June, 2013 Application Delivery Excalibur - XenDesktop 7 Mick Glover Worldwide Support Readiness.

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June, 2013

Application DeliveryExcalibur - XenDesktop 7

Mick Glover Worldwide Support Readiness

© 2013 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute

Supported Application TypesXenDesktop 7

• Existing (Pre XenDesktop 7)ᵒ VM or Desktop Hosted Applications (VM Hosted Apps)ᵒ Desktop installed Applications (Delivered with VDI Desktop)

• New in XenDesktop 7ᵒ Server Hosted Applications (Published Applications)ᵒ Server installed Applications (Delivered with shared hosted Desktop)ᵒ LAA Applications (Local App Access)ᵒ App-V Hosted Applications

• 6 Application types in total…

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Application DeliveryXD7 Concepts

• VDA (Virtual Delivery Agent)ᵒ FlexCast v2.0 based

• Two Typesᵒ One for Windows Server OS’sᵒ One for Windows Desktop OS’s

• Delivery Groupsᵒ Can contain Server or Desktop machines

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FlexCast 2.0 Delivery Agent Install

• Auto-Run ᵒ XenDesktopInstall.exeᵒ Detects the OS and offers to install the appropriate components

• Individual component MSI’sᵒ MCS, PvD, ICA stack…ᵒ Installed based on OS type

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Difference between Delivery AgentsFlexCast v2.0 agents

• Client OS Machines ᵒ Single user ᵒ Citrix ICA Service (PortICA.exe\picaSvc2.exe)ᵒ Allows users to connect to machines console session

• Server OS Machinesᵒ Multi-user ᵒ No ICA Service running on Server OSᵒ Extends RDS (Remote Desktop Services) to support ICA\HDX

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Basic Steps to deliver applications

Install Virtual Delivery Agent

Create Machine Catalog

Create Delivery Group & assign


Publish\Create Application

Launch Applications

through Receiver

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Delivering Applications to UsersStep by Step process Flow… Step 1

• Administrator selects application type…

Apps installed on Desktop\

Server machines

Apps Hosted on Desktop\Server


Apps installed on users local


Apps hosted on App-V


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Delivering Applications to UsersStep by Step process Flow… Step 2

• Administrator creates supporting Catalog in Citrix Studio and chooses the appropriate OS and machine type…

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Windows Desktop OSWorkflow 1

Windows Desktop OS


MCS, PVS or Existing Virtual

User Experience e.g. MCS: Random/Static…

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Windows Desktop OSWorkflow 2

Windows Desktop OS


PVS or Existing Physical

User Experience e.g. PVS: Random

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Windows Server OSWorkflow 3

Windows Server OS


MCS, PVS or Existing Virtual

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Windows Server OSWorkflow 4

Windows Server OS


PVS or Existing Physical

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Delivering Applications to UsersStep by Step process Flow… Step 3

• Administrator creates Delivery Group in Citrix Studio and adds machines from Catalog and selects a delivery mode…

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Delivering Applications to UsersStep by Step process Flow… Step 4

• Choosing a delivery mode will determine what configuration needs to be completed at creation time…ᵒ Desktops and Applicationsᵒ Applications Only

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Delivering Applications to UsersStep by Step process Flow… Step 5

• Assign applications to Delivery Group

• Studio will return list of applications found on the master Image or App-V publishing server

• Applications can be added manually also

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Delivering Applications to UsersStep by Step process Flow…

• Applications can also be published at a later stage through the Delivery Group node in Citrix Studio…

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Creating ApplicationsCitrix Studio

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Delivering Applications to UsersStep by Step process Flow… Step 6

• Users access applications through receiver or Desktop..

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Managing application sessions

• Search option in Citrix Studioᵒ Log users off sessionsᵒ Disconnect sessionsᵒ Send messages to users

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