July 3, 2006

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  • 8/4/2019 July 3, 2006


    Dictation onMonday, July 3, 20069:30 a.m.First Presidency Home in ColoradoI am here to do the will of my father and thus Heavenly Father, yearning for father's prayers andall the prayers of the Prophets to be answered in regard to the redemption of Zion. We are livingin the establishment of the Millennial Reign of peace through the establishment of Zion in ourhearts and characters and the power of the Priesthood on earth, being established through thepowers of heaven coming forth. And I bear witness, seeking the Lord's Spirit to attend me, thatGod, the Prophets, particularly my father are near guiding this work. I thank the Lord for thedaily heavenly sessions, the flow of revelation. The Lord has appointed gathering throughordinances to be performed during tomorrow and trainings to be given to the families at BrotherWendell Nielsen and Brother Merril Jessop and marriages to be performed.The Lord showed me in vision this morning the awful condition of those who fall away from thePriesthood, how our enemies intend to bring in the Negro race, and especially the Negro womento mingle among our people and to rule over our people in their government official capacities,even to the degree that our people can only be fed and receive clothing if they give in to thesecompromises, becoming social, mingling, and being sexual with the Negro race, trying to get ourPriesthood people to be absorbed into the world. I even saw what will happen to Zion's Camp,their delighting in the things of the world, and socializing and mingling for selfish pleasure, howthey would get comfortable among the world, and in these visions the world was depicted as theNegro race in our connections the influence among the people. I saw this terrible darknesscoming over the Priesthood people of their own compromise and wickedness, no longer beingPriesthood. I witnessed this vision of gratitude that the Lord is intervening, having me standfirm, go into hiding and even the gathering to the lands of refuge taking place for the sake of thework of God and all of mankind being blessed through the establishment of Zion. I saw whatwould happen to us if the Lord doesn't intervene and send His judgments.I am yearning unto Heavenly Father to prepare the way, fight the battles for Zion, do not let therebe a complete falling away. Bring forth those through this gathering who will be Zion.Forgiving all men and women does not mean tolerate evil in our lives. We leave judgment toGod and we become strict in coming out of the world by cleaving unto righteousness, obedienceto God and Priesthood, living the Celestial Law.Oh I do not want the world, yet we are called on to be disguised among the world. We must notpartake of the Spirit of the world or delight in their ways. Once a person starts being curious anddelighting in the ways of the world, they partake of the spirit of the world which is adultery,murder and death. There will be a people prepared.May the Lord bless the brethren traveling this day to accomplish this work, I pray in the name ofJesus Christ, amen. End dictation for now. I have been in the heavenly session since 10:30 p.m.last night until now - a most marvelous experience. I continually feel overwhelmed, oftencannot move. The Lord spares my life and in training acknowledge this great truth. Each day Ihave this hope to go through this experience and be renewed to carry on, and yet only the Lordcan comprehend what I am going through. I am so willing. May He continue to hasten thequickening, transfiguration, translation, purifying power upon this weak son to do father's will,thus the will of God, remaining on earth, and yet yearning to dwell in the presence of God as Hewills until the Lord sees the work is complete. I want to stay and see this work through to

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    completion, yearning to be in the New Jerusalem and help with the temple, willing to be thatsacrifice. I am willing to be that sacrifice for the redemption ofZion. I sacrifice required daily,increasingly, preparing for greater sacrifice. How I yearn that will have quorums of heavenlywives to assist, especially in sacred places. I need spiritually minded wives, not earthly satisfiedwives. In all their satisfaction it is a heavenly joy increasing within them in their earthly duties offeeling the heavenly fire, be gathered up, prepare them, purify them, and they be sensitive to thepresence of God and the angels with the heavenly gifts. I yearn for these heavenly wives to comeforth. May they have a place in this establishing Zion and the knowledge of God given them toplant that knowledge in the new generation of children who will be raised in the knowledge ofGod. 0 may they prepare. I ask the Lord to preserve my father's family and my family for thismission. We must be awake to the spiritual growth, be spiritually minded, being quiet andlearning that Spirit of God to earn the Spirit of God. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.End dictation about 9:40 a.m. in the morning.


  • 8/4/2019 July 3, 2006


    Dictation onMonday, July 3, 200610:23 p.m.At the First Presidency Home in ColoradoI seek unto the Lord for His Spirit to be with me and guide this record to be kept. My lastdictation was this morning as I was coming out of the heavenly session. I was shown that Ishould leave Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. from this house in hiding and go to the Lee Steedhouse in hiding and take care of the marriages appointed. I was also shown that I must warnBishop William E. Jessop that there is a traitor trying to get very close to him and his counselorswho is seeking our destruction, and also that we should not use Mormon Jessop his stepsonthrough Margaret until the Lord revealed his heart.I was able to call Brother Wendell and Brother Merril in their travels through the day. And alsoLeRoy Steed and Allan Keate traveling together and arranged their connection with Seth Allred.I read through the Wendell Nielsen family letters most of them through the day. I organized theladies to do their job in taking care of the First Presidency. I took time to read through therevelations concerning the quorum of the First Presidency traveling to teach the saints, and howthis quorum must be fervently one. My heart rejoiced to realize that even the houses in hidingwas a great step of the redemption of Zion being accomplished by providing safe places from theLord for final preparation for those who can be gathered to the lands of refuge. Short Creek isunder great attack and there is a falling away taking place.I was able to call William E. Jessop and warn him. I called him at around 2:00 p.m. until around3 :00 p.m. I talked to him about a traitor who is getting close to he and his counselors. And Inamed some men that he should beware of. I named Dan Jessop Sr., Kendall Johnson Sr. Iwarned him about his son, Mormon Steed Jessop. I told him the story of Wendell MusserJohnson falling away and how he voiced a connection with Mormon Jessop. The Bishop thentold me that Mormon was right at his house in hiding and he had just driven Aunt Martha Jessopto the house to deliver a child and asked ifhe should drive her back. I said, "No. Let us beexact. Do not use that man anymore until the Lord reveals his state and standing, but you can askhim ifhe has had any connections with Wendell Musser Johnson." I gave him a training oncutting off his connections with Short Creek and not supply the houses in hiding from ShortCreek at all. I asked him who else he was using. He said that Hyrum Jessop and Jared Jessop,Uncle Fred 's sons had been to the house in hiding and done some errands. He had purchasedsome things through Leroy Timpson Johnson, his blood brother. I asked him if Mormon haddriven any of the family, especially the girls back and forth. He said, "Yes, Ruleen was presentwhen some of his ladies were driven. I told him that Wendell Musser Johnson said he wasconnecting with another lady. I was yearning that none of William Jessop's dominion had thathappening among them.I told Brother William that he may have to be moved, live somewhere else just to be safe, thatsomeone was getting close who would betray him.Then I arranged that he would meet me at a certain place in Canyon City and drive me toward theLee Steed home in hiding, appointing he, the Bishop, and also his counselor Nathan Jessop to bethere. I did not tell him that the First Presidency would be with me. And I did not tell himanymore details. I just said I need to show up unannounced.I thank the Lord for this training and warning for him. I am yearning that Brother William willbe preserved and not taken by the enemy and not harmed. It was very interesting the last few

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    days, every time I tried to call Brother William's phone at his house in hiding, it would notanswer, but when I had the phone answer just talk to him it worked. When I tried to talk to him,it would not answer. Finally I had to send Nathan Jessop to go get him, drive away from hishouse and talk to me, then the phones worked. I told him I acknowledged the Lord in all things,that He is protecting our phone calls. I also told him there will be many traitors as thehalfhearted fall away. I gave him the training that he needed to have greater discernment, he andhis counselors needed greater discernment of the Spirit of God. Even though men or women maynot intentionally betray us, because they trust people the Lord does not trust, they speak to peoplewhom we don't know, they could betray us. I also told him that within two days, Lee Steedshould get rid of that house in hiding that Wendell Musser Johnson stayed at and just turn it backto the previous owner and that we would let go of any monies we invested in it. I ask the Lord toopen up the way that Lee Steed's name can get off that house and not be connected at all.I did call the Alma Musser house in hiding, gave a little training, intending to call this evening,but I was too busy. My family must overcome their selfishness, even many of their questions intheir phone calls are for selfishness and not what they can do to bless more. I must give atraining that this is one reason they were attacked at that house in hiding and had to move away.Brother Wendell Nielsen and Brother Merril Jessop arrived at the house in hiding at 7:30 p.m.After they changed out of their disguise clothes we had dinner prayer and dinner. Then around8:30 p.m., the quorum of the First Presidency met at this house in hiding until around 9:30 p.m.That meeting was recorded. I told them of the present mission in fulfilling the revelation that theFirst Presidency would travel and meet the saints. I told them each of them would be receivingtwo wives. I told them we would be visiting their houses in hiding unannounced. I thank theLord for this mission.I am seeking of the Lord to know if I can travel in my suit where we do not have to get out of thecar. I seek of the Lord to protect us. We will travel from southern Colorado all the way over tonorthern Colorado tomorrow.I handed Brother Merril a disk of training where I recorded giving a message to the caretakers athis houses in hiding. I gave a separate disk of training to the caretakers at Wendell Nielsen'shouses in hiding to Brother Wendell. They are listening to it now.I felt impressed through the day to get some oxygen here for Brother Merril at this high altitudeof eighty-eight hundred feet above sea level. I arranged for the Bishop to send an oxygen tank. Itarrived here in time for Brother Merril to use it tonight.The First Presidency had a dedication circle prayer of oneness, dedicating the Kingdom of Godunto the Lord and this present mission seeking His protection, in the gathering of our familiesand the faithful of the Priesthood people. I emphasized in this First Presidency meeting that ourfamilies needed to be gathered with us on the lands of refuge. I explained how we already wouldhave been scattered, driven, killed, absorbed into the world and destroyed if the lands of refugeand the houses in hiding were not established. We should thank the Lord with great joy for theseblessings.I did take time to read through the revelations concerning the First Presidency and our missiontogether in traveling and also exerting a perfect diligence and a fervent oneness to draw from theheavens the greater light.I told the brethren we would have breakfast at 5:30 a.m. in the morning unless I was notavailable. If I am not out and about stay in their areas praying for me. I have instructed theladies have breakfast ready before 5:30 a.m.

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    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. The Lord and father are guiding us still; the ProphetJoseph Smith. Oh may they not hold back the atonement required for these blessings and travelsto be in safety tomorrow. It is marvelous that we are traveling among our enemies right whenthey are so fervently looking for us to destroy us. I acknowledge the Lord with rejoicing in all ofthis. Only the power ofGod can preserve us, establish Zion.May the Lord touch the people's hearts who hear the trainings. May He grant us the spirit of ourcalling, give testimony to everyone concerning the ordinances. Praise God from whom allblessings flow. Thank the Lord that He warns us, and I ask the Lord to show us who the traitorsare, who we cannot trust and also those show us who we can use and trust. End dictation at10:45 p.m.