Julie Coupard, LHC Performance Workshop, 25 th September 2014

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Session 8 - Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation LIU Planned Activities Reference : RLIUP Oct.2013 ( indico ) “ Work Effort in the LHC Injector Complex, including Linac4 connection, for the Upgrade Scenarios ” J.B. Lallement & B. Mikulec. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Session 8 - Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation

LIU Planned Activities

Reference : RLIUP Oct.2013 (indico) “Work Effort in the LHC Injector Complex, including Linac4 connection, for the Upgrade Scenarios” J.B. Lallement & B. Mikulec

The baseline LIU installation activities corresponding to both ion and proton upgrades will be described for the whole injector chain. The additional possible installation activities linked to the pending options on which decision will be made during 2015 will also be reviewed. It will be examined whether any of these activities can be anticipated to earlier shutdowns or postponed beyond LS2, emphasising the consequences on beam operation and the preparation and performance reach of the LIU beams for HL-LHC. The corresponding support needed from the various CERN groups together with the required technical expertise will be estimated. Finally, a preliminary LIU installation master schedule will be presented.

Julie Coupard, LHC Performance Workshop, 25th September 2014

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF



• Technical coordination organization – New structure• Schedule beyond LS1• LIU overview• LIU-PSB activities• LIU-PS activities• LIU-SPS activities• LIU-IONs activities• Linac4 Master Plan• Master Schedule of the LIU-Project• Conclusion


LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


Technical coordination organizationNew structure

MandateThe Technical Coordinator of the LHC Injectors Upgrade Project has the following functions:

1. Generate the detailed schedule of the hardware works relative to the LIU project within the assigned time constraints;

2. Plan the necessary manpower and coordinate the different teams in order to set up the logistics and permit the smooth execution of the works;

3. Ensure that the so defined time and manpower planning does not clash with all other concurrent activities potentially involving access to the same zones and/or the same teams;

4. Manage and follow-up the scheduled work during shutdowns and technical stops.extract EDMS 1410283 - LIU-PM-QA-0011


LIU Planning & installation coordination Activity coordinator: J. COUPARD

Deputy coordinator: S. MATAGUEZ

Coordination meeting: bi-monthlyhttps://www.cern.ch/LS1toLS2

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


Configuration Management


Integration Studies


Scheduling & Safety


Technical coordination organizationNew structure


Management of the documentation relative to the machine (Space reservation, Engineering Change Request, Functional Specification, Engineering Specification, Installation Procedure, Tests Procedure etc…)Update of the layout database

Central information of the activities to schedule taking into account the logistic and operational safety aspectsFollow-up of the documentation (Space reservation, Engineering Change Request, Functional Specification, Engineering Specification, Installation Procedure, Tests Procedure etc…)Follow-up of the Non-conformities of installation

Central information of the 3D models between all design office (services, mechanical etc…)Identification of the interferencesNon-conformities of installation


LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


Schedule beyond LS1ref. : JM.Jimenez’s talk on Thursday

Time windows for work in the injectors• YETS 2015-2016 = 10 weeks*• EYETS 2016-2017 = 16 weeks*• YETS 2017-2018 = 10 weeks*• LS2 = 18 months*not including the 2 weeks of xmas break(s)

Real time windows


EDMS 1342322Info: K.Foraz


52 1

LHC x x

Injectors x x o o o o o

PSB rp rp rp rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

PS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

SPS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o


52 1

LHC x x

Injectors x x o o o o o

PSB rp rp rp rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

PS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

SPS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o



5 6 7

12 13 14 15

Q1 Q26 7 8 9 10 113 4 5

Q449 50 51 2



2016 2017

49 50 51 2 3 4YETS EYETSPSB = 4,5 wks PSB = 10.5 wks

PS = 6 wks PS = 12 wks

SPS = 7 wks SPS = 13 wks

1.5wks could be gained for PSB by shifting the stops by 3 weeks in order to have the RP cooling in parallel of the xmas-break

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF



52 1

LHC x x

Injectors x x o o o o o

PSB rp rp rp rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

PS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

SPS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o


52 1

LHC x x

Injectors x x o o o o o

PSB rp rp rp rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

PS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

SPS rp rp rp rp rp x x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o



5 6 7

12 13 14 15

Q1 Q26 7 8 9 10 113 4 5

Q449 50 51 2



2016 2017

49 50 51 2 3 4


LHC x x x x x x t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

Injectors x x x x x x t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t o o o o o

PSB rp rp rp rp rp rp rp rp cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

PS rp rp rp rp rp x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o o o o o o

SPS rp rp rp rp rp x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o


LHC x x x x x x t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

Injectors x x x x x x t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t o o o o o

PSB rp rp rp rp rp rp rp rp cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

PS rp rp rp rp rp x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o

SPS rp rp rp rp rp x cold check-out b b b b b o o o o o


16 17 18


10 11 12

159 10 11 12 13 143 4 5 6 7 852 1 2


2016Q4 Q1

3 4 5 6 7 8


52 1 2

Schedule beyond LS1

Time windows for work in the injectors• YETS 2015-2016 = 10 weeks*• EYETS 2016-2017 = 16 weeks*• YETS 2017-2018 = 10 weeks*• LS2 = 18 months*not including the 2 weeks of xmas break(s)

Real time windows


EDMS 1342322Info: K.Foraz

YETS EYETSPSB = 6 wks PSB = 12 wks

PS = 7 wks PS = 13 wks

SPS = 8 wks SPS = 14 wks

1.5wks could be gained for PSB by shifting the stops by 3 weeks in order to have the RP cooling in parallel of the xmas-break

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU overview



EDMS 990200

• PS consolidation work• PSB LIU• Linac4 connection

• LBE/LBS modification• Linac2 dismantling• Shielding for RP safety aspect

Important interference area which will require

coordination and logistic

PS Complex

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU overview

All activities listed in the presentation are part of the LIU Project.

The consolidation works during LS2 still need to be defined.Ref. : M.Benedikt’s session “Accelerators and non LHC Experiment Areas Consolidation up to LS3”


LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-PSB activitieskey decision dates : G.Rumolo’s talk on Wednesday


Action Description

Magnets modification of main bends (retaining plates, shimming, cooling circuits) --> only for 2 GeV; magnets at injection for Linac4 connection (pure upgrade) + magnets at injection (consolidation); extraction line magnets (partly cons, partly UG)

LL RF injection synchronisation with Linac4 (fibre installation and commissioning); recabling and reprogramming of HW for new cavity control; install new power amplifiers (surface) for the transverse feedback and commissioning

HL RF new RF system to either upgrade the C02 and C04 system or replace it by Finemet cavities. Decision point first quarter of 2015Power converters L4 injection

power converters for the new injection equipment; includes installation of 4 transformers nearby the injection section (for BSW1 magnets)

Power converters ring, extraction & TL

replace PSB Main Power Supply (MPS), integration in the new MPS building and connection to the main magnets; replace power converters in extraction and transfer that cannot operate at 2 GeV

Beam instrumentation new wire scanners; new orbit measurement system; new matching monitor; new BLM system and increased number of BLMs; dedicated instrumentation for the H- injection (camera at stripping foil location, H-/H0 monitor, fast BLMs)

Beam intercepting devices head-tail dumps; H0/H- dumps

Linac4 injection new injection scheme for Linac4; new hardware (distributor, vertical septum, chicane magnets, painting kickers, foil mechanism)

2 GeV extraction and transfer new extraction, recombination and transfer elements for 2 GeV

Vacuum new vacuum valves and new sectorisation for injection area; other work dictated by other WPs; concerns both CONS and UG items

Electrical Systems complete renovation taking into account the new needs (mainly EPC and CV); separation of general services and machine loads for the HV electrical network; work on the electrical switchboards; electrical services needed for the new MPS building

Cooling and Ventilation complete renovation of the system, new cooling capacities, new building for MPSInstallation, Transport and Handling renovate handling equipment to be operational for upgrade work; studies and work for removal of equipment

Civil Engineering new building for MPSCivil Engineering related to Rack and Cable Installation new ducts for the installation of additional cabling; perhaps modifications to accommodate new racks

Interlock Systems new interlocks for Linac4


EDMS 1296785Info: K.Hanke/B.Mikulec

Use of PLAN?

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-PSB activities

EN-EL cabling in 3 shifts/day

From end of beam to beam commissioning ≈ 15 months (including 1.5 month of RP cooling)

Beam commissioning = 3 months


Info: D.Hay LS2 Draft schedule

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-PS activitieskey decision dates : G.Rumolo’s talk on Wednesday


Action Description

Beam Instrumentation Renovation of BWS (including turn-by-turn). New plus faster BLMs. New injction SEMGRID. New IPM

Magnets New vertical correctors and new normal/skew quadrupoles

Transverse damper New power amplifiers

Longitudinal damper Finemet cavity to damp longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities.

Radiation shielding Increase of radiation shielding on top of extr. Septum and rte Goward

Power converters Low energy quadrupoles, orbit correctors, skew quadrupoles/sextupoles.New Power converters for 40-80 MHz cavities

Beam dumps New beam dumps

2 GeV injection New injection septum. New injection extra kicker. New injection magnet bumper. Appropriate new power converters and new instrumentation for the injection septum inlcuded in "Instrumentation" and "Power converters".

RF-HP 10 MHz System renovation baseline, upgrade of feedback amplifiers.

RF-LL New 1-turn delay feedbacks, 10 MHz and 40MHz/80 MHz cavities.

RF-LL Replace existing beam control by fully digital beam control.

Vacuum New vacuum chambers. New electron cloud monitors. Activites for other groups

EDMS 1296785Info: S.Gilardoni

Use of PLAN?

+ consolidation

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-PS activitiesConsolidation work : S.Gilardoni’s talk on Thursday


Info: S.Mataguez LS2 Draft schedule

From end of beam to beam commissioning ≈ 13 months (including 1 month of RP cooling)

Hardware tests + Cold check-out = 1.5 months

From beam to beam = 14.5 months (= ready for beam from PSB)

Beam commissioning = 1.5 months

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-SPS activities

Activities completed during the long shutdown 1


Action Description

Machine interlocks Replace obsolete electromechanical relays with PLC solution compatible with other SPS TL and CERN systems. Better reliability and maintenance, standard supervision and diagnostics

800 MHz upgradeReplacement of analogue control with digital. New 1-turn feedback and feed-forward (essential for beam control) in low level for amplitude and phase stability to remove sensitivity to beam loading. Consolidation of existing power system. Doubling available power (needed to match 200 MHz upgrade)

Improved vacuum sectorisation LSS1

Addition of sector valves around TIDVG and MKP/D, to reduce personnel dose, protect sensitive equipment and reduce pump-down times

Transverse damperMove to dedicated pickups (forced by BI MOPOS upgrade). Improvement of low-level control (digital), essential for delay compensation with new pickups and for scrubbing beams. Move from 120 to 200 MHz local oscillator. Consolidation of damper cables

Upgrade injection damper for ions Low level RF upgrade to make damper work for ions (currently not available for ions at all)

Damper Upgrade transverse damper for ion injection in SPS



LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-SPS activitieskey decision dates : G.Rumolo’s talk on Wednesday


Action Description

Scraper improvement Construction of additional spares and improvements to local shielding

Beam Instrumentation Replacement of obsolete MOPOS electronics, plus new fibre backbone. Replacement of obsolete BLM electronics, using MOPOS fibres. Replacement of wirescanners with new devices. Improvement of BGI, BSRT, IMM and Head-Tail monitors

Improved vacuum sectorisation arcs Reduce length of arc sectors by factor 2, to reduce pumping times. Improved protection against loss of ecloud scrubbing

New TIDVG core Replace present TIDVG core with improved version. Robust against present and future LHC beamsOther kicker impedance reduction Addition of transition pieces in MKD kickers. Serigraphy of MKQ kickers

ZS improvements Improvement of pumping, impedance reduction, improvement of ion trap connections, short-circuiting of anodes200 MHz low level improvement

Consolidation of drivers, cavity controllers, HV power supplies, CV and power couplers. Low-level improvement (replace obsolete system with new digital control)

Extraction protection upgrade Replacement of TSPG4/6 by upgraded versions with better robustness and protection of MSE

200 MHz power upgrade Rearrangement of RF cavities into new configuration with 2 additional 1.4 MW power plants, and 2 extra cavities. Reduce impedance by 15% and double RF voltage to allow operation with very high RF current.

SPS and TI2/TI8 protection devices

Replacement or extenstion of present TCDI system, with more robust collimators and improved protection. Displacement upstream in TI2/8 to reduce losses in LHC injection region.

New wide band transverse damper New intra-bunch damping system in vertical plane to damp instabilities from TMCI or ECI. New external high energy beam dump

New dump block based on TED design in existing beamline, using extraction already in place and new switchign series of magnets. Will allow dumping of high intensity LHC beam during setup.

Replace power supply of MSE septa Replace MSE/T convertors with higher stability versions, possibly with faster pulse,aC coating of vacuum chambers

Coating of all SPS main magnets and drift chambers to supress electron cloud. Coating to be done with chamber inside magnet, in ECA5 workshop.

100 ns rise time kickers for ions Addition of new kicker, thin in-vacuum septum, dump and BI to allow injection of ions with 50 ns rise time.

EDMS 1296785

100 ns rise time kickers Upgrade MKP PFLs, new in-vacuum septum, dump and instrumentation



Info: B.Goddard

Use of PLAN?

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-SPS activities

In addition : EN-EL cabling campaign = 10 months

From end of beam to beam commissioning ≈ 14 months (including 1.5 month of RP cooling)

Hardware tests + Cold check-out = 2.5 months

From beam to beam = 16.5 months (= ready for beam from PS)

Beam commissioning = 1.5 months


Info: D.McFarlane LS2 Draft schedule

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


LIU-IONs activitiesref. M.Bodendorfer’s talk on Wednesday

Maximum of 6 months required for• 100 ns rise time kickers (SPS)• Modification of LBS line (transfer line Linac-PSB)


Action Description

10 Hz Modification of Linac3 and transfer lines to allow injection into LEIR every 100 ms (instead of 200)

LBS New spectrometer line after connection of Linac4 to PSB

LEBT Rematched optics in Low Energy Beam Transport, between source & RFQ

EDMS 1296785

LEIR Dump Dump in extraction channel, allowing to safely and cleanly dump the ion beam when not desired by PS or LHC




Info: D.Mangluki

Use of PLAN?

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


Linac4 – Master PlanLinac4 160MeV beam line


Start of the beam commissioning 160 MeV in March 2016

Half Sector Test• First phase of test in parallel• Second phase of test after (12 weeks)

End of the HST end of August 2016

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


Linac4 – Master PlanLinac4 transfer line + LBE/LBS lines

Connection of Linac4• Dismantling of the HST and installation of the remaining equipment

≈ 5 weeks• Change of the magnet BHZ20• Connection of the Linac4 transfer line (L4T) to BHZ20

≈ 12 weeks• Modification of the LBE measurement line

≈ 12 weeks


LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF


Master Schedule of the LIU Project

Preliminary Master Plan to be detailed by machine and coordinated all together (resource levelling)

First remarks• The PSB upgrade is the critical path of the LIU project in term of workload on site.• Connection of the Linac4 has to be scheduled at the most appropriate time

according to the manpower needs• RP conditions to work in machine area according to beam operation in other has

to be identify (Linac3, dismantling of Linac2?)


Huge workload in all machines


LHC l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x b b b b b b b b b b b o o o o o o o o o o o o

Injectors l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x b b b b b b b b b b b o o o o o o o o o o o o

Linac4 rp l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x b b b b b b o o o o o o o o o x x o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

PSB rp rp rp rp rp rp l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l b b b b b b b b b x x b b b o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

PS rp rp rp rp l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x b b b b b b o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

SPS rp rp rp rp rp rp l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x b b b b b b o o o o o o o o

Linac2 rp rp rp rp partial dismantl ing for L4 connection x x x x

Linac3 rp rp l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x l l l x x

LEIR rp rp l l l l x x x x

July August September January February March April May JuneJuly

2020Q1 Q2

October NovemberDecember January February

2018Q4Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3

JuneMarch NovemberDecember


August September OctoberApril May

LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF



All work activities listed in the scope of the LIU fit in the LS2 time window defined for the injectors but the schedules are very tight with no many margins and shift activities.

Decisions on non priority consolidation works have to take into account the LIU activities.

Additional studies have to be done:• All new cabling request (DIC) need to be done as early as possible in order to estimate the

EN/EL workload and integration.• Evaluation of manpower usage in all CERN complex (LHC, Injectors), mainly for

support/client groups : EN/MME, EN/HE, EN/CV, EN/EL, EN/MEF-SU, TE/VSC• Design and production plan to be defined in order to be coherent with the schedules of

installation• Integration studies to be completed (3D models of infrastructures, general services)• Definition of all works that can be anticipated in YETS and EYETS in order to reduce the

workload for LS2 (i.e. dismantling, decabling …)



LHC Performance Workshop - Session 8 - Julie Coupard EN/MEF
