July 2011 E-News

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Church announcements, news, upcoming events


July 2011

Cowboy Fellowship News

July 2011 E-News

Issue 26

Inside This Edition:

Word From The Pastor

Summertime Summertime!

The Acts Report

Parent Link

Covered Facility Groundbreaking!

Page 2

Word From The Pastor

I really, really, really, LOVE the Bible. In fact I just finished my study for the day in 1 John

and was once again left in awe and amazement by the wisdom, power, and comfort I received

from my time in God’s Holy Word. Sometimes when I am explaining to others why I took the

time to write The Absolute Basics of Christianity, The Living Lamp, and The Modern Day

Disciple someone will ask something like…“why are you so passionate about me reading my

Bible?” My answer is simple, a strong desire for and love of God’s Word is essential to being

an effective disciple of Jesus Christ. Below you will find the top fifteen reasons I LOVE the

Bible. (In no particular order)

Why I LOVE the Bible and you should too!

1. 2 Timothy 3:16–17 NIV All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, re-

buking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be

thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2. Psalms 119:105 NIV Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

3. Romans 15:4 NIV For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us,

so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have


4. Psalms 19:7–8 NIV The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of

the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the LORD are

right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to

the eyes.

5. Hebrews 4:12 NIV For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-

edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges

the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

6. Proverbs 20:27 NIV The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man; it searches

out his inmost being.

7. Psalms 119:24 NIV Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.

8. 1 Peter 1:23–24 NIV For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of im-

perishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 24 For, “All men are like

grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flow-

ers fall,

9. Psalms 119:89 NIV Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.

10. Isaiah 55:10–11 NIV As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not re-

turn to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields

seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my word that goes out from my

mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the

purpose for which I sent it.

11. Proverbs 30:5 NIV “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take

refuge in him.

12, Luke 11:28 NIV He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and

obey it.”

13. Psalms 119:161–162 NIV Rulers persecute me without cause, but my heart trembles

at your word. 162 I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil.

14. Ephesians 6:16–18 NIV In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which

you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salva-

tion and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on

all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and al-

ways keep on praying for all the saints. (It’s my offensive weapon!)

15. Psalms 33:3-7 NIV Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. 4 For

the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. 5 The LORD loves

righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. 6 By the word of the

LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. 7 He gath-

ers the waters of the sea into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses.

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John 15:13

Greater love hath no man than this,

that a man lay down his life

for his friends.

Please continue to pray that all our service men and women will come home safely

and soon. I hope that you will click on the “Send A Letter” link below to send a

letter to a soldier. It means so much to someone so far from home and family. I

post a new soldier (or two) every Monday.

Love in His name,

Sue Johnson ~ Ministry Assistant

Page 4

The Acts Report

We delivered 5 new

box fans to Well-Med

which is a clinic that

caters only to senior

citizens. They will give

those five fans to needy

seniors! Thanks to all

of you at Cowboy Fel-

lowship for allowing

God to work through

you by donating new

and used fan's that will

help the less fortunate

elderly citizens in our

area to keep cooler

during our hot South

Texas summer. Your

generosity helped to

generate two used fans,

13 new fans, two used

window units and one

new window unit.


UNIT # 1 - There was

recently a family who's

house was burnt down.

They needed a window

a/c unit for their new

rental and one of the

two used a/c units that

was donated went to

them. They were not

elderly but in need and

had kids at home. If

you know of an elderly

person or couple who

are on limited income

and could use a fan or

two let us know.

Thanks for your sup-


We also made this

ramp a reality for a

gentleman in the Flo-

resville area who re-

cently had a stroke and

needed a ramp to get

into and out of his

home. Anyone can help

on these projects.

Please let us know if

you want a phone call

the next time we have a

building project.

If you would like to

become a part of

Matthew 25:35

please call

Odis White at

(210) 275-9800

Jerusalem ~ Atascosa County

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Matthew 25:35

Facebook Link

(Must log in to access)

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Quito Update #1 - Today was our first full day in Quito, Ecuador and it was amazing. Our

journey yesterday was smooth except for a delay in Houston for just over an hour. So we did

not arrive in Quito till midnight and it was about 12:40 am before we got through customs,

claimed our luggage, and met up with Amanda. We made it to their house about 1:20 and the

kids were both wide awake and ready to play so we did not actually go to sleep till about

2:30am. Today we went out and looked at the church we will be working on and coordinated

with a few people about supplies and the scope of the work project. While I worked on that

Peter made friends with some of the children who we plan to minister to in the days ahead.

The kids were so nice to Peter and despite a huge age gap they invited him to play soccer with

them while I worked on getting the project set up. It is so cool the way children can play to-

gether and make friends in such a short time. Tonight we ate here with the Castro's and got the

kids in bed by 8:30. We followed that up with some great fellowship time with Larry and

Amanda. Tomorrow the foundation work starts at the church so the concrete will be set and

ready to go when our team arrives Friday. We are also going to get all of the food for the team

and organize a few other things. The weather has been AMAZING!!!! At night the tempera-

ture settles in the low 50's, and today I think the high was around 75! We have not seen much

of the country but the little we have seen is beautiful. Quito is in the Andes and there are

mountains all around us and the scenery is wonderful in any direction you look.

Ends Of The Earth ~ Europe, Asia, & Africa

Page 7 Ends Of The Earth ~ Europe, Asia, & Africa

Quito Update #2 - The rest of the team arrived safe and sound tonight about 11pm. Now it's

time to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow. In the morning we will tour the HCJB

campus in the morning then take the 20 minute drive out to the center of the world (equator).

The team will need a full day to adjust to the 10,500 foot altitude here in Quito then on Sunday

it's full steam ahead. Thanks for all of the prayers!

Things are going great here in Quito we really miss everyone and at the same time can't be-

lieve that our time here is going so fast. The next three days will be spent sharing the gospel

with children from a local slum please pray for us! We are trying to post a video every day so

be sure to keep an eye out for them! You can watch them by following the link below to our

Facebook site... See you soon!

Quito Mission Trip

June 2011

Dear friends and Family: June 3, 2011

A year is almost up on our time in Uganda, and it feels like we’ve just arrived! June 19th will mark the

first anniversary of the day we came, and it seems as though we have just scratched the surface of what

God has for us here. We miss you all, our dear friends and family. We are so, so thankful for your

prayers and your financial support, both of which enable us to be here. From this point we have another

year before our first short (3 month) trip home to visit. Before that happens there is much to do, much to

be. As we reflect back over the year we look at what has been accomplished and where we have fallen

short. We did not anticipate it taking so much time to adjust to simply living here. All the nuances of

living in Kotido have taken its toll, but we feel like we have finally found our groove and are enjoying

life here. Our language learning has come along slowly, but we still trudge along, albeit at a snail’s

pace. The good thing is that we are always moving forward. We have built some great relationships

around town, and that is the thing we are most excited about. We know that the core of what we are

called to do is to build relationships here and glorify God with those relationships. So…here are some

things we’ve been involved in lately that we are excited about.

1. Agape. Cody and I (Kenneth) have been coaching a local soccer team started by Shalom called

“Agape Football Club”. We have been spending 2 hrs a day, 4 to 5 days a week coaching the boys

ages 12 to 18. We have been using this opportunity to disciple the boys and teach them the way of

the cross. It has been great to have so much freedom in the lives of 40 boys. It has been obvious that

this is the first time in most of their lives that anyone has really cared for them and has given thought

to their futures. We let them know that we want to see them follow Christ first and then live their

dreams. We stress hard work, education, integrity, and leadership with Agape. It has been a hum-

bling and gratifying process. Through Agape the local high school has asked us to coach their teams

to major tournaments. I have had the opportunity to coach the girls in the National Girls Soccer

Championships. I had a great time with them. I was excited to able to walk with them as they

learned to handle adversity with integrity and walk with a Christ-like manner when the situation of-

ten seemed to dictate something different.

2. Achuka. As many of you know through following our blog, we took in a little baby named Achuka

when he was a day old. Achuka was born 2 ½ months premature in the village, and his mother died

shortly after giving birth to him. The father brought him to us looking for someone who could take

care of him. The truth is, they did not think he could or would live. He was so small, weighing only

1.3 kg or 2.8 lbs. We took him in, and Kristi has been nursing him since March 5th. He is a big boy

now, weighing in at a whopping 3kg (6.6 lbs) at three months old. Well, it is time for him to go

home now. His dad has 2 more wives who are able to take care of him. The problem is that they

won’t. When we took Achuka in we told the family he was their blessing, their miracle, a baby we

prayed God would use to bring his message to their people, hence the name Moses. Achuka Moses.

The dad loves his son but has competing wives who don’t want to care for a child that is not theirs.

Please pray for Achuka. We believe he is supposed to be with his family, but he needs to be with a

family that loves him. Pray for wisdom.

3. Summer Missionaries. We now have 3 summer missionaries, Kristi’s mom and 2 college girls

from Alabama, Kristen and Nikki. They are here for 2 months and will be helping in a variety of

ways. One of the things we are very excited about is our income generation project for the old wid-

ows in town. Our summer missionaries are going to be working hard towards getting a leathermak-

ing and papermaking enterprise off of the ground. Hopefully it won’t be long until we can write

again to tell you things are off the ground and it’s time to place your orders for leather bound jour-

nals, leather bound bibles, and all sorts of stuff. For now, pray with us that this will truly be a great

opportunity for the helpless women of Kotido to be able to have a hand in their futures.

Page 8

The kids are all doing well in school. Nevaeh and Ezra are trying to finish up first grade and kinder-

garten, and Zion and Rikot are making it through preschool and both have done well with their ABC’s and

numbers. It is a very funny thing to hear Rikot sing the ABC song with her way of pronunciation. Izzy is sim-

ply trying to mess up what everyone else is doing, and Selah is cruising around on the furniture just waiting to

take her first solo steps. Oh, and yes, we have added a new member to our family, GIGGS! Giggs is our 2

month old German Shepherd we just picked up in Kampala. We are hoping he will be a tough guard dog and

huggable kid dog at the same time. He has big expectations. Kristi is doing well managing the home, doing

her Bible storying in the village, and helping deliver food to the ladies in the mercy ministry. She and Misty

are quite the team!

Well, that’s a bit about what is going on these days. Remember, we would love to hear from you. We are

pretty good at responding to emails and answering phone calls. If you call, remember we are eight hours

ahead of you. Periodically we get late night phone calls from someone who forgot (no names mentioned, Lee)

the time difference, but we still answer. We hope you are all well and most importantly serving God wherever

he has you. He is the true lover of our souls and wants to be caught by anyone who will chase after him.

That’s our lives! Write us and let us know about yours. We love you!

Kenneth and Kristi Williams




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Ministry Updates

Ladies Riding Group

July 8th ~ 7:00 PM ~ Cowboy Fellowship Arena ~ $10 per person!

Contact Liz Powell @ 830-426 9391 for more information!

CAM is need of volunteers to help sort incoming donations and straighten

the displays. They are requesting help from Cowboy Fellowship for the week

of July 11-15 but can use volunteers at any time.

The work is in Poteet from 8:00-12:00 Monday thru Friday

Be sure and check out new link on the website for the ENews. For easier accessi-

bility it has been moved to the Media tab on the home page. Just point to the

tab and a drop down menu will come up. Click on E-News and it will take you

straight to our library of Newsletters.

Last month we introduced you to 2 of our Summer

interns, Bethany Woods and Michael Vasquez. Since

then, we have acquired another intern to our staff!

Seth Dumas is spending his summer interning for

Pastor Pete. Seth attends the University of Texas in

Austin majoring in radio, television, film and English. Seth likes to go to the mov-

ies, read, write, and run to name a few. He has attended Cowboy Fellowship since

he was a young boy, as his father Dan is one of the original founders of Cowboy

Fellowship. Seth’s favorite scriptures are Hosea 11:8 and Lamentations 3:21-27.

*The following are reoccurring

events that take place each

week/month at the same time

unless otherwise denoted:

Church Services - Saturday

Night @ 7:00 PM (discontinued

until the Fall) ; Sunday: @ 10:45


Discipleship Classes - Every

Monday - 6:30 PM

Children’s Play Group Every

Tuesday from 10 - 11:30.

CFY R.E.A.L.M. - Every

Wednesday @ 7:00 unless

otherwise noted.

Living Hope - Every Thursday

@ 7 PM Call Paul @

830-570-4301 for more info.

2nd Saturday Clean Up @ 8:00

Breakfast Provided

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Every 3rd Saturday

@ Stage Stop - 8:00 AM

Please Go To Our Website For

Times And More Information!



Of Events

July 2011

Page 11



Sleeping With The Sharks (Children’s



3 Services 10:45 AM Baptisms Potluck


4th of July Office Closed

1st John Bible Study


5 Play Group 10:00 AM

6 CFY 7:00 PM


Living Hope 7:00


Missions Ball Game $7.00

(Family Event)


2nd Saturday Clean Up 8 AM


Services 10:45 Saddle Up After the service!


1st John Bible Study


CFY Camp July 11—15


Play Group 10:00 AM




Living Hope 7:00


16 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast


Services 10:45

Amanda & Jerrod

Carpenter Special Guests


1st John Bible Study


CFY Waco Mission Trip July 18—23

19 Play Group 10:00 AM

Children’s Wildlife Ranch 9 –3





Helping Hands

10:30 AM

Living Hope 7:00




Services 10:45

Progressive Youth Revival


Son Rock Kids (VBS) 6:00—8:30 July 25-29

1st John Bible Study 6:00—7:00


27 28

Helping Hands

10:30 AM

Living Hope 7:00

29 30


As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word,

that you may grow thereby.

1 Peter 2:2

Page 12

Cowboy Fellowship holds

Covered facility Groundbreaking

Several hundred members of the Cowboy Fellowship congregation stepped outside the church

last Sunday to witness a groundbreaking ceremony for their new covered rodeo arena, estimated

at a cost of $2.2 million and covering 82,364 sq. ft. The arena was just a vision as planning

started in 2003. Senior Pastor Pete Pawelek said “Prayerfully, Phase I will be completed in the

late fall.” Plans include Phase I: the metal building with open walls, electrical work and cover.

Bleachers, concession area and restrooms will come later. With smiling faces and full shovels,

those participating in the ceremony are (l-r) Clifton Shearrer (Lay Pastor), Wilson Winn (Lay

Pastor), Scotty Smith (Associate Pastor), Adam Shelburne (Children’s Pastor), Pete Pawelek

(Senior Pastor), Tanner Butkay (Youth Pastor), Bob Hogan (Elder) and Mark Weatherston


Page 13

Left to right with shovels: Mark Weatherston (Elder), Bob Hogan (Elder), Tanner Butkay (Youth Pastor), Pete

Pawelek (Senior Pastor), Adam Shelburne (Children’s Pastor), Scotty Smith (Associate Pastor), Wilson Winn

(Lay Pastor), and Clifton Shearrer (Lay Pastor)

Page 14


The youth group took a trip down to Port Aransas on Saturday June 25th for a time of fellowship and

fun. They enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers from their master chef, Pastor Tanner. It was a day filled

with surfing, sand castle building, beach football, bad foot races and simply lounging in the sun. The

students were able to grow closer as a unit as they prepare for the busy month of July. From July 11-15

the youth group will be traveling to Leaky, TX for Alto Frio Area Youth Camp. From July 18-23 the students

will be traveling to Waco, TX for a World Changer’s mission trip where they’ll be working on construction

sites and in communities around Waco. Please be in prayer as our students grow in the Lord and serve

Him in the upcoming weeks.

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