June 18, 2017 Registration Deadline July 2nd · Welcome to King's Grace Fellowship! We are glad...

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June 18, 2017

Welcome to King's Grace Fellowship! We are glad that you chose to worship with us today. Our sincere hope is that you will have such an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ that it will

revolutionize your life. Feel free to worship in the style that you are most comfortable with and open your heart and mind to hear God's Word.

Lord's SupperTonight you are invited to join us in a celebration of the Lord's Supper. This is a great time of fellowship which includes a meal, intimate worship, communion, and prayer. The meal begins at 6:00 pm. Come, join us as we celebrate the Lord Jesus.

Life Journal ReadingFor the Week of June 25, 2017

Sunday, June 25 - Joel 1-3; 2 Timothy 1Monday, June 26 - John. 1-4; 2 Timothy 2

Tuesday, June 27 - 2 Kings 13-14; 2 Chron. 25; 2 Timothy 3 Wednesday, June 28 - Amos 1-3; Psalms. 80; 2 Timothy 4

Thursday, June 29 - Amos 4-6; Psalms. 86; Titus 1Friday, June 30 - Amos 7-9; Psalms. 104; Titus 2

Saturday, July 1 - Isaiah 1-3; Titus 3

phone: 541-953-6519email: cherie.capps@reagan.com

Registration DeadlineJuly 2nd

Combined Youth CampJuly 17th - 21st(Jr. and Sr. High - Grades 7-12)Cost $245 by June 11th or $255 by July 2nd(No late registrations will be accepted)

See Pastor Sara for more information.

Volunteer Graphic ArtistNeeded/Wanted

We are looking for a few up and coming graphic artists or hobbyist who would like to help in promoting various events here at KGF. If you have the skills and the ability to produce .PNG, .JPG, .GIF graphics, are proficient in email, social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) we would love to get connected with you. Please talk to Pastor Bill, email him or text him.

July 11th -14thThis Summer’s VBS is c o m i n g u p q u i c k l y ! P lease reg is te r you child(ren). Talk to Beth W a l k e r f o r m o r e information.