June 16, 2012

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After years of house arrestand isolation, Suu Kyi arrivedto a rapturous welcome on aEurope tour that followssweeping change in her home-land, where a former militaryjunta has promised to follow apath to democracy.

OSLO (AFP) - Myanmardemocracy champion AungSan Suu Kyi yesterday saidher country was at the start ofthe road to reconciliation asshe arrived in Norway to fi-nally give her Nobel PeacePrize speech.

institutions, or RHI.

Continued on page 5

man of the Board ofCARPHA, Dr JeromeWalcott, Interim Direc-tor, along with boardmembers Dr EdwardGreene, Special Advi-sor, Dr Robert Lee,Public Health Special-ist, Dr. Berna detteTheodore-Gandhi andDr. Rudolph Cum-mings.

Proposed in 2004,and agreed upon byheads of Caribbean na-tions in 2010, specifi-cally the 15 membernations of CARICOM,(Ca ri bbean Commu-nity Secre tariat) CARPHAwill replace and build on thework of the Caribbean Com-munity’s five regional health

Since Monday evening, dailyworkshops and lectures onestablishing national pro-grams to combat childhoodobesity have been takingplace at the Westin Resort inPalm Beach in preparationfor the officially opening ofthe second Pan Ame - ricanConference on Obesity,PACO II, conducted yester-day and today.

The huge gathering of im-portant figures in Caribbeanhealth administration facili-tated a summit conference ofthe board members of theCaribbean Public HealthAgency (CARPHA) resultingin the encouraging announce-ment that many issues werediscussed and resolved dur-ing said conferences. Boardmembers delivered the newsthat CARPHA will officiallybegin operations in January1, 2013, well ahead of theiroriginally projected date in2014.

Aruba’s Minister of PublicHealth and Sport, Dr. RichardVisser, introduced the Chair-

Saturday, June 16, 2012

CARPHA announces results ofsummit meeting on Aruba

Concrete plans for new school building

in Montaña announced

See coverage on page 2

Dr Jerome Walcott

Carpha Board members with Minister Visser

Suu Kyi says Myanmar on road

to reconciliation

locate some of the personnel toschool libraries. For example,some went to the ColegioArubano library. They were un-able to offer the usual libraryservices because of the lack ofspace both for the public andfor their own personnel. Thecollection of books for adultshad to be stored in a warehousewhere, unfortunately, they suf-fered mildew, dust and mothda mage. Many of these booksare no longer usable and willhave to be taken out of circula-tion. The Minister of Educationhas allocated a sum of moneyfor the purchase of new booksthis year. Future:

The Library plans on mo -ving back very soon and hopesto be fully operational again byAugust, or perhaps a bitsooner. Several meetings arebeing planned with librariansand other personnel to ensurethat everything proceed orga -nized and according to plan,according to Astrid Britten.Special activities are in theworks in connection with there-opening of the Library.They have also begun work onthis year’s 20th edition of thepopular annual Festival ofChildren’s Books.

Reportedly, the governmentis planning to build and orga -nize multifunctional facilitiesin the different barrios. Themajority of these facilities willbe annexed to existing auxi -liary Government Bureaus andothers will be housed in reno-vated government buildings.These multifunctional facilitieswill include library services,such as borrowing books, studyhall and Computer areas withinternet access. This, accordingto Astrid Britten, will be a verypositive development for thework of the Public Library onAruba. The first of these facili-ties is expected to be opened inNoord at the beginning of nextyear after which the other dis-tricts will follow.

cause of the temporary closureof the library during the pastyear and a half. Library per-sonnel are looking forward toresuming these services andeven improving them.

They are dedicated to bring-ing all the services up to thehighest level and to orga nizeeverything in the most efficientmanner possible to ensure thatthey can run a smooth opera-tion. Library users have beencomplaining about the closureof the Library and of the lackof library services in Oranjes-tad. But, according to LibraryDirector, Astrid Britten, we arepleased to announce that li-brary services will be resumedvery soon.Services:

During the past one and ahalf year they were able tomaintain partial service throughthe branches in San Nicolaasand the Arubiana Department inthe Bachstraat. They had to re-

Several days ago a group ofour librarians visited the pre -mises of the Public Library inthe George Madurostraat. Thepurpose of their visit was tosee how the renovation workwas progressing on the buil -ding. They were delighted tosee that the work is quicklynearing completion. The BO-HAMA construction companyintends to complete their workand turn over the building verysoon. Then follows the tediouswork of moving, reorganizingand setting up the interior forbusiness as usual.

Considering that the build-ing was closed on September9, 2010, the renovation took anawfully long time and for dif-ferent reasons. Among the rea-sons for the more than 1.5years of renovation, was thelong Public Tender process.

Library services to the pub-lic became considerably less tothe Oranjestad community be-

Renovation of Aruba’s PublicLibrary in its final phase

be built in Noord. All in allthese projects are an effort toimprove the overall Arubaproduct, according to Sevinger.

Although the list of projectsis long, the government is con-vinced that they will completeall within the time span theyhave reckoned on while main-taining excellent quality. Theywill be projects that we can allbe proud of says Sevinger. Inthe same way we want to have5-star hotels, we must alsowork for 5-star schools, 5-starinfrastructure, 5-star senior ci -tizens’ homes, and 5-star bar-rios. This, in essence, is thegovernment’s golden slogan,according to Minister Se vinger!

This past week the governmentand SOGA (Stichting On-roerend Goed Aruba) signedan MOU for the realization ofbuilding a new school edificefor MAVO-HAVO-VWO.

The Minister of Infrastruc-ture indicated at the signingthat they are now approachingsome 84 projects with whichthe government is currently oc-cupied. They have focused onsix lines of projects. The firstline, according to MinisterSevinger is the revitalization ofOranjestad – San Nicolaaswhich involves projects of bigand positive changes. The nextline of projects is the barrios. Atotal of 24 barrios will be im-proved.

The next focus is the expan-sion and renovation of theHospital which is about tobegin soon. Following are theinfrastructure, roads, the ringhighway and the Green Corri-dor. Finally on the list areschools which are under goingmajor restorations.

Already the La Salle Col-lege, St. Dominicus College,and the Abraham de VeerSchool are being renovated.The Santa Anna School isready to be renovated. Thenew MAVO-HAVO-VWOschool to be constructed will

2 Saturday, June 16, 2012

Concrete plans for newschool building in Montaña announced

L.-r. Minister of Education Arthur Dowers, Prime MinisterMike Eman and Minister of Infrastructure Benny Sevinger.

ORANJESTAD -- The staffof the Public National Li-brary is pleased to announcethat the renovation of thebuilding in the GeorgeMadurostraat is quicklynearing completion. Thecontracting company BO-HAMA intends to turn overthe renovated building onthe 18th of June. Immedi-ately after receiving thebuilding, the process ofmoving and re-organizingand setting up the interiorwill begin in earnest.

On Friday they beganpacking the youth collec-tion, cabinets, chairs and ta-bles and other articles for the

move back to the GeorgeMadurostraat.

For this reason, the chil-dren’s section of the library,temporarily housed in theBachstraat, was closed as ofyesterday, Friday 14th. Theyouth section of the Libraryin San Nicolaas and the Aru-biana Department will re-main open as usual.

Parents could have se-lected books together withtheir children up to Thursdayso that children could havereading material for the nextfew weeks. The exact re-opening day will be an-nounced later.

Youth section of PublicLibrary closed for moving

will be making 8 additional callsduring the 2013 off season withtheir ‘Jewel of the Seas’ shipwith a capacity of 2100 passen-gers.

The minister is also in con-versation with Pullman Tours tomake concrete an agreementwith them to call on Aruba dur-ing our low season next year.That would be in addition to the100.000 confirmed visitors forthe 2013 off season. These num-bers represent more than 17 mil-lion extra income for the eco -nomy of our island. In additionto these numbers, we must alsofigure in the ships crews, whichmay vary between 500 to 1000persons, who also come off theship to visit the island and con-tribute to the island’s economy.

hence the reason to change to alarger vessel. As of Novemberthis year, Carnival’s newest shipwill begin calling on our port.This is Carnival Breeze with its3.700 passenger capacity.

This means that CarnivalCruises alone will bring morethan 40 thousand visitors duringour off season, which will defi-nitely be positive for our econ-omy. A recent survey conductedby the University of Aruba indi-cated that cruise tourists spendan average of 135 to 170 dollarsduring their stop on Aruba.

According to the Minister ofTourism, for the 2013 off seasonthere is a confirmed 100.000cruise visitors expected onAruba! Royal Caribbean CruiseLines also announced that they

ORANJESTAD -- Last Thurs-day Aruba’s Minister of Tou -rism held a productive meetingwith Carnival Cruise Lineswhere it was announced that anadditional 12 ships will call hereduring the 2013 off season anda total of 29 ships for the entireyear. This is most certainly goodnews for the development of ourcruise industry and is a reflec-tion of the excellent work ofAPA, ATA, and the Cruse Com-mission of the Ministry ofTourism.

Carnival Cruises have de-cided to change their Freedomship for Valor which is a muchbigger vessel with a capacity for3000 passengers. During 2012the cruises to Aruba were allpractically 100% sold out,

Saturday, June 16, 2012 3

Good news…Aruba’s 2013 off season looks

forward to over 100.000 cruise visitors

arrested by Aruban police justthree days after Gardner’s dis-appearance, but never charged.

Richard Forester, Gardner’sboyfriend at the time of herdisappearance, called the law-suit “disgusting.”

Nobody knows whether sheis dead or not,” Forester said.“It goes to Giordano’s charac-ter … he is just trying to makemoney off of this.”

Forester said he was origi-nally told the benefit was $1.5million, though Giordano isseeking $2 million morethrough the suit.

The lawsuit said the $3.5million was the “full deathbenefit,” and Gardner was a“covered person” in the policy.

The two-count suit seeksthe full death benefit as well asadditional damages.

-- Gary Giordano is suingChicago-based AmEx Assur-ance Company for the $3.5million benefit, which he con-tends in a suit filed in CookCounty Circuit Court was partof a travel insurance policy hetook out before his trip toAruba with Robyn Lynn Gard-ner.

Gardner, 36, of Maryland,has been missing since Aug. 2,2011, and Giordano reportedher disappearance to AmExtwo days later, according to thesuit. Gardner is presumed to bedead.

The suit claims Giordanopaid the premiums on the in-surance policy.

Giordano told authoritiesGardner disappeared whilesnorkeling near Baby Beach,in San Nicolas, Aruba. He was

ing this year's AIFF" com-mented the festival co-founder and ExecutiveProducer Jonathan Vieira."Such individuals enhancethe festival's reputation andprovide great input on mak-ing it even better."

4 Saturday, June 16, 2012

editor of Smash Hits Magazineto return to The Sun in 2002 tobecome their youngest colum-nist.

Jones has been twice nomi-nated for the UK PressGazette Young Journalist ofthe Year Award and has beendescribed as "the brightestyoung female voice in Britain"and the “Most Brilliant YoungVoice” of England.

Jones will be on Arubaalong with more than 125 in-ternational press members whowill enjoy not only the diverseevents of the film festival, butwill discover the best Arubahas to offer in the way of ac-commodations, dining, enter-tainment and nightlife. Festivalorganizers look forward tobeing hosts to the visitingmedia and sharing with themAruba's many assets.

One of the most respectednamed in entertainment jour-nalism, Emma Jones, reportingfor the prestigious BBC newsservice, has confirmed she willbe attending the 3rd annualAruba International Film Fes-tival.

A veteran journalist cover-ing entertainment to hardnews, she has worked for sev-eral English papers over theyears, including the SundayMirror, The Mail on Sunday,and The Sun. She did a stint as

Emma Jones of the BBC will

be on island for the Aruba

International Film Festival

Emma Jones

Lyons has been featured onAccess Hollywood and hasworked as a segment pro-ducer on the nationally syn-dicated Hip-Hop Nation.

Lyons is now a corre-spondent for NBC Extra,frequently contributing toGood Morning Americasince 2010. He hosted the5th annual HollyShorts FilmFestival (HSFF) openingnight celebration in 2009,and was described as "one ofthe sharpest correspondentsin the industry today" byHollyShorts festival organiz-ers Theo Dumont and DanielSol.

"We are extremely pleasedto have a media personalityof Ben Lyons' stature attend-

The third edition of the AIFFis proud to announce thatamong the more then 147 for-eign press members con-firmed to attend this year'sfestival is noted film critic,commentator and entertain-ment journalist Ben Lyons ofNBC Extra. He is the son ofNBC film and theater criticJeffrey Lyons.

Ben is a veteran of suchevents as the AIFF, and wasfeatured host in segments onvarious red carpets and filmfestivals for The Daily 10 onE! Entertainment televisionfrom 2006, becoming theirresident film critic and inter-viewer until earlier this year.He also wrote the E! onlinecolumn "The Lyons Den."

Aruba International Film Festivalto welcome Ben Lyons of NBC Extra

Ben Lyons.

Man denied death benefitafter 2011 disappearanceof companion in Aruba

ORANjEsTAD--Aruba PortsAuthority strongly believesthat corporate leaders todayhave a responsibility that goesbeyond simply expounding onthe particular trends in theirparticular industries.

“We have an opportunity tomake clear, in our words aswell as our actions, what wehave always known to be true:that management serves at thebenefit of our shareholders,our customers, and our em-ployees.

“We believe that a success-ful company is one which notonly increases profits by main-taining the highest standards,but one which increases socialvalue at the same time—andthat more and more sharehold-ers, customers, partners andemployees will begin reward-ing companies that fuel socialchange through business initia-tives.

“Through our PlatinumMembership of the FloridaCaribbean Cruise Association(FCCA), the Aruba Ports Au-thority requested and receiveda substantial donation for ArcoIris Kleuter school. The build-ing that houses the primary ed-ucational institution, previous -ly Margriet school and Beatrixschool, will be 60 sixty yearsold in 2013, we are thereforemaking this donation availablefor the maintenance of thestructure which accommodatesover two hundred children andeducators.

“We are convinced that bypulling together our resources,our knowledge and our exper -tise like we have done here wecan make a difference in oursociety. We are committed toleveraging our ability to im-prove the lives of people inAruba,” an APA spokespersonsaid.

emergencies and to act as akey entity in providing forsolidarity in health of the re-gion.”

The CARPAH website:http://www.carpha.org/ pro-vides full information of itsintended purpose and part-ners throughout the region;through the website organiza-tions and individuals can“join the team.”

by Rosalie Klein

dling among dozens of otherissues.

The CARPHA agenda issupported by the Pan Ameri-can Health Organization,(PAHO) and the WorldHealth Organization (WHO.)The official CARPHA mis-sion statement is “The provi-sion of strategic direction inanalyzing, defining and re-sponding to public health pri-orities of the membercountries so as to prevent dis-ease, promote health and torespond to public health

Aruba.Dr. Walcott and Dr.

Greene explained the advan-tages of such an organizationfor better health care for theall the region through moreefficient information sharingand regulation over variousissues. CARPHA would notonly benefit the inhabitants ofthe region, but the millions ofvacationers traveling to theislands annually, as theywould regulate water purifi-cation and set standards, aswell as regulate food han-

They include: Caribbean Epi-demiology Centre (CAREC),the Caribbean EnvironmentalHealth Institute (CEHI), theCaribbean Food and Nutri-tion Institute (CFNI), theCaribbean Health ResearchCentre (CHRC) and theCaribbean Research andDrug Treatment Laboratory(CRDTL). CARPHA will beheadquartered in Trinidadand Tobago. This week’ssummit also decided on pro-visions for non-CARICOMCaribbean nations, such as

Saturday, June 16, 2012 5

CARPHA announces results of summit meeting on ArubaContinued from page 1

APA N.V. pullsresources tomake a differencein our community

Another official in Cu-ruguaty earlier said as many as80 people had been injured inthe melee. Earlier, the deathtoll had been put at six.

Police had arrived at the pri-vately-owned nature preservein Curuguaty to evict the peas-ants when the clashes began.

In a brief statement, Presi-dent Fernando Lugo expressedhis "absolute support" for thepolice and offered his condo-lences to the families of thevictims.

ASUNCION (AFP) - At least16 people were killed anddozens hurt yesterday inclashes that erupted when po-lice tried to evict landless peas-ants who were squatting at anature preserve in Paraguay,officials said.

Interior Minister Carlos Fil-izzola told reporters that sevenpolice and at least nine pea santshad been killed in the incidentin Curuguaty, located 250 kilo-meters (155 miles) northeast ofthe capital Asuncion.

late yesterday .The storm was already

packing winds of 80 miles(130 kilometers) an hour, andMexican authorities have is-sued a hurricane warningalong the coast, from PuntaMaldonado to the chic resort ofAcapulco.

The hurricane was headingnorthwest at 12 miles an hour(19 kilometers), and is ex-pected to turn west-northwestand slow down today.

WASHINGTON (AFP) -Storm Carlotta became a Cat 2hurricane yesterday as it bar-reled towards Mexico's Pacificcoast, with US monitors war -ning it could well gain strengthas the center approaches land.

"Carlotta is a category onehurricane on the Saffir-Simp-son Hurricane wind scale.Rapid strengthening is ex-pected tonight," the Miami-based US National Hurricanecenter said in its latest bulletin

Carlotta becomes Cat 2

hurricane off Mexico coast concerned about ING bank.Moody’s says the outlook forthe other banks is stable. Nev-ertheless, as a result of this lat-est downgrade, SN Bank andLeasePlan are now only twosteps away from so-called non-investment grade or junk sta-tus. The lowering of a bank’scredit rating makes it more dif-ficult for the bank to lendmoney on capital market.

According to Moody’s,Dutch banks will likely remainunder pressure as a result ofthe recession in the Nether-lands and falling house prices.

AMSTERDAM -- Rabobank,ING, ABN Amro, LeasePlan,and SNS Bank all had their rat-ings lowered. Rabobank nowhas a Aa2 credit rating, whileING, ABN Amro are nowrated A2. SNS Bank andLeasePlan now have an evenlower rating, Baa2.

Moody’s says the decisionto lower the banks’ credit ra -tings was based on the pro-tracted euro crisis and thequestionable creditworthinessof a number of countrieswithin the euro zone.

Moody’s is particularly

THE HAGUE (AFP) - FourInternational Criminal Courtofficials detained in Libyasince last week have said theywere in good health and welltreated, the ICC said in a state-ment yesterday.

The detainees met with ICCenvoys in the Libyan town ofZintan, where they have beendetained since June 7 whilevisiting Moamer Kadhafi's sonSeif al-Islam, the court said.

Local authorities and theLibyan public prosecutor faci -litated Tuesday's brief meeting,which "took place in the pres-ence of local authorities' repre-sentatives," said the ICC,which is based in The Hague.

Australian lawyer MelindaTaylor and three of her col-leagues were detained after ameeting with Seif al-Islam,who has himself been detainedin Zintan 170 kilometers (110miles) southwest of Tripolisince his arrest on November19. Their main mission was tohelp Seif, 39, choose a lawyerto defend him against ICCcharges of crimes against hu-manity.

Libyan officials allege thatTaylor was carrying a pen cam-era and attempting to give Seifa coded letter from his formerright-hand man Mohammed Is-mail, who is on the run.

Tripoli said the ICC delega-tion overstepped its mandateand "committed an act whichhad nothing to do with its mis-sion, exchanging documentsthat represent a threat to na-tional security," adding that thecase was now in the hands oflocal judges.

Australia has said that Taylorand her co-defendants are enti-tled to immunity but warnedWednesday that there appearedto be little chance of their earlyrelease, with indications thatLibyan authorities may seek tohold them for 45 days.

6 Saturday, June 16, 2012

INTERNATIONAL NEWS ICC teamdetainedin Libya ingood health

HONG KONG : Billboards of real estate agents cover awall in a street of Hong Kong on June 15, 2012. As HongKong's new leadership is to take over in July with a po -licy aimed at increasing housing supply, a recent reportby Deutsche Bank analysts said property prices in thecity may fall as much as 20 percent in the next 12months. (AFP PHOTO)

Five Dutch banks' creditratings dropped

At least 16 dead in Paraguay


Homeland Security SecretaryJanet Napolitano.

"But they are not designed tobe blindly enforced withoutconsideration given to the indi-vidual circumstances of eachcase. "Nor are they designed toremove productive young peo-ple to countries where they maynot have lived or even speak thelanguage. Discretion, which isused in so many other areas, isespecially justified here."

The decision will go someway to enshrining the goals ofthe DREAM Act, legislationbacked by the White House thatcould lead to young illegal im-migrants, brought to Americaby parents, gaining permanentresidency.

The legislation, opposed byRepublican presidential candi-date Mitt Romney and conser-vative Republicans, has failed topass Congress and become law.

Romney: Immigration fix'more difficult'with Obamamove MILFORD, NH (AFP) - Re-publican Mitt Romney warnedthat President Barack Obama'sdecision Friday to stop deport-ing some law-abiding immi-grants would only make itharder to reach a long-term so-lution to the problem.

"I believe the status ofyoung people who come herethrough no fault of their ownis an important matter to beconsidered and it should besolved on a long-term basis sothey know what their futurewill be in this country," Rom-ney told reporters after a cam-paign stop in Milford, NewHampshire.

"I think the action that thepresident took today makes itmore difficult to reach thatlong-term solution."

Romney, who is challeng-ing Obama for the WhiteHouse in November's electionand launched a bus tour earlierthat will take him through sev-eral battleground states, saidObama's executive order was"just a short-term matter thatcan be reversed by subsequentpresidents."

"I'd like to see legislationthat deals with this issue," hesaid, adding that he agreedwith the approach of US Sen-ator Marco Rubio of Florida, apotential Romney vice presi-dential pick who has sought along-term fix to the more than11.5 million illegal immigrantsliving in the United States.

"If I'm president, we'll doour very best to have that kindof long-term solution that pro-vides certainty and clarity forpeople who come into thiscountry through no fault oftheir own by virtue of the actsof their parents."

The candidate did not an-swer questions about whetherhe would reverse the order orif he thought Obama's movewas a political ploy for His-panic voters, who form amajor voting bloc.

Obama's scheme applies topeople brought to the UnitedStates before the age of 16who are currently under 30,are in school or have gradu-ated from high school, or haveserved in the military and havenot been convicted of a felony.

His decision will go someway to enshrining the goals ofthe DREAM Act, legislationbacked by the White House --and opposed by Romney --that could lead to young illegalimmigrants gaining permanentresidency.

Saturday, June 16, 2012 7

school, and have not been con-victed of a felony, officials said.

The move will likely be vig-orously protested by conserva-tive Republicans and be seen asa bid by the president to solidifyhis hold on the youth and His-panic vote that could be criticalin several swing states in No-vember.

"Our nation's immigrationlaws must be enforced in a firmand sensible manner," said

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheUnited States will stop deport-ing young law-abiding illegalimmigrants who satisfy broadcriteria, in a move that will beseen as a concession to the His-panic community ahead of No-vember's election.

The move applies to minorsbrought to the United States be-fore the age of 16, who are cur-rently under 30, are in school orhave graduated from high

US to halt deportations of young illegal immigrants

has treated 9,800 cholera pa-tients in special centers sinceearly 2012, including 72 per-cent of cases in and around theHaitian capital Port-au-Prince.But the group stresses that

it has no intention to replacehealth authorities and is thereto support them."We urge the international

community  and  the WHO  tostrengthen their support," Gof-feau said.

•BK Caesar Salad: Fresh ro-maine  and  iceberg  lettuce,shredded  romano  cheese,Grilled chicken breast, baconbits and croutons. •BK Mexican Salad,: Fresh

romaine  and  iceberg  lettucewith a bit of Mexican spice,not  overly  done,  garnishedwith  guacamole,  shreddedcheese,  chicken  breast  andcrunchy  tortilla  and  baconbits. •BK  Chef  Salad:  Lettuce,

ham, turkey, hard boiled eggs,tomatoes,  shredded  cheeseand bacon bits. •BK:  Garden  Salad:  Veg-

gies  only,  lettuce  with  redonion,  cucumber,  tomatoescroutons, shredded carrots andcheese, and red kidney beans. Salad dressing choices are

Ranch,  Thousand  Island,Creamy Caesar, Honey Mus-tard  and  low-calorie  Italian.When  ordering  a  salad,  pa-trons also have the option ofmixing  and  matching  gar-nishes,  in  keeping  with  theBurger  King  philosophy  to“Have it your way.” 

Haiti operations, told AFP.Since  the  start  of  the  epi-

demic in October 2010, 7,500people have died from the dis-ease  that  is  spread  throughpoor  sanitation.  This  yearalone,  it has claimed at  least40  lives  in  the  impoverishedCaribbean  nation  that  sharesthe Hispaniola island with thefar wealthier Dominican Re-public.Doctors  Without  Borders

PORT-AU-PRINCE  (AFP)  -Global and local health author-ities are not doing enough tofight  a  cholera  outbreak  thatcontinues  to  claim  lives  inHaiti,  Doctors Without  Bor-ders said Thursday."We are worried about the

lack of support from the inter-national  community  and  thelack of action from health au-thorities  in  Haiti,"  ThierryGoffeau, head of  the group's

Four  new  salads  with  achoice of five different dress-ings  are  now  featured,  withadditional  options  such  asgrilled or crispy chicken withyour  selection.  The  chickenand  garnishes  are  separatelypackaged  so  they  can  beadded to the salad just beforeeating, also keeping the tasteand  crispness  fresh  and  ap-pealing. 

New choices are:

Island  media  was  invited  tocheck  out  the  tempting  newsalad  selection  from  BurgerKing  introduced  wednesdaymorning at their Arawak Gar-dens outlet in Palm Beach. The salads are part of a new

program: BK Positive Steps,introduced  last  year,  todemonstrate the BK commit-ment to community by offer-ing  their  patrons  healthychoices. 

8 Saturday, June 16, 2012

Health & Living

Burger King introduces four healthynew salad options

Urgent action needed fight cholerain Haiti: aid group

norovirus  linked  to  theconsumption  of  SouthKorean  oysters  as  re-cently as 2011, but therehave been no such casesreported this year. Norovirus  typically

causes  nausea,  vomitingand stomach cramps. Theaccompanying  dehydra-tion  can  cause  some  toseek medical treatment.

The latest move cameafter an FDA evaluation foundthat  "the  Korean  ShellfishSanitation Program (KSSP) nolonger  meets  the  sanitationcontrols  specified  under  theUnited States' National Shell-fish  Sanitation  Program,"  itsaid.

The FDA cited "significantdeficiencies" that include poorsanitary  controls,  ineffectivemanagement  of  land-basedpollution  sources  and  detec-tion of norovirus  in shellfishgrowing areas.

Korean shellfish makes upa small fraction of the oysters,clams,  mussels  and  scallopssold in the United States.

Health  authorities  in Tai-wan on Friday said  they hadintensified checks on oystersimported  from  South  Koreafollowing at least 62 cases offood poisoning cases in recentweeks.

NEW YORK  (AFP)  -  UShealth authorities have urgedrestaurants and food outlets tostop  selling  all  fresh,  frozenand canned oysters, clams andmussels that came from SouthKorea  over  contaminationfears.

"These  products  and  anyproducts made with them mayhave been exposed to humanfecal waste and are potentiallycontaminated with norovirus,"the Food and Drug Adminis-tration said in a statement is-sued late Thursday. The FDA said the measure

also  applies  to  any  scallopsthat  arrived  in  the  UnitedStates  before or  after May 1when the FDA removed suchproducts  from  the  InterstateCertified  Shellfish  ShippersList. The  United  States  docu-

mented  some  cases  of

US urges removal ofS.Korean oysters frommarket

the backs of smartphones to actas eyes for cameras.

"It would be desirable to pro-vide a structure for a compactdevice that allows the end user toreconfigure the optical arrange-ment of the device while retain-ing the benefits of assemblingthe device using a pre-assembleddigital imaging subsystem," saida copy of the patent applicationavailable online.

Saturday, June 16, 2012 9

PARIS (AFP) - Scientists havefound new evidence they saysupports the theory that aknuckle bone and other humanremains found under a churchfloor in Bulgaria may be ofJohn the Baptist.

The relics found in a smallmarble sarcophagus two yearsago on a Bulgarian islandcalled Sveti Ivan, which trans-lates as Saint John, also in-cluded a human tooth, part ofa skull and three animal bones.

A research team from Ox-ford University dated the right-handed knuckle bone to thefirst century AD, when John isbelieved to have lived until hisbeheading ordered by kingHerod, the university said in astatement.

And scientists from the Uni-versity of Copenhagenanalysed the DNA of thebones, finding they came froma single individual, probably aman, from a family in themodern-day Middle East,where John would have lived.

While these findings do notdefinitively prove anything,they also don't refute the the-

ory first proffered by theBulgarian archaeologistswho found the remainswhile excavating underan ancient church on theisland.

Many sites around theworld claim to hold relicsof the saint, including theGrand Mosque in Dam-ascus which says it hashis head.

The right hand withwhich the prophet al-legedly baptised Jesus inthe River Jordan is also

claimed to be held by severalentities, including a SerbianOrthodox monastery in Mon-tenegro.

"The result from themetacarpal hand bone isclearly consistent with some-one who lived in the early firstcentury AD," Oxford Univer-sity professor Tom Highamsaid of the new study.

"Whether that person isJohn the Baptist is a questionthat we cannot yet definitelyanswer and probably neverwill."

Bulgarian archaeologistshad found a small box made ofhardened volcanic ash close tothe sarcophagus.

The box bore inscriptions inancient Greek that referred toJohn the Baptist and the datethat Christians celebrate hisbirth, June 24.

The findings of another Ox-ford researcher, using histori-cal documents, suggest that themonastery of Sveti Ivan mayhave received a portion ofJohn the Baptist's relics in thefifth or early sixth centuries.

Bones in Bulgaria maybe of John the Baptist:study


(AFP) - A US patent applica-tion hinted that Apple may betoying with the idea of letting

picture-loving iPhone userschange lenses for the smart-phone cameras.Apple's application for a "backpanel for a portable electronicdevice with different cameralens options" included a dia-gram reminiscent of an openediPhone with labeled parts.

The application described adesign to let users changelenses that typically are fixed in

Apple patent bid hints at changeableiPhone lens

10 Saturday, June 16, 2012

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active in Belarus, Bulgaria,Croatia, Liechtenstein, Mace-donia, Serbia and Slovenia,with 20 million mobile cus-tomers and 2.6 million fixedlines.

Slim is also a shareholder inthe Dutch telecoms groupKPN and wants to increasethat interest to 27.7 percent.

VIENNA (AFP) - Mexican bil-lionaire Carlos Slim yesterdaymoved to grow his telecomsempire into central and easternEurope by raising his stake inTelekom Austria to 9.9 percentwith the aim of obtaining 25.9percent.

"This acquisition positionsAMX as a long-term strategicpartner of Telekom Austria,"Slim's America Movil (AMX)company said in a statement.

The deal is "part of AMXgeographic diversificationstrategy and provides an attrac-tive presence in Central andEastern Europe".

Former monopoly TelekomAustria, the largest telecomscompany in the country, is also

debate over how to steer Eu-rope out of its more than two-year-long debt crisis was"simply rubbish" as shestrongly backed both principles.

With the threat of a Greekeuro exit hanging over Sun-day's poll and global leadersheading to Mexico for a G20summit from Monday, Merkelfaces pressure for Europe's defacto paymaster to forge a so-lution.

But she is also under fireover her unwavering stance onstrict budget consolidation asthe way to tackle the turmoil,especially since Berlin's keyEU ally, France, has pushed fora growth-led strategy under itsnew president.

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault however seemedat pains yesterday to cool anyperception of sidelining Merkel,telling Europe 1 radio this was"absolutely not" the case andwould be "a bad route."

France and Germanyshould work "hand in hand fora solution to pull Europe out ofcrisis," he said, a day after urg-ing Germany not to "let itselfgo with simplistic formulas."

BERLIN (AFP) - Germany'sAngela Merkel stood firmagainst growth quick fixes toEurope's crisis yesterday andFrance rushed to reassure thatshe would not be sidelined asthe clock ticked down on afateful Greek vote.

Merkel insisted that hastyproposals such as eurobonds,backed by France, for poolingdebt in Europe, would result in"mediocrity," while Parisfought perceptions of a riftwith Berlin insisting the twoshould work "hand in hand."

Europe's debt crisis canonly be addressed by tacklingits root causes -- debt and un-even competitiveness --Merkel said, warning that pro-posals to mutualise debt or riskmerely papered over the diver-gences between countries.

"Whoever masks that endsup in mediocrity. Mediocritymust not become the stan-dard," Merkel warned to ap-plause, addressing members ofGermany's federation of fam-ily-run businesses.

And she complained thatpitting the idea of growthagainst budgetary rigour in the

Mexican mogul Slim

expands empire in Europe

tial evidence, amassed in wire-tapped phone conversations,telephone records and tradingdata, clearly left the jury withlittle trouble in reaching a con-clusion.

One of the key episodes inthe prosecution case was Ra-jaratnam's 2008 purchase ofGoldman Sachs shares onlyseconds after Gupta called himin the wake of a Goldmanboard meeting.

It was during that boardmeeting, at the height of the2008 banking crisis, that Gold-man members secretly dis-cussed the decision by investorWarren Buffett to pump $5 bil-lion into the bank -- a hugeboost in a time of uncertainty.

business community. Today, hestands convicted of securitiesfraud. He achieved remarkablesuccess and stature, but hethrew it all away," chief Man-hattan prosecutor Preet Bha -rara said in a statement.

"Having fallen from re-spected insider to convicted in-side trader, Mr Gupta has nowexchanged the lofty board roomfor the prospect of a lowly jailcell," he said. "We said that in-sider trading is rampant, andtoday's conviction puts thatclaim into stark relief."

The defense tried to arguethat Gupta was innocent andthat the government had failedto back up its case with hardevidence.

However, the circumstan-

NEW YORK (AFP) - RajatGupta, a former GoldmanSachs board member and pillarof the US business community,was found guilty yesterday inNew York on insider tradingcharges in big victory for pro -secutors probing Wall Streetcorruption.

The guilty verdict on fourof six counts came after lessthan two days of deliberationsat the end of a three week trialin Manhattan federal court.

The 63-year-old faced up to25 years in prison if foundguilty on all charges. The In-dian-born businessman's attor-ney, Gary Naftalis, said after -wards that he plans to chal-lenge the verdict.

Prosecutors say Gupta, whoalso headed the renowned con-sultancy McKinsey & Co, fedprivate market-moving infor-mation to his former friend andhedge fund manager Raj Ra-jaratnam, sentenced last yearto 11 years in prison for insidertrading.

"Rajat Gupta once stood atthe apex of the international

Gupta found guilty of insider trading

Saturday, June 16, 2012 11



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Merkel stands firm inGreek vote countdown

Carlos Slim

of an Olympics training campin Leeds where some 220 Chi-nese athletes, coaches and staffare due to be staying fromearly July.

The Dalai Lama brushed offthe threat.

"That is always happening,that is almost like routine," hesaid in Manchester.

He said he was "very happyonce more" to be in Englandand spoke of his "close rela-tions" with the country wherehe wants to use his tour to pro-mote tolerance and forgive-ness.

The trip comes only amonth after the 76-year-oldBuddhist leader's visit to Lon-don to collect the £1.1 millionTempleton Prize, which he saidhe would donate to charity.

During that visit the NobelPeace Laureate met BritishPrime Minister DavidCameron, sparking anger fromChina, whose top legislator WuBangguo cancelled a visit toBritain in protest.

The Tibetan leader, whofled his homeland for India in1959 after a failed uprisingagainst Chinese rule, an-nounced last year that he wasgiving up his political role tofocus on spiritual duties.

LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Prime-time soap "Dallas", classic1980s saga about ruthless Texas oil baron J.R. Ewingand his family roared back onto US television screensthis week with 6.86 million viewers watching the seasonpremiere despite mixed reviews for the reboot, the TNTcable channel said. Larry Hagman and Linda Grayreprise their role as J.R. and troubled wife Sue Ellen, butthe storyline now is more focused on a younger genera-tion of Ewings played by Josh Henderson, Jesse Met-calfe and Jordana Brewster. TNT has lined up a total of10 episodes of "Dallas" to run through August 15 in theUnited States. It is scheduled to run on European chan-nels later this year or next year, depending on the coun-try. ( January 29, 2012 file photo shows US actor PatrickDuffy (L), Linda Gray (C), and Larry Hagman (R) )

12 Saturday, June 16, 2012

Return of 'Dallas' whipsup 6.86 mn viewers

Scottish capital Ed-inburgh, and Lon-don.

He will addressthousands of youngpeople at an eventin Manchestertoday, delivering amessage about theneed to fosterpeace and dia-logue.

Brand, who haspreviously battled drug addic-tion, will be compering theevent, entitled "Stand Up andBe The Change".

On Friday, the Dalai Lamaattended an international busi-ness convention in Leeds totalk about ethics in commerce.

The BBC reported that theevent prompted China tothreaten to pull its athletes out

LONDON (AFP) - The DalaiLama began a spiritual tour ofBritain on Friday which is setto include an unlikely appear-ance at a youth event with co-median Russell Brand.

The Tibetan spiritual leaderkicked off his eight-day trip inManchester, northwest Eng-land, and is also due to visit thenorthern city of Leeds, the

Dalai Lama kicks off tour of Britain

in Colombia's capital Bogotaand other parts of the country.

Escobar -- who was consid-ered one of the richest men inthe world at the height of hispower -- was eventually killedby police in Medellin in late1993. He was 44.

In the northern Colombiancity that was once his head-quarters, Escobar is still seenas a benefactor, especiallyamong the poor and workingclass people he showered withnarco-dollars.

Parra, who visitedMedellin's inner city duringfilming, said: "In these areas,you can feel the affection andsense of nostalgia... They tookphotos and thanked me forplaying the part."

Juan Carlos Velasquez, apriest who works with trou-bled youth in the city, howeverfears that the program willsend young people the wrongmessage.

"One day, a young womancame up to me and said, 'Fa-ther, Escobar was really agood man, wasn't he?'" thepriest said.

"Of course, Escobar helpedbuild houses, churches andfootball pitches, but in this TVseries, we don't see all thedamage he caused. Where akilling is shown, I don't see thepain that it caused."

indirectly. But what is impor-tant is to see the entire picture,how one thing led to another"in his life, explained producerJuana Uribe.

Uribe says the series --which was filmed in Bogota,Medellin and Miami, and cost$170,000 dollars an episode --aims to show "Escobar fromall sides" and to shed light onthose who had the courage toconfront him.

"This is an important pro-gram for the new generations,who do not really know muchabout Escobar and who surelywill not go to the library toread about him," said actorAndres Parra, who plays thedrug kingpin.

One of Latin America'smost feared drug lords, Esco-bar once supplied most of thecocaine to the United States,and masterminded a campaignof kidnappings and bombings

BOGOTA (AFP) - A televisionseries recounting the rise ofnotorious drug lord Pablo Es-cobar is setting new audiencerecords in Colombia, prompt-ing fears that a new generationcould come to idolize his mur-derous ways.

Nearly 20 years after hisdeath, millions of Colombiansare tuning in every night towatch "Escobar: Boss of Evil"on the Caracol network. Theseries looks at how theMedellin cartel chief becamethe "king of cocaine" in the1980s.

The first episode in the se-ries -- which is inspired by the2001 book "The Parable ofPablo" -- attracted 11 millionviewers. The series, which hasbeen on the air for two weeks,will have a total of 63episodes.

"We all can remember abomb set by Escobar, an attackexperienced either directly or

Escobar series scores record audiencein Colombia

TIME magazine this month profiles into the immigrationdebate with Filipino Pulitzer prize winner Jose AntonioVargas, who publicly declared last year that he was an il-legal immigrant in the United States, gracing their coveralong with 35 other undocumented immigrants in the US.Vargas is a journalist who was part of the WashingtonPost’s team that won the Pulitzer Prize for their coverageof the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007.Read more on Jose Antonio Vargas in this week’s issueof TIME.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012 13

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Make Dad’s Day special at Paseo Herencia

only his second internationalgoal for France -- was followedthree minutes later by YohanCabaye's first for the nationalteam.

France and England are bothon four points in Group D, withUkraine on three and Swedenyet to get off the mark.

Elsewhere, Croatia werefacing a potential inquiry aftera UEFA-backed racism moni-toring group claimed that up to500 fans taunted Italy's MarioBariotelli with racial slursthroughout Thursday's 1-1draw in Poznan, Poland.

An AFP photographer posi-tioned in front of the majorityof Croatia fans during Thurs-day's match said he heard mon-key noises being directed at theManchester City striker, who isof Ghanaian origin.

FARE said UEFA will openan investigation into the claimsbut there was no immediateconfirmation from Europeanfootball's governing bodywhile the Italian football feder-ation said none of the players,including Balotelli, had com-plained.

Racism and crowd troublehave been key issues duringthe tournament, which is beingco-hosted by Poland andUkraine, amid fears of racistviolence by far-right gangs thatare reported to be rife at foot-ball grounds in both countries.

international goal for Englandon 23 minutes, rising highabove Sweden's defence to di-rect a well-placed header pastAndreas Isaksson.

Olof Mellberg, though, ap-peared to get one back justafter half-time, forcing JoeHart to save from close rangeand then knocking in the re-bound. But an own goal wasawarded against Glenn John-son as he scrambled to keep theball out.

Olympiakos defender Mell-berg then put Erik Hamren'sside ahead minutes later, risingunchallenged in the six-yardbox after slipping behind theEnglish defence from a deepfree-kick.

England desperately tried toget back into the game andJohn Terry came close, amidfrantic defending from theSwedes, until Theo Walcottlooped a shot from the edge ofthe penalty over a crowd andplayers and wrong-footedIsaksson.

The Arsenal winger thenhad a hand in England's third,pulling the ball back from theright-hand byline to Manches-ter United's Danny Welbeck,who cheekily back-heeled itinto the net.

France had earlier thoughttheir clash with Ukraine hadbeen abandoned after violentthunder and electric stormslashing Shakhtar Donetsk'sDonbass Arena forced Dutchreferee Bjorn Kuipers to takeboth teams off after just fiveminutes' play.

The two sides only returnednearly an hour later and werelevel at the half-time interval.

Jeremy Menez, selectedahead of Florent Malouda, putthe French 1-0 up on 53 min-utes, silencing the home fansand hitting hopes that OlegBlokhin's side could pull offanother victory after theirshock 2-0 win against Sweden.

Menez's left-foot drive --

KIEV (AFP) - England on Fri-day found themselves on theright end of a five-goal thrillerwith Sweden, securing theirfirst competitive win over theScandinavians after Francedashed Ukraine's dreams of asecond Euro 2012 victory.

Liverpool's Andy Carroll,making his first start in thetournament, scored his second

14 Saturday, June 16, 2012

England finally beat Sweden,France down Ukraine

England's Daniel Wellbeck (R) scores his team's third goalagainst Sweden


RUSSIA 1 0 4 5 2 1

CzECh REP. 1 1 3 3 5 0

POLAND 0 0 2 2 2 2

GREECE 0 1 1 2 3 1

GERMANy 2 0 6 3 1 0

PORTUGAL 1 1 3 3 3 0

DENMARk 1 1 3 3 3 0

NEThERLANDS 0 2 0 1 3 0

SPAIN 0 0 4 5 1 1

CROATIA 1 0 3 4 2 1

ITALy 0 0 1 2 2 2

IRELAND 0 1 0 1 4 0

FRANCE 1 0 4 3 1 1

ENGLAND 1 0 4 4 3 1

UkRAINE 1 1 3 2 3 0

SWEDEN 0 2 0 3 5 0

W: Won - L: Lost - PTS: points - GF: goals for - GA: goals against

D: Draw

EURO-2012 Standings







Czech Rep. 2, Greece 1

Poland 1, Russia 1

Poland 1, Greece 1

Russia 4, Czech Rep 1


Portugal 3, Denmark 2

Germany 2, Netherlands 1

Denmark 1, Neth. 0

Germany 1, Portugal 0


Spain 4, Ireland 0

Italy 1, Croatia 1

Spain 1, Italy 1

Croatia 3, Ireland 1


France 2, Ukraine 0

England, Sweden

England 1, France 1

Ukraine 2, Sweden 1


Matches: GROUP A

* Greece vs Russia

(2:45 p.m.)

* Czech Rep. vs.

Poland (2:45 p.m.)


Matches: GROUP B

* Netherlands vs.

Portugal (2:45 p.m.)

Denmark vs. Ger-

many (2:45 p.m.)

Wesley Sneijder, at least, isdoing his job.

One of the stand-out per-formers at the last World Cup,the playmaker endured an in-jury-plagued season with InterMilan but has created chancesat a startling rate of eight pergame since the tournamentstarted.

Given the need for goals,van Marwijk could opt to fieldvan der Vaart and Huntelaar inhis starting XI, which wouldoblige van Persie to move tothe flanks as he did in the sec-ond half against Germany.

Germany's Bastian Schwe-insteiger has told his formerBayern Munich team-mateMark van Bommel that histeam will give everything tobeat Denmark and van Mar-wijk knows his side musttherefore complete their ownmission.

continues on page 15

face problems with several ofhis most important players.

Klaas-Jan Huntelaar andRafael van der Vaart have bothexpressed anger at being leftout of the starting line-up,while Arjen Robben reacted tohis substitution in Wednes-day's 2-1 loss to Germany byjumping over an advertisinghoarding and stalking angrilyback to the dug-out.

The top scorers in qualify-ing, with 37 goals, it took Hol-land 45 shots to find the net atthe Euro but Robin van Per-sie's 73rd-minute effort againstGermany was ultimately invain.

The Dutch press have de-plored van Marwijk's contin-ued faith in van Persie at theexpense of Huntelaar, whowill hope to be given a start inKharkiv on Sunday with Hol-land obliged to attack Portugalfrom the off.

DONETSK (AFP) - The sta-tistics do not make pleasantreading for the Netherlands,who must beat Portugal bytwo goals on Sunday and hopeGermany overcome Denmarkif they are to reach the Euro2012 quarter-finals.

No team has ever reachedthe knockout phase at a Euroafter losing their first twomatches, and statistical web-site Infostrada Sports esti-mates that Bert van Marwijk'sside stand only a 9.5 percentchance of going through.

The omens are similarlyominous. The last time theOranje were eliminated at thegroup phase of the EuropeanChampionship was in 1980,two years after they finishedrunners-up at the 1978 WorldCup -- just as they did in 2010.

As if the weight of historywas not enough of a burden,van Marwijk also appears to

Holland cling to hope asPortugal eye last eight

Ronaldo had produced "twogood matches" and the manhimself was typically impervi-ous to the criticism.

The last meeting betweenPortugal and Holland in amajor tournament saw the Se-leccao prevail 1-0 in a bad-tempered last-16 match at the2006 World Cup that yielded arecord 16 cautions and fourred cards.

Given both teams' need forvictory, Sunday's encounterthreatens to be similarly spicy.

Meanwhile Dutch coachBert van Marwijk hinted onFriday he would makechanges on the wing for Sun-day's crucial game.

Van Marwijk, who has beensubject to criticism both athome and within the squad, isbelieved to be looking at drop-ping Barcelona's Ibrahim Afel-lay although veteran ArjenRobben is also in his sights,especially after his petulant re-action to being substituted inthe German match.

Beaten 1-0 by Germany intheir opening game, Portugallet a 2-0 lead slip against Den-mark in Lviv on Wednesdaybefore Silvestre Varela's thun-derous 87th-minute half-vol-ley rejuvenated their attemptsto reach the quarter-finals.

The result means that Portu-gal will be guaranteed to reachthe last eight if they win, un-less Denmark beat Germany inthe other game, which wouldinvoke a three-way head-to-head comparison betweenthose teams.

The only disappointment forPortugal coach Paulo Bentowas yet another mystifyinglypoor performance in front ofgoal from his captain, Cris-tiano Ronaldo.

The Real Madrid superstarspurned two one-on-onechances to put Portugal 3-1 upand was almost made to paythe price when Nicklas Bendt-ner equalised for Denmark inthe 80th minute.

Bento, however, said he felt

EPO.There was no positive test

from the race in either year in-volving samples from Arm-strong.

USADA also claims to havetestimony from 10 cyclists re-garding Armstrong's actions.

The charges were enough toprompt Ironman triathlon offi-cials to ban Armstrong froman event later this month inNice, France. Armstrong hadplanned to compete in theWorld Ironman Champi-onships in Hawaii in October.

The move comes as corpo-rate sponsors offer shows ofsupport for Armstrong, includ-ing apparel makers Nike andOakley and beermaker An-heuser-Busch.

While some see Armstrongas a dope cheat followingyears of unproven accusations,others see him as a cancer-conquering hero who bringsoptimism that people canovercome cancer. Armstronghad suffered from testicularcancer.

USADA detailed the agencyclaims, but it comes in thewake of the US Justice De-partment dropping its probeafter two years of investiga-tion without filing anycharges against Armstrong.

While USADA cannot im-pose criminal penaltiesagainst Armstrong, it hasasked that Armstrong bebanned from any sport for lifeand would open the door forhim to be stripped of the Tourde France victories he wonfrom 1999-2005.

Armstrong, who has stead-fastly denied any wrongdoingfor years, has never tested pos-itive for performance-enhanc-ing drugs and called theUSADA charges a "witchhunt" in a Twitter statementdenouncing the move.

Armstrong's lawyers wantdrug test analysis fromUSADA on blood test resultsfrom Armstrong's 2009 and2010 Tour de France runs thatUSADA says showed signs ofthe banned blood booster

AUSTIN (AFP) - Lance Arm-strong's lawyers have alreadystarted to challenge the newdoping charges against himeven as sponsors vow to standbehind the seven-time Tour deFrance cycling champion.

The US Anti-DopingAgency (USADA) broughtdoping conspiracy chargesagainst Armstrong on Wednes-day and has not responded toletters from Armstrong attor-neys seeking details of the ev-idence they claim to haveagainst him.

Armstrong has anotherweek to make a written re-sponse to the charges underthe guidlines of USADA in-vestigations. After that an in-dependent panel will considerthe evidence and decide if thecharges merit a hearing.

A 15-page letter from

Saturday, June 16, 2012 15

Armstrong begins doping fightwith sponsor support

“One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but oneman cannot make a team.”

~Kareem Abdul-Jabbar~

Holland cling to...continues from page 14

16 Saturday, June 16, 2012

OKLAHOMA CITY, (AFP) -Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wadeanswered the bell for theMiami Heat who bounced

back from a disappointing lossin the NBA finals opener witha gritty 100-96 victory ingame two on Thursday.

Bosh returned to his famil-iar starting role as the Heatbuilt a 17-point lead in the firstquarter then held off a latecharge by the Oklahoma CityThunder to even the best-of-seven series at 1-1.

It was the first start for the28-year-old Bosh since mid-May. Bosh had to come offthe bench for the previousfour post-season games as heeased his way back into theline-up from an abdominalstrain that caused him to missnine playoff games.

Bosh found his scoringtouch early in game two andby halftime he already had adouble double with 10 pointsand 10 rebounds.

"It was time to step up,"said Bosh who finished with16 points and 15 rebounds.

"I wanted to be more ag-gressive. I wanted to playgood defence and space thefloor correctly and I kneweverything else would fall intoplace."

Bosh tied a playoff careerhigh with 15 rebounds.

Like Bosh, Wade got in-volved in the offence in thefirst quarter and together theyset the tone for game two.

The Heat now have thepsychological edge, havingstolen home court advantagewith a split of the first twogames in Oklahoma City. Theseries now shifts to Miami forgames three, four and five.Games six and seven ifneeded will be back in Okla-homa City.

Wade bounced back from asub-par effort in game one tofinish with 24 points, six re-bounds and five assists afterscoring just 19 points in gameone. Wade took much of theblame for the 105-94 gameone loss.

"We need to switch themindset a little quicker now,"

Wade said. "Game one waskind of a feel out game, espe-cially when you are on theroad. Game two you come outand make adjustments.

"I felt I was too passive ingame one. The change was metrying to be more aggressivewhen I had my chances downthe stretch."

Miami punished the Thun-der in the paint and on the fastbreak and never let OklahomaCity get into an offensive flowin the first half.

The Heat led by 18-2 in the

first eight minutes as the Thun-der missed 11 of 12 shots inthat span. Miami extended theirlead to 17 points twice and ledby 12 at the intermission.

The Thunder made it inter-esting in the end outscoringMiami 29-22 in the fourth butthey dug themselves too deepa hole to climb out of.

Asked what the reason isfor two slow starts in a row,Thunder guard James Hardenshrugged, "We don't know.We have to change if we wantto win games."

NBA: Bosh, Wade set the early tone for Miami

chris Bosh #1 of the Miami heat dunks the ball againstJames harden #13 and russell Westbrook #0 of the okla-homa city .











W L Pct GB37 25 .597 --

36 26 .587 0.5

35 28 .556 2.5

31 32 .492 6.5

31 32 .492 6.5

34 29 .540 --

32 30 .516 1.5

30 33 .476 4.0

27 34 .443 6.0

25 37 .403 8.5

37 27 .578 --

34 30 .531 3.0

29 35 .453 8.0

27 38 .415 10.5

38 23 .623 --

35 29 .547 4.5

34 29 .540 5.0

32 31 .508 7.0

31 34 .477 9.0

35 27 .565 --

32 30 .516 3.0

33 31 .516 3.0

28 35 .444 7.5

27 36 .429 8.5

21 42 .333 14.5

40 24 .625 --

36 28 .562 4.0

31 32 .492 8.5

24 38 .387 15.0

23 41 .359 17.0

american League




La anGeLeS




national League


ny MetS






St. LouiS






La dodGerS

San franciSco



San dieGo


MLB Standings

x-Clinched Playoff Spot; y-Division Champ

W L Pct GB









