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Análise do DNA mitocondrial de Diatraea saccharalis




Análise do DNA mitocondrial de Diatraea saccharalis

Tese apresentada ao curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Área de Concentração – Biologia Celular e Molecular), da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Biológicas.

Orientadora: Prof.a Dr.a Maria Aparecida Fernandez

Maringá – PR 2008

Orientadora: Profa. Dr a. Maria Aparecida Fernandez


Juliana Pereira Bravo, filha de Antonio Bravo Filho e Maria do Carmo

Pereira Bravo, nasceu em 22 de Agosto de 1976, na cidade de Presidente Prudente,

Estado de São Paulo. Diplomou-se em janeiro de 2000 em Ciências Biológicas

pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá, com habilitações em licenciatura e

bacharelado. No dia 30 de Abril de 2003 recebeu o grau de Mestre em Ciências

Biológicas (área de concentração Genética) pela Universidade Estadual Paulista

Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP no Instituto de Biociências na cidade de

Botucatu–SP. Em março de 2004 iniciou o Curso de Doutorado em Ciências

Biológicas (área de concentração Biologia Celular e Molecular) pela Universidade

Estadual de Maringá, na qual finaliza o curso com a defesa da tese no dia 22 de

fevereiro de 2008.

Dedido este trabalho aos meus pais Antonio (in memorian) e Maria pelo amor

incondicional, exemplo e apoio nas minhas escolhas.

“Cada pessoa que passa em nossa vida passa sozinha, é porque cada pessoa é única e nenhuma substitui a outra! Cada pessoa que passa em nossa vida passa sozinha e não nos

deixa só porque deixa um pouco de si e leva um pouquinho de nós. Essa é a mais bela responsabilidade da vida e a prova de que as pessoas não se encontram por acaso.”

Charles Chaplin


Agradeço a Dra. Maria Aparecida Fernandez pela orientação durante a realização deste trabalho, principalmente pela confiança, incentivo e palavras confortantes nos momentos


Aos colegas do LORF, pois nenhum trabalho é realizado sem colaboração, especialmente daqueles que passam a fazer parte dos nossos dias, compartilhando as alegrias e as tristezas

dos experimentos.

Agradeço a minha mãe pelo amor incondicional, e a minha família pelo apoio nos momentos difíceis que passamos durante a realização deste trabalho.

Agradeço especialmente aos amigos Adriana Fiorini, Daniela Bertolini Zanatta, Fabiana de

Souza Gouveia Fabricia Gimenes, José Luis da Conceição Silva, Karen Izumi Takeda e Roxelle Ethienne Ferreira Munhoz, pela compreensão nos momentos difíceis, pela ajuda

durante a realização deste trabalho e pelas boas risadas que demos juntos.

A Marli pela amizade e ao Valmir pelo apoio e dedicação na manutenção da cultura de Diatraea saccharalis.

A CAPES pelo auxilio financeiro.

Aos professores de curso de Pós Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular


Em consonância com a resolução Nº 07/2007-CPBC do Programa de Pós-

Graduação em Ciências Biológicas – Área de Concentração em Biologia Celular e

Molecular da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, esta tese de doutorado é

composta por dois artigos científicos completos, redigidos de acordo com as

normas exigidas pela revista científica em que serão publicados, assim sendo:

Juliana Pereira Bravo, Joice Felipes, Daniela Bertolini Zanatta, José Luis da

Conceição Silva & Maria Aparecida Fernandez Mitochondrial control region

sequence of Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Este artigo foi aceito

para publicação na revista Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (ISSN-


Juliana Pereira Bravo, José Luis da Conceição Silva, Roxelle Ethiene Ferreira

Munhoz & Maria Aparecida Fernandez. The application of DNA Barcodes to the

biological study of Diatraea saccharalis. Este artigo será submetido à apreciação

do corpo editorial da revista Neotropical Entomology (ISSN-1678-8052).


Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1974) is a sugarcane borer insect belonging to the

Superfamily Pyralidae that is originally from Central and South America. D. saccharalis

is considered to be an important pest in countries where sugar industries are important

to the economy. The taxonomic relationship of the Superfamily Pyralidae is frequently

discussed among taxonomists. A conservative model maintains that the Superfamily

only includes the family Pyralidae. However, another portion of taxonomists prefer the

separation of the Superfamily into two distinct families: Crambidae and Pyralidae. The

characteristic used in this division is the difference in a hearing structure called the

praecinctorium, which is present in Crambidae and absent in Pyralidae.

There are several reports of the sugarcane borer in morphological studies, but

the molecular characterization of this lepidopteron is unknown. The initiation and

intensification of molecular analysis can support the taxonomic, phylogenetic and

geographic studies of this insect.

The most widely used genetic marker in animals includes variations in the

mitochondrial DNA sequence because it is haploid, easily amplified from variety of taxa

and the sequencing can be easily obtained without cloning. Because it has a high

evolutionary rate, it provides a chance to recover the pattern and time of recent

historical events without an extensive sequencing effort. The mitochondrial DNA

(mtDNA) has been extensively used in studies of phylogenetics, phylogeography,

dynamics and structure of populations and molecular evolution.

In the mtDNA, the control region (CR) has been the object of numerous

functional studies. The partial mtDNA gene sequences are also used for the

characterization invertebrate and vertebrate species and specimens.

The Consortium for the Barcodes of Life (CBOL) was formed by the major natural

history museums, Universities, herbaria and others organizations to undertake the

ambitious project “The Barcodes of Life Initiative”. This initiative supports the use of

barcodes for identifying the estimated 10 million species on the earth. The segment

used has approximately 658 bases pairs of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome C

Oxidase subunit I. It can be used as a central part of a global identification system

because it is easily amplified from a variety of taxa because is a haploid genome, has

inheritance maternal and presents a high evolutionary rate. The sequences of the

barcoding region are obtained from various individuals with a uniform format for

submission, accession and informatics. The sequence data are then used to construct a

relationship between species, and offer a multidisciplinary approach to taxonomy that

includes the morphological, molecular and distributional data essential for the

understanding of biodiversity.

With this aim, two proposals were developed in this work using the mitochondrial

DNA of D. saccharalis: 1. the cloning, sequencing and analysis of the control region

sequence; 2. the determination of the barcode sequence (Cytochrome C Oxidase

subunit I).

In the development of the first proposal the control region of the mitochondrial

genome (mtCR) from D. saccharalis was amplified, cloned and sequenced. This region

has a sequence of 338 nucleotides (93.5% of A/T), less than the amount observed for

lepidopteron Bombyx mori. The analyses showed that the mtCR of D. saccharalis

presents the highest identity, 76%, with Cydia pomonella, a lepidopteron of the

Tortricidae family.

On completion of the second proposal, the barcode sequence of D. saccharalis

was obtained by amplification, cloning and sequencing of a fragment of 424 nucleotides

of the mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase I gene (COI). This sequence showed 99%

homology with sequences of COI in the other organisms of the Crambidae family. This

result helps to clarify the question of whether to divide the Superfamily Pyrolidae into

Crambidae and Pyralidae.

Our results contribute to the knowledge of the mitochondrial genome of Diatraea

saccharalis and provide evidence for the correct taxonomic classification of that




Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1974) é um inseto conhecido popularmente como

broca da cana-de-açúcar pertencente à Superfamília Pyaraloidea, originário das

Américas Central e do Sul. Na fase larval esse lepidóptero é considerado uma praga

agrícola de grande importância para os paises onde a cana-de-açúcar tem grande valor

econômico. As relações taxonômicas da Superfamília Pyrolidae são muito discutidas

entre os taxonomistas. Uma vertente mais conservadora prefere manter a Superfamília

somente com uma família, a Pyralidae. Entretanto outra vertente de taxonomistas

prefere a separação da Superfamília em 2 famílias: a família Crambidae e a Pyralidae,

sendo que a característica utilizada para esta divisão é a diferença na estrutura auditiva

chamada praecinctorium, presente na família Crambidae e ausente na Pyralidae.

São reportados vários estudos morfológicos da broca da cana, entretanto a

caracterização molecular desse lepidóptero é praticamente inexistente. O início e a

intensificação da análise molecular podem auxiliar nas relações taxonômicas,

filogenéticas e geográficas desse inseto.

O marcador genético mais utilizado para animais inclui a variação na seqüência

do DNA mitocondrial, por ser haplóide, fácil de amplificar em vários táxons e o

sequenciamento pode ser facilmente obtido sem a clonagem. Também apresenta uma

alta taxa evolutiva permitindo o reconhecimento dos padrões de mudanças e o tempo

dos eventos históricos recentes sem um amplo esforço de sequenciamento. O DNA

mitochondrial (mtDNA) tem sido extensivamente utilizado em estudos de filogenética,

filogeografia, evolução molecular, dinâmica e estrutura de populações.

No DNA mitochondrial a Região Controle, CR, tem sido objeto de numerosos

estudos funcionais, bem como as seqüências parciais dos genes do mtDNA são

usados também para caracterizar espécies e espécimes de vertebrados e


O Consortium for the Barcodes of Life (CBOL) é formado pelos maiores museus

de história natural, Universidades, herbários e outras organizações com um projeto

ambicioso “The Barcodes of Life Initiative” o qual pretende utilizar códigos de barra

para identificar aproximadamente 10 milhões de espécies da terra. O segmento

utilizado tem aproximadamente 658 pares de bases do gene mitocondrial Citocromo C

Oxidase I, podendo ser usado como uma parte central de um sistema global de

identificação porque este segmento é facilmente amplificado em grande número de

táxons, é haplóide, apresenta herança materna e alta taxa evolutiva. As seqüências

obtidas (barcodes) devem ser em formato uniforme para submissão, acesso e análise

computacional. As seqüências são usadas para construir inter-relações entre as

espécies, permitindo uma abordagem multidisciplinar que inclui a taxonomia

morfológica, molecular e a distribuição de dados é essencial para a compreensão da


Com esse objetivo, neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas duas propostas utilizando

o DNA mitocondrial de D. saccharalis: 1. clonagem, sequenciamento e análise da

seqüência da Região Controle; 2. determinação de seqüência barcodes (Citocromo C

Oxidase subunidade I).

Na elaboração da primeira proposta foi amplificada, clonada e sequenciada a

região controle do genoma mitocondrial (mtCR) de D. saccharalis. Essa região tem

uma seqüência de 338 nucleotídeos (93,5% de A/T), menor que o observado para o

lepidóptero Bombyx mori. As análises realizadas mostraram que o mtCR de D.

saccharalis apresenta a maior identidade, 76%, com Cydia pomonella, um lepidóptero

da família Tortricidae.

Na realização da segunda proposta, foi determinada uma seqüência barcodes

para D. saccharalis a partir da amplificação, clonagem e sequenciamento de um

fragmento de 424 nucleotídeos referente ao gene mitocondrial Citocromo C Oxidase I,

COI. Essa seqüência mostrou homologia de 99% com seqüências de COI de

representantes da família Crambidae. Esse resultado contribui para elucidar o

questionamento sobre a divisão da Superfamília Pyrolidae em famílias Pyralidae e


Nossos resultados contribuem para o conhecimento do genoma mitocondrial de

Diatraea saccharalis bem como fornece elementos para a correta classificação

taxonômica desse lepidóptero.

Mitochondrial control region sequence of Diatraea

saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

Sequence and analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region in the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Juliana Pereira Bravo, Joice Felipes, Daniela Bertolini Zanatta, José Luis da Conceição Silva & Maria Aparecida Fernandez* Departamento de Biologia Celular e Genética, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, 87020-900, Paraná, Brasil


The sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis, is an insect of economic impact for the sugarcane culture once the larvae action can be extremely destructive for plantations, therefore, causing considerable damages to the sugar industries. This study aimed at the sequence and analysis of the mtDNA control region (CR) of this Lepidoptera. Genome PCR amplification was performed using complementary primers to the flanking regions of Bombyx mori CR mitochondrial segment. The sequencing has revealed that the amplified product is 568 bp long, which is smaller than that observed for B. mori (725 bp). Within the amplified segment, a sequence with 338 nucleotides was identified as the control region, which displays a high AT content (93.5%). The D. saccharalis mtDNA CR multiple sequence alignment analysis has shown that this region has high similarity with the Lepidoptera Cydia pomonella.

Key words: mtDNA Control Region; Diatraea saccharalis; Lepidoptera; sugarcane borer

INTRODUCTION A group of several Lepidoptera, primarily Noctuidae, Pyralidae and Crambidae, are key pests in most of the world’s sugar industries. The group includes species that have a long evolutionary association with Saccharum ssp, as well as species that have been spread by humans. There are also many species that have only recently adapted to feeding on cultivated sugarcane (e.g. Diatraea ssp; Lange et al., 2004). Originally from the Asian Southeast, the sugarcane (Saccharum ssp.) is a monocot plant widely spread and economically important in many regions around the world. Thus, in the countries where the sugarcane culture is economically important, the pest of sugarcane, Diatraea saccharalis (Crambidae), is a target of studies involving the biological control; moreover, this insect also attacks several other crops in the Gramineae family including: Zea mays L.; Oryza sativa L. and Sorghum bicolor L. (Reagan & Flynn, 1986). Sugarcane borer larvae damage the plant in several ways reducing total cane biomass, as well as sugar

quantity and quality. They build internal galleries in the sugarcane plants causing direct damages, resulting in apical bud death, weight loss and atrophy. They also cause indirect damages such as contamination by yeasts that produce red rot in the stalks, increasing yield loss in both sugar and alcohol (Macedo & Botelho, 1988). The genetic background of D. saccharalis is still largely unknown. Lange et al., 2004 have reported the partial mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase II gene and 16S rRNA gene sequences of six populations of D. saccharalis. These results have shown that the strains can be divided into two groups: Mexico/South America, and Caribbean/Southern USA. The differences could reflect two dispersals, one to the north and east and one to the south that comes from an original evolution on grasses, perhaps the wild ancestor of maize, in southern Mexico. The increase of the molecular biology characterization of this insect is important for the development of different analyses such as phylogenetic studies. Concerning the assessment of intra and interspecific variations, the analysis of the mitochondrial (mt) noncoding segment called

*Author for correspondence

Control Region (CR) has proven to be a powerful tool due to the high variability than other mitochondrial genome regions (Harrison, 1989; Mirol et al., 2002). The mitochondrial genome of several insect species has been already sequenced (http://amiga.cbmeg.unicamp.br). The complete sequence of mtDNA is already known for some insect species as Drosophila yakuba (Clary & Wolstenholme, 1985), Apis mellifera (Crozier & Crozier, 1993), Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Mitchell et al., 1993), Anopheles gambiae (Beard et al., 1993), Cochliomyia. hominivorax (Lessinger et al., 2000), Bombyx mori (Lee et al., 2000) and Bombyx mandarina (Yukuhiro et al., 2001). The mtDNA CR, called D-loop in vertebrates, has been object of numerous functional studies, which have identified the transcription initiation sites for each strand and the main origin of replication (Clayton, 1982; Chang & Clayton, 1984). Several regulatory sequences have been identified in the CR of the vertebrate’s species and have been shown that this region contains H-strand origin, H-strand promoter, mitochondrial Transcription Factor I, mtTFI binding site, besides and conserved sequence block that are involved in the replication and transcription of mtDNA (Han et al., 2003). The regulatory sequences involved in initiation have not been identified in invertebrates and the role of the CR in the replication initiation process is poorly understood (Saito et al., 2005). The present study aimed at the sequencing and analysis of the mtDNA control region of Diatraea saccharalis. Genome PCR amplification was performed using complementary primers to the mtDNA CR segment flanking regions of Bombyx mori. The sequencing revealed that the amplified product is 568 bp long, which is smaller than that observed for B. mori (725 bp). The mtDNA amplified segment showed a sequence with 338 nucleotides identified as the control region, which displays a high AT content (93.49%). The D. saccharalis CR sequence fragment (568 bp) was compared using BLASTN (NCBI database) which revealed homology with other insect’s mitochondrial sequences, as Bombyx mandarina, Cydia pomonella, and Bombyx mori. The sequences alignment using ClustalW showed greater similarity (76%) with C. pomonella mtDNA CR, which presents T-stretch in the same position of D. saccharalis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS The Lepidoptera D. saccharalis was reared at 22ºC and treated with artificial diet (Hensley & Hammond, 1968). The silk glands of 5º larval instars were dissected under Zeiss stereomicroscopy and stored in eppendorf tubes at -20ºC in isopropyl alcohol. The DNA was extracted as described by Monesi & Paçó-Larson (1998). The PCR amplification was performed using primers based in regions that flank the mtDNA control region segment of Bombyx mori (accession number AF149768) with the forward primer (5´ATAACCGCAACTGCTGGCAC3´) on 12S rRNA gene and reverse primer (5´TTGAGGTATGAGCCCAAAAGC3´) on tRNAMet gene (Figure 1). The set of primers was constructed using FAST-PCR software (version 3.5.30 by Ruslan Kalendar). The reaction was carried out in a 15 µl volume contained 40 ng of template DNA, 12.5 mM of each primer, 2.5 mM of each dNTP, 1X PCR buffer, 1U of Taq DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen) and 0.6 mM of MgCl2. The amplification cycle consisted of an initial denaturation step at 95oC for 10 min, followed by 35 cycles at 94oC for 30s; annealing at 58oC for 40s; extension at 72oC for 1 min and a final 10 min extension step at 72oC using a Mastercycler gradient (Eppendorf). The fragment was separated on 1.5% agarose gels, and the amplified product, with approximately 570 bp long, was cloned into pDrive plasmid (PCR Cloning Kit Qiagen). Two positive clones, pDsCR1 and pDsCR2 were purified using the CTAB method (Del Sal, Manfioletti & Shneider, 1998). The sequencing of both strands was performed using DyEnamic ET Dye Terminator Kit (Amersham Bioscience) in automated DNA sequencer MegaBACE 1000 equipment with forward and reverse M13 vector primers. The consensus sequence, which matches for the two clones, was obtained from forward and reverse sequences aligned with BioEdit (Hall 1999). The sequence reported in this paper has the following GenBank accession number AY818307. The BLASTN version 2.0.8 (Altschul et al., 1997) was used to identify the similar sequences on database. The mtDNA CR nucleotide sequence was aligned using the ClustalW software (Thompson et al., 1994) set to default parameters, on EMBL-EBI website.

Figure 1 - Bombyx mori mtDNA genome map with 15928 base pairs (AF149768), the Control Region (CR) and the

flanking sequences. The grey arrows show the localization of the forward and reverse primers constructed in this work.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The mtDNA CR is particularly difficult to characterize because of its variable sequence and high AT contents, which tend to reduce the number of efficient annealing sites (Junqueira et al., 2004). The presence of a potential origin of replication or regulatory elements, long poly-A and poly-T stretches, fast-evolving primary sequences and structurally instable elements, such as multiple repeats and sequences able to form secondary structures, may increase the technical and methodological difficulties related to access the mtDNA CR sequence data (Azeredo-Espin & Lessinger, 2006). The amplification and sequencing using primers developed for Bombyx mori are functional and efficient to amplify the control region of the D. saccharalis (Figure 1). The mtDNA CR of B. mori is flanked by rRNA gene and tRNAMet. The similar position on D. saccharalis mtDNA genome was essential for the amplification success and primers based on Bombycidae are transferable and reliable to amplify the Crambidae family. The D. saccharalis amplification product was ~ 570 bp long, which is smaller than that observed for B. mori (725 bp). The sequenced fragment from D. saccharalis had 568 bases pairs (AY818307) and the mtDNA CR was identified as composed by 338 bp. In relation to bases composition the sequence obtained for D. saccharalis mt DNA CR presented 93.5% A+T nucleotides (A = 42.4%, C=4.7%, G = 1.8%, T = 51.1%). This region is called A+T rich since it presents between 84-96% of these nucleotides in insects (Zhang & Hewitt, 1994). The BLASTN of the D. saccharalis amplified product indicates homology with Bombyx mori and Chinese Bombyx mandarina among other

Lepidoptera species. For ClustalW alignments, only the mtDNA CR sequences from B. mori (AF149768), B. mandarina (Chinese AY301620; Japanese AB070263) and the apple pest Cydia pomonella (AF527392) were used (Figure 2). The greater identity (76%) was observed between C. pomonella and D. saccharalis mtDNA CR regions. Although the D. saccharalis mtDNA CR size is similar to the one described for most Lepidoptera (Taylor et al., 1993), it was observed that D. saccharalis mtDNA CR is the shortest among the control regions analyzed in this study. Length variation and stretches of repetitive and non-repetitive sequences in Lepidoptera mtDNA CR were described for Epirrita autumnata, which presents a mtDNA CR with 1075 bp (Snall et al., 2002). The mtDNA CR from Bombyx mandarina (Japanese) presents 746 bp, Bombyx mori presents 498 bp, Bombyx mandarina (Chinese) presents 483 bp, Cydia pomonella presents 432 bp and Diatraea saccharalis 338 bp, Figure 2. Sequence variation within the insect’s mtDNA CR can be clustered into three categories: variable number of nucleotides in polynucleotide runs, nucleotide substitutions and insertions/deletions of taxa specific tandem repeats ranging in size from 150 to 750bp. The large mtDNA CR of Japanese B. mandarina may be given its initial sequence composed by AT stretches that is not presented in the other Lepidoptera analyzed in this study. The other variations are composed by nucleotides deletions/insertions, and also in the number and length of the detected conserved regions as described elsewhere (Figure 2, underline; review in Azeredo-Espin & Lessinger, 2006). The control region of D. saccharalis presented one conserved block of long polythymidine stretch (17; Figure 2, bold).

3'5' 159281

srRNA Control region

Repeat region tRNA - Ile tRNA - Gln

tRNA - Met Forward primer Reverse primer

B. mandarina (J) TTTAATGTAATTTTTTTTACATAGATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTACATTAAAATATT 60 B. mandarina (C) ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mori ------------------------------------------------------------ C. pomonella ------------------------------------------------------------ D. saccharalis ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mandarina (J) TATTAATTATTATTATTAATTTAAATATTTAATTTAATATTTTTTTATTAAAATAAATCA 120 B. mandarina (C) ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mori ------------------------------------------------------------ C. pomonella ------------------------------------------------------------ D. saccharalis ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mandarina (J) ATGAATGATTAATTAATAAATAAATTAAATATTTAATGATTATTTAATATTTAAATTTAA 180 B. mandarina (C) ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mori ------------------------------------------------------------ C. pomonella ------------------------------------------------------------ D. saccharalis ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mandarina (J) ATATTAATTGATTAATTATTATTAATTTAAATATTTAATTTAATATTTTTTTATTAAAAT 240 B. mandarina (C) ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mori ------------------------------------------------------------ C. pomonella ------------------------------------------------------------ D. saccharalis ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mandarina (J) AAATCAATGAATGATTAATTAATAAATAAATTAAATATTTAATGATTATTTAATATTTAA 300 B. mandarina (C) ------------------TTATTATTTAA--TGTATATTTAATGATTATTTAATATTTAA 40 B. mori --------ATTTAATGTAATTTTTTTTACATAGATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTATATT--A 50 C. pomonella ------------------------------------------------------------ D. saccharalis ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mandarina (J) ATTTAAATATTAATTGATTAATTATTATTAATTTAAATATTTAATTTAATATTTTTTTAT 360 B. mandarina (C) ATTTAAATATTAATTGATTAATTATTATTAATTTAAATATTTAATTTAATATTTTTTTGT 100 B. mori ATTTATTTATTAATTATT--ATTATTATTAATTTAAATATTTAATTTAATATTTTTTTAT 108 C. pomonella -----------------------------TATACTAAAATTTATATGTAAAATAAATTTT 31 D. saccharalis ------------------------------------------------------------ B. mandarina (J) TAAAATAAATCAATGAATGATTAATTAATAAATAAATTAAATATTTAATG-ATTATTTAA 419 B. mandarina (C) TAAAATAAATCAATGAATGATTAATTAATAAATAAATTAAATATTTAATA-ATTATTTAA 159 B. mori TAAAATAAATCAATAAATGATTAATTAATAAATAAATTAAATATTTAATG-ATTATTTAA 167 C. pomonella TAAAAAATTATTTTAAATCATAAAAAATTTATTTATATAATTTTTTTTTGTATAGATTTT 91 D. saccharalis ------------------TATTTATAATTCACT-----AATTATTTTACA-ATAGGTTTT 36 ** * * * * * ** * *** ** ** B. mandarina (J) TATTTAAATTTAAATATTGATTGATTAATTAATATAAATTATTAAATTTTTAATATTTCT 479 B. mandarina (C) TATTTAAATTTAAATATTGATTGATTAATTAATATAAATTATTAAATTTTTAATATTTCT 219 B. mori TATTTAAATTTAAATATTAATTGATTAATTAATATAAATTATTAAATTTTTAATATTTCT 227 C. pomonella TTTTTTATTTTTTTTAT--ATTAAATATTTAATAATAATAAT-AAATATTAAATAATTTC 148 D. saccharalis TTTTTT--TTTTTTTAT--ATTAAATATTTAATAGAAATTATTAAATATTTAATAGTTTC 92 * *** *** *** *** * ** ****** *** ** **** ** **** ** B. mandarina (J) CTTATTTTT--TTTCTTATAATATTAAGTTTAAATATAAAATCAA-TATTCAACCTATAA 536 B. mandarina (C) CTTATTTTT--TTTCTTATAATATTAAGTTTAAATATAAAATCAA-TATTCAACCTATAA 276 B. mori CTTATTTTT--TTTCTTATAATATTAAGTTTAAATATAAAATCAA-TATTCAACCTATAA 284 C. pomonella TTTTTTTTT--TTATTTATAATATTCATATTAAAAATTACNTTTGCTATTTAAAATTTTA 206 D. saccharalis TCTCTCTCTCGTACTTCATAATATTAAAATTAAAAATTAAATTAATTATAAATCAATTTA 152 * * * * * * ******** * ***** ** * * *** * * * B. mandarina (J) T--ATTCAT-TAAAATAAAAAAAAATTAATATAATTAATATTAATTTTTTAATAATTTAT 593 B. mandarina (C) T--ATTCAT-TAAAATAAAAAAAAATTAATATAATTAATATTAATTTTTTAATAATTTAT 333 B. mori T--ATTCAT-TAAAATAAAAAAAAATTAATATAATTAATATTAATTTTTTAATAATTTAT 341 C. pomonella TTAATTAATGTTCAATATTAAATTTTGAATATTCATATTCATAATTATATAAAAATTTAT 266 D. saccharalis T--ATTAAT--TCAAA--TAAATAATATATTATTAATTTTATAATTA-ATTAAATTATAT 205 * *** ** ** *** * ** * ***** * * * * *** B. mandarina (J) -TATATATATATATATATTAATTATATAAATAATTTATTATATATAAATTTATATAAATA 652 B. mandarina (C) -TATATATATATATATATTAATTATATGAATAATTTATTATATATAAATTTATATAAATA 392 B. mori -TATATATATATATATATTAATTATATAAATAATTTATTATATATAAATTTATATTAATA 400 C. pomonella ATAAATAATAATATAAAAATTTAATTTTAAATATTTATTTATAATTTATTATTATTATTA 326 D. saccharalis TTAATTAAT----TAAGATATTAATAATTAATTAATATTTTATATATATTA--ATTATTA 259 ** ** ** * ** * **** ** *** ** * ** B. mandarina (J) A-ATTAAAAATTTAATATATA---TATATATATATA--AATATTATTCATTTAAAT-TAA 705 B. mandarina (C) A-ATTAAAAATTTAATATATA---TATATATATATATAAGTATTATTTATTTAAAT-TAA 447 B. mori A-ATTAAAAATTTAATATATA---TATATATATATATAAGTATTATTTATTTAAAT-TAA 455 C. pomonella TTATTAAATATTTAATATTAAAATAATATTAAAATAATATTAATAAATATTTAATTATAA 386 D. saccharalis ATATTAATTAATTAA---------ATTATTTATATA-TATATATATATATATA------- 302 ***** * **** *** * *** * ** ** ** B. mandarina (J) TA----ACAAAACCATTGTTAATTTTTTTTCATTAAAAAAGAAAA-- 746 B. mandarina (C) TA----CCAAAACCATTGTTAATTTTTTTTCATTAAAAAA------- 483 B. mori TA----CCAAAACCATTGTTAATTTTTTTTCATTAAAAAAAAAAAAA 498 C. pomonella TATTTTATTAAACCATTTTTAATAATTTTTCTTTAAATATTAAATT- 432 D. saccharalis -----TATTATACCATTTCTAATATTTTTTATTTAAATATA------ 338 * ****** **** ***** ***** *

Figure 2 - The alignment amongst mtDNA CR sequences from Japanese Bombyx mandarina (J), Chinese Bombyx mandarina (C), Bombyx mori, Cydia pomonella, and Diatraea saccharalis. The poly T-stretches is in bold and TA motifs are underlined. C. pomonella and D. saccharalis mtDNA CR showing the greater identity between the sequences analyzed (76%).

Identical motif, with 18 thymidine nucleotides, is presented in the same position by C. pomonella mtDNA CR sequence, but in this Lepidoptera the poly T stretch is separated by an Adenine (Figure 2, bold). Except for Chinese B. mandarina, the Japanese B. mandarina and B. mori contain a long polythymidine stretch, 22 and 18 nucleotides (Figure 2, bold). However, the minimum length of the T-stretch that is indispensable for the mtDNA replication initiation is still unknown (Saito et al., 2005). The length of the T-stretch varies among species of Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera; it is located immediately upstream from the L-strand origin in mammalian mtDNA (Clayton 1982). The precise mapping of the mtDNA replication origin was described for B. mori, Triborium castaneum and four Drosophila analyzed species: D. yakuba, D. obscura, D. albomicans and D. virilis (Saito et al., 2005). The localization of T-stretch is expected also to compose the mtDNA CR replication promoter and can be a structural signal for proteins recognition which is involved in the replication initiation in these species (Brehm et al., 2001). In relation to (TA)n motifs, D. saccharalis mtDNA CR sequence has shown one large stretch (TA)12 (Figure 2, underlined). Two conserved TA motifs were noticed also on B. mandarina (Japanese and Chinese) and B. mori mtDNA CR sequences, but no large TA motifs were observed for C. pomonella. Conserved structural elements have been identified in both hemimetabolous and holometabolous insects, which may reflect the functional importance of these motifs (Schultheis et al., 2002). The analyzed Lepidoptera Control Region demonstrates high nucleotide conservation around the (TA) dinucleotide repeats, which not showed a perfect alignment (Figure 2), because C. pomonella did not show the (TA) dinucleotide repeats on their replication origin sequence. In conclusion, the D. saccharalis mtDNA CR sequence can provide very informative data for genetic variability study among Lepidoptera

species and it can also help the molecular studies regarding this important pest for sugarcane production in Brazil. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. Hélio Conte for provides the biological material. Valmir Peron and Marli L. S. Silva for dedicated technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico – CNPq; Fundação Araucária and The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World –TWAS. RESUMO A broca da cana, Diatraea saccharalis pertence à família dos lepidópteros. A presença da larva pode ser extremamente destrutiva, chegando a inviabilizar a atividade canavieira, causando prejuízos consideráveis à agroindústria sucro-alcooleira. Atualmente a broca da cana vem sendo extinta da plantação por métodos de controle biológico, entretanto a evolução desses programas depende de maiores conhecimentos básicos da biologia molecular deste inseto. O estudo do segmento do genoma mitocondrial denominado região controle é amplamente utilizado em análises genéticas e filogenéticas em insetos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi sequenciar e analisar a região controle do genoma mitocondrial de Diatraea saccharalis. Esse segmento apresentou 338 nucleotídeos, menor que o observado em Bombyx mori, com conteúdo de 93,5% de A/T. As analises realizadas mostraram que Diatraea saccharalis apresenta 76% de similaridade com Cydia pomonella.

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The application of DNA Barcodes to the biological s tudy of Diatraea saccharalis


Corresponding author: Maria Aparecida Fernandez Departamento de Biologia Celular e Genética Universidade Estadual de Maringá Av. Colombo, 5790 87020-900 – Maringá, Paraná, Brasil Phone: 55 (44) 3261 4700 Fax: 55 (44) 3261 4893

The application of DNA barcodes to the biological study of Diatraea saccharalis


MARIA A. FERNANDEZ Juliana Pereira Bravo mail: Departamento de Biologia Celular e Genética Universidade Estadual de Maringá - 87020-900, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil E-mail: jupbravo@gmail.com Call Number: 55 (44) 3261 4700 José Luis da Conceição Silva mail: Departamento de Biologia Celular e Genética Universidade Estadual de Maringá - 87020-900, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil E-mail: jlcsilva@gmail.com Call Number: 55 (44) 3261 4700 Roxelle Ethienne Ferreira Munhoz mail: Departamento de Biologia Celular e Genética Universidade Estadual de Maringá - 87020-900, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil E-mail: roxellemunhoz@gmail.com Call Number: 55 (44) 3261 4700 Maria Aparecida Fernandez mail: Departamento de Biologia Celular e Genética Universidade Estadual de Maringá - 87020-900, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil E-mail: aparecidafernandez@gmail.com Call Number: 55 (44) 3261 4700

The application of DNA barcodes to the biological study of Diatraea saccharalis 1


Aplicação de DNA barcodes para o estudo da biologia de Diatraea saccharalis 2


RESUMO – O Consortium for the Barcodes of Life (CBOL) é formado pelos maiores 4

museus de história natural, Universidades, herbários e outras organizações. O objetivo 5

desse consórcio é desenvolver o projeto ambicioso The Barcodes of Life Initiative o qual 6

pretende utilizar códigos de barra para identificar aproximadamente 10 milhões de espécies 7

da terra. O segmento de DNA utilizado para o barcode tem aproximadamente 658 pares de 8

bases do gene mitocondrial Citocromo C Oxidase I, COI. Esta seqüência é adequada como 9

uma parte central de um sistema global de identificação porque este segmento é facilmente 10

amplificado em grande número de táxons, pertence a um genoma haplóide, apresenta 11

padrão de herança materna e alta taxa evolutiva. As seqüências obtidas (barcodes) são 12

derivadas de indivíduos, tem um formato uniforme para submissão, acesso e análise 13

computacional. É revisada aqui a importância de barcodes para o estudo dos insetos e é 14

reportada a seqüência barcode para Diatraea saccharalis. Esta seqüência tem alta 15

homologia (99%) com barcodes de outros lepidópteros da família Crambidae. As 16

seqüências podem ser usadas para construir inter-relações entre as espécies, permitindo 17

uma abordagem multidisciplinar da taxonomia que inclui dados morfológicos, moleculares 18

e de distribuição, os quais são essenciais para a compreensão da biodiversidade. O barcode 19

de D. saccharalis é uma seqüência original e pode ser utilizada para a análise da biologia 20

deste lepidóptero. 21


PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I, COI, seqüência mitocondrial, 23

barcodes, Lepidoptera, Diatraea saccharalis 24


ABSTRACT – The Consortium for the Barcodes of Life (CBOL) is formed by major 25

natural history museums, universities, herbaria and other organizations. The aim of this 26

consortium is to establish the ambitious “The Barcodes of Life Initiative”, in support of 27

using DNA barcodes to identify each of the estimated 10 million species on earth. The 28

DNA segment used for the barcode is approximately 658 bp of the mitochondrial gene 29

Cytochrome C Oxidase I, COI. This sequence is suitable as a central part of a global 30

identification system because it can easily be amplified from variety of taxa, it is a haploid 31

genome, it displays a maternal pattern of inheritance, and it has a high rate of evolution. 32

The barcode sequences are derived from individual organisms, using a uniform format for 33

submission, accession and informatics. In this review the importance of barcodes for insect 34

studies, and report upon the barcode sequence from Diatraea saccharalis. This sequence 35

had a high level of homology (99%) to the barcode sequence of Lepidoptera from the 36

Crambidae family. The sequence data can then be used to construct relationships between 37

species, allowing a multidisciplinary approach to taxonomy that includes morphological, 38

molecular and distribution data, all of which are essential for the understanding of 39

biodiversity. The D. saccharalis barcode is an original sequence and can also be used to 40

analyze Lepidoptera biology. 41


KEY WORDS: Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I, COI, mitochondrial sequence, barcodes, 43

Lepidoptera, Diatraea saccharalis 44


Analysis of DNA Barcodes 45


A typical metazoan mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genome is composed of a double 47

stranded circular molecule that ranges from approximately 14-39 kb in size. It encodes 13 48

protein coding genes, 2 genes that encode ribosomal RNAs, and 22 genes that encode 49

transfer RNAs (Wolstenholme 1992). It also contains non-coding DNA rich in A-T 50

sequences necessary for the initiation and regulation of transcription and replication (Boore 51

1998). 52

The most widely used genetic markers in animals include variations in the 53

mitochondrial DNA sequence, because it is a haploid genome, it is easily amplified from a 54

variety of taxa, and sequencing can easily be performed without cloning. The high rate of 55

evolution that occurs within the mitochondrial genome allows the pattern and timing of 56

recent historical events to be deduced without extensive sequencing efforts (Husrt & 57

Jiggins 2005). Mitochondrial DNA has been extensively used in studies of phylogenetics, 58

phylogeography, the dynamics and structure of populations, and molecular evolution 59

(Zhang & Heweitt 1997). 60

Hebert et al. 2003 proposed that a universally accessible database of COI barcodes 61

should be constructed. This approach utilizes a fragment of approximately 658 bp of the 62

first half of the mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I gene, named COXI or 63

COI. The use of a common DNA sequence, or set of DNA sequences across a wide range 64

of taxa with a uniform format for the submission, accession, and storage of tissues and 65

information, would greatly enhance the understanding of biodiversity (DeSalle 2006). 66

The Consortium for the Barcodes of Life (CBOL) was launched in May 2004 and 67

includes more than 150 organizations from 45 nations, including universities, departments 68

of biology and molecular biology, natural history museums and herbaria (Fig. 1). The 69


ambitious “Barcodes of Life Initiative” aims to promote the use of barcodes to identify the 70

10 million species on earth Savolainen et al. 2005. 71

Currently, the efficacy of DNA barcoding is assessed using tools established by the 72

CBOL, as outlined on the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) website 73

www.barcodinglife.org. It provides an integrated bioinformatics platform that supports all 74

phases of the analytical pathway, from specimen collection to a highly validated barcode 75

library (Fig. 2; Ratnasingham & Hebert 2007). BOLD was initially developed as an 76

informatics workbench for a single, high volume DNA barcodes facility, and was used for 77

the first major project, which included birds, fish and Lepidoptera. The CBOL 2008, 78

formally described 35.289 species with barcodes, and contained a total of 335.714 barcode 79

records. 80

BOLD employs several tools to identify data anomalies or low quality records. All 81

submitted sequences are first translated into amino acids and are compared against a 82

Hidden Markov Model of the COI protein in order to verify that the sequences are actually 83

derived from COI. Sequences that pass this check are then examined for stop codons and 84

are compared against a small suite of possible contaminants. If any potential errors are 85

detected, the submitter is informed and the sequence is flagged (Ratnasingham & Hebert 86

2007). 87

Barcoding is emerging as a cost-effective standard for rapid species identification 88

and has the potential to accelerate the discovery of new species and improve the quality of 89

taxonomic information. It also makes this novel information readily available to non-90

taxonomists and research projects that are occurring outside major collection centers 91

(Miller et al. 2007). 92

The three main taxonomic applications that DNA barcoding has been previously 93

used in are: 1. the identification of species previously defined by other criteria, including 94


both rapid identification, which might have been made on morphological grounds alone, as 95

well as linking specimens that are unidentifiable by other means to established species; 2. 96

the description of new species by interpreting DNA diversity as an indicator of species 97

diversity; 3. the definition of operational units for ecological studies (Rubinoff et al. 2006). 98

The applicability of COI barcodes to identified species have been demonstrated in a 99

wide variety of organisms, including gastropods (Remigio & Hebert 2004), tropical 100

Lepidoptera (Hajibabaei et al. 2007), blowflies (Nelson et al. 2007), tropical parasitoid 101

flies (Smith et al. 2007), birds (Hebert et al. 2004) and fish (Ward et al. 2005). 102

Traditional morphology-based taxonomic procedures are time consuming and may 103

not always be sufficient for identification at the species level, and therefore a 104

multidisciplinary approach to taxonomy that includes morphological, molecular and 105

distribution data is essential (Krzywinski & Besansky 2003). 106

DNA barcodes have emerged in a critical period for taxonomy. Economic 107

development and increased international commerce are leading to higher extinction rates 108

and the introduction of evasive and pest species (Miller et al. 2007). 109

Long-term research strategies are also required to address the deficiencies in 110

existing taxonomic keys to deal with morphologically indistinct immature life stages, 111

cryptic species and damaged specimens. An approach utilizing DNA barcodes can provide 112

a very realistic, practical and flexible framework for species identification in the context of 113

biosecurity (Armstrong 2005). In Japan, on average four exotic insect species have become 114

established each year over the last 50 years and of these, 74% were economic pests 115

(Kiritani 1998). 116

In addition, smaller fragments (100 bp) of the standard COI barcodes, “mini-117

barcodes,” have been shown to be effective for species identification in samples where the 118

DNA is degraded or in other situations where it is not possible to obtain a full-length 119


barcode. The mini-barcodes can generally provide measures of sequence variability and 120

divergence at similar levels to full barcodes, at both the intra-specific and intra-generic 121

level (Hajibabei et al. 2006). 122

Min & Hickey 2007 suggested that important components of the whole 123

mitochondrial genome can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy from the short 124

barcode sequence alone. These components include average nucleotide composition, 125

patterns of strand asymmetry and a high frequency of codons that encode hydrophobic 126

amino acids. 127

However, there are some issues to consider when using barcodes. There have been 128

technical issues arising from the presence of nuclear integrations of mtDNA. The mtDNA 129

integrated into the nuclear genome may still amplify with conserved primers targeted at 130

mitochondrial DNA, complicating or confounding analysis (Bensasson et al. 2001). Many 131

arthropods carry microorganisms inside their cells and females may transmit these 132

microorganisms to their progeny. Factors such as inter-specific hybridization and infection 133

by maternally transmitted endosymbionts, such as Wolbachia, are now known to cause 134

mitochondrial gene flow between biological species (Hurst et al. 2008). The groups created 135

using mtDNA can differ from the true species cluster, and may also confound 136

interpretation and attempts to reconstruct the phylogeography of a species (Hurst et al. 137

2008). Heteroplasmy could also be a potential problem in mtDNA analysis. Heteroplasmy 138

is the existence of different mitochondrial haplotypes within individuals, and this 139

mitochondrial variability includes both sequence variability and length heteroplasmies due 140

to insertions or deletions. The phenomenon of indels has not previously been addressed by 141

proponents of barcodes (Rubinoff et al. 2006). 142

Ideally, an appropriate marker for barcoding species should display a high level of 143

inter-specific variability (to allow discrimination between closely related species), and 144


should also have lower levels of intra-specific variability (to allow specimens to be 145

accurately assigned to species) (Rach et al. 2008). 146

Cywinska et al. 2006 analyzed the sequence variation in the barcode region of the 147

COI gene in order to test its usefulness in the identification of 37 species of Canadian 148

mosquitoes (Diptera: Calicidae). Specimens from single species formed barcode clusters 149

with tight cohesion that were usually clearly distinct from those of allied species. 150

Min & Hickey 2007 studied the application of barcodes for the classification of 151

unknown fungal species and phylogenetic reconstruction. They used 31 fungal species 152

including 27 Ascomycota, 3 Basidiomycota and 1 Chytridiomycota (outgroup). They 153

showed that short DNA barcodes (600 bp) can be used to separate all of the fungal species 154

studied, and these results were confirmed further in a phylogenetic tree. 155

The COI barcodes for 260 species of North American birds allowed the 156

identification of four potentially novel species, suggesting that a global survey using this 157

method may lead to the recognition of many additional bird species (Hebert et al. 2004). 158


Analysis of Lepidoptera using DNA Barcodes 160


The Consortium established the “All-Leps Barcodes of Life” project because the 162

Lepidoptera are the second most diverse order of insects. There are about 180.000 known 163

species, and it is likely that there are another 300.000 species awaiting description. The 164

initiative involves campaigns upon three geographic scales; Global (Geometridae, 165

Saturniidae and Sphingidae); Continental (North America and Australia) and Regional 166

[Great Smoky Mountains National Park (USA) and Area de Conservación Guanacaste]. 167

All-Leps Barcodes Life 2008, displayed 9698 barcoded Lepidoptera species (Fig. 3). 168


Developing a proposed DNA barcode system for individual species requires 169

adequate initial taxonomic identification and the ability to retain intact specimens for 170

future morphological analysis. Once a division has been identified, returning to such 171

material may yield reliable characteristics that may have previously been regarded as 172

morphological variation within a species. 173

Studies of community structure, food web dynamics, biodiversity, and 174

biomonitoring depend upon the accuracy of species discrimination and identification (Ball 175

& Hebert 2005). These DNA sequence-based hypotheses are then open for testing and may 176

provide the stimulus and starting point for the further taxonomic revision of a particular 177

group (DeSalle 2006). 178

The published studies that provide the basis for the barcodes system may be biased 179

towards exceptional situations. The COI barcodes distinguish more than 95% of species, 180

however some groups are in need of taxonomic revision, and further investigations on 181

many vertebrate and invertebrate groups are required (Ward et al. 2005; Hajibabaei et al. 182

2006). 183

Hajibabaei et al. 2006 obtained COI sequences from 4.260 adults of 184

morphologically defined species of tropical Lepidoptera (hesperiids, sphingids and 185

saturniids) from Area de Conservación Guanacaste in northwest Costa Rica. The majority 186

of the species exhibited low levels of COI sequence variation, whereas some presented 187

sequence diversity that rivaled levels found between very similar species. 97.9% of the 521 188

species examined were unambiguously identified, suggesting that DNA barcoding may be 189

an effective tool for species recognition in tropical settings. 190





Diatraea saccharalis Barcodes 194


The moth borers are a group of diverse Lepidoptera, primarily noctuids and 196

pyraloids, and are important since they are pests in most sugar industries in the world 197

(Lange et al., 2004). Separation of the pyralids from the crambines is one of the more 198

contentious issues in lepidopteran phylogenetics. The more conservative view places all 199

pyraloid subfamilies in one family, the Pyralidae (Fletcher & Nye 1984; Schaffer et al. 200

1996; Holloway et al. 2001). In 1925, Börner first noted that there was a distinct division 201

within this group, and split them into the Pyraliformes and Crambidiformes. In 1985, 202

Minet refined this concept, and placed the pyraloid subfamilies in either the Pyralidae or 203

Crambidae, depending on the presence or absence of a praecinctorium and whether the 204

tympanal organs were medially approximated or well separated. 205

Lange et al. 2004 reported upon the phylogeny of 26 species of sugarcane moth 206

borers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae and Pyraloidea) using mitochondrial partial gene 207

sequences of COII and 16S. The genus Diatraea is monophyletic, but in this study, 208

Diatraea resolves into two main groups, the first contains the centrella, crambiodoides and 209

grandiosella and the other group includes the busckella, rosa and saccharalis. 210

Barcodes may provide a useful tool to resolve this taxonomy problem. The family 211

Crambidae, subfamily Crambinae, has 1416 species with barcodes. The genus Diatraea has 212

13 barcode sequences, 2 Diatraea crambinoides sequences, and 11 Diatraea evanescens 213

sequences, but these sequences are not available in the public domain. 214

Our research group recently described the Diatraea saccharalis mitochondrial 215

control region, CR (Bravo et al. 2008). Sequence analysis demonstrated that this region of 216

the D. saccharalis mitochondrial genome has high similarity with the Lepidoptera Cydia 217


pomonella, but these results did not clarify the taxonomical problem posed by D. 218

saccharalis. 219

The construction of D. saccharalis mtDNA barcodes may provide a tool that could 220

help this study. The first problem that we encountered was a difficulty in amplifying the 221

COI sequence of this Lepidoptera. The primers, which enable amplification of the D. 222

saccharalis COI, were originally developed for use in the nematode Toxocara canis (Sato 223

et al. 2005). The sequence of this amplified product of 424 nucleotides displayed a higher 224

homology (99%) with Lepidoptera from Crambidae family. The ClustalW alignment with 225

some of these sequences exhibited scores between 88% and 84% (Fig. 4). 226

The D. saccharalis barcode is an original sequence and can be used for the analysis 227

of Lepidoptera biology. The result of the alignment shown in Fig. 4 is clear, and suggests 228

that D. saccharalis belongs to a Crambidae family. 229

Barcoding of several D. saccharalis specimens related to other crops, such as 230

maize, sorgo and rice may also contribute to the field, and may also help to finally 231

elucidate this issue. 232

Acknowledgments 233


We thank also Valmir Peron and Marli Licero Schuete Silva for their dedicated 235

technical assistance and the Universidade Estadual de Maringá facilities 236

(COMCAP laboratories). This work was supported by grants from 237

FINEP/Fundação Araucária, Secretaria de Estado da Ciência, Tecnologia e 238

Ensino Superior, SETI, FUNDO PARANÁ and Science and Innovation Santander 239

Banespa 2006 Prize. 240


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Legends 326


Figure 1. The Barcode of Life Data System with the main campaigns. 328

http://www.barcodinglife.org/views/login.php. 329


Figure 2. Barcoding invertebrate. The schematic representation of the fluoxogram for 331

barcode sequence methodology. 332


Figure 3. The 13 Subfamilies of the Crambidae family with species barcoded. 334

http://www.barcodinglife.org/views/taxbrowser.php?taxid=24760 335


Figure 4. ClustalW analysis from mtDNA COI sequences of the Ostrinia Funacalis 337

(NC003368), Ostrinia nubilalis (NC003367), Omphisa fuscidentlis (DQ523228) 338

Paracymoriza naumanniella (AJ852523) and Diatraea saccharalis339


Figure 1- Bravo J. P.


Figure 2- Bravo J. P.


Figure 3- Bravo J.P.