JUD MR 720 PUR BM 05 06 003 Maintenance Manual

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Jud MR 720 PUR Maintenance Manual



    Services Administratif et Commercial- 22 rue de la Roquette 75011 PARIS tel 01 47 00 85 95 fax 01 47 00 11 58E-mail : jud@judecamo.com Site :www.judecamo.com

    BNP Paris Turenne n 21922849-RCS Lyon B317640902-SIREN 317 640 902 000 43- code TVA FR 53317640902- Code APE 295LSIEGE SOCIAL ET USINE : 19 Av Karl MARX -69120 VAULX EN VELIN- Tel 04 72 97 03 03- Fax 04 72 97 03 09 1/70

    MR720 PUR Maintenance Manual

    Ntm.D.MR720 PUR.05.06.001

  • Le 20/07/2007


    Index of modifications

    1 Cration 02/05/2006 ER

    2 Traduction 29/05/2006 GO

    3 Mise jour MB 12/2006 ER

    4 Traduction 12/2006 GO

    5 Modif. Page 34/ Clamp initialization procedure 07/2007 GO

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    Table of contents

    1. General overview Page 72. Digital Touchscreen Page 83. Starting the machine Page 93.1 Main menu functions Page 104. Machine functions and settings Page 114.1 Switching on the binder Page 114.2 Opening the nozzle Page 114.3 Purging the hose and nozzle Page 114.4 Setting the end stop positions Page 134.4.1. Side gluing end stop position Page 154.4.2. Nipping end stop position Page 154.4.3. Scoring end stop Page 164.4.4. Cover feeder end stop Page 164.5. Setting the clamp Page 174.6. Setting the cover feeder Page 184.7. Setting the scoring depth Page 194.8. Setting the nipping station Page 20

    4.8.1. Adjusting the nipping height Page 234.9. Feeding a cover Page 234.10. Setting the rotation time of the cover intake roller Page 244.11. Controll of the photocell on the nipping station Page 254.12. Setting the glue drying/ clamping time Page 254.13. Switching on the mill and the jogger Page 264.14. Jogger setting Page 27

    4.15. Setting the gluing parameters Page 274.16. Setting the clamp speed Page 284.17. Checking the glue layer Page 28

    4.18. Setting the mill Page 294.19. Auto binding mode Page 304.20. Setting the auto cycle start delay Page 31

    5. Setting the time and date Page 326. Resetting the copy counter Page 33

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    7. Clamp Page 337.1. Initializing the measuring device on the clamp Page 34

    8. Replacing parts on the mill Page 358.1. Changing a notching tooth Page 358.2. Changing the milling plate Page 368.3. Changing the mill Page 38

    9. PUR Slot nozzle Page 409.1. Glue pressure regulation Page 409.2. Adjusting the nozzle height Page 419.3. Purging the glue application system Page 419.3.1. Purging the glue hose Page 419.3.2. Purging the slot nozzle Page 42

    10. Initial end stop positions Page 4310.1. Initial position of the nipping end stop Page 4410.2. Initial position of the scoring wheel Page 4510.3. Initial position of the cover feeder end stop Page 4710.4. Zero position slot nozzle Page 48

    11. Inertia compensation Page 5011.1. Clamp inertia Page 5111.2. Compensation the glue stop inertia Page 53

    12. End stop limits Page 5613. Changing the language and measurement parameters Page 5714. Controlling the input/ output functions Page 5814.1. Input functions Page 5914.2. Output functions Page 61

    15. Specifications Page 6216. Connections Page 6317. Required environment Page 6418. Factory settings Page 6518.1. Mill factory settings Page 6518.2. Factory setting nozzle height Page 6618.3. Factory setting nipping jaws Page 66

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    18.4. Factory setting scoring wheel Page 68

    19. Pneumatic rack Page 6820. Troubleshooting Page 6921. Maintenance Page 7021.1 Daily maintenance Page 70

    21.2. Weekly maintenance Page 70

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    The MR 720 complies to the CE safety regulations andgrants full operator safety. DO NOT UNDER ANYCIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER short-circuit, unplugor bridge the guard closing sensors to prevent majorinjury.

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    1. General Overview


    Main switch

    Nipping stationSlot nozzleTouchscreen

    Cover feederExit slideMill


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    2. Digital Touchscreen

    The MR 720 features a digital control panel.If a key is highlighted, the corresponding function is enabled.

    E-StopStart Button

    TouchscreenScreen switch

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    3. Starting the machine

    Make sure the machine is supplied with compressed air. The pressure must be of 6 barat least. Switch on the Durapail bulk melter. (see Nordsons operations manual) Turnthe main power switch to On (see chapter 1). Switch on the control panel byturning the screen switch (See chapter 2). The following screen appears:

    The unit is operational once the bulk melter, the hose and the nozzle reached operatingtemperature. (see Nordson operation manual)

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    3.1. Main Menu functions

    Clamp speed Lowest speed - reccomended when binding thick blocks Medim speed - reccomended when binding blocks of medium thickness High speed reccomended when binding thin blocks

    Mill control

    Book/ Blockbinding switch

    Cover feeder control

    Manual cover feeder key

    Jogger control

    Auto binding mode

    Current date/ Access date setting menu

    Current time/ Access time setting menu

    Access timing menu (Glue drying/ Clamping/ Auto cycle start delay/ Roller rotation time)

    Counter reset

    Access end stop position setting menu

    Access glue parameter/ purge menu

    Set glue drying/ nipping time

    End stop positions

    As soon as the end stops reached their target position (and the cycle can belaunched) the circle will highlight.

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    4. Machine functions and settings

    4.1. Switch on the binder (see chapter 3) and the bulk melter.(see Nordsons operations manual)

    4.2. Open the nozzle as much as possible by turning the hand wheel. Clean the nozzleof eventual grease remains.


    4.3. Purging the hose and nozzle

    Hang the purge basin on the purge valve (see Nordson operations manual) Openthe purge valve and wait until the basin is filled with glue. Tighten the screwand let the glue cool down/ cure in the basin. BE CAUTIOUS AS THE NOZZLE ISHOT.

    To purge the nozzle select:

    Purge valveon hose

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    Manually open the nozzle by turning the hand wheel. Position the purge tank above theslot nozzle and close the side gluing blocks again. Make sure the purge receptacle istightly held in place and that it sits correctly on the nozzle. Touch the Purge key until thepurge tank is filled with glue. Manually open the slot nozzle by turning the hand wheelagain and remove the purge tank.

    Do not leave the purge menu until the purge tank has been removed from the nozzle.

    After each manual slot nozzle opening/ closing, the side gluing end stop initializesautomatically. If it doesnt, select:

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    4.4. Setting the end stop positions

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    The current end stop positions figure in the left column. To change those settings, select thevalue name to be changed in the right column. A keyboard will then appear on thetouchscreen.

    Current end stop position

    To enter the new target position

    To individually initialize the end stop

    To enable/ disable the measuring device on the clamp. In case theauto function is on, the side gluing and scoring end stopsautomatically calibrate according to the thickness of the bookblock.To initialize all end stops.

    To confirm a new setting

    Digital Keyboard

    The Feeder and Nipping end stop positions always have to be identical. A new target

    position has to be confirmed by selecting , so the binder calibrates to the set position.

    To return to the main menu

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    4.4.1. Side gluing end stop position

    The value name to be set in the Side gluing menu box corresponds to the thickness of thebook block. The binder performs this setting automatically if the auto mode is on.

    4.4.2. Nipping end stop position

    The value name to be set in the Nipping menu box corresponds to the distance between theborder of the cover an the first bent of the spine.

    Motorizednozzle block

    Motorized coverpositioning baron nippingstation

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    4.4.3. Scoring end stop

    The value name to be set in the scoring menu box corresponds to the thickness of thedocument to be bound. The scoring distance is almost identical to the distance between theside gluing blocks. When running in auto mode, the binder performs this settingautomatically.

    4.4.4. Cover feeder end stop

    The nipping and feeder value names are always identical. (distance from the border ofthe cover to the first bent of the bookspine)

    End stop to positionthe cover stack

    Motorizedscoring wheel

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    4.5. Setting the clamp

    A measuring device installed on the clamp determines the book block thickness and calibratesthe scoring wheel and the nozzle opening accordingly if the auto scoring function is active.

    Setscrew limitingthe clamp opening

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    Select if you want the scoring and side gluing end stops to calibrate automatically(recommended for producing single copies). If you whish to bind larger series of the sameformat, it is recommended to run the machine in manu mode. Set the according side gluingand scoring value names. When running in auto mode, the cover is loaded on the nippingstation once the side gluing and scoring end stops moved to the appropriate position.

    4.6. Setting the cover feeder

    Position the cover stock against the cover end stop finger once it moved to theappropriate position. Make sure the rear side of the cover stock is properly positioned againstthe cover stock end stops in front of the blower. (see following page) Position theloadstones and the side guides against the cover stock to ensure the covers areaccurately transferred. Adjust the position of the suckers to the width of the cover stock.(eventually enable 3 or 5 suckers by turning the according switch see picture on followingpage) Never position the suckers in front of the cover forwarding wheels though, asthis would obstruct the movement of the cover forwarding bar.

    The cover end stop finger must form an angle of 90 towards the cover stock endstops. Ensure this is the case by transferring a cover on the nipping station: Switch on thecover feeder by selecting in the main menu then activate twice the key. The scoringlines must run parallel to the the border of the cover. If they dont fine tune the position of thecover stack by turning the setscrews. (see on following picture)

    Loadstones to fixto fix the coverstack

    End stop finger forpositioning thecover stack



    Screws fixing thesuckers on thecover forwardingbar

    Cover intakewheels

    Screw limitingthe downwardmovement ofthe cover feederarm.

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    4.7. Setting the scoring depth

    The scoring depth has been preset. To obtain proper scoring results, lower the caliper leverand place a cover sample below the pressure adjustment wheel. The pressure can be finetuned by loosening the nut and then by turning the wheel.

    Setscrews to finetune the position ofthe cover stack

    Progressive cover intake Suction control

    Blower control

    Switch to enableeither 3 or 5suckers

    Rear endstops

    Caliper lever

    Pressure regulationwheel


    Blower outlet

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    4.8. Setting the nipping station

    To set the nipping station : Move the motorized nipping bar to the appropriate position(See chapter 4.4.2 and 4.4.4.) Prior to setting the front cover positioning bar, the nipping jawsmust be raised. To this effect go:

    Rear cover positioningblocks. Prior to fixingthese, ensure the coverforwarding fingers areup..

    Motorized coverpositioning bar

    Nipping plates Flap Cover forwarding bars

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    The pneumatic cover positioner will activate. Lay the cover against the coverforwarding bars and the motorized cover positioning bar. The cover forwardingbars must be up and positioned at the nipping jaws. If they arent, ensure the cover feeder ison ( key in the main menu) and select the key. A cover will then be loaded on thenipping station. Loosen the fixing handle and position the front cover bar against theborder of the cover. Mind the cover lies flat on the nipping station and that it is not bent. Thenposition the rear cover blocks against the rear side of the cover.

    Lower the nipping jaws again by selecting:

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    The cover forwarding bars must run parallel to the motorized nipping bar. If theydont, loosen the screws holding the cover forwarding bars with an Allen wrench, movethem to the correct position, and tighten the screws again.

    If the cover is not forwarded far enough (or too far) on the nipping station, the book block willnot be aligned to the upper side of the cover. In this case adjust the stroke length of the coverforwarding bars. To this effect loosen the nut of the setscrew located in the exit slide asshown in above picture. Tighten the setscrew to move the cover further to the right, loosen

    Cover forwardingfinger

    Set screw to adjustthe stroke lengthof the the forwar-ding fingers

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    the setscrew to move the cover further to the left. Once the appropriate position has beenfound, tighten the nut on the set screw.

    4.8.1 Adjusting the nipping height

    Square spine.

    Round spine: Increase the nipping height by turning the thumbscrews anti-clockwisein steps of 90.

    Crushed spine: The nipping plates exert too much pressure. Lower the tables byturning cloclwise by 90.

    4.9. Feeding a cover

    The covers are forwarded automatically into the nipping station when running the machine instandard mode. However it is also possible to load the cover manually, either by pushing the

    manual cover feeder button on the nipping station or by selecting the function on themain menu. (see chapter 4.6) Always ensure though the cover feeder is on.

    Setscrews to adjustthe nipping height

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    Check the cover position on the nipping station and eventually rectifiy.

    4.10. Setting the rotation time of the cover intake roller

    To streamline the machine cycle it is possible to adjust the cycling time of the roller on thecover feeder. In fact, once the roller finished rotating, the cover forwarding fingers come up topush the cover on the nipping station. For covers with a short spine the roller cycling time canbe reduced.

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    Enter the rotation time and confirm the setting by selecting Enter.

    4.11. Control of the photocell on the nipping station

    It is also possible to operate the binder in bookbinding mode even if the photocell on thenipping station is not covered. The operator has then though to check before every cycle that acover is effectively present on the nipping station.

    4.12. Setting the glue drying/ clamping time

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    Select the setting you whish to change and enter the desired timing by means of the digitalkeyboard that will appear. Confirm your settings by selecting Enter.

    Timeframe during which the block and cover are being nipped.

    Glue drying time when binding blocks

    To return to the main menu

    4.13. Switiching on the mill and the jogger

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    4.14. Jogger setting

    The book blocks are being jogged before the milling

    4.15. Setting the glue parameters

    Jogging intensity control


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    To set the glue length on the spine

    To set the glue stop on top of the spine

    Enter the according value name and select to return to the main menu.

    4.16. Setting the clamp speed

    Three clamp speeds are available.

    Lowest speed reccommended for binding thick documents

    Medium speed reccommended for binding documents of medium thickness

    High speed reccommended for binding thin documents

    4.17. Checking the glue layer

    Ensure the and functions are off. Load the clamp, activate the foot pedal to closethe clamp and push the yellow cycle start button. As the nipping table is not active, thedocument is only jogged, milled and glued. The document will be released on the exit slideonce the set glue drying time elapsed. Check the quality of the glue layer and rectify ifneeded.

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    4.18. Setting the mill

    By milling the document, the spine surface is being evened and prepared for thegluing. The notching teeth allow the glue to penetrate deeper into the paper fibers, thusensuring increased bondage.


    Cycle start button



    Milling plate

    Flap Notching teeth

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    4.19. Auto binding mode

    Reset the copy counter in a first place. Then go into the end stop menu and enable the Manual mode.

    Knob to adjustthe milling depth

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    Return to the main menu. Enable the mill, the nipping station and the auto cycle mode. Oncethe operator passes his hand in front of the photocells on the loading station, the auto cyclestart delay countdown begins. Once the set time elapsed, the clamp will close and the machinebegins to cycle. Load the first cover manually by selecting the according key in the mainmenu.

    4.20. Setting the auto cycle start delay

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    Enter the desired cycle start delay by means of the digital keyboard and confirm the settingsby selecting Enter. Once the photocells on the loading station have been cleared, the binderwill wait for the set delay prior to starting the cycle automatically.

    5. Setting the time and date

    Enter the weekday, day, month and year. Confirm your settings by selecting Enter. Returnto the main menu to set the time. Set the time and confirm your settings by selecting Enter.Return to the main menu.

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    6. Resetting the copy counter

    Select to reset the copy counter.

    7. Clamp

    Setscrew limitingthe clamp opening

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    7.1. Initializing the measuring device on the clamp

    The access code is 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 confirm the settings by selecting Enter.

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    Open the clamp as much as possible and determine the exact distance between the clamp andthe carrier plate. Select and insert the determined value. Then

    close the clamp by activating the foot pedal and select ; open the clamp by releasing

    the foot pedal and select . A value name appears on the lower part of the screen. Thisvalue must be identical to the one appearing on .

    Return to the main menu by selecting .

    8. Replacing parts on the mill8.1. Changing a notching tooth



    Turn the screw on theVF distributor by 90(clockwise). The flapover the mill opens up.

    Open this guard

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    Replace the notching tooth/ teeth. Ensure they are correctly oriented and tightened. Liftthe tooth/ teeth until it/ they graze(s) the milling plate. Turn the mill manually byplacing an Allen wrench in the screw fixing the mill. The notching tooth/ teeth will leave animprint in the milling plate. Eventually adjust the height of the remaining notching teeth.Make sure all notching teeth are securely tightened. Close the flap over the mill again byturning the screw on the VF distributor anticlockwise, only then the E-Stop button may beunlocked. (see chapter 19) Check the notching height by binding a block (see chapter 4.17)and eventually adjust if needed.

    8.2. Changing the milling plate

    Notching tooth

    Setscrew to adjust thenotching height Loosen the screw to the side

    of the mill to extract thenotching tooth.

    Open this guard

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    Turn the screw on theVF distributor by 90(clockwise). The flapover the mill opens up.

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    Lower the notching teeth (see chapter 8.1.). Position the new milling plate. Manuallydisplace the carriage clamp over the milling station and align the milling plate to the innerside of the carriage. Return the carriage clamp to its home position. Raise one notchingtooth so it grazes the milling plate. Place an Allen wrench in the screw fixing the mill.Let the mill rotate manually by turning the Allen wrench and gently tighten the screwsfixing the milling plate. This will leave an imprint of the notching teeth on the millingplate. The milling plate is a wear and tear part and requires occasional replacement.Always ensure the plate is in contact with the notching teeth so the spine is held inplace during the milling/ notching process.

    Once the milling plate has been replaced, close the flap over the mill again by turning thescrew on the VF distributor anticlockwise, only then you may unlock the E-Stop button. (seechapter 19)

    8.3. Changing the mill



    Milling plateScrew fixing the mill

    Open this guard

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    Screw fixingthe mill

    Milling plate

    Notching tooth

    Setscrew to adjust thenotching height

    Turn the screw on theVF distributor by 90(clockwise). The flapover the mill opens up.

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    In the first place determine the height of the notching teeth by means of a sliding gauge.Then uninstall the milling plate and the mill. Put aside the notching teeth as well asthe setscrews that adjust the notching height. Whenever a mill replacement occurs, themilling plate must be changed as well. Install the mill and the notching teeth. Set thenotching teeth at the same height than they were before. Fix the new milling plate asexplained in the previous chapter. Test the notching/ milling and eventually adjust thenotching height if required. Dont forget to tighten the notching teeth again. Once therequired pieces have been replaced, close the flap over the mill again by turning the screw onthe VF distributor anticlockwise, only then you may unlock the E-Stop button. (see chapter19)

    9. PUR Slot nozzle

    9.1. Glue pressure regulation

    Increase/ decrease the glue pressure according to the cycling speed and the thickness of thebook block.

    Pressure gauge

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    9.2. Adjusting the nozzle height

    By turning the knob the nozzle can be raised or lowered. (see chapter 18.2.)

    9.3. Purging the glue application system

    It is crucial to continually purge the system of eventual air remains. Purge the systemwhenever the machine has not been used over a longer stretch of time in order to ensureconsistent glue viscosity. The glue remaining in the nozzle must never cure.

    9.3.1.Purging the glue hose

    Hang the basin on the purge screw and loosen the screw. (See Nordson instructionmanual). Wait until the basin is filled with glue and close the purge screw again. Wait untilthe basin cooled before taking it away. BE CAUTIOUS AS THE NOZZLE IS HOT.

    Knob to adjust thenozzle height

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    9.3.2. Purging the slot nozzle


    Purge screw

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    Manually open the nozzle. Position the purge receptacle on the nozzle and close thenozzle again. Ensure the purge tank tightly sits on the nozzle. Touch the Purge key untilthe purge receptacle is filled with glue. Open the slot nozzle by turning the hand wheelagain and remove the purge receptacle.Do not leave this menu until the purgereceptacle has been removed from the nozzle.

    10. Initial End stop positions

    A recap of these values is featured with every machine. The zero positions are definedthrough a contact. In the following the zero positions of the end stops can be determined andfine tuned.

    The access code is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , confirm by selecting Enter.

    Distance A

    Distanz CDistance C

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    To switch between the screens

    To return to the main menu

    In a first place initialize the end stops by selecting , then measure the followingdistances:

    10.1. Initial position of the nipping end stop

    Load a cover on the nipping station and bind a book. Measure the distance between the coverborder and the first bent of the spine. If the determined distance doesnt correspond to thevalue name shown on the screen (for example determined value 188 mm and value nameshown on screen 190 mm) go :

    Distance B

    Distance A : distancebetween the inner side ofthe carriage clamp andthe inner side of thenipping bar.

    Distance D

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    Select , once done select the Max opening menu box. Rectify the positionsaccordingly. (in above example zero position 2 mm). Confirm your settings by selectingEnter. Initialize the end stop again by selecting then and check the setting isnow correct. Fine tune if necessary.

    10.2. Initial position of the scoring wheel

    Value B : Distancebetween the grooves ofthe scoring wheels

    Fix scoring wheel

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    The female groove of the lower (static) scoring wheel must be aligned to the inner side ofthe carriage clamp. (to the operators side) If it isnt, loosen the screws fixing the upper andlower scoring wheels and move them to the appropriate position. Then determine Value Bas shown. The distance must correspond to the thickness of the book block. If it doesnt, referto chapter 7.1. (Initializing the clamp.) If though the determined value corresponds to thethickness of the book block, but not to the value name shown on the screen (for instancescoring value name shown on screen 5 mm and book block thickness 4.5 mm) go:

    The access code is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , confirm by selecting Enter.

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    Select , once the scoring wheel reached its initial position select Zero and rectifythe zero value accordingly. (in above example zero position 0,5 mm). Confirm the settingsby selecting Enter. Initialize the end stop again by selecting then . Check thesettings are now correct and rectify if needed.

    10.3. Initial position of the cover feeder end stop

    If the determined distance between the border of the cover and the scoring line does notcorrespond to the value name shown on the screen (for instance shown value name on screen210 mm and determined distance 211 mm) go:

    Value C :Distance between thecover end stop fingerand the marking on thecover feeder. Themarking is aligned to theinner side of the carriageclamp, the edge of therear niping jaw, and theand the female groove ofthe fix scoring wheel

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    The access code is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , confirm by selecting Enter.

    Select . Once the end stop moved to its initial position select Max Opening.Rectify the value of the zero position accordingly. (In above example zero position +1 mm).Confirm the settings by selecting Enter. Initialize the end stop again by selecting ,then and check if the setting is now correct. Fine tune if necessary.

    10.4. Zero position slot nozzle

    Value D : Distancebetween the side gluingblocks

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    The access code is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , confirm by selecting Enter.

    Select . Once the end stop moved to its initial position select Zero. Enter thedetermined value. Initialize the end stop again by selecting , then . For the timebeing the side gluning value is approximate. To fine tune switch the binder to padding modeand bind a block (see chapter 4.17) of the same thickness than the value name shown on the

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    screen. If the front side gluing block applies a glue layer of approximately 0.3 mm thickness,the end stops are positioned correctly. If the glue layer is too thin, the set side gluing valuename needs to be increased. If, on the other hand, there is glue on the spine but the book blockis compressed and the front sheet is crumpled, the set side gluing value name must bedecreased.

    11. Inertia compensation

    A recap of these parameters is featured with every machine. By compensating the inertia, thebinder displaces its braking ramp by the set value. This allows the binder to calibrate asclosely as possible to the set end stop position. The inertia compensation is only required forthe nipping and feeder end stops. The side gluing and scoring end stops are driven bybrushless motors which operate with a precision to 1/100th of a mm.

    The access code is 12345678 confirm by selecting Enter.

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    If for example the target position of the nipping end stop is 210 mm and the according valuename shown on the screen is of 210.3 mm, the inertia must be corrected by 0.3mm (The valuename to be set is 210.3 0,3= 210 mm) Check the settings are correct and fine tune ifnecessary.

    11.1. Clamp inertia

    The clamp transfer inertia parameters vary according to the set clamp speed. Theseparameters can be set to ensure the clamp always stops at the correct position when reachingthe nipping station. (The clamp inertia parameters can be set for low and medium clamp speedonly, the high clamp speed being the original factory setting.)

    Inertia nipping endstop drive

    Inertia cover feeder endstop drive

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    The access code is 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 confirm the setting by selecting Enter.

    Clamp inertia at low speed

    Clamp inertia at mediumspeed

    Clamp inertia at high speed

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    To return to the main menu

    To switch between the menues

    11.2 Compensating the glue application inertia

    The distance photocell to nozzle and the glue application inertia values vary according to theset clamp speed. In order to achieve an accurate glue cut off at the end of the spine, the glue issucked back into the nozzle once the end of the bypassing book block approaches. The timingat which the glue suction shall occur can be adjusted. (=Glue Application Inertia)

    The exact distance between the photocell and the nozzle is being determined throughapproximation. In a first place, set the glue stop to zero (see chapter 4.15), then measurethe distance between the photocell and the nozzle. Set a value name which is actuallybigger than the distance you actually determined. (for instance distance photocell to nozzle +20 mm)

    Prepare several bookblocks with identical spine length. Set a value name in the glueapplication length menu box which is inferior to the actual spine length. (for instancebookspine length 40 mm). This ensures the glue is only being applied on the spine. (seealso chapter 4.15)

    Distance photocell tonozzle

    Glue stop


    No glue application Glue application

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    Bind several blocks and progressively reduce the photocell to nozzle distance value nameuntil the glue application starts exactly on the top edge of the bookspine. Repeat the operationwith the various clamp speeds. Measure the glue application length on the spine and comparewith the value name shown on the screen. (see chapter 4.15) The difference between thedetermined values corresponds to the glue application inertia. Repeat the procedure with thevarious clamp speeds and enter the determined value names as shown on the followingscreenshots:

    No glue application Glue application

    Glue applicationlength

    Distance photocell to nozzle

    Moving book block

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    The access code is 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 confirm by selecting Enter.

    Glue stop inertia

    Distance Photocell nozzle at low speed

    Glue stop inertia

    Distance cell tonozzle at high speed

    Glue stop inertia

    Distance photocellnozzle at mediumspeed

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    12. End stop limits

    A recap of these values is featured with every machine. The end stop limit defines themaximum and minimum limits between which the end stops may move.

    The access code is 12345678 confirm by selecting Enter.

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    To enter the maximum opening

    To enter the minimum opening

    To return to the main menu

    13. Changing the language and measurement parameters

    To change the language and measurement parameters:

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    The access code is 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 confirm by selecting Enter.

    To switch from mm to inch.

    To switch the language parameters from english to french

    14. Input/ Output function control

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    The access code is 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 confirm by selecting Enter.

    14.1. Input function control

    In this menu the operative status of the various machine parts can be tested. If for instance thefoot pedal is activated, the according menu box will highlight.

    Select to get to the output function control menu..

    Select To return to the main menu

    0.00 Initial position side gluing0.01 Side gluing end stop limit0.02 Initial position scoring0.03 Scoring end stop limit0.040.050.06 Encoderinformation A cover feeder end stop0.07 Encoderinformation B cover feeder end stop

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    0.08 Encoderinformation A nipping end stop0.09 Encoderinformation B nipping end stop0.100.11 Encoderinformation B PUR

    01.00 PUR nozzle control01.01 Cover feeder end stop limit01.02 Nipping end stop limit01.03 Reserved counting/ interruption01.04 Impulse side gluing end stop drive01.05 Impulse scoring wheel end stop drive01.0601.07 Progressive cover feeding01.0801.09 Machine on01.10 Cam on cover feeder01.1102.00 Detection clamp on loading station02.01 Detection clamp on nipping station02.02 Photocell exit slide02.03 Photocell on loading station02.04 Cover detection02.05 Guard closing sensor02.06 Foot pedal02.07 Cycle start button02.08 Low limit side gluing end stop02.0902.1002.1103.0103.0203.0303.04 High limit side gluing end stop03.0503.0603.0703.0803.0903.1003.11

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    14.2. Output function control

    The various output functions can be checked in this menu. Select the according menu box tochek a component is operative. To check for instance the suction pump select the 103.04 key.The pump will work for the time the key is being touched.

    NEVER TOUCH TWO KEYS AT THE SAME TIME.Select to return to the input function control menu

    Select to return to the main menu

    100.00 Impulse Side gluing 1100.01 Impulse Side gluing 2100.02 Impulse Scoring 1100.03 Impulse Scoring 2100.04 Clutch control100.05 Control cover intake roller

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    100.06 Low limit cover feeder end stop (smallest position)100.07 High limit cover feeder end stop (highest position)101.00 Nipping end stop (smallest position)101.01 Nipping end stop (highest position)101.02 Reset side gluing end stop101.03 Reset socring end stop101.04101.05 Jogger control101.06101.07 PUR nozzle control102.00 Solenod valve clamp closing102.01 Solenod valve clamp opening102.02 Solenod valve high pressure102.03 Solenod valve nipping plates up102.04 Solenod valve nipping plates closed102.05 Solenod valve cover forwarding fingers102.06 Solenod valve milling flap102.07103.00 Paper waste suction control103.01 Mill control103.02 Cover feeder cycling control103.03 Run brushless drive + Alarm reset103.04 Vacuum pump control and blower103.05 Relay control at low clamp speed103.06 Relay control at medium clamp speed103.07

    15. Specifications

    Clamp 1

    Mechanical speed 600 Cycles/ hour

    Estimated amperage consumption 13 A

    Power consumption 8 KW

    Power supply 1 for the binder one for the bulk melter

    Weight 700 Kg (Machine) & 340 kg (empty bulk melter)

    Machine dimensions (l x w x h) 2350 x 950 x 1350 mm

    Bulk melter dimensions (l x w x h) 1180 x 540 x 1268 mm

    Packing dimensions (lx w x h)2510 x 1080 x 1400 mm (Binder)1250 x 1000 x 1700 mm (Bulk melter)670 x 470 x 500 mm (Paper suction)

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    16. Connections

    Compressed air

    Conveyor plug

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    17. Required environment

    Power 400 V three phased (or 220 V for USA)

    Frequency 50 Hz (or 60 Hz for USA)

    Maximum intensity 16 A

    Compressed air 6 bar and 100 l/min

    Compressed air/ low pressure 1 to 1.5 Bar

    Plug paper dustextractor

    Compressor plug

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    18. Factory settings

    18.1. Mill factory settings



    Turn the screw on theVF distributor, the flapover the mill will openup.

    Open this panel

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    B) Push the E-stop button


    Ensure the jogger is perfectly plain. Load the clamp with a book block of approx. 40 mmClose the clamp by means of the setscrews. Manually displace the clamp over the mill.Ensure the notching teeth only graze the bookspine. Close the flap over the mill again byturning the screw on the VF distributor. Only then the E Stop button may be unlocked. (seechapter 19)

    18.2. Factory setting nozzle height

    Position the (loaded) clamp above the opened nozzle. Set the distance between the bookspineand the nozzle to 0.3 mm by turning the gradual setscrew. (see chapter 9.2)

    18.3. Factory setting nipping jaws

    Lift the nipping plates as follows

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    Now position the clamp over the nipping station.. The edge of the rear nipping jaw must bealigned to the inner side of the carriage clamp. Set distance between the flap and thebookspine to 0,5 mm. (see chapter 4.8.1.)

    18.4. Factory settings scoring wheelsAlign the groove of the static scoring wheel to the inner side of the carriage clamp. (seechapter 10.2)

    19. Pneumatic rack

    PL: Solend valve closing the nipping platesM: Solenod valve lifting the nipping platesT: Solenod valve activating the cover forwarding fingersVF: Solenod valve opening the flapSF: Solenod valve closing the clampHP/BP: Solenod valve controlling the high/ low pressure

    Turn the screw clockwise by90 in order to activate thesolenod valve

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    20. Troubleshooting

    The machine doesnt start The machine is not plugged Plug the machine, ensure theline is supplied with power

    The main switch has not beenturned on Set the main switch to I

    The E-Stop button has beenpushed

    Check the machine and unlockthe E-stop button.

    The start button next to thecontrol panel has not beenpushed

    Push the start button

    The clamp is in its initialposition and doesnt move The clamp doesnt close

    Check the binder is suppliedwith compressed air and thatthere is enough pressure. ( 6bar)

    A guard is opened Close the guardThe clamp is over the nippingstation and doesnt return toits home position.

    The book still lies on the exitslide. Clear the exit slide

    The exit slide is cleared.Pass your hand in front of thephotocell located in the exitslide.

    The bookspine is crushed orround The jaws dont exert

    enough pressure on the spine

    Lift the jaws by turning thesetscrews. (see chapter 4.8.1)

    The jaws exert too muchpressure on the spine.

    Lower the jaws by turning thesetscrews. (see chapter 4.8.1)

    No glueflowThe bulk melter, the hose andthe nozzle havent reachedoperating temperature.

    Wait until the system reachedoperating temperature (seeNordson instruction manual)

    The pump on the Durapail isoff/ the melting plate is notlowered.

    Switch on the pump/ ensurethe melting plate is down (seeNordsons operations manual)

    The book block is not holdingon the cover

    The nozzle doesnt ejectenough glue.

    Check the nozzle height andthe glue pressure(see chapter 9.1& 9.2)

    The glue hasnt got appropriateviscosity

    Check the glue viscosity bypurging the hose (see chapter4.3)

    No glue ejection after havingturned on the machine

    Purge the nozzle (see chapter4.3)

    No glue ejection from thenozzle after having switchedoff the standby mode on theDurapail

    Shortly touch the Purge key inthe glue parameter menu (seechapter 4.3)

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    The scoring wheels cut thecover

    Excessive scoring pressure. Adjust the scoring depth.(see chapter 4.7)The cover is not conveyed ontothe nipping station No cover stock

    Load a cover stock(see chapter 4.6.)

    The suckers dont pick up thecover

    Set the lowest point thesuckers can reach (see chapter4.6.) & set the suction intensity

    The cover of the bound book isnot aligned to the book block.

    The cover is not correctlypositioned on the nippingstation.

    Adjust the stroke length of thecover forwarding bars (seechapter 4.8.)Make sure the coverforwarding bars are parallel tothe motorized nipping bar. (seechapter 4.8.)

    The spine of the book block isround/ not well prepared.

    The notching teeth arent incontact with the milling plate.

    Adjust the milling depth (seechapter 4.18) and the height ofthe notching teeth. (Seechapter 8.1)

    The dimensions of the bookblock/ document dontcorrespond to the valuesshown on the screen

    The zero positions of the endstops arent on the appropriateposition.

    Adjust the initial positions ofthe end stops. (see chapter 10)

    The glue application lengthdoesnt correspond to theentered value name.

    The set glue application inertiavalue name is incorrect. Theentered distance photocell tonozzle is incorrect.

    Adjust the glue applicationinertia / the distance photocellto nozzle. (see 11.2)

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    21. Maintenance

    Grease and close the nozzle as soon as the machine is no longer beingused. (see chapter 4.2) This prevents the glue from curing prematurely.Purge the hose and nozzle once the machine is turned on. (see chapter 4.3)

    21.1 Daily maintenance

    _Purge the hose and nozzle (see chapter 4.3)

    _Clean the nozzle of eventual grease remains

    _Clean the machine of eventual paper dust remains

    _ Clean the cover forwarding wheels

    _ Clean the machine

    _ Clean the nipping jaws and the active parts whenever needed. Never use a metallic tool for cleaning the jaws in order not to damage the coating of the nipping jaws. In order to reduce maintenance efforts, apply some silicone on the active parts.

    _ Clean the flap on the nipping station and regularly apply some silicone.

    _ Clean the exit slide

    _ Empty the paper dust bag

    21.2. Weekly maintenance

    _ Grease the moving machine parts

    _ Drain the pneumatic circuit of eventual condensation remains