl will benefit Parkdale's orchsetra n"d band de partmentl. ~

6. Election of Mayor

7. Administration of Oath of Office to Mayor tChariPs E. Callow, Clerk nf the Circuit Courtl

8. Statement by Mayor

9. El~ction of Mayol' Pro T<·m

10. Slalt•m••ntl by Mayor Pro 1't•m and Members of Council

11. Otlwr Busln<·ss

12. Adjournment

Help The Lions He~ The Blind

White Cane Wet•lc. spensor,•d by the Gn•enbelt Lions l'lub, is sdw<.l uled for September 21 through 27, Tht• Greenbelt Lions Club oiTt•rs people the opportunity to hl'lp In the Community by hl'lping th•·m hl'lp the blind. Mt•mb .. rs of the Greenbelt Lions Club will b<• re questing funds on SPpll·mb<'r 26 and 27, wlun Lion ml'mbl'rs witl be located at the Grt•t•nbl'll Cen ter and the Beltway Plaz,•.

Those wishing to pnrliooipat .. in this Community Sl'rvice may send checks e /o Greenb<'lt Li<lns Club, Box 382, Greenb<•ll. 1\hryland 20770. Th<'re wiJJ h<' no 1 <'h-phe;H• or door·to-door solicitations.

The Greenbelt Lions Club will sponsor free eye ••xamlnations on SPptember 26 and 27 at t!lt' il<·lt way Pl:tzll.

Lion Belles Meet The Lion BeiiPs of Gr,.·nbl'lt

will begin their fall season on Tuesday, September 23. A dinner meeting at the Trojnn H<•rs" in Silver Spring Ia plann .. d. •tartlng at 6:30 p.m., and will bt· followed by a speaker from the Social s ... curlty Agency. All memh••rs a.-.. urged to attend and bring ftll<'Bts.

NOTICE The GlllU Recycling program

haa rpsumed. Glass may b" brought to the Public Wnrlto Warehouse on Crl'SCPnl Road adjltC't'nt to th~ Lnk<' Park parking tot Monday through Friday from 8 to 4:30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8 to 12 noon. Rceldentl are requeJJl<•d to sep­arate colored l)aas from clear g)IUII .

COUNCIL RECTION RESULTS Total (.'entl!r North End Sprln1hDI

Gil Weldenfetd 999 450 417 132 Richard J. Cutaldl 987 4119 388 130 Richard ·R. Pllskl 977 4-12 428 137 Charles F. Schwan, Jr. 929 418 393 118 Thomas X. White !94. 390 394 110 Jack M. Que<•n 820 371 359 90 VIrginia Moryadas 509 244 209 116

Vote• C.aat- 1461 40% required· to win - ~

lation1l Qailt Exhibit ;.t Greenbelt Libr1ry

GcP:•n!leltPrs will have an oppor­t:mily to see unusual an<.l beautiful quilts at the National Quilting As­sociation's Sixth Annual Quilt Ex­hibit nt th~ GrPcnbei~ Library •>n Se)llL•mb<•r 18. 19 and ~0 during library hours. According to th•· pr .. s'dPnt of the Ass.,c<ation l\h Lynn Harris, 9 l~mpirr l'hlCt', tlwrP will bP at l<'<:!'l 3"1 ~:Jtrfos

from all over the !;nlt<·d Stall's. These will Include both trndit'<>nal quilt pattt·:·:>s ""d original dPs!~n'. In addition the St!'artl3 & Frst,,r C •mpan,·. mak:•rs of quilt batting. v:ho also pro\'lde pattPrns for trR ditional d~signs will r.end s:x Vl'ry old quilts from t!wir collection. Th • lirr~t gii:l's en,• of th:• award-; in t::t• ~:!tOW,

.Ju.rlgt•s an: l'l'l<·ne Mahler of Nt•w York w,1·• c' t·oratl"d th,• White HPus:· last Christmas, D >r· in Bowman of tht• Smithsonian Textile Dept.. and Fay Goldcx. " t.-nchPr. Quilts 11n• judg:·d for qual­ity of wnrl<monship, design. color chni•·ro, nnd in the ease of the non­trnditional quilts for quality of the design nnd Its originality.

Th<• Pxhlblt has b!'en held in Greenbelt alncp 1970, both because th~ Association "finds thP library staff so pleasant to work with". according to Ms. Harris. and be caUBP it Is t'Pntrnily located w·th adtoqun!P parl<inp:. Denonstr<ttlon3 of quilt!ng and related crafts will take place during the show. Ad mission Ia · frpe.

City, Questimmairrs l'opiPs of th•• City EIPction

('Ul'Stlonnr.ln•. Taltont Survpy and thl' fl~···r for Information on Senior Cltiz.-n Houstng arp u\'nllablt' at the City Offic<•a for those Green-· hl'lters who did not get them at

' th.. p~~ls Ttll'sdav: ThP Tall'nt Survey Is also printed elsewhere In this pnpl'r. Comple!t•d quPstlon-­nalres may be ~?turned to the l'ity Office~. ~ Crescent Road.

Th~ new council. which will s,·rvt• for two years. will hold an u;garl&zatlonal m«tmg on 1\londay, t3l'plt:mbi"l' :!~. <.t which tim._· the n<W mayor Will be c!l'deJ. AJ­Lt.ough tne l'h&rtrr is silent on this pulllt, past councils have general­ly chosen the top vote gatht'rcr.

The 1,451 votes cast represented 4& p~rcent of the 3,053 registered \'oters. This Is one of the lowest turnouts In ree,•nt history. In 1973, 5~ percent of the electorate turned. uut and In 1971 53 percent.

A rundown in tile r<·spe~..·tive

precincts follows: Rt•gistcred \'olt•S r;

Votl'rs Cast Ct•nler 1.243 634 51 North End I 139 6~4 ~5

Spring~llt 071 193 ~9

An anaJ;·•i.' , : tlw \'o>ting hy prt•t'in· ·t rrvcals sor.w in lt•n·sting J.a~lcl·ns. ~~or t \amph. 'Vddt•n h•ld was not t'lt• h:gll \'01·.•-gt•tt •r in any cf thP th,, ... pn•dnets but hP dr('•,\· rnns:Htt•nil~; w.•ll in a.ll thrPe Pils'tl wns hirh man at !'\orth F'nd nnd SJ'rnghili Lak•• and C'as:aldi ,.·as high mnn at l ·l'nlt'r. Outsidf' cf th(' t 'P thr('P mPn. ~.·hwitn Wll!-; tht• onlv t'tlt• to. tini~h :lbO\'" r.)ar:!1 in an·· pr ·rinet

thnl was in th · l · :1•-r.

Scho(ll Night ·for Scouting Sd\ool Nignt ·for Scouting the

mghl L whm any boy from 8 to 20 can join the scoutin10 program witt b:· h\ll<l Jl<'ltt Thuraday. s .. pterp­bt•r 25, from 7 to 9 p.m.

Rcpr<•Bt'nlatlvt•s of Pack and Troop 7 46 wilt meet lnterPated boys and parPnts at Grt•t·nbelt c .. nter HchO<•I: Troop 1746 witt be st St. Hugh's; and Pa~k and Troop 202 will rpglat<'r boys and adults at !1/orth End School on that nl1ht.

Scouting now has a lot of n<'W n.-tl\'ltit's. plus nPPI>rtunltirs for a l<'l of fun. For t•xamph•. In Oetob-­' r's :1··hf'duh~ if~ tlw C':Jundl-wid{' !"ampcrnll at B<>Wit• on Octobt•r :1 ~ :;_ the Good \\'til Clothing PrivP on Ortobpr 1~ t'l!' St.·out p p· at Lnrg-o \\'llt!1:fp Pr••!vrvr 1)0

('c~ntl·•:- :·'1 n~ -tl HlY mnrt' fR.st-­r·•·w:nr: h·u..p~'n=r .. ~ ... ·l'\!~~ and :' '""\' .,:•k~ w'll "nr····inttt~

("',)ffit' in nnd taJl( w!th thf' ""­~ :~usins~L· Seouts r-f Grrenbt'lt.

: -,;t' - liP.~E:\BEL-:- :\EWS REYlEW

~'~~.~.~t~~!-~!~ t:4Uera ,._, Le .. "•llla•Ma. .,......,_

·'·~ta•• Elllt•r• '•••• ....... •:....a1e "TAt•F

.... -J.. •• .::.~- • •. ;,.;.:: .. , :;~-.J. ••.• :. ~· \',:--, s .. ;~. Jant <"·..-i.:l ~ly, )l;r;aro ·' ~· - • ·- '\ -: : .<.!y .; ~ .. ~ =-- !..J~.S.~ Ha:penr., Sern1oe Kutner.

:"'.•..: :. ~ll :.~ j"\. t .:··.d.~ L~a.:- ~ • oro - :o-Ut" L_.c.g ... lh"\r\.•th),- La~bt"!'. .• •• • .... , -~ • :_....\ !"lo:-, Harbar• LlAVW'IIll,

. . . ~~-- \ ?~· ~-· :::·;~;::::.·~.- ~t ~ ,:.· ~: ~.\:''·~~::o:~~-~~ni::l~~bt;k~l~~t ... _ .. \. .-::'

Ru,J•n· .... 1~t~~:'t':,~~~~~ it~l;ti.;~ :~!.a~~~\•f.~~!~~~J:.:~~:·~~~~ .. Barbara t·.,•.,, .. ,,.tl "'rr, lhur ... 41a;- -.,. toiftto•twlt t·oe,..rath• P•bla...:laa .&aaa49 IM.

IJ<>.tRD OF liiJU;tTOR .. - :·~ .. :<. R ·b~r·a ~! Samara: SKy., Ba:bar, Ltkowek.l;

:-.... ;-;", .j ;:.i.;':D,. ,•· ... ·?_·;·:-·. -~..: •- c·n ~~ ~-s~ _-\j\'"ertt.IG• a.nd o••• art!clea ~

· ... ~ ::' i;;, •";:-te-nt"l.,.!tl: do!"p-.·.,-:t._...j ~n our bos at the T1rio Ptaea - - ~f';~v.:.-:.1 : · ~?-.~ t-.:!~t.JriAI r.f!f(~ :a the bu~mtDt of 15 Parkway

~· .. 1:\li, ::··:: -11t ....... p.rr Tu .... d'!.\"' t~adlln..:. I. 10 p.m Jn_ rue.~~a.a).

The City of Greenbelt c ::all·.

at tr.· . dt¥. , ~ •:

Springhill lake Recreation Center 'unda). ""'Ph·mt...r !1. 197.· •.. '\:00 1•m.

.:.::! f'h·'rr·.-··' "~ !.a.r ...

Study Group for Parents

F: :.· .__;. ~- ,."").'~.

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: J, '>l. .lSlu•J!l grOU(-1.; at•· SJJr,n . ...:•)t• d by :h•· <'hilcl Study D•pt. qf th: &aru •J( Education. ThPir pur pi):.;._. •. ': ~·J sharf· idf•as .tnd insights ,J.."J. ~- , h.ldr•·n h·,w th··~· gr>JW

·!:.•..; •l· ',•iiJfJ iti.d \':a·:~ ~het~ [Jar.·n:.-;.:. rr. ,r.

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S.·Jm•· f ·h· t··l··· s f .r d:!.• \l"oSi11n

, · .. -.~!d b·· Dtsriplin' ··Ba.":' -:-.;, •·ds ! Ch.ldr<·n .. ~l•·tll··•"''" 'Build

::,(0 S•:lf F>:· •·m.' · \\'h~: ao•l How ·l'' I T•·ll ~!y t 'hild Ab·••Jt S<·X .. ~ly R"l•· 11: :'lly ' h1lcl s f..·arnmg

· '. School P F:.T and T•><la,·'s ~··"mlly··

B'nai B'rith Chapter to Meet

~1.:dr•·fl D -:...:: . .;.~ h .. f Grh·nbdt an ::~ct:d ~ha~ B':1.a1 B"rith \\",lmf I! Pri~

·n!: r .. ,:.! :: .. .-;:- :irst m•···t:ng .;f ...... c.lS•J:: ·- :: ~~ m S•·pt. ~2. 11.~

·:::: ~~ p m :•· thf· Plaz.1 Tow··r :-:;:.i: ::. )dal Ha:! llx.a!·-ti a~ 6700 l!··i··, ..... P.r;ad Jl•·attSI'iiJ.. ~!··n·!"

- r. ;,-. .,·- D~T .. :tr·.r .,f Pr )r.:ss:rmal $:.-·r · il..'t·~ .,f JES~~A will sp•·ak and in ·, n s~t·d pt•rsor.s art.. in\'it··d ttJ a~

t• nd.

A Bng., Party ,, sch•·Jul<·d at the same l•..,at!on on St>pt. 2.~ at 8 ~.m Thf·r" is ·1 f ... ,.. CKll 3-i.i 19~-t

f,,r !urth•·r inf.,rmation

Charles It (Bobby) Parrish in IO\':ng m ·norv .. f ·111r •::' '•" t:1 r f'l!.\f(l.f:S

s n

r:• •BBY' P..\RP.JSI!. wh·, I. ft ·:~ !or <t bt•tt ·r fif,. un·· ;.·•·ar ag :-;.·:•t•·mb•·r l.j H+71 Y ·'J

m·1:- ~· ~fon. hut y1·1.J will n· •: .. r h· ~· -rc: :t:· n T ·. · , .. r gra.\·,.. W·· • f· .. n w.md ·r ~···~ ·.·: -.... ,.~,.,. pla'··· w·th t'Rf".

:-\ · · ·· .... h:v w:-; th(• hPnrtach" \\' •· .






WHEREAS. th .. M~mb··rs of thr Gr<·,.nbelt Lions lntrrnatlonal will appP.ar on the streets of nur community and In and near shopping u·ntPrs durin& this P<·riod to offer MINIATURE WHITE CANES f~r what••\'rr donation offPrrd. and

WHt:REAS. th•· mnni• s collected by the Li<>nl will b~ used to 111pport thr District 22C E~·p Bank <Uld RPfiP&rch Foundation, glaucoma test.> (<,r the publll'. corneal tran•plan"'. glaas.., for the needy. Brailk wrifPr~ Rnd oth•·i !'!light cQnSP.t:'\'&lion ~rll(rams,~ ~nd

WHt:REAS. tho f;r•·rnbelt !.Ions ar .. r~putablr· and r<·specto•d CltJZens ,,( •>Ur community whr> contrlbutP th•·ir tim•· and c!fortl to & moat worthy proj• ct. and

WHEREAS. 100 p<'rrPnt qf donation., r•·•·•·iv<:d durin~t WhltP Cane w~k will be u•··d for sight r•m•ervatinn pmgrarns and to aulst th• vlaually handlcappo•d,

NOW. THEREFORE. I. R1chard R. Pil•ki. Mayor of th•· City of Greenbelt. Maryland. by authority vHted in me by th•· ( 'ouncll and th" citizens o( Gr<·<'nll•·lt. h•·reby l11ue thl• proclamation in support of

WHITt; ('ANt: Wt:t;K - MEPTt:~REK 21-11, 11m

and ur1•· all organization•. civic clube. ech•,..>'s and rhurchr·e. Hnd all Greenbelt citizens to support the GrePnbelt !.lone In their efforts to help the blind and to pr<•servP and rrstorr· sight: and y,.,..ll on all citizen• to take an actlw part In thl1 communiy effort by donatlrg to the WHITE CANE PROGRAM and by proudly w•>arlng thP WHITE

·.f;ANE aa a Aymbol of thPir concern for 'lUr f•·llow citizen• who hav" been or might bt> deprived ,,f their alght. un<l as a symbol of their

·appreciation Cor thr <'ffort.a madr• by thr Ll• J=-:S in behalf oJ th<· blind and the r•·rwral h<·alth and w•·i!aro• of nu r l'itiz<'ns.

IN WIT:-:ESS WHEREOF. I hat·e hereunto srt · my hand and causPd the S••al ''' th" City of C:rePnb••lt, )(arylllnd. t'J b<· affixed this 15th day of Sr•ptembPr, 191~.

Richart! R. Pilskl. Mayor City of Greenbelt. Maryland

Thu:·,cta:-. ~p:embe~ 18. 1975

Keueatioa Review 'lea'• .and WOIIK'II'• FootllaU

Th:s' 5t:cday marlis the bt>g.n :::ng ,.{ ::; .. 1975 Football S..asc•l! w.:h :r. •. m·. n's kagut· playing at ~ ar.d It' 1:· .1m a.'ld .:h~ ~>·omen

foUowl!:g at U·3t> a.m. ar.d 12:10 p m (";..-tr:;··s wH~ 0(· play ... d rai:;. or shme. All tr:.h rt·stN Spt>ct.~t\.'rs arl"

::~'- ·.:r3.go t.: : ~·vf:l•.' :v Brad ... :~ :-·:· ;d .i:-:1..! • :~: ,:; :ht-. action RoU .. r "'k:<tin~ :llld .\rts k Craft•

F.:;.~: . :,t_'::.O:· :-- bl g:n thP w ... ~·i< 0! .. ~"·, •. .-\:~- & Cralt:< ar,.

:.· ,.: a: u· ::: t.ne Sprmghill Lake L"!t·_:- ·::1.·. -r ~'.-::~(rand at the Yuuth c 'CI:tt>r T:... ·!imt"' ts 4 ·30 - 5 :3(' >·.m f. : :;: . .nd 2nd gradas vn )lvnda:.-.! ::-.: & t:h gr.,Jt.-rs ·n \'.'~·d::~sd:l·:s 1~·d ~~h and 6!h gra ckrs :: ·r.C:<l~Y> Rolkr Ska:;ng '"·:I! o .... :..: ::: t;lt· Grf't"nbelt l't·:l h·: Ei.-rnt ::·.~r:. Sch·>al Gymnas:t:m. !r•Jm ~ :U• r; ~- m MonUays fl)r ~r·J :.:. n:: grott!,·:·... \\*~a- s.Jly.i ~th & ~th grad .. rs ""d Fr:da::s :st & 2r.c grader> "iprln~h!ll l.ak · Jle<'l't'lltion C'••nt~r

i),•diration U:-.n~·f"

Th·· :'c.-· E.\ ·;A >p'JnSvrt'd dan< .. f t!> ~ t"' :1 will tak(• plac._· v:: ~::nd .· ~~ ~ ~ ·:r.':l· r ~1. f:._,m 7 •t,

~· m · ~·· !'I·W ~pringh!ll Lak·· L\·nt~·r :\~l ··:tiz,·n~ of Gr ... ·enb,·i~ :u1· :n\·::.·J ~, da!l-' .. to th'· sound.;

••f'r··· sr<r.:· ttJ cr-l('brato• tht ,,pt-n:ng . ! •Jur n•·w,·:-.t ct·ntt·r Ad m:ssidl :;"o ~r .... \'nllt"~·b1•11 - ("o::lJ)t-fith·t· ,\· ltf"t"N"atiunal


tompt·titi\·,. anJ rt·<.·r€'atiunal. Is undel'\\'~t· at th.· C'<'ntet Elem.-n :an· S"h••·l Grmnasium: :'l!onday ,.,.,.'nings from 1<:30 10:30 Cor in ~crrstNI pPn<ons !6' ~·r:tn and ·m·er far comp<'litil·•· gam•·s and 8:30 10:30 p.m. \\'Pdn•·sdays f.Jr r•·t· rPation ,,rif·ntt-<1 ga.mt•s. f:\'f•ryont•

is 1nlcom•··

CITY NOTES 111·· 1, n.·r..tl ~_·r~·w ~..LctJ.t 1.! ~dt

(J•"'\.lt·.:i~r.,~JI ll.,d_l'jJd~ ..... :; a;:.1 \.·~tl.Ji

...... t.;:.,,_., ... ~ .. • ~.:vrm s.•w .·r sy:Ht•m

! lit• l'·J ·i , n~rcuh:•· i\!lll 'tlat.lllU\f.:;o,:

• .- ... ....:· .. , \'."·. ,. buard, J up anJ th·· •. --~· ; . ~ •. !u·U dlf

'! 11 · ··4.U.lp~IH ;.t :•jJ• rtL'•r from L!lt-g.·nt·!":d ... tt·W spt·nt sc,mc· tlmt> ~:

•• IS••.l (·,,ur.St• uu.·u. rug a wa

• ; J.!l A l'lllflh.'t.<'" \\ ... , mnt!t t _' l' •. il~~~ : .... \\a:,nng ~·:.~rot J-l.l~l

•·I ~·_, tht· !'iiJrJilkhllg : ... -..t. :n ~vOlt·

\\t,rl-; was rt•quiro•cl <·:~ th·· (hink :cg fountains ;tt th• l.t~o...·. unLl sicJ• walk and :-;!rt t•t patt h:ag was a~s·, t.lun•·

Tht• sp,."c:al (.i.-tail rr•·w has bt•t•n d<Hilli s.gn work and S\re~t. paint Ill!!;". Som;· work is ibt·mg dun(> in tht· nt-w Springhill Lak·· Recre~

tion bUilcling · :'ll><t<·rials and sup pli>·s wt•r•· pick•'tl up and fuel was issu' d. ThP lust part tim,· summer cmpluy<'e lt'!t to r...turn tu school.

T1h' par_i< crew has o,·(·u ~.:utting

grass and maintaining ball fh·lds. tennis courts and th~ golf course. Th<•Y also had the chipp•·r out. Cir<•.·nbt>lt CAKES

Eddie Hcaaz vf Greenb,·lt lms joined th•· starr of Greenbelt CA­RES Youth Servlc<>S Bureau as a ,·olunt.eer. A gradual<· student at American Unlvcralty, he Ia work­mg In counseling which will lead t~ " Muter of Education degree.

SincP the op<'nlng of school, two contacts have !won imadt• from lu­cal art•a school counat·lora and one (rom the o .. partment of Social St>r. vk<·s asking Cor help in obtaining school dothi'S fur ••·\'era] area youths. To dat~ all r<'<jueata have bt>en met due to the generosity of local cltlz~n• who doqate uaeable clothing to CARES. .

Holy Cross Latheru Church -~114.

Wonhlp 8enbe

1:11 .... 11:15 A.M.

Munday School t:M A.!\1..

Weekday N'UIMI'Y ~llool

8:00- II :II A.M.

Pltoae l&&-61u. Edward H. mmn. Putor


Metltodist Women Hold Sole 1/tMf p, 7/.U.. The l'nited MethocU.t Women of Mowatt Memorial United Meth~ dist Church are holding a Flea :Market Sale and Bazaar Saturday. St•pt~mber 20 from lll a.m. to 2 :>.m. clll th,· church parking lot. 1·ht·Y t-·rvmis~..~ tu i1a·;·· S•)mdhing !or t \'eryboJy. Rt·mt·:nb,·r .... Onr

Mary J. Hubka, 23:;-B Rldp, died'­on Septembfr 11. S)le Is aurvlved by her rrandchildren ·Pat Llenert, Connie Macintyre of Greenbelt. Richard Maclntyr<·. and Ronald Hubka. and four great-grandchll·­drl·n.


MISHKAN TORAH Seabro~k Bakery and Deli Rldgt• & W •·stway Rds.

SUCCOT SERVICES ··cAKf:S Ol.'R SPECIALTY" r·ri.. Sept. 19. 8 p.m. Sat. s,,pt. ZO. 9:30 ap.m. S.::~ St-Pt. 21. 9::'ro a.m

577-9854 Birthday 1< all other occuions

!1!31 l.uohatru-St-•· .. rn Rd. ~!. mb< r;hip & Program Jntor.

17f 1223 ~7!-1173


UNITED METHODIST CHURCH I)Ju .. att ~f'lllOrtal t41 Kkl1e Rd.. OrePDbelt, 1\ld. 11 ..... lt)

c·hureh ~hool 9:SO A..'\1. !For AU. A~l

\l(>roinK \\' urahip 11 :00 :\~"·

s.•rmon: ·'Th~ l'hrlatian St'l'rt"l of ('untentmrnt"

:.ui'M'r~ Carr fur lnfuta thro111b Klnderprtea

It•·•. CUfton ll. ('unninl(hllm C ~H-3881 n 1-9-UOI

GREENBEl'Tt COMMUNITY CHURCH < l 'nited Church of Chtist I

Hillside and Cr~srent Roads - Phone 4H~I71 tmorningal

sun .. St·pt. ~I - 11 a.m. \\'or-hlp S<rvic< lllld Sunda.' School

~ ::lCl p.m. t:eeh'111aetl<ml ( 'ount'll

7 p.m. llllltalllltlon St-r.·it·•·

R~v. liarr)· Ta;·lor andR•v. Sb~rrj 'fajlor,-Wniaten

Take time t:• laugh

T~ke time fu:· yuur family

Take time to read ...

Take time IL• >a! "thank you" also

TakP time to worship God



Bible Study for all aces (Sun)

8wu1aJ Wonhlp Mid-week Servloe (Wed>

t:U lllll 11 :00 UJI .. 1:00 pm


In commemoration of World Peace Day

My unity is My handiwork; I have wrought it for thee; clothe thyself therewith, tlta! thou mayest be to all eternity the revelation of My everlasting being.

W ritt or phon• 345-2918

P. 0. Box 245 GrHnbelt, Md. 20770

or 474-4090



· RATES Z4 l(oo\ha 36 M~mtha

Amount MontMy Total Monthly Total ot Lou! PafmeDt loterelt PQ~n«~t ID\ereat SUOO *·" . tliUII t48.11 $2~.32 $2,000 111.12 208.08 64.16 30Ut $2,5ot nue 25'l.H 8UO auu $3,000 137.88 30US R.M 411U4 Monthly payma~tl Include Jrlnalpal IIDCI lDterallt <.1 ef 1,. ,_ month 011 tile unpaid. b&lance·'"i'·'" &111111111 rate>. plua Ufe 111811ral\ee for ell11ble borrowen at DO alldltlonal 0C111t.


CREDIT UNION 121 Centerway (Shopplnl Center)

GrMnbelt, llld. :limO Phone: 414-61100 Houn: Dally: 8-3 e Baturdaya: 1-1

Friday evenlfll T -I


"Thursday, September 18. 1975 Pa!!e 3

· Letters to the Editor 'SHciAL THANKS Te lllel!:dltor:

OocuioneJiy, In preparlq a 1lat e1 tiMJee wbo help during a pvticu­lar dalr, someone 18 Inadvertently left off the "thank you" 1111t. It ~~aetfmee ean't be helped tor In tbe 1'11111 of tblup to do, lllllltakelr Uke dWt wlB occur. Recently In my letter to the editor In which I thanked all thoae wbo belped make llle Onenbelt Labor ~ J'eetlft1 a sueee.tuJ one, I lett off a molt lm· porfut pel'IOD. For without her, tbc.e wllo sought pertinent lntoi'­IUtlon repJodlng ~peeiftc tlmea of -ta, locations of booths, and types of activities, would have wan­dered around the area or mwed an baportant event. I am referring to Helen Orlng. who organized and IICIIeduled the Woman's Club of Greenbelt to maintain the Informa· tloa- Booth at the Festival. Not sat1811ed with merely organizing 4\!ld scheduling, she also worked n

-shift-lit ·the booth. To you, Mrs. Orlng, and thosl'

volunteers from the Woman's Club of Grecnbl'lt, my slncerP npprl'~la­tlon for an Important job well doni'

. and especially to you, Mrs. Orlng, an apology for omitting your narnl'. Far too m"ny of us work for thP bettrrmPnt of a cornmunltv without thought of any thanks, wi.thout thP nero for public rPeognition. ThP communitr needs ·such individuals for without them, whl'rP would one buy "Community Spirit"? Helen Orlng Is such a person.

'Raymond KmAiii~k .. ('arnb,at.~.~rnutn .

Grtwnbl'lt l.abor Day f'Mith·Hl

Solicits Views On Juvenile Justice Tet the Editor:

Recently, I wu appolntPd by thr House of DelegHtes to servP on the llf'Wly created Commlulpn on Ju~nllr Justice. It so happens that I am the only Commlulon Member from Prine~ George's County. ThP charge of the Com­mlalon Is to examin<' aU facl'ts ,,f the juvenile justice ayatem In the Statto and make recommrndn.tlons for Improvement to the 1916 n.nd 1917 seulons of the Genern.l As­semblY.

Aa one long lnvolvl'd with the problems of young people In ourr County, I know that something muat bt> done to stem thl' spiraling rates of delinquency n.nd crime. At the same time, we must guard acatnat making criminals out of our kids. There Is a solution. nnd together, we· must lind It.

My purpoar In writing is to sn llclt views from your rradrrs on what should br done. I weleomt• suggestions and comments from the publlc and enrourace your readers who have ldeaa to write to me at Post Office Box Z, Bowie, Maryland 20716.

It haa been s11id "that as tlw twig is bent, so Inclines the tree." For whatt•vrr reason, we are pro duclng mor.• rrhttinals than ewr before in the history of our County. There must b<' a solution I am calling on ou1· titizcns to hdp us llnlll lt.

Da\·ld <irll,l Roo~. ~lrmiM•r

1: ~· .. :i 1, 'n ,Jun·nllf' ,Jmttit•t•

1-'tlro'1tS Monitoring 1'o the Editor:

I would suggest that both bricl< hom•• owners and frame horn<' nwnPr& fnrm lhf'ir own ·commit tel'S to monitor tlwir own Inter ~•ta. and by taking turn• go to board meetings twlrt' a month .

Tile committee Cor the fr&m•·• should check the monthly lnvoirrs of No. 4 oil In thr 4 large boiiN'A aervlcln1 T04 unite, and cOIIt, to obv'ate a yl'arlv check . . .

Have the committee e~k all the rontraclll of Capltnl Improvements under the moratorium. for PVI'ry dollar charccd Ia " repllvmrnt on that loan .

Have the chairman of t"r com ~ttee ll!l< a xem copy of thr U.S. Ineome Tax Report and thr auditor'• yearly !book and recordl report. TIIr Note JournRI should ~'~'"' them· llddltlonal lnform11tjon to draw ~ roncluslon 111 to WhPrt• thev hllve been applied.

Hopll\(( to reach th .. right J>t'Oplo t" Implement thl• mon'torlng of th!'lr Rll&rts. I remain " concerned member.

Open. L~r on Religion Do you 1111pport Greenbelt reU,­


Greenbelt '9/u planned for com­munity. A co-unity doeim't juat • happen. Community 18 'people who live, work and p~ totretber, wbo llhare the l&llle proble11111 and tbe same opportunftlee. Community, If It Ia to happen, tak• work, In­volvement, and commitment. ·

The wont enemle. ot our com­munity are not crime, drup de­··unquenc~ bualfll, overcrowdiac, or pollution. Tbe wont enemll!ll are Indifference and unl.nvol-. ment.

The . rellglous organizations of Greenbelt believe In community. We are committed to community seven days a week. We build a better community by strengthen­Ing the moral fabric, the personal faith, thP. family ties through pub

. -lie worship of God and fOmmunlty services.

We rreognize our differ.•nces, but we rl'fuse to bP indifferent. B.. involved with us. Support Grernbrlt rrligiouslr.

Clifton n. <:unnlngham, Pastor BalbtM K l'oalllnm, Pastor llurr~· Ta,·lor, PRStor Sho•rr.1· Tn~·lnr, Pastor K<•nnl'!h, H. IJtoi'JI'I'r, Rabhl Hohrrt (;, Anw~·. A••istant l'a•tor J-:dwnrd II. Bl~<'r, Pastor

I wish to thank all my m1111Y fri<•ntls and neighbors for the many masses, Jll'llyers, ftowers, cards and many acts of kindness during my recent surgery. God bien you all!

:\ln. Alma 1\1. Moore

Angry Citizen To the Editor:

I'm getting a ll'ttlr bit tired of the local Greenbelt Theatre deplet­Ing women so vividly In their posters u public sex objects, like animals. The latest dlaplay pic-· turing women's exposed breasts, with the Invitation printed in large letters "feast on It" Ia an In­sult to this normal wholo•some family community. All of us have mothers, sisters, wives, and daugh .. trrs whom wo• hOld In high respect and whom WP love deeply. If thr manager of thr theatre, who could hardly b<• a rPsldent herr, Is not n.warl' of this feeling in our com­munlty, I suggeat that he takp till' tlmp to dlaco\'"r the fl't!Ung about womanhood hPre, Hnd that we re S<•nt the constant public display of them us ordinary sex objects.

We all know thp facts of lifP nnd tht• part that normaL sex playa in normal family life. We arr alao aware that thl're are many more bPautiful. low•ly nnd attractive qualltlt's that wo• admlr<• and re­spect In thP women wr love, and \\'p would likP to SeC' our woman­hood publidy displayed ne.,ordlng .. ly. Your publil' displays of worn. anhood ore out of ordt•r. Mr. Thl'­ntre Manngpr, to !)tis indll'ldual. and I SIIS)ll'cl to just nbout P'l'rry fnthrr, husband, and broth<·r In Grponbt•lt. I was just niMmt to sign this ldt••r whrn my wlfp chimed in "and _vo\) •'nn add.: to f'Vf'ry

r1·•~11,T w:f·· and d '.U~ht' l' t')fJ.''

.Jutcl nn a:tgry 1·it l"rn'!' rn-nm,..nta.

Anthnn~· \1, Maddo·n


l<"olk, RMk, BlUM. Coallll')' All Sty .... FlnprplrJdn1

Blue 01"&118 a Folk Styls on 11-8trlnt ButJo

Fri'C advice on purehaae of new pltan tl: banj01.

1D-SO% Dlaeount.

R1mtal lnstrurnPnts with op· tlon to buv.

Sprluhill I.A.kc Community HOUle

Otl1 Ed • 730-%018





Jattnaetor • W. L. EidahOl'll

Fall Session - Registration &

Class will begin Sept. 22

Late registration Sept. 29

Becbmer Youth, API &-14. 'H- p.m.

Becinner Adult, Aces· 15 & up, 8-t :SO p.JJL

Advaneed Adult, 8-t:ll p.m.

c~us~ hetd ~da)" eveniiap

KARA1EI TKA Scboola In &be

Maryland Area





Silver Sprinl






~~~! -~~- . -~---~":~~---"-. GreeobeH (SHL) Hillandale

For Information

Phone 924-4867


Takoma Park


RestOD, Va.


924-4867 If No Answer Call 474-4843

Return to City Oftlces, 25 Crescent Road

TALENT SURVEY Cit\· Council i~ interested in maintainin.l! a list of residents with particular skills or

expertise ·who wish to serve on Advisory Bm rds, or are willing to provide voluntary assis­tance on matters relating to their special skills as needed. It you are willio1 to help the city, please complete the following.

ADVISORY BOARDS I would be interested in serving on an Advisory Board. (Check as many as you wish.)

Advisory Planning Board

Park and Recreation Advisory Board

Community Relations Advisory Board

Employee Relations Board

Election Advisory Board

Bicentt>nnial Commi'ttee or Sub-Committee

COG Citizen Advisory Committee~

Tran~portation Planning

Land Use

Ht>alth & Environmental Prott>ction

Human Resources

Public Safety .

Watt>r Resources

(NOTE: If you checked any of. thc abovl!, please provide a resume to the City Clerk. 25 Crescent Road, at your earliest convenience.)

AD HOC VOLUNTEER SERVICE I have the following specialized training, knowlqe, expertise, experience or skill and

I am willing to assist the city on a voluntary basis if needed. (Please be as descriptive as possible.)

N.me ( p1eue print) Signature

Address Telephone Number


B L d F . f C~enl Arts Sllietr ICaJI~ llr. or . le&ils Seool4 Year Jon-Ore Haintylists

Leukem1a Soc1ety d;;~ ~=r:.~t ~"~:. ~ Hair Styllnc &; • Complete Bt>auty SPn·irt'8

Pamda K \'al<nt<>. ~e 10. daughtt·r c·~ ~Irs. Mary D. \"alente. 8 Q Pia:-.-au Pi.. will conduct a Backyard Fau-. ass:sted by Dawn Sabuury ar.d K,,;:y Lauer. Th~

Backyard F:.:~ w::: be hdd Sat .. S.·p:. !D 1-c p m a: S~ Plateau Place. The Fa:r is being ht-ld in c.)r.juno:: ;: w::h \\'DCA-TV. chan­nt< Zr:• P:-•....,..t·•. Js .wBl benefit tht•

. :s Se(!ond season \\ith a perform­ance on No•·ember 23 in the city of Lsurel. In addition to choral ,plec-

4435 Lehigh Road, College Park, Maryland Telephone 927-2312

;·; of secular and classical natu~...., ·.c.. group will again perform F3ure·s · Requiftn. An exteoalve ,_.hristmas proeram is also being p.:l.IUled for the city of Greenbelt

.-\nnoun~inlt tbf' nt'w ownn, loan McKmzl~. and employ­

tform.-rly at Kurl..v Topl: Maxine, EloiMo, Sue. Pam and ~ Join IJe4;ty and Pt>JUIY at .Jon-Dre - '

Hours: 9 to 9 'l;ues. Wed .. Thurs. Membership in the Choral Arts

"'x!ety is open to any interested ;.cger. M<>n ar,, especially enc0Ur-

L·--"..;,n··n::::;. ~ .... H ::: vt America. In .. ·. -~~t.-d to join tht• rroup this fall.

At::ac:. ··r.s >t th,, Backya~j

Fair · ... ·:.: :::._i:..;d •. R1r.g ·:oss. Pain~­a-P:. ::,... t_'!••:~:· ;r·1r. Drop gam·; ar;d ! ··; :-··!:- sh~··r.~s Kool-r.;o.,! __ p(•:a~• :--.:~~ a:~ i .··:~cak-_•s. Er.Lr ... ta:r.m•r.: •.c·.:; .r.,:aJ .. a puppc·: sh,:•w , !(•\\ :~ sR.:~~'• .ir.d B-Jbby Socks F·'r .ct.:i,.~~~v·n d ir:f )rmation. call

Greenbelt Winter Swim

P.·:h(>'ar.sals ar,.: h~ld each ThUr!·­..iay e\·emng a: 7:30 p.m. in the ::'>!'watt Mt·morial Church in Gr. en­belt

Douglas R. Frc't'man is co::tinu­:cg as the conductor and Geral4 i.,;,·hty is ser.,.:ng as assistant con­;lctor. Furtht·r infol'lll81lon on ..... Society may be obtained by ;iiing Patricia Martone, at 34:'>­'71

$; ,ns for adults. Grecnbe;t Swim Wir.:•r Swim will bPgin Sun.. Tc·am Members wi!! b~ subsidized

Oct. 5. >i ;;c, a: tile' Sih·cr Spring ~rom funds raised by th~ team this n•~·A P ,.; Sw.mm:ng will be summer. soh•·d";, .. J ::··m o :;r. ;<:30 p m. Wint<·r Swim is open to 111! f-ach St;;. . x ·1·.:-jing hol:day \\'h·i\ ~~r··enbt.·lt r,·sid.:-nts. but is strona·-

91 to 5:30 Fri. and a&t.


at the Greenbelt Fire House

Sat., Sept. 27 · 9 p.m.· 1 a.m. £·nd.; :c.: ·:~:: ::O.h:: 1~ 1~76: :< :y oriented towards swim team s~ss;- ~::: .. ... F··•·s art· sd f·;r ·:3-:~:ng. Thl· coaching sta!: will · $3.00 ·Single • $5.00 Couple th.··s·· :' .. a.n.J .lJT.\i·;J ~~ _ : ,.,,·idt' roaching at all le\'cl! ~ c.•.·:<: ' .. ''"' 2~ 1-hour sos- from the beginner level.


Q: 1 don't fH.Iong to a group. Ia thert> a way for me to get diagnottic cm:erage? A: You can. Through the Blue Cross and Blue Sh1eld Non-Group Com· prehens1ve Program. In add1tion to diagnostic benefits, the Com pre· hensive package includes 70 day Blue Cross m·hospital protection, the new Blue Shield Plan "t", sudden and serious coverage, and a $25,000 Ma)or Medical program. Once a year, the program 1s opened to all people regardless of the con· dition of their health. Owing the rest of the year, application can be made through our regular under· writing system.

Q: According to my cont~act, cocerage for"" ~to 1top1 at a2e 19. lloteft:ff, my neighbor •ay• hia program at worlc cot·t>n dt>pmdmta until age 23. Who·, right?

A: Both of you, probably. Under most of our contracts, coverage lor dependent chtldren stops at the end of the calendar year m wh1ch they reach age 19. But, there are some groups wh1ch have purchased an endorsement to extend coverage past that age. The best rule of thumb is to check your contract or with your employer. When coverage does cease, dependents should check with their employer about group coverage ... or enroll in one of our

non·group pro­grams. If they're

in college, they can convert to ow special low·cost

student program.

Q: .\ledicare io but can you do tmything almut the things it doe1n 't pay for?

A: We're already doing something about it, with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicare Supplemental Pro· gram. At a very low cost, it covers most of Medicare's deductible and co·insurance requirements. If you're over 65. or under 65 and disabled, you're ehgible lor Medicare Supple· mental. No physical exams or ·health statements are required. You just have to be ehgible lor Medicare.

Membership in the program is open to all Medicare beneficiaries during a sp~ial enrollment period normally held the first of each year. Membership also is open whenever a benehc1ary becomes eligible for Medicare.

\bur health is what we're all about. r-----------,

+.' Blue Croll

I Blut Shield f ol Maryland

I . 1 700 Eut )opp• R01d, Baltimore, Mel. 21204

1 Plene aend·me information on I D Non·GroupComprehenaive Progr&lll

0 Student Program I D M8d1care Supplemental I


--~ ... ...._---.... --.J



Kash. Inc. hopes that this week our Greenbelt friends will make· our election to seek a sta­ble future In home ownerahlp. LE;t. Kash help you find your dream house. No one w!ll lllake an iMUe of the fact that owning a home is a fine Idea.




C.'ast your ballot for this gor­geous 3 bedroom townhouse with 1 full and. 2 half baths.

. Many extras. including a lovely lakeview location. Come on over on ·sunday afternoon and see this exceptionally nice home.

A Primary consideration for young people Is getting a good financial itart. Let Kash show you how to do It wil!h this love­ly. much improved 2 ,.n.; frame townhouse with nice private level l~wn; new kitchen and bath too. Oaly $17,500 to­tal. so hurry~

Poll your friends! They'll ag· roe that It's hard to find a good

\':it'l a of po3s!bli!Ues! Just l'stl'l!, so let us tdl yc.u nbout it!

Gallup on o\'or and e)(prcss your opinion ol1 this extra nice 4 bt•droom, 2 bath Brick and Aluminum split foyer in lovely Lt·wlsdalo. All the extras In eluding· Cent. A1C ami a large in ground swimming· pool ln hnd<. ~Ptl this on£' fast: availa blo on \"A. l"HA tPrms at only $!\6,500.

Cmwntionnl Hall7 No, but it has <'OR\'!'Ilt:onul financing U\·allnbh·. and niso \'A. FHA. Wt'rt• talking about a large ·I bPdf011n\ t l'OUld bP 5) COlOnial hom<' in hard to gt>t Lakeside. It has so many extras. Including c · ;:>~r~. Ll!! buement, lovely corner lawn. carp.,tlng. applian­ces. etc. VA appraised at $66.-' 500.

llllll-<llf? Yes. that's what the owners of this home have done! They've run of'f to Southern Maryland and this nice home has been left vacant. just for someon•• who needs a home fast. It's a lo\·dy 4 bedroom. 11, bath :~II br'ck capo cod with chain­link ft>nct>d lawn; It has sep. din. rl'om. and niet· appllances; 2-i~Oill' hnt watPr ht~ating syat('m. \'A appralsl'd nt $39.500. so bur r~· ~

Tht> "''IUIWBI!'"' Is pulling out~ Bt>for,• It dm•s. grab this lovely ·1 lJ.·~lr~mm aluminum Capr Cod in w .. st Lanham H!lis; It has plertt)' of paneling. carpeting, :·nd otlwr t•xtras: lovely ia.rge frnnt porch. and iargr d<>rp. lev<>! f••nct>d lawn; olferrd on ail tt•rms. FHA. VA or convention­al at only $38,000.

:\fa, or hnp"s ali b·•' full\iird In thla very eonvenie~ 2 bed­room Lakrc~at aPartment; iovelu location, and prlc~ to aeU at only $2ft,I!OO; e~ceiient 1st trust can be aaaumed. Cali fast on this o::r.



345-2151 LET KASH HELP :rou

Thursd11y, September 18. 1975 . ~REENflF:L T :I:RW6 'fVTF.W

Can you tell the difference? if§i~-· There isn't ~And that's the point. ... i!f. = f*U .. ,- Joi=t the Pay.t"oll Savings Pian is so easy ... .,ba ...-.-.

and :P · ess, you'll hardly notice you're savmg. All you do is si@ up at work. Tlien an

amount you specify is automatically set aside from your paycheCk and used to buy U.S. Savings Bonds. ~

And while y~u'~ s.P6ndingyourtake-home uay,_you're still buildiilg a solid nest egg. · - MaY, be you won't look any different. Or feel any different.

... A ...... IIIII----­- .. 'IIIIMII!MIIOiilllll.

But you'll bee lot richer.



., (

............. ~

.,., I Thursday, September 18, 1975



Thursday, September 18, 1975

CLASSIFIED n~ for a 1~word mlnlm11111, 10e for each addiUonal word. 8allmtt o.ds in writing, accompanied b)' "ash payment. either to the Nen Kniew office at 15 Parkway before 10 p.m. of the Tuetlday pnteedlnl publication, or to the Twin Plna Savings and I..oan offtce. Tht're Is no charge for advertlalng ltPms that nrp found.


''ALDWELL'S WASHER SERV­rcE. All makPI Pxpertly repaired. Authorizl'd Whirlpool dealer. GR

·-~~, "'· CMARJF.'S POODLF. GROOKINGI mft kP your appolntftll'nts today. Call 474--3219. -

TROMBONE TRUMPET and VOICE LESSONS. Profenlonal mtl~if'inn with tf,.e'r".~. 474-~5.

PIANO TUNTNG ANTl RFlPAIR­F.'<JlPrt and RrllabiP Plano '&rvfeto to G"'"'"""lt slnre 1960. BPnjamtn 'B•rlco.f~k'' 471 689t.


S.IN II Servkoe

f·:xr,ert antenna man will 'nstall nt•w/rt'palr- antenna


Attic or Outdoors 474-5530

GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Pap 7 tJflll, ~ Bike Race for Heart Fand Greenbelt Gn~ Elable Skobul& - n...-

bln' ludy Beat wllhea for a happy blrth-"Cyclelhon '75", a· bicycle mara by Plme day to Eddie cleKawzan, who wlll

thon to benefit the Heart Fund. When the lt'tter came from the be H y<·ars old on Sept. 20. will tak<· plact• Sat .. Sept. 20, from Wuhington Metropo~ltan Are~ Navy Seaman Chad W. Arrigo, 10 a.m. 9 p.m., rain or shinl'. Transit Authonty I a:most dldn t ; 7os Hano\'<'r: wu graduated from

Anyone t•an ride thl' 5 mil•• opl'n it. Another request for char recruit tminlng at the Naval course in the Bdtsvilh• Agricul ity? I wondl'red. But it turn.ed out Training Cl'nler, Orlando. Fla. ture Rt•st•arch l't•nlt•r and any to be n big surprise an tnvita Sonia and Robert Garin recent-on•· can sponsor a rider. lion to get a prevlt-w ri!\,e on th; ly attl'ndcd commt·nct•n'lcnt c..re·

Participunts should ass .. mblc ut n•-w subway. What an opportunity· monit•S at Ptnnsylvania State Un.• the n>rnPr of Powder Mill Road From time to time this. r~porter vers!'ty whNc th.,ir rl&.ughtt•r and nnd Soil Conservation Road. Call has h~d the chanct• to reVIeW some· son in law. ~\'a and Jt•rry Gold 277 .fiJ 16 ur 937 7455 to have the, thing on the . TV tub<'. but here sll·in r•·•·•·ivt'<i advanct•d degrees. forms mailed. was-the posslbtllty of doing a story J:va,

11 Uninrsity of Maryland

Police Blotter A 19 year old femalt- resident

was chnrg<•d by Officer Duprat with drfvlng: while- Intoxicated aftt·r she struck n United Statl'il Park Pollee car pnrkt'<i in thr munl rtpal parking lot.

Following apprehension by Of liccr Duprnt for a traffic violation, a -male from Cr.Jfton was found to be in possession of a stoll'n citizen band radio, and In posses-

- slon of manufactured ltrms fro:n which the serial numbers had bl'"" remowd. Tht• dc(cndnnt was char gl'<i with both property offt•nsrs. which nrt• felonlt·s undt•r Mary land State laws.

A resident juvenile WBB turned over to juwnil.. aulhoritlt•S aftt•r rwdh·nl trt•ntment for nn owrdos ... Tht• youth had been reportl"d fiS

on a: real big tube~ graduate ;0 thl' Firld of Dr\·elop Armed iWith a mnp-providt•d by mental and Remedial R<>nding, re

Mt•tro, I1 headed for the Rhod,. ccived a Mnst<>r of Education. Jer Island Aveiiu.e Station. Confusion ry t•arncd a Doctor of Education. set in early. when I dlscu\'Pred A sociology major. he received :1

that tht• map was fa.•hlont•d so B.A and M.A. from the University that the top was west and the of Toledo and an M.S.T. from the bottom east. This .. t•c<'SIIitated mak Stat•· University of N.Y. i!lg a right turn nrrosR two Inn• s Jacqueline SteveiUIOn, 4 .. A Ridge, of traffic to entl'r the parking I!JI. was awarded an M.A. from the resulting in nasty looks from two Untwrslty • of ·Northern Colorado. truck drivers and a motor cyclist. ,__ Ernl'st c. Wakam. 6231 Spring and a devout hope on my part that hill Dr .. ' rl'cl'lved ~ M.A. from th.. maker of the map had had tht• Unlwrs:ty of Northern Colo-no part In thr · planning of th<> rado. . subway routrs. Bl'st ~l.'jhes for a speedy rtoco\'

Having nt'gotiatl'd this mant•U\' · i·ry to Mary Anne McAndrew who •·r. 1 found rriyselr Til an area i:; rt•t·up<ra:lng at home after ha,· mnrk~d "Kiss and Rid<>". appn" lng lx•t•n hospitalized for lnjurlrs t•ntly a rl'ft•rent•t• to till' hope that r.·ci•h·••d in an automobih· acci

pt>d off, .. mbracl'd, and left to con · 11

commuting spoust• could bt• drop d~~·n~t,.~~iii~i~~~;-~ tlnu~ the :Work .. bound trek on tht• subway. I parked my car and

n runaway. jolnod :;, milling aowd of a hund-Ont• cruls..r was rxtl'llslvl'ly red ur so pt'Oplt•. Ont• t•uuld trll

tlamag.·d while r"apondlng to thr thp Mt'lru wurkt•rs from tlw visl 151 (Ht.erwiiJ' PIANO LF..SSONS: Peabody Con- scent• of a reported hold- up. Tht· tors by t,)wir hard hats. Th:• (ll'f'Hbelt, Maryland 20'110

Sales * Rentals * RepaiR

Howarls TypewRer C6. M&q.A~ ... m--

Greenbelt Transmissio• 1 59 Centerway

Uon ... t, ReUallle Work

8-1 Weekda)'S

8-1 S.lania)'S

474-1800 • 474-1801



Bt•n·atory Graduate. Jteginnera- upPratnr of thr otht•r vehicle In !IN•llng thought cartll• that If tlw •14-11'101 Ad\·antl'd. 414-8222. {·olved failed to grant right of way ride wns dangerous enough for GREENBELT: BUY Olo' THE V\;F.DDINO PHOTOGRAPHY at ln whiclt> using eml'rgt•nry lights tht•m to wt•ar prott•ction, how com,. WEEK: $l


. ll-~~~~~-~~~-~-,~~=-~~~~====~~~~-~~~~~-ll.iiif-~~~~=~~-~~~-~~~~~~-~:~~~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~--~~~~~~~~---------------lt--""·-·''~o~"~·~r~n~t,~·s~:~p~ac~k~a~g~e~s~f=ro~m~~$4~G~.~Ca~U~~·~a~n~d='~•~lr~e~n~.;N~o~c~l-•n_r~g~r~s:~h~nv~e~be~"~11:-·:w;~·:~d~:·1d~n~·t~~~~·~·~A~~~so~~to~m7"1n~d~~~r·~~ ~t·~nbousr Two brt-aklng and <•ntrrlngs •·ame with washer. carpeting, 2 Air

• AR •·xperlenced such BB. "They'r~ lt•ttlng you on Conditioners • This home is In c.al'llt•r. folk or claut~J·. ~·• •••t wert> rt.'ported, one on Ridge Road the subway _with _ _yuur history of

•a ... .,.._ Hlllald Tw a very nice wooded area.

. Recorded music and i~spiration by telephone

. (


1.~3 o _ hr.l and the second on t•. 0 getting stuck In tunnels?" nnd suoptocts Wl're obs .. rv<'d ' In th•• d •t llapa 2 Bedroom Frame Townhouse

CLARINET 'LESSONS: lit Cl&rl- "Wow, I hope it oean co e Wl'th rnmodeled kitchen, panelled al't'a and are b~ing lnvrstlgated. whiiP you're In lt." But thl'Sl' ,- I net. l'.S. Army Field Band, BM 's .. ven additional lnrcenlt•s Wt•rt· h d ld 1 living room, wall to wal carpet· d~grp,. Peabody < 'onuervatory. Bf'- • doubts were brus " ns ''• us lng, 2 Air Conditioners. Reas-

reportrd and Investigated. --• Into thn station 1 ~ituwrs advnncPd. 474-9222. st<'PP•-u • · onably priced ·at $14,900. Wa k· Th.. dPpnrtment invl'stlgatl'd thl h ( 'ARPENTRY kltclanna, baths d 1 ~·or n long time no ng ap Ina distance to- Ell'l1lentary ,. thirtv-thnoe cases of dlsor er Y b t d lth • d I 1 d all · ba ' pened, as can <' <'Xpec e w School --A shopping. an rt·pa rs. argt• an am Jo . •·onduct, including nhwteen attrl- tl Fl all w ... "' r'rt•t· ,.., 345--38.'10. · public transport& on. n Y e HONEY''OON COTTAGE: For buted to juveniles. h 1 tors ....

• 1 1 were Invited up t e esca a · thn Singl", y011

nu l'ouple. Rt.'-:;~o:\\'ING mal<' ·femall"-chlldren's Following an Investigation n · d 1 ln.,. • ' " .. The first one ha a a gn say • tlr-A P"rson, or pPrsons who ··Inti·'~.-. Reasonable prices. Phonp tinted by Officer Stair, three adun th

8 "" •

"Not In operation, usr o er " - are lntnrt•stt•d in 11 One Bed · ~74·HO!). mal"" were charged with P0 1111C8-- th wasn't ·-b calator." The o er one room ".nd Townhoust•. sion of contr•1llt'd dangerous su .. lked

1 r

HOUSE DOCTOR t:~rwrt <·rafto~~nan wiU replace broken window ...... mile. eleo­tri .. :al j<>boo. w•ll patehln1, oer­"'""' tile, f'te. A-mble eheclt{ nn•l yurd dutlf'8. Ctlll 11nytlme.


<'•••~rramm .. d learning at your own •'•111\'t•nif:'tu·'•, 21 dlfft•ft'nt COUrtf•S.

frt•t· introdut·tory Jesb •11. LL'isurt• Lt·urning Centers 47-1-1200.•

GRASS NlilED CIITTINO? LeaveR ne~d railing? Anything elae? Call Jnt'. Freddie t $0.00 an hour) Ba· Juch. 474-11401.

'J'H••Nt; IN MY HOME by ex i>t•rit·nc~d secretary, Reasonabt~ l·ato•s. Call 1162-2611.

·,·vH :::OAW>.: UH1 J bedroom du­!JI••x w. basement. attic. 7 B Crea n•nt Hd. Call 4H ;IIKIY. .,v~nings. Uwti~r-aaent.

3-~'AMILY YARD SALE Io'rl., Sat., &pt. 19 ol 20. 61-E Rldlfe.

CHILD'S COAT found at North ~:nd playground, Tue•.. Sept. 16. H4 707~.

WOMAN desires babysitting job full or part time. 34IHID86.

AlOE FOR NURSERY SCHOOL in Grepnbelt, Mon.. Wed.. Fri., from 9 - 12. Call 1162-2877.

YAftb SALE - Sat., Sept. 20, 10 4,

working dther, so Wt• wu tp. 3 BPdroom Tuwnhoustt with stanct•s. A search warrunt was ex 1

It--' 1s by

There the trn n awn '" 1 addltlt•n that hill! Centr\ll Air "''Utl'<l on the subjects' npnrtme••t b tit I nnd tht• platform. It wu eau 11

1 'ondlti<>Jllng. Rt•modrl<'d Kitch-in Lakesldf' North wht•rt• o quan wt>nt -the doors were open, so Wt' t•n. Dlspo.•nl. Wasllt'r. Dry~r. ttty of illt•gal substanr•·• W>IS d M tim passed In and sat own. orr 1

' Carpt•tlng. This homo• I• lUI End found. and Wt• W••re ask .. d to leave the Unit with lots nf . prl\"•t·y.

St•\'t•n of fourtt>t'll vundullsms In train fur tht• tim .. bt•ing. We step H """ti~ntt•d wert• elosed with th•· 1 2 Bt•droum End Brid< om<'

{ B pt•d out on tht> platform RIB n cl·~· to thn Cent•r. Tills home Is arrPat .of a malt• rt•sldPnt n ret•zt\ d Fin vall"" L ~ and somr mor<· tlmt• PIUS<' . In •xcellent condl'tlon . Included wood Court who wns npprt'ht•nd h 1 t ry ~

d I nlly 1 notlctod t nt n mos ••ve In J>r'JM of $26,.,.., are washer, I'd bv Officl'r C••ccnrt'lli an n h t · I ... """ . lx d body was back In t ,. ram so dryt•r, dioposal. 2 storm doors, ~ t·nrcerntt•d In ll<'U of $3,000 m d f d at

ran In an nun a "" . Air Conditioners w.w. Carpeting, shortly after thl' defendant spray Th.. train bcllan to muv,• untl and shed. painted several parked auto• ""'" · f

1 f

wt• wt•rt• given all sorts 0 n or· R.,Auc-·' 1·11

Price: Studio Type his resldt•nce. p r '"' "" Shortly after recdvlng a look mation on the PA systt•m. o' Home: $20,1100.

out for a vehicl•• wanted for fall ticlans were walking up and down 2 Large Bedrooms with Den, I the nisl<>s. and I had my hand Eraclos-A Porch, WIU!her, dryer, ure to pay a bill at a loca ser I t ""

l'ice stotlon, Cpl. Coombes appre shaken by people whost• P '' ures dishwasher, w.w. Carpeting, Air hended the operator who paid the I rt•membertod from t•lcctlon pus Conditioner that cools the whole

ters in Washington. Aftt•r a short house, and many mor<' extrao. A blll rather than face criminal pro ride we landed In Judldnry Squan. must to see. sccutlon. d tt r

I where we were allowr tu pu e CHARLESTOWNE VJLI.AGE: . Eleven officers are current Y en ld I around and explor ... Wt• wt'fe to R"'DUCED IN PRICE: rolled In area colleges or unlvers f .,.

that th•• walla arr graffitl-proo · 2 <>-Aroom 1 1;, Bath Brick tit'S for the fall aemester. d d th t .,.,... which may be true provl • 8 Townhouse close to pool and

YARD SALE -· Sat.. Sept. 20

• 10

all pauengera arc frisked fur Greenbelt Lake. SeiUng now for a.m. on. Bedl. bikes, crib. high spray paint. We wert• tranaportcd ,


. Ownt-r leaving al'l'll and "hair, tabiH, Iampi, kitchenware. to th<' other finlahed stations and Is anxious to sell. ru"'· toys, book& tv's. 4811 Quebec hi k·-' b k t th• start

" then w I "" ac 0 Adt-lphl: S(.. Berwyn, near MV A. Rain date, ing point. On the way back we hit Beautifully furnlllhl'd and dec· St•pt. 21. seventy miles per hour and wt·r.· orated 2 Bedroom Condo Apt. -FREE TO GOOD HOME Grey Informed that we had the honor Selling at a tow low price of poodle, fixed. Quod 'flth children. of being tht> lint guests to ride a ~.1100. This Apt. hu a waaher, 474 .o4i69. Evenlnp. four car train, the previous record dryer, wall to wall carpeting, WANTED: houae In Lak .. wood to being two cars. custom drapes, dlabwuher, It buy from private owner. 3411-3418. Our dream of a apeedy start Central Air Conditioned. PAINTING. fnterlor;Extl'rlor. Rea. of regular aervlc~ was daah<'d by. I.JST WITH OREII:NBELT sonable. R<'ferences. ·Grl'enbclter thP news that the aystt-m has been REALTY

abl" to get delivery of only four WE SELL GREENBELT for 9 }'Para. 3411-2G70. b 1 --- · - teen cars, far too few to rg " IN SHOPPING CENTER "• -A~LE: one "alck" Rlr~condltloner,

·~ . operation. But th.P ride was a NEXT TO MOBIL GAS Fedders, casement size; you haul pleaaurP, and at th"e end the volcP STATION it away. $2G.OO ar beRt offer .. CalL on the PA said, "Ladlt'B and gen




SEPT. 26 • 27 ALL DAY


Sponsored by the G,...,.. belt Jaycees, the 8eltway

Plaza Mall Merchants Association & tlte Pr. Geo.

Co. Health Dept.


AT GRiliiNBIILT ROAD At Beltway llldt •

and Kenilworth Ave. Modern Mall

With 70 Great Storetr

t4 X Ridge Rd. Ralndate, Sun.

MUIJI'I-FAMILY yard sale, housP planta. mlec.. household Items, stcr<'O. Sat .. Sept. 20, 10 a.m. Rain datt• Sun .• Sept. 21. 8-C Southway.

FOR SALE: Bicycle ilrla 20". :1 "'"'ed. "Lady Fair" Schwinn. Exc..tlt•n't cond. $llO firm. C'all 474 7957 .

:145-8181. • tlemen, we hope you enjoyed· your FREE to good home: 2•.., yr. old, trip. Please remember that we amall female Beaglt'. Shots, spayed. have a deficit, and !rave your con I..nvl'S children· and otht•r animals. trlbution at the foot of' the eeca NPed• yard. 345--2704. totor" Evl"rybody lnughl'd, In srrrER NEEDED: for 2 childr;;n eluding your rPportt'r. Only may

Greenbeh Carry-out F'OH SALE: Mini-Bike, 3 h.p .. Easy Rider. IJikr n~w. U•rd leSM than 100 miles. $10(). all 474·79~7.

WORK want to o hou1ework pnrt time. $2.2~/hr. 474-6890.

EXPERIENCED PERSON for' newborn cnre. Salary nPgotloblt·. 8 5 w••rkdaya. 474-8508 aftt•r ~­

GIVEAWAYS: klttrns. rats._ Call 47·1 3618.

8g~s 7 and 8. If Interested enll 345 bt' hr waon't joking. 9497. yARD SALE -· MOVING Earl)"' Amrrlcan furniture & nceeuorlrs, lnwn mow~r. ehtidren'• rlothlng. litll'ttS, kltch~n wart• tdlshrB, giBB·­!i('S, ~llvt~rwarP, rookwan•), cOr tRins. toys. bicyclt' ironing board. o·!t·. St>pl. 20, 9 6, 7 l' Southw~t;·.

ll\llsi~1P & lnsldro,

RENT GHI HOUSE n't'nr cPnt~r .. 3 bedroom brick, cornt•r, with ad dltlon a/c. DW. washer & dry•·•· new kltrlwll. , a\•ililllbl.. ..arly Oct. $!12~/mo. 34~ 7474.

RELIABLF. high st"htK>l girl will babvslt nftN school anti wt•t·kl'ntl•. NRI;,.y 474 ·6630.

nu. ~ AAT. OPEN Til. !\UDNIOHT


Sat., Royal Steak Sub .............................................. 90c Carton Drinks - your choice ........................... $1.39

1 07 CENTERW A. Y 474-4998

SomePrewa~ On Encephalitis ,

TAX...CIEDII..INFORMATION ~ ""--=-;n, •·L ~:­FOR PG SENioR cmzENS \.oOmmum. J \.oiiUfCu

.,_ -·- --~-

An~-l'..unce Georges County :esident.s are assured by county .1ealth officiala that encephalitis,

The Treuury Dlvlaion of the Installs C::O.Paston Prince Georges County Ofllce Clf ~·inancp has announced that sen­i•>r citizen tax credit certiftcatl's a~e being mailed. Any senior clti­zt•n who r,•cei\'eS the credit cer-

_which recently has hoapltallzed three · pei'IIOlll, is not contqious. Dr. Da\;d Anders, Chairman uf tn,, P. G General Hospital's Infec­t.ous Disease Committee, said, "The <.iseas~ can only be transmitted by l n Infected mosquito and the chan­tea of serious infection are only ~ in 300." He ad,·isea that anyone who hu been bitten recently by a moaquito and who is experiencing chilli, fe\·er. muscle pain, senre. headache, naUSt'a· and \'Omiting to contact his family physician.

Health officials urge that resi­dentl take the following precau­tions: ·

1. Empty and clean all buckets. wading pools or otht'r . rontain!'rs that collect water bec_au.se mosqui­toes prefer to breed in this type of environment rather than in •treams.

. :1f;,.atr lat.· will not br penalized Cor late payment of his tax. bUI, due at the end of Septpmber.

All senior citizens expecting a ~,.'rt•dit <'£'rtifirah .... who do not rt'­cd\·f' ont~ b:: gt,ph•mbr~ 22 ar('• :tskrd ta call thr. Tr.•aslP·y Oi\"is­i1'!l nt 6~7--300H, Ext. :!51. Sf"nior ci.:z(m~ \Vh0 ha,·r nPt !lied fo~ tax reedit· and w'sh !3 <'~ so are :\$ked ta rail the Sunrn•isor C'f Assessments and TB.~ation at 627-~000. Ext. 312.

IHI Board Discusses Res1les 01 lew Ho•es

b~· Sid Kastn~r

2. A\·oid lx>ing out'doors a~ dawn In a ·relati\·eh· bril'f meeting or dusk. which is when moaqui- 011 Sept. 11 - ~n,• and a half toes are most likely to be actively ·' hours __ tht• GHI board received a seeking food. r.•port on the opt•rating statements

3. Anyone who does go outdoors for the six-month period from at those times sllould wear long January through June of this year. pants and long slee,·es. rovering and discussed proposed changes in as much of the body as poiiSible. the resale policy for the corpora-

4. Cse bug repellants. tion's larger homes. In both mat .. 5. A\·oid wooded. marshy or ters Information was provided by

grassy areas \\'here mosquitoes Donald McGinn. sitting in for man-might thrh·e. ' · - ~grr Roy Breashears. who was un-

6. Measures should be taken to able to attend because of Illness. nssure that mosquitoes cannot en- At pr.st•nt. Gill has a s'xt~·· ria" ter the house. Doors and windows opt;cn to repur~hase 1111/ of the should be adt'quately screened. larger hom,•s 1 twenty-eight in Tape up holes in screens. For ad- number. including the townhousP ded pn,,,ction. spray house screens esl that are being sold by their -at night with Insecticides. owners. In such a case an apprals-

Moaqui:o control units of the aJ of the house has to be fir"t l4aP'JIInd De~~artment oL~gri.wl" arrangeif. taking two or iliTee ture btgan additional spraying op- weeks to consider Its purchase: 'mtion3 in Prine., Georges Coun- this .tea\'es only three or four ty, Sept. 11. to contlOI and pre\·ent weeks for the corporation to find the spr< ad nf Pncephalitis. The ad- a purchaser on .the open market, dltionai spraying In the county McGinn explained. Thus the stat'f will in\'olve four spray units and recomm .. ndcd extc·nding th,, 80 da:: cover a four square-mile art'a ar- opti<m to BO da)". This dlAng,· ound Bladensburg. Hyattsville and was supported by chaorman Jim

Riverdale. Smith. wh•l trrm.·d it "insurant'"

Stop For Sahool B1se1 School bus accidents k11! over

200 people annually in th·· Cnitt'<l States. In Maryland. approxima~c···

ly 170 student" art· lnjl)red each year in school bus rr.lated acci­dents. according to a survey by the National ~af.-.ty C(Jundl.

Joseph Ruprt•cht. Dir .. ctor of Satet)' for Prince Go•org·'O County Public S•·hools. sa::s. "Driw·rs should rcmo•mbt·r to watch out f<Jr the buses discharglrig or hading stud<'nts now that school is in ses· sion.''

The Maryland Dr;,., r's Hand book says that upon meeting a achool bus coming In either di­rection that has stopp•·d '" :s stnr­ping, thP mot0r1st should comt• t')

a full stop of t•·n fec·t in frrmt of or behind thP bus. H(• sha!l not. prorN•d until the bus has begun moving again. The only cxc<'ption to this is when approaching a bus from th•· front on a dual <divided I highway

The penalty for passing a school bus while it is loading or dis­charging stud<·nts has bN•n ln .. creased from one to twn points nn a motorist's driving record.



·sHOE REPAIR While U Walt


Beltway Plaza U'Oand the cdrnlll' Hanovl!r Bh..,...

Mon.-Frt. 1._. ,.._ 'UI I


GunERING Seamless Aluminum

No more l'Uit/peellng paint eBaked on enamel ftnlah eCultom made <l lnllt&lled on

job alte e20 Year cuarantee e P'REF: ESTIMA TF..S



l!leual..- ~lr C''l. ---

a11ainst \'ac,ney Joss." and tht• board <·nuorst•d it on a f.,rmal motio!1.

Tht: s;.afi sugge.iletl alsv L.lU~ :~

chang,• b~· maUl· in t:w poltcy l i

offering a twu \\'t.'l.:k purdoast. pt·l' i<XI tu Uldnb. rs. The idea vf ro: mo\ ing til is pri\ U ... ·i;C ('Jr ra.:'rab~·l·:i eneuuntt:rt:U murL· resistann· from the bu;u·d r&H·mbl'rs. Director ltary Cl .• rk-: p:·o!JolSCd in:;L.·ad that in · tert·St•·d mt.·mbers IJe gi\'en notice of tho· pr<;sp<·<·t:ve sale before thP formal HIJI>taisal is carrit·d out. which \\'fJUld ha\'f' thf· (•ffPct of sh.>r:· nmg th.· total waiting per iod. Th1s modification of the pvl h;y w.~:i rm.ss1:d by Uw board on a separatt- motion.

Finun<'ial P011lt1on In .1 ( umparison of actual oper-­

ating •·Xp<·ns"s for the first six months ,,f 1973 with the staff's prcdiNi'"'· tht· staff report noted that disbursem<·nts exceeded in­com<· hv $19,200. which was a smal ler am•~unt than the $67.650 which had b<·en forecast. McGinn ascrib­ed "th1s rt"iatinly favorable figurc mainly to gn•all'r heating etlicicn cy addt·\'t"<.i in tht.' brick homes. He exJm·ss .. d the further opinion that "1f th•· oil priec dcwsn't go up owr ~7 cents per gallon, we'll be In th<· best fuel consumption poailicm lhat we've been in, for years

A fulh·r description of the high­lights of this six month operating pictur•· will bt• given in a later laaue.

At th<· •·nd of the shnrt mePting, two m<·mb••rs living at 2 Court of Reacard1 Road uked the board to liVe (~OnSiderat,rm to their 8f>p&r

• ate rt·qu .. sts for addition•. which they f•·lt hlu.i b·~·n made befor .. the rtol·f:nt bfJHrd r)rd,·rr·d morn

torlum on additions wa. r!Pclrl•·d on. On<· <Jf the members said that thl• particular row of houaes on Reaearch Road hR., already been · electrkally "h<'avlr•d up'' lwir.·d for mort· curr,··nU 1110 that th1• rea son for thr moratr,rium did nt1t

apply (q their cas<'. Chairman Smith <·Y.plninnd thot h.. would hrv.- t0 '""f?t ~ull,·r lnf'lrmtttlnn on

. this fr,~rn tht uh.;•·n .. ~.&;o.nt.g :; :·: reat of the board •howed th••lr aupport Cor a quick decision on these m•·mbol'll' requet~ts by voting t~ .. give Smith and the manager authority to decide the matt•r ..

On Sunday, Sept. 21 a service of Installation will be held at Green­belt Community Church for the Rev. Harry Taylor and the Rev. Sherry Taylor. An e<C•esiasL•cal council will be conveueu at ~ :,u p.m. with partid.pants represent­Ing the lf<X chulrches of the area. At 8 p.m. the church will boat a supper for the delegates, to be followed at 7 p.m. bJ a RrVICe of worsmp. .M.s. ~na.vn '"·hge, a Ph.D. candidate from Union The­ological Seminary In New York City, will give the meditation. Sev­c•r .1 members of tne congregation will participate In the service &- ·

IJng w1th the Rt''. Harr~· Apple­white, associate' conference mini­ster; and the Rev. David Peder­son, a friend of the Taylors, from Maryland Pre11byterlan Church.

The Commumty Church choir, under the direction of Mrs. Milly Kern, will give special music, In­cluding "Day by Day" from the musical "Godspell," and guitar music. A special offering will be received to be used in the United Church of Christ's program for hunger relief.

At the Library The centennial Cl'iebration of D.

W. Griffith's films continues at the Greenbelt Library on Tues., Sep­tember 23 at 7 p.m. with his mo3t famous film "Birth of a Nation." 'fh1s lilm, starring Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, and Henry B. WaJt .. hnil. Is an eple story of the Civil War and U1e Reconstruction, and how they Influenced the lives of two famili•·•· Tlw film is infamous fot lt.--~~ udm11, · ·amt"its''• glorification ••f the Ku Klux Klan, something which tht• emb::rrnssed Grltftch trl~d to atone for In his next film lntot.•rane ...

PORTER'S UQUORS ~~'"' Dalto. Blvd. nwns 1 next to McDonald's In Collese

Park> We h~w· the l~trgest lt•IP<'tion of Wine.~ from around the world. Special prices on cue purch-

Ordl'r Early

Any queaUona about wlneo welcomed



Hamilton Place

Greenbelt, Md.



Sec this two bedroom frame townhouse, completely remodeled and exterior newly painted. Imm. occ.

We also ha\·1' a very nice two bedroom, frame prop<•rty with Improvements .. nlcO! nppilanccs •. selling for a low $14,494.48.

Looking for a 3 bedroom home? See this one juit listed - ideal location - nice yards. Improve­ments. etc. $18,828.88.

How about a nice ftr•t Oo~r I br. fr11me apartment · W<• have just that and It Is Belling for $81100.00 . fenced yard, kood condition thrOUihOut.


Mary E Dixon, Broker


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Where were you? when your last Social Security check was delivered? u you were away vlailinQ your lll'andcblldren or. off o~ a trip, did you wonder a little about that check~ . Was 11 put m yo~ mailbox? Did your neighbor take the mall m rlt;~ht away? D1d you remember to deposit it aa aoon aa you got home?

Twin Plnea haa a convenie~t. eaay aolutlo~l Now, instead of getting your Social Security checka by mall at home, a new federal law allowa you to have them aent and depoaited direct­ly to your aavinQS account - AI Twin Pinea.

SOCIAL SECURITY DIRECT DEPOSIT. lt'a convenient and time-aaving. No traffic tie-ups. And it's completely aafe from loss.

Your check will earn lntereal from the day of depoait. and you'll enJoy the extra benefita thoae Social Security dollars create for you at Twin Plnea.

Social Security Direct Depoalt Ia even ea•y to arrange. Just drop in at any Twin Plnea office and fill out ~· ah~ lllmple form. We'll make all the arrangements for you w1th Soc1al Security­free, of course! Just remember: please bring your ne~ Social Security check in with you- it will be the laat one you ll ha~e to deposit ln person. And you won't have to worry agam about where you'll be when your checks arrive!

Twin Pines Savings & Loa a Ann.· HOURS


9 to 6


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Btws Btview - AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER T .. mne 38, Number 45 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, September 25, 1975

Stale Axes 1977 Funds WHAT GOES ON Thora., Sept. 25, 8 p.m. GHI

Meeting, Hamilton Pl.

For Youth Service Bureaus Fri., Srpt. !8. 8 p.m. Duplicate lilrldge, Youth Center

Fri. .t Sat., Sept. !6-!'1, 11 a.m. -Health Cl\nlc, Beltway Plaza

Wed., OeL 1, 7:30 p.m. Green­belt Homemakers, Library

A campaign is mounting to overrule a recent decision by the State's JUovenile Services Administration (JSA) not to provide ileal assistance to local youth services bureaus in fiscal year 111T7. Greenbelt CARES, one of several such youth bureaus in tile State would be seriously impacted if this decision stands. The city ~f Greenbelt would have to· assume the State contribution.

Health Fair Sept 26, 27 At Beltway Plaza Mall

to choose between these programs Thousands of Prince Georges Already Delegate G!'rard F. Dev- "·>unty residents are expected to u.... h ed Go M in and continuance or funding for '-" •• as urg vernor arv take advantage of

8 multitude of

Mandel to intercede. In a letter youth' service bureaus. ~ frM health tests, demonstrations, to u __ d 1 D · 11 sal~ th t th Hilson added that since all the ......,. e, ev n u a e R•HI Informational programs at th~

decUion of th<' State agency not Federal funded projects are direct Health Fair at Beltway Plaza Mall, to Include funds in the fiscal year grants to the State, they repret~ent

011 Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28

10T7 State budget "may mark the a priority which supercede& pro- a:~d 2'7, starting at 11 a.m. each day. death knell for th~ State's youth grams where local support can The Prince Georges County aervlce bureaus." conceivably be utilized. Health Department, the Greenbelt

"Juvenile crime," the state legis.. The recent announcement by the Jaycees, and the Merchant's Asso-lator ~~ald. "today Is our major state does not n!Tect funds com· elation of th!' Mall have combined local problem. Recent studies in mltted to Greenbelt Carl's fur the their resources to produce the Fair. the metropolitan Washington area present llsral Y<'ar which ends June Numerous units from the Health confirm the staggering amount of 30, 1976. D<'partmcnt and over fifty other crime committed by juvpnnrs. To Anothrr llaselr h<'alth-relatcd agencies will have make cuts In this area is a classic Meanwhile reprcsootatlves of ~he booths In the Mnll. C!88e of penny wise pound fool . city will appear tomorrow before Free screening for oral cancer, llh". a Committee on Appeals of th" d'abrtes, .<'h!llcs.t.eroL anemia. high· ~-·~n....&laQ, . .sa.~Q. .• t.ha~--ft.-· .. wouitt". Governor's .. Commission .. on Law .. blo;1d- pressure, tuberculosis, glau-

Enforcement and the Adminlstra.. coma, v(slon and hl'8rlng problems . appeal the decision to chalrman tlon of Justlc!' on a matter con will be available. John Hargreaves of the House Ap- cerning this year's grant to Green A 'ftl'llt' at the fair will be n pos· proprlatlon Committee. The ·two belt CARF:S. The city hns appealed ter and oratorical cont<'st for the men serve on the six member Joint the grant's condition that receipt youngsters, and exh!bit• f(oaturlng Committee on Expehdlturr ot State of funds be contingent on its. health movies and cartoons. Radio

Funds. "maintaining a minimum avrrag" and t!'levlslon pel'!lonall~y 'Super The city council has also appealed of 7 juvenil<• servk•• r<'f!'rrals a Star Mr. Health' will be there In

for help to Senator Edward T. month." The cltr malntnlns that pl·rson for th~ youngsters to greet. Conroy and •·ounty cxccutlv~ Win- th!' number of referrals Greenbelt Leland MPmorlal Hospital will ftt"ld ·M. Kelly, Jr. CARES receivcs,ls aomethlng over bring out 'Smoking Sam', a olga-

In an August 21. 1975 letter to which It has no control. Failure to rette-lovlng manikin ')'ho graphic· elty council, tho director of JSA recrlve such a number of referral~ ally Illustrates whnt happens to explained why the deelslon was could jeopardlzr paym!'nt of the smokr-tllled lungs. Th~re will alao made not to lncludP money for thP remalndrr of this year's Krant. be it dMnonstratlmi by manikin .. alntpnance of local youth servic<• The rlty and Greenbelt CARES Resusd-Annl to t••at'h mouth-to-bureau•. are more than willing to accept 7 mouth resuscltntlon. and .t•xtcrnal

"As a r•.,sult of morl' stringrnt or more referrals up to the limit cardiac comprcssioll technlqu<'s. Mlforcement of policy by the of Grrenbelt CARJo::S' rapacity to Dcntnl hygienists will show people Go-emor's Commission," director dl how to brush 'teeth In a zanpy new

• han ~ cases. wny while statr nutritionists will RobPrt C. Hilson said. "we now tell folks how to sen·e nutritious ftad It ni'Cessary to commit funds EJ t' Da v· ttes foods and bnlancc the budg~t. too. from our budget to programs which ec IOD . y ague Th!' Infant and child stimulation win br losing Federal funding In Gil Wlrdt•nfeld lt•a,·ing Gret•n booth will provide thP pr"schonl fiscal yenr !977." As a result, HIJ.. -b~ll for a fpw hours on del'tlon day set with ftngPr paints and home· son sqid, the agrncy was forced to meet Presidmt Ford at tht• mndc toys.

Housing For Elderly lets Wide Support

Prt•liminary talmlat!ons of tlw f'IN~tion surVL'Y <pU'stionnn.ir£', with first !'<'suits nmfhwd to th .. slmpl<' VNI or no housing for the ddl'rly qu!'BIIon, Wl'rt' made avlillablt• short ly after th" d!'ct!on. This question produced 1169 <78% l responses In fa· vor of a clty--1ponsored rental apartment housing project for the tlderly, 1<M <14%l no'a, and G8 (8%l 11011-retlponaea,

A few re.pondentl quallfted their .._.. along the line~ ot "Ye8, 11ut not on parkland" or "No, not on tile altea propole!d," or "No, not "' the clt;p".

Whitt' HousP with oth!'r member• of the Presldrntinl ( 'kmt·ney Board.

~·ord thank"'l th .. m for tlu·ir worl! in r1nry•ng out thP Prt•si dt•nl's Clt'mPJH'Y Program.

Greenbrlt Clt•rgy Form Association

\\'o·idPnft·hl St'l'\'t'd '" a Dt•puty Th<' l'i<•rgy of tht• l'ity of GrPt'n-Assistnnt GPiwral CounsPI. and was bPit llll\'1' formPtl a llt'\\' a~sncia­in c.·harge of thP spc.·tion handlinK lion whit·h will mr-t'! monthly on l'RBPS ff•qulring fl• lwaring n.nd ap nn t·t·l!m~··liPal lPl I PI'• f··ss;on~ll

hf~::is. ThP <;I'.'Pnb,.Jt l 'l•·n;.·: AYso peals. dation will •·onsist nf lilt' follow­... Periodic chpcks nt all 1'"

11 ' by ing: Father Rob!'rt (;. Amey, St. members of Greenbelt's newly ap Hugh's Catholic Churrh. Pastor Ell­pointed Election Board Betty ward H. Birn~r. Holy Crn•s Luth­Moore, chairman, Julc Churchill, crnn Church, Pastor Dallas E. Pul­Joe Comproni, Pat Gardea and llam, Greenbelt Baptist Church, Nat Shlnderman. Rabbi Kl'nneth R. Bergrr, Mlah­... Peg Baldovln, North End judge, kan Tore.h Congregation, Putors explaining the voting machines to Sherry and Harry Taylor, Green­group• of lntere11ted school chll belt Community Church <United dren. Working with her were Church of Chrlatl. and Putor Cllf­Dorla Brown, Connie Sbaqhneaay, ord D. Cunniqham, Mowatt Me­France. KcN!Illy, Third precinct morlal United Methocllllt Church. (Center) Juclre wu J088phlne Seay Further blformatton ma:y be oil­with Maree Loutlch, Magdalene . ~ned by contacting the above Fucha and Evelyn Barcu• aervlng church.- or aynqorue. u clerka. At Springhill Lake.

By ·virtue of getting hlp ~

Suspect Surreoden Mter ~e~:nt~:tem:_ 18 :::,.C: Shoo r ......... p 1!--- named mayor replaclnr RlcMnl tiDg \NIIIILI OIKCIIIaD Pllakl, mayor since 1971. ClluiM

About 200 policemen. pollee dop, E. Callow, clerk of the ClrMdt hellcoptel'll and other equipment Court, administered the oatil fll converged on Kenilworth Avenue office. Named mayor pro-tem -nea~ Crescent Road . early Satur- Richard Castaldi who ftnlahel 12 day- morning, Sepl 20, followinr votes behind Welden,feld. the shootlns of a county policeman Weidenfeld spoke with pricle ol by a perBQn later Identified as P~~oul the quality of life In Greeallelt Creaven Crawford, 48, who sur- which he felt wu "superior to tllat rendered to pollee on Tuesday, Sepl of any community In the W .. 23. lngton areB." "Greenbelters," he

Crawford had been stopped by said. "have been environment Ul<! county Patrolman ·Douglu Hene- pollution conscioUB before 111111: gar for a traflle violation. Accord- terms beeame fuhlonable." B< lng to tile pollee reports, when cautioned, howev!!r, that G~, Henegar asked Crawford to put tera not be compl~~ocent. but ahMIIC hla hands. on the hood of the car, continue to seek lmprovem•ta c-rawford pulled a gun and shot the "This."' he said, "has been and Wll• officer In the stomach and-shoulder. continue to be my major soal IIIII' Henegar was saved from serloUB lng the next two years." If . not fatal Injury by the bullet- He welcomed the Support and llelp pniof vest he was wearing. The of the citizenry In eontlnul"'' ''' bullet did not penetrate the Vl'st, provide the community with ree althouih Henegar was hospitalized reatlon programs that are "en for the shoulder wound. H<'negar vied by the entire state," parkland Is tlie son of Frank and Frances for "picknieking, walking, joging Henegar; 6 Hlllsid<·. . . . or just sitting around," and

As l'ro.wford tied thl' sePn<·. he other outstanding sen·ices such as was pursued by the park police. "a first closs pollcP department. Greenbelt patrolmr.n, John Lann, Greenbelt l'ARES. facUlties fo; heard the radld dispatch and set senior eitir.r·ns. etc."· up a roadblock by placing the Charles Schwan felt the elector •I squad car across the intersectirm results signified a desire on the Df-K<>AIIwarth-Aven~ ttt .. the-~· ·part ·t>f citizens for 1mpi'OYed pub­where It narrow; Into Edmonston lie services and continued efforts to Rd. Crawford hit the squad car protect the environment. "Becaww. broadside, slightly Injuring Lann, he said, "som!' projectl, sucll as "';;0 has sine" returned to regular enlarging the Municipal building duty. Crawford escaped on foot or building a new Jl.!ice f.lclllt)·, t!1 rough the wooils. constructing athletic fields, acquit

lng more parkland . . . cannot lw The Greenbelt pollee car was accomplished without a bond IIIIIUe.

badly d3llloged &nd it will be de- I believe we should move witllout termint'd by the insurance com- delay to determine what shout• "!' pany If It Is repairable. included In a bond proposal and

March at Mishbo Torah GrePnbl'lt ehurches w:ll join thP

Mishkan Torah Congn·gatlon at a Slmehat Torah SPI'\'ice followed by a proc~sslonal on Saturday, Sep· ·

· tember 27 at 7:-15 p.m. The newly form,>d Gret•nbelt Clergy Assocla· tlon has endorsPd tht• march pr~ testing the dlscr:minAtlon of Jews in the Soviet Union, und has ex­pressed concern of the plight of Jt•wish prlsonprs In the U.S.S.R.

The march will form In front of the •:y::~r."';::: • nt Ridge and Westway Roaus, Greenbelt with •·hildren carrying flashlights and adults, candlt•s. Upon return to thP synngogup, thPrt• will b•• dane ;ng and s:nging in th .. str<•l't. In tPrPstf'd ))('rsons art• invltf'd to pnrt:<'ipat<'.

Sinwhat Torah. t:!t· day of "Rl' jolcing of th .. Torah" signals thl'' compl<•tion of tlw l'• ading In tht· ::ynagogu,. of th•· Fi\·~ Book• of Mo s<•s llnd bt•ginning again tlw read­ing with thP tlm<'i<-ss story of crea­tion. On th<• holiday th<· doors of the Ark art· opened and Torah scrolls. taken nnd cArriPd around the ~ynagogue and In tlw streetl .

Mlshkan Torah will aiao honor Ita adopted Soviet Prlaoner of Conacl!'nce, Boris PenBOn, who Ia aervlng a 10 year sentenoe In the Patma prlaon camp. He Ia among many men and women who are lmprlaon@d In the U.S.S.R. t.. caulK' they desire to live In ~1.

to authorize the appropriate ref erendum."

Castaldi plcdgetl w ""_. :.lnue \:> strive for farilltles and : roKrams that all G:·ernbelters • ·•.:d enjoy and Thomas X. White scdd he wiU place special emphasis <·n tr&ll8-portation planning, land use and developm"nt, pedestrian and bley cle paths and road maintenMcP. He look··d for more citizen input t•sp< cially at budget time.

Pllskl said. 'It Is with a great deal of pride that I haw served as Mayor . r "'Ill do as muck lUI

I ha\'e In the past' and hope I will do more." Pilslti has st•n•t•d Ill \'Pars on eounrll. Wf'idenf<'l<l and Rdtwan -l ypar.a nnd t 'nst~ldi lll~d White 2 years.

Th·· 1\r::-;t busitws:-; r~l··.·tin~ of

1·,nuwil will tnh .. ,• phH ·· on 1\lrmtiay.

'·.·tob<·r 6 at 8 p.m.

Epic Film At Library D. \\'. Grillith'" epi<' film lntnlt•r­

'""''' will bl' shown at th<• Gr,•,.nbrll Library on TU<'S .. Srpt. 30 at 7 p.m. ;, tht• library meeting room. In tolerance Is mudP up of four ser aratr stories of man's lnhumanit~· to man told almultaneoualy. Thr famous Babylonian ll't Ia the lar rest set ever built Cor a ftlm in Hollywood. The film atan Lillian Gish. Robert Harron, !'f-ac J¥1'U, and 111.000 othe~. The film Ia tre. and open to the public. The city cautioned that the quea

U1111n!llre does not have an ofllclal atat111 like a ballot or referendum. It reCiectl, the city •Jd, only the -.fa!On. of tha.e penona who took the time and trouble to eomplete tile qu..tlonnalre form.

Tanya Ohlaon wu Juclre and ualat­ing her- werl! Cathy FOiter, Bruce Notice

Help The Lions Help The Blind

Alto,ether, a total of 7211 quea tiOIIn!llre. wei'<! completed, repre­aatlq 110 percent of tha.e who vot.4 at tile ~llflr 18 election. ..,.. ....-.L.II!:i~r completed wen from tii~""ffc>rth l!lnd pre-­elact, Slnale family hom• pro­duced the rreateet number of re­•JIOII- 43.9%. GHI home­ewnen acrounted for one-thl rd bf thr re~~pons~s.

1ie sroup most In favor of the e .. erly housing project wer~

apartm~nt dw~llerH. with 90% r<• aponrllnp: nflirmatiwl\', thP remn 'n dC'r voting n'l nr n.,t r ·~rnndiw;

Nrxt rl\me GHI hom"ownors with an R~~ )"••s \'nit•. i!l!ng-Jr fnmilv r••sidrntn <lnrlntl'nt~ rondomlnlum owJwn;) r.·port('d a 73r; )'f'S votP.

Bowman and William Schulltad. . . . The community party at the Greenbelt Fire Houae on election night where all aeven eandldatea were joined by many Greenbelt voters along with Congreuwoman G!11dys Spellman, Delegate Leo Grf!<'n, and Collegr Park Council .. mo·n William Splvry and St. Clair

lretl~ell Ho•••aken At the library on Wed. Oct. I.

7:30 p.m. Sylvll\ Kyle will dPmon stratr the art of ma'king ''Fabric Flo\wrs''. · R .. fr,·shm•'nts will br St'l'\'t'd. For· ,,1 .. , ... in!n:·:l~'ltion on m~ltl·rinlt~ l1""d' . , .. :\l:1ry Ann B.li<•·r -171 1700.


Glass may be brought to the Public Works Ware­house on Crescent Road adjacent to the La~•Park Parking lot Monday through Friday from 8-4:30 p.m. anJ on Saturdays from 8-12 noan.

Residents are requested to separate colored glau from clear glass.

Th~ Greenbelt Lions Club dur­ing White Cane Week otfera people the opportunity to help 1ft the Community by helping tMa help the blind. Memben ot the Greenbelt Llona Club will be re­qurlltlns funds on September :II and 2'7. when Lion membere wiD be locatrd at the Grrenbelt C~n · tl'T and thl' Beltway Plaza.

Those wishing to participat,. in this Community Servlc" may send checks r/o Greenbelt Lions Club. Box 3!\2. Grel'nb.,lt. 1\lnryland 20770. Thrrt• will be no tekphnne, or 1J,,0 r to door solkitntions.

Tlw Grt•f'nbt>lt Lions Club will sponsor frt'f' f'Yl' f'XH.mination' on ;.:.-ptt·mb(•r 21l and :C7 ill the Bch­\\ :,· Pl1zn.